Electric massager on MK - Devices on microcontrollers - Schemes of devices on microcontrollers. Household electric impulse massager "Stimulus", user manual Who needs an ultrasonic device

Ultrasonic facial massager SuperSonic M350 is able to carry out high-quality cosmetic care for the skin of the body and face at home, improving its elasticity and firmness. If you use the device regularly, in conjunction with specialized cosmetics, it is able to effectively clean the pores, rid its owner of freckles and age spots. Also, the technical novelty effectively smoothes wrinkles on the face, contributes to the overall rejuvenation of the skin.

The M350 is a cutting-edge development that belongs to a whole series of instruments. It is intended for skin care at home. This technique can be used by all family members. It is comfortable and hygienic, easy to operate and has convenient power adjustments. Thanks to precise settings, each user will be able to choose the appropriate mode of exposure to the skin of the face and body. Thanks to this home simulator, your face will become younger.

Principle of operation

Judging by the reviews, SuperSonic Gezatone M350 is a modern development that is designed for daily personal care at home. The principle of its operation is to generate waves at a frequency of 1 MHz, due to which deep cleaning of the skin and acupressure of the face are carried out. It will help get rid of wrinkles, inflammation and impurities on the body. In addition, the technique is ready to fight cellulite in problem areas (waist, buttocks, hips, etc.).

Ultrasonic waves, acting on the skin, trigger the synthesis of ATP, elastin and collagens. Such compounds are responsible for the restoration of skin cells, returning it to its former elasticity. A home massager helps to get rid of acne and age spots on the face, accelerates the healing of scars. The skin after several procedures acquires a fresh and healthy look. The device has unique abilities.

Ultrasonic facial massager shows excellent results when used on both dry and oily skin.

The signals coming from the device produce wave oscillations on the treated surfaces. They act on the skin of a person, causing the muscles to contract and decompress. Massage at the cellular level activates the metabolism without deforming the skin. After such a procedure, the body actively produces collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid, which is responsible for the beauty and youth of your skin.

Advantages of the device

This modern home massager is able to solve several problems at once at home:

  • fight against cellulite;
  • effective and deep cleansing of the face and skin;
  • An additional function of this modern massage technique allows you to inject cosmetic products into the skin cells so deeply that the desired effect of the procedure is maintained for a long time.

Using ultrasonic waves, the device makes a light acupressure of the body. In this case, the person feels only a slight vibration during the procedure. All operations performed with the device are painless, unlike classical devices for anti-cellulite massage, injections or plastic surgery.

Who needs an ultrasonic device

Thanks to the reviews of the Gezatone SuperSonic M350, you can find out what the device is capable of:

  1. The fight against skin aging, getting rid of wrinkles and age spots.
  2. Correction of problems with skin tone, namely with nasolabial folds, double chin. The device can remove pigmentation from the face, correct a pale or uneven complexion, trim the lowered corners of the lips.
  3. Massage for burning excess fat on various areas of the body. The device, thanks to the effect of ultrasound, is able to burn excess fat on the hips, arms, calves, in the waist area.
  4. Solving problems with skin rashes caused by various causes, such as eczema, rosacea, acne or postoperative scars.
  5. Improving blood circulation in the body. The drug promotes the resorption of edema, bags under the eyes.

Gezatone SuperSonic is also used by specialists

Beauty salons also use the Gezatone ultrasonic device to introduce active cosmetic ingredients into the deep subcutaneous layer. This application method is called "phonophoresis".

Ultrasonic massage is considered one of the most effective lifting and rejuvenating techniques. Thanks to the vibrations of ultrasound, cosmetics penetrate into living tissue cells. Getting into the deep layer of the epidermis, nutrients moisturize and nourish the skin from the inside.

To combat cellulite, SuperSonic Gezatone is simply indispensable in beauty salons. Indeed, due to the high power and large area of ​​​​the working surface, the device successfully copes with excess weight. Ultrasonic waves remove stagnant substances from the body, even out the skin in problem areas, and increase metabolism. In combination with special cosmetic preparations, the ultrasound generator relieves people of the hated "orange peel" on the body.

Specifications of Gezatone SuperSonic M350

It is worth pointing out here:

  1. The massager is powered by an outlet. Its power consumption is 50 watts.
  2. The maximum current is 230 mA.
  3. The total weight of the device is 190 g.
  4. Dimensions: 250 x 180 x 65 mm.


The device comes with a power adapter, instructions for the correct use of the Gezatone SuperSonic M350 and a warranty card.

The ultrasound generator is manufactured by Gezanne ITC, a French company. The warranty is 1 year from the date of sale of the product.

