How to arrange a cozy corner in the garden. Do-it-yourself relaxation corner in the apartment and in the country

Do not be upset if the summer is coming to its logical conclusion. After all, the first warm days of autumn can still give you many pleasant moments of communication with family and friends in the open air.

To have a great rest, it is not necessary to go somewhere. You can arrange paradise right on your territory country house. We present you the five most popular design options for recreation areas on fresh air.

Those who like to spend time in big company this option is the best.

2 Patio

This is the name of the patio of the house, which is usually located between outbuildings or adjacent to residential building. It may be surrounded by pergolas with climbing plants and, walls or hedges. patio reminds cozy room where you can sunbathe, have dinner, read or have long conversations.

3 Closed room in the garden

Unlike the patio, this design is not adjacent to any building and has own walls. Such rooms attract attention with their original style and unusual details. It can be screens made of straw or bamboo, metal bars or curtains made of beautiful fabric.

4 Alcove

At the mention of this word, the imagination draws delightful images: an elegant building, immersed in garden flowers, is reflected in the mirror of a crystal clear pond. This place is ideal for a romantic date, heartfelt conversation, reading a fascinating book or contemplating the beauties of the surrounding landscape. Located in a remote corner of the garden, hidden from noise and prying eyes, the gazebo will be appreciated by lovers of secluded relaxation.

5 Place under the trees

If you are the proud owner of a plot where you grow a big tree from beautiful crown, then the place under it must be turned into a recreation area. Equip it with a bench, surround it with a screen entwined vine, hop, climbing roses or honeysuckle. These will look great around the perimeter ornamental plants like geranium, hosta, daylily and astilbe.

Living in constant tension, many city dwellers need a place where they can relax, recuperate, and calmly talk with loved ones. Create one for yourself cozy corner and enjoy happy moments spent in an atmosphere of peaceful harmony until the autumn rains and cold make you look for more comfortable places to relax.


A corner for relaxing in the country can be decorated in any style - from romantic to severely Scandinavian. For those who like to get together great solution will become a canopy or gazebo. Beautiful little things will help to create a special atmosphere in this place: ceramic sculptures, lanterns, floor and hanging pots, pergolas and arches.

Location Features

The recreation area is not recommended to be located in a lowland where water can accumulate. If large companies gather or children relax, you need to choose a spacious open area on the lawn or under the crown of a tree. For relaxation in a narrow family circle, a closed area with walls made of bamboo screens, wooden crates or fabric canopies is more preferable. To relax by the pond, choose an open area, in the center of which you can place an umbrella, and on the sides - sun loungers.

Trends in the design of the recreation area

Scandinavian style involves laconic gazebos and terraces from wooden slats and timber of natural texture. emphasize scandinavian design an open brazier made of gray stone and metal. Furniture is better to choose plain from natural wood or wicker. Usually furniture in this style is painted in White color, but it is possible to use a combination of black, sand and white.

The Provence-style recreation area is characterized by the presence of ceramic planters, arches, trellises and garden figures: cockerels, hens, hares. Swings, benches, old or specially aged chairs, armchairs and tables are welcome. Furniture is usually painted white, blue or pink colors. It can be forged or made of natural wood, but wicker wicker is especially good. Furniture can be supplemented with pillows in pastel colors with floral print, plaid or stripe.

In the recreation area in the boho style, the gazebo will be replaced by a tent, and in the grill area, it is enough to lay out a place for a fire with stones. The furniture is low, and there should be little of it, just a table, a sofa and a couple of chairs. Natural unpainted wood is chosen as the material for it. There should be a feeling that the furniture is knocked together carelessly. Bright carpets, patterned silk pillows, and ruffled bedspreads will decorate such a recreation area. A hammock with a hanging fringe will successfully fit into the interior.

Basic color scheme mediterranean style- terracotta and grey. To decorate a corner in this style, choose a secluded patio or a place to relax under a pergola. Wicker furniture is good for the patio - armchairs or rocking chairs with pillows and blankets. For arranging the space under the pergola, elegant wrought iron furniture is chosen.

Today, mobile recreation areas are becoming more and more popular - portable structures that can be quickly disassembled and moved to another place.

