Synopsis of GCD on ecology in the preparatory school group "Nature is our common home." Abstract of the GCD on ecology "How people offended the river"

Target: contribute to the replenishment of environmental knowledge of preschoolers.

Synopsis of the GCD on cognitive development (cognition of the FTsKM) "Help to the spring stream" (preparatory group)

Integration of educational areas:

cognitive development

Speech development

Artistic and aesthetic development

Physical development

Social and communicative development

Purpose: to contribute to the replenishment of environmental knowledge of preschoolers.

Objectives: to teach children to respect natural resources and the environment;

develop cognitive activity, attention, memory, logical thinking, the ability to analyze;

to educate ecological culture among preschoolers;

Methods and techniques: visual method (methods of showing objects; sample; methods of action, use of TCO); verbal method (story, conversation, artistic word, teacher's poems); practical method (performing practical tasks, physical education - the game "Trickle"); imitation method (reception of the game).

Preliminary work: reading works about nature protection and natural resources, watching educational cartoons about environmental protection; didactic games, learning poems and songs, drawing, application, modeling on the topic.

Equipment: playing environment "Purple Forest" V.V. Voskobovich, Carpetograph "Casket", fairy-tale characters - Raven Meter, Luch Vladyka; a stream (made of colored paper), garbage (cans, pieces of paper, etc.), pictures about nature conservation (at the choice of the teacher), children's drawings about nature conservation.

Lesson progress

Organizing time

Educator: Guys, today is a beautiful spring day. Let's hold hands, smile and say to each other: "Good afternoon."


Educator: Guys, nature woke up after the winter cold. All living things are happy with the spring sun. Now we will go to the Purple Forest, see how the awakening nature feels. Maybe she needs our help? ( Music sounds - the sound of a stream). We will travel together with the spring stream. He, too, woke up after the winter and wants to check his possessions. Let's hit the road. ( To the music of the teacher’s choice, the children “snake” move around the group).

Main part

Educator: Guys, you hear someone crying. Let's get closer to the stream. This is a Christmas tree. What happened to her? Look closely at the bark of the tree. She got burned. (Picture of a burnt tree). What do you think could happen? (There was a fire in the forest).

Name the causes of forest fires. (Children in subgroups tell from pictures).

- Careless handling of fire. The carelessness of people who do not put out matches, fires and cigarette butts.

- Breeding fires.

- Forgotten bottles in the forest or uncollected fragments.

- Uncontrolled burning of grass.

- Ignoring fire safety rules.

Educator: Together with the grass, the fertile layer of the earth burns. Fire kills insects, animals and birds. Do not run away from the fire those whose houses are in the grass. Let's not mindlessly spoil what nature has been creating for millions of years! Let's turn to the forest stream for help.

1 child: Our cheerful stream,

He runs, hurries

To help,

And tell all the people:

That you can't play with fire

Spruce, grass burns,

All living things die

Brook knows about it!

Educator: The streamlet gathered all its strength and splashed water on the burnt spruce and grass.

Educator: How can we help the stream and nature? ( Clear the shore of debris). We will be an ecological landing. ( Children wear green caps. We'll take out the trash. ( Children collect garbage in a bag).

Educator: From year to year, a terrible picture is observed on the banks of reservoirs. Mountains of garbage are left behind by vacationers. Local residents turn the surroundings of reservoirs into a garbage dump. Harmful substances contained in the garbage enter the water and are very dangerous for living organisms. Garbage rots, decay products fall into the reservoir, polluting it. All living things die (fish, algae, frogs, waterfowl), because they lack oxygen in dirty water.

We cannot completely solve the problem of garbage. But we can make a useful contribution: go to a garbage collection cleanup day. And most importantly - take care of the environment - do not litter! It takes one million years for a glass bottle to decompose; for a plastic bag from 500 to 1000 years; cigarette butts - from 1 to 5 years; apple core rots from 1 to 2 months.

Educator: Guys, is it possible to solve the problem of garbage? Your suggestions.

Educator: All over the world, garbage is disposed of (destroy, recycle).

Educator: What types of waste disposal can you name? (waste incineration, disposal, recycling)

Burning garbage is the simplest solution. But this is not an ecological way. Why do you think? (poisonous and harmful substances accumulate in the air from burning garbage. It is difficult for all living things to breathe). Recycling is the most ecological waste management option. Waste processing plants are built to process waste. But first, the garbage needs to be sorted. Often in the city of Yaroslavl we see garbage containers with images indicating the type of garbage (paper, glass, plastic, metal).

