Role-playing games for older children. Role-playing games in the senior group: a card file with goals for fgos

The most important period in a child's life is early childhood. After all, at this time the formation of his personality takes place. Babies develop character and develop the skills of correct behavior.

It is in the child that he acquires basic knowledge about the life around him, and at the same time, an attitude is formed towards the people around him, their actions and behavior. In addition, the game is able to remove any negative experiences.

What does play give a child?

Everyone working in kindergartens is very well aware of the importance that the game has in shaping the personality of children, obtaining various skills, abilities and knowledge, development. All this will be necessary during the period of schooling.

A collection of role-playing games specially prepared by adults during the development of the Federal State Educational Standard helps educators to discover additional talents in children. This is both creativity and mastery of the elements of theatrical play. With the help of gaming techniques, it is very easy to prevent the development of negative qualities in a child, such as isolation, laziness.

Role-playing game - the basis of the social development of the child

All this happens in the game, since it is the main activity for children. The older the child gets, the more valuable it becomes, especially if directed by a teacher.

Thanks to the formation of forms of behavior. Through it, the ability to establish relationships in the children's team, find suitable partners and choose the necessary means in order to realize the plan is formed.

A card file of role-playing games in the older group with the goals of developing the necessary social skills in children makes it possible to master everyday skills, choose the right lines of behavior when communicating with various people. Simply put, due to the games presented in the card file, the child is introduced to life in society.

What is this teaching material?

A card file of role-playing games in the older group provides a great help to the educator for the proper organization of children's activities. This material is very convenient to use in your work, because each of the proposed cards presents not only the plot of the proposed game, but also the full paraphernalia for it.

They can be both single-sided and double-sided, so to give them durability, you just need to stick each one on cardboard or laminate it. The card index is represented by 17 colorfully designed cards, each of which represents a certain area of ​​life with possible plots for playing.

For example, home and family or a hairdresser, a shop, a zoo. A complete description is provided for each game: what tasks and goals are set, roles for playing situations, preliminary work, necessary material that should accompany the proposed plot, actions.

What is a role-playing game for?

All games based on the role-playing of certain stories are of great importance in the development of the child's personality. After all, through them it is very easy to form both social and moral feelings in preschoolers. But when modeling relationships, the main emphasis should be on those that carry kindness and humanity.

A file of role-playing games in the older group with the aim of instilling in children responsiveness, mercy and respect for people is a great help for educators, especially those who are just starting their activities. And it will be very useful for parents too.

Such games are interesting for both girls and boys, as they affect their emotional sphere. Thanks to them, not only gaming, but also real relationships develop, learning to obey certain rules, coordinate actions and subordination. The ability to express love, respect and care is formed, as well as to comply with the necessary rules of conduct.

Self-expression and self-affirmation of the child through role-playing games

The preschool age is the most malleable for any impact, because a critical attitude to everything that happens around has not yet been formed, but the degree of perception of everything that happens is very high.

The card file of role-playing games in the senior group according to the Federal State Educational Standard is designed to give the child the opportunity for self-assertion and self-expression through the adoption of a certain role in a playful way and the manifestation of a creative approach to it. Due to this, the overall development and maturation of the child occurs.

How to create positive emotions in children with the help of games?

The card file of role-playing games in the older group also plays a very important role in the formation of positive moral and moral qualities, relationships between themselves and emotions in preschoolers. All the qualities that were formed in everyday life become stronger during the role-playing game.

Positive feelings with the right approach of the educator are also stimulated by joint preparation for the lesson, when a place is chosen for it, the necessary attributes are prepared and roles are assigned.

Through the development of emotionality, the child has the opportunity to regulate behavior and learn to avoid actions that he could commit, succumbing to fleeting desires or random circumstances. In addition, the teacher can determine the state of his inner world by the emotions of the child.

What are some ways to guide children through play?

The use in the classroom of such necessary material as a card file with role-playing games for the older group gives educators the opportunity to direct the actions of children and direct their activities. To do this, there are several basic methods:

  • joint discussion of the plot of the game and help in choosing the right lines of behavior for each of the participants;
  • the correct selection of the game team, taking into account the combination of active and passive children;
  • application of priority in those roles that are most popular.

A special card file with role-playing games for the older group enables educators to direct the game without violating its plot and at the same time maintaining the creative nature of the activities of preschoolers. The teacher can take a role-playing part or help with explanations and advice along the way.

You can also regulate game relationships when using a multi-character plot, for example, not one, but two cooks, or when determining the rules of behavior for a puppet character introduced into the game.

Thanks to the developers of the Federal State Educational Standard, such a file cabinet appeared. An older group with role-playing games designed as separate cards will have no problem choosing topics. After all, a wide variety of them is presented in the card index.

What is needed for the proper organization of such games?

In order for all role-playing games on a certain plot to give the desired effect, a subject-developing environment should be organized in the group, taking into account the needs of children both in self-affirmation and in creativity. It is diverse, changeable, dynamic and represents a large field for activity.

The card file of role-playing games in the older group involves the rejection of stationary play areas that have always existed in kindergartens, as they fetter the initiative of children by offering ready-made stories. All didactic material and attributes should be placed in bright wooden or plastic trays, equipped with special symbols, such as a book for a “library” or a red cross for a “pharmacy” and “hospital”.

Moreover, thanks to the imagination of children and such methodological material as a collection of role-playing games for the older group of kindergarten, the attributes can be combined with each other, because the hospital has both a dining room and a reading room. Therefore, such placement of the subject-developing environment is very convenient. It gives preschoolers the opportunity to select the necessary items or add missing items during the game.

The Role of Attributes in Games

The subject-developing environment assumes the presence of a sufficient number of the necessary attributes. After all, with the help of it, the most complete adaptation of children to the selected images is possible. What catering establishment can do without utensils and products, and a library without books? It is best to make all this yourself.

The card file of role-playing games in the senior group on the Federal State Educational Standard offers games on any subject, but all of them will become much more interesting for preschoolers if the teacher is creative in making the necessary attributes.

For example, for such a role-playing game as "visiting the cafeteria", it is very easy to make pieces of a cake from sponges for washing dishes, sweets - from pieces of plasticine wrapped in the remaining candy wrappers. For each plot, you can make the necessary colorful attributes together with the children, the main thing is to show imagination.

General rules for conducting role-playing games

But only a subject-developing environment for such classes is not enough. A file cabinet with role-playing games for the older group also involves preparatory work. Before the start of the game, a thematic tour is held, with the aim of introducing the child in more detail to the activities of the institution on which the lesson will be held.

After the excursion, a conversation is also necessary, during which the acquired knowledge is summarized. In addition, you can play mini-games that outline a plan for a future role-playing game, read poems and stories related to the topic, and prepare the necessary attributes.

And in the course of action, the task of the teacher will be to ensure that the plot develops correctly, to introduce additional roles at the request of the children, to advise new turns of events, to smooth out conflicts that arise. The teacher can also take part in the game by choosing a role for himself.

How useful is a card file in organizing children's activities?

A collection-card file of role-playing games is necessary not only for young educators. Teachers with extensive experience also use it with pleasure in their activities. The card index was recognized and popular not only by the variety of topics and ease of use, but also by the fact that it gives children the opportunity to gain the necessary worldly knowledge and experience without stress in a playful way.

During the game, preschoolers have the opportunity, starting with a simple plot proposed by the developers, to move on to more complex ones, independently invent further development of the action, which stimulates creativity and speech activity very well. Through such activities, the child learns to cooperate with other children.

Memo to the educator in the methodical planning of a role-playing game

Using such games in their activities, teachers should also remember the tasks of developing various skills of children in them. A collection of role-playing games for the senior group of a preschool institution suggests focusing on the following tasks:

  1. To develop in children such qualities as the ability to interact well with other people, the joy of cooperation and emotional perception during it, the ability for imaginative thinking and imagination.
  2. To teach preschoolers to unfold the plot of the game in a speech plan, explain their plan, understand other people, come up with multi-themed plots and events, change the plan according to the suggestions of other participants.
  3. Activate the imagination of children.

It should also be remembered that the card index of role-playing games in the older group involves the emergence of new games proposed by children, since thanks to increased communication with the outside world and television, their creative fantasies increase.

Preschoolers of the older group of kindergarten develop the content of the game. In games, along with actions, various social relations and actions begin to be reflected. For example, a mother takes care of her son, and not only feeds, bathes and dresses him, but also educates him, reads books to him, takes him to the doctor. In turn, the doctor not only puts a thermometer, gives pills, but also carefully persuades, reassures the patient. Games reflect the specifics of adults' activities, their interaction in work, their attitude to work and to each other in the process of work.

The change in the theme of games and their content at this age stage is associated with the expansion of their sources. The games of younger preschoolers are determined mainly by the impressions that children receive in the process of direct communication with others. Gradually, in the games of the older preschooler, an increasing place begins to be occupied by indirect experience, that is, knowledge obtained from books, stories of adults. The nature of direct experience is also changing (children reflect not only those events in which they themselves took part, but also those that they observed on excursions, walks, in everyday life).

By the beginning of the fifth year of life, when the child has already mastered the basics of role-playing behavior, it is important for the teacher to teach him to develop various plots in the game, the center of which is the role that attracts him. To do this, the child needs to be shown that a role can be included not only in one, but in various relationships with other roles. For example, a doctor can interact not only with a patient (or several patients), but also with a nurse, a cook, or another doctor. In order for the child to have the opportunity to establish multiple role-playing connections in the game, the teacher can organize, for example, the following game.

The teacher offers the child the main role, he takes on an additional one. These can be the roles of the bus driver and passenger. Having played a situation related, for example, to boarding a bus, the teacher introduces a new plot situation that requires the appearance of a new character, and changes his role: “Come on, you ran out of gas, but here is the gas station. I am now a gas station attendant. How much petrol do you need?" and. etc. After that, the "trip" can continue. Next, the adult introduces a new plot situation: “Come on, our bus has broken down, and there is a car on the road. I am now a car driver. You asked me to help."

When the teacher introduces into the game the “same” role as that of the child (the second “driver”), then there is a game communication of the same characters, initiated by an adult, - a discussion of the content of their work, their relationship with other roles, which thereby clarifies the presentation children about social roles.

If in such a game the educator first consistently changes the playing roles, the next time he can take on the main role, and the child can be offered to change roles during the game (you can use the same plot if it attracts the child, and if not, then similarly build new plot).

According to N. Ya. Mikhailenko, with a variety of topics, plots in such a game are built according to a single scheme as a “bush” of roles related in meaning: Main - additional role

Additional role 2

Same role as main

Each semantic "bush" is not limited to 2-3 roles, it can include more of them, which allows you to deploy the game in different ways, starting from an attractive main role.

The patient is a sailor

Doctor - Nurse Captain - Passenger

Another doctor is the captain of another ship

When the child learns to make various connections and masters the change of role, he will begin to develop independent meaningful play with peer partners more freely.

One of the effective means of developing in children the ability to consistently develop new diverse plots of the game is the joint game of the educator with the children, however, in form it is completely different from the game of the educator with children at previous age stages. This is a kind of joint "invention game", which takes place purely in verbal terms. The teacher begins such a game with children not from inventing a completely new story, but from a partial transformation of the plot text known to the children. Gradually, the teacher leads the children to more and more complex changes in a familiar plot, and then to inventing completely new stories.

The expansion of the themes of games, the deepening of their content lead children to change the form and structure of the game. As the content of the game develops, a preparatory period begins to stand out in its structure.

At first, during the preparatory period, the children only agree on the theme of the game (“What are we going to play?”), Sometimes they distribute roles. Gradually, in the process of agreement, they are already beginning to outline (discuss) the general line of development of the plot of the game (“First we will feed the guys, sleep, and then there will be a holiday”). This is basic planning. It contributes to a more complete development of the content of the game and the establishment of the right companionship in the game. The need for collusion in children appears in connection with the development of the game.

In the older group, the demands on the quality of the roles performed also increase. By conspiring, children can also discuss the distribution of roles, based on the interests of all the players. Collusion requires many organizational skills, knowledge of each other's capabilities, so children who most often play together begin to collude earlier.

Almost always, children during the preparatory period prepare a play environment (pick up toys, build buildings, etc.).

With age, the number of participants in the game also increases. For older preschoolers, 3 to 5 people can participate in the game.

The development of play in older preschool age is characterized by a change in the requirements that children place on a toy. The younger preschooler is attracted to the toy by the possibility of reproducing those actions that make up the main content of the game. A toy can be generalized and endowed with only a few bright features that make it possible to determine its purpose and the possibilities of action with it. The older children get, the more they make demands on the compliance of the toy with the game design. The older preschooler prefers a more complex toy that approaches the object model.

