General patterns of changes in students' working capacity in the school day, week, semester, academic year. The dynamics of working capacity and its consideration when scheduling lessons

Working capacity. Working capacity is understood as the ability of a person to develop maximum energy and, spending it economically, achieve the goal with the qualitative performance of mental or physical work. This is ensured by the optimal state of various physiological systems of the body with their synchronous, coordinated activity. Mental and muscular (physical) performance is closely related to age: all indicators of mental performance increase with the growth and development of children. For equal time of work, children aged 6-8 can complete 39-53% of the volume of tasks performed by 15-17-year-old students. At the same time, the quality of work of the former is 45–64% lower than that of the latter.

The rate of increase in the speed and accuracy of mental work with increasing age increases unevenly and heterochronously, like a change in other quantitative and qualitative signs that reflect the growth and development of the organism.

Annual rates of increase in mental performance indicators from 6 to 15 years range from 2 to 53%.

The speed and productivity of work during the first three years of study increase equally by 37–42% compared with the level of these indicators when children enter school. Over the period from 10-11 to 12-13 years, the productivity (quantity) of work increases by 63%, and the quality (accuracy) - by only 9%. The minimum growth rate of a qualitative indicator is observed at 11-12 years old (grades V-V1) compared with previous ages. At 13-14 years old (girls) and 14-15 years old (boys), the rate of increase in work productivity decreases, while the increase in the quality of work increases. At 15-16 and 16-17 years old (grades 1X-X), the productivity and accuracy of work increase by 14-26% (Dubrovskaya N.V. et al., 2000; Lysova N.F. et al., 2011).

At all ages, students with disabilities in the state of health have a lower level of mental performance compared to healthy children and the class team as a whole.

In healthy children of 6-7 years old who enter school with insufficient readiness of the body for systematic learning, according to a number of morphological and functional indicators, the working capacity also turns out to be lower and shows less stability compared to children who are ready for learning, quickly adapting to it and successfully coping with emerging problems. difficulties. However, the stability of working capacity in these children, in contrast to weakened schoolchildren, usually increases by the end of the first half of the year.

Phases of working capacity and its daily frequency. In any work, including mental, the human body and especially the child is not included immediately. Need some time entry into work or working in.

This is the first phase of performance. In this phase, the quantitative (volume of work, speed) and qualitative (number of errors - accuracy) performance indicators change asynchronously: they either improve or worsen before each of them reaches its optimum. Such fluctuations - the body's search for the most economical level for mental activity - is a manifestation of a self-regulating system.

The phase of running in is followed by the phase optimal performance, when relatively high levels of quantitative and qualitative indicators are consistent with each other and change synchronously. Positive changes in higher nervous activity correlate with indicators reflecting a favorable functional state of other physiological systems.

After some time, less for students aged 6-10 years and more for adolescents, boys and girls, fatigue begins to develop, and the third phase of working capacity appears. Fatigue manifests itself first in an insignificant, and then in a sharp decrease in performance. This jump in performance drop points to the limit effective work and is a signal to stop it. The drop in performance at its first stage is again expressed in the mismatch of quantitative and qualitative indicators: the amount of work is high, and the accuracy is low. At the second stage of the decline in performance, both indicators deteriorate in a coordinated manner. At the first stage of the decrease in working capacity, an imbalance of the excitatory and inhibitory processes is recorded in the direction of the predominance of the excitatory process (motor restlessness) over active internal inhibition.

At the stage of a sharp decrease in working capacity, the functional state of the central nervous system: protective inhibition develops, which outwardly manifests itself in children and adolescents in lethargy, drowsiness, loss of interest in work and refusal to continue it, often in inappropriate behavior.

Developing fatigue is a natural reaction of the body to a more or less prolonged and intense load. Fatigue loading is necessary. Without this, the development of children and adolescents, their training, adaptation to mental and physical stress are inconceivable. But the planning and distribution of these loads must be carried out in a qualified manner, taking into account the age-sex, morphological and functional characteristics of schoolchildren.

During the period of organized active recreation, recovery processes not only ensure the return of working capacity to the original - final level, but can raise it above this level. At the same time, fitness occurs when the next load follows the restoration and strengthening of indicators after the previous work, while chronic exhaustion occurs when the next load follows before the restoration of working capacity has reached its original level. The alternation of mental work with physical, switching from one type of activity to another, the cessation of mental work of children and adolescents at the time of the onset of a sharp decline in working capacity and the subsequent organization of outdoor activities contribute to the restoration of the functional state of the central nervous system.

Systematic performance of work (training sessions, labor activity) within the normative age limits of duration, improvement of mental performance is achieved.

In most children and adolescents, the activity of physiological systems increases from the moment of awakening and reaches an optimum between 11 and 13 hours. This is followed by a decrease in activity, followed by its relatively less prolonged and pronounced rise in the interval from 16 to 18 hours. Such regular cyclic changes in the activity of physiological systems are found reflection in the daily and daily dynamics of mental performance, body temperature, heart rate and respiration, as well as in other physiological and psychophysiological indicators.

The daily periodicity of physiological functions, mental and muscular performance has a permanent character. However, under the influence of the regime of educational and labor activity, changes in the functional state of the body, primarily the central nervous system, can cause an increase or decrease in the level at which the daily dynamics of working capacity and vegetative indicators unfold.

A large study load, an irrational mode of study and work activity, or their incorrect alternation during the day and week cause pronounced fatigue of the body. Against the background of this fatigue, deviations occur in the regular daily periodicity of physiological functions. Thus, in cases of excessive production and study load, almost half of college students were diagnosed not only with deviations in the daily dynamics of working capacity, but also with the erratic nature of changes in body temperature and heart rate.

The optimal state of working capacity in the morning hours, the decline in working capacity in the afternoon are typical for the majority of healthy students of all grades. During wakefulness (from 7 to 21-22 hours), the curves of the periodicity of working capacity and physiological functions in 80% represent a two-peak or one-peak type of fluctuations.

