Why dream of a strong wind in a dream. Why dream of a strong wind? Dream Interpretation: strong wind, hurricane in a dream

  • Emotions - anger.
  • Organs - gallbladder, kidneys.
  • Planets - Jupiter. Explanation and interpretation 1. Philosophical. In addition to the concept of the five main fundamental principles and the five primary elements of the world, Eastern philosophy operates with eight more trigrams - symbols that reflect the eternal transformation of yin and yang energies into each other. Life ascends in a spiral, each turn of the spiral is a circle, in each circle yin and yang are combined eight times. Their mutual struggle and generation - movement and life. The cessation of movement is death. Eight trigrams determine good and evil, and good and evil give rise to great deeds, says the I Ching, the ancient Chinese Book of Changes. Wind is the trigram Xun. It symbolizes the tree accompanying the wind, spring and the southeast, where spring is born. Xun also means penetration, chicken, thigh, eldest daughter, white color, length, height, trade with a three hundred percent profit, and the like. Trigrams are considered from the bottom up: below is one broken Yin line, above it is one whole Yang, which means that there is strength and weakness, movement both forward and backward. But there are two states of qi energy (yin and yang), and there are three lines in the trigram: one more final line is added on top. the yang line on top in Xun means a tendency to active actions - destruction (after all, there are more yang lines - movement than yin - rest). 2. Medical. The wind is the element of spring, therefore, in the spring, wind phenomena in a dream should be treated carefully. According to European philosophy (K. Jung), the wind is a manifestation of the basis of life - the Spirit, converges with Eastern thinking that the abode of the spirit in the human body is the liver and gallbladder. Comparing the elements of nature and human emotions, one can correctly assess both the external situation and the internal essence - the cause of the situation (internally - illness, externally - failure). The elements of nature are all-pervading and spontaneous, they influence constantly, but implicitly. On the other hand, their greater / lesser influence depends on our emotions and on the ability to control ourselves. The wind is external and internal. Outside wind is a manifestation of the climatic influence of natural wind. This, in the wrong combination of circumstances, is one of the most powerful and dangerous pathological principles. The wind is the ancestor of a hundred diseases, says the Yellow Emperor.
  • Internal wind occurs due to dysfunction of the liver, gallbladder, kidneys or lack of blood (anemia, blood loss, etc.). Symptoms of wind diseases: convulsions, dizziness, unilateral paralysis, trembling of the limbs, flickering in the eyes, blurred vision and, in the long term, the destruction of the personality of the self. The Tibetan treatise Zhud shi says that the common cause of all diseases is ignorance and conceit, they give rise to passion, anger and stupidity, the latter give rise to an evil wind. The state of sleep allows you to feel now the pressure of those forces that will physically manifest much later, but will already be incorrigible. A headwind (outside wind in the face) is an image of a formless, faceless yet force that impedes movement. This may mean initial (fragile) relationships with opposing (future) strangers. With a propensity for a successful resolution, the situation can cause anger and a desire to overcome the obstacle. A headwind that hurts, tangibly whipping - internally the situation has already taken shape (outer and inner winds together). One should look for spiritual, personal contradictions with the rhythms of nature and illness. A headwind that gives rise to unwillingness to go, fear, a desire to hide - the emptiness of energy and impotence, that is, this is already a dangerous and obvious combination of external and internal winds. It is necessary to look for a disease that has already been born and to revive the feeling of will - the ability to resist. The wind is fair, pushing in the back - an excess of strength, will, unexpected support (possibly), but also a danger in excess of strength to put too much pressure on the situation with your self, thereby violating the overall harmony. In general, this sleep option is favorable, and especially in the spring.

"A large universal dream book for the whole family of O. Smurov"

A strong wind in a dream is a sign of rapid change and soon news. To be on it and hold on to something so that you are not knocked down is a harbinger of the fact that you will hardly be able to overcome obstacles and get out of poverty. See hurricane.

Sometimes such a dream predicts that you can finally find a good and promising job that will bring you success, albeit after some time. Your fear in such a dream predicts that it will be very difficult for you, but you will succeed in what few succeed, and at the same time you will be able to avoid a big scandal and publicity of an unpleasant affair. Hearing a breath or howling of the wind in a dream - to anxieties, obstacles and failure to fulfill a desire. The stronger the wind, the more adversity awaits you ahead. A pleasant fresh breeze in a dream portends peace of mind and joy. A strong wind at sea promises obstacles in business and the help of friends. See sea, ship.

If in a dream you see how the wind on the street lifts individual objects and garbage into the air, then an important historical event will soon occur that will change the lives of many people.

Why dream of the wind in a dream book - "Wangi's Dream Book"

Wind in a dream is a sign of future changes.

Walk towards the wind in a dream:
If you dreamed that you were walking towards the wind, resisting its gusts, then this dream means your victory over troubles that will suddenly fall on you, you will be rewarded for your stamina and fortitude with wisdom and longevity.

The wind rips off the headdress in a dream:
If in a dream the wind rips off your headdress, then in reality you will lose the position you value because you act unfairly or dishonestly.

The wind breaks trees, raises garbage and dust in a dream:
Seeing how the wind breaks trees and raises debris and dust is a nuisance from the side where you least expect them, most likely, these problems will affect not only you personally, but also many others.

Light warm wind in a dream:
A light warm wind in a dream promises favorable changes in your destiny, you will get a lot without spending any effort, just be able to properly dispose of what you have received, and do not lose your soul.

Why dream of the wind in a dream book -
"True dreams - the most complete dream book"

Going against the wind in a dream is an obstacle in business. Favorable, light, refreshing wind - favorable changes await you ahead. Feel the breath of the breeze - ghostly hopes and unfulfilled prophecies. The wind walking around the house is a disease of a close relative. Hear the sound of the wind in the forest - disagree with the opinions of others. A breath of breeze from a fan - they are trying to warn you against mistakes. Windmill - gossip, pointless arguments and stupid claims. A broken windmill - you are too lazy. The wind pushing in the back - beware of illness. Sailing with the wind - you will be supported in business.

