What is road safety. On a country road where there is no sign of a pedestrian crossing, you should wait for the bus to leave, inspect the road and, making sure that it is possible to cross it safely. Rules of conduct in the subway


The purpose of the lesson: To systematize students' knowledge in the field of traffic and form their conviction of the need for conscious compliance with traffic rules by all its participants: pedestrians, passengers and drivers.

Time: 45 minutes

Lesson type: combined

Educational visual complex: OBZh textbook grade 10, PC, projector

During the classes:

I. Introductory part

* Organizing time

* Control of students' knowledge:

Why the restoration of spiritual and physical strength man best happens in

communication with natural environment?

Why is safety a top priority when preparing for a hike?

Why, when choosing a route of movement, taking into account the terrain, it is chosen so that it has

minimum number of turns? Justify your answer.

What kind of wood is best for lighting a fire?

II. Main part

Announcement of the topic and purpose of the lesson

Explanation of new material : § 3, pp. 19-22.

Road user- this is a person directly involved in the movement as a driver, pedestrian, passenger of a vehicle.

traffic accident(Accident) is an event that occurred during the movement of a vehicle on the road and with its participation, in which people were killed or injured, vehicles, cargo, structures were damaged.

Constantly through the streets of cities and settlements moving thousands of people who are in a hurry to work, to school, to many other places or returning home. To move in a given direction, people use public transport, personal vehicles (cars, motorcycles, bicycles) or walk. All of them are road users.

In order for this movement to be orderly and to ensure that all participants can move quickly and safely in the direction they need, they must observe certain rules that regulate traffic on the streets and roads. These are the rules of the road.

Currently in Russian Federation the Rules of the Road are in force since June 1, 1994, with amendments and additions made in 1998, 2000, 2006 and 2009.

Day and night, in any weather, cars and trucks and buses that transport people, deliver various goods to shops, raw materials for factories and factories, Construction Materials on the construction sites and many other cargoes.

We all take part in traffic all the time. And so we must know the duties of a pedestrian and a passenger and constantly comply with them. (Remember that in our country the most high rate road traffic deaths (15–16) per 100 injured.)

2. Basic duties of a pedestrian.

Pedestrians must move along sidewalks or footpaths, and if there are none, along roadsides. (If there are no sidewalks, walking paths or roadsides, as well as in case of impossibility to move along them, pedestrians can walk along bike path or one behind the other along the edge of the carriageway, and on roads with a dividing strip - along the outer edge of the carriageway.)

Pedestrians on country roads must walk towards traffic. Vehicle. Pedestrians walking in wheelchairs without an engine, as well as a bicycle, moped or motorcycle driving next to them, must follow the direction of the vehicles.

Pedestrians may cross the carriageway at pedestrian crossings, and in their absence, at intersections along the line of sidewalks or roadsides.

With absence pedestrian crossing or an intersection, a pedestrian is allowed to cross the road at a right angle to the edge of the carriageway in a section without a dividing strip and fences. At the same time, the road should be clearly visible in both directions.

When there is a traffic controller on the road, pedestrians should be guided by his signals. The movement of pedestrians can also be regulated by a pedestrian traffic light. In the absence of a traffic controller and a pedestrian traffic light, it is necessary to be guided by the signals of a transport traffic light.

At unregulated pedestrian crossings, pedestrians may exit onto carriageway roads only after they have estimated the distance to oncoming vehicles and are satisfied that the crossing will be safe.

When crossing the carriageway outside the pedestrian crossing, pedestrians should be especially careful not to enter the carriageway due to some obstacle (a car standing at the sidewalk, etc.) that obstructs the view of the carriageway without making sure that there are no approaching vehicles. Having entered the carriageway, pedestrians should not linger or stop, unless it is related to the provision safe movement.

Pedestrians who did not have time to complete the transition should stop on the center line separating the traffic flows of opposite directions. It will be possible to continue the transition only after making sure that the further movement is safe and if the traffic light (regulator) signal allows the transition.

When approaching a car with a blue flashing beacon and a special sound signal, pedestrians must refrain from crossing the carriageway, and those on the carriageway must immediately release it (step back or quickly move to the right side), giving way to such a car.

General safety precautions to be followed by a pedestrian.

    When leaving the entrance of the house, pay attention to whether a car, motorcycle, moped, bicycle is approaching you.

    If there is a car near the house or trees grow, blocking the view before entering the roadway, look around to see if there is a moving vehicle behind the obstacle.

    When driving on the sidewalk, always follow right side so as not to interfere with oncoming pedestrian traffic and not interfere with traffic.

    When walking along the sidewalk past the gate or the exit from the garage, you need to pay attention to whether the car leaves.

    When preparing to cross the road, it is necessary to inspect the carriageway.


Pedestrians cross the carriageway at pedestrian crossings (ground, underground and elevated) or at intersections. An intersection is a place where two or more roads intersect.

3. Obligations of a passenger.

In accordance with the requirements of the Rules of the Road, passengers are required to wear seat belts when riding a vehicle equipped with seat belts, and when riding a motorcycle, wear a fastened motorcycle helmet. rules safe behavior passengers in all forms public transport. Landing in the vehicle is carried out after it has come to a complete stop through the front doors. Entering the salon, you need to look around, choose a comfortable place where you will not be disturbed. You should look at where the emergency and emergency exits are located. If there are no free seats in the transport, you should try to stand in the center of the aisle, holding on to the handrail or special suspensions. Can't stand at front door, and even more so rely on it - it can accidentally open. It is recommended to move around the cabin of public transport only when it has completely stopped.

