Compose a message “The variety of mushrooms and their importance in nature and human life. The structure of fungi Biology report on the topic of the diversity of fungi

Species diversity and distribution of fungi

Mushrooms are found on all continents of the globe and even in Antarctica. their possessions are limitless - they live in soil and water, on plants and animals, in products and industrial materials. Metal giants of technology, graceful mechanisms with

metal and plastic, film, cable insulation, jet fuel, artificial fabrics, paints, optical instrument glass - these real embodiments of human intelligence are powerless in front of the tiny inhabitants of the mushroom kingdom. Mushrooms with a very rich arsenal enzymes capable of destroying various materials, especially in conditions of heat and moisture. Saprophytic fungi not only destroy up to 30% of harvested wood, but also destroy wooden buildings, sleepers and books.

So, the main features that determine the distribution and diversity of fungi are reproduction and settlement by spores and the presence of various enzymes that determine the consumption of organic substances from various sources.

Features that distinguish cap mushrooms from other mushrooms

cap mushrooms- this is a group of higher mushrooms, a characteristic feature of which is the fruiting body consists of a stem and a cap. The group of cap mushrooms has about 8,000 species.

Features of cap mushrooms. Cap mushrooms are macromycetes and consist of mycelium and fruit bodies. The threads of the mycelium grow, braid the soil particles, the remains or roots of plants and provide food for the fungi. Under favorable conditions, of which the main ones are certain temperature and humidity, mycelium appears and forms fruit bodies. At the bottom of the cap there is a special layer where spores develop. They are extremely viable, withstand temperatures of 150°C below zero and do not lose their ability to germinate for decades. If you rub a part of the fruit body of the fungus and examine it under a microscope, it will be noticeable that it is formed by bundles of mycelium filaments that fit snugly against each other. From above, the cap is covered with thin skin, painted in bright colors. According to the method of nutrition, most cap mushrooms are saprotrophs, so they feed on organic substances of the remains of organisms. A significant number of cap mushrooms are able to form fungus, or mycorrhiza - mutually beneficial cohabitation of fungal mycelium with the roots of higher plants(for example, boletus with birch). The fungus receives oxygen and carbohydrates from the plant, and the plants receive nitrogen from the fungi.

Cap mushroom structure: 1 - a cap; 2 - leg; C - mushroom

compounds, phosphorus, vitamins, growth substances, etc. Cap mushrooms reproduce asexually (spores) and vegetatively (parts of the mycelium).

Variety of cap mushrooms. Hat mushrooms can be found not only in forests, where they are most abundant, but also in meadows, steppes and fields. If you put a cap of a ripe mushroom with the bottom surface on a sheet of paper, then after a few hours you can see a pattern formed by spilled spores under it. It will be radial in agaric and reticulate in tubular. In russula, cartilage, champignons, mushrooms, fly agaric, plates are placed on the cap on the underside, which diverge from the top of the leg to the edge of the cap. Spores are formed in the gaps between the plates. These mushrooms are called lamellar. And the white mushroom, boletus, boletus, butterdish have a different structure of the spore-bearing layer. Outwardly, it looks like a sieve, therefore it is a collection of tubes inside which spores develop. These mushrooms are called tubular. According to their use in food, cap mushrooms are divided into edible and poisonous. edible mushrooms are mushrooms that are eaten. valuable edible mushrooms are white mushroom, boletus, butterdish, boletus (boletus) , chanterelles. You can eat young raincoats. About 200 species of edible mushrooms grow in Ukraine, but in food practically no more than 40 species are used. You should know that among tubular mushrooms is the most valuable, tasty, edible species. Only one species of tubular mushrooms that grow in Ukraine is poisonous - a satanic mushroom. Poisonous mushrooms are fungi that cause poisoning in humans and animals. Mushroom proteins decompose quickly enough to form hazardous substances, so poisoning can be caused not only by poisonous, but also by stale, old mushrooms. You can also get poisoned or get sick with edible mushrooms that grow near highways or areas with high levels of radiation. Mushrooms in such places accumulate harmful substances from exhaust gases or radioactive particles. Among the cap mushrooms, similar to edible ones, the most dangerous pale grebe, red, panther, lemon, snake fly agaric, false mushrooms, false champignons and etc.

