Homemade products for the garden and cottages: interesting ideas. Interesting homemade products for a summer residence and a garden with your own hands Drawings of homemade products with your own hands for a summer residence

Do-it-yourself drawings of homemade products for summer cottages and gardens will be useful to everyone. A dacha is the ultimate dream, if not of any average person, then of every second person for sure. Not everyone, of course, will be lucky enough to become the owner of a suburban area in their life, but those who are still lucky need to constantly monitor and ennoble it, which requires considerable costs. Do-it-yourself homemade products for summer cottages and gardens help to maintain your dacha in impeccable condition. Today we will tell you a few secrets on how to save money on buying the necessary things for a summer residence and make them at home. Of course, not everyone can do a grader with their own hands or self-propelled guns for a tractor, but most homemade products will definitely come in handy on the farm.

Do-it-yourself variator for a machine

If you need to constantly work behind the machine, then the frequent change in speed leads to wear on the unit and has the additional disadvantage of regularly stopping the machine. As an alternative, you can use a homemade variator for the machine. It can be made from wood with your own hands, without a significant investment of time and money. Variator cones are made of hardwood, and it is not necessary to use a lathe to make them, you can cut them with a jigsaw at an angle equal to the angle of the cone.

If you will assemble a cone from disks, then they must then be glued or nailed. Ready-made cones are planted deep on metal rods, while they are attached with screws. In order for the belt to move evenly on the machine, roller guides are required. Rollers can be taken from furniture fittings, but if they are not available, ordinary bearings can be used.

An old washing machine is a real treasure

If there is a working engine from a washing machine, then this is a very valuable find, since many useful household appliances can be made from it. The easiest way is to make an excellent emery for sharpening knives, various tools and drills from the engine from the washing machine.

The main problem in the manufacture of fixtures is the fastening of the stone for sharpening on the engine housing itself. In most cases, the whetstone has a hole that does not fit the motor shaft. That is why you need to make a flange that, on the one hand, can be pressed onto the shaft, and on the other, will have a thread, which will allow you to screw in and secure the grinding wheel.

Image 1. Emery device from the engine of an old washing machine.

Experienced craftsmen recommend that beginners use old pipe cuts 32 mm and no more than 20 cm long as a flange. We make a thread on one piece of pipe, which should be 2 times the thickness of the grinding wheel in its length. The other end of the pipe is heated with a soldering iron and put on the shaft. To better hold the pipe, it can be bolted. After that, they take 3 nuts and screw them onto the flange from the side of the thread until they stop, then put on a washer and, finally, a grinding wheel, then again a washer, fix it with a nut. At the end, you can also add a locknut.

The hardest work is done, after that it remains just to fix the engine, but this is a very individual procedure, since it is not known what holes are on the engine from your washing machine for fasteners. Based on them, you need to make a stand, it is best to use small corners, fastening them together and placing emery on a workbench. The final step is to connect the engine to the mains. You can look at the finished version of the sharpener in the photo, the drawings are also attached (image 1).

Image 2. Grill from the drum of a washing machine.

Homemade products for summer cottages can also be made from other parts of the machine, for example, an excellent barbecue can be made from a drum. The drum in washing machines is made of stainless steel, which is important in itself, since the body is very strong and reliable. It is very easy to make homemade products for giving from a drum, you just need to remove it from the body of the machine, but along with the shaft and pulley. We put the pulled-out drum with the hatch up, and with the wheel down. So the brazier is ready, with the help of a grinder, you can, of course, cut the front of the drum or side to make it more convenient to throw firewood, but it all depends on your free time and imagination. This makeshift brazier looks very neat, while the drum is littered with small holes, which allows air to be evenly distributed over the coals and provide the necessary heat (image 2).

Manual circular saw from grinder

Image 3. Scheme of the device of a circular saw.

A circular in the country is a very useful thing, few people know, but you can make it from a grinder. You will have to complete only 2 elements: a sliding stop and an axial handle. After that, you can use your circular saw from the grinder at any time.

2 small pieces of metal corner are suitable as a sliding stop. The edges of the corner are rounded so that they do not catch on the part during processing. The corners are interconnected at the back and front with bolts or nuts. On the body of the above power tool itself, you need to put on a clamp made of metal tape. To the screw tie of the clamp, which will be located below, a double-folded strip of tin or galvanized steel with a hole for the rear bolt of the sliding stop is attached.

