What factors affect human health. What does human health depend on? Factors of a person's physical health

Pasechnikova Ekaterina

Work plan.

Objective: In the course of studying the level of health of students, to establish what their health depends on.


1. Tell about healthy lifestyle.

2. Conduct a theoretical study on this issue (Appendix 2)

3. Conduct an analysis of the questionnaires (Appendix 1)

4. Conduct an analysis for medical reasons (Appendix 3)



Prepared by: student 10 "A"

Pasechnikova Ekaterina.

Checked by: physical education teacher

Tolkova Svetlana Viktorovna




Main part:

1. Human health depends on a healthy lifestyle:

1.1 Components of a healthy lifestyle:

A) Proper nutrition

b) Physical education and sports

c) Daily routine

d) hardening

e) Personal hygiene

e) Quit bad habits.

1. 2. Human health depends on heredity

1. 3 Health depends on ecology, medicine

2. Study of a healthy lifestyle of students of GBOU secondary school No. 8

2.1 Analysis of the questionnaire

2.2 Conclusions

3. References

4. Application (1)

5. Application (2)

6. Application (3)


Health is not everything

but everything without health is nothing.


Statistics show a regular decline in the level of children's health in recent decades. Insufficient physical activity of children and adolescents is associated with a high workload of educational work. The situation is aggravated by the low culture of students' recreation. As a result, children develop the whole complex of health disorders, which is commonly referred to as physical inactivity. Health in a person's life plays an important role. Health is the most important treasure of a person. After all, a person's life depends on his health. Dispassionate statistics give us truly terrible figures. According to the Ministry of Health, only 5% of school graduates today are practically healthy, 50% have morphophysiological abnormalities, over 70% suffer from various neuropsychiatric disorders. The younger generation is being degraded.

We are very concerned about the health of schoolchildren, its rapid decline from class to class. “The sick generation has neither a healthy body nor a healthy spirit…” – these are the assessments of recent years. We believe that health can only be maintained if you know what it is.

Health is inextricably linked to a healthy lifestyle.

Healthy lifestyle- this is the optimal individual mode of the day; hardening; balanced diet; no bad habits.

According to Academician Yu. P. Lisitsyn,healthy lifestyleis an individual system of human behavior that provides him with physical, mental and social well-being in a real environment and active longevity.

The formation of a healthy lifestyle from early childhood is the foundation of good health. We emphasize that the state of health of each person is in his hands. This is evidenced by the generalized data of the World Health Organization: human health depends on:

  • 50% of lifestyle;
  • 20% of heredity;
  • 20% of the environment;
  • by 10% from the development of the healthcare system
  1. Human health depends on healthy lifestyle
  1. Components of a healthy lifestyle:

A) Proper nutrition.

B) Physical education and sports.

C) Correct distribution of the daily routine.

D) hardening.

D) Personal hygiene.

E) Quitting bad habits

Proper nutrition.

Proper nutrition plays an important role in human life. With food, a person receives all the most important substances for the work, growth and development of the body.

The main function is performed by carbohydrates, fats and proteins, with their help a person replenishes the expended energy.

Vitamins and minerals also play an important role in the life of the body, they are also needed for the development and growth of the body.

During cooking, many vitamins are destroyed, so berries, fruits and vegetables are recommended to be consumed raw. For the development and growth of the body, a variety of food is needed, but you also need to follow the rules for the proper absorption of food:

  1. You should try to eat at the same time.
  2. Do not eat dry.
  3. Do not snack between meals.
  4. Eat slowly and chew your food well.
  5. Do not talk or be distracted while eating.

Many people know that without food a person can live a month, and without water only a couple of days. After all, water is one of the most important components of human life, but not everyone knows that water is not always useful as water should be consumed only from known sources. Raw water should be boiled, and boiled water should be boiled every three hours.

Sports and physical education

Even in ancient times, it was noticed that physical activity contributes to the formation of a strong and hardy person, immobility leads to obesity, to a decrease in efficiency and diseases.

The lack of muscle load reduces the intensity of energy metabolism, which adversely affects the skeletal and cardiac muscles. In addition, a small number of nerve impulses coming from working muscles reduces the tone of the nervous system, previously acquired skills are lost, and new ones are not formed.

Our performance depends on physical activity. A person who goes in for sports is visible from afar, he is intense, energetic, always ready for action.

Different sports give rise to different qualities in a person, for example, endurance, plasticity, speed, ease of movement, and many other qualities.

Sports activities not only develop character in a person, but also contribute to the development of the musculoskeletal, circulatory, respiratory and nervous systems.

A person who does not have the opportunity to seriously engage in sports should do simple gymnastics. If you do gymnastics every morning, it will help to strengthen your health, temper your character, and increase your efficiency.

Daily regime

The state of a person, his well-being and academic performance, as well as health, depend on the daily routine.

Each of the students attends not only the school, but also various sections, therefore, in order to have time to do all the planned things, you need to create your own daily routine. For example, you need to go to bed at the same time, because when you get up in the morning you will not feel tired, it will be easy for you to get up, and you will feel great all day.

The order in actions and in their implementation at the same time helps to develop a good memory, educates willpower and teaches discipline.

A person who observes the daily routine is always cheerful, energetic and cheerful.

Sample daily routine:

6:30 am - get up

6:35 – gymnastics

6: 45 – hygiene procedures

6:55 – breakfast

7:50 – 8:15 - way to school

8:30 – 13:50 - school lessons

14:10 - 14:40 - way home

14:50 - 15:20 - lunch

16:45 – 18:00 - visiting the section

1800 - 18:30 - the way home

18:40 - 18:50 - dinner

18:50 – 23:00 - time allotted for lessons and for personal affairs.

23:00 - getting ready for bed.


We know that the sun, air and water are good for our health, but this is not always the case. It is dangerous to lie under the sun for a long time, as you can get either a burn or a sunstroke. Long exposure to cold water can lead to colds. The most ancient and not dangerous way is hardening. There are rules on how to start hardening correctly:

  1. It is necessary to start hardening in warm weather, when you can simultaneously take air and sun baths.
  2. Water procedures begin while swimming in the river.
  3. The duration of hardening at first should be long, and the temperature of air and water should be at least twenty degrees above zero.
  4. The temperature of the water for hardening should be reduced gradually, every three days by one degree.
  5. After the procedure, the body should be rubbed with a dry towel until slight redness.
  6. You need to harden every day, if you miss two weeks, you will need to start all over again. If you get too cold, then you should stop hardening.