Weekly performance dynamics. In addition to the daily periodicity of physiological functions and psychophysiological indicators, including working capacity, their weekly change is clearly expressed. The greatest working capacity happens by the middle of the week - on Wednesday, by Saturday it falls. On Monday, a person is drawn into work, from Tuesday to Thursday he works with full dedication, and on Friday there is a sharp decline in working capacity.

On Monday, students in all grades general education schools and colleges, low rates of mental performance, an increased latent period of visual and auditory motor reactions are recorded, a large number of disruption of differentiation reactions. Almost half of the students have changes in the daily curves of vegetative functions. On Tuesday and Wednesday, students are not only more high level indicators of mental and muscular performance, but also their greater stability. Thursday and Friday in most cases turn out to be days of reduced performance and its least stability.

Saturday is the most unfavorable school day. The performance of children and adolescents is low. However, often on Saturday there is an increase in the positive emotional mood of students in connection with the upcoming day of rest, anticipation of interesting things and entertainment, excursions, trips, visiting the theater on Sunday. The body, despite fatigue, mobilizes all the resources it has, which is expressed in a relative rise in mental performance - the phenomenon of the so-called final impulse.

A change in the position of the body - motor restlessness recorded in students in the classroom - is a protective reaction of the body. The number of movements, the duration of maintaining the relative constancy of the posture, the frequency of using the cover of the desk (table) as an additional support for the body also objectively reflect the increase in students' fatigue and the decrease in their performance. For example, from Monday to Saturday for children 7-8 years old, the total number of movements in the lessons increases by 32 %, the duration of maintaining the constancy of the posture is reduced by 65%, and the stability of standing upright also decreases. Static Component learning activities(preservation of the forced position of the body) intensifies developing fatigue and a drop in efficiency to a greater extent at the end of work than at its beginning.

Often there is a two-peak weekly performance curve. In addition to Tuesday or Wednesday, the relative increase in working capacity is manifested on Thursday or Friday.

In children 6 and 7 years old, starting systematic education, during the period of adaptation to academic loads, new learning conditions and the requirements of discipline, in the first 6-9 weeks, the days of optimal performance, when they agree with each other relatively high speed and accuracy of work shift from Tuesday to Thursday. Only after some time is established a permanent day of the best performance of first-graders - Tuesday.

For students of VII-VIII and senior grades, the optimum performance in most cases falls on Tuesday. On Wednesday, a sharp decline in all performance indicators is recorded, and on Thursday there is a significant increase in the speed and accuracy of work. A drop in working capacity on the environment indicates an early onset of fatigue, a significant tension in the mechanisms of regulation of the functional state of physiological systems, and a search for resources to equalize working capacity. As a result, a relatively high, but one-day (Thursday only) rise in the levels of all performance indicators is provided. However, there is no strengthening of levels, and on Friday there is a deterioration in performance, a pronounced imbalance between the processes of excitation and inhibition in the nerve cells of the cortex. brain, weakening of active internal inhibition.

Very often, a drop in working capacity by the middle of the week and the body's search for resources to equalize it is delayed by high school students until Friday. Then only on Friday a relative rise in working capacity is manifested, however, with its low stability. In these cases (rise on Thursday or Friday), the weekly performance curve of students has two peaks and, accordingly, two declines.


    The concept of fatigue……………………………………………….5
    Efficiency…………………………………………………..... 7
    Phases of working capacity and its daily periodicity ......... .............................. ..... ......................... ......................... .nine
    Weekly performance dynamics………………12

Conclusion ……………………………………………………………………..15

References……………………………………………….. …………16


The success of the performance of labor tasks and satisfaction with this process largely depends on the level of performance of an individual, which is formed as a result of a person performing a specific activity, manifested and evaluated in the course of its implementation.
When performing a specific job, performance has certain natural changes. At first, when a person has just started work, the working capacity is relatively low and gradually increases, but some fluctuations are possible when the body is overloaded, which in pairs are unpredictable and cause serious mental disorders, especially in an unstable child's body.
The relevance of this topic lies in the fact that a person is in constant motion, let it be work or study, dancing or sports, and excessive activity can cause Negative consequences. For many years, scientists have been trying to find out the secret of the golden mean - how to maintain high performance, pushing back fatigue and excluding overwork of a person in his activity. With the help of such a term as performance, we have to figure out why fatigue occurs and what is the performance of a person during the week.
Therefore, the purpose of our essay is to study the working capacity as such and to determine the daily and weekly dynamics of students' working capacity.
Therefore, we face such tasks as:

    Define fatigue.
    Define what is performance
    Identify health phases
    Determine the weekly dynamics of the child's performance
In the course of the work, an analysis of the necessary literature and sources was made. Thus, for the preparation of this work, materials from the site were and a series of tutorials for pedagogical institutes edited by A. G. Khripkova. And also some information was taken from other textbooks by such authors as Smirnova V.M., Berezovsky V.A. and Kosilov S.A.
    concept about fatigue
After a long, excessive, as well as during monotonous or hard work, comes fatigue. A characteristic manifestation of fatigue is a decrease in performance. The development of fatigue is associated primarily with changes occurring in the central nervous system, a violation of the conduction of nerve impulses in synapses.
The rate of onset of fatigue depends on the state of the nervous system, the frequency of the rhythm in which the work is performed, and on the magnitude of the load. Uninteresting work causes fatigue faster. Children get tired with prolonged immobility and with limited physical activity.
After rest, working capacity is not only restored, but often exceeds the initial level. I. M. Sechenov for the first time showed that the restoration of working capacity with the onset of fatigue occurs much faster not with complete rest and rest, but with active recreation, when there is a switch to another activity.
The biological significance of fatigue that develops in children and adolescents in the process of educational and labor activity is twofold: it is a protective, protective reaction of the body against excessive depletion of the functional potential and, at the same time, a stimulator of the subsequent increase in working capacity. Therefore, the hygiene requirements for the organization of educational and labor activities of children and adolescents are not aimed at preventing the appearance of fatigue among schoolchildren, but at delaying its onset, protecting the body from the negative effects of excessive fatigue, and making rest more effective.
Fatigue is preceded by a subjective feeling of fatigue, the need for rest. In case of insufficient rest, fatigue, gradually accumulating, leads to overwork organism.
Overwork of the body is manifested in sleep disturbance, loss of appetite, headaches, indifference to ongoing events, decreased memory and attention. At the same time, the mental performance of the body, which is sharply reduced, is reflected in the academic performance of children. Prolonged fatigue weakens the body's resistance to various adverse influences, including diseases.
Overwork in children and adolescents can occur as a result of excessive or improperly organized educational and extracurricular work, work, reduced sleep, rest on outdoors, malnutrition.
Working capacity is understood as the ability of a person to develop maximum energy and, spending it economically, achieve the goal with the qualitative performance of mental or physical work. This is ensured by the optimal state of various physiological systems of the body with their synchronous, coordinated activity. Mental and muscular (physical) performance is closely related to age: all indicators of mental performance increase with the growth and development of children. For equal time of work, children aged 6-8 can complete 39-53% of the volume of tasks performed by 15-17-year-old students. At the same time, the quality of work of the former is 45-64% lower than that of the latter.

