The work program of the industrial practice "Assistant to the doctor of emergency and emergency care

Health education- a set of educational, educational, campaigning and promotional activities aimed at the formation healthy lifestyle life, prevention of diseases, preservation and strengthening of health, increasing the working capacity of people, prolonging their active life.

In order to ensure high level of health, the goal of every medical worker in their work is to rely on a preventive focus. The level of prevention in a country reflects the nature of the socio-economic, scientific, technical and political conditions of life.

The roots of prevention go back to ancient times. The issues of disease prevention based on the observance of the rules of personal hygiene and rational nutrition have already occupied an important place in medicine. ancient world. However, development scientific foundations prevention began only in the 19th century. The formation of scientific prevention was largely facilitated by the study of the role environment in the emergence and spread of diseases, the achievements of microbiology, physiology and hygiene. Leading doctors and figures of medical science in Russia saw the future of medicine in the development of public prevention in the inseparable unity of curative and preventive medicine.

“The future belongs to preventive medicine,” wrote the great Russian surgeon N.I. Pirogov.

Nowadays in Russian Federation legislative acts on health care provides for the regulation of public relations in the field of public health protection in order to ensure the harmonious development of physical and spiritual forces, eliminate factors and conditions that adversely affect the health of the country's population.

The tasks of health education include:

Dissemination of medical and hygienic knowledge;

Education of sanitary and hygienic skills in order to maintain and improve health;

Increasing the sanitary and hygienic culture.

Sanitary and hygienic education should be carried out taking into account gender, age, climatic and geographical features, national customs, traditions and other factors. In his work on the education of a healthy lifestyle, the paramedic must also take into account the living conditions of the population, which include material and non-material factors (social, political, spiritual and moral). Individual and public health depends on the above factors.

The order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation on sanitary and educational work for paramedical workers provides for 4 hours a month to promote a healthy lifestyle during working hours with planning and reporting on the work done.

The Health Education Service is headed by the Main Sanitary and Epidemiological Department, the Department of Medical Problems of Forming a Healthy Lifestyle, the Central Research Institute of Health Education of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

Organizational, methodological and coordinating centers in the regions, cities, districts are the Houses of Health Education. They develop plans for sanitary and educational work, coordinate the activities of medical and other institutions, taking into account the most important tasks of public health, the proposals and wishes of the population. A great help in this work is provided by the Knowledge Society, which organizes lectures and talks, publishes sanitary and educational literature.

In our country, methods of mass, group and individual health education information are widely used, which can be carried out in oral, printed and pictorial forms. Funds play an important role mass media: print, radio, television, film. The issues of health care and the education of hygiene skills are widely reflected in issues of popular medical literature (the alphabet of health, the "encyclopedia", the series "Medicine for All"); as well as on the pages of a number of newspapers and magazines. Memos, booklets, leaflets, brochures and posters are published in mass circulation. Increasing importance is attached to the production of small forms (micro-posters on wrappers, matchboxes, bookmarks).

Methods and means of sanitary and educational work

In organizing his sanitary and educational work, the paramedic, along with traditional methods of educating the population on health issues, such as:


Group discussions;

Thematic evenings;

Evenings of questions and answers;

Conversations for round table;

oral journals;

health schools;

Publications in the press;

Conferences, widely uses the methods of visual agitation:

Wall newspapers;

Sanitary bulletins;

Exhibitions and corners of health;

Book exhibitions.

To make this advocacy attractive, useful and informative, here is a rough description of some forms of health education information that you can use in your work.

health bulletin

An artistically designed sanbulletin always attracts attention and is one of the most intelligible means of propaganda.

The SanBulletin is an illustrated health education newspaper dedicated to one topic only. Topics should be relevant, taking into account the challenges facing modern healthcare, as well as seasonality and the epidemiological situation in this mode. The title is in bold type. Its name should be interesting, intriguing, it is desirable not to mention the word "disease" and "prevention".

Sanbulletin consists of 2 parts - text and illustrated. The text is placed on a standard sheet of whatman paper in the form of columns 13-15 cm wide, typed on a typewriter or computer. It is allowed to write the text in calligraphic handwriting in black or purple. It is necessary to highlight the editorial or introduction, the rest of the text should be divided into subsections (headings) with subheadings that state the essence of the issues and practical advice. Noteworthy is the presentation of the material in the form of questions and answers.

The text should be written in a language intelligible to the general public without medical terminology, with the obligatory use of local material, examples of proper hygienic behavior in relation to one's health, cases from medical practice.

Artistic design: drawings, photographs, applications should be elegant, illustrate the material, but not duplicate it. The drawing can be one or more, but one of them - the main one - should carry the main semantic load and attract attention.

Text and artwork should not be bulky.

The health bulletin ends with a slogan or appeal. It looks better if framed. The emblem of the Red Cross and the bowl with the snake are not drawn. The name "SanBulletin" and issue number should not be present, as the Sanitary Bulletin is not a periodical.

In the lower right corner, the responsible person and the release date are indicated. It is necessary to ensure the issuance of a sanitary bulletin at least 1-2 times a quarter.

Health Corner

The organization of the corner must be preceded by a certain preparatory work:

Coordination of the organization of the corner with the management of this institution;

Definition of the list of works and necessary building materials(stands, slats, fastening "rails", buttons, glue, fabric, etc.);

The choice of a place - quite fresh and lively, that is, one where there are constantly or often a lot of people;

A selection of relevant illustrated material: posters, photo and litho exhibitions, transparencies, photographs, memos, leaflets, clippings from newspapers and magazines, drawings. This compilation is done with the help of a health education instructor in the area and in a health education house.

It is desirable that special stands of various formats and mounting strips, "rails" that can be removed and mounted in other versions, be prepared and strengthened for the corner. The leading theme of the health corner is various aspects of a healthy lifestyle. In the event of any infection or its threat in the area, appropriate material for its prevention should be placed in the corner. This may be a health bulletin, a leaflet prepared by the local sanitary and epidemiological surveillance authority, a brief memo, a clipping from a medical newspaper, etc.

No need to strive to place as much material as possible in the corner of health. It is better to exhibit other materials more often. It is useful to make an exhibition of posters, for example, about the dangers of drunkenness, drug addiction, smoking, about the benefits of physical education and sports. Photomontages that amateur photographers can make are very valuable and interesting. In schools, it is good to place materials prepared by students in the health corners. The health corner should have a question and answer board. Answers to questions should always be timely, efficient and useful.



1. The role of nursing staff in maintaining human health.

2. Counseling on the preservation and promotion of health is one of the new duties of nursing staff.

3. Goals and principles of counseling on the preservation and promotion of public health in different age periods.

Achieving a high level of health, improving the quality of life largely depends on the person himself, but the role of his environment in shaping a positive attitude towards health should not be underestimated. A person's environment largely forms his microsocial environment, which has a significant impact on health. This effect is manifested through the level of the material

well-being, intra-family relations, family climate. The composition of the family, its condition, its lifestyle, daily routine, diet and other family factors affect the prevalence of certain diseases.

In addition to family members, the immediate environment of a person should also include medical workers, in particular nursing staff, who by their actions can affect the level of health, help improve the quality of life of a particular person, which is the ultimate goal of any medical intervention, whether it is patient care or motivation to preserve and maintain health. Thus, a significant role in maintaining the health of healthy people, shaping the principles of a healthy lifestyle, and motivation to maintain health can and should be played by medical workers, in particular nurses working in an outpatient network, as well as general practice nurses and family nurses, one of the main functions of which is prevention. It is a known fact that up to 80% of those who applied for medical care begin and end their treatment in an outpatient setting. That is why at the preclinical stage it is possible and expedient to form skills for maintaining health, as well as the need to maintain and strengthen it.

