Seeing a flood in the street in a dream. Why dream of a flood and a natural disaster

Dreamed natural disasters usually frighten people and cause premonitions of danger in reality. But the water that flooded the city in a dream or, in fact, may portend not only adverse events.

Often the flow of water symbolizes the emotional sphere of your life, inner experiences or aspirations. In order to correctly interpret such a dream, it is best to turn to popular dream books for clarification.

Why dream of incoming water

Water flooding the area in a dream it can warn of upcoming global changes in your life.

There is a high probability of an event that you will not be able to resist. His character is largely determined by the state of the water:

  • if, then changes in life will be for the better;
  • warns of a streak of trouble awaiting you on the path of life.

It is also important what emotions the incoming water evokes in a dream. Fear suggests that the upcoming events in reality will cause you extreme rejection, the joy of the sight of the flood symbolizes that in your soul you have long been ready for cardinal changes.

If in a dream you are carried away by the current bubbling water, be prepared to be in the center of upcoming events. The dream in which you are drowning may portend unpleasant force majeure circumstances that you will not be able to prevent.

What does it mean if you dreamed a lot of water in the apartment

usually dreams of big changes in life. If the water is dirty or muddy, there is a high probability of major domestic conflicts that can split the family for a long time. For a woman to see her own home flooded with water in a dream means dirty gossip and rumors about.

Water, dripping from the ceiling, warns of a dishonest or vile act on the part of a close friend.

Clean, clear water flooding the floor apartments are a good sign, great success and changes for the better await you. There may be an unexpected influx of large amounts of money.

Flooded apartment portends great luck and financial gain. There are many chances that you will soon receive an inheritance. The dream of scooping up water in someone else's home speaks of large cash receipts, and the larger the volume of the bucket or ladle, the more solid the amount that you can receive.

I dreamed of a lot of water - which means

Swim in the stormy in a dream says that in real life you are surrounded by people who are not indifferent to you. Helping someone get out of the river - someone from the inner circle will need help. swim in the river and drink water from it symbolizes that your plans will come true in the near future.

Transparent and clean water that surrounds you in night dreams promises success and prosperity in reality. Drag a lot of clean water in a dream from - global changes for the better and wealth await you.

Dirty water in the well warns of trouble and illness. I dreamed that you were surrounded by water full of small debris - expect a series of minor troubles.

Water in the house - why dream

Water flooding the house, may warn of the danger of losing property in litigation. A stream of water pouring from the ceiling portends major scandals and squabbles.

If you dream dirty water on the floor of the house, be prepared for the fact that someone from your environment spreads dirty gossip about you. Collecting clean water from the floor means meeting a person who will show you signs of attention.

Crystal clear water in your own home can be interpreted as a reliable financial condition and career advancement.

I dreamed that your the house is in muddy water- a sign that you are overcome by bad thoughts and you cannot cope with some kind of harmful addiction. The house is surrounded by clear water - your financial situation will improve in the near future.

Why dream of water in the village

Village flooded with muddy water in a dream warns of troubles and troubles in reality. If the flood caused the death of people in the village, get ready for losses and illness.

See a big village filled with clean water- a dream can promise big profits.

If the rising water causes fear, then this is a sign that you are afraid of the coming changes, even realizing that they will benefit you. Despair at the sight of water spilling over the village portends changes in life that will ultimately be for the good.

Watch the flood in the village from the outside can be interpreted as the presence in your life of an obsessive and annoying person.

Why dream of disaster or flood

A dreamed flood can be interpreted in different ways depending on the emotions with which it was accompanied in night dreams:

  • if the disaster was perceived calmly or joyfully, expect success and profit soon;
  • if the flood caused horror - to financial losses or strife in family relationships.

If in a dream you can't get out from a dwelling flooded with water - this is a harbinger of the fact that in real life you will have to face circumstances that prevent you from putting your plans into practice.

To dream that the arriving the water carries you together with - expect a happy event.

Dreamed that a stream of cold water carries away your loved ones- a symbol of future heavy losses or disappointments. To yourself in the stream of arriving cold water - a dream suggests that soon you will realize your mistakes and repent of them.

For women, seeing a flood in a dream can be a sign. If there is muddy water in the district, expect conflicts with the chosen ones and gossip of others.