Why dream of the wind in a dream book -
"Dream Interpretation: Truthful Interpreter of Dreams L. Moroz"

If you dreamed of gusts of wind, you will worry about someone; if you dreamed of a strong wind, there are ill-wishers in your environment who poison your life.

Freud's modern family dream book:

Quiet, even wind - the appearance of friends, well-being; strong wind - a hostile attitude towards you.

A dream in which you have to move forward, overcoming wind resistance, suggests that your dream is achievable only after long days of waiting and disappointment.

Hearing the sound of the wind in a dream sometimes means alienation between loved ones. If you hear the wind while outside the walls of the house, trouble will pass you by.

The light breeze that you feel is the wind of change, good news, love awaits you as a reward for patience. Strong wind at sea - help you from afar; rustle of leaves - to separation, sadness; the roar of the wind - news from another country.

Flying in a dream, picked up by a gust of wind, portends that pleasant changes will come in your life very soon, and your friends will play an important role in this.

The wind blowing in your face and bringing you joy indicates that you have already more than paid for the mistakes of the past. All your misfortunes are left behind.

If the wind blows at your back, you are threatened with separation from your loved one for a reason that you attach great importance to. Look at things differently and you will realize that you are making a mistake.

What do dreams mean? - Juno's new dream book:

Seeing a quiet wind in a dream - this promises friends; strong wind - the enemy.

The wind is strong in the face - obstacles from people. He pushes - their help. He carries you - loss of control, danger. Strong at sea - help from afar. Rustling leaves - separation. To hear the noise of the wind - you neglect your heart that loves you. A light, cool wind in a dream is a good sign.

To stand in a draft - to experience a mortal fright; a gust of wind carrying paper, leaves, etc. - an unexpected impulse in your mental life, a strong emotional excitement.

Some people are interested in why the strong wind is dreaming. Interpreters of dreams on this issue disagree. Some believe that such a dream indicates imminent troubles, others think that a hurricane is a harbinger of future happiness. This article will help you figure out why the wind is dreaming in a dream.

Dream Interpretation Meneghetti

According to this psychologist, the wind is a kind of dynamic external element. Moreover, the interpretation depends precisely on the intensity of the given. Why does Meneghetti dream of a strong wind? The researcher believes that it symbolizes the focus on a change in fate, a revolution in personality. The wind always brings changes with it, and a person who has such a dream needs to come to the realization of what he needs to make efforts to, and what to categorically refuse. For Meneghetti, a dream about this phenomenon warns of impending troubles and troubles, that is, it contains a negative meaning.

Dream interpretation for the whole family

According to this dream book, what a strong wind dreams about is the approach of fateful events in life. This in itself does not bode well or bad. However, if the wind is cold, north, then the dreamer expects loss or trial, and the warm south entails favorable circumstances and events. what he manages means that great success awaits him ahead, because he will be able to turn circumstances in his favor. But if a strong wind knocks the sleeping person off his feet in a dream, then it is better for him to postpone all his affairs for a while - the dreamer will face continuous failures.

Erotic dream book

This source has its own vision of what a strong wind dreams of. The interpretation of a dream in it depends on the circumstances under which the person saw it. Going against the wind means that the dreamer is trying to change the situation in his personal life. If he hears the sound of the wind outside the window, then he probably moved away from his loved one in vain and suffers from loneliness. When the sleeper lost his support in a dream, the hurricane picked him up and tore him off the ground - this is a very bad omen: the dreamer will have a big quarrel with the second half or a long separation from her.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

Regarding what a strong wind dreams about, he gives the following interpretation: such a dream depends on the nature of the natural phenomenon. A gusty wind on land promises the sleeper some obstacles. A storm at sea testifies to help that will come from afar and open the way to future success. A rustling breath in the foliage of trees portends a quick separation, and a light breeze - fast news.

Psychoanalytic dream book

Psychoanalysts have their own opinion about what the wind is dreaming of. Seeing the wind in a dream for them means subconsciously feeling the need for some changes. From their point of view, this phenomenon is a symbol of internal transformation, significant changes in fate. A strong, destructive hurricane can represent the dreamer's desire to completely destroy the old life and build a new one, not yet explored, on the ruins.

Love dream book

How does this popular dream book interpret the wind? Why is the wind dreaming, you ask him. And you will know that a warm and soft breath means a reward for long patience in love. A close person, probably, finally appreciated the gentle, sincere attitude towards him. Flying in a dream on the wings of a mighty wind portends pleasant changes in life. They will play an important role in this. If the wind blows in your face, then you should expect joyful events, since you have already paid more than for your previous mistakes. However, if in a dream you feel a strong breath in your back, be careful. You have to look at what is happening in life from a different angle, so as not to make a fatal mistake. If the sleeper moves in his dreams, overcoming strong gusts of wind, then he will be able to achieve his goal only by overcoming the serious resistance of those around him. Many disappointments await him on the path to success.

Dream Interpretation Taflisi (Persian)

This source has its own interpretation of what a strong wind is dreaming of. As a rule, it entails an epidemic. Sultry impulses dream of a severe cold, and fresh and cold - to nervous diseases. If the wind is moderate, then it promises relative well-being. A weak breath portends an increase in prosperity. If the dreamer stands straight and does not bend under a strong wind, then glory and honor await him ahead. However, if the sleeper saw that he was blown away by a hurricane, then soon he will go on a long journey, the result of which will be a new high position. But when the wind picks up a person in a dream and throws him into the sky - this is a harbinger of an imminent death. The dreamer needs to be very careful in the future and avoid life-threatening situations. It happens that the wind in a dream smoothly lowers a person from heaven to earth. This means that the sleeper will certainly recover from a severe illness and return to his usual life. A suddenly subsided breath and the onset of darkness portends danger in a dream.

