Science guide to motivation: How to stay motivated for a long time? How to motivate yourself to take action.

Motivation is an important stimulus for moving towards a goal. But how to take action and force yourself not to stop halfway? We offer you some tips for this.

Act Now

While you are waiting for the conditions of life to change in some way, you may miss your opportunities. Moreover, it must be recognized: ideal conditions never will be for development. In any case, problems will arise, such as lack of time or competition. That is why it is necessary to act and address issues as they arise. Motivate yourself that while you wait, you lose the ability to develop, as the idea itself fades. It can be said that there are only two best times to take action: this last year and right now. Identify the reason why you are procrastinating and start fighting procrastination.

Move from theory to practice

You have a model for what you want to do. And you may constantly feel that it is imperfect. In fact, the viability of your action plan can only be tested by bringing the idea to life. You will not only be able to carry out more plans, but you will do it exactly the way you imagine it to be. The fact is that the more your idea is held in your head and considered, the more details you lose, and as a result, you can completely forget about it. Accordingly, the motivation will disappear. The sooner you start taking action, even if you implement the plan in small parts, the more you will win in the end.

Fight fear by taking action

Wisdom has long been noticed: the eyes are afraid, but the hands are doing. And indeed it is. Even professionals can feel fear before starting work or a large project. But there is a pattern: as soon as you start doing something, it absorbs you. You simply forget about your fears because you are busy. In addition, only being embodied, the idea becomes useful. The usefulness of an action is the main motivation for a person. Tangible results move us forward.

Don't wait for inspiration

Yes, inspiration is a condition for a brilliant creation. But until you start this mechanism, you will be waiting for something unusual for a long time. In fact, according to psychologists, it is enough to start acting, and you will soon get some kind of result. Involvement in the process is one of the best motivations. After you achieve something, you can make a real creation, gradually striving for perfection. find the enemies of your inspiration and don't let them get in your way.

Think about what you can do right now

Now is the only period of time when you can really act and, accordingly, achieve results. So even if you are waiting for some material to work with, do what you can do without it. In the end, make a written plan, if not, think through the details, lay the foundations. Once you have taken the first steps in the work, it is undesirable to stop.

Learn about real experience

Talk to those who are able to support you in the implementation of your plan. Like-minded people will always help: ask what experience they have and what advice they can give. Connections and acquaintances will play a role in promoting the project. In addition, you will have a chance for future cooperation. In the end, like-minded people will help you plunge into the environment that motivates you to act and keep up.

Do not be distructed

Too often we do less than we can because we don't get down to business right away. Often it is the periodic checking of messages in social network looking at pictures and news select huge time. Try to distribute it so that it goes to a greater extent for useful action and less for breaks and virtual communication (if it is not related to work). You will notice that you start doing the necessary amount of work easier and faster, and you can spend the freed time as you like.

Lack of motivation can nullify any, even the most promising business. It happens that after some time after the start, passion and excitement in actions disappear. The first serious difficulties appear on the way to the goal. The initial successes have already died down and a long hard road is ahead. This is the moment when you want to give up and quit everything. Everyone knows. What to do? How to re-ignite the flame in the chest and continue to conquer the summit? Strong motivation can save the situation. In this article, you will learn how you can motivate yourself.

Motivation is what induces action. Motivation is your catalyst.

There are two main types of motivation: intrinsic and extrinsic motivation.

External motivation- comes from outside. The stimulating factor is external influence. Often this is the result of the activity itself. For example, getting a gold medal at the end of school serves as a motive for doing well in school. Another example: an approaching thunderstorm forces you to speed up your step towards the house.

intrinsic motivation is a force that does not depend on external circumstances. This is the inner energy that gives impetus and encourages action. Intrinsic motivation is usually associated with the activity itself, rather than with the result. For example, you do what you love because you get moral satisfaction from it and feel happy at that moment, regardless of the level of success in this industry.

If everything is more or less clear with external motivation (set a specific goal, upon reaching which you will be encouraged), then it is somewhat more difficult to develop internal stimulating power.

Intrinsic motivation is when you get pleasure during the process from the fact that you continue to move forward. Conquer your fears and solve problems. That feeling when you get stronger as you move towards your goal.