It must be remembered that in public transport you can not make noise, be naughty, talk loudly, eat ice cream. Do not lean out of the windows of the vehicle while it is moving, distracting the driver from driving.

4. Rules of conduct when using a tram, bus and trolleybus.

* Wait for a bus, trolleybus, tram only at the landing site, and where there is none, on the sidewalk or roadside.

    When boarding a tram, if the tram tracks are located in the middle of the street, cross the carriageway to approach the tram stop.

    Before crossing, it is necessary to inspect both sides of the road and in the absence of moving vehicles. Embarkation must be made through the front doors, and disembarkation - through the rear or through the doors, which have the inscription "Exit".

    After disembarking from public transport, when crossing the carriageway, you must be especially careful, given the heavy traffic.

    When exiting the bus, if you need to cross the road, it is safest to walk along the sidewalk to the nearest pedestrian crossing.

    On a country road where there is no sign of a pedestrian crossing, you should wait for the bus to leave, inspect the road and, making sure that it is possible to cross it safely.

Rules of conduct in the subway.

Behavior on the escalator:

    stand on the right, go on the left;

    you can not run up the steps of the escalator and sit on them.

Behavior on the platform:

    do not go beyond the boundary line;

    if you have something fallen on the rails, do not try to get this item yourself, contact the duty officer.

The driver is the main figure in ensuring road safety

Road safety primarily depends on the level of training of drivers and instilling in them a high sense of responsibility for personal safety and the safety of others.

Purposefully, these qualities should be formed from the moment a person becomes a road user. From this moment, he must begin to comprehend the basics of the Rules of the Road and form a conviction in the need to comply with them constantly.

The first vehicle that a person begins to drive in school years is a bicycle. A cyclist is a driver of a vehicle, so the same requirements apply to him as to any driver.

Before leaving, each driver is obliged to check and ensure that the vehicle is in good technical condition on the way.


1) Obeying the Rules of the Road in the face of an ever-increasing flow of cars on the roads has become much more difficult than before. Many road users do not have enough endurance and discipline for this, there is not enough common culture in the field of safety.

2) Each of us, regardless of social status and age, can be on the road as a pedestrian or passenger of a route vehicle (bus, trolleybus, tram).

3) It is important to observe safety measures in all types passenger transport.

4) The qualities inherent in a reliable driver should be formed from childhood.

General safety precautions to be followed by a pedestrian. When leaving the entrance of the house, pay attention to whether a car, motorcycle, moped, bicycle is approaching you. If there is a car near the house or trees grow, blocking the view before entering the roadway, look around to see if there is a moving vehicle behind the obstacle.

General safety precautions to be followed by a pedestrian. When driving on a sidewalk, always keep to the right so as not to interfere with oncoming pedestrian traffic or obstruct traffic. When walking along the sidewalk past the gate or the exit from the garage, you need to pay attention to whether the car leaves. When preparing to cross the road, it is necessary to inspect the carriageway.

Rules of conduct when using trams, buses and trolleybuses. Wait for a bus, trolleybus, tram only at the landing site, and where there is none, on the sidewalk or roadside. When boarding a tram, if the tram tracks are located in the middle of the street, cross the carriageway after the tram stops. Before crossing, it is necessary to inspect both sides of the road in the absence of moving vehicles. Embarkation must be made through the front doors, and disembarkation - through the rear or through the doors, which have the inscription "Exit".

After disembarking from public transport, when crossing the carriageway, you must be especially careful, given the heavy traffic. When exiting the bus, if you need to cross the road, it is safest to walk along the sidewalk to the nearest pedestrian crossing. On a country road where there is no sign of a pedestrian crossing, you should wait for the bus to leave, inspect the road and, making sure that it is possible to cross it safely.

Homework: give detailed answers to the following questions: - Why, according to the Code of the Russian Federation on administrative offenses, in your opinion, tougher penalties for pedestrians and drivers who violate traffic rules? - Why is any vehicle a source of danger?

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1. The driver as a person. Basic personality traits and their characteristics. The influence of personality traits on the actions of the driver when driving a vehicle

traffic accident driver

The personality of the driver most clearly manifests itself in the most difficult, critical situations that arise on the road. Therefore, the main characteristics of the driver's personality play an important role in the process of driving a car, and cannot but affect road safety. Unfortunately, situations often arise when drivers create critical situations on the road with their own hands - for example, they do not switch the high beam to the low beam at night when driving, brake sharply without extreme need, occupy the middle of the road for no apparent reason, etc. d. It is these situations that usually lead to traffic accidents.

What is a person's personality? From a psychophysiological point of view, this is the totality of all mental and physical, acquired and innate characteristics, together with their individual manifestation. Therefore, in order to correctly understand the logic of the actions of each driver in a critical situation, it is necessary to be able to evaluate its individual qualities (reaction speed, attentiveness, way of thinking) and to know the mental characteristics inherent in this type personality. These characteristics include:


The needs

· Character,


· Capabilities,

· Orientation.

The needs of a person is called his mental state at the moment when he is in need of something. For example, if such a need is caused by the desire to drive a car, its satisfaction (the ability to drive) causes a state of moral satisfaction and provides positive emotions to a person.

The orientation of the personality is called the totality of the basic beliefs and views of a person, which have a decisive impact on the principles by which he is guided in everyday activities. Usually, it is the orientation of the personality that dictates to a person his attitude towards people, actions, and the world around him.

