The most dangerous and poisonous insects on the planet. The most dangerous insects on the planet: an invisible threat New dangerous insect introduced

Each person experiences a feeling of disgust at the sight of a hairy spider, and at this moment the skin is covered with goosebumps from fear. Or he is touched by looking at a photo of a cute furry caterpillar, which causes delight and tenderness.

Despite their miniature size and sometimes charming appearance, these inhabitants of the planet are dangerous, because their weapons for defense and attack are poison!

Next to the frightening representatives of the planet's fauna there are individuals that do not have claws and mouths with sharp teeth. A sharp sting, thorns, deadly glands - this was awarded by the nature of poisonous insects and arachnids. And you will probably be interested in which animals in the world pose the greatest danger to humans - in the previous article we published the top 10!

Let's get acquainted with the list of the most dangerous insects and arachnids that can easily kill a person or infect him with deadly diseases that can send you to the next world very quickly.

1. Malarial mosquito - anopheles

If you look at this beautiful fluffy creation of nature, it would never have occurred to you that this cartoon-looking insect is so poisonous and dangerous! It can be assumed that it is the hairs that poison the person, but it turns out that the caterpillar has numerous spikes hidden in the “wool”, through which the poison is released. These spikes break easily, so after contact with the skin they remain inside it. Poison Moth coquette causes a strong burning sensation in the area of ​​the affected area, vomiting, headache piercing pain in the abdomen and severe dizziness. Lymph nodes are affected and respiratory arrest may occur.

3. "Kissing bug"

What a surprise - die from a kiss! This "loving" inhabitant of Africa, Australia, America and Asia lives next to a person and is a carrier of a deadly infection - Trypanosoma cruzi. At night, he is attracted by heat. human body and exhaled carbon dioxide. He gets close to the victim and "kisses" a deadly bite. The “kiss” site swells up, and the infection spreads to the heart and stomach - and this leads to death! At least fifty thousand people die from this beetle every year.

4 Brazilian wandering spider (Phoneutria)

This poisonous inhabitant of the American tropics of the South and Central part was included in the Guinness Book of Records in 2010 and received the honorary knowledge - the most poisonous spider in the world. The most powerful neurotoxin was found in the composition of the "wanderer" venom, causing, after a bite, a loss of control over the muscles and a violation of the respiratory function. A person is simply paralyzed, and he dies of suffocation. The bite is not too painful, but the poison immediately causes infection of the lymphatic system. If the poison got into the blood, then in 85% of the person's heart fails. A poisoned person has severe rigor mortis, and males may have priapism. There is an antidote that gives a small chance of survival of the spider's prey, since the action of the poison is very powerful.

5. Gadfly (Magendassel)

An inhabitant of the African subtropics sticks her long proboscis into the flesh of mammals and sucks blood from them. Tsetse fly - a carrier of sleeping sickness, the result of which is disruption of work endocrine system and heart muscle. After some time, clouding of consciousness and malfunctions of the nervous system are observed, and increased activity replaces severe fatigue - soon the person dies. In economically underdeveloped Uganda, about 200,000 people have died from sleeping sickness since 2008!

When she is in the caterpillar stage, she becomes a dangerous beauty. Residents call her "lazy clown", but there is no need to flatter yourself with such cute nicknames - Lonomia's poison can cause complete kidney failure! Touching this creature can start the process of destruction of red blood cells and cause tissue bleeding. But if you "managed" to touch a few "beauties", then you risk getting an instant brain hemorrhage - a stroke! The danger lies in this: they are perfectly camouflaged, and it is rather difficult to detect them in the foliage.

8 Army Ant

The name comes from a huge number of individuals living in one colony - these are friendly creatures with powerful jaws and excellent organization (just like in the army) and incredibly aggressive. Despite their blindness, they easily attack huge prey. For example, a colony of army ants can handle a horse. It is better for a man not to get in the way of these blind monsters.

9. Black Widow and Karakurt (Widow Steppe)

Many people know that the female is called the "Black Widow" because she eats the male immediately after mating. But there is one more "bonus" from a nice lady - a poison that is dangerous to human health. Several deaths have been recorded after her bite, but there is still an antidote!

