The Federal Law on Technical Regulation establishes. §5. Requirements for goods

  • Chapter 5. Standardization in foreign countries
  • 5.3. French Association for Standardization
  • 5.5. Japan Industrial Standards Committee
  • Section II. Standardization in various fields Chapter 6. Standardization of quality management systems
  • 6.1. International Standards for Product Quality Assurance Systems
  • 6.2. Improving the standardization of quality assurance systems
  • Chapter 7. Standardization of services
  • In the field of standardization of services in the Russian Federation
  • Operating in the service sector
  • Hotel services pictograms
  • Chapter 8. Standardization and ecology
  • Environmental protection of foreign countries
  • Chapter 9. Standardization and coding of product information
  • For bar coding of goods
  • Chapter 10
  • 10.1. Standardization and marketing research
  • 10.2. Standardization and consumer priority
  • Section III. International and regional standardization Chapter 11. Standardization of quality management systems
  • 11.1. International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
  • 11.2. International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC)
  • 11.3. International organizations involved in international standardization
  • Chapter 12 Regional Standards Organizations
  • 12.1. Pan European Standards Organizations European Committee for Standardization (Sep)
  • European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization (SENELEC)
  • EU standardization activities
  • 12.2. Inter-Scandinavian Organization for Standardization (Insta)
  • 12.3. International Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)
  • 12.4. Pan American Standards Committee (copant)
  • 12.5. Standardization in the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS)
  • Chapter 13
  • 13.1. Setting priorities for international standardization
  • 13.2. Harmonization of standards
  • 13.3. Application of international standards in the Russian Federation
  • Questions for discussion to the part "Fundamentals of standardization"
  • Part II. Fundamentals of Certification
  • Test laboratories
  • Ways to communicate compliance
  • Electrical appliances safety requirements:
  • 14.2. The essence of mandatory and voluntary certification
  • 14.3. Forms of participation in certification systems and recognition agreements
  • 14.4. Certification and technical barriers to trade
  • Chapter 15
  • 15.1. Consumer Rights Protection Law and Certification
  • 15.2. Law "On Certification of Products and Services"
  • Chapter 16. Organizational and methodological principles of certification in the Russian Federation
  • 16.1. Principles, rules and procedures for product certification Principles for product certification
  • Certification Rules
  • Procedure for product certification
  • 16.2. Certification Schemes
  • 16.3. Certification body and testing laboratories
  • 16.4. Accreditation of certification bodies and testing laboratories
  • 16.5. Marks of conformity
  • Mandatory certification gost r
  • Department of Air Transport of the Ministry of Transport of Russia
  • Mandatory certification
  • Section V. Practice of certification at the national level Chapter 17. Russian certification systems
  • 17.1. Mandatory certification systems
  • 17.2. Voluntary certification systems
  • Voluntary certification SOVASK
  • 17.3. Perspective tasks of certification Transition to conformity assessment
  • Established by European directives: a - for gas fueled equipment; b - for toys
  • Certification of exported goods
  • Development of comparative trials
  • Chapter 18. Certification of imported products in Russia
  • 18.1. Fundamental rules
  • 18.2. Recognition of foreign certificates
  • 18.3. Certification of products imported from Southeast Asia
  • 18.4. The procedure for importing goods subject to mandatory certification
  • Chapter 19. Certification in foreign countries
  • 19.1. Certification in Germany
  • 19.2. Certification in France
  • 19.3. Certification in Japan
  • 19.4. US certification
  • Section VI. Certification at the international and regional levels Chapter 20. International certification
  • 20.1. ISO activities in the field of certification
  • 20.2. International System for Certification of Electrical Products IEC (MECSE)
  • 20.3. IEC International System for Certification of Electronic Products
  • 20.4. Certification in UNECE activities
  • (Homologation) motor vehicles and trailers
  • 20.5. International certification system for sporting and hunting weapons
  • 20.6. International Conference on Accreditation of Testing Laboratories and International Accreditation Systems
  • Chapter 21. Regional Certification
  • 21.1. EU certification
  • 21.2. CIS certification
  • CIS countries certification systems
  • Section VII. Current areas of certification Chapter 22. Certification of quality assurance systems
  • 22.1. Practice of certification in the Russian Federation
  • Manufacturing Certifications
  • 22.2. Certification Practice Abroad
  • Chapter 23
  • Chapter 24. Service Certification
  • Chapter 25
  • Questions for discussion to the part "Fundamentals of certification"
  • Part III. Fundamentals of metrology
  • Section VIII. General information about metrology Chapter 26. Essence and content of metrology
  • 26.1. Metrology - the science of measurements
  • 26.2. Measurement types
  • 26.3. Physical quantities as an object of measurement
  • 26.4. International system of units of physical quantities
  • Chapter 27
  • 27.1. Types of measuring instruments
  • 27.2. Standards, their classification
  • 27.3. Prospects for the development of standards
  • Section IX. Metrology in Russia Chapter 28. Legal basis of metrological activity
  • 28.1. Law "On Ensuring the Uniformity of Measurements"
  • 28.2. Responsibility for violation of legislation on metrology
  • Chapter 29
  • 29.1. Organizational bases of the State metrological service
  • 29.2. State metrological control over measuring instruments
  • 29.3. State metrological supervision
  • Chapter 30. Calibration and verification of measuring instruments
  • 30.1. Russian calibration system
  • 30.2. Verification (calibration) methods and verification schemes
  • Verification charts
  • 30.3. Reference materials for the composition and properties of substances and materials
  • Standard reference data
  • 30.4. Certification of measuring instruments
  • Section x. Metrology in foreign countries and international metrological organizations Chapter 31. Metrology in foreign countries
  • 31.1. Metrology in Western Europe
  • 31.2. Metrology in Eastern Europe and the CIS
  • Chapter 32
  • 32.1. International Organization of Weights and Measures
  • 32.2. International Organization of Legal Metrology
  • 32.3. Main international normative documents on metrology
  • Chapter 33
  • 33.1. Metrological Organization for Central and Eastern Europe (COOMET)
  • 33.2. Metrological organizations of Western European countries
  • 33.3. Cooperation on metrology in the CIS
  • Questions for discussion to the part "Fundamentals of metrology"
  • Situational tasks*
  • 1. Will standardization help?
  • 2. How to earn consumer trust?
  • 3. The enterprise is preparing for certification
  • 4. The joint-stock company received a certificate of conformity
  • 5. How to deal with fakes in the Russian market?
  • 6. On the way to tqm
  • 7. Marketing research in the certification of services
  • 8. Standardization, certification and metrological support in banking
  • Questions for test control
  • Bibliographic list Main laws and regulations (n.d.)
  • Recommended reading
  • Basic terms and concepts
  • Answers to tests for self-control
  • Russian systems of voluntary certification*
  • Marks of conformity of voluntary certification systems
  • Russian systems of mandatory certification*
  • The range of products and services subject to mandatory certification in the Russian Federation*
  • 1. Goods of the machine-building complex
  • 2. Goods of the electrical, electronic and instrument-making industry
  • 3. Medical technology
  • 4. Goods for agricultural production and food industry
  • 5. Light industry goods
  • Rules for filling out the form of a certificate of conformity for products
  • Regulatory framework for certification of quality systems
  • Classification of tests and products for accreditation systems published in the ilak handbook
  • ISO/IEC guidelines providing harmonized international criteria for assessing the competence of testing laboratories
  • International normative documents on metrology published by mbzm*
  • International recommendations covered by the OIM certificate system
  • Krylova Galina Dmitrievna
  • 1.2. Normative documents on standardization and types of standards

