Abstract on the organization of gaming activities in the senior group on the topic: “Construction games. Card file (senior group) on the topic: Games with building material

Anastasia Galenko
Outline of the game with building material "Freight transport" (senior group)

Topic: "Freight transport"

Age: senior group (5-6 years old)

Tasks for the development of the game: to form in children the ability to convey the shape and details of the object; learn to select details, following the plan; to form the skills of consistent construction of work.

Developmental tasks: to teach children to build freight transport; develop fine and general motor skills, coordination of both hands.

Educational tasks: to cultivate the ability to value one's own work and the work of comrades; cultivate courtesy and communication skills when working together.

Type of construction: construction from small and large Lego-type construction sets.

Equipment: pictures and toys depicting trucks; constructor.

Preliminary work: a conversation about freight transport; observation of trucks on a walk; coloring coloring pages on the topic; topic drawing.

Game progress:

1. Introduction. Solving riddles about transport.

Guys, guess the riddle:

On a rubber track

I will bypass all roads.

I'm good at a construction site

I am not afraid of work.

All paths are open to me.

Are you on the wrong path with me?

2. Conversation about freight transport.

Do you remember what types of transport there are? (passenger, cargo, passenger, construction equipment, etc.).

Why does a person need transportation? (children's answers about different types of transport).

Why is freight transport needed?

What kind of goods are transported on these machines?

Looking at pictures.

Let's look at the pictures that show the freight transport. What parts do these machines have? (children's answers). What do you think, what are the wheels, engine, cabin, body for?

What parts of the designer will we need to build a truck? (children's answers).

3. Parsing with children of the scheme for building a car.

How do we start building a truck? (we start building with wheels. We need 4 wheels of the same size.)

What will we attach the wheels to? (we need a support. A plate that will be the base of the car).

The car won't start without the engine. (we need a small cube that will be the motor. And a larger cube is the driver's cab).

How will we drive at night? (we need headlights)

We will be able to transport goods in the body. (choose details for building a body)

Here is our truck and ready.

4. Fizminutka - a finger game.

Which device is the main assistant on the road?

Traffic lights

Helping for a long time

Our faithful friend is a traffic light.

He has three big eyes

They don't all burn at the same time. showing three fingers

If the red light is on,

raise their hands up and “draw” a circle in the air

That can't be crossed

Gotta wait on the sidewalk

shake their heads

And skip cars. simulate steering wheel

If yellow lights up

So we'll be leaving soon.

raise their hands up and “draw” a second circle in the air

The green eye lit up -

Stop, cars, we're coming! raise their hands up and "draw" in the air the third circle under the second

We crossed the road

They went about their business.

marching around the room

Helping for a long time

Our faithful friend is a traffic light. clap your hands three times, for each syllable of the word "traffic light"

5. Game progress.

Children build trucks. The teacher observes, prompts and helps if necessary.

Those children who finished earlier can be offered to complete the game, build trees, traffic lights, etc.

What are we building today?

Why do we need freight transport?

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The value of building games for preschool age.

A building game is such an activity for children, the main content of which is the reflection of the surrounding life in different buildings and the actions associated with them.

Children acquire the basic building skills in design classes: they master the elementary structure of those objects that can be created - the walls of the house, the roof, windows, etc. Significant changes are taking place in the construction games of children in the preparatory group, which distinguish them from the games of children in the younger and older groups. The games of children of 6-7 years old are distinguished by broader and more varied ideas. Children 6-7 years of age are physically more enduring, which makes it possible to develop long building games with them.

Building games under the influence of classes become more meaningful, children discover more advanced technical skills, more accurately differentiate the size of parts, better feel symmetry, and place parts of the building more correctly. In this regard, games with small building materials are of great importance in the development of building games for children. In these games, children develop the accuracy of visual analysis of the size and shape of parts that differ slightly from each other, the small muscles of the hands.

These games contribute to the development of analytical perception. They are especially useful for children with insufficiently stable behavior; with a developed imagination, but with a lack of control over their actions.

