Autumn pruning of hydrangea paniculata in autumn. How to prune hydrangeas in autumn and spring

People have known hydrangeas for a long time. For a long time, plants have developed, some new species began to appear, methods of care have improved, and they themselves have acquired completely new properties. Currently one of the most popular garden and ornamental plants. Hydrangea is grown mainly in open ground, in the garden. However, its more cold-sensitive species are cultivated in greenhouses or in a house in a pot.

The main types of hydrangea

There are many different varieties(more than 500) hydrangeas. They differ greatly from each other in their appearance, growth conditions and, of course, the way they care. And that is why you need to know what species you are dealing with in general, since the flowering and even the growth of your plant depends on it. Let's consider the main ones.

tree hydrangea

A typical shrub that is distinguished by constantly growing zero shoots with white flowers in the form of a ball, therefore such a hydrangea is very often called white bush or white globular, depending on the type chosen.

Paniculata hydrangea

It grows in the form of a multi-stemmed or single-stemmed tree, so many may confuse it with a tree hydrangea. The flowers themselves may look a bit like lilacs in appearance, but the resemblance here is minimal.

large-leaved hydrangea

Here the emphasis is not on large sheets, but on large flowers, so often the plant is also called large-flowered. Sometimes the name is also found, since in gardens they are most often grown to create a particularly attractive environment and chic design site.

It is the types of hydrangea presented above that are considered the most popular and common, so people try to grow them most often.

The main secrets of caring for hydrangeas from spring to autumn

By itself, caring for hydrangeas in spring is not very difficult, except for the need for pruning, these plants are not much different from others. But still, it is considered the most demanding type, since the process of caring for it includes cleaning the soil from various weeds and old leaves, mulching with peat and loosening. Also, caring for hydrangeas in the spring involves fertilizing the soil for growing with special mineral fertilizers, which can provide Better conditions for growing flowers of this species.

In autumn, the soil should be enriched with special minerals and vitamins in order to grow the plant much more comfortably and have the best qualities.

As soon as the snow melts in early spring, you can immediately ensure the ventilation of the plants, and after the complete melting of the snow, you can gradually fully open them so that they are saturated with oxygen and can provide better conditions for further growth and development.

Remember that after opening the plant, you should protect it from as they can be detrimental to not yet ready to open land plots after wintering hydrangeas.

How and when to cover hydrangea?

Heat-loving hydrangeas (large-leaved, serrate or other types) in snowy, but relatively warm winters easily hibernate without shelter, and even bloom in such conditions, they may well. It’s not bad to spend the winter, and at the same time, hydrangeas can still bloom later if they are piled up, bent to the ground and covered with any fabric.

remember, that small plants do not tolerate winter well, so they will need to be properly prepared to provide the best conditions for such a harsh time of year.

The timing of hydrangea shelter is not so important, for example, compared to a rose, but in any case, it will not be superfluous to monitor the weather, because you can cover hydrangea even after the first frost.

Pruning hydrangeas in spring

It does not need pruning, only dry, diseased or damaged shoots and faded inflorescences are removed. Hydrangea paniculata bushes and trees look much better when pruned and shaped into a crown.

When should panicle hydrangeas be pruned - in spring or autumn? The opinions of experts on this issue are not unanimous.

To get a small bush shape, hydrangea pruning in the spring must be carried out. Shoots are cut to 3 or 4 buds. During the year, the plant will release many more new branches. If the bush is very old, it can be rejuvenated. This is done by cutting all shoots to the level of a stump or trunk. But in this case, the bush will have a beautiful shape only in the second year. If the pruning of the hydrangea in the paniculate spring is not carried out, the plant will look sloppy and may not even bloom.

To form a paniculate hydrangea tree, the shoots are not heavily cut, but only pinched. It is recommended to do this in the summer, twice a season. The main vertical shoot is pinched in the spring only once, at the beginning of the growing season.

When the main shoot grows to the desired diameter, a crown is laid (at a height of 1-1.5 m). The shoot is cut off to 4-5 buds, from which they will subsequently go side shoots in height and width.

Tree hydrangea grows quickly. During the season, its branches can reach 1.5 m. Pruning hydrangeas in the spring is only good. When pruning, stumps 30-40 cm tall are left.

In large-leaved hydrangea, weak, damaged or broken branches are removed. You can not trim the apical bud - it is from it that the peduncle is formed. Pruning hydrangeas in the spring is not carried out.