How much disgust can cause the sight of any spider. In the southern regions (in Russia - these are the steppes of the Astrakhan region) there lives a poisonous spider - karakurt, whose bites can kill a camel, a horse and a person. The male is absolutely harmless, and only the female is dangerous, which never attacks without a reason. If she feels danger, then she can attack - her poison is inferior in strength, only to the “black widow”. But the difference lies in the fact that the poison of karakurt is kept in the blood for more long time- you'd better not disturb the karakurts in June and July, when they are most active. Their venom is 15 times stronger than that of a rattlesnake. The bite causes sharp pain, and after 30 minutes the poison will spread throughout the body; a person may have delirium, clouding of consciousness, but timely medical care will save from death.

10 Africanized Killer Bee (Apis mellifera scutellata)

It seems to be such a cute name, but this bee is incredibly aggressive and can attack its prey several times. The second name of these creatures is killer bees! Their behavior is predatory, and the swarm is capable of killing animals and people. An accumulation of individuals of this species attacks a swarm of an ordinary honey-bearing fellow, and their own uterus is planted there, for which they are ready to exterminate anyone. The greatest danger is the large number of the bee family - about a hundred thousand individuals capable of attacking with a whole cloud. By its nature, the poison is similar to that of a snake, and if one bee has bitten, you don’t have to worry. But if a swarm attacked, this is a 100% danger that can lead to death due to severe allergies. The Africanized bee can chase a person or animal for up to half a kilometer or more. Bred by crossing African and South American bees. The new kind differs in size, aggressiveness and high physical strength, which gives Africanized bees a high resistance to various climatic conditions environment, high honey productivity and excellent viability. AT South America this hybrid has almost completely replaced the South African bees and is confidently occupying new territories already in North America.

Our world is inhabited by a huge number of insects, both dangerous and completely harmless, both frightening and quite attractive. Some representatives of insects (for example, termites) cause genuine phobia in many people and have an unattractive, and in some cases even disgusting appearance. But do not admire the cute caterpillars, butterflies and beetles, which stand out for their special cartoonish appearance, because many of them carry a real threat to health and even human life and belong to the rating "The Most Dangerous Insects in the World" . In this article, we will plunge into the world of the top ten insects that pose a serious danger to human health.

1. Fire ants. The red ant (fire) is recognized by scientists as the most dangerous species of invasive ants. Insects are distinguished by bright colors, which formed the basis of their name. The body length of ants is very small and does not exceed 2-6 mm. This type of termites lives in America, but in last years the habitat expanded, reaching Russia.

Fiery red ants pose a serious danger to humans, as they have a strong sting and powerful poison. When the toxin is injected into the affected area of ​​the body, there is a feeling of exposure to an open flame of fire, which intensifies over time. Ants attack people if they feel danger to their own anthill. In this case, the attack is a whole group of termites that sting mercilessly. According to statistics, about 30 people die from the bites of fire ants per year.

2. Ticks. To date, scientists have discovered about 48 thousand of these insects. Many of them do not pose a danger to human health or life. For example, a domestic field tick lives next to a person throughout its life, but due to its microscopic nature, it does not cause any harm.

Another thing is larger individuals of ticks, in particular, encephalitic ones. Incubation period after a bite encephalitis tick is 2-4 weeks. During this period, aching bones, a sharp increase in temperature, and headaches can be observed. In the worst case scenario, the victim falls into a coma, there are disorders central nervous system which can eventually lead to death.

Another name for this insect is steppe, which is associated with the habitat of arthropods. The spider has a bright color that catches the eye. Karakurts do not attack without a reason, therefore, to become a victim of a bite in Everyday life almost impossible. An insect attacks only if it feels a threat to its life. The greatest activity of the Black Widow is observed in June-July, when the air temperature reaches its maximum.