Summer cottage furniture

Plastic furniture for a summer residence - the most a budget option. It is prone to fading, so it should not be left in direct sunlight. Its advantages include resistance to moisture and mobility.

Wicker plastic furniture less reliable than cast. Can be found interesting options furniture made of plastic, imitating a vine, natural wood, stone.

It is recommended to place metal furniture on hard surfaces, its legs can get stuck in the ground. The heaviest furniture is forged, it requires a permanent installation. Over time, it can rust from condensation and moisture if it is not treated with an anti-corrosion compound.

Despite external fragility, natural wicker furniture can withstand weight up to 130 kg. Rattan and wicker products intended for summer cottages must be varnished on water based which will prolong their service life. Wicker furniture under the influence of sunlight can change color, becoming darker.

If your choice fell on wooden furniture, it is better to purchase hardwood options: beech, oak, teak. The fewer knots on the frame, the stronger the furniture. Wooden furniture must be processed protective compounds from insects and moisture.


It is better to choose folding chairs for the recreation area - they are easy to arrange before the arrival of guests and convenient to store when they are not in use. Wrought iron chairs for a terrace or gazebo should have thrust bearings that will help avoid scratches on the floor.

In hot weather, the metal is very hot, it is uncomfortable to sit on such chairs in the cold. It is better to give preference to chairs with a soft removable seat or models with a forged base and a wooden seat. wooden chairs should be fastened with bolts, not screws.

Rocking chairs and swing chairs

When choosing a rocking chair, pay attention to rattan, willow and reed options. They are durable and made from environmentally friendly clean materials. Indonesian rattan withstands the highest load (up to 150 kg). Armchairs with wooden frame recommended for people with an average weight of up to 90 kg. A more serious load (up to 170 kg) can withstand metal frames.

A quality rocking chair should keep its balance and not lean back too much. Rocking chairs with an arched back stop are the most stable. Rocking chairs that do not have an arc can tip over with strong rocking, so they must be equipped with chippers.

Swing chairs, which can be attached to the ceiling or on an individual basis, are gaining more and more popularity. An interesting solution there will be an armchair resembling a drop or half a ball.

You will need: wooden plank, improvised means (pots, switches), screws or cloves for fastening

Thousands of parents sing the glory of business boards - not only do they distract the child for an hour or longer, they don’t get bored for a long time, they also develop. Just take anything your baby might find interesting (and safe) and attach it to a vertical surface.

While you are sitting on summer veranda or watering the garden, your child wants to have fun. It’s good if he has his own small play area or even a whole playground in his summer cottage.

2. The magical world of little people

You will need: large and small stones, paints and brushes, thin wooden plates or boxes, improvised materials

It is not difficult to win the heart of fairy tale lovers - it is enough to make a garden magical world gnomes and elves with the help of paints, pieces of wood and your own imagination. The easiest option is to paint large stones with paints and put these houses in different parts of the site.

A little harder to use garden trees to attach wooden doors and windows to them.

And for those who are ready for exploits - an idea small plot for dolls.

3. Sandbox

You will need: boards, gravel, sand

A mandatory attribute of the playground, where the smallest summer residents play. The main place for cooking Easter cakes and building royal castles.

First you need to remove upper layer soil (30 centimeters), then fill the bottom with rubble (to drain water) and only then fill the base with sand.

No sandbox is complete without buckets, shovels and sand molds. And to make it easier for the kid to build royal castles, get a sand set in the online store of good toys.

4. Children's tent

You will need: hoop, ropes, threads, a long piece of fabric

Children love it when they have their own small house where parents go only by special invitation. Of course, everyone wants to build a complete wooden house with a kitchenette, furniture and an attic ... But let's be realistic - it's long, difficult, expensive.

The cheapest and easiest option children's corner- tent. The fabric clings to the hoop with the help of threads, and the hoop is hung from the ropes on one of the branches. tall tree. The advantage of this option: it is easy to remove if it starts to rain.

5. Sports corner

You will need: small hoop, ropes, wooden board, fasteners

Love for sports should be instilled from childhood, so it would be nice to add equipment for sports in the country. The classic includes a horizontal bar, gymnastic rings, a rope, a basketball hoop, a wall bar or climbing wall.

