At preschool age, children are taught to swim in a way. Swimming lessons for preschool children

When teaching swimming, a comprehensive and planned approach is very important - the coach must understand who, why and how he teaches.

This article provides the basic principles and methodology for teaching swimming.

What to consider?

The choice of a specific methodology and training program is individual and depends on the following factors:

  • conditions surrounding students;
  • purpose of obtaining this skill(just learning to swim or reaching certain heights in the process);
  • individual characteristics each individual person;
  • age of students.

This is not a complete list of points that should be taken into account when choosing an approach and organizational issues.


You can start training at almost any age - both at an early age and in adulthood. However, it must be taken into account that children under 5 years old - the most difficult age for learning, since many of them are not yet ready to consciously fulfill all the tasks of the coach.

The period from 6 to 10 years is considered optimal- a person at this age very quickly acquires new qualities and skills. In addition, incorrect motor memory has not yet been formed.

If an adult has been swimming incorrectly all his life before, it is possible to retrain him, but it will be more difficult than learning from scratch.

Methods and means of teaching

Methods are divided into three types:

  • verbal(explanations, explanations, analysis and analysis, instructions, commands, orders);
  • visual(showing exercises and movements, studying teaching aids, visual material in the form of photographs and videos, watching movies, gesticulating and demonstrating the necessary subtleties by the coach);
  • practical(practical exercises, competitions, games in various combinations, with an emphasis on both general coordination and individual elements of the algorithm).

Teaching aids include:

The swim board is the most important tool for learning
  • physical exercise;
  • simulators and devices (swimming boards, circles);
  • sources of visual information (posters, videos, photos, movies);
  • conditions (natural or artificial)

Types of exercises

When learning to swim, the following types of exercises are distinguished:

  • general developmental (worked out on land);
  • preparatory (on the shore and in the water);
  • special (designed to be performed in water).

To increase the level of bodily development general developmental exercises are necessary. Along the way, along with the preparation of the body for the development of swimming, the condition of the spine and chest is optimized, muscle groups develop, and posture improves. Walking, running, jumping, elements of gymnastics help the body quickly adapt to the loads in the aquatic environment.

Preparatory exercises somewhat more specialized - gradually focusing on the qualities and abilities of the body that are needed for swimming.

Simulation of movements on land

However, exercises to imitate movements on the shore should not be too carried away.- you need to go into the water without delay - to get used to the aquatic environment.

Where to start learning

There is a general scheme that is applicable for any age of students.

It includes the following initial steps:

  • breath,
  • footwork, achieving coherence of their work and breathing,
  • hand work,
  • accustoming the body to the coordinated work of the legs and arms and breathing.

The whole process is a gradual passage of the above points. It is important to study each of them and move on to the next only after fully mastering the previous one.

You should not rush, following the presented scheme, besides this, it is important to approach the study in a complex way - after all, mastering the work of the legs, for example, does not mean that you can forget about proper breathing for a while, or allow your hands to be completely inactive.

Hastily running through all the points of the scheme can lead to the formation of an initially wrong stereotype.

Example: if you start immediately to learn the legs, but at the same time swim with your head held high, a person can very quickly begin to move in the water in this way, but the main element - breathing - will remain undeveloped.

Further along the chain, the legs will work incorrectly when swimming, because they are primarily coordinated with breathing, and if this connection is not worked out properly, most likely, when swimming, the legs will be almost inactive, or their movement will be ineffective. In addition, according to the rules of balance, with the head up, the legs will be far from the surface of the water and will work less efficiently.

If a person has not learned to breathe comfortably when swimming, exhale into the water, not used to calmly keep his face in the water, he will instinctively dodge splashes, which will increase not only physical, but also psychological stress when swimming, especially during long swims.

Physical activity during swimming is great - almost all human muscles work during swimming, therefore the need for oxygen will only increase, and the lack of a developed habit of rhythmically inhaling and exhaling can turn the swim into self-torture.

Therefore, from the very beginning, you should master everything without haste and not strive to swim as quickly as possible.

Properly set rhythmic breathing will eventually make a person a swimmer, able to feel "like a fish in water", even if at first he does not move very coordinated.


The presentation of elements to students can be divided into four stages, while they are applicable both to the process as a whole and to the development of individual movements.