Educator: Guys, if there is no trash can nearby, what will you do? ( children's statements: put the paper in your pocket, put the garbage in a bag and throw it in the nearest trash bin).

Physical education: The game "Brook"

Educator: Well done, guys, helped the brook. A clear, sonorous stream runs further. Forest animals and plants rejoice in a clear stream: they drink fresh, tasty, spring water.

2 child: We helped the brook,

Clean up trash on the beach.

Never throw away paper, peels, cans,

After all, the river banks will turn into a dump.

Take your trash

Throw it in the trash!

Educator: Soon a clean stream will run to a huge river. She is already visible at the edge of the forest. Guys, something brook calmed down, not murmuring.

3 child: The plant is on the way,

Loud, loud he makes noise.

Black smoke is flying from the chimney.

There is another pipe

Oh she's dangerous

Waste runs along it into the river,

Waste from this factory.

Trouble threatens all water bodies:

Living things die

Without parsing.

Educator: Guys, how to help the brook? ( Children's answers: close the plant, impose a fine, clean up the waste). Listen to the tale of N.A. Ryzhova "Once upon a time there was a river".

What is your main conclusion? (be careful with water resources).

To protect water bodies from harmful emissions, it is necessary to install wastewater treatment systems from harmful substances at enterprises.

Final part:

Educator: Guys, our stream lives in the fabulous Purple Forest. Miracles happen in it. Here, too, a miracle will happen. The Master Ray will help us with this. Let's all join hands, stand in a circle and say:

Beam Lord, help,

Spell say

To keep the waters clean

On Earth, for all nature.

Educator: The brook rang even more cheerfully. Thank you guys for your help.

4 child: Pure water runs to the sister river.

And my sister asked

What are you ringing, having fun?

I am grateful to the guys

These friendly preschoolers.

5 child: They helped in trouble,

Forest, animals, and me:

Put out the forest fire

(I was a hero too)

6 child: Remove garbage from the banks,

And to the offenders to say:

Do not throw away waste
And don't pollute all the waters.

Don't blow smoke from the factories

Throw waste into the river

This is harmful to nature.

We need to think-

Summary of the lesson:

Sources used:

  1. 100 headings: ecological assortment //Bibliomania
  2. Zhogova E.N. We need to protect, protect the wealth that nature gives ... : ecologist. fairy tale: for children 8–10 years old / E. N. Zhogova // Books, notes and toys for Katyushka and Andryushka. - 2015. - No. 2. - P. 61–63. (How beautiful this world is!).
  3. Zakhoder B.V. About everyone in the world: Poems, fairy tales / Khudozh. A. Gardyan, A. Martynov, O. Nedzvetskaya. – M.: Onyx Publishing House, 2010. – 160 p.: ill.
  4. Svirelka: monthly. magazine about nature for children, - Moscow: Editorial board of the almanac "Lazur", 2009 - 32p.
  5. Shim E.Yu. Stories and fairy tales about nature. - M .: "Dragonfly", 2010.-60 p.: ill.
  6. Yakovleva T. "Saving water - saving life" (children's ecological fairy tales).

Synopsis of nature classes in the senior group spring.

Position: teacher of the highest category
Place of work: MDOU No. 19 "Birch" NMR
Location: Kozmodemyansk village, Yaroslavl district, Yaroslavl region


Educational: Consolidate children's knowledge of wildlife, expand ideas about the relationship of man with it.

Developing: to develop thought processes in children, a mental operation of comparison and evidence-based speech, to enrich vocabulary.

Educational: to cultivate a respectful, consciously correct attitude towards nature, an interest in knowledge.

Material: illustrations of wild animals, insects, plants, underwater inhabitants, various tools and equipment, slides on the topic of the lesson. Book T.I. Tarabarina, E.I. Sokolov "Study and play, natural history", white thick paper, colored pencils, paints.

Preliminary work:reading B. Zubkov's book "What the bat prompted", looking at illustrations depicting wild animals, insects, marine life, postcards "Live barometers".

Course progress.

Music sounds and slides depicting forests, birds, animals, insects change on the screen.

