The theme of self-education is the formation of the foundations of security. Work program (senior group) on the topic: Self-education on the topic “Formation of the foundations of safety in children of senior preschool age through modern technologies

Khaylova Svetlana Evgenievna
MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 101" of the city of Novokuznetsk

Topic: "Rules of the road for preschoolers"

The purpose of the self-education work: Expansion of general pedagogical and psychological knowledge, improvement of conditions for the formation of preschool age sustainable safety skills in the surrounding road traffic environment.


  1. Deepen knowledge, form and consolidate practical skills safe behavior on the street;
  2. To form and develop in children a holistic perception of the surrounding road environment.
  3. Expand vocabulary children on road vocabulary.
  4. To intensify interaction with parents on the promotion of traffic rules and the safety of children.
  5. Develop logical thinking, voluntary attention, visual and auditory perception, creative activity.

Relevance of the topic:

The problem of human safety in road traffic arose with the advent of the wheel and the creation Vehicle, to transport people and goods. The relationship between drivers of vehicles and pedestrians has always been controlled by the state, which ensured their safety. Back in 1720, Peter the Great issued a decree related to the rules of the road. The strictest order on the roads in Russia was under Catherine 2. In 1764, she issued a decree on the application of the death penalty to a coachman or cab driver guilty of the death of a child.

AT modern conditions, due to the rapid development of the automotive industry, the number of accidents and accidents with people (especially children) on the roads has increased. Therefore, the problem of safe behavior on the roads has become relevant in our country. The relevance of the problem is due to the fact that preschool children do not have a protective psychological reaction to the traffic situation, which is not even characteristic of all adults. The child is interested in the street and everything that happens on it. And often, carried away by something new, unusual, the child finds himself on the street in life-threatening situations.

It is at a young age that the foundation of life orientations in the world around is laid, and everything that a child learns in kindergarten will firmly remain with him forever. That is why from a very early age it is necessary to teach children safe behavior on the streets, roads, in transport and the rules of the road. Both parents and preschool institutions should take part in this, and in the future, of course, the school and others educational institutions.

Today, the issue of children's safety is being actively discussed in society. And since I am a mother of four children and, by the nature of my work, I am responsible for my pupils, this problem seems to me so relevant that it served as the basis for choosing a topic on self-education.

Expected results:

1 . Expanding children's understanding of the road environment and the rules of the road.

2 . Formation of skills of calm, confident, cultural and safe behavior in the road transport environment.

3. children's ability to predict dangerous situations and bypass them.

4 . Increasing the activity of parents and children to ensure road safety.

Start date of the topic ______________

Estimated completion date _____________

No. p \ p

Work form

practical outputs

Study of legal documents.

Education Act",


Federal State Educational Standard (which entered into force on January 1, 2014), orders, letters of various levels .

During a year

Attending lectures, conferences, seminars, round tables, webinars, trainings, master classes.

Training in advanced training courses.

Browse the Internet for information on a topic.

Participation in competitions of professional skill.

Participation in competitions on the Internet.

Publishing activities (publishing in specialized publications, articles in methodological journals, booklets, posting materials on educational sites, posting your developments on sites on the Internet).


1. Traffic light program. Teaching preschool children the rules of the road. - St. Petersburg, publishing house "Childhood-Press", 2009

Studying articles in journals:

"Educator of preschool educational institution"

"Preschool Pedagogy"

Comprehensive GCD for drawing and traffic rules with viewing m.f. "Traffic light" (series "Smeshariki")

Target walk "We are walking down the street"

Creating a corner according to the Rules of the road

Working with educators.

Memo for educators Road alphabet»

Distribution among colleagues

Working with parents.

Questionnaire among parents "Competent Pedestrian"

Memo for parents "Road alphabet"


The study of methodological literature.

Belaya K.Yu. Formation of the basics of safety in preschoolers. Handbook for teachers of preschool institutions and parents. - M.: MOSAIC - SYNTHESIS, 2012.

Studying articles in journals:

"Educator of preschool educational institution"

"Preschool Pedagogy"

Work with children on the studied topic.

Viewing the presentation "Situations on the road", guessing riddles according to traffic rules.

Plot - role-playing game“We are going to visit” (to teach the rules of behavior in public transport)

Reading Road Poems

Working with educators.

Consultation "Developing environment in groups on traffic rules in accordance with GEF DO"

At the methodical hour

Working with parents.

Memo for parents safe route following and about difficult sections on the road "

Creation of the album "My safe way from home to kindergarten"

Distribution among parents


The study of methodological literature.

Traffic Laws. Junior and middle group. / Comp. Poddubnaya L. B. - Volgograd: ITD "Coripheus"

Studying articles in journals:

"Educator of preschool educational institution"

"Preschool Pedagogy"

Work with children on the studied topic.

Electronic didactic game according to the rules of the road "Think and answer"

Reading M. Pozharsky "Machines"

View M.F. "Rules of the Road with Aunt Owl"

Mobile game "Red, yellow, green"

Making a traffic light for an outdoor game

Working with parents.

Memos "On the rules for transporting children in a car"

Photo contest "My baby car seat"

Working with educators.

Memo for educators "Methods of working with young and middle-aged children to instill the skills of safe behavior on the road"

"Methods of working with children of senior preschool age to instill the skills of safe behavior on the road"

Posting on the DOW website


The study of methodological literature.

Vdovichenko L.A. A child on the street: A series of classes for preschool children on teaching the rules of safe behavior on the road and the rules of the road. - St. Petersburg, "CHILDHOOD - PRESS", 2011.

Studying articles in journals:

"Educator of preschool educational institution"

"Preschool Pedagogy"

Annotation on



Work with children on the studied topic.

Target walk to crosswalk

Viewing the presentation "History of the car" (introduce children to the history of the car)

Designing with fine building material"I'm building a car"

Mobile game "Be careful" (learn to act on a sound signal)

Self-development of the presentation

Working with educators.

Booklet "Rules of safe behavior at night"

Distribution among colleagues

Working with parents.

Photo contest "Become bright, become noticeable!"

Posting on the DOW website


The study of methodological literature.

Classes on the rules of the road / Comp. N. A. Izvekova, A. F.

Medvedev and others; ed. E. A. Romanova, A. B. Malyushkina. -M. : shopping center

Sphere, 2008.

Studying articles in journals:

"Educator of preschool educational institution"

"Preschool education",

"Preschool Pedagogy"

Work with children on the studied topic.