It is noteworthy that not all steppe spiders pose a danger to the life and health of animals and people. Only females (Black Widows) are recognized as poisonous, which are known for eating their partner after fertilization. The poison of the karakurt is 15 times stronger than the toxin that the rattlesnake releases. After a bite, a person experiences severe acute pain that spreads throughout the limb. Within 30 minutes, the poison enters and spreads throughout the body. If you do not inject an antidote, then a fatal outcome is possible. Therefore, the victim should immediately seek help from specialists.

Not all caterpillars that live on Earth are considered harmless insects. Lonomy is a true confirmation of this. The caterpillar lives in the forest zones of South America. Among the locals, the insect was called the "lazy clown". Lonomia is perfectly camouflaged on shrubs, so you can suffer from a caterpillar randomly.

The caterpillar attracts people with its appearance - graceful, beautiful, bright and catchy. But behind this charm lies a powerful toxin, which is secreted by small villi on the body. The poison of the insect is so strong that the affected person experiences almost instant kidney failure. In addition, the process of destruction of red blood cells is started, which causes serious bleeding of internal tissues. Characteristic spots appear on the human body - bruises.

If a person manages to touch several killer caterpillars at once, then the risk of lightning hemorrhage in the brain increases. This is followed by a stroke, which becomes the cause of death. According to statistics, every year from 10 to 30 people die from this insect. Many of the victims become disabled for life.

The hornet lives in Asia, India, Nepal, China and Korea, however, bees were also seen in the Primorsky Territory on the territory of the Russian Federation. It is recognized as one of the largest hornets in the world, since the body length of individual individuals exceeds 5 cm. The bee has powerful jaws and a 6 mm sting that easily pierces the skin of an adult. The insect attacks for no particular reason, and fight it off without outside help almost impossible.

During a bite, the hornet repeatedly lets its sting into the skin, thereby saturating the tissues with highly toxic poison. This toxin literally corrodes human flesh, causing unbearable pain and suffering. A Japanese entomologist who was attacked by a hornet compared his bite to a tissue puncture with a hot nail on fire. Death from tiger bee venom is recorded in 30-70 people annually.

6. Androctonus. The black scorpion is recognized as one of the most dangerous insects for humans from 25 other varieties of scorpions that have the strongest poison. Androktonus lives on the territory dry regions Middle East and Africa. Scorpion venom consists of a potent neurotoxin that causes the death of an adult human in 7 hours. Children with an insect bite die much faster. The antidote is produced by only a few pharmaceutical companies, which limits the scope medical institutions where they can provide ambulance with intoxication.

From the bite of Androctonus, up to 10 people die annually. During the attack, the victim feels only a slight discomfort, resembling a weak injection. After a couple of minutes at the bite site, pain increases, the affected limb swells and turns red. In the future, the work of the respiratory center is disturbed, convulsions are noted. Ultimately, the toxin reaches the chest and causes paralysis of the heart muscle. If help is not provided, the person dies.

Highly dangerous insect living in South America. Anthills are located on trees, so killer ants swoop down on their prey right from the branches. At the same time, they give out a piercing squeak, which is a cry for other individuals. And as practice shows, not a dozen, but a thousand insects come running to this squeak.

Ants have a highly toxic venom that they inject when they bite with their super-powerful stingers. The sensations that the victim experiences during and after the bite are comparable to gunshot wound, which became the basis for such a name. Among local residents, the name "ant-24 hours" is also used in everyday life. This is due to the fact that after being bitten by an ant, a person will fight for a day in excruciating agony, which is accompanied by unbearable pain and powerful convulsions.

Until today, some Indian tribes have a common custom of initiation into a man, which consists in the need for 10 minutes to put a hand in a mitten boiling with these ants. The sensations from this ritual are comparable only to if a person sticks his hand into hot coals. After the agonizing minutes of the ceremony, many of the boys become paralyzed, and their fingers turn completely black.

As practice shows, among ants there is a huge number of deadly species of these insects. Therefore, army ants occupy one of the most honorable places in the ranking. These termites are dangerous because they are blind, so they attack all those in whom blood flows and eats flesh. And it doesn't matter if it's a fly, an elephant or a person. Soldier ants travel in colonies and do not build anthills, so anyone can fall under this all-destroying force.

