What relationships are the subject of technical regulation. Technical regulation and quality

The need to participate in world production and the division of labor forces Russia to accept the conditions of the world community in terms of the free movement of capital, goods, labor resources, information based on general rules(requirements), which are usually called technical regulation documents:
. Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade;
. Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures; Code of Voluntary Practice, etc.
Technical regulation consists in the adoption by the state of legal measures aimed at eliminating tariff and technical barriers to the promotion of goods on the world market.
The technical barriers are different requirements to products and processes of its production in domestic and international standards.
On December 27, 2002, the Federal Law "On Technical Regulation" was adopted. Over the past years, the Law has been constantly improved, refined and supplemented, and is currently adopted in red. dated 03.12.2012 No. 236-FZ.
This Federal Law is the basis of the system of technical regulation in Russia.
For any country to enter the world market, it is necessary that all countries fulfill the same requirements for the products sold and for the relationship between them. For Russia, which wanted to join the World Trade Organization (WTO), the development of a system of technical regulation was a necessity.
The main principles in accordance with which technical regulation is carried out:
. independence of accreditation bodies, certification bodies from manufacturers, performers and purchasers;
. the inadmissibility of combining the powers of the state control body and the certification body; the inadmissibility of combining the powers of accreditation and certification by one body;
. inadmissibility of off-budget financing of state control (supervision) over compliance technical regulations;
. application of uniform rules for establishing requirements for products, production processes, operation, storage, transportation, sale and disposal, performance of work or provision of services;
. unified system and rules of accreditation;
. the unity of the rules and methods of research (testing) and measurements in the course of conformity assessment procedures; unity of application of technical regulations regardless of the types or features of transactions;
. the inadmissibility of restricting competition in the implementation of accreditation and certification;
. compliance of technical regulation with the level of development of the national and world economy;
. elimination of excessive barriers to trade; non-discriminatory basis (i.e. equally favorable treatment for imported and domestic products in its market);
. harmonization (ie application of international standards as the basis of national technical regulations);
. mutual recognition of conformity assessment results.
The goals and objectives of state technical regulation are:
. ensuring product safety;
. ensuring the quality and competitiveness of goods;
. protection of life and health of citizens and property of individuals and legal entities;
. protection of the environment, life or health of animals and plants;
. prevention of actions that mislead purchasers.
The objects of technical regulation are goods, processes life cycle products, works and services. Subjects of technical regulation:
Government of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Industry and Trade;
. federal Service on control (supervision) of compliance with the requirements of technical legislation (Rosstandart);
. certification bodies and testing laboratories; subjects entrepreneurial activity;
. developers of technical laws and standards.
The means of technical regulation are technical laws, primarily the Federal Law "On Technical Regulation", technical regulations, standards and related documents.
The essence of technical regulation in Russia can be considered streamlining and harmonization with international (mainly with the European Union and the United States) technical legislative acts(regulations), standards and other mandatory and advisory documents, as well as revision mandatory requirements state to the participants of economic activity.
The country has a huge disordered set of mandatory requirements in standards, sanitary regulations laws and regulations, building codes and regulations, fire regulations and rules, safety regulations and in a variety of industry documents that significantly restrict business activities. For example, today there are about 360 building codes and regulations that could be replaced by about 25 technical regulations.
The main goals of creating a system of technical regulation were as follows:
. creation of a two-level system of normative documents: technical regulations containing mandatory requirements and standards applied by product manufacturers voluntarily;
. reduction of administrative and economic pressure on the manufacturer;
. elimination of redundant requirements and duplication of certification procedures;
. elimination of technical barriers to trade;
. increased protection efficiency consumer market from dangerous products.
The Law "On Technical Regulation" is considered by some to be "revolutionary".
The fact is that a number of provisions of the law are emergency:
1) state standardization is canceled, now standardization becomes national;
2) all state standards are translated into national standards(while the abbreviation GOST is preserved);
3) all standards have the status of "recommended", i.e. all indicators, except indicators of protection of life, health, environment and property, by product manufacturers must be taken on a voluntary basis;
4) indicators of “voluntary” standards, for example, indicators of product quality, are not subject to state control and supervision (except for indicators of the protection of life, health, the environment and property, which are subject to state control and supervision for the transitional period, until the development of technical regulations);
5) the previously adopted laws “On Standardization” and “On Certification of Products and Services” are canceled as inconsistent with the new requirements;
6) new provisions are established for standardization and conformity assessment;
7) a completely new document is introduced mandatory execution- technical regulation.

Question number 147.

?What areas of activity are regulated by the Federal Law "On Technical Regulation".

*** 1. technological characteristics production processes in sectors of the economy

***2. relations arising from the development, adoption, application to the implementation of mandatory requirements for products, production processes, storage, transportation.

***3. relations arising from the development, adoption and application on a voluntary basis of requirements for products and processes of production or production of works and provision of services.

***4. conformity assessment

Question number 148.

? What does the concept of "technical regulation" mean?

*** legal regulation of relations in the field of establishing, applying and fulfilling mandatory requirements for products, production processes, operation, storage, transportation and disposal, as well as applying these requirements on a voluntary basis to products, works and services.

Question number 149.

? What does the concept of "control over compliance with technical regulations" mean?

*** activities to establish rules and characteristics for the purpose of their voluntary multiple use, aimed at achieving orderliness in the areas of production and circulation of products and increasing the competitiveness of products, works, services.

*** verification of performance by a legal entity or individual entrepreneur requirements of technical regulations for products, production processes, operation, storage, transportation, sale and disposal and taking measures based on the results of the check.

Question number 150.

? What does the term "standardization" mean?

*** legal relationship in the field of establishing, applying and fulfilling mandatory requirements for products, production processes, operation, storage, transportation and disposal, as well as applying these requirements on a voluntary basis to products, works and services.

*** activities to establish rules and characteristics for the purpose of their voluntary multiple use, aimed at achieving orderliness in the areas of production and circulation of products and increasing the competitiveness of products, works, services.

*** control over compliance with the requirements of technical regulations for products, production processes, operation, storage, transportation, sale and disposal and taking measures based on the results of the check.

Question number 151.

? What does the term "certification" mean?

Question number 152.

? What does the term "accreditation" mean?

*** the form of confirmation of compliance of objects with the requirements of technical regulations, the provisions of standards or the terms of contracts carried out by the certification body

*** official recognition by the accreditation body of the competence of an individual or legal entity to perform work in a specific area of ​​conformity assessment.

*** documentary evidence of the conformity of products or other objects, production processes, operation. Storage. Transportation. Implementation and disposal, performance of work or provision of services to the requirements of technical regulations, the provisions of standards or the terms of contracts.

Question number 153.

? What is the meaning of the concept of "validation of conformity".

*** the form of confirmation of compliance of objects with the requirements of technical regulations, the provisions of standards or the terms of contracts carried out by the certification body

*** official recognition by the accreditation body of the competence of an individual or legal entity to perform work in a specific area of ​​conformity assessment.

*** documentary evidence of compliance of products or other objects, processes of production, operation, storage, transportation, sale and disposal, performance of work or provision of services with the requirements of technical regulations, the provisions of standards or the terms of contracts.

Question number 154.

? What does the term "Declaration of Conformity" mean?

Question number 155.

? What does the concept of "sign of conformity" mean?

*** a document certifying the conformity of products put into circulation with the requirements of technical regulations

*** designation used to inform purchasers about the compliance of the certification object with the requirements of the system voluntary certification or national standard.

*** a document certifying the object's compliance with the requirements of technical regulations, the provisions of standards or the terms of contracts.

Question number 156.

? What does the term "certificate of conformity" mean?

*** a document certifying the conformity of products put into circulation with the requirements of technical regulations

*** a designation used to inform purchasers about the compliance of products put into circulation with the requirements of technical regulations.

*** a document certifying the object's compliance with the requirements of technical regulations, the provisions of standards or the terms of contracts.

Question number 157.

? What does the concept of "certification system" mean?

*** a set of rules for performing work on certification, its participants and the rules for the functioning of the certification system as a whole

*** activities to establish rules and characteristics for the purpose of their voluntary multiple use, aimed at achieving orderliness in the areas of production and circulation of products and increasing the competitiveness of products, works, services.

Question number 158.

? What does the concept of "technical regulation" mean?

*** a document adopted by an international treaty of the Russian Federation, ratified in the prescribed manner, or established by a federal law, or a presidential decree, or a government decree and establishes mandatory requirements for the application and use of requirements for objects of technical regulation of products, production processes, operation, storage, transportation , sales, disposal.

*** a document that establishes mandatory for application and use requirements for the objects of technical regulation of products, processes of production, operation, storage, transportation, sale, disposal and is approved by the management of the company performing one or another stage of the product life cycle.

Question number 159.

? What does the term "standard" mean?

*** a document in which, for the purpose of voluntary multiple use, the characteristics of products, implementation rules and characteristics of the processes of production, operation, storage, transportation, sale and disposal, performance of work or provision of services are established.

*** a document adopted by an international treaty of the Russian Federation, ratified in the prescribed manner and establishes mandatory requirements for the application and use of requirements for the objects of technical regulation of products, production processes, operation, storage, transportation, sale, disposal.

*** a document approved by a government decree and reflecting the characteristics of products, implementation rules and characteristics of the processes of production, operation, storage, transportation, sale and disposal, performance of work or provision of services

Question number 160.

*** 1. application of uniform rules for establishing requirements for products. Processes of production, operation, storage, transportation. Sales and disposal. Performance of work or provision of services

*** 2. Consistency with the budget code

*** 3. Unity of the rules and methods of research (tests) and measurements during the procedures for mandatory conformity assessment

*** all listed

Question number 161.

? Select from among the given principles of technical regulation.

***one. Compliance of technical regulation with the level of development of the national economy, the development of the material and technical base. As well as the level of scientific and technological development.

*** 2. Unified system and rules of accreditation

*** 3. Independence of accreditation bodies, certification bodies from manufacturers, sellers, performers and purchasers

*** 4. Consistency with tax legislation

*** all listed

Question number 162.

