How to remove dried film from plastic windows. Effective methods on how to gently wash the film of plastic windows

The repair is over, there are brand new double-glazed windows on the windows, the builders have put the openings in order. It would seem that you can safely wait for winter to check if PVC windows are as good as they say. But you are absolutely in vain to think that you have got rid of all the problems. All windows are covered with a protective layer, and you will have to tear it off. We will talk about how to remove the film from a plastic window if it is not removed.

Why is this film necessary?

Why don't the masters who install PVC windows tear off this film themselves? The fact is that the installation of double-glazed windows usually does not end the repair, but only begins. This is followed by repair of openings, and even the entire room. In addition, glass can be scratched during transport and during installation. To avoid all these troubles, stick a protective material.

The instructions say that the protection must be removed from the plastic windows no later than ten days after installation. It is best to do so, because otherwise you will not have to remove it with a slight movement of your hand, but decide much more complex issue- how to tear off the film from plastic windows.

Important! It is necessary to remove not only the film, but also adhesive layer, which always remains on the profile.

What is the film made of?

Before you think about the question of how to remove the protective film from PVC windows, you need to find out what you have to deal with. Then it will be easier to choose cleaning methods. The protective material has:

  • the outer layer, which is usually removed without difficulty;
  • the inner layer;
  • adhesive strip, which is tightly attached to the profile.

Important! The inner layer is so capricious that it melts even from the spring sun.

How to clean plastic windows from old film mechanically?

For mechanical way cleaning you will need:

Option 1

You will have to act very carefully so as not to scratch the profile. The protective material peels off more easily if it is properly warmed up. For this, you need a hair dryer - you can take a household one, but it’s better if there is an industrial one, which in some construction stores give for rent. Having prepared everything you need, get to work to remove the film from plastic windows:

  1. Heat the surface with a hair dryer to puff up the protection. In this case, the jet of hot air should not fall on the PVC profile - it can be extremely sensitive to high temperatures.
  2. Pry the edge of the film with a sharp object - it should come off easily.
  3. Solvent remove the adhesive strip.

Important! It is necessary to remove with a knife or blade evenly and quickly so that the material does not have time to cool. Otherwise, the result may turn out to be the opposite, the film will not only not be removed, but will stick even more strongly.

Option 2

This method is good if the windows face the shady side. Make a soap solution, moisten the brush and wash away all the protective coating inch by inch.

Important! A metal brush cannot be used for such work.

Option 3

The film from plastic windows can be removed using a regular school eraser. True, the process is laborious, therefore, in this way it is better to remove small fragments that remain, for example, after being removed with a knife.

Option 4

Perfectly removes such a protective material with a construction scraper for cleaning ceramic and glass surfaces. You can buy one at a hardware store.

Important! The advantage of this method is that the scraper does not scratch the plastic.

How to remove the film chemically?

This method is more gentle than mechanical. There is much less danger of scratching your precious plastic. In addition, even heavily adhered coating fragments can be removed with solvents. There are many chemical ways to remove the film from plastic windows if it does not come off.

Suitable for the procedure:

  • "Cosmophen";
  • White Spirit;
  • any other solvent.

Option 1

To remove the protection, the special tool “Cosmofen” is just perfect. You can buy it from the same company that installed PVC windows for you. There are several varieties of this drug. It is best to buy it from those who installed windows, since a reputable company selects related products precisely for the material from which the main products are made.

Option 2

An excellent tool for cleaning PVC material is white spirit. But remember that he does not dissolve the film, but separates it from the window. Therefore, you will need some kind of sharp object, such as a blade or knife:

  1. Pry off the edge protective coating.
  2. Pour white spirit into the resulting gap.
  3. Remove the film.

Option 3

You can try using a solvent. The method is not very reliable, but sometimes gives good results. Not every solvent is suitable, and it is better to pre-test it somewhere in an inconspicuous area.

How to wash plastic windows?

After the protective coating has been cleaned, it is best to wash the window. Mild detergents are suitable for cleaning the profile - do not forget to look at the markings in the hardware store. There are special products for washing such products, but those designed for ceramic surfaces are also suitable.

Important! It is better to wash not with a rag, but with a foam rubber sponge.

Process order:

  1. Wipe dust off window sills and window frames.
  2. Make a detergent solution.
  3. Wash the glass in zigzag motions.
  4. Wipe it with a soft cloth or blot with paper.