    In the process of standardization, norms, rules, requirements, characteristics relating to the object of standardization are developed, which are drawn up in the form of a regulatory document.

    Consider varieties normative documents, which are recommended by ISO / IEC Guide 2, as well as those adopted in the state standardization system of the Russian Federation. ISO/IEC guidance recommends: standards, documents specifications, codes of practice, regulations (technical regulations), provisions.

    Standard is a normative document developed by consensus, approved by a recognized body, aimed at achieving an optimal degree of streamlining in a certain area *. The standard establishes for general and repeated use the general principles, rules, characteristics regarding various kinds activities or their results. The standard should be based on the generalized results of scientific research, technical achievements and practical experience, then its use will bring optimal benefit to society.

    * Term definition given in Guide2 ISO/IES,1991 (Guide 2 ISO/IEC, 1991).

    preliminary standard- This is a temporary document that is adopted by the standardization body and brought to a wide range of potential consumers, as well as those who can apply it. The information obtained in the process of using the preliminary standard, and feedback on this document, serve as the basis for deciding on the appropriateness of adopting the standard.

    Standards are international, regional, national, administrative-territorial. They are accepted respectively by international, regional, national, territorial standardization bodies. All these categories of standards are intended for a wide range of consumers. Under existing standardization norms, standards are periodically reviewed for amendments so that their requirements correspond to the level of scientific and technological progress, or, according to ISO / IEC terminology, standards should be “recognized technical rules”. A normative document, including a standard, is considered a recognized technical rule if it is developed in cooperation with interested parties through consultation and consensus.

    The above categories of standards are called public standards. Other categories of standards, such as company or industry standards, while not being such, can, however, be used in several countries according to the legal norms existing there.

    In the textbook, the standard is considered as one of the varieties of regulatory documents. However, in practice, the term "standard" can also be used in relation to a standard, sample or description of a product, process (service). In essence, this is not a fundamental mistake, although it is more correct to attribute the standard to the field of metrology, and use the term "standard" in relation to a regulatory document.

    specification document(technical specification)* sets technical requirements to a product, service or process. Typically, the specification document should specify the methods or procedures to be used to verify compliance with the requirements of this normative document in situations where this is necessary.

    * In the Russian version, technical specification can correspond, in addition to the above, to one of the types of domestic standards - “technical specifications standard” or “technical requirements standard”, and can also mean part of the standard, namely the “technical requirements” section.