The main task of leading the games of older preschoolers is to develop their independence and self-organization, the formation of skills to agree on the theme of the game, distribute roles, outline the main development of the plot, and prepare the game environment. Also, the teacher must enrich the content of the games. A variety of gaming interests is not always based on sufficient knowledge. In this regard, many games turn out to be sketchy, and children quickly lose interest in the idea that has arisen. The main methods of developing the content of the game are the expansion and deepening of children's knowledge about the events and phenomena depicted. For these purposes, it is especially advisable for the educator to use children's literature.

In all groups, including the older ones, the educator should from time to time offer a new theme of the game (mainly to those children whose games are becoming stereotyped). At the same time, the teacher does not impose the topic on children, but only tries to arouse interest in it. The methods of suggesting a new theme of the game can be different: reading books and looking at illustrations depicting children playing, or a story about how the teacher himself played in childhood, a story about those games that he saw other children, etc.

Game "Kindergarten"

Target. Consolidation of children's knowledge about the work of a nurse and a doctor, a laundress, a cook, a janitor and other kindergarten workers. Raising interest and respect for their work. The development in children of a sense of gratitude for the work of adults for them, the desire to provide them with all possible assistance. Development of the ability to apply the acquired knowledge in a collective creative game.

game material. Dolls, toy tableware, Doctor set, toy phone, substitute items.

Preparing for the game. Excursion to the doctor's office. Introduction of attributes for the organization of the game in the "children's doctor". Reading the story of A. Kardashova "Our Doctor". Observation of the work of the laundress. Organization of children's work - washing doll linen. A tour of the kitchen. Lesson "Bake buns for ourselves and the kids." Modeling products for the game of "cook". Conversation "Who and how works in our kindergarten." drawing on the subject. Introduction of attributes for the organization of a collective game in the "kindergarten".

Game roles. Doctor, nurse, educator, manager, music worker, nanny, cook.

Game progress. Before the start of the game, the teacher conducts preliminary work. Together with the children they visit the medical office, the kitchen, the laundry room, the rhythm room, the manager's office and talk with the nurse and the doctor, the cook, the laundress, the manager about their work.

After that, in the group, the teacher conducts a conversation “Who and how works in our kindergarten”, summarizes the knowledge gained on the excursion. Then with the children you can play the game "Mode of the day", thereby outlining the game plan.

Further, the educator can offer the children to play on their own, but if the children have not yet had the proper interest in the game, the teacher can act as an equal partner in the game, performing the main or secondary role, indirectly influencing the change in the playing environment, he can correct the game relations.

For example, he can offer children the following roles: "doctor", "nurse", "educator", "manager", "music worker", "nanny", "cook". When all the roles are distributed, the teacher encourages the children to play: “Now you need to do exercises with the dolls, then put them down for breakfast.” “Nanny needs to quickly go to the kitchen and bring breakfast.” “After breakfast, you need to go to the doctor for a checkup.”

After breakfast, the "doctor" and "nurse" carefully examine the "children", each is given recommendations. One child fell ill and the "teacher" needs to call the parents on the phone: "Your daughter is sick, she needs to be picked up from kindergarten." After the medical examination, the “children” need to go to the “music class”, etc.

In the course of the game, the teacher monitors the correct development of the plot, smooths out the conflicts that arise, advises what else can be thought up, and introduces new roles if the children wish.

Game "Family"

Target. Encourage children to creatively reproduce family life in games. Improving the ability to independently create a game environment for the intended plot. Formation of valuable moral feelings (humanity, love, sympathy, etc.).

game material. Dolls, toy dishes, furniture, game attributes (aprons, headscarves), musical instruments, substitute items.

Preparing for the game. Class games “It’s like we have a baby at home”, “It’s like dad and grandfather are at home, but mom is not at home”, “Mom’s holiday”, “Holiday in the family”, “Doll’s birthday”. Conversations about relationships in the family. Joint games with children of preparatory and younger groups.

Game roles. Grandfather, grandmother, grandson, granddaughter, mother, father, brother, sister.

Game progress. In order to develop the game, the teacher can first talk with the children on the topic “Where do the parents work”. To reveal the moral essence of the activities of adults: a responsible attitude to their duties, mutual assistance and the collective nature of work.

Further, the teacher encourages children to creatively reproduce family life in games. Invites the children to build the construction of a house according to the idea, using building material. During the construction of the house, he teaches children to agree on joint actions, draw up a preliminary design plan, and bring the work to the end. Then he brings in toys (dolls, furniture, dishes, etc.), game attributes (aprons, scarves).

After that, the teacher, together with the children, analyzes the following game situations: “When mom is not at home”, “Guests came to us”, “I help mom”, “Family holiday”, etc.

The game "When mom is not at home" can be organized together with younger children, having previously explained the purpose of the joint game: to teach kids to assign roles, plan a game, play independently.

The game "Guests came to us" should teach children how to invite guests, meet guests, give a gift, and behave at the table.

In the game “I Help Mom”, the teacher needs to introduce elements of labor into it: washing doll linen, mending clothes, repairing books, cleaning the room. In the course of the game, the teacher must select, change toys, objects, design a game environment using a variety of auxiliary material, use his own homemade products, use natural material.

The teacher should introduce new content into the plots of favorite children's games. For example, the game "Family Holiday" involves showing a concert in a kindergarten using children's musical instruments: a piano, a metallophone, a tambourine, rattles, pipes, triangles, etc. "Family members" sing songs and dances, read poetry, joke, make riddles. This game requires preliminary work, the teacher in advance, together with the children, at their request, can distribute who and what will do at the holiday.

Also, the teacher can combine games that are similar in theme, creating the possibility of long-term collective games, for example: "Family" and "School".

Game "School"

Target. Formation of the ability to creatively develop the plot of the game. Teaching children to fairly assign roles in games. Encouragement of children to reproduce everyday and socially useful work of adults in games.

game material. Dolls, furniture, building material, game attributes (magazine, notebooks, pens, pencils), substitute items.

Preparing for the game. Excursion to the school. Conversation with the teacher of the 1st grade. Reading the works of L. Voronkova “Girlfriends go to school” or E. Moshkovskaya “We play school”, etc. Joint games with children of the preparatory group.

Game roles. Teacher, students.

Game progress. Before starting the game, the teacher organizes a tour of the school. There, the guys get acquainted with teachers, schoolchildren, talk with them. It is also necessary to take the children around the school: show the classes, the canteen, workshops, locker rooms, etc. Then, in a group, discuss their impressions of the school.

Then, to further enrich knowledge about the school, the teacher reads to the children the work of L. Voronkova “Girlfriends go to school” (or E. Moshkovskaya “We play school”, etc.). This is followed by a conversation about what it means to be a schoolchild, who teaches a lesson, what accessories a schoolchild has, etc. The teacher also helps children in mastering the expressive means of realizing the role (intonation, facial expressions, gestures).

Together with the children, the teacher can make attributes for the game: a magazine for the teacher, headbands for the attendants, etc.

During the game during the construction of a school or classroom building, the teacher develops the design creativity and ingenuity of children, encourages the construction of interconnected buildings (street, school, cultural park, bridge, underpass); suggests using auxiliary material in buildings (cords, pegs, planks, cones, wire, etc.).

The methods of managing this game are different: the teacher plays the role of a “teacher”, talks with children about how they will play, joint construction of a school, a class. The use of such techniques contributes to the independent organization of games by children, where they act in accordance with their electoral interests (they conduct reading, physical education, and mathematics lessons).

Acting as an equal partner or performing the main (secondary) role, the teacher must indirectly influence the change in the game environment, lead the correction of game relations.

The educator should also contribute to the reproduction in the games of household and socially useful work of adults. To consolidate knowledge of the Rules of the Road (the road from home to school and back), to combine games that are similar in theme, creating the possibility of long-term collective games: "Family" - "School" - "Road to School" - "Journey around the city".

Journey game

Target. Formation of the ability to creatively develop the plot of the game. Acquaintance with the work of the sentry. Consolidation of children's ideas about the work of adults at the river station, on the boat. Consolidation and generalization of knowledge about the work of rural workers. Cultivating a respectful attitude to work. Acquaintance with the life of people in the North and in the South of our country.

game material. Construction material, technical toys: clockwork cars, boats, motor ships, a steering wheel, clothes for sailors, a set of "Road signs", a set of toy animals and birds, substitute items.

Preparing for the game. Excursion to the river station, to the ship. Conversation with a policeman, fleet workers, village workers. Reading the works of M. Ilyin, E. Segal "Cars on our street"; A. Sokolovsky "Hello, comrade, policeman!"; M. Markov "About the Topka-sailor"; F. Lev "We are sailing on a self-propelled gun"; L. Voronkova "Tanya enters the village"; P. Donchenko "Petrus and the golden egg"; G. Yurmina "All works are good!"; S. Baruzdin "The country where we live"; A. Chlenov "How Alyoshka lived in the North"; B. Zhitkova "What did I see?". Production of attributes for the game: police shoulder straps, bandages on duty, breast (sleeve) badges, signs "Police", "Post traffic police", "Lost and Found"; modeling of multi-colored plasticine ships with different "lights".

Game roles. Policeman, port manager, cashier, salesman, duty officer, captain, boatswain, sailor, cook, ship's doctor, milkmaid, poultry house, reindeer herders, lumberjacks, geologists, border guards, gardeners, etc.

Game progress. The game "Journey" is one of the favorite children's games. It can be implemented in various versions, for example: "Traveling around the city", "Traveling along the river", "Traveling to the village", "We are going to the North", "We are going to the South", etc.

Starting the game "Traveling around the city", the teacher can first of all conduct an excursion in order to get acquainted with the sights of the city, buildings, the work of a policeman, etc. In the group, discuss what they saw, summarize knowledge, answer questions of interest to children.

Then the teacher can introduce children to the works of M. Ilyin, E. Segal “Cars on our street”; A. Sokolovsky "Hello, comrade, policeman!". Discuss the moral meaning of people's activities, the nature of their relationships. To jointly make attributes for the game: police shoulder straps, bandages on duty, breast (patch) badges, signs "Police", "Post traffic police", "Lost and Found".

Further, the teacher can offer the children to build buildings according to the idea and model (drawing, photograph, diagram). When playing with the building, use small rubber and plastic toys, objects (electric flashlight, pump).

During an independent game, the teacher teaches children to select the necessary game and working material, agree on joint games, follow the rules of behavior in a collective game: share toys, play together, help a friend.

In the game "Journey along the river (lake, sea)" the role of the educator is to systematically and systematically communicate to children information about the activities and relationships of the rivermen.

First of all, the educator conducts an excursion to the port in order to consolidate the children's ideas about the work of adults at the river station, to show its significance in the life of the people of the city (the work of a cashier, seller, duty officer). During the tour, children will learn what a port is. The teacher tells the children that the port is a special place for parking, ships. The port area is large. Its facilities are located both on the shore and on the water. Children watch the arrival and departure from the berths of cargo and passenger ships. In order to enrich children's ideas about the work of adults in the river port, they can also observe the work of a cashier, buffet sellers, a book kiosk, postal workers, and a station attendant. At the same time, the teacher should bring the children to the idea of ​​the importance of the work of people of different professions.

Then the guys can visit the ship: inspect it, together with the teacher, repeat the name of the individual parts of the ship (side, bow, captain's bridge, gangway, mast). Here, children can also watch the sailors at work (the sailor cleans and delivers the gangway, cleans up the deck, explains to passengers how to get off at the pier). When observing the work of sailors, the educator draws the attention of the children to the coherence of their actions, mutual assistance, the precise execution of all the captain's commands, and caring attitude towards passengers.

Communication of children with the captain of a passenger ship, his story will help children find out where you can sail on the river from our port and where the ships arrive from.

Upon returning to the group, the teacher talks with the children about the work of adults on the ship and in the port, about their relationship, evokes good feelings, a desire to imitate the brave and friendly rivermen.

Further, for a deeper understanding of the work of rivermen, their relationship, the educator can use excerpts from the books of M. Markov “About the Topka-sailor”, F. Lev “We ​​are sailing on a self-propelled gun”, during which the guys learn that the most important on the ship is the captain. All members of the team are subordinate to him. He stands on the captain's bridge, which is called the navigation: from here they control the course of the ship. Here the steering wheel is turned, and here are all the instruments by which you can determine where the ship is when the coast is not visible. The captain sees signal lights ahead - white and green. He knows that this is a self-propelled gun with oil coming towards him. And if he sees only a white light, it means that a passenger ship is coming. The captain knows that if a green light blinks in the distance, then this is a lighthouse on the shore. A captain must know a lot.

After reading and looking at the illustrations, the children answer the questions: “Who is in charge on the ship? Who is under the command of the captain? What does the captain see from the navigation bridge? How does he know which ships are coming towards him?