S. Kosenko, Voronezh

Although the effectiveness of small-sized ultrasonic washing machines (UZSM) raises certain doubts, they still find their consumer, are operated, and therefore sometimes fail. Unfortunately, there is very little information about the device and electrical circuits of these household appliances in the literature and even on the Internet, which creates certain difficulties if the UZSM has to be repaired on its own. The proposed article partially solves this problem.

Let's start with the physical foundations of the functioning of the UZSM. Periodic oscillations of the walls of an ultrasound emitter immersed in a liquid set in motion its particles that come into contact with them. As a result, zones of high and low pressure moving at the speed of sound in the direction from the emitter are formed in the liquid. Where the pressure is reduced, microscopic bubbles of air dissolved in the liquid increase in diameter, and in compression zones they decrease. If the amplitude of the pressure fluctuations is large enough, the forces acting on the surface of the bubbles exceed the surface tension force, and the newly formed bubbles "collapse", generating shock waves that can destroy the solid particles that fall under their influence.

This phenomenon is called cavitation. Arising unintentionally, it can be harmful, destroying, for example, propeller blades. However, cavitation, created artificially with the help of ultrasound, effectively cleans the surface of various materials from contaminants. The frequency of ultrasound in industrial washing installations usually lies in the range of 20 ... 800 kHz, and its specific power is at least 1 W / cm3.

When washing fabrics, it is not necessary to bring the process to cavitation, moreover, it should be avoided so as not to destroy the fibers of the fabric. But even as a result of pre-cavitation pulsation of air microbubbles, the washing efficiency increases, since the washing liquid "works" not only on the surface of the fabric, but also in the capillary channels inside it.

Despite the relatively low power of ultrasonic vibrations generated by USSM, the formation of bubbles in a liquid can be observed with one's own eyes. Heat up to 50...60°C a small amount (0.5...0.7 l) of ordinary tap water and pour it into a two-liter plastic bottle with a cut off top. Place the UZSM emitter at the bottom of the bottle. When the power is on

The microbubbles formed above the emitter are united into clearly visible clusters, which scatter from it along intricate trajectories. This may indicate that the device is working. Another way to test the USM is with a specially made ultrasonic indicator. Using such a device, one can be convinced, in particular, that ultrasound excited in a liquid practically does not go beyond the limits of the vessel, being reflected from its walls and from the air-liquid interface.

The serviceability of the UZSM can also be assessed indirectly by the current consumed from the supply network. In the completely serviceable UZSM "Ultraton MS-2000" tested by the author, this current was in the range of 25 ... 30 mA, which at a voltage of 220 V corresponds to a power consumption of about 5 watts. Quite far from the "no more than 15 W" indicated in the passport, although the formal compliance of the documentation is obvious. In the absence of generation, the consumed current is several times less. The UZSM produced by various companies is very simple according to the scheme, however, these schemes are very difficult to find, since the manufacturers themselves do not distribute them and do not apply them to the products sold. In order to eliminate the simplest malfunctions without resorting to the services of service centers, radio amateurs have to independently draw up a diagram of a failed device, "decoding" the pattern of printed conductors on its board.

The diagram of one of the UZSMs compiled in this way has already been published. A somewhat more complex scheme of the UZSM "Ultraton MS-2000" is shown in Fig. 1. Please note that the reference designations of its elements may not correspond to the factory ones, since they are absent on the printed circuit board examined by the author.

The main element of the device is a pulse generator with a half-bridge output on the IR53HD420 chip, a detailed description of which can be found in, and a simplified diagram of the internal device is shown in fig. 2. This hybrid IC is designed for use in low-power push-pull switching converters, and is the well-known IR2153 "electronic ballast" IC, supplemented with output FETs and a diode with a fast reverse resistance recovery time, the purpose of which will be explained later.

The maximum supply voltage of the transistor half-bridge is 500 V; the resistance of the drain-source channels of field-effect transistors in the open state is 3 ohms; the maximum average drain current of these transistors at a case temperature of 85 ° C is 0.5 A; maximum switching frequency - 1 MHz; maximum power dissipation - 2 W; diode reverse resistance recovery time - 50 ns.

The mains voltage through the current-limiting resistors R1R2 and the filter L1C1C2 is supplied to the diode bridge VD1. The rectified voltage pulsating at a frequency of 100 Hz, having passed through the FU1 fuse-link, is used to power the device. After 1 ... 2s after turning on the device in the network, the voltage across the capacitor C3 reaches 9 V and the DD1 microcircuit starts to work. Its supply voltage in steady state (12 ... 13 V) is limited by an internal zener diode. With the values ​​\u200b\u200bof the elements of the C4R3R4 circuit indicated in the diagram, the frequency of the output pulses of the microcircuit is about 20.5 kHz (the exact value is set by the tuning resistor R4).

