Garden loaches are perennials. unpretentious bindweed

It is hard to imagine a cozy cottage without picturesque flower islands and ornamental plants.

Blooming creepers give a special charm to the country landscape. Carefully and tastefully selected, actively grown, they delight with their appearance, create diverse stylistic zones and “romantic” corners in the garden, and enchant with the freshness of colors.

And also loaches, due to their vertical growth, create a special effect of three-dimensional “living” space.

Gardeners and landscape designers have long learned to use the virtues of perennial climbing plants. On this, as well as on the features of the most popular types, it is worth dwelling in more detail.

Varieties of climbing plants

Climbing plants are divided into several categories according to various characteristics, including life cycle (annual and perennial), as well as the principle of growth and stem structure (herbaceous and tree-like).

Creeping, climbing, clinging loaches

This division is based on the "mastering technique" of the plant height:

    • Creeping. Plants that can climb up only with the help of additional support. Without a house or decorative wall, they simply carpet the ground. Representatives - spindle tree, climbing rose.
    • Climbing. These individuals do well without special support. Any one is enough for them vertical wall with a rough surface (brick, concrete), so that with the help of their suction cups, they can confidently reach up. Representatives - campsis, girlish grapes, hydrangea.
  • Clinging. They rise along specially constructed supports thanks to special stem processes in the form of antennae, firmly clasping the elements of the support. Representatives - Amur grapes, ampelopsis.

Tree and herbaceous vines

As you might guess, the structure of a tree-like perennial loach resembles the structure of a shrub or tree.

It also has a tree trunk and with each spring continues to grow from the mark to which it stretched a year earlier.

Tree-like perennials are divided into winter-hardy and those that do not tolerate frost in the open.

The former are left on supports for the winter, while the latter are removed from the supports and placed in winter insulated shelters.

As for the herbaceous perennial vines, on the eve of the winter cold, they die off so that new shoots appear from their roots in the spring.

Note: some vine plants may not tolerate metal supports, especially in winter. Therefore, if it is impossible to refuse metal in any way, it is better to remove such plants from supports for the cold season.

Perennial Benefits

Perennial climbing flora has a number of advantages, which are especially noticeable against the background of annual "brothers". Among these advantages, in particular, are:

    • Perennial creepers, unlike annual and heat-loving ones, often show good resistance to cold. Thanks to this, they can be cultivated and enjoyed for several years.
    • Growing vertically upwards, vines do not require much space for planting. Often, a plot of land 40–60 cm wide is enough for this.
    • Climbing perennials are much easier to care for than annuals.
    • Densely overgrown perennials are excellent protection from the wind. In addition, they form an additional comfortable soundproofing layer.
    • Such plants are a real find for an inventive landscape designer. With their help, you can create the most bizarre art structures and artificial grottoes, which are very conducive to high-quality relaxation.
  • It is almost impossible to imagine the design of decorative garden without loaches. In the practice of backyard gardening, they have long and successfully been used - special, in Italian style, gazebos, maximally entwined with vertically growing greenery and flowers.

    • Along with the "decorative" features, densely planted climbing plants hide structural flaws well and mask not-so-pretty buildings and objects (workshops, basements, landfills).
  • Thickets of loaches attract the attention of birds seeking shelter for nesting. Needless to say, how important the close proximity of these active exterminators of various pests is for the garden and vegetable garden.

Note: the best choice for landscaping openwork, well-ventilated and not too shaded pergola is the planting of cultivated grape varieties.

Curly perennial flowers

Today at landscape design a variety of perennial deciduous and flower plants. Among the flowers there is a special group that is most popular with gardening aesthetes.


A typical perennial up to 3.5 m high, loves warmth and light. It has a beautiful stem with extensive branching. Attractiveness peaks during flowering, when the large white, pink, purple or blue flowers look great against the velvety green foliage.

On slightly twisted stems, rarely growing above 2 m in height, flowers of various shades can flaunt - blue, lilac, purple-blue, white with a purple bloom. Prefers partial shade and soil with moderate moisture. Holds up well to frost.

petiolate hydrangea

A very showy flower plant. Over time, it can completely hide the gazebo or veranda under an exotic vertical carpet of bright colors. juicy flowers. An ideal crop for planting in areas with fertile and acidic soils.

honeysuckle honeysuckle

This vigorous perennial (up to 6 m and above) impresses with its amazing flowers. Filling the entire garden with a heady aroma, honeysuckle pleases with a stunning variety of pink, red, purple flowers.

Loved by gardeners for its fast growth, long bloom time and large bright flowers. They can be either one-color or two-color (white-pink, yellow-lilac, etc.). Prefer lighted windless areas on fertile soils.

These tall, 3 m and above, centenarians (live up to 20 years) are distinguished by a very unpretentious attitude to soil quality and irrigation, frost resistance and attractive flowers. Delight with a rich range of juicy shades

climbing rose

A very popular option for vertical gardening. It is divided into two varieties - into plants that bloom once a season, but very abundantly, and into individuals that bloom less densely, but twice per season.

An unusually beautiful plant with flowing openwork leaves and magnificent long (up to half a meter) flower tassels. Disadvantage: quite capricious, does not tolerate frost. Requires pruning twice a year.