The meaning of cap mushrooms. In nature, the fruiting bodies of cap mushrooms are food for many animals (squirrels, wild boars). Some sick animals, such as moose and deer, eat the poisonous red fly agaric. Many plants, thanks to cohabitation with fungi, develop better, produce more fruits and seeds. Among the cap mushrooms are e and mushrooms that break down dead remains. For example, mushrooms and dung beetles feed on organic matter from dead plants or manure. More than 80% of vascular plants are associated with fungi by their root system, which helps them in nutrition and distribution. Seedlings of many species of forest trees grown in a nutrient solution and then transferred to natural soil will grow poorly and may even die. But, if you add around these seedlings forest soil containing the appropriate mushrooms, growth becomes normal. This is due to mycorrhiza.

Butterflies, porcini mushroom, boletus, real mushrooms a person eats. Compounds that have tonic and antitumor properties have been isolated from porcini mushrooms. In folk medicine, an extract from the fruiting bodies white fungus lubricate frostbitten parts of the body for their rapid healing, conventional oiler used for headaches raincoat edible - as a hemostatic agent. With deadly to humans pale grebe receive a substance for the treatment of cholera. A striking example of the possibilities of fungi as a source of new medicinal substances is cyclosporine. This substance weakens the rejection reactions of organs when they are transplanted into another organism. The creation of this remarkable drug opened the way for the surgical treatment of humans and animals through organ transplantation. Certain types of cap mushrooms can be used with great efficiency as organic fertilizers, for example, champignon ordinary. In culture, to meet the needs of the market, saprotrophic cap mushrooms are bred, such as champignon, honey agaric, oyster mushroom, shiitake. These mushrooms do not need special conditions and produce fruiting bodies every 24-48 hours, which makes their cultivation a very profitable business. The Red Book of Ukraine includes such cap mushrooms as dark chestnut boletus, royal boletus, tablitchasta champignon, maiden umbrella mushroom, bristly fly agaric, red camelina, bluish russula and etc.

So, the main features of cap mushrooms are the presence of fruiting bodies, consisting of a stem and a cap, a saprotrophic way of feeding and the ability to form fungi. In nature, mushrooms are an essential component of plant communities, and humans most often use them for food and for treatment.

Mushrooms are a kingdom of living organisms that combine the characteristics of plants and animals. The study of the kingdom of fungi, which includes at least 100 thousand species, is carried out by science - mycology ("mikos" - mushroom, "logos" - science), which arose at the end of the 19th century, the founder of which was the Russian scientist F.M. Kamensky.

Mushrooms are a kingdom of living organisms that combine the characteristics of plants and animals.

cap mushrooms. As you know, a characteristic feature of hat mushrooms is a fruiting body, consisting of a stem and an extended upper part - a cap. If a part of the fruiting body is rubbed between a glass slide and a cover slip and such a preparation is examined with a microscope, it will be noticeable that the fruiting body consists of mycelium filaments that are tightly adjacent to each other. From above, the cap is covered with a thin film, painted in bright colors, from below there is a special spore-bearing layer where spores develop.

mold mushrooms. On food, soil rich in organic matter, and manure, one can see characteristic films consisting of highly branched mycelium filaments. These are different types of fungi, which are called molds. They feed on organic matter of the remains of organisms or their metabolic products.

Mukor forms whitish or gray films on food, soil surface. Its mycelium is a single branched multinucleated cell. The fluffy plaque turns black over time, as rounded sporangia appear on the mycelium, in which a large number of black spores are formed.

These are the molds grown by sixth graders for the lesson.

Penicillium consists of branched filaments, separated by partitions into separate cells. In this it differs from the unicellular mycelium mucor. Penicillium fungi in the form of blue or green films develop on food products. Spores are formed on the tops of special formations in the form of brushes.

