Outline of the game with the building material "Freight transport" (senior group). Synopsis of the construction-constructive game "Journey on a steamboat to the zoo" (senior group)

Date of observation: 24.04.2014

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"Observation and analysis of the construction game of preschoolers."

    Observation and analysis of the construction game of preschoolers.

Record of observation of the construction game of children of the senior group "Construction of enclosures for the zoo"

The plot of the game: The ability to jointly build and creatively develop the game is being improved. They bolder and more diversely combine knowledge in games, emphasized from observations, books, stories of adults.

Date of observation: 24.04.2014

Game duration: 20-25 minutes

Game progress:

Educator: Guys, let's play the Zoo game with you. And what do we need for this?

Children: Animals.

Educator: Right, what else? Where are we going to house our animals?

Children: In cages.

Educator: Well done, only correctly they are called enclosures. How do you think we will build them, from what?

Children: From cubes, Lego ...

Educator: I have a special scheme for building aviaries, let's see and try to build the same ones.

Children: Come on.

The educator with the children disassemble the scheme for building aviaries.

Educator: I suggest everyone try to build an aviary, and who can do it faster, you can also build a veterinary clinic, what is it for?

Children: They treat sick animals there.

Educator: That's right, let's start our construction of enclosures.

Children build aviaries. The teacher walks and observes the progress of the game.

Educator: Well done, you have made very good enclosures. And who will we put there with you?

Children: Animals.

Educator: Tomorrow they will bring animals to us and we will decide with you whom to settle in which enclosure.

Game Components

Senior group (5-7 years old)

The concept of the game, setting game goals and objectives

During the game, the need for various items necessary for the implementation of the game plan increases. Children's interest in making toys is increasing. The gaming process often merges with labor. The emergence of connections between a building game with difficulty helps to reveal a new exciting activity for the child - work. The game is beginning to come closer to learning activities, in which children acquire knowledge and some practical skills that allow them to more fully implement their game plans.

The breadth of outlook and the experience of joint games create conditions for the development of greater sociability, mutual assistance, sustainable collective games, and joint labor processes.

Target. Improvement in preschoolers of specific ideas about construction and its stages.

Improve specific ideas about construction, its stages; to develop ingenuity, the ability to actively attract and combine ideas about buildings and various labor processes.

To form the ability to conceive a building and carry it out, to achieve the intended result.

Develop communication skills, attention stability, perception accuracy, visual analysis, a sense of proportion and symmetry, artistic taste, initiative, creativity and imagination, imaginative thinking, self-awareness.

To form the ability to creatively develop the plot of the game.

Consolidation of knowledge about working professions. Raising respect for work.

In the game, children create models of a variety of relationships between people.

Children practically use building material of various shapes and sizes, compare it, arranging the details in the building, and practically master spatial relationships. Recognize sizes and shapes. During the game, the child constantly resorts to comparing the color of parts, their size, shape, etc., this gives him the opportunity to more fully, more excitingly realize his plan.

Viewing the album "Zoo Animals".

Reading fiction about zoo animals.

The plot of the game

The ability to jointly build and creatively develop the game is being improved. They bolder and more diversely combine knowledge in games, emphasized from observations, books, stories of adults.

Children acquire not only the ability to design individual objects (buildings, modes of transport, etc.), but also such personality traits as the ability to purposefully consider objects and structures, divide them into parts, compare objects and structures, see common and different in them , make conclusions and generalizations, understand constructions, find the main structural parts on which the location of other parts depends, i.e. the child performs a number of mental operations, as a result of which he forms clear ideas about the subject and the thought processes themselves are improved.

Game actions, game techniques

Ancillary material is widely used in the game, during the game they pick up or replace the necessary items.

Material: Lego constructor, a set of animals, a scheme for adding enclosures, animal cages.

Rules of the game

Children are aware that following the rules is a condition for the implementation of the role.

Taking on a secondary role

Familiarization with the relevant activities of people, with the applied equipment and its use.

Analysis of the construction game.

Number of children: 8 children

Name of the game: "Building zoo enclosures"

Educators (full name) Ignatieva Natalya Sergeevna.

Date: 04/24/2014

Questions for analysis

Game activity analysis

Number of children playing

Who is the initiator of the game


Availability of paraphernalia, building materials

Constructor "Lego", a set of animals, a scheme for adding enclosures, cages for animals.

Creating interest in the game

A teacher-organized demonstration of the construction, the procedure for using the material, the location of the building, decorating it, on the one hand, and on the other, the influence of playmates, from whom a lot is borrowed: the ability to negotiate, a friendly attitude towards each other, mutual assistance.

The relationship of children in the game

In the process of making buildings, children are in certain connections and relationships, especially in solving such issues as the conformity of the building in size, coordinating its location, its decorations, and the use of material.

contribute to the development of mutual understanding, teach to be attentive to other children, communicate with peers and adults. Such qualities as the ability to negotiate, mutual assistance, responsiveness, justice, sensitivity, goodwill develop.

Negative manifestations in relationships

Such qualities as the desire to be the first, aggressiveness, disputes, conflict and its resolution develop.

The role of the educator

Suggests a topic for the game, makes interesting suggestions for the organization of the game, observes the games of children, their behavior, takes a purely observational position. Assists in the implementation of knowledge, the development of the plot.

Methods and techniques used by the teacher during the game

Creates conditions for enriching children with impressions that can be used in the game, draws the attention of children to the content of the activities of others and their relationships, Encourages children to develop the game, encourages children to take on a role and give it to a partner; agree on the rules of the game with older children, etc.). Encourages children to use substitute items, helps to select and expand their set, flexibly use playground equipment. Carefully and tactfully observes the free play of children, joining it as necessary, as equal partners.

End of the game, debriefing

After the game is over, the teacher, first of all, should bring the children to a calm state and then, measuredly, without excessive emotions, but in a loud voice, announce the end of the game. In order for the children to calm down and tune in to attention, it is advisable to note both the positive and negative aspects of the game development of the content of the game, to highlight the most successfully distinguished children in actions. A negative assessment of the actions of a certain child should be of a recommendatory nature for future game actions, with the exception of the possibility of causing injury to his psyche.

Game duration

MDOU "Kindergarten No. 4 p. Novoorsk"

Methodical developments on the organization of constructive and building games with children of senior preschool age

Completed by: MDOU teacher

"Kindergarten No. 4 p. Novoorsk"

Averina T.N.

Explanatory note

Construction and constructive games are a kind of creative game and are considered as children's activities, the main content of which is the reflection of the surrounding life in a variety of buildings and related actions. In building and constructive games, some objects are replaced by others: buildings are built from specially created building materials and constructors, or from natural materials. Games are often closely intertwined with the role-playing game, they can be its beginning. Sometimes the building is not used in the game, but is part of its environment, it can take the form of a role-playing game, for example, the game has the role of a builder, a driver delivering goods to a construction site, etc. But there are building-constructive games in which all content is limited to the construction of buildings and structures.

In the process of this type of game, children form and develop orientation in space, the ability to distinguish and establish the size and proportions of an object, children comprehend the simplest laws of physics. The building game teaches children to purposeful, planned activities, thinking develops, an accurate dictionary is formed that expresses the name of geometric bodies, spatial relationships. The tasks of moral education are also solved - children get acquainted with the work of builders, help each other, try to create beautiful buildings together.

