Perennial flower garden. Flowerbed of continuous flowering

All knowledge comes with experience. Newbie garden work can also decorate your site no worse professional designer. Perennials will help the owner in this - plants that bloom not for one season, but for three or more years.

These flowers are less demanding, don't have to be re-planted at the start of each season, and generally don't need much maintenance.

How perennial flower beds are created, which perennial flowers for a flower bed are suitable for a particular season, and what a perennial flowering flower bed is - you can learn about everything from this article.

Varieties of flower beds

Depending on what area and shape the suburban area has, in what order the buildings located on it are located, the shape and size of the flower beds are selected.

There is a clear rule regarding the size of the flower bed - it must correspond to the parameters suburban area. For example, if the house is located in the back of the courtyard, a central flower bed of a round, rectangular or fantasy shape will be relevant.

Equally common are long flower beds that run parallel to the driveway or path leading to the entrance to the house.

Advice! Photos of successful compositions will help you choose the most suitable flower bed for each landscape. It will be much easier for a beginner to repeat the experience of a designer than to create his own project from scratch.

Depending on the shape and filling, flower beds are divided into the following groups:

Advice! It is not worth choosing complex compositions for the first experience, it is quite enough to arrange 3-5 different varieties of flowers in one flower bed or choose plants of the same species, but of a different shade.

How to arrange flowers in a flower bed

Perennials will please the eye of the owner for several seasons. To properly create flower beds in the country, first of all, you need to choose suitable friend plant friend. At the same time, it is important to take into account the period of their flowering, the shade of peduncles, the requirements of flowers for the composition of the soil, watering, fertilizer and other care.

Depending on how often the owner of the site will have to take care of their flower beds, flower beds are divided into three categories:

Attention! It is advisable to choose flowers from the third group for your site only for those who permanently live in the country and can pay attention to plants every day. Then the flower bed continuous flowering will always be neat.

How to make a flower bed beautiful and functional

Perennial flower beds are planned in the same way as ordinary flower beds consisting of annual plants. The main rule here is that the flower bed always looks beautiful, that is, new buds constantly bloom on it. This is understandable, because withered inflorescences and drooping leaves do not look very attractive.

In addition, there is one more rule - before breaking up a flower garden, you need to draw its plan on paper. This will help not only correctly arrange the flowers according to the shades and timing of flowering, but also take into account the size of the space allotted for the flower bed.

Multi-tiered flower beds require special attention, in which flowers of different heights are combined. So, for example, in round or oval flower beds, the tallest plants are planted in the center, flowers of medium height protrude in the second tier, and the border of the flower garden is made of undersized flowers.

Advice! When planting perennial flowers in a complex flower bed, it must be borne in mind that the bushes will grow every year. Free space is left between the plants, and for aesthetics in the first year it is filled with low annuals.

Making a flower bed in the country with your own hands will be much easier if you follow the plan. It is convenient to transfer the landing scheme depicted on paper to the ground in squares: the drawing made is divided into zones and alternately transferred to the soil. To mark the site, use wooden pegs, crushed chalk or lime.

It is convenient to draw schemes of flowerbeds of continuous flowering from perennials with colored pencils or paints - it is immediately clear how the flower garden will look in high season. The color scheme will help to competently compose a color composition, arrange inflorescences similar in shade or contrasting tones.

We create a continuously blooming flower bed in the country with our own hands

landscape design suburban area should look neat not only on a summer day. Flower beds, lawns and flower beds should attract the attention of guests at any time of the year, especially since with perennial plants such a task becomes quite feasible.

A rare summer cottage, and even more so - a garden, does without flower beds. Flowers give us considerable aesthetic pleasure, they delight with their presence and, attracting the eye, make us admire them. That is why flowers are permanent residents of household plots. And they are grown, as a rule, not randomly, but in flower beds, in beautifully designed flower beds. At the same time, they are selected according to color, crop varieties and many other factors. And to make flowerbeds from annuals, the schemes of which you will find in the article, on your own, you do not need to have the skills of a landscape designer. The main thing is to calculate everything correctly even before the start of work and familiarize yourself with the basic rules for creating flower beds.

Flower beds from annuals - schemes

Before you start creating a flower garden on your site, you should familiarize yourself with the basic rules for the work. They will make it easier to understand the process of arranging flower beds and will make them not only quickly, but also in the best possible way.

On a note! Despite the fact that many gardeners choose perennials to create flower beds, annuals also do not go out of style. They are often unpretentious, easy to grow, and allow you to create completely new and unique compositions every year. In addition, they are very beautiful and bloom saturated. bright flowers which is their main advantage.