Plant propagation

There are several ways to propagate this plant.


List of the main advantages of hydrangea

  1. A huge variety of species of this plant, so you can choose any interesting for yourself to create a unique and original flower garden.
  2. Many types of hydrangea can be called winter-hardy, so their cultivation can be carried out without the use of shelter for the winter period.
  3. Hydrangeas are practically not affected by various plant diseases and pests, so growing them is a pleasure.
  4. Caring for hydrangeas is not very difficult, so even a young gardener who does not know all the subtleties and complexities of this process can cope with it.
  5. And, of course, long flowering is ensured, thanks to which you can preserve the decorative effect of your flower garden for a long time.

Hydrangea is distinguished by its extraordinary beauty, the inflorescences look like caps, and the crown is massive. Such a plant can actively develop in a shady place, the most common are bush species. To make the plant happy beautiful flowering, and healthy greenery, he needs to provide proper care, top dressing, proper watering, as well as cropping. The article describes how to prune hydrangeas in autumn or spring, why such a procedure is necessary, and the features of the formation of young bushes.

Why is pruning necessary?

Hydrangea is able to exist without pruning, but its appearance will be neglected, and the blooms will become small. Such a procedure is necessary for bushes in order to maintain their health, form a lush and beautiful crown, rejuvenate the plant, and give it a well-groomed decorative appearance.

After pruning, young and strong shoots grow, and flowering becomes large and bright. Thus, hydrangea does not need global rejuvenation or urgent crown formation.

Hydrangea pruning features

The timing and features of pruning depend on the type of hydrangea, and its flowering. Only one type of hydrangea, broad-leaved, is able to bloom on last year's branches, while buds appear at their ends. That is, if the bush is cut off, as usual, then it will not bloom. A procedure of this type is performed as a sanitization, that is, dried branches are cut off, and last year's flowering.

Ground cover hydrangea has the appearance of a wide bush, rounded type, flowering is formed on new shoots. But the pruning procedure is different from the processing of other plant species, while only slightly shortening too long branches is performed. Thus, the bushes become thicker, and flowering is plentiful.

Other types of plants are able to bloom on the shoots of this year, and pruning occurs in the same way.

When is the right time to prune a hydrangea?

To achieve lush flowering of hydrangeas, pruning is performed in early period spring. This is done as early as possible to allow sufficient time for the growth of the flowering species to develop.

Usually the bushes are pruned in the third or fourth month, while taking into account the swelling of the kidneys. Until they appear, the procedure is not performed, with the help of the kidneys you can see how the new shoots are located, then the pruning will be done in the right way.

If you delay the process, then the hydrangeas will not have enough time to bloom and prepare for winter period. Regardless of the fact that the large-leaved hydrangea produces flowers on last year's shoots, it is also pruned in early spring.

Plants that are sheltered in winter time, cut into autumn period. Just before the shelter, the shoots are simply slightly shortened, and the cardinal procedure is carried out in the spring.

Trimming types

  1. Sanitary cleaning involves the removal of weak, dried or damaged shoots, as well as last year's inflorescences.
  2. To form a bush, create density, and the correct shape, pruning is also performed.
  3. The procedure is carried out in order to form a larger and more powerful flowering.
  4. When rejuvenating a cardinal species, pruning is performed on neglected plant bushes.

In the autumn, you can not cut the inflorescences, they will have a different color and add beauty winter garden. Then this procedure is performed with the main pruning in the spring.

Formation of young bushes

During the first three years, it is necessary to carry out the primary pruning of young plants in order to form a crown. If this procedure is not carried out, then the shoots will grow in the wrong direction, and not evenly spaced.

In the first season, a sanitary pruning is performed, it is lighter, this is done so that the plant can take root calmly and form a healthy and strong root system. On young seedlings, when planting, all damaged and weak shoots are removed, and the next procedure is performed in the third or fourth month. Small seedlings are shortened by 1/3 of the processes.

The next, second season after planting, the first serious pruning is performed. In the early spring period radically shorten the growths from last year, leaving up to three fully developed buds above the former part of the stem. At the same time, strong skeletal branches are left, from which the main part of the crown is formed.

Pruning an adult hydrangea bush

In the third year, they begin full pruning, since the plant is considered an adult, this procedure includes several stages.