How to motivate yourself?

self-motivation always based on desire. If you have the same “I want”, then any goal can be achieved without an external stimulus. I picked up 5 simple and powerful ways of self-motivation that really work. I checked it myself 🙂

Ways of self-motivation:

  1. Learn to get high from moving along the path that leads you to the goal. These pleasant sensations and feelings will push you every time you meet an obstacle. The best motivator is your positive emotions. You will no longer look for excuses to start or continue a business if you like it. Started walking to gym? Need an incentive to keep going and not quit? Pay attention to the work of the muscles, not to the pain that happens after training, but to the muscles themselves. You will be amazed at how pleasant it is to feel every millimeter of your body!
  2. use extrinsic type of motivation! For example, do you want to learn foreign language, but everything is either not enough time, or just laziness. List all the pros and cons of the result. Let's say you learn French. What will you gain and what will you lose? It’s hard to find the negative sides ... But there are more than enough positive ones: memory development, you can freely get acquainted with French women, 🙂 you can fulfill your dream - fly to Paris with confidence that you can easily explain to the French gendarmes in pure French that you lost a bet to a friend and therefore ran through the Champs Elysees at night naked. 🙂 These are all jokes of humor, but the essence is clear: one of ways of self-motivation- clearly know what you will get in the end and why you need it.
  3. Visualization. To maintain the fire in the chest, one must constantly imagine the result and its positive consequences. Unlike the aforementioned method, in which the main role is given to logic and specifics, everything here is based on positive feelings and emotions experienced from the anticipation of the result and satisfaction with it. For example: if you want to lose weight, imagine that you already have the forms you are striving for. Start picking up a new wardrobe, imagine how new things will look on you. Another example of how you can visualize is presented in. In addition, visualization develops thinking and imagination.

By the way, a bunch of 1 + 3 methods often creates a powerful motivational fist. I believe that there is simply no better motivation than enjoying the process, and visualization helps to strengthen and form these pleasant sensations on a subconscious level. And if we return to the gym example, then the well-known Iron Arnie (if I don’t confuse anything) said that during training he imagined how his muscles filled the entire space around. And these thoughts stimulated him to study with even greater dedication and passion.

  1. Another way self-motivation, which is probably familiar to everyone and in fact is the simplest and most popular, is to track your way up. That is, constantly celebrate small victories on a thorny road to the goal. This helps a lot to visually demonstrate to oneself that all efforts are not in vain. And even if at first glance there is no significant progress, then in fact you will know how many steps you have climbed. It is especially important to follow such small steps at the very beginning, when you need to feed your motivation with specifics. The most common example of this method is to keep a diary and note what you have achieved to date.
  2. Well, perhaps the simplest - strong motivating quotes, videos and examples. These are your assistants for every day in conquering the summit.

Try different combinations of these methods of motivation. And most importantly, believe in your success and keep moving.

Most of us find it hard to get started. The reasons can be anything, but the most common is the lack of desire to do anything at all in this life. We have become passive, inactive, many have lost the positive type of ambition, thanks to which powers of the world took their high positions. Most of humanity is looking for any excuse not only to achieve success in the labor field, but even to do housework, wash dishes, clean carpets, cook dinner for themselves. What is happening to us, why are people so degraded in terms of physical and mental activity? How to motivate yourself to take action?

Reasons for losing motivation

Surely among the readers there is at least one person who is familiar with an unpleasant situation - you need to do something, but your hands simply “do not rise”. There is categorically no desire not only to move from the "dead point", but even to perform the usual actions. What could be the reason for such “doing nothing”?

Is it possible to overcome the situation and stop constantly sitting in front of the TV and eating a lot of high-calorie snacks? This banal and familiar to everyone from childhood laziness or loss of motivation? Everyone needs to know exactly what kind of condition this is and radically resolve the issue so as not to become a “captive” of one or another factor.

Rejection in society

An interesting experiment was carried out - a group of students was given the task - to write on a piece of paper those with whom they would like to practice, then the total mass was divided into two parts.

The first one was motivated, they said that they both want to work with them, the second, on the contrary, they explained that they do not want to work with them. The first had enthusiasm, the guys became active and simply splashed out positive emotions and interesting ideas.