Age (years)
Rice. 1. Development of mental performance with age: / - speed of work; 2 - accuracy of work. For 0%, the values ​​​​of the performance indicators of seven-year-old children are taken
The rate of increase in the speed and accuracy of mental work with increasing age increases unevenly and heterochronously, similar to the change in other quantitative and qualitative signs that reflect the growth and development of the organism (Fig. 1),
Annual rates of increase in mental performance indicators from 6 to 15 years range from 2 to 53%.
The speed and productivity of work for the first three years of study increase equally by 37-42% compared with the level of these indicators when children enter school. Over the period from 10-11 to 12-13 years, the productivity of work increases by 63%, and the quality - its accuracy - by only 9%. At 11-12 years old (grades V-VI) there is not only a minimal increase in the qualitative indicator (2%), but also its deterioration in a significant number of cases compared with previous ages. At 13-14 years old (girls) and 14-15 years old (boys), the rate of increase in the speed and productivity of work decreases and does not exceed 6%, while the increase in the quality of work increases to 12%. At 15-16 and 16-17 years old (IX-X classes), productivity and accuracy of work increase by 14-26%.
At all ages, students with disabilities in the state of health have a lower level of mental performance compared to healthy children and the class team as a whole.
In healthy children of 6-7 years old who enter school with insufficient readiness of the body for systematic training in a number of morphological and functional indicators, working capacity also turns out to be lower and shows less stability compared to children who are ready for learning, quickly adapting to it and successfully coping with emerging difficulties. . However, the stability of working capacity in these children, in contrast to weakened schoolchildren, usually increases by the end of the first half of the year.
    Phases performance and its daily frequency
1 phase In any work, including mental, the human body and especially the child is not included immediately. Need some time entry into work or working in. This is the first phase of performance. During this phase, quantitative (volume of work, speed) and qualitative (number of errors - accuracy) performance indicators often asynchronously improve and deteriorate before each of them reaches its optimum. Such fluctuations - the body's search for the most economical level for work (mental activity) - is a manifestation of a self-regulating system.
2 phase The phase of running in is followed by the phase optimal performance, when relatively high levels of quantitative and qualitative indicators are consistent with each other and change synchronously. Positive changes in higher nervous activity correlate with indicators reflecting a favorable functional state of other physiological systems.
3 phase After some time, less for students aged 6-10 and more for adolescents, boys and girls, fatigue begins to develop and the third phase of working capacity appears. Fatigue manifests itself first in an insignificant, and then in a sharp decrease in performance. This jump in the decline in performance indicates the limit of effective work and is a signal for its termination. The drop in performance at its first stage is again expressed in the mismatch of quantitative and qualitative indicators: the amount of work is high, and the accuracy is low. At the second stage of the decline in performance, both indicators deteriorate in a coordinated manner. At the first stage of the decrease in working capacity, an imbalance of the excitatory and inhibitory processes is recorded in the direction of the predominance of the excitatory process (motor restlessness) over active internal inhibition.
At the stage of a sharp decrease in working capacity, the functional state of the central nervous system worsens even more rapidly: protective inhibition develops, which outwardly manifests itself in children and adolescents in lethargy, drowsiness, loss of interest in work and refusal to continue it, often in inadequate behavior.
Developing fatigue is a natural reaction of the body to a more or less prolonged and intense load. Fatigue loading is necessary. Without this, the development of children and adolescents, their training, adaptation to mental and physical stress is unthinkable. But the planning and distribution of these loads must be carried out in a qualified manner, taking into account the age-sex, morphological and functional characteristics of schoolchildren.
During the period of organized active recreation, recovery processes not only ensure the return of working capacity to the original - final level, but can raise it above this level. At the same time, fitness occurs when the next load follows the restoration and strengthening of indicators after the previous work, while chronic exhaustion occurs when the next load follows before the restoration of working capacity has reached its original level. The alternation of mental work with physical work, switching from one type of activity to another, the cessation of mental work of children and adolescents at the time of the onset of a sharp decrease in working capacity (not far from the advanced stage of fatigue) and the subsequent organization of active recreation contribute to the restoration of the functional state of the central nervous system.
The systematic performance of work (training sessions, labor activity) within the normative age limits of duration improves mental performance.
In most children and adolescents, the activity of physiological systems increases from the moment of awakening and reaches an optimum between 11 and 13 hours, then a decline in activity follows, followed by its relatively less prolonged and pronounced rise in the interval from 16 to 18 hours. Such regular cyclic changes in the activity of physiological systems are found reflection in the daily and daily dynamics of mental performance, body temperature, heart rate and respiration, as well as in other physiological and psychophysiological indicators.
The daily periodicity of physiological functions, mental and muscular performance has a permanent character. However, under the influence of the regime of educational and labor activity, changes in the functional state of the body, primarily the central nervous system, can cause an increase or decrease in the level at which the daily dynamics of working capacity and vegetative indicators unfold.
A large study load, an irrational mode of study and work activity, or their incorrect alternation during the day and week cause pronounced fatigue of the body. Against the background of this fatigue, deviations occur in the regular daily periodicity of physiological functions. Thus, in cases of excessive production and study load, almost half of the students of vocational schools were diagnosed not only with deviations in the daily dynamics of working capacity, but also with the erratic nature of changes in body temperature and heart rate. The optimal state of working capacity in the morning hours, the decline in working capacity in the second half of the day are typical for most healthy students of all grades. During wakefulness (from 7 to 21-22 hours), the curves of the periodicity of working capacity and physiological functions in 80% represent a two-peak or one-peak type of fluctuations.

