Mercy and compassion: what makes us more human? Mercy What you need to do to become a merciful person.

A person has many virtues: kindness, generosity, responsiveness, the ability to sympathize and love, and many others. And they are all based on the love of man for man. And there is such a spiritual quality as mercy.

And it is also aimed at proving that the Latin winged expression “Man is a wolf to man” is unfair. But it seems to me that mercy is the hardest thing to show. In order to be merciful, one must have the ability to forgive.

You have to be a true humanist. Because initially mercy was a manifestation

Generosity to the defeated enemy. And even now, in my opinion, mercy is a manifestation of generosity to those to whom one does not want to show it.

It is easy to sympathize with an old woman in a subway crossing by slipping a few coins into her outstretched palm.

It's easy to be generous when you buy your little sister chocolates instead of regular lollipops. It's easy to be kind when you help a young mother carry a stroller up to the seventh floor. And how hard it is to resist not "finishing off", not destroying, not demoralizing a completely defeated enemy.

And one more thing: the old woman will wish health in gratitude for the alms, the sister will kiss on the cheek with lips sticky from chocolate, the young Mother will warmly thank you for the help. After all, the answer to kindness is often kindness. Only the enemy is unlikely to thank for mercy.

Or maybe he will, who knows.

It is difficult to help someone with whom you are on bad terms, but who clearly needs your help or your indulgence. Sometimes being merciful is unbearably hard. And, of course, this is not given to everyone.

And it even seems to me - only the chosen ones.

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The Gospel description of the Last Judgment (see: Mt. 25:31-46) contains a very important truth: justification or condemnation is carried out according to the principle of our attitude towards people, namely: whether we were merciful to others. By showing participation or, on the contrary, indifference to a suffering person - and each suffering person carries the image of God in himself - we thereby build our inner attitude towards God: “because you did it to one of the least of these My brothers, you did it to Me” (Matt. 25:40).

The gospel, therefore, unequivocally testifies: whoever sees those in need and does not do everything in his power to help, he himself deprives himself of the hope of grace-filled fellowship with Christ. “Whoever misses an opportunity to do good,” explains St. Nikodim the Holy Mountaineer, “he not only loses the fruit of goodness, but also offends God. God sends someone in need to him, and he says: "Come later." Although he speaks to a man, it is the same as God who sent him. God will find another kind person, and the one who refuses will answer for himself.

This is the simplest way in which we can become like God. “Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful” (Luke 6:36). Not everyone is capable of acquiring lengthy, attentive prayer, keeping fasts in accordance with the Rule, gaining the deepest humility or meekness, having a sensible attitude towards life, or, even more so, ascending to the heights of about zheniya. And compassion for others is available to everyone.

At the same time, when we talk about mercy, it is important to remember that the word “mercy” means not just an act, but a special spiritual disposition. Mercy is empathy and compassion, a heartfelt desire to help the needy. For the merciful, every suffering person is dear and close. Moreover, with genuine mercy, a person gives what is his to another and rejoices.

The Prologue tells how the following pious custom was observed in one monastery from ancient times. Every year on Maundy Thursday, the poor, widows, orphans came to the monastery from all the surrounding places and took from the common property of the monks the prescribed measure of wheat, a small amount of wine and honey, and five copper coins each. So they spent the bright Resurrection of Christ without need and in joy.

Once there was a crop failure, and the price of bread rose enormously. Although the brethren had plenty of food supplies, they thought that the alms of the donors would stop during the crop failure, and suggested that the rector this year break the pious custom and not give wheat to the needy. For a long time the virtuous rector did not agree to the request of the brethren. “It is a sin to violate the charters given to us by the holy founder of the monastery,” he said, “it is a sin not to hope that the Lord will nourish us.” But since the brethren resolutely declared that they did not want to feed others to their own detriment, he answered with spiritual sorrow: “Do as you like.” And the poor, who came to the monastery with hope, returned from there in despair.

But on Holy Saturday, the monastery dean went to the granary to give out pure flour for bread. As soon as he opened the door, he felt a bad smell: all the wheat was so rotten that he had only to throw it into the river. The brethren were surprised, regretted their action and did not know what to do; and the pious abbot, calmly looking at the spoiled bread, said: “Whoever transgresses the commandment of the holy father, the founder of the monastery, does not rely on the Providence of God and does not have mercy on the poor, he must certainly be punished for disobedience. You spared five hundred measures and destroyed five thousand ... From now on, know whether you should trust in God or in your barns.

It is vain to think that one can be happy without helping others. There will never be joy in your heart if you turn away from your neighbors, refuse to help them and think only of yourself. Our soul longs for goodness and love not only from someone else, it has a need to open up to people, to bring them light and warmth. Therefore, when you do good, then you yourself become happy. A person who does not love his neighbors, who does not wish good to other people, is a flawed person. And one more thing: this man is deeply unhappy.

But even if we help a suffering person only because we see a pitiful creature in him, then our mercy is pagan. We also throw a piece of bread to the animal when we see that it is hungry. But the holy righteous John of Kronstadt says: "Know that yours is always insignificant in comparison with a person, this child of God." Christian mercy sees in the needy the image of God, albeit trampled upon by earthly vicissitudes. So we have no right not to help.

Here it is important to understand that everyone who suffers grief is God's chosen one, who is given to carry his life's cross, which, perhaps, we are not capable of. Helping such a person, we share his sorrow with him, but in the end we become partners in the election of God allotted to him.

Alas, in life one constantly has to observe the opposite situation. We do not want to be kinder and more merciful to each other. They are always dissatisfied, irritated, in relation to their neighbors they are precise in formalities: it is impossible, it is not supposed, it is not allowed. Moreover, while showing cruelty to others, we often want and seek to be treated condescendingly and kindly. We are reluctant even in a small way to meet our neighbors, and in our personal lives we strive to occupy a position in which others would be obliged to help us.

