Family Compositae. Compositae family The most characteristic feature of the Compositae family

lesson type - combined

Methods: partially exploratory, problem presentation, reproductive, explanatory-illustrative.


Students' awareness of the importance of all the issues discussed, the ability to build their relationship with nature and society based on respect for life, for all living things as a unique and priceless part of the biosphere;


Educational: to show the multiplicity of factors affecting organisms in nature, the relativity of the concept of "harmful and beneficial factors", the diversity of life on planet Earth and the options for adapting living beings to the whole range of environmental conditions.

Developing: develop communication skills, the ability to independently acquire knowledge and stimulate their cognitive activity; the ability to analyze information, highlight the main thing in the studied material.


Formation of an ecological culture based on the recognition of the value of life in all its manifestations and the need for a responsible, careful attitude to the environment.

Formation of understanding of the value of a healthy and safe lifestyle


education of Russian civil identity: patriotism, love and respect for the Fatherland, a sense of pride in their homeland;

Formation of a responsible attitude to learning;

3) Formation of a holistic worldview, corresponding to the current level of development of science and social practice.

cognitive: the ability to work with various sources of information, convert it from one form to another, compare and analyze information, draw conclusions, prepare messages and presentations.

Regulatory: the ability to organize independently the execution of tasks, evaluate the correctness of the work, reflection of their activities.

Communicative: Formation of communicative competence in communication and cooperation with peers, older and younger in the process of educational, socially useful, teaching and research, creative and other activities.

Planned results

Subject: know - the concepts of "habitat", "ecology", "environmental factors" their influence on living organisms, "connections of living and non-living";. Be able to - define the concept of "biotic factors"; characterize biotic factors, give examples.

Personal: make judgments, search and select information; analyze connections, compare, find an answer to a problematic question


The ability to independently plan ways to achieve goals, including alternative ones, to consciously choose the most effective ways to solve educational and cognitive problems.

Formation of the skill of semantic reading.

Form of organization of educational activities - individual, group

Teaching methods: visual and illustrative, explanatory and illustrative, partially exploratory, independent work with additional literature and textbook, with DER.

Receptions: analysis, synthesis, conclusion, transfer of information from one type to another, generalization.

Goals: to continue the formation of ideas about the diversity of flowering plants; to acquaint with the distinctive features of plants of the Compositae family; to teach how to make a morphological description of a plant, to give its systematic characteristics; continue the formation of the skill of working with natural objects, the ability to recognize plants with a determinant or identification cards.

Equipment and materials: tables “Family Compositae”, herbariums of plants of the family Compositae, flower model, collections and dummies of fruits, dried reed and tubular flowers (for example, sunflower), live specimens of gerbera, bushy chrysanthemum.

Key words and concepts: department angiosperms, class dicotyledons, family Compositae; inflorescence basket, lozhesotsvetsii, wrapper, reed flowers, false reed flowers, tubular flowers, funnel-shaped flowers; flower formula, flower diagram, methods of pollination and seed dispersal.

Course of lessons

Knowledge update

Learning new material

Teacher's story with elements of conversation

Family Compositae also called aster, in honor of one of the representatives of this family. Exactly this large(numerous) family of the class Dicotyledons. It includes about 25,000 species belonging to more than 1,000 genera. More than 1000 species of Compositae plants grow on the territory of Russia.

This is one of the most widespread and highly organized families. Compositae are found on all continents of the world, in all natural areas. They are distributed from the tundra to equatorial latitudes, from alpine snows to sea coasts, grow both on fertile soils and on barren sands.

Compositae are represented by all possible life forms. Among them there are trees (sometimes with an unbranched columnar stem), shrubs, semi-shrubs, perennial and annual herbs, creepers, climbing forms, sometimes boughs. Arboreal species live mainly in the tropics, mainly on the islands.

Where do arboreal legumes live? (Mainly in the tropics.)

Many of the island forms are endemic.

Remember what endemics are. (Endemics are species of plants or animals that are distributed in a limited area and are not found outside of it.)

For example, in Madagascar, a brachilena tree grows, reaching a height of 40 m. The diameter of its trunk reaches 1 m. This tree was discovered and first described by Charles Darwin.