Teacher: Guys, what did you see on the screen just now? (forest, meadows, fields, birds, various animals), but how can all this be called in one word?

Children: Nature.

Teacher: What does the word nature mean?

Children: Nature is plants, birds, various animals, fish, insects.

Teacher: Do you like to observe nature?

Children: Yes.

Teacher: Tell us what interesting things you saw during such observations. Stories from children's experience.

Teacher: Man is very inquisitive and has long been watching animals and birds, insects and plants. There were many things that amazed and surprised him. And the man thought: what could be borrowed from them? What would be useful to apply?

An image of a tiger appears on the slide - here the tiger has sharp teeth.

Slide with the image of a bear - the bear has powerful claws.

Elephant slide - elephant has huge tusks.

And the ancient man, who lived many thousands of years ago, thought: "Shouldn't I make claws like a bear's, tusks like an elephant's, teeth like a tiger's?" (slide with the image of an ancient man and tools). Why did he do all this?

Children's answers.

Teacher: Guys, think about what kind of machines a person came up with, in which there are incisors and teeth, very similar to the fangs and teeth of various animals and animals. Various machines and tools appear on the slide, and children are encouraged to find similarities between human invention and nature.

Dandelion slide. The teacher suggests that one of the children name a flower and remember a poem about it (a dandelion wears a yellow sarafan ...)

Teacher: What kind of white dress appears at a dandelion when it fades? If you blow on it, what will happen?

Children: Fluffs will scatter in different directions (slide show).

Teacher: What do these fluffs look like.

Children: On small parachutes.

Teacher: What do you think, watching such parachutes, what did a person come up with?

Children: Large parachutes for people and cargo (slide show).

Teacher: This is how an ordinary dandelion advised a person to invent a parachute. And which of you saw in the summer that a dandelion flower suddenly closed during the day, that he tells a person with his closed flowers (slide show). The weather will be cloudy and it will rain. Man is always learning from nature.

Teacher: Guys, look at your tables, there are seeds from different trees on the trays. Find maple seeds.

Children find and show them.

Teacher: Now think about what they look like, and where does a person use it?

Children: On the propeller, aircraft propeller (slide show).

Physical education "Airplanes".

Teacher: Now tell me what a person could come up with while watching the birds (a slide depicting a flying bird) What did a person borrow from birds?

Children: Wings.

Teacher: What do aircraft and birds have in common? And how do they differ from each other?

Children's answers.

Teacher: If there were no birds in the world, a person would not know at all what “flying” is. What are airplanes like?

Children: On big birds (slide show).

Teacher: The teacher shows a slide with a picture of a dragonfly. Who is it? (dragonfly) Is it a bird? What class does she belong to? (for insects). And what did a person come up with while watching a dragonfly?

Children: Helicopter (slide show).

Teacher: And now, I invite you on a journey to the underwater kingdom (slide of the underwater world). Many of you went to rest on the sea, and what did you see underwater?

Children's answers.

A slide with a picture of a jellyfish appears.

Teacher: Who knows this marine life?

Children: This is a jellyfish, you can’t pick it up.

Teacher: People peeped at the jellyfish and invented a device that predicts the approach of a storm to sailors. It turns out that the jellyfish has a special ear. It is arranged simply, but cleverly. The whole ear is a ball of liquid. Inside the ball are the smallest pebbles. Long before the storm, special disturbing sounds are heard over the waves, inaudible to humans. The sound reached the ear of the jellyfish, the ball with liquid trembled in the ear, the pebbles vibrated, disturbed the jellyfish. The jellyfish swam away from the menacing sounds, in shallow water. When a man learned how the ear of a jellyfish works, he made a device that predicts a storm. The device is also able to listen to the inaudible rumble, the rumble of wind and waves. 15 hours before the storm, the device informs the captain of the ship: “The storm is coming! You need to take shelter in the port or get away from the storm ”(slide show)

Teacher: Observing nature, a person learns from it, using his observations to his advantage. If you walk in the forest and not yawn around, but look and look closely, you will notice a lot of interesting and useful things. Guys, do you know the rules of courtesy in the forest?

Children name the rules of behavior in the forest.

Teacher: I will read S. Mikhalkov's poem "The Walk", and you listen carefully and answer what rules both adults and children forgot.

After reading the poem, the children name which rules of behavior were violated.

