Hygienic requirements for the lesson. Requirements for the psychological, pedagogical and hygienic conditions of the lesson

  • 1. Optimal air mode. This requirement is realized through ventilation of the room. Any classroom-office must be equipped with ventilation system, in addition, it is recommended to air the class at breaks. The requirements for the air regime are even stricter in such classrooms, where experiments and laboratory work are carried out during the lesson, where students work physically or experience other intense physical exertion.
  • 2. Sufficient illumination. Fulfillment of this requirement consists of the following components: natural and artificial lighting. For quality natural light the location of the classroom, the number and size of windows have a decisive influence. The windows should be large, and the curtains on the windows should not interfere with the flow of light. It is important that the light is not obscured by trees growing on the street, as well as buildings located nearby. The ideal option is windows facing the sunny side. It is recommended to provide classrooms with such an arrangement for elementary school students and for subjects that require constant eye strain. The quality of artificial lighting depends on the number and location of lighting devices in the classroom, as well as on the type and power of lamps. Artificial lighting in the classroom should provide good illumination of the surfaces of the blackboard and students' workplaces.
  • 3. Proper thermal conditions. The air temperature in the classroom should also be comfortable for the body. For different classrooms optimal mode temperature varies from +15 to +22 degrees Celsius. Most low temperatures recommended for rooms where stay is associated with high physical activity. So, in gyms and training workshops optimal temperature it is considered +15 ... +17 degrees, and in ordinary classrooms - +18 ... +21.
  • 4. Alternation of various types of educational activities. The meaning of this requirement is that when alternating activities, the fatigue of students is significantly reduced, which has a positive effect on their health and performance. When organizing the educational and cognitive activity of schoolchildren in the classroom, the teacher must avoid tiresome monotony. IN primary school physical education sessions are required in the classroom.
  • 5. Correspondence of furniture to the individual characteristics of students. This requirement is especially important for the formation in children correct posture. The height of the chairs in the classroom should be appropriate for the height of the students. BUT modern tables for schoolchildren have adjustments in height and inclination of the surface. The task of the teacher is to make sure that students feel comfortable sitting at the tables during the lesson, if necessary, remind them that they need to adjust the surface of the table, and if necessary, help them do it.
  • 6. Use of special educational and laboratory equipment. Equipment for educational organizations passes mandatory certification, in which its safety and compliance with the psychophysiological characteristics of students are especially taken into account.

Hygiene requirements for the lesson:

    temperature regime;

    physiochemical properties air (the need for ventilation);


    prevention of fatigue and overwork;

    alternation of activities (change of listening by performing computational, graphic and practical work);

    timely and high-quality physical education sessions;

    maintaining the correct working posture of the student;

    Compliance of classroom furniture with the growth of the student.

    Lesson requirements:

    the lesson should be emotional, arouse interest in learning and educate the need for knowledge;

    the pace and rhythm of the lesson should be optimal, the actions of the teacher and students should be completed;

    full contact is necessary in the interaction of the teacher and students in the lesson; pedagogical tact and pedagogical optimism must be observed;

    an atmosphere of benevolence and active creative work should dominate;

    if possible, the types of activities of students should be changed, optimally combining various methods and teaching methods;

    ensure compliance with the unified spelling regimen of the school;

    The teacher must provide active learning every student.


    Development of a system of lessons on a topic or section.

    Determination of the educational and developmental tasks of the lesson based on the program, teaching aids, school textbook and additional literature.

    Selection of the optimal content of the lesson material, dividing it into a number of semantically complete blocks, parts, highlighting basic knowledge, didactic processing.

    Highlighting the main material that the student must understand and remember in the lesson.

    Developing the structure of the lesson, determining its type and the most appropriate methods and techniques for teaching it.

    Finding connections this material with other subjects and the use of these connections in the study of new material and in the formation of new knowledge and skills of students.

    Planning all the actions of the teacher and students at all stages of the lesson and, above all, when mastering new knowledge and skills, as well as when applying them in standard situations.

    Selection of didactic means of the lesson (cinema and filmstrips, paintings, posters, cards, diagrams, auxiliary literature, etc.).

    Checking equipment and technical training aids.

    Planning of notes and sketches on the board by the teacher and the implementation of similar work by students on the board and in notebooks.

    Providing for the volume and forms of independent work of students in the classroom and its focus on the development of their independence.

    Determination of forms and methods of consolidating the acquired knowledge and acquired skills in the classroom and at home, methods of generalizing and systematizing knowledge.

    Drawing up a list of students whose knowledge will be tested by appropriate forms and methods, taking into account the levels of their formation; scheduling a test of student skills.

    Determination of the content, volume and forms of homework, thinking over the methodology for setting homework lessons.

    Thinking through the forms of summing up the lesson.

    Planning extracurricular activities on this topic.

    Record the plan and course of the lesson in accordance with the requirements.

______________________________________________________________________________________ 3. General issues visits and analysis of the lesson
Approximate scheme thematic plan. General questions of visiting and analyzing the lesson. Lesson attendance system. Classification of the purposes of visiting lessons.