So, a nurse working in a children's clinic should give the necessary recommendations on observing the correct mode of study and rest for children. different ages, conduct qualified consultations on the principles of adequate and rational nutrition, on the necessary and permissible physical activity taking into account age, physical development, the presence of a particular pathology, the need to ensure safe living conditions, including measures to prevent injuries on

street and houses, as well as information about proper storage medicines, funds household chemicals etc. The preventive activity of nurses in children's polyclinics is especially relevant and noticeable due to the natural concern of parents for the health of their children, which is especially pronounced in the first year of life, as well as the natural curiosity of the children themselves. It is at an early age of a child that it is especially important for a nurse to establish a trusting relationship with the baby's parents, and then with him.

themselves, to achieve the necessary authority, to demonstrate their knowledge and skills in explaining to parents, and later to the child, the importance of a healthy lifestyle, the main risk factors for developing diseases, factors that contribute to maintaining health.

Their priorities may be in the preventive activities of nurses working with the adult population. Among the issues that a nurse can and should address are the topics of family planning, both at the level of preventing unwanted pregnancy and at the stages of planning and expecting a desired child.

The problems of adequate and rational nutrition remain very relevant for the population of our country, and the solution to this problem concerns people of all ages. Among the nutritional features of Russian citizens, one can note the high consumption of sweets, bakery products, salt with a simultaneous deficit in the consumption of fruits, vegetables, meat, fish. AT last years new food addictions- love for chips, hamburgers, hot dogs, carbonated drinks. The problems associated with the use of drugs, alcohol, and smoking are also relevant.

All this can serve as an occasion for a nurse's conversation with her patients, during which she should not only inform the patient about the risk factors for certain diseases, list specific living conditions that contribute to maintaining health, but also try to convince him of the need to avoid exposure to adverse factors and observe conditions that support a high level of health. In doing so, the nurse must take into account age features the patient, his social and psychological status, the level of intellectual and physical activity, the degree of awareness of his health and many other factors that shape a particular lifestyle.

Nurses working with general practitioners have a special role to play in preventive medicine. The general practitioner nurse must actively and independently work with the population. Knowing social status families, the level of health of each of its members, the features of the development and course of diseases, using the trust and authority of their patients, the nurse can more effectively deal with not only

coordinating activities, but also the development and implementation of specific preventive measures necessary for each family, in accordance with the living conditions of this family.

The participation of outpatient nurses in preventive measures can also be manifested in organizing and conducting various schools and seminars together with a doctor (for example, on breastfeeding support, prevention of hypertension, maintaining safe living conditions, etc.).

Thus, the preventive activities of nursing personnel, activities to preserve and improve the health of the population should be broad, diverse and independent and consist not only in helping the doctor, medical and educational work, but also cover educational, advisory activities. It is difficult to overestimate the role of a nurse in shaping a healthy lifestyle.

life, teaching actions to preserve and promote health, both sick and healthy people. Greater independence and activity in this direction will also contribute to increasing the prestige of the nursing profession, will increase its level of self-respect and respect from patients.

The purpose of sanitary and educational work is the hygienic education of the population and the inculcation of a sanitary culture on the basis of the acquisition of useful skills and habits of a healthy lifestyle and the conviction that they must be observed.

Sanitary and educational work is carried out with the help of agitation and education.

three main areas:

1) dissemination of information about a healthy lifestyle, ways and methods of maintaining health, preventing diseases;

2) promotion of compliance with the rules and methods of a healthy lifestyle and prevention through education and persuasion;

3) hygienic training and education.

Sanitary and educational work may be active and passive. Active forms include conversations, speeches, lectures, reports, i.e. direct communication of medical workers with the population. Passive forms are the publication of popular science literature, articles, leaflets, memos, posters, sanitary bulletins, holding exhibitions, showing films, etc. Active and passive forms are closely related to each other.

The advantages of active forms of work are the direct relationship and interaction of agitators and the population, providing the greatest effect on the audience. In turn, passive forms do not require the presence of a medical worker, they affect long time to an unlimited audience. The disadvantage is the lack of feedback between agitators and listeners. However, improving the quality of work can enhance the effect of passive methods of health education. By the breadth of impact on the audience: mass, collective, individual.

Mass sanitary and educational work: publication of books, posters, leaflets, notes in newspapers, release of films, appearances on television, radio, collective - in reports, lectures, speeches, conversations, issuance of sanitary bulletins, wall printing, etc., individual - in conducting individual interviews.

It is necessary to distinguish between propaganda and agitation work. Campaigning is always addressed to a specific audience (children, adolescents, adults, workers, etc.) in order to encourage them to respond positively. The focus of propaganda is on a certain subject, such as oral hygiene, means and methods of prevention, etc., about which people should receive information and make their own judgment. We can assume that the goals of propaganda are achieved through agitation. If we consider them as the dissemination of ideas, knowledge, opinions, then the essence of agitation is to induce action based on propaganda recommendations.

Most effective methods health education work are talks, speeches and lectures. Their high effectiveness is explained by direct communication between the doctor and the audience, which provides maximum psychological contact and conditions for mutual understanding, allows taking into account social, professional, educational and individual characteristics listeners. At the same time, direct communication with the audience makes high demands on the speaker (the ability to attract attention, the skills of free, emotional and persuasive speech, the ability to present material intelligibly, etc.). A conversation, a speech, a lecture is always a kind of dialogue that requires vigorous activity both speaker and listeners. The effect of persuasion during a speech largely depends on how much the listener is involved in contact with the doctor.

The ultimate goal of sanitary-educational work is not knowledge about the subject of the conversation or speech of the doctor, but the listener's beliefs and actions as a result of acquiring this knowledge.

The sequence of achieving the goal is as follows:

information - knowledge - beliefs - skills - habits.

Hygienic education and training in dentistry is the most important integral part sanitary and educational work. They are based on the education of adults and children in in full oral hygiene skills based on a conscious attitude to this event as one of the important components of a healthy lifestyle. The main methods of hygienic education are health education, training and control (see. Hygienic education and upbringing). Sanitary and educational work at the level of the country, region, institution should be built on a scientific basis, taking into account the level of sanitary culture of the population, their skills and awareness of oral hygiene, dental diseases, and ways to prevent them. Information about this can be obtained through a survey, questioning. observation. In accordance with them, it is possible to correctly formulate the goals and objectives of sanitary and educational work, to determine ways to motivate various groups of the population for prevention in dentistry. Based on all the information, a long-term program of sanitary and educational work with the population should be developed, taking into account the characteristics of habits, knowledge, motivation, the level of sanitary culture, and hygiene skills. The same information must be used for the purpose of marketing and advertising of means and products for prophylaxis in dentistry.

May be of interest:

  • ' onmouseout="hidettip();">Regional medical institutions, their role in providing highly qualified assistance to the population. Organizational and methodological department, its functions


in the discipline "Valeology"

on the topic: "Sanitary and educational work"


1. History of the development of health education organizations

2. Organization of sanitary and educational work 2.1. Health education in the work of outpatient clinics 2.2. Health education in the hospital 2.3. Health education in the service area 2.4. Health education for maternal and child health

3. The contingent of groups of persons subject to mandatory examination



Health education is a section of the preventive activities of health authorities and institutions aimed at hygienic education and education of the population in order to involve it in active participation in health protection.