Teacher: To avoid such violations, let's come up with and draw environmental signs that can be placed in the forest. What are these signs for? Who saw them in the park, forest. Children's answers.

Teacher: Such signs will remind people of the rules of behavior in nature. Let's try to come up with and draw signs that will help people not to violate the rules of behavior in nature.

Children design and draw environmental prohibition signs, and then show and explain their meaning.

S. Mikhalkov "Walk"

We came to the river to spend Sunday

And you won't find a free place near the river!

They sit here and sit there: they sunbathe and eat,

Rest as they want, hundreds of adults and children.

We walked along the shore and found a clearing.

But on a sunny meadow here and there - empty banks

And, as if to spite us, even broken glass!

We walked along the bank, found a new place.

But even here they sat before us; burned a fire, burned paper

They also drank, ate too, littered and left!

We passed, of course, by ... - Hey, guys! Dima shouted.

Here's a place to go! Spring water! Wonderful view!

Lovely beach! Unpack your luggage!

We swam, sunbathed, burned a fire, played football

Have fun as much as you can! They drank kvass, ate canned food, sang choral songs ...

Relax and leave!

And they remained in the clearing by the extinct fire:

Two bottles we broke, two soaked bagels - in a word, a mountain of garbage!

We came to the river to spend Monday,

Only a clean place near the river can not be found!

Olga Kozlova
Synopsis of GCD on environmental education in the group preparatory to school Topic: "Air"

Abstract directly educational activities

with kids preschool group

Subject: « Air»

Program content: clarify with children the concept « air» . In the course of experimentation, get acquainted with its properties. Continue to develop curiosity.

Integration of educational regions:

"Cognitive Development",


"Physical development".


Educational area "Cognitive Development":

1) contribute to the enrichment and consolidation of children's knowledge about the properties air, expanding children's understanding of the significance air in human life, animals, plants;

2) to develop in children the ability to establish causal relationships on the basis of an elementary experiment and draw conclusions;

3) the development of the organs of vision, hearing, smell, sensorimotor abilities.

Educational area "Social and communicative development":

1) to promote the development of free communication with adults and children;

development of intelligence, the ability to independently solve the problem.

2) to develop in children the skills of cooperation through experimentation;

Educational area "Artistic and aesthetic development":

1) creating conditions for experimenting with various subjects;

2) development of fantasy, creative imagination;

3) development of interest in non-traditional drawing techniques.

Methods and techniques:

- practical: experimentation.

- visual: demonstration of experiments

- verbal: conversation, questions, conclusions.

Materials and equipment: cards - property designation air, container, napkin, glass, glass of sparkling water, plasticine, drawing in blotography technique.

For every child: oilcloth, napkin, bags, toothpicks, an empty cup, a glass of water, a cocktail tube, a paper fan, a piece of plasticine, a sheet of paper.

Children's activities Forms and methods of organizing joint activities

Motor physical minutes

Game Game situations

Cognitive research Observations, experimentation

Communicative Conversations, questions

Fine drawing

Self Service Errands (individual and subgroup)

Logic of educational activity

No. Activities educator Activities of pupils Expected results

1 caregiver invites children to become researchers:

The object of our study will be air. Air is that, without which the life of man, animals, plants is impossible. And although it is invisible, we can still "see" and even get acquainted with its properties. To do this, we need items that you meet in everyday life. The children accept the offer. Activated attention.

2 Experiment #1 "How to catch air

caregiver offers to take plastic bags from the table and try to catch air.

Roll up the packages.

What happened to the packages?

What is in them?

What is he?

Do you see him?

Take a sharp stick and carefully pierce the bag. Bring it to your face and press it with your hands. What do you feel?

Conclusion: air cannot be seen but you can feel it.

Let's mark on the easel a property designation card air« Air has no color. It's transparent". Children do the experiment, observe, draw a conclusion. Develop the organs of vision, hearing, smell, sensorimotor abilities.

3 Experiment #2 "Whether there is a air in a glass

caregiver offers to take an empty glass in hand.

There is a plastic cup in front of you, take it in arms:

What is in it?

Causes one child to do experience:

(At the bottom of the glass we glue a napkin onto the plasticine, carefully press it to the bottom of the jar, turn the jar upside down, hold the jar straight vertically and lower the jar into the container with water, to the bottom of the container, then remove the jar from the water, see if the napkin gets wet).