Insects have a large body, which often reaches 3 cm in length. The main weapon is a long and strong mandible, with which they cut through the flesh. After the formation of an abrasion, they penetrate inside the flesh, starting to gradually destroy it. This causes unbearable pain to the victim. "Living death" - this is how scientists characterize the columns of soldier ants. They are able to completely eat an elephant in 6 days, what can we say about a person who can become their victim.

The main danger of these insects is that they are essentially invaders. If the bees familiar to people do not attack without an immediate threat to the hive, then the killer bee will certainly attack everyone passing by. They hunt in swarms, and the venom is comparable to snake toxin. And if one individual attacks, then nothing terrible will happen to the victim. But if a thousandth swarm goes on the attack, then a severe allergic reaction will occur, followed by anaphylactic shock and in most cases death.

Killer bees are a product human activity. Distinguish by appearance this insect from an ordinary European bee is impossible, only if DNA research is carried out. The main danger of Africanized bees is their "addictiveness". If they previously lived in America, then on present stage their range is increasingly deepening to the east, while the bees destroy everything in their path.

This insect is recognized by scientists as one of the most dangerous in the world. This is due to the fact that they are a source of infection for humans. sleeping sickness. Despite all the successes of medicine, it has not been possible to find a cure for this disease until today.

After a bite, a person has drowsiness, serious disorders of the nervous system, which makes the consciousness of the victim confused and foggy. In severe cases, the disease causes coma, and later death. According to statistics, in the territories south of the Sahara desert, about 500 thousand inhabitants are infected with a deadly virus and most of them will face a long, painful death.

No matter how cute the insect is, it can carry a deadly risk for any person, so you should be especially careful when traveling to exotic countries that are teeming with killer termites.

Size doesn't always matter. In the world there are a huge number of insects that are much more dangerous than animals. Bites from some insects can be fatal if not properly treated.

We bring to your attention the top 10 most dangerous insects in the world, as well as their photos.

The most dangerous insects in the world

bullet ant

The bullet ant is the largest of all ants in the world. They mainly live in the rainforests of Nicaragua and Paraguay. This species of ants got its name due to their strong bites, which in pain resemble a bullet shot. Scientists have found that a bullet ant sting is 30 times more painful than a wasp sting.

Each colony of these ants has several hundred inhabitants. Usually, they build their nests at the bases big trees. When a predator is detected, these ants release bad smell. If this trick doesn't drive away uninvited guest- they attack him with almost the entire colony.

Mostly gadflies are found in Central and South America. Young females of these insects lay their larvae in the skin of mammals. The larvae take root under the skin and stay there for 60 days, affecting the subcutaneous zone.

Patients who turn to doctors claim that they can feel the movement of the larvae. After the rim larva matures, it leaves the body.

There are about 2000 known species of these insects. Young fleas can consume up to 15 times more blood than their total body weight. A favorite place for flea bites are the waist, elbows of a person. A flea bite causes intense itching and can lead to infection.

fire ant

About 285 are now known to exist. various kinds fire ants. They are very aggressive and, in case of danger, leave painful stings in the body of the victim. A white pimple caused by a sting in the human body will give painful sensations within a few weeks.

Also, fire ant venom can lead to some skin problems. Usually, fire ants attack their victims in groups consisting of 10 to 100 insects.

Triatomine bug

Every year, about 12,000 people die from the “kisses” of triatomine bugs in the world. Even the weakest bite of these insects instantly makes changes in the human and animal body, which cannot be eliminated without the help of doctors.

Giant Japanese Hornet

The giant Japanese hornet is the most close-up view hornets in the world. They grow to a size of 2 inches. About 40 deaths from the bites of these insects are recorded annually in the world.

The venom of the Japanese hornet causes an allergic reaction and burns the human skin at the site of the bite. With multiple bites of these insects, a person can die in just a few minutes.