For men fight in a dream with the consequences of a flood means difficulties and obstacles in a career. If people died from a disaster, there is a high probability of events that you will regret for many years. If you dream that you yourself drowning in dirty and cold water - a dream can be interpreted as a warning about a serious illness or accident.

Sometimes a flood in a dream may indicate that in reality you are overwhelmed by feelings that are difficult to control. You feel that you have reached a certain limit, and the actions of others can cause you to have a nervous breakdown. Such a dream warns that the consequences of uncontrolled emotions will be deplorable, first of all, for you.

Why dream of a flood in the city

flood in the city usually dreams of major changes. Remember how in a dream the inhabitants reacted to the arriving water. If calm or joyful, expect auspicious events with good long-term consequences. The fear of drowning people in a dream suggests that you should prepare for a whole series of unpleasant events.

Pure water flooding a populated city promises quick wealth or career advancement. Streams of dirty water with debris and debris warns of losses that you will be unable to prevent.

If in a dream you miraculously ended up on an island in a city flooded with clean, sparkling water from the sun's rays, the dream portends a happy event and a comfortable life. The joy in a dream from contemplating water suggests that your dreams have every chance of coming true in the very near future. It is possible that fate has prepared for you a lottery win or a sudden promotion.

If children joyfully play in the water that has flooded the city, the dream portends acquaintance and mutual feelings. If a girl saw such a dream, her dreams will soon come true.

I dreamed about the end of the world - what could it mean

Watch from the side the end of the world or the Flood means imminent favorable changes. If you dream that you are dying, the dream portends unexpected events that will radically change your life. It is likely that you decide to go on a new path in life.

If the end of the world in a dream is terrifying, it may symbolize your fear of inevitable change and unwillingness to make important decisions.

Trying to escape in a dream from death they say that you are aware of the need for change, but desperately resist them. Perhaps you are hoping that someone else will take responsibility for important decisions that can change lives globally.

Most dream books interpret the apocalypse seen from the outside as a sign of a calm course of events in reality and stable material prosperity. But if the disaster in the dream also affected you, it can be a harbinger of failure and illness.

If the cause of the end of the world was a powerful flood that you watched from the side, you can count on unexpected sources of wealth in reality. Your projects will bring good profit.

If a you were carried along with the flow muddy water - unexpected obstacles will interfere with the implementation of your plans for a long time.

Drowning in the apocalypse speaks of the consciousness that your life is flowing in the wrong direction. Such a dream can be a harbinger of global decisions that bring harmony and peace.

Seeing a flood in a dream is not the most pleasant prospect for any person. Flood - why is this natural disaster dreaming? What does the dream book say about flooding? Such a dream in itself is not very pleasant, it portends life's catastrophes and problems that can not always be easily and simply solved. But if you interpret such a dream taking into account all the details, you will find out what threatens you and how you can avoid it.

A flood in a dream represents major problems that you will face in reality.

Interpretation of sleep in detail

Water-related disasters often indicate impending problems: trouble at work, serious family discord, problems with children or older relatives. In any case, all this leads to great emotional stress, nervous breakdowns, and even a serious illness.

Since biblical times, flooding has been the personification of God's punishment and has forever been deposited in the human mind as a terrible disaster, so if you dreamed of a flood in a dream, the interpretation is likely to be negative. In fact, our subconscious senses impending problems long before the moment of their actual occurrence and gives us a signal that we need to listen to.

Get caught in a flood in the city, at home or on the street

Flooding on the street promises you a series of troubles and problems

If you saw yourself in distress in your home, surrounded on all sides by water and not seeing a way out of this situation, this portends a series of troubles and problems that you cannot resist on your own. In addition, if, despite all the calls, no one came to your aid in a dream, then in reality you should not count on support.

The streams of water that have flooded your home are most likely harbingers of major family quarrels that can lead to a break in all contacts and relationships. Women perceive such dreams especially painfully - they intuitively feel a brewing family crisis.

A person who has such a dream, first of all, should analyze the level of relations in the family - are there any reasons for scandals, are the children doing well and do they require an additional dose of attention. In any case, in order to avoid serious disasters, you should reconsider your priorities and pay more attention to loved ones, then it may be possible to minimize possible problems.