A familiar vice-rector of a theological seminary told how, having assumed an administrative position, he was faced with the need to lead others. Actually, administrative work involves constant control, demands, organization of others for work. The whole life of an administrative person turns into incessant instructions to others what and how to do, into penalties: why didn’t you do it or did it wrong? It leaves an imprint on the personality. But one day, when he was filling out an insured event in connection with damage to the car, he was informed by mobile phone that the student had agreed to sign the rector on the document, in three hours he would take the train with the documents, and the rector unexpectedly left the seminary. The only one who can still sign is the Vice-Rector. But he sits in the department of insurance claims and thinks about how to correctly file the damage, which for some reason the police did not write down everything in the protocol. The distance between them is such that the student will still be late if he goes to him first. The right decision was not born immediately. Although it was evening time and there was a child with the vice-rector who still had to prepare lessons, he decided to go to the station to meet the student at the train.

The seminarian was obviously late, and, standing on the platform, my friend began strenuously that the Lord would help. There were only a few minutes left before departure. He bought a fountain pen, which, as always at such moments, was not in his briefcase, in order to immediately sign the document. The miracle did not happen - the train left. The student came running only after three minutes, but during this time the vice-rector managed to think over what to do so that the student would not have a shock. Immediately took him to take the ticket. I immediately found out that in two hours there was another train in the same direction. Surprisingly, only one seat was free. I had to add money to buy a ticket. But in the end, everything turned out well. This means that the Lord helps us in everyday situations, but especially helps when we ourselves strive to participate in the lives of others.

The author of these lines knows many priests who help others free of charge. And these priests always experience joy, as if they do not give, but acquire themselves. Mercy always brings breadth and spaciousness to the soul, the merciful one goes beyond the narrow confines of inner self-isolation, finds freedom and joy of the heart in doing good for others, while selfishness always impoverishes life.

An egoist, like a thief, hides from others in order to snatch only for himself - he is unhappy and pitiful in self-interest and, like a mole, digs holes in the earth, away from the light, as if trying to equip his own grave with accumulations in advance.

But after all, man is a being with such deep spiritual needs that cannot be satiated by self-interest. The possession of earthly treasures will never give happiness to anyone if they are not shared with others. St. Maximus the Confessor expresses this truth in this way: "Mine is what I give to others." Because the heart rejoices only by opening itself up to meet its neighbors, and not shutting itself up. Our well-known fabulist Ivan Andreevich Krylov presented this figuratively in the fable "The Doe and the Dervish", concluding:

Yes, true goodness
He does good without any reward:
Who is good, the excess is a burden,
If he does not share them with his neighbor.

The soul cannot be happy without mercy. The heart of each of us longs for good and wants to do good, even if we do not always understand this with our sinful mind. Already in the very doing of good, a person partly tastes of paradise. A person with a merciful heart becomes spiritually rich, and therefore he perceives life more fully and vividly.

There are people who, according to the word of Scripture, “will not sleep unless they do evil” (Prov. 4:16). But there are also people who cannot sleep if they have not done good to someone. Among the saints who became famous for their special care for the poor, Patriarch John of Alexandria, nicknamed the Merciful, enjoys the greatest reverence. He spent all his money on helping the unfortunate, remaining himself in extreme poverty. Once, a noble resident of Alexandria gave him an expensive blanket, asking him to use this gift without fail. Indeed, St. John covered himself with a blanket at night, but the thought that it would be possible to help the unfortunate with money with an expensive thing did not give him rest. In the morning, John sent to sell a blanket, and distributed the proceeds to the poor. The giver saw his blanket in the market, bought it and brought it back to Saint John. But the saint of God acted in the same way even before evening, in order to fall asleep peacefully. When the giver brought the blanket for the third time, Saint John said: “I will always sell this thing that I don’t need; We will see who is the first of us to stop doing his own thing.

Anton Pavlovich Chekhov once correctly said: “It is necessary that behind the door of every contented, happy person someone with a gavel should stand and constantly remind you by knocking that there are unfortunate people, that, no matter how happy he is, life will sooner or later show he will have his claws, trouble will strike - poverty, loss, and no one will see or hear him, just as now he does not see or hear others.

Who will remind behind the door of the soul of each person with his knock of the need to do mercy? This should be, first of all, our conscience. The very essence of a person is determined by what he is alone with his conscience.

And here is how the righteous saint warns us: “Be attentive to yourself when a poor person in need of help asks you for it: the enemy will try at this time to pour coldness, indifference and even neglect on your heart to the needy; overcome these non-Christian and inhuman dispositions in yourself, arouse compassionate love in your heart for a person like you in everything, and whatever the needy asks you, fulfill his request according to your strength.

Already in his school years, he could not pass by a beggar, so as not to give him. If there was nothing to give, he always said: "I'm sorry." Once Gogol even remained in debt to a beggar woman. To her words: “Give for the sake of Christ,” he replied: “Reckon me.” And the next time she turned to him with the same request, he gave her twice, explaining: "Here is my duty."

In the Holy Scriptures, the refusal of alms is unequivocally regarded as a sin (see: Deut. 15: 7-9). And about almsgiving itself, it is said that when it is given, “your heart must not grieve” (Deut. 15:10). “Give to the one who asks you, and do not turn away from the one who wants to borrow from you” (Matthew 5:42). And although there are those who ask who have turned poverty into a craft, it is not our business to sort out every time where and for what our alms will go. “Blessed are the merciful, for they will receive mercy” (Matt. 5:7), says the Savior, without discussing any conventions.

In order to learn Christian mercy, we can offer several rules:

1. Serve, albeit a little, but with. You don't have to give everything you have. Give at least a little, infringe on yourself in the smallest, but only without irritation to the person: not brushing off the poor as from an annoying fly, but wishing him well.

2. Be sure to help those people whose poverty of life you are reliably aware of - relatives, employees, acquaintances.

3. Do not condemn the poor who ask for food, but, as you think, would be able to work themselves or allegedly use your alms for no good. Everyone will answer for himself.

4. Finally, do not give alms out of a desire for praise, for the sake of visible prestige, ranking, or even just a report. Such people “already receive their reward” on earth, remaining without the reward of the Heavenly Father (see: Mt. 6:1-2).

According to St. John Chrysostom, mercy has various images. There are deeds of bodily mercy: to feed the hungry, to give drink to the thirsty, to clothe the naked or lacking the necessary clothing, to visit the sick, to receive a stranger into the house, etc. And there are spiritual deeds of mercy, which are as much higher as the soul is higher than the body. The deeds of spiritual mercy, for example, are as follows: to turn a sinner from error, to teach the unbeliever truth and goodness, to give good advice to a neighbor in difficulty or danger he does not notice, to console the sad, not to repay evil with evil, to forgive insults from the heart.