Interests are a positive attitude of a person to certain things, phenomena, people, situations. Being interested in any phenomenon, a person seeks to know it better. Abilities are like individual characteristics the psyches of each individual person, which promise success or failure to one or another type of his activity. Abilities should not be confused with inclinations - inclinations are given to a person from birth, while abilities can be developed. The development of abilities directly depends on the conditions in which a person lives and is formed as a person. The presence of certain abilities can make it much easier for a person to master certain skills, but even a person with mild abilities for a particular type of activity can master it thanks to perseverance, patience, perseverance. For example, acquiring driving skills is more difficult for people with disabilities. high speed reactions, emotionally unstable, nervous, inattentive. But at the same time, all these shortcomings can be compensated by strong-willed efforts and increased attention strain. Training makes it possible to reduce reaction time and increase your emotional stability.

The most important volitional qualities that every driver must show behind the wheel are self-control, discipline, perseverance and determination. Let's consider each of the above qualities in more detail.

Self-control, which is rightfully considered one of the most important volitional qualities of every driver, lies in the ability to control one's emotions and actions in any situation, even in the most extreme and dangerous.

A driver with a sufficient amount of self-control will not lose his head and will not lose the ability not to succumb to panic under the most critical circumstances. Against, emergency mobilizes his forces and hidden opportunities. Self-control helps the driver to show activity and energy on the road, and at the same time restrain destructive emotions and not commit inappropriate actions.

Discipline is no less important for a person driving a vehicle than self-control. A disciplined driver, if possible, tries to comply with all the rules of the road and the instructions of the traffic police. In addition, he adheres to the principles of respect for pedestrians and other drivers - therefore, he does not violate the generally accepted rules of the culture of behavior. An undisciplined driver on the road is not guided by the observance of traffic safety rules, but own desires and emotions, therefore, often violates traffic rules - for example, drives a car while intoxicated, does not pay attention to prohibitory signs or traffic lights.

Sometimes a driver violates the rules of the road not as a result of his indiscipline, but because of insufficient preparedness, low qualifications or limited psycho-physiological capabilities. Some people have slow psychomotor reactions, fatigue (which also affects the reaction rate in a not the best way), hearing or vision impairments (for example, they cannot see well in the dark or suffer from color blindness). In this case, the driver, knowing about the specifics of his own body, must behave extremely carefully on the road and brake in advance in case of an obstacle in his path - so he can avoid hitting a pedestrian or colliding with another car. Also, one of the main mistakes of undisciplined drivers is the implementation of super-complex maneuvers at high speed in the absence of the experience necessary for such “exercises”. Thus, such an extreme lover creates an emergency situation on the road.

Perseverance is also an important quality for a driver. Perseverance is called the ability to persistently and for a long time, until the desired result, to make efforts to implement decision. Car drivers can be called persistent, fighting for a prize, despite numerous obstacles. Another strong-willed quality that is directly related to perseverance is patience. "Patience" does not mean "submission" - real patience is positive quality character, and helps to purposefully and actively overcome any difficulties and troubles.

But do not confuse perseverance with stubbornness. Stubbornness can only be called unreasonable perseverance, manifested in situations where a person does not want to reckon with the rights and opinions of other people or with external circumstances. A good driver is bound to be persistent at the moment of making a certain decision, but if this decision does not correspond to the changed conditions on the road, he will be able to refuse it. For example, if a driver plans to overtake, but sees that the situation is not going the way he expected, and overtaking can create an emergency on the road, the only right decision will be to abandon the original decision in order to save high level security for all involved.

Another important volitional quality of a driver is decisiveness. A decisive driver can quickly and correctly assess all the circumstances of the current situation, instantly make the best decision and carry it out without hesitation. In conditions of lack of time (for example, in an emergency), the determination of the driver often comes to the fore and helps to save the health, and sometimes the life of road users. Hesitation and fear of making a decision speak of the driver's indecision, and in a critical situation they can do him a disservice.

To develop volitional qualities, you can conduct auto-training - for example, mentally project a critical or emergency situation on the road and calculate your actions in a particular case. It is important to teach yourself not to pay attention to extraneous stimuli and to be able to focus on the most important, central objects that take part in traffic and are important for resolving the situation. If you constantly engage in the education and development of your own volitional qualities, gradually increasing the requirements for yourself and learning to critically evaluate all your actions while driving a car, sooner or later you can become a truly high-class driver.

All people are different - they differ from each other not only in terms of intelligence, interests, social status, but also by the type of temperament. Some people amaze those around them with their liveliness, energy, emotionality, and some behave calmly, express their emotions poorly, are slow and immobile. All of the above features of behavior are an external expression of a person's inherent temperament. Temperament is usually called a set of mental properties of a person, characterized by the speed and expressiveness of the course of mental processes.

Drivers with different types of temperament will react differently to any traffic situation, moreover, they have completely different different speed fatigue will develop and performance will decrease. It is customary to distinguish four various types temperament - sanguine, choleric, phlegmatic and melancholic.

Sanguine is easy to distinguish: it is always an energetic and agile person, prone to rapid mood swings. The facial expressions and gestures of a sanguine person are eloquent and varied, he is sociable and cheerful, he copes well with any tasks of quick wit and ingenuity. A sanguine person usually has a high reaction rate, knows how to build relationships with the team, quickly merges into new company. Usually sanguine people are hardworking and emotionally stable people, so they feel like fish in water on the road. But at the same time, sanguine people are unstable to monotonous stimuli - and therefore they easily lose their vigilance or fall asleep on straight lines. long sections motorways where there is no constant change of landscape. Sanguine drivers are great on busy city streets, but they're harder to rely on when driving long distances on a country freeway.

