Proper application of manure for cucumbers in the open field and greenhouse. Humus for cucumbers What to put under cucumbers if there is no manure

Kira Stoletova

For the rapid growth of cucumbers and other crops, it is necessary to fertilize the soil: a good feed will protect root system plants from diseases. Fertilizing cucumbers with manure is carried out in the fall before harvesting and in the spring after planting seedlings.

Valuable organic fertilizer contains nutrients that improve crop fruiting. With the help of a natural additive, the quality of the soil is improved: feeding contributes to the reproduction of microflora and the restoration of the correct balance of minerals in the soil.

The benefits of feeding

To feed cucumbers, fresh manure collected from domestic animals or fermented on the ground is used. Economical additives do not harm the soil and are absolutely safe for crops. The composition of manure includes such useful substances:

  • nitrogen;
  • potassium;
  • phosphorus;
  • trace elements.

With the help of natural components, the amount of salt in the soil decreases and its acidity decreases - in such conditions, the root system grows faster: the active growth of the bush affects the quality harvested crop. In earth-enriched soil, cucumber roots absorb radioactive and toxic substances less.

Fertilizer during the period of active growth, flowering and fruiting of the bush ensures the growth of healthy fruits, which are useful to eat raw or pickled. The amount of a useful additive for top dressing is normalized (to maintain the correct acidity of the soil).

Natural substance improves throughput mineral additives, as a result - the root system quickly absorbs useful mineral supplements. Excess ground is harmful to all varieties of cucumbers: leaves wither from it, weeds grow, roots of bushes rot.

How is feeding

Cucumbers grow on bushes that are unpretentious in care, which can be fed with fresh manure. Plant nutrition occurs due to the release of a large amount of nitrogen, which helps the seedlings grow. A good option feeding cucumbers with fresh fertilizer (the variety grows in cold regions or in alkaline soil). The bed on which cucumbers grow is fed 4 times:

  1. At the beginning of flowering. If the bed was fertilized during planting seedlings, only watering is carried out until the ovaries appear. Urea and superphosphates are added to the mullein (1 teaspoon each).
  2. During the fruiting period. As soon as small cucumbers appear on the bushes, watering is diluted with watering with the help of mullein or other soil. The bed is abundantly covered with bird droppings diluted in water or organic fertilizer with the addition of wood ash. Ash is added only to steamed rotted manure.
  3. Two weeks later, the third dressing of the bushes is carried out. It is better to fertilize the soil with mullein diluted with 2 parts of water and potassium sulfate. Urea and superphosphate are added 1 teaspoon each.
  4. After 2 weeks, make the last recharge. You need chicken manure and 1 tablespoon of mineral supplements.

If you plant seedlings in non-fertilized soil, fertilizing occurs 5 times: the last feeding is applied a week before harvest.

Cucumbers love nitrogen-containing additives, which in large quantities harm other crops - cabbage or carrots. Neighborhood in the garden must be taken into account when feeding is made.


The question that interests novice gardeners is how to harvest manure? Feeding is being prepared for each plant separately: nitrogenous additives are suitable for cucumbers, so you can easily bring fresh manure or litter to the garden. It is useful to feed the bushes with a diluted mixture with nettles and fresh comfrey.

It is good to fertilize the soil before planting with compost, which contains at least 30% humus. Before watering, you can fertilize the soil with a mixture of manure, peat, straw and dry leaves.

Variety of organic fertilizers

The rotted mixture is a useful fertilizer for garden and greenhouse crops. Use land obtained directly from the farm. Experienced gardeners use horse and sheep ground, which contains dozens of useful substances. Cow manure and humus from cattle pens feeds the soil well.

You can not use waste after a pig for feeding - there are few useful substances in such a mixture. If you make the wrong top dressing, the soil will become unsuitable for planting cucumbers or tomatoes.