In preparing for the lesson, the performance of students should be taken into account. Here is a table reflecting the dynamics of the weekly performance of middle school students.


1 lesson

2 lesson

3 lesson

4 lesson

Lesson 5

6 lesson

Lesson 7


















Here AT means high performance of children, this is a favorable zone, With- average working capacity, satisfactory zone, H- low efficiency, unsatisfactory zone.

With reduced performance, a decrease in the mental functions of the student occurs - perception, attention, memory, interest, will, etc. At the same time, physiological functions are also violated - the pulse rate changes, blood pressure rises, breathing rate, body temperature, sweating, etc. .

The most important factor in increasing the effectiveness of the lesson is to maintain a high level of student performance. What are the ways to improve the performance of children in satisfactory and even in unsatisfactory areas? Let's imagine how fatigue occurs. Each activity is controlled by a specific area of ​​the cerebral cortex. Prolonged engagement in homogeneous activity causes inhibition in the corresponding area, which captures neighboring areas. There is a protective, or transcendental, inhibition nerve cells, their functioning ceases, that is, the ability to respond to stimuli. Fatigue is also caused by light, monotonous, long work. Fatigue quickly sets in when doing uninteresting work.

If it is reasonable to switch students from one type of activity to another, then in the sixth lesson their performance may even increase. So, it is recommended to change activities up to 3-5 times in zone B, up to 5-7 times in zone C, up to 9 times in zone H.

How can this change take place? The story is taught), accompanied, if possible, by a demonstration of clarity, is replaced by the work of students with a book (reading the text, working with reference material, with drawings, answering questions at the end of a paragraph, etc.), drawing up tasks, solving them, selecting examples, etc. . P.

Such situations should be avoided when the teacher changes teaching methods, and the activities of the students are of the same type. In middle classes, the duration of continuous speaking of the teacher should not exceed 10-15 minutes.

It is necessary to consider the place and duration of independent work of students in the lesson. If at the beginning of the lesson you give independent work for 18-20 minutes, then this adversely affects the performance of children: it is difficult for them to concentrate on learning new material.

Dependence of students' working capacity on the properties of the nervous system and individual style of activity on the example of students of Lyceum No. 3


Chapter I. Causes of fatigue and ways to improve the mental performance of students

  1. Individual characteristics human nervous system

Chapter II. Experimental study of the properties of the nervous system and the performance of students




In Russia, health has always been and is treated irrationally, and to a greater extent emotionally. In our Russian mentality, it is customary to complain about health, pity the poor, sympathize, condole. Perhaps this is one of the reasons why a healthy lifestyle has not become a cultural value of our society.

Today, the state of health of the nation is an indicator of the well-being of the state. The school is one of the most significant institutions facing the future of mankind, having an impact on the emerging generation. But school is the mental work of the child, it is always overload and fatigue. Which definitely affects their health.

According to research results, the vast majority of students significantly lose their health by the time they finish school. Most frequent pathology at school age - visual impairment. According to studies, the main reason for the decrease in visual acuity at school age is myopia. By the time children enter school, myopia is 3%, by the end of the 11th grade, the percentage of children with myopia increases to 18 - 20%.

In the age of science and technology, modern man the organ of vision and hearing experiences the greatest load. The eyes rest only during sleep. The ear is constantly awake, to a certain extent even at night, in sleep. He is constantly exposed to irritation, since he does not have any protective device, similar, for example, to the eyelids that protect the eyes.

The fatigue of the organs of vision and hearing affects the performance and well-being of the child. Prolonged visual loads and loud noise increase the likelihood of neurosis, cause depression, fatigue, and headaches. The unpleasant effects of noise and prolonged visual stress have a stronger effect on mental performance than on physical performance.

Mental performance is the maximum mental activity that a person is able to perform when all the reserves of the body are mobilized. The depletion of these resources leads to severe, often irreversible health problems. A person should spend only a part of his functional resources and to such an extent that this does not prevent their subsequent and complete restoration.

The purpose of the study: to study the influence of the human nervous system on its performance.

Object of study: 10th grade students of MOBU Lyceum No. "3" in the amount of 24 people.

Subject of study: the influence of the properties of the nervous system

on student performance.

Research hypothesis: we assumed that the productivity of a person's activity is influenced by the characteristics of his nervous system, as well as the individual style of activity, i.e. ways and means of organizing this activity.

Chapter I. Causes of fatigue and ways to improve the mental performance of students

.Human performance and causes of fatigue

Efficiency is the ability to perform a certain type of work for a given time and maintain high quality and quantity indicators. During the day, a person's performance changes. It is characterized by two periods of increased activity of physiological functions: between 10-12 hours and 16-18 hours. Correspondence of the mode of activity to biological rhythms helps to increase labor productivity, promotes health, allows you to achieve results with less energy and time.