***one. Inadmissibility of restriction of competition in the course of accreditation and certification

*** 3. Consistency with antitrust laws

***4. Uniform application of the requirements of technical regulations, regardless of the types or features of transactions

*** all listed

Question number 163.

? Select, from among the above, the principles of technical regulation.

*** 1. Inadmissibility of off-budget financing of state control (supervision) over compliance with the requirements of technical regulations.

*** 2. Inadmissibility of combining the powers of the state control (supervision) body and the certification body.

*** all listed

Question number 164.

? Select, from among the above, the principles of technical regulation.

*** 1. Unity of the rules and methods of research (tests) and measurements in the course of mandatory conformity assessment procedures.

*** 2. Independence of accreditation bodies, certification bodies from manufacturers, sellers, performers and purchasers.

***3. Compliance of technical regulation with the level of development of the national economy, development

*** 4. Consistency with antitrust laws

*** all listed


Technical regulation. Standardization

1. General information on the Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On Technical Regulation"

3. Goals of standardization

4. Principles of standardization

6. National standardization body, technical committees for standardization


1. General information about the Federal Law Russian Federation"On technical regulation"

The Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On Technical Regulation”, which entered into force on July 1, 2003, determined new system establishing and applying requirements for products, production processes, works and services. The law is aimed at creating the foundations for a unified policy in the areas of technical regulation, standardization and certification that meets modern international requirements. As a result of the adoption of the law, new legal acts, primarily technical regulations that significantly change the daily economic life of the Russian Federation. The main instruments of technical regulation will betechnical regulations,which are mandatory rules introduced by federal laws, national standards - which are rules for voluntary use, conformity assessment procedures, accreditation, state control and supervision.

Technical regulation– legal regulation of relations in the field of establishing, applying and fulfilling mandatory requirements for products, processes of production and operation, storage, transportation, sale and disposal, as well as in the field of establishing, applying on a voluntary basis requirements for products, processes of production and operation, storage, transportation, sale and disposal, performance of work and provision of services and legal regulation of relations in the field of conformity assessment.

Technical regulation- a document adopted by an international treaty of the Russian Federation, ratified in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation or federal law, or by a decree of the President of the Russian Federation, or by a decree of the Government of the Russian Federation and establishes mandatory requirements for the application and implementation of requirements for objects of technical regulation (products, production processes and operation, storage, transportation, sale and disposal)

national standard- a standard approved by the national body of the Russian Federation for standardization.

Standardization - activities to establish rules and characteristics for the purpose of their voluntary reuse, aimed at achieving orderliness in the areas of production and circulation of products and increasing the competitiveness of products, works or services.

Certification - the form of confirmation of compliance of objects with the requirements of technical regulations, the provisions of standards or the terms of contracts, carried out by the certification body.

Confirmation of compliance- documentary evidence of compliance of products or other objects, processes of production, operation, storage, transportation, sale and disposal, performance of work or provision of services with the requirements of technical regulations, provisions of standards or terms of contracts.

Accreditation – official recognition by the accreditation body of the competence of an individual or legal entity to perform work in a specific area of ​​conformity assessment.

Transition in the early 90s. XX in the economy of the Russian Federation to a market type caused the need to improve the national standardization system, which was confirmed in the fundamental law “On Standardization” over the past 10 years.

The basic element in the system for monitoring the fulfillment of requirements for products and services, the processes of their production and sale were previouslydepartments of technical control,whose task was to prevent the release (delivery) by the enterprise of products that do not meet the requirements of standards and specifications, approved samples, design and technological documentation, terms of delivery, contracts, etc. In this activity, under the conditions government controlled two parties participated in the economy: on the one hand, the state represented by enterprises that produce products and provide services, together with its regulatory bodies, on the other, consumers of products and services.

With the beginning of the implementation of market economy conditions in the Russian Federation, when various types of products and services are provided by enterprises and firms various forms property, there was a need for a third party independent of either the manufacturer or the consumer. Under these conditions, the most effective way quality assurance of products and services, their conformity established requirements is a certification system. Until recently, the main document of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of certification was the law "On Certification of Products and Services". This law established the task of a third party, represented by approvedFederal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology(former Gosstandart of Russia) certification bodies, which consists in assessing the conformity of products and services to established requirements.

Laws of the Russian Federation "On Standardization" and "On Certification of Products and Services" last years allowed to significantly change both the economy, and the methodology, and practice of work on regulating the issues of ensuring and controlling the quality of products and services, but at present they have ceased to meet the requirements of the three noted parties, the rules of their interaction, duties and rights.

Effective in the Russian Federation until July 1, 2003state standardization systemrelied on a large number of norms contained in laws, standards and departmental acts. There were more than 25 thousand national (formerly state) standards in the country, and only 50% of them included the requirements of ISO and IEC standards. To them should be added about a thousand building codes and regulations (SNiPs) and almost a thousand sanitary rules and regulations (SanPiNs). Together with industry standards, specifications, norms and rules of supervisory authorities, the number of regulations is more than 100 thousand. In many cases, departmental documents are not published. In this regard, entrepreneurs, including foreign ones, do not have clear information about the entire set of mandatory parameters that they must comply with in their activities. The existing system of quality control of products and services provided is not effective - more than 80% existing standards not performed by manufacturers.

The main goal of the Federal Law "On Technical Regulation" is to create the basis for a unified policy in the field of standardization and certification. As a result of the adoption of the law, new norms have appeared in the domestic legal field that significantly change the economic life of the country. This law can be called a "constitution for industry": it cancels the laws "On Standardization" and "On Certification of Products and Services" and a number of other regulations. The law entails the introduction of amendments and additions to a significant number of documents of the current legislation, including up to 50 federal laws and more than 60 thousand normative and legal acts: orders, orders and resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation and ministries and departments. They are known as GOSTs, OSTs, SNIPs, SanPiNs, etc. All of them will remain in effect until they are replaced by the relevant technical regulation. Moreover, such a change should take place smoothly.

An equally important goal of the adoption of the law "On Technical Regulation" was to bring Russian standardization and certification procedures in line with the requirements of the World Trade Organization (WTO), and first of all, with the requirements of the WTO Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade. The law counteracts the transformation of national standards and various technical requirements to products and services as an instrument of protectionism in relation to any groups of commodity producers. Harmonization of the national standardization system with the international one makes it easier for Russian high-tech products to enter the world markets, and makes it possible to organize cooperation in their production with subcontractors from developed countries.

An example of technical regulation is the decision international organization civil aviation on the entry into force on April 1, 2002 of a convention tightening the requirements for the noise level of aircraft engines operating on international routes of the European Union (European Union). The economic consequences for Russian airlines using domestic aircraft that do not meet these standards on international flights are obvious, and much has been said about this.

The concept of the law "On Technical Regulation" provides that all mandatory requirements for products and services are established only by technical regulations, which are determined by Federal laws and decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation. Technical regulations must contain minimum requirements to ensure the safety of products (services). Moreover, after the entry into force of technical regulations, the mandatory requirements of the standards cease to be mandatory and state control (supervision) begins to be carried out over compliance with the requirements of technical regulations. As the main regulatory elements of technical regulation, world practice defines technical regulations, international, national and regional standards, conformity assessment procedures, accreditation of certification bodies and testing laboratories(centers), control and supervision.

However, the law "On technical regulation" is ideological and framework. It contains a number of ambiguous premises that, under certain conditions, can worsen the current situation in this area. So, some sections of the existing GOSTs on standardization contradict the provisions of the law; there is no clear definition on the participation of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology in the systems of domestic and international certification. The law provides for a transitional period of seven years, during which new and old elements of technical regulation will coexist (i.e., relevant regulations - documents containing mandatory legal regulations and adopted by the relevant authority executive power) and standards. The Law “On Technical Regulation” will come into full force after the introduction of technical regulations, and then the Russian Federation will begin to form the Unified Code of Laws on Technical Regulation.

2. General information about standardization

The modern "technical" concept of "standardization" includes the area human activity covering political, scientific, technical, economic, legal, aesthetic and other aspects. In the life of society, standardization performs economic, social and communicative functions.

economic functionstandardization is implemented:

providing reliable information about products;

the introduction of progressive technology through the dissemination of information about new product properties through standards;

promotion of healthy and fair competition, expansion of interchangeability and compatibility various kinds products;

organization of production management with a given level of quality.

social functionstandardization ensures the achievement high level indicators of products (services), which meets the requirements of health, sanitation and hygiene, environmental protection and human safety.

Communicative functionstandardization creates the conditions for an objective perception of various types of product information.

In Russia, the foundations of standardization were laid back in X in. The first norms and rules for the interaction of elements social production in Russia are noted in the "Charter of Prince Vladimir Svyatoslavovich" (996). For the first time, references to standards were noted during the reign of Ivan the Terrible, when standard circle gauges for measuring cannonballs were introduced. More broadly, the foundations for the establishment and application of rules and requirements for products are recorded in the "Cathedral Code of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich" (1649).

The beginning of the widespread introduction of standardization in production was laid by Peter I , from the board of which the Russian industrial standardization begins. The origin of standardization is considered a series of rules and norms adopted by the decrees of Peter I (1672-1725). During his reign in the first collection of laws Russian Empire a number of decrees were placed, indicating that at that time elements of standardization and interchangeability were being introduced in the state. When building a fleet for the Azov campaign, a galley was used as a model, according to which other galleys were made, which made it possible to build a fleet quickly and efficiently. Great attention Peter I devoted to the standardization of weapons equipment, Peter's Decree is indicative I on the quality of products of January 11, 1723, which clearly indicates not only the quality requirements for guns for the army, but also the quality control system, state supervision of it and the penalties for manufacturers for the production of defective products.

Trying to dramatically expand foreign trade, Peter I not only introduced technical conditions that take into account the high requirements of foreign markets for the quality of domestic goods, but also organized government rejection (fixing) commissions in St. Petersburg and Arkhangelsk, which were charged with monitoring the quality of flax, hemp, wood, etc. exported by Russia.