Cholerics are people with a high reaction rate, emotional and sensitive, prone to violent outward expression of their own feelings. Since a choleric person is always an impulsive and nervous person, his actions are often dictated by emotions. Usually choleric people are efficient, but quickly get tired due to the increased excitability of the nervous system. Choleric is a brave and decisive person, he is proactive and not inclined to be careful on the road. Therefore, most of the scorchers and lovers fast driving encountered on the roads are choleric. A driver rushing down the street at high speed and braking sharply at a traffic light usually belongs to this category of people. In principle, a person with a choleric temperament is often a good but not disciplined driver, so more than other people need constant self-control when driving a vehicle.

A phlegmatic person is, as a rule, a calm and slow person, not prone to a constant change of emotions and their extremely violent manifestation. Phlegmatic people are distinguished by a balanced character, it is difficult to bring them out of a state of equilibrium. The facial expressions of phlegmatic people are usually poor and inexpressive, and speech is rather slow than fast. Phlegmatic people are generally slow, so before making any decision, they prefer to think it over calmly - and only then act. It is difficult for phlegmatic people to switch from one type of activity to another, but at the same time they are distinguished by a rather high efficiency and self-confidence. Unlike a sanguine person, a phlegmatic person is very resistant to any monotonous irritants - therefore, traveling long distances is much easier for him. But in an emergency, the phlegmatic reacts and acts much more slowly than the sanguine or choleric, so it’s harder for him to find correct solution tasks under time pressure.

The melancholy type of temperament gives a person weak reactions. Melancholics are rarely subject to sudden mood swings, they are as slow as phlegmatic people - but at the same time they are prone to deeper reflections and experiences. Emotions are outwardly manifested weakly, a melancholic is rarely sociable and sparkling - rather the opposite: he is hard going through difficulties, often a closed and uncommunicative person who is characterized by indecision, self-doubt, a tendency to long hesitation before making an important decision. In a difficult, extreme environment, a melancholic is often lost, which makes drivers of this type the least adapted to driving a vehicle.

It should be noted that in nature, pure types of temperament are relatively rare - more often you can meet people whose temperament organically combines the features of two or more basic types. It is believed that the type of temperament is a very stable characteristic, but it can also be corrected by education or the creation of certain living conditions for a person. The main objective of such a correction is to neutralize negative traits inherent in a particular type of temperament, and enhance the positive. For example, a choleric person, due to constant training and development of his volitional qualities, can become a calmer and more restrained person, therefore, he will not make those mistakes while driving that may be dictated by emotional imbalance. A phlegmatic person can compensate for his own slowness by acquiring steady driving skills brought to automaticity - and thus prevent accidents on the road even before they occur. Even the most indecisive and timid drivers can compensate for these shortcomings through hard training and the development of strong-willed qualities, the ability to carefully observe the road and predict the development of a particular situation.

In addition to temperament, each person has an equally important personality trait - character. Character is formed through a combination of easily changing, superficial personality traits and the deepest, most stable mental qualities. The basis of human character is often the most fundamental and stable qualities of the psyche, which are manifested in his thoughts, actions and deeds.

In order to change the mode of movement of the vehicle, it is enough for the driver to influence the control system of the vehicle by means of hands or feet. The motor response developed by the driver after receiving and processing information obtained through the work of the senses is called a reaction. Information signaling the need to change the driving mode of the car cannot always be predictable and predictable - after all, situations often arise when it arrives unexpectedly, and the driver does not have much time to process and evaluate it. Road conditions sometimes change abruptly and unexpectedly.

Therefore, the quality of the driver's reactions directly depends on the speed of forming a response to the information received. The reaction time comes to the fore - the interval that passes from the moment the information is received to the moment when the driver begins to implement the response to it. The reaction can be simple or complex. A simple reaction is unambiguous, as it is usually associated with the expectation of a signal by the driver. The reaction time in this case is smallest value. A complex reaction is usually associated with the process of finding and choosing an appropriate solution.

The time of any reaction includes two periods. The first, latent (latent) period begins at the moment of the appearance of an external stimulus and ends at the moment of the beginning of the motor response to it. The second period - motor - is equal to the time of the motor act in response to the stimulus. The latent period is associated with the flow of psychophysiological processes that are associated with the assessment of the situation and the prediction of possible options for its development, as well as the need to develop a solution. The latency period of a simple reaction usually takes a period of time equal to 0.2 s (reaction to light) or 0.14 (reaction to sound). The time of a complex reaction (more precisely, its latent period) depends on many factors and varies over a very wide range. The time of a complex reaction is influenced by the experience of the driver, his individual psychophysiological qualities, and the characteristics of the situation on the road. Even the same driver will react to an event at different speeds depending on how unexpected it is for him. The time of the motor period of the driver's reaction directly depends on his age, physical condition, the degree of unexpectedness of the event and the complexity of the action performed by the driver.

According to statistics, the average time of the motor period of a simple reaction to light (for example, to a red traffic light) in young drivers, whose age does not exceed 22 years, is twice as high as in older and middle-aged drivers (from 45 to 60 years). But the time of the motor reaction period for drivers of the same age in similar conditions does not differ much, despite their practical experience. The fact is that all actions related to driving a vehicle are often practiced in the daily activities of the driver.