Health education is a mandatory section of the activities of each medical institution, professional duty every healthcare worker. This is natural, since the role of the personal (behavioral) factor is great in the prevention of diseases, in early seeking medical help. This factor affects the recovery time, the effectiveness of aftercare and rehabilitation, and the prevention of exacerbation of diseases (Brekhman, 1987).

Health education as a scientific branch relies on the experience of not only medical disciplines, but also sociology, psychology, and pedagogy. In the practice of health education, all available channels of information are used: the spoken word, the press, radio, cinema, television, public universities, "schools" of health, etc.

Sanitary and educational work among the population is carried out according to programs developed by the State Committee for Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance of the Russian Federation and territorial TsGSEN (Brekhman, 1987).

Control over the effectiveness of health education is carried out by the territorial CGSES in accordance with the current instructive and methodological documents.

1. History of the development of health education organizations

To some extent, health education is carried out in all developed countries. As part state system health care Health education was formed for the first time in the USSR in the 1920s; it played an important role in solving the next health problems (the fight against epidemics, the protection of motherhood and infancy, the fight against so-called social diseases, the improvement of working and living conditions in the city and in the countryside, the prevention of occupational diseases and injuries in the 20-30s years; training of the population on issues of sanitary defense, promotion of donation during the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945; elimination of the sanitary consequences of the war, etc.). Health education in the USSR is an obligatory part of the activity of every medical-prophylactic and sanitary-epidemiological institution and every medical worker. Republican, regional, regional and city houses Sanitary education carried out organizational and methodological functions and, together with the corresponding offices in sanitary and epidemiological stations, constituted a special service. In addition to the health authorities, the cultural and educational institutions of the Soviets of Workers' Deputies and trade unions, the Znanie societies, the Red Cross and Red Crescent, educational bodies and other organizations were engaged in the dissemination of medical and hygienic knowledge. To coordinate their work on health education, an All-Union Interdepartmental Council (VSSP) and republican councils have been set up. Research and scientific and methodological activities were headed by the Central Research Institute of Health Education of the USSR Ministry of Health (founded in 1928 in Moscow) (Brekhman, 1987).

Abroad, research institutes for health education have been opened in Prague and Bratislava (Czechoslovakia), Belgrade (SFR Yugoslavia), on the basis of the hygienic museum in Dresden (GDR). As scientific research institutions or large houses of health education, national and regional centers in a number of socialist (SRR, Hungary, Mongolian People's Republic) and capitalist (France, Great Britain, Germany, USA) countries. Since 1949, the Health Education Section has existed in the World Health Organization system, which has been working in contact with UNESCO and the International Union for Health Education (IUHSU; founded in 1951; ICSU became part of it in 1957). Since 1951, the MSSP has been holding international conferences; Since 1964, symposiums of specialists on the health education of the socialist countries of Europe have been practiced (1964 - Budapest; 1967 - Rostock; 1970 - Moscow; 1974 - Prague). Since 1958, the MSSP has been publishing in Geneva an international journal on health education (Brechman, 1987).

On January 1, 1989, the health education service was reorganized into a healthy lifestyle service, and health education houses into health centers. The goal of the Healthy Lifestyle Formation Service is to increase the level of sanitary culture of the population, to conduct recreational activities that contribute to the preservation and strengthening of health, increase efficiency and active longevity.