Curly flower care

In order for your plants to please you for more than one year, you must follow a number of simple general rules:

    • Properly prepare the base. It must correspond to the nature of the growth of the vine, be strong and not be afraid strong winds and abundant rains;
    • A checkerboard arrangement of diverse plants is preferred. An odd number of individuals is recommended;
    • It is necessary to perform on time, water and fertilize them clearly according to the schedule;
    • We must not forget about the protection of perennials from pests and weeding. Unharvested is bad for the water-food balance;
    • Mandatory regular garter of tall individuals and removal of wilted (dried) flowers;
  • It is very important to keep the soil in the area of ​​​​the root system in a loosened state. This will improve the ventilation of the roots and the supply of nutrients.

Note: do not plant perennial loaches near drains and sewer pipes. Plants that have grown over the years can reach hundreds of kilograms in weight, which is fraught with a break in communications. It is also not recommended to place such plants near the walls and roofs of houses. In a few years, they will become so thick that it will be extremely difficult to get to the structures.

Thinking about observing the various agrotechnical nuances necessary for growing climbing perennials, you need to remember the main thing - as a result of all efforts, an elegant and cozy corner for relax.

How to grow curly perennial flowers on the site, see the video:

is becoming more and more popular among owners of cottages and private houses. I want to not only build a beautiful home, but also decorate the surrounding area. And of course, to protect the area from extraneous penetration. If you want to make your site unique, plant fast-growing climbing plants for, highlighting from hundreds. Many flowers do not require careful maintenance, and from spring to autumn, your fence will not only protect the house, but also please the eye.

Read in the article

Fast-growing climbing plants for the fence - an original version of living decor

Have you ever wondered how to decorate a simple wooden or plastic fence from picket fences in the country or in a private house? And do it cheap and original? Then the idea came to your mind to plant fast-growing climbing plants for the fence. Such a solution does not require large material costs. Flowers themselves will create a unique decor that distinguishes the territory from the crowd, which will save on services professional designers.

To choose the right plant for your site, it is enough to decide on several criteria:

  • climate features;
  • what kind of care you can afford;
  • choice of appearance and planting density of shrubs and flowers.

Among the fast-growing climbing plants for fences, there are annual and perennial options that require special care and growing like weeds. Therefore, you should carefully choose the variety and type of hedge, based on your capabilities and preferences.

Common perennial climbing plants for fence decor

There are a lot of perennial fast-growing climbing plants, but not all of them are easy to care for and grow. There are some of the most popular options for giving, which are enough to plant, and they will delight you with their beauty for many years, covering everything large area fence or terrace:

  • Maiden grape. An unpretentious vine that can change the color of the leaves from bright green in spring to crimson in autumn. In the fruitful period, in addition to external beauty, a crop appears in the form of clusters of blue-black berries, if you choose the right variety, then in addition to beauty, you can make grape juice, jam or wine every year. It grows very quickly up to 20 m in height. It tolerates winter easily and does not require a special place for landing, as it feels equally good both in the shade and in the sun.

  • Clematis. Despite the exotic name, it is very common in summer cottages. Outwardly - long green lashes with small flowers of white, pink or purple hue. Small stars during the flowering period cover the entire area of ​​​​the fence, making it unique. At the same time, the plant does not require careful care and constant watering, but grows like a “weed”.

  • Ivy. He is attributed to poisonous plants, therefore, when planting and leaving, you should observe safety measures and work with gloves. At the same time, beautiful carved green leaves can densely cover any hedge, turning it into a miracle of nature. It tolerates cold well, therefore it is common in Russia, and can also grow on the sunny or shady side of the site.

  • Climbing rose. Flowers have a pleasant aroma and delicate beauty from nature. They love fertile soil, so in the spring it is worth making mineral or special fertilizers. Rapid growth, not only in height, but also in width, will quickly cover the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe fence, adding to it causticity and beauty. It is necessary to plant a plant at a distance of a meter from each other.

  • Actinidia- a useful and unpretentious creation of nature. The beauty of the leaves and flowers results in edible fruits that taste like sweet peppers or gooseberries. Berries are rich in vitamin C, which is so lacking in city life. In height, the plant reaches 15 m, wrapping around the entire provided support. It tolerates frost well, surviving even in Siberia.

This is only a part of the plants that can become a wonderful living pattern on the fence in the country or around a private house. Care for each variety and species is different, but not as thorough as for indoor species. Some can be trimmed to keep them from growing too wide.

Fast-growing climbing plants for giving with a photo and a name, as well as recommendations for care

Perennial climbing plants are very diverse. When choosing an option for a summer cottage, it should be borne in mind that you do not live there permanently, as in a private house, therefore, care for flowers and shrubs should be minimal.

Despite little care for living decor, many species can surpass specially grown garden crops in their beauty and benefits. Let us consider in detail the most popular and interesting specimens with photos and some recommendations for care.

Varieties of flowering perennial loaches for country fences

Blooming perennial loaches are an excellent option for vertical gardening of a summer cottage. They can decorate not only the fence, but also arches or even the house itself. The choice of plant must be taken carefully so that it tolerates the type of soil and climatic conditions well. And also important is the appearance, which should correspond to the overall composition of the site.