So, it turns out that both components of the reaction time are directly dependent on the degree of unexpectedness of the situation. Unfortunately, big time reaction makes it difficult to successfully carry out actions to prevent an accident on the road. Therefore, do not underestimate the importance of developing practical skills for assessing and predicting situations that arise on the road.

As a rule, the weakest is nervous system with a high degree of sensitivity. The ability to notice even the weakest signals in time and evaluate the information received helps drivers whose nervous system is not distinguished by endurance. In this case, the driver will be able to notice the occurrence of potentially emergency situations on the road earlier, respond to them earlier and take measures to avoid or counteract the danger.

By the way, there is an opinion that difficult situation on the road, a good driver will react even slightly slower than a bad driver. It's just that a good driver always knows that in a difficult situation it is necessary to carefully and meticulously assess the situation on the road, mentally sort through everything possible options its development and choose best option actions. If, under normal, safe conditions, you can make a mistake and then have time to correct it, then an emergency situation does not provide the driver with such an opportunity. Then it will be impossible to correct your own actions, which means that the driver has no right to make a mistake. And a bad driver tends to do something in a hurry, tends to panic, he turns on an active defensive reflex. As a result of hasty actions of the driver, the situation is sometimes aggravated and becomes irreparable.

Sometimes the driver has to act in a variety of traffic situations. There is a type of mode that can be called minimal - for example, this is the mode of driving a car along a country highway, wide and lightly loaded, in pleasant summer weather. The mode in which most drivers have to act - when it is necessary to drive along city streets filled with cars and pedestrians - can be called optimal. Today, this is the mode that prevails in Everyday life driver, as the number of different vehicles is constantly increasing. When the situation on the road is sharply complicated or the equipment suddenly fails, an extreme driving mode occurs.

Practical experience shows that people with a weak nervous system can normally drive a car in an optimal and minimum mode, but suddenly lose confidence in extreme conditions. Although no driver can objectively be called absolutely reliable, this simply does not happen in nature. Even a well-trained person, who boasts a strong nervous system and is good at very difficult extreme tasks, can make a mistake when solving simple tasks. The reason for this is the driver's lack of interest and additional motivation, and these factors are considered the main conditions necessary for solving any problem. The driver, whose nervous system is less strong, quickly and reliably decides simple tasks. But in an extreme situation, he can get confused and make a mistake.

2. Means of protecting the driver and passengers in case of road accidents and the requirements for them

A modern car by its nature is a device of increased danger. Considering the social significance of the car and its potential danger during operation, manufacturers equip their cars with means that contribute to its safe operation. From the complex of means with which a modern car is equipped, passive safety means are of great interest. The passive safety of the car must ensure the survival and minimization of the number of injuries to the passengers of the car involved in a traffic accident.

AT last years passive safety of cars has become one of the the most important elements from a manufacturers point of view. Huge amounts of money are invested in the study of this topic and its development due to the fact that companies care about the health of customers.

I will try to explain a few definitions hidden under the broad definition of "passive safety".

It is divided into external and internal.

The internal includes measures to protect people sitting in the car through special interior equipment. External passive safety includes measures to protect passengers by giving the body special properties, for example, the absence of sharp corners, deformation.

Passive safety is a set of components and devices that allow you to save the life of car passengers in case of an accident. Includes, among other things:


2. crushable or soft elements of the front panel;

3.folding steering column;

4.travmobezopasny pedal assembly - in the event of a collision, the pedals are separated from the attachment points and reduce the risk of damage to the driver's legs;

5.inertial seat belts with pretensioners;

6. energy-absorbing elements of the front and rear parts of the car, crushed upon impact - bumpers;

7. seat headrests - protect the passenger's neck from serious injuries when the car hits from behind;

8.safety glasses: tempered, which, when broken, shatter into many non-sharp fragments and triplex;

9.roll bars, reinforced A-pillars and upper windshield frame in roadsters and convertibles cross bars in the door.

It provides acceptable loads on the human body from a sharp deceleration in an accident and saves the space of the passenger compartment after the deformation of the body.

In a severe accident, there is a risk that the engine and other components can enter the driver's cab. Therefore, the cabin is surrounded by a special "safety grid", which is an absolute protection in such cases. The same stiffening ribs and bars can be found in the doors of the car (in case of side collisions). This also includes areas of energy repayment.

In a severe accident, there is a sharp and unexpected deceleration to a complete stop of the car. This process causes huge overloads on the bodies of passengers, which can be fatal. It follows from this that it is necessary to find a way to "slow down" the deceleration in order to reduce the load on the human body. One way to solve this problem is to design areas of destruction that dampen the energy of a collision in the front and rear parts of the body. The destruction of the car will be more severe, but the passengers will remain intact (and this is compared to the old "thick-skinned" cars, when the car got off with a "light fright", but the passengers received severe injuries).

The design of the body provides that in the event of a collision, the parts of the body are deformed, as it were, separately. In addition, high-tension metal sheets. This makes the car more rigid, and on the other hand allows it to be not so heavy.


At first, cars were equipped with two-point belts that “held” riders by the stomach or chest. Less than half a century later, engineers realized that the multi-point design is much better, because in a crash it allows you to distribute the pressure of the belt on the surface of the body more evenly and significantly reduce the risk of injury to the spine and internal organs. In motorsport, for example, four-, five- and even six-point seat belts are used - they keep the person in the seat “tightly”. But on the “citizen”, because of their simplicity and convenience, three-point ones took root.