Rules for choosing planting material and place

One of the first tasks of a gardener when arranging a flower bed is the choice of its location. From this will largely depend on the flowering period. The place where the flower bed is located should be well lit. It is also worth thinking about the convenience of watering - flowers need regular supplies of water. Do not place a flower bed behind the house away from a water barrel or irrigation system. It makes no sense to plant a flower bed where no one will see it - flowers are created by nature in order to admire them. So let the flower bed be in a conspicuous place - at the exit from the house or outside the window, at the entrance to the house.

A few more words about choice planting material. Be sure to consider color, flowering period and height. Any flower bed should bloom for as long as possible, and it will help to prolong the flower beauty. correct selection flowers by flowering time - that is, at the end of the flowering period, some of them will be replaced by others.

Flowerbeds can be different in shape and height. And each type has its own unwritten design rules. For example, when creating three-tiered flower beds, the tallest plants should be located in the center or in the background. Along the edges, lower cultures will be located, which will serve as a kind of frame. Between these two tiers there will be a second one, which sets the main background for the flower garden.

The number of flowers is calculated approximately as follows: central flowers - a few pieces or a small patch of fairly tall plants. Cultures with an average height are planted in an amount twice as large as the main ones. And the smallest will have a number three times greater than that of the main flowers.

The main function of such a structure is, of course, decorative - the mill on the site pleases the eye and creates an atmosphere of comfort. Also with its help decorate gardens and flower beds in the old Russian or European style (depending on appearance the object itself). Read more in.

It is best to arrange the first flower bed not to take more than 3 types of flowers and not to create complex compositions. In this case, care will be simple and pleasant.

Types of flower beds

Flowerbeds can have completely different shapes and sizes - it all depends on your wishes and possibilities. They are round and square, curly, triangular.

There are three main ways to form flower beds.

  1. uniform carpet. Usually only one species of plants or similar in size but with different petal colors are used for this type. It is easy to take care of such a flower bed, but it looks very impressive.
  2. Multi-tiered flower bed. It is created by combining flowers of different heights, but the lowest crops will always be in front. It can be round, angular, wall. In the care of such plantings are more difficult.
  3. flower borders. These are flower beds created along garden paths. Unpretentious and usually created from one or two types of plants.

There are also quite unusual flower beds that can complement any elements of a summer cottage - for example, decorate the area around the pond, have the shape of an animal.

Choosing colors

An important aspect in drawing up the scheme of flower beds is the color of the buds of plants. On the initial stage it is better to use only 2-3 contrasting shades, and later move on to more complex color transitions and combinations. But even a beginner should understand that color has a significant impact on the psycho-emotional state of a person, so you should choose plants that give flowers with the shade of petals that you like.

Table. Colors and their effect on humans.

YellowUsually it is preferred by joyful and active people, this is the color Have a good mood. And he will give a shy person self-confidence. In the garden, this color will give lilies, marigolds, calendula, Snapdragon, daylily, cinquefoil, rudebeckia.
PinkImproves mood, relieves sad thoughts. Meadowsweet, kosmeya, carnation, daisy will give this color in a flower bed.
BlueSoothes, comforts, relieves stress. Iris, lavender, forget-me-not, delphinium - flowers with blue petals.
RedThe color of energy, strength, optimism, passion. Carnation, primrose, rhododendron will give it to you.
PurpleColor that improves the emotional state, providing positive influence to work immune system. These are lilacs, violets, veronica, pansies, aster.
OrangeA color that gives self-confidence and uplifting mood. These are chrysanthemum, marigolds, cinquefoil, gravel.

On a note! Variegated flower beds can always be slightly diluted with white flowers. They will add zest to plantings. And in order to choose colors that match with each other, use the color wheel.

Choice of types of flowers

Creating a beautiful flower bed is a creative process that can completely absorb any gardener. This is a great way to realize your potential as a creator. By choosing the right plants for flower beds, you can create a real live work art.

On the shelves of stores now sells a huge amount of seeds of all kinds of flower plants. Which of them are best suited for creating flower beds? First of all, focus on the growth and flowering period of plants, as well as on the color of their petals.

Table. The most popular types of flower plants for flower beds.

Nameflowering periodHeight, cm
LobeliaJune-SeptemberAround 15
IberisJune-Octoberup to 40
NasturtiumJune-OctoberCreeping up to 400, bush 50

Also, undersized annuals include: dwarf begonia, viola, lobularia, dwarf aster; to tall: lupine, peony, astilba.

