Ideas for home and garden (59 photos): furniture design, fence, ponds. Fairy tale decor and playground

The areas allocated for planting vegetables are becoming smaller and smaller. More and more owners are beginning to pay attention to the beauty of appearance and a comfortable stay in the fresh air. How to equip a summer cottage with your own hands?

Classic options

Flower decoration - a classic of the genre

Flower decoration - not invented by us

Landscaping a summer cottage with your own hands is easiest to start with flowers. It is important when creating flower beds to pay attention to the colors used. Flowers can be planted both in the form of flower beds and in the form of a rabatka. At the discretion of the owner, perennial or annual plants are selected, as well as ornamental herbaceous plants and flowers that differ in height. What are the flower beds and how to properly equip them, we told in separate thematic articles. Today our conversation is about ideas for garden styling.

Plants and flowers planted along the lawn and representing a flowering border will look appropriate. The center of a lush, bright lawn can be decorated with a flower bed with colorful plants of various heights. There are a lot of options for decorating flower beds! You can frame them with a wooden fence or picturesque stones, make a fence out of plastic bottles, sow the edges with ornamental plants or arrange them with wooden saw cuts. To decorate the site with your own hands, even unnecessary household items and a wide variety of improvised devices are suitable.

Alpine hill: without snow, but with flowers

Alpine slide always attracts attention

Landscaping a summer cottage is possible by installing an alpine slide with your own hands. Alpine slides are now very relevant even among novice garden designers. It is important to remember that their creation will require a change in the relief of the earth, as well as the selection of the necessary stones. Having laid an alpine hill on a flat surface and decorating it with cobblestones and flowers, you are unlikely to see your dream in the end. Such a slide will not add any aesthetics, but only, on the contrary, will add alienity to it.

When the entire site is already occupied, and it is difficult to find a free corner on it, pay attention to the space next to the house. This place will be a great option for creating a flowering front garden.

Mobile solutions - for decoration

When there is no time and opportunity for a full-fledged improvement of the garden, you can use tubs, flowerpots or planters. By planting unpretentious plant species in them, you can easily distribute all the beauty over the territory, and if necessary, you will rearrange it, thanks to the mobility of such a solution.

Flowerpots from painted buckets - a great option

Having shown imagination, you can ennoble even an ordinary wooden box. By painting it in an unusual manner or hanging it by ropes played like hands, you will bring some humor and fun to the design.

Flower pots are great for creating sculptures. Having picked up pots of different sizes, they are fastened with wire, refreshed with paints, flowers are added and vo-a-la - you have very cute and unique figures in front of you!

Ponds are visible from afar

What else do they like to decorate summer cottages, besides flowers? Of course, reservoirs. Ponds and ponds in combination with green plants will become a piece of paradise in your garden. On hot summer days, sitting here will be a real pleasure. Ponds can be decorated in different ways, here an immense horizon of possibilities opens up for your imagination. Along the shore of the pond, you can build a flooring from wooden boards, which, in order not to suffer with their impregnation and painting, can be replaced with composite ones. The advantage of this material is that it does not rot, does not change color and is very similar to wood. The correct name for this coating is decking. It is also perfect for building a veranda or terrace, or for the side sections of the pool.

Even a small pond will bring charm to the water

Stone slabs will also perfectly cope with the role of the banks. The time spent will be justified, because as a result you will get a stunning and reliable reservoir. For better fixation of the stones, the soil should be prepared. Part of the soil is removed, crushed stone is poured, carefully compacted and covered with a layer of sand from above. Stone slabs are already laid out on top of the sand layer. For greater reliability, sand and cement should be poured into the gaps between the plates in the form of a mixture. You need to remove the excess and wait for the rain, which, having moistened the blind area, will allow the cement to fasten the plates to each other.

The owners, whose house is located not far from a quiet river, can pick up suitable boulders on the shore and decorate the pond with them. However, it is quite possible to buy such stones in the garden center.

It would be appropriate to transfer garden paths made of paving stones to the shore of the pond. Then all the decoration of the garden will be decorated in the same style. The technique is similar to the one we mentioned above.

Lawn - beautiful Mouzon

The arrangement of a summer cottage with your own hands will be half finished if you create a well-groomed lawn on its small territory. Maintaining green beauty is not easy. Consider the following lawn care tips:

  • seeds for planting must be of high quality and appropriate to the local climate;
  • the edges of the lawn should be neat (you can use a curb tape);
  • regular mowing of grown grass is necessary;
  • do not forget about weeding, watering, fertilizing and repairing lawn defects.

How to make a site unique and inimitable with the help of a lawn? Drop it in an unusual shape. This landscaping technique will add zest to your garden.

The lawn as the basis of the wealth of green spaces

Arches and pergolas so that the flowers are not naked

Thinking about how to ennoble a summer cottage, one cannot help but recall pergolas, arches, trellises. You can decorate the path to the house by installing a pergola or a decorative arch. Durable, but at the same time, elegant design, entwined with a variety of bindweed, will be the ideal guide to the recreation area. By installing the arches at a short distance from each other, you will eventually, after a while, get a shady corner where it will be so nice to sit and read on hot summer days.