The construction game is somewhat similar to the role-playing game and is considered as its variety.

In a kindergarten, building games contribute to the improvement of children's speech: they share their ideas, explain their actions, discuss ideas, motivate, defend their proposals, and agree on a joint construction. Children's speech is enriched with new concepts, terms, the use of which makes it more accurate, to some extent technically literate.

A game with a small building set can be used in the preparatory group along with those didactic games that contribute to the accuracy of visual perception.

The tasks of building games.

Development of greater sociability, mutual assistance, sustainable collective games, joint labor processes.

The development of stability of attention, the ability to conceive a building and execute it, to achieve the intended result.

Development of accuracy of perception, visual analysis, sense of proportion and symmetry.

Development of children's initiative and creativity, artistic taste, ability to plan their activities.

Game tactics of the teacher (motivation).

The management of older children's games is more focused on a combination of intellectual and practical activities. The teacher teaches them to think about the upcoming game actions, compare one with the other, develops ingenuity, encourages conjecture, and encourages them to put the decision into practice. To interest children, you can combine them for joint buildings from the designer, introduce elements of competition. 2-3 subgroups can participate in the competition (no more than 5-6 people in each). Children will also be interested in the idea of ​​organizing an exhibition of crafts from the designer, auxiliary material. You can also work at home with your parents. To draw the attention of children to building and constructive games, the teacher can use a number of non-standard techniques, for example, make a beautiful building in the absence of children, then invite them to carefully consider it and express their opinion. After that, you can remove the building and invite those who wish to do the same from memory, or bring your creativity and build something else.

Thus, an important condition for the educational and educational impact of building and constructive games for children of the seventh year of life is the guidance of a teacher while maintaining the creative initiative of children, developing their interest in technology, teaching how to translate a planar image into a three-dimensional building.

Thoughtful game management techniques produce tangible results. Building games are becoming richer in content, buildings are more diverse, better technically executed

Private preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 191 of an open joint stock company

"Russian Railways"

Abstract direct educational activities


TOPIC: "City"

(senior preschool age)

Compiled by:


Gnezdina Ekaterina Gennadievna

Achinsk, 2016

Synopsis of directly educational activities

Theme: "City"

(senior group)

Target:improving the skills of design activities.

Educational tasks:

to teach to analyze the structures of structures, determine the shape, size, location of parts;

to form the ability to perform construction in a certain sequence;

Development tasks:

develop the creativity and imagination of children;

develop attention, memory, logical and spatial imagination;

develop coherent speech;

Educational tasks:

nurture collective relationships in the process of design activities.

Equipment: city plan, building schemes, various construction kits, necessary attributes (people, animals, trees, cars, etc.), two builders' helmets.

Preliminary work: individual, subgroup, frontal work on the design of various buildings and structures; conversation “The profession of a builder”, drawings on the topic “If I were a builder, I would build ....”, conversations about my hometown; city ​​tours.

Integration of educational areas: cognitive development, social and communicative development, speech development.

Game progress

Organizational moment: Children are busy playing independent activities. The teacher brings in a truck with "building material": bricks, cubes, plates, cylinders, etc.

AT.: There is such a type of work - construction. People of what professions are called builders?(children call ).

AT.: And we have building materials. Can we be builders?!(Can )

AT.: Where do you want to build? What material? What did you think? So, what happens (strangely), every builder, where he wants, builds there ?!(Children should understand that a builder, like any other profession, depends on the architect's intention, and their intentions depend on the conditions of the area) .

AT.: Have you chosen what you want to build? And who was not enough for your results of labor ... and bridges, and houses, and roads, and factories to benefit people and be comfortable for them ?! (Need an architect, he conceives the city ).

AT.: But before building, what should he do? Choose a place. So, the chief in the construction will be the architect?!

AT .: Well, in order to distribute all the buildings, structures, the architect needs to draw everything on the board.

AT.: What professions of builders will we have? (Bridge builders, road builders, house builders. And you also need to build a station. Yes, and a factory ).