Important! To give the glass a shine, finally wash it with an aqueous solution of ammonia - a few drops per 1 liter are enough. If you wash windows for the winter, then to prevent frost and snow on the window, wash it from the outside with saline.

Taking care of the warmth and comfort in their homes, many prefer the installation of plastic windows. These modern designs they are impeccable in appearance, sealed. Usually, after the installation is completed, a protective film remains on the frames, which is often forgotten to be removed in time. Over time, it tightly dries to the plastic surface, after which it becomes difficult to get rid of it. It happens that you need to remove the sun-protection film from the windows or remove traces of glue. Effective methods will help to cope with these problems.

Why is it difficult to remove the protective film from windows

The main function of the film applied to plastic window frames in the factory is to provide effective protection products during transportation. But under the influence of aggressive external environment(heat, ultraviolet) they are able to stick together with a plastic surface. In addition, high-quality adhesive composition is not always used in the manufacture of protective films, which makes it even more difficult to remove such protection over time. It is possible to get rid of the film without any special efforts within 10 days after the installation of double-glazed windows. If for some reason it was not possible to do this on time, do not despair.

If the protective film is not removed in time, it will be much more difficult to do this over time.

How to remove film and adhesive tape from plastic windows

Using chemical or mechanical methods, you can cope with this task. For work you will need:

  • construction or household hair dryer;
  • scraper for cleaning glass-ceramic surfaces;
  • denatured alcohol;
  • eraser;
  • solvent for acrylic;
  • White Spirit;

When choosing shop means it is necessary to carefully study its composition. Solvents containing harsh acids and acetone can damage frames, as can abrasive cleaners.

Mechanical methods

A scraper, eraser, hair dryer and other tools will help to remove the film mechanically.

How to use the scraper

The method does not require special physical costs, since the film is removed very easily with a scraper. However, careless handling of the tool can cause damage to the plastic frames.

  1. Armed with a scraper designed specifically for glass-ceramic panels carefully remove the remaining film.
  2. After the procedure, clean the surfaces with Cosmofen 10, Fenosol or R-12 acrylic thinner.

How to remove film with an eraser

To remove the film from the window frames, you can use an ordinary soft eraser. Although the method requires a large number physical effort, using it, you will not cause damage to surfaces. With the help of an eraser, you can also get rid of the sun-protection film on the windows.

  1. Rub the film remaining on the surface of the frames or glass with an eraser.
  2. Remove adhesive residue with white spirit or any other cleaner.

Using a hair dryer or steam generator

This method is different high efficiency and allows you to get rid of the film quickly and easily. However, you should work with such devices as carefully as possible: excessive overheating of the PVC surface can cause irreparable harm to it. If you have on hand industrial dryer, the procedure for removing an old protective film will not take much time and effort. If it is not there, you can get by with an ordinary household appliance or a steam generator.

  1. Heat up the surface of the film.
  2. Gently pry off its edge with a knife or other sharp object.
  3. Remove the remaining glue with the help of the same cleaners.

Using a building hair dryer, remove the protective film from the windows

Chemical methods

Using tools and devices to remove the protective film from plastic window frames, even a specialized scraper, you can scratch the PVC profile. It is for this reason that for many people faced with solving a similar problem, the most acceptable option is to use chemicals. With their help, you can remove the film with a minimum of effort and without damaging the surface of the window. However, these substances must be handled with care.

Denatured film remover

Denatured alcohol is one of the means that allows you to quickly and efficiently clean plastic surfaces from a protective film. When using it, personal safety precautions should be observed, protecting exposed skin and mucous membranes. The method is simple and effective, does not require special physical costs.

  1. Pour the substance into a spray bottle.
  2. Apply denatured alcohol to the surface to be treated.
  3. After 5 minutes, remove the film by prying it with a sharp object or a clerical knife.

How to remove film with Shumanite

The effective substance is the Shumanit detergent. Using it, you do not have to make special physical efforts when removing the protective coatings from the window. Since the components of Schumannite are very aggressive, remember the safety precautions: use gloves and goggles, ventilate the room well.

  1. Apply it to the surface.
  2. Remove the film without the need for special physical effort.

Step-by-step instructions for using RP-6

The RP-6 tool, designed to remove paint, will also help get rid of the protective film. Its effectiveness is quite high, and working with it requires the presence of protection on the hands.

  1. Apply the substance in a generous layer on the surface of the film. After 10 minutes, the film will begin to foam right before your eyes.
  2. Remove cover. It will come off without much effort.
  3. Wash off adhesive residue with soapy water.