If the water that fills your house or apartment is clean and clear, this means that the problems that your dream portends will be short-lived and easily solved. If you are flooded with a muddy stream, this is a sign of a serious disaster. In any case, the dreamer needs to fight fate, take all measures so that the relationship and closeness of loved ones are not lost.

A dream in which a flood caught you on the street, and you are standing among the streams of seething water and do not see a way out, means that in the near future a whole heap of problems will fall on you and you will be left to fight them alone. The realization that sooner or later everything passes and the problems that have arisen will also be solved by you can help to cope with such a situation. You need to teach yourself to hold the blow firmly and not give in to any difficulties, then sooner or later fate will turn to face you.

To dream of a flood on the street from the outside, from a safe place - there is a chance that the foreshadowed problems and troubles will bypass you, only ruffling your nerves a little. If you look at the flood from your own home, but in a dream you feel a sense of security, it means that your family will provide you with a strong rear in the event of any external problems, help you endure all failures steadfastly and eventually pull you out of the stream of trouble.

A dream about sweat in the city may hint at burdensome duties for you.

Why flood in the city? Such dreams reflect the relationship of a person with society in general. As the dream book says, a flood in the city in which you were born means that in reality you are embroiled in some kind of social problems, and even if you don’t want to participate in them, you can no longer refuse. Most likely, these public duties are unpleasant for you, they burden you, they can bring some discord in the family due to constant employment - but you cannot break out of this vicious circle.

In such a situation, you need to understand what is more important for you in this life - public recognition or your relatives and friends. It's actually not that hard to prioritize - it will help resolve the conflict between your social activities and your personal life.

When a stream of water carries you through the streets of the city and you cannot stop and find a safe place for yourself somewhere, this is a sign that you are too accelerated in an attempt to make a career, that you give all your time, emotions and strength to work and career advancement. stairs, and life as such passes you by. Or rather, you rush past her without even having time to properly see.

In this case, you can only advise one thing - slow down. Leave yourself time and energy to arrange your personal space. Pay attention to that and those who surround you, otherwise you risk staying in this rushing stream.

Survive the flood in the countryside or in nature

As the dream book says, flooding on the street in the village means big changes in your life. They can be both positive and negative. If you see clear clean water and are yourself quite far from the epicenter, then your life will change for the better. It is a bad sign if you are washed away by a wave, or you see other people and animals being washed away, and you also see corpses floating on the water.

If you dream of a flood that flooded a large area, forests, fields, while the water constantly arrives and captures more and more land, then you need to be prepared that fate will bring you surprises. Also, a dream can be a harbinger of global catastrophes, wars.

What did you do during the disaster?

If in your dream the feeling of your own security does not leave you, you can safely count on the speedy resolution of all the problems that will confront you in the near future. You do not even have to make super efforts to overcome all the negative actions directed against you.

If in a dream you are afraid for your life, afraid of the streams of water that surrounds you - this indicates emotional instability and certain health problems. If in a dream you experience almost horror at the thought that you will become a victim of a flood, you should seriously take care of your health. Such a dream is the first sign that a serious illness may lie in wait for you.

A person who has such a dream should undergo an examination to identify systemic pathologies, or take a ticket to a sanatorium or rest home in order to provide himself with the necessary pause and put his health in order.

If you dream that you are helping other people during a flood, or even saving someone, this is a very good sign. This means that you will not encounter probable troubles alone, that there will be people or one person who will share the burden of problems with you and together it will be much easier for you to cope with them.

If in a dream you are saving your property from a flood, material problems await you.

If in your dream you yourself fell into a flood, and it threatens your life, then this predicts loss and suffering. If water has entered your home and is rising quickly, then something is likely to threaten your well-being. Events in your real life will develop depending on whether you managed to get out of the water unscathed or not.

If you were able to survive, then the difficulties that you have now are temporary and passing. A dream in which you manage to escape from the onset of big water prophesies a new stage in your life, renewal, a reassessment of values. This is a good sign.

If you were unlucky in a dream, then the period of dealing with your problems can be very long. If you are washed away by muddy water, then this dream is a warning. You may expect losses, life will change for the worse. Therefore, when you wake up, think about what you can change so that the prophecy does not come true. However, in fairness, it must be said that if the water is clean and transparent, then such a dream promises you an increase in prosperity and a life of luxury.