Among the most common and easy-to-care plants are:

  • actinidia;
  • bougainvillea;
  • Chinese wisteria;
  • decorative honeysuckle;
  • rooting kampsis;
  • honeysuckle;
  • kirkazon;
  • clematis;
  • Siberian prince;
  • chinese lemongrass;
  • climbing rose;
  • eccremocarpus;
  • echinocystis.

Let's talk about each species in more detail, including methods for caring for plants. So that you can pick suitable option for your summer cottage, below are photos of the varieties of flowers.

Actinidia: planting and plant care

Actinidia belongs to the species of woody vines. In nature, it grows in South-East Asia and the Himalayas, as well as Far East. One of the varieties of the family is kiwi, the fruits of which are known to everyone.

As decorative element use deciduous perennial actinidia with whole or thin leaves. It is the interesting shape of the foliage that makes this vine an excellent option for decorating fences in summer cottages. And mainly two varieties are used:

  • Arguta- length reaches 20 m, blooms in June, and bears fruit in September. Berries taste similar to gooseberries.

  • Kolomikta- outwardly similar to the first type, but differs in non-simultaneous ripening of fruits that reach maturity from August to late autumn. And also the roughness of the leaves serves as an additional decor.

Thinking about what is better to choose: actinidia argut or kolomikta, summer residents rely on taste qualities and fruit ripening time. And also on small external differences of plants.

As for planting and caring for actinidia, they are common to any option:

Purchase It is better to purchase seedlings that are presented in garden stores. When choosing, pay attention to the root system, which must be protected from wind and heat, otherwise the plant will die. Buy options with a closed root system under the age of 3 years.
disembarkation You need to buy female and male versions of the plant for pollination and fruit production. Planted in partial shade. You can choose a place along the house or fence. You should not place the plant near apple trees, as such a neighborhood is unacceptable. And also choose a site on land to prevent waterlogging of the root system. Be sure to plant in the spring before sap flow at a distance of a meter from each other.
Care Weeding is required near the plant during the period of active growth. If you notice a pest attack, be sure to process by special means. Watering is required only in dry summers.
top dressing Mineral fertilizers are used in spring. For each m² of land, 35 g of nitrogen, 20 g of phosphorus and potash fertilizers are applied. Autumn nourishes the soil after harvest.
pruning Proper care stimulates the growth of new shoots. You can cut off at the age of 3 years, when the actinidia gets stronger. Throughout the summer, you can give the desired shape.
Wintering For the period of cold weather, it is necessary to cover the plant. To do this, make a layer of 2-3 cm of dry leaves around the trunk. Such care is required only for young shoots.

By following all the recommendations, you will grow beautiful actinidia in your area, which will not only turn into a living fence, but will also bear valuable fruits rich in vitamins. To make it easier to understand the features of the plant, watch the video:

Bougainvillea: cultivation and care in the garden

Bougainvillea is a small climbing shrub with thorns. In nature, it grows in Brazil and blooms for 9 months in a row. Decorative options have a different shape, large and colorful flowers from lilac to white color.

So beautiful and exotic plant does not require careful maintenance, but it is worth following the recommendations:

reproduction Cuttings are cut off in late spring or early summer. Then, they are placed for 3 hours in warm water, then dipped in root root powder and planted in the ground. The soil is the same as for an adult plant, but peat is added instead of humus.
Care This is a sun loving plant. And for the winter, you should cover or wrap bougainvillea, especially the root system, so that the temperature does not fall below +8 ⁰С.
Watering and feeding It is often worth watering during active growth, and spraying also has a good effect on the plant. warm water. In spring and early summer, mineral or organic fertilizers can be applied twice a week.
pruning The appearance of the flower depends entirely on this process. Pruning that stimulates the growth of lateral shoots is carried out in spring and autumn. And during the summer, you can decoratively trim the tips of the branches.

Bougainvillea is a fairly thermophilic plant, so it is unlikely to be suitable for growing conditions in Siberia. But in central Russia, it is quite possible to wrap a flower for the winter, and enjoy the beauty of its colors all summer long.

To make it easier to care for bougainvillea, watch the video on the topic:

Chinese wisteria: planting and care

White or light purple flower clusters will draw the attention of passers-by to your unusual summer cottage. All summer, wisteria gives the extraordinary beauty of the inflorescences, while it grows well in open ground and does not require careful care.

Among all the varieties, the most popular is Chinese wisteria, whose height reaches 20 m, and the brushes have a pleasant lilac hue and can grow 30 cm in length. Even if you prefer a different variety, you should pay attention to a few recommendations for care:

disembarkation A perennial plant requires a lot of space for a good development of the root system. At the same time, choose a place where the sun will openly shine for at least half a day on wisteria. As for the soil - plant in a slightly alkaline medium in early spring.
Care Young shoots should be tied up so that the trunk can withstand heavy loads of flowering vines. For the winter, the plants are wrapped up, removing the shoots from the supports.
Watering Do not overmoisten the soil, otherwise the root system will rot. In September, they practically stop watering wisteria in order to prepare for wintering.
pruning In early summer or late spring, it is necessary to prune the branches for proper bud formation. Last year's shoots are left no more than 30 cm. After the formation of buds, the shoots should be shortened a little more (by 2 buds).
Wintering Especially carefully monitor the young shoots, which must be wrapped up for the winter. They are removed from the supports and laid on the ground, lightly sprinkled with earth on top and make a layer of fallen leaves. And also lay a special material to fully protect the plant.