In the gearbox of the grinder, we make 4 small holes for the M5 bolts. For convenience, the gearbox can be disassembled first to better see where the hole can be made. These 4 holes are needed in order to attach the handle. The handle can be made from an ordinary metal tube. This manual version of the saw from the grinder is finished, if you want to make a real stationary version of the circular saw, then you will need more skills in work, tools and well-calculated drawings (image 3).

Agricultural equipment and devices

Agricultural machinery is a very important tool in the country, without which no owner can do. Agricultural machinery today costs a lot, and you don’t really want to spend a lot of money on a thing that is rarely used, but you can’t do without it. One of the most popular devices is a wheelbarrow, it can be made from improvised means, thereby saving a lot of money. To make it you need:

Image 4. Drawings of a homemade cart.
  • wheel, preferably made of rubber;
  • plywood;
  • 2 corners;
  • wooden block, 3 m long;
  • nuts and an axle from a bolt.

The technique for making this tool for giving is very simple and will be clear even to a novice master, the main thing here is to measure everything clearly, because if you do it by eye, it will turn out crooked. Wheelbarrow drawings are attached (image 4).

An equally popular tool for a summer cottage, which in winter will help get rid of snow, that is, a shovel, can also be made from plywood. You will need:

  • plywood 10-12 mm thick;
  • wooden handle;
  • nails;
  • steel plate 4-6 cm wide.

Plywood will serve as a shovel bucket, and the timber will allow you to hold the handle. The front and back of the plywood are edged with metal - the future bucket.

A rake is often required to process the garden. To make them, you will need a wooden block 35 by 35 mm. The length of the handle can be cracked at your discretion, but it is not recommended to make it too long, as it will be difficult to use it. In addition to the bar and handle, you need to make at least 4 metal teeth. Metal must be taken durable so that it does not bend to the ground during operation. You can use metal from an old shovel, cut teeth with a grinder. The teeth are leveled with a hammer and holes are drilled for the screws. Then the structure is fixed.

Video about making a do-it-yourself cart:

Garden sprinkler design

Homemade agricultural equipment also includes garden sprinklers, which can be made almost from the waste that everyone has in the house. To irrigate your garden you will need:

  • spray;
  • rubber hose 3-4 m long;
  • plastic one and a half liter bottle;
  • pump;
  • wooden or metal stick of any length, but the longer the better.

The sprayer is screwed to the top of the stick with a nozzle so that the lever is pressed with the help of nylon threads. Tape firmly so that the sprayer does not move. After that, we take a plastic bottle and use a hot nail to melt a hole in the neck. Then we push the bolt into the melted hole and fix it with a nut from the outside.

Before inserting the bolt, drill a through hole in it with a simple 3 mm metal drill. The hose is put on a bolt and secured with a small clamp using a screwdriver. We attach the second end of the hose to the pump and again fix it with a clamp so that everything is airtight.

Poison is collected in the bottle for spraying beetles or water for watering the crop. Screw the container to the top of the spray gun, which is attached to a stick. Next, with the nozzle closed, we pump up the pump a little, after that we unwind the nozzle, and the sprayer starts working. In this way, you can spray trees of any height and large beds, if necessary, you can simply put the device on the ground and pump up the pump from time to time.

You can even make small greenhouses from a film in the country, you only need to drive a metal rod or stick into the ground and fix a plastic film in the form of a cone on the base.

Video about the drip irrigation system using a plastic bottle:

From below, the film is fixed around from the old barrel or fitted with stones.

Conclusion on the topic

Now you know how to make expensive tools for a summer cottage without a significant investment of money, time and nerves. The main thing is not what you use to improve your site, but the fact that you should like the work and stay in the country should bring joy.

Do-it-yourself homemade products for summer cottages and gardens not only perfectly complement the garden plot, but also help save a decent amount on this. Today, there are many useful devices for giving, simplifying everyday life. Usually, a large number of unnecessary things and materials are collected in the country house, which people do not use in their apartments. it takes up a lot of space. Any summer resident has the opportunity, by turning on his imagination, to make simple home-made items.

gardening tools

When visiting hardware stores, many buyers note that the quality of garden tools does not match their cost. Even an expensive and high-quality shovel is very easy to damage. One of the options is to personally make some kind of country tool that can perfectly replace an ordinary bayonet shovel. for example, a garden digger, which is not only very easy to manufacture, but also convenient to use. If we compare an ordinary shovel and this country tool, it can be noted that the latter is much easier to dig the ground, and it does not exert heavy loads on the human spine.