When performing work, several periods are distinguished:

The first - working in, is characterized by a gradual increase in working capacity. The body completely leaves the state of sleep and adapts to the new requirements imposed by work on a person. The duration of this period is determined by the state of the body, as well as the nature of the work. In an adult with severe physical work it takes 20-25 minutes, with moderate work - 1-1.5 hours, with creative mental activity - 1.5-2 hours .. With mental activity, it lasts 1.5 - 2 hours.

The second period - sustainable performance - lasts an average of 2-3 hours. This period may be replaced by a period of compensatory restructuring.

The third is compensatory restructuring. when only the first signs of fatigue appear in the form of an increase in micropauses, a decrease in attention, the pace of work, a deterioration in some physiological functions, but the performance does not fall due to the volitional efforts of a person. To prevent an increase in fatigue, it is during this period that it is useful to carry out hygienic measures to regulate the magnitude of the load. It lasts an average of 2-3 hours and ends when the first signs of fatigue appear in the form of a decrease in attention, the pace of work. But efficiency does not fall only due to the willful efforts of a person. If the work continues, then after the period of compensatory restructuring, fatigue develops and a decrease in working capacity occurs. This period falls on 5-6 lessons.

Fatigue is defined as a temporary deterioration in the state of the body resulting from work, which is expressed in a decrease in working capacity. Fatigue is a process that performs a certain protective role in the body, protecting its individual systems and organs from excessive overstrain and possible damage due to this.

The performance of schoolchildren is determined by many factors. First of all, it depends on age: the younger the student, the lower its level, and the period of stable optimal performance is shorter. It is also affected by health disorders and diseases that reduce the functionality of the body. For example, low performance is observed in children with disorders of the nervous system, delayed physical development, allergic diseases, hearing loss, as well as in long-term and often ill children.

Modern scientific research It has been established that the biorhythmological level of mental performance in schoolchildren falls within the interval of 10-12 hours. During these hours, the greatest efficiency of assimilation of the material is noted at the lowest psychophysiological costs of the body. Therefore, in the lesson schedule for junior schoolchildren the main subjects should be held in 2-3 lessons, and for middle-aged and older students - in 2,3,4 - lessons.

In middle and senior school age, working capacity is significantly reduced at the 4th lesson. With the continuation of work at the 5th lesson, due to the inclusion of compensatory mechanisms, the working capacity of schoolchildren increases slightly, and then by the 6th lesson again and more significantly falls.

During the week, the same periods of change in working capacity are noted as during the day. On Monday, work is done, on Tuesday, Wednesday, the maximum working capacity is noted. From Thursday, fatigue gradually begins to accumulate, which increases by Friday and Saturday.

The rate of development of fatigue (the time from the start of work to the appearance of the first signs), as well as its depth at the end of work, are closely dependent on the level of functional stress of the body.

For a long time, scientists considered fatigue to be a negative phenomenon, a kind of intermediate state between health and illness. However, time has not confirmed this concept.

If the body did not get tired, then recovery processes would not occur. Thus, a normal physiological process that performs a certain protective role in the body, protecting its individual physiological systems and organs from excessive overstrain and possible damage in connection with this. Fatigue usually appears at the moment when the body has used up a large proportion of energy resources. Why does such a most useful thing have a negative connotation: it reduces interest in work, worsens mood, and often causes pain in the body?

So, fatigue is a state of a person caused by work. Physical fatigue is promoted by dynamic (for example: long walk, running) and static (lifting weights, holding them, transferring) loads. Mental fatigue is caused by a load on the senses (sight, hearing, touch), a strong tension of attention, awareness of responsibility.

The main signs of mental fatigue are presented in the table:

Objects of observation Slight fatigue Significant fatigue Sharp fatigue Attention Rare distractions Distracted, frequent distractions. Weakened, there is no reaction to new verbal instructions. The desire to put the head on the table, stretch out, leaning back in the chairMovementAccurateUncertain, slowFussy movements of the hands and fingers (deterioration of underline) Interest Lively interest, asking questions Weak interest, lack of questions. Complete lack of interest, apathy.

Moderate fatigue quickly passes with a change in type of activity. If rest is not enough to fully restore working capacity by the beginning of the next working period, then during this period fatigue develops more quickly and its depth by the end of work will be more significant than in the previous period, i.e. fatigue will accumulate and overwork will develop. It is not eliminated during the usual periods of rest (daily, weekly), but requires a longer break from work or special treatment. The main signs of overwork (according to N.N. Platonov): sleep disorders (from difficulty falling asleep to insomnia), loss of appetite, headaches, shifts in the emotional sphere (mood swings, irritability, indifference to ongoing events), decreased mental performance (difficulty concentrating, forgetfulness, impaired memory and attention).

If the functional stress exceeds physical abilities, overvoltage of protective mechanisms occurs and disease occurs. For example, excessive physical exercise can cause injury to the musculoskeletal system; excessive psycho - emotional stress can provoke the development of neuroses, psychoses, diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Individual features of the human nervous system

In the labor activity of a person - physical or mental - the whole organism takes part as a whole. This interaction of all organs and systems in a living organism is directed and regulated by the nervous system.

The nervous system performs two functions: it organizes and coordinates the activities of all parts of the body and carries out its connection with the external environment.

Nervous activity is divided into higher and lower. The lower nervous activity ensures the internal unity of the organism, the higher - the external unity of the organism with the changing conditions of existence.

Nervous activity is carried out as a result of the interaction of two main nervous processes - excitation and inhibition.

Excitation is a nervous process that brings the body into an active state. Outwardly, excitement is manifested in the activity of a person, his readiness for activity.

Inhibition is a nervous process leading to a temporary cessation or weakening of the active state of the body.

The type of higher nervous activity is a peculiar component of the basic properties of the nervous processes of excitation and inhibition - strength, balance and mobility.

The strength of nervous processes refers to the performance of nerve cells. The strength of the nervous system is characterized by its ability to withstand prolonged and significant loads. Depending on the stock of reactive or functional substance in the nerve cells, the nervous system may be strong or weak.