More detailed instructions care is presented in the video:

Decorative curly honeysuckle: photos and some care tips

Honeysuckle is a familiar name for Russia. Many summer residents plant this beautiful climbing plant with a growth height of up to 6 m in their plots. It is perfect for vertical decor, so honeysuckle is placed along fences or next to the walls of buildings and structures.

It is unpretentious, grows quickly and gives abundant flowering in summer with a pleasant delicate aroma. Just do not taste the fruits of honeysuckle - they are inedible. Few care tips:

  • Buy seedlings under the age of 3 years and without damage to the root system.
  • Plant in early autumn or late spring in a pit 50 by 50 by 50 cm and a meter apart.
  • When planting, add 100 g of superphosphate and 50 g of potash fertilizers to the soil. Water with warm water.
  • Honeysuckle loves moisture, so it requires water throughout the period until autumn to prepare the plant for winter. Watering should be in the evening and it is better to loosen the soil beforehand.

  • Pruning is done after the first year of life in the open field. The more often you shorten the branches, the more abundant the plant will bloom.
  • Decorative honeysuckle does not like frost, so the root system should be carefully covered.

Here are some interesting photo examples of plants for decorating fences and other elements. summer cottages:

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Kampsis rooting: photos and breeding methods

Campsis is a beautiful and delicate plant, suitable for creating a hedge or decorating a house. This perennial climber raises its tent to a height of up to 15 m. The shoots spiral around the support, and with age the trunks become stiff and resemble the outlines of fairy-tale trees.

Inflorescences are collected from several large orange or scarlet tubular flowers, pleasing the voice from June to September. Kampsis rooting came from North America, and to grow such beauty, you should follow a few simple rules:

Landing recommendations A shrub can grow in any soil, but for abundant flowering it is better to choose fertile and loose soil. Before planting seedlings, it is worth fertilizing the ground in the form of humus or complex fertilizers. mineral compositions. Ideal time to transfer open ground- the beginning of April, when there will be no more winter frosts.
Care and watering Kampsis easily tolerates drought, but for abundant flowering it is better to water regularly. Additional feeding is not required, and pruning should be done in the spring before bud formation or in the fall after the growing season.
Wintering Winter hardiness of Kampsis rooting is average. If the frost does not exceed -20⁰С, you can not insulate, but only protect the root system with a layer of fallen leaves.
reproduction You can grow it yourself from seeds, but you will have to wait seven years for the first flowering. It is easier and faster to purchase seedlings or make layering. To do this, dig a few shoots growing close to the ground.

Important! Kampsis rooting can grow roots in the cracks of the foundation and walls of the house, rising to the roof, so it is recommended to use a trellis for planting.

Here are some tips in the shrub care video:

Honeysuckle honeysuckle: photo, planting and care

Fragrant honeysuckle honeysuckle is very much in demand in the gardens of Russia. Many summer residents and owners of private houses plant this shrub for vertical gardening, decorating fences, houses and arbors.

The flowers are small and graceful look great on the "hedge" during the flowering period. There is nothing difficult in planting and caring for the plant, so even novice gardeners can handle it. Here are a few guidelines to follow:

  • It is better to plant immediately in a permanent place in well-moistened and loosened soil.
  • Add fertilizer in the form of humus, peat or organic mixtures to the pit prepared for planting.
  • In the process of active growth, it is worth fertilizing the vine with potassium mixtures once every 2 weeks.

  • The shrub tolerates heat well, but from severe frosts it is worth wrapping the root system.
  • During the fertilization period, it will be useful to mulch the soil, which reduces the growth rate of weeds and maintains soil moisture.
  • The liana should be shaped not only due to the support that it will wrap around, but also pruned to give splendor to the plant.

Observing such simple rules you can easily grow beautiful decor from the tent of leaves on his site. In addition to honeysuckle, there are several more common varieties:

  • Honeysuckle Brown. The leaves are in the form of an ellipsis, the underside of which has a bluish tint. The flowers are usually red-orange. Blooms from June to October. At proper care Liana is able to survive even the most severe frosts.

  • Honeysuckle Henry. Flowers of a yellow-red hue, pleasing with their beauty from July to August. The fruits are blue-black and the foliage is bright green.

  • Honeysuckle Hecrott. The vine reaches a height of 6 m, and a width of up to 4 m, so the plant should be planted at a distance of at least 1 m from each other. It grows vertically and curls strongly. The leaves are dark bluish-green, and the flowers have a yellow-white edge. It is better to grow in partial shade. Frost tolerates well.

Choose the right honeysuckle variety that will delight you with its beauty and aroma for a long time. Moreover, plant care is minimal, which means that you will spend little effort.

