Report: Mechanical engineering of the world. Abstract: Geography of branches of general engineering

And a very important component of the country's economy. Most of the largest enterprises in this industry were built during the Soviet period. According to available official data, at the moment there are about two thousand medium and large engineering enterprises operating in Russia, which include metalworking enterprises.

Mechanical Engineering Centers in Russia

One of the most significant segments of the country's machine-building industry is the military-industrial complex, whose annual revenue exceeds sixteen billion dollars.

However, the importance of this sector of the economy is associated not only with the volume of annual revenue, but also with the number of political and scientific ties that are created through military-technical cooperation. Today Russia has agreements on cooperation with more than eighty countries. The largest partners are China, India, Argentina, Venezuela, Indonesia and Vietnam.

The largest engineering centers in Russia that are involved in the production of military equipment are Nizhny Tagil, where Uralvagonzavod is located; which produces the famous Kalashnikov assault rifles; Nizhny Novgorod Machine-Building Plant, which produces various types of ammunition.

Heavy engineering in Russia

Heavy engineering also includes the shipbuilding industry, which is considered one of the most technologically advanced and science-intensive. At more than a thousand enterprises involved in the production of ships, a full production cycle is provided from the development of prototypes to the implementation of the most modern electronics and radio intelligence systems.

If we slightly expand the circle of enterprises involved in varying degrees in the production of products for shipbuilding, then their number will grow to four thousand. This increase in numbers is due to the inclusion of design offices involved in the development of high-tech components and complex dual-use electronics.

The largest centers of heavy engineering in Russia are such maritime cities as St. Petersburg, Severodvinsk and Kaliningrad. In addition, enterprises important for the industry are located in the Nizhny Novgorod region.

Automotive industry

But engineering in the country has not only a military purpose, but also civilian automotive industry, which is represented by the three largest enterprises in the industry: AvtoVAZ, KAMAZ and the large engineering concern GAZ, which includes twelve enterprises, with one of the widest geography of engineering in Russia, also occupies an important place.

However, most of the enterprises belonging to these corporations have experienced a prolonged crisis over the past ten years, caused by a drop in demand for their products. In turn, the fall in demand for domestic automotive products was caused by increased competition in this market.

Between 2000 and 2010, numerous factories were built in the country, producing products under brands such as Nissan, Opel, Kia, Volvo Truc and Ford.

However, foreign manufacturers enter the Russian market not only through the construction of their own plants, but also through investments in existing enterprises and the purchase of shares. For example, Daimler is a major shareholder of KAMAZ.

Aviation industry of Russia

The branches of mechanical engineering in Russia are also represented by the aviation industry, which, like shipbuilding, requires serious scientific, human resources and a strong production tradition.

All capacities of the country's aircraft industry are divided between two state corporations: the United Aircraft Corporation and Oboronprom.

The first one concentrates the resources and enterprises involved in the production of aircraft, including all the necessary components, as well as avionics. This joint-stock company includes twenty enterprises producing both military, civilian and dual-use products, and its largest enterprise is the Sukhoi Company.

Oboronprom includes enterprises that develop and manufacture helicopters and components. The main office is located in Moscow, but given that it owns the Russian Helicopters corporation, we can safely talk about the all-Russian significance of the company.

Rocketry and space industry

In the modern world, it is difficult to imagine any economy that does without such means of communication as high-speed Internet and stable cellular communications. Many processes in the world economy are based on the rapid exchange of data between economic entities located at a great distance from each other.

Rocket engineering in Russia provides it with a leading position in the international space market and allows annually launching dozens of satellites into orbit for international customers.

The largest enterprises in the industry are RSC Energia and GKNPTs im. M. V. Khrunichev, engaged in the development and production of launch vehicles, with the help of which uninterrupted supply of the ISS and delivery of cosmonauts to it is ensured.

Agricultural engineering

Heavy engineering in Russia is also represented by production, without which it is impossible to imagine the effective use of the country's vast land and climate resources.

Rostselmash, located in Rostov-on-Don, is considered one of the leaders not only in Russia, but also in the world of agricultural engineering.

In addition, Russia's mechanical engineering industries are located in Chelyabinsk and Cheboksary. Another important enterprise engaged in the production of equipment for storing, cleaning and sorting grain is located in Voronezh and is called Voronezhselmash.