The calculation of the amount of the prepared additive depends on the qualitative characteristics of the humus: for one hundred square meters of land, 300 kg of horse or 450 kg of cow soil are added. Alternative option bird droppings (pigeon or chicken), which are easy to collect in a large farm. Such an additive is diluted with additional useful substances (it is dangerous to apply concentrated droppings).


Mullein must be rotted before being added to the soil. If horse manure can be fresh, then things are different with mullein - if it does not stand, there will be no sense in such feeding. Suitable mullein for beds and greenhouses: temperature environment for the quality indicators of recharge does not matter.

For the preparation of recharge, 10 liters of purified water are used: the ground should settle for about a day. Dilute the additive with water in a ratio of 1:2. Planting a plant with the addition of soil follows a simple pattern: fertilizing the soil, loosening the topsoil, mulching and planting seedlings directly.

sheep ground

Organic fertilizer, which decomposes quickly, is used to feed the growing seedlings. With a fresh substance, fertilize the soil in a greenhouse or on open field- it is important that the sheep soil additive is not old or rotten.

Fresh ground feed the soil before harvesting. Planting seedlings occurs with the addition of sheep waste to loosened soil: humus does not need to be diluted with water or reduce the concentration of substances that make up its composition.

bird droppings

Chicken manure is used in early spring: At this time, the diet of the chicken consists of greens, which are useful for crops planted in the open field. Chicken or pigeon droppings are useful only in limited quantities. It is better to dilute such an additive minerals or rotten vegetables (pumpkin, root crops).

Litter is infused for at least 2 weeks, and then diluted with purified water (in equal parts). Only the root system of plants is poured with the prepared solution, if the recharge falls on the foliage, it quickly fades. If you use bird droppings too often, it accumulates in the ground a large number of nitrogen.

rabbit ground

Rabbit humus is a free and effective homemade feed.

Use feed in the form of a liquid: the collected humus is diluted with water. It is better to apply rabbit manure in the spring, when the seedling root system needs additional feeding. nutrients. The additive is infused for a week, and then the concentration of constituent substances decreases due to water: 10 parts of water are added to 1 part of the ground.

In winter, a natural additive is used instead of mulch. It is laid out on the upper layers of the soil: such a heater will protect the plant and preserve the root system during temperature changes. In the spring, manure can be applied before planting seedlings in the garden. After rains, top dressing is activated, so in summer it is ineffective to feed plants with rabbit ground.

Horse dung

One of the best views manure - horse, used to fertilize cucumber bushes, especially hybrids. This is resistant varieties with which minimal care is needed: horse manure is used when planting cucumbers and before harvesting.


Manure - preparation before application

Basics about manure - humus for beginner gardeners!

There is a recharge for almost a month, and analogues on a natural basis horse manure no. Microorganisms contained in the additive contribute to the production of humus - beneficial substance for plant growth.

I believe that on your site you need to grow organic and early vegetables without such dubious practices. I'll tell you how I do it.

Soak cucumber seeds for one day in water room temperature with the addition of potassium permanganate. Then I transfer it to a moistened piece of gauze or cotton fabric and wait until they hatch.

I take a flat plastic box 5-8 cm high, put a layer of moss on the bottom, and already on it I lay out the hatched seeds and cover them with a layer of sawdust on top. And all this layered cake I wet it a little with water so that the moss is wet. Shoots appear on the third day, and later they can already be planted in the ground.

Preparing the garden for cucumbers

Now I'm going to start preparing the garden. I dig a ditch to the width of two bayonets of a shovel and a depth of one bayonet, fill it with fresh, unripe manure and cover it with earth. It may be objected to me that fresh manure cannot be used in the garden, but it depends on what.

In this case fresh manure is an excellent biofuel, when rotting, it releases a large amount of heat and warms the soil well, what you need for early cucumbers.

After that, I slightly loosen the ground and sprinkle it with ash (I don’t add superphosphate, because I don’t like to use mineral fertilizers on my beds - organic matter already has everything necessary for plants).