Kirkazon Manchurian: features of care

Kirkazon is a perennial vine. It has another name - aristolochia. There are about 360 species growing in the tropical zone. This exotic shrub will be a wonderful decoration for any personal plot.

It has lush foliage with sharp heart-shaped tips. Differs in endurance and high growth rate. In length, one branch can reach 10 m. The flowers are creamy brown, and the leaves are covered with light hairs, giving a special charm to the plant.

To grow kirkazon vines, you should follow a few rules for planting and care:

disembarkation Spring and autumn are great for planting shrubs in open ground. Choose a place without direct sunlight, partial shade is best. Be sure to make a drainage layer of rubble and sand in the pit. It is best to take root cuttings under the age of 3 years. Keep a distance of 1 m between plants.
Care Be sure to water the plant regularly, make sure that upper layer the soil did not dry out. An adult vine requires about 10 liters of water. In summer, in the heat, the leaves are additionally sprayed. Should be cut too high branches and dried shoots. And also, twice a season, feed the soil with mullein tincture at a concentration of 1 to 10.

Here are a few photo examples of how kirkazon is used in the landscape design of various sites:

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Clematis: planting and care in the open field

Delicate clematis flowers attract the attention of many gardeners. large flowers a wide variety of shades, falling down a waterfall, will become amazing decoration any fence. The variability of varieties allows everyone to choose the right option for themselves.

For proper care of clematis in the open field, simple recommendations should be followed:

  • For planting seedlings, choose a place with plenty of sunlight, but protected from wind and waterlogging of the soil.
  • When planting along the house, leave at least half a meter for the roots to grow. And it is not recommended to plant along a dense metal fence because it is too hot in summer.

  • Feed the dug hole 60 by 60 cm with mineral fertilizers or a homemade mixture of compost, humus, garden soil and sand.
  • It is worth planting in spring or summer, but choose seedlings with a closed root system and use the method of transferring from a pot to the ground.

  • Water the shrub abundantly 1-2 times a week, if a strong heat is established, then increase the number of watering by 2 times.
  • For wintering, all dried leaves are removed, and a “pillow” of insulation is made from them for the period of cold weather.

Prince - close relative clematis. Liana has beautiful bell flowers and graceful foliage. Looks beautiful as a frame for a fence or terrace. Caring for the plant is not difficult, but it is worth watering and cutting off the shoots on time.

To avoid problems with the cultivation of the Siberian prince, follow a few care recommendations.

The indoor bindweed flower is a genus of 200 representatives of flowering plants of the bindweed family with a wide distribution throughout the world. It winds along the ground and the fence, and indeed on any things that meet on its way, the flower is a funnel-shaped formation of petals. You can use the flower for the most exquisite interiors as a green decoration and shading of large-flowered representatives of the flora. It has medium green, arrow-shaped leaves, pink flowers, and strong roots. The article talks about how to grow a plant at home. The indoor bindweed in the photo is presented in various variations:

Bindweed flower in the photo

These are annual or perennial herbaceous vines, shoots and woody shrubs of which can reach up to 3 meters in height. The leaves are spirally arranged, the flowers are trumpet-shaped, mostly white and pink, but some varieties also have blue, purple, purple and yellow petals. Look at the bindweed flower in the photo, which shows a variety of varieties and types:

Bindweed propagates through seeds and roots. Seeds obtained from a flower box retain their germination capacity up to 30 years in the soil and 2-3 years in open form. On the open ground it most often grows as a weed, so to get rid of it, you need to thoroughly clean all the roots of the plants. Even a small particle of it is enough to grow a small family.

Indoor and home flowers bindweed

As ornamental plant only two subspecies are used. These are indoor and home flowers of bindweed, allowing you to elegantly decorate apartments and offices. Convolvulus tricolor or Bindweed tricolor or small - is short to medium term with a single flower on a long stem. This flowering plant originally from the Mediterranean Basin, it is especially common in the south, but sometimes it is also seen in other areas with a similar climate. In Spain, it can be found in the Balearic Islands and Andalusia, especially in the Costa del Sol.

The indoor flower consists of three funnel-shaped flowers three centimeters wide with a blue, white and yellow center. This subspecies is common in natural environment on cultivated land, dry open habitats, sandy places and near roads. Usually the tricolor is grown for ornamental purposes. Includes the varieties Red Banner and Blue Ensign. In landscape design, it is used in discounts and mixborders, and at home it is most often grown in pots on the balcony. As we have already said, all varieties of bindweed grow very quickly, so it is very convenient to use it as a ground cover.

The shoots of the plant reach half a meter in height. The flowering period is from July to August, but its flowers are short-lived. After one day, it falls off, but a new one immediately forms in its place. In the flowers there are boxes with seeds 3 mm in diameter each. The second decorative species is Convolvulus sabatius or Moorish (or Sabat) bindweed. It is a species of flowering plant in the bindweed family. He comes from Italy and North Africa, it is quite often grown on purpose. This woody trailing plant reaches 20 centimeters in height and has slightly drooping leaves. The shade of the flower can vary from delicate blue to deep purple. Quite often, it occurs with a lighter center 2-2.5 centimeters in diameter.