The second group, of course, drooped and generally stopped doing anything, the students lost interest in cooperation, that is, motivation. Moreover, the “outcast” guys became addicted to and in the first place, of course, was the satisfaction of their complexes with the help of sweets and sweets.

The conclusion of the scientists was unanimous - if they don’t want to “deal” with you, then there is no desire to work, create, create. That is, motivation is equated to the level of "skirting", and we begin to absorb calories, gain excess weight, earn sores, etc.

Improper nutrition

Having buried our heads in work, study or other activities, we forget about other moments of life, including what the body needs. proper nutrition. We shove anything in our mouths, we are especially fond of food from fast foods. And their products, as everyone knows, are high-calorie, harmful.

Most residents major cities and megacities, you need to say “special thanks” to hot dogs, hamburgers, cheeseburgers, shawarma and other fast street food for pancreatitis, cholecystitis, hepatitis, etc. Plus, such food reduces activity, both physical and mental, a study was conducted on judges.

Healthy nutrition improves metabolic processes, blood flow, cleanses the body of toxins, toxins, which is the stimulation of brain activity.


We often do not want to perform any actions, actions, speak out, so as not to burden ourselves with responsibility. And we are talking not only about vital moments, but even on anal, mundane things.

A person does not want to think about what to buy for dinner, what dish to cook for breakfast, etc. As a result, simple, everyday questions accumulate, and at a certain moment a person seems to “break loose” and buy whatever comes up. There is a lack of not physical, but mental energy. After which natural moral fatigue follows, spiritual development dries up.

How to motivate yourself

To get rid of the above and other situations, you need to "pull yourself together" and act. Let's learn how to get rid of this kind of problems together. But for this you need to understand - what is it - motivation.

According to psychologists, it is a process that encourages each of us to act to achieve a goal. But if it is not there, then nothing can be achieved in life. Moreover, a person is not able to serve himself. But there is also positive news - motivation can be restored! And by listening to the advice of experts, we can achieve success in all areas of our lives and do even those things that we don’t like without problems.

How to motivate yourself to lose weight

It comes first, especially among the fair sex. The issue of losing weight worries ladies at any time of the day. There are a million and one ways to easily say goodbye to accumulated fat, rounded hips and wear a dress that was worn to high school prom.

But why not each of them manages to overcome the trouble? It's all about opportunity and motivation. In order for the process of getting rid of calories and extra kilos to be successful, it is important to set yourself up for victory and, of course, properly motivate your actions. There are five proven ways to motivate yourself to lose weight, which you should definitely get acquainted with.

The opinion of others. Society consists of different people, from polite, reserved and not so. And when a lady with extra pounds hears after herself “Well, she’s fat”, or, “you got better”, etc., then she will immediately fight in hysterics. Phrases related to appearance always hurt a woman's pride. If you don’t want to hear this from “educated” acquaintances or strangers, immediately take care of yourself.

Clothing. Here is a true indicator of whether everything is in order with your figure. If a lady cannot fit into her favorite jeans, then she, as a rule, thinks about diets, sports, active and healthy way life. Of course, for many this is a serious motivation, but there are those who do not pay attention to the problem and buy larger clothes.

To prevent this from happening, get old photos where you shone in front of your family and friends with a thin waist, chiseled legs, elastic hips. Yes, it will be like a self-flagellation session. But who knows, maybe such a shock "therapy" will help to take up the "mind".

Rest outside the city in a bathing suit, beach. This moment better than all other types of motivation. It acts on women like a "red rag" on a bull. Most of them are ready to lose a maximum of a kilogram, and not only in six months, but also in 2, 1 months, or even weeks. In a fight with a big “gain”, they use the strictest diets, so as not to be ashamed to go to the beach in their favorite swimsuit.

Health. Some ladies bypass this moment, although it should come first. Excess weight, obesity is of little pleasure, not only in terms of appearance. Shortness of breath, difficulty climbing small stairs, walking, diabetes, impaired functioning of all internal organs and systems. Other problems are the most direct, not just motivation, but a cry for help from the body.