  1. Growth from last year is shortened to 4 buds, this is called plant stimulation, branches with abundant flowering grow in this place.
  2. Remove frozen or damaged ends of branches, as well as dry shoots.
  3. If the density is too active, thinning is performed, for this, excess processes are removed so that the bush does not compact.
  4. For a rejuvenating procedure, up to 10 strong shoots are left on the bush, and up to 5 growth branches from the last season, while the oldest shoots are cut to the very base.

Complete rejuvenation of the bush

Adult hydrangeas, as well as bushes affected by various diseases that are in critical condition, must be rejuvenated by performing a full pruning. Such a plant is cut to a stump, removing perennial shoots, and young shoots are left.

Usually, when performing such a process, the shoots are cut up to 80 centimeters in height, so the bush may not bloom for one year, since its forces are spent on the formation of a healthy beautiful crown.

Proper care of pruned plants

A cropped plant really needs high-quality top dressing, after fertilizer is applied, the bush lets out a lot of strong and new shoots. As a top dressing, complete fertilizers of a mineral type are used.

It is also necessary to do mulching using manure, compost, humus or peat, from such components a layer of 5 centimeters thick is made.

With proper care, the plant will delight with abundant, original, and unusual flowering, as well as healthy and rich greenery.

Pruning is essential for everyone. flowering shrub, and hydrangeas paniculata including. It is carried out in autumn, and then in early spring, removing shoots damaged in winter so that the plant develops better and blooms well. Properly performed pruning is the key to a beautiful, lush flowering of hydrangeas.

What is it for?

Hydrangea paniculata is a shrub that can do without pruning, but in this case its decorative effect, as well as the quality of flowering, will drop sharply. The bush turns out to be very thickened, with large quantity weak and thin branches and small, low-quality inflorescences. Such shoots are removed in the spring first.

Timely pruning preserves the health of the bush, because at the same time frozen or dried shoots are removed; allows you to properly form a crown with lush foliage and inflorescences; in addition, with the help of pruning, you can rejuvenate the plant and preserve its decorative effect for a long time.

Depending on the type of plant and type of flowering, pruning is carried out in different ways and different time. So, large-leaved hydrangea blooms on young shoots that have grown from the top points on last year's branches. In this hydrangea, buds form at the ends of the branches, and if they are cut off, the plant will not bloom. Pruning of this species is carried out exclusively to remove last year's inflorescences.

The ground cover hydrangea blooms on this year's shoots, so its pruning comes down to shortening long branches in order to make the bush more lush and achieve good flowering.

Panicle hydrangea haircut

As for panicled hydrangea, it blooms on the shoots of this year, and its pruning is carried out according to the classical scheme, it is cut like a tree. Panicle hydrangea pruning is done in early spring so that new shoots have time to grow up to required dimensions. If possible, pruning is carried out in March, in last resort postpone this work until April.

To do the pruning correctly, you need to pay attention to the growth buds - before they appear and begin to swell, pruning is not carried out. It is the growth buds that indicate the location of the young shoots that must be left, if they are removed, there will be no flowering.

But if pruning is late, the hydrangea does not have enough time to grow new shoots and bloom at the time determined by nature, it will bloom, but will not have time to prepare for winter.

Concerning autumn pruning- some gardeners believe that inflorescences for the winter must be removed so that thin and fragile branches do not break under the weight of snow that has stuck around the inflorescences. Others argue that the branches of the hydrangea are strong enough to withstand a lot of weight, and the inflorescences look very beautiful in the snow. What to do in this case is up to you, if you intend to leave the inflorescences for the winter, make a support for the branches so that they do not break. A hydrangea bush supported by a decorative fence in the snow in winter will look like a large unfading bouquet.

Hydrangea paniculata should not be severely cut, it blooms better with moderate pruning. To rejuvenate the bush, from several shoots that have grown from one point, you need to leave 2-3, and remove the rest. The stronger the branch, the more buds on it can be left for the growth of new shoots. Cut off the branches that grow inside the bush, leave those that grow outside.

The formation of paniculate hydrangea begins at the age of 2-3 years. If the formation is not carried out, the crown will not be of the correct shape with chaotically growing main branches.

The first year after planting, pruning is carried out only to remove dry shoots. At this time, the bush is faced with the task of creating a powerful, well-developed root system, and there is no need for pruning.