"Lesson World Economy" - Explain on the maps the directions of the main cargo flows of iron ore. Export - 2 million cars. 2. 0.05 car / person x 205 million hours = 12.5 million cars. Question 1: How does industry affect the environment at present? Mutual check: 0 osh. - "5", 1-2 osh. - "4", 3-4 osh. - "3", 5 and more - "2". Stage 1. Student self-analysis. 4. Generalization, summing up the lesson. 5. Homework.

"Resources of the countries of the world" - Two opposite processes. The largest countries in the world in terms of fresh water reserves (thousand km3). Meadows and pastures (10%). Energy. Recreational. Hydropower potential of the regions of the world (%). NaCl. Water. Reducing the area of ​​forests.

"Geography Global Issues" - Studying the course "Global Geography". Topic: "Introduction" lesson number 1. Lecture outline What does global geography study. Know: mastering the system of knowledge about the global problems of our time: natural - scientific and social. Globalistics Global geography science academic discipline (explores) (teaches).

"The structure of the world economy" - Transnational corporations (TNCs). TNCs are giant financial and industrial associations with international capital. 2. Stages of formation. Passenger transport. For example. International economic integration. Plan-scheme of the studied topic. 3. Modern centers of the world economy. A new, higher stage of the MGRT has emerged - INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC INTEGRATION (MEI).

"Geography of Industry" - Industry is the first leading branch of material production. Technique 3) robotics 4) informatics industry 5) nuclear industry 6) space industry 7) org.Synthesis chemistry. 1) automotive industry 2) al smelting 3) production of plastics and chemical fibers. New. Industries. 1) coal mining 2) iron ore 3) metallurgical 4) production of railway rolling stock 5) shipbuilding 6) textile.

"Regional division of the world" - North. 4. Africa. Southwestern. Countries not crossed by the equator: African countries: A group in which the countries are in the correct order from north to south: Oman Bangladesh Niger Tunisia Belize Mozambique Paraguay Brunei. Sub-region Northern Africa Western Africa Eastern Africa Southern Africa. 4. Africa 4.1. North Africa.

There are 16 presentations in total in the topic

Lesson on the topic: "Engineering".

The lesson was developed by: Lozhechevskaya Svetlana Viktorovna, teacher of the first category of the MKVSOU "OSOSH No. 9" of the city of Saratov

Target: to study the location factors and features of the geography of mechanical engineering, to continue the formation of the ability to characterize the industry using a standard plan.

Literature and equipment: political map of the world, wall map mechanical engineering of the world, atlases, lesson planning by Zhizina p. 108-109, lesson planning p. 91-102, Elkin. 136-137

During the classes.

  1. Learning new material

Machine-building complex - a set of industries that produce equipment for all departments of the economy, as well as many consumer goods. Mechanical engineering as an industry originated 200 years ago in England. And now, in terms of the value of its products and the number of employees (more than 80 million people), it ranks first among the branches of world industry. Labor productivity in all sectors of the economy and scientific and technological progress depend to a decisive extent on the level of development of mechanical engineering. Mechanical engineering determines not only the sectoral structure of industry, but also its location. Mechanical engineering is characterized by the deepening of the specialization of production and the expansion of its scale.

Mechanical engineering leads in terms of the cost of production in developed countries: the industry accounts for up to 35-40% of the total cost of industrial products and up to 1/3 of all workers in the industry. All the achievements of scientific and technical progress are being introduced primarily in this industry. It is the most knowledge-intensive branch of modern industry.

Various factors influence the location of engineering industries. Remember from the 9th grade course and find a correspondence between the engineering industry and the factor influencing its placement. (Work at the blackboard)

In the sectoral structure of mechanical engineering, the division of all industries into old, new and latest is especially clearly visible. Accordingly, their growth rates are very different. Draw a diagram in your notebook. While drawing, the teacher explains.Old branches have either stabilized in their development or are in decline. New Industries, as a rule, find some growth in production, for example, the automotive industry. Newest are growing at a fast pace.

What can be done conclusion, based on this scheme: (entry in a notebook)

Conclusion: The role of scientific and labor factors in the placement of engineering industries is growing, while the role of raw materials is decreasing. In the mechanical engineering of the world, the role of raw materials is decreasing, as metal is partially replaced by plastics and other materials.