    Set of rules, like the previous normative document, can be an independent standard or an independent document, as well as part of the standard. A set of rules is usually developed for design processes, installation of equipment and structures, maintenance or operation of objects, structures, products. The technical rules contained in the document are advisory in nature.

    All of the above normative documents are advisory. In contrast, regulations are mandatory. Regulations is a document that contains binding legal norms. The regulation is adopted by the authority, and not by the standardization body, as in the case of other regulatory documents. The variety of regulations technical regulation- contains technical requirements for the object of standardization. They can be presented directly in this document itself or by reference to another normative document (standard, specification document, set of rules). In some cases, a normative document is fully included in the technical regulation. Technical regulations are usually supplemented by methodological documents, as a rule, instructions on the methods of control or verification of the compliance of a product (service, process) with the requirements of the regulation.

    Guide 2 ISO/IEC, summarizing the international experience of standardization, presents the following possible types of standards.

    Fundamental Standard- a normative document that contains general or guiding provisions for a specific area. It is usually used either as a standard or as a guidance document from which other standards can be developed.

    terminological standard, in which terms are the object of standardization. Such a standard contains a definition (interpretation) of the term, examples of its application, etc.

    Test Method Standard establishes methods, rules, procedures for various tests and related activities (for example, sampling or sampling).

    Product Standard, containing requirements for products that ensure the conformity of products for their intended purpose, may be complete or incomplete. A complete standard establishes not only the above requirements, but also the rules for sampling, testing, packaging, labeling, storage, etc. An incomplete standard contains part of the requirements for products (only to quality parameters, only to delivery rules, etc.) .

    Process standard, service standard,- these are regulatory documents in which the object of standardization is, respectively, the process (for example, production technology), service (for example, car service, transport, banking, etc.)

    Compatibility standard establishes requirements regarding the compatibility of the product as a whole, as well as its individual parts (parts, assemblies). Such a standard can be developed for a system as a whole, such as an air cleaning system, an alarm system, etc.

    Regulations may be methodical or descriptive.

    Methodological provisions- this is a technique, a method for implementing a process, a particular operation, etc., with the help of which it is possible to achieve compliance with the requirements of a regulatory document. You can call a normative document containing such a provision a "methodological standard".

    Descriptive clause usually contains a description of the design, design details, the composition of the starting materials, the dimensions of the parts and parts of the product (design). In addition, the normative document may contain operational position, which describes the "behavior" of the standardization object during its use (application, operation).

    Standard with open values. In some situations, this or that norm (or the quantitative value of this or that requirement) is determined by manufacturers (suppliers), in others - by consumers. Therefore, the standard may contain a list of characteristics that are specified in the contractual relationship.

    The Russian standardization system, of course, is based on international experience, is close to international rules, norms and practice of standardization, but it also has rich domestic experience and its own characteristics, which, however, do not contradict the above. Therefore, it is advisable to consider the varieties of regulatory documents in force in the Russian Federation.

    Normative documents on standardization in the Russian Federation established by the Law of the Russian Federation "On Standardization". These include:

      State standards Russian Federation(GOST R);

      applied in accordance with legal regulations international, regional standards, as well as rules, norms and recommendations for standardization;

      all-Russian classifiers of technical and economic information;

      industry standards;

      enterprise standards;

      standards of scientific, technical, engineering societies and other public associations.

    Until now, the standards of the USSR are also in force, if they do not contradict the legislation of the Russian Federation.

    In addition to standards, normative documents are also PR - rules for standardization, R - recommendations for standardization and TU - technical specifications. A special requirement is placed on regulatory documents for products that, according to Russian legislation, are subject to mandatory certification. They should indicate the requirements for the product (service) that are confirmed through certification, as well as the methods of control (tests) that should be used to establish compliance, the rules for labeling such products and the types of accompanying documentation.

    Consider the content of Russian regulatory documents.

    State standards develop for products, works and services, the needs for which are intersectoral in nature. The standards of this category are accepted by the State Standard of Russia, and if they relate to the field of construction, architecture, industry building materials- Gosstroy of Russia.

    The state standards contain both mandatory requirements for the object of standardization and recommendations.

    Mandatory include: security product, service, process for human health, environment, property, as well as industrial safety and sanitary norms; technical and information compatibility and interchangeability products; unity of control methods and unity of labeling. Safety requirements are of particular relevance, since product safety is the main aspect of conformity certification. Mandatory requirements must be observed by state authorities and all subjects economic activity regardless of the form of ownership.

    The safety requirements in the standards include: electrical safety, fire safety, explosion safety, radiation safety, maximum allowable concentrations of chemicals and pollutants; safety in the maintenance of machinery and equipment; requirements for protective equipment and measures to ensure safety (guards, machine stops, blocking devices, alarm etc.).

    In the standards for certain types of products, such characteristics as the hazard class can be given; permissible levels of dangerous and harmful production factors arising from the operation of equipment; the effect of a substance on a person, etc.

    The standards indicate all types and norms of permissible danger of a particular product or group of homogeneous products. They are designed with the expectation of the safety of the object of standardization during the entire period of its use (service life).

    The customer and the contractor are obliged to include in the contract conditions on the compliance of the subject of the contract with the mandatory requirements of state standards.