You can help with a warm prayer for him. We do not always have money with us, but prayer, as the holy fathers say, is always with us. Moreover, it is in vain to think that by providing only material assistance to another, you have fulfilled your Christian duty, as if paying off the requirements of the Gospel. The Savior calls us to raise everyone to union with God: “Let them all be one, as You, Father, are in Me, and I in You, so they too may be one in Us” (John 17:21). Prayer paves the way.

Prayer unites, graciously binds together all those for whom we say our prayers before the Lord. Therefore, prayer is an opportunity to do good to people always and everywhere.

In prayer there is no division into near and far, enemies and friends, because in the prayerful requests of a Christian everyone is placed before the All-Seeing God, and everyone is called to His eternal Kingdom.

But prayer is only prayer when it resonates in the heart of the one who prays, when the soul burns with the desire to give others eternity, to ask the Lord for this priceless gift for others, and therefore prayer from the heart is always a triumph of love and kindness, it is the beginning of victory over hostile feelings, malice and hatred.

Prayer is asking for mercy from the Lord. Praying from the heart for someone means feeling someone else's pain and reaching out to the needy, as if to take his burden, so that he himself becomes easier.

So, many means of mercy have been offered to us, and although the specific choice remains ours, one thing is certain: every step towards another, every good deed, almsgiving, selfless help and prayer for our neighbors will find their justification, adorn the soul of a merciful person and make his life more joyful and happy.

Like the human quality, most people of the modern era care very little about such a quality as Mercy. Almost everyone strives to achieve material well-being and bodily pleasures, success, fame, influence and power, but almost no one strives to comprehend and reveal the power and light of Mercy in themselves.

For a long time I wanted to write specifically about mercy, since it is precisely this that is sorely lacking in our selfish world. To better understand what Mercy is, you need to see what is opposed to Mercy.

Which people are merciful? A wise and strong-willed person who deeply understands life and has not lost his Soul and human kindness in its trials.

Who is not merciful? The one who is filled with cruelty, resentment, revenge and categoricalness, the one who carries pride in his heart and does not hear the voice of his Soul. A fanatic of an idea who put it above humanity and kindness. The one who is capable for the sake of this idea to show cruelty and violence against those for whom this idea should serve.

What is Mercy?

Mercy- this is a kind and compassionate attitude towards a person, based on love for God and for the human Soul. Mercy implies acceptance, that is, a tolerant attitude towards the imperfection of others, the ability not to condemn (to be able to forgive), but to patiently help, showing true kindness in one's deeds and feelings.

From Wikipedia: Mercy is one of the most important Christian virtues, performed through bodily and spiritual deeds of mercy (mercy). Love for one's neighbor is inextricably linked with the commandment of love for God. And also, it depends on the ability to see the “image of God” in any needy person (regardless of his shortcomings).

Mercy presupposes the qualities revealed in a person -, Love,.

From an esoteric and spiritual point of view, mercy is manifested in the ability of a person to look at another or a situation “through the eyes of God”. And ask yourself every time “And how would God himself, or Christ, act in this situation?”– and strive always to do exactly what the best, wisest, and kindest of people would do.

It is hard to imagine that Christ is angry, nervous or offended by someone, stamping his feet, hysterical, showing cruelty or trying to take revenge on trifles, hatching insidious plans:) Isn't it?

Christ is able to forgive and bless anyone, from him into the hearts of other people eternally flow healing and conquering - and Love.

Mercy is a manifestation of the Power of Good in a Person, it is an indicator of a strong and pure Soul that has gone through a long path of trials, conquered evil in itself and learned to love unconditionally.

What is the opposite of Mercy? Anger, cruelty, inability to forgive (resentment) and compassion.

One can only sympathize with people who are not able to be merciful, because from the inside they will always be corroded by an insult that they have not forgiven. They will never rest in revenge, which they did not realize. They will always be afraid of their anger, to which they preferred their bright soul filled with the light of kindness. They cannot see and experience - a feeling of bright joy in the heart, when you just love, a feeling of liberation and bliss, when you forgive another and wish him well. They cannot experience the healing power of Mercy.

About how mercy is manifested in life - read the story.

Mercy is loving Kindness!

Why talk about Mercy at all? In order to strive to show our sincere mercy, first of all in relation to those people who surround us, showing our Kindness everywhere.

But Mercy does not mean indulging evil in others, their vices, weaknesses, crimes. And it means to smash evil in other people with a fiery blade of truth, without a drop of pity for this evil, and at the same time love a person and his soul, directing a stream of his kindness and light on him. Without contempt, anger and condemnation. Bitter and liberating Truth may well be combined with boundless Kindness :)

Sayings of the greats. Aphorisms about Mercy

Every act of mercy is a step on the ladder leading to heaven. Henry Beecher

Mercy is such a virtue, thanks to which the love we feed on ourselves is transferred to others who are not connected with us by ties of friendship or kinship, and even to people completely unknown to us, to whom we have no obligations and from whom we do not expect anything. receive and wait for nothing. Bernard Mandeville

The source of evil is vanity, and the source of good is mercy ... Francois Chateaubriand

Shouldn't mercy be manifested with special force precisely where the fall is especially deep? Victor Hugo

Too often we turn people over to the mercy of the Lord, and too seldom show mercy ourselves. George Eliot

Do not confuse indulgence, which is most often criminal and destructive, with mercy, which is never such. Christ is not "indulgent." Gilbert Sesbron

To be merciful means to do everything in our power. John Donne

Mercy is truly a great thing, it is the gift of the Lord, which, being properly used, likens us to God himself, as much as possible ... John Chrysostom

I think charity consists in loving God for His own sake, and loving one's neighbor for God's sake. Sir Thomas Brown

→ What is mercy?

First of all, mercy is pity, sympathy for someone else's grief, the ability to sympathize. The ability to show mercy to other people is not given to every person. Someone, seeing a child on the street asking for a piece of bread, will pass by, while the other will stop and show mercy. Is it difficult? Mercy can be shown in different ways.