An unfavorable dream is in which you save other people from the water. This may portend you a serious illness, because of which you will not be able to complete some important things.

If you saw a flood in a dream, but did not become a direct participant in it, but remained in the position of an observer, then the interpretation of your dream will mainly depend on your emotions and feelings from what you saw.

When the picture outside the window does not knock you off balance, and you know that nothing threatens you, then in real life you are overwhelmed with feelings, you live a romantic period of your life. If at the same time you still dream that clear clear water floods everything around you, but you are completely safe, then you can be sure that this is a very good sign, and very good news, happiness, prosperity and longevity await you ahead.

However, if, looking out the window, you experience a feeling of fear, if there is a threat to your life, then such a dream predicts the collapse of your plans and hopes.

If in a dream you dreamed that you were reading in a newspaper about a flood, and this news causes you negative emotions, then most likely you will receive unpleasant news from distant relatives or friends. Also, a dream may mean that you will encounter some problems that will force you to abandon your plans.

Seeing a lot of water in a dream and being surrounded by it

Seeing a flood in a dream, a lot of water is a sign to think about the fact that in your life you pay a lot of attention to material things. To avoid trouble in the future, it makes sense to change priorities and devote more time to spiritual development.

You can more accurately interpret the dream in which you saw a lot of water if you know what kind of water this was - clean and clear or dirty and muddy:

  • So, if you dream of a lot of clear clean water, and it surrounds you from all sides, then this is a wonderful sign. Such a dream promises you happiness, joy, serenity, excellent prospects in all aspects of life, whether it be love or business.
  • But the situation with dirty, muddy water is completely different, one might say the opposite. To be surrounded by such water in a dream, or simply to see a lot of such water, is a harbinger of failure, illness, betrayal.

Did you dream about big waves? The waves themselves are a symbol of difficulties and obstacles. It is advisable to postpone the solution of complex issues for a while, not to open a business, not to conclude any contracts. If you managed to cope with the waves and swim out, then the difficulties will be short-lived and insignificant, and you will easily overcome them. If the waves covered you with your head, then it’s not so easy for you to cope with difficult life situations. Another such dream can warn you about serious problems in the family, about diseases.

Interpretation of a dream about a flood according to various dream books: Miller, Vanga, Freud, Modern

I dreamed of a flood - what is it for? Dreams about natural disasters with water largely reflect our perception of the flow of time, which brings us not only joys. The subconscious mind projects the expected problems and immediately gives us a vector of solutions in our dreams. That is why dreams with water almost literally reflect the real state of affairs. And now let's look at the most relevant dream books today and find out what their compilers think about the flood.

Miller's dream book - a catastrophe is possible in reality

Dreams in which a person sees a flood in his hometown have another interpretation. In a settlement that will be flooded by dark water, a catastrophe with a large number of human victims will be expected. If you saw people swept away by the flood, such a dream portends major losses, despondency and hopelessness.

However, if the water that flooded the city is clean and transparent, then troubles and sorrows will be replaced by prosperity and prosperity, troubles will be replaced by a period of prosperity and stability. When you dream of vast expanses filled with clean water, then this is good, to get out of a protracted crisis or illness.

Vanga's Dream Interpretation - You May Be Drinking Too Much

Seeing a flood in a dream is a sign of an approaching natural disaster with great destruction. Also, a flood can dream of a person who loves to drink. A strong flood with clear water is a harbinger of making a profit.

Freud's dream book - you dream of having children

According to Freud, the flood symbolizes pregnancy and the birth of a child.

Dr. Freud draws a parallel between a flood seen in a dream and pregnancy. If a woman has such a dream, then most likely she dreams of a long-awaited child, or is worried about the upcoming birth. If a man dreams of a flood, then, according to Freud, such a man is attracted to pregnant women, or very passionately dreams of creating a family and having a child.

Modern dream book - the meaning depends on the purity of the water

Seeing a flood in a dream - to problems, disasters. But when interpreting this dream, it is very important to take into account what the water was like. Dirty water always portends bad events, while clean water, on the contrary, positive changes.