Floral schemes

To make it easier to navigate when creating your own scheme, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with a few simple but beautiful ready-made options.

Table. Flower garden plans.

Scheme, photoDescription

1 - annual stock-roses of three colors (white, red, yellow); 2 - decorative sunflower; 3 - Spanish poppy; 5 - cardinal lobelia; 6, 7, 8 - bell, catnip; 10 - stonecrop. The remaining flowers can be selected in accordance with the color indicated in the diagram.

Flowerbed-cake: 1 - low flowers of a red hue; 2 - flowers of white or silver color; 3 - medium-sized plants with red flowers; 4 and 5 - high background cultures.

Round flower bed: 1 - cannes; 2 - begonia; 3 - petunia; 4 - snapdragon; 5 - marigolds; 6 - alyssum; 7 - ageratum; 8 - pyrethrum.

1 - amaranth; 2 - zinnia; 3 - garden quinoa; 4 - chard; 5 - basil; 6 - nasturtium.

Bulb flower bed - scheme

We create a flower garden with our own hands

Let's take a look at the creation of a flower bed step by step using the example of such a wonderful flowering corner.

Step 1. Create an accurate scheme of the future flower garden in accordance with your capabilities and wishes. Do not once aim at large flower beds - it is better to make one small and neat than a large one that will not have enough strength. The best option for starters - a flower bed for 25-30 plants.

Step 2 Choose a sunny spot in your backyard. Step back from the fence by about 1 m. To prevent the sun from damaging the plants, place the flower bed on the east side of the fence or buildings. Mark the border of the flower bed.

Step 3 Remove all debris from the site, dig the soil, fertilize if necessary. Weed all weeds.

Step 4 Level the surface of the soil, break up earthen clods.

Step 5 Purchase or use the ones you have grown. Plant tall crops in the far corner, then medium-sized crops, and place the undersized crops along the edge of the flower bed. In this case, holes for all flowers can be dug in advance.

On a note! Be sure to consider the size of an adult plant when planting. It is important that over time the flowers do not press on each other, but at the same time there are no large gaps between them.

Step 6 Take good care of the flower bed - water the flowers regularly, remove wilted ones, fertilize.

So you can arrange a corner flower bed on your site. With a round one you will have to work harder. The fact is that its edges must form a perfectly even circle, otherwise it will seem like a curve. But to achieve an excellent result is quite simple: a stick is dug into the center of the flower bed, and a rope is tied to it with a length equal to the radius flower garden. Moving the rope in a circle, sand outlines the boundaries of the flower bed. And in order for the plants to “stand” in their places, you can make a preliminary sketch inside the circle with sand, outlining where the holes for each flower will be marked.

It would seem that it is simpler - planted flowers and rejoice, but to get a flower garden that gives real pleasure, it turns out that there are certain rules:

  1. When disembarking ornamental plants- the integrity of the picture. All flowers should look like a single whole, and not be randomly scattered around the site. If it is not possible to do this on the entire site, you can first ennoble a small area.
  2. Placement of plants according to the principle of tiers, that is, high plants should not cover low ones.
  3. Think over the composition (architecture) of the flower garden in advance. To do this, it will be useful to first draw on paper a plan for the location of plants, taking into account the timing of flowering of each flower. It is best to use colored pencils when creating a plan, this will help to achieve optimal combination colors.

Usually simple flower beds do not large sizes, since large flower beds are more difficult to care for.

Often flower beds are made from 3 to 6 meters in diameter. Make a small mound of soil, the flower bed should rise and be noticeable. A round or oval flower bed can be given with a rope, the sides of rectangles or polygons are measured with a ruler. In order to separate the flower beds from the lawn and protect them from overgrowing with grass from the garden, they are fenced with sides or decorative gravel poured onto black film.

The simplest type of flower bed is a mono-flower bed, when one type of flower is planted in a flower bed. This is the most suitable option for beginner gardeners. Can be planted different varieties one plant, differing in shape and color. The main thing is that the contrast is not too strong.

The most elementary type of an island flower bed can be attributed to the type of a simple flower bed, making it easier than ever:

  • Mark a plot with a diameter of about 2.5 meters.
  • Place a boulder in the center.
  • Plant a few bushes of peonies or undersized irises around the boulder different shades, or pieces 10 zinnias.