The first stage is a general introduction

It is required to give the student a general idea of ​​swimming - this is done with the help of visual materials (drawings, videos, photographs).

The second stage is learning the elements and connecting them

Development takes place gradually phased complication.

The third stage - fixing the material, correcting errors

Work now has a goal - to achieve a harmonious overall body action in real conditions with a load.

At the same time, constant work should be carried out on incorrectly reproduced movements - this is necessary so that incorrect skills are not fixed.

Tasks of this stage:

  • provide understanding students of the basic laws of the swimming process in general and a specific method;
  • honing the overall speaker and taking into account the individual characteristics of the student;
  • troubleshooting, working out the style as a whole;
  • correct work at this stage will make it possible intuitive variations movement.

It is important to swim with full coordination, it is also important to take breaks and not work to the point of exhaustion. Fatigue can cause the repetition of mistakes and their transition into stereotypes.

The fourth stage is a deepening in the studied, improvement

The purpose of this stage is movement towards excellence, as much as possible.

Basic goals:

  • fixing technique, working it out to automatism;
  • expanding the perception of the acquired technique for its variable implementation: under various conditions, under various loads, including the maximum possible;
  • development to the development of one's own individual technique - in accordance with one's own physical development, expansion of the horizons of physical improvement;
  • Consolidation of the formed movement stereotype, increase in the range of variations depending on external conditions.

Of great importance are high-speed exercises, short and intense. Such training is carried out on individual elements and on the movement as a whole.

The applied high loads serve as an excellent means for improving the technique already at an instinctive level.

Crawl on the chest

First of all, it is worth noting that this style is mastered quickly. Taking into account the points listed above, as well as the level of physical development of the student, the duration of the educational process varies.

Mastering the technique takes place in a complex, in parallel with general developmental and preparatory training.

On the land

In water

Connection of breathing technique with motor technique:

In the same way, according to the accepted scheme, you should deal with the rest of the elements of style and movements:

  • twist with your hands (“mill”, work with an expander) on the shore, then in the water;
  • general dynamics of the body;
  • training for honing the crawl technique (working out the work of the upper and lower limbs separately, swimming for 2, 6, 8 strokes, hands alternately pressed against the thigh; swimming with full load for short distances - up to 12 meters).

All complexes vary in accordance with the specific indicators of the student's body, with an emphasis on mistakes and weaknesses.


The main difficulty in teaching the breaststroke style is mastering the footwork algorithm.

Algorithm of leg movements in breaststroke

This is quite difficult, it is necessary to control a complex sequence of movements (turning the feet, flexion and extension), the overall coherence and symmetry of the work of the legs.

On the land

  • squats and lifts with support against the wall, while the socks are maximally deployed, the heels do not come off the floor, the knees are maximally divorced;
  • the same half squats, but you need to jump out of them, as it were;
  • it is convenient to sit down, leaning on hands (behind); imitate foot movement in a given style: pull up your legs, opening your knees (heels "stuck" on the floor); then - turn the feet and straighten the legs;
  • legs must move first under the control of the trainer(he helps to pull them up and then connect them), then, lying with your chest on the bench, repeat on your own, then you can work out on the simulator with cushioning.

In water

  • squats;
  • standing on one leg, smoothly and correctly do the second stroke, you can hold the leg with your hand;
  • jumping in heel positions together, toes apart ("penguins");
  • working out the movement of the legs with the support of the trainer, then slide on their own on the back and chest;
  • board swimming.

Arm workout

It is important to put proper rowing technique:

Stroke in breaststroke

Body tilted, arm strokes:

  • spread shoulder-width apart or slightly wider, bring them together with a turn of the palms under the chin;
  • straighten your arms to the starting position, make a short pause before repeating;
  • to enhance the effect, repeat with an expander;
  • add breathing with a count: inhale while making a “stroke” with your hands, exhale while straightening your arms.

Repeat everything on the simulator with a shock absorber.

At a depth to the waist, touch the water with your chin - the hands move in a given style, while you can stay in place or walk along the bottom.

Gliding with the movement of the hands, repeat 2-3 cycles, combined with rhythmic breathing.

Coordination of spent elements on land

Repetition of what has been learned and along the way the development of balance - to portray the breaststroke, standing on one leg.