To make a digger for a garden with your own hands, you need those items that often lie and gather dust in the country. Must have:

  • metal sheet 2 mm thick;
  • metal pipe 0.5 inch in diameter;
  • 2 bolts and 2 nuts;
  • 2 engraver washers for bolts and 2 hours of free time.

You need to cut a metal sheet into 7 segments that look like stakes. That is, you should get a stake, wide on one side, and tapering to the other. Then, a pipe 43 cm long is taken, 5 mm is measured from the edge on it. The following marks are made every 6 cm. Another 5 mm should remain on the other end of the pipe, which should also be marked. Using a grinding disc on a grinder, you need to make cuts in the marked places to the middle of the pipe.

Cut out stakes are taken (they will act as legs), inserted into the grooves cut in the pipe and seized by welding. Then the remaining pipes are welded into a U-shaped handle and bolted to the workpiece. That's all, the kopalka is ready to use.

Garden decoration

We should not forget about the opportunity to become a designer of your own garden in the country. After all, you can make not only country tools, but also much more. And to add zest to a country house, you can lay out a beautiful and original stone garden path. Such a path will not only delight its owners, but will also become the latest trend, very popular among summer residents. For a stone path you will need:

  • a stone with which the path is laid out;
  • sand;
  • gravel and board 25-30 mm thick.

Work should begin with a preliminary measurement of the distance of the future track. To do this, four pegs are hammered, which are connected in pairs with a guide rope. After, it is necessary to remove the top layer of soil, or in other words, dig a trench. While working with a shovel, one should not forget about the level of the trench, since it is better to make it even in depth. This will help not only to use building materials correctly and economically, but also simplify subsequent work. Along the edges of the trench, you need to install boards, they will act as bumpers into which sand and stones are placed.

At the bottom of the recess, gravel should be poured first. It will not only perform a shock-absorbing function, but will also provide indispensable assistance in the drainage of groundwater. Next, the gravel is covered with sand, which should be moistened in advance - so it will lie more tightly. It is best to make a sand cushion with a thickness of 10 cm or more, and after that, you need to level the surface of the embankment with a board. Only after that you can lay stone or paving stones. It is necessary to calculate the thickness of the future path in advance so that you do not have to cut the stone once again.

Traps for mosquitoes

The invention does not fight mosquitoes, but their larvae. It hangs on tree branches. Mosquitoes lay their offspring in this device, which does not allow the born mosquitoes to leave it. For a more effective fight against bloodsuckers, you should make as many of these traps as possible. But even using this gadget cannot provide 100% protection against mosquito bites.

One of the easiest ways is to use an ordinary plastic bottle as a trap. It is necessary to cut off the upper part with the neck and insert it into the lower part so that the neck does not touch the bottom. Next, you should prepare a special solution that will attract mosquitoes. To do this, you need 15 g of yeast, 45 g of sugar and warm water. All 3 components must be mixed and pour the resulting solution into the trap. Then, the bottle must be darkened. To do this, you can use a dark cloth or thick paper. This trap is able to attract not only mosquitoes, but also cockroaches. Therefore, the owners of a house in the village have the opportunity to use it in a residential area.

These were only 3 of the most interesting and easily manufactured devices for summer cottages and gardens. Do not forget that a person can create something more useful and unique from improvised means, you just need to give free rein to your imagination.

Landscaping a summer house will not be a problem and an expensive investment if you show a little ingenuity. It is not difficult to create homemade products with your own hands - it will take time, simple tools and fixtures. You can use the remnants of building materials, unnecessary boards, car tires, sawn trees.

What materials are used

Any summer resident will not refuse the stylish decor of the site. Many firms offer original stuff. However, do-it-yourself crafts will help to give originality to the site.

Materials that are most often used in the work:

When decorating a summer house, one should not restrain one's imagination - bold combinations of materials and non-standard use of unnecessary things are welcome.

It is not necessary to observe proportions or natural color combinations. A giraffe may have purple spots, and a small engine may be small.

Original decor for the recreation area

Many townspeople acquire suburban areas for a relaxing holiday. It's nice to get away from the everyday life of the city and feel the connection with nature on the weekends. The design of a corner for relaxation deserves attention, it is advisable to fence it off from the agricultural work zone. A fashionable solution is the construction of small arbors from the remnants of boards. You will also need poles for supports and cross beams.