When looking at illustrations depicting various ships, the teacher asks the children questions: “What are the cargo ships? What are they transporting?

Then the guys from the building material can build ships, piers, a station.

To enrich the game actions, the teacher can use the conversations and stories of children about games. In the process of storytelling, children's ideas are updated, the work of the imagination is intensified, creative game ideas arise, and the speech of children improves. Children, for example, are invited to tell how they would play with toys (the set includes boats, ships, cars).

The teacher's questions addressed to the children during the game also contribute to its enrichment and development. So, a port, a barge was built. Questions: “Where is the barge towed to? What will she carry? make children remember what they know about moving along the river. An effective way to guide a child's game is to use a map of the river. Together with the teacher, the children cut and paste the contours of the placement of their native land. Near the large cities known to them, an image of what is made in them, what the region is rich in.

To consolidate the children's interest in the river, in the transport moving along it, the teacher asks the parents to take evening walks with them to the river. The participation of parents in the pedagogical process of familiarizing children with the environment ensures the continuity of this process, to a greater extent forms the experience of the child's emotional attitude to the world due to the proximity of communication between adults and children.

One of the stages in the development of the game may be the compilation of stories by children on the topic: “What ships did we see on the river”. The knowledge acquired by children is reflected in modeling, drawing, and design. Children draw, sculpt, build not just ships, but motor ships, self-propelled guns, rockets, tankers. All vessels molded from multi-colored plasticine have different “lights”.

Then the teacher can offer to play the game on their own. If such a proposal causes difficulties, the teacher gives the children an idea of ​​​​the work of the crew of the ship and where you can sail. The "Captain" keeps order on the ship, clearly gives orders, controls their implementation. On the ship, the friendly work of the team is going on: at the stops, the “boatswain” supervises the cleaning on the ship, the “sailors”, following his order, diligently clean the deck, the “cook” feeds the “team” with lunches on time, the ship’s “doctor” examines the team, etc. d.

In this game, the teacher leads the children to the possibility of combining several storylines. In the course, a “post office”, “shop”, “first-aid post”, etc. may appear.

The teacher begins preparing for the game “Journey to the Village” by reading the works of L. Voronkova “Tanya enters the village”, P. Donchenko “Petrus and the golden egg”, G. Yurmina “All work is good!”, Considers illustrative material with children, tells on the topic “What I saw in the village”, conducts a conversation “On the work of village workers”.

In order to embody positive play behavior in the game, the teacher can discuss with the children the characteristics of collective farm workers, for example, a milkmaid gets up early to have time to prepare food for cows and calves, waters and washes them, milks cows, helps her comrades in work, etc.

The teacher offers the children exemplary game plots: “Harvesting on the collective farm”, “Our livestock farm”, “Harvest festival on the collective farm”, “Visiting grandmother”, “Excursion to the poultry farm”, “Concert for village workers”, helps children in drawing up plot plans, in the selection of episodes that can be included in the game, in the selection of actors (characters).

After the game, the teacher, together with the children, discusses the behavior of the participants: the means of transferring the role, role relationships, the ability to comply with the learned norms and rules (culture of behavior, friendly collective relationships).

To create interest in the plot of the game “We are going to the North”, the teacher can read the “letter” from Yakutia with an invitation to visit the children, show postcards depicting the life of people in the North or briefly talk about individual Yakut cities and villages, invite the children to “go” to travel to the North, recommend that they discuss individual roles, reveal the moral meaning of the work of adults (reindeer herders, lumberjacks, geologists, border guards, etc.).

In order to create a sustainable interest in the topic of the game, the teacher can invite the children to consider illustrative material, compose a story on the topic “What did I see?”, Reading works, for example, S. Baruzdin “The country where we live”, A. Chlenov “How Alyoshka lived in the North"), B. Zhitkova "What did I see?".

You can arouse interest in the plot of the game “We are going south” by reading a letter from Georgian children and showing photos, postcards, toys.

Game "Plant"

Target. Formation of the ability to creatively develop the plot of the game. Consolidation of knowledge about various types of transport: land, water, air. Expansion of knowledge about the work of drivers, sailors, pilots. Familiarization of children with the work of the bus station, river station, railway station, airport, expanding children's knowledge about working professions.

game material. Building material, technical toys: clockwork cars, buses, boats, motor ships, planes, helicopters, trains, substitute items.

Preparing for the game. Excursion to the bus station, car factory, river station, shipbuilding plant, railway station, car building plant, airport, helicopter plant, aircraft plant. Conversation with employees of the bus station, river station, airport, with factory workers. Reading of the works “At the airfield” by I. Vinokurov, “Helicopter” by F. Lev, “House in space” by M. Rebrov, “Man ascended into the sky” by K. Aron. Production of attributes for games. Transport molding.

Game roles. Driver, passenger, senior builder, gas cutter, engineers, mechanics, assemblers, technician, radio operator, gas tanker, washer, driver of the accompanying vehicle, flight control panel dispatcher, etc.

Game progress. The game "Plant" can be played in various versions and the following plots can be used: "Avtozavod", "Shipbuilding Plant", "Carriage Works", "Helicopter Plant", "Aircraft Plant", etc.

Before the start of the game, the teacher can organize excursions to the bus station, car factory, river station, shipbuilding plant, railway station, car building plant, airport, helicopter plant, aircraft plant. There to talk with workers of the bus station, river station, airport, with factory workers, etc.

In order to enrich the content of the game and activate the knowledge that children have, the teacher in the group conducts a conversation “On the work of workers in automobile, shipping, rail, air transport”, encourages children to compose a story on given topics.

During the game “Avtozavod”, the teacher encourages the construction of buildings from building material (car, bus, truck, trolley bus) according to a model or idea, develops design skills, teaches to observe symmetry and proportions of parts in buildings.

Also, the educator during the game expands the knowledge of children about working professions, talks about the work of parents, reads literary works, encourages the creation of stable gaming associations, whose members are able to independently agree on a joint game, show good relations when performing gaming actions.

In the game "Shipbuilding Plant", the teacher teaches to build in accordance with the set conditions: build several types (2-3) of ships according to the idea, observe the dependence of the design of the structure on the destination (for example, a warship, motor ship, whaler), offers brigade members (according to 6-7 people in each) at the end of the work, tell about your construction.

To enrich the plot of the game, the educator uses game problem situations: “There is a big holiday at the plant - launching the ship”, “The captain accepts the ship”, “Ships go on their first voyage-test”, offers exemplary game plots: “We are captains”, “ The Birth of a Ship”, “First Voyage”. At the beginning of the game, the teacher draws attention to new roles: the senior builder (submits a report on the readiness of the ships), the gas cutter (cuts the slipway rail), engineers, mechanics, installers.

In order to enrich the content of the game “Carriage Works”, to activate the knowledge that children have, the teacher offers exemplary game plots: “The train delivers tractors to their destination”, “The train makes a flight”, “At the railway station”, etc.

During the game, he encourages the construction of buildings for a steam locomotive, a diesel locomotive, an electric train according to a model or representation, makes additions to the construction: a semaphore, a tunnel, a switchman's house, etc. When evaluating the work, he draws attention to the similarity of the building to the model and its strength.

In the future, he carefully and tactfully observes the playing children, if necessary, uses indirect methods of guidance (question, hint, change in the playing environment). Questions like: “What does itinerary mean?” Where do I need to buy train tickets? What is at the railway station? What is the Mother and Child room for? it. etc."

In the game "Aircraft Plant" the teacher expands the knowledge of children about air vehicles, about the work of pilots. The teacher can tell the children about the well-coordinated work of the crew members serving the flight personnel (technician, radio operator, tanker, washer, driver of the accompanying car, flight control panel controller). Together with the children, he discusses the content of the building for the upcoming game, the game paraphernalia during the construction of the aircraft highlights its parts: fuselage:, wings, tail compartment, engine, landing gear, propeller. Helps the children to build buildings from snow on the site, using additional material (plywood, rope, pieces of cloth, etc.) and painting them with diluted gouache.

Also, the teacher encourages children to use the acquired knowledge and skills in the game when reading works about the work of pilots, astronauts, for example, “At the airfield” by I. Vinokurov, “Helicopter” by F. Lev, “House in space” by M. Rebrov, “Man rose into the sky” by K. Aron, “Cosmonautics Day” by A. Mityaev.

Acting as an equal partner in the game (crew member, passenger) or playing the main role (head of flight control), the teacher corrects the role relations between the playing children, if necessary, helps to supplement the game material during the game.

In order to influence the content of the plot, to complicate the ways of displaying actions, the educator can offer game situations: “Air ambulance rushes to the aid of geologists (polar explorers, shepherds)”, “Agricultural aviation pilots help the collective farm”, “Pilots put out a fire in the forest”, “We open airline to the North Pole.

In the game "Airport", in order to creatively develop the plots of the game, the teacher introduces the children to the work of the airport, which houses a number of services for the preparation and control of the flight: the terminal, the flight control center, the runway, the hangar, the warehouses of fuel and lubricants. It reveals the moral meaning of the labor activity of airport employees, the nature of their relationship in the service and at home.

Game "Pilots"

Target. Formation of the ability to creatively develop the plot of the game. Consolidation of knowledge about air transport. Expansion of knowledge about the work of pilots. Acquaintance of children with the work of the airport.

game material. Building material, airplane toy, propeller, wings, dolls, substitute items.

Preparing for the game. Excursion to the airport. Interview with airport workers. Reading the works "At the airfield" by I. Vinokurov. Watching a movie about pilots. Airplane drawing. Aircraft molding. Production of attributes for the game.

Game roles. Pilot, stewardess, controller, passengers.

Game progress. The educator should start preparing for the game by organizing children's observations of airplanes. During such observations, it is necessary to explain to the children that the plane is very large, it flies high and fast, that the pilot controls the plane, people are carried on the plane.

Then you can teach children to portray a flying plane. The teacher suggests: "Fly like an airplane." Children run with their arms outstretched like airplane wings.

In class, the teacher may invite the children to draw a flying plane or planes.

Having examined with the children pictures depicting a flying plane, an airplane at an airfield, an airplane with a seated pilot, etc., the teacher explains everything that the children do not understand, conducts conversations on the content of the considered pictures. After that, you can give the children a toy plane to play with, having previously beaten it.

The next stage in the preparation of a role-playing game is teaching children an outdoor game in which they portray pilots. The pilots, preparing for the flight, start the engine, at the signal of the educator they rise into the air and land, each in a certain place allotted to him.

The last link in preparing children for a role-playing game should be a film showing, which depicts aircraft and the work of a pilot. It is very important that as a result of watching the film (or films), children understand that the pilot is strong, courageous, helps people: he brings a doctor to a sick child or delivers a child to a hospital, transports people, food, etc. The teacher needs to be told about the pilot in this way so that children would like to imitate him.

After the preparatory work, you can start the game. To do this, the teacher, together with the children, needs to make a propeller and wings for an airplane, a helmet and goggles for a pilot out of cardboard. Having built a plane from chairs, it is necessary to attach wings and a propeller to it. Then the pilot in a helmet and goggles, with the help of a teacher, starts the engine and prepares the plane for flight. Passengers are going on the road: they dress the children, pack things, buy food, buy plane tickets, go to the airport. There, the controller checks passengers' tickets, helps them get on the plane. At the signal of the teacher, the plane rises into the air. During the flight, passengers eat, feed their children, look out the windows, look at the books offered to them, etc. The stewardess helps them, answers questions. During landing, the pilot inspects the aircraft, the engine, refuels the aircraft with gasoline, starts the engine and takes the aircraft further.

Such a scheme of the game can be modified by the teacher at his discretion. In the future, the teacher should direct the course of the game, encouraging all sorts of innovations offered by children. Also, the development, enrichment of the game can go on by combining it with other story games. For example, the topics “Shop” (children buy food, sweets, toys for children, books, etc.), “Moving to the dacha” (kindergarten or parents with children), “Bus” ( on which they go to and from the airport), “Doctor”, etc.

The teacher must monitor the game, it is only important that when playing, the children change the plot, and not repeat the same thing every time.

Game "Russian Army"

Target. Formation of the ability to creatively develop the plot of the game, the formation of concrete ideas in preschoolers about the hero-warrior, the moral essence of his feat in the name of his Motherland. Enriching children's knowledge about the feat of tankers and sailors in their hometown. Expanding children's ideas about the types of warships: submarine, cruiser, destroyer, aircraft carrier, missile boat, tank landing ship. Raising in children a sense of patriotism, pride in their homeland, admiration for the heroism of people.

game material. Building material, caps, scarves, bags for nurses, sandbags, helmets, substitute items.