When the switching transistors are turned on in turn, the potential of the connection point of the source of the "upper" transistor VT1 "and the drain of the" lower "transistor VT2" becomes approximately equal to either +310 V applied to the drain of the transistor VT1, or zero. In this case, the voltage between the gate and source of the transistor VT1 "should change from 0 to +12 V. In order to ensure this mode, the voltage at pin 6 of the IR53HD420 chip, which feeds the stage that generates pulses at the gate of the transistor VT1, must change synchronously with the source potential of this transistor. This mode is achieved by connecting capacitor C5 (see Fig. 1) between pins 6 and 7 of the microcircuit. When the transistor VT2 "is open, this capacitor is charged through the diode VD1" and through the open transistor to a voltage of approximately 12 V. When switching transistors, the voltage on terminals 6 and 7 grows and the diode VD1 "closes, but the energy stored in the capacitor continues to feed the cascade that controls the transistor VT1". pump.

The primary winding of the transformer T1 is connected to the output of the IR53HD420 microcircuit through an isolation capacitor C6. Its secondary winding is loaded with a BQ1 piezoceramic ultrasonic transducer. The HL1 LED, turning on 1 ... 2 s after the mains voltage is applied to the UZSM, signals the normal operation of the DD1 microcircuit. Of course, it will also glow if there are breaks in the windings of the transformer T1 or if the emitter BQ1 is faulty, but such an indication is still better than simply monitoring the presence of mains voltage.

The oscillogram of the voltage at the output of the microcircuit is shown in fig. 3. The fluctuation of the peaks of the pulses is a consequence of the supply of the output field-effect transistors of the microcircuit with an almost unsmoothed voltage pulsing at a frequency of 100 Hz. After the isolation capacitor, the voltage loses its constant component and on the I winding of the transformer T1 takes the form shown in Fig. 4.

On the winding II of the transformer T1 and on the radiator BQ1, due to the resonant properties of the latter, the voltage is almost sinusoidal (Fig. 5). Note the significant amplitude of this voltage. But it also acts in the cable connecting the emitter with the generator part of the UZSM. The pickups it creates can significantly distort the readings of sensitive acoustic instruments used to measure the intensity of ultrasound, not to mention the possibility of electrical injury if the cable insulation is broken.

The low-frequency modulation of the ultrasound emitted by USSM can be easily eliminated or reduced by connecting another one with a capacity of 10 or more microfarads in parallel with the capacitor C7. At the same time, the average power of oscillations will also increase. Experimental verification shows that the additional heating of the DD1 chip and the T1 transformer is practically imperceptible. Why don't they do it?

The main purpose of low-frequency modulation of ultrasound emitted by USSM is, in the opinion of the author, by no means to facilitate the thermal regime of switching transistors or to reduce the temperature of the magnetic circuit. The need for modulation is due to a known physical phenomenon called wave interference. In the volume of the liquid in the basin during washing, standing ultrasonic waves arise - the result of the interference of direct waves with those reflected from the water-air interface and from the walls of the basin. As a result, at a constant frequency of ultrasonic vibrations, "dead zones" are inevitably formed, where the intensity of ultrasound is minimal. Modulation contributes to the "blurring" of such zones, since the phase of ultrasonic vibrations of different frequencies arriving in them, which are formed as a result of modulation, is different and their addition no longer gives a zero result.

In conclusion, I give a table of malfunctions of the UZSM "Ultraton MS-2000" and their possible causes. The operability of the device is restored by replacing the failed element. The frequency of the internal oscillator of the DD1 microcircuit is regulated by the trimmer resistor R4 to the maximum voltage on the emitter BQ1.

The author hopes that the presented material will help radio amateurs in self-repair of UZSM. At the same time, one should not forget about the presence in the device of galvanic connection of its elements with the network, as well as an alternating voltage with an amplitude of more than 600 V, which is a great danger to the human body.
1. Kosenko S. Ultrasonic indicator. - Radio, 2006, No. 12, pp. 37-39.
2. Sakevich N. Repair ultrasonic washing machine "Retona". - Radio, 2006, No. 6, p. 44.
3. Self-oscillating Half Bridge IR53H(D)420. - .
From the editor. For the manifestation of the effect of "blurring" of dead zones described by the author, it is necessary that the path difference of the interfering waves be comparable to a quarter of the wavelength of the modulating frequency (for 100 Hz - approximately 4 m in water). It is hardly possible when washing in a small basin.
Editor - A. Dolgiy, graphics - A. Dolgiy

It so happened that in the house, as a gift, an electric massager "Magician" appeared. And it is not at all surprising that for some time he "was out of work." In other words, they simply forgot about it. He was reminded of his medical diagnosis - "Inflammation of the nerve root." Since then, we have been in touch periodically. The electric massager is a monoblock made of impact-resistant plastic, which contains absolutely everything that is the component parts of the device.