How to use Scotch Remover to remove tape and film from PVC windows

Scotch Remover, a specialized tool designed to remove tough stains from glass and plastic surfaces, will also provide the desired effect when removing the film. When working with it, it is necessary to use protective glasses and gloves, as well as to ventilate the room well.

  1. Shake the bottle with the agent.
  2. Spray the substance onto the film surface.
  3. Remove film.
  4. Wipe the cleaned surface with a clean cloth.

How to use WD-40 penetrating lubricant

One of the most gentle means for plastic surfaces is VD-40. This lubricant is widely used in the automotive industry. The composition includes a number of components that can penetrate the most difficult pollution. With it, you can easily get rid of protective films stuck to double-glazed windows, as well as clean adhesive traces. When working, it is recommended to use gloves.

  1. Apply the composition to the film.
  2. After a few minutes, remove it from the surface.
  3. Wipe the treated area with soapy water, rinse with clean water.

WD-40 is a universal cleaner that will easily remove the film from the PVC window frame and adhesive traces.

Attention! When working with chemicals, it is necessary to remember personal safety, trying to avoid getting these products on exposed skin and mucous membranes. To do this, use safety goggles and rubber gloves.

How to remove solar control film (foil) from a window

Throughout the hot summer days windows and glazed balconies of many apartments are exposed to scorching sunlight, which negatively affects the internal microclimate of the premises. A fairly effective means of protection against them is a film that can reflect the sun's rays.

With the onset of autumn and cold weather, the need for such protection disappears and the film must be removed. However, such materials can firmly eat into the surface of the window under the influence of the sun, after which it becomes difficult to remove them. To solve the problem, you can use:

  • denatured alcohol;
  • steam generator;
  • eraser.

You can also remove the sun protection film using various detergents:

  • Domax;
  • Shumanite;

Using these formulations, it is also advisable not to forget about safety precautions, follow the recommendations of manufacturers and dosages. If after them the adhesive base of the film remains, you can use the following means:

  • liquid with Kiehl Tablefit spray: apply on a tissue and clean the surface;
  • stain remover Taygeta S-405: apply to the remaining glue for 15–30 seconds;
  • FORMULA X-5 liquid solution: works after 10-15 minutes;
  • Super CMF-240 from Krizal: positioned as a “dirt separator”, it removes the adhesive base of the film worse than the previous ones, but for allergy sufferers it may be the only applicable remedy from industrial formulations;
  • strong alkaline liquid Merida Impet for removing stubborn dirt: apply to the adhesive for 2 minutes.

Means for removing adhesive contaminants from various surfaces - gallery

Domax will allow you to get rid of the film and its traces
Cosmofen is a strong and highly toxic cleaner with high efficiency Fenosol is a high quality cleaner used on plastic surfaces
Kiehl Tablefit - a product designed to remove adhesive traces
FORMULA X-5 allows you to quickly destroy traces of glue Super CMF-240 quality universal cleaner

Soap solution and old newspapers

There is another method of removing the sun-protection film, which does not require special material costs. To use it, you will need:

  • soap solution;
  • old newspapers.

Operating procedure:

  1. Holding the newspaper with your hand, lean it against the glass and moisten it with plenty of soapy water using a spray bottle. Repeating this operation again and again, it is necessary to close the entire window space with newspapers.
  2. Leave newspapers stuck to the window for 1 hour, periodically spraying them with soapy water.
  3. Remove sun protection film along with newspapers.

This simple and effective method is very effective, but requires a sufficient amount of time. Using it, you will not harm the treated surfaces.


  1. When removing protective films from double-glazed windows, it should be noted that many of the chemicals are very aggressive solutions and can harm the body. For this reason, they should be handled carefully, not forgetting to use rubber gloves, goggles, and if prone to allergic reactions, a respirator.
  2. When rubbing the adhesive from the glass, do not press too hard on the surface. Otherwise, the glass may crack or fly out.
  3. When working with sharp objects, care must be taken not to damage the plastic surfaces and cause accidental injury to yourself.

Using simple mechanical and by chemical means removing the protective film coating from the windows, you can achieve the desired result without much effort. However, it should be remembered that such work is not in a hurry, and when performing it, one should not forget about safety precautions.