    Other requirements of state standards may be recognized as mandatory in contractual situations or if there is a corresponding indication in the technical documentation of the manufacturer (supplier) of products, as well as the service provider. These requirements include the main consumer (operational) characteristics of products and methods for their control; requirements for packaging, transportation, storage and disposal of the product; rules and regulations regarding production development and operation; design rules technical documentation, metrological rules and norms, etc.

    Compliance with mandatory requirements is confirmed by tests according to the rules and procedures of mandatory certification. Compliance of a product (service) with other requirements can be confirmed in accordance with the legal provisions on voluntary certification.

    In some cases, if it is appropriate and necessary to ensure a higher level of competitiveness of domestic products, the standards may establish prospective (preliminary) requirements which are ahead of the capabilities of traditional technologies. This, on the one hand, does not contradict the above provision on preliminary standards, on the other hand, it serves as an incentive for the introduction of new, advanced technological processes at domestic enterprises.

    Industry standards developed in relation to the products of a particular industry. Their requirements should not contradict the mandatory requirements of state standards, as well as the rules and safety standards established for the industry. Such standards are adopted by state authorities (for example, ministries) that are responsible for compliance with the requirements of industry standards with the mandatory requirements of GOST R.

    The objects of industry standardization can be: products, processes and services used in the industry; rules concerning the organization of work on industry standardization; typical designs of products for industry applications (tools, fasteners, etc.); metrological assurance rules in the industry. The range of applicability of industry standards is limited to enterprises subordinate to the state governing body that has adopted this standard. On a voluntary basis, it is possible to use these standards by business entities of other subordination. The degree of obligation to comply with the requirements of the industry standard is determined by the enterprise that applies it, or by agreement between the manufacturer and the consumer. Control over the implementation of mandatory requirements is organized by the department that has adopted this standard.

    Enterprise standards developed and adopted by the enterprise itself. The objects of standardization in this case are usually the components of the organization and management of production, the improvement of which is the main goal of standardization at this level. In addition, standardization at the enterprise may also affect the products manufactured by this "enterprise. Then the objects of the enterprise standard will be the components of the product, technological equipment and tools, general technological norms for the production process of these products. Enterprise standards may contain requirements for various kinds of services of an internal nature.

    The Law of the Russian Federation "On Standardization" recommends using standardization at an enterprise for the development by this particular enterprise of state, international, regional standards, as well as for regulating the requirements for raw materials, semi-finished products, etc. purchased from other organizations. This category of standards is mandatory for an enterprise that has adopted this standard. But if in the contract for the development, production, supply of a product or the provision of services there is a reference to the enterprise standard, it becomes mandatory for all business entities - participants in such an agreement.

    Public Association Standards(scientific and technical societies, engineering societies, etc.). These regulatory documents are developed, as a rule, for fundamentally new types of products, processes or services; advanced testing methods, as well as non-traditional technologies and production management principles. Public associations dealing with these problems pursue the goal of disseminating, through their standards, noteworthy and promising results of world scientific and technological achievements, fundamental and applied research.

    For business entities, the standards of public associations serve as an important source of information about advanced achievements, and by the decision of the enterprise itself, they are adopted on a voluntary basis for the use of certain provisions in the development of enterprise standards.

    Both the standards of enterprises and the standards of public associations should not contradict Russian legislation, and if their content concerns the safety aspect, then the drafts of these standards should be agreed with the state supervision authorities. Responsibility for this is borne by the economic entities that accepted them.

    Rules for standardization (PR) and recommendations for standardization (R) by their nature correspond to the normative documents of the methodological content. They may relate to the procedure for harmonizing regulatory documents, submitting information about the adopted standards of industries, societies and other organizations to the State Standard of the Russian Federation, creating a standardization service at an enterprise, rules for conducting state control over compliance with the mandatory requirements of state standards and many other organizational issues. PR and R are developed, as a rule, by organizations and subdivisions subordinate to the State Standard of the Russian Federation or the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation. The draft of these documents is discussed with interested parties, approved and published by these committees.

    Specifications(TS) are developed by enterprises and other business entities in the case when it is not practical to create a standard. The object of TS can be products of a one-time supply, produced in small batches, as well as works of art crafts, etc. The procedure for adopting TS differs from that described above for other regulatory documents.

    In accordance with the Law "On Standardization", specifications are classified as technical, not regulatory documents. At the same time, it has been established that specifications are considered as regulatory documents if they are referred to in contracts or agreements for the supply of products. Then their approval (acceptance) is carried out according to PR 50.1.001-93.

    A feature of the approval procedure for specifications is that during the acceptance of new products manufactured in accordance with their requirements, they are finally agreed with the acceptance committee. But in order to submit the technical specifications to the acceptance committee during acceptance, a preliminary distribution of the draft specifications and supplementary documentation to those organizations whose representatives will participate in the acceptance of products is required. Specifications are considered finally agreed upon if an acceptance certificate for an experimental batch (or prototype). This also solves the issue of the possibility of producing an industrial batch of products. In those cases when an enterprise decides to manufacture products without an acceptance committee, specifications must be agreed with the customer.