Women's dream book

Why dream of a strong wind according to the female dream book? If the dreamer finds himself in the epicenter of a hurricane, then he is threatened with the disruption of all his plans. And before this dream, all the circumstances in the implementation of the plan were favorable. Such a dream is an occasion to think about the secret machinations of ill-wishers. If the sleeper hears in a dream the roar of a strong wind and sees trees bending under it, then he will have an agonizing wait, which will lead to determined attempts to resist a possible collapse. Gusts of wind that destroy the dreamer's house promise a change in lifestyle, a change in work and frequent moves. Seeing the terrible consequences of a hurricane in a dream is a favorable sign. This means that misfortune will bypass the sleeper.

Freud's dream book

The psychoanalyst saw what a strong wind was dreaming of from a different angle. He believed that such a dream entails changes, and associated them with a certain person who will irrevocably change the worldview of the sleeping person. If in a dream a person suffered from a powerful hurricane, then the upcoming acquaintance will seem interesting only in the first days, and then it will bring some unpleasant unrest or real trouble. To see how a storm is steadily approaching promises concern for the fate of a faithful comrade who is constantly unlucky in life. You should not worry about a friend, this dream says, you need to try to change his attitude towards himself - and everything will work out.

Miller's dream book

Miller interprets what a strong wind is dreaming of as follows: getting into a hurricane means soon experiencing bitterness from the fact that long-cherished hopes and plans will collapse. Such a dream portends strong changes in the fate of the sleeper, and usually they are associated with tangible losses. Hearing the roar of a strong wind in a dream means the impending expectation of an imminent collapse. If the dreamer's dwelling was destroyed under the onslaught of a hurricane, then a completely new life awaits him ahead. Watching the consequences of a destructive wind portends a favorable denouement for a person of tragic and unpredictable events.

Wanderer's Dream Interpretation

According to this authoritative dream book, a strong, gusty and cold wind dreams of great unrest, anxiety and failure. Counter gusts blowing in the face portend future obstacles and obstacles. But a moderate, even, quiet and cool breath in a dream entails a good combination of circumstances, help and support.

Dream Interpretation of Zhou Gong

In this ancient book it is written that a strong hurricane wind with rain is dreaming of someone's death. Powerful gusts, pulling the clothes of the sleeping person, promise illness. An unexpectedly rising hurricane portends the appeal of the ruler to his people. The bestial roar of the wind in a dream means that you will soon receive news.

Esoteric dream book

Regarding what the strong wind is dreaming of, it has its own interpretation. Destructive dreams of future troubles with offspring, affectionate - for good relations with children, fresh - for good news about their children, and a whirlwind - for the fact that children are in danger of violence.

Children's dream book

This dream book says that what the wind is dreaming of depends on its direction. Passing - portends good luck, which means that all the friends and acquaintances of the sleeping person will contribute to his future success. The oncoming breath threatens with trouble - hostile forces will soon rise against the dreamer, which will hinder all his undertakings.

Now you know all kinds of interpretations of what a strong wind is dreaming of in a dream. Choose any interpretation, but remember that the future in the end depends only on ourselves.

Collection of dream books

Why does the Wind dream in a dream according to 42 dream books?

Below you can find out for free the interpretation of the “Wind” symbol from 42 online dream books. If you did not find the desired interpretation on this page, use the search form in all the dream books of our site. You can also order a personal interpretation of sleep by an expert.

If the wind is fair- it means that luck will favor you, and your acquaintances will act in your interests.

If the wind blows in your face, and even more so, makes it difficult for you to move- it means that hostile forces will resist you, and any circumstances will prevent the achievement of goals.

Ancient Persian dream book Taflisi

As a rule, dreaming wind- portends an epidemic.

Sultry wind - dreams of a cold.

Fresh, cold- to nervous diseases.

Moderate wind - a harbinger of relative prosperity.

Quiet, almost a breeze- to the growth of well-being.

Stand without bending from the gusts of wind- to glory and honor.

If you dreamed that you were carried away by the wind- get ready for a long journey, the result of which will be your high position.

However, if the wind suddenly lifted you off the ground and threw you high into the sky, right up to the clouds- this is a sign of imminent death, be careful!

If the wind gently lowers you to the ground- such a dream promises healing after a serious illness.

The calm wind and the onset of darkness in a dream- a harbinger of impending danger.

Idiomatic dream book

"Which way the wind blows", "keep your nose in the wind"- obey the situation, the ability to foresee and navigate events, inconstancy, hypocrisy; "wind of wandering", "wind of change"- to a change of place, travel; "throwing money down the drain"- squander; "karmic wind"- consequences of past actions; "wind in the head"- unreliability, frivolity.

Italian dream book

Wind is an external dynamic element.

If you see a very strong wind- this can symbolize a focus on change, a revolution in personality.

Wind - always indicates some external actions or interactions that stimulate a person to realize that he has to make a decision about refusal or about the need for personal expenses. In principle, it is rather a negative symbol. An element that often brings worries and distress.

Love dream book

If in a dream you have a feeling that a soft and warm wind is blowing in your face- love awaits you as a reward for longsuffering. It is also possible that a loved one will finally pay attention to your genuine and tender attitude towards him.

Fly in a dream, picked up by a gust of wind- portends that pleasant changes will come in your life very soon, and your friends will play an important role in this.

The wind that blows on your face and brings you joy- says that you have already more than paid for the mistakes of the past. All your misfortunes are left behind.

If the wind blows at your back- you are threatened with separation from your loved one for a reason that you attach great importance to. Look at things differently and you will realize that you are making a mistake.