The profile of a plastic window is covered with a special film that protects it from dirt, scratches and other mechanical damage during delivery and installation. It is very easy to remove it from the product, but it must be done in time. It is advisable to start this immediately after the installation of the window. Otherwise, it will be necessary to resort to more radical methods of cleaning the film from the profile.

Why is it difficult to clean the protective film from the window

The instructions for plastic windows usually indicate that the film must be removed within 2 weeks after installation. Removing the film will not cause much difficulty in the coming months. However, if it remains on the profile for more than 4 months, it will take a lot of effort to remove the film.

What could be the reasons for this problem? The film in its composition has several layers, which are attached to the profile using a special adhesive. Strong adhesion to plastic occurs under the influence of solar radiation, as well as heat. In other words, the process of decomposition of the inner very thin layer of the film takes place. Therefore, the inner layer is much more difficult to remove than the surface.

Reasons that contribute to strengthening the bonding of the film and PVC frame:

  • heat action. In summer, the film dries to the frame much faster than in winter period;
  • the quality of the special adhesive applied to the film affects the complexity of its removal. The cheaper the windows, the lower the quality of the glue;
  • exposure to UV rays. The adhesive layer of the film on the windows located on south side buildings, may dry out faster. Therefore, it is more difficult to remove the film on such windows than on windows located on the north side.

How to remove film and adhesive tape from metal-plastic windows

It is recommended to remove the protective film from the window within 2 weeks after installation. Then it will be difficult to do so. This is due to the fact that under the influence of various factors, its adhesive layer will change its characteristics. You may need to seek help from a cleaning company or wipe off the old tape yourself using tools and substances such as:

  • scraper;
  • building hair dryer;
  • scissors;
  • Cosmofen;
  • different chemicals.

If the adhesive tape does not come off completely, then you should use alcohol or tape.

Methods for removing adhesive tape from the glass of plastic windows

There are many methods for removing adhesive tape from double-glazed windows. However, the fastest and most effective ways, thanks to which the entire film is removed and the window surface is not damaged, are the following:

  • scraper or brush. Tape removal with this tool will never damage the window surface when used along with soapy water;
  • an eraser that will need to scrub the film intensively enough. But at the same time, the surface of the profile is well preserved;
  • construction dryer - the best remedy, but one condition must be met when using it. You can direct the hair dryer only at the frame. If a jet of hot air hits a double-glazed window, it may crack or burst from exposure to temperature. A building hair dryer heats up the tape, after which the glue begins to dissolve, which means you can easily remove it;

Advice. In the absence of a building hair dryer, you can always use the usual one, only it should work in turbo mode. But do not forget that this option is suitable if the protective film is not very strongly adhered to the PVC profile.

  • white spirit can also be useful in removing the adhesive film from the product, but it is usually applied not on top of the PVC window, but between the film and the surface of the product. It is necessary to pry off its edge and moisten the place with white spirit. Wait a few minutes and remove the film;
  • Kosmofen perfectly eliminates the film. This tool has proven itself as a cleaner for plastic windows;
  • thin knife. Use such a tool carefully, because if you press it hard, you can scratch the window profile. In this case, the actions should be as follows: with a knife, you need to pick up a small edge of the film, then tear it off very slowly. Residues of glue are removed with a solvent;
  • wide tape will help remove the remaining adhesive tape. It is very easy to use it. It is necessary to stick the adhesive tape on the surface and carefully remove it along with the remnants of the film;
  • technical alcohol or denatured alcohol must be poured into a small spray bottle and the substance is evenly sprayed onto the protective film. Denatured alcohol should be left for a few minutes on the surface. Then pry off the edge of the film with a knife and remove the film. In this way, the entire profile is sprayed, and the remaining film is removed. Glue is removed with acrylic solvent;
  • Shumanit. The effectiveness of this detergent, which is produced in Israel by Buggy, has been proven by numerous consumer reviews. And since this strong remedy, then it must be used with extreme caution;
  • RP-6 is an excellent film remover that should be thickly applied to the frame surface for 10 minutes. The film swells and easily leaves after the use of this drug;
  • a weak solvent well eliminates traces of PVC film. However, remember that before you apply the tool on the entire surface, you need to check its effect on an inconspicuous area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe window.

Attention! It is worth saying that the options listed above are always applicable to all parts of window structures, since the adhesive used for them is the same.

How to remove solar control film or foil from a window

All modern materials, protecting our homes from high external temperatures, contain not only aluminum, but also other elements that complicate the process of removing them from the surface. And so that there are no noticeable spots on the glass, as well as streaks, the foil or film from the window is removed with special care. There are the most popular methods for cleaning windows from PVC film.