Arch at the entrance cheers up

The choice of plants for landscaping decorative arches is very wide: it can be ivy, and grapes, and honeysuckle, and climbing roses, which have very beautiful buds when flowering. Choosing girlish grapes as a plant, you also will not lose. The color of the leaves will change from time to time: in early spring you will be pleased with soft green fresh leaves, in summer the foliage will turn into a rich green color, and in autumn you will sometimes enjoy the sight of bright red leaves.

We decorate the toilet, as if it were not there

The first building in the country usually becomes not even a change house, but a toilet. A must have, I must say. How can a toilet become a decoration, you ask, because our conversation today is about the transformation of the site? We will tell you how to turn a very prosaic thing into a source of pride for the owner.

Of course, putting the toilet in a prominent place is not the best idea, but it can be perfectly decorated. For example, make it from logs in the form of a birdhouse. Such a cute hut in itself arouses sympathy, and if you do gardening and plant flowers or low shrubs around, and even arrange a stone path, then the building will sparkle in a new way. See the photo below for an example.

Regal Toilet for a Regal Owner

When we equip the site, it is important to pay attention to style, where the priority is the appearance of the house. That is, choosing the design of the toilet, it is necessary to coordinate it with existing buildings.

If you want to make a toilet out of stone, show your imagination and depict it in the form of a knight's castle. My house is my castle, but don't overdo it, otherwise neighbors and passers-by will consider it a rarity and want to visit.

original variants

Dacha is a small country for creativity and boundless design. To improve their own site, the owner can use a variety of tools and materials. We will tell you how to transform and improve a boring garden patio and help it become cute, cozy and unforgettable. Sometimes you don’t even need to buy anything, just look around, and you will find a lot of useful, but, alas, unnecessary things. We offer ideas for the design of summer cottages, gardens and vegetable gardens, which are easy to implement with your own hands.

Flower bed, but you can't sleep

An old unnecessary bed will be an excellent base for a flower bed. Fill the base with soil and sow with perennials. Such a design solution will certainly fit perfectly into the garden landscape. The photo below is one of the interesting options.

I wish all dreams were like this

Fairy-tale straw bull-three

Your house is so reminiscent of your native village, where my grandmother kept a cow, pigs and other living creatures. How to return nostalgia to modern landscape design? A bull from hay will be very appropriate, and most importantly, not much work will be required. The frame is connected from the wire, and covered with hay on top. Wonder how great it turns out.

The touching charm of handmade

Stump-feeder - not a rattle at all

It is not necessary to uproot the old stump that remains on the site. Make a bird feeder out of it. In the cold, your yard will become a haven for titmouse, sparrows and other birds who want to eat. Everyone - both children and adults - will be happy to watch the bird's meal. The inside of the stump should be hollowed out, leaving the side surfaces intact. Put some grains inside and your feeder is ready to receive the first guests. Having made it from a tree stump, you can hang the product on a branch near the house.

Birds on a homemade feeder always sing beautifully

Grass figures are right in their own way

Something similar is obtained if the figure is trimmed on top with a canvas of artificial grass. The coating is reliable, weather-resistant and does not require watering. The frame can be made of almost any material, of course, taking into account the effects of moisture and sun. A wonderful example of garden sculpture is the rhinoceros in the photo below.

Donkey from the grass drags a lot of beauty

Grid figures are just sweets

Mesh garden figures are becoming more and more popular. It can be a jug, a bird, a donkey, etc. Of course, you need to tinker a little to tie a beautiful green PVC-coated mesh figure with wire. Such products are complemented by weaving and climbing plants. The internal cavities can be covered with a fine plastic mesh, also green, and then filled with soil. Then you can plant any plants that are not demanding on moisture.

A weight of responsibility made of flowers won't let the peacock fly away

Decorative well - landscape miracle worker

Wells-flower beds look beautiful, from which various flowers seem to splash out. The presence of a well or a well made of concrete rings in the country will allow you to create decor on an existing foundation. Choose brick or stone for your walls. Such materials are most suitable, because they tolerate dampness well, which means they will be a reliable “shelter” from rain, sun and frost. When you need to disguise frameless installations, choose any material for decoration - lining or boards, siding, plastic panels or tiles. The photo shows one of the options.

Decorative well in perfect harmony with the decoration of the house

Cart for decor - support for vision

Such an unusual design solution completes two tasks at once: it serves as a flower garden, on which you can place the volumes of two flower beds at once, and it will also be a very original element of decor. Today you can choose a variety of options for carts. Sizes and styles will vary. The classic option is a rustic-style cart, but some people prefer to choose a wild west or Provencal-style cart for their garden. Carts can be made of wood or metal, or have combined parts.