You can not wait until the moment when asthma attacks will occur even in a calm position. And the heart, blood vessels will lead to an increase blood pressure, strokes, heart attacks and the like. The situation may become so aggravated that there will be no way back to health. Stop and take care of yourself, otherwise you risk ending your life ahead of time or become disabled.

Acquaintance. Any woman, girl in her thoughts strive to please opposite sex. And the phrase "Can I meet you?" pleases the hearing of every representative of the weaker sex. Men are also no exception. They, in turn, also want to please the fairer sex and want to be slim and healthy.

But unlike women, their motivation is much weaker. And what is it like if no one approaches you, does not care, does not “make” eyes? Of course, there is a terrible discomfort, the level of self-esteem decreases. Is it worth it to bring it up or does it still make sense to keep your appetite "in hand"? I think everyone will give the correct answer!

How to motivate yourself to work

Let's remember together how we start our working day? First of all, we climb into social contacts, read messages, respond to them. Then, of course, a cup of coffee, and someone with a cigarette, chatting with colleagues, then we try to start working, but it still “does not work”. Only by the middle of the day something starts to turn out, and then with difficulty. There is a banal lack of motivation to fulfill their obligations. What to do? How to start working without feeling discomfort, fatigue and lack of desire?

We motivate ourselves properly. Without this “component”, no one will do their job. The only thing that “kicks” a person” to start acting is the loss of time. It remains quite a bit, and we sit down to study subjects a week before the tests. Or we complete the project a few days before its delivery, although there was plenty of time before that.

Start the day positively. If you don't have good mood, then and there will not go well. For example, you need to get up very early for work - do not be upset. Better yet, think about how beautiful the early morning, the dawn, which you can admire only at these hours of the day. And if on the street it's raining- rejoice in the freshness of the air and feel how not only the atmosphere is cleansed, but also your thoughts.

A great way to lift the mood is a visual illustration of life successful people. Include interesting documentaries, feature films that reflect the life of the great, who have achieved high level through their work and efforts. Wouldn't hurt to see amazing documentary"Sekret", in Russian "Secret". The picture helped a huge number of people overcome not only laziness, but also other, very difficult life obstacles.

Take a cue from successful people. Open the Internet and enter in the search engine the name of the person who has achieved everything with his work and diligence. Henry Ford, the founders of Procter & Gamble, Elon Musk and others can be a great example for beginners. We are not talking about the need to repeat life like a "parrot" famous person. You just need to understand that in this life you can achieve incredible heights through your work.

Reward yourself. Any person from an early age is ready to do some action for the promised reward. And there is nothing wrong with that, come up with a reward for yourself for the work done and be sure to keep the promises you made to yourself. So, step by step, you will overcome laziness, unwillingness to realize plans thanks to a gift.

Plan your business. Learn to spend more time and attention more important points. Put the minor, unimportant things aside and do them when you have free time. Once you have mastered the larger volume, it will be much easier and more enjoyable for you to move on to the smaller ones.

Listen to your body's signals. Well, with whom this does not happen - things are not going well, the computer does not work, the mouse was turned off, the light was turned off, a colleague let him down. As the saying goes "Not your day!". It's okay - give your body a rest. Perhaps you are given signals that you definitely need to respond to. Gain strength and do even more work the next day

Envy! Someone will hasten to scold you for this kind of motivation, but immediately agree that you cannot find a more powerful motivator! This is how we are all arranged - we should be better than others. And if a friend boasted a large salary for the work done, we immediately plunge headlong into the process and strive to catch up with her success, or even overtake her.

Yandex Music for motivation:

let's start

Stop beating around the bush, just sit down and start working! Even if the process is not going on, nothing “goes” to the head. The main thing is to sit down at your desk and start typing, and as they say, "appetite comes with eating." Thoughts will start to appear on their own, they should be activated.

  1. Dream. Don't stop dreaming for a second. There is a famous saying “If a person stops dreaming, then he is dead!” do not die psychologically and do not live by inertia. Until the end of your days, while there is strength, embody your desires and be bolder.
  2. Believe in yourself. Never give up and believe that you will achieve everything. Negative thoughts can be compared to corrosion. As soon as the opinion that you are powerless and incapable, unwillingness to work creeps in, it will be so, inaction will come, you will wait for the weather by the sea! And overcoming psychological barriers, you can overcome any vicissitudes of life. And continue to work, get rewarded for it and rejoice.