Q: So, what are we thinking today?(build a city)

V .: And you can build it in such a way that it would be convenient for everyone to live, so that

the buildings were durable, warm and comfortable? (Yes ).

V .: Probably, we need to think not only about what a beautiful city will be, but also where to place it.

AT.: Well, you can build according to the plan, as, for example, they built St. Petersburg. Or maybe the way Moscow was built. It was not built all at once, but gradually. There was no advance plan for the location of the streets, they built around the Kremlin.

Q: How did you and I decide to build?(According to plan).

V .: In our city there is a main square, the main street goes from it. There is an entrance, a station. Will there be a river? Here is the river...

AT.: You are architects and builders, you have individual projects, please choose.

V .: And I say: "The city will be founded here, according to this plan."

constructive activity.


AT.: Construction time is over. Let's discuss the development of the city and the countryside? You will probably agree that it is good for the city and the village to be beautiful, comfortable, and, of course, for the buildings to be durable? (Yes)

Questions for children

AT.: What country do we live in? (Russia )

AT.: What are those who live in Russia called? ( Russians )

AT.: What city do we live in?(Achinsk)

AT.: What is the name of the city you built?(suggest names)

AT.: What country is the city you built in?(In Russia )

AT.: Excuse me, how do you define it?(There is a flag on the main building of the city)

Q: What else can be symbols of the state? (Coat of arms, anthem)

AT.: Is it convenient for residents in your city to live? Why?(Explain ).

AT.: Well, so your residents are just relaxing, but they have nowhere to work?!

All unemployed ? (Factory is ).

AT.: Well, if there is a plant, then, probably, someone is working at the plant, which means that there is a result of labor?! (They will begin to fantasize about what they produced at the factory).

AT.: Where do raw materials come from for the plant? (

AT.: Where is the product sent and to whom? Send far or near?! (They argue).

AT.: How should it be sent ..., by what transport ...? You can, of course, by river transport, but you can also by rail .., you can also by plane ?! (They argue if they call it river transport )

AT.: Do you have a marina? (No, but you can then by plane).

AT.: Is there an airfield? (They argue ).

AT.: You had everything in the shops... both vegetables and fruits? (Yes).

AT.: And they are still in the store ... and do not end?!(They are transported ). On what?

AT.: Where are they unloaded?(Again, future buildings are called).

AT.: They took it out... and they will bring it to you... Where from? (Show village houses

AT.: Did you bring anything from there? (They call)

AT .: And what could be sent there from your city?

(Yes, they probably need both scythes and tractors ...).

AT .: Well done! You are real builders!

Tatyana Kuteynikova
Abstract on the organization of gaming activities in the senior group on the topic: "Construction games"


Teaching kids to make their own choices theme for the game, to develop the plot, based on the knowledge gained from the perception of the surrounding world, from literary works, while watching television;

Teach children to build collectively the buildings, necessary for games;

Develop building skills the buildings according to the drawing and drawing, observing symmetry, proportions the buildings;

Contribute to the establishment of role-playing interaction in the game and the assimilation of role-playing relationships;

Strengthen the ability to apply constructive skills received in the classroom;

To consolidate the ability to comply with the rules and norms of behavior in a joint game;

Improve the ability to independently produce attributes for role-playing games

To form the ability to coordinate their actions with the actions of partners;

Develop children's skills before starting games coordinating and distributing roles, game theme;

Develop initiative, creativity, ingenuity;

Cultivate a desire to play building games and beat them in a role-playing game; Cultivate friendliness, mutual assistance and mutual assistance.

Development environment:

drawings and drawings of various buildings made of large building materials, equipment and attributes for construction and role-playing games, paper for manual labor, colored pencils, felt-tip pens

preliminary work:

reviewing the album "Architecture", acquaintance with construction professions, viewing pictures and photographs of various high-rise buildings and houses of various configurations, public buildings, sports facilities, transport, pedestrian and automobile bridges, construction buildings according to drawings and drawings, classes in building material construction.