The variety of life forms of Compositae is extremely large. found in the mountains of Africa columnar non-branching trees up to 7 m high with an extensive rosette crown at the top. In the highlands of New Zealand grow pillow-shaped forms of Compositae with a diameter of up to 2 m and a height of up to 60 cm. In tropical forests there are several types of large creeper belonging to this family. In the deserts and semi-deserts of Africa, there are various succulents. Among the plants of the family Compositae, there are also water species. These include American sclero-lepsis, aquatic nectis, and South American cotula.

But most Compositae are annuals and perennials. herbs, from fairly large to not very large. Their typical habitats are steppes, semi-deserts, river valleys.

What was the key feature in assigning plants to a particular family? (One of the main features was the structure of the flower.)

Unlike other families studied by us, for complex-colored, a characteristic feature is not the structure of the flower, but the type of inflorescence. Compositae inflorescence is a basket that looks more like a flower, hence the name of the family. Sometimes baskets can be collected in an inflorescence of the second order - a shield (tansy, yarrow) or panicle (wormwood).

Usually the inflorescence consists of a large number of small flowers (a sunflower may have more than a thousand), sitting on a common saucer-shaped bed of the inflorescence. The bed of the basket is usually flat, concave or convex. Outside, the basket is surrounded by a wrapper of green leaves.

Basket sizes vary. In most species, they are not large, imitating a single flower. The diameter of the inflorescence is from one to several centimeters, less often up to 10-15 cm. But in some representatives, such as sunflower, the diameter of the basket can reach 30 cm. In many species, the baskets are very tiny - up to 2-4 mm in diameter.

The flowers are very diverse in external structure, color, size. There are several main types of flowers: tubular, reed, pseudo-reed, funnel-shaped. Parts of the flower are strongly transformed. The perianth is double, but the calyx is turned into a tuft, bristles, membranous outgrowth, or can be reduced. In some species, rudiments of the lobed calyx in the form of scales have been preserved. The petals of the flowers grow together and form a corolla, the shape of which can be different.

The filaments of the stamens are usually free, and the anthers stick together sideways and form a single tube surrounding the style of the pistil. The stigma is usually double.

Independent work of students with a textbook

The class is divided into three groups, each of which receives a task: using the text of the textbook (textbook by I.N. Ponomareva § 40; textbook by V.V. Pasechnik § 51), characterize and write a formula for one of the types of flowers. (In textbooks, the characteristics of false-reed flowers are missing.)

Approximately 5 minutes are given to complete the task. Students, one from each team, go to the board and write the formula for the flower of the Compositae family. Other students from the group help to correct possible mistakes. The next student gives a verbal description of this flower. The following gives examples of plants in which such flowers occur. The teacher completes and corrects the answers.

Continuation of the teacher's story with elements of conversation

At tubular flower petals in the lower part grow together into a tube. In the upper part, the tube can expand bell-shaped and split into 5 teeth. The flower is correct. Usually bisexual, but unisexual also occur. Flower formula: *H(5)

or 0L(5)T(5)PG

Reed the flowers most likely evolved from the tubular ones. The lower part of the corolla grows together in the form of a tube, but very short. A little higher, the tube on one side splits and forms a tongue, at the end of which 5 teeth are clearly visible. The flower is irregular, bisexual. Flower formula: LCH(5) or 0L(5)T(5)P1.

funnel-shaped the flower is also formed by 5 petals, fused in the form of a tube, but the tube in the upper part expands in the form of a funnel. The flower is asexual, has neither stamens nor pistils. Flower formula: l or * H (5), or 0L (5) T0P0.

False reed flowers are formed by only three petals. The perianth is outwardly very similar to the perianth of the reed flower, but is formed by three petals. Flowers of this type are often female (pistil type). Flower formula: LCH,5) or

LTP 0 (3) 0 1

Basket may consist only of tubular flowers (dandelion) or only reed (aster). Often there are such options that tubular flowers are located in the center of the inflorescence, the main function of which is seed formation. And along the edge of the inflorescence there are false-lingual or funnel-shaped flowers, the role of which is to attracting insects(blue cornflower, chamomile, sunflower).

Gender composition flowers within the same inflorescence can also be different. There are baskets consisting only of bisexual flowers (dandelion, chicory), consisting of bisexual and unisexual or asexual flowers (chamomile, daisy, aster, cornflower), exclusively of unisexual flowers located within one basket (mother -stepmother), or different.

In the latter case, they are found monoecious plants, as well dioecious(separately female, separately male flowers are collected in different baskets on different plants), for example, a cat whose paw is dioecious.