How to motivate yourself to succeed

It is impossible to achieve successful results in any business if there is no motivation. It is not enough just to observe those who have reached heights in their careers, receive a large salary, are surrounded by love, respect from strangers and relatives. It is necessary to begin to act towards success and good luck yourself.

Be positive. If you are in a bad mood, do not take on a new business or your usual work. Nothing will work in last resort, will drag on for a long time, and you will not get a fraction of the pleasure from your efforts. And how to cheer up? Yes, very easy.

Get up in the morning, and early. You don't have to lie in bed for a long time. Go to the mirror and smile at yourself, even if the “cats scratch” in your soul. Scientists have made an incredible discovery. As it turned out, mimic wrinkles when smiling affect the production of hormones of joy, happiness and pleasure. It is enough to stand like this for 2 minutes, and the positive will literally envelop the human body and his thoughts. As soon as situations arise that can spoil your mood, immediately discard bad thoughts and think how insignificant the negative is.

To be successful, work in a field that you enjoy. Yes, it is not easy to find such a case, but it still makes sense to find it. In addition, in our time, any business, if treated responsibly, will certainly bring good luck and success.

Rest. No matter how much you love your job, learn to switch to other moments. Otherwise, you are threatened with psychological "burnout", then a complete rejection of your favorite business. Get in the habit of changing the environment, taking occasional weekends, relaxing outside the city, in the bosom of nature, by the sea. In addition to the main occupation, work, get carried away with some hobby to your liking.

Learn to set goals. Quite often we get confused - what we need and what was imposed by others. Explain to your family and friends that you want to do what you love, and not what brings more income. Here the rule of the first point immediately works - an occupation that is not to your liking will not bring either moral or financial pleasure.

Grow above yourself. Don't stop developing yourself for a second. Spend every summary minute reading, getting to know new knowledge. This also includes self-control, the ability to control oneself, think, and draw the right conclusions. Great heights can only be achieved by a strong personality, who has nurtured the strength of mind, intelligence, and develops the intellect. Read books, attend different courses, sign up for an oriental practice studio, yoga, etc.

Video: motivation for life:

How to motivate yourself for sports

Without an active lifestyle, it is impossible to dream, work, or set goals. If we are amorphous and now and then we spend summary time at the telly with oily and junk food– what is the point of looking for motivation in other areas of life?

But doing sports is not easy. Few people are able to easily load themselves physically and run, swim, do fitness and other types of active activities. To motivate yourself for a sports life, you must also listen to the recommendations of psychologists.

The proven way is the reward. Yes, we have already pointed out that encouraging yourself with a gift will help overcome the reluctance to work, lose weight, and achieve success. Sports are no exception. We do not think that activity will give us good spirits, health, longevity. In any case, many behave frivolously in this regard. Buying new sneakers, a dress, a suit, tickets for a tour of exotic countries, etc. helps much better. We want to feel the gift in our hands, not “pie in the sky”.

Promise publicly. Make a promise to your family and loved ones that you will play sports. And if you are a serious person, then you will have to keep your word so as not to “drop” authority and respect. To stimulate the process, get a new tracksuit or sneakers in which you will start your evening runs from tomorrow. Buy a swimsuit, swimming trunks, in which you will swim in the pool.

Don't procrastinate. We all remember the saying “I’ll start on Monday!”. This is bad, this ill-fated "Monday" never comes. So start now, today, tomorrow morning, but don't delay.

Think only positively. No need to think that your legs will hurt from physical activity, pressure will rise, you will start to sweat, ruin your manicure, etc. You need to think only about the good, the only way you can enjoy the sport.

Set a specific goal. Even playing sports can be motivated in different ways. Decide on your own, why do you want to start swimming in the pool? Many people want to achieve good health and get rid of extra pounds. Others simply want to receive additional energy, develop muscles, activate blood flow.

Overcome obstacles. Quite often, obstacles in the way of playing sports are an invention, an excuse of a person. In fact, you can go for a run later and not complain that you can’t go to the park because of your work schedule.