Steaming against old duct tape

With the help of a modern steamer, you can easily remove the film from the window. The entire cleaning process must be carried out in several stages.

  1. A small area on the window must be heated with hot steam, which produces a steamer. At the same time, it is important that its direction be pointwise, and not over the entire area of ​​​​the window.
  2. After 5 minutes, you must raise small plot film, and then pull it towards you, thereby separating the film from the window.
  3. We do the same with the new section until the entire window is clear of the sun-protection film.

This is the most elementary and most gentle option for removing the film. And even if after it there are traces on the window, then they are removed with the help of an ordinary soapy solution.

How to clean mirror film with newspaper

Also, the sun protection film can be removed using a conventional soapy water and a newspaper. This work is done in several stages.

Other means and methods

Cleaners and detergents that can remove adhesive tape from a window frame are suitable for removing stains and film from the glass surface. In addition to the already mentioned Cosmofen and Shumanite, effective substances such as:

  • Fenosol;
  • Domax (the preparation is intended for careful care of ceramics and glass, therefore, it does not contain abrasive substances).

But even these very powerful tools do not always cope with the task. In this case, you need to use a hard scraper or choose another way to clean the window from the film.

Video: remove the stuck film with tape

Precautions for removing film residue from glass and plastic

Precautions should be taken when removing sunscreen or conventional film from a window. Need to use protective equipment from chemical substances, which have a negative effect not only on human skin, but also on his respiratory tract. Use sharp objects carefully so as not to get hurt. Try to follow the following rules:

  • work with chemicals in impenetrable and very durable rubber gloves;
  • do not press hard on the glass, as you can break it;
  • proceed with extreme caution when using a scraper, scissors, knife and other sharp objects so as not to scratch the window or injure yourself;
  • do not allow chemicals to come into contact with eyes, skin, or inhalation;
  • Keep tools and materials that remove film marks out of the reach of children.

In order for the result of the work on removing the film from the window to please you, adhere to the following rules:

  • remove the protective film immediately after the window is installed. And if installation work not yet completed, then it is better to stick masking tape on the surface of the window. So you can avoid not only contamination, but also damage to the surface. PVC profile in the process of repair. Then, after completing all the work, you will not need to make great efforts to remove the stuck tape;
  • after removing the protective sticker, treat all moving parts of the fittings with grease;
  • do not use abrasive substances;
  • when using chemicals, take into account their level of impact on the PVC surface, otherwise one of the layers of the window can be broken at the micro level;
  • work carefully with sharp objects, and if possible, remove the film with your fingers so as not to leave scratches on the profile;
  • do not use strong solvents that can damage the profile.

Before proceeding with the removal of the film from the PVC window, it is necessary to complete all installation work. If so, great view. window opening will delight you long time. The exception is such types of work, after which you cannot physically remove the film.

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After installing plastic windows, not everyone immediately removes the film from them. But in vain!

More than once I have seen in a house recently built nearby how the tenants rub it with wet rags and try to scrape it off with a scraper, because they did not immediately realize that it had to be removed immediately after the purchase.

What can I say, because many people buy apartments after the film has had time to dry tightly.

So be careful, read helpful tips about effective ways cleaning and immediately check them in practice.

On the protective films of profiles, manufacturers write that it is necessary to remove the film from metal-plastic window structures immediately after carrying out work on their installation. But, for a number of reasons, this requirement is often neglected.

The protective coating protects the structure from contamination that inevitably occurs during repair or construction.

For example, the film may be useful in the design of slopes, external insulation of housing, and decorative work.

In such cases, the film adhesive remains on the frames longer and hardens over time. This complicates the process of peeling off the film, and the glue itself sticks to the windows in the form of unaesthetic black spots.

How then to remove the film from plastic windows?

Helpful advice!

This problem can be solved in two stages, successively applying mechanical and chemical methods.

The first will allow you to remove the film itself, while the second will deal directly with the glue.

Accordingly, to achieve the best effect, it is advisable to go through both stages. It is this approach that will allow you to effectively get rid of the problem and avoid scratches on the windows.

So, the protective coating can be safely removed with three tools:

  • scraper for cleaning glass-ceramic stoves;
  • industrial hair dryer (it is also acceptable to use household high power);
  • school eraser.