The range of types and types of engineering products includes several million items. No country in the world can produce such a quantity of products. Therefore, different branches of engineering are developed in different countries.

Working with the maps of the atlas, listening to my explanations and your messages, let's identify the leaders in various branches of engineering, and put the answer in the form of a table. Slide 3

Branches of mechanical engineering

Countries - leaders
in production

Placement factors

Machine tool industry

Germany, Japan, USA, Italy, Switzerland, South Korea, India, Brazil

Consumer commodity

The leaders in the machine tool industry are developed countries.

(example with a German machine tool in a mechanical factory)

Military industrial electrical engineering

USA, Germany, UK

scientific labor

Leaders - developed countries


Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, China, Western European countries.


In terms of the cost of production, such a new industry has taken the lead, such as electronic.

The electronics industry is the most knowledge-intensive branch of modern mechanical engineering. In the mechanical engineering of individual countries (Japan, the USA, the Republic of Korea, etc.), the electronics industry has taken a leading position. The export of all electronic goods is very high. In the industry, the largest share in terms of cost is the production of various types of computer technology - up to 40-45%. The main part of this production is provided by large firms (TNCs) in the USA, Japan, a number of countries in Southeast Asia (Republic of Korea, Taiwan, etc.) and, to a lesser extent, Western Europe. Firms Zap. Europe specialize in the production of mobile communications equipment, equipment for industry, and scientific instruments.

Consumer electronics requires a large number of cheap labor, so it is widely represented in developing countries, especially in newly industrialized countries.


Japan, South Korea, Brazil, Argentina, India, Mexico

Commodity, Consumer

In geography shipbuilding world in the 20th century. fundamental changes have taken place. The low economic efficiency of shipbuilding (high material consumption, labor intensity) with the low price of finished products led to a sharp drop in ship production in Western Europe and the USA. At present, they have switched to ship repair and civil shipbuilding (yachts).

Shipbuilding has moved to Asian countries. Leading positions are occupied by Japan, South Korea, which need large supplies of raw materials supplied by sea. Therefore, the presence of shipbuilding in these countries is explained by the consumer factor. The Republic of Korea and the People's Republic of China have become exporters of ships of world importance.

aircraft industry

USA, Germany, France, Russia

Labor, Consumer, Commodity (aluminum)

The aircraft industry is represented mainly only in developed countries. Aviation industry in Western Europe has developed in a few countries (France, Great Britain, Germany) that manufacture passenger airliners and only some types of military aircraft. European firms united in a consortium. The USSR used to have a very developed aviation industry, where, like in the USA, all types of industry products were produced, especially rocket and space. With the collapse of the country, the powerful ARCP greatly reduced production, not even providing for its own needs.

According to statistics, Boeing crashes most often.

Railway engineering Slide 9

China, India, Russia, Brazil, Argentina, Mexico

Raw material

Production railway equipment - the oldest industry producing locomotives (diesel locomotives, electric locomotives), various specialized freight wagons, tanks, as well as passenger wagons. The release of industry products in large volumes continues in China, India, to a lesser extent in the USA, Canada, and Japan. Western countries Europe is increasingly switching to the manufacture of high-speed passenger trains for their railways, also supplying some types of locomotives and wagons for export. The production of rolling stock in Russia has been greatly reduced, although it remains one of the world's leading railways.


Cars: Japan, USA, Germany, France, Italy, Great Britain.

Freight: USA, Japan, Canada, Russia

Raw, consumer

Automotive . In the world production of cars, a high share of passenger cars (about 75%) is steadily maintained. There is a large share of light trucks (up to 2 tons), including pickups, vans, combined cars. The share of heavy trucks and passenger buses is much smaller (only a few hundred thousand). The share of special vehicles used in industry, urban economy (medical, fire, police, etc.) is constantly growing.

Automobile production is concentrated in a few companies in the world. So, the four largest of them ("General Motors", "Ford", "Volkswagen", "Toyota") produce almost half of all cars in the world, and together with five other smaller ones - more than 3/4. Car manufacturers organized their production in several dozen countries. The geography of the global automotive industry is determined by Western Europe, North America and Japan. In total, they account for 80% of the production of all types of vehicles. The industry leader was Western Europe (31%), where Germany, France, and Spain stand out. This region is distinguished by a clearly expressed export specialization: 3/4 of all cars are exported. The United States remains the world leader in the automotive industry among individual countries (12 million units). However, no more than 4% of products are exported, and the country is the largest importer of them (car imports are 6-7 times more than exports). Japan is the second country in the world in terms of industry development.