Preparing for the game. Excursions to the monument, to places of military glory. Consideration of illustrative material on the topic. Reading the works of L. Kassil "Monument to a Soviet soldier", V. Nikolsky "What tankers can do" from the book "Soldier's School", I. Dlugalensky "What soldiers can do" - from the book "Don't Lose the Banner". Compilation of an album about warrior-heroes. Production of attributes for games. Modeling of a tank, warship. Construction of military equipment from building material.

Game roles. Tanker, soldier, nurse, captain, sailor.

Game progress. This game can be presented in various versions: "Tankers", "Combat Infantry", "Warships", etc.

First of all, when preparing for a series of games, children of the older group must be introduced to the monuments that perpetuate the feat of our people during the Great Patriotic War. These are obelisks, monuments, monuments-cannons, monuments-tanks, monuments-aircraft, monuments-ships, erected in honor of the liberation of the native land. With children, the teacher should organize excursions to places of military glory.

After the excursion, the teacher talks to the children about the Russian Army in order to form their idea that people honor the memory of heroes. During the conversation, the teacher should talk about the street of his native city, which bears the name of a hero-tanker, a hero-pilot, a hero-sailor, etc. The teacher also introduces children to the image of various types of warships: a submarine, a cruiser, a destroyer, an aircraft carrier, a missile boat , tank landing ship, etc.

Together with the teacher and parents, the children can make an album about warrior heroes.

The teacher also invites children to draw a tank, an airplane, a warship, a combat vehicle, binoculars, to mold a tank or a ship.

Then the educator can offer a collective building of his choice: a tank, a warship, etc. During the construction, he must pay attention to the dependence of the form of the building on its purpose, teach children to jointly discuss the construction plan and the organization of the subject-play environment.

Together with the teacher and the children of the preparatory group, the guys can prepare the attributes for the game: caps, scarves, handbags for nurses, sandbags, helmets.

Then the teacher can organize military sports games in which children reflect the peaceful service of infantry soldiers, tankmen, rocketmen, and sailors. Children are invited to do what soldiers can do: shoot at a target, quickly crawl from bush to bush, run.

The teacher organizes these exercises at the kindergarten site. The teacher first takes on the role of "Commander", he monitors the correct execution of movements: throwing sandbags, crawling, jumping, etc. He notes the best performance of the role, encourages the achievements of indecisive children. Repeat exercises to achieve the desired result.

The performance of the roles of "soldiers" requires children to perform certain actions and the manifestation of certain qualities. So, the “commander” must definitely outline a task in the game and follow how it is being carried out, the “soldiers” need to perfectly complete the task: throw far, quickly run across, deftly jump over. "Nurses" also need to act quickly, be able to complete the task.

Before each game, the teacher with the children needs to have a conversation-discussion: who takes on what role, how he acts, whose orders he carries out. In such games, a fairly large number of children in the group mainly take part, and the coordination of their actions is important. Communication with an adult in the game helps children to better understand the moral qualities of the warriors whose roles they play.

To give the game a purposeful character, the teacher can develop a map-scheme and familiarize all participants with it. The teacher makes it with the children, outlines where the sentries should stand, where the first-aid post is located, where the ship is parked, etc. And then the children independently outline their routes, discuss them together with the “commander”, draw a plan map. On the map - the headquarters, the hospital. The teacher also highlights on the map those objects that need to be overcome: a narrow bridge (log), a minefield (jump over an obstacle), a wire fence (ladder).

Under the influence of the children's knowledge about the feat of soldiers in their native city, plots of games such as "Tankers liberate the city", "Crossing the river" arise.

For example, the goal of the game: "tankers" and "infantrymen" must destroy enemy tanks. The teacher says that the path is difficult and dangerous. The fighters need to cross the river on a fallen log, then jump over the ditch, go along the lake, go over the bumps through the swamp and destroy the enemy tanks. The tank is then considered destroyed if there is a hit on the target. "Wounded" soldiers are assisted by "nurses".

After the victory, the "soldier" joyfully greets the population of the liberated cities and villages.

The game can be repeated in different versions and take place not only on the territory of the kindergarten, but also on the beret "of the river, in the park, square. This makes it possible to use natural material and natural barriers more widely.

In this game, there must be a relationship between creative and sports games.

During the subsequent game, the teacher can offer the following stories: “The crew of N. Gastello on a mission”, “Rescue of the Chelyuskinites”, “Valery Chkalov and his fighting friends are preparing for the flight”, “Storm at sea. The passenger ship lost contact with the ground”, “Rescue squad of the Black Sea Fleet”, “Warship protects the city”, “Aircraft carrier “Courageous” in training”, etc.

Always after the end of the game, the teacher should keep the children talking about the past game, while noting the role-playing behavior of individual participants in the game, their game interaction and relationships, as well as the use of game substitution tools.

Game "Construction"

Target. Formation of the ability to creatively develop the plot of the game. Formation in preschoolers of specific ideas about construction, about its stages. Consolidation of knowledge about working professions. Raising respect for the work of builders.

game material. Building material, helmets, replacement items

Preparing for the game. Construction tours. Interview with a builder. Reading the fairy tale "Teremok", the works "Who built this house?" S. Baruzdina, “There will be a city here” by A. Markushi, “How the metro was built” by F. Lev. Watching a film about builders. Drawing on the topic: "Building a house." Production of attributes for games.

Game roles. Builder, bricklayer, driver, loader.

Game progress. The educator can time the teaching of this game to the time of the children's acquaintance with the fairy tale "Teremok". Having shown the children an illustration for a fairy tale or a corresponding cartoon, the teacher explains: “Teremok broke down because the animals did not know how to build well.” After that, in order to arouse interest in the topic in children, they should be shown a drawing of a beautiful building. Be sure to accompany the show with such a bright, emotional explanation” so that the children have a desire to make the same house themselves. Then the teacher tells them that it is difficult to make such a beautiful building, before that they need to learn how to build, and promises to take the children to watch how the workers build the house. In the near future, an adult should organize a tour of the construction site.

During the excursion, the attention of children should be drawn to the joint work of people, to the fact that only by common efforts, working together, workers can build such large, beautiful and durable houses. Next, the teacher should draw the attention of the children to the division of labor of builders, emphasize that in the process of common work everyone does their job: one brings the material, the other lays the walls, the third prepares the mortar, etc. You also need to show the children that the use of technology helps the workers, makes their work easier: cars bring building material, a crane lifts it to a great height, etc. Children should find out in a conversation with the builder about what will be in this house when it is built. After such a conversation, the guys should understand that the matter does not end with construction, that houses are built so that later someone would live or work in them.

In order to give children the opportunity to express their impressions on the excursion, the teacher in the lesson should invite them to draw the construction of a house.

To consolidate and systematize the knowledge gained, the teacher can conduct conversations with the children on the pictures depicting construction, and also show them a film on this topic. At the same time, you need to draw their attention to what they did not notice, ask the guys questions that encourage them to compare, recall, compare; then the pictures should be hung out in the group, and books with the corresponding pictures should be given to the children for use. During a conversation-conversation about builders, the teacher should draw the attention of children to the sequence of all stages of construction: project development, selection and preparation of a construction site, provision of building materials and mechanisms, laying the foundation, erecting walls and ceilings, individual work. The teacher can discuss with the children the moral meaning of the activities of people in the construction professions (excavator and bulldozer drivers, concrete workers, masons, installers, plumbers, carpenters, plasterers, etc.).

Also, in preparation for the game, the teacher can read to the children works about builders, such as: “Who built this house?” S. Baruzdina, “There will be a city here” by A. Markushi, “How the metro was built” by F. Lev.

After the preparatory work, the teacher should again show the children the picture that they saw before the excursion and say that now they can build such a beautiful house, but only if they work like workers, all together.

When starting construction, the teacher, together with the children, agrees in advance on what will be in the house they are going to build: the plan must precede the game, it should not be accidental. The teacher can, for example, advise the children to settle in the new house all the little animals they have, thus turning it into a teremok.

For the game, the teacher divides the children into teams and entrusts each of them with one specific area of ​​work. So, for example, one team must load the building material onto cars, another must bring it to the construction site, the third must unload it, the fourth must build the walls of the house. The educator must first lead the construction team. He advises masons on the best way to lay walls, tells drivers what material to bring, helps loaders organize loading and unloading with cranes, etc. Organizing and directing the game with his participation, the teacher at the same time helps children act in concert for a common goal.

An adult needs to ensure that in subsequent games on this topic, children must change roles. The game, changing its form, can be transformed, modified due to the development of its content. So, children can build a new house for dolls, a shop, a dacha, and, having transported dolls there for the summer, develop a new independent game on this basis. An adult should in every possible way encourage all innovations introduced by children into the game, promote the creativity of children and, if necessary, help them.

At the end of the game, the teacher should practice talking with the children about the game. In order to correct role relations, note some shortcomings: the driver of the car unloaded building materials far away and it was difficult for the masons to work; the painters did not lay down their working tools. Discuss who worked well in the team and which of the builders can be thanked for conscientious work, etc.

Game "Polyclinic"

Target. Disclosure of the meaning of the activities of medical personnel. Formation of the ability to creatively develop the plot of the game. Raising respect for the medical profession.

game material. Game set "Puppet doctor": thermometers, syringe, pack of mustard plasters, spatula, stethoscope, hammer, pipette, stick for lubrication with iodine or ointment, cotton wool, bandage, mirror for examining the nasopharynx and ears, alcohol for lubricating the injection site, iodine for cauterizing wounds , drops, potion, injection medicine, powders, tablets, ointment, homemade cardboard toys, substitute items, some real items.

Preparing for the game. Excursion to the clinic. Interview with the medical staff of the clinic. Visiting a medical office in kindergarten. Reading the works “Sick” by Yu. Yakovlev, “There is trouble with a person” by Yu. Sinitsin, “A person is sick” by I. Turichin, fairy tales “Doctor Aibolit” by K. I. Chukovsky. Watching a film about doctors and the cartoon "Doctor Aibolit". Consideration of illustrative material on the topic. Production of attributes for the game.

Game roles. Doctors of various specializations, a nurse, patients.

Game progress. The teacher begins preparing for the game with an excursion to the clinic and a conversation with the medical staff. In the polyclinic, you need to show the children various rooms: X-ray, dental office, etc., explain to the children everything that they see. At the same time, the teacher must always carry out one thought: the doctor tries to keep everyone healthy, so that no one gets sick, and if someone gets sick, he heals, makes sure that the children do not hurt their ears, teeth, so that they can walk, play, practice.

After visiting the polyclinic, it is imperative to sum up with the children everything that they have learned and remembered from their previous visits. The reason for this may be the examination of postcards, drawings, which depict various aspects of the doctor's activities. The teacher asks the children questions about the content of the pictures, draws their attention to the most essential, stimulates them to ask questions, explains everything that is depicted. Then these drawings are hung out in the group room for the children to examine them themselves.

In kindergarten, the teacher conducts a tour of the 9th doctor's office with the children and introduces them to various medical instruments, explaining their purpose, showing how they are used: how, putting on a mirror, the doctor examines the ears, nose, throat; how to check the knee jerk with a hammer; how to listen with a stethoscope; how a sister draws medicine with a syringe; how to use a pipette; how he measures height, weighs, etc. In the course of each action, the teacher must explain its purpose so that the children understand not only how to do this or that medical procedure, but also when, in what case it needs to be done and what to do with it reach with help. After such an excursion, the teacher should again talk about the picture (which the children have not yet seen). In this conversation, the teacher reinforces the impressions of the children, expands their knowledge, reinforces interest in the topic, which is necessary for the game. Also, to prepare for the game, the educator reads to the children reading works, such as: “Sick” by Yu. Yakovleva, “There is trouble with a person” by Yu. Sinitsin, “A person is sick” by I. Turichin. Then, in a conversation on the content of the works, the adult reveals the meaning of the activities of medical personnel, shows the interaction of all services to help sick people: a polyclinic - a pharmacy - an ambulance - a hospital - a sanatorium. Then it is very good to systematize children's impressions to watch films that depict the activities of a doctor.

After that, the teacher encourages the children to help him in the manufacture of attributes for the game. He distributes to each child a sheet of cardboard, which depicts medicines and some medical instruments. So, for example, circles (tablets), bottles (iodine, medicine, drops), a thermometer, a stethoscope, a pipette, a syringe, etc. can be drawn. Each child cuts out drawn objects along the contours, glues boxes for powders and tablets.

When the attributes for the game are ready, the teacher introduces the children to the game ways of using the items they have made, beats each of them, shows how to put a cardboard thermometer, how to dip a cotton swab in alcohol and wipe the injection site with it, how to draw medicine from a cardboard bottle with a cardboard syringe. In the process of making crafts and playing with them, children must learn their names.