Sequence of work:

  1. At the corners of the site, pits are dug 50-60 cm deep, where the bars are inserted and fixed with a solution.
  2. Support beams with self-tapping screws are fixed at the upper ends of the bars.
  3. Cross boards are fixed on the support beams. On the bars, the boards are fixed in a horizontal form, leaving gaps 5-7 cm wide.

A neatly cut lawn or a platform paved with stone - any options are suitable for decorating the site. To revive the structure, flowerpots with flowers are installed near the site or climbing plants are planted nearby.

How beautiful to arrange flower beds

Fragrant flower beds are the best decor for a recreation area.

It is easy to make non-standard flowerbed fencing from improvised means:

  1. If there is a small amount of brick left, you can lay out a flower bed of any geometric shape in several rows. The solution will help to fix the structure and give it strength. Flower beds made of natural stone also look natural.
  2. Car tires have long been a sought-after material in summer cottages. To give the flower garden a well-groomed appearance, it is advisable to paint the tires with bright paint and lay them out in several layers, forming flowerpots or lay them out around the site in a curved form, forming circles, ovals.

A couple of plastic or wooden flowerpots will help to give a non-standard look to an old bicycle. The transformation is done quickly: the bike is painted with bright paint, flowerpots are fixed over the front and rear wheels. A picturesque view of the structure will be given by climbing plants, the branches of which will skillfully disguise metal structures.

An old bathtub will not look like trash at all if it is transformed outside the box. Of course, the most straightforward option is to use a colorfully painted container as a reservoir.

However, meticulous and not lazy summer residents will transform the bath into cozy furniture for relaxation. For a miraculous transformation, it is necessary to cut out part of the side wall with a grinder, carefully grind the sections. Comfortable sofas ennoble: they are painted in the right shade, decorated with soft mattresses, headrests.

An impromptu flower garden in the form of a garden watering can, installed next to the sofa, will allow you to create a real relaxation zone.

Stylish garden paths

Rusted metal tanks or old wooden barrels can be turned into original flower beds or even original beds that will successfully complement garden paths.

Stages of work:

Barrels, tubs, thick logs can be called the most pleasant material for work. It is wonderful that objects can be placed not only vertically, but also horizontally, sawn in half or built multi-tiered structures.

Products do not need to be specially decorated - a colorful wooden texture will serve as the best decoration.

Do-it-yourself figured compositions

It is quite understandable the desire of each summer resident to give the site a unique look. In order not to spend money on the services of designers, you can create fun crafts with your own hands from improvised materials. Unnecessary garden tools, broken metal products, household containers, cobblestones and stones of different sizes - everything is used.

How to make metal decor

Creative decoration of paths, lawns will be unique figures assembled from old shovels and broken rakes, choppers. It is not difficult to create expressive images - the main thing is not to limit your imagination. To assemble a snail figurine, you will need literally a narrow sheet of metal, a can of canned food. Black paint will give the figure a laconic look and make it very noticeable against the background of a green lawn.

The original solution is to combine different materials when creating figures. The union of stone and metal looks elegant and natural. A playful look has a cat, assembled from rounded cobblestones of different sizes and metal elements. A stone pet is comfortably laid on a large stone to bask in the sun.

Flowers collected from table metal spoons will become a brilliant decoration of the flower bed. An impromptu flower garden will delight summer residents at any time of the year - rainy autumn and snowy winter. An umbrella assembled from metal tubes will give a coquettish and airy look to the flower bed. Welding a structure at home is easy. To plant flowers, first make a frame of plywood or thick film.

Original do-it-yourself crafts made of wood

Wood products always bring comfort to the decor of the garden plot. A wooden composition in the form of large porcini mushrooms will ideally fit into the landscape design of the site. However, you can give the fungus a playful look by using an unuprooted stump. A funny grimace on a tree is easy to depict with a chisel. And the hat can be made from a thick cut.

Decorative compositions assembled from wooden saw cuts or logs become a real work of art. The figurines of animals collected from old branches, sticks and several logs look playful. A more practical solution is the arrangement of flower beds from small logs.

Create a small flower garden in several stages:

  1. The log is sawn into several equal parts, thin wooden cuts of branches are made separately to decorate the wheels.
  2. In each element, the inner part is removed and an impromptu cabin of a locomotive is made separately from small boards.
  3. Wheels are attached to the logs and the composition is laid on the site in the form of a train.

To make it easier to take care of the flowers, the plants are planted in separate pots, which are simply placed in the recesses.