2. Organization of sanitary and educational work At present, the provisions on medical institutions of all types (polyclinic, outpatient clinic, hospital, etc.) provide for work on sanitary and hygienic education of the population. Nevertheless, an analysis of the practical implementation of sanitary and educational work in these institutions shows that it is often carried out formally on the ground and methodological errors are often made, the main reasons for which are: due attention to this work; - lack of knowledge about the organization and methodological approaches to this work, which leads to a violation of the basic principle of health education (differentiation and purposefulness of propaganda), and among the forms of health education, lectures and the issuance of health education bulletins predominate (Lavrova, 1981 ). In addition, not enough attention is paid to group and individual forms of work. Sanitary and educational work in a medical institution is a complex of differentiated, targeted sanitary and educational activities that provide for hygienic education nie various contingents of the population and organically related to the activities of medical institutions. Sanitary and educational work is carried out in accordance with local conditions and the tasks facing various types medical institutions. The general management and control over the organization and conduct of sanitary and educational work is carried out by the head physician of the medical institution, which must ensure the active work of doctors and paramedical workers in sanitary and hygienic education of the population both within the walls of the medical institution itself, and in the serviced territory. The head doctor of a medical institution works in close contact with the local health education house, from where he receives methodological assistance and materials. Each medical worker, in addition to conducting individual conversations with patients and their relatives in the process of providing medical and preventive care, he is obliged to spend 4 hours of his working time every month on conducting group and mass forms of sanitary and educational work. There are 3 main links in sanitary and educational work: health education in the clinic, hospital and at the site. 2.1 Health education in outpatient settings Strengthening the preventive activities of outpatient clinics, expanding the scope of preventive examinations and dispensary observation, gradual transition to the medical examination of the entire population have an impact on the organization and forms of conducting sanitary and educational work. modern conditions there are 2 main aspects of health education in outpatient clinics: - health education to involve the population in medical preventive work; - health education of prophylactic contingents in conditions of dynamic monitoring of them (Lisitsyn, 1987). The success of preventive examinations largely depends on the attitude of the population towards them and the willingness to participate in them. To attract the population to medical preventive examinations, a chordal sanitary and educational impact is used, that is, shock, short-term, massive information about the goals, objectives and practical significance of clinical examination. This is ensured by: - ​​propaganda and information sanitary and educational impact; - visual aids (posters, slogans, etc.) exhibited at the place of residence of the population and directly in the clinic itself; - explanation and persuasion using printed information (invitation leaflets, thematic memos); - reading lectures explaining the essence of the dispensary method of servicing the population; - demonstrating thematic sanitary and educational films. impact in a number of clinics in order to attract the population to preventive examinations increased the participation of the population in them by 40%. diseases) (Weiner, 2007). Hygienic education of the healthy is aimed at preserving and strengthening their health. The program of medical and hygienic information for them provides for the promotion of a healthy lifestyle: hygienic advice on work, rest, nutrition, physical education and sports, combating bad habits, etc. memo, which contains a number of practical tips aimed at maintaining and strengthening health. This work uses various leaflets about a healthy lifestyle published by the Central Research Institute of Medical Problems for promoting a healthy lifestyle, local health education houses, as well as thematic brochures published by the Knowledge Society. In modern conditions of preventive work, hygienic education of groups of people with an increased risk of diseases is of particular importance. Among the premorbid conditions, the most prognostically dangerous are such as a tendency to overweight, prehypertension, hypercholesterolemia, prediabetes, etc. Many of them are based on disorders hygiene standards behavior: physical inactivity, smoking, alcohol abuse, irrational nutrition, improper regimen. Health education of persons at risk of illness includes issues of primary prevention of the disease, the possibility of development or the initial signs of which are present and are aimed at correcting their hygienic behavior. Here it is necessary to re-educate a person, to influence already established habits of behavior, and therefore sanitary and educational work should be structured in such a way that there is the possibility of direct, repeated communication, during which the recipient could assume certain obligations to change his hygienic behavior, and the medical worker - monitor the fulfillment of these obligations (Weiner, 2007). The method of health education work with these contingents includes an individual conversation with a doctor, backed up by the delivery of a leaflet (booklet) containing specific advice aimed at eliminating existing adverse health factors, as well as a group conversation-discussion (groups are selected from individuals who have the same disorders or are affected by the same risk factors). In addition to therapists, narrow polyclinic specialists are involved in group classes: a nutritionist, a doctor (instructor) of exercise therapy, a psychotherapist. The participation of a psychotherapist in hygiene education is of particular importance, since these population groups need to create a psychological attitude to the need to correct to mobilize their strong-willed efforts. Health education of patients aims to develop in them the skills of adequate, correct hygienic behavior, which contributes to a speedy recovery or alleviation of the course of the disease. The success of treatment and the acceleration of recovery largely depend on this. The method of hygienic education of patients is differentiated in 2 areas: health education of patients with acute and chronic diseases. Many chronic diseases are the result of insufficiently cured acute, therefore, adequate hygienic behavior of a patient with an acute disease is an important condition for preventing the development of chronic processes. The program of hygienic information should include a mandatory minimum of information on treatment and a rational mode of life during the period of illness and convalescence. The members of their family have a considerable influence on the implementation of therapeutic and preventive measures by patients. Sanitary and educational work with relatives of patients and persons directly caring for patients in home environment, aims to create a favorable psychological climate in the family, contribute to the strict implementation of the appointments and prescriptions of the doctor and provide competent care for the patient. The method of working with this contingent provides for an individual conversation with the doctor (if necessary) and the issuance of a thematic memo with recommendations for caring for the patient. In addition, they get acquainted with the hygienic prescriptions made to the patient. Health education of people suffering from chronic diseases is carried out according to the method of a full-time distance learning course. This course includes: - an individual conversation, during which the patient receives the necessary hygiene recommendations; - a group conversation with the participation of medical specialists, during which the patient receives additional medical and hygienic information, which makes it possible to better understand the doctor's advice, to realize the need to follow them. A group conversation is best done in the form of a discussion, during which the cognitive activity recipients. This contributes to the consolidation of the acquired knowledge, the development of the necessary beliefs; - the issuance of the "Book of the prophylactic", which is the main element of distance learning and where the deadlines for attending the next preventive appointment are noted. The patient receives it together with a leaflet corresponding to the disease. individual parameters of his hygienic behavior, which helps to consolidate the received hygiene recommendations in his mind, the doctor - to control their implementation by the patient. 2.2 Health education in the hospital The purpose of health education in the hospital is to increase the effectiveness of therapeutic and preventive measures by instilling the necessary hygiene skills in the patient. Health education in the hospital provides information: - on the correct hygiene behavior during the stay in the hospital, especially after discharge to prevent the progression of the disease, i.e. serves the purpose of secondary disease prevention. At the same time, it is important to take into account the patient's need to receive maximum information about his disease and condition; - additional medical and hygienic on general hygienic issues due to the fact that a sick person has an increased interest in medical issues, and the hospital has all the conditions and time to obtain the necessary information .In accordance with the informative tasks, sanitary and educational work is carried out at all stages of the patient's stay in the hospital: - in the admissions department - an individual conversation, with the presentation of a memo containing information about the hospital routine, about hygienic requirements for the behavior of patients; - in the ward - individual or group conversation; - in the halls of the hospital department - a group conversation with patients, a discussion in accordance with the nosological form of the disease using thematic visual aids- lecture transparencies, lecture folders, etc. A slidescope with a set of large-format slides illustrating the basic medical information and hygiene recommendations communicated to patients is successfully used; and in order to prevent recurrence of the disease. The program of hygienic education of patients with chronic diseases (in the hospital and clinic) must necessarily include the provision of pre-medical self-help in case of exacerbation of the disease. The patient should be oriented towards the initial signs of a relapse of the disease so that he can resort to self-help in time and consult a doctor in a timely manner. This primarily applies to patients suffering from hypertension, coronary heart disease, bronchial asthma and some other diseases. Literature data indicate that 50% of cases of unreasonable requests for emergency medical care are calls to patients with chronic diseases who overestimate the severity of their condition , do not know how to provide self-help and violate the treatment prescribed by the doctor. Targeted hygienic education of patients with chronic diseases helps to reduce the number of unreasonable calls for emergency medical care. Health education of relatives and friends of the patient includes: recommendations to persons visiting the patient; - individual conversations of the attending physician in the hall for visitors and self-influence by means of sanitary and educational design of this room. The sanitary and educational design of the polyclinic and hospital is an additional, but important source of information. It should be made taking into account the requirements of the aesthetics of the interior and the need for style unity and be based on the principle: stationary forms, changeable expositions. In the sanitary and educational design of the polyclinic, it is advisable to take into account the typical location of the departments and offices of the polyclinic, which contains: - reference and information materials; - hygiene information general- promotion of a healthy lifestyle, the importance of preventive examinations, seasonal information (prevention of influenza, acute gastrointestinal diseases, etc.); the program of information is communicated to the recipients with the help of separate forms and means of registration. For wall decoration, luminous planes (boxes) with large-format color slides and non-luminous ones (stands), expositions of posters and thematic exhibitions are used, and for desktop decoration - albums, file cabinets, table turnstiles. and lounges for visitors. In the reception area and halls for visitors, information and reference material regarding the rules internal regulations for patients and visitors. In addition, in the same halls it is necessary to have materials that highlight the role of the patient's family members in creating his adequate psychological attitude to inpatient treatment and the subsequent fulfillment of medical prescriptions at home. When selecting forms and means of sanitary and educational design of medical departments, it is important to take into account the fact that patients stay in them for a long time. Therefore, wall exposures are practically unacceptable here, they can even cause a negative effect. It is advisable to use desktop design: albums, turnstiles, file cabinets, which are a thematic selection of illustrations with text (Brechman, 1987). 