Mercy is one of the most important traits of human character. People with this quality are rare at the present time, in this age of strife and selfishness. A person who is able to show mercy is very important for society. It is thanks to these people that charities still exist, shelters for homeless animals, many other things that people often do not pay attention to because they are busy with home, family and work. They have no time to devote their attention to people who need their help, mostly not in the material, but in the spiritual. After all, spiritual qualities are often dominant in a person. Merciful people have very developed these spiritual feelings. And thus, helping other people, they share this bright feeling. They sympathize with other people, support and share with them their joy, sorrow, love.

Merciful people are very strong in spirit, because not every person is able to withstand the problems that have fallen on him, both his loved ones and strangers. Problems, both material and spiritual ... Therefore, such people can often be found in various spiritual institutions, be it a church, a mosque, a synagogue and all kinds of houses in which they sing different names of God. Or they can be met as pilgrims to the holy places of the World. It is in such institutions and holy places that merciful people acquire firmness of character and fortitude. Spiritualized by the energy of holy places and images of God, holy scriptures and images of other holy people. Having visited these places, merciful people begin to share their own feeling of happiness with other people even more, thus developing in them a great sense of mercy, as well as compassion. Thanks to all this, new charitable organizations, orphanages, art houses, hospitals and funds to help people who are struggling with serious illnesses appear in the world. Merciful people are very happy, as they look at the world with different eyes and with a pure soul. For them, many of the material goods familiar to ordinary people are not important. They have found spiritual balance and peace of mind. And it is important for them to maintain their own taste of happiness. And therefore they do not pay attention to material values, so as not to spoil this own taste of happiness. And their stability in society was strengthened with the help of those people whom they once helped. Strengthened with the help of faith and love for them. Thus, you need to try to be merciful and develop this quality in yourself, because then not only people who need understanding will someday become happier, but you yourself can become better and happier, kinder to the world around you. This will help you discover goals and desires that were once inaccessible to you, take a step into a new happy life!

In today's society, we can increasingly observe cruelty, injustice and evil. Many people stop remembering such important things as mercy and kindness. It is necessary to stop at least for a second and remember that we are first of all people, and we need to treat each other like human beings. It is important to understand and realize what mercy, compassion and justice are. And also to find out why a person needs these qualities.

Mercy Definition

It is not so easy to answer the question: "Mercy - what is it?" The answer does not come immediately. And all because people think about various problems and ways to solve them, but they forget about the main thing.

Mercy is an expression of love for one's neighbor. This is how it is in many books. But neighbors are not only relatives and friends, they are absolutely all the people who surround you. It is not necessary to show “love” feelings, elementary respect for others is enough. And then the world will change for you. And you will understand that the neighbor grandmother is not so nasty, and you can talk normally with the sellers in the market. Bring goodness into the world. It can also be said that mercy is a kind of benevolence, a desire to help without demanding anything in return. These qualities are inherent in every person, you just need to find them in yourself.

Some people are sure that these are completely inappropriate characteristics, and today no one needs them. But it is worth trying to be a little kinder, respect people and help them if they need it. And then you will notice that those around you answer the same to you, the world around you will change. Mercy is the way to the heights.

What is mercy for?

To understand why mercy is necessary, it is worth understanding what is included in this concept. This quality can be called the highest manifestation of humanity. You do not think why we need love, friendship. Everything is so clear. But the need for mercy is worth considering very seriously. But it is required in order to remain human.

It is useful to remember that mercy was still present in the war - this is an indisputable fact. Of course, this is not an unambiguous statement, there have been a variety of cases. But no one will deny that the soldiers did not kill women and children, even sometimes freed them, did not attack from behind, gave their opponent a chance for medical care and rest. So why was mercy in the war, but in modern society it is almost non-existent? It is worth thinking about and paying attention to how many unpleasant events are happening in the world. You need to change the situation right now, and start better with yourself.

What do compassion and mercy have in common?

Often people ask themselves, “Are mercy and compassion the same thing?” To some extent, these human characteristics are similar, but there are still differences. Mercy, as a general feeling, includes compassion, although this is a slightly different concept. So what is the relationship between mercy and compassion? In fact, they cannot exist without each other.

What is compassion

To begin with, it is worth understanding that compassion is not pity, which is a momentary feeling. It may be a pity for an abandoned puppy or kitten, a wounded bird. Compassion means to live together with a person in his grief, to share it with him. For example, a person who cares for his close relative experiences improvements and new bouts of illness with him. His bad state is literally reflected in the well-being of the one who sympathizes. This feeling does not require any payment, gratitude, it is free. This is a kind of light that comes from within a person and warms the one who was swallowed up by grief. The feeling of compassion must be absolutely selfless. And only then will it become true and sincere.

What is compassion for?

We need compassion just as much as mercy. Don't you want to live in a world full of smiles, happiness, good mood? A person stricken with grief is unable to smile. Give him back his faith in life - share his grief with him. Those forces that will go to help, the struggle for the happiness of another person, will return to you in double size. Doing good, a person feels a surge of cheerfulness and warmth. You can start the transformation of a gray, dull, insensitive world right today, without delay.

What is justice

There is another quality that is necessary for a person and the world in which we live - this is justice. In many textbooks and articles one can read that justice and mercy are absolutely opposite concepts. And you can agree with this. After all, how can you be just, but merciful? It turns out you can.

Justice and mercy complement each other perfectly, but not all people remember this. For those who consider such a combination of qualities impossible, it will be useful to familiarize themselves with examples proving the opposite. Vendors would sell goods to people who didn't have enough money in exchange for small services such as mopping the floor or arranging groceries. There can be a huge number of such situations, but the conclusion is the same - justice and mercy can coexist together.

Why do we need justice

Justice is necessary in order to avoid chaos in the world. Each person should receive what he has achieved and what he deserves. People who live by justice know that they need to fight and go towards their goal in life, and not wait for a happy turn of fate until the desired one comes to him. You should be fair to everyone around you. Then the world will answer the same - these are the natural laws of life. Justice presupposes honesty: one should not deceive and lie to people. It is worth remembering that, first of all, in these moments you are lying to yourself. Be honest with yourself first and then with others.

Justice for yourself

This quality implies an adequate perception of reality. A person must understand that he will receive as much as he invests. No need to wait for manna from heaven or hope for the help of other people. Only by making efforts, a person will be able to climb to the top and achieve success.