  • Bend over so that your chin is in the water. jump, slide, at the same time doing a stroke with your hands. After finishing it, stand on the bottom again, and then repeat.
  • Swim breaststroke, coordinating the movements of the arms and legs separately.
  • Combine with breathing practice, the breath goes for two cycles, then more often.

Crawl on the back

A kind of crawl on the chest - preliminary work consists of the same elements and exercises.

If the first style has already been worked out, the crawl on the back will not be a problem.

Swimming with a board is carried out with outstretched arms, the edge of the board at the same time at the back of the head.

Upon reaching a certain level in swimming for short distances, it is imperative to level out mistakes, gradually bringing the correct style stereotype to automatism.

Features of teaching preschool children

In general, when teaching preschoolers, the same methods are used as for older children, but, at the same time, there are features:

Visual aids are of particular importance.. Children have a high ability to imitate, so a detailed demonstration of the movement helps to quickly understand and master.

The effect is given by demonstrations of movements by the instructor himself, films, videos.

Exercises repeated many times, especially emphasizing learning in parts, starting with the simplest movements, are especially important - this is the practical part.

Achievements and successes in the development of simple elements they give confidence in their abilities and relieve fear.

Water games: For children, exercise should be filled with play content. This not only develops a competitive spirit, but also opens up the possibility of a varied approach to movement, adaptation to changing external conditions.

competition also important is the accustoming the child to self-management, the education of willpower in him, the ability to mobilize his forces for victory.

When it comes to teaching children aged 4 years and even younger, very good tips for this are given in this video:

Starting from a certain age of the child, many parents think about what narrower channel to direct his colossal energy. Of course, the choice of a future lesson is directly influenced by the inclinations, personal qualities and abilities of the child, however, there are objective criteria for choosing a section:

  • stimulation of physical and mental development;
  • health benefits;
  • pleasure from work.
Swimming is ideal

One of the first on the list of such activities is swimming. Firstly, it strengthens the muscles of the spine and the whole body as a whole, lays an excellent foundation for health. Secondly, constant swimming lessons not only have a positive effect on physical development, but also bring up in the baby such qualities of character as determination, perseverance and patience. Thirdly, with the right approach, the learning process can bring a lot of vivid emotions and impressions. And even if your baby does not become a star of one of the water sports, the ability to swim will be useful to him in everyday life.

When, how and where to start swimming lessons?

Giving preference to swimming, parents are faced with a number of questions - for example, at what age is it better to start teaching children to swim, and where to actually start trying to teach a child to swim. Parents of those children who are not yet 7 years old are interested in the question of the peculiarities in teaching swimming to preschool children.

Starting too early will not bring any special dividends. For children after a year and up to 2-3 years, ordinary bathing with their parents and toys designed for water will be quite enough. The benefits of swimming with running along the bottom, jumping out of the water, splashing and floundering will be tantamount to the benefits of swimming by all the rules, with the appropriate movements of the arms and legs and proper breathing, but in the first case, the baby will definitely get more pleasure from the process.

The swimming section is one of the best options for additional activities for a child. Swimming brings great pleasure and strengthens the body. But you need to start classes no earlier than 5 years.

In any children's swimming section, coaches do not recommend trying to teach a child to swim, and even more so to introduce him to styles at preschool age. Starting from 4-5 years old, you can teach your baby to lie on the water in the supine position. It would be useful to tell him about the physical qualities of water - for example, about its resistance to the movement of arms and legs.

It is useful to explain to the child the main nuances associated with the swimming process itself:

  • descending under water, a person exhales, and on the surface of the water takes a breath;
  • being in a horizontal position, it is easier to stay on the surface of the water than in a vertical position.

The ideal age for learning to swim is 6, 7 or 8 years old. Such children are already able to understand what is required of them, and this plays an important role in achieving a positive result.

Who and how should swim with a child?

The parents themselves can also teach the primary skills and techniques of swimming to the baby. To do this, it is not necessary to know all the styles and have the technique of a professional swimmer - the main thing is that the child is not afraid and feels confident in the water. If you want your child not only to be able to swim, but also to master various styles and correct technique, it is better to resort to the services of a children's swimming coach.

Whichever school or swimming section is chosen, most adhere to the generally accepted scheme for conducting lessons:

  1. dry land exercises;
  2. water exercises;
  3. water games;
  4. arbitrary swimming.