Features of games with building material is that for the assimilation of constructive skills, special training is necessary. In preschool pedagogy, a methodology has been developed for the formation of constructive skills in children (E.A. Flerina, Z.V. Lishtvan, etc.). At the same time, building and constructive games are creative games, since they are characterized by independence, self-organization, creativity and emotional richness. Based on the features of this type of game, the educator in her leadership faces a number of tasks:

1. Expanding the ideas of children and directing their attention to the work of builders, the equipment they use.

2. Education in the ways of construction, education and development of independence, activity of thinking, constructive and creative abilities.

3. The formation of industriousness, the development of the correct relationship of children, their unification into a friendly team.

At the senior preschool age, collective games are expanding, teaching children their preliminary planning, setting the goal of the game, determining participants by prior agreement, using constructive and building skills not only according to a visual model, but also according to drawings, photographs of various structures. The teacher teaches to think about game actions, compare, implement decisions. Great importance acquires a word, the source of the construction may be the story of an adult.

A special place in the life of a child is occupied by games with natural material. Children build from snow and sand, play with water. These games contain great opportunities for the development of the child, but, as teachers note, without special development they can be monotonous and have little content.

Construction and constructive games require special attention in the organization of the gaming environment. The educator needs to select a building material that corresponds to the tasks of developing the constructive activity of children of this age. The material should be varied: floor, desktop, different types of designers, sets, etc.; attractively designed, stable enough to suit the abilities of children.

Construction game "Embankment"

To continue to develop the ability to work collectively, to combine their buildings in accordance with a common plan, to agree on who will do what work; help each other if necessary.

Continue to develop speech as a means of communication.

Equipment: constructor kits, attributes for a building game (sidewalks, roadway, trees, flower beds, a river, an envelope with photos of the city, a picture of the Moscow embankment)


Everyone has a Motherland

And the city and the river

We have it from time immemorial

It's called Angara.

And the city raised with salt

Now not the same

Ascended by new buildings

To the west and east.


And today we will build an embankment (picture). What

cities? How do you think? (Moscow)

Moscow is a big city. In large cities, the river flows in the middle

cities. And the embankment is being built up on both sides of the river. There is a right side and a left side.

Examining the painting

Here is the river, and this is the fence. What do you think the fence is for?

(so that no one gets into the water, and the water does not wash away the shore).

Need along the shore footpath. For what? (so that people can walk and enjoy the fresh air from the river and the beauty of the city). What is this wide road? What is it called? (carriageway) For

what? (for cars to drive along the embankment).

The embankment is decorated not only with fences, but also with trees. Ships, motor ships, boats, cargo barges, motor boats float along the river.

On the ship you can go for a walk, on a barge you can transfer the cargo.

How about getting on the ship? Shall we step over the fence? But as?

(pier needed)

Working with a schema

Educator: - Guys, remember and tell me what is the name of the person who is thinking about how the embankment will be built up?

(architect)- Today I will be the architect, and you are the builders. I thought about how the embankment in the city will be built up, (scheme is proposed) Let's determine where the left bank of the river is and where the right one is. The river flows into this

the direction the arrow points to. If we stand facing in the direction where the arrow points, then this bank will be right, and this one will be left (I mark on the diagram: l.b and p.b). We will build up, left and right bank.

How do we start construction? (quay fortifications)

What will strengthen the coast? (fence)

Let's do it as in the diagram. How? (bricks)

Let's make a pier. Of what? The pier is placed on the river.

It’s very pleasant to walk along the embankment (pointing to the diagram), what’s going to happen? (sidewalk)

Then, a wide road will go (I show it on the diagram). What is it called? (pavement) And here again the footpath. And then the houses will go along the embankment.

What do you think the builders built first: the embankment or the houses

(first they strengthened the coast, built a pier, laid roads, then houses).

And if there are houses on the right and left banks, then how will people go to visit? (requires a bridge).

I suggest you build an embankment. - But in order for everything to work out, as I planned, you need to choose what you will build and build in the place where you planned (choice of children)

Self-construction by children by a designer

Educator: - Everything was built, what did the architect think?

A beautiful embankment turned out with the right and left banks, as well as a footpath and a roadway. There are various buildings along the waterfront.

Construction of a tram according to the scheme

Target: To consolidate the ability to find the main functional and structural parts in an object using a diagram. Learn to consistently reproduce the building, based on the design scheme. Develop creative imagination.

Material: A set of building materials, a picture of a tram, a diagram of a tram, small toys.

move: Children tell everything they know about the tram, about its purpose, describe it.

Tram map display.

Preschoolers name the main parts in it, correlate the building material available on the tables with it, mentally outline its location in the building. The analysis of the scheme is carried out sequentially from the bottom up.

Children tell what details they will need, focusing on the diagram, reproduce the building from the bottom up.

Upon completion of the construction, a game exercise “Put the passenger in your seat” is carried out. Based on the scheme, children determine the place of the object in their constructions. Then the buildings are beaten.

Construction and constructive game "Farm»

Goals:- To form in children the ability to use building desktop material, to act with it in a variety of ways.

Learn to independently select the necessary details in accordance with the nature of the building and carry out the construction according to the model of the educator.

Consolidate previously acquired knowledge about the farm.

To learn how to create the simplest models of real objects, to reflect the acquired knowledge and impressions in playing with the building.

Cultivate friendships in the game.

game material: Desktop building material (bars, cubes, arches), a set of toys "Farm".

Game progress: The teacher gives the children a set of toys "Farm" and invites them to play. Draws attention to the fact that animals need to arrange a safe place so that they do not run away and no one harms them, leading the children to the conclusion that a fence around the farm is necessary. Children themselves choose the building material (bars) and build a fence by placing parts close to each other. If the children forget to leave a place for the gate, the teacher asks how a milk tank car can drive to the farm. The teacher offers to populate the farm with small animals (pigs, sheep, birds) and check if the fence is high enough. Then large animals (cows, horses) are settled and the children come to the conclusion that the height of the fence is insufficient. The teacher shows a sample of the fence superstructure (the cube alternates with an inverted arch, is attached close to each other on top of a fence of bars). Children finish building. The teacher asks questions about the farm and offers to beat the building.

Questions for the activation of gaming activities:

What animals are farmed?

Who takes care of them?

How do farmers take care of cows? What do they get from them?

How do farmers take care of pigs? What do they get from them?

How do farmers take care of horses? How are they used?

How do farmers take care of the birds? What do they get from them?

How do farmers take care of goats, sheep? What do they get from them?

Why does a dog live on a farm?

What machines help farmers?

Construction and constructive game "Port"

Target: To form in children in a certain sequence to build a structure neatly, beautifully. Cultivate independence in the game. Develop children's communication in the game. Continue to learn to develop the game plot.

Game progress:"Guys, we urgently need to send the cargo to another city. The cars and trains left, the planes flew away. What transport is left for us to transport the cargo? (by water). What needs to be done for this? different cargoes on the ships. You need to choose which of you will be the driver of the loader, who will be the controller, the loaders for unloading the goods. Who has not yet been named? (ship captain, crane operator). Children build ships, choose toys, objects - cargo. Loaders load cars , drivers are driving cars to the port. Furniture is being transported to one ship, things to another, vegetables and fruits to the third. Children tell who this cargo is for, who will need it. Supervisors check whether they loaded it correctly, whether the cargo is loaded. The crane operator removes the cargo from cars, forwarded to the ships.When all the cargo is loaded, the captains give the command to sail.