Target walk "Gas station"

Didactic game "Call it right"

Reading by A. Tyunyaev "Rules of the road"

View M.F. "Cars, road signs, traffic lights, traffic rules - Tiki Taki" (

Annotation on methodical literature

Working with educators.

Working with parents.

Making a sliding folder "Statistics of children's road traffic injuries during the New Year holidays"

Distribution among parents


The study of methodological literature.

Belaya K. Yu. Innovative activity in the preschool educational institution: Toolkit. -

Studying articles in journals:

"Educator of preschool educational institution"

"Preschool education",

"Preschool Pedagogy"

Work with children on the studied topic.

NOD "Road sign is my best friend!" with looking at posters

Drawing on the theme "Road sign"

View M.F. Robocar Poli - the rules of the road. We're crossing the road."

Making stencils of machines that are worn on the chest of a child

Working with educators.

Distribution among colleagues

Working with parents.

Joint event for children and parents

quiz "Road ABC"

Memos "On safe skating, sledding, from ice slides"


The study of methodological literature.

Kogan M.S. Everyone should know the rules of the road.

Danilova T.I. The program "Traffic light"Education of preschool children traffic rules.

Studying articles in journals:

"Educator of preschool educational institution"

"Preschool education",

"Preschool Pedagogy"

Annotation on methodical literature.

Work with children on the studied topic.

NOD on traffic rules. Topic: "Bunny visiting children"

(learning counting rhymes)

Reading by M. Druzhinin "Office vehicles"

Making a card file of counting rhymes, tongue twisters and riddles on the topic

Working with educators.

Master class on making attributes for

fostering interest in learning the rules


At the methodical hour

Working with parents.

Open viewing of GCD for parents.

Making a folder-slider "Caution, ice!"

Distribution among parents


The study of methodological literature.

Studying articles in journals:

"Educator of preschool educational institution"

"Preschool education",

"Child in Kindergarten"

"Preschool Pedagogy"

Work with children on the studied topic.

GCD on traffic rules using TRIZ. Topic: "Our Tanya is crying loudly ..."

Making a book - homemade "Road alphabet"

Making educator manuals on the topic

Working with educators.

Workshop for teachers "Role of

educator in the formation of children's skills

conscious road safety

At the teaching hour

Working with parents.

Parent meeting "Safety Island" using ICT

The study of methodological literature.

Bochkareva OI Interaction of preschool educational institution and family. -Volgograd: ITD "Coripheus",

Studying articles in journals:

"Educator of preschool educational institution"

"Preschool education",

"Child in Kindergarten"

"Preschool Pedagogy"

Work with children on the studied topic.

Entertainment according to traffic rules "Visiting the traffic light"

Working with educators.

Pedagogical lounge "Formation of the foundations

safe behavior on city roads

Distribution among educators

Working with parents.

Meeting of children and parents with the traffic police inspector

Posting on the DOW website

Prepare a report and presentation on the work of self-education.

Presentation of a report on the ladder of success in a preschool educational institution

Pre-school education is becoming increasingly important social significance. Parents begin to understand that preschool age is an important period that will influence the subsequent formation of a child's personality. But in the modern world, no one is immune from either man-made disasters or natural Disasters. And, of course, we are especially worried about defenseless little citizens - preschool children.



Municipal Budgetary Preschool Educational Institution Kindergarten Combined View No. 2 "Kalinka"



Full name of the compiler: Udovina N.Yu.

Year of compilation: year 2014

Explanatory note.

Pre-school education is becoming increasingly important social significance. Parents begin to understand that preschool age is an important period that will influence the subsequent formation of a child's personality. But in the modern world, no one is immune from either man-made disasters or natural disasters. And, of course, we are especially worried about defenseless little citizens - preschool children.

Today, life itself has proven the need to teach not only adults, but also kids the basics of life safety. After all, in conditions of social, natural and ecological troubles, the natural curiosity of a child in the knowledge of the world around him can become unsafe for him. Therefore, it is necessary to form in the child a conscious and responsible attitude to the personal safety of others, to cultivate readiness for effective, reasonable actions in inadequate situations. These tasks are faced by both parents and teachers of children's educational institutions. After all, a child with inept behavior in the premises of a kindergarten, in a playroom or sports ground may harm your health. Yes and behind the gate children's institution pupils may face dangers that can only be avoided through targeted training from early childhood on the basics of safe behavior.

The purpose of the educational area "Safety": the formation of the foundations of the safety of one's own life and the formation of the prerequisites for environmental consciousness (safety of the surrounding world) through the solution of the following tasks:

Formation of ideas about situations dangerous for a person and the natural world and ways of behavior in them;

Introduction to the rules of safe behavior for a person and the environment;

Transferring knowledge to children about the rules of road safety as a pedestrian and a passenger in a vehicle;

Formation of a cautious and prudent attitude to potentially dangerous situations for humans and the natural world.

But before introducing children to the basics of safety, the teacher himself needs to understand this topic well, he must be familiar with the basic concepts of the subject of study.

Chapter 1.

1.1 Danger.

“A hazard is a phenomenon, process or object that, under certain conditions, can directly or indirectly damage human health.” Cause harm to life and health of people can: natural phenomena, household items, other people, plants, animals and more.

The following groups of dangers can be distinguished:

* Natural - natural phenomena (earthquakes, floods, hurricanes, etc.), low and high air temperatures, atmospheric phenomena, solar radiation, encounters with wild animals, poisonous insects and plants;

* Technogenic - related to technology: sharp, piercing, cutting objects, electricity, cars, gas and more;

* Social - criminal offenses, alcoholism, drug addiction and other vices of human society.

Depending on the place of stay, dangers may lie in wait for children at home, in nature, on the streets of the city, strangers, etc. may pose a danger.

Working with children on life safety includes a whole range of tasks:

1. Acquaintance with domestic sources of danger, with necessary actions in case of danger, the formation of ideas about the ways of safe behavior in everyday life;

2. development of the foundations of ecological culture, education of love, responsible and careful attitude to native nature;

3. Education of a competent road user;

4. Raising a sense of mutual assistance and camaraderie.

The implementation of these tasks and the formation of the initial foundations of security is carried out taking into account the following principles:

1. Systematic and consistent (any new step in teaching children rests on what has already been mastered in the previous one);

2. Accessibility (complication of the material takes into account the age characteristics of children);

3. Inclusion in activities (playing, cognitive, search, etc.)

4. Visibility (safety is best perceived through rich illustrative material);

5. Dynamism (integration of tasks into different types of activities);

6. Psychological comfort (removal of stress factors).

After defining the topics, goals and objectives, the question arises: "Where to start?"