The generally recognized beginning of standardization in Russia is the formation in 1746.Weights and Measures Commissionsand creation in 1893.Main Chamber of Weights and Measures.

3. Goals of standardization

The Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On Technical Regulation" establishes the main goals of standardization:

1. The goal is “to increase the level of safety of life or health of citizens, property of individuals or legal entities, state or municipal property, environmental safety safety of life or health of animals and plants and promotion of compliance with the requirements of technical regulations” is achieved through the development and adoption of such standardization documents that help ensure compliance with the requirements of technical regulations. For this, sets of documents in the field of standardization have been created, providing rational decision issues that arise in the study and justification of the development of products and services, the development, manufacture and operation of products.

Legal support This purpose is served by various regulations Russian Federation. Examples of such acts are the Federal Laws of the Russian Federation “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”, “On the Basics of Occupational Safety in the Russian Federation”, “On the Protection of the Environment and natural environment" and etc.,

2. The goal is “to increase the level of safety of facilities, taking into account the risk of emergencies natural and technogenic nature" is achieved through the standardization of methods, methods, structures that provide protection or reduce possible damage in the event of such situations. Moreover, the norms and requirements of the standards may also apply to the safety of economic facilities in emergency situations (for example, natural and man-made disasters); to the defense capability and mobilization readiness of the country.

3. The goal of "ensuring scientific and technological progress" is achieved through broad scientific, technical and economic ties, the development of specialization and cooperation in the most important types products, processes and services with industrialized countries. Without carrying out the unification and standardization of objects of specialization, it is impossible to ensure scientific and technological progress and the high effect of international cooperation of industry.

4. The goal of "improving the competitiveness of products, works, services" can be achieved by solving a set of issues on standardization. By constantly developing and implementing new standards and systematically reviewing existing ones, it is possible to systematically improve the quality of products, works, services, increasing their competitiveness. Such a controlling role of standardization is envisaged by plans for the development of the national economy: specific tasks to improve the quality of products, works, services take into account technical regulations, and then are implemented in national standards.

5. Goal " rational use resources” is aimed at saving material resources by means of standardization. All losses (labor, material and energy, etc.) are compensated by enterprises and organizations by increasing the cost, which leads to unreasonably high prices for all types of balls and services with extremely low quality and, as a result, to a loss of product competitiveness, decrease in production. So, at some enterprises from 30 to 70% production costs are unjustified intra-production losses.

6. The goal of "technical and information compatibility" serves to organize production. To achieve this goal, the fund of standards of the Russian Federation and classifiers are used, which serve as the basis for information support for work not only on standardization, but also on certification, metrology and product quality management.

7. The goal of "comparability of the results of research (tests) and measurements, technical and economic-statistical data" is implemented through documents in the field of standardization that regulate metrological requirements, rules, regulations and standards, organization and procedure for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. The relations of the parties regarding the manufacture, production, repair, sale and import of measuring instruments are regulated by the Law of the Russian Federation "On Ensuring the Uniformity of Measurements".

8. The goal of "product interchangeability" means the suitability of one product, process, service for use in conjunction with another product, process, service in order to fulfill the same requirements. Interchangeability is ensured by the establishment in standards, drawings, normative documents and other technical documentation of uniform nominal dimensions for mating parts, corresponding to the allowable size limits, geometric shapes and location of surfaces and regulatory requirements for qualities) of materials. Interchangeable parts must be identical in size, weight, shape, hardness, physical and chemical properties and other parameters set by the relevant standards.

4. Principles of standardization

The Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On Technical Regulation" establishes the following principles of standardization:

  1. The principle of "voluntary application of standards" means that there should be no claims on the part of the state to the composition and level in terms of the quality of products and services. The exception is safety requirements, but they are established by technical regulations.

2. The principle of "maximum consideration in the development of standards of legitimate interests stakeholders» (balance of interests of the parties)provides for the need to find a compromise between the desires of the purchaser and the capabilities of the developer and manufacturer, i.e., the need to optimize the level of quality of products and services, subject to their high competitiveness. Participants in standardization work, based on the capabilities of the product manufacturer and service provider, on the one hand, and the requirements of the consumer, on the other, must find consensus. Consensus is understood as general agreement, i.e., the absence of objections on significant issues from the majority of interested parties, the desire to take into account the opinions of all parties and bring together dissenting points of view. Consensus does not imply complete unanimity.

3. The principle of "application of an international standard as the basis for the development of a national standard, except in cases where such application is recognized as impossible due to the inconsistency of the requirements of international standards with the climatic and geographical features of the Russian Federation, technical and (or) technological features or for other reasons, or the Russian Federation, in accordance with the established procedures, opposed the adoption of an international standard or its separate provision” contributes to strengthening the trend towards achieving world-class domestic products and services. However, it is not always possible to achieve this level due to the indicated reasons.

The rules for the application of international standards in the Russian Federation allow the use of the following international and regional standards:

Acceptance of the authentic text of the international standard as a national Russian regulatory document (GOST R) without any additions and changes (“cover method”); at the same time, the designation of the national standard of the Russian Federation: from the index (GOST R); designations of the corresponding international standard (without indicating the year of its adoption); separated by the last digits of the year of approval GOST R. Example: GOST R ISO 9591-93;

Adoption of the authentic text of the international standard, but with additions reflecting the features Russian requirements to object standardization. When designating such a regulatory document, the number of the corresponding international one is added to the code of the domestic standard. Example: GOST R 50231-92 (ISO 7173-89).

Importance attached in law and international cooperation in the field of standardization. The existing modern international division of labor and the associated trade and scientific and technical cooperation required the achievement of international agreements and the development of international regulatory documents, the requirements of which would have an unambiguous interpretation for both the manufacturer and the seller and consumer. Such documents should contain technical requirements, methods and conditions. Tests, precise definitions of the quantities to be measured, introductions about the instruments with which measurements are made, about the accuracy of these instruments and methods for their verification.

International cooperation in the field of standardization is carried out through international and regional standardization organizations, as well as multilateral and bilateral relations between states on the basis of relevant decrees of the President and resolutions of the government of the Russian Federation.

In the field of international standardization (and partially, in the field of certification and confirmation of conformity), several international organizations are involved, among which the most well-known are those noted earlier: ISO (130); IEC; OIML; BIPM; European Organization for Quality (QOC), European Committee for Standardization (CEN); European Committee for Electrical and Electronics Standards (ECEE); European economic commission United Nations (UNECE); European Institute for Telecommunications Standards (EIST) and a number of others International standards and recommendations of these organizations, while formally not being mandatory normative documents, are in fact observed by all interested parties in the world in which they need it.

One of the most authoritative international organizations and the field of standardization is ISO (ISO members are national standardization organizations in more than 140 countries of the world). The scope of this organization concerns standardization in all areas except electrical engineering and electronics, which are within the competence of the IEC (in some areas, ISO and IEC often work together). The strategic goal of ISO is to promote standardization on a global scale to improve international goods of exchange and mutual assistance, as well as to expand cooperation in the field of intellectual, scientific, technical and economic activities through the development of international standards that meet the world level. In addition, ISO promotes the development of metrology and certification to enable the international exchange of goods and services.

International ISO standards are widely used throughout the world, total number which currently exceeds 12,000, with about 1,000 standards being adopted and revised annually. They are not binding on ISO member states. The decision on their application is connected with the degree of participation of a particular country in the international division of labor and the state of its foreign trade. In the Russian Federation is now active process introduction of ISO standards into the national standardization system. ISO International Standards are usually developed and implemented in the following way.

ISO specialists choose the most progressive, modern and current national standard of one of the countries as a basis. As the first edition of the ISO standard, it is translated into English, French, German and Russian and distributed for review and feedback to all members of the technical committee in this area. Then, based on the feedback, a second edition is developed and the process is repeated. Further, at a meeting of the technical committee, disagreements are discussed and a single version of the document is developed, which is approved by consensus. ISO standards are advisory in nature, although they are used in international and interstate con- IX as required. ISO/IEC Guide 2 (180/1EC), summarizinginternational standardization experience, presents the following possible types standards: fundamental standard; fundamental standard; standard for test methods; product standard; process standard, service standard; compatibility standard; standard with open values; provisions; methodological provisions; descriptive position. In addition to ISO, IEC has the greatest fame and influence in the field of standardization. Organizational structure and its operating principles are similar to ISO, they often work together and issue single documents. The designations of the IEC standards are similar to the designations of the national standards of the Russian Federation - (GOST R), in the case of a joint standard with ISO, it is the designation 180LES. Note that ISO/IEC Guide 2 deals with the direct and indirect application of an International Standard.Direct Application— the application of an international standard, regardless of its adoption in any other normative document.Indirect application— the application of an international standard, regardless of its adoption in any other normative document in which this standard has been adopted.

Within the framework of the CIS, standardization (including metrology and certification) is carried out in accordance with the intergovernmental document "Agreement on the implementation of a coordinated policy in the field of standardization, metrology and certification." On the basis of this agreement, the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification of the Commonwealth of Independent States (MTS CIS) was created, where all national organizations for standardization, metrology and certification of these countries are represented.

Currently, the IGU CIS is recognized by ISO as a regional organization for standardization of the CIS countries; agreements between IEC and SEN on cooperation were signed. A draft cooperation agreement has been sent to ISO. The IGU CIS is doing a lot of work on standardization and certification of various products and services. Standards and other regulatory documents developed by the Council are distributed in the CIS countries. This process is carried out in accordance with the rules of SGP 04-94 "Procedure for the dissemination of interstate standards and normative documentation Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification” and the rules of SGP 05-94 “Procedure for interaction between national standardization bodies for the implementation of translations of interstate, international and foreign standards”.

4. In accordance with the principle of “the inadmissibility of creating obstacles to the production and circulation of products, the performance of work and the provision of services to a greater extent than is minimally necessary to achieve the goals specified in Art. 11 of this Federal Law” such standards should not be created that complicate the solution of issues of the relationship between services and divisions in production, the relationship between developers and manufacturers, manufacturers and suppliers. Requirements that provide protection or reduce possible damage in case of emergency should not be overestimated, unnecessarily complicated technical documentation should not be developed.