Japanese hornets are very aggressive and fearless. Each colony of these insects contains 700 members. They feed on honey bee larvae, and they can kill about 40 large bees in just a minute.

tsetse fly

Tsetse flies are among the most dangerous insects in Africa. They mainly feed on the blood of vertebrates, into whose body they inject a powerful toxin after the strongest bites of victims. For some people and animals, the bites of these insects can even be deadly.

According to unofficial data of scientists, about half a million people are attacked by tsetse flies every year, of which about 20% are fatal.

At first, the poison of these insects induces drowsiness and severe weakness on its victim, and if the patient is not given time, medical care- he can die.

Africanized bee

These insects are also called "killer bees". They are among the most aggressive and dominant insects in the world. A group of Africanized bees are capable of chasing their prey for over one mile. They usually attack in groups of several hundred individuals.

The toxin of Africanized bees is not as dangerous as it might seem at first glance, but they amaze their victims with their numerical superiority. They mainly attack the face of a person, especially the eyes.

These insects live in large colonies, the number of which reaches 30 thousand individuals. After someone or something has disturbed these bees, it is dangerous to stay near their colony for 24 hours, as they will immediately attack.

wandering ant

The roaming ants have the largest colony of any other insect in the world. Each colony of these ants can contain about 22 million individuals. Even elephants are forced to run away when they are attacked by such a huge number of insects.

They are able to destroy any animal that gets in their way. Usually, roaming ants kill thousands of different animals during a single raid. With their strong jaws, they leave wounds on animals and people.


Mosquitoes are the most dangerous insects in the world. Every year millions of people all over the planet die from their stings. Mosquitoes are carriers of malaria, which is transmitted to humans through microbes carried by these insects around the world.

A person becomes infected with this especially dangerous disease through the bites of mosquitoes. The WHO estimates that one child dies of malaria every 30 seconds worldwide. In just a year, about 500 million patients who are diagnosed with this terrible disease turn to doctors.

In addition to malaria, mosquitoes also carry dengue, yellow fever, encephalitis, and West Nile virus.

Entomologists number more than 3 million species of representatives of the class of invertebrate arthropods. Among them there are beautiful butterflies, and harmless grasshoppers, and useful ladybugs.

There are also monsters that carry infections or harbor deadly poison in their mandibles. And although these creatures do not have the size of a lion or a tiger, close acquaintance with the most dangerous insects sometimes threatens with great danger.

The habitat of the reddish-red members of the huge family of ants is America, China, the Philippines, Taiwan and Australia. With a 6 mm body, these insects are not the largest representatives of their kind. However, their toxin is 12 times stronger than honey bee and hornet venom. The attack of a miniature ant is accompanied by unbearable pain and injection of poison into the skin. The poison cocktail contains 46 dangerous ingredients that have Negative influence on the nervous system.

The threat lies in the militancy of insects. Should a person or animal inadvertently disturb an anthill, all its inhabitants instantly pounce on a potential enemy. For small mammals, such an attack becomes fatal. It threatens people with sensations comparable to a fire burn, reddening of the skin, swelling and dizziness. For allergy sufferers, an attack by red fire ants can result in anaphylactic shock and coma.

Hornet Vespa Mandarinia

Hornet Vespa Mandarinia

The range of this wasp relative is Japan, Korea, Taiwan, China, India and Thailand. For a 7-centimeter wingspan and the impressive size of a brightly colored calf, reaching 5 cm in length, the flying arthropod monster is called a sparrow bee. However, unlike a harmless bird, the giant Asian hornet is deadly to humans.

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Representatives of the order Hymenoptera live in large colonies, the basis of which is laid by the uterus. Vespa Mandarinia are not picky in nutrition - their menu consists of berries, foliage, fruits and insects. Despite the fact that giant wasps are poisonous, they kill their prey with powerful jaws. But if the Asian hornet uses a deadly sting, expect trouble.

Its poison is a strong poisonous substance. Getting into soft tissues human, the toxin causes pain, instant swelling, increased heart rate, fever and shock. For people who are allergic to bee stings, a meeting with Vespa Mandarinia can be fatal.