A dream in which you have to move forward, overcoming wind resistance- says that your dream is achievable only after long days of waiting and disappointment.

Small Velesov dream book

Wind - love, good news / chores, empty promises; at sea - help from afar; quiet - friends, good luck in business; light - lead; strong - enemies, obstacle; rustling leaves- separation.

The latest dream book

In a dream, why does the Wind dream?

Feel the wind - to the likely destruction of your plans, hopes.

New dream book 1918

Wind strong, gusty- obstruction from people; favored; strong at sea - help from afar will open the way to success; rustling leaves in the trees- separation; light breeze - fast news.

Psychoanalytic dream book

The wind is an external dynamic element, a focus on change, a revolution in individuation.

Russian dream book

Hear the wind - unexpected news; windmill- empty talk

Slavic dream book

Wind - to a good ending; strong - to obstacles.

dream interpreter

The wind is calm and pleasant- portends a happy ending to our affairs; and the gusty and strong wind marks a disorder in the state and an obstacle in business.

Modern dream book

Find out what it means if you dream of the Wind?

Feel in a dream a soft breath of wind- means that after a bereavement, great luck will come to you.

Hear the rustle of the wind in a dream- means that in real life you will move away from a person who cannot imagine his life without you.

If you dreamed that you were walking fast, and a strong wind hit you in the face- such a dream predicts that you will, in spite of all difficulties and temptations, bravely move forward to good luck, and will not turn off the chosen path

If the wind prevents you from moving- in reality, expect failures in business ventures and disappointments in love.

If the wind is fair- you will suddenly have allies who will help you in business, or you will prevail over rivals and competitors.

Feel strong gusts of wind in a dream- is a warning: soon you will find yourself in a very difficult situation.

If in a dream you are in a shelter and only hear gusts of wind- this means that troubles will pass you by.

Feel in a dream that your hair is blowing in the wind- means that you need to take the tasks assigned more seriously.

Dream Interpretation 2012

The wind is thought in general; intelligence. A reflection of a change in awareness (also a need for change). The need to “listen to the whisper of the Universe” and change something at her prompt (also the possibility of change).

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

Why did the Wind dream in a dream?

A quiet wind in a dream promises you true friends, strong- enemies strong wind in the face- to obstacles from enemies; he pushes you- the help of friends, he carries you - to a possible loss of control, to danger, a strong wind at sea - help from afar.

Dream Interpretation of Azar

The wind to hear is the news.

Dream Interpretation Grishina

Wind in the face is a hindrance.

Help in the back.

Light cool- good sign.

A strong wind is your evil deed, your gloating and the opposition of your conscience to it.

Sit in a draft- experience mortal fear.

A gust of wind is an unexpected impulse in your spiritual life / strong emotional excitement awaits you.

Dream interpretation for the whole family

Seeing the wind in a dream- an indication of the approach of important events in your life.

The wind itself Neither a good nor a bad omen. But if this is a northern cold wind, then some trials await you, perhaps deprivation or loss.

And the warm south wind- on the contrary, portends favorable events and circumstances that are in your favor.

If you dream that you use the power of the wind (for example, you ride a yacht or fly a kite)- it means that in reality you will be able to skillfully take advantage of the circumstances and do not miss your chance.

But if you dreamed that you were going against the wind or that the wind knocked you down- this is an indication that your efforts are in vain and you are wasting your time.

Dream interpretation for a bitch

Wind - good news from distant friends or relatives.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in January, February, March, April

See how trees bend under the wind, or feel the wind blow- unpleasant events are approaching that will shake your plans and even change them.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays of September, October, November, December

Feel in a dream the wind that penetrates you to the bone, and you cannot hide from it anywhere- you will be “gotten” and brought to clean water.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in May, June, July, August

Seeing in a dream the wind blowing everything in its path- to a fast career.

Dream Interpretation of Kopalinsky

Wind - important news, change; pleasant wind - fortunately; sharp, whirlwind- Unfortunately.

Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

Quiet wind - reconciliation with the enemy; strong - quarrel.

Dream Interpretation of Medium Miss Hasse

What does it mean if you dream of the Wind in a dream?

Hear the wind - get an empty prediction.

Chinese dream book

Hurricane wind and heavy rain- portends someone's death.

Gusts of wind ruffle clothes- portends a disease, illness.

Suddenly a strong wind rises- there will be an appeal to the people in the state.

Freud's dream book

Wind - symbolizes the presence of some problems in relations with your partner or problems with your health.

Wind over the flat landscape- symbolizes the presence of disagreements with your partner, which can be easily settled with goodwill.

Wind in a city or other settlement- says that you are confused in your relationship with numerous partners.

Wind or hurricane in mountains or hilly areas- symbolizes the presence of health or sexual problems.

Wind over the water surface- says that your relationship with a partner needs, at least, to be corrected; maybe you should consider breaking up with him.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

The wind is strong, gusty- obstacles from people; even - favored; strong at sea - help from afar will open the way to success; rustling leaves in the trees- separation; breeze - fast news.

Ukrainian dream book

How the wind dreams- this love will be for girls and boys, and young women and men.

See the wind in a dream- hassle, empty promises.

Esoteric dream book

The wind is destructive- to trouble with children.

Fresh - good news about children.

Affectionate - children will be affectionate to you.

Whirlwind - your children are in danger from violence.

Erotic dream book

Walk towards the wind in a dream- means a subconscious desire to change the situation that has developed on the love front.

If you hear the sound of the wind in a dream- such a dream is a sign that you are in vain moving away from a person who is just as lonely without you as you are without him.

If a strong wind picks you up and lifts you off the ground, you will lose your footing.- perhaps you are in danger of separation from your loved one or a serious quarrel.

Online dream book

The meaning of sleep: Wind according to the dream book?

A dream where you feel the wind- in reality, such a dream promises you real changes in life.