In the first case, carefully separate the film with the sharp edge of the scraper. Due to the fact that this device is designed for glass-ceramic, the likelihood of scratches on windows is quite low. But you still need to be careful while working.

The second option is considered safer and more reliable. Hot air must be used to heat the glued surface.

It is important not to overdo it so that the film does not melt and stick to the structure tightly. While still warm, the coating is removed in one confident movement. If necessary, the edge can be pry off with any sharp object.

Removing the film with an eraser, at first glance, seems to be quite an exotic method. In practice, this method will require a lot of effort from you, but the PVC profile will certainly remain intact.

But in order to remove the film from plastic windows, the use of one mechanical method is not enough.

After the physical separation of the film on window frames remains glue, which is firmly adhered to the structure. If the composition did not have time to dry well, you can do with an ordinary household rag and soapy water.

A well-dampened cloth should vigorously rub the contaminated areas. However, in some cases you will need more powerful tools. So, chemicals COSMOFEN 10 or FENOSOL showed themselves well. They are good because in addition to persistent pollution can also remove minor scratches.

You can also use "Nanoflex P-12" - an equipment cleaner. It is worth mentioning that the listed methods for removing the protective coating are suitable for all elements of window structures. The adhesive composition in them, as a rule, is used the same, which allows the use of the same tools for working with frames, double-glazed windows, window sills, and fittings.

In conclusion, we note that before removing the film from plastic windows, it is necessary to complete all construction works in the opening area. So you can keep an attractive appearance structures for a long time.

Naturally, with the exception of those works after which it will not be possible to physically remove the film.


Do we remove the film if we didn’t do it right away?

The frames of metal-plastic windows are protected with a special film in order to protect them from dirt, scratches and other damage during transportation and installation.

Removing the film from metal-plastic windows is extremely simple, if done in a timely manner, i.e. immediately after the windows have been installed.

If for some reason you tightened up with this, then removing the film may become big problem. According to the instructions, the film must be removed within 10 days after the installation of metal-plastic windows.

If you increase this period to a month or two, then, most likely, nothing terrible will happen. When the film remains on the frames for 3 or more months, it will take a lot of effort to remove it.

Why does such an inconsistency arise? It turns out that the protective film consists of 2 layers and is glued to the frames with a special adhesive. Under the influence of heat and solar radiation, a thin inner layer of the film decomposes and tightly adheres to the plastic.

To separate the surface layer of the film is not as difficult as the inner one.

Reasons that increase the adhesion of the film to the frame:

  1. Action ultraviolet rays. While the film on the windows located on the shady side of the building can be removed after a few months, on the sunny side it will begin to soak into the frame in just a few days.
  2. Glue quality. The lower the quality of the adhesive that holds the film, the more difficult it will become to tear it off. In the case of installing inexpensive metal-plastic windows, the possibility of encountering bad glue is higher.
  3. Heat action. If the windows are installed in the winter, the film will begin to dry to the frame later. In the summer, this happens extremely quickly.

Finally, consider how to remove the film from metal-plastic windows if it was not removed in a timely manner.

  • Use a building hair dryer. This is the best film remover. The main thing is to direct it to the frame, but not to the glass package, otherwise it has the ability to burst from the temperature difference. The film is heated with hot air, dissolves and is easily removed. The only problem is finding a building hair dryer. Some try to use ordinary, in turbo mode. This can be crowned with triumph only when the film is not quite firmly stuck.
  • Contact a cleaning company. The bulk of such firms do a similar service, while they have the devices required for this: a building hair dryer, special scrapers and cleaners. And skill in solving similar difficulties.
  • With a professional scraper for cleaning glass-ceramic plates. Such a scraper will not spoil the plastic.
  • Slowly, piece by piece, picking up the edge of the film with a thin knife, blade or scraper, and then tearing it off with your hands. Cutting devices should be used as little as possible, trying to separate the film with your fingers.
  • Residual glue can be washed off with the rough side of the sponge and detergent for bathrooms.
  • weak solvent. When using a solvent, be extremely careful and test in an inconspicuous area first. The solvent has the ability to change the color of the plastic frames.
  • Eraser. An ordinary school pencil eraser can help remove the remnants of the film.
  • Rough, though not with a metal brush and soapy water. The method is suitable for film on the shady side.
  • white spirit. Although it should not be applied on top, on pieces of film, but between film and plastic. To achieve the desired result, you need to pry off the edge of the film, pour into given place white spirit, wait a little and separate the film.
  • "Cosmophen". In companies that install metal plastic windows, you can purchase a specially designed plastic cleaner - Cosmofen. Based on the degree of activity of the active drug, Cosmofen No. 5, Cosmofen No. 10 and Cosmofen No. 20 are distinguished. No. 5 is the most powerful solvent, it dissolves plastic, as a result of this, it must be used with great care. In general, let's say 2 others. These are potent and unsafe means for a person's well-being.