1. A clear focus of the lesson, what will be done for general mental development:

    what gaps will be filled;

    what will be simply restored;

    which will require a thorough fixing;

    What particular goals are set (for weak and strong students).

2. Sufficiently organized and material support:
    by the beginning of the lesson, students should be in their places and ready for the lesson;

    the office is in perfect order;

    educational materials and technical means per person;

    Cool magazine, cool. board, chalk - at the ready;

3. The optimal psychological mode of the lesson .. (Creating such a psychological atmosphere in which educational work proceeds best: a good working mood "of the teacher, his benevolent attitude towards the children, timely assistance to those who find it difficult, etc.) 4. Optimal pace of work in the lesson ( teamwork with the whole class, independent work on individual assignments, where the student works at his own optimal pace.) 5. Systematic sequence and continuity of training operations (connection of actions, where each subsequent operation becomes possible only if the previous one is properly performed.)6. Completion of operations (Having worked part educational material, complete it with an appropriate generalization, conclusion.)7. Saving time in the lesson (maximum density, saturation of useful work.) 8. Continuous control and self-control:
    observation of the work of the student and, on this basis, self-control, i.e. grade own work teachers; develop self-control skills in students: how it works and why it doesn’t work.
9. Restoration of business balance in case of its violation (switching the attention of distracted guys, cheer them up, cause business excitement, relieve fatigue, resolve difficulties that have arisen. Reproaches, long moralizing, ridicule, threats are not suitable.) 10. Consolidation and development of knowledge and skills. (Each lesson adds some new quality to the old knowledge, enriches and improves them.) 11. Continuous improvement of the educational process. (Let each subsequent lesson be at least something better than the previous one, summarize your experience.) ________________________________________________________________________________________


General questions of the plan: 1- date; 2 - the number of the lesson on the topic; 3 - the topic of the lesson; 4 - lesson type; 5 - the triune task of the lesson; 6 - teaching methods; 7 - repeatable material that actualizes the basic knowledge and skills of students; 8 - types of knowledge control and feedback; 9 - planned knowledge, skills and abilities, the formation of which will be in the lesson.

Particular questions solved in the lesson: 1 - realization of the educational potential of the lesson; 2 - the ongoing connection of educational material with life, with practice; 3 - didactic means of the lesson; 4 - independent work of students in the lesson; 5 - methods of consolidating what has been learned in the lesson; 6 - homework (reproductive and creative).


Distinctive features functions of intraschool control:

    The study of the activities of the teacher, the accumulation of information about his work on the basis of analytically sound goals and well-designed observation programs.

    Subordination of control to the tasks of providing the teacher with specific and timely methodological assistance, all-round assistance in the growth of his pedagogical qualifications.

    Establishment of cooperation relations between school leaders and the teacher based on an attentive attitude to his creative searches, deep interest in the development of the teacher's individual originality, sincere faith in the teacher's potential to work better, work at the level of modern requirements.

    Planning "objects", goals and objectives of control, taking into account the opinions of the teaching staff, conclusions methodical associations subject teachers and teachers primary school, proposals of attestation commissions.

    Coordination of the content and forms of control directly with the teacher, taking into account his considerations about the existing difficulties in the work and unresolved problems in pedagogical practice.

    The development of publicity in the system of intra-school control, both in the sense of early notification of the teaching staff about specific areas, and in terms of promptly informing teachers about the results of checking the state of affairs in the school.

    The unconditional retention of the teacher's right to approve his opinion and substantiate the legitimacy and pedagogical expediency of his theoretical views and methodological positions.

Information that provides control over the quality of teaching and learning activities of students:

    the work of the teacher in preparing for the lesson (thematic and lesson planning, selection of teaching aids, didactic materials etc.)

    determination by the teacher of the educational, educational and developmental goals of the lesson, their actualization

    mobilizing the beginning of the lesson, setting goals, explaining to students the order and conditions of work;

    implementation in the lesson of didactic principles of teaching;

    correspondence of teaching methods chosen by the teacher to the objectives of the lesson, the content of the material being studied, the level of preparedness of students this class(explanatory-illustrative, reproductive, problem and investigative and other methods);

    an organic combination in the lesson of teaching, educating and mental development of students;

    activation of the mental activity of students, their involvement in the creative process of educational activity, conscious assimilation by students of the material of the lesson;

    formation in schoolchildren cognitive interests;

    the teacher's knowledge of each student and the use of this knowledge for the formation of cognitive interests and development creativity students;

    the practical orientation of the lesson, the connection of learning with life, the content of the local history lesson;

    interdisciplinary connections in the learning process;

    forms of organization of the learning process (frontal, group, individual);

    use of TCO and visual aids;

    correctness of selection training exercises and practical task necessary for the development of skills and abilities;

    establishing feedback during the lesson;

    the formation of schoolchildren's skills and abilities of independent educational work, stimulating students' independent work, the ability to analyze, generalize, compare, draw conclusions;

    worldview conclusions and generalizations to which students are brought;

    observance at the lesson of uniform requirements for the culture of speech and writing of students;

    elements of the scientific organization of work of students and teachers in the classroom;

    methodology for organizing homework (volume, nature, differentiation, timeliness);

    repetition of previously studied, consolidation of new material;

    rational use opportunities and advantages of the desk system of education;

    differentiation of the learning process, the implementation of an individual approach;

    practical solution in the lesson of a school-wide methodological topic;

    assessment of knowledge, skills and abilities of students;

    lesson density, time saving;

    emotional richness of the lesson;

    compliance with safety rules and sanitary and hygienic requirements in the classroom.