The body dimensions are as follows: 240 x 170 x 85 mm, device weight 1.8 kg. Rated power supply voltage 220 volts AC, power consumption 20 watts. On the external control panel there are two potentiometers (for adjusting the heating temperature and the range of vibration movement of the massage membrane), eight square buttons for switching the vibration frequency of the massage membrane and a switch button (red). Below it and to the right is the light indication window for turning on the device. Above the control panel is the cover of the case, equipped with a key to actuate the locking device of the cover.

The internal volume of the pencil case is optimal - everything you need is included, but subject to proper placement. The contents of the case include working attachments, the vibrator itself with a connecting cable, and a power cord. The presence of this pencil case inside the body of the massager makes its storage during the idle period very convenient, allowing the entire configuration of the device to be in one place.

The vibrator is a cylinder with a diameter of 70 mm and a length of 50 mm, on one side of which there is a threaded connection for installing various types of interchangeable nozzles. The vibrator has a 110 mm long handle to hold and move it during operation. Vibrator weight 200 grams.

There are not many working nozzles: spiked, flat, hemispherical and ball, but this is more than enough. In fact, only one flat nozzle is used, somehow there is more confidence in it, probably as the most reminiscent of the human palm of a massage specialist?

The frequency switching buttons on the front panel are signed with symbols of the real number of frequencies output by the device. The intensity and heating controls have convenient knobs for turning them from the starting point marked with the number "0". Also on the handles there are red marks for visual orientation of the degree of their rotation.

On the side of the case there is a connector for connecting a power cord, a fuse installation site and an additional technological connector about which I personally did not find any mention in the manual.

In order to open the case, you need to unscrew the four screws. On the left is a step-down transformer, powerful resistors of the PPB-15G brand and transistors in a metal case KT602A, electrolytic capacitors, and a tuning resistor are clearly visible. The rest is on the other side of the board.

The scheme of the electric massager "Wizard" is no more than medium complexity, it is quite possible to assemble it yourself. If anything will cause difficulty, it is the manufacture of the vibrator. It will be difficult to do without a visual example. Scheme in a more readable form and a list of electronic components in the archive. The biggest drawback specifically in my copy is the color. White plastic is extremely easily soiled. The second minus is the instructions for use (100 pages of small text), here's the one that already has an abbreviated version. After all, we do not study to be doctors, but to heal a little with mild forms of ailments. In general, the electric massager "Magician" is the simplicity and accessibility of self-administered therapeutic massage, as well as a real opportunity to speed up the healing process. I wish everyone to learn how to recover quickly, but it’s better not to get sick at all!

the second one is like this

As it turned out, there are quite a lot of such massagers on the market. Including the house turned out to be similar but with the DeSheli logo.

To be honest, I was expecting a worse picture to see inside. Let's start with white:

I was pleased with the presence of metal embedded elements in plastic, which is a plus in terms of durability and maintainability. Minus - there are no sealing elements between the plate with the ultrasonic emitter. Although everything is quite tightly fitted, cream can clog into the gap over time, which is not very hygienic.

the microcontroller is located on the board without marking. The excitation of ultrasonic vibrations is entrusted to a generator of one transistor and an inductor with a small amount of strapping, i.e. There are no transformers at all.

The piezo itself is quite large.

The power is such that if you turn on the ultrasonic mode, then a drop of water on the plate effectively turns into a jet of cold steam (ultrasonic dispersion).

As stated in the instructions - operates at a frequency of 1 MHz

At the same time, the mode is typical for ultrasonic sinks, and not ultrasonic humidifiers, vibrations are created not all the time, but in batches with a frequency of 50 Hz (half of the oscillation period is present, half is not)

The massager has several modes:

1) Light. Choice of red, blue, green. Supplied with tinted silicone goggles. IMHO complete nonsense, with the power and spectrum of the installed LEDs, there is no sense, and danger too.

2) Ultrasonic radiation. It comes in batches, felt when sliding fingers over a polished emitter

3) Electrophoretic mode. The central round metal disk is the first electrode. a metallized frame at the end along the entire handle is the second electrode. Between them in this mode, a potential difference of 16V is created. Polarity is set by mode or alternated.

4) EMS mode - in fact, an electrical impulse stimulator. Includes gloves made of metallized fabric, skin electrodes. At maximum power, it stings with current - pulses up to 150V. In this case, a burst of pulses alternates with rest, the oscilloscope, alas, shows them as a non-periodic process.