  1. The condition of the principle "inadmissibility of establishing such standards that contradict technical regulations" follows directly from the goal of standardization to increase the level of security.
  2. The principle of “providing conditions for the uniform application of standards” is a principle that follows directly from the definition of concepts"standardization" and "standard".

There are a number of other important principles of standardization that are not mentioned in Article 12.

Dynamism and advanced development of standardization.As you know, standards model real-life patterns in the country's economy. However, scientific and technological progress makes changes in technology, management processes. Therefore, standards must adapt to the ongoing changes. Dynamism is ensured by periodic review of standards, amendments to them, and the abolition of regulatory documents. In order for standards not to hamper technical progress, they must establish promising quality indicators with an indication of the timing of their provision. industrial production. Leading standards should standardize promising types of products, the mass production of which has not yet begun or is at an early stage. The advanced standardization method consists in establishing norms and requirements for standardization objects that are higher than the level already achieved in practice, which, according to forecasts, will be optimal in the future."The effectiveness of standardization.The application of normative documents in the field of standardization should have an economic and social effect. Immediate economic effect Standards leading to resource savings, increased reliability, technical and information compatibility. Standards aimed at ensuring the safety of life and health of people and the environment provide a social effect. In general, investment in standardization is beneficial for the state; 1 ruble, directed to this sphere, gives, as it shows international practice, 10 rub. arrived.

Prioritize the development of standards that contribute to ensuring the safety, compatibility and interchangeability of products (services).This goal is achieved by ensuring the relevant standards, legal norms and is implemented through the regulation and compliance with the mandatory requirements of state standards.

The principle of harmonization.This principle provides for the development of harmonized standards. Ensuring the identity of documents related to the same object, but accepted both by standardization organizations in our country and by international (regional) organizations, allows us to develop standards that do not create obstacles in international trade.

5. Documents in the field of standardization

Documents in the field of standardization used on the territory of the Russian Federation include:

national standards;

classifications applied in accordance with the established procedure, all-Russian classifiers of technical, economic and social information;

organization standards.

1. Main objectsnational standardsthere may be different types of products, services and processes (Table 1).

National standards can establish terminology in various fields of activity, including those that have intersectoral significance, for example, terminology in the field of product quality, reliability, safety, and ecology.

Sets of national standards of intersectoral significance are presented in Table 1.

These standards are designed to establish the most effective sequence of organizational or technological procedures in order to ensure the goals set.

In order to achieve orderliness in the sphere of product circulation, standards can be developed for the requirements for labeling products and containers, symbols used, and packaging methods.

The structure of national standards. All national standards of the Russian Federation have a single structure, which includes the following aspects:

distribution area;

information data.

Table 1. Sets of standards of intersectoral significance

System name

Abbreviation in designation


Code in designation

National standardization system of the Russian Federation


Unified system of design documentation


Unified system of technological documentation


Product quality indicators system


unified system documentation


System of information and bibliographic documentation


State system ensuring the uniformity of measurements


Occupational safety standards system


one system technological preparation production


Unified system of program documents


Note. The gaps between the cipher numbers in the designation are due to two reasons: the loss of practical significance of some complexes and the presence of complexes of standards in the field of military equipment.

The structure of the standards may differ only in some indicators, while the main part remains unchanged.

The scope (distribution) is present in all regulatory documents.

The content of national standards mainly includes the classification of products and definitions. Standards, as a rule, contain technical requirements for the product, rules for its acceptance and test methods. A national standard may contain sections such as design requirements, marking requirements, storage requirements, etc. Often there are annexes in the standards.

Information data are located at the end of the description of the standards.

Scope of the standard- objects of standardization, united by the unity of the requirements of this standard. For correct application standard, clarity of presentation and unambiguous understanding of the scope of its distribution are important.

Information data— information about the developer and used literature.

Types of standards. Type of standard - classification group of standards, allocated by objects and topics of standardization. In accordance with the unified state standardization system and (still in force, but already being changed in order to harmonize with the Federal Law "On Technical Regulation") the national standard GOST R 1. 5-92, the following main types of national standards are established:


for products and services;

for work (processes);

On control methods (tests, measurements, analysis).Fundamental Standardsestablish general organizational and technical provisions for a certain field of activity, as well as general technical requirements, norms and rules that ensure mutual understanding, technical unity and interconnection of various areas of science, technology and production in the processes of creating and using products, environmental protection, safety of products, processes and services for life, health, property and other general technical requirements.

Product and Service Standardsestablish requirements for groups of homogeneous products and services or for specific products and services.

Work standards(processes) establish the basic requirements for the methods (methods, techniques, modes, norms) of performing various types of work in the technological processes of development, manufacture, storage, transportation, operation, repair and disposal of various types of products.

Standards for methods of controlestablish methods (methods, techniques, techniques, etc.) for testing, measuring, analyzing products during their creation, certification and use.

Applied in the field of standardizationstandardization rules, norms, recommendations, methodological and descriptive provisionsare intended to establish rules, principles, norms related to standardization activities, organization of work on standardization, development, revision and cancellation of standards, their structure, development stages, presentation and design rules.

Rules for standardization, metrology, certification and accreditationare regulatory documents that establish organizational and technical and (or) general technical provisions, procedures, methods of performing work in the relevant areas that are mandatory for use.

Methodical position- a technique and method for implementing a process, a particular operation, with the help of which it is possible to achieve compliance with the requirements of a regulatory document. A normative document containing such a provision can be called a methodological standard.

Descriptive clausecontains a description of the design, design details, the composition of the starting materials, the dimensions of the parts and parts of the product (design). In addition, a regulatory document may also contain operational provisions that describe the "behavior" of the standardization object during its application (operation). In most countries, the organization of work on standardization is built according to similar schemes. The difference usually lies in the degree of centralization of standards development and the level of participation in it of commercial and public organizations. In many countries, the requirements of standards are regulated not for manufactured, but for consumed products in the territory of a given state.

2. Standardization rules.

The main results of the action of standardization are evaluated by the changes that it has made to the development of scientific and technological progress and economic activity. Under these conditions, in the methodology of standardization as a management process, certain approaches are of particular importance:

system analysis in standardization;

scientific approach in standardization;

principle of preference;

Unification, aggregation and simplification.

System analysis in standardization- the direction of practical activity, which is based on the consideration of standardization objects as systems. The simplest idea about the objects of standardization is given by the type and type of system of identical or similar items and products. Starting with production, standardization objects become more complex due to the structure and development of relationships.

In the general case, system analysis is considered as a certain process, as a result of which control problems are solved by successive approximation, and it is used to study systems that are an interconnected set of standardization objects and require a preliminary definition of goals, objectives and directions of action.

System analysis in standardization includes the following basic principles:

Focus on identifying the goals of the system;

The study of the dynamic nature of the processes occurring in systems, their functioning and development;

definition and study of all significant relationships both within the system and between the system and the external environment, as well as the choice of particular solutions, taking into account their impact on the system as a whole;

searching for solutions and choosing the best one;

finding optimal solutions based on cost effect comparison;

Accounting for random factors.

System analysis has the following list of typical standard elements: goals, ways to achieve the goals, determination of the required resources and their distribution, model and criterion.

A system analysis is carried out in several stages:

setting the task, including the definition of ultimate goals and the range of issues that need to be addressed;

analysis of the conditions in which the system operates, as well as the definition of restrictions imposed on the conditions of the system's operation;

determination, analysis and generalization of the data necessary to solve the problem, study the structure of the analyzed system, establish links, develop various programs that provide a solution to the problem;

model building, system identification, selection of criteria for predicting the consequences of decisions, comparison various options decisions in terms of these consequences;

confirmation (experimental verification) of the decisions made;

the final choice of the optimal solution to the problem. Based on experimental verification decision;

Implementation of the adopted decision (approval of the standard).

Scientific approach in standardizationis based on the fact that the main indicators, norms, characteristics and requirements included in the standard must correspond to the advanced level of science and technology and be based on the results of research and development work. Therefore, the development of all types and categories of standards should be carried out taking into account and using scientific achievements in the relevant fields, and, if necessary, the development of standards should be preceded by research work.

The principle of preferenceused in the development of standards for products of wide application, solving problems of rational choice and establishing gradations of quantitative values ​​of product parameters, unification, typing, and should be based on the use of series of preferred numbers. Establishing on the basis of series of preferred numbers of series of parameters, on the one hand, prevents an unjustified expansion of the range and standard sizes of products being developed, and on the other hand, it allows you to establish technical and economic characteristics that meet modern requirements, as well as take into account the prospects for the relevant types of products.

The requirements of scientific and technological progress and the development of competitive products are forcing manufacturers, including Russian ones, to create and produce ever more advanced products for the same purpose. It is possible to exclude an unreasonably large range of these products and to ensure the coordination of their parameters and sizes among themselves only on the basis of parameter standards.

essence parametric approach in standardizationlies in the fact that the parameters of mass-produced products are set according to certain rules based on a series of preferred numbers.

Note that almost all parameter matching systems are based on three basic rules:

proportionality -object parameters are proportional to one main parameter;

additivity — the parameters of the object fit into the series of numbers formed by successive addition;

multiplicativity— the parameters of the object fit into the series of numbers formed by multiplying by a constant factor.

Let us analyze in more detail the principle of preference, which contains the theoreticalthe basis of standardization is the system of preferred numbers.

According to the principle of preference, it is necessary to establishset of set valuesparameters that meet the following requirements:

present a rational system of gradations, taking into account the needs of production and operation;

have an infinite number of increasing (or decreasing) values;

include all decimal values ​​of any number and one;

be simple and easy to remember.

Rows of preferred numbers.The standardized indicators of the product range usually have a numerical expression and form a sequence of numbers in certain ranges. As a result of standardization, the entire set of indicators is presented in the form of mathematical series, which helps to reduce the range of products, save resources, etc.