An old wagon scatters beauty

Minor confusion and how to solve them

Let's consider the most common site problems that the owners are most concerned about. We ennoble uncomfortable and uncomfortable areas:

  1. Lack of space for a flower bed. An excellent solution would be the selection of beautiful stylized pots, flowerpots and flowerpots in which you can plant any plants. Such point decorations are very mobile and can be easily moved from one point of the garden to another.
  2. A simple chain-link fence does not have a decorative feature and does not protect from prying eyes. The problem is solved by planting climbing plants next to the fence, which, twisting around the net, will create not only protection from prying eyes, but also give aesthetic pleasure. As plants, choose a climbing rose, parthenocissus or ivy.
  3. Lack of space for arches and pergolas. As an alternative, choose any vertical object available in the garden: an old tree, a fence, the walls of house buildings. Thus, you will get a flowering garden with climbing plants and decorate unsightly objects.
  4. An unsightly pillar on the frontal place, spoiling the view. Decorate it with flowers that can be planted in tins. You can also plant a bindweed at the bottom of a post and let it decorate an ugly object.

If you tickle your heels, you will laugh
  1. You can beat a boring garden with shrubs and plants that can be cut, for example, boxwood. Thanks to this find, you will decorate the garden plot with original greenery figurines.
  2. Places that require camouflage, such as a crack in the foundation, can be decorated with cushion plants with a pleasant shade and voluminous shape. These plants are usually shade tolerant and can be planted in both shade and full sun.
  3. The compost heap has an unpleasant smell and does not add aesthetics to the landscape. By creating a green barrier around the perimeter of berry or ornamental, but fragrant shrubs, you can solve both of these problems at once.
  4. The untidy appearance of the site is created by fallen autumn leaves. From the abundance of work, you do not have time to remove them, and they spoil the whole look. Plant ground cover plants in the garden that perfectly decorate fallen leaves.
  5. The existing track of concrete slabs can also be beaten. It is worth taking out the plates in a checkerboard pattern and planting low ornamental plants in their place. So, the appearance of the track will become more attractive.
  6. Children run on the lawn in a short way, and new paths appear that do not look very aesthetically pleasing. Fill them with gravel and it will look like it was intended.
  7. You can refresh the faded and dull colors of buildings and fences with the help of drawing. Wall painting will give the garden a bright, unusual and attractive look.

Every person, for sure, dreams of always being surrounded by beauty. Beauty should surround us not only in the house, but also on the street. Today, it is customary to decorate not only the interior of the dwelling, but also garden plots. A professional designer will be able to do everything in the highest class. But you will have to pay a lot of money for his services. And if you do not have huge sums of money, then you can do it on your own. Indeed, in order to make your courtyard attractive, you do not need to spend a lot of money. In this case, you can get by on a limited budget. Remember that do-it-yourself garden design for the poor can make absolutely any summer cottage attractive.

We plan an economical garden design

It is important to say at the beginning that it is not possible to ennoble the site without spending money at all. Therefore, it is worth first calculating the amount of finance that you can allocate for landscaping. Below we describe the sequence of actions by which your garden will become more attractive.

Looking for building materials.

Old trash, for sure, is in your country house. As a rule, it is stored in sheds or pantries. You will use the items suitable for garden design. In this case, the following can be involved in decorating the garden: boards, logs, old tires from a car, leaky barrels and buckets, pieces of reinforcement. For arranging small mini-flower beds, you can even use holey shoes. And an old bathtub and a broken stroller can be used as a flower garden.

We evaluate the site and future work.

If you are interested in the design of garden plots with your own hands, then you can look at some photos for inspiration. Thanks to them, you can find the perfect solution for you. Before you start decorating a garden, it is important to evaluate your site and draw up a rough plan for it. In this case, you can use a computer program, and if you do not know how to be friends with a computer, then you do not need to despair. Arm yourself with a pen with a notebook and go to your yard. It is necessary to sketch out a rough plan of your site on a piece of paper. Designate in the notebook the house and those buildings that are involved as household. In the plan, it is worth indicating the location of the cardinal points. It is also necessary to evaluate the configuration of the site. Write about your soil and note any irregularities that it has.

If the house was recently built and there are no landings next to it, then this is a good situation. But in practice it is quite different. And so we all want to change the situation and produce an inexpensive landscape design for a summer cottage. As a rule, cheap materials or those materials that are at hand can be used here. You need to think about the layout of the garden plot. What changes will you make in this case? If you intend to move the garden, then think in advance about the work that will be carried out.

Those plants that already grow in the country are written out on a separate sheet. In a separate column, indicate those trees and plants that do not make sense to replant. You can quickly and cheaply change the situation in your garden with the help of perennials. You don't need to buy plants. It is enough to ask your friends who can give you their shoots.

Planning details.

From the hands of an experienced designer, a beautiful drawing and a plan for describing actions to improve the garden plot can come out. But even without any skills, you can also do just as well. On a plan in a regular notebook, draw with a pen those details that you want to get. In this case, it is necessary to place explanatory notes on the sidelines.

On the plan, flower beds are indicated by an oval or a square. It all depends on the form that they will have in the future. Straight or winding lines indicate paths in the garden. Large circles are large trees. Small circles are shrubs. A number is placed in the center of the circle. And then on a separate sheet opposite each we put down the name of the plant.

In general, for design elements you need to develop your own notation. This system should be convenient and understandable for you. At the same time, you can change your plan taking into account the possibilities and your desires.

There are a few tips to keep in mind when planning your garden design. In this case, you can make the right decision and make your garden very beautiful.

We take into account the location of the cardinal points.