Outcome: "Guys, we received a letter, I'll read it. (The letter says that people received the cargo, some furniture, some vegetables and fruits, some things. They thank the children for their help.)

Construction Game: City Buildings

Target: To consolidate the knowledge and skills of children from building material and additional details to design an object.

Rules: The teacher invites the children in the role of builders to tell what major construction projects are being carried out in the city, why they are important for the townspeople, what has been built recently. Children find among the photographs and name the construction objects with which they were introduced, the purpose of these objects. The teacher offers to find photographs depicting the microdistrict in which the children live and tell how its buildings differ. What interesting buildings are there on the street where the child lives, where the kindergarten is located. Then the teacher asks to list construction professions. Choose one of them and tell about it. Children finish the game by building a multi-storey building (or other object at the request of the children)

Construction "Deer" from natural material

Target: Learn to use various natural materials to make toys.

Develop the ability to connect parts of toys with pointed twigs (or matches);

Strengthen the skills of working with an awl.

Equipment: a basket with natural material, pictures of a deer, a sample of a deer craft toy.

Handout: acorn, fir cones, matches, twigs, pine needles, moss, glue, paints, cardboard; a wooden board, an awl, a knife (for a teacher, a brush.

Preparation for work: The teacher sharpens with a knife at both ends the matches for the legs and tail of the toy, to connect its parts, finely cuts pine needles. Lays out on tables.

Educator: - Today, guys, we will make a new toy. I want to give you a riddle:

Beats with hooves "tsok-tsok",

Snow flies, grain, sand,

Everyone who is not lazy knows

This is northern. (Deer)

That's right, it's a reindeer. (A picture of a reindeer is posted on the board). Today, guys, we will make such a toy. (Together with the children, every detail of the craft is examined).

For the head of a deer I take an acorn, I make three holes in it with an awl: two - from above, I insert branched branches into them - these are horns; and one at the bottom, into which I insert a match, pointed at both ends to connect the head with the neck. Then I choose two fir cones: one large for the body, the other smaller and shorter for the neck. I make an awl through the hole. I insert a match into the hole of a large cone, I tightly plant a small cone on it. Got a body. After that, in the bump - the body I make five more of the same holes - four for the legs and one for the tail - and insert the matches. I make a hole in the upper part of the cone-neck and connect it with a match to the head of a deer. The muzzle can be drawn with pencils. The toy is ready, you can play with it.

Children are seated at the table, on which there are supplies for crafts.

Guys, you need to use the awl carefully, on a special board that lies in front of you. I remind you of the safety rules: put the cone on the plank, hold the edges of the cone with the fingertips of your left hand. Hold the awl in your right hand and insert it into the bump slowly, slowly, shaking left and right.

After analyzing the sample, the children begin to make the toy. The teacher monitors the work, helps the children with auxiliary questions, accompanying instructions, partial implementation of the toy.

To make the figure of a deer expressive, you can change the position of the legs: if the deer's legs are straight, he is standing, and if they are curved, he is running or walking; the head can be lowered, thrown back, slightly turned to the side (children's suggestions). On a board smeared with glue, pour chopped pine needles, decoratively arrange moss - this is a forest glade. We install ready-made toys for children on it.

Outcome: - Guys, did you like your toys? (Children's answers).

What parts does your deer toy consist of?

Guys, I propose to organize an exhibition of your toys in the group. When we go on an excursion to the museum “Center for the Culture of Crafts of the Indigenous Peoples of the North”, you will take your toys as a gift.

Bridge construction

Target: To give children an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bbridges, their purpose, buildings; exercise in the construction of bridges; to consolidate the ability to analyze samples of buildings, illustrations; the ability to independently select the necessary details in size, shape, color, combine them.

Material: Building sets, cars, figurines from under kinder eggs.

Working process: Connect two tables and lay out a “river” on them (a strip of blue ribbon closed by a ring). In the center of the "river" ring there is a recreation park. Behind the "river" are the inhabitants-dolls.

Educator: - How to get the dolls to the park?

Children - We need to build a bridge.

Educator: - You noticed that the bridge is divided into two parts, one for pedestrians and the other for vehicles.

Educator: - Are there other bridges?

Educator: - Bridges are separate for a pedestrian - this is a pedestrian one.

Happen for transport is automobile. There are for trains - this is a railway.

Educator: - We have learned what bridges are. And now I propose to become builders and build a bridge across our river.

Educator: - The bridges are different, but they all have a base in the form of pillars and a ceiling, some have railings, decoration. Now I will show you how to build a road bridge.

Educator: - What building material will we take for the foundation?

Children: Bars, arches, bricks.

Educator: - I will take two short bars. I will put them parallel to each other (shows how to do it) What should I take now?

Children: Cover.

Educator: - I will take four long bars to cover. We lay them across our base and tightly attach them to each other. (suggests how to do it).

Educator: - How can our cars enter the bridge?

Let's take and put two wide plates at the beginning and at the end of the bridge. (shows how to do it).

Educator: - Do you think our cars will be able to safely cross the bridge? (the teacher rolls a toy car over the bridge. And the car stops near the edge of the bridge. The car may fall off the bridge)

Children: No.

Educator: - For traffic safety, we need to build fences. We take two long bars. And we lie to the left and to the right of the roadway of the bridge (shows)

Educator: - We built a road bridge. And now I propose to build a pedestrian bridge.

Educator: - What do we take for the foundation of the bridge?

Children: We will take two small arches.

Educator: - We will put two arches parallel to each other. What do we take to cover?

Children: We will take two short bars and put them on the arches, tightly to each other.

Educator: - But how can pedestrians climb the bridge?

Children: Take two narrow plates and put them at the beginning and at the end.

Educator: - Do you think the railing is needed?

Children: Yes. We will take six bricks and put them on the sides.

Educator: - Here we have a pedestrian and automobile bridge. And now I propose to break into pairs, agree and build their bridges. (Children agree and go in pairs to the designer's set. They build bridges.)

Analysis: Pay attention to the significance of the bridge (vehicle or pedestrian). Width (narrow or wide). On the parts from which they are built (fence overlap). At the end, to move on to the story role-playing game, you can offer to decorate your bridges and play with them.

Plot construction based on the fairy tale "Teremok"

Target: 1. To bring joy and pleasure to children from educational games.

2. Develop the ability to use standards as public designations of the property and quality of an object (color, shape, size).

3. To develop the ability to use in the game buildings of different constructive complexity from building material.

4. Continue to work on the development and enrichment of the plots of games, using indirect methods of leadership.

5. Continue work to maintain a positive emotional state in children, to form friendly relationships between children.

Equipment: LEGO constructor, "wonderful bag", multi-colored jars, toys-animals from the designer.

Educator. Guys, look what an unusual flower on the table. Let's take a closer look. And the flower is unusual, fabulous. It has a girl in it. And her name is .... (Children's answers. If the children find it difficult, the teacher himself calls).