The balance of the basic nervous processes - excitation and inhibition - is the second property that characterizes the type of higher nervous activity. If both processes are approximately the same strength, then they balance each other and such a nervous system is called balanced .. If one of the processes (usually excitation) prevails over the other (inhibition) in strength, then such a nervous system is called unbalanced .. excitation processes over inhibition processes is expressed in the speed of formation conditioned reflexes and their slow extinction and vice versa. External manifestations are expressed in increased excitability and unbalanced behavior, speed of action, sharpness of movements, impulsiveness and vivid expression of emotions are characteristic.

The third property is the mobility of the nervous processes of excitation and inhibition. The human nervous system is constantly exposed to environment, which is characterized by inconstancy and variability. The mobility of the nervous system includes the speed and switchability of nervous processes, i.e. the ability of the nervous system to move from a state of excitation to a state of inhibition, and vice versa. the nervous system can be mobile and inert (sedentary). The mobile nervous system is characterized by the rapid flow of nervous processes, the speed and easy change of the process of excitation and the process of inhibition. A feature of a sedentary nervous system is the relatively slow flow of the main nervous processes and the difficulty of their mutual change.

A person with a strong nervous system maintains a high level of performance during long and hard work. He recovers quickly. In a difficult unexpected situation, such a person is confident, does not lose emotional tone, does not pay attention to small, distracting influences.

A balanced person behaves calmly and collectedly in any, even the most exciting environment. Works evenly, without random ups and downs.

A mobile person is able to quickly and adequately respond to changes in the situation, easily abandons the chosen stereotypes and quickly acquires new skills and habits. Such a person easily moves from rest to activity and from one activity to another, emotions quickly arise and clearly manifest in him, he is capable of instant memorization, an accelerated pace of actions and speech.

efficiency nervous experiment student

Chapter II. Experimental study of the properties of the nervous system and the performance of students

Does the working capacity of students depend on the properties of the nervous system and is an individual style of activity formed in lyceum students?

We had to find the answer to these two questions in our study.

The study was conducted in the 10th grade. The study involved 24 students. Two methods were used:

  1. Determination of the properties of the nervous system was carried out using the express method of E.P. Ilyin, it allows to determine the strength of the nervous system by psychomotor indicators and is based on determining the dynamics of the maximum rate of hand movement. The strength of nervous processes is determined by the performance of nerve cells and the nervous system as a whole. A strong nervous system can withstand a load greater in magnitude and duration than a weak one. Each student was given a form for the tapping test.

The variants of the dynamics of the maximum rate obtained as a result of processing the experimental data were conditionally divided into five types:

  1. A strong (growing) type of the nervous system, characterized by a very high performance and endurance.
  2. Medium - strong type of nervous system, characterized by high performance, but average endurance.
  3. The average (smooth) type of the nervous system is characterized by average performance and average endurance.
  4. Medium - weak type of the nervous system, characterized by an initial decrease in the pace of work, and then a short-term increase in the pace almost to the original.
  5. Weak (descending) type of the nervous system, characterized by low performance and endurance, high fatigue.

Based on the analysis of the shape of the curves for the right and left hands, the strength of the nervous system is diagnosed.

These studies are shown in Table No. 1.

Nervous system type

The results of studying the type of nervous system in students can be presented on the graph (Graph No. 2)

The graph shows that the class is dominated by students with an average

(41%) and moderately weak (45.5) types of the nervous system. If people with an average type of nervous system are distinguished by an even working capacity and an average level of fatigue, then people with a medium-weak type of nervous system first reduce the pace of work, then they are capable of short-term mobilization almost to the initial level, and then there is a decrease in working capacity again. There are also children with a weak type of nervous system in the class - 2 students - 9%. And although there are no students with a strong type of nervous systems in the class, there are no underachieving students among them.

  1. To judge the performance and the presence of fatigue, tasks of corrective tests were used. This technique is quite informative for assessing the impact of mental load on the functional state of the body. By the amount of work performed, i.е. the number of traced characters at a given time, the operating speed is set. The number of errors in terms of constant volume work characterizes its accuracy, coefficient A. By speed and accuracy, one can determine the productivity of work - coefficient E, and by changing these indicators in dynamics - fatigue.

Correctness factor

A \u003d / C - H /

/C + O /

where C is the number of correctly crossed out letters, H is the number of incorrectly crossed out letters, O is the number of erroneously omitted letters.

E \u003d S x A

where S is the number of scanned characters, A is the coefficient of correctness.

Comparative table No. 3 - the performance of students in grade 10

Study days Saturday Monday Performance levels Number of students % Number of students % High941 741045 81Medium732836Low626418 The table shows that by the end of the week, 26% of students showed a low level of working capacity. Over the weekend, there were minor changes, with a low performance indicator - 18% of students. This suggests that in one day off, 18% of 11th grade students were not able to relax and increase their working capacity. And this means that fatigue will accumulate during the week.

We continued our research by doing a performance study on the Saturday of the following week. But the studies conducted on Saturday - 2, ie. the next week, showed that fatigue in students accumulates slightly. This is evident from comparison table № 4.

Survey Days Saturday - 1 Monday Saturday -2 Performance Levels Number of Students % Number of Students % Number of Students % High941 741045 81943 78Medium732836835Low626418422

Compared with Monday to Saturday - 2, students have a slight accumulation of fatigue (4% of students).

So, we determined that during the second week, students in grade 10 experience a decrease in working capacity and accumulation of fatigue, although less than in the previous week. Perhaps this is because the studies were conducted at the end of the term, when the children were already very tired during the entire term. To find out whether the students were able to remove the accumulated fatigue during the holidays, a study was conducted immediately after the holidays. We compared the results of each student in three studies. The results are presented in Comparison Table No. 6.

Comparative table No. 6 of the performance of students in grade 10. before holidays and after. The table includes only those students who participated in all studies, i.e. those who missed at least one of the studies were not included in the table.