  • On the garden plot, everything should be located correctly relative to the cardinal points.
  • The north side will always be in the shade. Therefore, in this area it is better to place a place to relax.
  • On the eastern side, the sun's rays stay from sunrise until noon. In such a zone, it is most pleasant to drink a cup of tea in the early morning and listen to the birds singing. Therefore, it is recommended to place a table or bench here.
  • The west side is well illuminated by the sun's rays. This usually happens from noon until sunset.
  • The south side is considered the best in the garden. The sun is in this part of the day during the whole daylight hours. Therefore, all design elements, as well as flower beds, are recommended to be located in this zone.

We divide the site into zones.

Even the smallest land plot can be divided into certain zones. In this case, you do not have to build huge walls or plant expensive shrubs. Here you can get by on a budget. To divide the site, it is enough to drive in a couple of stakes and pull the twine. A climbing perennial or annual plant is worth planting nearby. The effect will be amazing. You can also stretch the twine between two trees.

On a solid support that can last for more than one year, you can put: various varieties of grapes, clematis, honeysuckle. You can divide the site by means of: arches with looping plants, trellises or some kind of decorative walls.

Paths and paths.

Ordinary paths and paths in the country are not the best solution. As a rule, walking on them is not very convenient due to dirt and weeds. Resolving the situation is easy. The paths are tiled. It's comfortable and beautiful. You can also fill them with rubble or gravel. Naturally, the second option is cheaper, but if you have the opportunity, then choose a tile.

An excellent solution for the garden would be a grass path called "highlander". This weed easily masters any surface. He is not afraid of trampling, and in the summer it is a real pleasure to walk along such a path. This herb is growing at a fast pace. Therefore, its growth can be reduced by trimming with trimmer scissors.

A beautiful and very comfortable path can be made from birch logs. These logs are simply sawn into circles, which should not be too thin. After that, the path is laid out in circles. The result will be very beautiful, and the path will lay you down for a long time.

On a note! You should not lay out a path from birch circles in the place where children play. They can trip over the mugs and injure themselves.

And some more tips for arranging paths and paths.

  • For a solo hike, a path 60-80 cm wide is suitable.
  • For paired paths, a path is constructed with a width of 1.2 meters.
  • To approach the house, a path is built, having a width of 1.2-1.4 meters. Moreover, the garden path on the way to the house should gradually expand.
  • The shape of the path must be chosen taking into account the landscape features of your summer cottage.
  • If the path has sharp bends, then they are masked. As a rule, in this case, ornamental trees or shrubs are used.
  • From the front door to the gate there should be a flat and wide road.

Let's talk about borders

Borders are an integral part of any suburban area. You can build them from different materials. Suitable in this case: tiles and border tape. But sometimes such materials are not available in the country. The way out is very simple. Take discs and planks of wood. But they should be pre-soaked with used engine oil. This action will prevent the material from rotting. Such borders may not last long. But during this time you can find those materials that will become a replacement and form a beautiful border.

Lawn in the country.

In this article, we list DIY garden design ideas. In addition to tips, you can also see photos here. In landscape design, a lawn is quite common. But this element is considered the most difficult to care for. And if there is no money to buy seeds, but you really want to have a plot with a lawn, then you can get by with a budget option. In this situation, a grassy area is selected, which is regularly mowed. Remember that with constant mowing of grass, weeds lose their ability to grow and also multiply. In a couple of years of such actions, weed grass will completely leave the site, and it will be replaced by beautiful grasses that usually grow in a meadow.

A meadow grass lawn will not be very beautiful. However, it is extremely easy to care for such a site. They mow it once a month, and the grass is not removed at the same time, it will be fertilizer. In addition, it will be difficult for weeds to grow through it. This type of lawn has several other advantages. For example, he is not afraid of trampling and it is so pleasant to walk barefoot on it in the summer to harden the body.

Small forms of architecture.

Auxiliary elements in the decor of the garden plot are MAFs. MAF are small architectural forms. They can be: benches, gazebos, arches, pergolas and other elements. Some of these elements are easy to make yourself. In this case, you do not have to spend huge amounts of money. Here, for example, it is very simple to make benches. And to add beauty or from strong winds, a trellis is installed behind the bench, which is made of slats or planks. Also, for beauty, you can plant vines that will beautifully braid this support.

Quite often on the garden plot you can see gazebos. But it is not so easy to build it with your own hands. And yes, this is costly. You can do it differently. Take reinforcement or high poles, from which form a hut. Climbing plants are planted next to such a structure. Naturally, such an arbor is not capable of protecting from rain and precipitation. But it is quite possible to hide from the sun. In addition, such a product will be an excellent decorative element.

Flowerbeds and flowerbeds.

Just digging up a plot and planting flowers on it is half the battle. It is worth remembering that even the most expensive plant varieties will look ridiculous in untidy beds or flower beds. It is best to use fewer plants in the composition. However, it is worth thinking about their combination.

In the country, flower beds and flower beds can be of completely different shapes. Moreover, the size can also be different. Building a beautiful flower garden is not an easy task. But, if you take into account some rules, then you will succeed.