Yes, this is Thumbelina, a fairy-tale character from the distant country of Denmark. I know one interesting story that happened in this distant country. Let's sit down on the chairs and I'll tell you about it. A long time ago, when you and I were not yet in the world, there lived - there was one person. His name was OlKirk Christiansen). And he had a son. The boy was very fond of playing, but he had few toys. And they broke often. Kirk Christansen was very worried about this. One day he had a wonderful idea to create new toys. You could play with them without fear that they would break, because they were taken apart, assembled, and this could be done many, many times.

Q. And in order to guess what kind of toys they were, I suggest you play the game "Wonderful Bag".

Children feel the details of the designer and say what is in the bag.

Q. That's right - these are Lego blocks. I suggest that everyone take a cube. So I suggest you play now. And create new toys ourselves. And Thumbelina will be watching you.

Children sit down at the table, on which individual sets for construction are prepared. Pre-lego cover up.

Educator. What can you build with Lego? (Answers of children). Look carefully at what details you got. (The idea of ​​the educator: to build scenery for the fairy tale "Teremok" with the children).

Educator. So you've made the buildings. Let's listen to each other. Who got what.

Educator: Children, we got a beautiful house. Lego is different. Here I have toys from a small designer. Who do they look like? (The teacher takes turns showing toys - characters for the fairy tale "Teremok": a frog, a mouse, a fox, a hare, a wolf, a bear).

Educator. We got the heroes of a famous fairy tale. (What a fairy tale).

Let's tell a story to our guest. I will read a fairy tale from the author, and you will speak for the heroes of the fairy tale. Note. (After the words, the children move the animal figurines). Tale "Teremok in a new way"

Leading. There is a teremok-teremok in the field! He is not low, not high, not high.

Suddenly, a mouse hurries across the field-field, Ran up to the tower and says.

Mouse. Who, who lives in a teremochka? Who-who lives in the low?

Leading. A mouse ran into the teremok and began to live and live there! It is warm in the little house, but outside the wind blows, it brings cold. And now a frog jumps across the field!

Frog. Who lives in a teremochka? Who-who lives in the low? (knocking)

Mouse. I am a mouse - norushka! And who are you?

Let me live with you!

Leading. They all began to live together! And then Bunny runs to the little house - Runaway! Approaches the little house, knocks.

Bunny. Who lives in a teremochka? Who-who lives in the low?

Mouse. I am a mouse!

Frog. And I'm a frog! And who are you?

Bunny. I'm Bunny - Runaway! Let me live with you!

Leading. A hare ran into the teremok, and the little animals began to live in it all together! But what is? Why are the bushes swaying like that? Who is it running to the teremochka? It's a fox-sister!

Chanterelle. Who lives in a teremochka? Who-who lives in the low?

Mouse. I am a mouse!

Frog. And I'm a frog!

Chanterelle. I am Sister Fox. Let me live with you!

Leading. So the chanterelles settled in the little house! Animals have fun! Enough to do for everyone! And now a top-gray barrel runs to the little house!

Wolf. Who lives in a teremochka? Who-who lives in the low?

Mouse. I am a mouse!

Frog. And I'm a frog!

Bunny. I'm Bunny - Runaway! And who are you?

Chanterelle. I am Sister Fox. And who are you?

Wolf. I am a gray barrel top. Let me live with you!

Leading. Animals live happily in the little house! What's the crack? Why do bushes bend, branches break? Oh, yes, this is a Teddy bear.

Mishka. Who-who lives in a low place?

Mouse. I am a mouse!

Frog. And I'm a frog!

Bunny. I'm Bunny - Runaway!

Chanterelle. I am Sister Fox.

Wolf. I am a gray barrel top. And who are you?

Bear. And I'm a teddy bear! Let me live with you!

Animals. Come live with us!

Leading. They began to live, to live and to make good. THE END, We have an unusual modern teremok. The bear didn't break it. The tale turned out to be new, modern, cheerful. Animals live together in a small house, dance and sing. And I suggest you relax and dance. (Children dance with the teacher).

Educator. Did you like how we played today? I think Thumbelina liked it here too.

Boat Design

Target: Cultivate accuracy, perseverance. Strengthen the ability to fold a sheet of paper in different directions. Develop an eye, the ability to make crafts durable.

Material. Rectangle for folding the boat.

Move. 1. Demonstration of the finished boat.

2. Explanation and display of the folding sequence of the boat:

Fold the rectangle in half lengthwise;

Fold the resulting shape in half again;

Expand along the last fold;

Bend the corners from the first fold to the middle;

Bend up the bottom strips on both sides;

Put your thumbs inside and turn the figure at an angle down (where the lower strips pass);

Bend the bottom corners on both sides up;

Put your thumbs inside and turn the figure;

Take the upper corner with both hands and unfold the figure.

3. Repetition of the folding sequence with an explanation of their actions (1-2 children).

5. In the process of work, find out how the children learned the techniques of folding paper in different directions, the ability to work neatly, with concentration.

6. At the end of work, send all the boats to sail.

Butterfly design from natural material

Target: Raise interest in constructive activities. To form practical skills in working with a variety of natural material, continue to teach the analysis of the work process; when making a toy, learn to measure its parts. Develop children's imagination.

Material: acorns, leaves, shells, plasticine.

Stroke: 1 Examination of samples

What is the similarity? (In structure)

What is the difference? (In detail)

Find out that all parts and details of the butterfly are made from a certain natural material, discuss possible options for replacing it.

2. Find out the sequence of making the toy.

3. Help to select the material, commensurate with the size of the acorn and leaves (shells). (For the body - an acorn, for the wings, leaves or shells.)

4. Independent work of children.

5. Combine all the crafts into a collective work "Dance of the Butterflies" and place it on the exhibition "We do it ourselves."

Bibliographic list:

    Kazakova T.G. Development of creativity in preschoolers: A guide for kindergarten teachers. - M., 1998. - 121 p.

    Lishtvan Z.V. Games and activities with building materials in kindergarten. - M., 1999. - 86 p.

Private preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 191 of an open joint stock company

"Russian Railways"

Abstract direct educational activities


TOPIC: "City"

(senior preschool age)

Compiled by:


Gnezdina Ekaterina Gennadievna

Achinsk, 2016

Synopsis of directly educational activities

Theme: "City"

(senior group)

Target:improving the skills of design activities.

Educational tasks:

to teach to analyze the structures of structures, determine the shape, size, location of parts;

to form the ability to perform construction in a certain sequence;

Development tasks:

develop the creativity and imagination of children;

develop attention, memory, logical and spatial imagination;

develop coherent speech;

Educational tasks:

nurture collective relationships in the process of design activities.

Equipment: city plan, building schemes, various construction kits, necessary attributes (people, animals, trees, cars, etc.), two builders' helmets.

Preliminary work: individual, subgroup, frontal work on the design of various buildings and structures; conversation “The profession of a builder”, drawings on the topic “If I were a builder, I would build ....”, conversations about my hometown; city ​​tours.

Integration of educational areas: cognitive development, social and communicative development, speech development.

Game progress

Organizational moment: Children are busy playing independent activities. The teacher brings in a truck with "building material": bricks, cubes, plates, cylinders, etc.

AT.: There is such a type of work - construction. People of what professions are called builders?(children call ).