1.2. Stages of implementation.

Stage 1 - to interest children, update, clarify and systematize their knowledge about safety rules;

Stage 2 - introduce the rules into the lives of children, show the variety of their manifestations in life situations, train in the ability to apply these rules;

Stage 3 - based on the acquired knowledge and skills, help to consciously master real and practical actions.

To identify the level of knowledge and interests of children, their communication skills, the degree of formation of practical skills at the 1st stage, help:

· Conversations: how to avoid trouble at home, on the street, in the forest, etc.;

· * different kinds gaming activity: role-playing, didactic, developing, desktop-printed, mobile, dramatization games, etc .;

* Analysis of problematic situations: “What mistake did Little Red Riding Hood make?”, “What will you do if you knock on the door, the phone rings, you are invited to ride in a car?” and etc.

To carry out work at stage 2, it is necessary to create conditions for familiarizing children with the basics of safety, i.e. organize a subject-developing environment in a group.

It includes:

1 "Safety Corner", which contains materials:

a) practical: safety shield with various types sockets, switches, locks; street models with road signs, markings for vehicles and pedestrians, traffic lights, manuals for role-playing games "Bus", "Driver", "Rescuers", "Ambulance", etc.;

b) visual: “Valeology or a healthy baby”, “Strong kids”, “How to avoid trouble”, “If the baby gets hurt”, “Do not play with fire”; plan-scheme of the microdistrict in which the kindergarten is located, with a mark of dangerous areas, places favorable for a variety of children's games; posters on life safety on the topics “If you are lost on the street”, “ Fire safety for preschoolers, etc.;

2 "Play Library", which contains:

a) didactic games "Dangerous-not dangerous", "Continue the row", "The fourth extra", "Name it in one word",

b) Developing board-printed games "ABC of security", " Emergencies in the house”, “Attention! Road!”, “Pyramid of Health”, “Road Signs”, “Caution Lotto”, “Rush Hour”, “Pedestrian Lotto”, etc.

3 "Library", which contains cognitive and fiction, photo albums, illustrations for reviewing and discussing various situations.

Work on interaction with life safety is carried out through the following forms of organization of children:

* Specially organized activities for children - GCD;

* Joint activities of the educator and children - conversations, trainings, reading fiction, memorizing the rules of safe behavior, playing out situations of correct and incorrect behavior, games in which the knowledge gained at GCD is consolidated.

Training is carried out in the form of an entertaining, exciting game using game characters, which makes the process of mastering the material alive and easy. The game gives the child the opportunity to be independent, to deepen his knowledge and skills, instills strong skills of the ABC of Safety. Everyone new material based on the experience, knowledge and skills of children.

The task of the teacher is to make the studied material as understandable as possible. For this, it is extremely important to use modern life safety posters: they are always in front of the eyes of children, you can easily remember them by repeatedly examining and repeating the rules depicted on them.

Chapter 2

2.1 Safe house

Home is the place where the child first gets acquainted with the outside world. It is within the walls of the house that the child begins to crawl, walk, get acquainted with the objects of the immediate environment, using various analyzers.

And it's at home Small child learns what security is, what is possible and what is not safe to take. Having tried hot soup for the first time - the baby blows on all the others, hitting the back of a chair - bypasses this chair.

In kindergarten, the basics of safety in the home are fixed.

I talk with children about the fact that, even while at home, a child may be at risk from household items, which are divided into three main groups:

1. items that are strictly prohibited to use (matches, gas stoves, stove, electrical sockets, electrical appliances included, etc.);

2. items that, depending on the age of the children, need to be taught how to handle correctly (needle, scissors, knife);

3. items that adults should keep out of the reach of children (household chemicals, medicines, alcohol, cigarettes, food acids, cutting and stabbing tools, etc.).

It is very important that children learn that the objects of the first group can only be used by adults. Here, more than ever, direct prohibitions are appropriate. A child, under no circumstances, should light matches on his own, turn on the stove, touch the included electrical appliances. Direct prohibitions must be supplemented by explanations, examples from literary works (for example, "Cat's House" by S. Marshak, dramatization games).

In order to teach children to use objects of the second group: scissors in the middle age group, I conduct special training in the applique classes, individual work with children, work with parents, so that at home they consolidate the acquired skills.

Responsibility for the safety of children in connection with the subjects of the third group lies entirely with parents and teachers.

Open windows and balconies pose a particular danger indoors. I explain to the children that in no case should they go out onto the balcony without an adult or go to an open window, because you can fall.

It would seem that an ordinary table is so necessary when eating, in performing creative work, but it can also be dangerous under certain conditions. For more successful mastering of safe behavior skills in our group, a card file of dangerous objects has been created.

Safety in the home is directly related to the objects that surround us and the materials from which they are made. Exactly at cognitive activity children get acquainted with the properties and qualities of glass, wood, iron and other materials. Toddlers understand that glass objects should be handled carefully and carefully. And in order to avoid trouble, take such dangerous items only with the permission of an adult.

We especially pay attention to the page "Caution, drugs!". Modern pharmacy products are so attractive appearance, which, like a magnet, attracts not only preschool children, but also older children.

We consolidate knowledge in role-playing, didactic, verbal games.

2.2. We educate a competent road user.

The problem of child road traffic injuries still remains relevant. And the need to bring to children the first information about the rules of the road already at preschool age is dictated by life itself.

The most important role in the prevention of child traffic injuries belongs to preschool educational institutions. educators, teaching staff, parents should help the child become a disciplined pedestrian, strictly complying with traffic rules by conducting activities in various forms. An analysis of modern methodological literature has shown that when teaching children the rules of behavior on the streets and roads, explanatory and illustrative methods are most widely used: conversations, didactic games, stories, reading works of art, as well as practical ones in the educational field " Artistic creativity"is drawing, modeling, appliqué. More and more diverse differentiated forms of work with children are needed. Moreover, most of them should be illustrated, theatrical, musical, playful. Existing educational programs in one way or another, they solve the problems of establishing the foundations of safe life among preschoolers. They allow you to convey large amounts of information in the shortest possible time, pose problems for preschoolers and indicate ways to solve them, evoke vivid pictures and traffic situations in your mind, activate memory and feelings. The content of education in them is determined by the current Rules of the road.