The Russian Federation has a system of preferred numbers (the system is recommended by ISO), which establishes preferred numbers and series of preferred numbers (series TO).

Special studies have shown that the most optimal are the series built according to geometric progression. The advantage of a geometric progression is that in any interval the percentage increase in the magnitude of the number is constant; the disadvantage is that all its members are necessarily rounded.

Let there be a geometric series in which the coefficients a 1 , a 2 , ..., a i , a n members of the progression. In a series built on the basis of a geometric progression, its denominator is constant w , i.e. the ratio of the next term to the previous one:

w = a n +1 / a n

Each subsequent term of the series is the product of the previous term and the denominator of the seriesand any /term of a geometric progression:

a i = a 1 w i -1 .

For example, with values a 1 = 1, w = 2 we have a geometric series 1,2,4,8, 16,..., and for w \u003d 1.4 - row 1; 1.4; 2; 2,8,... .

Series built on the basis of a geometric progression have the following properties:

the product or quotient of each of any two of its members is a member of the series;

any member of a series raised to a positive integer power is also a member of that series.

It follows from these properties that dependencies determined from the products of the terms of a series or their degrees always obey the laws of this series. So, for example, when choosing the lengths of the sides of a rectangle from a series of preferred numbers, its area will be a member of this series.

Less convenient are sometimes used series constructed on the basis of arithmetic progression. In an arithmetic progression, the difference between its neighboring terms is constant and any term

a n \u003d a 1 + b (n - 1)

where a , - the first member of the profession; b - progression difference; n is the number of the member.

In particular, the sequence of numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ... represents the arithmetic profession, increasing with a difference of 1. The sequence of numbers 1; 0.75; 0.5; 0.25 ... is an arithmetic profession decreasing with a difference of 0.25.

Despite their simplicity, series of preferred numbers built on the basis of an arithmetic progression have a drawback - the unevenness of the series, which limits their use. So, in the above sequence with a difference of 1, the second member of the series exceeds the first by 100%, the tenth is greater than the ninth by 11%, and the hundredth is greater than the ninety-ninth by only 1%. As a result big numbers follow each other with very small intervals, which is not always economically justified and rational. To eliminate this shortcoming, stepped series are used, made up of segments of arithmetic series with different differences. According to this principle, a number of denominations of Russian coins were built - 1, 2, 5 rubles.

The International Organization for Standardization recommended that, for constructing series of preferred numbers based on a geometric progression, use such series in which there is a tenfold increase in each next n th member. The most convenient for practice were found to be series in which the first member a 1 = 1 and denominator.

The standard establishes four main series of preferred numbers, denoted R 5, R 10, R 20, R 40, and one additional R 80, w-values for which are respectively equal:

R5: ; R10: ; R20: ;

R40: ; R80: .

The series of preferred numbers given in the standard include their values ​​in the range from 0 to ∞, obtained for the values a 1 , lying in the interval 1< a ≤ 10. To go from the numbers of this interval to any other decimal interval, you must multiply the corresponding number by 10 to , where to is a positive or negative integer. For example, when to = 1 all numbers in the series will go to the interval 10< а ≤ 100, а при к = - 1 - in the interval 0.1< а ≤ 1 .

It is also allowed to use derived series, which are formed from the main ones by selecting every second, third, or, in general, every i -th member of the series. In particular, the series denoted as R 40/5, includes every fifth member of the series R 40. The construction of the preferred numbers of the Russian Federation is based on a series R 40 with parameters from 0 to 10. In radio engineering, in addition to rows R to express the numerical parameters of a number of electrical quantities, numbers are used that are built according to the series recommended by the IEC. For these rows (rows E) and p = 3, 6, 12, 24. An example of the use of rows E series of nominal values ​​​​of resistances of resistors and capacitances of capacitors can serve.

Parametric series.For a rational reduction in the range of products, it is necessary to develop standards for their parametric series. Standards of this type are aimed at reducing to a reasonable minimum specific types, types and models of products. As a rule, these standards are promising and their main requirements are aimed at introducing progressive, technically more advanced, economical and productive machines, devices and other products into production.

Parametric series are built according to the main parameters. Their choice should be guided by the following principles:

the nomenclature of the main parameters should be minimal so as not to limit the process of improving the designs and manufacturing technology of products;

the parameters included in the nomenclature of the main ones must be stable, i.e., remain unchanged with structural modifications and technical improvements;

the main parameters should not depend on frequently changing factors: manufacturing technology; materials used; calculation methods, etc.

When constructing and selecting parametric series for a specific parameter, there are two main methods of justification: technical and economic. When using the technical justification method, the task is to build a series for a parameter of products, which can be functionally dependent on another parameter, the parametric series for which is set. The same method should be used in cases where the parameter of the analyzed product is related by functional or operational purpose to the parameters of another product, the series for which is set.

Typification of standardization objects- activities to create standard (exemplary) objects - structures, products, technological rules, documentation forms. At the same time, the selected objects are subjected to some technical transformations aimed at improving their quality, reliability and versatility. So, in our country in the early 60s. XX in. more than 50 constructive varieties of domestic televisions were in operation. The developers were tasked with eliminating the unjustified variety of schemes. To do this, the entire set of TV designs was systematized, as a result of which three options were selected based on the diagonal screen size - TV sets with a screen of 35, 47 and 59 cm. In each option, the most successful schemes TVs, then improved to improve reliability and maintainability. As a result, typical (unified) designs were created - UNT-35, UNT-47, UNT-59.

Unification - activities to rationally reduce the number of types of parts, units of the same functional purpose is called the unification of products. To rationally reduce the range of manufactured products, they are unified and standards are developed for parametric series of products, which increases the serialization, contributes to the specialization of production and quality improvement. Essentially, unification consists in a rational reduction in the number of types, types and sizes of objects of the same functional purpose and is aimed at reducing the number of varieties by combining two or more varieties. Most often, the objects of unification are individual products, their components, parts, components, etc. Unification is carried out on the basis of an analysis of the design options for products, their applicability, by bringing together products that are similar in purpose, design and size, their constituent parts and parts to a single standard design. If necessary, technical improvements and improvements are made to the design of unified products and their elements.

Aggregation- a method of creating machines, equipment and devices from separate standard unified units (autonomous units), reusable in the creation of various products and installed in them in various quantities and various combinations based on geometric and functional interchangeability. As industry experience shows, the designs of most machines, equipment, instruments and other products can be divided into several autonomous units (assemblies). The dismemberment of machines is carried out on the basis of structural analysis their constituent parts, which makes it possible to single out autonomous functional units (aggregates) taking into account their use in a number of other machines. Then the units are unified, standardized, and they can be structurally unified (standard-sized) series. The units are manufactured independently of one another, and they are fully interchangeable in all performance indicators and connecting dimensions.

It is necessary that unified units have optimal design High Quality and consisted, as far as possible, of the smallest number part names. The assembly of these units should be simple and reliable (using detachable threaded, slotted and other connections). After assembling the machine, equipment or devices must have the required strength, reliability, durability, rigidity, vibration resistance and have optimal quality indicators determined by their operational purpose.

Simplification - a form of standardization, which consists in reducing the number of types or other varieties of products to a number sufficient to meet existing needs at a given time. When simplification, only those components and details that are considered necessary are left. Simplification objects do not introduce any technical improvements.

Specialization of production - organizational and technical measures aimed at creating technologies for the production of the same type of products on a large-scale scale with best quality and minimum cost. When considering the objects of standardization, there are subject, piece-wise and technological types of specialization. Depending on the area of ​​distribution, specialization is international, intersectoral and sectoral. In recent years, a special strategic direction in the development of technical systems has becomemodular formation technique(IFT), which is the highest form of standardization. The essence of the MFT is the acquisition of complex complexes with a wide variety of characteristics and standard sizes from the same primary (typical or standard) common element-modules.

Recommendations (R), including interstate (RMG),on technical regulation, standardization, metrology, conformity assessment, certification and accreditationare normative documents containing voluntary organizational and technical and (or) general technical provisions, procedures, methods for performing work, as well as recommended rules for their implementation.

Rules (PR) for standardization, metrology, certification and accreditation— regulatory documents that establish organizational, technical and (or) general technical provisions, procedures, methods of performing work in the relevant areas that are mandatory for use.

Methodical instructions(MI) and guidance documents(RD) are normative documents of methodological content,

are developed by organizations subordinate to the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology.

3. Regulations on standardization also contain classifications applied in the established order, all-Russian classifiers of technical, economic and social information.All-Russian classifier of technical, economic and social information- an official document, which is a systematized set of names and codes of classification groups and (or) objects of classification in the field of technical, economic and social information. On the basis of the classification system and classifiers, state information systems, information resources are created, and interdepartmental information is exchanged.

Classification — division of a given set into subsets in accordance with accepted classification methods. The purpose of classification is the arrangement of objects, phenomena or concepts into classes, subclasses and categories, depending on their common features, i.e., the creation of a system of subordinate objects. Most often, the classification is carried out according to the decimal system.

The classification establishes the principle of consistent specification of classification groups. All products manufactured in the country are divided into 100 classes in accordance with the branches of production and are specified according to the properties and purpose of the products. Each class is then divided into 10 subclasses, each subclass into 10 groups, each group into 10 subgroups, and each subgroup into 10 species. Each type can include up to 9999 specific product items. The listed product division steps are used to code the group product range. Created on its basis all-Russian classifier products. The Universal Decimal Classification (UDC) is accepted as international system rubrication indexes of technical and humanitarian literature. For example, UDC 62 - technique; UDC 621 - general engineering and electrical engineering; UDC 622 - mining; UDC 621.3:622 - electrical engineering in mining, etc.

The law does not specify technical conditions (TU).Specifications- a normative and technical document on standardization that establishes a set of requirements for specific types, brands, article numbers of products. The TU contains requirements for indicators

quality in accordance with the conditions and mode of operation of products, including requirements that provide for various conveniences for maintenance and repair of products, increasing their safety. TS is developed by the manufacturer when the national standard or the standard of the organization is inappropriate, or it is necessary to supplement or tighten the requirements established in GOSTs.