AT.: And we have building materials. Can we be builders?!(Can )

AT.: Where do you want to build? What material? What did you think? So, what happens (strangely), every builder, where he wants, builds there ?!(Children should understand that a builder, like any other profession, depends on the architect's intention, and their intentions depend on the conditions of the area) .

AT.: Have you chosen what you want to build? And who was not enough for your results of labor ... and bridges, and houses, and roads, and factories to benefit people and be comfortable for them ?! (Need an architect, he conceives the city ).

AT.: But before building, what should he do? Choose a place. So, the chief in the construction will be the architect?!

AT .: Well, in order to distribute all the buildings, structures, the architect needs to draw everything on the board.

AT.: What professions of builders will we have? (Bridge builders, road builders, house builders. And you also need to build a station. Yes, and a factory ).

Q: So, what are we thinking today?(build a city)

V .: And you can build it in such a way that it would be convenient for everyone to live, so that

the buildings were durable, warm and comfortable? (Yes ).

V .: Probably, we need to think not only about what a beautiful city will be, but also where to place it.

AT.: Well, you can build according to the plan, as, for example, they built St. Petersburg. Or maybe the way Moscow was built. It was not built all at once, but gradually. There was no advance plan for the location of the streets, they built around the Kremlin.

Q: How did you and I decide to build?(According to plan).

V .: In our city there is a main square, the main street goes from it. There is an entrance, a station. Will there be a river? Here is the river...

AT.: You are architects and builders, you have individual projects, please choose.

V .: And I say: "The city will be founded here, according to this plan."

constructive activity.


AT.: Construction time is over. Let's discuss the development of the city and the countryside? Probably, you will agree, it is good that the city and the village are beautiful, comfortable, and, of course, that the buildings are durable? (Yes)

Questions for children

AT.: What country do we live in? (Russia )

AT.: What are those who live in Russia called? ( Russians )

AT.: What city do we live in?(Achinsk)

AT.: What is the name of the city you built?(suggest names)

AT.: What country is the city you built in?(In Russia )

AT.: Excuse me, how do you define it?(There is a flag on the main building of the city)

Q: What else can be symbols of the state? (Coat of arms, anthem)

AT.: Is it convenient for residents in your city to live? Why?(Explain ).

AT.: Well, so your residents are just relaxing, but they have nowhere to work?!

All unemployed ? (Factory is ).

AT.: Well, if there is a plant, then, probably, someone is working at the plant, which means that there is a result of labor?! (They will begin to fantasize about what they produced at the factory).

AT.: Where do raw materials come from for the plant? (

AT.: Where is the product sent and to whom? Send far or near?! (They argue).

AT.: How should it be sent ..., by what transport ...? You can, of course, by river transport, but you can also by rail .., you can also by plane ?! (They argue if they call it river transport )

AT.: Do you have a marina? (No, but you can then by plane).

AT.: Is there an airfield? (They argue ).

AT.: You had everything in the shops... both vegetables and fruits? (Yes).

AT.: And they are still in the store ... and do not end?!(They are transported ). On what?

AT.: Where are they unloaded?(Again, future buildings are called).

AT.: They took it out... and they will bring it to you... Where from? (Show village houses

AT.: Did you bring anything from there? (They call)

AT .: And what could be sent there from your city?

(Yes, they probably need both scythes and tractors ...).

AT .: Well done! You are real builders!

MDOU "Kindergarten No. 4 p. Novoorsk"

Methodical developments on the organization of constructive and building games with children of senior preschool age

Completed by: MDOU teacher

"Kindergarten No. 4 p. Novoorsk"

Averina T.N.

Explanatory note

Construction and constructive games are a kind of creative game and are considered as children's activities, the main content of which is the reflection of the surrounding life in a variety of buildings and related actions. In building and constructive games, some objects are replaced by others: buildings are built from specially created building materials and constructors, or from natural materials. Games are often closely intertwined with the role-playing game, they can be its beginning. Sometimes the building is not used in the game, but is part of its environment, it can take the form of a role-playing game, for example, the game has the role of a builder, a driver delivering goods to a construction site, etc. But there are building-constructive games in which all content is limited to the construction of buildings and structures.

In the process of this type of game, children form and develop orientation in space, the ability to distinguish and establish the size and proportions of an object, children comprehend the simplest laws of physics. The building game teaches children to purposeful, planned activities, thinking develops, an accurate dictionary is formed that expresses the name of geometric bodies, spatial relationships. The tasks of moral education are also solved - children get acquainted with the work of builders, help each other, try to create beautiful buildings together.

A feature of games with building materials is that special training is needed to master constructive skills. In preschool pedagogy, a methodology has been developed for the formation of constructive skills in children (E.A. Flerina, Z.V. Lishtvan, etc.). At the same time, building and constructive games are creative games, since they are characterized by independence, self-organization, creativity and emotional richness. Based on the features of this type of game, the educator in her leadership faces a number of tasks:

1. Expanding the ideas of children and directing their attention to the work of builders, the equipment they use.

2. Education in the ways of construction, education and development of independence, activity of thinking, constructive and creative abilities.

3. The formation of industriousness, the development of the correct relationship of children, their unification into a friendly team.

At the senior preschool age, collective games are expanding, teaching children their preliminary planning, setting the goal of the game, determining participants by prior agreement, using constructive and building skills not only according to a visual model, but also according to drawings, photographs of various structures. The teacher teaches to think about game actions, compare, implement decisions. The word acquires great importance, the source of the construction can be the story of an adult.

A special place in the life of a child is occupied by games with natural material. Children build from snow and sand, play with water. These games contain great opportunities for the development of the child, but, as teachers note, without special development they can be monotonous and have little content.

Construction and constructive games require special attention in the organization of the gaming environment. The educator needs to select a building material that corresponds to the tasks of developing the constructive activity of children of this age. The material should be varied: floor, desktop, different types of designers, sets, etc.; attractively designed, stable enough to suit the abilities of children.

Construction game "Embankment"


  1. To learn to read the scheme of the design of the building, to independently navigate the scheme, placing your building in accordance with it.

  2. To continue to develop the ability to work collectively, to combine their buildings in accordance with a common plan, to agree on who will do what work; help each other if necessary.

  3. Continue to develop speech as a means of communication.
Equipment: constructor kits, attributes for a building game (sidewalks, roadway, trees, flower beds, a river, an envelope with photos of the city, a picture of the Moscow embankment)


Everyone has a Motherland

And the city and the river

We have it from time immemorial

It's called Angara.

And the city raised with salt

Now not the same

Ascended by new buildings

To the west and east.


And today we will build an embankment (picture). What

cities? How do you think? (Moscow)

Moscow is a big city. In large cities, the river flows in the middle

cities. And the embankment is being built up on both sides of the river. There is a right side and a left side.

Examining the painting

Here is the river, and this is the fence. What do you think the fence is for?

(so that no one gets into the water, and the water does not wash away the shore).

Need along the shore footpath. For what? (so that people can walk and enjoy the fresh air from the river and the beauty of the city). What is this wide road? What is it called? (carriageway) For

what? (for cars to drive along the embankment).

The embankment is decorated not only with fences, but also with trees. Ships, motor ships, boats, cargo barges, motor boats float along the river.

On the ship you can go for a walk, on a barge you can transfer the cargo.

How about getting on the ship? Shall we step over the fence? But as?