On the finished ridge, I make two deep grooves with high edges with a rake. I again pour manure into them, but already well-rotted (the best indicator of this is its flowability), and from above I fall asleep with the same earth.

And I land cucumber seedlings. I water in the evening warm water, which during the day stood in the sun in the tank. I put metal arcs over the bed, tie them at the top with a cord between themselves and stretch the film (the cord is just needed so that it does not sag between the arcs).

Dates of planting cucumbers (Pskov region)

Now about the timing.

The landing is carried out at the end of April. And although in our area at this time there are serious return frosts, they are not terrible for my cucumbers: both from below and from above they are reliably protected from the cold. I water them every day and they grow quickly in this man-made "climate". And when the threat of frost has completely passed, I remove the film and tie up the cucumbers.

By the way, many people ask me why I do this. And then, that cucumbers do not like to be disturbed.

They grow long lashes that lie in the furrows and even crawl onto neighboring beds. When harvesting, you have to move them and sometimes shift from place to place so as not to trample.

And if you accidentally step on them, the fragile branch will break, the leaves will turn yellow and dry, which will lead to a decrease in yield. In the tied state, the cucumbers are always calm: the lashes themselves crawl up the ropes and hold on tightly to them with their mustaches. And it’s more convenient to water the plantings (not to mention top dressing).

I'm going to wire it up like this: At the ends of the beds, I strengthen two wooden pegs 1.5 m high and connect them with a thick rail-crossbar. I cut a thin braid into 1.7 m segments. At one end I attach an air loop to the base of the cucumber sprout, and I tie the other end to the crossbar.

The loop must not be tight so that there are no scuffs on the sprout.

If everything is done correctly, the lashes will quickly rise up and bloom. The spectacle is bewitching: the cucumbers are hanging clean - just pick them up! On such a garter, the lashes bear fruit for a long time and give a large harvest.

It is hard to believe that early cucumbers can really be grown not only in a greenhouse or greenhouse, but also in open ground. Thanks to natural biochemical processes, properly organized and applied in the garden, you can get good harvest early vegetables without additional costs. Find out what a warm cucumber bed should be according to the type of construction, study its advantages and the principle of operation in order to do this know-how in the country with your own hands.

The benefits of warm beds for cucumbers

Cucumbers can be grown different ways: in a greenhouse, on a vertical trellis, in a special mobile box, just in the open field, but the main problem- lack of heat. Optimal conditions for this crop, days are considered when the temperature does not fall below 15 degrees, even at night. In our latitudes, this time comes not earlier than the end of June.

Borage for early harvest

To help young cucumbers bloom early and begin to bear fruit, gardeners are trying to provide them with warmth with all possible ways. The best beds for cucumbers in every sense - warm. Their advantages:

good harvest;

protection from weeds and pests;

it is a way to dispose of waste with benefit;

natural drainage;

heating speed;



Increase Your Cucumber Yield at No Cost

With the influence of this method on the yield of cucumbers, everything is clear: the plant sprouts faster, grows faster and gains strength, blooms and bears more abundantly, and all this thanks to the right temperature regime, which is ensured by the functioning of the so-called warm beds.

The humus layer prevents weeds by creating a natural barrier to unwanted plants and underground pests. In addition, properly laid compost underground creates conditions for the removal of excess moisture. Thus, the water does not stagnate and does not harm the roots of cucumbers. Another big plus is that the earth warms up quickly, which immediately affects the growth and development of young shoots.

Organic waste - leaves, branches, needles

There is always a lot of plant natural waste in the country: weeds after weeding the garden, grass after mowing the lawn, fallen leaves, spoiled fruits or vegetables. All this can be usefully utilized in construction. Such comfortable beds for cucumbers it is very simple and cheap to do it yourself. You don't have to buy any special tools or materials.

How does a warm bed work

From the name it is clear that such a bed should warm. But it's not entirely clear how. It is based on complex physical and biochemical reactions. A large amount of organic material is laid at the base. The result is a warm bed for cucumbers with manure or vegetable waste.