Analyzing this table, we can conclude that mechanical engineering differs from other industries in a number of features that affect its placement.

    First, in the era of the scientific and technological revolution, the development of mechanical engineering is unthinkable without the widespread introduction of scientific developments. Therefore, the production of knowledge-intensive industries is increasingly focused on areas with a highly developed scientific base.

    Secondly, the production of machine-building products requires much more labor time than in other industries, so the industry's labor intensity is high.

    Thirdly, the metal intensity of the industry is quite high, so engineering enterprises often focus on its centers. But in the era of scientific and technological revolution, the orientation of factories towards metal decreased significantly, due to an increase in labor intensity and science intensity. Mechanical engineering is increasingly becoming a ubiquitous industry.

    Fourthly, the stages of production of engineering products are carried out, as a rule, at separate specialized enterprises - in engineering, the role of specialization of cooperation is great. But as a result, the transport factor becomes of exceptional importance.

    Fifth, due to the specifics of many engineering enterprises (for example, those producing harvesters or equipment for the mining industry, etc. - which are difficult to transport), many of them are consumer-oriented.

Working with the atlas p.19

Four machine-building regions can also be distinguished on the economic map of the world.

    The first is North America, where almost all engineering products are produced.

    The second region is foreign (in relation to the CIS) Europe, which mainly produces mass machine-building products; some of the latest industries are also highly developed in it.

    The third is East and Southeast Asia, in which Japan is in the lead, also combining mass engineering products with high-tech products.

    The fourth region is the CIS countries, which are distinguished by a large volume of production of machinery and equipment, but lagging behind in the development of high-tech industries.

In general, in terms of the volume of production of engineering products, developing countries lag far behind developed countries, accounting for only 1/10 of the volume. But in some of them, mechanical engineering is developing at a high pace - in Brazil. India, Argentina, Mexico, and especially in the "new industrial countries", which is generally associated with the construction of branches of Western firms in them.

  1. Fixing new material
All countries can also be divided according to the level of development of engineering. Complete task number 9 in the textbook, fill in the table. slide 11

What is the importance of the machine-building complex?

    In terms of the number of employees and the value of its products, it ranks first in the world among all sectors of the world industry.

    Determines the sectoral and territorial structure of the industry of the world.

    Provides machinery and equipment to all sectors of the economy, produces a variety of consumer goods.

    The level of development of mechanical engineering is one of the important indicators of the level of development of the country.

  1. D/z: pp.134-137

Target: to create conditions for the formation of an idea of ​​the mechanical engineering of the world as a branch of modern industry

Educational: to determine the significance and composition of the machine-building complex of the world.

Developing: to expand students' understanding of the role of engineering in the development of the world economy.

Educational: to develop the ability of students to analyze and evaluate the results of their own activities, the ability to work with various sources of knowledge.

Ability to analyze and compare maps of different content; work with tables, diagrams.

Equipment: textbook Maksakovskiy V.P. pp. 134–137, atlas pp. 19, 16, 17, 18, 23, 41, 43. Diagrams, tables. Map of mechanical engineering and metalworking.


1. Organizational stage (1 minute).

2. Actualization of knowledge - the promotion of a problem situation in order to lead to new knowledge.

The life of modern man depends on industry. Why? What is industry in your understanding?

Industry is a sector of the national economy associated with the production of industrial goods and the provision of industrial services. There are thousands of industries, but all industries are based on human labor.

An industry is a set of enterprises that produce homogeneous products or institutions that provide homogeneous services.

What industries do you know that today play an important role in the world economy?

Prove using the texts: (work in pairs).

1 pair - ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy

2 pair - fuel industry

3 pair - electric power industry

4 pair - chemical industry

5 para - timber industry

6 pair - food and light industry

7 pair - mechanical engineering

Texts are distributed to couples.