Usually, flowers bloom earlier, located closer to the edge of the inflorescence, and then the central ones. Features of the structure of the inflorescence, variations of flowers and their distribution throughout the inflorescence are crucial for classification Compositae and determining their genera.

Based on the described features of the family, try to guess how pollinated plants of this family. (Student answers.)

A significant part of Compositae are insect pollinated plants. In most plants, nectar is secreted at the base of the column, most often in small quantities. Usually, plants of this family are pollinated by insects with a long proboscis, butterflies, and less often by birds.

Compositae have many clever adaptations to cross-baptism pollination. Pollen is shed inside the flower tube before the pistil matures. As the pistil grows, it pushes the pollen out, but self-pollination does not occur, since the stigma lobes have not yet been opened. The stigma opens only when it is above the stamen tube. After that, the pistil dissolves with two blades and can be pollinated by the pollen of other flowers. But if cross-pollination has not occurred, by the end of flowering, the stigma lobes twist down, touch the top of the pollen tube, and self-pollination. Some Compositae pollinated by the wind.

What are the characteristics of wind pollinated plants? ( They are characterized by small dim flowers, collected in numerous inflorescences.)

Many steppe plants are wind-pollinated, for example, wormwood. A common feature characteristic of all plants of the family is seed fruit.

Remember the characteristics of the fruit achene. (Example answer. The achene is a single-seeded non-opening fruit with a dense, leathery, thin pericarp, usually easily separated from the seed. Often the fruits have various outgrowths in the form of hooks (burdock, string) or parachutes (dandelion).)

Despite such uniformity of fruits, they differ greatly in size, nature of outgrowths and methods of distribution. The size of Asteraceae achenes varies from 0.5 mm (cat's foot dioecious) to 5 cm. The fruits are spreading complex-colored with the help of the wind, attaching to the fur of animals.

Give examples of such plants. (The dandelion fruits are spread by the wind, the fruits of the series and burdock are attached to the hair of animals.)

Some fruits are carried by insects (ants), attracting them with special outgrowths containing special oils. The seeds of some plants are carried by water. Some species themselves scatter seeds.

The seeds are made up of two cotyledons(like all seeds of the dicotyledonous class), without endosperm. The supply of nutrients is concentrated in the cotyledons.

leaf arrangement usually alternate, rarely opposite or whorled. Sometimes the shoots can be very short, rosette-shaped. Often in the vegetative organs there are milkers and resin passages. For many plants of the complex-colored family, especially for desert forms, pubescence of stems and leaves is characteristic.

Recall what type of venation is characteristic of dicotyledonous plants. (Dicotyledonous plants have pinnate venation.)

In plants of this family, in addition to the traditional pinnate venation, there are also arcuate and linear (co-green) venation. The shape and size of leaf blades in dicots can be very diverse (the teacher demonstrates the dried leaves of various plants of the Compositae family). The Compositae family includes a huge number of plant species used by humans in various fields of activity.

Creative task. Find information about the diversity of varieties of cultivated plants of the Compositae family. What wild species are these cultivars derived from?

Assignments for students interested in biology.

Try to independently draw up cards for determining monocotyledonous and dicotyledonous plants, as well as families of dicotyledonous plants.

Prepare a report on interesting families of the class bipartite.

Department of angiosperms. Compositae family. Family traits

Dicotyledonous, familyAsteraceae



I.N. Ponomareva, O.A. Kornilov, V.S. Kuchmenko Biology: Grade 6: a textbook for students of educational institutions

Serebryakova T.I., Elenevsky A. G., Gulenkova M. A. et al. Biology. Plants, Bacteria, Fungi, Lichens. Trial textbook for grades 6-7 of high school

N.V. Preobrazhenskaya Biology workbook for the textbook by V. V. Pasechnik “Biology Grade 6. Bacteria, fungi, plants

V.V. Pasechnik. Manual for teachers of educational institutions Biology lessons. 5th-6th grades

Kalinina A.A. Lesson developments in biology Grade 6

Vakhrushev A.A., Rodygina O.A., Lovyagin S.N. Verification and control work to

textbook "Biology", 6th grade

Presentation Hosting

Plants with beautiful bright flowers form a large family of Compositae. It includes more than 32 thousand species distributed on different continents.

general description

The second name of the family is Asteraceae. These are angiosperms or flowering plants belonging to the class Dicotyledons.

Most of the family are herbaceous annuals or perennials. In areas with a tropical climate, there are shrubs (some species of the genus Brachilena) and trees (petiolate scalesia).