More interpretations

If you go against him in your sleep- expect some difficulties at work.

If the wind favors you- good changes await you in the future.

I dreamed of a wind from a hurricane- the dream book tells you grief, misfortune and difficulties in life.

If in a dream you do not bend from the wind and stand straight- triumph and universal respect awaits you.

Dreaming of being carried somewhere by a strong breeze- expect a long trip, thanks to which you will be promoted at work.

Feel a very intense wind flow during sleep- you will soon change rapidly, both externally and internally.

Video: Why is the Wind dreaming

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I dreamed about the Wind, but there is no necessary interpretation of sleep in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out why the Wind is dreaming in a dream, just write the dream in the form below and you will be explained what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

Explain → * By clicking on the "Explain" button, I give.

    I dreamed that I was near the water. She took hold of the umbrella of a man who was engaged in shooting nature, and flew away with the wind. Then the umbrella broke and I fell into the water, but I didn’t see how I plunged into it.

    Hello, I dream that a strong wind began and I was walking, the wind became even stronger and picked me up, that I could not stand on my feet, began to carry me forward, I saw some kind of wire or cord ahead and grabbed it and holding on to it I got to some entrance with my hands and mine (I somehow vaguely remember) there some old man was dead or unconscious. Please tell me what does that mean? I have a very hard life now, I was left alone with three children and it’s not easy for us now ... Thank you

    I am indoors, at home, with a friend - a work colleague. An incredibly strong wind is blowing outside the windows: window frames are cracking, a howl is heard. I feel fear that neither the window frames nor even the walls will hold up now and collapse. But there is no fear, but just a calm expectation, when, finally, the wind subsides.

    As if there is snow, but not so white-white, but in different places ... and how such a strong wind blows, whether it’s a blizzard and I’m flying back, pushing back, whether I’m moving away from this bad weather ...

    I’m walking down the street, it’s cloudy outside, a strong wind suddenly rises, it starts to carry me away, but I see an unfamiliar man who holds out his hand to me and tries to save me. I grab my hand, the man pulls me to him, the wind subsides

    I get up at night from the noise of a squally wind, I look out the window, and so a very strong wind blows already the trees bend very much, and I was very scared, I think that we will be blown away along with the house. I woke up my husband, and I say look what kind of wind, now our house will blow , and he says, well, our car wasn’t blown away, so be calm. And, I also saw the numbers 5624, as if this is an indicator of wind speed

    I stood near the house, saw a little smoke coming from the kitchen window, remembered that there was milk on the stove, most likely it ran away and I ran into the house. trying to go the usual way, I couldn’t, I went along some corridor, opening the doors to the hallway and the street, I found myself again in front of the same doors, I open them again and the same thing here I felt a strong breath of cold wind. in a dream, it seemed that I was expelling some kind of entity, and I woke up from the realization that this was a dream.

    I’m standing on the street, there were several people and my mother was nearby, they were all going to the wedding, I wasn’t going alone, because I wasn’t invited, there was resentment in my soul, before that I cried, I didn’t just cry, but sobbed, then I calmed down, suddenly it started to rain, I remember I was wearing an old jacket, it was thick and heavy, it was just thrown over the top, then a sudden wind began, I stood firmly on my feet, but the jacket was torn on me from the wind, so I woke up (

    I dream of a deceased grandmother in a beautiful fur coat and a bright scarf with a bright color of flowers on her head, and I am standing in a T-shirt and shorts, my grandmother asked why I was dressed so lightly, I said that it was summer, and she objected that it was winter and a cold wind blew, and everything around her is white.

    I am in my apartment, a very strong wind begins on the street, it blows through the window on the loggia. I go out onto the loggia and see a tornado approaching me, dust and sand are flying through the window. I start to close the window, it won't budge because of the wind. After a while, it began to rain heavily without wind, nailed all the sand to the ground.

    I was followed by some people it was dark on the street, then I found myself like a small forest, there were clouds, it started to rain. and a strong wind and trees began to fall, I deviated from them so that it would not fall on me, I stood in a small clearing, then I crouched down and when I looked at small droplets rain fell from the sky, the sky was blue, the wind was gone. then my friends came up and we talked about this incident.

    I’m sitting with friends on a bench, then a girl comes up I move to the side, she sits down next to me and hugs her with one arm around her neck, then we ride the train I jump off and she accelerates the train I didn’t catch up with him. Then they sat down on a bench, a strong wind blew, a branch fell and then the whole tree in front was a yellow car

    The dream was mysterious, I ended up in another world, where there was an incomprehensible selection. I went down the pipe and got into a place that was in red-brown tones. Further, I was informed that I possess the element of wind. But so far, she wasn't very good at controlling her skills. To which I was told that further I would learn to use it to my advantage.

    Parents have their own house, and poplars grow next to it, they are very tall, and if they fall, God forbid, of course, they will probably demolish three houses. In general, I dream of a hurricane wind, and these poplars are already leaning towards the ground, if the door is opened, it is impossible to close it, and if you go out into the street, it will take you somewhere. And this wind either blows, then after a couple of minutes everything is calm .. Then it blows again. And again, calmly. Then my sister calls my mother and says that she will come to visit, only for some reason by bus, although she has her own car. And for some reason, mom doesn’t see this wind. I say call her back, tell her not to come, if she falls under this wind, she won’t resist. But mom doesn’t seem to hear. that he will arrive tomorrow, it didn’t work out today, but tomorrow there’s such a hurricane again. I’m telling my mother again, call so that she doesn’t come. Mom missed her ears, I again say, well, tell her to call when she arrives at the bus stop and let her stand there, and I’ll go after her, and we’ll come together. She, like, yes, yes, then I’ll call, and didn’t call, but I was very worried about my sister, I thought that she would fall into a hurricane, something would happen to her and I would never see her again. And my mother was surprisingly very calm and did not even worry a bit. As a result, I woke up without waiting for my sister.