Yeast- single-celled microscopic fungi. They, as you know, do not form a true mycelium and live on the surface of plants and animals or in various solutions containing sugars. Many types of yeast live in the soil. Reproducing by budding, they form colonies in the form of branched or unbranched chains.

Farty-haired fungi cause diseases of grapes, gooseberries, cucumbers, cereals and other crops. A common symptom of diseases caused by these fungi is the appearance of white or brown spots on green stems, leaves and fruits, resembling scattered flour. During the maturation of spores, the mycelium secretes sugary drops (hence the name "dew") that attract insects, which transfer the spores of the fungus to other plants. Affected organs turn yellow, wither and die.

Friendship and help in nature.

Mushrooms don't just grow on the ground. Under them, in loose humus soil, the finest whitish threads stretch. Under each mushroom, they form a complex web, and on its plexus, the fruiting body of the fungus breaks up. Mushrooms grow on mycelium like apples and pears grow on the branches of a sprawling tree. They grow for a short time and only in order to scatter around the world the tiny spores that replace seeds in the kingdom of mushrooms. And thin white threads, called mycelium by scientists, or mycelium do not die for several years. Studying the mycelium of various mushrooms, people noticed that very often these thin white threads are most closely intertwined with the roots of growing trees. A birch grows, and its roots are braided with a boletus mycelium. Mushrooms get food from trees or from the decaying remains of these plants - rot, stumps. Trees, in turn, benefit from the mycelium. The mycelium provides the tree with additional moisture and minerals.

We can conclude. The close relationship between plants and fungus - a relationship that is useful to both one and the other - is called symbiosis. And the penetration of the mycelium into the root of the tree - mycorrhiza or fungus root.



food application

edible mushrooms. For example, russula, white, milk mushrooms, etc., after processing are used for food. For food purposes, mushrooms are grown as crops or harvested from their natural habitats.

Mushroom picking or "mushroom hunting" is a popular outdoor activity or hobby in many countries.

Various microscopic fungi are used in the food industry: numerous yeast cultures are important for making vinegar, koumiss, kefir, as well as in bakery. moldy cultures have been used for a long time cheese making(Roquefort, Camembert), as well as some wines (sherry).
Due to the fact that mushrooms the content of chitin is high, their nutritional value is low and are difficult for the body to digest. However, the nutritional value of mushrooms lies not so much in their nutritional value as in high aromatic and taste qualities, so they are used for seasonings, dressings, in dried, salted, pickled form, as well as in the form of powders.

Application in medicine

Some types of fungi produce important substances (including antibiotics).
Mushrooms and preparations from them are widely used in medicine. The list of official preparations contains numerous preparations from mushrooms:
  • from chaga, ergot
  • substances extracted from the culture medium of penicillium and other fungi (used in the production of antibiotics).

Technical application

The production of citric acid based on biotechnology - microbiological synthesis has become widespread.

poisonous mushrooms

The most famous of them even entered fairy tales - the pale grebe and fly agaric in folklore serve as indispensable attributes of the dwelling of the evil woman yaga, etc. In this form, parents once taught children safety when handling mushrooms.

A wide variety of pathogenic fungi are known to cause plant diseases(every year, through their fault, up to 1/3 of the crop is lost on the vine and during storage), animals and humans(dermatosis, diseases of hair, nails, respiratory and genital tract, oral cavity).
They cause severe food poisoning.
Wood Destroyer Mushrooms cause rapid destruction of wood materials, structures and products, therefore they are considered in forest phytopathology as pathogenic.

It would seem that all living things in the world around us are either animals or plants. However, in nature there are organisms that can combine the features of both. Biologists called them mushrooms and identified them as a separate kingdom of wildlife. Below is a table that briefly reflects the diversity and importance of mushrooms in nature.

The variety and importance of mushrooms

Mushrooms lower

Mushrooms higher

yeast mushrooms

mold mushrooms

tinder mushrooms

cap mushrooms

Saprotrophs are unicellular fungi that feed on sugary substances.

These fungi can be unicellular or multicellular, they are united by the fact that they settle on any organic substrate.

Mushrooms, as we are used to seeing them, living in the upper layer of forest soil. Sometimes they form a kind of "union" with the roots of trees.