The so-called irregular flower beds are ideal for beginner gardeners. Such flower beds do not have to be planted in a strictly defined shape or size, flowers can be planted different height, observing only the rules for the location and combination of colors. You can choose plants that bloom at the same time or in turn.

Complex flower beds are whole multi-level compositions, for the creation of which plants of different heights are used, as well as natural stone and other decorative elements.

Flower Arrangement Tips:

  • Plants in regular flower beds are planted strictly in a certain order, in accordance with a clear geometric shape. It is important to observe symmetry and correctly distribute crops into groups. All flowers should bloom at the same time, creating an intricate pattern. For a summer cottage, such flower beds are not a very good choice, since at the end of flowering the flower bed will need to be updated.
  • Tall plants (phloxes, delphiniums) are planted in the center of the composition, then medium-sized and low flower crops along the edges.
  • Arranging an alpine slide requires certain skills and time. Stones are used in its creation. different sizes, large gravel, sand and pebbles. Flowers surround decorative moss, which is the main element of the slide. To decorate an alpine slide, you can take shrubs and dwarf trees.
  • Another type of complex flower bed is cascading flower beds. Flowers are planted in open stands and plastic, stone, pipes of various diameters and other materials. Stands are placed near the walls of buildings or terraces.
  • One of the most difficult options is carpet beds. This type of flower garden requires a lot of space, so for small summer cottages he won't fit. In addition, the gardener must have enough experience to correctly select plants and patterns. To create patterns for a carpet flower bed, dwarf cultures are often used, the more there are, the more colorful the pattern will turn out. It is important to draw a pattern in advance and plant plants in strict accordance with the plan, filling every centimeter of the site.
  • Vertical flower beds, unlike carpet beds, do not need a lot of space. Here, too, considerable experience will be required, since it is important to think over not only the flower arrangement, but also the frame on which it will hold. But in the design you can realize any fantasies: create three-dimensional figures of any shape, make a partition from a flower arrangement or replace part of the wall with it.
  • Most difficult option for professionals - arabesques. Such flower beds are real pictures of flowers. These can be images of animals, insects, a large flower, a logo.

The highest degree of professionalism is the creation three-dimensional paintings. When creating such flower beds, it is important to take into account absolutely all the rules for the formation of flower beds: combination of colors, shape, duration and beginning of flowering, the ability of plants to coexist with each other, proper care for each species and many others. (from)

Flower garden measuring 1.5 x 3 m, in which plants with different period blooms distributed in tiers, located in an open area between the lawn and the terrace, will always attract our eyes. Between July and September, the flower garden is especially beautiful.

Majority flowering perennials prefer a sunny location. But there are also species, for example, astilba, badan, hosta, which feel great in the shade.

1. Meadow geranium (Geranium pratense) varieties "Summer Skies" with terry blue flowers- 10 copies

2. Panicled phlox (Phlox paniculata), varieties "Landhochzeit" of pale pink color - 4 copies.

3. Beautiful small-flowered (Erigeron speciosus) "Rotes Meer" with pink flowers - 7 pcs.

4 Pozharsky's bell (Campanula poscharskyana) "Blauranke" with blue-violet flowers - 9 copies.(from)

Good luck in creating such beauty!!

all photos from internet

A flowerbed of continuous flowering of perennials is a beauty that does not require serious sacrifices and is ready to delight with itself every year during the warm period. Perennial beds have advantages over flower arrangements with plants that bloom only one season.

If you create a bright spot in the landscape with perennial flora, you can not worry about the design for several years. The flowering process will be renewed annually. It is only necessary to provide the plants with proper care in order to preserve the beauty of the flower bed.

All flowers suitable for creating compositions can be divided into three categories. The first is undersized. Their height usually does not exceed thirty centimeters, and they are suitable for the formation of multi-colored carpets, as well as for "drawing" on the ground. List of beautiful undersized perennials in front of you:

  • dwarf aster;
  • shaving;
  • phlox;
  • aquilegia;
  • gentian;
  • soapwort;
  • Carpathian bell.

Before planting undersized flowers, you need to take into account a small set of rules:

  1. Do not place undersized flowers in shady areas. If you ignore the condition, you can not expect gorgeous flowering.
  2. Use not nitrogen, but flower fertilizers. The first category of dressings has a positive effect on the increase in green mass, and not on the quantity and quality of flowers.
  3. Plant low-growing perennials tightly. Large gaps are acceptable only when planting tall and medium-sized plants, and in this case they will not make the overall picture unaesthetic.
  4. Remove weeds promptly. They will not only introduce unattractive notes into the floral canvas, but will have an extremely negative effect on undersized flowers.