People who are unfair to themselves are unlikely to be able to treat others well and rightly. Therefore, all changes must begin with yourself.

What is mercy, in what human actions it is manifested - is a topical issue. The modern world has a rapidly developing technological revolution that has simplified the daily life of each of us. In the race for personal benefits, other people's problems imperceptibly flash, but who wants to stop, give a helping hand to someone in need of support, because everyone has their own worries.

Mercy - what is it?

The kindness of the heart, taking on other people's suffering and problems, the desire to lend a helping hand, regardless of the guilt or innocence of a person - this is what mercy means. The basis of love for one's neighbor, the presence of which helps to save lives and solve other people's problems, to show understanding, to help another - to save one's neighbor from difficult circumstances. Character traits closely related to mercy:

  • compassion;
  • sympathy;
  • goodwill;
  • care;
  • unselfishness;
  • understanding;
  • condescension;
  • humanity.

What is mercy - moral, in which a person shows gratuitous guardianship to his neighbor, having spent his own resource - time, money, health. By showing mercy, a person can receive an undeserved reproach (moral insult) in the eyes of others who take mercy for showing undeserved respect or elementary stupidity.

Mercy in Christianity

In religion, mercy is an important virtue, indicating that showing concern for one's neighbor is showing love for the Lord and that each person is "created in the likeness of God." Forgiving love, expressed in Christian mercy, it can be manifested in relation to the soul and body of the needy. Good Christian deeds, the manifestation of which saves the human soul:

  • screw the sinner from delusions;
  • not enlightened give a lesson in kindness and truth;
  • give wise advice to those in difficult circumstances or danger;
  • give comfort to those who are in sorrow;
  • do not respond with evil to an evil deed;
  • forgive offenders;
  • pray for your neighbors.

Deeds of bodily mercy to the neighbor:

  • feed the hungry;
  • to drink the thirsty;
  • clothe the naked;
  • visit the patient
  • visit the prisoner in the dungeon;
  • shelter a wanderer;
  • bury the deceased.

What is mercy for?

The desire to live in a world filled with joy and pleasant relationships is inherent in man. Mercy and kindness are the foundation of harmonious relations in many religions and ancient cultures; the works of philosophers are devoted to them. It is easy to build relationships in society on the principle of justice by analyzing the mistakes of another person, but such a position makes it impossible to receive indulgence in difficult times.

To receive help without requiring repayment in return - to develop spiritually, to contribute to changes for the better, to bring goodness into the world, to give joy. No one knows at what difficult moment his need for help will arise, who will be nearby will do a merciful deed, regardless of social status or past mistakes. It is always nice to tear a piece of kindness and care from the heart.

What does it mean to be merciful?

To be merciful means that the benefit sent to another person is given free of charge - not for universal praise, public recognition or subsequent thanksgiving. Mercy calms the conscience - the person did not reject the given chance to lend a helping hand, but, by virtue of his ability, eased the life circumstances of the one in a bad state of affairs. Mercy extinguishes anger, suppresses selfishness, and this is an opportunity to accumulate spiritual wealth:

  • wisdom;
  • joy;
  • ease of communication;
  • sincerity;
  • philanthropy.

What do you need to do to become merciful?

Mercy and compassion, done anonymously, is considered the highest degree of virtue. The manifestation of such qualities is not an easy task - to take away one's own means and forces to help a stranger, a generous act worthy of respect. The basic principles of a merciful attitude are based on love for one's neighbor, care shown and assistance rendered. Being merciful means:

  • forget about personal gain;
  • make concessions forgetting the wrongs caused;
  • be able to listen;
  • suppress fear (when coming to the hospital not to think that you can get sick);
  • donate money to those in need (an affordable share of the funds, insignificant for the person giving);
  • find an hour for other people's problems (visit relatives and friends - the elderly, the disabled, orphans);
  • help in simple everyday matters (show the address, warn about the danger, give a hint to solve the problem, help a person with disabilities).

Why should a person be merciful?

The problem of mercy and lack of love for others entails suffering in the surrounding world and human hearts. The principle of personal gain - to create comfortable conditions for oneself, regardless of the problems of other people - amuses self-esteem and multiplies selfishness. Being merciful means taking an active part in solving other people's problems, multiplying kindness, giving love, changing the world for the better. Remembering the phrase of the Chinese sage Lao Tzu about mercy, one can say in his words: “Whoever takes, fills the palms, who gives, fills the heart.”

Mercy in the modern world

Love and mercy are notions related to each other in religion. Deeds done to alleviate the suffering of another, expressed without love, are a feeling of pity, sometimes reinforced by reproaches and cold calculation. Mercy in our lives, shown with love, strengthens spiritually, gives hope for changes for the better, saves lives in difficult times, gives peace of mind, teaches that a good deed is certainly higher than an evil one.

Is mercy necessary in our time?

Mercy in our time is a mirror showing the moral character of a person. The modern world is filled with contrasts, the social status that separates people shows that it is easier for the poor and the simple to share the suffering of the needy, because they are familiar to him. The rich and noble don't care about other people's basic worries and problems, even if he is able to help and fix problems for thousands of people.

The essay contains references to A. Pristavkin's story "The Goldfish".

Option 1

Mercy is the kindness of the heart, because it was not in vain that the word was formed from the words “sweet” and “heart”. It seems to me that the absence or presence of mercy largely determines a person's behavior.

In the story of A. Pristavkin, the girls who caught a baby with a fish near the aquarium showed real mercy. They did not scold Lucy or punish her. The sight of this little girl startled them. She herself looked like a transparent fish. The girls realized that only a terrible hunger forced Lyusenka to eat goldfish.

The piece of bread asked for by the girls in the middle of the night for Lyusenka makes you believe that they will grow up to be kind, caring people.

Merciful people make this world better and kinder.

Option 2

Mercy is kindness, it is the ability to feel someone else's pain with your heart and ease it with deeds. At the heart of mercy lies, in my opinion, sincere pity and true love for a person.

Were it not these feelings that destroyed the anger of the girls, the characters in A. Pristavkin's story, as soon as they saw the undressed fish thief? Pity for Lyusenka, so similar to the same transparent fish, made the girls' hearts tremble. And Inna's answer to the question of the night nanny indicates that the baby will not be left without attention. I think that everyone will remember this lesson of compassion: both Lyusenka and the girls.