Then the educator can offer the attention of the children a series of pictures depicting the corresponding game, where the roles of the doctor, sister, and patients are played by children. It is good if the teacher compares them with pictures that depict the various actions of a real doctor.

To organize the game, the educator can use the Puppet Doctor game set, home-made cardboard toys, substitute items, and some real items as a game material. It will be a big mistake for the educator if he introduces a lot of real objects into the game. Experience shows that their number in each game should be limited. The number of real items brought into this game must be limited to cotton, bandage, spatula, bottles (empty) with inscriptions, jars (of ointment).

For the first game, the educator, together with the children, equips the doctor's office and the waiting room, where patients will wait for their turn. In the doctor’s office, medicines and tools should be prepared for the doctor’s appointment: in a jar or cup - thermometers, in a box - a syringe, a pack of mustard plasters (neatly cut rectangular sheets), a spatula, a stethoscope, a hammer, a pipette, a stick for lubricating with iodine or ointment, cotton wool, bandage, a mirror for examining the nasopharynx and ears, alcohol for lubricating the injection site, iodine for cauterizing wounds, drops, medicine, injection medicine, powders, tablets, ointment.

During the first game, the teacher takes on the role of a doctor. It shows children not only playing techniques, but also the playing possibilities of the role and, which is also extremely important, helps them to establish contact during the game. As a doctor, the educator talks with patients, thereby teaching children to conduct the necessary conversation during the game, which determines and directs many game actions.

The next day, the teacher can already entrust the role of doctor and sister to the children of the group, and takes on the role of the first patient. Arriving at the reception first, he tries to help his conversation to enter into the role of a still inexperienced doctor, helps him at first with either direct or indirect questions, advice. In the future, the teacher must strictly ensure that the children change roles so that the most attractive role of the doctor for them does not go to the same child each time.

When the game is subsequently played, it should be changed by adding ready-made toys or adding real objects, which in turn will enliven the children's game, cause new actions, and increase the desire to play. In the future, the development of the game should go along the lines of the doctor's specialization: for example, the arm and throat are no longer treated by the same doctor, but by two different specialists. The teacher can introduce children to various specialties of doctors: an ophthalmologist, therapist, surgeon, etc.

After a while, for the development of the game with children, you can consider a number of funny drawings depicting children treating various animals. For the same purpose, you can show and explain to children illustrations for "Aibolit" by K. I. Chukovsky or a cartoon based on this tale. You can then link the two games "Doctor" and "Zoo".

Game "Hairdresser"

Target. Disclosure of the meaning of the activity of a hairdresser. Formation of the ability to creatively develop the plot of the game. Raising respect for the profession of a hairdresser.

game material. Homemade items, substitute items (various parts from the building set in a conditional role: a bar as a comb, cylinders as bottles, a flat plate leaning against a prism instead of a mirror, a prism as a typewriter, a narrow bar instead of a razor), some real objects ( sheet, mirror, brush, bottles, comb), a set of special toys "Children's hairdresser".

Preparing for the game. Excursion to the hairdresser. Interview with hairdressers. Reading works about the work of a hairdresser. Making an album "Hairstyle Models". Consideration of illustrative material on the topic. Production of attributes for the game.

Game roles. Hairdresser (master), clients, cashier, cleaner.

Game progress. The educator can start the preliminary work on the development of the role-playing game with an excursion to the hairdresser's. In advance, he needs to negotiate with the parents and secure the permission of two or three of them to cut their children's hair. Then the teacher draws the attention of the children to the fact that Seryozha, Anya, Olya are neatly, beautifully cut and combed, they should be told that Lera and Sasha have long hair; they stick out ugly, sloppy, so they need to go to the hairdresser and have their hair cut. After that, the teacher tells the children that now they will go to the hairdresser, where Lera and Sasha will cut their hair, and all the guys will watch how the hairdresser will do it.

Approaching the hairdresser, the teacher should draw the attention of the children to the sign. In the barbershop, you need to show the guys the tools that the masters work with, introduce the children to their names, purpose, and the way they work with them. So that the children can watch the work of the hairdresser, the teacher asks to cut several children, who thus come into contact with the master, participate in his activities as clients. At the same time, the educator should draw the children's attention to the relationships that the master, cashier, customers, cleaning lady enter into.

The guys watch how their comrades get their hair cut, how they thank the master, how they themselves pay to the cashier, give the check to the master, etc. Along the way, the teacher explains to the children everything they see; emphasizes the courtesy of the master, his desire to serve the client as best as possible, to make him beautiful, neat; draws the children's attention to his relationship with other employees of the barbershop.

In the group, the teacher systematizes the knowledge and impressions gained through a conversation and showing illustrative material depicting a hairdresser and the work of a hairdresser. At the same time, the educator should pose questions to the children so that, in answering them, they can also draw on their own experience gained during the excursion.

Also, the teacher, together with children and parents, can make an album “Hairstyle Models” using children's drawings, clippings from magazines, etc.

After that, the teacher, together with the children, can make the items necessary for playing the "hairdresser's": cut out a comb, razor, brush, typewriter, scissors, bottles, spray gun, mirror from cardboard along the drawn contours. The mirror can be pasted over with cellophane paper on one side, and on the other hand, a stand can be glued to it. Glue a ribbon to the spray gun as a rubber tube with one end, and glue its other end to the bottle, which shows the level of the cologne in it. Scissors, a typewriter and a razor are made by the teacher. Each of these items consists of two parts, fastened with a thread, due to which these parts are movable. The lower part of the vials for stability is bent at a right angle. When the crafts are ready, the teacher must beat them, show the children how to play each one. In the process of making and playing with crafts, the guys learn their names.

When teaching children this game, it is advisable to follow the following sequence when introducing game items: 1) homemade; 2) substitute objects (various parts from the building kit in a conditional role: a bar - as a comb, cylinders - as bottles, a flat plate leaning against a prism - instead of a mirror, a prism - as a typewriter, a narrow bar - instead of a razor) ; 3) some real objects (bed sheet, mirror, brush, bottles, comb); 4) a set of special toys "Children's hairdresser".

First, it is most expedient to introduce home-made items into the game: firstly, when making these crafts, the guys got acquainted with the way they were used; secondly, if children learn to play using homemade objects, it will no longer be difficult for them to develop a game with ready-made toys. Thirdly, bright and entertaining ready-made toys will be gladly accepted by children after home-made and conditional ones, while home-made items introduced after ready-made toys will not arouse interest, will not stimulate children to update the game. Fourthly, ready-made toys, introduced at the beginning of learning the topic of play, can distract children from the meaning of the play actions performed.

The teacher does not need to abuse the simultaneous introduction of a large number of real objects into the game. Some of them, for example, a clean sheet (which is covered with a client during a haircut), the teacher can always give, whenever the children play “barbershop”, while others, such as a mirror, brush, comb, are selective.

When the game is played for the first time, the teacher takes on the role of a hairdresser. He directs the course of the game with his actions, questions, remarks.

If the child does not know how to behave during the game, the teacher asks him: “Do you want to cut your hair?”, “Scissors or a machine?”, “Do you need to spray cologne?” etc. After that, he asks the client to bend his head, close his eyes, etc.

The very next day, the teacher can entrust the role of a hairdresser to one of the children, and the teacher, having become a client, again leads the game.

Over time, a modification of the game should occur due to the replacement of game objects that children operate with. Then you need to help children develop and enrich the idea and plot of the game. So, a haircut in a barbershop may serve a specific purpose, for example, children cut their hair to go to the circus, to a holiday or to visit, etc.

Zoo game

Target. Consolidation and enrichment of knowledge about animals, their appearance and habits. Formation of the ability to creatively develop the plot of the game. Raising a good relationship with animals.

game material. Homemade items, substitute items, animal toys, Zoo set, dolls, wire for making cages, natural material, etc.

Preparing for the game. Excursion to the zoo. Interview with zookeepers. Reading of poems by S. Ya. Marshak "Children in a cage" and "Where did the sparrow dine?", V. Mayakovsky "Every page, then an elephant, then a lioness." Production of the album "Zoo". Watching cartoons and films about animals. Drawing and modeling animals. Consideration of illustrative material on the topic. Production of attributes for the game.

Game roles. Educator, cashier, controller, cleaner, veterinarian, etc.

Game progress. The teacher should start preparing children for this game by looking at bright, colored pictures, postcards with images of various animals. This is necessary in order to arouse in children an interest in animals.

Games for any child are the main source of information about the world around them: they prepare for adult life, help to adapt to new conditions of existence. Role-playing games in the senior group of a preschool institution help to learn the rules of behavior, teach how to behave in various situations, and strengthen the child's psyche.

The child develops a character, an idea of ​​morality, based on the received social, public experience. Role-playing classes are an opportunity for a preschooler to "try on" the life of adults, where he is so eager to get. The activity shown in this way allows you to feel your inner freedom, independence, interact with others on equal terms.

The development of a little man is impossible without a variety of games. At an early age, it is enough for a baby to take a rattle in his hands and shake it. Children grow up, they are attracted to new toys, game rules become more complicated. The kid seeks to involve others in the gameplay, first his mother, then other children. Creativity is manifested in the personality of a preschooler.

A plot appears in the game activity: the children begin to distribute playing roles, agree on the rules. The role-playing games of preschoolers in the older group are already becoming more specific on the topic: not just “play with dolls”, but depict a plot scene, for example, a tea party with guests, where each child has a specific role or play a scene of disobedience. The child creates an imaginary situation that allows you to try on any role, to feel like the main character.

In his actions, the preschooler is absolutely independent: he can cut bread with an imaginary knife, with a small stick, presenting it as a key, open the lock in the door. The kid imagines himself in the hospital, at school, in the store, playing out various situations. The child's self-expression manifests itself especially vividly in plot-based game situations.

Experts single out role-playing games as a separate creative type, which are characterized by the obligatory presence of a plot, the distribution of roles, while subject to certain game rules. Any game process with a plot and distributed roles is a game activity of the team. Several people are involved here.

Significant socialization occurs precisely in joint activities, when preschoolers interact with each other in accordance with the accepted roles. The kid learns the norms of social, moral behavior, communication develops. The fidget learns to show independence, find a way out of confusing situations, go for constructive communication during conflicts. The child has experience of behavior in different situations.

The characteristic features of all role-playing games for older preschoolers include the duality of the nature of the game process, which manifests itself in the combination of the fictional, imaginary world of adults with the reality of the actions of preschoolers in the game. For example, a baby is sitting on a chair, and at the same time, in the game reality, this child is a bus driver.

Game objects replace objects in the imaginary world that are inherent in the world of adults. The duality of the situation allows preschoolers to receive information and acquire knowledge about previously unknown aspects of reality. The kid cannot cure the patient, pull out a tooth, but in the gameplay he learns what the doctor does, how to behave in the hospital, that helping people is good.

The role of the teacher in the organization of the game process

Often, adults believe that it is not worth organizing children's leisure, it is enough to give dolls, cars, puzzles, designers and provide complete independence to the child. Do not forget that the game process contributes to the full development and upbringing of children.

Left to chance, unorganized leisure of preschool children will not carry any cognitive information. The opposite situation is also possible, when children left without adult supervision can insult each other and start fights in the process of playing activities.

Most preschoolers are conservative in their behavior - they prefer to play and act out those storylines in which they are familiar with all the rules and conditions. If preschoolers are given the task of choosing what to play on their own, then most likely it will be “daughters - mothers”, “hospital”, “shop” or war games with catch-ups, which boys usually prefer.

Constantly repeated stories do not contribute to the expansion of horizons and the acquisition of new skills and knowledge. Sometimes children begin to develop aversion to any change. The proposal to change or supplement the plot causes a sharply negative reaction. A child who proposes something new is not accepted into the team, they begin to ignore him.

The inability to change the plot, play a new scene or endless repetition of the same actions is a consequence of the inability to call on the imagination and lack of knowledge. Very early in any children's team there is a leader recognized by the rest of the kids. He quickly organizes game activities, distributes who will portray whom, sets the rules.

Rigid rules dictated by such a leader do not allow other kids to express themselves, limit their development as an independent person. It is the educator, teacher or parents who should play a leading, guiding role in organizing gaming leisure. Adults, in order to expand the horizons of preschoolers, organize new role-playing games, follow the development of the plot, unobtrusively help in the gameplay.

You can’t just offer a game that you can play: for preschoolers, the preparation process, the discussion of the storyline, the distribution of roles, and the observance of the rules agreed in advance are important. It is necessary to give each preschooler the opportunity to dream up, to offer their own version of the development of the plot, so that the kids develop a desire to invent, create.