The methodology of work within the framework of training traffic rules should be built taking into account an integrated approach. Performing tasks, preschool children conduct observations, explore, draw, design, model, listen to music, etc. They have a very well-developed creative imagination, which leaves bright moments in the minds of children, helps to consolidate the knowledge gained in practice, embodying them in their creative works. Any child will quickly understand and learn traffic rules, presented not only in an ordinary conversation, but also in a road tale close to children, a quiz, a game, but doing artistic work - drawing, creating compositions, applications, crafts from clay, plasticine, etc. rules not only theoretically, but also practically, children will achieve undoubted success in studying traffic rules.

For more successful work on teaching children traffic rules, my partner Galina Efimovna and I compiled a catalog "Joint activities with children of the NGO" Artistic creativity on the topic: "We study the Rules of the Road" so that we can give knowledge to children on this topic, taking into account age characteristics middle-aged children and so that children can successfully learn the rules of the road, be able to navigate in traffic situations, apply their knowledge in practice, embodying them in their creative works. Working on the catalog, we took into account the interests of children, age features, studied the recommendations of traffic police officers and a large amount of program material on traffic rules.

Therefore, teaching the Rules of the Road in the NGO "Artistic Creativity" must be considered as part of the educational work of the preschool educational institution.

The most important conditions for learning should be the regularity of classes, their continuity, continuity, and systematic. Alternate demo theoretical material and conversations with preschool children helps to achieve the goals set for the GCD in the educational field "Artistic Creativity".

Only by joint efforts, using knowledge, patience and tact, it is possible:

To expand children's ideas about the rules of safe behavior on the streets and roads of the city, in public and private transport through active forms of cognition: design, construction, modeling, artistic and creative activities - drawing, modeling, appliqué;

To teach children to reflect knowledge and ideas about traffic rules in the drawing and share their experience with others;

Awakening emotional interest in the knowledge of traffic rules, improve children's skills to design, model, combine, draw, sculpt, create creative compositions on a given topic;

Raising interest in the knowledge of traffic rules, develop the desire to show intellectual and constructive abilities, teach our children the skills of organizing a safe image, activate attention, observation, ingenuity, initiative.

Causes of road accidents involving preschoolers:

Independent crossing of the carriageway in an unspecified place, i.e. outside the pedestrian crossing

· Exit to the roadway due to structures, parked vehicles, green spaces, buildings and other obstacles blocking the view.

Disobedience to traffic lights

The movement of children on the roadway in the presence of a sidewalk

· Ignorance of crossing rules.

・Children's games on the roadway

· The movement of children on the roadway in the direction of passing vehicles.

· Riding bicycles, roller skates and other scooters on the carriageway.

· Incorrect choice of the crossing point of the carriageway when disembarking from the route transport.

· Crossing the carriageway not at a right angle, but diagonally.

Thus, an analysis of the causes and conditions that contribute to the occurrence of road accidents involving children shows that drivers, adults who do not hold children by the hand or violate traffic rules themselves, and the children themselves are guilty of this. Studies show that all causes of road accidents involving preschoolers are associated with their age and psychophysiological characteristics, such as: immaturity, inability to correctly assess the situation, rapid education conditioned reflexes and their rapid disappearance, the need for movement, which prevails over caution, the desire to imitate adults, overestimation of one's capabilities, the specificity of the reaction to an approaching car, etc.

Being on the roadway or playing on it, preschoolers do not understand the dangers of transport and roads, and therefore are potential victims of road accidents.

The behavior of children on the road depends on a number of factors, including personality-behavioral properties, age characteristics and the mental state of a person. The psychophysiological system of a preschooler is in a state of formation and has not yet reached its full development. Many processes are mobile and unstable. Hence the different reaction of children and adults to the same traffic situations.

Preschoolers get into road accidents mainly because of their lack of coordination of movements, underdevelopment of peripheral vision, inability to compare speed and distance, lack of orientation skills in space, including orientation associated with clothing (hood, tight scarf, hat, etc.). etc.), and for other reasons.

Being on the roadway, preschoolers cannot calculate their capabilities. They are characterized by the desire to escape from danger in the flow of moving vehicles. They believe: the faster they run away from vehicles, the safer. However, when they get into the flow of moving traffic, children begin to rush about, they can suddenly run forward, and then suddenly turn back, which drivers do not expect. such actions usually end in fatal accidents.

The age at which a child begins to move independently on the road cannot be precisely determined. Approximately this occurs in the period from six to ten years. Until the age of six, it is generally not recommended to leave a child alone on the street. From the age of six, the child gradually becomes more and more independent. During this period (6-10 years), he can move independently on the road and, therefore, it is necessary to continue his education in the field of safe behavior on the road, which was started earlier.

Reliable left-right orientation is acquired no earlier than at the age of seven to eight. There is not junior schoolchildren as well as knowledge and ideas about the types of forward movement of vehicles. For example, it is difficult for a child to realize that a real car cannot actually stop as instantly as a toy one.

The separation of play and real conditions occurs gradually in children, this process becomes especially intense and systematic during schooling.

At all stages of age development, the psychophysiological functions of children change, and external circumstances (domestic, school, and many others) also change.

Working with parents is one of the most important areas of educational work in preschool educational institutions. For the well-being of the child, it is very important to choose a clear cooperation strategy. After all, the range of problems related to the safety of the child cannot be solved only within the framework of the kindergarten. Therefore, close contact with parents is necessary, because they are interested partners, active assistants in working with children in this area. Nothing educates with such persuasiveness as a good example of an adult. In our kindergarten, it has become a good tradition to hold pedagogical weeks on the topic "Healthy lifestyle" with open events for parents and their active participation.

The purpose of working with parents is to explain the relevance and importance of the problem of child safety, to raise the educational level of parents on this issue, to identify the range of rules that need to be introduced, first of all, in the family.

2.3. Fire safety

Fires often arise because of children's pranks: the natural curiosity of kids sometimes leads them to play with matches, household appliances, and flammable materials.

The task of adults is to give each child the basic concepts of fire hazard situations, to acquaint them with the rules of behavior in case of fire.

Forms of holding preventive work fire safety are diverse:

Conversations, looking at illustrations and talking about them, using art works, reading and memorizing poems, playing scenes, creating special game situations, dramatization games, watching performances and skits, etc.

Of course, the upbringing of a citizen who is vigilant and ready to adequately respond in emergency situations must be prepared from childhood. This is what we do in our kindergarten.

Purpose: To form the skills of safe behavior in everyday life, to teach children to act adequately in fire situations.


ü Deepen and systematize knowledge about the causes of fires; explain the dangers of open fire; lead to an understanding of the likely consequences of childish pranks.

ü Familiarize yourself with the appointment household appliances their benefits, teach them how to handle them safely.