    Those requirements and norms of technical specifications that are mandatory are not subject to agreement in both cases. In this case, the technical specifications provide a link to the relevant state standard. The rules for the approval of TS leave their developer to decide on his own the issue of approval with the customer, if this document was created on his own initiative.

    Technical specifications are accepted by their developer (head or deputy head of the organization) without specifying the validity period, except in some cases when the customer (consumer) of the product is interested in this.

    Types of standards. The listed regulatory documents, as shown above, are accepted (approved) at different levels of business management. On this basis, categories of standards of the Russian Federation are distinguished.

    As in world practice, in Russia there are several types of standards that differ in the specifics of the object of standardization: fundamental standards; standards for products (services); work standards (processes); standards for control methods (tests, changes, analysis).

    Fundamental Standards develop with the aim of promoting mutual understanding, technical unity and interconnection of activities in various fields of science, technology and production. This type of normative documents establishes such organizational principles and regulations, requirements, rules and norms that are considered as common for these areas and should contribute to the fulfillment of goals common to both science and production. In general, they ensure their interaction in the development, creation and operation of a product (service) in such a way that the requirements for environmental protection, product or process safety for human life, health and property are met; resource saving and other general technical standards stipulated by state standards for products.

    An example of fundamental standards can be GOST R 1.0-92, GOST R 1.2-92, GOST R 1.4-93, GOST R 1.5-92 - regulatory documents for the organization of the State Standardization System in Russia.

    This example also suggests that another normative document can be set of standards, which combines interrelated standards, if they have a common target orientation, establish agreed requirements for interrelated standardization objects. Thus, the set of fundamental standards, essentially being an association of interrelated regulatory documents of a methodological nature, contains provisions aimed at ensuring that the standards applied at different levels of management do not contradict each other and the law, ensure the achievement of a common goal and the fulfillment of mandatory requirements for products, processes, services.

    Standards for products (services) establish requirements either for a specific type of product (service) or for groups of homogeneous products (services). In domestic practice, there are two varieties of this type of regulatory documents:

      general specification standards that contain General requirements to groups of homogeneous products, services;

      technical specifications standards containing requirements for a specific product (service).

    It is also allowed to develop standards for individual requirements for groups of homogeneous products (services). For example, classification, test methods, rules for storage and / or transportation, etc. Most often, a separate object of standardization is the parameters and norms of safety and environmental protection.

    General Specification Standard usually includes the following sections: classification, main parameters (dimensions), general requirements for quality parameters *, packaging, labeling, safety requirements; environmental protection requirements; product acceptance rules; methods of control, transportation and storage; rules for operation, repair and disposal.

    * As a rule, only those requirements are given that are mandatory and subject to verification (characteristics of reliability, purpose, ergonomics, resource saving, manufacturability).

    Specification Standard establishes comprehensive requirements for specific products (including various brands or models of these products) regarding production, consumption, supply, operation, repair, disposal. The substance of these requirements should not conflict with the general specification standard. But the specification standard contains specific additional requirements related to the object of standardization (trademark indication, if it is registered in the prescribed manner; conformity marks, if products are certified; special requirements regarding safety and environmental protection). Service specification standards may contain requirements for the range of services provided (accuracy and timeliness of performance, aesthetics, comfort, and complexity of service).

    Work standards (processes) establish requirements for specific types of work that are carried out at different stages of the product life cycle: development, production, operation (consumption), storage, transportation, repair, disposal. In particular, such standards may include requirements for computer-aided product design methods, modular design, process flow diagrams for product manufacturing, process modes or standards. A special place is occupied by safety requirements for the life and health of people in the implementation of technological processes, which can be specified in relation to the use of certain equipment, tools, fixtures and auxiliary materials.

    When carrying out technological operations, standardization is subject to the maximum permissible norms of various kinds of impacts of technology on natural environment. These impacts can be chemical (emission of harmful chemicals), physical (radiation radiation), biological (infection by microorganisms) and mechanical (destruction of architectural monuments) in nature, dangerous in the environmental aspect. Environmental requirements may relate to the conditions for the use of certain materials and raw materials that are potentially harmful to the environment; performance parameters of the treatment equipment; rules for accidental releases, liquidation of their consequences, maximum allowable discharges of pollutants with wastewater.

    Standards for methods of control (tests, measurements, analysis) recommend the use of control methods that best ensure the objectivity of the assessment mandatory product quality requirements, which are contained in the standard for it. The main criterion for the objectivity of the control method (tests, measurements, analysis) is the reproducibility and comparability of the results. It is necessary to use standardized methods of control, testing, measurement and analysis, as they are based on international experience and advanced achievements. Each of the methods has its own specifics, associated primarily with a specific object of control, but at the same time, it is possible to single out general provisions that are subject to standardization: control tools and auxiliary devices; the procedure for preparing and conducting control; rules for processing and reporting results; allowable error of the method.