Do-it-yourself functional homemade products deserve special attention - country furniture assembled from improvised materials. The easiest way to make items from sawn thick wood. It is enough to make a table from the base of the trunk, and less thick logs will take part in the creation of chairs. A small bench is assembled from individual branches and boards. It is not recommended to paint such furniture with colored paints - the natural wood texture, covered with a colorless water-repellent varnish, looks more elegant.

A popular option for crafts is animal figurines collected from tree cuts. You can assemble a composition from a couple of owls located on a stump. The stage of assembling homemade products created by oneself takes a little time: bodies are made from large saw cuts, on which round eyes and wings are fixed.

Do-it-yourself homemade products for a summer cottage children's corner

Any tree is the best option for decorating a playground in a country house. Different materials will be useful in the work: logs, hemp, boards. Making crafts for a summer residence with your own hands is an exciting activity in which all family members can take part. Simple shapes, a minimum of details, bright colors - such figures look elegant and fun.

It is easy to assemble figurines from different materials. As an option - a set of wooden poles, tires from a car.

It is easy to build a figurine near the playground:

  1. The tire is half dug into the ground.
  2. A pillar 8-10 cm thick is dug in front of the tire.
  3. On top of the logs, an impromptu muzzle from a small log is attached. Details of the figurine (tail, ears, eyes) are cut out of plastic bottles.
  4. You can color the figurine for any animal.

In order for the child to have fun on the site, it is advisable to create not just decorative crafts, but games.

As an option, plywood figurines of animals are installed. Holes of different widths are made in the canvas through which balls can be thrown.

the solution is the design of locomotives from small logs of the same size. To build a structure, you will need logs, paint, tools.

Main stages of work:

  1. Holes are made in the base logs (even number) of the same size.
  2. The bases are laid out on the ground at equal intervals, painted in one color.
  3. On the bases, logs are placed perpendicularly - “carriages”, painted with multi-colored bright colors.
  4. To highlight the "engine", a pipe and a small bar - a "booth" are fixed on a log.

Flower beds, decorated in small metal barrels, will add brightness to the playground. Kids will love taking care of the flowers planted in the colorful flowerpots.

Amazing crafts in the country - this is a great chance to give products a "second life" and decorate the site in an original way. A little time and diligence - and you can give functionality to a modern laconic decor or simply decorate the site with figurines-characters of your favorite cartoons.

Video about original crafts in the country

Dacha is not only tedious weeding of beds, planting vegetables, fruit trees, herbs and berries, daily watering plants, harvesting and preserving it. This is rest, relaxation and pleasant pastime in nature, in the fresh air.

Unlike urban residents of apartments, those who have a country house and a summer cottage have more opportunities to create a special atmosphere and decorate their property in an original way.

Despite the fact that everything country crafts you can buy in stores, you can get more pleasure by making them yourself from improvised means and inexpensive materials.

About how to makeDIY useful crafts, we will tell in this article.

What kind crafts for givingobtained from old furniture and fittings

There is never too much furniture in the country and in a private house! It is used not only in the house, but also on the veranda, on the terrace, in the garden, in the garden or in the garden. Only for this it needs to be restored - painted and applied a protective coating in order tohomemade to givedid not deteriorate for a long time due to the effects of the weather.

An old wooden crib painted white will make a large flower box.

A chest of drawers with drawers is useful in the kitchen, in the bedroom or on the veranda of the country house.

If your mother or grandmother has an ownerless chest in the cellar, be sure to take it out and polish it. Such crafts in the country are valued not only because of the original "antique" look, but also because of the functionality. Grandma's chest will become a chic coffee table with a niche for many useful things.

Are you going to throw away a shoe rack that does not fit into the interior of the apartment after repair? Do not hurry! These shelves can be used to store fruits and vegetables in the cellar, basement or right in the country house.

Over time, each family gathers a lot of accessories. If unnecessary door handles are nailed onto an old board (you don’t need to paint and grind it), you will get a chic jewelry hanger that will look great in the interior of a private house or cottage.

Photo of country homemade products, do-it-yourselfmade from kitchen utensils

Every housewife wants to be surrounded by not only beautiful, but also functional items. It often happens that convenient wooden spatulas that were bought in a set, potholders and a hot mitt look unaesthetic. Do not rush to part with them. They can be given a second life and taken to the country, and the old rake nailed to the board can be used as a hanger.

What crafts in the country can be created from car tires?

Car tires and tires are an excellent material forsummer cottages.Painted in bright colors, they are used for arranging flower beds and flower beds.

Trees and ornamental plants are planted in large tires.