Ancient Roman dream book - you have become lazy and apathetic

Apathy, lack of will to live, laziness. Seeing yourself struggling with the consequences of a flood - you are trying and cannot put your life in order, sort things out. In catastrophic people die, buildings are destroyed - your inaction harms others.

Islamic dream book - the past will return to your life

Flooding in your hometown - boredom, repetition of the same events. Large-scale flooding, flooded large areas - a repetition of the events of the past, the return of an old acquaintance, a return to an old place of work, etc.

Children's dream book - check your health

Be a hostage to your own emotions. Inability to cope with feelings, loss of control over the situation. The death of people in a flood - health problems associated with nervous experiences, neuroses, a nervous breakdown.

Mythological dream book - learn awareness

A lot of empty, unnecessary thoughts, obsession with something. You need to learn to focus. If in a dream people die in a flood and various destructions are visible, it means that you have already faced the consequences of your absent-mindedness.

Ayurvedic dream book - check your health

Flooding of the home - problems with the exchange of fluid in the body, lymph flow or blood circulation. A big flood - to rain or snow, high humidity. A dream about how a wave covers you - go to bed due to illness.

American dream book - you may be in love

Water is a reflection of female energy in the subconscious. Seeing a stormy water stream in a dream is a manifestation of femininity: falling in love, maternal feelings. The flood and disasters in a dream mean that you will become a hostage to your emotions, you will not be able to cope with feelings. Drowning in a dream - to a fatal passion.

New dream book of 1918 - deal with all matters

Water flooding your home means that you need to stop and deal with current affairs before taking on new ones. If the water is cloudy, then take care of your health and be more careful about food.

Dream Interpretation of Veles - perhaps a successful trip

You bathe in water - health will not let you down on difficult journeys. Water flooded the house, street, city - your family is not threatened with deprivation as long as you take care of their safety. Something has broken through and is gushing with a stream - significant cash receipts in the near future.


Seeing natural disasters in a dream is certainly not very pleasant and frightening. But, as you probably already understood, everything is decided by the details of your dream. Very often, a dream in which you see a flood, on the contrary, is a harbinger of some very favorable events in your life. But even if it still has a negative connotation, this is not a reason to be upset. Take this as a sign from above that you need to think and change something in your life.

Dream Interpretation Flooding

A natural cataclysm poses a great danger to all living things, and therefore the knowledge of what flooding means in a dream would not interfere with any person.

Despite the negative connotations of the plot, you should not jump to conclusions, since every detail left aside can completely change the resulting transcript.

How to search?

Raging water element

According to the dream book, flooding is an event that portends radical changes in life. Probably, you have long been tired of such a life, and only the fear of the unknown stops you. To get a complete interpretation of the dreamed phenomenon, you will have to remember various aspects.

What kind of water?

If you are flooded with water in a dream, then a prerequisite for helping to get an accurate decoding will be the color and condition.

Calm and transparent

Seeing how water floods a room is a favorable symbol that predicts the dreamer unprecedented prosperity and peaceful family relationships.

Why dream of flooding only one room? Such a dream is prophetic and conveys an important idea to the sleeper: in reality, you will have to change some kind of character trait that interferes with normal development. You have to understand only one rule: the lack of forward movement leads to a gradual fall.

Dirty and muddy

Watching how a stormy stream blows everything in its path means that in real life you will be able to get rid of unnecessary experiences and cleanse yourself of negativity. If your room was flooded with water, and you managed to survive and get out onto a dry surface, then luck will contribute to your endeavors, and the results you get will only please.

In the popular dream book, several atypical options were highlighted that are worth listening to:

Dreaming of seething dirty streams

  • seething stream - your emotional restraint cannot be normally perceived by people around you;
  • foaming waters - to a long dispute, from which it is unlikely that it will be possible to emerge victorious.

Who managed to see?

A flood is a terrible event in the life of any person, and help does not always come on time. As practice shows, at such crucial moments, people who are married show their true colors.


If the fair sex is still far from a serious relationship, then the image of a flooded bridge will tell about a deep emotional wound. To solve such a problem, you will have to seek help from a specialist who, during the conversation, will help get rid of oppressive thoughts.