If a child shows interest in classes, and parents would like to ensure his sports future or instill skills in various styles of swimming, it is better to study with a professional coach

Swimming pool and additional aids

An essential role in the process of learning to swim is played by the place where the lessons take place, and more specifically, in which pool. At the initial stage of training, the pool should not be too deep, since a baby who begins to swim needs to reach the bottom well with his feet, and the water should not exceed the level of the lower part of his chest. It is desirable that the length of the pool is not less than 6 meters. At this distance, it will be easy for the child to perform the main exercise - sliding.

Now there are a large number of all kinds of auxiliary things for learning to swim: fins with vests, inflatable rings and armlets, and much more. All these devices only harm and hinder learning. In the same sleeves, the child develops the habit of holding his head vertically above the water, while leaning on his armpits. As a result, the baby will not be able to feel the buoyancy of his own body, which will subsequently lead to the inability to stay on the water on his own. The most correct assistant in the learning process is a swimming board. With its help, the child will be able to be strictly parallel to the surface of the water, immerse his face under the water and slide, working with his feet.

Effective exercises to do at the beginning of training

In order to teach a child to lie on the water in a horizontal position and fearlessly lower his face into the water, use the following uncomplicated and easy-to-perform exercises:

  1. "Star". It is necessary to lie strictly horizontally on the water and spread your legs and arms to the sides in the shape of a star.
  2. "Float". Bend your knees, pull up to your chest and clasp your hands, press your head to your knees. Fix the position on the surface of the water.
  3. "Arrow". Push off with your feet from the side of the pool and, stretching your legs and arms, slide on the surface of the water.

Initially, the child should be taught to simply stay on the water, and only after that can he move on to diving under water.

Turning to immersing your head under water, you should always remember that children who have problematic ears or nose - for example, a damaged eardrum, have otitis or sinusitis, such exercises are contraindicated. In these cases, you should limit yourself to exercises without lowering your head into the water.

Breathing technique

One of the most important aspects of swimming is proper breathing. His technique is rapid inhalation through the mouth and long exhalation through the nose. Mastering such a technique by a child is not only necessary, but also useful. The kid will become more enduring and will be able not only to swim for a long time without getting tired, but also to run and jump for a long time on land.

How to help a child cope with the technique of proper breathing? Breathing exercises should be started on land, as it is often difficult for a child to follow the breath and the movement of the hands at the same time. You can also use an ordinary basin of water for exercises: inhale and exhale already into the water. The main thing - when performing the exercise, make sure that the child does not hold his breath. Gradually, from the basin, you can move into the pool. Over time, such exhalations into the water will become a habit for the baby.

Sequence of learning

In any training there is a sequence of presentation of the material. Swimming is no exception.

First, the child learns to swim with assistive elements using only footwork. This is needed to automate the skill

The order in which you need to master the movements is as follows:

  1. sliding on water;
  2. footwork;
  3. work with hands, ideally, each in turn;
  4. breath.

Each movement should be brought to automatism and only then move on to the next. When performing certain movements, make sure that they are continuous, smooth, and individual muscles remain relaxed. But such exercises on land as circular rotations of the arms with simultaneous turns of the head to the right, then to the left, standing on one leg with arm movements to the sides and up, help to coordinate movements.

Following the above rules, all parents must follow the most important rule - continuous supervision of a child who is in the water. As a result of joint efforts and joint work, your family home video collection will be replenished with unforgettable shots of how your child masterfully swims in the sea on vacation or in the nearest river in the village of his grandmother. How to prepare a child for visiting the swimming section, you can watch the video.

Preschool children are best taught to swim in specially designated areas. In kindergartens - in swimming pools, and when children are allowed to swim in natural reservoirs, then the following rules must be observed:

When choosing a place to swim, the teacher should check the depth, carefully examine the bottom to make sure that it does not contain holes.

The water level should not exceed 80 cm, the bottom should not be rocky, the current should be fast.

The bottom should be flat, the water flowing, the shore dry and not polluted.

The area reserved for bathing children should be marked with clearly visible colored floats, flags, fences, etc.

A teacher teaching children to swim, first of all, must be able to swim well, know the rules for providing assistance, and be able to immediately provide first aid. It is good if any of the medical staff or other kindergarten employees are present at the swimming lessons.

6. Bathing and preparation for swimming should be combined with sunbathing and organized daily during a walk or after a nap.