This species is often sold under the synonym Convolvulus mauritanicus. Although the plant is perennial, it is better to care for it as an annual in a colder climate. It will be very convenient for plants grown on the windowsill and in balcony boxes. The flower prefers sunny places with a good drainage layer. Timely pruning ensures new growth and more lush and bright bloom. The flowering period of the bindweed is from July to September, and the bindweed of this species blooms quite abundantly. The flower is unpretentious and does not require careful care from you, which is why it is so loved to be grown on balconies as ampelous plant. In combination with other colors, it creates a unique appearance your balcony.

Growing indoors

As we have already said, bindweeds are unpretentious and can grow even on poor soil, but it is only desirable that this be sunny place. Growing in room conditions You can start by planting seeds or layering. In late April - early May, seeds can be planted directly on open ground, and if you want to prepare seedlings, then this is best done in March. For this, in a container with pre-prepared soil, or better in peat pots. It is necessary to plant only after the threat of frost has finally passed so that the plant does not die in cold weather (some species are thermophilic). It is very important to water the bushes on time, because with a lack of moisture, they immediately throw off their buds. During growth and development, it is necessary to regularly feed bindweeds with potash and phosphorus fertilizers - 1 time in 2 weeks will be enough. Nitrogen fertilizers can also be used for better growth foliage, but this will be at the expense of flowering. If you have chosen a bindweed liana, then you also need to install a support for the trunk.

On window sills and balconies, bindweeds are planted on the south and southeast side in boxes with a sufficient amount of land. With timely watering and sufficient feeding, the plant develops very quickly and blooms profusely from mid-summer to early autumn.

The gentle charm of the bright inflorescences of the tricolor bindweed captivates every grower at first sight and makes you want to plant it in your flower garden. Growing bindweed tricolor from seeds is a simple task, every flower lover can do it.

Bindweed tricolor - perennial bindweed family with a creeping stem up to 3 m long, in our climatic conditions grown as an annual. The closest relative of the tricolor bindweed is field bindweed, a weed known to all summer residents. The plant is frost-resistant, rarely affected by pests and diseases. It blooms from June to late autumn, flowers bloom only in sunny weather, so you can tell from them whether it will rain. After flowering, a box with two large seeds is formed, which can be easily collected for sowing for the next season.

Reproduction and planting

Usually bindweed tricolor is propagated by seeds, although reproduction is possible by dividing the rhizome or cuttings. Growing from seeds is possible immediately in open ground or seedlings.

Growing from seed:

  • In open ground, seeds are sown in late April - early May. They are placed in shallow grooves, which are covered with a film, pre-planting is well watered. The film is removed when the threat of night frost has passed. So that the plants do not interfere with each other, you need to thin out the seedlings and leave a distance of 25-30 cm between plants. Remote plants can be planted on other beds.

Advice! Bindweed seeds are large, so it is better to plant them one at a time away from each other. Seeds are pre-soaked for 1-2 days.

  • Seeds are sown for seedlings in March. A mixture of their humus, peat and sand is poured into containers, disinfected with a weak solution of potassium permanganate or a fungicide. Seeds are sown away from each other or in individual containers so that the stems of grown plants do not intertwine. Containers are placed in a warm, well-lit place, watered infrequently, preventing the soil from drying out. In May, seedlings can be planted in open ground.

Reproduction by cuttings

Tricolor bindweed can be propagated by cuttings all summer. For rooting, the cuttings are placed in a container with water or planted in a loose substrate. When the roots appear, the cuttings are planted in a permanent place.

Landing Care

Bindweed care is simple, and doing a few simple recommendations care will allow you to admire the bright inflorescences all summer.

  • For successful vegetation, bindweed needs loose soil with neutral acidity or slightly acidic.
  • Place the plant in a well-lit place, although it easily tolerates partial shade.
  • Planting should be watered as the soil dries out. Too abundant watering is not recommended, because. green mass will increase, and there will be few flowers.
  • It is better to feed bindweed organic fertilizers. Before planting, soil or rotted compost, when buds begin to form, wood ash is added. During flowering, you can add to the water for irrigation. complex fertilizers but not more than once a month.
  • It is important to regularly loosen the soil and weed the weeds in the beds with bindweed. You can simply mulch the soil under plantings, the mulch will help retain moisture in the soil and prevent the growth of weeds.
  • Faded inflorescences should preferably be removed, this will stimulate abundant flowering.
  • Plants planted in pots and containers need good drainage and additional feeding.

Disease prevention

Bindweed is rarely affected by diseases, therefore, following the correct cultivation technique will help to avoid diseases and prevent the appearance of pests on it. Most often, bindweed can be threatened by powdery mildew and spider mites.

  • Powdery mildew.

With an excess of moisture, the plant can be affected by powdery mildew. Powdery mildew is fungal disease, which spreads very quickly and can destroy a large area of ​​plantings in a short time. It appears as white coating on leaves, like flour. If you do not start fighting it in time, it infects new plants, plaque appears not only on the leaves, but also on the stems and flowers. The plant dries, turns yellow and quickly dies.