The second category is medium. The approximate height of plants is from thirty to eighty centimeters. Such flowers will be useful for those who want to diversify a boring landscape with tiered island or mono-compositions. Here are a few options for medium-sized flowering perennials:

  • day-lily;
  • pion;
  • the Rose;
  • radiola pink;
  • yarrow.

The third category should include tall plants. Their height exceeds eighty centimeters. A chic island flower bed will not do without them. Here are a few plants that fall into this category:

  • mallow;
  • stock-rose;
  • window sill;
  • basilisk;
  • winding sunflower.

Basic principles for creating any continuous flowering flower bed

A perennial flower bed is not just a collection of flowers planted in a chaotic manner. You need to think over the scheme, take into account all the recommendations and, of course, provide the flowers with proper care. Check out the list of tips:

  1. Tall flowers should be in the middle, and undersized - along the contour. This applies to island compositions. This principle of placement will allow small flowers not to remain in the shade of long plants.
  2. When creating a multi-colored flower bed, it is better to combine bright tall and pale undersized flowers. Expressive spots will look great on a faded background.
  3. Near the curbs you need to plant tall plants, and then short ones. A row of long flowers will favorably decorate the border, and the subsequent strip of undersized perennials will complete the composition, giving it neatness.
  4. Give each component of the flower bed the required care. If each flower needs a specific watering regimen, you need to either arrange plants that are similar in requirements, or prefer varieties that need to be cared for in the same way.
  5. If you decide to use seasonal flowers, i.e. irises, tulips, etc., do not plant them in the foreground. After withering, they will spoil the "face" of the flower bed. It is advisable to separate a site for them near the lush and bright flowers, so that they obscure the withered buds.

Schemes for creating carpet beds from perennials

In order to form a living carpet on the landscape, you need a scheme and undersized flowers. They will create the illusion of a three-dimensional colorful pattern. It is advisable to look for plants of the same variety so that there are no prominent areas on the flower carpet in terms of height and other parameters. Another important condition- flowering should be thick, otherwise the effect of a dense picture will not work.

One of the most simple carpet patterns is a flower. It will take only four components to get the coveted three-dimensional image. One of the most suitable colors- phloxes. Their lush flowering hats will cover the ground and foliage. The number 1 in the scheme means white phloxes, the number 2 - purple, and the number 3 - pink. But, in place of the number 4, you can plant a yellow aquilegia.

Schemes for creating figured flower beds from perennials

To create this type of flower bed, it is best to use either undersized or medium-sized flowers. Due to the length of the tall flowering plants the magnificence of the image can only be seen from a height. Simple in execution, but attractive and versatile picture of flowers - a heart.

The contours of the heart are easy to form with peonies. Such lush and luxurious borders will be worthy of attention. To fill the space of the figure, the queens of flowers - roses - are perfect. As for tones, you can give preference to a single tint range, for example, pink. Arrange majestic pink peonies along the contours, alternating them with burgundy ones, and plant deep pink, pale pink and bright pink roses inside the composition.

Schemes for creating island flower beds from perennials

Island compositions do not require clarity, time-consuming and special care for them. Given that the flower bed will be created from perennials, you can forget about planting seeds and collecting them.

Flowerbeds-islands can be either one-color or multi-colored. The second option looks more attractive and natural. It seems as if nature itself decided to create a small corner of paradise.

Flowers should be present in such a composition. different heights otherwise it will lose its charm. The image below is an example of a flower island layout.

The smallest figures inside the left side are undersized bright perennials. Their role can be played by pink soapwort bushes. Instead of small figures on the right side of the image, it is recommended to place gentian on the site. It would be nice to replace the two medium-sized identical figures on the right with daylily bushes, and instead of what is between them, several rose bushes should be planted. The two similar images on the left are great places to plant stock roses. The area of ​​the large remaining image can be filled with a bright decorative sunflower.

Schemes for creating curb beds

Are there many paths and fences on the territory of your dacha that you just want to revive with beautiful flowering? Your attention is presented with a plate with variations of living bright contours from perennial plants.