Seeing flooded villages or cities in a dream

If such people dreamed of the flooding of their property, then such an unpleasant picture predicts the threat of a serious family conflict. To prevent flows of negativity, you will have to gather at the same table more often and resolve controversial issues.

Sinking Motherland

Among all the variety of transcripts, it is not so easy to find one that concerns your hometown or village, and therefore you can consider several of the most popular versions and draw the appropriate conclusions.

Jewish dream book

The flooding of the native town, according to the Jewish dream book, is not as scary as the imagination could draw. If you trust such dreams, then they can pleasantly surprise you, since the images you see portend the receipt of untold wealth.

The only problem is that they can fall into the wrong hands, and all this well-being will quickly disappear like dust.

Miller's dream book

Dreaming of water on the streets

The works of the psychologist are written in a simple and understandable language, which is probably why he sought such popularity among a wide range of readers. The flooding of a native village or city is a harbinger of serious financial problems. A strong current, carrying you along with the wreckage in an incomprehensible direction, tells the dreamer that it is time to complete a dubious project.

To see how the water flow floods the streets and residential areas, but for some reason your house remains safe is a symbol of loss and alienation. Your craving for loneliness will sooner or later bring its negative results.

Unusual places

The uncontrolled flow is merciless, and the dreamer must remember the places that have been affected by it.

Seeing a flooded church in a dream

A modern combined dream book writes that cardinal changes should take place in your life. If you happen to see a flooded foundation, then changes will gradually enter your life.


When it comes to a mass grave site, such a symbol reflects life's stagnation and uncertainty. It is important to understand that such circumstances did not just appear. They reflect the dreamer's craving for events occurring in the past.

In the new family dream interpreter, the flooded cemetery has a completely different interpretation, and it is associated with domestic accidents caused by clogged pipes or leaks.

Opinion of other experts

According to Medea's dream book, a drowning person is a sign that the sleeping person cannot independently solve an important or problematic issue. If your actions do not lead to the desired result, then it's time to turn to your closest friends.

Why dream of a boat going under water? The described plot predicts an unstable financial situation, and in reality you will have to make a difficult decision.

In the dream book, you can find a simple but very effective technique: be guided by facts and logic, not emotions.

If the current is so strong that it blows everything in its path, then the dreamer is on the verge of a nervous breakdown. Seeing your own car under water is a lack of harmony in relationships with other people.

It must be said that a sleeping person should talk less and do more. The emotional aspect is extremely unstable, and therefore your decisions should be made, referring to practical experience, and not intuition.

Why dream of a flood? A flood in a dream can portend both a real natural disaster in reality, and this speaks of the dreamer's personal experiences, upcoming events in him. Often water in a dream personifies the sphere of emotions, inner experiences and feelings.

Interpretation according to different dream books

Each dream book interprets a dream with a flood in a different way.

    Miller's dream book

    If you dreamed that water was pouring from the ceiling directly onto the dreamer's head, then this portends sensual pleasures. If a pregnant woman dreams of a flooded house, this indicates possible health problems for the unborn child.

    Seeing how water floods the workspace means trouble in the professional field, unstable relationships with colleagues. For creative people, a flood at work speaks of stagnation, a lack of inspiration.

    Seeing a flooded parental home in a dream warns about future misfortunes, disagreements within the family, the possible death of one of the relatives. Seeing a flooded old, dilapidated house suggests that the consequences of old mistakes will soon overtake the dreamer. A flood in someone else's apartment portends financial gain or good news.

    If you see a flood in a village in a dream, then this indicates the presence of an unpleasant, obsessive person in your life.

    A flood in the bathroom portends financial instability, large unplanned expenses or failure to receive the expected profit. A flooded kitchen indicates that the dreamer cannot control his emotions and, with careless words, can hurt the feelings of others.

    global flood

    The Flood in a dream is a harbinger of global, large-scale changes in life that will turn the dreamer's whole life upside down. Moreover, these changes do not have to be external - perhaps just the dreamer's worldview will change dramatically.

    A powerful stream in the city speaks of the dreamer's participation in some large-scale enterprise, a rally, introducing him to any culture. Also, the Flood portends acquaintances with interesting, extraordinary people.

    Tsunami flooding - what does it mean?

    A flood with a tsunami portends some kind of catastrophe, accident, unforeseen disaster. Such a dream may indicate misfortune that will happen to the dreamer's relative.