Lesson attendance system

Visiting all the lessons allotted for the study of the topic in this class, in order to get acquainted with the teacher's work system, assess the optimality of the chosen lesson structure, the optimal combination of teaching methods and techniques.

Attending teacher's lessons during the working day in different classes in order to study the correspondence of teaching methods to the age characteristics of students.

Visiting the lessons of different teachers during the day in the same class in order to assess the amount of information received by students during the school day, the total amount of homework, the fulfillment by students of the same requirements, the intensity of their work in different lessons, the style and comparative methods of work.

Attending lessons during the working week in one class in order to study the systematic work of each student, his independence, activity and initiative, the quality of homework.

Attending classes with different teachers in order to study certain problems of the educational process (the effectiveness of the organization of independent work, the degree of formation of special and general educational skills and abilities among students, the formation of interest in the subject, etc.).

Classification of the purposes of attending lessons:

by time of action(long-term, short-term, fixed and variable). It depends on the content of the main and auxiliary tasks facing the school, the main directions of methodological work, the characteristics of issues discussed at teachers' councils and production meetings:

in terms of breadth and depth of the aspects studied:

large-scale target settings, characterized by a general didactic orientation (development of the cognitive, the formation of general educational skills and abilities, etc.);

local target settings, characterized by a particular didactic orientation (the effectiveness of work on the development oral speech organization of creative work of students at the lesson);


General requirements for lesson analysis. Scientific approach to the analysis of the lesson, reliance on psychological and pedagogical science and advanced pedagogical experience. Depth and comprehensiveness of the analysis; assessment of the lesson, taking into account the relationship of all its components and their didactic conditionality and logical relationship. Consideration of the lesson in conjunction with previous lessons of the topic under study. The emphasis in the analysis is on the most essential aspects of the lesson, which decisively determine the degree of assimilation of the educational material, the quality of knowledge, and the development of the intellect of students. Objectivity of assessments. Scientific validity of assessments, characteristics and conclusions; their specificity, evidence and persuasiveness. Accounting for the specifics of this academic subject. Offers.

Types and planning of visits to lessons. Visiting and analyzing lessons as a method of intraschool control. Types of attending lessons: selective, thematic, parallel, targeted. Comprehensive study of teaching in a separate class during a full school day.

Planning visits to lessons: perspective (for a year and half a year), current (for a month and a week), calendar and graphic.

Preparing for a lesson. Determine the purpose of the lesson. Acquaintance with the curriculum, with the actual material of this lesson and the methodology for its implementation (according to the textbook, teaching aids, instructive instructions of public education authorities, IUU, etc.). Acquaintance with the availability of educational and visual aids on the subject. Establishing progress status from the classroom log government programs, the accumulation of grades and the current progress of students, the timing and number of control works provided by the program for the subject, the implementation of the practical part of the programs (practical and laboratory work, excursions) of the volume of homework. Viewing conclusions, suggestions and assignments (they are given to the teacher after visiting the lesson during its analysis). Introduction to student work. Determination of forms of personal verification of the quality of students' knowledge and selection of materials necessary for this. Resolving the issue of inviting other school teachers to the lesson. Determining the purpose of such an invitation.

Scheme of observations and techniques for recording the progress of the lesson. The lesson observation scheme is a condition for the rational organization of the inspector's work, which ensures a clear, consistent fixation of the lesson and its subsequent analysis.

Preparation of the inspector for the analysis of the lesson attended. View a record of the lessons attended by this teacher, comments and suggestions. Formulation of questions addressed to the teacher related to the lesson plan and its implementation. Determination of the form of analysis of the lesson and the place of summing up (conversation, discussion at a meeting of the subject commission, at the pedagogical council). Step-by-step assessment of the course of the lesson and the activities of teachers and students. Conclusion based on the results of testing the quality of knowledge, skills and abilities of students. Isolation of the merits of the lesson, creative finds of the teacher, worthy of study and implementation in the practice of school teachers. Disadvantages of the lesson and the necessary assistance to the teacher. Formulation of a general assessment, conclusions and suggestions to the teacher.