Bet. The best motivation to start playing sports and achieve success in this field is a bet on interest. Both money and valuable things, services can act as the subject of a bet. Bet your friends that you will visit a local fitness club during the year, lose those extra pounds and get the winnings for it.

And now let's recap. Any action should be based on motivation, we all understood this. But if the above points do not help, what to do? Perhaps there are internal contradictions, which are a "brake" in the activity of the individual. Think about the moments in your life that bring you emotional discomfort. Most likely, these will be situations in which you looked very ugly. Psychologists say that it is impossible to motivate yourself to act as a sincere, decent and honest person if there are unhealed “problems” in his soul. Find that person and ask him for forgiveness. If it doesn't work, forgive yourself. Stop thinking about the bad, the negative "pulls" you back and does not let you start from the "dead center".

All for now.
Sincerely, Vyacheslav.

Do you know how to motivate yourself to succeed? Then this article is for you. Here are the most powerful methods of Motivation!

You dream of improving and changing your life, but you don't know how to motivate yourself to success?

Then this article is for you!

What is motivation?

Motivation- it's internal emotional condition that motivates people to take action!

So, how to motivate yourself to success?

What needs to be done for this, and what is not needed?

And to this day, they send me letters of gratitude in the mail ... nice, damn it! 🙂

Remember exactly motivation is the most important element to achieve your success!

If you learn motivate yourself every day, you will feel Success in any business, and in everything!

Methods to help motivate yourself to succeed:

  1. Always and under any circumstances drive away negative thoughts from yourself!

    Keep in mind - all thoughts are material!

    And if you think about the bad for a long time and imagine it in all colors, this bad thing will happen to you!

  2. Make a promise to yourself that you will wake up early - regardless of the weekend!

    The best motivation This is motivation that starts in the morning!

    Believe me, if you wake up early, you will have enough time to do everything!

    Even if you are not in a hurry, and you do not have important and urgent matters, wake up early anyway - spend this time on yourself, on your development, read a few pages of a useful and developing book, for example, Brian Tracy "".

    It’s not for nothing that they say: “He who gets up early, God gives him!”

  3. Motivation to win!
    Always, every day, every minute strive for victory, become more purposeful!

    Each person always has a choice: to win or lose in this or that situation.

    When you just wake up, without getting up, give yourself a setting for the whole day:

    “Today I will be better than yesterday! Today will be the most wonderful day! Today my small victories await me!”

    Believe me, now throughout the day, you will be full of positive and resourceful energy, strong in your actions.

    And no one, under any circumstances, will be able to interfere with you and disrupt your plans!

  4. Motivation for a positive and good mood!

    Try to see only good and positive moments in any situation!

    Remember, people are drawn to positive people, to optimists, not to whining pessimists!

    Many now can throw me pickled tomatoes and say:

    “Well, if a person really had a serious and unpleasant situation in life, how then? How to look for positive aspects in this?

    I will calmly answer you:

    “Understand that all the situations that happen to you are your experience! Valuable experience! If it were not for these "unpleasant" situations - you would be a weak and spineless person, you would be a loser! All these situations make you stronger, more purposeful!”

  5. Motivation for help!

    My dears, never refuse to help people who need it!

    When you help people, you do not just do a good deed, you get pleasant emotions at the same time, and people respond with gratitude for your efforts, which is important!

    When you improve the lives of others, you automatically improve your own lives too!

    Always remember this!

  6. Your Motivation collapse from your own doubts!

    Many people, even regardless of their progress towards a better life, can not stay motivated for a long time because of their self-doubt!

    They always repeat to themselves and it seems to them that they are doing something wrong, that they are on the wrong path!

    Know that confidence is a very important quality for any person, and without it there will be no success in your life!

    Here is one of the simplest tips, which in your eyes - always keep your word!

    It is the ability to keep your word that you gave, for example, to a friend, that will teach you to keep the word that you gave yourself!

    Later, you will begin to trust yourself when you set yourself up for a “Great Future”.

    This will keep you motivated!

  7. How to motivate yourself? Remove alternatives!

    I think that for every person to get up at 5.00 in the morning is not an easy task, if there is a choice - to soak up in bed or get up.