The status, form and content of TS is established by GOST R 2.114 and the rules for their approval and approval (PR 50.1.001-93). The requirements for their coordination and approval are not regulated by the GSS standards, but according to GOST R 1.0-92 TS, which are referenced in contracts, are used as regulatory documents.

The TU includes an introductory part and the following sections: main parameters and (or) dimensions; technical requirements; security requirements; completeness; acceptance rules; control methods (tests, analysis, measurements); rules for labeling, transportation and storage; operating instructions; manufacturer's warranty.

TS designations are assigned by the product developer and it contains: TS index; a four-digit product class code according to the OKP and a three-digit registration number separated by a dash; as a rule, the eight-digit code of the OKPO enterprise that is the holder of the original, and the last two digits of the year the document was approved (for example: TU 2145-170-34267369-99, where 2145 is the OKP product group, 150 is the three-digit registration number, 34267369 is the enterprise code according to OKPO, 99 - the year of approval).

Before approval, draft specifications are agreed with consumers or customers of products and other interested organizations. At the same time, it is checked whether they contradict the standards in force in the country and other specifications. The manufacturer (developer of technical specifications) approves the TS, as a rule, without limitation of validity period. The limitation of the period of validity of TS is established in agreement with the customer enterprise (consumer). After approval, technical specifications are subject to state accounting registration. Specifications are published in the monthly publications of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology.

4. Objects organization standardsthere may be product characteristics, as well as principles, norms and rules in the field of organization of various aspects of the organization's activities. These standards have been widely used in our country since the mid-80s.

of the last century to regulate activities in integrated product quality management systems.

6. National body of the Russian Federation for standardization, technical committees for standardization

This Federal Law establishes the followingbodies of the Russian Federation for standardization, technical committees for standardization.

1. The national standardization body of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the national standardization body):

The Government of the Russian Federation determines the body authorized to perform the functions of the national standardization body.

The national standardization body publishes the national standard in Russian in the printed edition and in the information system common use in electronic digital form.

2. Technical committees for standardization, which, on an equal basis and on a voluntary basis, may include representatives of federal executive bodies, scientific organizations, self-regulatory organizations, public associations of entrepreneurs and consumers.

The procedure for the creation and operation of technical committees for standardization is approved by the national standardization body. Meetings of technical committees for standardization are open.

The national standardization body of the Russian Federation performs scientific, technical, organizational and representative functions. As part of the scientific and technical function, the main task of the national standardization body is to ensure that the national standardization system meets the interests of the national economy, the state of the material and technical base and scientific and technological progress.

The organizational function of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology is implemented by the creation and coordination of the activities of technical committees for standardization and the consistent implementation of measures to create national standards and put them into practice:

adoption of a national standards development program;

organization of examination of national standards;

approval of national standards;

accounting of documents in the field of standardization and ensuring their availability;

approval of the image of the sign of compliance with national standards.

The representative function of the national standardization body is the development of international standards and the work of international organizations that carry out activities in the field of standardization.

In accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated June 2, 2003 No. 316 “On measures to implement the Federal Law “On Technical Regulation”, the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology is determined by the body authorized to perform the functions of the national standardization body” of the Russian Federation for standardization. In its activities, it is guided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, Federal Laws, Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, Decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation, as well as the “Regulations on the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology”.

This law does not regulate the ownership of any printed publication in which the publication of a national standard can be carried out. Together with the requirement to publish the standard in the public information system in electronic digital form, this creates the prerequisites for unhindered familiarization with the national standards of all interested parties.

The most important authorities on the way of passing the draft national standard, the stages of its development provided for by law, are the technical committees for standardization. They carry out an examination of draft national standards, which has a decisive influence on the decision of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology to approve or reject the draft standard. The procedure for the creation and operation of technical committees for standardization is approved by the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology. Meetings of technical committees for standardization are open.


Kolchkov, V.I. Metrology, standardization, certification: Textbook / V.I. Kolchkov. - M.: Forum, NIC INFRA-M, 2013. - 432 p.

Koshevaya, I.P. Metrology, standardization, certification: Textbook / I.P. Koshevaya, A.A. Kanke. - M.: ID FORUM, NITs INFRA-M, 2013. - 416 p.

Krylova, G.D. Fundamentals of standardization, certification, metrology: textbook / G.D. Krylov. - M.: UNITI-DANA, 2004. - 318 p.

Kurchaeva, E.E. Technology of storage, processing and standardization of livestock products: Textbook / V.I. Manzhesov, E.E. Kurchaeva, M.G. Sysoeva; Under total ed. IN AND. Manzhesov. - St. Petersburg: Trinity bridge, 2012. - 536 p.

Lifits, I.M. Standardization, metrology and conformity assessment: Textbook for bachelors / I.M. Lifits. - M.: Yurayt, ID Yurayt, 2013. - 411 p.

Loganina, V.I. Standardization and certification in construction: Tutorial/ IN AND. Loganina, O.V. Karpova, A.M. Stepanov. - M.: BASTET, 2013. - 256 p.

Lyubomudrov, S.A. Metrology, standardization and certification: regulation of accuracy: Textbook / S.A. Lyubomudrov, A.A. Smirnov, S.B. Tarasov. - M.: NITs INFRA-M, 2013. - 206 p.

Lyashko, A.A. Commodity research, examination and standardization: Textbook / A.A. Lyashko, A.P. Khodykin, N.I. Voloshko. - M.: Dashkov i K, 2013. - 660 p.

Margvelashvili, L.V. Metrology, standardization and certification in transport: Laboratory and practical work: Textbook for students. medium institutions. prof. education / L.V. Margvelashvili. - M.: ITs Academy, 2011. - 208 p.

Margvelashvili, L.V. Metrology, standardization and certification in transport: Laboratory and practical work: Textbook for students. medium institutions. prof. education / L.V. Margvelashvili. - M.: ITs Academy, 2013. - 208 p.

Nefedov, V.I. Metrology, standardization and certification: Textbook / A.S. Sigov, V.I. Nefedov, V.K. Bityukov, E.V. Samokhin; Ed. A.S. Sigov. - M.: Forum, 2012. - 336 p.

Nikolaev, M.A. Standardization, metrology and conformity assessment: Textbook / M.A. Nikolaev, L.V. Kartashov. - M.: ID FORUM, NITs INFRA-M, 2013. - 336 p.

Prorvich, V.A. Standardization of real estate appraisal / V.A. Prorvich. - M.: Economics, 2006. - 602 p.

Radkevich, Ya.M. Metrology, standardization and certification: Textbook for bachelors / Ya.M. Radkevich, A.G. Skhirtladze. - M.: Yurayt, 2013. - 813 p.

Romanychev, N.N. Social qualimetry, quality assessment and standardization of social services: Textbook for bachelors / N.N. Romanychev, N.N. Strelnikova, L.V. Topchy. - M.: Dashkov i K, 2013. - 184 p.

Sergeev, A.G. Metrology, standardization and certification: Textbook for bachelors / A.G. Sergeev, V.V. Tereger. - M.: Yurayt, ID Yurayt, 2013. - 838 p.

Suvorov, S.P. Fundamentals of intrafirm standardization of audit activity: textbook. allowance / S.P. Suvorova, N.V. Parushina, E.V. Galkina, A.M. Kovalev. - M.: ID FORUM, INFRA-M, 2011. - 336 p.

Skhirtladze, A.G. Metrology, standardization and certification: Textbook / A.G. Skhirtladze, Ya.M. Radkevich. - Art. Oskol: TNT, 2013. - 540 p.

Sytsko, V.E. Standardization and conformity assessment: Textbook / V.E. Sytsko, L.V. Tselikova, K.I. Lokteva. - Mn.: Higher school, 2012. - 237 p.

Tartakovsky, D.F. Metrology, standardization and technical means measurements / D.F. Tartakovsky, A.S. Hawks. - M.: graduate School, 2001. - 346 p.

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1. General information about the Federal Law "On technical regulation"

2. Concept and principles of technical regulation

3. Technical regulations: concept, types, procedure for development and adoption

4.State control for compliance with the requirements of technical regulations




technical regulation regulations

The Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On Technical Regulation”, which entered into force on July 1, 2003, defined a new system for establishing and applying requirements for products, production processes, works and services. The law is aimed at creating the foundations for a unified policy in the areas of technical regulation, standardization and certification that meets modern international requirements. As a result of the adoption of the law, new legal acts have appeared, primarily technical regulations, which significantly change the daily economic life of the Russian Federation. The main instruments of technical regulation will be technical regulations, which are mandatory rules introduced by federal laws, national standards - rules for voluntary use, conformity assessment procedures, accreditation, state control and supervision.

The Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On Technical Regulation" is aimed at creating a mechanism for ensuring the protection of life and health of citizens, environmental protection, defense and national security countries. The formation of a set of technical regulations in the country is primarily aimed at protecting national scientific and technical developments and using the results scientific and technical activities in the interests of the national economy, i.e. to ensure the technological security of the state.

Thus, one of the main components of quality is technical regulation.

1 . General information about the Federal Law "On technical regulation"

The main goal of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On Technical Regulation" is to create the basis for a unified policy in the field of standardization and certification. As a result of the adoption of the law, a constellation of new norms appeared in the domestic legal field, which significantly change the economic life of the country. This law can be called the "Constitution for Industry": it cancels the laws "On Standardization" and "On Certification of Products and Services" and a number of other regulations. The law requires amendments and additions to a significant number of documents of the current legislation, including up to 50 federal laws and more than 60 thousand normative and legal acts: orders, orders and resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation and ministries and departments. They are known as GOSTs, OSTs, SNIPs, SanPiNs, fire and veterinary safety standards, etc. All of them will remain in effect until they are replaced by the appropriate technical regulation. Moreover, such a change should take place smoothly.