Personal hygiene

Personal hygiene is keeping the body, hair, nails, mouth, etc. clean.

Dirty hands, unbrushed teeth are not pleasant for you and those around you.

The main hygienic procedure is washing, to maintain the cleanliness of the body.

During the day, and especially after exercise, hands, face, neck become dirty, they should be washed twice a day with soap and warm water.

Hands should be washed not only in the evening and in the morning, but also before meals, after a walk.

Unbrushed teeth also cause many diseases, in order to keep teeth clean they need to be brushed twice a day for several minutes, while the toothbrush should not be too hard and not too soft. If you eat a lot of sweets, then caries occurs, therefore, in order to keep your teeth healthy and beautiful, you need to visit the dentist every six months.

Rejection of bad habits

“Smoking is harmful, drinking is disgusting, and dying healthy is a pity,” says a comic, but at the same time sad saying. Cigarettes and alcohol as well as drugs destroy our body. No need to poison your body in vain - life is too short, and alcohol and tobacco will make it much shorter.

We want to show that in order to be healthy, it is not enough just to play sports, you also need to follow many different rules. Not all components of a healthy lifestyle are indicated in the work, there are a great many of them. We have listed the most important

the components that are easiest to follow, or rather, they are the main ones, they are the basis of the meaning of a healthy lifestyle.

1.2. Human health depends on heredity

The physical health of future children is formed today through the lifestyle of their future parents - today's schoolchildren.

20% of our health depends on heredity - the figure is good, and it seems that it is impossible to influence it - it is given to one, and not to the other. But this is only a first glance. Of course, we cannot influence our own current heredity, but we can influence the heredity of our children and grandchildren, make it much better.

  1. 3. The state of health depends on the environment.

20% of our health depends on the environment. And 10% from medicine.

But people also influence this figure. Whoever pollutes his environment, if not the man himself with his unreasonable activities, then reaps the fruits of "bad ecology". Let's give up industry, cars - obvious sources of pollution and poisoning of the environment of our living space. Let's start cleansing ourselves. We live on our own, we don’t want to take care of our health, and when we get sick, we eat pills that “health care” prescribes in these cases. Millions of tons of all kinds of medicines are produced by pharmaceutical factories, and people regularly consume them. It was recently discovered that the underground drinking springs in the resorts of the Alps are poisoned with ... thirty types of the most common medicines. It turned out that the drug, having passed through the body, does not break down, but retains its medicinal properties. Together with urine, it enters wastewater, and then ... mixes with underground drinking water and accumulates in them. The use of such "drinking water", even bathing in it (especially young children) leads to allergies and other ailments. Antibiotics, sedatives, cardiac, contraceptive and other drugs repeatedly “bombard” the human body. Alas, it is a fact: mankind has poisoned drinking water. Moreover, harmful microorganisms, constantly staying in the medicinal environment, adapt to it and become more resistant to the effects of drugs. This is how such viruses, fungi, microbes and other muck appear, against which modern medicines are powerless. More powerful ones are needed. To stop this unnecessary and useless race, stop poisoning the environment - heal yourself with natural remedies.

Due to the proper organization of his life, a person can cope with any disease on his own.

  1. Study of the Healthy Lifestyle of Students of GBOU Secondary School No. 8

What does human health depend on?

Work plan.

Objective : In the course of studying the level of health of students, to establish what their health depends on.

Tasks :

  1. Tell about the HOS.
  2. Conduct a theoretical study on this issue (Appendix 2)

3. Conduct an analysis of the questionnaires (Appendix 1)

4. Conduct an analysis for medical reasons (Appendix 3)

Practical value: Statistics show a regular decline in the level of children's health in recent decades. Insufficient physical activity of children and adolescents is associated with a high workload of educational work. The situation is aggravated by the low culture of students' recreation. As a result, children develop the whole complex of health disorders, which is commonly referred to as physical inactivity. The data obtained convincingly indicate that the state of children's health is largely determined by their own attitude towards it.

I had class hours on the topic “Healthy lifestyle”, after which a questionnaire was distributed (Appendix 2) and this questionnaire was analyzed (Appendix 1).

I conducted a study on medical diseases, the data was taken from the school health worker (Appendix 3)


The conducted research convincingly testifies that the state of a person's health is largely determined by his own attitude towards him. The analysis of the questionnaires showed the lack of purposeful education in children of a culture of health, both in the family and in educational institutions.

The low level of health culture at all age stages of human development will affect many aspects of his life. In particular, the following should be noted:

The lack of knowledge about the individual characteristics of one’s body does not allow one to build a rational mode of life (including the daily routine, physical activity, nutrition, psychophysical training, hardening, choosing a profession, sport and other aspects of life that are most important for a person).

Low motivation for a healthy life, as a teenager not in a family, not at school, does not create an idea of ​​life priorities. At the same time, as the results of the study showed, a significant part of the adolescents participating in the study assess the role of health quite highly in their ideal ideas. But the insufficient level of knowledge about ways to achieve health in everyday life shifts the role of this priority in favor of other, often more attractive and affordable conditions that require less effort, but give a sense of pleasure. At the same time, the long-term consequences of such a life, accompanied by a gradual accumulation of signs of health disorders in the body, are poorly predicted.

A low level of knowledge about a healthy lifestyle, means and methods of achieving it, leads to the fact that a person is not able to assess the level of his health, his state at the moment and, depending on this, determine the optimal mode of life for himself. Moreover, knowing that he must do physical exercises, that he must eat right, that he must temper himself, that he must monitor his mental state, etc., he does not know how to do all this, with what means, using what methods. . Of course, teaching a healthy lifestyle should be a red thread throughout a person’s life, however, a person should receive the basics of a healthy lifestyle education, no doubt, in school years. Working on this topic taught us the basic skills of conducting research.

At school and in the family, it is necessary to form a culture of health, an active attitude towards one's health, a consciousness that health is the greatest value of a person. As part of the work on class hours, at extracurricular activities in the lessons of physical education, life safety, biology and parent meetings, following the results of the study, conduct lectures, practical classes for school students, teachers and parents on the basics of a healthy lifestyle.