In order for the belt to work properly for its purpose, it must fit snugly against the body. Previously, belts had to be adjusted, adjusted to fit. With the advent of inertial belts, the need for “manual adjustment” has disappeared - in the normal state, the coil rotates freely, and the belt can wrap around a passenger of any build, it does not hinder actions, and every time a passenger wants to change the position of the body, the strap always fits snugly to the body. But at the moment when the "force majeure" comes - the inertial coil will immediately fix the belt. In addition, on modern machines, squibs are used in belts. Small explosive charges detonate, pulling the belt, and he presses the passenger to the back of the seat, preventing him from hitting.

Seat belts are one of the most effective means of protection in an accident.

Therefore, passenger cars must be equipped with seat belts if attachment points are provided for this. The protective properties of belts largely depend on their technical condition. Belt malfunctions that do not allow the vehicle to be operated include tears and abrasions of the fabric tape of the straps visible to the naked eye, unreliable fixation of the tongue of the strap in the lock or the absence of automatic ejection of the tongue when the lock is unlocked. At the seat belts inertial type the strap tape should be freely retracted into the coil and blocked when the car moves sharply at a speed of 15 - 20 km / h. Belts that have experienced critical loads during an accident in which the car body has received serious damage are subject to replacement.


One of the most common and effective safety systems in modern cars (after seat belts) are airbags. They began to be widely used already in the late 70s, but it was not until a decade later that they really took their rightful place in the safety systems of most car manufacturers.

They are located not only in front of the driver, but also in front of the front passenger, as well as from the sides (in the doors, pillars, etc.). Some car models have their forced shutdown due to the fact that people with heart problems and children may not be able to withstand their false operation.

Today, airbags are commonplace not only in expensive cars, but also on small (and relatively inexpensive) cars. Why are airbags needed? And what are they?

Airbags have been developed for both drivers and front seat passengers. For the driver, the pillow is usually installed on the steering, for the passenger - on the dashboard (depending on the design).

The front airbags are deployed when an alarm is received from the control unit. Depending on the design, the degree of filling of the pillow with gas may vary. The purpose of the front airbags is to protect the driver and passenger from injury by solid objects (engine body, etc.) and glass fragments in frontal collisions.

Side airbags are designed to reduce damage to vehicle occupants in a side impact. They are installed on the doors or in the backs of the seats. In the event of a side impact, external sensors send signals to the central airbag control unit. This makes it possible for some or all of the side airbags to deploy.

Here is a diagram of how the airbag system works:

Studies of the impact of airbags on the likelihood of driver death in frontal collisions have shown that it is reduced by 20-25%.

If the airbags have deployed or been damaged in any way, they cannot be repaired. The entire airbag system must be replaced.

The driver's airbag has a volume of 60 to 80 liters, and the front passenger - up to 130 liters. It is easy to imagine that when the system is triggered, the interior volume decreases by 200-250 liters within 0.04 seconds (see figure), which gives a considerable load on the eardrums. In addition, a pillow flying at a speed of more than 300 km / h is fraught with a considerable danger to people if they are not fastened with a seat belt and nothing delays the inertial movement of the body towards the pillow.

There are statistics on the impact of airbags on injuries in an accident. What can be done to reduce the chance of injury?

If your car has an airbag, do not place rear-facing child seats on a car seat where the airbag is located. When inflated, the airbag may move the seat and cause injury to the child.

Airbags in the passenger seat increase the risk of death for children under the age of 13 sitting in that seat. A child less than 150 cm tall can be hit in the head by an air bag that opens at a speed of 322 km/h.


The role of the head restraint is to prevent sudden movement of the head during an accident. Therefore, you should adjust the height of the head restraint and its position to the correct position. Modern head restraints have two degrees of adjustment to prevent injuries to the cervical vertebrae during the “overlapping” movement, which are so characteristic of rear-end collisions.

Effective protection when using a head restraint can be achieved if it is located exactly on the center line of the head at the level of its center of gravity and no more than 7 cm from the back of it. Be aware that some seat options change the size and position of the head restraint.


Safety steering is one of the constructive measures that ensure the passive safety of the car - the ability to reduce the severity of the consequences of traffic accidents. The steering gear can cause serious injury to the driver in a frontal collision with an obstacle when the front of the vehicle is crushed when the entire steering gear moves towards the driver.

The driver can also be injured from the steering wheel or steering shaft when moving forward sharply due to a frontal collision, when the movement is 300 ... 400 mm with a weak seat belt tension. To reduce the severity of injuries sustained by the driver in frontal collisions, which account for about 50% of all road traffic accidents, various designs safety steering mechanisms. To this end, in addition to the steering wheel with a recessed hub and two spokes, which can significantly reduce the severity of injuries caused by impact, a special energy-absorbing device is installed in the steering mechanism, and the steering shaft is often made composite. All this provides a slight movement of the steering shaft inside the car body in frontal collisions with obstacles, cars and other vehicles.

In safety steering cars other energy-absorbing devices are used that connect the composite steering shafts. These include rubber couplings of a special design, as well as devices of the "Japanese flashlight" type, which is made in the form of several longitudinal plates welded to the ends of the connected parts of the steering shaft. In collisions, the rubber clutch is destroyed, and the connecting plates are deformed and reduce the movement of the steering shaft inside the body.