The thing is funny but not safe, if you put on gloves, then the current will go through the heart. The current strength is not enough to kill, but only if the person is healthy and does not have abnormal reactions or a weak heart.

The second massager is self-powered by a lithium battery:

The central electrode has a silicone sealing gasket, which pleased. The piezocrystal itself is smaller, from which both the power is lower and the frequency of operation is higher

Has the following modes:

1) Light, like the previous one

2) Vibration, but so weak that it is not noticeable

3) Electrophoresis. The same 16V

4) Ultrasound

In general, two things are of interest - electrophoresis and ultrasound. Electrophoresis, of course, will require the correct grip, since you need to squeeze the inserts as tightly as possible with your palm for good contact, and will facilitate the penetration of substances from the cream into the skin. And ultrasound, which in theory is able to significantly intensify the penetration of substances from creams into the pores of the skin. Light, vibration - in terms of usefulness, no more than stroking the heel, that is, they are absolutely useless with the power presented. Electrical impulses are more of a prank than an effective muscle stimulator

The principle of operation of the device

The device generates impulse currents of a certain strength and frequency. When two electrodes are applied to the skin, currents arise between them that pass through the tissues of our body.

The low-frequency or high-frequency electrical stimulation created by the device acts on nerve fibers, amplifying or weakening nerve impulses. Thus, it is possible both to stimulate muscle contraction, and vice versa, to relax them.

Electrical stimulation improves blood and lymph circulation, activating the delivery of necessary substances to cells and the removal of "all unnecessary" from body tissues. Electric currents can effectively block the conduction of pain impulses, as well as affect the very cause of pain.

"Stimulus" can be practically indispensable in cases where a person does not have the opportunity to fully force his muscles to work. For example, bedridden patients or weakened.

Conversely, a soothing massage can be useful after heavy physical exertion, to relieve muscle “clamps” during sedentary work.

How Stimulus works

When you apply electrodes to a certain area of ​​your body and turn on the device, pulsed currents of a certain frequency and strength are formed between the electrodes. You can adjust the frequency and strength of the pulses yourself.

Electrical impulses affect your body - skin, subcutaneous tissues, muscles, nerves, blood vessels. The currents affect the most important life processes - the work of the lymphatic and blood capillaries, the contraction of muscle fibers, the conduction of nerve impulses, inter- and intracellular transport of substances, chemical processes, the properties of liquids, and much more.

In certain cases, this effect is the most effective treatment method of all known.

"Stimulus" is able to have both a tonic effect on the tissues of the body, and a relaxing one. It all depends on the strength and frequency of the pulses that the device generates. And you can control these parameters yourself. Moreover, the device is very easy to use.

"Stimulus" is a massager. We all know that traditional massage is a physical effect on our body. Massage can be both stimulating, warming (for example, for athletes before training), and relaxing. As a rule, during the massage, one person “kneads” the body of another person with his hands. At the same time, in the “massaged” tissues, the work of blood and lymphatic vessels, the circulation of fluids, the work of nerve fibers, and so on, improve. But all these effects can be achieved not only by mechanical action, but also by electrical. After all, all our internal processes are of an electrical nature and are well studied by science.

The transcutaneous electric impulse massager "Stimulus" was developed by Siberian scientists on the basis of human physiology and biochemistry data and is an effective physiotherapeutic device. "Stimulus" has passed a number of clinical trials and proved its effectiveness in practice. The device is safe to use and can be used both in a hospital and at home.

Several NOT

During the day, you can use different physiotherapy devices, but, just in case, you should not use them at the same time. To each his own time.

In some situations, before using the "Stimulus" need to consult a doctor:

  • during an acute illness;
  • in the presence of a malignant tumor;
  • during pregnancy;
  • in diseases of the heart.

Not it is desirable to apply electrodes to the region of the heart, to the bare area near the mouth, or to parts of the body with damaged skin.

If during a massage session you want to move the electrodes to another part of the body, first turn off the device.

Not use "Stimulus" simultaneously with other electronic devices.
Not use the device while sleeping.
Not apply and do not lean the electrodes against metal objects - jewelry, buckles, zippers and others.
Not use the device on one area of ​​the body for more than 30 minutes.

Increase the power of the device during the session NOT abruptly, but gradually.

Some general rules for the use of "Stimulus"

The optimal time for one session is 5-10 minutes. After 15 minutes, the device automatically turns off the pulses, since prolonged stimulation causes muscle fatigue.

Standard number of sessions: 1-2 per day for the first week of use. Then the number of sessions can be increased.