A stronger pruning is done in the second year, last year's branches are shortened in the spring, a bush skeleton is created from strong shoots that grow evenly and are directed outward.

The real "adult" pruning of paniculate hydrangea begins in the third year. At the same time, last year's branches are shortened, leaving 2-4 buds, for the development of future flowering shoots. Remove dry and damaged shoots. They thin out and form a bush, cutting off improperly growing branches, and zero shoots growing from roots that will not have inflorescences.

Cardinal rejuvenation of paniculate hydrangea is carried out if the plant is severely neglected or seriously affected by diseases and pests. In this case, the bush is cut under the stump, removing perennial branches, and leaving new ones. After rejuvenation, the plant will not bloom for a whole year, but then it will begin to develop with renewed vigor.

After pruning, hydrangea care consists of watering and top dressing, which will help it grow new strong shoots that will not be elongated, thin and weak. For these purposes, complex mineral fertilizers. Another event that will not damage the bush after spring or autumn pruning is mulching the soil with peat, manure or humus.

Hydrangeas are firmly established in garden plots. These elegantly flowering bushes are unpretentious and do not require much time for care. However, in order for them to remain beautifully shaped and please lush bloom they need pruning. With proper implementation of the procedure, the plant grows with numerous young branches, at the ends of which elegant, lush inflorescences are formed. In order not to harm the plant, you need to know exactly when and how to cut the hydrangea correctly. The features of the procedure, depending on the plant variety, change somewhat, and this must be taken into account.

For cutting the bush, a sharp pruner is used, which will be easy to cut off, and not break off the branches. This is very important in order for the plant to form correctly and actively grow.

Pruning goals

Pruning a hydrangea has several purposes. Without it, the plant, of course, can grow, but this leads to the crushing of inflorescences and a decrease in their number. Also, a well-formed bush looks more decorative, which adds beauty to the garden. Pruning achieves the following goals:

  • beautiful form of a bush with an abundance of green mass;
  • plant rejuvenation;
  • maintaining health;
  • flowering improvement.

The procedure annually gives impetus to the abundant growth of young shoots, which quickly pick up flowers. Due to their shorter length, they create an abundant green mass in the lower part of the plant, where the old rods can no longer produce such greens.

General pruning rules

Hydrangea must be cut correctly, otherwise it can even be ruined. Available general recommendations which apply to all varieties and species. You can not cut the plant with rainy and very dry weather, as well as in extreme heat. It is better to cut in evening time, then all the damaged places will have time to drag on by morning and will not attract unnecessary insects and will not dry out if the sun is very hot.

When pruning thick shoots that begin to secrete abundant juice, they are covered with garden pitch or paint, so that the hydrangea does not weaken.

This phenomenon is usually observed when pruning tree variety if necessary, remove most of the crown.

The cut is made obliquely, in one compression of the secateurs, without crushing the plant tissue. Sometimes in places you can't get to garden shears, you can use a sharp knife or garden file (if the branch is thick). This should be done only as a last resort, since such an injury to the plant heals longer.

Features of pruning by grade

In gardens, paniculata, tree-like, ground cover and large-leaved hydrangea. Depending on the type of plant, the rules for cutting it also change. They need to be known, since mistakes will lead to the fact that the bush will not bloom magnificently and elegantly.

Large-leaved and ground cover

Large-leaved hydrangea pruning is carried out mainly in sanitary purposes. During it, dead shoots and already withered inflorescences are cut from the plant. You can also thin out the bush a little if it is too thick. It is impossible to rid the plant of last year's shoots before winter, since it is on them that buds for inflorescences are laid in the fall. By cutting them, the owner in the spring will receive only lush, but not flowering bush.

In order not to spoil the hydrangea next year, it is necessary to cut off the faded inflorescences in the summer. This will allow the plant to have time to give young shoots before the onset of the cold period, and, therefore, flowering caps will appear on them in the summer.

When the hydrangea takes cover for the winter, weak shoots are cut out of the bush, this will make it easier for him to winter.

It is necessary to rejuvenate the plant 1 time in 3 years, cutting the shoots by 30-40 centimeters. Only ¼ of all branches of the bush are affected by such a haircut.