Whatever you say, life is a very cruel thing. It's either you or you. Even in the most comfortable conditions we may be in danger. After all, a huge number of insects live next to us, sometimes extremely dangerous. Meeting with them does not bode well, and can end very sadly.

But let's not rush to conclusions, but stop at everything in order. To begin with, all dangerous insects can be divided into two categories. The first includes those that are carriers of diseases and infections. It is not the insects themselves that are dangerous, but their bite, in which microbes enter the human blood, causing dangerous diseases. Sometimes everything ends in death. But this is optional. In most cases, such contact leaves only unpleasant memories in the memory.

The second group of insects is more dangerous. It includes poisonous individuals, the bite of which can be fatal.

So, what kind of insects should beware?

In the tropical rainforests of Nicaragua and Paraguay, you can find an ant, which, for its aggressive nature, was called an ant - a bullet. The thing is that the bite of this insect is extremely painful. The symptoms are similar to those that occur with a bullet wound. Hence the name. The pain at the bite site does not subside for two days. It's all about the poison that the ant injects into the human body. It's called poneratoxin. Thank God that such contacts do not lead to death, but the memory of them remains with a person for the rest of his life.

The well-known gadfly belongs to the first type of insects. His bite seems to be like, and not very painful. The danger lies elsewhere. The female gadfly can lay her eggs on the skin of a human or a mammal. The larva emerging from them instantly gnaws through the skin and settles in the epidermis. She stays there for about two months, causing a lot of trouble for her victim. After the maturation period is over, she crawls out and dumps her shelter. The pain is very severe.

Some types of gadflies can lay up to 40 larvae on mucous membranes. livestock. Sheep suffer greatly from this. Sometimes, they even die from esterosis.

Do you know that the carriers of such dangerous disease like the plague, there were rat fleas. And although today this disease is considered defeated by humans, fleas are still dangerous. Encephalitis, typhus, anthrax, listeriosis, fungal skin lesions, helminths - this is an incomplete list of diseases that they can carry. What is the sand flea worth, contact with which can lead to inflammation of the skin tissues and sarcopsillosis.

No less dangerous insects are the kissing beetle. It owes its original name to an addiction to sting a sleeping person on the lips. When bitten, infection of the mucous membrane occurs. As a rule, this is the Chagas virus, which causes heart disease - vascular system. According to statistics, about 12 thousand people die from this disease every year.

Another dangerous insect lives in Japan. This is a Japanese hornet that reaches two inches in length. When bitten, it introduces poison into the human body, which leads to allergies, heart spasms and death. Only timely hospitalization can help. Every year, up to 40 people in Japan die from the bites of this insect. This is such a sad statistic.

Are all bees as harmless as those who supply us with honey? It turns out that it doesn't. A huge danger to humans is the Africanized bee, which, for its absurd nature, was called the killer bee. And there is no fiction here. Meeting with this insect can really end very sadly. Every year, a huge number of people die from bee stings. The killer bee is a product of artificial selection by scientists. She inherited aggressiveness from the uterus of African bees. In 1967, these bees attacked people in Rio de Janeiro, killing over 150 people. They were able to cope with their attack only with the help of flamethrowers. Bees are extremely aggressive. At the slightest danger, they attack the offender in a swarm.

As it turns out, beauty can be deceiving. Such, for example, is the beautiful and quiet Lonomia butterfly. However, in itself it is completely harmless. The danger is its larva, in the form of a caterpillar. On her body you can see peculiar growths, which contain a huge amount of pathogenic bacteria. They then produce the poisonous substance botulinum toxin. To get poisoned, just touch the caterpillar. The poison instantly penetrates through the skin into the blood, which disrupts its clotting. Despite the fact that the amount of poison is negligible, its effect is very strong. It is one of the most dangerous natural LD50 poisons that exist in nature. He calls internal bleeding, affects the central nervous system, destroys the liver.

Dangerous insects include mosquitoes and tsetse flies. A mosquito bite threatens a person with malaria, encephalitis and other diseases. The tse-tse fly can infect people with trypanosomes that destroy them immune system and slowly kill.