    The standard usually recommends several methods of control in relation to one indicator of product quality. This is necessary so that one of the methods is chosen as arbitration, if necessary. True, it must be borne in mind that the methods are not always completely interchangeable. For such cases, the standard provides either a clear recommendation on the conditions for choosing a particular method, or data on their distinctive characteristics.

    In order for the results to be reliable and comparable, one should use the recommendations of the standards regarding the method and place of sampling from a batch of goods with its quantitative characteristics, schemes of test facilities, rules that determine the sequence of operations and processing of the results obtained.

    In 1996, a change was made to the fundamental standard GOST R 1.0-92, according to which, to the list of regulatory documents used in Russia, technical regulation.

    Full compliance with international rules in this matter can be achieved when laws appear in Russia that establish mandatory requirements and norms, similar to the Directives in force in the European Union. In the EU, a technical regulation becomes a binding document if it is referred to in the relevant Directive.

    The difference between the Russian approach to technical regulations can be traced in the very text of the above amendment: “technical regulations should include legislative acts and resolutions of the government of the Russian Federation containing requirements, norms and rules of a technical nature; state standards of the Russian Federation in terms of the mandatory requirements established in them; federal rules and regulations executive power whose competence, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, includes the establishment of mandatory requirements.

    The technical regulation contains technical requirements either directly (for example, the mandatory requirements of state standards), or by referring to the standard, or by including the content of the standard.

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    Standardization and certification

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    The requirements for goods are varied and depend on its consumer properties, legal regime, etc.

    The most important of these are that the product must be:

    1) of proper quality and safe for the life and health of consumers;

    2) properly marked;

    3) provided with information about him; this information must be reliable, available to the buyer and contain information established by regulatory enactments.

    1. Ensuring the proper quality of goods and their safety for the life and health of consumers

    The quality of a product is understood as a set of consumer properties of the product.

    At the state level, the proper quality of goods, their safety for the health of consumers are ensured through standardization and certification.

    In Art. 1 of the Law of the Russian Federation of June 10, 1993 No. 5154-1 “On standardization”1 standardization is defined as the activity of establishing norms, rules and characteristics in order to ensure: the safety of products, works and services for the environment, life, health and property ; technical and information compatibility and other purposes established by the Law.

    State management of standardization in the Russian Federation is carried out by the Committee of the Russian Federation for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Gosstandart of Russia). Other government authorities participate in standardization work within their competence. Gosstandart of Russia establishes in the state standards of the state standardization system the general organizational and technical rules for carrying out work on standardization, the forms and methods of interaction between business entities with each other, with government authorities.

    The normative documents on standardization in force on the territory of the Russian Federation include:

    State standards of the Russian Federation;

    duly applied international (regional) standards, rules, norms and recommendations for standardization; -

    all-Russian classifiers technical and economic information; -

    industry standards; enterprise standards; standards of scientific, technical, engineering societies and other public associations.

    State standards are developed for products, works and services of cross-industry significance and must not contradict the legislation of the Russian Federation. They contain requirements for products, works and services in terms of their safety for the environment, life, health and property, requirements fire safety, safety requirements and industrial sanitation; requirements for technical and information compatibility, as well as interchangeability of products; basic consumer (operational) characteristics of products, methods of their control, requirements for packaging, labeling, transportation, storage, use and disposal of products; rules and norms that ensure technical and informational unity in the development, production, use (operation) of products, performance of work and provision of services, including the rules for drawing up technical documentation, tolerances and landings, general rules ensuring the quality of products, works and services, maintaining and rational use all types of resources, terms and their definitions, conventions, metrological and other general technical and organizational and technical rules and norms.

    Requirements established by state standards to ensure the safety of products, works and services for the environment, life, health and property, to ensure technical and information compatibility, interchangeability of products, uniformity of methods for their control and uniformity of labeling, as well as other requirements established by the legislation of the Russian Federation , are obligatory for observance by state governing bodies, business entities. Compliance of products and services specified requirements state standards are determined in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation on mandatory certification of products and services.

    Other requirements of state standards for products, works and services are subject to mandatory compliance business entities by virtue of an agreement or in the event that this is indicated in the technical documentation of the manufacturer (supplier) of products, contractor of works or services. At the same time, the compliance of products and services with these requirements of state standards can be determined in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation on voluntary certification of products and services.

    State standards and all-Russian classifiers of technical and economic information are accepted by the State Standard of Russia, and in the field of construction and the building materials industry - State Committee Russian Federation on Architecture and Construction (Gosstroy of Russia). State standards are put into effect after their state registration in the State Standard of Russia.

    Industry standards can be developed and adopted by government authorities within their competence in relation to products, works and services of industry significance. Industry standards should not violate the mandatory requirements of state standards.

    Enterprise standards can be developed and approved by enterprises themselves. The requirements of enterprise standards are subject to obligatory observance by other business entities if the contract for the development, production and supply of products, for the performance of work and the provision of services refers to these standards.

    The standards of scientific, technical, engineering societies and other public associations are developed and adopted by these public associations for the dynamic dissemination and use of research and development results obtained in various fields of knowledge. Business entities determine the need to apply these standards on their own.