First, children are allowed to be in the water for 5-10 minutes, provided that its temperature is 20-24°C, and the air temperature is 24-28°C. Noticing that the children are getting at least a little cold (and this can be guessed from the pale face), you need to demand an immediate exit from the water, make sure that the children wipe their face, neck, head, back, stomach and other parts of the body with towels, well clean your ears.

When children learn to swim, you need to teach them not to be afraid of water. Preschool children are often afraid of water - you need to help them overcome this fear, teach them not to be afraid of splashes that fall on their faces, boldly enter the water, plunge, move their hands and feet in the water. If the child is afraid to enter the water on his own, the caregiver takes him by the hand, helps him overcome fear and plunge. The best way to overcome the feeling of fear is when the caregiver holds the child by the hands so that he is facing her, and quietly introduces the child into the water.

Teaching children to swim involves the use of the following exercises.

Learn to move in the water in different directions and in different positions: lying on your stomach, on your back, running with toys in the water and without them. At the same time, the teacher must give the children's fuss the form of a game: a movement when everyone waves with one hand (“a boat with oars”), hiding their hands behind their back (“ice cutter”), hands clenched into fists are straightened forward (“fish”), standing on all fours (“crocodile”), back up (“cancer”) and run, raising your knees high (“horse”), etc.

Teach kids to dive headfirst into the water. Children splash, splashing water with their hands, making “rain”. After these exercises, you can try to dive, crouching so that the water reaches eye level, then lying on your back. Then you can offer to dip your head, holding it with your hands. It is necessary that, having plunged headlong, the children held their breath. Having taught the children to dive in this way, you can allow them to look underwater through their fingers.

To teach the movements of the legs up and down, first sitting on the shore, and then sitting in the water. The movements are performed with straightened legs. Having introduced children to the movements of the legs in a sitting position, you can begin to teach them the same movements in the supine position or on the stomach (in a shallow place). In this exercise, you need to use various rubber toys: circles, inflatable pillows, etc.

Teach hand movements, using benches first. Children learn to alternately stroke with each hand. After this, the movements of the arms and legs are performed in the water, first touching the bottom with their feet (like a “crocodile”). This exercise is similar to crawl swimming, only without throwing your arms forward.

Learn to exhale into the water. This exercise can first be performed on the shore. From the palm of your hand, children learn to blow off a light object (a piece of paper, a piece of paper, a pen, etc.). In the water, diving up to the chin, the children try to “blow off” the water (“cool the hot tea”). After these exercises

you can allow children, diving, to exhale in the water. You need to know that preschool children usually exhale in the water, squatting down, arms outstretched. This makes it easier for them to balance.

In the water you can play a variety of games.

"Fountain" - children, sitting in a shallow place, form a circle. At the signal of the educator, they beat their feet on the water, trying to cause as much splash as possible. This game allows kids to get used to splashing.

“The sea is stormy” - the children enter the water waist-deep, stand one after the other in a row or in a circle. At the sign of the teacher, they scatter to the sides, squat, straightening their arms to the sides, trying to raise a bigger wave. At the next sign of the educator “the wind calms down”, the children return to their original formation.

"Sparrows in the water" - in a shallow place, the children bounce, pushing off with both legs, trying to jump out of the water.

“Train and tunnel” - standing one at a time, the children put their hands in front of the one standing on the lower back, depicting a “train”. Two children, standing face to face, joining their hands, depict a “tunnel”, the hands of the children touch the water. In order for the "train" to pass the "tunnel", the guys must dive into the water. When the entire "train" passes, the children who depicted the tunnel stand at the tail of the string. And the first pair of "trains" forms a "tunnel".

At preschool age, as the results of research show, the task of mastering the child with a solid technique of swimming movements is not set. It is important that he learn the elements of technique, the correct general pattern of movements, on the basis of which he will develop and improve his swimming skill. And the more swimming movements a preschooler masters, the more durable the swimming skill will be.

Considering the age characteristics of a child of 5-6 years, the performance of each exercise should be short-term. But in each lesson, you should use a large number of different swimming movements. This significantly increases the child's interest in purposeful actions, promotes discipline, and the effectiveness of training.