Analysis of the lesson by the teacher. The main requirements for introspection: the place of the lesson being analyzed in the system of lessons on the topic under study, the rationale for the educational and upbringing goals of the lesson and the implementation of the planned lesson plan, the characteristics of the class and the motivation for selecting educational material for this lesson, the psychological and pedagogical assessment of the system of educational tasks and exercises performed by students in the lesson, assessment of the development of independent thinking of students in the lesson. Motivation for the choice of lesson methods, assessment of the compliance of these methods with the goals and content of the lesson, the fulfillment of the educational and educational tasks set, teacher satisfaction or dissatisfaction with the lesson (its individual parts): measures planned by the teacher to eliminate the noted shortcomings, assessment and justification of the results achieved in the lesson. Self-assessment as one of the conditions for the teacher's creative work.

Analysis of the lesson by the inspectors.

Analysis of the objectives of the lesson. Assessment of the correctness and validity of setting the educational and educational goals of the lesson, taking into account the characteristics of the educational material, the place of this lesson in the system of lessons on the topic, the level of preparedness of the class. Presentation and communication of lesson ideas to students. The degree of achievement of the objectives of the lesson.

Analysis of the structure and organization of the lesson. Correspondence of the structure of the lesson with its goals. The thoughtfulness of the choice of the type of lesson, its structure, the logical sequence and the relationship of the stages of the lesson. The expediency of the distribution of lesson time between them. Rationality of the choice of forms of education. The presence of a lesson plan and the organization of its implementation by the teacher. Lesson equipment. Rational organization work of teachers and students.

Analysis of the content of the lesson. Compliance of the content of the lesson with the requirements of state programs. Completeness, reliability, accessibility of presentation. Scientific level presented material. The degree of moral influence, educational orientation of the lesson. Generalization of the main ideas of the lesson (topic, course). The polytechnical orientation of the lesson, its connection with life, labor education and career guidance. Implementation of the developing possibilities of the lesson in terms of the formation of active learning activities of independent thinking, cognitive interests. Leading students to the rejection of new knowledge. Identification of the main idea of ​​the new material. Formation of new concepts. Updating of basic knowledge.

Organization of independent work of students. The nature of training exercises, types independent work, degree of complexity, variability, taking into account the level of preparedness of students in the class. Instruction and teacher assistance. The degree of assimilation of new material (efficiency). Connecting the new with the previously learned. Repetition (organization, forms, techniques, volume).

Analysis of the methodology of the lesson. Determination of the validity and correctness of the selection of methods, techniques and teaching aids, their compliance with the content of the educational material, the set goals of the lesson, the learning opportunities of this class, the correspondence of the methodological apparatus of the lesson to each of its stages and the tasks of activating students, a variety of techniques and methods used by the teacher. The emotionality of the presentation of the material. The effectiveness of the use of visual aids, didactic handouts and technical teaching aids. Evaluation of the methodological armament and pedagogical technique of the teacher.

Analysis of the work and behavior of students in the classroom. Overall assessment of the class. Attention and diligence. interest in the subject. The activity of the class, the performance of students at different stages of the lesson. Organization of an independent academic work students, the development of rational methods of educational work of students. Assessment of the feasibility and effectiveness of the applied forms of educational work. Formation of general educational and special skills and abilities. Fulfillment of uniform requirements. Individual work with weak and strong students. The combination of collective and individual work. Class discipline and methods of maintaining discipline.

The culture of communication between the teacher and students, the teacher's observance of the norms of pedagogical ethics and tact, the assessment of the moral and psychological climate created by the teacher in this children's team.

The quality of knowledge, skills and abilities. Depth, awareness and strength of knowledge. The ability to isolate the leading ideas in the lesson material, to apply knowledge in various situations, to acquire new knowledge with the help of existing ones. The degree of mastery of practical skills. The nature of checking the knowledge of students by the teacher. Types of verification. Accumulation, objectivity of the grades, their motivation, educating stimulating character.

Analysis of homework received by students. Purpose, scope. The ratio between the amount of work done in class and the amount of work given at home. The nature of the homework (creative, training, reinforcing, developing its feasibility). Commentary and instruction of the teacher on homework.

Evaluation of the sanitary and hygienic conditions of the lesson.

Introspection score made by the teacher in the course of answering questions posed by the inspector; self-assessment conclusion.

General assessment of the degree of achievement of the educational and educational goals of the lesson. General motivated assessment of the results of the lesson: the optimality of the teacher's teaching actions; the quality of knowledge, skills and abilities of students; the trend of shifts in their development and upbringing. Argumented characteristics of the merits of the lesson.

Elements of creativity worthy of study and implementation in the practice of school teachers.

Disadvantages of the lesson. Diagnosis of causes and trends in their development. Suggestions for their elimination.

Scientific validity of conclusions and assessments, reliance on the achievements of the psychology of pedagogical science and advanced pedagogical experience. Concreteness of conclusions and proposals, their evidence and persuasiveness.

Final word from the teacher.

Style of conversation with the teacher. Goodwill, respectfulness and tactfulness of conversation with the teacher, reliance on the positive. Accounting individual features teachers: character, type nervous activity, experience and degree of pedagogical skill, general outlook and pedagogical erudition.