    But if, for example, at 5.05 in the morning a barrel of ice water is poured on you, then you will get up like a soldier, as easy as shelling pears, quickly and clearly 🙂

    Also, for example, if you promise your colleagues to cut their hair bald and eat your hair tucked under mayonnaise in case you don’t achieve your goal, this is a Great way and good remedy motivate yourself!

  8. How to motivate yourself? Let yourself feel the progress towards moving towards your cherished goal!

    Understand that our body is a smart mechanism that saves our energy and strength!

    If there is no progress as a result of your activity, and you do not even feel that this progress will be in the future, then your motivation become a very difficult task for you, she will weaken, she will go against your natural principles- the law of conservation of energy, or more simply, will lead to laziness!

    You know, you can go against anyone, but it's better not to play with nature like that, you need to cooperate with nature!

  9. How to motivate yourself? Learn to measure your progress!

    We always have to prove our motivation, as well as show evidence that our business is going well, that every day it is gaining momentum!

    You must remember that it is progress that needs to be measured, not the process!

    For example, you read 30 pages from George Clason's useful book "" - this will be a process!

    You answered 30 questions that you were asked from the same 30 pages you read - this will be progress!

  10. How to motivate yourself? Always compete with yourself!

    There are very good quote Mikhail Baryshnikov:

    “I'm not trying to dance better than others. I'm just trying to dance better than myself."

    You know, when you constantly compare yourself with others, this can soon lead you to demotivation!

    Even at the moment when you great enthusiasm and with a desire you will start in full swing Your difficult path to your cherished dream - the constant comparison of your success with the success of other people - will very quickly deprive you of energy, the desire to achieve your goal.

    Stop doing that! Stop!

    Finally, understand that each person has an individual life, work, relationship!

    They cannot be compared!

    When you compete with another person - it looks stupid, funny and pointless, it's the same as a football player will compete with a cyclist!

    Know that the most important competitor that you must defeat a little every day, become better and stronger is yourself!

    Strive to surpass yourself every day!

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Elizabeth Babanova


Perhaps I have not met a better answer to the question “How to motivate yourself?” Than the answer of the famous (and a little vulgar) designer Artemy Lebedev: “No way, stay f@ne!”

And it’s true, people who are passionate by nature never think about self-motivation.

Most often, such people work so hard because for them work is the most reasonable way to invest their turbulent energy.

But what about those who were not born passionate? Or those who have dreams, but do not have enough energy to realize their goals?

In this article, I will give you several ways to self-motivate. But we will not talk about artificial techniques, but we will find real ways feel a surge of energy and a burning desire to act.


One of the most powerful ways to motivate yourself to succeed is to remember that your life will end sooner or later. I hope, of course, that it will be as late as possible, but in fact, this great event can happen at any moment.

When, at the age of 27, I experienced a severe psychological shock due to a car accident that should have ended fatally, I decided that I would not compromise in the most important areas of my life. I will not engage in an unloved business, I will not live with an unloved person, I will not have unloved, unkind people who do not love me in my close circle.

The thought that life is very fleeting inspires me to give myself completely in work and in relationships with people close to me, to exciting travel to create a quality social circle.


When there is really little self-motivation, I look for the reason for this decline in myself. And, as a rule, this is one of two options:

And I have which happens periodically even to the strongest and most optimistic people, whose level of self-motivation is quite high (and do not believe anyone who says that he is always in good location spirit, unless it is an enlightened master).

I don't struggle with this. I usually calm down so as not to spoil the life of the people around me, and wait for this period to end. Most often, the next stage is marked by a big breakthrough.

B) I just ran out of energy. When there is little energy, and the goals are not important and urgent enough, there is no particular motivation to raise the fifth point from the couch. There are 2 elixirs for this ailment:

  1. Raise your energy levels: start getting up early, eat right and exercise.
  2. Come up with a project, conclude agreements, and, as a result, start acting.

It is best if you combine option 1 and 2. Because if you harness yourself to some new business, but at the same time you experience a lack of energy, you will work at exhaustion. And then you will be hit in such a way that you will have to recover not for days, but for weeks.


Another way to motivate yourself is to get some new experience. Like going on an adventure. Any budget will allow you to create some new experience for yourself.