(pier needed)

Working with a schema

Educator: - Guys, remember and tell me what is the name of the person who is thinking about how the embankment will be built up?

(architect)- Today I will be the architect, and you are the builders. I thought about how the embankment in the city will be built up, (scheme is proposed) Let's determine where the left bank of the river is and where the right one is. The river flows into this

the direction the arrow points to. If we stand facing in the direction where the arrow points, then this bank will be right, and this one will be left (I mark on the diagram: l.b and p.b). We will build up, left and right bank.

How do we start construction? (quay fortifications)

What will strengthen the coast? (fence)

Let's do it as in the diagram. How? (bricks)

Let's make a pier. Of what? The pier is placed on the river.

It’s very pleasant to walk along the embankment (pointing to the diagram), what’s going to happen? (sidewalk)

Then, a wide road will go (I show it on the diagram). What is it called? (pavement) And here again the footpath. And then the houses will go along the embankment.

What do you think the builders built first: the embankment or the houses

(first they strengthened the coast, built a pier, laid roads, then houses).

And if there are houses on the right and left banks, then how will people go to visit? (requires a bridge).

I suggest you build an embankment. - But in order for everything to work out, as I planned, you need to choose what you will build and build in the place where you planned (choice of children)

Self-construction by children by a designer

Educator: - Everything was built, what did the architect think?

A beautiful embankment turned out with the right and left banks, as well as a footpath and a roadway. There are various buildings along the waterfront.

Construction of a tram according to the scheme

Target: To consolidate the ability to find the main functional and structural parts in an object using a diagram. Learn to consistently reproduce the building, based on the design scheme. Develop creative imagination.

Material: A set of building materials, a picture of a tram, a diagram of a tram, small toys.

move: Children tell everything they know about the tram, about its purpose, describe it.

Tram map display.

Preschoolers name the main parts in it, correlate the building material available on the tables with it, mentally outline its location in the building. The analysis of the scheme is carried out sequentially from the bottom up.

Children tell what details they will need, focusing on the diagram, reproduce the building from the bottom up.

Upon completion of the construction, a game exercise “Put the passenger in your seat” is carried out. Based on the scheme, children determine the place of the object in their constructions. Then the buildings are beaten.

Construction and constructive game "Farm»
Goals:- To form in children the ability to use building desktop material, to act with it in a variety of ways.

Learn to independently select the necessary details in accordance with the nature of the building and carry out the construction according to the model of the educator.

Consolidate previously acquired knowledge about the farm.

To learn how to create the simplest models of real objects, to reflect the acquired knowledge and impressions in playing with the building.

Cultivate friendships in the game.

game material: Desktop building material (bars, cubes, arches), a set of toys "Farm".

Game progress: The teacher gives the children a set of toys "Farm" and invites them to play. Draws attention to the fact that animals need to arrange a safe place so that they do not run away and no one harms them, leading the children to the conclusion that a fence around the farm is necessary. Children themselves choose the building material (bars) and build a fence by placing parts close to each other. If the children forget to leave a place for the gate, the teacher asks how a milk tank car can drive to the farm. The teacher offers to populate the farm with small animals (pigs, sheep, birds) and check if the fence is high enough. Then large animals (cows, horses) are settled and the children come to the conclusion that the height of the fence is insufficient. The teacher shows a sample of the fence superstructure (the cube alternates with an inverted arch, is attached close to each other on top of a fence of bars). Children finish building. The teacher asks questions about the farm and offers to beat the building.

Questions for the activation of gaming activities:

What animals are farmed?

Who takes care of them?

How do farmers take care of cows? What do they get from them?

How do farmers take care of pigs? What do they get from them?

How do farmers take care of horses? How are they used?

How do farmers take care of the birds? What do they get from them?

How do farmers take care of goats, sheep? What do they get from them?

Why does a dog live on a farm?

What machines help farmers?
Construction and constructive game "Port"

Target: To form in children in a certain sequence to build a structure neatly, beautifully. Cultivate independence in the game. Develop children's communication in the game. Continue to learn to develop the game plot.

Game progress:"Guys, we urgently need to send the cargo to another city. The cars and trains left, the planes flew away. What transport is left for us to transport the cargo? (by water). What needs to be done for this? different cargoes on the ships. You need to choose which of you will be the driver of the loader, who will be the controller, the loaders for unloading the goods. Who has not yet been named? (ship captain, crane operator). Children build ships, choose toys, objects - cargo. Loaders load cars , drivers are driving cars to the port. Furniture is being transported to one ship, things to another, vegetables and fruits to the third. Children tell who this cargo is for, who will need it. Supervisors check whether they loaded it correctly, whether the cargo is loaded. The crane operator removes the cargo from cars, forwarded to the ships.When all the cargo is loaded, the captains give the command to sail.

Outcome: "Guys, we received a letter, I'll read it. (The letter says that people received the cargo, some furniture, some vegetables and fruits, some things. They thank the children for their help.)
Construction Game: City Buildings

Target: To consolidate the knowledge and skills of children from building material and additional details to design an object.

Rules: The teacher invites the children in the role of builders to tell what major construction projects are being carried out in the city, why they are important for the townspeople, what has been built recently. Children find among the photographs and name the construction objects with which they were introduced, the purpose of these objects. The teacher offers to find photographs depicting the microdistrict in which the children live and tell how its buildings differ. What interesting buildings are there on the street where the child lives, where the kindergarten is located. Then the teacher asks to list construction professions. Choose one of them and tell about it. Children finish the game by building a multi-storey building (or other object at the request of the children)

Construction "Deer" from natural material
Target: Learn to use various natural materials to make toys.

Develop the ability to connect parts of toys with pointed twigs (or matches);

Strengthen the skills of working with an awl.

Equipment: a basket with natural material, pictures of a deer, a sample of a deer craft toy.

Handout: acorn, fir cones, matches, twigs, pine needles, moss, glue, paints, cardboard; a wooden board, an awl, a knife (for a teacher, a brush.

Preparation for work: The teacher sharpens with a knife at both ends the matches for the legs and tail of the toy, to connect its parts, finely cuts pine needles. Lays out on tables.

Educator: - Today, guys, we will make a new toy. I want to give you a riddle:

Beats with hooves "tsok-tsok",

Snow flies, grain, sand,

Everyone who is not lazy knows

This is northern. (Deer)

That's right, it's a reindeer. (A picture of a reindeer is posted on the board). Today, guys, we will make such a toy. (Together with the children, every detail of the craft is examined).

For the head of a deer I take an acorn, I make three holes in it with an awl: two - from above, I insert branched branches into them - these are horns; and one at the bottom, into which I insert a match, pointed at both ends to connect the head with the neck. Then I choose two fir cones: one large for the body, the other smaller and shorter for the neck. I make an awl through the hole. I insert a match into the hole of a large cone, I tightly plant a small cone on it. Got a body. After that, in the bump - the body I make five more of the same holes - four for the legs and one for the tail - and insert the matches. I make a hole in the upper part of the cone-neck and connect it with a match to the head of a deer. The muzzle can be drawn with pencils. The toy is ready, you can play with it.

Children are seated at the table, on which there are supplies for crafts.