Any plot game provides for the presence of game attributes: for the hospital you will need white coats, hats, for the store - scales, cash desk. Adults can help with the organization of gaming activities, while slightly complicating the game rules and adding new conditions. For example, when playing “daughters - mothers”, you can beat the appearance of another child in the family.

At home, parents can also arrange joint story games with the child: play in the hospital, school, cafe. Adults have a decisive influence on children, their behavior, observance of moral standards, the ability to negotiate, communicate.


One of the most popular is the role-playing game "family" for children in the older group. Each child often imagines himself in the place of mom or dad. The preschooler likes to act out various family scenes, while often changing roles.

  • reproduce the everyday life of the family, learn how to create their own environment for this plot using toys and other things;
  • the formation of a sense of the value of family relationships, mutual assistance, love;
  • involvement in labor activity at home through the game process;
  • create an understanding of what a family budget is, joint housekeeping.


  • invite preschoolers to remember how holidays are celebrated at home, for example, the birthday of a family member;
  • discuss what parents are doing at home, how the family spends their free time, how they put things in order at home, cook food, meet guests;
  • choose a topic.
  • each kid must definitely allocate an independent role in the game plot.

Items: dolls, toy furniture and utensils, a typewriter, an apron, a scarf. A variety of items that will be needed in the process.

Plot. Grandma's birthday. We are waiting for guests. Spring-cleaning. The daughter is naughty. Walk by car in nature. The child got sick.

Actions. For example, when choosing the plot "Birthday", you will need many actors. Some kids are preparing a festive dinner, others are buying gifts. It is necessary to serve a beautiful table, put things in order at home, prepare solemn congratulations. Adults observe how family members communicate, how they help each other, suggest the correct behavior to preschoolers.

Elements of labor activity are also introduced into the process: it is necessary to wash the linen and iron it, fix the TV or iron. For realism, everyday scenes are played out: a pipe burst, a light bulb burned out, planning a joint budget.

"In the cafe"

Preschoolers should already know the rules of behavior in public places. The role-playing game "in a cafe" will help kids understand how to behave properly in public places.

The goal is to get acquainted with public places, the work and duties of a waiter, cook, cafe director, the formation of a culture of behavior.

Items: furniture, cafe utensils, dolls, aprons for waiters, a chef's hat, money, bank cards.

Plot: after a walk, go to a cafe with friends.

Actions: children enter a cafe, take tables, place an order. Waiters bring orders and serve customers. The children thank the waiter and the cook for their work, they pay off.

Preschool children can change roles: those who were customers will become waiters next time and will treat the guests of the cafe. In the gameplay, the kids must understand that it is ugly to shout loudly, wave their arms, run between the tables. Fidgets must learn to behave well.


At present, few children know about the work of librarians, about why libraries themselves are needed. Preschoolers get used to using a computer from early childhood, not paying attention to books. The role-playing game "library" for preschoolers in the older group reveals the importance and value of books.

The goal is to cultivate a careful attitude to literature, to books, to increase vocabulary, to broaden one's horizons. To give an idea about the work of a librarian, cultivating respect for the profession. Learn to find the right book in the library, be able to use the catalog.

Items: bookshelves, tables, books, coloring books, postcard sets.

preparation and plot. Preschool children remember what a library is, who works there, what does he do, how can I borrow a book from the library? Several kids are selected for the role of librarians, the rest are readers, library visitors.

Actions. Each librarian has several books, magazines. Readers come up and ask to see the books. When the child has chosen a book, the librarian asks why the reader chose this book? Formulation of the reader's form. The librarian gives books to real lovers of reading, and to prove it, the kid reader recites a poem.

The librarian offers to look at magazines and sets of postcards in the reading room. After the game is over, the preschool children share their opinions about which books they have seen and which they liked. Evaluate the work of librarians.


Unfortunately, all kids face diseases in their lives, as a result, doctors. The role-playing game "polyclinic" introduces fidgets to the work of doctors.

The goal is to introduce preschoolers to the profession of a doctor, to instill a sense of compassion, kindness for the sick. Toddlers learn to be attentive, sensitive.

Items: toy sets for doctors, white coats and caps, disposable masks, shoe covers. Thermometer, injection syringes, bandages, scissors. Recipe paper.

Preparation, plot. For the plot, the actions of different doctors are selected. For example, an appointment with a pediatrician, a dentist, an ophthalmologist. Varieties of the plot include: taking tests, conducting vaccinations.

Before offering a similar plot, the teacher conducts preliminary preparation. Tells about the work of different doctors, can arrange a visit to the clinic or invite a health worker to the group. Preschool children are divided into doctors and a group of patients. Someone can take on the role of a nurse.

Actions. The patient came to the clinic, puts on shoe covers, takes a card in the registry and a referral to see a doctor. The doctor examines the patient. He asks about complaints and listens attentively. Checks the pressure, examines the throat, ears. Prescribes a course of treatment. The nurse makes dressings, injections, changes old bandages.


Often the game in the clinic turns into a role-playing game "hospital".

The goal is to foster respect for the work of doctors, nurses, orderlies, and other health workers. Sensitivity, attentiveness, compassion, desire to help are formed and strengthened. An understanding of the importance of the doctor's work is created.

Items: gowns, hats, phonendoscope, syringes, scissors, bandages, cotton wool, pills, blood pressure monitor.

Story, prep. The patient is in the hospital undergoing treatment. The teacher asks what doctors do in hospitals, introduces the kids to the rules of treatment, the duties of doctors, nurses. Tells about the daily routine for the patient, the rules of his visit. All proposals are listened to, and the development of the plot and role is discussed.

Actions. The patient arrived at the emergency room of the hospital. The nurse takes the documents, draws it up and leads to the ward. The doctor comes and examines. Listens to complaints, measures pressure and temperature, prescribes a course of treatment. The nurse gives pills, makes injections, dressings. The nurse maintains order and cleanliness. The patient is visited by friends and relatives.


Preschoolers are looking forward to going to school. The role-playing didactic game “school” in the senior group will help them prepare for this.

The goal is to give the kids an idea about the school, prepare them for the rules of conduct adopted in educational institutions. Accustom to polite treatment, instill respect for the work of the teacher, love for the school.

Items: notebooks, pens, books, pencils, pencil cases, briefcases. Furniture for classes.

Before starting the game itself, the teacher invites the fidgets to come up with several storylines. For example, the teacher is teaching a lesson or the director came to check the lesson. Preschool children are introduced to the rules that must be followed. The children are explained that during the lessons it is forbidden to shout, jump up, interrupt the teacher or other students. Tasks must be completed carefully and diligently. Listen carefully to the teacher.

The teacher organizes a movie about the school, study books together, learn songs about the school. Together with preschool children, a classroom and school supplies are being prepared. Pencil cases are made from boxes. Notebooks, textbooks, a class magazine are being prepared. To write on the board and erase the inscriptions, chalk and a rag are laid out on a stand near the board.

Actions. The teacher enters the class, the students greet the teacher. The teacher explains the task, students solve problems, answer questions. The teacher may ask you to count to 10 or name letters, write them on the board. The teacher checks notebooks, puts marks for answers. Students must sit at the desk. If the child wants to answer, he must raise his hand. The teacher praises the student, marks the correct answer.

Game lessons can be done in the likeness of school lessons. The first lesson is mathematics. The teacher asks to name the numbers, to solve a simple problem of addition or subtraction. The second lesson is physical education so that the kids can run and jump. The third lesson is drawing. Offer to draw a school or summer. After the second lesson, take the fidget to the school cafeteria.

The principal of the school can come to the classes and take notes in a notebook. After the lessons, the director asks the teacher to come to his place and gives him assignments. After the end of the lesson, the bell rings, the students must wait for the teacher's message that the lesson is over. Students must not run during recess.

For such a story game with many events and participants, a summary of classes is necessarily drawn up, where all the rules are written in detail. The desire of preschoolers to play school should be supported and encouraged.


Preschool children should have information about different types of labor activity, respect, appreciate the work of others, understand that the creation of any thing requires a lot of effort, time and labor. The role-playing game "studio" introduces preschoolers to the work of tailors, cutters, and fashion designers.

The goal is to teach to appreciate work, to provide knowledge about working in an atelier, to instill respect for people in the labor profession.

Items: patterns, centimeter tape, cuts of fabric, patterns, chalk, dolls.

To participate in the gameplay, you can also attract boys who can check sewing machines, repair them, and deliver orders to atelier customers. The teacher introduces preschoolers to the work of the atelier. He tells what tailors do, what cutters do, how they take measurements.

Actions. The client comes to the studio. Together with the tailor, he chooses the style, color of the material, and places the order. The tailor takes measurements, makes patterns, sews the product. Fitting in the studio, fitting to the figure. The client receives the finished order and pays for it.


The role-playing game "mail" allows you to get acquainted with how work is organized in post offices, instills respect for the work of the postman and other postal workers.

The goal is to increase vocabulary, learn and understand the meaning of new words: parcel, parcel post, registered letter. Develop the ability to listen, be polite, the ability to work in a team.

Items: envelopes, stamps, parcel boxes, magazines, newspapers. In the parcels department - scales, postage stamps. Postman's bag.

This story game is characterized by a large number of participants. There are the roles of a postman, a mail operator, a driver, a manager, and clients. Preschoolers can send parcels and parcels, receive registered letters, and subscribe to newspapers. The driver brings and unloads parcels. The postman delivers mail, pensions, newspapers. The operator draws up postal orders, sorts letters, sells newspapers. The postmaster controls all the work, checks how everyone works. Makes orders for the supply of fresh press for sale, pays salaries to employees.

Actions. Customers send parcels, ask questions. The postal employee quickly weighs, writes out a receipt, stamps and glues stamps on the parcel post. People write letters, come to the post office, throw them in the mailbox. The postman with a bag delivers newspapers and letters.

For parents

It is not necessary after a whole day in kindergarten to seat the child at the computer. It’s better to play with him using everyday family stories. This improves intra-family relations, establishes a special closeness of relatives.

By participating in games with everyday subjects, children master the system of relationships in the family, learn to perform their household duties, and master self-service skills.

I'm going for a walk

Target: to teach children, when going for a walk, to dress according to the weather, to choose comfortable clothes and necessary accessories; develop vocabulary (names of clothing items); to cultivate a respect for the environment, to form the skills of aesthetic contemplation.

Before the walk, the teacher informs the children that new friends have come to their group. The children are invited to get acquainted with the dolls. After that, the teacher offers to take the dolls with them for a walk, but for this you need to help them choose the right clothes for the weather.

Children are divided into groups, each of which must dress one doll. First, they need to choose and name the right items of clothing (the set should include clothes for all seasons). It is desirable that children explain their choice.

After all the clothes are collected, you need to discuss the order of dressing the dolls and proceed to its implementation. Particular attention should be paid to fastening clothes and tying laces or ribbons.

When all the groups have completed the task, the children dress themselves and go for a walk with the dolls. When they return, they must undress the dolls, commenting on their actions.


Target: encourage children to reproduce family relationships and interpret them creatively; introduce a wide range of household chores; reveal the moral meaning of the actions of adults; cultivate a sense of mutual understanding, care for others.

Both boys and girls are involved in the game. They usually take on the roles of parents or grandparents and other adult relatives. The role of children is given to dolls.

First, everyone together must recreate the home environment: arrange furniture, lay out things. Children also need to agree on who will play what roles. The teacher can only observe this process and help resolve conflict situations. It is best not to let the game take its course, but to invite children to “live through” specific situations:

  • "We collect children in the kindergarten";
  • "Day off";
  • "Big Cleanup";
  • "Repairing a stool";
  • "At the dinner table", etc.

The course of the game should involve not only communication between children, but also contain elements of labor. Before the game, you can read a story to the children on a family everyday topic, and then discuss it and offer to demonstrate the correct model of behavior in the described situation through the game.

Visiting Moidodyr

Target: to form hygiene skills in children, to expand their knowledge about the methods of using hygiene items; teach daily hygiene procedures; to cultivate cleanliness, the desire to protect one's health.

At the beginning of the game, the teacher informs the children that a package from Moidodyr was brought to their group. If necessary, you can talk about who it is, show a cartoon or read a book of the same name and look at its illustrations.

You can invite the guys to play out the plot of the morning preparations for the kindergarten or the evening dress before going to bed.

We meet guests

Target: teach children to prepare for the reception of guests, do the cleaning, properly set the table; develop cooperation skills; inculcate the need to constantly maintain cleanliness.

The teacher warns the children that guys from another group will come to visit them today. Therefore, you need to be well prepared for their reception.

There are two options for playing the game:

  • children are divided into groups, and each performs a separate task (clean, set the table, think about how to entertain guests);
  • children act collectively, and all tasks are performed in turn.

After preparation, the children receive guests.

This type of game also includes "I have a little brother", "Little Pets", "Harvest».