Fuel industry - The economy of the countries of the northern hemisphere, with cold winters, developed industry, cannot be imagined without fuel and energy. The task of the fuel and energy complex is to extract fuel, produce electricity and transfer them (transportation) to the consumer. 40% of Russia's exports are fuel (oil, gas, coal). The task of the fuel and energy complex today is to increase fuel production, generate electricity, save energy, since the explored deposits are located in the regions of the north of Russia; the extraction and transportation of fuel is constantly becoming more expensive, the fuel and energy complex has a negative impact on nature.

Metallurgy - the complex produces structural materials - metals, which are used for the manufacture of machines, machine tools, plant equipment, railway construction. The complex consists of ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy - 90% of ferrous metal produced is steel. Even under the Demidovs, 82 factories were built in the Urals, metal was smelted on charcoal.

Non-ferrous metallurgy produces metals that have the properties of heat resistance, electrical conductivity. These metals are used in nuclear (uranium), space industry, electrical engineering. Russia is rich in non-ferrous metal ores, but the deposits are depleted. Poor quality of cast iron and steel due to old equipment. Russian metal is 20–40% more expensive than world metal. Metallurgy is an environmentally polluted industry.

The chemical industry is the avant-garde industry that determines the development of the scientific and technological revolution through the chemicalization of the economy. Chemical industry:

1. Creates new materials with desired properties that save raw materials and labor of people.

2. Has an extensive resource base (minerals, water, air, wood). One product can be obtained from different types of raw materials.

3. The chemical industry enables the complex processing of raw materials and the production of various products.

Timber industry - 3/4 of the industry is stocked with larch, does not rot in water and is used for the construction of piles, the foundation of houses. The wood is impregnated with resin.

Pine wood is also valued; thanks to pine resin, buildings are durable. Sleepers, furniture, ships are made of wood.

Cedar has a pink-yellow color and a pleasant taste. Cedar wood is strong and soft and easy to work with. Moths do not start in cedar cabinets, milk does not sour for a long time in dishes. It is used to make musical instruments, as it enhances the sound.

Spruce. Pianos, grand pianos, stringed instruments are made from it. Spruce is a raw material for the production of paper, rayon - viscose.

The food industry is one of the oldest industries. It occurs everywhere, as some industries are focused on raw materials, while others are consumer-oriented. A lot of raw materials or perishable products are used. It takes 7 tons of sugar beets to produce 1 ton of sugar. Fish, tea, canning, sugar, cereals, butter. Products are designed for the consumer, which is not profitable to transport far: bread, pasta, cakes.

Now I'm going to ask you to listen to a quote:

This industry originated 200 years ago during the industrial revolution in England and today is divided into different industries that produce industrial equipment, instrumentation, armaments and military equipment.

And what do you think, what will be our main conversation in the lesson today? What new things do we need to know? (Engineering of the world). Write the topic in a notebook.

Today in class we will: to figure out, which includes the engineering industry. The world is changeable, the centers of mechanical engineering are shifting, we need detect changes, occurred in the territorial structure of mechanical engineering and of course discover world leaders in the production and export of engineering products.

You think that different areas belong to mechanical engineering, let's clarify which industries are represented in the world. I propose to open the atlases on page 19.

According to the color scale in the legend of the map, what is indicated: mechanical engineering (red); countries by level of mechanical engineering (shades of green).

By what principle can it be divided into groups, which industries are old, and which are new and latest? The most common mistake is that people think of cars only as the production of cars.

What can be done conclusion, based on this scheme: (entry in a notebook)

Conclusion: The role of scientific and labor factors in the placement of engineering industries is growing, while the role of raw materials is decreasing. In the mechanical engineering of the world, the role of raw materials is decreasing, as metal is partially replaced by plastics and other materials.

Independent application of knowledge:

Group task:

Working with atlas maps, identify leaders in various branches of engineering. Write your answer in the form of a table. column special notes, fill in, based on the text of the textbook and your own knowledge. After the task, draw a conclusion, fix the analysis in the form of a diagram.

Branches of mechanical engineering

Countries - leaders
in production

Placement factors

Special Notes

Machine tool industry Germany, Japan, USA, Italy, Switzerland, South Korea, India, Brazil Consumer commodity The leaders in the machine tool industry are developed countries.
Military industrial electrical engineering USA, Germany, UK scientific labor Military-industrial electronics is represented mainly in developed countries
Consumer electronics South Korea, Taiwan, China Labor Consumer electronics require a large number of cheap labor, so it is widely represented in developing countries, especially in the newly industrialized countries.
Shipbuilding Japan, South Korea, Brazil, Argentina, India, Mexico Commodity, Consumer Leading positions are occupied by Japan, South Korea, which need large supplies of raw materials supplied by sea. Therefore, the presence of shipbuilding in these countries is explained by the consumer factor.