    I do not remember the whole dream, I remember the episode. We had a company, children arrived with their families and childhood friends of the son and also with their families. The time is the end of summer. A large gazebo covered with metal tiles (it is not yet there, but there is a construction site in the plan) everyone is having fun noisily and cheerfully, and suddenly the wind came up and a piece of the roof from the gazebo flew into the neighboring yard.

    I flew, I had a pigeon wing in my right hand, I flew over the turquoise coast to where the pigeons fly. I flew easily, and flew to where it is winter .. seals, along with pigeons, eat pumpkin seeds .. from a height I saw it all.
    I landed near the house, and went into it there was a familiar man with a friend, and coats of people were hanging in the wardrobe .. it seemed to me that this was a small theater. I went out into the street next to large snowdrifts above me .. a cleared path .. from the corner of the house I saw a strong storm begin .. everything was filled with snow in a circle, but the snowdrift and the wall of the house saved me. I decided to fly back. vzelev, invited a friend with her. he flew with me, but halfway turned into another house on the porch of which the girl was sitting .. and freezing. He knelt down and began to kiss her hands to warm her.. And I flew on.. there was no storm, but night fell. I flew in the night .. I saw coniferous trees in the snow under me, and felt .. how I was being sucked into space, I remember these feelings from past dreams, and I didn’t want to take it far from the Earth .. I began to descend with all my efforts, but it turned out badly .. as a result, a jerk and I began to ground sharply .. then
    the tops of the forest with my hands .. I woke up))

    I was in my house with my family, the weather was terrible outside the window, I looked out the window and suddenly to my left, but lightning was far away and then a tornado, it was going in our direction and it seemed like everything was swept away, but all the houses remained in their place. I asked very strongly not to hurt us and the tornado changed its direction, it went in the opposite direction from our house.

    I have to jump from a parachute and go to prepare for the jump and I see a group of paratroopers in the sky and one is torn off from the group and no one helps her, she is thrown onto the wires. throws it on the ground with a vacuum. Then I see the instructors running to the crash site and they carry on a tarpaulin at the beginning one white horse (dying) and the second, a red foal with this girl in the same tarpaulin, they are alive, bloody and dying .. the girl has black African braids and I decide not to skydive. because the instructors are not professionals and did not help her.

    Hello! I had a dream, like I was near a small cliff, trying to go down to the river, but I felt a strong wind, I tried to hide under the trees, but I couldn’t hide, only the wind threw me to one side, then the other, I just held on to the tree trunks, I was afraid fall (just there was mud, but I didn’t fall!). Then I turn my head and see a river with a very fast current. I would like to know better what this dream is for. Thank you in advance.

    i dreamed of a hurricane that I was looking out the window and there was a strong wind in the car, relatives were sitting next to them, a truck was rising, I went out into the street and they were already coming to me, I say quickly come into the house and wake up

    quarreled with my mother (she forbade her friend to dress so that the navel was visible, I defended my friend) at some event, then I went home (it was winter) there was a strong wind and snowdrifts, it was very difficult to walk, but I reached the neighbors ( although they had already left for Germany a long time ago, a friend opened it to me, although they had not lived there for a long time, I was surprised and asked: - why did you decide to stay in your home? she says come in: - I said that I would go soon, sit on the veranda) and that's all…

    Good afternoon! I dreamed about how I was walking along the road, I had a black jacket in my hands, and there was money in it, a gust of wind knocked it out of my hands and flew forward, and I ran to catch this jacket, realizing that there was money. Finally, I got the jacket.

    I was standing near my house, my family was standing next to me. we just stood there, didn't talk, they didn't even move, and I looked around at the houses that were not far away. a pillar fell on one house, right in the middle. it was gray all around, gray sky, gray earth. The storm started abruptly, but it did not touch my family, they held hands and again stood motionless. suddenly the wind picks me up sharply and lifts me up, then lets go and I fall. there was no strong blow to the ground, I don’t remember how I got to my feet, it happened quickly. or I already landed on my feet, I don't remember. then my mother took my hand and the wind could not lift me up again.

    i dreamed of a hurricane wind with clouds of gray dust and it was as if a cell phone had been torn out of my hands and I was running in the direction of the wind to catch it, then all the same I succeeded and I ran into the entrance to hide from the wind.

    there was a strong continuous flow of wind in the city, I was in the room and started to close the balcony door, there was very strong resistance, the door did not want to close, but I was able to close it. I also thought about people, how are they there, with such a wind, will it blow them away

    I remember the dream in fragments, I can’t write exactly. the children dreamed of a cheerful ball, like a bright girl. the semi-destroyed cement bridge, the tree was tall, green, all deciduous and lush, and I held on to a branch and the wind blew, I don’t remember exactly how strong it must be. I had a bright friend with me. It was raining but I didn’t freeze. My house was dirty and I made love in it, the feeling was that it was my husband.

    A hurricane wind with rain bends trees to the ground and lifts a stranger high up, throws him with all his might to the ground and he dies. I see all this from the side, from the window of my kitchen, safe and sound

    I dreamed about a man, although in fact a woman is walking along her high-rise building against a strong wind. I reach and find myself in a sauna. I forgot something at home and returned the same way.

    I dreamed that I and my friends (there were four of us) were midships in the room, locked themselves. We had cocaine and each of us scooped up a handful. Everyone accepted, but I doubted for a long time. And then, when the first friend who tried it began to hallucinate, I also began to see them. I just rubbed the pollen from my palm into my gums, and poured a handful on the table, as I considered it unnecessary to use it.
    I saw other people's visions, because one of them described them and I agreed: the dark silhouettes of birds circled the room. The atmosphere was not joyful and not depressing, it was twilight and a lamp was burning on the floor in the corner to my left. Most likely, the excitement played in me, because I see other people's hallucinations without taking the drug. And then a strong wind began to blow so that it took out the iron doors in the room where we were sitting.