    The incoming water, which washes away the city, buildings, people, indicates amazing, but unplanned events in life, but it is impossible to say exactly what they will be - positive or negative - with certainty.

    To get into the center of the raging elements yourself means painful experiences of a person, losses and family disagreements. If the dreamer managed to escape from the flood tsunami, then this indicates his readiness to cope with all problems.

    Run away from the flood: the meaning of sleep

    To run away, to escape from a flood in a dream means that a person in reality hides his feelings and impulses, suppresses them, perhaps he is afraid to admit to himself the passions that overwhelmed him. Such a dream also indicates the dreamer's serenity, his desire to hide from responsibility, and also speaks of his fear of the changes taking place.

    If a person fails to escape from the flood, this portends an early love, a new romantic relationship. If the water flow passed the dreamer, this suggests that in reality he will be able to avoid many problems.

according to Miller's dream book

If in a dream you see a city or a village flooded with dark raging waters, this means a catastrophe that will entail great misfortunes. Seeing people being carried away by a flood portends heavy loss and deep hopelessness, making life sad and useless. Seeing vast expanses flooded with clean water promises prosperity and peace gained after a seemingly hopeless struggle with fate. If you dream that the turbulent water of a flooded river carries you along with the debris, this is a harbinger of a disease or a suspension of business for you.


according to the Ayurvedic dream book

For merchants, such a dream predicts successful trading and safe travel. However, for ordinary people, he promises poor health and difficult circumstances.

Why dream of a flood

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

clean water - temporary postponement of affairs, temporary interference; muddy and overwhelmed - a strange position in a strange place; surrounded by water - to be in luxury.


according to the Ayurvedic dream book

It is a symbol of birth.

See water in a dream

according to Loff's dream book

Water plays a huge role in human history. Whether it is a deep freshwater lake, a river that brings life, or an ocean that swallows people, water is both friend and foe. If the dream contains this significant symbol in any form, it is extremely important to understand its role. Water in dreams is a strong symbol, because very often its appearance coincides with the highest point of feelings. If other objects have a relaxing effect, then a murmuring stream flowing through a meadow enhances this effect. If some symbols give rise to a feeling of fear or anxiety, then the stormy ocean enhances it. Water has a symbolic, primary meaning, according to which it either ensures the existence of life, or keeps a secret, is fraught with danger. It is a reflection of the human experience with water. At the dawn of mankind, hunter-gatherers quickly realized that water was the central ingredient of life. They die much faster from thirst than from hunger. It was even more important to know where the water was, for it made it clear where the food was. However, with the spread of trade, water became a necessary evil, which was fraught with unknown dangers. Travel by water was dangerous and mysterious, as sea creatures, storms and rough seas claimed the lives of many travelers; contaminated water affected livestock and spread disease. Emphasizing a positive view of water, it should be noted that it is often a symbol of new life, restoration of strength and energy. Water, in controlled amounts or in a controlled environment, almost always evokes this feeling in the sleeper. Managed water is the key to problem solving. If there is a lake in a dream, is the entire coast line within sight and likely reach? If you dream of a river or stream, then have they overflowed their banks, and can they, in your opinion, be overcome in the usual ways? These are all examples of managed water. Water presented in this way often indicates renewal. For example, a traveler and tired, dreamer suddenly comes across a stream. A place where you can refresh yourself and gain strength to continue your journey, close at hand. Perhaps the dreamer is sailing on a boat, slowly sliding on the surface of the water. The sleeper must be looking forward to a respite from worldly worries or is trying to create such an opportunity on purpose. Unmanaged water creates anxiety. Raging rivers, rapids and boundless lakes reflect the uncontrollability of the circumstances in which the dreamer is. Still, deep water that feels refreshing can also create feelings of anxiety. The reason for this is the danger potentially lurking in the darkness and the lack of knowledge of what is in the depths. An exception to the above general statements are water faucets. In a dream, it is important to determine whether the crane is controlled by a dreamer or another person and for what purpose this is done. If the dreamer does not operate the faucet effectively, then it can be assumed that he feels that he is not in control and is not able to cope with simple circumstances, or, even worse, perhaps there is no water in the faucet. If the tap is controlled by another person, then it can be concluded that the dreamer feels that his position, whether good or bad, is determined by the whim of the other. This whim can cause considerable discomfort or comfort, depending on whether it comes from an unpredictable boss. , lover or other persons significant to you.