    Standards of business entities should not violate the mandatory requirements of state standards. Responsibility for the compliance of the requirements of the standards of business entities with the mandatory requirements of state standards is borne by the business entities that approved them.

    Regulatory documents on standardization should be applied by government authorities, business entities at all stages of economic activity from product development to its disposal.

    The customer and the contractor are obliged to include in the contract a condition on the compliance of products, work performed and services provided with the mandatory requirements of state standards.

    State control and supervision over compliance by economic entities with the mandatory requirements of state standards is carried out at all stages of economic activity, including from production to sale, delivery. Direct implementation of state control and supervision over compliance with the mandatory requirements of state standards on behalf of the State Standard of Russia is carried out by its officials - state inspectors, who are endowed by the Law with broad powers to ensure its requirements.

    Officials of business entities are obliged to create all the conditions necessary for the implementation of state control and supervision.

    Legal and natural persons, as well as bodies government controlled, guilty of violating the provisions of the Law on Standardization, bear criminal, administrative or civil liability in accordance with the current legislation.

    Protection of the consumer from the dishonesty of the manufacturer (seller, contractor); control of product safety for the environment, life, health and property, as well as confirmation of product quality indicators declared by the manufacturer, is carried out as a result of product certification carried out on the basis of the Law of the Russian Federation dated June 10, 1993 No. 5151-1 "On Product Certification"1.

    Product certification is a conformity assessment procedure by which an organization independent of the manufacturer (seller, performer) and consumer (buyer) certifies in writing that the products comply with established requirements.

    Mandatory and voluntary certification is provided.

    Mandatory certification is carried out in cases expressly provided for legislative acts of the Russian Federation, such as the Law of the Russian Federation "On Protection of Consumer Rights", the Law of the Russian Federation "On Weapons", the Federal Law "On the State Material Reserve", the Law of the Russian Federation "On Veterinary Medicine", etc.

    The lack of mandatory certification prevents the sale of non-certified products on consumer market(Articles 7 and 13).

    The organization and conduct of work on mandatory certification are assigned to a specially authorized federal executive body in the field of certification, and in cases provided for by legislative acts of the Russian Federation in relation to certain types of products, they may be assigned to other federal executive bodies. Certification is carried out within the framework of certification systems. The certification system is being created federal authorities executive power, organizations and is a set of certification participants who carry out certification according to the rules established in this system. The certification procedure in each system has its own characteristics, which are dictated by the quality of the products being certified. Can be outlined general scheme(suitable, however, not for all products), which consists in the selection of samples for research in the testing laboratories of the certification system, their identification with the information provided about them, testing the samples for compliance with the requirements of the standards, as well as analyzing the state of production, if required in this certification system. The results are documented in a protocol and sent to the certification body. He analyzes the test results and inspection materials and decides on the possibility of issuing or refusing to issue a certificate of conformity. The certificate of conformity is a document issued according to the rules of the certification system to confirm the compliance of certified products with the established requirements. Mandatory integral part The certificate of conformity is a fire safety certificate1.

    With mandatory certification, the validity of the certificate and mark of conformity applies to the entire territory of the Russian Federation.

    Confirmation of conformity can also be carried out through the adoption by the manufacturer (seller, performer) of a declaration of conformity.

    Declaration of Conformity is a document in which the manufacturer (seller, performer) certifies that

    The procedure for organizing and conducting certification of products and services in the field of fire safety is determined by the State fire service federal executive body in the field of internal affairs in agreement with the specially authorized federal executive body in the field of certification.

    that the products supplied (sold) by him meet the established requirements. The lists of products, the conformity of which can be confirmed by a declaration of conformity, the requirements for a declaration of conformity and the procedure for its adoption are approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

    The declaration of conformity, adopted in the prescribed manner, is registered with the certification body and has legal force along with the certificate.

    Participants in mandatory certification are a specially authorized federal executive body in the field of certification, other federal executive bodies authorized to carry out work on mandatory certification, certification bodies, testing laboratories (centers), manufacturers (sellers, performers) of products, as well as central bodies of systems certification, determined in necessary cases for the organization and coordination of work in certification systems for homogeneous products.

    Sellers (as well as manufacturers, performers) are obliged to:

    sell products subject to mandatory certification only if there is a certificate issued or recognized by an authorized body, or a declaration of conformity adopted in the prescribed manner;

    to ensure the compliance of the products sold with the requirements of the regulatory documents for which they were certified, and labeling them with the mark of conformity in the prescribed manner; -

    indicate in the accompanying technical documentation information about the certificate or declaration of conformity and regulatory documents that the product must comply with, and ensure that this information is communicated to the consumer (buyer, customer); -

    suspend or terminate the sale of products if they do not meet the requirements of regulatory documents for which they are certified or confirmed by the declaration of conformity, after the expiration of the certificate, declaration of conformity or shelf life of the product, its service life, and also if the validity of the certificate suspended or canceled by the decision of the certification body; -

    ensure the unhindered exercise of their powers by officials of bodies that carry out mandatory certification of products and control over certified products;

    Notify the certification body in the manner prescribed by it of changes made to the technical documentation or technological process production of certified products.