First of all, the chosen place and environmental conditions are evaluated. The site for planting flowers should be consecrated and have fertile soil. Plants are planted only in a suitable place. They are grouped according to the requirement for watering. In this case, it is highly not recommended to plant a moisture-loving plant with a plant that loves moderate watering. In such a situation, one of the plants will necessarily suffer.

When planting flowers, pay attention to layering. In the foreground are low flowers. But plant large ones in the back. Small plants should frame the entire flower garden if it is clearly visible from all sides. But large flowers are planted in the center.

Throughout the season, the flower garden should play a decorative role. Before planning your flower bed, you need to know the flowering time of the plants you plan to plant. Pay attention to decorative leafy plants. They are quite varied. Therefore, you can easily find everything you need.

In the flower garden, all flowering plants should be combined in color. A flower bed should be well-chosen. White flowers are a good option. They can be combined with flowers of any color. But the 50:50 color ratio isn't particularly pretty. The correct combination of 1/3 and 2/3.

Flowerbeds from handy material

Do you think that decorating the site with flowers is an expensive undertaking? Then it is worth saying that you are grossly mistaken. You will have to spend money only on planting material, but to create flower beds you will need handy materials. An old bath, an unwanted log, and even a leaky bucket - all this can serve you to create an original flower bed.

Old shoes and bags may be involved in landscaping. These items are filled with earth and hung throughout the site. Lobelia and petunia grow well in such interesting flower beds.

If you pre-paint the old car tires, then you can plant flowers in them.


In this article, we have listed for readers just a few options for arranging a summer cottage. Of course, we offer you not expensive ideas with which your garden will sparkle with new colors.

For many of us, a country house is no longer associated with the cultivation of vegetables and fruits, but with a great outdoor recreation. Accordingly, there is a need to improve the suburban area, which will allow you to comfortably spend time relaxing here all year round. Such landscaping implies the correct design and landscape and competent planning of the recreation area in the backyard.

What does landscaping include?

The term landscaping is understood to mean landscape design, as well as proper planning of the location of various functional zones on the site. That is why it is necessary to approach this work in a comprehensive manner, correctly defining your requirements and wishes for the backyard territory. Depending on this, it will be necessary to draw up a work plan, and subsequently implement it.

Landscape design experts recommend planning several functional zones on the site. This may be a functional area with a summer kitchen, a shed and a utility room; it will be necessary to allocate several tens of square meters for beds and perennial plantations. All such work, as well as buildings erected at the dacha, must be thought out even before directly starting work on the ground.

A detailed plan is the key to success

Planning needs to be given special attention., since the success of the landscaping will largely depend on how correctly and professionally the sketch and design project of the future landscape design of the backyard territory of the cottage is executed. For many of us, it is the correct planning of the improvement of the dacha that presents certain difficulties.

On the Internet, you can find numerous master classes and thematic videos that tell you how to improve a summer cottage with your own hands. However, in theory and practice, such works can differ significantly. It is necessary to think over the style in detail, the arrangement of which with your own hands will allow you to create a great place to relax here.

Needs to be thought through as much as possible location of all functional buildings on your site, decide on the location of the zone for a comfortable stay, where a parking area will be allocated, and where trees are planted, a flower garden is decorated or several beds are made. Landscaping and planning for the improvement of the cottage will be exclusively individual. It is necessary to take into account the features of the site and the taste preferences of the homeowner. The financial factor is also important, since a well-thought-out and implemented landscape design or landscaping of a summer cottage will invariably require significant financial investments.

It is best to leave the planning of landscaping and the development of landscape design in the country at the mercy of professional specialists. An experienced landscape designer and architect will be able to correctly plan the architecture of the house and all functional buildings, as well as create a sketch project that can later be implemented independently or contact specialized companies. However, all these works can also be carried out independently, with a little effort and showing imagination and ingenuity.

Determine the future front of work

You need to decide what work will need to be done without fail, and what can be waived. So, if your country house has just been built or is in excellent condition, then you will not need to additionally carry out its exterior decoration. The same applies to planted fruit trees. If a beautiful country garden is planted, then you will be relieved of the need for landscaping the territory.

What works are carried out during the improvement:

General gardening

In most cases, when landscaping a summer cottage, numerous beds, shrubs and other agricultural plantations are abandoned. It is required to uproot such unnecessary plantings, level the ground and sow it with varietal grass. When leveling the lawn you should carefully dig the ground, if possible, remove all weeds, compact the soil and plant varietal grass. We can recommend that you use mechanized motor cultivators for digging the garden and vibrating plates, which will allow you to compact the ground, perfectly leveling the surface.

If earlier the arrangement of a real emerald lawn and lawn on the backyard territory was certain difficulties, today in specialized garden stores you can find high-quality seeds, various easy-to-use fertilizers and other tools that will greatly simplify lawn care. Just remember that the appearance of the lawn will directly depend on the provision of appropriate grass care. Therefore, you must decide whether you can regularly come to the dacha to water the grass and cut it once a week with a trimmer and lawn mower.

Many summer residents, when landscaping the site, do not pay due attention to the quality of the fence. But the general perception of the site will depend on how high-quality, attractive and reliable fences and hedges are used. If the summer resident has no desire to invest in a new full-fledged fence, then you can try to fulfill hedge, for which rose hips, arborvitae, vines and various similar green plantings are planted along the existing fence.