Game management.

The children enter group welcome guests.

V. - children, today we will play role-playing games, erect various the buildings. Think about what games would you like to play and what would you like build for your games? (O.D.)

V. - Recently, another spacecraft was launched in our country. You already know build a rocket maybe some of you want build according to my drawing a spaceship? Then you could play the game "Cosmonauts".

Q. – Cosmonauts need a hotel in which they will rest after training before the flight and after returning from space to Earth. Maybe someone wants to be builder and build hotel according to the drawing?

V. - For astronauts, you can also build the Palace of Culture, where they can have a cultural rest, spend their free time from pre-flight training. Watch movies, concerts, go to hobby groups. Near the Palace of Culture, it is desirable to build a beautiful fountain so that the air is always clean and fresh. Maybe someone wants to do these buildings?

V. - And who else wants to be builder, and what the buildings do you wish to execute?

The boys propose build a wide freeway for cars, the girls are interested in how the dolls will cross the road to the Palace of Culture. The boys promise will build for dolls pedestrian bridge over the motorway.

Q. - Maybe someone wants to play "Sailors" and build a big ship for your game?

V. - Think and agree on who will play with whom, come up with a plot games, allocate roles, think about where you will place your the buildings so that everyone can play comfortably and comfortably without interfering with each other. Please note that a high-rise hotel, a spaceship, and the Palace of Culture with a fountain require a lot of space.

The children are divided into subgroups, agree with each other, distribute roles, discuss the topics of games, take the necessary equipment and attributes, and start the game.

The teacher is watching games, comes to the rescue builders, recalls that buildings must be level., stable, durable, proportional, symmetrical, beautiful. Reminds children that they need to play together, reckon with the opinion of a comrade, coordinate their actions with comrades in order to avoid conflict, then the game will be long and interesting. The teacher offers the girls until pedestrian bridge built, make paper purses and handbags for your dolls.

During the play buildings the teacher, with the consent of the children, can join the game, taking on the role of a character.

At the end games The teacher tells the children that time to end the game, invites them to put things in order in their gaming zones and invites you to come to him.

V. - Children, you all played together, it was interesting. Share your opinion about your games. Tell me what worked out for you and what didn’t work out, what did you have to change in the course of games.

V. - Children, what do you like about your the buildings? What do you say about buildings of your comrades?

Q. - Why didn't quarrels and conflicts arise during your games, what do you think?

V. - What is your mood from your long and interesting games? Do you want to keep playing games?

The teacher invites the children to continue these games after sleep, and during this time to think about what new things can be added to the game, for the development of the plot.

Children say goodbye to the guests.

Construction game for older preschoolers

Material Description: This game is intended for children of preschool age. Children learn to cooperate in the process of collective constructive activity. They gain additional knowledge about the infrastructure of the city and the countryside. Based on the program of N.M. Krylova "Kindergarten - the house of joy."

Construction game: City and Village.

promoting the improvement of skills in constructive activities.
contribute to the formulation of a self-assessment of the final result,
contribute to the creation of a positive emotional atmosphere,
to promote the development of coherent speech,
to form the ability to carry out construction in a certain sequence, taking into account the plan-scheme
to cultivate collective relationships in the process of constructive creative activity.
instill patriotic feelings, consolidate children's knowledge of the symbols of the state;
Equipment: building schemes, design attributes, constructor.
Preliminary work: individual, subgroup, frontal work on the design of various buildings, the construction of a city, a village; familiarization with elementary mathematical concepts.
Sources: Program and technology "Kindergarten - the house of joy" NM Krylova.

Lesson progress

B: Let's say hello
Round dance game "A boat is floating on the river" (own work)

A boat floats on the river
And we go hand in hand (go in a circle)
And the rivers are a blue stream (waves show)
And there is a bridge across the river (join hands, elbows higher)
And behind the bridge there are houses (hands above your head)
And in those houses the kids sleep (palms under the cheek)
Soon the sun will rise (hands up, stretch)
The rooster will sing a song "Ku-ka-river"
And all the kids will stand here (walk in a circle)
And together they will run to the kindergarten (run)
- Everyone ... ran to the kindergarten!?!?