An equally important goal of the adoption of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On Technical Regulation" is to bring Russian standardization and certification procedures in line with the requirements of the World Trade Organization (WTO) - World Trade Organization (WTO), and first of all, with the requirements of the WTO Agreement on technical barriers in trade. This law counteracts the transformation of national standards and various technical requirements for products and services into an instrument of protectionism in relation to any groups of commodity producers. Harmonization of the national system of standardization with the international one makes it easier for Russian high-tech products to enter the world markets, and makes it possible to organize cooperation in their production by subcontractors from developed countries.

An illustrative example of technical regulation is the decision of the International Civil Aviation Organization on the entry into force on April 1, 2002 of a convention tightening the requirements for the noise level of aircraft engines operating on the international lines of the European Union (European Union). The economic consequences for Russian airlines using domestic aircraft that do not meet these standards on international flights are obvious, and much has been said about this.

The concept of the law "On Technical Regulation" provides that all mandatory requirements for products and services are established only by technical regulations, which are determined by Federal laws and decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation. Technical regulations should contain minimum requirements to ensure the safety of products (services) and the scope of mandatory requirements is reduced to a minimum. Moreover, after the entry into force of technical regulations, the mandatory requirements of the standards cease to be mandatory and state control (supervision) begins to be carried out over compliance with the requirements of technical regulations.

By the way, world practice defines technical regulations, international, national and regional standards, conformity assessment procedures, accreditation of certification bodies and testing laboratories (centers), control and supervision as the main regulatory elements of technical regulation.

Nevertheless, the Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On Technical Regulation" is ideological and framework. It contains a number of ambiguous premises that, under certain conditions, can worsen the current situation in this area. So, some sections of the existing GOSTs on standardization contradict the provisions of the law; there is no clear definition on the participation of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology in the systems of domestic and international certification. However, the law provides for a transitional period of seven years, during which new and old elements of technical regulation (i.e., relevant regulations - documents containing mandatory legal norms and adopted by the relevant executive authority) and standards will coexist.

The full force of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On Technical Regulation" will begin to work after the introduction of technical regulations and then the Russian Federation will come to the formation of the Unified Code of Laws on Technical Regulation.

2 . Concept and principles of technical regulation

Technical regulation is a kind state regulation, which involves the use of legal instruments for the implementation of the goals of the socio-economic policy of the state. Within the framework of state regulation, individuals or organizations are forced to comply with certain mandatory requirements under the threat of official sanctions from specialized state structures and bodies.

In the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), government regulation refers to a diverse set of tools through which the government sets requirements for businesses and citizens. Such regulation includes laws, formal and informal regulations and ancillary rules established by the state, as well as non-governmental organizations or self-regulatory organizations to which the state has delegated regulatory powers.

Article 2 of the Federal Law "On Technical Regulation" dated December 27, 2002 No. 184-FZ (hereinafter referred to as the Federal Law) gives the following definition: technical regulation is the legal regulation of relations in the field of establishing, applying and fulfilling mandatory requirements for products, production processes, operation, storage, transportation, sale and disposal, as well as in the field of establishing and applying on a voluntary basis requirements for products, production processes, operation, storage, transportation, sale and disposal, performance of work or provision of services and legal regulation of relations in the field of conformity assessment . Sufficiently simplified, this term can be explained as follows: technical regulation is the mandatory conditions of a non-financial nature for entrepreneurial activity, which are established by the state. It is obvious that the characteristics of products, the processes of production, operation, storage, transportation, sale and disposal should have General requirements. The same applies to the performance of all kinds of works and services.

The concept of "technical regulation" also includes conformity assessment of products, processes, works and services. established standards and monitoring their implementation. In addition to mandatory postulates, this term includes the functions of compliance with voluntary rules in the field of activity in which the entrepreneur is engaged.

Principles of technical regulation

The law "On Technical Regulation" is working out a new format of state regulation of the economy as a whole. The basic principle of technical regulation is the legislative level of all restrictions that exist in relation to entrepreneurial activity. Therefore, the declaration of the principles of technical regulation in the law entails the need for their implementation in the organization of technical regulation, the development of regulatory documentation and the practical activities of entrepreneurs in this area.

1. The principle of "application of uniform rules for establishing requirements" means that the requirements are formulated uniformly, regardless of the type of product or process, the form of ownership of the legal status of the developer of the technical regulation or standard, the entrepreneur producing the product or providing the service.

2. The principle of "correspondence of technical regulation to the level of development of the national economy, the development of the material and technical base, as well as the level of scientific and technological development" shows that the requirements laid down in technical regulations and national standards must be feasible, taking into account the achieved level of development of the domestic industry, availability of materials and equipment with the necessary properties, technological processes the necessary information.

3. The principle "independence of accreditation bodies, certification bodies from manufacturers, sellers, performers and purchasers" declares that accreditation and certification bodies should not be associated with either manufacturers (sellers, performers) or purchasers by any contractual obligations with the exception of those provided by the current rules.

The personnel of these bodies must be protected from attempts of unlawful pressure or other influences that could influence the decisions taken. The leaders of these organizations should develop measures aimed at ensuring that employees do not enter into illegal transactions with persons interested in financial results accreditation and certification.

4. The principle of "a single system and rules for accreditation" means that the accreditation of certification bodies, testing laboratories and centers should be carried out in a single system, and the terminology, rules and procedures for accreditation used in this system should be based on uniform principles, taking into account international experience reflected in international and European standards in the field of accreditation.

5. The principle of "unity of rules and methods of research (tests) and measurements during the mandatory conformity assessment procedures" establishes the unity of the rules related to the organization of tests and measurements, applicable documentation, general, i.e. independent of the physical or chemical nature controlled parameters, criteria for the compliance of the assessed objects with the established requirements.

6. The principle of "unity of application of the requirements of technical regulations, regardless of the types and features of transactions" declares the obligatory nature of the requirements of technical regulations, regardless of the contractual obligations on which products are supplied, services are provided or work is performed.

7. The principle of the inadmissibility of restricting competition in the implementation of accreditation and certification prohibits the possibility of creating advantages for individual applicants, artificially slowing down the resolution of issues or unreasonably accelerating them.

8. The principle of inadmissibility of combining the powers of the state control (supervision) body and the certification body delimits the scope of their activities.

These bodies are responsible for overseeing certified products and other certified objects, however, the level of this control is different: the certification body controls the implementation of its decisions, and the state supervision body controls the activities of the certification body, checks how accurately its decisions are implemented.

9. The principle of inadmissibility of combining the powers of accreditation and certification by one body introduces a ban on the possibility of the same organization to be both an executor and a controller of its activities.

10. The principle of the inadmissibility of extrabudgetary financing of state control (supervision) over compliance with the requirements of technical regulations denies the possibility of private capital influencing activities that are legally the activities of a state body.

3 . Technical regulations: concept, types, procedure for development and adoption

According to Article 2 of the Federal Law “On Technical Regulation”, a technical regulation is a document that is adopted by an international treaty of the Russian Federation, ratified in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation, or by a federal law, or by a decree of the President of the Russian Federation, or by a decree of the Government of the Russian Federation and establishes mandatory and fulfillment of the requirements for objects of technical regulation (products, including buildings, structures and structures, production processes, operation, storage, transportation, sale and disposal).

The adoption of technical regulations is aimed at protecting citizens and their property, wildlife, as well as preventing incorrect actions that can lead to undesirable consequences for product users.

According to paragraph 2 of Article 6, technical regulations include only those requirements that ensure the solution of the issues formulated in the previous paragraph. The adoption of technical regulations for any other purposes is simply not allowed. Compliance with other technical standards, not directly related to the issues mentioned in the article of the law, becomes an optional matter.

Technical regulations should establish a minimum necessary requirements providing security on a number of specific issues. In a narrow sense, security is the absence of unacceptable risk associated with the possibility of damage, in a broad sense, the state of protection of the vital interests of the individual, society and the state from internal and external threats or dangers.

The requirements of technical regulations should not be overstated in relation to those that properly ensure the protection of the life and health of citizens, property, the environment, the life and health of animals and plants, as this may lead to the complication and rise in the cost of products and services and, as a result, become an obstacle to doing business. For example, at the stage of development and approval of draft technical regulations, decisions may well arise that will put domestic producers in less profitable terms than foreign ones. Therefore, when agreeing on safety indicators and conducting peer review it is important to strictly observe the principles of competition law. Our laws should protect, not ruin domestic entrepreneurs.

The technical regulation must list all the objects to which it applies. Such objects include: products; production processes; operation processes; storage processes; transportation processes; implementation processes; recycling processes.

The technical regulation should contain the rules for identifying objects, i.e., the rules for recognizing the identity of a real object to those of its characteristics that are contained in the technical regulation, and the signs of its identification. In addition, the technical regulation may contain the following data:

Rules and forms of conformity assessment;

Conformity confirmation schemes;

Deadlines for conformity assessment in respect of each object of technical regulation;

Terminology, which defines the terms specific to this technical regulation;

Requirements for packaging, design, method of execution, marking or labels and rules for their application.

The technical regulation should contain requirements only for the characteristics of objects, but not for the design, technology and methods of their development, with the help of which these characteristics are provided. This is the task of developers, designers, technologists. The exception is cases where, without compliance with certain rules development of the object, it is obviously impossible to ensure the protection of the life and health of citizens, property, the protection of the environment and plants, the life and health of animals.

The technical regulation may contain special requirements for products, processes of production, operation, storage, transportation, sale and disposal, terminology, packaging, marking or labels and rules for their application (objects), which are applied depending on the geographic and climatic zones these objects are produced. This is due to the fact that products manufactured in such areas may have an increased risk precisely because of their geographical and climatic features. Such requirements may include, in particular, veterinary-sanitary and phytosanitary measures.

As a minimum, the law provides for a 6-month period from the date of official publication of the technical regulation until its entry into force. This is done so that product manufacturers and regulatory authorities can prepare for the implementation of the technical regulations adopted by the Federal Law or the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation. Since this period may turn out to be too short for the implementation of all measures of an organizational, technical, economic nature, preparation for the moment a technical regulation enters into force should begin in the process of its development.