The main elements of a wheel assembly are a rim with a disk and a pneumatic tire, which can be tubeless or consist of a tire, a tube and a rim tape.


Roof hatches and windows of buses can be used as emergency exits for quick evacuation of passengers from the passenger compartment in case of an accident or fire. For this purpose, inside and outside the passenger compartment of buses, special means for opening emergency windows and hatches. So, glasses can be installed in window openings body on two locking rubber profile with a locking cord. In case of danger, it is necessary to pull out the lock cord using the bracket attached to it, and squeeze out the glass. Some windows are hung in the opening on hinges and are provided with handles for opening them outward.

Devices for actuating the emergency exits of buses in service must be in working order. However, during the operation of buses, ATP employees often remove the bracket on emergency windows, fearing deliberate damage to the window seal by passengers or pedestrians in cases where this is not dictated by necessity. Such "prudence" makes it impossible for emergency evacuation of people from buses.

Ensuring the good condition of the structural elements of the car, the requirements for which were considered earlier, can reduce the likelihood of an accident. However, it has not yet been possible to create absolute safety on the roads. That is why experts in many countries pay great attention to the so-called passive car safety, which makes it possible to reduce the severity of the consequences of an accident.

3. Organization of educational work with drivers, its main goals and objectives

The main regulatory documents on road safety in the ATO are the Federal Law of December 10, 1995 No. 196 - FZ "On Road Safety" (as amended federal laws dated 02.03.1999 No. 41 - FZ, dated 04.25.2002 No. 41 - FZ, dated 10.01.2003 No. 15 - FZ, dated 08.22.2004 No. 122 - FZ); Regulation on ensuring road safety in enterprises, institutions, organizations engaged in the transport of passengers and goods (approved by Order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated 09.03.1995 No. 27).

The requirements of this Regulation are obligatory for all organizations located on the territory of the Russian Federation, regardless of their organizational and legal forms and forms of ownership, that transport passengers and goods by road and urban electric transport, as well as for drivers of these organizations and driver-entrepreneurs. Responsibility for the organization of work on road safety in the ATO rests with its head or appointed to a position related to road safety of vehicles, an executive head or a specialist. Organizations, as well as drivers-entrepreneurs that do not have the necessary production and technical, personnel and regulatory and methodological base, ensure the fulfillment of the requirements and norms established by this Regulation on the basis of agreements concluded with organizations that have the necessary base and (or) have a license for carrying out relevant work.

According to the current regulatory documents, the main types of traffic safety activities, and in the field road transport subdivided into support complexes:

* professional reliability driver's staff;

* vehicles in technical good condition;

* safe conditions for passenger transportation.

Improving the professional skills of drivers is carried out by organizing classes necessary for the traffic safety frequency, but at least 1 time per year according to the relevant curricula and annual driver training programs.

The Regulation on Ensuring Road Safety in Enterprises, Institutions, and Organizations Carrying Passengers and Goods, regulates the conduct of briefings with drivers and the presence in the ATO of an introductory briefing log and a briefing log that provides drivers with information about traffic conditions and work on the route.

Induction training carried out when hiring drivers and contains information about the specifics of the conditions for the implementation of transportation and PRR in the ATO, transportation routes, issues of organizing and implementing traffic safety measures. The introductory briefing is carried out by the head of the ATO or an employee appointed responsible for the work on traffic safety.

Pre-trip (daily) briefing includes information about traffic conditions and the presence of dangerous sections (road features, the presence of railway crossings, overpasses, crowded places), weather conditions, mode of work and rest, places for refueling, rest and eating, parking and security of vehicles. Pre-trip briefing is carried out by the dispatcher before the release of drivers on the line.

Periodic briefings are held monthly and should contain information about new normative documents concerning the work of drivers, the actions of the driver in the event of critical situations, accidents, the implementation of anti-theft and fire prevention measures.

Seasonal briefing is carried out by a road traffic safety officer 2 times a year and contains information on the features of safe driving in various conditions, changes in traffic and pedestrian flows, analysis of accidents.

Special briefing is carried out in cases of sending the driver on a business trip, long-distance flight, to work away from the main base, when transporting children, large-sized and heavy cargo, when changing the route of transportation or the nature of the cargo. Special briefing is carried out by employees of the operational service.

An unscheduled briefing includes information about changes in regulatory documents that need to be brought to the attention of the driver, about natural disasters, traffic or environmental incidents in the area of ​​the route of vehicles, analysis of the circumstances causes of accidents, accidents at AT, etc. Unscheduled briefings are carried out by traffic police officers.

For all types of briefing, except for the daily briefing, instructions approved by the head of the ATO should be developed, with the assignment of a serial number.

List of used literature:

1. Theory and design of a car and engine V.K. Vakhlamov, M.G. Shatrov, A.A. Yurchevsky.

2. Organization of road transport and traffic safety 6 studies. allowance for students of higher education. institutions / A.E. Gorev, E.M. Oleshchenko .- M .: Publishing Center "Academy". 2006.(p.187-190)

3. Alekseenko N.T. Rules of the road with commentary technical condition Vehicle. - Rostov n / a: publishing house "Phoenix", 2002. - 288 p.

4. Kuperman A.I., Mironov Yu.V. Road safety: Ref. allowance. M.: Higher. school; Ed. Center "Academy", 1999. - 320 p.

5. Gorev A.E. Organization of road transport and traffic safety: textbook. allowance - M.: Ed. Center "Academy", 2009. - 256 p.