1 - a brief (evaluative) analysis - this is a general assessment of the educational function of the lesson, characterizing the solution of educational, educational and developmental tasks and assessing their implementation;

2 - structural (step-by-step) analysis - this is the identification and evaluation of the dominant structures (elements) of the lesson, their expediency, which ensures the development of students' cognitive abilities;

3 - system analysis- this is the consideration of the lesson as a single system from the point of view of solving the main didactic task of simultaneously solving the developing tasks of the lesson, ensuring the formation of knowledge, skills and abilities of students, their assimilation of teaching methods;

4 - complete - this is a system of aspect analyzes, including an assessment of the implementation of lesson objectives, the content and types of educational activities of students according to such characteristics as the levels of students' assimilation of knowledge and methods of mental activity, the development of students, the implementation of didactic principles and the effectiveness of the lesson;

5 - structural-temporal analysis - this is an assessment of the use of lesson time for each of its stages;

6 - combined analysis - this is an assessment of the (simultaneous) main didactic purpose lesson and structural elements;

7 - psychological analysis - this is the study of the fulfillment of psychological requirements for the lesson (ensuring the cognitive activity of students of a developing type);

Most of the reasons for the deterioration in the health of children as they study at school are not objective, but subjective in nature and are associated or wrong actions teachers, or their lack of action regarding health care. It is necessary that the motto of doctors “First of all, do no harm!” would become the motto of teachers.




Most of the reasons for the deterioration of the health of children as they study at school are not objective, but subjective and are associated either with the wrong actions of teachers, or with their inaction in relation to health protection. It is necessary that the motto of doctors “First of all, do no harm!” would become the motto of teachers.

The efficiency and the occurrence of fatigue among students in the lesson to a certain extent depends on the duration of the lesson and taking into account hygiene requirements in its construction. The duration of a lesson in schools should not exceed 45 minutes; the duration of lessons in compensatory education classes should not exceed 40 minutes. However, as studies have shown, even such a lesson duration is excessive for elementary school, especially for grades 1. It was found that by the end of a 15-minute lesson, the performance of first-graders drops sharply. Reducing the duration of the lesson to 35 minutes significantly improves the functional state of the central nervous system (CNS) of students and allows you to maintain higher performance throughout the school day. Our guide should be " Sanitary regulations and SanPiN norms.

In addition to the duration of the lesson, the timing of the onset of fatigue is also affected by its construction. According to many researchers, the structure of the lesson should be flexible enough, since different subjects require different alternation of lesson elements and activities. At the same time, a number of general physiological and hygienic provisions can be distinguished proper organization lessons. The correct organization of the lesson, first of all, implies taking into account the dynamics of the working capacity of schoolchildren. The dynamics of the working capacity of schoolchildren in the lesson has 5 phases: the transition to new level; setting the maximum level of performance; maximum performance; unstable performance; drop in performance. 1-2 phases - workability; 4-5 phases - fatigue.

During the development phase (the duration of this phase in 1 lesson is about 10 minutes, in the next - 5 minutes), the load should be relatively small, it is necessary to allow students to enter the work. During the period of optimal stable performance (in elementary school this period lasts an average of 15-20 minutes, in middle and high school - 20-25 minutes), the load can be maximum. Then the load should be reduced, as fatigue develops.

Numerous observations and experimental studies have shown that switching from one type of activity to another ensures the resumption of normal activity of the cerebral cortex and restores working capacity.

In primary school, teaching should be based more on sensitive perception, on the use of the first signal system. The best way to do this is through a visual method of teaching. The duration of the period of optimal stable performance increases the rational use of technical teaching aids (TUT), as well as conducting a lesson on the type of dialogue "teacher-student".

A very important role in maintaining high performance during the lesson belongs to physical education minutes (physical education breaks). Studies show that physical education minutes are absolutely necessary in every lesson in primary school, in the penultimate and last lessons in the middle classes and highly recommended in the penultimate and last lessons in senior classes. It is advisable to conduct physical education minutes at the moment when the first signs of fatigue are observed in schoolchildren (scattering of attention, frequent changes in postures, distractions). Physical exercises (pauses) should be aimed at activating the postural muscles (torso tilt, head rotation), lower extremity muscles (squats, back and plantar flexion of the feet). Sitting posture is the most unhealthy: the lungs are compressed, the blood vessels that feed the brain work worse, the cervical sympathetic trunk is compressed ... A change in the working posture during the lesson has a beneficial effect on the functions of the body. In our work we use the system of Vladimir Filippovich Bazarny. The system of "dynamic change of postures" provides for an organized transfer of students from a sitting position to a standing position 2-3 times during the lesson. The duration of standing work should be from 3 to 7 minutes, for it I select the appropriate types of tasks. It is good if there are several desks in the classroom, behind which the children can work in turn for 5-8 minutes.

Considerable attention should be paid to the prevention of posture disorders. For the prevention of posture disorders in the primary grades, it is necessary to provide classes in the system of dynamic postures, with a change in the working posture "sitting-standing". During the explanation of the task, after completing the tasks, he did the task “get up”, etc. During the lesson, it is advisable to provide for a landing in the “coachman” position to relax the skeletal muscles for up to 30 seconds. Research by V.F. Bazarny convincingly showed that the source of so many "school" diseases is ... the visual system.