This white coating is actually a mycelium, in places where it appears on the leaves, ulcers form. Fungi pull their plants nutrients. Cool damp weather provokes the appearance of powdery mildew. Also, the cause of its appearance may be improper watering, when the plantings are watered without waiting until the earth dries out. It can occur with too dense plantings.

When a disease appears on plants, it is necessary to remove the infected leaves, flowers or whole plants. If the flowers are planted in pots or containers, you need to replace the topsoil, because. it can contain a fungus. It is also necessary to treat the plants with a fungicide solution, and it is very plentiful so that it gets on the underside of the leaves and flower stems. The walls of pots, containers and pallets must be treated with the same solution.

To prevent powdery mildew, plantings are thinned, old leaves that are close to the ground are removed, and the flower garden is watered only after the soil under the flowers has dried.

  • Spider mite.

This is a pest that appears on plants in dry and hot weather. Tick ​​larvae and adults feed on cell sap plants by sucking it out of the leaves. Many dots appear on the leaves, over time the leaves turn yellow and fly around. If you do not fight the tick, the plant may die. Females lay several hundred eggs in the ground in just 1-2 months of their lives, and they can be in the ground for quite a while. long time until the weather is favorable for them.

Despite the fact that the mite is called a spider mite, the presence of a web on an affected plant is completely optional, so it is not easy to detect it. If the plantings began to turn yellow, dry and fall off the leaves, it is necessary to examine the underside of the leaves, the presence of small black dots on it means that the plant is affected by a spider mite.

To combat the pest, first of all, dried and yellowed leaves are removed, which are better not to be thrown away, but to be burned. The flower garden must be treated with an acaricidal preparation, and the treatment is carried out 3-4 times with an interval of 5-6 days, because. the death of adults does not yet mean victory over the tick. Its eggs can remain in the ground, and after a week young mites reappear on the plants.

Prevention of damage to plantings by this pest consists in regular spraying of flowers in dry and hot weather.

Medicinal properties

How medicinal plant bindweed has been known since the time of Avicenna. healing properties possess wild varieties of bindweed, and specifically bindweed field. It contains a large number of biologically active substances, vitamins, flavonoids, ascorbic acid.

Infusion of herbs is used as an anti-inflammatory and diuretic in diseases Bladder. A decoction of bindweed has a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract, is used as a choleretic and laxative. Also, the decoction lowers blood pressure, has a calming effect on nervous disorders. For the treatment of asthma, an infusion of fresh bindweed grass is used. divorced alcohol tincture bindweed treat long non-healing wounds with the help of compresses and lotions.

Advice! It is necessary to strictly observe the dosage indicated in the recipe, because. the plant contains toxic alkaloids.

You can prepare medicinal raw materials yourself. The whole plant is harvested during flowering, the roots are harvested in spring or autumn when digging the site. The stems are sorted out, dried leaves are removed, the roots must be washed well. Dry raw materials under a canopy on a clean bedding or on paper. Store finished raw materials for no more than a year.

Bindweed tricolor in the design of the site and the house

Due to its unpretentiousness and ease of care, bindweed tricolor is widely used in the design of balconies, terraces, flower beds. You can use it as an ampelous plant by planting it in boxes and pots. With it, it is good to decorate a fence or outbuildings, decorate the entrance to the house in the form of an arch. bindweed planted around summer veranda or gazebos, not only decorate it with their elegant bells, but create coolness on hot days. They also use it when decorating balconies and loggias, you just need to install a support or tie up shoots.

As a ground cover plant, bindweed tricolor is used for decoration alpine slides, creating borders. In addition, it is often used to decorate curly frames, grown on supports, using it to create green partitions and walls to hide nooks and yards of the site and garden.

Growing a tricolor pack will bring pleasure to both experienced and novice flower growers with its simplicity and wonderful result in the form of cheerful bells decorating them garden plot.

With the help of vines and climbing annuals, you can not only create spectacular flower arrangements, but also complement or change the architecture of a house or gazebo. These plants will help create a stylish hedge or to cover the shortcomings of the building. Curly garden flowers can make up individual small architectural forms- arches, hedges and stylish gazebos.

Creepers help to protect a site located near busy highways from noise and dust and are often used to effectively decorate the facade of a house. Huge selection perennial and annual in any stylistic decision.

Features of vertical gardening - important nuances in choosing plants for the garden

Any loach flowers for the garden require a support, the design of which depends on the intended decor and must meet the following mandatory requirements:

  • The strength of the support is calculated depending on the type of plant. For annuals, it is enough to stretch a plastic mesh for cucumbers, but for massive vines, the support must be made of metal and firmly fixed to metal frame to withstand gusts of wind, rain and snow;

  • Creeping species of plants themselves will find support in brickwork or natural stone. Girlish grapes or ivy may well replace decorative plaster and become a spectacular decoration for the walls of a small country house;
  • For clinging varieties, such as sweet peas or morning glory, it is enough to install a thin mesh (reinforcing) or simply stretch a thin wire on a wooden frame;

  • Leaning varieties of loaches require a vertical or 45-degree slanted support. Arched ceilings, all types of pergolas or trellis ideal for honeysuckle, clematis and wisteria;
  • Semi creepers that cannot gain a foothold on a support on their own, climbing roses and raspberries, require fastening branches with twine or special clothespins.