It is not necessary to place huge structures on the site at all. Perhaps one basketball hoop and a rope will be enough for your child.

Another idea for a sports corner is a trampoline. It's hard to make it yourself, but it's there. inexpensive options that will last a long time.

Trampoline is useful for physical development baby: jumping increases endurance, forms posture, trains muscles and improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

If you have a garden or a large enough yard, you probably know the problem. empty corners. It seems that there is enough space, but still I want to use it rationally. Or, at least, beautiful - so that it pleases the eye.

And this large-scale collection of ideas on how to arrange (what to plant) in the corner of the garden or yard will be your great assistant. It includes 22 landscaping techniques illustrated with nearly 100 inspirational photographs (4 for each idea).

We have already written. But in the garden, not everything is so simple, despite the larger size of the area. After all, plants and garden buildings, alas, are not as mobile as furniture. But just like in the previous issue, we advise you to approach the issue of empty corners as a great opportunity to make your garden or yard even more comfortable and beautiful.

Whatever the size of your garden, whatever resources you have at your disposal, there is always a way to smooth them out and use them quite effectively. You will see what to plant in the corner of the garden, how to decorate the corner of the patio or terrace, what elements will make this place individual and add style to it. And all this is for the most different sizes area from small to large.

Get inspired!

1. Make the corners of the garden smooth.

Perhaps the simplest, but very curious idea is to round the corners with the help of a flower bed of the appropriate shape. On the resulting triangular area, you can plant plants with spectacular foliage, large flowers, or decorate, focusing on what is already growing there (for example, create a composition around a tree).

Reception is suitable for a garden of any size, including the smallest. The cost of implementation is minimal, the result is quite fast (in the first or second year of planting). A few examples are in front of you.

2. Incorporate rocks into the landscape.

Large stones are a universal decorative accent. Based big stone you can create a whole composition with smaller pebbles, plants and even water. If your garden is modest in size and the budget is minimal, a rock arrangement combined with plants is exactly what you need.

The cost of implementing the idea is determined by the amount of additional decor and the size of the area around the corner being designed.

3. Plant a large, beautifully flowering shrub.

Another option for corner vegetation suitable for any garden. It is remarkable in that it will be visible from anywhere in the garden and will be a wonderful decoration both singly and in an ensemble with smaller plants.

4. Grow a spectacular tree in the corner of the garden.

A spreading crown will help smooth out the corner of the fence.

If we are talking oh patio and you love wildlife, not seasoned with artificial decorations - put in a corner a tub with beautiful tree(or plant it in soil).

5. Add the element of water.

If your site is small, you are unlikely to want to make water dominant. Yes, and it will not fit a large body of water. But a tiny pond or fountain in the corner of the garden is what you need. Find "your" in our gallery (40 photos + tips for choosing).

If there are more funds, and the size of the plot allows, arrange an artificial waterfall.

By the way, the water attracts birds and butterflies. So, if you want to admire wildlife, be sure to make a small oasis in the corner of the garden.

6. Pick up an art object.

Find a large object that will become a focal point, and create a pictorial composition around it.

If you like traditions, install garden sculpture. If you like the style of the tropics or Southern Europe - find a large vase or ceramic pot (more details in the next technique). For modern style or fusion look for something unusual or fun.

7. Add a Mediterranean patio element.

We have already talked in detail about that (see 50 photos in a special issue on this topic). And here, notice how interesting they look in the corners, framed garden plants and flowers.

8. Create a miniature Japanese landscape.

fans Japanese style can recreate a corner of the Land of the Rising Sun in their garden.

The Japanese garden is good because, firstly, it is especially beautiful in miniature. Second, it is based on natural materials, which means it will fit perfectly into any landscape.

9. Hang the swing.

There is one entertainment that both children and adults meet with equal enthusiasm. His name is swing. And a corner of the garden is a great place for them.

By the way, the swing does not have to hang on a tree - a swing sofa with a support is also suitable.

10. Equip a playground in the corner of the yard.

One of the main disappointments of childhood: I want to play, and the older ones occupied the playground. Make your little ones a little happier by making their own playground in the corner of the garden. sandbox, slide, playhouse- her "equipment" can be any, depending on the free space and funds.