1. Bal L.V. "Formation of a healthy lifestyle

2. Journal "Theory and Practice of Physical Culture", No. 6, 2001, p. 15

3. Journal "Theory and practice of physical culture", No. 6, 2001, p. 15

4. Jumpers. A. E. "My health is my wealth"

5. Smirnov N.K. Health-saving technologies in modern school, M., Arkti, 2004, pp. 206-207

6.P.M., Vlados.Lanana. "The role of health in human life".

7.Internet resources;

Appendix 1

Questionnaire analysis: 10th-11th grades took part in the survey

Of the respondents, 74 people: boys - 36 - 48.6%; girls – 38–51.3%.

Age composition: 15 years old - 14 people - 18.9%; 16 years old - 46 people - 62.1; 17 years old - 14 people - 18.1%; . (fig.1)


Question 1. Factors that determine health.Most of the respondents in the first place put heredity as a factor determining health - 25 people - 33.7%, second place - ecology - 24 people - 32.4% and only in third place lifestyle - 16 people - 21.6%, in fourth place place of medicine - 10 people - 7.4%.

Human health is determined precisely by the way of life that he leads, working conditions, nutrition, habits. Numerous statistics on the study of human physical health show that among them 10-15% relate to the organization of health care, 10-20% to natural conditions, 18-25% to heredity, and 50-52% to lifestyle.

Question 2. life priorities. Most of the respondents in the first place in their life priorities put material wealth - 18 people from among the respondents - 24.3%, in the second place - the family - 14 people - 18.9%, in the third place - study - 12 people - 16.2 %, in fourth place - interesting work - 11 people - 14.8%, in fifth place - recreation and entertainment - 10 people - 7.4%, and only in sixth place is health - 9 people - 12.1%.


Unfortunately, in the hierarchy of needs, the satisfaction of which is the basis of human behavior, health is far from being in the foreground, but in essence it should be in the first place, that is, it should become the first need.

Question 3. Obtaining information about healthy lifestyle.The respondents receive information about healthy lifestyle first of all - from TV shows - 18 people - 24.3%, secondly from a doctor - 16 people - 21.6%, thirdly in the family - 15 people - 20.2%, from a teacher in the fourth - 13 people -17.5%, the fifth from friends - 12 people - 16.2%.

The formation of a teenager's life position takes place in the family, and only 15% of the respondents receive information about healthy lifestyles in the family.


Question 4. Factors that positively affect health. The attitude to the factors that positively affect the health of the respondents was distributed as follows: in the first place, the majority put - good sleep -19 people - 25.6%, in the second - physical culture - 15 people - 20.2%, in the third - recreation - 13 people - 17.5%, the fourth - rational nutrition - 10 people - 7.4%, the fifth - hygiene - 9 people - 12.1%, the sixth mental well-being - 8 people - 10.8%.


The modern concept of a healthy lifestyle includes the following components - optimal motor mode; - rational nutrition; - hardening; - personal hygiene; - positive emotions.

Question 5. Factors that negatively affect health. The attitude to the factors negatively affecting health among the respondents was distributed as follows: in the first place, the majority put - inadequate sleep 19 people - 25.6%, in the second place - lack of time 16 people - 21.6%, in the third place - lack of movement 12 people - 16.2%, the fourth - physical overstrain 10 people -7.4%, the fifth - smoking 8 people - 10.8%, the sixth - alcohol - 6 people - 8.1%, the seventh - non-compliance with hygiene requirements - 3 people - 4.05%.


Addiction to bad habits of alcohol and smoking harm both the health of the person most susceptible to them, and the health of the people around him. The participants, placing smoking and alcohol consumption on the fifth and sixth places, respectively, believe that these factors have a negative impact on human health in the last turn.

Question 6. Factors that prevent you from taking care of your health. In the first place, the majority of those participating in the survey put laziness - 14 people - 18.9%, in the second place - lack of time - 15 people - 20.1%, in the third place - lack of conditions - 11 people 14, 8%, the fourth place is the lack of knowledge about healthy lifestyle - 10 people - 7.4%, the fifth place is material difficulties - 9 people - 12.1%, the sixth place is the lack of interest - 8 people -10.8%, the seventh place believe that diseases are not threatened by 7 - people -9.5%.

Young people are relatively healthy, so they do not think about health (there is no need to preserve and strengthen it). The answer to the question shows how the respondent relates to their own health.

Question 7. Attitude to your health (yes, no, sometimes).

7.1. 46 people consider themselves healthy - 62.1%, consider that they have health problems - 28 people - 37.8%

Rice. 7.1

7.2. They take care of their health: regularly - 18 people - 24.3%, 32 people - 43.2% do not do it, sometimes they do it - 24 people - 32.4%.

Rice. 7.2

7.3. Think about their health - 11 people - 14.8%, sometimes think about their health - 46 people - 62.1%, do not think about their health - 17 people - 22.9%.


7.4. 10 people - 7.4% are systematically hardened, 64 people - 92.6% are not hardened.

7.5. 54 people go in for physical culture - 72.9%, sometimes go in for physical culture - 16 people - 21.6%, do not go in for physical culture - 4 people - 5.4%.

7.6. Go in for sports - 32 people - 43.2%, do not go in for sports - 42 people - 56.7%.

7.7. 14 people eat rationally - 18.9, not always rationally eat - 16 people -

21.6%, do not eat rationally - 44 people - 59.4%.

7.8. Regularly visit the bath - 8 people - 10.8%, do not visit the bath - 66 people - 89.1%.

7.9. 36 people - 48.6% observe the daily regimen, 22 people - 29.7% do not always observe the daily regimen, 16 people - 21.6% do not comply with the daily regimen.


7.10. 44 people refrain from bad habits - 59.4%, sometimes refrain from bad habits - 20 people - 14.8%, do not refrain from bad habits - 10 people - 7.4%.

7.11. 32 people have a good sleep - 40%, sometimes have a good sleep - 16 people - 33%, do not have a good sleep - 26 people - 27%.

Analysis of questionnaires on the issue of attitude to one's health shows a low level of a healthy lifestyle. Moreover, knowing that you need to exercise, that you need to eat right, that you need to temper yourself, observe the daily routine and refrain from bad habits, the majority of those participating in the survey do not do this in the system, they are not oriented in life to maintaining and strengthening health.

Question 8. Attitudes towards health in the family.