What happened to the napkin.

Why? What does he think?

Conclusion: the napkin is not wet because there is air in the jar He didn't let water in. Children do the experiment, observe, draw a conclusion. Promote the development of free communication with adults and children;

develop intelligence, the ability to independently solve the problem.

4 Experiment #3 "We see air, using a straw and a container of water "

caregiver offers to put a glass of water in front of you, and take a straw.

Blow hard into the tubes. Now it's weak.

Were there the same number of bubbles in both cases?

Conclusion: when we exhale a lot air, then there are a lot of bubbles when we exhale less air few bubbles. With the help of a straw and a container of water, they saw air. Children do the experiment, observe, draw a conclusion. develop children's skills of cooperation through experimentation.

5 Experiment #4 "We feel air»

caregiver offers to take a fan and wave them:

Wave to them, how do you feel?

Now blow your hands, how do you feel?

Conclusion: discovered air - felt it.

Do you think we found the answer to question: How can you feel air?

With the help of which we learned how to feel air? Children do the experiment, observe, draw a conclusion. develop in children the ability to establish causal relationships on the basis of an elementary experiment and draw conclusions.

6 Experiment #5 "Living Plasticine"

Offers to throw a piece of plasticine into a glass of water

What's going on in the glass?

caregiver does the same, only with a glass of sparkling water.

What's going on in the glass? Children do the experiment, observe, draw a conclusion. develop in children the ability to establish causal relationships on the basis of an elementary experiment and draw conclusions.

7 caregiver invites you to play with air: for the game we need cocktail tubes and watercolor. We will draw an unusual winter landscape with the help of air.

Look at my drawing, I played with air and here what i got (shows drawing). What do you see in the picture? Now we will be with you with the help air, paints and tubes to draw wonderful pictures, look at me, and then we will do the work together (shows the technique blotography: put a drop of watercolor on paper and inflate it with a cocktail tube in different directions). Draw in the technique of blotography. Develop fantasy, creative imagination; interest in non-traditional drawing techniques.

8 Summarize. Summarize the knowledge gained.

Through experiments, we have seen air, heard it, felt it portable smells in the air, drew air.

Strengthened knowledge about properties air expanded children's understanding of the importance air in human life, animals, plants.

For every child:



empty cup

glass of water

cocktail tube

paper fan

piece of plasticine


watercolor paint


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Oksanna Chichulina
Synopsis of GCD on ecology in the preparatory school group "Nature is our common home."

Synopsis of GCD on ecology in the group preparatory to school

« Nature is our common home»

Educator Chichulina O.V.

Program content:

Consolidate knowledge of the rules of conduct in nature using environmental signs.

Expand children's ideas that a forest is a community of plants and animals living together in the same area.

Cultivate respect for the environment, water.


The globe, environmental signs, illustrations of a hare, an elk, a wolf and their tracks, cups, a filter made of sand, fabrics, paper, dirty water.

Lesson progress:

The riddle of the globe:

The ball is small

It has countries without people,

Cities without houses

Forests without trees

seas without water. (The globe)

Show globe model. What is a globe? (A globe is a model of the earth on which plants, animals, and humans live. The earth is their common house).

What colors do you see on it?

What color is more?

What does he represent?

What is the water in the sea?

What about rivers, lakes, ponds?

Who lives in the sea?

And now I want to tell a story about one reservoir.

Lake game

Once upon a time there was a pond. The water in it was clean, transparent, that you could even see the inhabitants of the reservoir. And on a sunny day, trees and clouds were reflected in the water. Once vacationers came to him, cut down trees, made a fire. And leaving, they left garbage, bottles, cans.

Then more and more came to this lake. Over time, water became less and less, and garbage more and more. It was no longer possible to see who lived there. Do you think this is good or bad? It became quite uncomfortable for the inhabitants of the reservoir to live in such dirty water. Guys, who can help them? How can we help this lake? (We can try to purify the water).

Experience "Water Filtration"

An experiment is being carried out to purify dirty water through a sand-paper-fabric filter, followed by an explanation of the essence of water purification and the importance of such processes for humans.

Look what sign I have. What do you think it means?

Let's leave it near our lake so that everyone knows that it is impossible to pollute water in reservoirs. Because in our common home, called the earth, the reservoirs, together with the inhabitants, should not perish.