An example of mercy in our day is the behavior of people who respond to a request to donate blood for the sick. So did my grandfather, and many other people, when they became donors for the victims of the disaster in the subway.

I think mercy unites people, makes them better.

Option 3

Mercy is kindness combined with pity for someone, a desire to help. In life, it is very important to be merciful, because mercy gives rise to a reciprocal feeling of love and gratitude.

One can imagine how the girls from A. Pristavkin's text felt when they watched the goldfish disappear one after another from the aquarium. Imagine their amazement when they found the smallest girl, Lyusenka, at the crime scene. But the sight of the naked little girl left them speechless: Lusenka herself looked like a bloodless fish. Pity for the child and kindness made the girls understand that this little girl needs to be looked after and fed. That is why Inna went to the kitchen in the middle of the night to ask for a piece of bread for Lucy.

I think that Lyusenka will never be evil, because she received an inoculation of mercy.

In the story of L.N. Tolstoy's “Prisoner of the Caucasus”, the girl Dina also showed mercy to the captured officer Zhi-lin: seeing how he was suffering, she helped him escape.

Mercy can work miracles.

Option 4

Mercy is a complex concept that includes kindness, compassion, cordiality, the desire to take care of the weak, to protect him. I consider mercy one of the most important qualities of a person.

The girls from the orphanage, whom we learn about from the story of A. Pristavkin, showed mercy when they did not punish Lyusenka for eating fish. Her fragility, exhaustion struck them. Therefore, they did not tell the night nanny about Lyusenka's theft, but asked her for some bread for the baby.

I can call my calisthenics teacher Marina Yurievna merciful. She organized a shelter for stray dogs, attracted caring citizens for this. Volunteers help her find owners for the shelter's pets. I believe that its creation would not have been possible if it were not for the kindness of all who participated and participates in this work.

Mercy makes even the weakest person strong.

Option 5

By mercy, I mean the ability to sympathize with another person. This concept includes pity and the desire to help someone who is in trouble or in a difficult situation.

The story that we get acquainted with in the story of A. Pristavkin, of course, is about mercy. The pupils of the orphanage did not notice the smallest of them, Lyusenka, they did not care about her. When the girls caught her with a fish in their hand, they could severely punish the baby for stealing. But they didn't. Lyusenka's defenselessness aroused mercy in them. After all, she herself resembled a thin fish that she wanted to protect. Therefore, Inna rushed for bread for the baby.

Many merciful people live in Russia. On television, viewers are regularly thanked for helping to raise money for children for expensive treatment or for the whole world not leaving a region affected by a natural cataclysm in trouble.

Mercy brings people together, and that's wonderful! material from the site

Option 6

I think that mercy is humanity, compassion, compassion, kindness. Mercy is only tested by a person's actions.

Let us turn to the text of A. Pristavkin for an example. When it turned out that Lyusenka was stealing fish from the aquarium, the reader saw her through the eyes of girls. “Looking at her was scary”, “slender, bloodless body”, transparent skin. Lyusenka's exhaustion made the girls immediately forgive her theft, and in this they showed real mercy!

There are also many examples of true mercy in our life. Everyone knows the charitable foundations of Chulpan Khamatova and Natalia Vodianova. I think it was mercy that pushed these people to the decision to use their fame for a good cause. The result of their activities is thousands of saved lives throughout the country and dozens of playgrounds in different regions of Russia.

The more mercy there is in our life, the less grief and suffering there will be.

Didn't find what you were looking for? Use the search

At all times, compassion and the desire to help the needy and the weak, the sick and the weak were considered one of the main virtues. However, now in real life, many of us are guided by a different principle: “The main thing is that I feel good!”. For some, mercy seems archaic, others consider it a good and noble phenomenon, and even admire merciful people, but they themselves are not ready to lift a finger to help the suffering. And after all, really - what's the point of violating one's own spiritual comfort, taking other people's troubles, sufferings and problems to heart? Why deny yourself the pleasures and expensive purchases, helping other people or saving someone's life? And, in the end, what benefit does a person get if he takes the path of mercy to the detriment of his desires and interests?

On the Benefits of Selfless Kindness

When Tanya K. entered the courses of sisters of mercy, her mother was shocked: “You're crazy, daughter! It’s not enough for you that the groom left you, that you are always unlucky in life - so you also found a profession worse than ever! Do you want to suffer for a penny where no one will work for normal money, you are ready for “God save you” ... but endure and bandage rotten wounds for those who are lying down?! Do you want to be an old maid?!” But Tanya did not listen to her.

The kind and sympathetic junior nurse very soon fell in love with all seriously ill patients. regional trauma hospital. In the wards where she worked, the mortality rate has noticeably decreased - after all, before many patients died only because there was no one to turn them over and treat bedsores in time, or to appease their deadly spiritual anguish with a kind word and prayer. Tanya began to be called "the good angel of the department." Previously considered an "ugly duckling", the girl found spiritual harmony and noticeably prettier. Walking at her wedding, I could only be glad for how well everything turned out for my friend. Having become a happy wife and mother, after maternity leave, she still works where she is so loved and always looked forward to ...

From an egoistic point of view, participation in someone else's pain, problems and hardships, to put it mildly, is not attractive and does not bode well. It is not clear how people can voluntarily and naturally hang on themselves other people's troubles and sufferings, refusing a calm, carefree life. But even an egoist, leaving prejudice and trying to help those in need, may be surprised to realize that in fact being kind and merciful is very pleasing to the soul and very useful, and not only in the moral and spiritual sense. Since the outside world is a direct extension of ourselves, by compassionate and helping others we benefit ourselves. As practice shows, those who try to selflessly help others and do good are usually lucky in life, they are accompanied by good luck and good mood.

Not so long ago, I had a chance to communicate with businessman V., whom friends and relatives sometimes reproach for “excessive extravagance”. He cannot pass by someone else's misfortune and helps a lot of people. Because of this, he has to deny himself any excesses - he does not have a cool villa somewhere in the resort, a yacht and other expensive toys, but he has enough of a Moscow apartment and a modest dacha near Moscow. But you rarely meet such a cheerful and cheerful person among such a circle of people, radiating goodness and love.