RabotosposobnostPonedelnik Saturday 2 after break-type N.S.PokazatelPokazatelUrovniPokazatelUrovni1sl361322pon428pov2sr548sl350333pon448pov5sr321314pon393pov6s-sil413438pov480pov7s-sl533581pov634pov8sr405447pov512pov9s-sl559553pon520pon10sr434403pon556pov11sl490578pov549pon12sr392533pov564pov13sr569486pon576pov14s-sl354507pov543pov15s-sl537572pov590pov16s-sl460418pon408pon17s-sl457465pov479pov18sr402534pov376pon19s-sl430603pov559povpv - 12 - 57% nB - 11 - 52% nB - 15 - 79% Mo - 9 - 43% Mon - 10 - 48% Mon - 4 - 21%

From the comparison table, it can be seen that students who showed an increased performance result compared to the last day of the study increased to 79% (from 52% of the previous study).

The number of students with a reduced level of working capacity decreased from 48% to 21%.

The table shows that the majority of students (15 people) have increased working capacity, i.e. - 79% of students showed an increased result compared to the study conducted before the holidays. This means that during the holidays there was a removal of fatigue accumulated during the previous study period in 79% of students. 15 students of the 10th grade during the holidays were able to relax and showed elevated level performance. A student with a weak type of nervous system showed a lower result after a day off, but during the holidays he was able to rest and showed an increased result.

Of those guys who showed a reduced level of performance: two with an average - weak type of nervous system and one with an average type of nervous system.

The table also shows that the majority of children with a moderately weak type of nervous system, which are characterized by a reduced level of performance, show an increased level of performance. This means that the features of the nervous system are not the main ones in the performance of work and success in training.


As a result of the study, the hypothesis put forward was partially confirmed that the productivity of a person’s activity is influenced by the characteristics of his nervous system, as well as the individual style of activity, i.e. ways and means of organizing this activity.

Each person in his activity uses his own methods and ways of performing certain work, i.e. forms his own, individual style of activity. Working capacity is also affected by how his activity proceeds, how quickly and in what way fatigue manifests itself, what methods help a person fight fatigue, what mode of work is most favorable for him. In other words, in what ways, and under what conditions, it achieves the greatest productivity.

The productivity of the children's activities depends primarily on the attitude to the work performed, interests, knowledge and skills, in particular, the teachings to organize their work. the performance of 10th grade students does not depend on the strength of the nervous system. Therefore, a student with a weak nervous system can give high productivity.

From the results of the study, we can say that the children of the 10th grade have formed an individual style of work, developed their own methods and methods of activity. As a result, each of them is successful in learning.

From this we can conclude that the children have formed an individual style of work, developed their own methods and methods of activity that help them in their educational activities.


Sometimes it is believed that it is necessary to look for ways to change the properties of the nervous system in the desired direction. This point of view cannot be considered correct. Since it is not known what should be considered "desirable properties of the nervous system." For example, a weak nervous system is a nervous system of low working capacity (in physical sense), but with high sensitivity. Which nervous system is better: more sensitive, but less efficient or less sensitive, but more efficient? It is unlikely that anyone can unambiguously answer this question.

In addition, the productivity of a person's activity depends, first of all, on such factors as attitude to the work performed, interests, knowledge and skills, in particular, the ability to organize one's work. All these factors do not depend on the strength of the nervous system. Therefore, a person with a weak nervous system can give high productivity. But the strength or weakness of the nervous system is indicated not only by the productivity of activity, but also by how its activity proceeds, how quickly and in what way fatigue manifests itself, what methods help a person fight fatigue, what mode of work is most favorable for him. In other words, in what ways, and under what conditions, it achieves the greatest productivity. Each person in his activity uses his own methods and ways of performing certain work, i.e. forms its own, individual style of activity.

The individual features of higher nervous activity are determined not by any one of the considered properties, but always by their totality. Three properties that make up the type of nervous activity can form various combinations. Type of nervous activity - natural feature organism. It is hereditarily determined and to some extent changes under the influence of environmental conditions. It has been experimentally established, for example, that a strong type with a predominance of excitation can, through training, strengthen the lagging process of inhibition. It is also known that there are age-related changes properties of the nervous system.

With the help of certain techniques, a person consciously or spontaneously compensates for weak sides its typological features and makes the best use of its natural advantages. For example, people with a mobile nervous system perform urgent activities as they arise and perform them in a rush, jerk, and inert people prefer to protect themselves from jerks in work with increased attention to the work being done. The productivity of both is the same, but achieved in different ways.

The concept of "individual style" includes not only external practical methods of action, but also methods and techniques for organizing mental activity. For example, in people with a strong type of nervous system, the organization of attention stability is achieved through volitional efforts. In people with a weak type of nervous system, the stability of attention is compensated by a high level of switching.

Psychologists, who have studied the individual style of activity in many ways, have shown that it does not arise in a person immediately and spontaneously. An individual style is developed and improved if a person is actively looking for techniques and ways to help him achieve better results. The formation of an individual style of activity begins in childhood, occurs under the influence of training and education throughout life.


  1. Adaptation of the body of a teenager to the training load / Ed. D.V. Kolesova. M., Pedagogy, 1987.
  2. Belov N.V. Everything for girls from A to Y. M .: Modern writer, 2000.
  3. Doskin V.A., Kuindzhi N.N. Biological rhythms of a growing organism. M.: Medicine, 1989.
  4. Ivanchenko V.A. Secrets of your cheerfulness. M .: Knowledge, 1988.
  5. Mnatsakanyan L.I. Personality and evaluative abilities of high school students. M.: Education, 1991.

5.7. Organization academic work at school

One of essential elements school regime as the main component of health-saving educational process, is the duration of the school day and school week, the strict correspondence of the nature of the study load to the age capabilities of students. The volume of educational load is established in accordance with the Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor Russian Federation dated December 29, 2010 N 189 Moscow "On the approval of SanPiN2.4.2.2821-10" Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the conditions and organization of training in educational institutions"" (entered into force on September 1, 2011).