Guys, you need to use the awl carefully, on a special board that lies in front of you. I remind you of the safety rules: put the cone on the plank, hold the edges of the cone with the fingertips of your left hand. Hold the awl in your right hand and insert it into the bump slowly, slowly, shaking left and right.

After analyzing the sample, the children begin to make the toy. The teacher monitors the work, helps the children with auxiliary questions, accompanying instructions, partial implementation of the toy.

To make the figure of a deer expressive, you can change the position of the legs: if the deer's legs are straight, he is standing, and if they are curved, he is running or walking; the head can be lowered, thrown back, slightly turned to the side (children's suggestions). On a board smeared with glue, pour chopped pine needles, decoratively arrange moss - this is a forest glade. We install ready-made toys for children on it.

Outcome: - Guys, did you like your toys? (Children's answers).

What parts does your deer toy consist of?

Guys, I propose to organize an exhibition of your toys in the group. When we go on an excursion to the museum “Center for the Culture of Crafts of the Indigenous Peoples of the North”, you will take your toys as a gift.

Bridge construction

Target: To give children an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bbridges, their purpose, buildings; exercise in the construction of bridges; to consolidate the ability to analyze samples of buildings, illustrations; the ability to independently select the necessary details in size, shape, color, combine them.

Material: Building sets, cars, figurines from under kinder eggs.

Working process: Connect two tables and lay out a “river” on them (a strip of blue ribbon closed by a ring). In the center of the "river" ring there is a recreation park. Behind the "river" are the inhabitants-dolls.

Educator: - How to get the dolls to the park?

Children - We need to build a bridge.

Educator: - You noticed that the bridge is divided into two parts, one for pedestrians and the other for vehicles.

Educator: - Are there other bridges?

Educator: - Bridges are separate for a pedestrian - this is a pedestrian one.

Happen for transport is automobile. There are for trains - this is a railway.

Educator: - We have learned what bridges are. And now I propose to become builders and build a bridge across our river.

Educator: - The bridges are different, but they all have a base in the form of pillars and a ceiling, some have railings, decoration. Now I will show you how to build a road bridge.

Educator: - What building material will we take for the foundation?

Children: Bars, arches, bricks.

Educator: - I will take two short bars. I will put them parallel to each other (shows how to do it) What should I take now?

Children: Cover.

Educator: - I will take four long bars to cover. We lay them across our base and tightly attach them to each other. (suggests how to do it).

Educator: - How can our cars enter the bridge?

Let's take and put two wide plates at the beginning and at the end of the bridge. (shows how to do it).

Educator: - Do you think our cars will be able to safely cross the bridge? (the teacher rolls a toy car over the bridge. And the car stops near the edge of the bridge. The car may fall off the bridge)

Children: No.

Educator: - For traffic safety, we need to build fences. We take two long bars. And we lie to the left and to the right of the roadway of the bridge (shows)

Educator: - We built a road bridge. And now I propose to build a pedestrian bridge.

Educator: - What do we take for the foundation of the bridge?

Children: We will take two small arches.

Educator: - We will put two arches parallel to each other. What do we take to cover?

Children: We will take two short bars and put them on the arches, tightly to each other.

Educator: - But how can pedestrians climb the bridge?

Children: Take two narrow plates and put them at the beginning and at the end.

Educator: - Do you think the railing is needed?

Children: Yes. We will take six bricks and put them on the sides.

Educator: - Here we have a pedestrian and automobile bridge. And now I propose to break into pairs, agree and build their bridges. (Children agree and go in pairs to the designer's set. They build bridges.)

Analysis: Pay attention to the significance of the bridge (vehicle or pedestrian). Width (narrow or wide). On the parts from which they are built (fence overlap). At the end, to move on to the story role-playing game, you can offer to decorate your bridges and play with them.
Plot construction based on the fairy tale "Teremok"

Target: 1. To bring joy and pleasure to children from educational games.

2. Develop the ability to use standards as public designations of the property and quality of an object (color, shape, size).

3. To develop the ability to use in the game buildings of different constructive complexity from building material.

4. Continue to work on the development and enrichment of the plots of games, using indirect methods of leadership.

5. Continue work to maintain a positive emotional state in children, to form friendly relationships between children.

Equipment: LEGO constructor, "wonderful bag", multi-colored jars, toys-animals from the designer.

Educator. Guys, look what an unusual flower on the table. Let's take a closer look. And the flower is unusual, fabulous. It has a girl in it. And her name is .... (Children's answers. If the children find it difficult, the teacher himself calls).

Yes, this is Thumbelina, a fairy-tale character from the distant country of Denmark. I know one interesting story that happened in this distant country. Let's sit down on the chairs and I'll tell you about it. A long time ago, when you and I were not yet in the world, there lived - there was one person. His name was OlKirk Christiansen). And he had a son. The boy was very fond of playing, but he had few toys. And they broke often. Kirk Christansen was very worried about this. One day he had a wonderful idea to create new toys. You could play with them without fear that they would break, because they were taken apart, assembled, and this could be done many, many times.

Q. And in order to guess what kind of toys they were, I suggest you play the game "Wonderful Bag".

Children feel the details of the designer and say what is in the bag.

Q. That's right - these are Lego blocks. I suggest that everyone take a cube. So I suggest you play now. And create new toys ourselves. And Thumbelina will be watching you.

Children sit down at the table, on which individual sets for construction are prepared. Pre-lego cover up.

Educator. What can you build with Lego? (Answers of children). Look carefully at what details you got. (The idea of ​​the educator: to build scenery for the fairy tale "Teremok" with the children).

Educator. So you've made the buildings. Let's listen to each other. Who got what.

Educator: Children, we got a beautiful house. Lego is different. Here I have toys from a small designer. Who do they look like? (The teacher takes turns showing toys - characters for the fairy tale "Teremok": a frog, a mouse, a fox, a hare, a wolf, a bear).

Educator. We got the heroes of a famous fairy tale. (What a fairy tale).

Let's tell a story to our guest. I will read a fairy tale from the author, and you will speak for the heroes of the fairy tale. Note. (After the words, the children move the animal figurines). Tale "Teremok in a new way"

Leading. There is a teremok-teremok in the field! He is not low, not high, not high.

Suddenly, a mouse hurries across the field-field, Ran up to the tower and says.

Mouse. Who, who lives in a teremochka? Who-who lives in the low?

Leading. A mouse ran into the teremok and began to live and live there! It is warm in the little house, but outside the wind blows, it brings cold. And now a frog jumps across the field!

Frog. Who lives in a teremochka? Who-who lives in the low? (knocking)

Mouse. I am a mouse - norushka! And who are you?

Let me live with you!

Leading. They all began to live together! And then Bunny runs to the little house - Runaway! Approaches the little house, knocks.

Bunny. Who lives in a teremochka? Who-who lives in the low?

Mouse. I am a mouse!

Frog. And I'm a frog! And who are you?

Bunny. I'm Bunny - Runaway! Let me live with you!

Leading. A hare ran into the teremok, and the little animals began to live in it all together! But what is? Why are the bushes swaying like that? Who is it running to the teremochka? It's a fox-sister!

Chanterelle. Who lives in a teremochka? Who-who lives in the low?

Mouse. I am a mouse!

Frog. And I'm a frog!

Chanterelle. I am Sister Fox. Let me live with you!