At this stage of work, the site is divided into functional zones. The zones can be separated from each other by both functional buildings and tall green spaces. In the latter case, it will be possible to avoid the feeling of heaviness in the perception of the design, while it is possible to easily make such a hedge that in one and a half to two years will take on its final attractive appearance.

It is necessary to consider the location of all walking paths on the plot. You can make such garden paths and paths by filling them with sand, a bay of concrete or paving with cobblestones and paving slabs. It is necessary to choose the technologies and materials used to make such backyard garden paths, taking into account the general design style of the entire summer cottage.

Exactly arrangement of a recreation area represents the greatest difficulty in the landscape design of the suburban area. It is necessary to decide on the functional buildings that will be erected here. Most homeowners equip an open or closed gazebo, which becomes the central element of the entire dacha. We can recommend that you also pay attention to open pergolas, summer kitchens, open verandas attached to the house, and so on. You can equip a small decorative pond here, placing benches convenient to use near it, on which it will be so pleasant to spend time on summer evenings.

On the Internet you will find various original projects for arranging a recreation area in a summer cottage that you can borrow for landscaping. We can recommend economical homeowners to equip a cozy gazebo with a barbecue or a cauldron, which will allow you to cook and relax outdoors at the same time.

The recreation area in the summer cottage may also include a small playground, where all conditions will be created for a fun, as well as completely safe recreation and games for small children. It is best to have such a playground in the immediate vicinity of the house or gazebo, which will allow you to look after the children playing. The site for the implementation of such a playing area should be as flat as possible, without slopes and hills. Try to choose partial shade for the playground so that the kids are not in the scorching sun, but also do not play in the shade.

On the playground you can equip:

  • Horizontal bars.
  • Swing.
  • Gorki.
  • The simplest pools.

If necessary, such equipment for children's games can be either made by hand or purchased ready-made solutions for an outdoor playground.

We are offering to you Simple yet useful advice from professionals in landscape design, who will allow you to easily enclose the territory of your summer cottage:

Landscaping a summer cottage is not particularly difficult. On the Internet, you can find thematic videos that talk about how how to decorate a cottage which will greatly simplify this work. You just need to plan as accurately and in detail as possible all the work that will be carried out as part of the improvement of the territory, and subsequently strictly follow the well-thought-out plan, arranging a comfortable-to-use recreation area, planting original green spaces and making an emerald lawn. Such a cottage will become a favorite vacation spot where you can spend unforgettable time outdoors with your family and friends.

Almost every person has their own summer cottage that they want to ennoble, and many are wondering how to do it? At first glance, everything seems complicated and inaccessible, but in fact everything is very easy and you can do a lot with your own hands.

So the question remains: how and where to start? And you need to start by drawing up a plan, upcoming arrangements, a sequence of actions, the necessary material. The material can even be an unnecessary thing in the house, which will easily fit into the decor of the garden, and give it a special atmosphere and comfort.

There are several important tips for the proper arrangement of a summer cottage:

  • Proper distribution of plants when decorating the site. The main principle in proper planting of plants: first, plants with small foliage are planted, and then with large, bright foliage.

  • It is necessary to create compositions from decor items that harmoniously fit into the design of the garden itself. Decor elements scattered in a chaotic manner around the site are lost.
  • A sawn tree is not a problem, because with the help of fantasy, a stump can be turned into a chair, table or plant stand in pots.

  • And from the remnants of wood, you can lay out a path.
  • There is a stone on the site, you can build an alpine hill from it, lay it in the form of a path.

Planning stage

Starting to improve the site, a plan of the site itself is drawn up, where all the necessary decor elements, flower beds, ponds, waterfalls and even paths will be marked. This will help to avoid piling up and excesses in the design of the site.

When working directly on the site, you cannot deviate from the planned plan, because even one extra flower bed can disrupt the harmony of the entire garden. It is necessary to remove everything that is not needed and will not be used in decorating the site, that is, throw away all the garbage.

We prepare the basis for an alpine slide, for waterfalls and a pond, for flower beds and even outline paths. We are thinking over a plan for the supply of water, its removal and the drainage system of the entire site. We pass to the second stage.

Fences and arches as an element of decor

The second stage is the arrangement of the garden fence. In this matter, many give preference to a green fence, because it creates the background of the future garden, and such fences, if properly trimmed, can create a garden composition.

Fences made of bricks or stones can also easily fit into the composition of the garden. Wooden fences can also take place on the site.

Climbing plants will look luxurious on such fences. Arches, like parts of a fence, look beautiful and noble. The main thing is the proper care of the plant and the solid construction of the arch itself. Now we decorate the site.

Garden decoration

Decorating is the most enjoyable part of gardening. Recently, ordinary car tires have been used for decoration, from which figures are cut or constructed, painted, turned into ponds, and so on.

Planting flowers and just green plants and at the same time installing solar-powered lanterns. To give the garden a warm atmosphere will help various fashioned gnomes or birds, or other figures.

Landscaping a garden is a long and laborious process that requires a lot of effort. But the reward for labor in the form of a green meadow with a great variety of colors is worth the effort.