In a hygienically correct schedule, the following should be taken into account: the dynamics of working capacity, the difficulty of objects and their alternation during the day.

performance - the potential ability of a person to perform the maximum possible amount of work with a certain efficiency for a certain time.

The performance of schoolchildren during the performance of work during the lesson, day, week, quarter, academic year is not the same, it is characterized by phase changes. In any work (mental, physical) the body of an adult and children is not included immediately, for some time there is an entry into work - working in is the first phase of working capacity. The time of working out individually (at the 1st lesson about 10 minutes, at the last lessons about 5 minutes), depends to a large extent on the type of GNI and the age of the children. After the working-in phase comes the second phase is the phase of optimal performance. During this period, schoolchildren have synchronous qualitative and quantitative indicators of work. With age, the period of working out is shortened for schoolchildren and the time of optimal performance increases (for first-graders, the time for optimal performance is 10-15 minutes; for students in grades 2-4 - 15-20 minutes; for grades 5-8 - 25-30 minutes; for 9 - 10 classes - 35-40 minutes, 11 classes - 45 minutes; adults - 55-60 minutes). If the duration of work exceeds the time of optimal performance of the neurons of the cerebral cortex, their functional exhaustion occurs, a sharp decrease in performance and develops fatigue is the third phase of performance. In schoolchildren, there is an imbalance between excitation and inhibition, on the periphery of the dominant focus, excitation begins to predominate, especially in the previously inhibited motor center. This is manifested in motor restlessness, sipping, distraction from the lesson, lethargy, slowing down of thought processes, weakening of attention, memory. Schoolchildren declining at first accuracy doing the job, and then volume and speed.

Fatigue is natural physiological response body, temporarily arising after a long and intense work. The subjective expression of fatigue is fatigue, which is accompanied by a feeling of some weakness, unwillingness to work.

Degree and time of onset of fatigue content dependent educational material, teaching methods, class microclimate (quality and air temperature, illumination), the state of health of students, diet, work and rest.

For prevention of early fatigue, the teacher should, upon the onset of its signs, switch the attention of students to other activities or ask an interesting question that activates attention, or tell a joke. In elementary grades, it is recommended to conduct a physical education session with schoolchildren to relieve stress.

If the teacher does not pay attention to fatigue, continues to explain the material, the students develop general lethargy, drowsiness, indifference to everything and, above all, to the educational process.

Fatigue - reversible process, therefore, after rest, especially active, working capacity is not only restored, but also increased. It performs a protective function, protecting cortical neurons from functional exhaustion. In case of violation of the daily regimen, rest does not provide a full recovery of the student's strength, fatigue accumulates and leads to overwork. It manifests itself in the weakening of higher mental functions (attention, memory, thinking), general weakness, apathy, sleep disturbance, headaches, loss of appetite.

In such children, the body's resistance to infectious diseases decreases and adverse conditions life. Overfatigue can be one of the causes of the disorder (failure) of the GNA. In children of all ages groups with health problems performance is lower than in healthy children.

Modern scientific research has established that the biorhythmological optimum of mental performance in school-age children falls on the interval of 10-12 hours. During these hours, the greatest efficiency of assimilation of the material is noted at the lowest psychophysiological costs of the body. During the training, the most difficult subjects that require great mental effort should be carried out (main subjects) for students of the 1st stage at 2 – 3 lessons, and for students 2 and 3 steps - at 2, 3, 4 lessons when the performance level is at its highest. The mental performance of students increases by the middle of the week and remains low at the beginning (Monday) and at the end (Friday) of the week.

The study of changes in the functional state of the central nervous system in the course of educational activity and the data of a survey of schoolchildren made it possible to conditionally divide school subjects into difficult, medium difficulty and easy. This division is relative, since the difficulty of the subject largely depends on the individual abilities of the student and the ability of the teacher to present this material to students in an understandable form.

The schedule of lessons is built taking into account the course of the daily and weekly curve of the mental performance of students. The duration of the school week for students in grades 5-11 depends on the volume of the weekly study load and is determined in accordance with the table. Physiological studies of the working capacity of students have shown that the most appropriate duration of a lesson should not exceed 45 minutes.

Classes should start no earlier than 8 hours, without zero lessons. It is more expedient - at 8:30 (or at 9:00), because if the classes start too early, the students do not get enough sleep, they have breakfast on the go, which negatively affects their health. In general educational institutions with in-depth study of individual subjects, lyceums and gymnasiums, training is carried out only in the first shift. In educational institutions working in several shifts, education of 1st, 5th, graduation and compensatory education should be organized in the first shift. Which, unfortunately, is not always the case.

In classes of compensatory education, the number of students should not exceed 20 people.

To prevent fatigue and maintain an optimal level of performance during the week, students in compensating classes should have an easy school day in the middle of the week (Wednesday).

For students in grades 5-9, dual lessons are allowed for laboratory, test work, labor lessons, physical education for the intended purpose (skiing, swimming). Double lessons in basic and specialized subjects for students in grades 5-9 are allowed provided that they are carried out after a physical education lesson with a dynamic pause of at least 30 minutes. In grades 10-11, double lessons are allowed in basic and specialized subjects.

When scheduling lessons, it is necessary to alternate during the day and week for students of the 1st stage the main subjects with lessons in music, fine arts, labor, physical education, and for students of the 2nd and 3rd stages of education - subjects of the natural-mathematical and humanitarian cycles.

Hours of optional, group and individual lessons should be included in the maximum permissible load. These classes should be held on days with the least load. Between the beginning of optional and the last lesson of compulsory classes, a mandatory break of 45 minutes is arranged. The schedule of lessons is compiled separately for compulsory and optional classes.

To ensure the high performance of schoolchildren, it is necessary to correctly normalize the teaching load, scheduling lessons taking into account their performance during the lesson, day, week.