Leading. So the chanterelles settled in the little house! Animals have fun! Enough to do for everyone! And now a top-gray barrel runs to the little house!

Wolf. Who lives in a teremochka? Who-who lives in the low?

Mouse. I am a mouse!

Frog. And I'm a frog!

Bunny. I'm Bunny - Runaway! And who are you?

Chanterelle. I am Sister Fox. And who are you?

Wolf. I am a gray barrel top. Let me live with you!

Leading. Animals live happily in the little house! What's the crack? Why do bushes bend, branches break? Oh, yes, this is a Teddy bear.

Mishka. Who-who lives in a low place?

Mouse. I am a mouse!

Frog. And I'm a frog!

Bunny. I'm Bunny - Runaway!

Chanterelle. I am Sister Fox.

Wolf. I am a gray barrel top. And who are you?

Bear. And I'm a teddy bear! Let me live with you!

Animals. Come live with us!

Leading. They began to live, to live and to make good. THE END, We have an unusual modern teremok. The bear didn't break it. The tale turned out to be new, modern, cheerful. Animals live together in a small house, dance and sing. And I suggest you relax and dance. (Children dance with the teacher).

Educator. Did you like how we played today? I think Thumbelina liked it here too.

Boat Design

Target: Cultivate accuracy, perseverance. Strengthen the ability to fold a sheet of paper in different directions. Develop an eye, the ability to make crafts durable.

Material. Rectangle for folding the boat.

Move. 1. Demonstration of the finished boat.

2. Explanation and display of the folding sequence of the boat:

Fold the rectangle in half lengthwise;

Fold the resulting shape in half again;

Expand along the last fold;

Bend the corners from the first fold to the middle;

Bend up the bottom strips on both sides;

Put your thumbs inside and turn the figure at an angle down (where the lower strips pass);

Bend the bottom corners on both sides up;

Put your thumbs inside and turn the figure;

Take the upper corner with both hands and unfold the figure.

3. Repetition of the folding sequence with an explanation of their actions (1-2 children).

5. In the process of work, find out how the children learned the techniques of folding paper in different directions, the ability to work neatly, with concentration.

6. At the end of work, send all the boats to sail.
Butterfly design from natural material

Target: Raise interest in constructive activities. To form practical skills in working with a variety of natural material, continue to teach the analysis of the work process; when making a toy, learn to measure its parts. Develop children's imagination.

Material: acorns, leaves, shells, plasticine.

Stroke: 1 Examination of samples

What is the similarity? (In structure)

What is the difference? (In detail)

Find out that all parts and details of the butterfly are made from a certain natural material, discuss possible options for replacing it.

2. Find out the sequence of making the toy.

3. Help to select the material, commensurate with the size of the acorn and leaves (shells). (For the body - an acorn, for the wings, leaves or shells.)

4. Independent work of children.

5. Combine all the crafts into a collective work "Dance of the Butterflies" and place it on the exhibition "We do it ourselves."

Bibliographic list:

  1. Kazakova T.G. Development of creativity in preschoolers: A guide for kindergarten teachers. - M., 1998. - 121 p.

  2. Lishtvan Z.V. Games and activities with building materials in kindergarten. - M., 1999. - 86 p.

Etc. tasks:

  • To teach children to independently choose a topic for the game, develop a plot based on the knowledge gained from the perception of the world around them, from literary works, while watching TV shows;
  • To teach children to collectively build the buildings necessary for the game;
  • To develop the ability to build buildings according to a drawing and a drawing, observing the symmetry and proportions of the building;
  • Contribute to the establishment of role-playing interaction in the game and the assimilation of role-playing relationships;
  • To consolidate the ability to apply constructive skills acquired in the classroom;
  • To consolidate the ability to comply with the rules and norms of behavior in a joint game;
  • Improve the ability to independently produce attributes for role-playing games
  • To form the ability to coordinate their actions with the actions of partners;
  • To develop in children the ability to coordinate and distribute roles, the theme of the game before the start of the game;
  • Develop initiative, creativity, ingenuity;
  • Raise the desire to play building games and beat them in a role-playing game; Cultivate friendliness, mutual assistance and mutual assistance.

Development environment: drawings and drawings of various buildings from large building materials, equipment and attributes for building and role-playing games, paper for manual labor, colored pencils, felt-tip pens

Preliminary work: looking at the "Architecture" album, getting to know construction professions, looking at pictures and photographs of various high-rise buildings and houses of various configurations, public buildings, sports facilities, transport, pedestrian and automobile bridges, building buildings according to drawings and drawings, classes in construction from building material.

Game management.

Children enter the group, welcome guests.

V. - children, today we will play role-playing games, build various buildings. Consider what kind of games you would like to play and what would you like to build for your games? (O.D.)

V.- Recently, another spaceship has been launched in our country. You already know how to build a rocket, maybe one of you wants to build a spaceship according to my drawing? Then you could play the game "Cosmonauts". (O.D.)

Q. – Cosmonauts need a hotel in which they will rest after training before the flight and after returning from space to Earth. Maybe someone wants to be a builder and build a hotel according to the blueprint? (O.D.)

V. - For astronauts, it is also possible to build a Palace of Culture, where they can have a cultural rest, spend their free time from pre-flight training. Watch movies, concerts, go to hobby groups. Near the Palace of Culture, it is desirable to build a beautiful fountain so that the air is always clean and fresh. Maybe someone wants to take care of these buildings? (O.D.)

Q. - And who else wants to be a builder, and what buildings do you want to build? (O.D.)

The boys propose to build a wide freeway for cars, the girls are interested in how the dolls will cross the road to the Palace of Culture. The boys promise that they will build a pedestrian bridge over the freeway for the dolls.

Q. - Maybe someone wants to play Sailors and build a big ship for their game? (O.D.)

Q. - Think and agree on who will play with whom, come up with a game plot, distribute roles, think about where you will place your buildings so that everyone can play comfortably and comfortably without interfering with each other. Please note that a high-rise hotel, a spaceship, and the Palace of Culture with a fountain require a lot of space.

Children are divided into subgroups, agree with each other, distribute roles, discuss the topics of games, take the necessary equipment and attributes, and start the game.

The teacher watches the progress of the game, comes to the aid of the builders, reminds that the buildings must be even, stable, durable, proportional, symmetrical, beautiful. Reminds children that they need to play together, reckon with the opinion of a comrade, coordinate their actions with comrades in order to avoid conflict, then the game will be long and interesting. The teacher offers the girls, until the pedestrian bridge is built, to make purses and handbags out of paper for their dolls.

While playing with the buildings, the teacher, with the consent of the children, can join the game, taking on the role of a character.

At the end of the game, the teacher tells the children that it is time to finish the games, invites them to clean up their play areas and invites them to come up to them.

V. - Children, you all played together, it was interesting. Share your opinion about your games. Tell me what worked out for you, what didn’t work out, what you had to change during the game. (O.D.)

Q. - Children, what do you like about your buildings? What can you say about the buildings of your comrades? (O.D.)

Q. - Why didn't quarrels and conflicts arise during your games, what do you think? (O.D.)

Q.- What is your mood from your long and interesting game? Do you feel like continuing to play your games? (O.D.)

The teacher invites the children to continue these games after sleep, and during this time to think about what new things can be added to the game to develop the plot.

Children say goodbye to the guests.