Saprotrophs are used in the production of confectionery and medicines.

Molds are used in the production of penicillin and other antibiotics. Their negative meaning is that they spoil products.

Some of them are used for the production of medicines, such as chaga. But mostly they only destroy trees

Edible cap mushrooms are eaten, some inedible ones are made into medicines, but they are mostly ignored.

Variety of mushrooms Completed by: student of MBOU secondary school No. 3 of the Aleksandrovsky district, 6-B class Dmitry Kruglikov Supervisor: biology teacher Kirillova O.P.

cap mushrooms

Riddle What kind of mushroom Stands on a bump In a red velvet handkerchief?

Boletus B c occurs frequently, sometimes very abundantly throughout the forest zone under young trees and in deciduous undergrowth, abundantly in aspen shoots, in dry summers in damp, shady tall aspen forests, and also grows in the tundra among shrub birches.

Riddle This mushroom lives under a spruce, Under its huge shadow, A wise bearded old man, His name ...?

Borovik Boletus is the most delicious and most valuable edible mushroom in terms of its nutritional qualities. It has a firm, white, aromatic flesh that tastes sweet. Its size is somewhat larger than the size of other mushrooms. There are cases when the boletus grew up to 1 kg in weight. The pulp of such mushrooms is loose and old. Such specimens of mushrooms are of little value. On the contrary, in the dry matter of the pulp of a young mushroom contains 45% protein, 3.4% fat, 50% carbohydrates and extractives. Boletus received its second name “porcini mushroom” for the property of remaining white after drying.

Birch boletus The most valuable is common boletus, it is the most common and has the best taste among relatives. Common boletus has a cap up to 15 cm in diameter, light brown (in young) and dark brown (in mature) color. The pulp is white, dense, does not change color. It occurs in birch forests, on the edges of clearings, in young birch forests. Common boletus has all the advantages of an edible mushroom: it has a pleasant smell and excellent taste. Very good for frying, suitable for drying and marinating.

Types of cap mushrooms tubular lamellar

oiler May russula mokhovik

Riddle There is a mushroom and not in the forest: In dough, beer and kvass

Yeast Yeast is one of the richest sources of organic iron. Yeast is an excellent source of protein and an excellent source of natural B vitamins, one of the richest sources of organic iron, minerals, trace elements and amino acids. They can lower cholesterol levels (in combination with lecithin), prevent gout and relieve pain from neuritis. There are various sources of yeast. For example, brewer's yeast (obtained from hops as a by-product of beer production); whey, a by-product of milk and cheese processing (the most palatable and strongest type of yeast); liquid yeast from Switzerland and Germany, grown on herbs, honey malt drink and oranges or grapefruits.

powdery mildew ergot smut fruit rot

Tinder fungi These fungi settle on trees and take away organic matter, and the mycelium spreads in the wood. The tree is dying.

Mold fungi These fungi settle on food products. The penicillium fungus secretes a substance that kills bacteria, so it is bred for medicine.

Thank you for your attention!

Mushrooms are a kingdom of living organisms that combine the characteristics of plants and animals. The study of the kingdom of fungi, which includes at least 100 thousand species, is carried out by science - mycology ("mikos" - mushroom, "logos" - science), which arose at the end of the 19th century, the founder of which was the Russian scientist F.M. Kamensky.

Mushrooms are a kingdom of living organisms that combine the characteristics of plants and animals.

cap mushrooms. As you know, a characteristic feature of hat mushrooms is a fruiting body, consisting of a stem and an extended upper part - a cap. If a part of the fruiting body is rubbed between a glass slide and a cover slip and such a preparation is examined with a microscope, it will be noticeable that the fruiting body consists of mycelium filaments that are tightly adjacent to each other. From above, the cap is covered with a thin film, painted in bright colors, from below there is a special spore-bearing layer where spores develop.

mold mushrooms. On food, soil rich in organic matter, and manure, one can see characteristic films consisting of highly branched mycelium filaments. These are different types of fungi, which are called molds. They feed on organic matter of the remains of organisms or their metabolic products.