2.3 Health education in the service area The precinct-territorial principle of healthcare allows for extensive sanitary and educational work at the facilities served by the polyclinic, primarily at the medical site. This work consists of sanitary education: - patients and their relatives during home visits, the forms and means of sanitary and educational work are similar hygienic education of patients with acute diseases); - the entire population of the service area (information of the population about preventive and health-improving measures carried out by the clinic, and hygienic education of the population aimed at instilling healthy lifestyle skills). Undoubtedly, a significant amount of sanitary and educational information is the population of the service area receives through radio, cinema, television, the press. It is in the residential area that a significant part of the preventive, including sanitary and educational, work should be concentrated. Traditional forms of mass and group sanitary-educational work are widely used at the place of residence: lectures, preventive receptions, evenings of questions and answers, and thematic ones. Doctors of medical institutions take part in people's health universities. For the proper conduct of sanitary and educational work with the population, a medical and preventive institution must have the necessary sanitary and educational equipment and a set of sanitary and educational facilities. In order to methodological training medical workers of the polyclinic on the issues of hygienic education of the population and the provision of organizational assistance to them in its implementation in the prevention departments of polyclinics, an office for promoting a healthy lifestyle is being created. The main tasks of the cabinet are: - organization and implementation of a set of measures aimed at sanitary and hygienic education and the formation of a healthy lifestyle; - providing organizational assistance to polyclinic doctors in conducting sanitary and educational activities; - acquisition of materials for propaganda and methodological; - methodological assistance to the average medical personnel and sanitary activists in conducting sanitary and educational work with the population. The tasks of the cabinet for promoting a healthy lifestyle include communicating with the local house of health education in order to carry out work to improve the skills of the clinic staff and hygienic education of the population. The house of health education is provided by a medical institution the necessary instructive methodological and visual materials and, if possible, materials for working with the population. Employees of medical institutions should be involved in the creation of materials for the population. Undoubtedly, only their joint work with the specialists of the health education service can ensure the proper volume and high quality hygienic education of the population in medical institutions. 2.4 Maternal and child health education The system of hygienic education of the population in obstetric and gynecological and children's medical institutions is built taking into account the specifics of the work of these institutions. Health education is aimed at developing among the population the hygiene skills necessary to create optimal conditions development of the child and protection of his health (at the same time Special attention should apply to the improvement of the girl's body); to protect the generative function of men and women and improve their body even before pregnancy and protect the health of pregnant women and mothers. Health education should promote acceptance by spouses of literate medical point in terms of decisions regarding childbearing. Hygienic education of women is differentiated among people of reproductive age and the older age group, subdivided in each of them into work with three subgroups: healthy people; components of the "risk group"; patients with gynecological diseases. In the group of women of reproductive age, the information program includes the promotion of a healthy lifestyle and motherhood; family planning and medical genetic knowledge to prevent congenital and hereditary diseases; prevention of gynecological diseases and prevention of unplanned pregnancy; an explanation of the harm of abortion for a woman's body, the importance of regular visits to a gynecologist and the need for an early visit to a doctor when pregnancy occurs. Health education work is carried out in the form of individual and group conversations using visual propaganda tools. In order to consolidate the information received, printed materials (leaflets, memos, booklets) are issued, with which a woman can familiarize family members, primarily her husband. In the absence of indications for termination of pregnancy, it is necessary to carry out active work not only with the woman, but also with the husband to prevent abortion, using all sorts of forms of work and propaganda tools. In addition to obstetricians and gynecologists, lawyers are involved in the work to promote motherhood and fatherhood. The health education program for women with risk factors is complemented by hygiene recommendations aimed at correcting a woman's hygiene behavior or eliminating the influence of an unfavorable factor. In addition, the issues of family planning are highlighted, taking into account the specifics of a woman's extragenital disease, and the importance of improving a woman's body before pregnancy is explained. The program of hygienic education of patients with gynecological diseases additionally introduces recommendations aimed at developing hygienic behavior and skills that contribute to a speedy recovery and prevent the occurrence of relapses of the disease . Depending on the specifics of the gynecological disease, anti-cancer propaganda is carried out. The hygiene information program for older women age groups should contain the anatomical and physiological characteristics of a woman during menopause and menopause; hygiene issues for women during these periods of life; hygienic recommendations for the prevention of gynecological and oncological diseases. Hygienic education of pregnant women and puerperas is aimed at developing in them adequate hygienic behavior and skills necessary for a favorable course and outcome of pregnancy and childbirth, the postpartum period, creating optimal conditions for feeding and caring for a newborn. It is carried out throughout pregnancy (from the moment of registration) and the postpartum period in the form of individual conversations and classes at the school of motherhood. Classes are organized by differentiation depending on the duration of pregnancy (I, II, III trimesters of pregnancy and the postpartum period) and include questions related to the anatomical and physiological characteristics of the body of a woman and the fetus in various terms and hygiene of a woman during this period (including the rules of personal hygiene, motor mode, diet, hygiene of sexual life, etc.); the importance of regular visits to the doctor for the successful course and outcome of pregnancy; physiology of childbirth and psychoprophylactic preparation for them (from 32-34 weeks of pregnancy); preparation of a woman's body for lactation and breastfeeding; proper organization of the living conditions of a newborn at home. In order to consolidate the acquired knowledge, a woman should receive for personal use printed material, containing hygiene recommendations, which is best presented as a series of 4 leaflets (respectively, the trimesters of pregnancy and the postpartum period). Hygienic education of women with an increased risk of adverse course and outcome of pregnancy and childbirth (“risk groups”) is carried out differently depending on risk, specifics of extragenital disease. A woman should receive special hygienic recommendations on the lifestyle, hygiene, diet, motor regimen, the need to fulfill all medical prescriptions in order to protect her health and the health of her unborn child. In working with this contingent of women, preference should be given to individual forms of propaganda (individual conversation with delivery a special series of memos). The tasks of obstetric and gynecological institutions include sanitary and educational work with family members of a woman, primarily with her husband, on whose hygienic behavior the health of a woman and a newborn largely depends. The husband should be familiar with such important issues as the harm of abortion for the woman's body and its impact on subsequent childbearing; sexual hygiene; health care for pregnant women and mothers; creation of living conditions for women for optimal lactation; newborn care. Sanitary and educational work in children's medical institutions is carried out among parents, other family members, teachers and educators of children preschool institutions and schools, other groups of the population caring for the child. The list of its main tasks includes: - dissemination among the population of hygienic knowledge on the protection of children's health; - instilling hygiene skills necessary to create optimal conditions for the development of children and the formation of behavior in them that corresponds to a healthy lifestyle; - formation of the population's readiness to participate in preventive examinations children, timely seeking medical care and fulfilling medical appointments. At the heart of the hygienic education of the population on the protection of children's health is continuity in the activities of women's and children's medical and preventive institutions. The program of maternity clinics for antenatal clinics provides for a pediatrician’s lesson, in which women receive the necessary information on rational feeding and caring for a newborn. the nurse of the children's polyclinic both during pregnancy and in the first days after the woman's discharge from the maternity hospital. The system of family hygienic education provides for a consistent presentation of the necessary information for dynamic monitoring of the child's health (within the time period stipulated by the medical examination). At the same time, the individual conversation of the doctor should be supplemented by the issuance of a memo containing hygienic information regarding the anatomical and physiological characteristics of the child's body at this time. age period and age-specific hygienic recommendations for care, feeding, lifestyle, physical activity, hardening of the child's body. The health education information program should also highlight the role of regular preventive examinations in protecting the health of the child, the need to fulfill all medical prescriptions, including strict observance of vaccination dates. Hygienic education of families who have children with an increased risk of diseases and patients, is carried out similarly to working with these contingents in polyclinics and hospitals for adults. Health education in the troops is an integral part of the activities of the medical service of the Armed Forces of the USSR and is carried out in close contact with political, educational and cultural work. It is aimed at acquiring knowledge by military personnel and developing their skills in preventing diseases, maintaining and strengthening health, as well as consolidating the knowledge and skills acquired in the course of military medical training. Health education at school- dissemination among students, their parents and school staff of information from the field of school hygiene, physiology, epidemiology, pediatrics. It is carried out by the school doctor together with teachers. Approximate topics of conversations on health education: “Organization of the daily routine”, “Hardening of the body”, “ Proper Care for clothes and premises”, “The value of preventive vaccinations”. Together with the doctor, the school administration and teachers organize school-wide and classroom sanitary posts and a school sanitary squad. Health education in a special school has some specifics, determined by the contingent of students and is carried out on the basis of knowledge and compliance with the requirements of special didactics - oligophrenopedagogy. Unaddressed health education conducted without feedback, in violation of ethical rules, without taking into account the characteristics of the addressee (recipient) can lead to negative consequences.