Adjust the strength of the impulses yourself. The rule "the stronger the better" is not always true. Excessive intensity of pulses can lead to discomfort, irritation or redness of the skin.

Focus on your own feelings. The use of the device should not cause too much discomfort or pain. You can always reduce the intensity of the impulses and reduce the session time.

Reusable electrodes. The duration of the electrodes is theoretically unlimited.

Remember that current only occurs between TWO electrodes!
Applying only one electrode and trying to check the operation of the device is pointless.

  1. Electronic block - 1 pc.
  2. Electronic cord with safety plug - 1 pc.
  3. Durable electrodes 2 pairs
  4. Velcro tape for attaching electrodes - 1 pc.
  5. Batteries AAA - 2 pcs.
  6. Operation manual - 1 pc.
  7. CD with video instructions - 1 pc.

It is very easy to use the device. This does not require special knowledge and skills. Apply electrodes to the "problem" area and get the desired effect!

  1. LCD display
  2. Impact intensity level
  3. Exposure mode
  4. Exposure frequency
  5. Control Panel
  6. Enable/Boost button
  7. Disable/Release Button
  8. Mode switch button
  9. "Intensity/Frequency" setting switch button


All indicators on the indicatorsdisplay grow

1. Turn on the device.

2. When setting the intensity - increases the intensity of the impulses. Right indicator but

3. When setting the frequency - increases the frequency of the pulses. Left indicator from

Button"Turn off/Loosen"

If indicatorsintensity orfrequency of exposure is higherunits, pressing a button"Off" gives the device"Release" command

1. Turn off the device

2. When adjusting the intensity, reduces the intensity of the pulses

3. When setting the frequency, reduces the pulse frequency

To turn off "Stimulus", firstminimize impactimpulses

Switch Mode Button

Sequentially switches eight exposure modes:

1. Tapping mode

2. "Knead" mode

3. Rubbing mode

Toggle Intensity/Frequency Settings button

intensity only possible with the "On" buttons. (boost) or "Off" (let loose)

2. Press once, the intensity mode will turn on. Right indicator but

3. Pressing this button again allows you to adjust the Frequency of exposure. Left indicator from

A few basic rules for working with the device

1. To avoid electric shock, make sure that during the session, metal objects (chains, buckles, bracelets, buttons, watches, etc.), as well as water, do not come into contact with the electrodes.

2. To ensure maximum contact and, consequently, the effect of beneficial effects, the skin areas for applying the electrodes, as well as the surface of the applied plates, must be clean.

3. Increasing the frequency and power of the impact of electrical impulses should be gradual, remaining within the comfort of sensations.

4. Disconnection of one of the electrodes for more than seven seconds turns off the device.

5. In order for the device to bring you benefit and pleasure for many years, you should carefully study the instructions in the part “VERY IMPORTANT!” (page 3).


The intensity level of exposure shows the intensity (strength) of electrical impulses

You can independently choose the strength of the impulses:
1 strip - minimum,
10 strips - maximum


The exposure mode shows the "massage" mode, tuned to a specific area of ​​​​the body

You can independently choose the massage mode for a certain part of the body by successively pressing the "Mode" button


Frequency of electrical impulses: from low to high frequency: 1 bar - minimum (lowest frequency), 10 bars - maximum

You can choose the frequency of the impulses yourself by pressing the "On" button in succession to increase, or "Off" to weaken the frequency of exposure


Displays the time remaining until the end of the session


Modes of influence basic: Tapping, kneading, rubbing

If the mode is enabled, its icon flashes on the display screen. The flashing speed depends on the set exposure frequency.


Flickering mode indication "Tapping"

Shoulders, Arms and Legs


Flickering mode indication "Knead"

The flickering of the same icons means work in modes "Loin" and "Joints"


Flickering mode indication "Trituration"

Where to apply the electrodes. General principles.

Place the electrodes on the area of ​​the body that you want to massage.

Keep in mind that the massage effect occurs on the area of ​​the body between the electrodes. The greater the distance between the electrodes, the greater the area we will cover with a massage effect. But even if the distance between the electrodes is too large, the efficiency of the device may decrease. Optimal distance 20- 30 cm. To secure the electrodes, use the fixing tape (included), elastic bandage or adhesive tape. In cases where electrodes are applied to the back, you may need the help of another person.

Placement of electrodes on the shoulder area.

  • With numbness of the shoulder area. This condition is usually caused by stagnation of blood in the muscles responsible for the movement of the shoulder, compression of nerve endings, muscle fatigue, or poor circulation in the subcutaneous tissues and muscles.
  • Use massage mode "combined for the shoulder girdle". Position the electrodes symmetrical on both shoulders.