One more option is suitable for a patio or yard - a sports corner. Your children will certainly appreciate modern version"Swedish wall", where you can climb, jump and pull yourself up. For safety reasons, make it not too high, and cover the ground with mats.

11. Decorate a dining room for cozy gatherings in the garden.

If the dimensions of the terrace do not allow placing dinner table, - create a "summer dining room" in the corners of the yard or garden.

Choose a corner that offers the most picturesque view. Or place the table under a spreading tree. And if this place falls on the sunny side, create the desired shade with light draperies in bright fabrics or a regular beach umbrella ..

12. Put a corner sofa.

Corner furniture will be an excellent basis for an outdoor living room where you can have breakfast, drink coffee or receive guests.

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If you are inspired by the idea of ​​a living room on outdoors- Decorate it accordingly. Add trellises with climbing plants, hang lamps, set up a table... In general, make this living room cozy. Here are some more interesting ideas.

13. Surround the terrace with plants.

This is not about the usual garden landscape, but about the creation of cozy "walls" (from plants in containers or growing directly from the soil). Properly selected plants at the same time hide the terrace from prying eyes.

14. Light up the plants.

If there is a tree in the corner of your garden - arrange the backlight right on it. If not, - - highlight the plants at a height of 30-50 cm from the ground. So you not only decorate the night landscape, but also get rid of the need to look for a place for lanterns.

By the way, here, as in the interior, it works interesting rule: Illuminated corners appear cozier and less harsh than when there is no light.

15. Place the trellises.

Climbing plants are not only pleasing to the eye, but also separate your corner from outside world. Wisteria, wild grapes, ivy, clematis - any of these plants are suitable for garden corners.

16. Mix materials.

This technique applies not only to the corners, but there it acquires special significance.

So, if the fence is made of concrete, place a wooden bench in the corner. This contrasting duet will enliven even the smallest garden.

17. Add a small hearth.

Set up a bench in the corner of the yard and add a portable hearth (a large fireproof bowl where you can light a fire). You will have a cozy place for evening gatherings by the fire.

Design suburban area is of increasing interest among summer residents - this is due to the long summer season and increased interest in healthy lifestyle life. Today we will tell you how to do it in a summer cottage cozy area recreation.

Most recreation areas are located near the house, but this should not be the rule for you.

On the other hand, if you plan to use the recreation area as extra room outdoors, it is better to place it next to the house or a covered gazebo.

Whether your relaxation area will be simple or grandiose depends on the elements surrounding it, which will multiply its charm many times over.

By using curvilinear forms in your garden design, you will create a more harmonious, relaxed atmosphere that will be different from the traditional rigid and rigid rectangular structure of the beds and the house.
Thus, you will soften the overall style.

Manifest creativity including elements of a flower garden or pond in the overall design of the recreation area at their summer cottage.

Add a twist to the design of your summer cottage by leaving a walkway or patio in the cover open ground for gravel and planting small flower beds.
Choose unpretentious plants, which can grow on a minimum amount of soil. And at the same time, your rest area will acquire an exclusively decorative look.

Try to create several zones on the patio: for private conversations, for calm contemplation of nature alone with yourself, for more formal and large-scale meetings with guests.

If your seating area is not comfortable, you will not use it. Therefore, consider protection from the sun and wind.

If you like to have barbecues often, then place a brazier in the recreation area - and you will get a lovely summer kitchen.

Recreation area for a small family can be small size. But, if you are going to invite guests in the future, it is better to provide additional space for them.

In order to understand what area your future gazebo in the recreation area should be, place on the ground required amount tables and chairs, so you will see for yourself how much space you need for the construction of a gazebo.

Tile, concrete, brick, stone are the most popular patio flooring materials. But when choosing a material, try to focus not only on price. It is good when the style of the recreation area is combined with the style of your home.

And, if you are going to use the seating area regularly as a dining room, then it is better to choose the floor surface that guarantees the most stable position of the table and chairs.

The simplest recreation area can be just a piece of paved area in the garden.

But in order to get more out of the patio, add lighting for it, flower containers, fountains, barbecues. Let your desires dictate what small but necessary details your patio needs.

Building a garden seating area can be a challenge for a beginner.

But for starters, you can try to independently pave a small area for a recreation area.