A characteristic feature of plants is small flowers located at the expanded end of the pedicel, forming a basket. From the side it may seem that this is a single large flower with long petals. In fact, the core of the "flower" is formed by many small flowers 2-3 mm long. Vivid examples are sunflower, chamomile, dandelion, cornflower.

Rice. 1. Representatives of Compositae.

plant structure

General characteristics of the Compositae family are presented in the table.

TOP 4 articleswho read along with this

plant organs


root system


Upright, hard, often branched

Simple, entire or dissected. Arrangement - alternate, rarely - opposite


Simple - basket. The receptacle is expanded, has a convex or concave shape. From below it is surrounded by a wrapper. The calyx is formed by bracts in one or two rows.

Bisexual or unisexual. Has a double perianth. The calyx is absent or modified into hairs or setae. Five fused petals. The anthers of the five stamens form a dense tube around the style with a bifid stigma. The general formula of a flower of the Compositae family is CH0L (5) T (5) P1, where the calyx (H), perianth (O), petals (L), stamens (T), pistils - (P).

Dry - seed. Often there are pappus - tuft, parachute, fly, hooks, spikes for better distribution

flower morphology

The flower is the most complex part of the plant. Small flowers consist of five petals fused into a tube. According to the shape, five types of interpetal corolla are distinguished:

  • tubular - the original type with the correct shape, consisting of a tube (fused corolla) and five petals bent to the sides, more often bisexual;
  • funnel-shaped - a kind of tubular corolla without stamens and pistils with an expanded and bent to the side upper part;
  • reed - irregular shape, consisting of a fused lower part of the corolla, and a tongue formed by five fused and recurved petals, often bisexual;
  • pseudolingual - a variety of reed type with a tongue of three fused petals, usually has only a pistil;
  • bilabiate - a unisexual or bisexual variety of the reed type with two reeds formed by three and two fused petals.

Rice. 2. The structure of the Compositae flower.

In some representatives of the Compositae, the basket consists only of tubular flowers (burdock, artichoke), in others - only of reed flowers (lettuce, dandelion, chicory). In some species, for example, in chamomile, tubular flowers are in the center, and reeds are located along the edges (white petals are elongated tongues).

In one basket, flowers of different sexes are combined. Only female flowers can grow along the edges, and bisexual or male flowers inside. All flowers can be bisexual or only central (sterile at the edges). There are also dioecious species.


Compositae are important in various human activities.

  • The medicine . Chamomile, yarrow, arnica, coltsfoot, tansy are used to treat gastrointestinal disorders, inflammation of the skin and respiratory tract.
  • landscape design . Because of the bright appearance, the plants are used to decorate flower beds. Grow asters, dahlias, daisies, marigolds, marigolds.
  • Agriculture . Cultivated plants are used for food. Oil is prepared from sunflower seeds, surrogate coffee from chicory, a sugar substitute from stevia, and Tarragon drink from tarragon. One type of Asteraceae vegetable crop is lettuce or lettuce.

1. From what parts of the flower do fruits form?

The fruit is formed from the ovary.

2. What fruits are called berries?

A berry is a juicy fruit with pulp, covered on the outside with a thin skin.


1. What plants from the nightshade family do you know?

Solanaceae include plants such as potatoes, tomato, eggplant, petunia, dope, henbane, belladonna, smoking tobacco.

2. List the distinguishing features of the nightshade family.

All nightshades have the same structure of flowers and fruits. The flower of these plants has a double perianth: a calyx of 5 fused sepals and a corolla of 5 fused petals. They have 5 stamens, and a pistil 1. Solanaceae flower formula: * H (5) L (5) T5P1. The fruits are either berries or capsules.

3. Give examples of vegetable, ornamental and medicinal plants that belong to the nightshade family.

Vegetables: potatoes, tomato, eggplant, pepper.

Decorative: petunia, physalis.

Medicinal: belladonna, henbane, scopolia.

4. What effect do toxic substances contained in the leaves of smoking tobacco have on the body?

Of these, nicotine is the most toxic. It poisons the blood, destroys the heart, respiratory organs. Smoking undermines human health.

5. What cultivated plants and on what grounds belong to the legume family?

Among them are food (peas, beans, soybeans, beans, peanuts), ornamental (cara-gana, or yellow acacia, robinia, or white locust, wisteria, sweet peas), fodder (clover, lupine, alfalfa.