Applying electrodes to the lumbar area

  • With muscular and neuralgic pain in the back and lower back, numbness.
  • use mode "Combined for the lumbar." Apply plates symmetrically to the part of the back where you are experiencing pain, so that the spine is between the electrodes, as indicated in the figure.

Placement of electrodes on the hands

  • With pain in the muscles of the shoulder and forearm.
  • use mode "Combined for hands". Place the plates as shown in the picture.

Applying electrodes to the legs (Feet)

  • With a feeling of cold, swelling and fatigue of the legs. These symptoms are caused by impaired blood and lymph circulation in the legs. Swelling and tired legs are often caused by poor blood and lymph flow.
  • use mode "Combined for legs". Attach one plate to the sole and the other to the calf muscle, as in fig.

Applying electrodes to the legs (calves)

  • With swelling and fatigue of the calf muscles. As a rule, these symptoms are due to venous and lymphatic congestion, as well as muscle fatigue.
  • use mode "Combined for legs". Apply plates on the upper and lower parts of the calf muscle.

Applying electrodes to the area of ​​the joints

  • For pain in the elbow and knee joints. To improve blood circulation.
  • use mode "Combined for joint areas on arms and legs." Place the plates as shown.

Placement of electrodes on the back

  • You may find it difficult to place electrodes on your back alone. Ask someone to help you.

1. The device is powered by two AAA batteries. It can be batteries or accumulators. Insert the batteries, observing polarity, into the battery compartment on the underside of the instrument.

2. Batteries included in the scope of supply are intended only for testing the device. Their service life can be less than a month.

3. If the device is not used for a long time - remove the batteries.

4. If the device does not turn on or you notice that the massage effect has weakened, replace the batteries.

5. The average life of one set of conventional batteries with a single daily use of the device is approximately 3 months.

1. Make sure the device is turned off.

2. Insert the plug of the electrode cord into the appropriate socket on the device.

3. Gently insert the pin ends of the cord into the holes on the electrodes. The color of the tips does not matter.

4. The surface of the electrodes must be dry and clean.

5. Do not use the device if the electrodes or the electrode cord are damaged.

1. Place the electrodes at some distance from each other on the area of ​​the body chosen for massage. The skin at the application site must be clean and dry. Do not bend the electrodes.

2. Fix the electrodes with the fixing tape included in the kit. You can also use an elastic bandage or adhesive tape.

3. Turn on the device with the "Enable / Boost" button. The device will immediately turn on in the “Tapping” mode. In this case, the strength and frequency of massage impulses will be minimal.

4. Select the desired massage mode with the "Switch mode" button. You will read about the modes of the device below.

5. Adjust the intensity and frequency with the On/Boost and Off/Lower buttons. And the adjustable parameter itself - intensity or frequency, select the "Intensity / Frequency" button.

6. Do not remove the electrodes during the session. If this happens, the device will automatically turn off after 7 seconds.

7. After the end of the massage session, turn off the device and remove the electrodes.

We remind you that the device automatically turns off after 15 minutes of operation!

Stimulus has several programs that can operate in several modes.

For an example of programming and setting up "STIMULUS", consider a mode that helps to get rid of muscular and neuralgic pain in the back and lower back, as well as numbness.

We use the "Combined for the lumbar" mode.

1. Place the plates symmetrically on the part of the back where you are experiencing pain, so that the spine is between the electrodes, as shown in the figure.


2. Turn on the massager. On button.


3. Press the "Mode" button 4 times in a row.


A fragment of the Silhouette in the lumbar region will flash on the screen.
If the plates are attached tightly, the device starts to work. This is easy to understand from the icons.
Blinking means everything is fine. No - press the electrodes tighter!

4. Press the "I / CH" button - the ability to control will turn on intensity exposure (the indicator in the RIGHT lower corner reflects the level in the form of the number of strips. Minimum 1, maximum ten).


5. Press the "On" button raise the INTENSITY (power of IMPACT) to the desired level.


If we “went through” with the power of exposure, we return it to a comfortable level by successively pressing the “Off” button.

6. Press the "I/Ch" button again - the ability to control will turn on Frequency exposure (the indicator in the lower LEFT corner reflects the level in the form of a number of bars).


7. Press the "On" buttons and "Off" adjust the Frequency (speed of pulses) to an effective and comfortable level.


Always use only clean plates.
Do not bend the plates. Avoid touching the plates with metal objects such as belt buckle, chain, etc.

tapping improves blood circulation

Single impulses
The device turns on in this mode by default.

kneading relieves fatigue

Short series of high frequency pulses.