The light regime in the classrooms is a moment that should not be forgotten. Vision brings a person the greatest amount (80-85%) of information about the surrounding world, while light not only ensures the normal functioning of the body, but also a certain vitality and rhythm. Studies have shown that prolonged light starvation leads to a weakening of the body's immunobiological reactivity and to functional disorders of the nervous system. Light also affects the human psyche, being also an emotional factor. Unfavourable conditions lighting leads to a decrease in performance; these same reasons cause the development of diseases of the organs of vision. To prevent eye fatigue and the development of myopia, exercises aimed at strengthening the eye muscles are recommended.

To reduce fatigue from mental activity, light self-massage with all fingers of the scalp is recommended, stimulation of biologically located on the face and neck. active points(BAT), breathing exercises by type of hyperventilation.

For increase motor activity students need to do gymnastics before classes, moving breaks for primary school students, a sports hour in the GPA.

Air-thermal regime in classrooms, not less than important aspect. Optimal conditions air environment are an important factor in maintaining human health and performance.Educational rooms should be ventilated during breaks, and recreational rooms during lessons. Before the start of classes and after their end, it is necessary to carry out cross-ventilation classrooms. It is desirable that each class or office be equipped with a thermometer and a device for determining the humidity of the air.It is shown that 3-5 minutes of such ventilation is enough for the air in the classroom to be completely renewed.

The rational organization of the educational process and a set of preventive measures in the learning process are important factors preservation and promotion of health among schoolchildren in the learning process. Taking into account the psychological pedagogical features children in our work we adhere to the developed requirements - "Valeological requirements for the lesson", which is the basis of pedagogical therapy.

School changes are needed for rest and recovery. The first condition for the correct organization of changes is their sufficient duration. The smallest change should last at least 10 minutes. This is the minimum time required to relieve fatigue and restore performance. If the change is not enough, then the accumulated potential energy will manifest itself in the next lesson and the children will misbehave. There should be two big changes in the schedule: (10 - 20 - 20 - 10; 10 - 10 - 20 - 20 - 10). During big changes children are eating. A break lasting up to 30 minutes is not rational: in the next lesson a lot of time will be spent on working out.

The change should be the exact opposite of the lesson. It is impossible to “occupy the brain” during the break by repeating lessons, reading, playing checkers or chess. Students must exit classrooms that are cross-ventilated. During breaks, windows in corridors and recreation areas must be closed. In the warm season, schoolchildren spend breaks at the school site. The teacher does not limit the motor activity of children. It is very good to organize outdoor games at recess. However, care must be taken to ensure that children do not become overexcited and be aware of the risk of injury.

Behind hygienic norm the duration of small changes is accepted - 10 minutes, large - 30 minutes or two large ones of 20 minutes each. It is unacceptable to reduce the duration of breaks at school by delaying children in class or premature calls from the break. Useful mobile changes carried out on fresh air. The task of the school administration is to provide conditions for the physical activity of students, excluding the possibility of injury. There should be no objects in the halls and corridors of the school that could cause injury if a child falls on them. Outdoor games end 2-3 minutes before the call for the next lesson. Mobile changes satisfy up to 10% of the daily need of children for movements, which for students aged 11-15 is about 20 thousand steps per day.

Hygiene requirements for the lesson

The educational process at the school is built in accordance with hygienic standards and recommendations. The main document regulating the hygienic requirements for the organization of the educational process is SanPiN 14-46 - 96 "Sanitary rules and norms for the arrangement, content and organization of the educational process of institutions providing general secondary education."

In the preparatory and first grades, the duration of the lesson is 35 minutes. In general educational institutions located in areas contaminated with radionuclides, it is recommended to reduce the duration of the lesson in these classes to 30 minutes, in 2-3 - up to 35 minutes, 4-9 classes - up to 40 minutes. By agreement with the sanitary and epidemiological surveillance authorities, lessons in lyceums, gymnasiums, specialized schools can be reduced to 40 minutes. Lesson duration should not exceed 45 minutes.

The structure of the lesson is the same in all classes. Conventionally, the lesson is divided into three parts: introductory, main, final. The teaching load should increase gradually, reaching a maximum by the middle of the lesson, after which it decreases towards the end of the lesson. At the beginning of the lesson (10 - 15 minutes) there is a practice. This time is allotted for organizational issues and a survey of students. During the main part of the lesson, during the peak performance period, the teacher explains new material, making the most of this time. The duration of a continuous explanation should be limited to a period of active attention to the unstable performance of students. For 6-7-year-old children, this is no more than 15 minutes, in the middle classes - approximately 25 - 30 minutes, in the older ones - 30 - 35 minutes. The teacher should be aware that the nature of the explanation affects the timing of the onset of fatigue. So, the explanation of new material in the form of lectures is more tiring compared to the explanation, which is carried out in the form of a conversation, which makes the lesson more lively, emotional, interesting, students learn and remember new material more easily. Interest in the material presented for a long time maintains performance at the proper level. And vice versa, lack of interest, inexpressive, monotonous speech or hostility of the teacher contribute to the rapid development of transcendental inhibition.