Q: What are the names of children who come to kindergarten? (Preschoolers)
Q: What will you be called when you go to school? (Pupils)
V .: There is such a type of labor - construction. People of what professions are called builders? (called).
V .: And we have building material ... Can we be builders ?! (Can)
What did you think? So, what happens, every builder, where he wants, he builds there ?! (No, according to the architect's intention).
Q: Where do you want to build? What material...?
Q: But before the builders get to work, what must the architect do? (Choose a location). So, the chief in the construction will be the architect?!
V .: It’s right that your results of labor ... and bridges, and houses, and roads, and factories and factories would benefit people and be comfortable for them, they need an architect ..., he conceives a city or a village ...). V .: Well, in order to distribute all the buildings, structures, the architect needs to draw everything on the board.
Q: So, yesterday we were who? (architects). Why are you so sure? (because they planned the construction of a city and a village, drew a development scheme)
Q: What do we think today? (build a city and a village). So who will you be? (builders)
Q: What professions of builders will we have? (Bridge builders, builders of high-rise buildings, house builders... And we also need to build a station... And the administration building... We will build a village..
V .: And you can build it in such a way that it would be convenient for everyone to live, so that the buildings are STRONG, WARM, TO BE CONVENIENT ... (Yes).
Q: Can you build such a city?! (Can).
V .: Probably, we need to think not only about how beautiful the city and village will be, but also where we will place them.?! On our surface, convenient for construction, on a plain, a river flows nearby ... from ancient times, settlements appeared on the banks of rivers ...
V .: You can build according to a plan, as, for example, St. Petersburg was built ... Or you can build it the way Moscow was built ... After all, it was not built immediately, but gradually ... around the Kremlin.
Q: How did you and I decide to build? (According to plan).
V .: In our city there is a main square, the main street goes from it. There is a train station here.
V .: You are architects and builders, you have individual projects, please choose.
(Children show the construction object on the diagram and take the necessary place).
V.: We begin the construction of the city and the village according to our development plan.
Grade. Built.
Q: Construction time is over. Let's discuss the development of the city and the countryside? You will probably agree that it is good for the city and the village to be beautiful, comfortable, and, of course, for the buildings to be durable? (Yes)
While the children are approaching the teacher, you can offer to play a game, for example, “Guilty Cloud”
Everyone gathered to evaluate.
Q: What country do we live in? (Russia)
Q: What are those who live in Russia called? (Russians)
Q: What city do we live in? (Kemerovo)
Q: What is the name of the city you built? (suggest names)
Q: What country is the city you built in? (In Russia)
Q: Excuse me, but how to define it? (There is a flag on the main building of the city)
Q: What else can be symbols of the state? (Coat of arms, anthem)
Q: Is it convenient for residents in your city to live? Why? (Explain).
V .: Well, so your residents only rest, but they have nowhere to work ?!
All unemployed? (at the factory)
V .: Well, if there is a plant, then, probably, someone is working at the plant, which means that there is a result of labor ?! (They will begin to fantasize about what they produced at the factory, for example, a wood processing plant)
Q: Where do the raw materials for the plant come from? (Show village houses)
Q: Where are the products sent and to whom?! (to consumers, to villages and cities)
Q.: What should be sent..., by what means of transport...? By car, you can, of course, by river transport, or by rail, or by plane?! (thinking)
Q: Do you have a marina? (No, but you can build).
So let's include in the plan of our future development the construction of a pier and merchant ships.
Q: Is there an airport? (The next time the architect needs to add it to the construction plan).
V .: Did you have everything in stores ... both vegetables and fruits? (Yes).
V .: And they are still in the store ... and do not end?! (They are transported).
V: Where from? (Show village houses)
Q: And what could be sent from your city to the village?
(Ready-made pastries, canned food, clothes ...).
V: Well done! You are real builders!