Rest in such a garden will fill you with energy and inspiration for further implementation of your plans.

My suburban area is my own territory, on the arrangement of which I can fulfill my any fantasies. This is one of those pleasant things that you want to approach immediately. How to equip a summer cottage, what a garden will be like, where there will be a reservoir, it all depends on us and our desire.

Having received a summer cottage as personal property, we get the opportunity to discover the artist in ourselves, to show our creativity, to realize our old dreams. How to equip a summer cottage will depend entirely on our desire and the skill of our hands.

But first we need to identify those circumstances that do not suit us. Maybe these are old trees, unnecessary buildings left over from the former owners, large stones. Before you uproot and throw it all away, I advise you to decide what you actually want to receive.

Make a plan of action, set a specific goal. It is quite possible that when arranging a summer cottage, stones can be used to create an alpine slide, and a very cute table will turn out from an old stump. When the stage of clearing the site is left behind, I advise you to start planning future buildings and plantings. Determine where the house will be located, and where the garden will be planted, plan the landing of the lawn, the construction of the gazebo. Or maybe you want to equip a pergola or a cozy green arch for privacy. Everything is in your hands, and all plans can be easily implemented.

Eight concrete steps for drawing up a garden plan.

Stage one. Let's all imagine together how and where each of those present sees himself in the country.

At this stage of planning, it is not necessary to specify the number and varieties of fruit trees in the garden or the presence of corn in the future garden, we are determined, so to speak, strategically.

We sketch with simple geometric shapes and sign the future elements of our site.

I would like to immediately warn and recall some important points regarding future friendly relations with neighbors in the country:

  • you should not design a house closer than 3 meters from the neighboring territory, this is prohibited by building codes, why constantly feel under attack;
  • the placement of a septic tank, compost tanks is best coordinated with a neighbor. This, of course, is possible, but it is still worth warning;
  • well, the planting of free-growing trees should be limited to a three-meter distance to the neighbor's site.

There are so many options you can imagine, from a 'cultivated' earthworm breeding factory to your own mushroom picking forest.

Let's imagine that we settle on a compromise solution that suits most families.

In general terms, our cottage should have:

  • a residential building at least 3 meters away from the road so that the dust from the road does not interfere with us;
  • utility rooms combined in one place away from the places of your rest and the rest of your neighbor;
  • parking for cars on the north side of the house;
  • a productive vegetable garden and a garden (our pride) with a square, while the trees in the garden are small, these elements of the dacha can be partially combined. Although such a combination is considered a mistake by many gardeners, in my opinion, on the trunk circles of sufficiently clarified trees, original round beds are obtained for greens, onions, and even for cucumbers with beans. And we must remember that on one hundred square meters of the garden we can grow six, maximum seven free-growing fruit trees;
  • gazebo for barbecue and benches for rest.

Stage two. It's time to move on to specifics.

Make a complete list of plants that you and your family want to see in your country house. Fruit trees, shrubs, vines, flowers, ornamental plants, please don't miss anything.

I am sure that many points of your plan will change, something will be deleted, and something will be added. The main thing to remember is that replanting trees is always much worse than not replanting.

Extra trees will reach for the light, forgetting about the harvest, and they still have to be cut down. And during their growth, they will greatly harm nearby growing trees.

Stage three. Think about the "geography" of your site.

For example, if you have wetlands and waterlogged places on your site, and there are moisture-loving plants on the list of desired plants, then this is an ideal case.

And, on the contrary, if you are a lover of cherries, and the groundwater level is high, then it is necessary to drain the place where the cherries are planted with the help of drainage grooves, and possibly make an embankment.

Stones, pits, tubercles, stumps, if you are not going to turn them into elements of the design flight of your thought, with their help bring beauty with your own hands, then it would be better to remove all this.

Stage four.

Harvest crops should never be planted in the shade. Being in the shade, a tree must grow to constant direct sunlight in order to survive.

Therefore, in order for a tree to bear fruit, it must be planted where necessary, and not poke anywhere.

To do this, draw the shaded areas of our site:

  • we take a blank sheet of paper, imagine that we are on the site;
  • we denote the cardinal directions and the approximate movement of the sun;
  • we schematically draw future buildings, already growing large trees, a fence and everything that can give a shadow;
  • specify the height of everything listed in the previous step;
  • paint over all shadow areas. We proceed from the following rule: the width of the shadow is two times less than the height of the object that gives this shadow. Those places where, according to our calculations, there will be more than half a day's shade, are considered unsuitable for planting crops.

A full shade zone can only be planned for paths, gazebos, benches for relaxing, possibly for a flower garden with interesting design solutions.

Stage five.

Until now, our plan has been dominated by limitations that prevent us from realizing our grandiose plans.