Role-playing games on industrial topics

The card index of role-playing games in the senior group according to the Federal State Educational Standard with goals includes scenarios on production topics. This group of games is aimed at familiarizing children with professions, features of labor activity, and basic production processes.

Morning in kindergarten

Target: introduce children to the duties of kindergarten employees; ; to cultivate respect for work, the desire to provide all possible assistance.

For this game, you need to prepare in advance. Children are invited to observe the actions of the staff for several days during the morning reception of pupils, breakfast or any other events intended for later reproduction.

The game begins with a conversation about what professions people work in their kindergarten. You can briefly discuss the responsibilities of each of them. After that, the distribution of roles should be carried out,. The visitors of the kindergarten will be toys and dolls.

To begin with, the children are given specific tasks: to simulate a meeting by a teacher of children, to prepare breakfast and feed everyone, to do morning exercises, etc. The host monitors the relationship between the children, teaches them to politely communicate with each other, introduces them to the well-established wording of greetings, voicing commands.


Target: to acquaint with the features of the professional activities of store employees; develop dialogical speech; to form skills to coordinate their actions with other peers; to cultivate accuracy, sociability, politeness.

At the preparatory stage, it is recommended to make an excursion to the store and observe the unloading of goods, placing them on the shelves, selling and buying. You can invite the children to talk about how they and their parents shop at the store. If someone's parents work in a store, you need to ask about their professional responsibilities.

  • choose and buy the right product;
  • get advice from a manager;
  • properly pack purchases;
  • return defective goods.

The game can be played several times, inviting children to visit different product departments.


Target: arouse interest in the professions of a doctor, a nurse; to increase children's knowledge about the duties of medical staff; develop the ability to conduct a survey; educate empathy, the desire to care for others, to provide assistance.

The game may be preceded by a visit to the medical office, listening to stories on the relevant topic. The children will talk about their experience of going to the doctor.

All participants in the game are divided into roles and discuss their responsibilities: doctor (examine, listen to complaints and prescribe treatment), nurse (provide first aid, perform procedures), patients (depict the symptoms of the disease). Don't forget to wear protective clothing.

You can play the following scenes:

  • on examination by a doctor;
  • sore throat;
  • cut his finger;
  • going for a vaccination, etc.

During the game, children's attention should be drawn to expressing sympathy for patients, showing concern for them.

The subject of such role-playing games is extensive. Children love games "School", "Construction", "Barbershop", "Beauty Salon", "Pizzeria", "Police", "Firemen", "Cosmonauts" etc.

Role-playing games on social topics

Role-playing games in the older group include stories in which various situations are played out in public places, groups of friends. By involving children in the games of this group, you can form their skills of social behavior, communication with their peers and adults.


Target: teach the rules of behavior in the zoo; expand knowledge about animals, their food preferences and habits; develop vocabulary (names of animals); develop a love for animals.

The teacher announces to the children that they will go on a trip to the zoo and finds out what they know about this place. Next, the host introduces the children to the procedure for buying tickets and presenting them at the entrance. After explanations, this situation is played out by children.

The main part of the game is getting acquainted with the rules of behavior in the zoo and talking about the animals they will meet there. It is especially necessary to draw the attention of children to the observance of safety precautions when dealing with predators.

Masha's birthday

Target: introduce children to the rules of receiving guests; expand knowledge on how to give and receive gifts; learn to serve a festive table; to form communication skills; educate politeness, attentive attitude towards comrades.

The plot of the game is that Mashenka is going to celebrate her birthday and invites all the guys to visit her. This game can be divided into several parts:

  • we are going to visit;
  • select congratulations;
  • accept gifts;
  • we treat guests;
  • birthday entertainment.

At the end of the game, you can ask the children what they liked the most about the holiday.

The street

Target: learn the rules of behavior on the street as a pedestrian or driver; learn to recognize signs and traffic lights, respond to sound signals; develop the ability to act according to the algorithm, control their behavior; develop a sense of responsibility and tolerance.

The game is preceded by a lot of preparatory work. During several walks, the teacher introduces the children to the general view of the street, the type of buildings and their purpose, various cars that drive along the street (including specialized cars).

Since street traffic is very complex, with a large number of participants and rules, it is recommended that such a game be played in the form of a story with illustrations. After the distribution of roles, the teacher begins to describe the "life" of the street, and the children stage it. Thus, it will turn out to combine disparate events into a single plot.

Replies can be as follows:

Serezha approached the traffic light. The traffic light turned red. What should the boy do? That's right, wait. Cars drive past him.

The traffic light is now green. What is Serena doing? (Crossing) What is the right way to do it? (On the pedestrian crossing).

Children not only answer the questions of the educator, but also carry out the voiced actions. It is better in this game to choose two or three main characters who must complete a specific task: get to school, drive to the hospital, etc. The rest play the role of extras.

You can also offer children such games “We go to a cafe”, “We are athletes”, “Library”, “Circus”.

Taking part in role-playing games, children expand their knowledge of social relations, form interaction skills, learn to find ways out in various situations. Thanks to such play activities, an effective social environment is created for the children, contributing to the development of the personality of each in accordance with their individual characteristics and creative inclinations.

Text: Marina Gladko, Photo: Denisova Tatyana Vladimirovna, Boldysheva Elena Sergeevna, speech therapists, Kindergarten No. 74, St. Petersburg from the article.

Card file plot -
role playing games in high school

Tasks: To consolidate children's ideas about the family, about the responsibilities of family members. Develop interest in the game. To teach children to assign roles and act according to the role they have assumed, to develop the plot. Encourage children to play creatively in the game of family life. Learn to act in imaginary situations, use various objects - substitutes. To cultivate love and respect for family members and their work.
Resource support: Furniture, utensils, attributes for equipping a house, a "kindergarten", a large designer, a toy car, a baby doll, a toy stroller, bags, various items - substitutes.
Preliminary work: Conversations: “My family”, “How do I help my mother”, “Who works for whom?” "What do we do at home?" Consideration of plot pictures, photographs on the topic. Reading fiction: N. Zabila "Yasochkin garden",
A. Barto "Mashenka", B. Zakhoder "Builders", "Driver", D. Gabe from the series "My Family":
“Mom”, “Brother”, “Work”, E. Yanikovskaya “I go to kindergarten”, A. Kardashova
"Big washing".
Playing roles: mother, father, grandmother, grandfather, eldest daughter, preschool children, baby doll.
Scenes play out:
"Morning in the family"
"Dinner with the family"
"Dad is a good host"
“We have a baby in our family”
"An Evening in the Family"
Mom puts the kids to bed
"Family Day Off"
“A child in the family got sick”
"Helping Mom Do the Laundry"
"Big house cleaning"
"We've got guests"
"Moving to a new apartment"
"Holiday in the family: mother's day, New Year, birthday"
Game actions:
mom caregiver gets ready and goes to work; prepares everything necessary for classes with children; accepts children, deals with them; plays, walks, draws, teaches, etc.; gives children to parents, cleans the workplace; returning home from work; rests, communicates with her children and her husband; helps grandmother, puts the children to bed.
housewife mom collects and escorts her daughter to kindergarten, her husband to work; takes care of the younger child (doll), walks with him, cleans the house, cooks food; meets a child from kindergarten, a husband from work; feeds them, communicates, puts the children to bed.
Builder Dad going to work, taking the child to kindergarten, going to work; builds houses, bridges; returns from work, picks up a child from kindergarten, returns home; helps his wife around the house, plays with children, communicates.

dad driver going to work, taking the child to kindergarten, going to work; delivers goods (bricks) to the construction site, unloads them, goes for new ones; picks up a child from kindergarten, returns home; helps his wife around the house; invites neighbors to visit for tea; escorts neighbors; communicates with children, plays with them, puts them to bed.
Grandmother collects and escorts grandchildren to kindergarten and school; cleans the house; seeks help from the eldest granddaughter; picks up her granddaughter from kindergarten, asks the teacher about her behavior; prepares dinner, bakes a pie; asks family members how the working day went; offers to invite neighbors for tea (dinner), treats everyone with a pie; playing with grandchildren; gives advices.
Grandpa helps grandmother, dad, reads newspapers, magazines; plays with grandchildren, communicates with neighbors.
Eldest daughter helps grandmother cook food, wash dishes, clean the house, iron clothes; plays and walks with his younger sister, communicates.
Preschool children get up, get ready and go to kindergarten; in kindergarten they are engaged: they play, draw, walk; returning from kindergarten, playing, helping parents, going to bed.
Tasks: To expand children's ideas about the content of the labor activities of kindergarten employees. Encourage children to imitate the actions of adults. Cultivate friendly relationships in the game between children.
Resource support: Dolls with a set of clothes, furniture, dishes, small toys, mops, buckets, rags, aprons, bathrobes, a washing machine, a basin, a stand for drying clothes, an ironing board, irons, a stove, a cookware set, products, a vacuum cleaner, musical instruments .
Preliminary work: Supervision of the work of the educator, assistant educator. Conversation with children about the work of a teacher, assistant teacher, cook, nurse and other kindergarten workers. Excursion-inspection of the musical (physical education) hall, followed by a conversation about the work of the muses. manager (physical manager). Excursion-examination of honey. office, observation of the work of a doctor, conversations from the personal experience of children. Inspection of the kitchen, a conversation about technical equipment that facilitates the work of kitchen workers.
Game-dramatization based on the poem by N. Zabila "Yasochkin's garden" using toys. Excursion to the laundry. Organization of children's work - washing doll linen, handkerchiefs.
Playing roles: Doctor, nurse, educator, music worker, sports director, nanny, cook, laundress.
Scenes play out:
"Morning Reception"
"Our Activities"
"Charging in kindergarten"
"Nanny Job - Breakfast"
"Nanny's Job - Cleaning the Group"
"On a walk"
"At the music class"
"In physical education"
"Medical examination"
"Lunch in the kindergarten"

"The work of a cook in kindergarten"
"Working in a Kindergarten Laundry"
Game actions:
caregiver receives children, talks with parents, plays with children, conducts classes.
Gym teacher conducts morning exercises, physical education.
junior caregiver keeps order in the group, assists the teacher in preparing for classes, receives food ...
Muses. supervisor conducts music. class.
Doctor examines children, listens, makes appointments.
Nurse measures temperature, height, weighs, vaccinates, checks the cleanliness of groups, kitchens.
Cook prepares food, gives it to the teacher's assistants.
Laundress washes clothes, dries, irons, folds neatly, gives clean to the nanny.
Tasks: To arouse in children an interest in the profession of a doctor. To form the ability to creatively develop the plot of the game. Fix the names of medical instruments: phonendoscope, syringe, spatula.
To cultivate a sensitive, attentive attitude to the patient, kindness, responsiveness, a culture of communication.
Vocabulary work: phonendoscope, spatula, vaccination, vitamins.
Resource support: doctor's gown and cap, nurses' gowns and caps, medical instruments (thermometer, syringe, spatula) bandage, brilliant green, cotton wool, mustard plasters, patient cards, vitamins.
Preliminary work: Excursion to the medical office d / s. Supervision of the doctor's work. Reading fiction: J. Rainis "The doll got sick", V.
Berestov "Sick doll". A. Barto "Tamara and I", P. Obraztsov "I'm flying a doll", A.
Kardashov "Our Doctor". Dramatization "Animals get sick." Album review
“We are playing doctor. Production of attributes for the game. Conversations with children “We are being treated by a doctor and a nurse”, “How should one behave in a doctor’s office?”
Playing roles: Doctor, nurse, patient.
Playing out stories:
"At the doctor",
"Doctor's Home Call"
"Injured finger"
"Sore throat"
"We put a prick"
"Let's get vaccinated"
Game actions:
Doctor receives patients, carefully listens to their complaints, asks questions, listens, looks at the throat, makes an appointment.
Nurse gives injections, gives medicine, vitamins, puts mustard plasters, lubricates wounds, bandages.
Sick comes to the doctor's appointment, tells what worries him, follows the doctor's recommendations.