Chair for giving from car tires: a master class

A little imagination, desire and bright paint - and the old tire will turn into any thing. Garden chairs, tables, figures of animals and birds, swings for children are made from several tires.

If you have boards and gas blocks left after construction, make them a bench and a rack with boxes for.

The manufacture of such crafts in the country won't take long. They will turn out stylish, functional and fit perfectly into the interior.

Don't forget, if you havesummer cottage, for DIY crafts everything will be useful:

  • broken flower pots
  • unclosable umbrellas,
  • old banks,
  • etc.

The main thing is to know where and how to apply them!

Photo crafts for giving for inspiration

Summer is the time when most people, escaping from the bustle of the city, want to go to nature. Probably every resident of a stuffy metropolis is familiar with the picture, when train stations and commuter trains are packed to capacity with people who want to get out of the stuffy city closer to nature, to their country estates, where they can rest their soul and body, and also do useful work. For most people, a dacha is not just a place to relax, because it is here that you can do gardening, grow vegetables and other crops, and also realize your potential as a landscape designer! And, do-it-yourself homemade products for home and summer cottages on our website will help you with this.

Thus, it becomes clear that a dacha is not an easy place to relax from the bustle of the city, because for an experienced summer resident there will always be some interesting activity, for example: do-it-yourself crafts for giving. Among creative, enterprising and resourceful people, there is an opinion that sitting around is a waste of time. It is for this category of "workaholics" that do-it-yourself homemade products for summer cottages and gardens are not only a way to pass the time and improve your own site at no extra cost, but also an excellent method of realizing your hidden potential.

The section “do-it-yourself crafts for giving and gardening” is intended for people who believe that the cottage is intended not only for recreation, but also for active and generally useful work. Crafts for home and summer cottages, which are presented in this section of our portal, are made without problems with their own hands from improvised means that are present in the arsenal of every experienced summer resident. Who would have imagined that even from ordinary dacha garbage a real masterpiece of modern "dacha" culture could turn out!

In order to make the homemade products presented from the section for giving and gardening, it is enough to have a standard set of tools and non-standard thinking, a desire to do something useful, as well as minimal skills in reading blueprints and following instructions. Country crafts from improvised materials and construction waste are one of the most tempting options for saving extra money that can be spent on something more substantial. Moreover, the money saved can be spent on landscaping a suburban area or arranging a workplace to create new crafts.

Thus, it becomes clear that with a minimum ability to work with hands and understand the drawings, everyone can afford to create anything for a summer residence: build and decorate the house itself or a change house, develop their own unique interior elements or ennoble old furniture, make an impromptu bath or steam room . And with a well-functioning imagination, you can create decorations for a garden or vegetable garden, organize a home-made automatic watering system for the same garden, and also protect vegetables growing on it from pests. And all this, do-it-yourself homemade products for summer cottages.

Thus, you can be sure that the cottage, in itself, is a blank canvas on which a skilled worker, like a real artist, can realize a huge number of useful things and creative ideas. Moreover, if "dacha" creativity and physical labor with the use of brains brings pleasure, a special pleasure. Yes, and the realization that this or that functional device is made by hand, at minimal monetary cost, you see, cannot but warm the soul.

In fact, a dacha is a piece of personal space where you can safely try to realize your most daring and extraordinary ideas, without fear of getting into an awkward situation. And the very fact that such crafts can save you from extra costs for the purchase of expensive garden equipment or expensive decorations for the site simply cannot but warm the soul. In the section "useful homemade products for giving with your own hands", the editors of our portal have collected the most daring and unusual design solutions and functional ideas that can form the basis for the unique and inimitable development of this or that addition to the site with the help of their own ingenuity. Build a playground? Easily! Do you need a greenhouse or a greenhouse to grow vegetables, but do not have extra funds? You can assemble them yourself! Expensive fencing can harm the family budget? No problem! With the help of interesting ideas posted on our portal, these problems can be solved absolutely free of charge!

Thus, the old motivating slogan "If you want to do something well - do it yourself" is gaining more and more relevance. After all, if you can do something with your own hands, then why go to the store for it and spend extra money that may come in handy in the future? With a certain amount of knowledge, unnecessary trash will turn into a multifunctional device or an excellent addition to a country interior or garden design.

Doing something with your own hands is not only pleasant, but also extremely useful, because, as you know, a developed person must be developed in everything. And when work brings pleasure, then doing something will not be difficult! Have a nice and productive holiday, summer residents! We hope that our homemade products for summer cottages and at home will help you in the household.