Organics, subject to sufficient moisture, begin to decompose and rot. Arises chemical reaction with the release of heat - exothermic. This involves bacteria, both aerobic and anaerobic. Compost matures over time. At first, less heat is released, but then the bed heats up more and more. Some bacteria replace others, the temperature rises.

Dry leaves - good source heat and carbon dioxide

The material is conditionally divided into two groups: the green part and the brown part. It is easy to guess that the green part represents leaves, stems, fruits and grass, and the brown part represents harder branches, twigs, sawdust.

The secret is that the green part is a source of nitrogen. The release of nitrogen speeds up the reaction, but there is also a side effect - ammonia is released. It has a detrimental effect on bacteria, which are directly the engine of the entire heating process. An excess of ammonia can cause the death of bacteria and a complete stop of the reaction, which means that a warm bed will stop functioning.

The green part of the compost

The brown part contains more carbon. In combination with hydrogen, this element turns into swamp gas - methane. For a complete and long work borage must observe the ratio of green and brown parts: 1:3. In this case, 25% of the leaves are taken to “kindling” the compost, and the main part is brushwood and branches, they answer how to make cucumber compost for the duration and uniformity of the thermal reaction.

After a few years, as the compost in the base gradually rots, the amount of heat generated decreases. The earth cools down and sooner or later stops working. Then you need to take care of building a new one. The right bed for cucumbers can last up to 8 years.

Types of warm beds for cucumbers

Naturally heated cucumber bed can be of three types, depending on the design:

trench; elevated (with a frame); combined.

Underground option with a trench

In the first case, all the "fuel" in the form of an organic filler is immersed in a specially dug trench. Thus, good conditions for decomposition and heat generation. As a result, the soil layer in which the seeds are laid is at the same level with the ground surface or slightly lower. All the "stuffing" is hidden underground.

Raised cucumber beds are those in which the compost is placed inside a specially assembled wood frame. The top layer of soil is raised above the ground to a certain height. This method is more laborious, but its advantage is that weeds will not penetrate into such a structure.

Smart garden for cucumbers - this is how the well-known author of books on gardening and gardening N. Kurdyumov calls this technique. Such an earthen structure not only heats itself up, but also does not need to loosen the soil - millions of bacteria are responsible for this. Kurdyumov studied this technology in detail and recommended it for growing cucumbers and other heat-loving vegetables.

Above-ground boxes with humus

As an alternative, you can consider the original above-ground beds, arranged not in wooden frame, but, for example, in unnecessary barrels or tanks. The use of such improvised containers greatly simplifies the construction process. Combined variant includes elements of both types. A trench is dug under the site, and a frame is arranged on top.

We make a warm bed for cucumbers with our own hands

A warm bed for cucumbers in the open field is a great alternative to a greenhouse. It is very important that it can be done without difficulty and additional costs with your own hands. It is only necessary to choose the right place, time, material and construction technology.

Choosing the most suitable location

You need to start building with a choice suitable place. Cucumbers need a lot of sun, so shaded areas will not work - no smart garden will not give a crop of cucumbers without the sun.

It is better to arrange a landing in a place protected from the wind. A constant air flow lowers the humidity of the air and the topsoil. The overdried earth cracks and condenses. A secluded place in an open sunny area is an ideal site for building a warm cucumber bed in the open field.

Choose the right place to land

As for the slope of the surface, here you need to take into account the region in which you live. In the northern regions and middle lane planting cucumbers on the southern slope is welcome. This is done in order not to miss a single sunbeam in conditions of insufficiently warm and clear summer. In southern areas, it is preferable to land on a flat surface. On the southern slope, even such a heat-loving vegetable as a cucumber can burn.

Another condition is to take into account what crops grew in this place before planting cucumbers. Best of all, if it was tomatoes or cabbage. If it's zucchini or cucumbers, upper layer it is better to replace the soil with earth from another part of the garden.