6. www.anytyres.ru

7. www.transserver.ru

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By Russian legislation road safety - the state of this process, reflecting the degree of protection of its participants from road accidents and their consequences.

traffic accidents are the most dangerous threat the health and lives of people around the world. The damage from traffic accidents exceeds the damage from all other traffic accidents (aircraft, ships, trains, etc.) combined. Road traffic accidents are one of the most important global threats to human health and life. The problem is aggravated by the fact that the victims of accidents are, as a rule, young and healthy (before the accident) people. According to the World Health Organization, 1.2 million people die in road accidents and about 50 million are injured every year. Over 27,000 die on Russian roads, and more than 40,000 on US roads, in terms of the number of cars, these figures mean 70 deaths in road accidents in Russia per year or 15 deaths in the USA for every 100,000 cars. According to statistical estimates, since the beginning of the 20th century, more than three million people have died on the roads of the United States in road accidents, which exceeds all US losses (650,000) in all military conflicts (since 1774).

When studying road safety identify factors that affect the frequency and severity of road accidents. Not every crash is a "necessary accident" - for example, according to statistics, about 5% of fatal crashes are identified suicides, and some (less) number of crashes are homicides. Also, many other factors have been identified that affect the likelihood of an accident, the responsibility for which is borne by road users, therefore, at the present time, the previously common wording “accident on the road”, which “removes” responsibility from participants in an accident, is practically not used.

Varieties of damage


The most obvious type of damage from an accident is loss of life.

The definition of death in road traffic accidents can be ambiguous and depends on various criteria. So, for example, in the USA, in the system of analysis of deaths from road accidents, death from road accidents is considered the death of a participant road accident within 30 days after the accident (up to a year in some states). In Europe, systems for recording and analyzing road traffic deaths also use a 30-day post-crash period. In Russia, a 30-day period has been established since the beginning of 2009 (earlier, only persons who died within 7 days from the moment of an accident were considered dead in an accident).

Other factors that make it difficult to measure mortality include errors and intentional concealment of results by registration authorities (usually police officers). For example, it was found that even in fairly prosperous and law-abiding Holland, between 1996 and 2001, the police did not report 7% of deaths in case of accidents.


It is very difficult to establish how many people were injured in road accidents. The above shows how difficult it can be to determine road traffic deaths, but determining and measuring the number and extent of injuries is even more difficult.

Injuries that do not require hospitalization are often not recorded at all, and a comparison in the Netherlands of the number of hospitalized victims according to the police and the national health sector registration showed that only about 40% of victims are recorded by the police.

Property damage

Accounting for property damage is even more ambiguous than for injuries. In many cases, only cases are taken into account, the damage from which exceeds some (arbitrarily set) value, and thus the number of registered damage cases can vary over time due to economic reasons(for example, inflation, increase in the cost of repairs, etc.). Accounting for accidents that did not lead to injuries is also difficult because very often drivers do not report such cases and do not call the police to the scene. Usually this indicator is measured in monetary terms, and is obtained by various estimates based on the reports of insurance companies.

Security Measures

Distinguish between active measures that should prevent accidents and passive measures aimed at reducing the consequences of accidents.

Active measures include:

  • Reasonable design and layout of road network facilities.
  • Study of the influence of road design on the probability of an accident.
  • Improving the organization of the movement.
  • Traffic Laws.
  • Control over compliance with traffic rules.
  • Mandatory state inspection.

Passive measures include:

equipping the car with the largest number of airbags, the use of seat belts, head restraints and child seats; increasing the rigidity of the body, as well as the use of reinforcing elements in the front, rear and side parts of the body.

  • Use of pedestrian protection devices.

Influence of road design on the probability of an accident and the severity of consequences

On the simplest road with one lane in each direction, the most severe accidents are likely due to head-on collisions when overtaking or moving into the oncoming lane due to a malfunction of the car or loss of control on the part of the driver due to illness or falling asleep. However, it should be noted that the intensity of traffic on such roads is usually low.

If there is a dividing strip of sufficient width or a dividing (barrier) fence, a head-on collision is excluded. However, in the case of a dividing fence, there is a possibility of a car colliding with this fence, which in some cases leads to no less serious consequences.

The design of the road, which excludes the appearance of people or animals on the roadway, dramatically reduces the likelihood of collisions with them. First of all, this concerns highways I technical category (motorways), where pedestrian crossings on the same level with the carriageway are excluded.

Allocation of additional lanes for stopping and parking vehicles, as well as for preparing for turns to the left or right, reduces the likelihood of hitting stationary or moving vehicles at low speed.

The equipment of intersections with traffic lights reduces the likelihood of collisions between cars of intersecting directions and simplifies the crossing of the carriageway by pedestrians.

Road geometry also affects road safety. Long straight sections of country roads tire the driver due to monotony or the driver loses the sense of speed. This leads to violation speed limit and amplifies the severity of the consequences of accidents.

Traffic Laws

The rules of the road describe in detail the conditions for safe driving. Much attention is paid to the speed limit. It was said about the need to observe the necessary interval of movement, but it is not normatively defined.

Monitoring compliance with traffic rules

Compliance with traffic rules is the main condition for preventing accidents. Ensuring road safety is entrusted to the State Traffic Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. So, to control compliance with the speed limit, photo and video recording systems can be used. For example, in the areas of implementation of the control system average speed"Avtodoriya" the total number of accidents decreased by 13%, the number of fatal accidents decreased by 51%.