8.1. Parents of 12 adolescents participating in the survey show interest in health - 16.2%, sometimes interested in the basics of health - 24 people - 32.4%, parents of 38 adolescents are not interested in health - 51.3%.

Rice. 8.1

8.2. In the family, 21 people out of the respondents go in for physical education - 28.3%, sometimes they go in for physical education in 18 people out of the number of respondents - 24.3%, 35 people out of the respondents do not go in for physical education in the family - 47.2%.

8.3. Smokers in the family: mother and father - 16 people - 21.6%, only father - 37 people - 50%, only mother - 5 people - 6.7%, parents of 16 students do not smoke - 21.6%.

Rice. 8.3

Question 9 . Assessment of the level of their physical development. Most of the adolescents participating in the survey assess their health as average - 45 people - 60.8%, 16 people - 21.6% - assess their health above average, 13 people - 17.5% - assess their health as high.

Question 10 . Assessment of the level of knowledge and skills in their health.

10.1. 34 people - 45.9% know about the anatomical functions of the organs and organ systems of their body, 42 people - 54.1% know partially

44 people - 59.4% know about the prevention of postural disorders, flat feet, disorders of the organs of vision and hearing, 32 people - 43.2% know partially. 66 people know about the prevention and treatment of colds - 89.1%, 8 people partially know - 10.8%.

10.2. They know how to provide first aid for bleeding and injuries - 45 people - 60.8%, they will not be able to provide assistance - 29 people - 39.1%.

10.3. Own methods of self-control:

44 people - 59.4% know how to use heart rate monitoring, 30 people - 40.5% do not know how to use this method of self-control

44 people - 59 4% are able to assess their physical development, 30 people - 40.5% are not able to assess their physical development.

29 people - 39.1% are able to assess their physical fitness, 45 people - 60.8% are not able to assess their physical fitness.

The analysis showed that not all adolescents have knowledge about the individual characteristics of their body, which is why the child cannot build a rational mode of life (including the daily routine, physical activity, nutrition, psychophysical training, hardening, choosing a profession, sport and other important for person of the aspects of his life), which would correspond to his characteristics. Adolescents do not know how to assess their health level, they cannot assess their current state and, depending on this, determine the optimal mode of life for themselves.

11. Bad habits.

12.1. 25 people smoke - 33.7%, girls smoke - 8 people - 10.8%, boys smoke - 17 people - 22.9%.

Smoke one cigarette a day - 20 people - 14.8, 2 - 3 cigarettes a day - 5 people - 3.7%, 4-5 cigarettes a day - 0 people - 0%


Annex 2

For self-assessment by students of their level of health, a questionnaire of 11 questions was compiled.

Research on students in grades 10-11 GBOU secondary school No. 8

In tasks from 1 to 6, it is necessary to number the indicated factors in descending order of their importance individually for each respondent.

Question 1. Factors that determine health:

1.1. ecology

1.2. heredity

1.3. Lifestyle

1.4. the medicine

To establish the question, which factor, in the opinion of the respondent, is the most important in maintaining and strengthening his health.

Question 2. Life priorities:

2.1. studies

2.2. family

2.3. interesting job

2.4. health

2.5. material wealth

2.6. recreation and entertainment

The answer to question 2 shows what place health occupies in the hierarchy of human needs.

Question 3. Get information about healthy lifestyle:

3.1. From friends

3.2. in family

3.3. from the teacher

3.4. from TV shows

3.5. from doctors

To establish the question from whom the student receives information about healthy lifestyles.

Question 4. Factors that positively affect health:

4.1. Physical Culture

4.2. hygiene

4.4. balanced diet

4.5. good sleep

4.6. wellness vacation

4.3. mental well-being

The distribution of factors by place shows which of them, in the opinion of the respondent, will be the most important in ensuring the preservation and promotion of health.

Question 5. Factors that adversely affect health:

5.1. alcohol

5.2. lack of movement

5.3. smoking

5.4. lack of time

5.5. lack of interest in health

5.6 physical overvoltage

5.7. non-compliance with hygiene requirements

5.8. inadequate sleep

The distribution of factors by place shows which of them, in the opinion of the respondent, will have the greatest harm to health.

Question 6. Factors that prevent you from taking care of your health:

6.1. lack of interest

6.2. no conditions

6.3. Lack of time

6.4. laziness

6.5. material difficulties

6.6. lack of knowledge about healthy lifestyle

6.7. think that you are not threatened with illness

The answer shows how the person answering the question justifies not being interested in his health.

Question 7. Attitude towards your health (yes, no, sometimes):

7.1. I consider myself healthy

7.2. regularly take care of my health

7.3. I think about my health

7.4. systematically harden

7.5. I go in for physical culture

7.6. go in for sports

7.7. I eat rationally (regularly, a sufficient number of times).

7.8. I go to the bath regularly

7.9. follow the daily routine

7.10. refrain from bad habits

7.11. I have a good sleep

Shows whether the subject leads a healthy lifestyle, whether there are bad habits in his life

Question 8. Attitude towards health in the family:

8.1. Are your parents interested in health?

8.2. are the members of your

family physical education?

8.3. do one (both) of the parents smoke? (write)

The answer to the question shows whether a culture of health and the foundations of a healthy lifestyle are being formed in the family.

high, above average, average, below average, unsatisfactory

The answer to the question shows whether the respondent can realistically assess the level of his health.

On the anatomical functions of organs and systems of a teenager

Prevention of postural disorders

flat feet,

Disorders of the organs of vision and hearing

On the prevention and treatment of colds

10.2. ability to provide first aid for: bleeding and injuries.

10.3. possession of self-control methods:

Heart rate monitor

Assessment of physical development (height, weight, chest circumference, etc.)

Assessment of physical fitness (tests for speed, dexterity, flexibility, strength)

Shows whether the respondent has knowledge about the structure and functioning of his body, about the prevention of possible health disorders, whether he knows the methods for determining the level of his own health.

Question 11. Information about your health:

11. 1. colds during the year (how many times) ______

11..2. chronic diseases (if yes, which ones?) _________

11..3. condition:




The answer to the question shows whether the person answering the question has disorders in the functioning of the body. Indicates whether a teenager falls into the category of persons addicted to smoking and drinking alcohol.

12. Bad habits:

girls smoke __________

young men smoke

smoke one cigarette per day

2-3 cigarettes a day _______________

4-5 cigarettes per day______________

Appendix 3

Information about the health status of participants in the experiment.