And now I suggest you go on a trip in a hot air balloon. Repeat for me: "Goodbye, Earth, good luck".

Are you not cold?

Let's take a telescope and look into the distance. I see the tops of the trees.

Do you see? Let's land here. Come closer and see where we are, shall we? And we got into the winter forest.

Into the empty space

whitened fields

Looks fun forest

From under the black curls.

Guys, look, someone ran out of the forest and left traces. Let's try to guess who left them? (We consider the traces of a hare, fox, elk).

Riddles about animals

Straight across the field

Rides white collar


tail fluffy,

golden fur,

Lives in the forest

He steals chickens in the village.

(A fox)

Touching the grass with hooves,

handsome man walks in the forest

Walks boldly and easily

Horns spread wide.


Let's follow these tracks and we'll go into the forest. Children, this is a winter forest. Why can't you hear the birds singing? But not all the birds flew away, some remained. What birds can we hear in the forest? (woodpecker, magpie, titmouse).

Riddles about birds

Not a lumberjack, not a carpenter, but the first worker in the forest.


Vereshchunya, white-sided, but her name is.


Guys, where do birds live? (On the trees). Look at the trees around. This is spruce and birch. Do you know any other trees? They all need the Earth because it is their home.

Fizminutka "Forest"

The wind shakes the winter forest,

right, tilts left

One tilt, two tilt -

he rustled the branches.

Now let's talk about what not to do in the forest.

Environmental signs

Symbols are shown to children - ecological signs with a detailed explanation of the main environmental concepts.

So we learned that in the forest you can’t make fires, make noise, litter.

And it's easy to breathe in the forest. Take a deep breath, and now try not to breathe.

How long can you go without air? Can we see air? Show air in water.

All animals, plants and humans need air. If we don't breathe, we won't be able to live. There must be clean air on earth that everyone needs.

It's time for us to go back to kindergarten. But first, let's see what happened to the water?


Guys, so tell me who lives on Earth? Do you understand for whom? Nature is a common home?

Tree, animal, flower and bird

They don't always know how to defend themselves.

If they are destroyed

On the planet, we will die like them.

Related publications:

Man and nature are closely related to each other. Nature creates all the conditions for human life, so it is so important to live in harmony with it.

Synopsis of the integrated organized educational activity "Our common home is nature" Purpose: to cultivate love and respect for nature. Tasks: teaching: to expand children's ideas about ecology; enrich and energize.

Topic: "Planet Earth is our common home" Educational areas: Cognitive development, social and communicative development and artistic.

Summary of the GCD in the preparatory group for cognitive development "The Earth is our common home" Purpose: to expand the idea that the Earth is a common home for all people and all living beings living next to a person; Tasks: 1. Educational:.

Abstract of the lesson in the preparatory school group of compensatory orientation "Earth is our common home" Abstract of a lesson in a compensatory group preparatory to school on the topic “The Earth is our common home” Tasks: correctional.

ABSTRACT GCD "NATURE AND MAN" in the preparatory group

Prepared by the teacher of the BDOU "Kindergarten No. 59" Shokhina Olga Vladimirovna.

Purpose: to continue the formation of ideas about nature.

PROGRAM CONTENT. Show children that nature exists independently of man. Strengthen the ability to resolve conflicts. Develop monologue speech of children. Develop learning skills. Cultivate respect for nature.

VOCABULARY WORK. Nature, oxygen, worshiped, in antiquity, sea surf, etc.

PRELIMINARY WORK. Conversations about nature, acquaintance with proverbs and riddles.

METHODS AND RECEPTIONS. Surprise, looking at illustrations, art. word, game, conversation.



Educator. Look, guys, Dunno has come to us again. What happened to him?

(Answers of children).

Educator. Of course, he again something not knows. What does he not know today? He was given a task again, but he could not complete it. Dunno brought a picture, he needs to find nature on it. Can we help the stranger?

(Answers of children).

Educator. Tell me, do you see nature in this picture?

CHILDREN. Yes. Nature is trees, cows, sheep, flowers, earth, sun.

Educator. Why didn't you name the houses, the cars? They are also shown in the picture.

CHILDREN. Houses are not nature. Man made them.

Educator. Nature is something that exists independently of man. And man himself is part of nature.