ü To form a sense of the increased danger of fire: talk about the signs and properties of flammable objects and materials.

ü Familiarize yourself with the rules of behavior in case of fire.

ü Convince to learn important information about yourself (last name, first name, home address), fire service number.

ü To introduce the profession of a firefighter and equipment that helps to extinguish a fire; educate respect for the work of firefighters

ü To deepen and expand knowledge about the protection of human life.

ü To form skills of independence, to cultivate responsible behavior.

ü Develop cognitive activity, Creative skills, imagination, thinking, communication skills.

Stages of work:

1 We are looking at picture cards with scenes emergencies: an iron left on, a cigarette not extinguished, candles on a Christmas tree, a fire in the forest, etc.

2 But do not forget that over the past decade, the industry has stepped forward and new household appliances have appeared that make our life easier, which, nevertheless, is also dangerous. In this regard, we arranged a contest of home drawings " Appliances- friend or foe? »

In these drawings, children, together with their parents, drew opposite pictures (hair dryers, microwave ovens, toasters, food processors)

At the 3rd stage there was reading books and articles on the topic of fire safety. The children were very sympathetic to the grief of the kittens and Aunt Koshka from S. Marshak's fairy tale, whose Cat House caught fire. Other works also made an indelible impression on them.

4 Riddles and repetition of the rules of conduct made it possible to consolidate the material covered.

5 To consolidate knowledge not only in theory, but also in practice, we conduct outdoor games.

6 It is important that the safety rules are repeated by the children also at home. So parents need to be involved as well. To do this, we hold parent-teacher meetings, where we show parents educational and artistic material on this topic, place the material in the parent's corner, change information in folders, and advise parents.

7 Together with parents, we made wall newspapers “It's dangerous! ”, which included drawings and applications about the fire, statements from children, stories from the life of their parents.

8 At the end of our training, the administration arranged a fire safety drill. At the signal of the siren, the teacher and all the children had to calmly leave the building in safe place. Our children did an excellent job and were on time.

2.4. child and nature

We tell our children about the relationship between man and nature so that they understand the main thing: the Earth is our common Home and man is part of nature.

About what needs to be protected, protected and taken care of forests, rivers, seas, animals, birds. Do not pollute the soil, water bodies.

Fulfill the requirements of adults to wash fruits, vegetables, hands before eating, do not drink water from dirty sources, it is appropriate to use the fairy tale about "Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka", which helps children realize that drinking dirty water may lead to undesirable consequences.

We teach children to respect nature (do not offend ants, feed birds in winter, do not break branches, etc.). And at the same time, we teach children to understand that not every insect is safe for humans. Even a harmless ant or bee sting for some people can lead to unpleasant consequences: swelling, redness and other allergic reactions.

We tell children about poisonous plants that grow in the forest, in fields and meadows, which everyone needs to know. To get acquainted with these plants, we use an album with pictures.

We teach children to distinguish poisonous mushrooms from edible ones, we warn that you can’t try, without the consent of adults, berries, blades of grass, leaves. In order to consolidate these rules, we use board games for classification, ball games "Edible - inedible", didactic games "Guess which tree the leaf is from," etc.

We explain to children what can and cannot be done when in contact with animals.

For example, you can feed stray cats and dogs, but you can't touch or pick them up. You can pet and caress a domestic kitten or dog, play with them, but you should know that each animal has its own character, so even playing with animals can lead to injuries, scratches and bites. It is especially necessary to know that any animals with cubs or birds with chicks often behave aggressively, can scare, injure. And, of course, children must learn not to tease and torture animals. Very good helpers are: fun games in pictures "How to avoid trouble", "Cautious tales: Safety for kids."

The main thing is that the child learns the main principle from a very early age: “Do no harm!” And this applies to both our own safety and environmental protection.

We also explain to children that it is impossible to litter on the street, as this worsens the environment and adversely affects the health of humans, animals, and plants.

2.5. child and other people.

Recently, we hear more and more often: “A child is missing!” Why is this happening? Why do our children leave strangers? What should we, adults, do to protect not only our own child, but also the children whom we have been entrusted with?

When talking about the dangers of contact with strangers, an adult should take into account that children have their own ideas about what it looks like. a dangerous person. Children believe that people with an unpleasant appearance or untidy clothes are dangerous. For young children, the man "uncle with a beard" will be dangerous, first of all. And young, well-dressed young people, pretty girls or boys cannot do harm. And a person with an open, friendly smile will always inspire confidence in a child.

First of all, these are conversations, the use of works of art, dramatization games, specially prepared situations, looking at illustrations, using didactic material, etc.

Some typical situations:

ü An adult persuades the child to go somewhere with him, promising to give or show something interesting, offering a toy

ü Introducing yourself to acquaintances of parents or telling that he is acting at their request.

ü An adult opens the car door and invites the child to ride.

ü An adult shows miracles of extraordinary generosity, treating a child with ice cream, chocolate, promising to give gifts.

It is also necessary to consider and discuss situations of violent behavior of an adult (grabs his hand, drags him into a car, acts with the use of force). Every child should know how to behave in such situations - shout loudly, attracting the attention of adults and calling for their help.

The purpose of an adult is to teach children how to behave so that others understand that violence is being committed and not confuse it with the usual childish whims.

The child needs to be explained that he should be able to say "No" to other people. And it doesn’t matter anymore whether it’s an adult or a teenager, persuading you to go to a construction site or light a fire, experiment with medicines or climb a tree or a roof.

The child needs to be explained that dangers can lie in wait for them not only on the street, but also at home, in the entrance.

ü You can’t go out, enter and leave the entrance alone without parents or other adults you know.

ü You can’t open the door to strangers, even if there is a gentle voice behind the door or a stranger seems to be familiar to your parents, knows their names, and acts supposedly from their opinion.

ü You can not use, without the permission of an adult, household appliances.

Can be played different situations: a child at home alone, a child at home with friends, brothers, sisters, a child at home with adults. Game training should include various persuasions, promises.

So that children do not have "information neurosis" due to the expansion and deepening of knowledge about emergency situations in everyday life, I carried out work to identify the level of their knowledge, interests and communication skills. To do this, I had a conversation with them, during which I asked a number of questions:

What is your name (first and last name?)

Home address?

What are the parents' names (last name, first name, patronymic?)

Where do parents work?

Do they know emergency phone numbers? Ambulance, police, gas service, fire service?

As a result of the conversation, I concluded that children know well their names, where they live, know their parents and their place of work, but do not have knowledge of what to do in a dangerous situation and where to turn for help (emergency services ) .