Moth flower has an irregular shape, double perianth, calyx of 5 fused sepals, corolla of 5 petals (2 of them fused). The petals of a legume flower have special names: the upper one, usually the largest, is a sail, the side petals are oars, and the 2 lower fused ones are a boat. The pistil, located inside the boat, is surrounded by 10 stamens. In most plants, the filaments of 9 stamens grow together, and 1 remains free. The flower formula of most moths is: Ch (5) L1 + 2 + (2) T (9) + 1P1.

Nodules with bacteria appear on the roots of moths.

For moth plants, inflorescences are characteristic brush and head.

6. What are the characteristic features of representatives of the Compositae family?

A characteristic feature of a plant of the Compositae family is the presence of a basket inflorescence. Usually the inflorescence contains many small flowers sitting on a common bed. All these flowers are surrounded by a wrapper of leaves, usually green.

Compositae flowers have a double perianth, but their calyx is either not developed or is represented by bristles or hairs forming a tuft. The corolla consists of 5 petals fused into a tube. There are also 5 stamens, their anthers are connected into a stamen tube located around the style. The flower has 1 pistil.

Seed fruit. Achenes of many Compositae have voles - adaptations for dispersing fruits by wind.

7. Name the composite plants you know. What practical value do they have?

There are a lot of ornamental plants in the Compositae family: asters, dahlias, daisies, marigolds, chrysanthemums, etc.

Many Compositae are medicinal plants: chamomile, elecampane, cornflower, coltsfoot, tansy, succession, etc.

Difficult-to-eradicate weeds: field thistle, field sow thistle.

Of the agricultural plants of the Compositae family, the sunflower is the most famous.


Why do the inflorescences of such plants of the Compositae family as dandelion, aster, cornflower, chamomile at first glance resemble a single flower?

Thus, they attract insects. Each flower individually is inconspicuous.

The Compositae family belongs to the class of dicotyledonous plants, is one of the largest, includes more than 30 thousand species. This family is also called aster. Mostly Compositae are herbs; trees and shrubs are rare. Typical representatives of the Compositae family in our area are asters, dandelion, chamomile, sunflower, dahlias. Among the Compositae there are not so many plants of economic importance (sunflower, Jerusalem artichoke). However, there are many plants that have decorative (dahlias, asters) and medicinal value (chamomile, chicory).

A characteristic feature of Compositae is the presence basket inflorescences. This inflorescence is often mistaken for a single flower. In fact, individual flowers of Compositae are small. In the basket, they sit close to each other on a common overgrown relatively flat receptacle. From the outside, the basket is usually surrounded by a leaflet wrapper, this wrapper performs a protective function.

Flowers in the same inflorescence may have the same structure, or may be of two different types. It depends on the type of composite plant. More often than others, reed, tubular, funnel-shaped flowers are found.

A typical flower of the Compositae family (precisely a small flower, not an inflorescence) has a double perianth, but the sepals of the calyx are reduced or modified into bristles or hairs forming a tuft. The corolla consists of five petals fused into a tube. Five stamens grow together around the style with their anthers. One pistil, one ovule inside the ovary. The achene develops from the ovary.

The types of flowers included in the inflorescence are distinguished mainly by the structure of their corolla. At reed flowers the lower part of the petals grows together into a tube, and the upper part grows together into a kind of tongue located on one side of the flower. That is, the flower does not have radial symmetry. Reed flowers consist, for example, of a dandelion basket. It has a bilobed stigma. The calyx petals are modified into hairs. From such flowers, the fruits of the achene with a bundle of hairs (fly) develop.

Unlike lingual, tubular flowers have radial symmetry. The lower parts of their petals grow together into a tube, while the upper parts do not grow together. Such flowers are in the baskets of the wild oatmeal. Its fruits are achenes with a tuft, also spread by the wind, like dandelion flying fruits.

Many members of the family have two types of composite flowers in a basket. For example, a blue cornflower has tubular flowers in the center of the basket, growing along the edge of the basket funnel-shaped flowers. The corolla of funnel-shaped flowers is similar to the corolla of tubular flowers, but the petals are larger on one side. Therefore, the flower does not have radial symmetry, it looks like a slightly twisted funnel. In the field cornflower, the funnel-shaped flowers in the inflorescence are larger and serve only to attract insects. They have neither stamens nor pistils.

Blue cornflower inflorescence. Funnel-shaped flowers grow along the edge of the inflorescence.