The law establishes two types of technical regulations: general and special. The requirements of the general regulations are mandatory for application and compliance with any type of product, production process, operation, storage, transportation, sale and disposal. Special regulations establish requirements for types of products, the safety of which is not ensured by the requirements of general technical regulations. Special regulations should not contradict the general regulations and are direct action normative acts. General regulations, formalized as federal laws, should contain the basic rules that apply to a very wide range of objects. Special regulations establish requirements for technological and other features certain types products, production processes, operation, storage, transportation, sale and disposal.

According to the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology, the number of special technical regulations will be about 1,500, which roughly corresponds to the number of types of entrepreneurial activity.

The procedure for the development and adoption of technical regulations

The technical regulation may be adopted by the Federal Law, the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, the international treaties of the Russian Federation, ratified in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation, the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation.

Any person has the right to develop a draft technical regulation, regardless of the type of product or process, form of ownership and legal status of the developer. This is undoubtedly democratic and will allow fuller use of the intellectual potential without restrictions.

The Federal Law "On Technical Regulation" as one of the main principles laid down the publicity of the preparation and passage of draft technical regulations. This is a fundamental innovation. It is important that at each stage of the development of a new regulatory framework, society as a whole and structures state power were informed in detail about how the process is going, what are the contradictions, who is the author of certain proposals.

To rule out the possibility of State Duma technical regulations for the purposes of incorrect competition, the Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On Technical Regulation" provides for a special procedure for the preparation and consideration of draft technical regulations. This procedure includes a number of mandatory steps, without which the project cannot be submitted to the State Duma. This is, in particular, the publication, notification of its development in the printed edition of the federal executive body for technical regulation and in the public information system in electronic digital form (Internet). The notification must contain information about the products for which the regulation is being developed. It is also required to include a justification for the need for development, an indication of the differences between the developed regulation from international standards or from the requirements in force on the territory of the Russian Federation. Information is also required on how to get acquainted with the draft regulation and, in addition, the details of the developer. The duty of the latter is to ensure that the draft regulation is available for review from the moment the notification is published. Moreover, he will have to finalize the draft technical regulation, taking into account the comments received, to conduct a public discussion of the draft for at least two months.

In essence, the discussion of the draft technical regulation begins from the moment of publication of the notice on the development of the technical regulation. This law obliges the developer to provide a copy of the technical regulation to any interested person. Interested parties send their comments and suggestions to the developer. The developer considers these comments and suggestions, decides on their acceptance, partial acceptance or rejection. This stage of development of the technical regulation ends with a public discussion of the revision of the technical regulation, which takes into account the accepted comments and suggestions. This law establishes the duration of this stage - less than two months.

The stage of discussing the draft technical regulation ends with the publication by the federal executive body for technical regulation of a notice containing information on how to get acquainted with the draft technical regulation and the list of comments received in writing from interested parties, as well as information about the developer of the technical regulation.

The ninth article of the law establishes a 10-day period for notification by the federal executive body for technical regulation in its printed publication about the development of a draft technical regulation and about the completion of the public discussion of this draft from the moment of payment for the publication of notifications. In this way, it is ensured that interested parties are informed about the developed technical regulation from the moment it is developed and during its development. This enables the executors of the technical regulation to express their opinion on the merits of the developed technical regulation and to begin preparations for its application and execution in advance.

In accordance with the law, the time from the moment of publication of a notice on the development of a draft technical regulation to the moment of publication of a notice of completion of public discussion must be at least two months.

With the submission by the subject of law of the legislative initiative of the draft Federal Law on Technical Regulations to the State Duma, the stage of adoption of the technical regulation begins. Registration of the draft Federal Law on Technical Regulations is carried out in the presence of the following basic documents:

Justification for the need for acceptance;

Financial and economic justification;

List of comments received in writing from all interested parties.

The submitted draft of the Federal Law on Technical Regulations with the attachment of documents is sent by the State Duma to the Government of the Russian Federation.

Within a month, the Government of the Russian Federation sends a response to the draft Federal Law on Technical Regulations to the State Duma, prepared taking into account the conclusion of the expert commission on technical regulation.

The period of time for the State Duma to prepare for the adoption of a law on technical regulations in the first reading after receiving a response from the Government of the Russian Federation is not established by this law. The draft Federal Law on Technical Regulations adopted in the first reading must be published in the printed edition of the federal executive body for technical regulation and in the public information system in electronic digital form.

Amendments to the draft law on technical regulations adopted in the first reading after the deadline for their submission must be published no later than one month before the State Duma considers the draft technical regulation in the second reading. The draft law on technical regulations prepared for the second reading shall be submitted by the State Duma to the Government of the Russian Federation not later than one month before the consideration of the draft by the State Duma in the second reading. Within a month, the Government of the Russian Federation sends a response to the draft Federal Law on Technical Regulations to the State Duma, prepared taking into account the conclusion of the expert commission on technical regulation.

The introduction of amendments and additions to the technical regulation or its cancellation is considered as the development of a new technical regulation. Amendments can be made by the adoption of a federal law, a decree of the President of the Russian Federation, an international treaty, or a government decree.

In exceptional cases, when special circumstances arise (threat to the life or health of citizens, environment etc.) The President of the Russian Federation has the right to issue technical regulations without public discussion.

When a technical regulation is adopted by an international treaty, the procedure for its development prescribed by paragraph 6 of Art. 9 of the Federal Law "On technical regulation".

If it is necessary to shorten the term for the entry into force of a technical regulation, it can be introduced by a decree of the Government of the Russian Federation. At the same time, the draft law is sent for examination to the relevant expert commission on technical regulation. When adopting a decision to issue a technical regulation, the opinion of the expert commission is taken into account.

4 . State control over compliance with the requirements of technical regulations

Bodies of state control (supervision) over compliance with the requirements of technical regulations:

1. State control (supervision) over compliance with the requirements of technical regulations is carried out by federal executive authorities, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, state institutions subordinate to them authorized to conduct state control (supervision) in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as state control bodies (supervision)).

2. State control (supervision) over compliance with the requirements of technical regulations is carried out officials bodies of state control (supervision) in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Objects of state control (supervision) over compliance with the requirements of technical regulations:

1. State control (supervision) over compliance with the requirements of technical regulations shall be carried out in relation to products or the processes of design (including surveys), production, construction, installation, adjustment, operation, storage, transportation, sale and disposal related to the requirements, solely in terms of compliance with requirements of the relevant technical regulations.

2. In relation to products, state control (supervision) over compliance with the requirements of technical regulations is carried out exclusively at the stage of product circulation.

3. When implementing measures for state control (supervision) of compliance with the requirements of technical regulations, the rules and methods of research (testing) and measurements established for the relevant technical regulations are used.

Powers of state control (supervision) bodies:

1. Based on the provisions of the Federal Law and the requirements of technical regulations, state control (supervision) bodies shall have the right to:

Require the manufacturer (seller, person performing the functions of a foreign manufacturer) to present a declaration of conformity or a certificate of conformity confirming the conformity of products with the requirements of technical regulations, or copies thereof, if the use of such documents is provided for by the relevant technical regulation;

Carry out measures for state control (supervision) over compliance with the requirements of technical regulations in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

Issue instructions to eliminate violations of the requirements of technical regulations within the period established taking into account the nature of the violation; paragraph is invalid.

Send information about the need to suspend or terminate the certificate of conformity to the certification body that issued it; issue an order to suspend or terminate the validity of the declaration of conformity to the person who accepted the declaration, and inform the federal executive body that organizes the formation and maintenance of a single register of declarations of conformity about this; bring the manufacturer (executor, seller, person performing the functions of a foreign manufacturer) to liability under the legislation of the Russian Federation; take other measures provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation in order to prevent harm.

2. Bodies of state control (supervision) are obliged:

Carry out explanatory work on the application of the legislation of the Russian Federation on technical regulation in the course of measures for state control (supervision) of compliance with the requirements of technical regulations, inform about existing technical regulations;

Follow trade secret and other secrets protected by law;

Comply with the procedure for the implementation of measures for state control (supervision) of compliance with the requirements of technical regulations and registration of the results of such measures, established by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

Based on the results of measures for state control (supervision) of compliance with the requirements of technical regulations, take measures to eliminate the consequences of violations of the requirements of technical regulations;

Send information about non-compliance of products with the requirements of technical regulations in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 7 of this Federal Law;

Exercise other powers provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.


So, this Federal Law "On Technical Regulation" is aimed at creating the foundations for a unified policy in the areas of technical regulation that meets modern international requirements. Now, technical regulation and technical regulations, as well as confirmation of conformity of products and services, have become the basis for solving many issues of standardization, certification, and licensing. The introduction of technical regulations into the rank of state regulation in order to fulfill mandatory norms instead of the usual standards makes it possible to equalize the state of domestic standardization with international one. This is due to the advisory nature of the use of any standards in the application of technical regulations, which can use their individual norms and provisions. Thus, the standards remain normative base, and will be developed, but no one will be able to use them as the main regulator of the relationship between producer and consumer.

Technical regulation refers to the legal regulation of relations in the field of establishing, applying and fulfilling mandatory requirements for products, production processes, operation, storage, transportation, sale and disposal. In technical regulation, on a voluntary basis, requirements are established and applied to products, to the above-mentioned processes, to the performance of work or the provision of services, as well as legal regulation of relations in the field of assessing their conformity. A technical regulation is a document that establishes mandatory requirements for the application and implementation of requirements for objects of technical regulation.


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3. Aronov I., Versan V., Terkel A. Main issues of setting safety requirements in technical regulations//Standards and quality, 2003

4. Gruzdov V. Technical regulation as a mechanism for ensuring the technological security of the Russian Federation//Standards and quality, 2003

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6. Metrology, standardization and certification: Textbook/Yu.I.Borisov, A.S. Sigov, V.I. Nefedov and others; Ed. Professor A.S. Sigov. - M.: FORUM: INFRA-M, 2005.

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