It doesn't have to be exotic or tourist , sometimes you can get even more pleasure from relaxing in the countryside.

The main thing is to abstract from everyday life: forget about the beds and construction, take your favorite book and wallow in a haystack for half a day, contemplating the blue sky.

Is it raining or snowing while you are in the city? Nothing too bad either. Arrange yourself a real day off, which will be a real reboot for your body. Subsequently, it will be easier for you to motivate yourself to succeed.

When I lived in Texas, one of my favorite ways to unwind was to visit the bookstore. I intuitively chose about 20 books, took a huge cup of latte with oatmeal cookies and plunged for 5-6 hours into a variety of genres - from fiction and educational literature to recipes healthy eating and fashion magazines.

And then I loved going to the movies. Such days, 1-2 times a month, gave me the opportunity to break away from the professional bustle and immerse myself in another world.

More good way revive yourself - pretend to be a tourist in your city. Go to a museum, visit a theater, an exhibition, a new trendy restaurant.


Self-motivation is nothing but a tide internal energy. Where to get it? Get inspired by something!

When I listen to classical music live in concert hall(Rakhmaninov), I read a great writer whose lines I want to literally memorize (Fitzgerald), or I hear the music of the greatest talent of our time (Zemfira), I am inspired by contact with their genius.

The more sources of inspiration you have, the more motivation you will have to discover the genius in yourself.


I will write about the benefits of silence separately, but sometimes this is the most effective way get a burst of energy. For a day or as long as you can afford it, disconnect from everything and immerse yourself in yourself. Surely, after mental and emotional unloading, you will want to act. Pralaya cannot last forever, so it will be possible to motivate yourself even without extra effort.


Imagine that you start to make a huge amount of effort in all areas of life - in health, in fitness, in professional development in building fulfilling and happy relationships.

Now imagine what your life would be like if you really did your best every day to develop yourself. Describe it in detail. Creating a dream life is one of powerful ways motivating myself to succeed, for me personally.


Think about what and why you live. Is your life worth the effort you make? Analyze what has motivated you so far? Why do you want to self-motivate?

Perhaps you will identify several goals imposed on you - by parents, society, relatives or close people.

Let go of those goals that no longer resonate with yours. After getting rid of such a psychological burden, you will grow wings, and you will want to do what you really “like”


start writing . It will be your self-motivation to live not like everyone else.


Make a list of everything you are already proud of. Don't hold back and don't be shy. And it does not matter if what seems significant to you, for someone else will be a trifle. Evaluate only your inner breakthrough, your growth, the way out of your comfort zone. This will help you motivate yourself to succeed in the future.


Preferably in the forest.

Even 15-20 minutes of being outdoors and in the sun can breathe life into us. And here, not only vitamin D and oxygen are important, but the space that surrounds us. Among the trees, singing birds, the whole world begins to see us in a new way. Fresh air is a great way to self-motivate.


Scientists have found that a significant part of fatigue is the result of unfinished business. Think about everything that is currently hanging on you, and see what you can finish as quickly as possible, what to delegate, and what to refuse altogether.

As a result, you will release a huge amount of energy, which will give you the desired self-motivation to act swiftly in those matters that require your full attention.


If you're used to doing everything according to plan and being a "good boy" or "good girl," do something out of the ordinary. Just do not take this recommendation as "go get drunk and lie under the fence" ... No ... Nothing destructive. We're talking about (almost) innocent pampering.

Try playing a prank on a friend or family member, or take a race car ride instead of your usual weekend walk... Choose something that won't hurt you or the people around you, but do something unexpected that doesn't fit into your usual schedule.


Find a person who is much worse off than you and help him.

It can be your relative, friend or child in distant Africa (just make sure the legitimacy charitable foundation). When we extend a helping hand to someone who is experiencing much more difficulties than we are, our own clouds dissipate much faster.


… at least for a while.

Instead, read, think, walk, draw... Anything to connect with your inner self and motivate yourself to succeed. When you listen to yourself, you will receive a huge number of motivational tips from yourself.



And for women only: buy yourself a stunning new dress. And chic shoes.

(Men's variation: new running shoes for the sport, a new tennis racquet, or a hobby toy).

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What methods of self-motivation do you use? Share in the comments!