Name of the flower bedFlowers
Living border "Sky in the clouds"The area near the fence - a combination of Carpathian bellflower and gentian, the second row - white phlox
Flower fence "The charm of pink"The combination of shaving and soapwort (both flowers should be planted hardly in a chaotic manner)
Contour of flowers "Royal"Combination of yellow roses and Carpathian bluebell
Floral border "Extraordinary"A row near the artificial fence - purple aquilegia, the second row - lilac phlox
Living fence "Brightness and tenderness"The first and third row - yarrow, the second - daylily

Video - Continuous flowering flower garden

Usually, beginners, with the intention of planting a flower bed, simply buy seeds of flowers they like or like and plant them without thinking about how they will look in the neighborhood when they bloom. Very often, expectations do not coincide with the result - the flower bed turns out to be clumsy, chaotic, sloppy. Indeed, when planting a mixborder, it is necessary to take into account many nuances: the timing and duration of flowering, necessary care and the need for light, moisture, harmony of colors. If you simply do not have enough time and knowledge for such an analysis, then you can use ready-made planting schemes for flower beds. We will tell you how to plant flower beds from perennials with your own hands and give the most successful planting patterns.

How to create a flower garden: the choice of perennials

If you have not yet chosen the exact place for a flower bed, then we suggest that you use a few tips.

First of all, you need to know that according to the time of flowering, spring, summer, autumn and continuous flowering flower beds are distinguished.

There are flower beds different forms: round, oval, square, rectangular, curly.

They can be horizontal and vertical. They can be planted in flowerpots and containers. They can be located anywhere you want, however, the location of the flower bed will directly affect the choice of plants, given their preferences for light and shade, soil composition.

Large flower beds are always big problems and inconvenient care. If you want to use a large area for a flower garden, then it is better to break it into several flower beds. For a round flower bed optimal size will be up to 2 m.

Also distinguish these types of flower beds:

  • regular (with flowers that bloom at the same time, planted in a certain order);
  • irregular (with flowers blooming in different time, planted randomly);
  • raised;
  • mono-flowers (with flowers of the same species).
Decorate monochrome, two-color, three-color, multi-color flower beds.

You need to understand that not only flower plants, and also decorative and deciduous or their combination. The most difficult thing is to make a flower garden of continuous flowering from perennials, since in this case it will be necessary to take into account the period of preservation of the decorative effect of a particular flower. In order for the flower bed to look attractive throughout the season, it is necessary to make calculations so that flowering or lush deciduous plants can cover those that have already faded and have an unsightly appearance, so that there are no gaping black holes in the flower garden.

Another factor to keep in mind when drafting beautiful flower beds from perennials with their own hands, is the compatibility of plants, because, for example, root system some can clog the roots of others. In this case, they simply do not get along side by side.

And, of course, the plants should be coordinated in size and color. Tall ones are usually planted in the center or in the background, lower ones closer to the edge, and ground cover near the very edge.

Thus, in order to choose the right perennials for a flower bed, it is necessary to take into account such factors:

  • the location of the flower bed - shady and light areas;
  • timing and duration of flowering plants;
  • flower color;
  • size;
  • the shape of the flower bed;
  • flowerbed type.

Perennials in the bulk are photophilous plants. However, there are instances that are suitable for landing in the shade. These are, for example, astilbe, wrestler, brunner, dicenter, doronicum, sponge, saxifrage, lily of the valley, lupine, rogersia, cyanosis, host.

Pay attention to the composition of the soil - usually perennial crops prefer fertilized loam. On clay soils, hosta, daylily, peony will feel good. Yarrow, kermek, eryngium like to grow in sandy ones.

If you do not have the opportunity to often take care of the flower bed and are looking for an answer to the question of what plants to plant in the country with a minimum of care, then take a closer look at the nemophila, catchment area, astilbe, host, peony, primrose, rudbeckia.

In regular flower beds, hostas, astilbes, lilies, gladioli, daffodils, etc. are usually planted. In addition to the fact that these plants bloom at the same time, they are also about the same height. A variety of plants are placed in irregular ones: annuals and perennials, trees and shrubs. Daffodils, tulips, delphiniums, violets, lilies of the valley look great in raised flower beds.

For spring flower beds, choose lupine, bergenia, primrose, lily of the valley. For summer, stonecrop, daylily, chistets, tiarella are suitable. In autumn, plant chrysanthemums, asters, eryngium, lightning. Throughout the season, yarrow, craspedia, decorative onions bloom.

A flower bed with perennials can please the eye within a couple of months after planting.

How to choose a range for a flower garden, perennial planting schemes

When choosing a color scheme, you need to pay attention to the fact that the same color at every time of the day and when changing lighting will look different. So, for example, when sunlight a monochrome white flower bed looks completely faded - a flower garden consisting only of petunias white color, from a distance will look like a sheet of foam or snow cover. Here you can not do without bright blotches of other shades.