Mukor forms whitish or gray films on food, soil surface. Its mycelium is a single branched multinucleated cell. The fluffy plaque turns black over time, as rounded sporangia appear on the mycelium, in which a large number of black spores are formed.

These are the molds grown by sixth graders for the lesson.

Penicillium consists of branched filaments, separated by partitions into separate cells. In this it differs from the unicellular mycelium mucor. Penicillium fungi in the form of blue or green films develop on food products. Spores are formed on the tops of special formations in the form of brushes.

Yeast- single-celled microscopic fungi. They, as you know, do not form a true mycelium and live on the surface of plants and animals or in various solutions containing sugars. Many types of yeast live in the soil. Reproducing by budding, they form colonies in the form of branched or unbranched chains.

Farty-haired fungi cause diseases of grapes, gooseberries, cucumbers, cereals and other crops. A common symptom of diseases caused by these fungi is the appearance of white or brown spots on green stems, leaves and fruits, resembling scattered flour. During the maturation of spores, the mycelium secretes sugary drops (hence the name "dew") that attract insects, which transfer the spores of the fungus to other plants. Affected organs turn yellow, wither and die.

Friendship and help in nature.

Mushrooms don't just grow on the ground. Under them, in loose humus soil, the finest whitish threads stretch. Under each mushroom, they form a complex web, and on its plexus, the fruiting body of the fungus breaks up. Mushrooms grow on mycelium like apples and pears grow on the branches of a sprawling tree. They grow for a short time and only in order to scatter around the world the tiny spores that replace seeds in the kingdom of mushrooms. And thin white threads, called mycelium by scientists, or mycelium do not die for several years. Studying the mycelium of various mushrooms, people noticed that very often these thin white threads are most closely intertwined with the roots of growing trees. A birch grows, and its roots are braided with a boletus mycelium. Mushrooms get food from trees or from the decaying remains of these plants - rot, stumps. Trees, in turn, benefit from the mycelium. The mycelium provides the tree with additional moisture and minerals.

We can conclude. The close relationship between plants and fungus - a relationship that is useful to both one and the other - is called symbiosis. And the penetration of the mycelium into the root of the tree - mycorrhiza or fungus root.



food application

edible mushrooms. For example, russula, white, milk mushrooms, etc., after processing are used for food. For food purposes, mushrooms are grown as crops or harvested from their natural habitats.

Mushroom picking or "mushroom hunting" is a popular outdoor activity or hobby in many countries.

Various microscopic fungi are used in the food industry: numerous yeast cultures are important for making vinegar, koumiss, kefir, as well as in bakery. moldy cultures have been used for a long time cheese making(Roquefort, Camembert), as well as some wines (sherry).
Due to the fact that mushrooms the content of chitin is high, their nutritional value is low and are difficult for the body to digest. However, the nutritional value of mushrooms lies not so much in their nutritional value as in high aromatic and taste qualities, so they are used for seasonings, dressings, in dried, salted, pickled form, as well as in the form of powders.

Application in medicine

Some types of fungi produce important substances (including antibiotics).
Mushrooms and preparations from them are widely used in medicine. The list of official preparations contains numerous preparations from mushrooms:
  • from chaga, ergot
  • substances extracted from the culture medium of penicillium and other fungi (used in the production of antibiotics).

Technical application

The production of citric acid based on biotechnology - microbiological synthesis has become widespread.

poisonous mushrooms

The most famous of them even entered fairy tales - the pale grebe and fly agaric in folklore serve as indispensable attributes of the dwelling of the evil woman yaga, etc. In this form, parents once taught children safety when handling mushrooms.

A wide variety of pathogenic fungi are known to cause plant diseases(every year, through their fault, up to 1/3 of the crop is lost on the vine and during storage), animals and humans(dermatosis, diseases of hair, nails, respiratory and genital tract, oral cavity).
They cause severe food poisoning.
Wood Destroyer Mushrooms cause rapid destruction of wood materials, structures and products, therefore they are considered in forest phytopathology as pathogenic.