Often the film is not removed because the repair is delayed and you want to protect the window frames from paint, whitewash and other contaminants. This is the wrong approach, which will give rise to even more dilemmas. It is much better to remove the protective film, and if necessary, stick masking tape on the frames. It won't be hard to take it off.


Removing the protective film from PVC windows

We often hear questions like this:

“A year ago, plastic windows were installed in the company ****. All this time, the apartment was being renovated, and my husband and I lived with relatives.

Now, after the repair was completed, they found that the protective film that is glued to the plastic does not tear off. That is, the film that was inside the apartment came off normally, but from the side of the street it is held tightly.

How can I try to remove the film from the window? Is there any remedy?"

I have to disappoint you, I do not know of such means that can help you with 100% probability. After installing the window, the protective film must be removed immediately, otherwise it is destroyed in the sun under the influence of ultraviolet radiation and fuses into the plastic.


The protective film must be removed immediately, otherwise it is destroyed in the sun and melted into the plastic.

Manufacturers of plastic windows even write warnings on this film, but usually in a foreign language. In our practice, there was a case when we installed windows for the whole house for customers, and the profile from which the windows were welded lay for a long time on the street under the sun.

We were not able to remove the film from these windows, and the problem arose, of course, after all the windows were installed. As a result, we had to completely replace all the windows with new ones.

But sometimes, special cleaners can help to remove the film. We have Cosmofen plastic cleaner for sale. A very serious thing to say. Distributed specifically for window companies.

There are 3 brands of Kosmofen: Kosmofen No. 5, Kosmofen No. 10 and Kosmofen No. 20, they differ in the degree of dissolution of PVC plastic.

So Kosmofen No. 20 does not dissolve plastic at all, Kosmofen No. 10 is a weak solvent for PVC and Kosmofen No. 5 is the strongest solvent.

I think that if Cosmofen does not help you, then nothing will help you. The only way out is either to change the windows, or to spit and forget, thank God the film is on the street and is not visible from the apartment.


How to remove film from windows after installing them

When installing plastic windows, always remember that it is necessary to remove the protective film that trims the profile for safety purposes immediately after the windows are in place and all finishing work is completed.

However, real situations indicate that consumers often order PVC windows from one company of such well-known brands as KBE, PROPLEX, Veka or the eminent Rehau, and they are installed independently or with the help of other contractor companies.

In such situations, everyone completely forgets to remove the notorious protective film on the profile, which, under the influence of sunlight, sticks to the window so strongly that it is almost impossible to remove it.

In which case, it will be possible to make claims to it regarding the quality of the work performed, and its employees will be required to take care of removing the film from outside profile.

On the windows, the film prevents scratches, both during their installation and during installation. Experts in this field recommend getting rid of such a harmful film within 10 days after the windows have been exposed to the sun.

If time is lost and protective layer never filmed, do not be self-willed, but listen to useful advice, time-tested and practice. Many make a gross mistake when trying to remove the film with a solvent. So the film will remain on the windows, and the profile can be hopelessly damaged.

Proceed with extreme caution, because the entire profile can be damaged from strong heating.

Not less than effective tool when removing the film from the window, there will also be the use of a special scraper used during cleaning hobs and ceramic tiles.

You can safely work with a scraper, because it does not damage the plastic surface.

Try very carefully to pick up the edges of the adhered film with a scraper and remove it piece by piece from the window. If possible, work only with your fingers, as even a safe scraper can leave scratches on the PVC profile.

When finished, thoroughly wipe off the remaining adhesive with warm soapy water. If the glue cannot be cleaned with soapy water, then use the special Cosmofen 10 cleaner.

It is important that it not only removes adhesive residue from the film, but also largely masks the resulting small cracks. From improvised means, an ordinary eraser from the school desk helps well, it perfectly rolls up the remnants of glue, helps to achieve the desired results.

All of the above tips are time-tested and give positive results with careful handling of all devices.

But if you enter into an agreement for the production, supply and installation of plastic windows with one organization (which is the best option), then make sure they take care of removing the film from the window as well.