    The importation of imported products must also meet the established requirements: in the terms of contracts (agreements) concluded for the supply to the Russian Federation of products subject to mandatory certification in accordance with the acts of the legislation of the Russian Federation, the presence of a certificate and a mark of conformity confirming its compliance with the established requirements must be provided. The indicated certificates and marks of conformity must be issued or recognized by the authorized federal executive body; certificates or certificates of their recognition are presented in Customs along with cargo customs declaration and are necessary documents to obtain permission to import products into the territory of the Russian Federation.

    In exceptional cases, the Government of the Russian Federation has the right to issue permits for the import of products intended for the production needs of a particular organization, without presenting certificates or certificates of recognition of certificates to the customs authorities, subject to subsequent certification of these products on the territory of the Russian Federation.

    For compliance by sellers (manufacturers, performers), testing laboratories(centers), certification bodies of the rules of mandatory certification and for certified products is carried out state control a specially authorized federal executive body in the field of certification, other specially authorized federal executive bodies within their competence.

    Direct state control and supervision over compliance with the rules of certification and certified products is carried out by officials exercising state control and supervision over compliance with the mandatory requirements of state standards. Specified officials carry out state control and supervision over compliance with the rules for certification and for certified products in the manner and under the conditions established by the Law of the Russian Federation "On Standardization".

    Voluntary certification is carried out at the initiative of applicants (manufacturers, sellers, performers) in order to confirm the compliance of products with the requirements of standards, specifications, recipes and other documents determined by the applicant and on the terms of an agreement between the applicant and the certification body.

    Voluntary certification of products subject to mandatory certification cannot replace the mandatory certification of such products.

    Voluntary certification is carried out by voluntary certification bodies that are part of the voluntary certification system formed by any legal entity who registered this system and a sign of conformity in a specially authorized federal executive body in the field of certification in the manner prescribed by it. Voluntary certification can also be carried out in the system of mandatory certification, if it is provided for by the rules of the system of mandatory certification and if there is a sign of conformity of voluntary certification registered in the established order in this system.

    The law establishes criminal, administrative or civil liability of legal and individuals for violating the provisions of the Certification Act.

    Product labeling

    Compliance of products and services with the requirements of state standards can be confirmed by marking products and services with a mark of conformity state standards. The form of the sign of compliance with state standards, the procedure for marking with this sign, as well as the procedure for issuing licenses to business entities for marking their products and services with this sign are established by the State Standard of Russia1.

    Economic entities that have been issued licenses for labeling products and services with the mark of compliance with state standards, as well as the products and services themselves marked with this mark, are included in State Register products and services marked with the sign of compliance with state standards. The procedure for maintaining the specified register and using it is established by the State Standard of Russia.

    See the Rules for the use of the mark of conformity in the mandatory certification of products, approved by the Decree of the State Standard of the Russian Federation of July 25, 1996 No. 14.

    Product information

    According to Art. 10 of the Federal Law "On the Protection of Consumer Rights"1 the seller is obliged to provide the consumer with the necessary and reliable information about the goods in a timely manner, enabling them to right choice. For certain types of goods, the list and methods of communicating information to the consumer are established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

    Information about goods must contain: 1)

    designation of standards, the mandatory requirements of which the goods must comply with; 2)

    information about the main consumer properties of goods; 3)

    price and terms of purchase of goods; 4)

    guarantee period; 5)

    rules and conditions for the efficient and safe use of goods; 6)

    service life and (or) expiration date, as well as information about necessary actions consumer after the expiration of the specified terms and possible consequences if such actions are not taken, if the goods after the expiration of the specified periods pose a danger to the life, health and property of the consumer or become unsuitable for their intended use; 7)

    the location of the manufacturer (executor, seller) and the location of the organization authorized by the manufacturer (seller) to accept claims from consumers and carry out repairs and Maintenance goods; eight)

    information on certification of goods subject to mandatory certification; nine)

    information about the rules for the sale of goods.

    Information is brought to the attention of consumers in the technical documentation attached to the goods, on labels, markings or in another way accepted for certain types of goods. Information about certification is presented in the form of marking in accordance with the established procedure with a sign of conformity and indicating in the technical documentation information about certification (certificate number, validity period, issuing authority).

    Special requirements are established by law in relation to the consumer properties of food products: information on the composition (including a list of those used in the process of their manufacture

    other food products and food additives), on weight and volume, on the caloric content of food products, on the content of substances harmful to health in comparison with mandatory requirements standards, as well as contraindications for use with certain types diseases. The list of goods, information about which should contain contraindications for use in certain types of diseases, is approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

    Food products packaged or packaged on the territory of the Russian Federation must be provided with information about the place of their manufacture.

    Product information may be deemed inappropriate. Inappropriate information is understood as unreliable and insufficiently complete information about the product. For the provision of improper information about the product, about the manufacturer (executor, seller), the responsibility of the manufacturer (executor, seller) is established in the form of compensation for losses. In addition, there are sanctions imposed by federal executive bodies and their territorial bodies.