    I took off in a dream, gusts of wind helped me fly, I saw people standing nearby and looking at me. I made an effort to stay on top, like a goldfish makes an effort to swim. Immediately after that, I was sitting in some place and a guy, younger than me, asked me to write an autograph on a book, I asked what his name was, he said Kolya, I replied that my father was also called that and wrote the following words: “ Kolya, who did not live in vain "

    I dreamed that I was at home with my family and looked out the window and people were blown away, a huge hail of such ice blocks on the streets and blows everything away like a hurricane. and such a feeling without origin was in a dream.

    hello, this night I dream of a room on the door with bars, but this is not a prison, in this room I am an unfamiliar girl and three guys, as if they forcibly closed the girls with them in order for these guys to kill us, there is a bottle of wine half filled with white wine, I called the girl and said we need to kill them first so that they don’t kill us first, I drink this wine in one gulp and break the bottle, then the fight starts and we kill them, but at the same time the whole floor is covered with glass and I stand barefoot on this glass but my legs didn’t cut , and then I see there was no lattice on the window and I jump out of the window as if on the second floor and run after me, everyone is chasing a lot of people around and trying to get lost in the crowd, but people scatter and I run out into the street where a very strong wind is blowing and so strong that knocks me down and I seem to be able to fly away and hold on to the roof of the house, then the wind carries me but to where I would like

    I dreamed that I was hanging clothes and suddenly a gust of wind lifted me up. I was scared, but somehow I grabbed the rope and sank to the ground. The wind died down almost immediately. Everything happened in the evening.

    I go into the courtyard there beautifully, in some places there is green grass, I go first into one room, then into the second and third, in the third there are vegetables that look like pumpkins and I feel a wave of wind coming from the door through all the rooms I have an idea I don’t need to open the window in the last room so that there is no strong draft, but the wind is warm

    I dreamed that I was moving very quickly along the road to the town of my parents, and a strong wind was blowing towards me, I had to move forward, and my hand with a black plastic bag was pulled back. Passing cars nearby move at about the same speed (not fast for them)

    I fry in a frying pan, like bread and something else, then suddenly an invisible force, like the wind, squeezes me from all sides, in my hands I realize, instead of a large frying pan, a small one, but with the same contents ...

    Hello. I often dream of a walking tornado, then I very much feel how the wind is trying to carry me away, but I manage to catch on something in a dream, my legs literally sway. then he wind disappears. And today this wind broke the window in the house under which I was hiding from the tornado wind. what does this mean? thanks.

    Good afternoon! The whole dream was colored, straight bright. But I explain this by the fact that I dreamed that I was at my parents' house - we have a very bright, colorful apartment, a lot of yellow and green, warm colors. And it was very sunny outside.
    I remember the dream was so long. All of us - me, my parents and my brother - are at home, I am visiting them, as if it were in real time.
    And suddenly a strong gust of wind opens all the windows on the balcony. At first I was afraid that the glass would break. But it turned out beautifully: he blew sharply in sunny weather, the windows flung open, but even without a knock. And then I rushed to close them, so as not to knock out. But I noticed that there is no more wind at all. Just one impulse and that's it.
    After that, I seem to be going somewhere - already in another room. And suddenly I see a huge gadfly. And I run out of the room. I'm sooooo afraid of them in real life. I run to another room, I see a gadfly there, I shout to my parents, my brother. And they laugh and say that he is not scary.
    And I woke up.
    I never dreamed of a gust of wind, so bright, right in colors (blue, blue, yellow, green) and a gadfly. Maybe it means something?
    I would be very grateful if you could advise. Very interesting. Such vivid, emotional symbols were in my dream that I don’t even remember the rest of the dream at all.

    There is a strong hurricane outside. I see how the front doors bend from the strong wind, but do not open. I understand that the door to the balcony is not closed. I go to close the door to the balcony, but I cannot close them because of the strong wind.

    I stood on a field surrounded by a forest, all the colors around are very warm, it is clear that this is a very warm and pleasant summer. In this dream, I was practicing to ride the wind and become one with it. And I did it, I felt a pleasant lightness. Well, in a dream, I was not a body, I was incorporeal. I managed to merge with the wind, to feel all its possible flows in different directions, not in the face, not in the back, in an indefinite direction. Then I wanted to disconnect from the wind and I did it. As soon as I succeeded, a very strong pleasant warm wind began to blow on me, or in me, from all sides. There was a feeling that I am this wind on the field and I control it, I can direct it where I want.

    From the window of the apartment above, I saw how a strong wind drives my closed car, it beats against obstacles. my dead sister appears and fights the wind to return the already scratched car to its parking place

    I was walking along the road, a strong wind was blowing, as if enveloping me, it was not cold, because I was dressed warmly, for some reason in a fur coat, even in a dream I thought spring was strange, and I was in a fur coat. I looked around, many passers-by were dressed warm.

    I was riding with some man on a motorcycle at night, a strong wind was blowing, and as if through some kind of light I saw a blizzard that swirled around us and suddenly we were moving down a narrow snowy path with him.

    I was standing near the entrance door with a man (I know him) there was a strong wind, the trees were already leaning to the ground, it was raining, but I didn’t get wet from the rain, there was a thunderstorm, it was in the morning, but it was still dark outside, this man kept me he hugged me (I was behind my husband, but it wasn’t my husband in a dream), then we went into the apartment and he reassured me, I don’t know why he reassured me. as a result, the wind stopped on the street, it became light and the sun shone brightly, and from the window I saw how buses began to drive up and people with children and necessary things began to leave, everyone washed in gauze masks. and I started screaming, let's quickly collect the children and things happened here (I have two children, twins). that's where the dream ended.