Planted in one place are red and yellow flowers will tire the eyes with their variegation. It is also better to dilute them with plants painted in a calmer range.

Many colorful flowers will give the flower bed a sense of disorder and ill-conceived.

Did you know? With an unsuccessful selection of flowers, plants that do not fit into the color scheme can be dug up. And in their place to land suitable in color.

When choosing a color scheme for a finished perennial flower bed, it is also important to know that the color of plants will look different depending on the structure of the petals and leaves. So, shiny, glossy ones will reflect light and at a distance seem a little lighter than they really are. Matte will be darker.

If you want to visually enlarge small flower garden then avoid contrasts and use only a small number of colors. Also, a flower bed will appear more, where in the background are planted blue flowers, and on the front are yellow and red.

There is one more recommendation on how to arrange a flower bed of perennials: the more colorful the flowers in the foreground, the calmer the color scheme of the backdrop should be. Plants with dark flowers and leaves are best planted in the center. When laying several flower beds, only one can be very contrasting combination colors.

Important!When choosing the color scheme of the flower bed, you can adhere to the following proportion: one color - 70%, the second - 25%, the third - 5%.

If the choice of perennial plants for decorating a flower bed causes you difficulties, then you can use ready-made schemes.

White-blue gamma

As we noted above, a flower garden made only in white does not always look good and needs to be diluted with other colors. You can, for example, add blue accents to it.

The choice of perennials with blue flowers is huge: anemone, aquilegia, astilbe, bluebells, clematis, delphinium. Asters, roses, peonies, tulips, daffodils have a white color. in green such a flower garden will be decorated with leaves of hosta, lungwort, brunners.

Here is one of the do-it-yourself oval flower garden schemes for beginners in white and blue with splashes of yellow and pale orange:

  • in the center: knotweed and echinacea;
  • closer to the edge: Fassen's catnip, panicled phlox, hosta, hybrid delphinium, Variegata lightning, hare cabbage, pearl anafalis.

Did you know? If it seemed to you not enough in the finished blooming flower bed, you can add it by placing white flowerpots, a bench, an arch, and sculptures next to it.

Flower beds in pink and purple tones can create a romantic mood.

Pink is pleasing to the eye, attracts attention, goes well with any shades of green. It visually increases the size of the flower garden, blurring its borders. The combination of pink flowers with lilac, with the addition of plants with grayish leaves, looks very good.

Here pink and purple flower bed design example and an approximate scheme of its landing (oval, size 3 × 4 m):

  • closer to the center: changeable mountaineer, panicled phlox ("Dragon");
  • framed: hybrid monarda, astrantia ("Claret"), bergenia, hybrid geuchera ("Obsidian"), red geranium ("Compactum"), sedum telephium ("Matrona"), lactiferous bell ("Anna Loddon").

Of the perennials, clematis, carnations, astilbes, peonies, phloxes, rhododendrons, bergenia, tulips, hydrangeas, spireas, etc. bloom in pink.

Important! It is not necessary to adhere to the exact execution of the scheme. If you couldn’t buy a plant, you can replace it with another one with the same flowering time and flower color.

Red is one of the most difficult colors to compose. flower arrangements, since it is he who first of all attracts attention, and it can be difficult to pick up plants that also look advantageous against his background.

Therefore, red should always occupy the main focus. If several accents are planned, then it is better to use its shades. Red and white planted side by side will visually form pink color, when adding yellow to red, we get an orange gamut, with blue splashes, the flower garden will sparkle with purple.

Red with orange will not look very good, but if you dilute it with white and yellow, you get interesting combination. You can try to combine dahlias, rudbeckia, yellow and orange marigolds, knifofii, gelenium, lychnis. And emphasize all this splendor with a yew hedge.

Creating a bright flower garden

Here are two options for creating a colorful perennial flower bed for beginners.

Option 1.

Background: biennial yellow, red and white mallows, ten-petal sunflower, Icelandic poppy, odorless St. John's wort. Center: crimson cardinal lobelia. Scattered throughout the flowerbed: Fassen's catnip, Poskharsky's bell, Kalanchoe, gravel, stonecrop.

Option 2 (in combination with annuals).

The background: tree heliotrope; Center: Sander's tobacco with scarlet flowers, terry bright orange marigolds. In the stalls: pink balsam new guinea.