Time to lay a warm bed

The best option would be to make the basis for the beds for cucumbers in the fall. There are several explanations for this:

in autumn a large resource of organic matter; there is time to prepare the material; sufficient air temperature;

high humidity.

Wet environment - essential condition normal functioning

In the fall, when the crop is already harvested and there is time to prepare for the next summer season, you can start building a borage. There is plenty of plant waste at this time, they will have time to rot and turn into compost. By spring, the soil will be well fertilized and ready for planting cucumbers.

If time is lost, you can do warm bed for cucumbers in spring. It is only necessary to take care of it at least a month before sowing. In this case, use materials that rot quickly, since time is limited. Perhaps the soil will not have time to be saturated with fertilizers in one month, but its thermal function compost will do the trick.

Material preparation - bookmark sequence

When you decide to arrange a heated cucumber bed, first take care of the material. It’s not enough just to sketch a bunch of leaves, it’s better to follow the layered technology. It is recommended to arrange the layers in this way:

A layer of branches and large branches;

Layer of the "green part": leaves and fruits;

A layer of manure or humus;

A layer of ash (optional);

layer of fertile soil.

A supply of humus is useful in the formation of a cucumber ridge

Grind branches and chips, but not too much. The first layer will be part-time drainage - divert excess moisture. The second layer may not only consist of plants and their parts. This can also be added household waste in a reasonable amount. Sometimes even rags and paper are laid.

if you have compost pit or a bunch and ready-made humus, use it. If the compost is not yet ripe, rotted manure is suitable for the third layer. This component will significantly speed up the decomposition process, because it contains a huge number of necessary bacteria and microorganisms. If the bed is laid in the fall, this and subsequent layers, except for the soil, can be excluded.

Wood ash is a natural source of trace elements such as potassium, calcium, phosphorus and others. This is an excellent organic fertilizer for cucumbers, in addition, the elements contained in the ash stimulate the work of bacteria. The ash layer can be further enriched by watering it all with a solution of nitrogen-phosphorus fertilizer.

In order to prepare the material for a warm cucumber bed as quickly as possible, especially if it is done in the spring, the "sandwich" of organic layers is poured abundantly with water and covered with opaque black plastic wrap. This greenhouse supports high level humidity and temperature, and microorganisms do not need more, they will immediately begin to work and multiply.

Cube for cucumbers

This is my favorite garden plant. When everyone around me is surprised how many cucumbers I collect and ask how many have been planted, I calmly answer - nine - and wait for a reaction. Yes, only 9 seeds, but from mid-June to mid-September collection in progress harvest. At least 6-7 buckets of selected cucumbers over the summer. And no more! In addition, it is beautiful, convenient to care for and cucumbers are always dry and clean.

1 First, the old slate was dug with the long side standard size 170 * 110 cm. They dug 60 cm, leaving 110 cm above the ground. The result was a cube a little more than a meter. To keep the slate upright and not burst it with the mass of the earth, in two places they made a strapping with steel wire.
2 In the spring, as soon as the earth thawed, they began to fill the cube: first they poured a pillow of sand 50 cm high, then put a film, and on it a layer of 30 cm of fresh manure and compost mixed. This is a firebox, overheating, manure releases heat and warms from below. Then 25 cm of well-rotted compost halved with garden soil. Spilled 3 buckets hot water with potassium permanganate. Then we cover everything with black lutrasil. In general, you can make and fill the cube late autumn, just cover with a film on top so that the food is not washed out of the top layer. I “soften” the edge of the cube with old polyethylene in several layers so that the whip does not cut.
3 I sow seeds directly into the ground already in mid-April (for a guarantee, you can sow a supply of 5-7 seeds somewhere in the corner, in case they do not sprout). I make cuts in lutrasil, wrap the corners inward and sow. I put the arches low with the expectation that they can be pulled out and the arch enlarged. I immediately cover the cube with 2 layers of lutrasil and 2 layers thin film, securing this blanket with a simple elastic band. I don’t sow all the seeds, but only 6 pieces, while I fill the back row with tomato seedlings, for growing. Then, in mid-May, the stocky fat seedlings of tomatoes will go into their greenhouse, and in its place I will sow three more seeds or transplant those cucumbers that have risen in the corner. This is for a late harvest. Until the cucumbers germinate, I don’t take off the film, and then I take it off for a day so that it rains. You can not shoot for a long time, it is humid and warm in the cube - cucumbers like it.
4 By the time the lashes have grown enough, the threat of frost will disappear, the plants can be released into free swimming, covering only for the night with lutrasil. And soon this will not be required: it warms from below and from above, the main thing is not to forget about watering.
5 It is very convenient to pick cucumbers - they hang clean and are clearly visible. When the whips get close to the ground, I pinch. In mid-August, I begin again to cover the entire mountain with lutrasil at night, otherwise the growth of cucumbers will slow down. And in September I make a revision and leave the most fruitful shoots, which I lift up and put inside the cube, closing like in spring. It is better to sow 2-3 proven varieties, the yield is larger.
I found the information on classmates. The author is not known to me.