Do not give up, we can place all the desired plants on our site if we know that:

  • all trees respond well to CROWN FORMING. Therefore, we can easily give them any shape with our own hands - from 4 meters of normal height to dwarf sizes, from a “flat wall” up to 6 meters wide;
  • well, directly the very geometric shape of the tree crown can be any - creeping along the ground, in the form of "balls" of different or "walls" of very different heights;
  • always arrange rows of fruit trees and shrubs from north to south (or vice versa). This arrangement will give a total less shadow, so it will be possible to use row spacing;
  • gooseberry bushes, currants, as well as trees with a “ball”-shaped crown are planted in a checkerboard pattern, as if in the corners of a triangle. This will make better use of the space and improve the lighting of your plants. recommends redcurrants, gooseberries to be planted in elevated, dry, well-lit places, while blackcurrant, on the contrary, feels good in damp, lower areas. Let raspberries grow in isolated areas of the plot, it gives a lot of root offspring, and it will be easier to control its growth area.

Stage six. Let's plan a garden.

Think about what crop of vegetables you want to harvest. Exactly how much do you need.

If you are not going to feed all your relatives up to the fifth generation, then perhaps round beds in near-trunk circles will be enough for you.

Later, you can create the same round beds scattered around your garden. The optimal width for them is approximately a meter.

It looks very nice. To make it also practical, you will need to set decorative borders 30 centimeters high, you can even higher, fill them with humus. Then you can cover with mulch (grass, rags, husks, straw), then you can water and lightly weed no more than once a week.

Install trellises on the beds. For curly vegetables, arrange "vegetable alleys" - connect the trellises just above your height with a roof, a kind of overlap. So you will create a cucumber or bean alley with your own hands.

Even on round beds, it’s great to arrange a pyramid - you install a support in the center, to which you tie one and a half to two dozen ropes. You can also build an "umbrella" at the top.

On such structures, vegetables, in addition to looking beautiful, also bear excellent fruit.

Arrange your beds along the southern or eastern walls of the house, utility rooms. In such places, plants grow several times faster than in a simple bed. The main thing is to arrange waterproofing of the walls, otherwise a beautiful wall decorated with your favorite vegetables will collapse over time.

Ideal would be a bed that will be visible from the window of your kitchen. Vegetables growing on such a bed seem to feel your constant presence, and grow much more fun.

Stage seven. It remains to think about how we will move around the territory of our site.

Think about what, where and where you have to carry and carry.

No need to plan rectangular patterns of movement around the country. Such paths will constantly cling to you at their right angles.

Do not be afraid of triangular, semicircular, oblique sections and, accordingly, paths in your country house.

If simplicity and ease of movement require such geometry, feel free to arrange such garden paths.

All the territory that did not fall under the beds is your lawn. If you don’t want to worry too much about creating an English lawn, remember the main rule, a permanent brace completely destroys all weeds. Only meadow grasses will remain, cutting is their favorite condition.

You will have to master the work on the trimmer and consider that you have learned the most competent ecological method of caring for the land in the country.

Stage eight (final).

A plan like "one and a half dozen trees behind the house and five bushes of berries near the garden" will not work at all.

You need to plan in the same way as you do repairs at home. You know exactly where the TV will stand - there should be an outlet and an antenna plug.

It’s the same with the dacha project, everything should be literally: “When I sit on the terrace, I will see the Pepin Saffron apple tree, behind it the Red Banner Renet apple tree, to the left of it the Tolstobezhka pear. In the garden, I will put a trellis from north to south, from which cucumbers will stretch towards the house.

Only an accurate idea of ​​what and how we want will make it possible to avoid unnecessary reworking, uprooting of trees and a poor harvest of vegetables in the future. Believe me, it is much easier to think through everything once, and not suffer every summer to no avail.

Elements of arrangement of a summer cottage

For decorative design of the cottage, you can plan a lawn. To do this, you need to level the site, dig and remove all weeds. Then add soil and sow grass. And if your plans include the creation of an alpine slide, then you don’t need to level anything, on the contrary, it needs bumps.

I would advise creating a pond. This will be a beautiful arrangement of a summer cottage, decorated with aquatic plants. It is not difficult to do it yourself. First you need to dig a hole, and give time for the soil to settle. Then plan the distribution of water from the water supply. This is not a difficult matter. Lay out the bottom of the pond with a special film, so that it covers the walls, but not too tight. I advise you to take the film in black, so the illusion of depth will be created. It must be taken half a meter beyond the edges of the reservoir, and sprinkled with sand, and then overlaid with decorative boulders. You can do it even easier - buy a plastic bath, or any other form, and dig it in the area at ground level. Cover with decorative stones, sprinkle with multi-colored pebbles, and plant water-loving plants and lawn grasses along the coast.

Thinking about how to equip a summer cottage, you need to take care of the lighting. This is an important moment, especially after dark. After all, in the evening, after working in the garden, you will want to sit on the terrace with a cup of tea. This is where inexpensive and beautiful solar-powered flashlights come in handy. They will create soft lighting in the gazebo, emphasize the fancy line of the path in the dark. And you can create such lanterns with your own hands, using unnecessary tin or glass jars, decorating them with different colors, and cutting out patterned holes in the tin. Forged lanterns on pillars will look spectacular, beautifully and mysteriously illuminating a romantic bench in the garden.

If you got a small space where you need to save every square meter of space, an excellent solution would be to build a summer cottage with vertical beds. So you can make a real strawberry tree out of an old wooden barrel by drilling holes with a diameter of 5 cm over the entire surface and planting bushes in them. The barrel itself is completely filled with earth. published

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness - together we change the world! © econet