3. The contingent of groups of persons subject to mandatory examination

In accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated August 14, 1997 No. 244 “On conducting mandatory pre-employment and periodic medical examinations”, a list of enterprises, institutions and categories of workers subject to mandatory pre-employment and periodic medical examinations was approved, volumes and frequency of surveys (Table 1).

Table 1

List of enterprises and professions Specialist Laboratory, instrumental and other types of research, the frequency of examinations
1 Enterprise employees Food Industry, children's dairy kitchens and distribution points, bases and warehouses food products having contact with food products in the process of their production, transportation, storage, sale, including workers for sanitation, repair of inventory, equipment.

On admission: therapist; for employees of cream confectionery production, children's dairy kitchens - a dentist, an otolaryngologist.

In the future - therapist - 1 time / year

On admission: large-frame fluorography; research on the carriage of pathogens of intestinal infections; additionally for employees of cream confectionery production - a study on the carriage of pathogenic staphylococcus aureus (nose, throat).

In the future: fluorography - 1 time / year, laboratory research- according to epidemiological indications.

2 Enterprise employees Catering, trade, buffets, catering departments of all enterprises and institutions.

In the future: therapist - 1 time / year.

On admission: large-frame fluorography; study on the carriage of pathogens of intestinal infections.

In the future: fluorography - 1 time / year, other studies - according to epidemiological indications.

3 Employees of educational institutions ( general education schools, vocational school, TU, spec. educational institutions).

Upon admission: therapist, dermatovenereologist.

In the future: therapist - 2 times / year.

In the future: fluorography - 1 time / year

4 Employees of preschool institutions (kindergartens, kindergartens, orphanages), orphanages, boarding schools, boarding schools at schools, forest schools, children's sanatoriums, year-round recreation camps.

Upon admission: therapist, dermatovenereologist.

In the future: dermatovenereologist - 4 times / year

On admission: large-frame fluorography; research on the carriage of pathogens of intestinal infections; enterobiasis, hymenolepiasis, blood for syphilis, smears for gonorrhea.

In the future: fluorography - 1 time / year, blood for syphilis, smears for gonorrhea - 2 times / year, other studies - according to epidemiological indications.

5 Employees of medical institutions for adults, sanatoriums, rest homes, boarding houses, homes for the disabled and the elderly, patronage personnel of the social protection system, directly related to nutrition and sanitary and hygienic care of patients.

Upon admission: therapist, dermatovenereologist.

In the future: therapist - 1 time / year.

Upon admission: large-frame fluorography, for anti-tuberculosis institutions additionally - Mantoux test.

In the future: fluorography - for all categories, with the exception of anti-tuberculosis institutions - 1 time per year, anti-tuberculosis - 2 times a year; laboratory tests - according to epidemiological indications.

6 Medical workers of maternity hospitals (departments), children's hospitals (departments), departments of pathology of newborns, premature babies.

Upon admission: therapist, dermatovenereologist, dentist, otolaryngologist.

In the future: all specialists - 4 times a year.

On admission: large-frame fluorography; research on the carriage of pathogens of intestinal infections; enterobiasis, hymenolepiasis, blood for syphilis, smears for gonorrhea, additionally for anti-tuberculosis institutions - Mantoux test.

7 Employees of enterprises providing sanitary and hygienic services to the population (bath attendants, shower workers, hairdressers, manicurists, pedicurists, beauticians, support staff).

Upon admission: therapist, dermatovenereologist.

In the future: therapist - 2 times a year, dermatovenereologist - 2 times / year.

On admission: large-frame fluorography; for bath workers - blood for syphilis, smears for gonorrhea.

8 Coaches, swimming instructors, pool workers, therapeutic baths releasing procedures.

Upon admission: therapist, dermatovenereologist.

In the future: therapist - 2 times a year.

On admission: large-frame fluorography. In the future: fluorography - 1 time per year. Other studies - according to epidemiological indications.
9 Employees of pharmacies and pharmaceutical plants, factories engaged in the manufacture, packaging and sale of medicines.

Upon admission: therapist, dermatovenereologist.

In the future: therapist - 1 time per year

On admission: large-frame fluorography.

In the future: fluorography - 1 time per year.

10 Maids, cleaners, managers of the floors of hotels, hostels.

Upon admission: therapist, dermatovenereologist.

In the future: therapist - 1 time / year, dermatovenereologist - 2 times a year.

On admission: large-frame fluorography.

In the future: fluorography - 1 time per year, other studies - according to epidemiological indications.

11 Workers of waterworks who are directly related to the preparation of water, persons serving water supply networks.

On admission: therapist.

Upon admission: large-frame fluorography, examination for the carriage of pathogens of intestinal infections.

In the future: fluorography - once a year, other studies - according to epidemiological indications.

12 Workers of farms and complexes for the production of milk, rearing of young cattle, reindeer and pig farms.

On admission: therapist.

In the future: therapist - 1 time per year.

On admission: large-frame fluorography; for employees of dairy production - a study on the carriage of intestinal infections and teniarinhoz; for workers in the rearing of young cattle, reindeer farms - a test for teniarinhoz; for employees of pig farms - for taeniasis.

In the future: fluorography - 1 time per year, laboratory tests - according to epidemiological indications.

13 Students of technical schools, colleges, secondary schools, university students before and during the course industrial practice at enterprises, institutions, whose employees are subject to medical examinations. In accordance with the requirements for the examination upon admission to work of categories working at the enterprise.

Medical examinations (examinations) of workers employed in hazardous work and in work with harmful and (or) dangerous production factors

Medical examinations (examinations) of workers employed in hazardous work and in work with harmful and (or) dangerous production factors are carried out according to orders No. 83 of 08/16/2004 and No. 90 of 03/14/1996. There are 3 types of medical examinations (examinations):

preliminary medical examinations are carried out when the employee enters work. The purpose of preliminary medical examinations upon admission to work is to determine the compliance of the health status of employees with the work assigned to them.

Periodic medical checkups are held during labor activity. The frequency of periodic medical examinations (examinations) is determined by the territorial authorities Federal Service on supervision in the field of consumer protection and human well-being together with the employer, based on the specific sanitary-hygienic and epidemiological situation, but at least once every two years. and for persons under the age of 21 - annually (Article 213 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) and are of a preventive nature. The purpose of their implementation is:

Dynamic monitoring of the health status of employees, timely detection initial forms occupational diseases, early signs of the impact of harmful and (or) hazardous production factors on the health of workers, the formation of risk groups;

Revealing common diseases, which are medical contraindications for continuing work associated with exposure to harmful and (or) hazardous production factors;

Timely implementation of preventive and rehabilitation measures aimed at maintaining the health and restoring the working capacity of employees.

To control the health status of employees, the employer may, if desired, conduct annual examinations not only for those categories of employees for whom such medical examinations are mandatory, but also for all employees working for him. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that for other categories of workers, the passage of such medical examinations will not be mandatory.

Extraordinary (early) medical examinations are carried out in accordance with a medical report or according to the conclusion of the territorial bodies of the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare with mandatory justification in the direction of the reason for the early (extraordinary) examination (examination) (Article 213 Labor Code RF).

Thus, the procedure for preliminary and periodic medical examinations allows the employer to prevent employees from performing work who have medical contraindications for health reasons for this type of work and to conduct dynamic monitoring of the health of employees under the influence of harmful production factors in order to avoid the occurrence of occupational diseases through the fault of the employer.

Cases of mandatory preliminary medical examinations provided for by federal laws

The next group of subjects under consideration, who are obliged to undergo a mandatory preliminary medical examination (examination) when hiring, consists of persons provided for by other federal laws. Among them, in particular, we can name employees who carry out activities in the field of use atomic energy.

So, in accordance with clause 1.7.2 of the Resolution of the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia dated 05.06.03 No. 56 "On approval of safety rules in the oil and gas industry"Employees engaged in work with dangerous and harmful working conditions must undergo mandatory preliminary (upon employment) medical examinations (surveys) in order to determine their suitability for the performance of the assigned work.

In addition, according to Art. 27 of the Federal Law No. 170-FZ dated November 21, 1995 "On the Use of Atomic Energy", certain types of activities in the field of the use of atomic energy are carried out by employees of nuclear facilities if they have permits issued by authorities state regulation security. At the same time, the list of specialists from among the employees who, depending on the activities they perform, must obtain permits for the right to conduct work in the field of the use of atomic energy, as well as the requirements for these specialists qualification requirements determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.