11.1. 34 people had colds once during the year - 45.9%, twice - 20 people - 14.8%, three times - 12 people - 16.2%.

11.2. Chronic diseases have 32 people - 43.2%. Chronic diseases: gastritis in 18 people - 24.3%, pancreatitis - in 6 people - 8.1%, bronchitis in 10 people - 7.4%.

11.3. State of the body: 12 people have a violation of posture - 16.2%, scoliosis - 8 people - 10.8%, normal condition of the spine - 54 people - 72.9%

Everyone wants good health, because it ensures the harmonious development of the personality, determines the ability to work and is the main human need.

And, unfortunately, not everyone is familiar with the factors that determine health. People often shift responsibility to others without taking care of themselves. Leading a bad person by the age of thirty leads the body to a terrible state and only then think about medicine.

But doctors are not omnipotent. We create our own destiny, and everything is in our hands. This is what we will cover in this article, we will consider the main factors that determine the health of the population.

Indicators that determine human health

Let's talk about components first. Distinguish:

  • Somatic. Good health and vitality.
  • Physical. Proper development and training of the body.
  • Mental. A healthy spirit and a sober mind.
  • Sexual. The level and culture of sexuality and childbearing activity.
  • Moral. Compliance with morality, rules, norms and foundations in society.

Apparently, the term "health" is cumulative. Each individual must have an idea about the human body, the work of organs and systems. Know the features of your psychological state, be able to adjust your physical and mental abilities.

Now let's talk about the criteria that match each component:

  • normal physical and genetic development;
  • absence of defects, diseases and any deviations;
  • healthy mental and mental state;
  • the possibility of healthy reproduction and normal sexual development;
  • correct behavior in society, compliance with norms and principles, understanding oneself as a person and an individual.

We have considered the components and criteria, and now let's talk about human health as a value, the factors that determine it.

Activity is encouraged from an early age.


  1. Physical health.
  2. Mental.
  3. Moral.

A physically and spiritually healthy person lives in perfect harmony. He is happy, receives moral satisfaction from work, improves himself, and as a reward he gets longevity and youth.

Factors that determine human health

To be healthy and happy, you need to lead a healthy lifestyle. It is necessary to desire this and strive for the task at hand.

How to achieve this goal:

  1. Maintain a certain level of physical activity.
  2. Have emotional and psychological stability.
  3. Temper.
  4. Healthy food.
  5. Follow the daily routine (work, rest).
  6. Forget about bad habits (alcohol, smoking, drugs).
  7. Observe moral standards in society.

It is very important to lay the foundation for a child from early childhood, so that later, in the process of building his future, the "walls" would be strong and durable.

A person is influenced by many things. Consider the main factors that determine health:

  1. Heredity.
  2. The attitude of a person to his own health and his way of life.
  3. environment.
  4. The level of medical care.

Those were the key points.

Let's talk more about each

Heredity plays a huge role. If relatives are healthy and strong, long-lived, the same fate is prepared for you. The main thing is to maintain your own health.

Lifestyle is what you are. That's right, because proper nutrition, jogging, exercising, cold showers, hardening - this is your health. You need to be able to deny yourself for good. Let's say friends invite you to a nightclub, and tomorrow you have a hard day at work, of course, it's better to stay at home, get enough sleep, than with a sore head, inhaling nicotine, plunge into work. This applies to smoking, alcohol and drug use. Should be head on shoulders.

There are factors that determine human health that do not depend on us. This is the environment. Gas emissions from transport, the use of goods and food from unscrupulous manufacturers, mutating old viruses (flu) and the emergence of new ones - all this negatively affects our health.

We also depend on the healthcare system that exists in the region in which we live. Medicine in many cases is paid, and not many people have the means to get the help of a good, highly qualified specialist.

Thus, we have defined health as a value and considered the factors that determine it.

Health is a diamond that needs to be cut. Consider two basic rules for building a healthy lifestyle:

  • phasing;
  • regularity.

It is very important in any training process, whether it is the development of muscles, hardening, correcting posture, mastering educational material or mastering a specialty, to do everything gradually.

And, of course, do not forget about the systematic, so as not to lose the result, experience and skills.

So, we have considered the main factors that determine health, and now let's talk about the processes that negatively affect a person's lifestyle.

What makes health worse

Consider risk factors:

  • Bad habits (smoking, alcohol, drugs, substance abuse).
  • Poor nutrition (unbalanced eating, overeating).
  • Depressive and stressful condition.
  • Lack of physical activity.
  • Sexual behavior that leads to sexually transmitted infections and unwanted pregnancies.

These are health risk factors. Let's talk about them in more detail.

Let's define the term

Risk factors are confirmed or approximately possible conditions of the internal and external environment of the human body, conducive to any disease. May not be the cause of the disease, but contribute to a greater likelihood of its occurrence, progression and adverse outcome.

What other risk factors exist

Here are some examples:

  • Biological. Bad heredity, congenital defects.
  • Socio-economic.
  • Environmental phenomena (poor ecology, peculiarities of climatic and geographical conditions).
  • Violation of hygiene standards, their ignorance.
  • Non-observance of regimes (sleep, nutrition, work and rest, educational process).
  • Unfavorable climate in the family and in the team.
  • Poor physical activity and many others.

Having studied examples of risk, it remains for a person to purposefully, persistently, conscientiously work to reduce them and strengthen health protection factors.

Let's take a closer look at physical health. It affects not only the ability to work, but also life in general.

Physical health. Factors that determine physical health

This is a state of the human body, the characteristic features of which help to adapt to any circumstances, when all organs and systems are functioning normally.

It should be noted that maintaining a healthy lifestyle is not just about sports, adherence to regimens and proper nutrition. This is a certain attitude that a person adheres to. He is engaged in self-improvement, spiritual development, raises the cultural level. All together makes his life better.

Lifestyle is the first major factor. Prudent human behavior aimed at maintaining one's health should include:

  • compliance with the optimal mode of work, sleep and rest;
  • the obligatory presence of everyday physical activity, but within the normal range, no less, no more;
  • complete rejection of bad habits;
  • only proper and balanced nutrition;
  • teaching positive thinking.

It is necessary to understand that it is the factor of a healthy lifestyle that makes it possible to function normally, to fulfill all social tasks, as well as labor, in the family and household sphere. It directly affects how long an individual will live.