Trituration gradually relieves neuralgia or muscle pain

Long series of pulses
Turns on by successively pressing the "Mode" button until a blinking icon appears

Combined mode for the shoulder girdle
Turns on by successively pressing the "Mode" button until a blinking icon appears

Combined mode for the lumbar
Turns on by successively pressing the "Mode" button until a blinking icon appears

The intensity and frequency to a comfortable but effective level are adjusted in the same way as in the previous modes using the buttons

Combined mode for hands
Turns on by successively pressing the "Mode" button until a blinking icon appears

The intensity and frequency to a comfortable but effective level are adjusted in the same way as in the previous modes using the buttons

Combined mode for the joints of the hands and feet
It turns on by successively pressing the "Mode" button until the appearance

The intensity and frequency to a comfortable but effective level are adjusted in the same way as in the previous modes using the buttons

Combined mode for legs
Turns on by successively pressing the "Mode" button until a blinking icon appears

The intensity and frequency to a comfortable but effective level are adjusted in the same way as in the previous modes using the buttons

General rules

Session time. The optimal number of sessions and the level of intensity of exposure.

The standard massage time for one area is 10-15 minutes. A full massage session should not exceed 30 minutes, and for this you will have to turn on the device again.

Optimal number of sessions: 1-2 per day.

The choice of intensity and frequency depends on the physical condition of the person. Therefore, these parameters are selected individually. In the first few days of use, determine the massage regimen that is most comfortable for you by trying different intensity and frequency of exposure. If you feel tired or uncomfortable after a massage, reduce the intensity and frequency of the impulses next time, or shorten the session time.

Please note that the intensity of exposure may vary depending on the battery level and the condition of the electrodes.

Preparing the instrument for storage

  1. Switch off the device and unplug the cord from the device.
  2. Roll up the elastic bandage.
  3. Carefully, without bending the electrode cord and the electrodes and avoiding the electrode pin being torn, wrap the electrode cord around the electrodes.

Care and storage of the device

  1. Keep the device out of the reach of children.
  2. It is not advisable to expose the device to high humidity, high temperature, direct sunlight, strong electromagnetic fields.
  3. In case of long-term storage of the device, it is necessary to remove the batteries from it.
  4. If the electrodes become dirty, clean them with a damp cloth or cotton pad. Do not use hot water, detergents or chemicals, liquids containing alcohol or other solvents. Do not scrape the surface of the electrodes with your nails or brush.
  5. Keep all parts of the instrument in the packing box along with this manual.
  6. Before cleaning the appliance, be sure to turn it off and unplug the power cord.
  7. Wipe the device with a soft cloth. If the instrument is heavily soiled, wipe it with a damp cloth. Wipe dry. Make sure that water does not get inside.
  8. Do not use benzine or thinner to clean the instrument.

In case of non-compliance with the operating rules, the manufacturer is not responsible for the performance of the device!





The device does not turn on

Batteries installed incorrectly or out of charge

Install the batteries, observing the polarity. Replace batteries

Appliance switches off too quickly

The electrodes are loose

Place the electrodes on the skin surface correctly (otherwise the device will turn off automatically)

The device turns off during the procedure

The plates have moved away from the body

Switch off the device before removing the electrodes from the skin

Weak or discharged batteries

Install new batteries with correct polarity.

Faulty electrode cord

Replace Cord

Stimulation is not felt

Electrodes placed on wet skin

Wipe dry the surface of the skin where the electrodes are placed

The electrodes have been stored at too high a temperature, high humidity, or in direct sunlight.

Put the electrodes in the refrigerator overnight

Press the electrodes closer to the skin

Electrodes touch each other

Place the electrodes on the body correctly as described earlier in this manual

Cord connected incorrectly

Check if the cord is connected correctly

Intensity set too low

Turn up the intensity

Battery power is too weak

Install new batteries

Damage to the electrode surface

Replace electrodes with new ones

skin redness skin irritation

Session time is excessive

Reduce session time

The electrodes are loosely applied to the body

Check electrode tightness

The electrode surface is dirty

Clean the electrodes from contamination


The warranty period of the device is 12 months from the date of sale, but not more than 36 months from the date of manufacture.

During the warranty period, in case of detection of defects that have arisen through no fault of the consumer, the manufacturer provides warranty service for the device (repair or replacement) at its own expense.

Warranty service is subject to the following conditions:

  • availability of a completed certificate of acceptance and sale;
  • unexpired warranty period;
  • safety and compliance of the device marking with the date of manufacture,
  • specified in the certificate of acceptance and sale;
  • no damage to the device, gas-filled electrode and connecting cord;
  • no traces of moisture, contamination of the device;
  • no signs of opening the device.