We must send the child to school not only with a great store of knowledge, but also prepare him to face various difficult and sometimes dangerous situations. In order to understand what exactly children know, feel and think, I compiled perspective plan work, which includes the use of conversations, games, discussions, various visual materials. Based on the already existing knowledge of children, I identified the tasks that need to be worked on:

Main conclusions:

Only through the joint efforts of adults: teachers and parents can preschool children be taught:

Identify and name all parts of the body;

Learn the difference between "good" and "bad" touches;

Identify strangers and friendly people;

To memorize identifying information - name, address, phone number;

Call 01 in an emergency;

Allow physical affection only for family members;

Ask permission before accepting gifts from people outside your family circle;

Tell you if someone is trying to intimidate them into keeping something secret.

Summing up, we clearly realize how important it is to understand the importance of "Safety" in the life of every person. And the sooner we start instilling safe behavior skills in our children, the more confidently we will look into the future.

On the this moment we use didactic material in our work: games, illustrations; play a variety of situations. A card file of classes has been created, fire safety attributes have been updated, and information stands for parents on safety and health have been designed.

The plans include replenishment of didactic games, replenishment of paraphernalia in the direction of health, development of consultations for parents, organization of an exhibition of drawings on various topics (work with parents).

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten

care and recovery No. 72

A long-term plan for self-education


"Formation in preschoolers of a conscious attitude to issues of personal safety and the safety of others."


Zadorova N.V.

gAngarsk 2015

Long-term plan for 2015 – 2016 academic year.

Target: Continue to acquaint children with the rules of personal safety, to form a sense

self-preservation ideas about the street, carriageway and sidewalk.

To form children's knowledge of safety rules during the winter games.

Familiarity with the rules on the water.


Work with children.

Working with parents



1. GCD. on the topic: "Know and follow the rules of the road."

2. Did. games "Road signs", "Put a sign", "Pedestrian street".

3. Conversation on the topic: "The road is not a place for games."

4. Plot - role-playing games "Controller".

5. GCD. Artistic creativity on the topic: "Road signs".

1. Watching a cartoon

Smeshariki rule of road safety.

2. Individual conversations.

3.Folder: "Road Safety", "School of Road Sciences".

4. Memo for parents: "What do I know about traffic rules."


1. GCD. On this topic: " "The appearance of a person can be deceiving."

2. Conversation on the topic "Dangerous bystanders".
3. Reading S. Mikhalkov "Uncle Styopa".

4. N / A game "The world around us", "What is it made of."

5. Discussion of the problem situation “We are in public transport”, "How to behave if"

6. C / R game "Police".

1. Ask to take photos of "How we play on the street",

2. Booklet for parents "Beware of a stranger."


1. GCD by topic "I know what is possible and what is not."

2. Did. the game ""I know - it's dangerous", "It happens - it doesn't happen?"

3. Consideration of illustrations of various types of transport.

4. Conversation "My home", "I know what is possible and what is not", "Safety in our group".

1. Individual conversation "Everything has its place."

2. Print coloring pages on the topic: sharp and pecking objects.

3. Creation of the book "Dangers around us".


1. GCD. on this topic "Inflammable Items" (Compilation of model diagrams on fire safety rules).

2. Conversation: on the topic "Do not touch matches - there is fire in matches."

3. Reading the story of Shorygin T.A. "Let the New Year tree bring us joy." Reading S. Marshak "Horse - fire",

"Fire", "The Story of an Unknown Hero".

4. Role-playing game " Fire engine hurry to help."

5. Making drawings on the topic: "Safe New Year!".

1. Draw up a folder for the movement "Fire safety in everyday life".
Working with colleagues and parents.

2. Issue booklets "New Year at the gates."

3. Memo “On fire, its benefits and harms.


1. GCD. on the topic "Winter fun"

2. Consideration of illustrations, paintings "Winter Fun".

3. Coloring on the topic.

4. Conversation with children on the topic: "The rule of conduct during fun games."

5. Learning the poem by G. Lapteva "Snowball".

6. Round dance game "I'll freeze, I'll freeze"

1. Conversation with parents "Develop a desire to use sports equipment",

"Observe safety rules when playing outdoors",

2. Draw up a folder for the movement "Children's Frostbite During Walks."

3. Ask parents to bring health proverbs.


1. GCD. on this topic: "Who can you turn to if you're lost?"».

2. Did. game "Stranger rings the doorbell."

3. Reading the fairy tale "Cat, rooster, fox."

4. Learning a poem by G. Shalaeva

"If the doorbell rings..."

5. Reading the fairy tale by Charles Perrault "Little Red Riding Hood".

6.Board - printed game: "How to avoid trouble."

1. Playing out the situations “Calling the phone”, “Ringing at the door”.

2. Watching the TV show "Wait for me."


1. GCD. on the topic: "When there are no parents at home".

2. Consideration of illustrations of "Electrical appliances".

3. Did. and "1,2,3, what could be dangerous - find it."

4. Conversations on topics: " Medicines and household chemicals.

"Balcony. Stair railings.

"Sharp, piercing and cutting objects."

5. Did. game "The Fourth Extra".

1. Individual conversation with parents on the topic: "Child alone at home."

2. Conversation of parents with their children at home "My family".


Municipal preschool general education state-financed organization"Medvedevsky Kindergarten No. 3 "Golden Key" p. Medvedevo


Mukhina Irina Mikhailovna

General experience

Pedagogical experience

Pedagogical experience in this MDOBU

Date of last certification

Date of the next certification

Topic: "Formation of the foundations of security

in older preschool children"

topic title


academic year

senior group

age group

Stage of work on the topic: September 2015


The problem of human life safety is recognized all over the world. The UN calls this problem one of the priorities in scientific research. AT Russian Federation human protection from negative impacts anthropogenic and natural origin, achievement comfortable conditions life are top priorities. Today, despite the serious steps taken by the state in the field of legislative regulation of issues of ensuring normal conditions for labor protection, updates regulatory framework However, in practice, the root causes of serious accidents, cases with children, as well as the low level of protection of their health and life, are still insufficiently established. It becomes clear that a key role in ensuring national security of any state and the life of an individual and society belongs to education. Modern life proved the need to ensure life safety, required the training of employees of preschool educational institutions, parents and children in a safe lifestyle in difficult conditions of social, man-made, natural and environmental troubles. Standard preschool education in the field of social and communicative development focuses on the formation of safe behavior in everyday life, society and nature. Security is a state of protection of the vital interests of the individual, society and the state from internal and external threats. An accident with a child is often associated with failure to comply with proper safety measures. Therefore, it is very important to ensure the safety of children in everyday life. Extremely mobile children are especially at risk. It is at preschool age that the foundation of life orientations in the world around is laid, and everything that a child learns in kindergarten will firmly remain with him forever. That is why it is necessary to teach children safe behavior at home. Both parents and preschool institutions should take part in this, and in the future, of course, the school and other educational institutions. This problem seems to be so relevant that it served as the basis for me to choose this topic, the topic of self-education.