Flower garden for a shaded area

For a shade, a flower garden from a combination of such plants is suitable: funkia, magnificent dicentra, red epimedium, muscariform liriope, geranium, lungwort, spring umbilical cord, violets.

For partial shade, the design of a perennial flower bed with a primrose planted in the center is also suitable. Her harmonious neighborhood can be ferns, cereals, irises.

An interesting variant with astilba in combination with a function and a shield.

Important! When making a flower garden, it is better to avoid symmetrical plantings. Blurred contours look more interesting.

Such, for example, could be approximate planting scheme for a shady flower garden dimensions 3 × 4:

  • in the center: philipendula kamchatka; a little further away from it: Thunberg's astilba;
  • framed in a circle: hakonehloa, pinnate rogersia (pachysandra can be placed in front of it), hosta, bergenia, black cohosh.

Flower garden (flower bed) with your own hands: layout features

At the initial stage of laying a flower garden, you need to decide on its location, size and shape.

We have already noted that it is necessary to place a flower bed on sunny place, where the rays fall for 12 hours. There is only a small list of perennials that retain their decorative effect in light shade.

In order for the flower bed to look good and attract attention, it must be placed at a distance of 60-250 cm from the place from which you plan to admire it.

Further, it is desirable to sketch the layout of the flowers on paper (preferably millimeter paper), painting over the areas with colored pencils in accordance with the color of the flowers of the plants. So you can better imagine what it will actually look like blooming flower bed and the perfect combination of colors. In this way, it is not difficult to create a flower bed scheme with a certain pattern.

Usually, beautiful flower beds from perennials complement annual plants, deciduous-decorative and conifers. Too many of them should not be planted, this will not add beauty to the flower garden. For 1 sq. m flower beds can be placed on average 2-3 large plants 100-120 cm high, 4-6 medium ones - 40-90 cm high, 7-9 low ones 20-40 cm high and 16-20 dwarf ones 5-20 cm high, bulbous plants - 20-25 pieces.

In order to explain in an accessible way the principle by which plants should be planted, we will give an example of the design of the simplest round flower bed. In its center, the tallest plants should be planted. Take, for example, the delphinium. Along the edges, as a frame, plant undersized flowers of the same species. It can be, for example, balsam, pansies, linen. Fill the voids between the center and the edge with plants that bloom throughout the summer period: petunias, marigolds, begonias, pelargoniums.

Did you know? Marigolds and lavender planted along the edge will help protect the flower bed from pests.

Flower bed of perennials, how to achieve continuous flowering

A flower bed of continuous flowering or "four seasons" allows you to admire the beauty of flowering plants throughout the season.

In order to compile it, you need to know the timing and duration of perennial flowering. So, spring perennials for a flowerbed of continuous flowering will be muscari, daffodils, lilacs, eastern wintering, aquilegia, arabis. In summer, decorative are: rose, lavender, delphinium, mallow, foxglove, kosmeya, eringium, oregano. In autumn, deciduous plants and cereals will add beauty to the flower garden. Stonecrop, Khubei anemone, Siberian chrysanthemum, kosmeya, eringium also remain decorative at this time. Before winter, a flower bed can be decorated with dried flowers from stonecrop, wintering, eryngium and lightning.
When planning a flower bed of continuous flowering from perennials and its scheme, a few tips will help you.

In the foreground should be placed undersized plants e.g. primroses, muscari, hyacinths, snowdrops. Sredneroslye are planted in the middle part. This category includes tulips, digitalis, pyrethrum. In the background, tall perennials should take their place - chrysanthemums, septembers, stonecrops. Between them you can plant a cuff and gray fescue.

More interesting flower beds will be those that combine perennials and annuals.

Important! Since the duration of flowering of perennial plants is on average one month, at least seven types of plants must be planted in a flower bed. It is desirable that three of them bloom at the same time.

Here one of the simple schemes of a flower bed of perennials of continuous flowering, which is suitable for landing near the fence.

Background: stock-roses various shades, decorative sunflower. In front of them are Icelandic poppies and gaillardia. Through most of the flower bed, let the line cardinal lobelia. Plant three varieties in front of her blue flowers, for example, catnip, Poskharsky's bell, katananhe. As well as red accents in the form of gravel. Add stonecrop and geyhera.

Everything that you manage to do with your own hands always brings more pleasure than acquired in ready-made or made by someone. Try to design a flower bed yourself, make it different from everyone else, experiment with your favorite plants and different colors. And as a hint on how best to arrange a flower garden, you can use ready-made diagrams with a description.

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