The cost of labor for workers in developing countries is important.

Former ship manufacturers - USA, UK switched to ship repair and civil shipbuilding (yachts)

aircraft industry USA, Germany, France, Russia Labor, Consumer, Commodity (aluminum) The aircraft industry is represented mainly only in developed countries.
Railway engineering China, India, Russia, Brazil, Argentina, Mexico Raw material Displacement of railway engineering from developed to developing countries
Automotive Cars: Japan, USA, Germany, France, Italy, Great Britain.

Freight: USA, Japan, Canada, Russia

Raw, consumer So far, the automotive industry is represented in developed countries, but the assembly of famous brands of cars has long been concentrated in developing countries (South Korea, China, Brazil, Mexico), which is associated with the creation of free economic zones in developing countries and the difference in pay between the worker of a developed country and a developing country.

Imagine that you are the owner of any enterprise in the industry. What will you consider in order to build a factory and not burn out?

Open the atlas pages 41, 42 and page 156 of the textbook, consider Figure 38. Deep-sea route along the St. Lawrence River.

Where are the centers of mechanical engineering (Great Lakes region) Detroit. Why exactly here? What factors played a role? (Water artery; transport artery; presence of iron ore; presence of coal)

If there is metal, then you can make cars. And if not an agricultural area, can you make tractors?

Today, the labor factor affects the location of Mercedes-Benz factories; all dirty industries are moved outside the developed countries; You also have to pay for heat, which is why changes have recently taken place in the territorial structure of mechanical engineering. Let us confirm this fact with the text of the textbook, page 135, paragraph 3, column 1:

Significant changes are also taking place in the territorial structure of the world engineering industry. Until recently, more than 9/10 of the products of this industry were produced by the countries of the North. USA, Germany and Japan. Then the share of the South began to increase - the new industrial countries: China, India, Brazil, Mexico, Argentina. Now it has already reached 1/4.

Today in the world there are 4 main regions of mechanical engineering.

The value of the machine-building complex:

  1. In terms of the number of employees and the value of its products, it ranks first in the world among all sectors of the world industry.
  2. Determines the sectoral and territorial structure of the industry of the world.
  3. Provides machinery and equipment to all sectors of the economy, produces a variety of consumer goods.
  4. The level of development of mechanical engineering is one of the important indicators of the level of development of the country.

In the next lesson, we will work out the reception of the characteristics of the engineering industry according to a standard plan, therefore:


Creative cards of different levels:

  1. Prepare a report for any company in the engineering industry.
  2. Make a crossword on the topic.

Lesson summary: reflection

Questions are asked to be answered in writing.

What topic are we working on?

What new knowledge has been discovered?

What have you learned?

Where can new knowledge be useful?

What tasks are the most interesting?

What seemed easy and simple, and what caused you difficulty?

The machine-building complex annually increases its turnover.

In the structure of Russian engineering, there are 12 large complex industries, more than 100 highly specialized sub-sectors, 22 thousand enterprises.

The products of the industries of this complex are needed in all regions; they provide the livelihoods of both the inhabitants of the country and the enterprises themselves. Accordingly, enterprises are represented throughout Russia.

And at the same time, the geography of mechanical engineering depends on.

Decisive Factors

One of the main ones in our time is science intensity. Without the introduction of the latest scientific developments, the production of competitive products is impossible. Therefore, many industries gravitate toward areas where research institutes and design bureaus are concentrated.

Branches of the engineering industry, which are engaged in large-scale engineering, need a large raw material base, so the main factor in the location of such production is metal consumption.

For machine tools, as well as for the production of precision instruments, qualified engineers and designers are needed. Enterprises of such industries are located in cities with a large population, the presence of universities of relevant profiles.

The production of precision large-sized equipment, as well as equipment that is difficult to transport (for example, agricultural machinery), is usually located near the center of consumption of such products in order to reduce transportation costs.