According to scientists, 50% of a person's physical health depends on his lifestyle. Let's start discussing the next question.


What factors determine human health, if we talk about the environment? Depending on its impact, three groups are distinguished:

  1. Physical. These are air humidity, pressure, solar radiation, etc.
  2. Biological. They can be helpful and harmful. This includes viruses, fungi, plants and even pets, bacteria.
  3. Chemical. Any chemical elements and compounds that are found everywhere: in the soil, in the walls of buildings, in food, in clothing. As well as electronics surrounding a person.

In sum, all these factors account for about 20%, which is a rather big figure. Only 10% of the health status of the population is determined by the level of medical care, 20% - by hereditary factors, and 50% is given to lifestyle.

As you can see, there are a lot of factors that determine the state of human health. Therefore, it is extremely important not only to eliminate the emerging symptoms of diseases and fight infections. It is necessary to influence all the factors that determine health.

It is extremely difficult for one person to change environmental conditions, but it is within the power of everyone to improve the microclimate of their homes, carefully choose food, consume clean water, and use less substances that negatively affect the environment.

And finally, let's talk about the factors that determine the level of health of the population.

Circumstances that shape the way people live

Consider the most important indicators that affect the level of health:

  1. Living conditions.
  2. Habits that harm the body.
  3. Relationships between family members, microclimate, as well as the loss of family values, divorces, abortions.
  4. Committed crimes, robberies, murders and suicides.
  5. A change in lifestyle, for example, moving from a village to a city.
  6. Clashes that occur due to belonging to different religions and traditions.

Now consider the impact on the health of the population of other phenomena.

Negative impact of technogenic factors

These include:

  1. Decrease in working capacity of conditionally healthy people, as well as
  2. The occurrence of disorders in genetics, leading to the emergence of hereditary diseases that will fall on future generations.
  3. The growth of chronic and infectious diseases among the working population, due to which people do not go to work.
  4. Reducing the level of health of children living in contaminated areas.
  5. Weak immunity in most of the population.
  6. An increase in the number of cancer patients.
  7. Decreased life expectancy in people living in areas with high environmental pollution.

Thus, it is clear that there are many risk factors. This also includes industrial and transport emissions into the atmosphere, dirty effluents into groundwater, landfills, vapors and poisons of which then again enter the human environment with precipitation.

It can be noted the negative impact on the health of the population of the media. News on television, periodicals, radio broadcasts, full of negative material, excite people. Thus, they cause a depressive and stressful state, break the conservative consciousness and are the most powerful factor that is harmful to health.

The quality of the water used is of paramount importance for mankind. It can serve as a source of the spread of terrible infectious diseases.

The soil also has a negative impact on human health. Since it accumulates in itself pollution from industrial enterprises coming from the atmosphere, a variety of pesticides, fertilizers. It may also contain pathogens of some helminthiases and numerous infectious diseases. This poses a great danger to people.

And even the biological components of the landscape are able to harm the population. These are poisonous plants and bites of poisonous animals. And also extremely dangerous carriers of infectious diseases (insects, animals).

It is impossible not to mention natural disasters that take away more than 50 thousand people annually. These are earthquakes, landslides, tsunamis, avalanches, hurricanes.

And in conclusion of our article, we can conclude that many literate people do not adhere to the right lifestyle, relying on higher powers (maybe it will blow over).

It is necessary to rest. Sleep is very important, which protects our nervous system. A person who sleeps little gets up in the morning irritable, broken and angry, often with a headache. Each individual has his own sleep rate, but on average it should last at least 8 hours.

Two hours before a night's rest, you should stop eating and mental activity. The room should be ventilated, you need to open the window at night. In no case should you sleep in outerwear. Do not hide with your head and bury your face in the pillow, this interferes with the respiratory process. Try to fall asleep at the same time, the body will get used to it and there will be no problems with falling asleep.

But you should not risk your health, life is one, and you need to live it qualitatively and happily so that your healthy descendants can enjoy this priceless gift.

On conditionhealth a person is affected by various indicators. In order to maintain a good physical shape and remain psycho-emotionally stable, you need to pay attention to the quality of your life in a multifactorial natural and social environment. What are the known factors affecting people's health and how to live a longer life, we learn from the article.

In contact with

Known Factors

Human health can be affected by various visible and invisible factors. Also known are ways to improve the physical, emotional, psychological state.

All factors affecting human health:

  • genetics;
  • medicine, healthcare;
  • : climate, flora, landscape;
  • Lifestyle;
  • physical;
  • biological;
  • chemical.

Experts classify the above factors to the following types:

  1. Social and economic;
  2. Ecological - human communication with the outside world and constant indicators;
  3. Hereditary - the presence of diseases, anomalies in the structure of the human body, inherited;
  4. Medical - providing assistance to the population, the frequency and quality of examinations, disease prevention.

All four factors directly affect a person's well-being. Here side effects to consider: age, climatic conditions of the area of ​​residence, individual indicators. However, the general average indicators of the influence of each factor separately on the population are determined:

  • lifestyle — 55%;
  • environment - 25%;
  • genetics - 10%;
  • medicine - 10%.

Harmful factors affecting human health:

  • harmful addictions;
  • incorrect distribution of working time;
  • wrong diet;
  • poor living conditions;
  • poor environmental conditions;
  • chemically polluted atmosphere;
  • biological factors;
  • lack of medical examination;
  • genetic predisposition to disease.

Influence of genetic factors

For general health directly affectsheredity.

A person with genes inherited from his parents begins to adapt to the world.

This factor affects the physical and emotional state.

The gene is subject to natural selection.

It can make the owner more resistant to diseases and other aggressive factors, or, on the contrary, worsen the state of health.

Important! Each cell carries a large number of genes that control the processes of human development. A newborn baby has a set of genes from both parents. These traits are passed on to the next generation.

It has been proven that marriage between relatives increases the risk of diseases by fifty times, the mortality rate among such people is much higher. Genes are very sensitive to the harmful effects of the environment, the wrong behavior of people, having bad habits.

When planning a child, future parents should prepare for conception several months in advance, providing all the conditions for the birth of a healthy baby. If this factor is foreseen, then it is possible to significantly reduce the risk of the influence of heredity on the unborn child and lay down a healthy gene code for him.

Influence of lifestyle

The impact of lifestyle on human health is enormous! A person who leads a healthy lifestyle feels full of energy, visits doctors less often and has clearly more advantages than those who do not follow their health and have bad habits.