One of the mandatory conditions for obtaining these permits is the absence of medical, including psychophysiological, contraindications. The list of medical contraindications and the list of positions to which these contraindications apply, as well as the requirements for medical examinations and psychophysiological examinations, are determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.

In accordance with clause 31 of the regulatory legal act, referred to as "Organization of work with personnel at nuclear power plants", approved. By order of Rosatom No. 60 of February 15, 2006, a number of employees must undergo mandatory preliminary and annual medical examinations and psychophysiological examinations in accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 1, 1997 No. 233 "On the List of Medical Contraindications and the List of Positions Covered by These Contraindications, and also on the requirements for medical examinations and psychophysiological examinations of employees of nuclear facilities" (hereinafter - Resolution No. 233). These include specialists from among the employees, who, depending on the activities they carry out, must obtain permits for the right to conduct work in the field of the use of atomic energy.

The purpose of conducting mandatory preliminary upon admission to work (as well as periodic, annual) medical examinations is to prevent the admission to work of a specialist in a disabled state due to illness, intoxication, and adjustment disorder. This is due to the need to reduce the likelihood of accidents due to incorrect actions of personnel associated with deviations in the health status of individual workers.

In accordance with paragraph 2 of Decree No. 233, medical examinations are carried out in medical and sanitary units serving nuclear facilities. Regulations for medical examinations are approved by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation in agreement with interested parties. federal authorities executive power.

Employees of certain professions, industries, enterprises, institutions and organizations, the list of which is approved by the Government of the Russian Federation, in accordance with paragraph 3 of Art. 9 of the Federal Law of March 30, 1995 No. 38-FZ "On the Prevention of the Spread in the Russian Federation of a Disease Caused by the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV Infection)" when applying for a job, they must undergo a mandatory medical examination to detect HIV infection.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 4, 1995 No. 877 approved the List of employees of certain professions, industries, enterprises, institutions and organizations that undergo a mandatory medical examination to detect HIV infection during mandatory pre-employment and periodic medical examinations. The specified List, in particular, provides for such positions as doctors, middle and junior medical staff centers for the prevention and control of AIDS, health care institutions, specialized departments and structural subdivisions of health care institutions engaged in direct examination, diagnosis, treatment, maintenance, as well as forensic medical examination and other work with persons infected with the human immunodeficiency virus, having with them direct contact.

The procedure for conducting mandatory preliminary medical examinations to detect HIV infection upon admission to work is determined by the Rules for conducting a mandatory medical examination for the detection of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV infection), approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 13, 1995 No. 1017.


1. TSB. Article "Health education". Authors L. V. Baranovsky, I. S. Sokolov.

2. Valeology, Weiner E. N., textbook for universities, - M. - 2007.

3. Valeology - collection of scientific papers, No. 1, St. Petersburg, Nauka, 1993

4. Introduction to valeology - the science of health, Brekhman I.I., M., Nauka, 1987.

5. Guide to social hygiene and healthcare organization, ed. Yu.P. Lisitsyna, vol. 2, p. 356, M., 1987

6. Social hygiene and healthcare organization, Lavrova I. G., Maistrakh K. V. - M: 1981, - 255 p.

7. encyclopedic Dictionary medical terms: In 3 volumes. Ch. ed. B.V. Petrovsky. - M.: Sov. encyclopedia. - T. 3. - 1984. - p.69.

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State Budgetary Educational institution Supreme Vocational Education Moscow State Medical - Dental University. A.I. Evdokimova

Department of Disaster Medicine and Life Safety

on the topic: "Sanitary and educational work among patients in medical facilities"

Completed by: Kocharyan Hakob

Lecturer: Yakimchuk V.I.

Moscow, 2014


1. Definition of sanitary and educational work

2. Tasks of health education

3. Methods and means of sanitary and educational work

4. Health bulletin

5. Health Corner

6. Disputes and conferences


1. Definition withanitarno-educational work

Health education is a complex of medical and social measures aimed at promoting a healthy lifestyle.

The objectives of health education are: promotion of a healthy lifestyle, physical culture, rational nutrition, the fight against bad habits, familiarity of the population with the prevention of diseases.

Health education is an obligatory duty of paramedical workers. One of the main tasks of a nurse is to convince a person to consciously adopt a healthy lifestyle and be a personal example for them.

An essential element of clinical examination is sanitary and educational work. It has 3 main goals. First, it is necessary to give the patient in an accessible form a general idea of ​​​​the disease and use, about possible signs of exacerbation or complications, such as ulcerative bleeding, so that the patient, if they occur, seeks medical help in a timely manner.

Secondly, the patient should be convinced of the seriousness of the disease, its progressive nature, despite the periodic occurrence of more or less prolonged relapses, the need to give up bad habits (smoking, drinking alcohol), proper diet, day, healthy lifestyle. Thirdly, it is required to acquaint the patient with the goals and objectives of medical examination, to tell about the essence of the dispensary method, to convince him that the dispensary method is the only effective tool preventing the progression of the disease. It is necessary to develop a firm conviction in the patient of the expediency of therapeutic and preventive measures not only during exacerbations, but also during remissions. During the medical examination of each patient with peptic ulcer, the doctor should take into account the clinical features of the disease, work and life, outline a program for subsequent visits to the clinic (or medical unit), research and preventive anti-relapse treatment.

Sanitary and educational work should be carried out during the entire period of treatment and medical examination of the patient. It is especially important to start explanatory work with the patient already in the period of exacerbation of the disease, when there are severe symptoms illness. During this period, patients perceive the doctor's advice better, read with great interest the recommended popular scientific literature on the prevention of exacerbations of peptic ulcer (brochures, memos, etc.). We should not forget about the sanitary and educational work among the relatives of the patient, on which the nature of nutrition sometimes depends, and proper organization lifestyle of the patient, the elimination of some adverse factors that support the disease.

It is important to analyze the effectiveness of clinical examination. As experience shows, clinical examination of patients with peptic ulcer allows 2 ½ -3 times to reduce the frequency of relapses, in a significant number of cases to reduce the likelihood of complications of the disease and achieve long-term remissions (up to 5 years), which is regarded as a practical recovery.

In order to ensure a high level of health, the goal of each medical worker in their work is to rely on a preventive focus. The level of prevention in a country reflects the nature of the socio-economic, scientific, technical and political conditions of life.

The roots of prevention go back to ancient times. The issues of disease prevention based on the observance of the rules of personal hygiene and rational nutrition already occupied an important place in the medicine of the ancient world. However, the development of the scientific foundations of prevention began only in the 19th century. The formation of scientific prevention was largely facilitated by the study of the role of the environment in the occurrence and spread of diseases, the achievements of microbiology, physiology and hygiene. Leading doctors and figures of medical science in Russia saw the future of medicine in the development of public prevention in the inseparable unity of curative and preventive medicine.

“The future belongs to preventive medicine,” wrote the great Russian surgeon N.I. Pirogov.

Nowadays, in the Russian Federation, legislative acts on health care provide for the regulation of public relations in the field of public health protection in order to ensure the harmonious development of physical and spiritual forces, eliminate factors and conditions that adversely affect the health of the country's population.

health education health medical

2. Tasks of health education

* dissemination of medical and hygienic knowledge;

* education of sanitary and hygienic skills in order to maintain and improve health;

* improvement of sanitary and hygienic culture. Sanitary and hygienic education should be carried out taking into account gender, age, climatic and geographical features, national customs, traditions and other factors. In his work on the education of a healthy lifestyle, the paramedic must also take into account the living conditions of the population, which include material and non-material factors (social, political, spiritual and moral). Individual and public health depends on the above factors.