In children, the muscles contract more slowly than in adults, but the contractions themselves occur at shorter intervals and, when contracted, they shorten to a greater extent, and lengthen when stretched. This explains the fact that the child gets tired quickly, but his physical fatigue quickly passes. This explains the inability of the child to prolonged muscle tension, monotonous static loads. Therefore, it is easier for a child to run than to stand in one place.

The child makes swimming movements with the help of large muscle groups of the arms, legs, torso, which by the age of 5 are quite well developed and gradually begin to involve small, underdeveloped muscle groups in work. Therefore, swimming lessons are especially favorable for the comprehensive development of the child's muscular system.

Swimming movements are characterized by large amplitudes, simplicity, dynamism, and cyclicality. In the cycle of swimming movements, tension and relaxation of the muscle group alternate in succession, which has a very beneficial effect on the child. The correct rhythm of the muscles and respiratory organs also favorably affects the activity of the cardiovascular system.

Many rhythmic movements of the legs during swimming, especially in older preschool age with an underdeveloped pelvic girdle, provide a large versatile load on the lower limbs, which strengthens the pelvic girdle.

A 6-year-old child is able to master complex movements in coordination, and it is swimming that contributes to their development.

Staying in water causes heat to be released, and it will be the greater, the lower the temperature of the water. With prolonged exposure to water, body temperature decreases. Hypothermia is unacceptable. With systematic swimming, the vascular system of a preschooler quickly adapts to changes in water temperature and resistance to cold arises, which is important when hardening the body.

At the age of 5-6, the child masters and performs various movements quite well, but he still has some unpreparedness to perform complex motor actions due to the slow concentration of inhibition. In this regard, the movements of preschoolers enhance the activity of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

The main goal of teaching preschoolers to swim is to promote their recovery, hardening, to provide comprehensive physical training, to engage in physical education and sports at an early age, and, in addition, swimming is the same necessary skill as the ability to run and jump.

In addition to the applied value of swimming, which is necessary for life, it is important to identify as early as possible in a child the ability to master certain swimming movements in an individual sequence, to form and maintain in him in the future the desire for a sharp struggle and victories in sports, which will contribute to the development of his persistent interest in physical education and employment outside of school hours.

As a result of learning to swim, children are very good at mastering its various methods: breaststroke, dolphin, turning and starting.

Studies conducted with younger schoolchildren and older preschoolers, aimed at non-traditional systems for the simultaneous development of different swimming methods by a child, have shown the effectiveness of this method. Every baby has its own way of swimming.

The most effective for mastering the skill of swimming at the initial stage of teaching a child of the sixth year of life is swimming in an unsportsmanlike way, which is better for a child. He is introduced to the elements of all sports styles (breaststroke, crawl on the chest and back, dolphin) and their various combinations (breaststroke arms - crawl legs; breaststroke arms - dolphin legs; dolphin on the back, etc.).

The child better learns the unsportsmanlike (lightweight) method: breaststroke arms - crawl legs. At the same time, his breathing is arbitrary (in sports swimming this is the most difficult part of training), which makes it easier to master this style. In subsequent lessons, the development of other methods by elements and complete coordination of movements is improved.

Swimming training is combined with various exercises in the water - hydroaerobics: walking and running waist-deep in water; walking, running backwards; bouncing, jumping; general developmental exercises: holding on to the handrail of the side of the bicycle type, stretching exercises, etc.

The child is taught to perform traditional exercises: dolphin, crocodile, etc.; conduct outdoor games, game exercises, round dances, relay races, etc. The skills acquired by the child are completed in sports holidays.

An important role in teaching swimming is played by familiarizing the child with the best swimmers, which forms and educates his interest and love for sports.

Class: 1

Keywords: stage, motor skills

Presentation for the lesson

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Target: show the structure of teaching methods for teaching swimming.

In the process of teaching children to swim, you should pay attention to the following aspects:

  • the child must have experience of communicating with the aquatic environment (spatial representations of the pool);
  • it is important to pay attention to the development of the properties of the aquatic environment by children (overcoming hydrophobia);
  • before the start of the lesson, it is necessary to create an emotional “charge” (using an artistic word or musical accompaniment);

The ability to swim is a vital skill for a person of any age. Once acquired the skill of swimming is preserved for life. And most importantly, swimming from an early age contributes to the emergence and maintenance of positive emotions in children. Swimming children tend to be more balanced than their peers. They sleep well and have a good appetite, they have developed coordination and rhythm of movements necessary for any motor activity. Swimming especially effectively contributes to the development of the rhythm of movements in preschoolers and children of primary school age, and thereby to the improvement of the activity of all systems of the child's body.