Water in a dream

according to the dream book of Nostradamus

Water is a symbol of life. Seeing crystal clear water collected in a huge ball - this dream portends favorable weather, which will bring many benefits for agricultural work. Drinking water and seeing a fly at the bottom of a glass - this dream means a lawsuit, litigation or slander that will change the mood of society and its faith in tomorrow. Walking on water and seeing flocks of carps - this dream suggests that relations with Japan will be brought to a critical point, but it will not come to violence or a declaration of war. Walking underwater and talking with dolphins is a harbinger of discovering a previously unknown nation to the world. Seeing strongly seething water is a sign of the birth of a new doctrine or science, a favorable period for discoveries and complex experiments. Seeing water with blood - this dream portends the birth of Scorpio, who will become a great man and declare himself publicly.

Dreamed of water

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing pure water in a dream portends that a joyful prospect of prosperity and pleasure awaits you. If the water is cloudy, you will be in danger and discouragement will take the place of joy. If you see that water has flooded your house and is rising, this means that you will fight, resist evil, but if you see that the water is decreasing, you will succumb to a dangerous influence. If you walk on wet ground and feel that your feet are getting wet, this portends trouble, illness and poverty that will make you solve difficult problems, but you will be able to warn them with your vigilance. The same interpretation can be applied to the muddy water that fills the ship. Falling into muddy water is a sign that you will make many bitter mistakes and will be painfully upset by this. Drinking muddy water portends a disease, but drinking clean and fresh water is a sign of a favorable end to the wildest hopes. Playing sports in the water means a sudden awakening of love and passion. If you dream that water splashes fall on your head, this means a passionate awakening of love, which will end happily. The following dream and subsequent events in real life are conveyed in this way by a young woman who studies dreams: “It is not known how in a dream I ended up in a boat floating on blue clear water to a pier that seemed to me snow-white. The next evening I had a delightful guest - a young man who stayed with me beyond the time prescribed by my mother, and I was severely condemned for this. Blue water and a beautiful white boat in the distance were symbols of disappointment.

Why dream of water

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

drink clean, cold - fortunately, health; muddy, warm - to the disease; walking in troubled waters is a disappointment for the better; immersion in water - get into a personal predicament; plunge headlong - avoid danger; get wet - a shame in love, betrayal and the collapse of personal plans; wash - to joy, liberation; pour - to shame, mistake; water - to loss; look at the waterfall - a terrible meeting; splashed on the head - an unexpected passion; to draw water - grief; to draw water from the River - to money from someone; from the well - unfortunately; drink warm water - unfortunately, illness; to see something underwater is the past; pops up - resumption of relationships or litigation, regret about the past; see scoop; (flowing from a well) - loss of property; misfortune with loved ones; (it flows from where it is not supposed to flow) - troubles depending on the place of the leak: from the wall - troubles from the husband or in the family; from the ceiling - from the authorities; from under the floor - trouble from enemies or betrayal of friends; from pipes - slander and slander on the sleeping person.

Why dream about water

according to Vanga's dream book

Water is a symbol of change, resolution of contradictions, evolution, renewal, washing away of sins and oblivion. In a dream, drink clean cold water - in reality the world will be renewed, and you will be involved in this process of purification and resurrection in a new capacity, along with many people around you. If you dreamed that water was pouring on you from above, then this is an omen of the coming wave of cosmic influence on you, which is unreasonable to resist. If you manage to find harmony with the cosmos, then you will become a great person and become famous throughout the world. Seeing muddy water is a sign of trouble, the complexity of situations and relationships with people. Show kindness and patience, otherwise you will stain your soul with unworthy impressions. If in a dream you saw water flooding your house, then in reality wait for a stream of news, one of which will radically change your sense of self and relationships with people. Drowning in water - in reality, resisting the natural course of events, as a result of which you will tear your health and shorten your life. Seeing circles or ripples on the surface of the water in a dream - you will hardly endure the coming changes, but by standing in this stormy stream of the event, you will gain power over yourself and other people.