The order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation on sanitary and educational work for paramedical workers provides for 4 hours a month to promote a healthy lifestyle during working hours with planning and reporting on the work done.

The Health Education Service is headed by the Main Sanitary and Epidemiological Department, the Department of Medical Problems of Forming a Healthy Lifestyle, the Central Research Institute of Health Education of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

Organizational, methodological and coordinating centers in the regions, cities, districts are the Houses of Health Education. They develop plans for sanitary and educational work, coordinate the activities of medical and other institutions, taking into account the most important tasks of public health, the proposals and wishes of the population. A great help in this work is provided by the Knowledge Society, which organizes lectures and talks, publishes sanitary and educational literature.

In our country, methods of mass, group and individual health education information are widely used, which can be carried out in oral, printed and pictorial forms. The mass media play a particularly important role: print, radio, television, and cinema. The issues of health care and the education of hygiene skills are widely reflected in issues of popular medical literature (the alphabet of health, the "encyclopedia", the series "Medicine for All"); as well as on the pages of a number of newspapers and magazines. Memos, booklets, leaflets, brochures and posters are published in mass circulation. Increasing importance is attached to the production of small forms (micro-posters on wrappers, matchboxes, bookmarks).

3. Methods and means of sanitary and educational work

* interview;

* group discussions;

* themed evenings;

* evenings of questions and answers;

* round table discussions;

* oral journals;

* schools of health;

* publications in the press;

* conferences,

widely uses and methods of visual agitation:

* wall newspapers;

* Sanitary bulletins;

* exhibitions and corners of health;

* book exhibitions.

To make this advocacy attractive, useful and informative, here is a rough description of some forms of health education information that you can use in your work.

4. health bulletin

An artistically designed sanbulletin always attracts attention and is one of the most intelligible means of propaganda.

The Sanbulletin is an illustrated health-educational newspaper devoted to only one topic. Topics should be relevant, taking into account the challenges facing modern healthcare, as well as seasonality and the epidemiological situation in this mode. The title is in bold type. Its name should be interesting, intriguing, it is desirable not to mention the word "disease" and "prevention".

Sanbulletin consists of 2 parts - text and illustrated. The text is placed on a standard sheet of drawing paper in the form of columns 13-15 cm wide, typed on a typewriter or computer. It is allowed to write the text in calligraphic handwriting with a desk in black or purple. It is necessary to highlight the editorial or introduction, the rest of the text should be divided into subsections (headings) with subheadings that state the essence of the issues and practical advice. Noteworthy is the presentation of the material in the form of questions and answers.

The text should be written in a language that is intelligible to the general public without medical terminology, with the obligatory use of local material, examples of proper hygienic behavior in relation to one's health, cases from medical practice.

Artistic design: drawings, photographs, applications should be elegant, illustrate the material, but not duplicate it. There may be one or several drawings, but one of them - the main one - should carry the main semantic load and attract attention.

Text and artwork should not be bulky.

The health bulletin ends with a slogan or appeal. It looks better if framed. The emblem of the Red Cross and the bowl with the snake are not drawn. The name "SanBulletin" and issue number should not be present, as the Sanitary Bulletin is not a periodical.

In the lower right corner, the responsible person and the release date are indicated. It is necessary to ensure the issuance of a sanitary bulletin at least 1-2 times a quarter.

5. Health Corner

The organization of the corner should be preceded by a certain preparatory work:

* coordination of the organization of the corner with the management of this institution;

* determination of the list of works and necessary building materials (stands, strips, fixing "rails", buttons, glue, fabric, etc.);

* the choice of a place - quite fresh and lively, that is, one where there are constantly or often a lot of people;

* a selection of relevant illustrated material: posters, photo and litho exhibitions, transparencies, photographs, memos, leaflets, clippings from newspapers and magazines, drawings. This compilation is done with the help of a health education instructor in the area and in a health education house.

It is desirable that special stands of various formats and mounting strips, "rails" that can be removed and mounted in other versions, be prepared and strengthened for the corner. The leading theme of the health corner is various aspects of a healthy lifestyle. In the event of any infection or its threat in the area, appropriate material for its prevention should be placed in the corner. This may be a health bulletin, a leaflet prepared by the local sanitary and epidemiological surveillance authority, a brief memo, a clipping from a medical newspaper, etc.

No need to strive to place as much material as possible in the corner of health. It is better to exhibit other materials more often. It is useful to make an exhibition of posters, for example, about the dangers of drunkenness, drug addiction, smoking, about the benefits of physical education and sports. Photomontages that amateur photographers can make are very valuable and interesting. In schools, it is good to place materials prepared by students in the health corners. The health corner should have a question and answer board. Answers to questions should always be timely, efficient and useful.

6. Debates and conferences

Dispute is a method of polemical discussion of any actual, moral or educational problem. The right choice of topic is decisive for its success, for example: “On the beautiful and healthy person"," It is impossible to remain silent about this.

A dispute is possible when it is well prepared, when not only specialists, but also (for example, at school) students and teachers participate in it. Collisions, struggle of opinions are connected with differences in people's views, life experience, inquiries, tastes, knowledge, in the ability to approach the analysis of phenomena. The purpose of the dispute is to support progressive opinion and convince everyone of the rightness.

A form of propaganda close to a dispute is a conference with a pre-designed program and fixed speeches by both specialists and the population itself. Oral forms of health education also include themed evenings, round tables, and question and answer evenings. It is desirable that the audience is already prepared for the perception of the prepared topic, for this it is first necessary to conduct conversations, lectures, arrange stands, health corners, and prepare a book exhibition. Theater and entertainment events, mass sports events can play an important role in promoting a healthy lifestyle. The content of the work during the various forms and methods of hygienic education of the population and promotion of a healthy lifestyle at the FAP should be aimed at highlighting the basics of personal and public hygiene, hygiene of the village, township, housing, improvement and gardening, maintenance of personal plots; to combat environmental pollution; prevention of diseases caused by exposure to adverse meteorological conditions ( high humidity air, high and low temperatures and others), prolonged exposure to the sun, etc.; on the introduction of physical culture into the life of every person. The range of topics of this activity also includes labor and professional orientation: the creation of healthy living and working conditions, the formation of a healthy lifestyle. Much attention needs to be paid to prevention infectious diseases, improving water supply and water use.

One of the important tasks is to promote occupational health measures in agricultural work, prevent agricultural injuries and poisoning with pesticides, explain hygiene requirements to the delivery, purification and storage of water in the field.

A significant place should be occupied by anti-alcohol propaganda, an explanation of the dangers of smoking.

Smoking is one of the most common types of addiction. Tobacco smoking negatively affects primarily the respiratory organs, the cardiovascular system, contributing to the occurrence of diseases such as coronary heart disease, myocardial infarction, chronic diseases of the larynx, bronchi. Smoking is one of the leading factors in the development of cancer.

Alcoholism also refers to diseases that affect not only the patient's neuropsychic sphere, leading to personality degradation, but also affect the heart, blood vessels, and gastrointestinal tract. The work of a paramedic on anti-alcohol propaganda should be based on a certain system, including legal, biomedical and moral aspects. Sobriety is one of essential conditions healthy lifestyle. Depending on gender, age, topics can be selected for better perception by listeners.

splist of used literature

1. Medical profile website:

2. Wikipedia - Sanitary and educational work

3. Directory of a nurse - Klishin E.S. pp. (384-387)

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