Stages of learning to swim

Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4
Familiarization of children with water and its properties (density, viscosity and transparency). The acquisition of skills and abilities by children that will help them feel safe enough in the water. Learning to swim in a certain way. Continued assimilation and improvement of the technique of the swimming method.
It continues until the child gets used to the water, can fearlessly and confidently with the help of an adult and independently move along the bottom, perform the simplest actions, play. Children learn to stay on the surface of the water (float, lie down, slide), at least for a short time, get an idea of ​​​​its pushing and supporting power, as well as independently perform the exercise inhale - exhale several times in a row. Children should be able to swim in the water while maintaining the coordination of the movement of arms, legs and breathing, which is characteristic of the method of swimming being learned. Children acquire the ability to swim in sports ways: crawl, breaststroke, butterfly.

The structure of teaching methods for teaching swimming

Stage 1 - younger preschool age.

Familiarization of the child with water and its properties (density, viscosity and transparency).

It continues until the child gets used to water, can fearlessly and confidently with the help of an adult and independently move along the bottom, perform the simplest actions, play.

Stage 2 - middle preschool age.

The acquisition of skills and abilities by children that will help them feel safe enough in the water.

Children learn to stay on the surface of the water (float, lie, slide), at least for a short time, get an idea of ​​its pushing and supporting power, as well as independently perform the exercise inhale - exhale several times in a row.

Stage 3 - senior preschool age.

Learning to swim in a certain way.

Children should be able to swim in shallow water (water depth to the chest), while maintaining the coordination of the movement of arms, legs and breathing, which is characteristic of the swimming method being learned.

Stage 4 - senior preschool age.

Continued assimilation and improvement of the technique of the swimming method.

Children learn how to swim in deep water.

Motor skills.

Younger age (3–4 years)

  • When teaching children of primary preschool age to swim, much attention is paid to the initial stage of the formation of the correct skills.
  • Learning a new swimming exercise comes down to a game (game activity).

Average age (4–5 years)

  • In children aged 4–5 years, the skills and abilities of swimming acquired in the classroom in the younger group are consolidated.
  • Middle-aged children are taught to do the exercises first on land and then repeated in the water. The teacher should show the exercise and explain to the children the technique of its implementation.
  • The demonstration of exercises in water is especially important: children perceive the sequence of execution and understand that it is quite possible to do it in water.
  • A short and accessible explanation helps the child consciously master the correct movements.
  • In the explanation, one can resort to figurative comparisons, since the thinking of middle-aged children is figurative.
  • Great importance should be given to the education of organization and discipline in children.
  • In training, a variety of exercises and games are used.

Senior preschool and junior school age (5–7 years)

In teaching children of senior preschool age, the main tasks are:

  • development of sports methods of swimming;
  • learning the technique of crawl movement on the chest and on the back.

If the child continues classes, moving from the middle group to the older one, then the order of their conduct remains the same.

Technical preparation of the child will allow to solve the tasks set at this stage.

At the initial training in swimming for children of senior preschool age, classes begin according to a shortened scheme for the content of classes of younger and middle ages.

In the process of mastering new exercises, children of senior preschool age use the following methodological steps.

Demonstration of exercises: the teacher shows the most complex and new exercises in combination with a detailed description of the technique for their implementation. Light exercises are shown by a pre-prepared child. This technique is aimed at evoking the desire of children to express themselves as much as possible and show their independence.

Visual aids: the use of visual diagrams contributes to the development of mental abilities in children.

Learning exercises: exercises are performed by children only according to the verbal explanation of the trainer or according to the name of the exercise.

Evaluation (self-assessment) of motor actions: after the exercises, the teacher pronounces the sequence of their implementation and evaluates their impact on the child's body, asks children questions about their well-being and feelings.

Outdoor games on land and in water: thanks to game techniques, children will quickly learn the program material.

Correction of mistakes: this is necessary for a more attentive and conscious attitude of children to the teacher's comments.

Competitive effect: Emotions adapt the body to better perform the movement and sharpen the sensory work necessary for this movement.