10-15 minutes before the end of the lesson, the students begin to get tired. The final part of the lesson is reserved for training reproduction. It is characteristic that junior schoolchildren"They can't really get tired." With prolonged work, they develop transcendental, or protective, inhibition, which protects the cells of the cerebral cortex from overexcitation and overwork. Older students can continue to work when tired, which leads to overwork.

The school practices double lessons. Sanitary and epidemiological supervision authorities allow combining two lessons for laboratory and control work, lessons of computer science, labor, fine arts, for subjects with an increased and in-depth level of their study, as well as when implementing a program but ski training. In the process of conducting a double lesson, it is necessary to alternate the practical and theoretical parts, tasks for self-study. At both lessons, a physical culture break is obligatory, a change between lessons is at least 10 minutes. In advance, before the lesson, the class should be aired.

The lesson is a part of a child's life, and living this life must be done at the level of a high universal human culture. The modern lesson is the flow of a forty-five-minute moment of life as a continuation of it, at home, on the street, as part of the history of the child's personal destiny. The lesson is lived not only by the child, but also by the teacher, as a person of modern culture, therefore, there are cultural norms for his activity in the lesson. He is not a servant, not a servant of children. He, too, should be created high working conditions. The ethics of interaction, adopted in a lesson in a group of high culture, instructs the teacher at school to teach children not to make sharp categorical judgments, not to emphasize the intellectual superiority of someone, not to neglect the opinions of others, not to interrupt the speaker. And to be concise and clear in your statements yourself, not to allow familiarity in relation to anyone, to note the individually valuable in the work of everyone, to express gratitude to all those present.


  • Justify the use of the model
  • Consider the theoretical basis of the lesson


  • Consider psychology and pedagogy on this issue
  • Analyze a modern lesson
  • Reveal the concept quality education
  • Describe the lesson model
  • Consider teaching methods

Requirements for a modern lesson

Didactic requirements for a modern lesson:

  • a clear formulation of educational tasks in general and their constituent elements, their connection with developmental and educational tasks. Determining a place in common system lessons;
  • determination of the optimal content of the lesson in accordance with the requirement curriculum and the objectives of the lesson, taking into account the level of preparation and preparedness of students;
  • forecasting the level of assimilation of scientific knowledge by students, the formation of skills and abilities both in the lesson and at its individual stages;
  • the choice of the most rational methods, techniques and means of teaching, stimulation and control, their optimal impact at each stage of the lesson, the choice that provides cognitive activity, a combination of various forms of collective and individual work in the classroom and maximum independence in the teaching of students;
  • implementation in the lesson of all didactic principles;
  • creation of conditions for successful learning of students.

Psychological requirements for the lesson:
The psychological goal of the lesson:

  1. Designing the development of students within the study of a particular subject and a particular lesson;
  2. Consideration in the target setting of the lesson of the psychological task of studying the topic and the results achieved in previous work;
  3. The provision of separate means of psychological and pedagogical influence of methodological techniques that ensure the development of students.

Lesson style:

  1. Determination of the content and structure of the lesson in accordance with the principles of developmental education:
    • the ratio of the load on the memory of students and their thinking;
    • determination of the volume of reproducing and creative activity students;
    • planning the assimilation of knowledge in ready-made(according to the teacher, from a textbook, manual, etc.) and in the process of independent search; implementation by the teacher and students of problem-heuristic learning (who poses a problem, formulates it, who solves it);
    • taking into account the control, analysis and evaluation of the activities of schoolchildren carried out by the teacher, and mutual critical evaluation, self-control and self-analysis of students;
    • the ratio of encouraging students to work (comments that evoke positive feelings in connection with the work done, attitudes that stimulate interest, strong-willed efforts to overcome difficulties, etc.) and coercion (a reminder of the mark, sharp remarks, notations, etc.) .
  2. Features of teacher self-organization:
    • preparedness for the lesson and, most importantly, awareness of the psychological goal, internal readiness for its implementation;
    • working well-being at the beginning of the lesson and during it (collection, attunement with the theme and psychological goal of the lesson, energy, perseverance in achieving the goal, an optimistic approach to everything that happens in the lesson, pedagogical resourcefulness, etc.);
    • pedagogical tact (cases of manifestation);
    • psychological climate in the classroom (maintaining an atmosphere of joyful, sincere communication, business contact and etc.).