Members of the Compositae family

Chamomile officinalis is an annual plant. There are two types of flowers in the basket: tubular yellow in the middle, reed white at the edges. Young baskets have medicinal properties. They contain many essential oils useful in various human diseases.

Cornflower meadow has purple, not blue flowers. However, like other cornflowers, tubular flowers are in the center of the basket, and funnel-shaped along the edges.

At tansy small baskets of tubular flowers are collected in complex inflorescences.

Sunflower is a valuable economic crop. This is an annual plant with a huge inflorescence-basket, covered with involucre leaves from below. The number of flowers in a basket can reach 1000. In the middle there are tubular flowers, along the edge there are bright yellow asexual reeds that attract insects.

The sunflower fruit is an achene with a dense pericarp.

The sunflower was brought to Europe from Mexico in the 16th century. Its economic value was discovered much later. Sunflower seeds contain a lot of oils (like the seeds of most Compositae), which are used as food, livestock feed, varnishes and even soaps.


Class Dicotyledonous. Family Compositae (Asteraceae)

Question 1. What are the characteristic features of the Compositae family?
The Compositae family includes about 25,000 species. This is one of the most extensive plant families. Most Compositae are herbs, both annuals and perennials, less often shrubs. Shrubs, trees, lianas grow in tropical regions.
Leaves are simple, without stipules, entire or dissected. The leaf arrangement is often alternate, rarely opposite or whorled. Leaves can be collected in a basal rosette. In the vegetative organs of many species of Compositae, milky or resinous passages may be present. A characteristic feature of the family is the basket inflorescence. Baskets can be assembled into more complex inflorescences - corymb, panicle, etc. The basket has an extended axis of the inflorescence, forming a bed. From below, the basket is surrounded by apical leaves, or wrapping. On the bed of the basket are numerous flowers. Usually the flowers are bisexual, but can be unisexual, male or female, sometimes the flowers are asexual. The flowers in the basket may be the same in structure or different, usually the middle flowers differ from the marginal ones. The calyx consists of five membranous sepals, which are usually modified into hairs. The hairs form a tuft, attachments or bristles. The crest grows with the fetus and turns into a fly.
According to the type of fusion of the petals of the corolla, the following types of flowers are distinguished: tubular - the petals grow together into a tube that expands upwards. Flowers bisexual, rarely unisexual; reed - the tube of fused petals is short, there is a five-toothed limb in the form of a tongue. Flowers bisexual; funnel-shaped - the corolla tube is long, curved, greatly expanded upwards. The flowers are asexual, located on the edge of the basket. They serve to attract insects.
Stamens five. The bases of the filaments adhere to the corolla tube, the anthers grow together and surround the style of the pistil. The pistil is one, formed from two carpels. The fruit is an achene, usually with a tuft, but may be without a tuft (sunflower). Seeds without endosperm.

Question 2. What types of flowers can be in Compositae baskets?
Compositae baskets can have the following types of flowers: tubular, funnel-shaped, reed, pseudo-reed.

Question 3. What is the difference between tubular and funnel-shaped flowers?
Unlike tubular, funnel-shaped flowers are asexual, have neither stamens nor pistils, do not form fruits, and serve only to attract insects.

Question 4. What are the distribution adaptations of Compositae seeds?
Achenes of some Compositae (dandelion) have volutes - adaptations for the distribution of fruits by the wind. In a succession, the seeds have hooks, with the help of which they are attached to the hair of animals or to human clothing - adaptations for distributing fruits with the help of animals and humans. Sunflower is an oilseed crop, its seeds contain a lot of fat, are very nutritious, therefore they are well eaten by birds and other animals, as well as by humans - a device for distributing seeds by animals and humans.

Question 5. What plants from the Compositae family do you know? What practical value do they have?
There are a lot of ornamental plants in the Compositae family: asters, dahlias, daisies, marigolds, chrysanthemums, etc. Many Compositae are medicinal plants: chamomile, elecampane, cornflower, coltsfoot, tansy, dandelion, string, etc. There are among Compositae and weeds: field thistle, field sow thistle. Of the agricultural plants of the Compositae family, the sunflower is the most valuable. Its achenes contain a lot of fat, which is squeezed out of them to obtain oil. In the northern regions, sunflower is grown for silage. Among other food plants of the Compositae family, Jerusalem artichoke, or ground pear, artichoke and lettuce are widely cultivated in our country.