Advice. When choosing one or another variety of loach, it is important to immediately decide on the design of the support and the landing site, since these plants do not like to change their “place of residence”.

Popular bright hedges and spectacular flowering arches

Lianas and other bindweeds grow very quickly; in a year or two in central Russia, plants can create a full-fledged hedge. When choosing varieties, one must be guided by the climate in the region, average monthly winter temperatures and the requirements for agricultural technology. For each region of our country, you can choose best option vertical gardening.

Interesting. The opinion that creepers contribute to dampness is a mistake. The roots of plants take moisture from the base of the foundation, and the leaves protect the walls from rain and wind.

  • Roses, honeysuckle and grapes grow well in the south and southeast of the site;
  • On the east side, it is desirable to plant actinidia, Chinese magnolia vine or kirkazon;
  • We plant the shady northern and northwestern side with unpretentious girlish grapes or ivy.

Advice. Loaches in the garden are planted taking into account the flowering period and the requirements for the degree of moisture. Moisture-loving varieties are best placed in areas with an equipped irrigation system. IN southern regions drip irrigation, under the root, has proven itself perfectly.

Unpretentious bright annuals

Curly annuals for the garden will bring little trouble and a lot of joy. Such a bright decor does not require the erection of monumental supports, the flowers will perfectly wrap around a fence, wattle fence or gazebo. It is enough to pull the twine or twine in the right direction and a splendid green tent will grow of its own accord.

If there is a craving for experiments, then annuals are the best solution. Every year you can change the landscaping depending on your mood.

Important. Some species are sown independently and very plentifully. This must be taken into account in order not to deal with unwanted seedlings later.

The most popular loaches in central Russia:

  • Ampel gloxinia- unpretentious annual plant with a large selection of color palettes. It blooms from June until the first frost, does not like drafts and cold. Therefore, the instruction recommends planting seeds in early May in sunny, wind-sheltered areas of the garden. The most popular varieties are Barclay and Azarina climbing;
  • Bell grape or kobeya- honey delicate aroma and delicate bell-shaped inflorescences from blue to purple. Dissolves buds from July and pleases the eye until October. Requires regular watering and monthly mineral dressings, as it builds mass very quickly. Recommended for decoration of hedges and arbors;
  • Bright and unpretentious bindweed for the garden - morning glory. If the soil is favorable, then once sowing this flower at the fence, you can not worry about painting it. This persistent bindweed from June to the first frost pleases with lush clusters of blue, star-shaped or crimson inflorescences.

Advice. Ipomoea pots look very impressive on the veranda, but we must not forget that the plant loves sandy soils with lime inclusions.

  • Hyacinth beans or dolichos- Violet-white flowers turn into purple pods by August. Often used for garden decoration oriental style, especially brick or stone walls located in the south of the site;
  • Bright yellow elegant visloplodnik- a plant can wrap a wall up to five meters high in a month, so it is often used for original design arches, trellises and trunk circles. Prefers southern, well-lit areas, undemanding to watering and soil composition;

  • Sweet pea- gentle, pastel shades and delicate aroma with absolute unpretentiousness to the conditions make it rightfully the most popular annual in the garden.

Advice. When choosing a variety, you need to pay attention to the height of the plant. Exist dwarf species for decoration of flower beds and borders.

Perennials - green garden architects

Perennial garden climbing flowers can help create interesting architectural designs in the garden. But they require a serious approach to the construction of a reliable and durable support.

Let's dwell on the most popular vines that are easy to cultivate in central Russia:

  • "Wisteria blooms, blue hoarfrost"- a spectacular cascade of flowing blue, purple and pink inflorescences is suitable for creating arches, pergolas and shady paths in the garden. With proper care and shelter for the winter from frost, it feels good even at frosts below 20.

  • Clematis - also does not like the cold. A distinctive feature - leaves and flowers should receive enough sunlight and heat, and the root system is located in the shade, hidden from direct sunlight;
  • Ivy and honeysuckle- shade-loving vines, with the help of which, within one season, you can form a spectacular hedge on the site;
  • Curly garden bean, otherwise alpine bean- frost-resistant, shade-loving bush with beautifully flowering long, downward-pointing branches. It grows well only in the southern regions, at minus ten degrees the plant freezes completely.

Important. The fruits of the bean are poisonous, so if there are children in the house, then it is undesirable to plant it.

  • Universal climbing rose bushes - the most popular type of vertical gardening. The only negative is prickly, but this is fully compensated by the magnificent summer flowering, unfortunately, mostly only in June;
  • Tree pliers - a universal liana for the northern regions and for shady areas of the garden. The only requirement is regular watering and loosening the soil;
  • girlish grapes- the lack of flowers is compensated by bright elegant foliage and absolute undemanding. Care price - autumn pruning, this modest will not require more attention to himself.


With the help of climbing plants, it is possible to transform a garden plot into a Garden of Eden in a short time, fantasy and desire would be ball.

The video in this article is about interesting ideas by using vines and annual loaches.