Plastic windows are provided with a protective film that protects the frame from possible scratches, dust and dirt during transportation and installation of the window. It must be removed after the window has been installed in the opening within 10 days of installation.

However, due to various reasons, many owners of plastic windows do not remove the film on time, as a result they get another one. headache, since over time it tends to "stick" to the plastic profile.

1. Why does the film stick to the window?

If plastic windows have been installed recently, then it will not be difficult to remove the film, however, if too much time has passed since the installation, then it will be very difficult to remove the film from the window. This is due to the fact that it is affected by the environment and the sun's rays, in which the film begins to deform.

How to clean glass and profile in a plastic window? In order to remove the film immediately after installing the windows, it must be carefully cut with a clerical knife from the inside and outer side windows, and then carefully remove. If the film is already deformed, then it will not be removed normally, it will tear, come off in pieces, while the glue may remain on the window.

It should be noted that the film is made of two layers and is glued using a special adhesive composition. The inner layer under the influence of the sun begins to break down and sticks to the plastic more and more tightly. Take off upper layer it will not be difficult even after 2-3 months, but the internal one becomes more and more attached to plastic every day.

2. Ways to remove the film from the window

If the film for some reason was not removed in time, then the stuck film can be removed in several ways. What products can be used to clean a plastic window? This will be discussed further.

2.1. The first way to remove the film

If the film cannot be removed, then you can use a building hair dryer. It must be directed to the frame of the plastic window, where the film is not removed. When exposed to it, the adhesive mass will heat up and gradually lag behind the window. After that, you can remove the film without much effort with a hard cloth or scraper. You can also use an ordinary home hair dryer, but only if the film does not stick to the frame very much.

2.2. The second way to remove the film

Adhesive residues can be removed with a scraper for glass-ceramic hobs or hobs. Such tools are quite rare to find at home, and it would not be advisable to buy it. Therefore, if there are no such tools, it is better to use other means.

2.3. The third way to remove the film

You can also remove the glue with a knife or blade. They can be found in almost every home. To do this, you need to pick up the edge of the coating and tear it off piece by piece from the plastic window. Residues of glue must then be removed with a rough sponge and detergent. This method is very long and requires good willpower, in addition, there is a possibility of damage to the plastic.

2.4. The fourth way to remove the film

This method is quite simple, since there is nothing special about it. Everyone knows what a school eraser is. Ever since school days, in a drawing lesson, they could erase a pencil and even a pen. So with the adhesive base of the film, you can do the same, erase it with an eraser. This, in essence, is mild glass cleaner and profile in the windows.

2.5. Fifth film removal method

If the film is more or less removed, but the adhesive from the film remains on the plastic window, then it can be removed with a brush with stiff bristles and soapy water. To do this, moisten the plastic window with a solution and walk over it with a brush.

It is important not to be too zealous, since this glass cleaner and profile may damage the plastic and scratch it.

2.6. The sixth way to remove the film

In some cases, if there is white spirit at home, then you can try to remove the film with it. To do this, pry off the edge of the film with a sharp object, after which you need to pour a small amount of solvent into this place. It is important that he gets under the film. After a couple of minutes, you can try to remove the film.

2.7. The seventh way to remove the film

This method is probably one of the most expensive and most dangerous for plastic. For him, you need to purchase special tools for cleaning plastic from various kinds of contaminants. They can be purchased at any specialized store.

You need to be very careful with these solvents, as they can corrode the plastic itself, which affects the life of the window. a.

In order to avoid problems with the operation of plastic windows, experts recommend:

  • Follow the instructions for using plastic windows. The film must be removed after installing the window.
  • If the window is installed in high-rise building, then the outer film must be removed in advance, even before the installation of the window, so as not to risk life later, tearing off the film on a high floor.
  • You can contact a cleaning company that will help clean up the house, as well as remove the protective film that seems to have stuck to death. It is only important to specify this point in the contract.
  • If, after removing the film, small scratches have formed, then you should not give up, they can be easily fixed. To do this, you need to buy a Cosmofen cleaner and apply it to scratches. It can perfectly polish small cracks and even help remove the remnants of the film.

Conclusion, conclusion

Thus, it should be noted that in order to avoid problems with the removal protective film from the window, you must follow the instructions from the manufacturer, and remove the film immediately after installation is completed and finishing works. Otherwise, problems may arise that will be much more difficult to solve.