The groundcover hydrangea also does not require serious shearing, despite the fact that it produces flowers on spring shoots. When to prune hydrangeas - in spring or autumn - depends on weather conditions and grower preferences. ground cover bush it is enough to prune once a year, removing only excessively long sprouts that violate its shape.

Paniculata hydrangea

According to the rules, panicle hydrangea pruning is carried out in the fall. You can not touch the skeletal shoots. They cut only those branches that grow inside the bush, thickening it excessively. Dried panicles must also be removed. Young shoots are very fragile and easily break under the snow mass. If it is clear that before winter they will not become woody, it is necessary to remove them with secateurs.

Before winter, the shoots on which there were inflorescences are cut off, leaving only 2-3 buds on them. This is necessary so that in spring the hydrangea, having opened its leaves, looks elegant. Buds are laid only on spring shoots.

Hydrangea paniculata, which is pruned for anti-aging purposes, is processed in the fall. To do this, cut off several skeletal branches, leaving only 2-3 to grow, extending outwards.

Hydrangea pruning in paniculate spring is carried out to restore a beautiful crown after winter. Branches that have dried up, unable to withstand frost, or have been broken, are removed from it. You can also gradually create a bole in spring haircuts, thanks to which the hydrangea will look like a lush flower cloud on a stem.


pruning tree hydrangea is mandatory. This should be done in the fall. In winter, all dry inflorescences, if left on the branches, will fill with snow, become unbearably heavy for the plant and break it. You need to cut them with a small leg. A very active haircut can harm the plant, especially if it is young and not yet ready for rejuvenation.

Serious pruning for the first time can only be carried out on a plant aged 4 years.

Pruning hydrangeas in the fall for beginners may seem difficult because of the need to count the buds left on the shoots (there should be 3-4), but soon it comes to automatism and there are no problems.

Anti-aging pruning in hydrangea tree is carried out no earlier than 7 years after planting. With a not very large root system, all shoots are cut off before winter, leaving only 10 cm stumps above the ground. If the root is powerful, then only ¼ of the bush is cut off in a year and the plant is gradually completely rejuvenated.

If, with an extensive root, the bush is completely cut off, it will not have enough strength to recover. This is because the root system will need constant replenishment with substances that enter it from the aerial part, and only young runs will not be able to give them to the right extent.

Pruning hydrangeas in the spring may be required if, after a harsh winter, there are frozen and broken branches on the bush. They are cut off with a pruner when the most active spring sapler has already passed, because otherwise the plant will weaken when touching living tissues.

Trimming types

In order to more accurately navigate what type of pruning a plant needs at a particular moment, one must accurately imagine what type of haircut it involves.

  1. Anti-aging - cutting a large number shoots to a greater length to obtain new ones from the root, which will be stronger and stronger due to their young age and the absence of defects in them caused by negative impacts environment. Such pruning of hydrangeas is carried out in the fall.
  2. Sanitary - removal of unsuitable shoots that spoil appearance plants and create unnecessary mass. Dry, broken and defective shoots are cut off.
  3. Formative - the most difficult and necessary to obtain beautiful bush. It is carried out immediately after planting and then for several years.

All pruning is done with secateurs. The use of regular scissors is not allowed.

Shaping haircut

It is carried out without fail in the first 2 years from the moment the plant was planted, and then - at the request of the owner for another 2-3 years. Thanks to the procedure, it is possible to lay correct form bush and provide him with strong branches growing in a beautiful direction.

Pruning is carried out according to the following scheme:

  • Before planting, the seedling is cut a little so that the root does not spend a lot of energy on the aerial part and forms correctly. Also cut off all broken and dried shoots.
  • After winter - in March or April, depending on the climate, they spend sanitary pruning bush and also cut all the shoots so that the root continues to fully develop.
  • In the second year - from this moment they begin to form the correct beautiful crown. All shoots left over from last year are cut off, leaving 3 buds on them, which are fully developed. Extra defective shoots are removed completely. Only healthy branches growing in the right direction should remain on the hydrangea. They are the basis of the bush and will create its shape. Carrying out the formation of the crown every spring for several years in a row, you can get a particularly beautiful plant.

At proper conduct haircuts, the gardener receives a bush that is distinguished by the splendor of flowering and accuracy. A hydrangea that has not been shaped will look disheveled, as part of its stems will have the wrong direction of growth, and its shape will also be far from ideal.