Cooperation also plays an important role - the process of placing enterprises that are interconnected at a close distance from each other.

The structure of heavy engineering includes metallurgical, mining engineering, car building, shipbuilding and other industries that are characterized by high metal consumption, not very energy and labor intensive. That's what it's called.

The active development of this species in Russia began in Soviet times. At present, 60% of all products produced by mechanical engineering are accounted for by this industry. Features of production are both in the functioning of full-cycle enterprises, and in the use of cooperation between enterprises. Factories are mainly focused on the availability of raw materials. In some cases also to areas of consumption.

Business Locations

The main areas and centers of heavy engineering include:

  • Central District.
  • Ural.
  • Siberia.
  • St. Petersburg.

Mining equipment is produced in the main coal regions of the country: in the Urals (Yekaterinburg, Kopeysk), Western Siberia (Prokopyevsk, Kemerovo), Eastern Siberia (Cheremkhovo, Krasnoyarsk).

Forging and pressing equipment and heavy machine tools are a specific product that is sometimes even produced individually. The main production is established in such cities as Yekaterinburg, Voronezh, Kolomna, Novosibirsk.

Power equipment is not so much demanding on the bases of raw materials, but on a professional workforce. Turbines and generators are produced in St. Petersburg and Novosibirsk. Diesel engines for ships in Bryansk, Khabarovsk and all the same St. Petersburg. Diesel equipment for diesel locomotives - in Penza and Kolomna.

The factories of the Ural region focus on the production of machinery, equipment for blast furnaces. This is due to the urgent need for these products in this region.

For the same reasons, equipment for the oil industry is located in the Volga region.

One of the oldest industries is railway engineering. Plants for the production of diesel locomotives are concentrated in Bryansk and Murom, diesel locomotives - in Kolomna and St. Petersburg.

The largest shipbuilding area is the coast of the Baltic Sea (Vyborg, Kaliningrad, St. Petersburg)

General mechanical engineering

This group includes industries that are distinguished by medium energy consumption, low metal consumption, but require special types of raw materials, labor and proximity to consumer markets.

The factories of this industry are among the most numerous and produce 25% of engineering products.

Agricultural equipment and machines are produced in Rostov-on-Don and Krasnoyarsk (harvesters), Ryazan, Tula (potato harvesters), Lyubertsy (forage harvesting equipment).

Enterprises for the production of equipment for the chemical industry are concentrated in Izhevsk and Penza.

Medium industry is represented by enterprises that are distinguished by narrow specialization, high involvement in cooperation, low consumption of metal, but energy-intensive and labor-intensive. The products of these enterprises are massive.

The leading branch of medium mechanical engineering is the automotive industry, which is represented by more than 200 plants (in addition to the production of cars, the production of automotive components is included). For the automotive industry, such a factor as the availability of a transport connection is also important, so the main enterprises are concentrated near major highways.

Passenger cars roll off assembly lines in Tolyatti, Moscow, Likino-Dulyovo, Serpukhov, Izhevsk. Medium-duty trucks - in Nizhny Novgorod, Moscow. Heavy vehicles are produced in Naberezhnye Chelny. Trolleybuses are produced in Engels, and buses in Kurgan, Golitsyn and Krasnodar.

The Russian tractor industry occupies a significant place in the world. All types of tractors are produced, from garden cultivators to tractors for industrial needs. Initially, the tractor industry was created in agricultural areas, but gradually began to move to areas rich in raw materials. The production of tractors has been established in St. Petersburg, Chelyabinsk, Lipetsk. Skidders for the timber industry are produced in Petrozavodsk.

The enterprises of the defense industry belong to the medium machine building industry.

Features of the geography of mechanical engineering

Mechanical engineering is one of the most territorially widespread industries, represented throughout the territory of modern Russia.

At the same time, almost 90% of all products are produced in the European part of the country. This is due to the fact that 80% of the population lives here, the main research institutes are located here, 90% of agricultural products and most of the ferrous metals are produced. The geographical location of enterprises in a particular industry is dictated by the availability of labor resources, raw material base and demand for products.

The downside of this placement is the weak involvement of the regions of Russia located beyond the Urals in the production of engineering products, despite the fact that these regions are rich in minerals and can become sources of raw materials.

You can see the prospects for the development of the industry in Russia on the video “Engineering 24”