Lifestyle has an impact into three environments:

  • the closest environment of a person: friends, acquaintances, colleagues, family;
  • an environment that includes people united by ethnicity, standard of living, place of residence;
  • an environment that includes all people living in a particular country, who are united by social and economic relations, climatic conditions.

Each person has an impact not only on himself, but also on the people around him. The chosen way of life can be constructive or destructive.

Negative factors such as alcohol, smoking, drugs, can cause serious illness.

Also, lifestyle concerns not only physical, but also mental, mental aspects.

A lot is said about a person by what he is fond of, whether he goes in for sports, whether he follows his diet.

Attention! Scientists have found that bad habits are passed on through the parental line even after several generations. This means that any wrong choice is fraught with loss of health in descendants.

It is important that at the national level a positive outlook on . To change the situation, you need to understand what impact the following factors have on human health:

  • inactivity, lack of physical activity of the population;
  • glut of junk food and GMOs in products, which leads to obesity and disease;
  • the active rhythm of life leads to stress, the nervous system suffers;
  • bad habits: alcohol, smoking, sexual promiscuity.

Environmental influence

Influence of environmental factors for a healthy lifestyle is huge. Human intervention in the natural environment, even with good intentions, also has a direct impact on the environment, and it subsequently affects the human body.

In addition to human impact on the ecological situation, the following environmental factors influence health:

  • temperature;
  • air humidity;
  • vibration;
  • radiation;
  • wind gusts,;
  • electromagnetic and sound vibrations.

For well-being and normal life influenced by weather conditions. They can cause pressure drops, exacerbate joint diseases, and lead to headaches.

If a person is healthy, then the change in weather conditions will pass without consequences. However, weather-sensitive people feel unwell.

Recently, a person is constantly experiencing the influence of electromagnetic waves, radiation. It is emitted by all household appliances, telephones. Radiation affects not only the physical state of the body, but also destabilizes the psyche, changes the functioning of organs.

Important! The regular influence of electromagnetic waves adversely affects the nervous system, immunity, thyroid gland,. For several decades, the number of oncological pathologies has increased.

Environmental factors include the influence of radiation. All living beings are exposed to background radiation. Radiation leads to a change in the genetic structure, slows down the regeneration processes, impairs the function of the digestive tract.

Socio-economic factors

The economic situation in the country, as a factor, is one of the decisive ones for the health of the population. This also includes medical care. Although now medicine is less and less focused on health, and more and more on the treatment of diseases. Currently, the structure of morbidity has changed: infections are ill in 10% of cases, and 40% of the incidence is due to mental disorders, alcoholism, and drug addiction.

Important! Of the majority of deaths, the most common causes are diseases such as: atherosclerosis, obesity, mental disorders, oncology.

Now medicine is aimed at treating these pathologies, and not at preventing the problem.

Chemical Factors

Chemical pollution of the planet
- this is far from a fairy tale, but a reality in which we live constantly. Even in the womb, the fetus is at risk of chemical harm, which affects future health and quality of life.

Pollution of water bodies, increased radiation background - all this becomes the cause of a huge number of diseases.

Chemical compounds penetrate through food, oxygen, and drink. Negative influence may have the following chemical factors:

  • synthetic food additives, pesticides;
  • household chemicals, hygiene products;
  • medicines and biological additives;
  • additives for the growth of animals, birds;
  • building materials, paints;
  • industrial waste;
  • exhaust gases, etc.

Chemical elements especially dangerous due to the rapid accumulation in the body, and it is not so easy to remove them. As a result, the human body is prone to the manifestation of allergic reactions, various pathologies associated with nervous diseases develop, the liver and kidneys are affected. There is a risk of developing asthma.

Among the many facts about a person, I would like to note the following:

  • The human skull is made up of twenty-nine bones;
  • the body stops working when sneezing, including heart function;
  • the nervous reaction has a speed of two hundred kilometers per hour;
  • the child still in the womb at 3 months receives unique fingerprints;
  • a woman's heart beats faster than a man's;
  • right-handers live longer than left-handers;
  • length of blood vessels in the body equals one hundred thousand km;
  • there are about a hundred viruses that cause a runny nose;
  • a smoker absorbs half a cup of tar in a year;
  • after 60 people lose 50% taste buds, decreased sense of smell, vision;
  • a tooth is the only part of a person that is not capable of self-healing.\

What affects our health

The main factors that affect the body


Harmful factors affecting human health can be reduced if you are attentive to your body, give up bad habits, improve your diet, and play sports. Healthy people can adapt in time to social, biological, chemical factors. Man is the only organism on the planet that has the ability to adapt the environment to suit itself. Be healthy!

Many readers are interested in the questions to what extent health depends on the person himself, how much can he help himself?

Statistics give us the following figures. 20 percent of human health depends on heredity. Another 20 percent of the state of health is determined by the environmental situation. Only 8.5 percent of a person's health depends on healthcare. And 51.5 percent of a person's health is determined by his lifestyle.

Let's start working on ourselves

So 20% of our health depends on heredity - the figure is good and it seems that it is impossible to influence it - it is given to one and not to another. But this is only a first glance. We may not be able to influence our own heredity that we have now. But we can influence the heredity of our children and grandchildren, make it much better and more favorable.

And if you know about the chain of incarnations - we are embodied in earthly life through our parents, through ourselves - our children, then grandchildren, great-grandchildren. And in the end, having gone through a certain circle of incarnations, we are born again through our children and grandchildren.

And here, the heredity that we passed on to our children, grandchildren - they will pass on to us. Thus, while leading a moral, healthy life now, we are working on our hereditary health now.

What we previously sowed, we have received now, what we sow now, we will receive in the future.

Don't shit where you live and don't work for a pharmacy

20% of our health depends on the environment. Yes, but people also influence this figure. Who pollutes his environment, if not the man himself with his unreasonable activities, and then reaps the fruits of "bad ecology".

Let's discard industry, agriculture, cars - obvious sources of pollution and poisoning of the environment, our living space.

And let's start with ourselves. We live by gravity, we don’t want to take care of our health, and when we get sick, we eat pills, which “health care” prescribes in these cases. Millions of tons of all kinds of medicines are produced by pharmaceutical factories, and people regularly consume them.