Care after pruning

Cut hydrangea requires subsequent proper care. It consists of watering and fertilizing. Stimulation by pruning the growth of young shoots occurs with increased consumption by the plant minerals and organics, which are introduced into the soil. Bird droppings will saturate with organic matter, and ash will saturate with mineral components. You can also use special complex fertilizers. Watering is carried out in wet weather once a week, and in dry weather - daily.

Regularly correctly pruning his hydrangea, the gardener receives abundant flowering and very large inflorescences annually. Without proper care, the flowers will shrink, and the bush will not be able to please with elegance and attractiveness. In addition, it will become untidy and collapsed, which will give the garden a somewhat abandoned look.

A more visual example of hydrangea pruning can be seen in the following video:

Pruning hydrangea paniculata helps the shrub to maintain nice shape and bloom profusely every year. But you need to know how to properly cut the hydrangea, depending on its type, suitable ways pruning and its correct timing.

In nature, paniculate hydrangea grows as a spreading shrub or tree (height 2-5 m), new shoots are formed from all buds on branches 2-3 years old. This plant can grow without pruning, but then the bushes thicken and the inflorescences become smaller. Pruning does not seek to reduce the size of the plant - they plan a place for planting in advance, where the bush will grow freely. Hydrangea, like lilac, the more pruned, the more magnificent it blooms in next year, since after this procedure many young shoots with flower buds appear.

How to properly prune hydrangea paniculata

This species belongs to the group of hydrangeas that bloom on new growths. It forms buds that grow and bloom in one year, usually blooming later than other hydrangeas - from mid-summer to the first frost. This plant does not suffer too much if pruning is not done in certain time. They do not do it only in late spring and early summer, when the buds are still open.

Panicled hydrangea also blooms old shoots, on which are formed annually flowering branches. But since they bloom worse, the old branches are cut out from an adult bush. To form a bush, paniculate hydrangeas are allowed to grow with the help of new shoots growing annually. Only strong shoots are left, and weak ones are cut out.

When to prune hydrangea paniculata

  • Pruning of shoots is done at the end of winter, before the emergence of buds;
  • The main pruning is done in early spring - in March, before the leaves bloom, or
  • late autumn when the temperature does not rise above +5…+10 °С.

In autumn, faded inflorescences are cut off to protect the bush from breaking branches.

In regions where hydrangeas are not covered for the winter, pruning is also done in the fall, without touching the skeletal branches: from several shoots growing from one point, they are left growing outside. The bush is cleaned: weak, crooked, thickening the bush and poorly flowering shoots are cut out, Then make a support and tie branches to it.

Growing a frost-resistant plant in a protected place (veranda, loggia), it is pruned in late autumn: this is absolutely safe and ensures abundant flowering next year.

How to prune paniculate hydrangea for the winter

Examining the plant for the presence of faded shoots, as well as excess wood, the gardener, depending on the climate of the region and the place of planting, decides how to cut the hydrangea for the winter.

  • The best time to prune hydrangea paniculata is in winter, before growth begins, as this plant forms inflorescences on new shoots. It contributes to the fact that in the summer the bush will bloom with large inflorescences.

Shoots are shortened by a third. In the new season, long shoots will appear from the remaining buds, whose ends are decorated with inflorescences.

Also, in early spring, the shrub is given the main pruning, forming a bush, cutting out old and diseased and poorly flowering branches.

Pruning hydrangea paniculata in autumn

In a cold climate, gardeners are afraid to drastically cut hydrangeas for the winter: wounds remain on the branches and shoots that do not have time to heal before the onset of cold weather, which makes the plant vulnerable to frost. If you prune to the full extent and leave the plant in this form for the winter, moisture and infections that have fallen into the wounds can lead to cell death.

  • In autumn, before the first heavy snowfall, lightening the bush and spring pruning, cut off only faded inflorescences with part of the shoot (up to the first pair of buds). Faded shoots do not allow new shoots to develop and gain strength. this is also true if the plant is covered for the winter. In heavy snowfalls, numerous hydrangea inflorescences are dangerous for shrubs: under the weight of snow, fragile wood is deformed, breaks off, or shoots bend to the ground.

Popular in cold climates air dry shelter: the bush is wrapped with lutrasil (spunbond), at a distance of 25 cm to the bush, a mesh frame is installed (10 cm high), it is filled with dry foliage. The frame is protected from above with roofing felt (waterproof film).