Explanatory note

The problem of human life safety is recognized all over the world. Modern life has proven the need to ensure the safety of children's life. We can talk a lot about the relevance of this topic and everything will be important. How to keep children healthy? How to help understand diversity life situations? How to teach to help each other? Etc. Analyzing the concept of “safety”, we will understand that what is not a problem situation for an adult can become one for a child. We are especially worried about small defenseless citizens - preschool children. From the first years of life, the child's curiosity, his activity in matters of knowledge of the environment, encouraged by adults, sometimes becomes unsafe for him. The main task of organizing the life of children in kindergarten is to protect their mental and physical health. The baby, by its physiological characteristics, cannot independently determine the entire measure of danger. Therefore, an adult is entrusted by nature with the mission of protecting his child. Children need to be reasonably helped to avoid injury, because it is impossible to lead them by the hand all the time, to keep them near you. It is considered necessary to create pedagogical conditions to familiarize children with various types of dangers.

Target: improving their professional skills, competence, as well as improving the conditions for the formation of sustainable safety skills in everyday life in preschool children.

Working on a professional self-education program will help me solve the following problems:tasks:

Raise your own level of knowledge by studying the necessary literature, visiting STL on this topic.

Develop a long-term plan for working with children

Arrange a safety corner in the group: a card file of games, illustrations on the topic.

To form and develop in children a holistic perception of the environment.

To intensify interaction with parents on the safety of children in everyday life.

Implementation period: 1 year (2015-2016 academic year)




Difficulties and questions encountered during the implementation of the stage

Theoretical stage

The study of methodological literature on this issue


Studying and viewing articles in journals:

"Educator of preschool educational institution"

"Preschool education",

"Child in Kindergarten"

During a year

Practical stage

Advice for parents:

"If you are forced to leave the child at home alone."

Set up a security corner in the group.

(card file of games, illustrations by topic.)


Selection of riddles and ditties on life safety

(replenishment of the safety corner)

Questioning and interviewing parents on the topic: "Safety of a preschooler at home."

Consultation for preschool educators "Formation of a culture of life safety among older preschoolers."

Participation in competitions and exhibitions different levels on the topic "Security"

Demonstration of the final lesson to teachers "Know and be careful."

Self-analysis of the work done at the pedagogical council Progress report

Writing a report on the work done. Summarizing.

List of used literature :

1. Avdeeva N.N., Knyazeva N.L., Sterkina R.B. Security: Tutorial on the basics of life safety of children of senior preschool age. - St. Petersburg: "CHILDHOOD - PRESS", 2005. - 144 p.

2. Keneman A.V., Osokina T.I. Children's folk outdoor games. - M.: Enlightenment, 1995.

3. Fundamentals of safety for preschoolers / Ed. V.A. Ananiev. - M.: Academy, 2000.









May Work with children:

Conversation: "IN KINDERGARTEN"

Objective: To continue to introduce children to elementary rules behavior in kindergarten: play with children without disturbing them and without causing pain; leave the nursery only with parents, asking for time off from the teacher, do not talk to strangers and do not take treats and various items from them.

Work with children:

"Do not touch the matches, there is fire in the matches."

Conversation: "Fire safety". Examining the pictures "Firefighter - a heroic profession."

View presentation “Fire safety.

Rescue Service 01". Cognitive lesson "Big trouble from a small match."

Drawing "What causes a fire." The game is a dramatization of "Cat's House".

Work with children:

Examining pictures: "How to avoid trouble." Conversation: “In the world of dangerous objects”, “Every little child should know this from the cradle”, “If I am alone at home”, “dangerous situations of contact with strangers”, “If you are lost”. D / I "Sources of danger." Reading poetry. D / I "The game is a serious matter", "What is gone."

Conversation "Vitamins and healthy products."

Work with children:

"Aibolit visiting children"

Consideration of illustrations for K. Chukovsky's fairy tale "Moidodyr", Conversation "Cleanliness and Health", "On Personal Hygiene at Home and in Kindergarten", "Useful Products".

Work with children:

- "Green light"

Examine posters on road safety. Reading poems by T.M. Slutsker"Dunno and traffic light", S.V. Mikhalkov "My street", V. Semernina. "It is allowed - it is forbidden." Cognitive activities: "At a traffic light", "Cars run in a row." Drawing "cars go to the rescue." Game - training "Braking distance of the car." Playing situations "Who will pass first." Viewing the presentation "I am an exemplary pedestrian."

Work with children:

Organization of a snow town on the promenade with buildings aimed at activating self-reliance motor activity children.

Work with children:

“Riddles and ditties on life safety” Purpose: generalization of knowledge on life safety.

Work with children:

- "Insects around us"

Examining illustrations, reading fiction: V. Rozhdestvensky "plantain". Conversation "Such different insects." D / I "Zoological Lotto". Drawing "What are insects."

Work with children:

Final lesson: "Know and be careful."

Self-education on the topic:



The problem of human safety in road traffic arose with the advent of the wheel and the creation of vehicles for the transport of people and goods. The relationship between drivers of vehicles and pedestrians has always been controlled by the state, which ensured their safety. Back in 1720, Peter the Great issued a decree related to the rules of the road. The strictest order on the roads in Russia was under Catherine 2. In 1764, she issued a decree on the application of the death penalty to a coachman or cab driver guilty of the death of a child.

In modern conditions, in connection with the rapid development of the automotive industry, the number of accidents and accidents with people (especially children) on the roads has increased. Therefore, the problem of safe behavior on the roads has become relevant in our country. The relevance of the problem is due to the fact that preschool children do not have a protective psychological reaction to the traffic situation, which is not even characteristic of all adults. The child is interested in the street and everything that happens on it. And often, carried away by something new, unusual, the child finds himself on the street in life-threatening situations.

Today, the problem of children's safety is being actively discussed in society, and employees of children's institutions, who, by the nature of their activities, are responsible for their pupils, are of particular concern for young citizens.