Control tasks: the main rule for changing exercises is not the transition from simple to more complex, but the contrast of tasks. This allows you to activate children and constantly maintain their interest in doing exercises. Thanks to this organization of classes, a new movement is mastered much faster and easier than in traditional forms.

Exercises performed in the gym and in the water when learning to swim.

The exercises that are performed before the lesson are an integral part of learning to swim. All exercises can be conditionally divided into three groups:

Group I: exercises that are used in teaching swimming.

Group II: exercises that are used as a warm-up before special exercises.

Group III: exercises that are used for special physical training.

Special exercises are an obligatory element of the warm-up. They increase joint mobility.

Special training exercises.

  • Familiarization of children with the dry swimming hall, swimming pool, shower, changing rooms, rules of conduct in the pool.
  • Attending senior swimming lessons.

Descent to the pool:

It is carried out with the help and without the support of a teacher on a ladder.

Movement in the water with steps, running, jumping, holding on to the handrail (teacher's hands) and without support; holding hands in a semi-squat, on toes, back forward, with side steps.

Actions with objects: a swimming board, a stick, a hoop, a float, a ball (throw, catch up, bring, roll on the water).

Slips on the chest -

holding hands of the teacher; for the handrail;

resting your hands on the bottom (walk on your hands, leaning on the bottom);

move around holding on to a swimming board;

with a float on the back; lying on the stomach freely without support: take the positions “arrow”, “comma”, “asterisk”, “float”; work with your feet, as when swimming crawl (from the starting position sitting, lying with support and without support).

Games for familiarization with the properties of water and the development of movement in the water.

Games help to master all the preparatory activities for swimming. They contribute to the education of children's courage, determination, self-confidence.

Games are used to repeat, consolidate and improve individual movements in swimming, to achieve stability and flexibility of skills.

Movements should be very simple, accessible.

It is important that all the children in the input participate in the game at the same time.

Games for mastering the skill of sliding on the chest.

Games for acquiring skills for diving.

Exercises and games for the development of brushes.

  • Magpie
  • . Run the fingers of one hand across the palm of the other. Change the position of the hands.
  • Ladushki
  • . Clap your hands to the beat of the music. The exercise can be performed with squats and jumps on both legs.
  • Give-give.
  • Clench and unclench your fists. Unclenching your fists, strain your fingers strongly.
  • Knock Knock.
  • Bang fist on fist. Change the position of the hands. . The brushes freely fall back and forth.
  • Stroking
  • . The palm of one hand slides up and down the palm of the other.
  • doggies
  • . Palms facing each other, fingers apart. Touch the fingers of one hand with the thumb of the other hand.
  • Turntables
  • . Turns the brush left and right, fingers freely.
  • clicks
  • . Shooting a cotton ball with each finger, alternately with the right and left hand.
  • Piano
  • . Alternately tapping the fingers of one hand on the palm of the other.

Breathing exercises.

In the classroom and in the water, special attention is paid to exercises for proper breathing. They are the most difficult in the process of learning to swim. When performing these exercises, children are taught to take a deep breath so that the exhalation time is twice the inhalation time - this is due to the peculiarities of breathing in water. Children are also taught to hold their breath for as long as possible. They indicate THAT the breath must be taken easily, silently, without raising your shoulders and always through the mouth. The most effective breathing exercises are those that imitate “inhaling the smell of a flower” when inhaling, and “blowing a dandelion” when exhaling.

After children have mastered the correct inhalation and exhalation, they are taught to coordinate their breathing with the movements of the legs, arms, and then the head. At each lesson, two or three breathing exercises are taught. Each subsequent lesson begins with a repetition of the exercises mastered earlier. Breathing exercises are performed individually at a different pace, depending on the level of development and condition of the respiratory muscles of the child. At the beginning of learning a new exercise, the trainer-teacher shows the children how correct breathing was combined with movements. The trainer accompanies all breathing exercises with instructions on where and how to inhale and exhale.


  1. Lyakh V.I., Zdanevich A.A. “A comprehensive program of physical education for students. 1-11 grade”. - M .: Education, 2010
  2. "One, two, three, swim." Swimming tutorial. M.Rybak, G.Potashova, G.Glushkova. Publishing house "Hoop". Moscow.
  3. E.K.Voronova. “Swimming training program in kindergarten”.