The teacher reads a poem by L. Daineko.

Here on earth is a huge house

Blue roof.

Sun, rain and thunder live in it,

Forest and sea surf,

Birds and flowers live in it,

Cheerful sound of the stream.

You live in that bright house

And all your friends.

Wherever the roads lead,

You will always be in it.

The nature of native land

This house is called.

Educator. We live in this house. We love him very much, we admire him in spring, we are sad in autumn and winter, we rejoice in the sun in summer. But man not only admires nature, he has learned to use it.


  1. What benefits does the forest bring to us? (The forest gives us warmth. It feeds us. The forest purifies the air of impurities and releases oxygen).
  2. How does a person use the river? (Rivers give water to a person. We transport goods along the rivers, motor ships sail along the rivers. We bathe in the rivers.)
  3. How do we use fish? (We catch fish in rivers and seas and eat them.)
  4. What benefits does the sun bring to man? (The sun warms us, people came up with solar panels that give us energy.)


Educator. It turns out that nature benefits man. I think Dunno now understands what nature is. And let's check it out. Here are my pictures: some of them depict nature, while others do not have nature.

(Children take one picture and tell what they show, whether they have nature. They prove their point of view.


We quickly descended to the river,

Bent over, washed.

One two three four -

What a nice refreshment!

And now they swam together,

You need to do this by hand:

Together - time, this is breaststroke,

One, the other is a crawl.

All as one swam.

We are like a dolphin.

Went to the steep shore

And we went home.

(Children perform the corresponding movements.)


Educator. Tell me, is nature a friend to man or an enemy?

(Answers of children).

Educator. Man has always been friends with nature, bowed before it, feared it and studied it. In ancient times, man expressed his powers of observation in drawings, riddles, and sayings. Now you will solve riddles.

White in winter and gray in summer. (Hare).

Educator. How was this mystery born?

CHILDREN. People have noticed that the hare is white in winter, and always gray in summer.

Stronger than the sun

Weaker than the wind.

No legs, but walking

No eyes, but crying. (Cloud).

Educator. What can block the sun on a summer day?

Why is it said that the cloud is weaker than the wind?

How can this cloud move?

What are the tears in the clouds?

(Answers of children).

Don't knock, don't bang

And enter the window. (light).

Educator. The man noticed that the light comes into the house through the window, and it comes so quietly that no one can hear it.

The bird flapped its wings

And covered the whole world with a feather. (Night).

Educator. People compared the night to a bird, because they did not know how darkness comes, and they were very afraid of it. They compared the night with a mysterious terrible bird dropping a feather that covers the sun and darkness sets in.



Educator. How riddles were born, you understand. People watched nature, noticed changes and came up with riddles. How did you come up with proverbs? A proverb is a short folk saying with instructive content.

Educator. Listen to the proverb and say what they took from nature here.

Spring is red with flowers

And autumn pies.

CHILDREN. In the spring there are many flowers, but there are no pies, because the bread has just been planted, and it still has a long time to grow. And in autumn the bread ripens, but, of course, there are no flowers anymore. And so this proverb appeared.

Educator. Explain another proverb.

What will be born in the summer

It will come in handy in winter too.

CHILDREN. In summer, vegetables, fruits, bread grow. They are prepared for the winter.

Educator. What vegetables do you know?


Educator. What fruits do you know?

Children list.

Educator. What kind of berries do you know?

Children list.



Potato, cabbage, carrot, apple.

Pear, apple, plum, onion.

Raspberry, viburnum, currant, tomato, watermelon.

Sun, sparrow, beetle, doll.

The TEACHER reads a poem by S. Kirsanov.

What do you mean without herbs and birds,

And without love for the buzzing bee,

Without cranes over the coniferous thicket,

Without pretty fox faces?

When you finally understand

Cutting into dead rocks

O man, crown of nature,

What is your end without nature?

Educator. Man, of course, can do anything. But man, because of his omnipotence, caused the death of many animals and plants, their habitats. Man must take care of nature.

Guys, Dunno thanks you for your help, it's time for him to leave.

Children say goodbye to Dunno.


Educator. You have worked hard today. You have learned a lot of new things, and now you have to express your attitude to today's lesson, but not in words, but in colored circles. Show a circle in the color that represents your mood in class. Ask the children why they showed a circle of one color or another.