Organization of cognitive activity of students:

  1. Determination of measures to ensure the conditions for the productive work of thinking and imagination of students:
    • planning ways for students to perceive the objects and phenomena being studied, their comprehension;
    • the use of attitudes in the form of persuasion, suggestion;
    • planning conditions for sustained attention and concentration of students;
    • the use of various forms of work to update in the memory of students previously acquired knowledge and skills necessary for the perception of new ones (conversation, individual survey, repetition exercises);
  2. Organization of the activity of thinking and imagination of students in the process of forming new knowledge and skills;
    • determination of the level of formation of knowledge and skills among students (at the level of specific sensory representations, concepts, generalizing images, "discoveries", formulating conclusions);
    • reliance on the psychological patterns of the formation of ideas, concepts, levels of understanding, the creation of new images in the organization of mental activity and the imagination of students;
    • planning methods and forms of work that ensure the activity and independence of students' thinking (a system of questions, the creation of problem situations, different levels of problem-heuristic problem solving, the use of tasks with missing and redundant data, the organization of search and research work students in the classroom, the creation of surmountable intellectual difficulties in the course of independent work, the complication of tasks in order to develop the cognitive independence of students);
    • management of increasing the level of understanding (from descriptive, comparative, explanatory to generalizing, evaluative, problematic) and the formation of skills to reason and conclude;
    • the use of various types of creative work of students (explaining the purpose of the work, the conditions for its implementation, training in the selection and systematization of material, as well as processing the results and designing the work);
  3. Consolidation of the results of work:
    • formation of skills through exercises;
    • training in the transfer of previously acquired skills and abilities to new working conditions, prevention of mechanical transfer.

Student organization:

  1. the attitude of students to learning, their self-organization and the level of mental development;
  2. possible groups of students according to the level of learning, taking these circumstances into account when determining the combination of individual, group and frontal forms of work of students in the lesson.

Taking into account the age characteristics of students:

  1. lesson planning according to individual and age characteristics students;
  2. conducting a lesson taking into account strong and weak students;
  3. differentiated approach to strong and weak students.

Hygiene requirements for the lesson:

  1. temperature regime;
  2. physical and chemical properties of air (the need for ventilation);
  3. lighting;
  4. prevention of fatigue and overwork;
  5. alternation of activities (change of listening by performing computational, graphic and practical work);
  6. timely and high-quality physical education sessions;
  7. maintaining the correct working posture of the student;
  8. matching classroom furniture to the height of the student.

Lesson requirements:

  1. the lesson should be emotional, arouse interest in learning and educate the need for knowledge;
  2. the pace and rhythm of the lesson should be optimal, the actions of the teacher and students should be completed;
  3. full contact is necessary in the interaction of the teacher and students in the lesson; pedagogical tact and pedagogical optimism must be observed;
  4. an atmosphere of benevolence and active creative work should dominate;
  5. if possible, it is necessary to change the types of activities of students, to optimally combine various teaching methods and techniques;
  6. ensure compliance with the unified spelling regimen of the school;

Advantages and disadvantages of the modern lesson

The lesson as a phenomenon is so great and significant that everything said about it suffers from incompleteness.

We are not trying to present an encyclopedia of the lesson, but to invite you to think about it; We hope that this will give impetus to the search for ways to improve the quality of the lesson. The lesson was always accompanied by criticism, clarification of weaknesses. But he is omnipotent and surprisingly stubborn. Criticism only strengthens it. Our violent innovations became a "light fright" for him.

Maybe there are more advantages than disadvantages in the lesson?

We invite you to reflect with us on the merits of the lesson:

  • As the first, I would like to note the high cost-effectiveness of the lesson. Only one teacher is required for 25-30 students. For education to take place. The lesson has clear time limits. It requires minimal space and minimal logistical support. Considering that education is still financed on a residual basis, the cost-effectiveness and cheapness of a school lesson mean a lot.
  • Another advantage is the flexibility, plasticity of the lesson. The lesson has survived many pedagogical paradigms and concepts. It can use a variety of educational technologies. The lesson has a powerful arsenal of methodological possibilities: the presence of species, types, a lot of methods, and the like.
  • The advantages of the lesson include its ability to integrate other forms of organization of learning. It easily accommodates a lecture, a seminar, a consultation, a conversation. On this basis grew different kinds lessons.
  • The logical completeness of the lesson is another advantage. In the lesson, you can organize both the primary perception of the material, and the process of its application, and the control of assimilation. The pedagogical process is completely carried out in any pedagogical form of organization of education and training, but the cognitive process takes place only in the classroom. The lesson has the ability to cover the entire cognitive cycle.
  • The lesson is a system for managing the cognitive process with feedback. Built in an interactive mode, it allows not only to exchange information, but also to receive data about each other: about the state of knowledge and skills, about relationships and assessments.
  • The lesson has a system-forming ability in relation to the entire educational process of the school. It sets and defines the content and methodology for all other forms of organization of training. All of them are auxiliary in nature and, as it were, are located around the lesson.
  • The educational ability of the lesson is undeniable. Whatever the lesson, it educates its participants not only by the content of the educational material and methods of influencing the teacher and students on each other, but above all by the interaction of their spiritual and moral worlds.
  • And, finally, the lesson is a stimulus and a means of growth for the student and the teacher. In a particular lesson, they work to the limit: the student should try to get the best mark, and the teacher should try to conduct the lesson, if not already masterfully, then at least not fail it. Both parties work in an extreme situation.

We invite you to reflect on the shortcomings of the lesson. Remembering at the same time that the lesson has more advantages. Otherwise - why improve it.