Quite recently it turned out that the underground drinking springs in the resorts of the Alps are poisoned - with thirty types of the most common medicines. It turned out that the medicine, having passed through the body, does not break down, but retains its medicinal properties. Together with urine, it enters the wastewater, and then it mixes with underground drinking water and accumulates in them. The use of such "drinking water", even bathing in it (especially young children) leads to allergies and other ailments.

Antibiotics, sedatives, cardiac, contraceptive and other drugs repeatedly “bombard” the human body. Alas, but it is a fact, humanity has poisoned drinking water. Moreover, harmful microorganisms, constantly staying in the medicinal environment, adapt to it and become more stable.

This is how viruses, fungi, microbes and other muck appear, against which modern medicines are powerless. More powerful ones are needed. To stop this unnecessary and useless race, stop poisoning the environment - heal yourself with natural remedies.

Understand the importance of this information and apply.

Medicine and its place in our life

Only 8.5% of human health depends on healthcare. I will omit consideration of this issue, which is most related to the restoration of health in emergency cases - poisoning, injuries and other worldly misunderstandings. The fight against epidemics, more relevant to the economic conditions of life.

A healthy lifestyle is the way to success

Remains 51.5% related directly to the way of life of a person. How a person lives: thinks, breathes, eats, moves, prophylactically cleanses or unloads, etc. depends on his health.

Summing up, we can say that except for 8.5% - everything else, health and well-being depends on the person himself. Here is the evidence for not treatment, but self-treatment.

Due to the proper organization of his life, a person can cope with any disease on his own.

The health of an individual and society as a whole is determined by a number of factors that affect the human body, both positively and negatively. According to the conclusions of experts from the World Health Organization, four main groups of factors determining human health have been identified, each of which has a positive and negative impact, depending on the points of application:

  • genetic inheritance;
  • Medical support;
  • Lifestyle;
  • Environment.

The influence of each factor on human health is also determined by age, gender, individual characteristics of the organism.

Genetic factors that determine human health

A person's capabilities are largely determined by his genotype - a set of hereditary traits embedded in the individual DNA code long before birth. However, genotypic manifestations do not appear without certain favorable or negative conditions.

Critical terms of fetal development are due to violations of its gene apparatus during the laying of organs and body systems:

  • 7 weeks of pregnancy: cardiovascular system - manifested by the formation of heart defects;
  • 12-14 weeks: nervous system - improper formation of the neural tube leads to congenital pathology, most often as a result of neuroinfection - cerebral palsy, demyelinating diseases (multiple sclerosis, BASF);
  • 14-17 weeks: musculoskeletal system - hip dysplasia, myotrophic processes.

In addition to genetic changes, epigenomic mechanisms are of great importance as factors determining human health after birth. In these cases, the fetus does not inherit the disease, but, being exposed to harmful effects, perceives them as the norm, which subsequently affects his health. The most common example of such a pathology is maternal hypertension. Elevated blood pressure in the "mother-placenta-fetus" system contributes to the development of vascular changes, preparing a person for living conditions with high blood pressure, that is, the development of hypertension.

Hereditary diseases are divided into three groups:

  • Gene and chromosomal abnormalities;
  • Diseases associated with a violation of the synthesis of certain enzymes in conditions that require their increased production;
  • hereditary predisposition.

Genetic and chromosomal abnormalities, such as phenylketonuria, hemophilia, Down syndrome, appear immediately after birth.

Fermentopathies, as factors that determine human health, begin to affect only in those cases when the body cannot cope with the increased load. This is how diseases associated with metabolic disorders begin to appear: diabetes mellitus, gout, neurosis.

Hereditary predisposition appears under the influence of environmental factors. Unfavorable environmental and social conditions contribute to the development of hypertension, gastric and duodenal ulcers, bronchial asthma and other psychogenic disorders.

Social factors of human health

Social conditions largely determine the health of people. An important place is occupied by the level of economic development in the country of residence. Sufficient money plays a dual role. On the one hand, all types of medical care are available to a rich person, on the other hand, health care is replaced by other things. Low-income people, oddly enough, are more likely to strengthen the immune system. Thus, the factors of human health do not depend on his financial situation.

The most important component of a healthy lifestyle is the correct psychological attitude aimed at a long life expectancy. People who want to be healthy exclude factors that destroy human health, considering them incompatible with the norms. Regardless of place of residence, ethnicity, income level, everyone has the right to choose. Being isolated from the benefits of civilization, or using them, people are equally able to observe the elementary rules of personal hygiene. In hazardous industries, the necessary personal safety measures are provided, the observance of which leads to positive results.

The widely known concept of acceleration belongs to the social factors of human health. The child of the 21st century in terms of development is much superior to his peers of the 19th and early 20th centuries. The acceleration of development is directly related to the achievements of technological progress. The abundance of information encourages the early development of intelligence, skeleton and muscle mass. In this regard, in adolescents, there is a lag in the growth of blood vessels, which leads to early diseases.

Natural factors of human health

In addition to hereditary and constitutional features, environmental factors influence human health.

Natural effects on the body are divided into climatic and urban. The sun, air and water are far from the most important components of the environment. Energy impacts are of great importance: from the electromagnetic field of the earth to radiation.

People living in areas with a harsh climate have a greater margin of safety. However, the expenditure of vital energy in the struggle for survival among northerners is not comparable with those people who live in conditions where favorable natural factors of human health are combined, such as the action of a sea breeze, for example.

Environmental pollution due to the development of industry is capable of affecting at the gene level. And this action is almost never beneficial. Multiple factors that destroy human health contribute to the shortening of life, despite the fact that people try to lead a correct lifestyle. The impact of harmful substances in the environment today is the main problem for the health of residents of megacities.

Constitutional factors of human health

Under the constitution of a person is meant a feature of the physique, which determines the tendency to certain diseases. In medicine, these types of human constitution are divided:

The most favorable body type is normosthenic.

People of the asthenic type of constitution are more prone to infections, weakly resistant to stress, therefore they more often develop diseases associated with impaired innervation: peptic ulcer, bronchial asthma.

Persons of the hypersthenic type are more prone to the development of cardiovascular diseases and metabolic disorders.

According to the WHO, the main (50-55%) factor influencing a person's health is his lifestyle and living conditions. Therefore, the prevention of morbidity in the population is the task of not only medical workers, but also government agencies that ensure the level and life expectancy of citizens.