    For the past 2 months, I have been having similar dreams, then a hurricane is approaching and I am watching it, then I am watching a strong wind outside the window in some unknown large apartment, where the windows are very large. Going to the window, I watch people hide from the wind, I see fallen yellow leaves. In two dreams, I am holding my son's little child in my arms. The presence of fear is constant. The dream warns me of good or bad, I cannot understand.

    I’m on vacation with my children, they are my own nieces. Where we rest, it’s calm there, but outside our tent the wind is raging, very powerful, such that it lifts into the air and throws it back. when I try to move away from the tent, the wind picks me up and throws me sharply. This happens twice. but where is my beautiful elder niece? I feel fear for her, I worry and leave the recreation area in search of her

    I dreamed that I was with a guy (I don’t know him, it felt like I was meeting him; now I don’t meet anyone) on the beach, then he went somewhere. The wind rose, then stronger and stronger, there were strange curls on the sea, not waves, the wind became stronger and stronger - objects began to rise up and fly, and then I looked at the sky - it was blue-blue, it was amazing!

    I am a bride in a beautiful wedding dress, embroidered with stones, closed shoulders, an artificial wedding bouquet in pink tones, there was a wedding (in real life I am not married) at some point I regretted this wedding and began to demonstrate it in every possible way, my “husband “I don’t remember the face, he was not familiar to me, and suddenly the wind started, I hid with some woman and I tried to save the wedding bouquet, but alas, it scattered.

    I’m in some building, the wind is blowing from the front door and I feel that a very strong wind is starting, a hurricane, I go up to the door, the wind bursts into the door with a strong gust, and I sharply slam the door shut and sigh with relief that I had time, not run it, what could that mean?

    hello, in a dream, I, my husband and several other relatives are in a house on a strong wind. I want to close the door but I can't. I closed it on the hook, but the wind still pulls out and holds the hook along the entire length, but I tell you that it will break (hook). my husband told me to film it. I shoot and take a selfie with some girl, but I still couldn’t take it in my opinion (I don’t know a familiar or unfamiliar girl). this is not my apartment. I look out the window towards my apartment and tell for the things that I hung out after washing that the wind will blow away. Well, that's all.

    Good afternoon, I decided to write down dreams that are not clear to me, I am writing to you, thank you.
    I drove a car through puddles on asphalt, then turned onto an overpass and began to drive up the slope, the wind picked up the car sharply and it turned out that the wind dispersed it and at the very end the car flew off like a springboard and hung at a high altitude in the air, then woke up from fright. Thanks

    Hello. I dreamed that I was standing at the hangar, or something like that, it is big and tall, covered with an awning. I read the sign on it and see how a big wave of wind is coming from above under the awning. I'm scared, but I'm not leaving, deciding to read the sign. When the wind reached the bottom, it blew hard on me, but I did not fall. I read the sign and left.

    I was walking home
    It was already dark, winter, everything was covered in snow
    A strong wind has risen
    I went against him
    At first it was simply difficult for me to go against the wind, and then I feel that I was torn off the ground. A little bit dragged to the side, and I fell.
    And this happened several times
    And he didn’t drop other people like that, everyone went quietly

    At first, I was sitting with friends at a birthday party at a feast and decided to run out to the store for a gift bag, but then the shooting started, some person took me hostage, killed my friends, and tortured me, it didn’t hurt me, he shot at the wall nearby with me, somewhere else, then he let me go for cigarettes, and the store was far away and I wanted to go back, but I forgot which entrance, called him, he said the tenth, I couldn’t find it, made a circle around the house and then the other started strong the wind, or I stopped weighing, but I started to fly away, it seems nice, but scary, suddenly I fly into the sky completely, when I was too high, I tried to get closer to the ground, but then I still took off and it was even a little nice, then I flew into my room, and there was an ugly scary creature with a dark face, like Baba Yaga and from a horror movie and a human body, I tried using the ability to fly, kicking her from above and trying to nail her to the ground, go She told me something, I forgot what. Then I got tired, lay down on the bed, she sat down on the floor near the bed and began to inspire me with something, either humble yourself, then stop dreaming (this is not accurate) and said something about how the highlanders take a wife, how they cut their hair and how much hair is worth

    the strongest wind blowing into the house, tearing everything off the walls, slamming the doors, but at the same time not touching me, not blowing me away. Then I closed the door, not being afraid to approach the source - the doorway

    My ex-husband called me on the phone, he seemed to call with good intentions, he wanted to say that he loves, but my ex-girlfriend was next to him and said bad things about me, I kind of even screamed at her on the phone so that she stumbled. Then I suddenly found myself in a restaurant where I used to work in and as if a hurricane was waiting for me on the street, he was a man who allegedly captivated me, but I did not want to go to him.

    Ahead was a person who I care about, but with whom we failed to build a relationship. I walked towards him, but a very strong wind was blowing, I could hardly walk. All this happened on some hill, or on a pier by the sea.

    I dreamed that I was sitting on a bench with my mother near the house. Then I got up and went to the entrance to go home. The entrance was fenced with concrete walls, some houses have such entrances. I turned around when a strong wind started, I didn’t stand under the cap of the entrance. Nearby, leaning on the wall outside, there were some boards, I looked at them, and they just disappear in pieces, the wind was so strong that it destroyed everything in its path.
    I was scared for myself and for my mother, who had not yet come, I had to go into the house from such a wind. Then I just saw that my mother was coming and we began to quickly enter the entrance, I saw how people also hurried to the shelter. When I entered the apartment, I closed all the locks. In the karedor that led to the kitchen, I looked out the window, the wind was still blowing and when I got closer it had already ended.

    A bright room, very large windows. My adult son and a friend are sitting on the bed and playing. I go to the window - green trees and the wind and snow begin. The wind intensifies, the snow falls in flakes. brown bear, he wants to open the window, I chase him away