It is at a young age that the foundation of life orientations in the world around is laid, and everything that a child learns in kindergarten will firmly remain with him forever. That is why from a very early age it is necessary to teach children safe behavior on the streets, roads, in transport and the rules of the road. Both parents and preschool institutions should take part in this, and in the future, of course, the school and other educational institutions

This problem seems to be so relevant that it served as the basis for me to choose this topic, the topic of self-education.


    Improving your professional skills and competence.

    Improving the conditions for the formation of sustainable safety skills in preschool children in the surrounding road and transport environment.


    Assimilation by preschoolers of initial knowledge about the rules of safe behavior on the street;

    To form and develop in children a holistic perception of the surrounding road environment.

    Expand the vocabulary of children on road vocabulary

    To intensify interaction with parents on the promotion of traffic rules and the safety of children

    Develop logical thinking, voluntary attention, visual and auditory perception, creative activity;

    Unite the children's team.


1. Introduction to fiction.

2. Excursions, observations, walks.

4. Entertainment and leisure.

5. Games: board, didactic, construction, theatrical, mobile.


1. Expanding children's understanding of the road environment and traffic rules.

2. Formation of skills of calm, confident, cultural and safe behavior in the road transport environment.

3. The ability of children to anticipate dangerous situations and avoid them.

4. Increasing the activity of parents and children to ensure road safety.







Creating a presentation "Situations according to the rules of the road"


Viewing and discussion of the cartoon "Traffic Light" (series "Smeshariki"). Purpose: to remember the rules of the road

cartoon drawing

Target walk “We are walking down the street” Purpose: to form in children the idea of ​​one-way and two-way traffic

Guessing riddles according to traffic rules. Purpose: to teach children to find an answer according to the description.

(Appendix 1)

Role-playing game "Taxi". Purpose: To consolidate the knowledge of children about the profession "taxi driver"

Passenger and freight transport Purpose: to consolidate the ability to distinguish between freight and passenger vehicles

Parent survey

Project "My mother is a driver"

Memo to parents on road safety (Appendix 7)

Creating a corner according to the Rules of the road

Creation of an electronic didactic game according to the rules of the road "Think and answer"

Viewing the presentation "Situations according to the rules of the road"

Reading "Road Poems"

Watching the cartoon "Rules of the road with Aunt Owl"

Role-playing game "We are going to visit" Purpose: to teach how to behave correctly in public transport

Mobile game "Red, yellow, green". Purpose: to develop the ability to navigate in space

Reading M. Prikhodkin "On the streets of the city." Purpose: to consolidate knowledge about transport

Drawing "Safe way from home to kindergarten»

Parent meeting "Child safety on the street"

Memo for parents and children "On a safe route and difficult sections on the road"

Selection of literature on traffic rules

Creating a presentation "History of the car"

Electronic didactic game according to the rules of the road "Think and answer"

Viewing the educational cartoon "Road signs for children with poems" Purpose: acquaintance with road signs

Role-playing game "Pedestrian crossing"

Working with small building material: construction passenger car

Mobile game "Sparrow and car". Purpose: to develop in children the ability to navigate in space

Reading M. Pozharsky "Machines". Purpose: to teach children to listen carefully and understand the content of what they read, to consolidate knowledge about transport.

Role-playing game "Bus". Purpose: to consolidate knowledge about the bus, its purpose

Target walk "Garage". Purpose: to give an idea to children about the garage, its structure and functional purpose

NOD "Our village and its transport" Purpose:

Photo contest "My baby car seat" Purpose: propaganda among parents, purchase a car seat)

Wand making for role-playing game"traffic cops"

View the presentation "History of the car." Purpose: to introduce children to the history of the car

Target walk to the pedestrian crossing. Purpose: to consolidate with children the term " crosswalk". Cultivate a culture of behavior on the street.

Mobile game "Be careful." Purpose: to educate to act on a sound signal

Project "Our friend-traffic light"

Memo to parents on the rules of the road

Board game"Road signs"

Creation of an electronic game "Guess the riddle"

Didactic game "Call it right." Purpose: to consolidate the concepts of "right" "left" "bottom" "top" to develop the ability to navigate in space

Reading by A. Tyunyaev "Rules of the road". Purpose: to educate the desire to obey the rules of the road

Target walk "Gas station" Purpose: to give an idea of petrol station, the sign pointing to it

Watching the cartoon "Cars, road signs, traffic lights, rules of the road - Tiki Taki." Purpose: to continue to learn the rules of the road

Exhibition of drawings "I'm walking down the street"

Reminder for parents

Domino "Road signs"

Creating an album Different types transport"

Creation interactive game according to the rules of the road

Viewing the cartoon "Robocar Poli-rules of the road. How to cross the road. Purpose: to continue to learn the rules of the road

Examination of the posters "Road Accidents" Purpose: to cultivate the ability to navigate in the current situation

Drawing on the topic: "Road sign" Purpose: to consolidate knowledge about road signs and their purpose

Memo for parents "Road safety"

Visual poster "Special transport"

The study of methodological literature

Learning counting. Purpose: to develop the ability to clearly pronounce each word, to cultivate the ability to use a counting rhyme in the game (T. IDanilova "Traffic light" program Teaching preschool children traffic rules p. 29)

Reading M. Druzhinin "Office vehicles" Purpose: to consolidate knowledge of machines special purpose

Drawing "Safety Island" Purpose: to develop observation, attention

Watching the cartoon "Hurry. Traffic Laws. Goal: keep learning the rules of the road

Memo for parents "Rules of the road safety on the roads" (Appendix 8)

Board game "Visiting a traffic light"

Creating a presentation on the rules of the road

Viewing the cartoon "Traffic Light. Educational children's song. Cartoon about cars. Learn the rules of the road

Drawing on the theme “My house is my street” Purpose: to consolidate the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe street, the ability to display what you see during walks, to convey your impressions

Reading S. Volkov "Rules of the road" Purpose: to consolidate knowledge of traffic rules

Making a homemade book "Road alphabet" Purpose: to cultivate perseverance, continue to memorize the Rules of the road

Memo for parents "Road traps" (Appendix 13)

Didactic games "What are the cars", "What does the sign say"

Analysis of your work

Viewing the cartoon "Cartoon for children. Accident on the road ” Purpose: to continue to study the Rules of the road

Reading children's poems about cars. Purpose: to remember what types of transport are their purpose

Entertainment according to traffic rules "Visiting a traffic light"


The work of a traffic police officer. Purpose: to introduce children to the work of a traffic police officer

Pictures for the classification of modes of transport