Somehow, his wife almost persuaded him to buy a prestigious expensive SUV instead of a modest foreign car that even a simple manager can afford, and he has already collected money for the purchase ... But at the last moment he accidentally found out that the little son of his ordinary employee was seriously ill, and if urgently not raise money for an expensive operation abroad - he will die. He gave her the money and the baby was saved. As A. admitted, having denied himself a purchase for the sake of saving someone else's child, he was rewarded with such joy and spiritual pleasure, which he, perhaps, had never had before. Yes, and the company's revenues after that increased markedly. Someday later he will buy himself a new car. Unless, of course, someone needs his help again ...

My friend, an ordinary guy Seryoga, loved to live "high" and never considered himself an altruist. Last year he was going to go on vacation to the south. He was already looking forward to how he would relax at sea, enjoying doing nothing and holiday romances. But due to abnormal heat and drought, forest fires began. Learning that the fire was approaching the village, where as a child he often rested with his grandmother in the summer, he unexpectedly handed over his tickets and, instead of the sea, went to save the forest as part of a voluntary fire brigade. His grandmother is no longer alive, and strangers live in her house, but Sergey could not rest calmly, knowing that his native village was in danger of death. The village was defended, and it was possible to leave, but he got so into the taste that he decided to stay and then helped put out fires in neighboring areas for another two weeks.

From a philistine point of view, Seryoga acted like a “loch” - he deprived himself of a serene rest and worked most of his vacation for free. But in reality, he received great moral satisfaction and felt that he did not live in vain in the world. And he also met a wonderful girl who, like him, could not remain indifferent when she learned about the burning forests and villages. They fell in love with each other and it looks like they are going to get married soon.

Medicine for the soul

A parishioner of the neighboring parish, Nikolai L., had a rich and successful cousin, Oleg, who was envied by many. He changed like the gloves of beautiful wives, expensive cars and did not deny himself anything. But when once Kolya offered him all possible help to their resurgent temple, he in response twisted a contemptuous face and twisted his finger at his temple: “Here’s another thing, I don’t have extra money for such garbage, everything is in business!” Another time, Kolya's daughter became seriously ill, and he asked his cousin just to lend him money for treatment. But even here the relative categorically refused him. The parishioners of their beloved temple came to the rescue, having collected “from the world bit by bit” for the treatment of the girl.

Kolya did not hold a grudge against the greedy cousin, he even sympathized with him - no matter how beautiful his life may be at a superficial glance, in reality, living such an unmerciful person is probably hard and joyless. The recent financial crisis crippled Oleg's business and led his firm to bankruptcy. I had to sell both dachas - in the Moscow region and on the Black Sea, and almost all the cars. Another wife fled to a more successful competitor, and Oleg started drinking in desperation. Recently, he mysteriously fell out of the balcony of the eleventh floor and crashed. Relatives believe that it was not an accident, but suicide.

Indeed, one can only sympathize with those for whom mercy seems to be something superfluous and unnecessary. While kind, sympathetic people are spiritually enriched, finding joy and peace in their souls, their merciless antipodes let cold, evil and despondency into their hearts. Such people, even living in luxurious palaces, are able to feel like they are in hell, unsuccessfully trying to drown out longing and inner emptiness with work or the search for pleasures.

But everyone has a chance to improve and start a new life, even the most hardened criminal.

Andrei G. spent almost half his life behind bars for murder, theft and robbery. In the zone, he was feared and respected for his strength and tough temper. Once, while sitting in a punishment cell, he fell ill and felt himself on the verge of life and death. He was seized by a black, impenetrable longing. Unexpectedly for himself, he clearly saw and felt how dirty his soul, which he himself disfigured, how vile and hopeless his life, which is about to end. He wept and whimpered in despair, and then something like a penitential catharsis happened to him. He clearly felt and saw God, and he was given to understand that the Lord loves even such a fallen one and is waiting for his repentance and correction. After that, the prisoner G. radically changed and, as most of his colleagues considered, “he went crazy and became blissful.” Andrei suddenly became quiet and meek, and he perceived the opening of a church in their “zone” as a precious gift from Above. After his release, he categorically broke with his old friends and, on the recommendation of the prison priest, got a job. Now he is a permanent parishioner of the church where one of my familiar priests serves. In his free time, G. regularly goes to the nursing home and the hospital, bringing food and sweets for abandoned old people and having heart-to-heart conversations with them. With good deeds and helping people, he tries to compensate for the evil that he had done before.

Before, one might say, I did not live, when I robbed people and deprived them of their lives - in fact, I killed myself from the inside! - he confessed to me during the conversation. - And now, when I help others, I “let go” little by little, the beginnings of the soul come to life, joy and satisfaction appear. And the hope that God will forgive me for everything ...

Don't do good - you won't get evil?

How unjust and abnormal this sinful world is! - one of my acquaintances once declared to me, a lively fifty-year-old woman who considers herself a model of kindness and mercy. - How hard it is to be kind and help everyone, because there are only ungrateful pigs around!

In recent years, Olga has been leading an active charitable life, hoping to earn a good place for herself in the Kingdom of Heaven. But the good she does is too saturated with vanity and complacency. There is no mutual understanding with his own son - "the dunce has grown up and does not want to do anything." As if to spite him, from time to time she brings “wanderers” and even outright homeless people into the house, fiddles with them, launders, feeds, even leaves them for the night despite the noisy protests of her son. And then he is indignant if, after their stay, money and some things are missing. Benefactored people use her goodness, but, as a rule, do not reciprocate. Even her own brother, whom she helped so much with money and saved from prison, did not even think to help when she herself needed emergency help. So help people!

The proverb “do not do good - you will not get evil” is inherently crafty, but it did not arise from scratch and in a number of situations it can turn out to be relevant. Not all merciful people are lucky in life, especially if they are not free from pride and expect kindness from others in return, and if they do not wait, then they are offended. In addition, good should be done with intelligence and reason, otherwise it can sometimes turn into evil for those to whom this good is done and for the benefactor himself.