"I am a driver"
Tasks: To expand children's ideas about the profession of a driver, an auto mechanic. Develop the ability to build a role-playing dialogue, use role-playing speech, creativity in the game, using real objects to create a game environment. Cultivate goodwill, willingness to help.
To develop a culture of behavior in transport.
Dictionary words: gas station, gasoline, canister, tanker, conductor, mechanic, baton, inspector, rights.
Resource support: tools for repairing cars, a gas station, building material, a steering wheel, a canister, a hose to simulate refueling a car with gasoline, a bucket with a rag, tickets, money, a bag for the conductor, a traffic light, a baton, an inspector's cap
Traffic police, driver's documents (rights).
Preliminary work: Excursion to the bus stop, observation of the bus, taxi and the work of the driver. Introduce simple regulation gestures:
“stop”, “get ready”, “passage is allowed”. Outdoor games: "Pedestrians and taxis", "Traffic lights". Reading and viewing illustrations on the topic "Drivers". Di
"Attentive driver", "Recognize the car", "Fix the car". Reading: V. Suteev
"Different Wheels", 3. Alexandrova "Truck", A. Kardashov "Rain Car" E.
Motkovskaya “I am a car” B. Stepanov “The driver”, “Bus driver”, B. Zhitkov
“Traffic light”, N. Kalinina “How the guys crossed the street”, N. Pavlova “By car”.
Playing roles: Taxi driver, bus driver, conductor, passengers, truck driver, mechanic, tanker, policeman (traffic police inspector).
Scenes play out:
"Building a Bus"
"Learning to drive a bus"
"The bus carries passengers"
"Car repair"
"Firing the car"
"A truck is carrying furniture to a new house"
"The truck carries goods (bricks, sand, snow)"
"The grocery car carries food (to the store, to the kindergarten, to the hospital)"
"I'm taking passengers to the station"
"I'm going to the garage"
"Let's Go to Kindergarten"
"Roading around the city"
"Let's visit"
"Trip to the cottage"
Game actions:
Taxi driver delivers passengers to the place, takes money for travel, takes care of passengers, helps to put luggage.
Truck driver loading and unloading cargo.
Bus driver drives the bus, turns the steering wheel, gives a signal, fixes problems, makes stops, announces them.
Conductor sells tickets, checks tickets, keeps order in the passenger compartment of the bus, answers passengers' questions about where it is more convenient for them to get off.
Passengers get on the bus, buy tickets, get off at bus stops, yield

places for seniors, passengers with children, help them get off the bus, follow the rules of conduct in public transport, communicate; getting ready for a long trip
- collect things, water, food on the road; dress up, comb their hair, if they go to visit, to the theater.
Mechanic makes repairs, checks the condition of the car before the trip, washes the car with a hose - wipes.
tanker inserts a hose, pours gasoline, takes money.
Policeman (traffic police inspector)- regulates traffic, checks documents, monitors compliance with traffic rules.
Tasks: To acquaint with the specifics of the work of a male and female hairdresser. To form an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bchildren about how women take care of their nails. Learn to perform several sequential actions aimed at fulfilling his duties. Develop the ability to engage in role-playing interaction, build a role-playing dialogue. Foster a culture of communication
Dictionary words: master, hair dryer, apron, cape, razor, manicure.
Resource support: Mirror, nightstand for storing attributes, various combs, bottles, curlers, hairspray, scissors, hair dryer, cape, apron for a hairdresser, manicurist, cleaner, hairpins, rubber bands, bows, towel, magazines with hairstyles samples, razor, clipper hair, towels, money, mop, buckets, rags for dust, for the floor, nail polish, nail file, jars of cream.
Preliminary work: Conversation "Why we need hairdressers." Ethical conversation about the culture of behavior in public places. Reading the stories of B. Zhitkov "What I saw", S. Mikhalkov "At the hairdresser's". Excursion to the hairdresser.
Consideration of items necessary for the work of a hairdresser. Didactic games
"Beautiful hairstyles for dolls", "Let's learn how to tie bows", "Pick a bow for a doll", "Miracle Hairdryer". Consider shaving items. Making attributes for the game with children (aprons, cape, towels, nail files, checks, money, etc.).
Making an album "Hairstyle Models".
Playing roles: Hairdressers - ladies' master and men's master, manicurist, cleaner, clients (visitors): mothers, fathers, their children.
Scenes play out:
"Mom takes her daughter to the hairdresser"
"Dad takes son to hairdresser"
"Let's make dolls beautiful hairstyles"
"We're going by bus to the hairdresser's"
"Hairstyles for the Holidays"
"Let's fix ourselves"
"In the men's room"
"Purchasing goods for the hairdresser"
"We invite a hairdresser to kindergarten"
Game actions:
Women's hairdresser puts a cape on the client, dyes his hair, washes his head, wipes with a towel, cuts his hair, shakes off the cut strands from the cape,

winds on curlers, dries hair with a hairdryer, varnishes, weaves pigtails, pins up hairpins, gives recommendations on hair care.
Male hairdresser shaves, washes, dries hair with a hair dryer, cuts hair, combs clients, gives shape to beards, mustaches, offers to look in the mirror, refreshes with cologne.
Manicurist he files his nails, paints them with varnish, puts cream on his hands.
Clients they politely greet, waiting in line - they look at albums with illustrations of different hairstyles, read magazines, they can drink coffee in a cafe; ask for a haircut, manicure; consult, pay money, thank for services.
Cleaning woman sweeps, dusts, washes the floor, changes used towels.
"Shop - Supermarket"
Tasks: To form children's ideas about the work of people in the store, the variety of stores and their purpose. Learn to perform various roles in accordance with the plot of the game. Develop visual-effective thinking, communication skills.
To cultivate goodwill, the ability to reckon with the interests and opinions of partners in the game.
Dictionary words: showcase, cashier, confectionery.
Resource support: showcase, scales, cash register, bags and baskets for customers, seller's uniform, money, wallets, goods by department, car for transporting goods, cleaning equipment.
"Grocery store": replicas of vegetables and fruits, various pastries from salt dough, replicas of chocolates, sweets, cookies, cakes, pastries, boxes of tea, juice, drinks, sausages, fish, milk packaging, cups for sour cream, jars from yoghurts, etc.
Preliminary work:
Conversations with children “What stores are there and what can you buy in them?” “Who works in the store?”, “Rules for working with the cashier”. D / and "Shop", "Vegetables", "To whom what?". Reading a poem by O. Emelyanova "Toy Store". B. Voronko “The Tale of Unusual Purchases” Making bagels, buns, cookies from salt dough, making sweets.
Playing roles: Seller, buyer, cashier, store manager, driver.
Scenes play out:
"Bakery and confectionery (bread department, shop)"
"Vegetable shop (department)"
"Meat, sausage shop (department)"
"Fish Store (Department)"
"Dairy shop (department)"
"Grocery store"
"Musical Instrument Store"
"Book store"
Game actions:
Salesman puts on a uniform, offers goods, weighs, packs, lays out goods on shelves (decorates a showcase).
Store manager organizes the work of store employees, makes requests for goods, pays attention to the correct work of the seller and cashier, keeps order in the store.

Buyers come for shopping, choose a product, find out the price, consult with sellers, follow the rules of conduct in a public place, pay for a purchase at the checkout, receive a check.
Cashier receives money, punches a check, issues a check, gives change to the buyer.
Chauffeur delivers a certain amount of various goods, receives requests for goods from the store director, unloads the goods brought.
Tasks: Enrich children's knowledge of wild animals, their appearance, habits, nutrition. To expand children's ideas about the duties of zoo employees. To form in children the ability to creatively develop the plot of the game using building floor material, to act with it in a variety of ways. Develop speech, enrich vocabulary.
To cultivate a kind, caring attitude towards animals.
Dictionary words: veterinarian, guide, aviary (cage).
Resource support: Sign "Zoo", building material (large, small), a truck with a cage, animal toys, plates for food, dummies of food, panicles, scoops, buckets, rags, an apron with oversleeves for workers, tickets, money, cash desk, white coat for the veterinarian, thermometer, phonendoscope, first aid kit.
Preliminary work: A story about a visit to the zoo. Conversations about animals using illustrations about the zoo. Conversation "Rules of conduct in the zoo."
Guessing riddles about animals, Reading poems by S.Ya. Marshak "Children in a cage," Where did the sparrow dine? ", V. Mayakovsky" Every page, then an elephant, then a lioness.
Production of the album "Zoo". Drawing and modeling animals. Didactic games:
“Animals and their cubs”, “Mysteries about animals”, “Who lives where? ”, “Animals of hot countries”, “Animals of the North”.
Playing roles: Zoo director, tour guide, zoo workers (ministers), doctor
(veterinarian), cashier, builder, visitors.
Scenes play out:
"We build cages for animals"
"The zoo is coming to us"
"Zoo tour"
"We are going to the zoo"
"Purchasing food for animals"
"Feeding Animals"
"Cleaning the aviaries (cages)"
"Treatment of Animals"
Game actions:
zoo director runs the zoo.
Guide conducts tours, talks about animals, what they eat, where they live, their appearance, how to treat animals, talks about security measures, how to care for them.
Zoo workers (ministers) receives food for animals, cooks

special food for animals, feed them, clean cages and aviaries, wash their pets, take care of them.
Doctor (veterinarian) conducts an examination of the animal, measures the temperature, vaccinates, treats the inhabitants of the zoo, gives injections, gives vitamins.
Cashier sells tickets to the zoo and excursions.
Builder builds an aviary for the animal.
Visitors buy tickets at the box office and go to the zoo, see the animals.
Tasks: To teach children to take on and play the roles of captain, helmsman, sailors, cook-cook, sailors-fishermen. Continue to teach how to use substitute items, clearly follow the chain of game actions. Activate the speech of children.
Cultivate friendships, a sense of collectivism.
Vocabulary work: Kok, anchor, helm.
Resource support: large-scale construction material, captain's cap, peakless caps, guis-collars, life buoy, medical gown, medical instruments, anchor, steering wheel, binoculars, bucket, mop, cook-cook costume, dining utensils, toy fish, nets, fish box, money.
Preliminary work: Reading fiction about fishing, ships, sailors. View photos, pictures about the sea, sailors, ships. Conversation
"Who works on the ship." Drawing and modeling fish.
Playing roles: Captain, fishermen, doctor, cook (cook), driver.
Scenes play out:
"Building a Ship"
"Sailors sail on a ship on the sea"
"Sailors fish, work as fishermen"
"Sailors check the health of the ship's doctor"
"Sailors sail the sea, fish, dine"
"The sailors go ashore and go to the hairdresser"
“Sailors bring their catch ashore, hand over the fish to the store”
"Sailors sail to the big city and go to the Zoo"
"The sailors returned from the voyage and went to the store"
Game actions:
Captain steers the ship, turns the helm, looks through binoculars, gives the command to set sail, anchor, catch fish, controls the work of the fishermen, gives the command to moor to the shore.
Seafarers-fishermen follow orders, wash the deck, unwind the net, throw it into the sea, catch fish, put it in boxes.
Doctor examines the sailors before sailing, allows you to go to sea, treats the sick on the ship.
Cook (cook) cooks food, feeds sailors.
Driver drives up to the ship, checks the quality of the fish, buys fish from the fishermen, loads it into the car and takes it to the store.

Tasks: To form in children ideas about the work of postal workers. Expand children's ideas about how to send and receive correspondence. Develop imagination, thinking, speech. Cultivate independence, responsibility, desire to benefit others.
Vocabulary work: printing, parcel, postman, sorter, receiver.
Resource support: a table for sending and receiving parcels, a mailbox, a postman's bag, envelopes with paper, stamps, postcards, parcel boxes, children's magazines and newspapers, attributes for the character "pigeon", money, wallets, a seal, a car.
Preliminary work: Excursion to the post office, monitoring the reception of correspondence, sending mail. Conversations about different types of communication: mail, telegraph, telephone, Internet, radio. View m / f "Holidays in Prostokvashino", "Winter in
Prostokvashino", "Snowman-mailer". Reading S. Ya. Marshak "Mail", Y. Kushan
Postal History. Making stamps, envelopes, postcards, stamps, mailboxes for letters, bags, money, wallets, etc. Collecting postcards, magazines, calendars. Didactic games "Send a letter",
"Journey of a letter", "What is needed for the work of a postman", "How to send a parcel". Listening to "Postman's Song" B. Savelyev.
Playing roles: Postman, sorter, receiver, driver, visitors.
Scenes play out:
"A letter has arrived, a postcard"
« Carrier pigeon brought a letter
"Send a greeting card"
"Buying a magazine at the post office"
"Send a package to your grandmother"
"A package from a fairy-tale hero"
"The driver is carrying the mail"
Game actions:
Postman takes letters, newspapers, magazines, postcards from the post office; distributes them to addresses; sends correspondence to the mailbox.
Visitor sends letters, postcards, parcels, packs them; buys envelopes, newspapers, magazines, postcards; observes the rules of conduct in a public place; takes the queue; receives letters, newspapers, magazines, postcards, parcels.
Receiver serves visitors; accepts parcels; sells newspapers and magazines.
Sorter sorts letters, newspapers, magazines, parcels, puts a stamp on them; explains to the driver where to go (to the railway, to the airport ...).
Chauffeur takes out letters and postcards from the mailbox; delivers new newspapers, magazines, postcards, letters to the post office; brings parcels; delivers letters and parcels by postal cars to trains, planes, and ships.