All summer residents, without exception, know that a certain amount is required to grow cucumbers. organic fertilizer or, in simple terms, manure.

Most summer residents plant cucumbers directly in the beds, where fresh mullein is piled to the top. Of course, this gives its result, but few people thought about it. side effects, and they are such that the fruits of cucumbers accumulate an incredible amount of nitrogen. If such cucumbers are preserved in jars, then after a while they will explode, or peroxide and become cloudy.

Such cucumbers cannot be stored for a long time even in the refrigerator - they will quickly begin to rot. Well, what happens in our body when we consume cucumbers stuffed with organics - and I don’t want to say. In addition, the use of fresh and even rotted manure contributes to the emergence and development of fungal diseases on cucumbers. This causes the inevitable death of plants and the lack of a crop.

Growing cucumbers without manure

However, there is one interesting option, it is simple and affordable at the same time - it is to grow cucumbers by replacing manure with ash. Perhaps, every gardener-gardener on his site has a lot of old sawn branches, leaves, firewood and the like. Every year, summer residents wonder where to put such garbage and often throw it out into the street, littering the territory. In fact, you can make beautiful things out of all this. mineral fertilizer called ash.

Every spring I collect all the brushwood, last year's leaves, old logs in a big pile and burn them right in the garden where the cucumbers will grow. While they go preparatory work to sowing different cultures, on this bed all the old branches, herbs and leaves are constantly burning. As a result, a lot of ash is collected. Part of it goes to fertilize cabbage and potatoes, and the other part remains in the garden. I level it over the entire planted surface with a layer of 5-6 cm and dig it up.

You should know that it is better not to do this action in the fall. The minerals contained in the ash will be washed away by rain and melted snow. Ash fertilizer must be fresh, only then the cucumbers will receive all the necessary nutrients. When the bed is ready, then cucumbers are planted in it either with seeds or seedling way.

Followed by routine care: plentiful watering, removal of weeds, loosening of the soil. A couple of times during the summer I feed cucumbers with fresh mullein. Once before flowering, the second time during fruiting. It is noteworthy that cucumbers quickly form whips and ovaries, have green non-thickened foliage and very, very many fruits.

Ash, as opposed to manure, does not cause an abundant formation of green mass, which creates thickening and shading of the cucumber bed. Ash fertilizer helps plants to gain a lot of ovaries and literally all female flowers develop into full-fledged fruits. In addition, a cucumber bed, richly fertilized with ash, is not very susceptible to all kinds of diseases; aphids will not start in such cucumbers.

Cucumbers grown on ash are dense and crispy, perfectly stored. All marinades from them, and I keep them right in the apartment, never explode and do not peroxide.

Fruiting usually goes until late autumn, while the neighbors in a manured greenhouse die cucumbers already in the middle of summer. This method I have been growing cucumbers for three years now and I get excellent and healthy yields of cucumbers of various varieties.