I know a kind, but painfully authoritarian father of the family, who is trying to decide everything for everyone, "so that everyone is fine." His wife secretly becomes an intoxicant, his beloved daughter fled to live with her lover, unable to bear the "too right" father, and his son tried to commit suicide after his father forbade him to enter the theater institute, which he had dreamed of since childhood. According to Victor, the boy should go to a "serious" university - to become a lawyer or an engineer, and not "hell knows where." Recently, he got the idea to help restore an Orthodox church. But there was not enough money from the income of his company, and then he began to delay and cut the salaries and bonuses of his employees. He was even issued a certificate of honor on behalf of the Church, which he hung in a conspicuous place in his office. But almost all of its employees quit, unable to endure and endure the "Orthodox" boss-tyrant.

When doing good, it is useful to analyze whether it will benefit everyone, and whether it will turn into evil. Good deeds should be done just like that, from a good heart, immediately forgetting about it, not flattering yourself with narcissism and not expecting bestowal and gratitude from anyone. And also not trying to "buy" yourself the forgiveness of sins. And it is better not to tell anyone about your kindness and mercy.

A role model could be considered who lived in XIX century in Moscow, Dr. Fyodor Gaaz, who during his lifetime was considered a saint by many. He was a very rich man, but he spent all his income helping the poor, sick and prisoners. He opened hospitals and schools, treated and provided medicine to the suffering for free. As a result, by the end of his life, he spent all his savings, and even had to bury him at public expense. But such an example of perfect mercy is far from being able to accommodate every person. In order not to condemn ourselves to failure and poverty, it is better to calculate your abilities and capabilities.

What a good Christian God!

In the first centuries of the spread of Christianity, many pagans respected Christians and were drawn to them precisely for sincere love and mercy. In the life of St. Pimen there is an interesting incident from his youth. He was a pagan and served in the imperial army. Usually, the population of cities and villages met the soldiers with hostility, not wanting to share food with them and endure the insatiable army horde at the quarters. But one day, after a long tiring campaign, exhausted troops entered an amazing village, the inhabitants of which did not hide, but themselves came out to meet them and gave them a warm welcome. Men and women were dragging large baskets of bread and fruits, smiling girls were holding out jugs of water to the soldiers.

They are Christians,” his friend, an old seasoned soldier, explained to Pimen. - Their God commands to love people and serve everyone...

“What a good Christian God! - thought the young man, - but our gods do not order this. Good faith, we should learn more about it...” Subsequently, Pimen became a great Christian ascetic. His saying is known: “Three main things are necessary for us: to fear God, to pray and to do good to our neighbors.”

“Give to the one who asks you, and do not turn away from the one who wants to borrow from you,” the Savior taught(Matthew 5:40-42) . Christian love for neighbors is inextricably linked with the commandment of love for God and the ability to see in any needy person the “image of God,” regardless of his shortcomings. The New Testament contains a mass of appeals to mercy and compassion, and even Christ reduces the entire meaning of the Old Testament law to the commandment of love for God and neighbor. And his parable about the merciful Samaritan who saved a man who had suffered from robbers, from whom the “pious” priest and Levite who passed by turned away, is still relevant today. If we see that another person is feeling bad, our conscience should not allow us to pass by, even if we are busy with pious cares or family cares.

Mercy can take many forms and forms. You can help not only with money and food, but also just with a kind word. When giving alms, one should try to do it with love, from a sincere heart. And if you do not have enough money to help someone in need, you can at least mentally pray for him so that the Lord will help and protect him.

According to the Holy Fathers, at the last universal Last Judgment, all people (including non-Christians) will be judged by God, primarily on their deeds of love and mercy. So we can say that the kind and sympathetic are doubly lucky. Even during their lifetime, having known the joy of goodness and happiness that accompanies merciful people, leaving behind a good memory, after death they will be saved from evil and will begin to live with God in a blessed, infinitely happy Eternity.

Each of us has a number of qualities that characterize us as a person. Someone more kind, sincere, fair. Someone on the contrary is full of bile, malice and anger. But we are all human. True, there are two understandings of the word man. You can understand the word "man" as a biological species, a representative of the order of mammals. But this is how scientists argue, who see the human race as a species. In fact, a person, if viewed from a less rational and more sensual position, is a being with will, reason and higher feelings. It is our feelings that make us human, create our moral character, characterize us as a person. And in order to correspond to the high title of "MAN", we need to have in ourselves such qualities as mercy and compassion.

It is mercy and compassion for another being that makes us more human in understanding morality. All scientists, writers, poets, clergy and the public are sure of this. But what mercy is, and how to show compassion, little is said about it. Let's try together to figure out what really makes us more human and what is the role of mercy and compassion in this. Mercy is directly related to the concept of compassion.

Mercy - this is a person's readiness to help someone out of compassion, to show kindness, care, higher emotions (even love) to any creature, not necessarily even human, and at the same time, not to ask for anything in return. Compassion, in turn, is sympathy for the suffering of others, participation excited by the grief, misfortune of another being. Compassion is akin to humanity, pity. Agree, really good personality traits that representatives of humanity should have.

To be more human means to be merciful, to show compassion, to see the pain of another being, and to help him, and not to stand still. To be more human means to be indifferent, to have a soul and a heart. Being more human means helping those in need without asking for anything in return. This is what it means to be more human.

Agree, in the modern world, these qualities would be very necessary, because there are a lot of people in need in the world, and each of us, if we could help another person, or even a little kitten, who, in rain and snow, is looking for himself food, the world would be much more humane, kinder, better. But these days, fewer and fewer people show mercy and compassion - it has almost disappeared.

In the modern world, more and more people live according to the principles of selfish existence, do those things that are beneficial to them, which will only benefit them, about other creatures around them (not to mention people, but about small, defenseless and weak animals), a person does not think, does not care. This happens for the reason that each of these people knows that no one will take care of them. So they take care of themselves, because no one else will do it. And almost everyone thinks so, but is it right?

Of course, we cannot change the whole world, and egoism, pride and inhumanity will still exist. But we can change ourselves, everyone can do it. Become more merciful, show compassion, and ask nothing in return, be human, not only from a biological point of view, but also from a moral point of view, and you will see how the world will change. At first, of course, it will seem to you that your efforts are in vain, and for your mercy, you get only "knives in the back." But, believe me, this is the fate of all people. Mercy and compassion simply makes you better, more human. And this, in fact, is worth a lot.
