Rational finishing of the facade of a private house: a photo and a review of modern facing materials, a comparative analysis of prices. Types and methods of decorative finishing of facades of private houses

As soon as we have a country house, we are looking for options for inexpensively decorating the facade of the house. Materials on modern market there is a huge variety, so the owners of private buildings have the opportunity to choose what suits them best in terms of financial capabilities. It’s not worth choosing absolutely budget options, since after all, a residential facility must be reliably protected.

We choose wisely!

Finishing materials for the house are aimed at giving the exterior a special look and protecting it from various external influences. To make the facade presentable, you need to take into account a lot of little things:

Many are looking for solutions on how to finish the facade of a house cheaply. But it is worth remembering that the total cost of finishing consists of several components - the price of material, components, equipment and the price of direct installation.

We work with a wooden house

It is important to choose materials for finishing, taking into account the characteristics of the house and the material from which it is built. Yes, the owners wooden houses strive to emphasize its naturalness, naturalness, therefore, most often they refuse to finish. But in some cases, you can’t do without it, since wood is a material that is not resistant to various atmospheric influences. How to decorate the facade of a wooden house to emphasize its natural beauty? Before answering this question, it should be noted that the cladding process is not an easy one, since a number of the following works are required:

Material for a wooden house: brick or plaster?

Experts say that any timber or log cottage looks very beautiful in itself. But if you still want to give it a completely different look, then we suggest evaluating a number of materials. Before finishing the facade of a wooden house, you need to competently approach the process itself, not forgetting about this milestone like insulation. Not the easiest way to finish a wooden structure is plaster, which is laid only on the crate. The use of plaster is good because you can give the facade a spectacular appearance. Experts say that this way too laborious, and therefore infrequently used. In addition, plaster cannot boast of a variety of colors.

Among the popular materials is brick: it allows you to significantly transform the appearance of the building, ensure its high fire hazard, and increase the resistance of walls to frost and moisture. But work is carried out only after the building has completely shrunk, the brick is fastened to special metal fixtures, and the load on the foundation with this choice will become much higher, so you need to think about strengthening it at the design stage. Since it is not the best thing to decorate the facade of a private house with bricks. simple task, it is worth entrusting all calculations to competent specialists.

Siding, PVC panels or tiles?

Often wooden houses covered with siding. The popularity of the material is due to its affordable cost and ease of installation. Experts say that such a finish will become a reliable and practical protection for the house. Plus of choice this decision is also a variety of color solutions, that is, your wooden house may look different. So if you are looking for how to inexpensively decorate the facade of the house, choose siding: it is easy to care for it, it is durable and does not deteriorate under the influence of natural factors. In addition, the installation of siding is carried out on the frame, which means that it will be possible to insulate the building.

PVC panels are rarely used in decoration, but their advantage is in imitation different surfaces. In addition, they are resistant to mechanical stress. It looks interesting on a wooden surface tile, which is attractive practicality. But, as experts say, working with this material is not so easy.

Foam block house

Lots of modern cottages built on the basis of foam blocks and aerated concrete. The popularity of materials is explained by the simplicity of working with them, and durable operation. True, there are several nuances that should be taken into account before finishing the facade of the house from foam blocks:

To put the facade in order, experts advise using the following methods:

  • ventilated facade: it can be built using siding, lining, decorative panels;
  • facing brick: its use allows you to think through the ventilation holes, which will ensure natural circulation air between the wall and the finishing material;
  • plaster mixes;
  • simple staining using which have good vapor permeability.

These are the best solutions for those who are looking for an option than finishing the facade of a house from aerated concrete.

Frame house

Such buildings attract attention because they are economical in construction. But with the finish you need to be careful, as there are a number of nuances that must be taken into account:

What to do with the above? Many experts recommend mounting any hinged structures based on a vinyl block house, siding. This coverage attracts affordable price, simple installation, reliability and durability, therefore this system is in high demand today.

The frame house looks beautiful when sheathed with clapboard, wooden siding, block house - in general, materials that emphasize the naturalness of wood. Such structures look solid, presentable and fit beautifully into the surrounding landscape. You can give some effect to the facade with the help of facade decorative plaster. And tiling, natural or artificial stone will help to express the individuality and solidity of the cottage.

Thus, we see that there are many options for how you can finish the facade of the house. But in order for your choice to be truly conscious, you should pay attention to the merits of each material and its approximate cost.


This material is liked by both buyers and experts for its safety, ease of installation, ease of maintenance and beautiful appearance. For example, in most European countries, this material is most often used to decorate houses. And given that manufacturers guarantee a service life of about 40 years, you can protect your home for for many, many years. As for the price, the material on average costs about 200 rubles per 1 sq. m., if we talk about vinyl siding, the basement is more expensive - about 500 rubles per square meter. m. But still, for those who are looking for how to cheaply finish the facade of the house, this material is best suited.


This coating can make the facade of any house beautiful and noteworthy. In terms of structure, we have a moisture resistant and breathable material. There are many varieties of it - acrylic, mineral, silicate and silicone plaster. But in terms of texture and color solution the material is very limited, in addition, before facing, it is necessary to additionally paint the facade. Experts note that this coating will last for 10 years, while it does not differ in resistance to mechanical stress.

The process itself is not the easiest - for finishing a house with an area of ​​\u200b\u200bup to 150-200 square meters. m will take at least 6-8 weeks. And in advance you will need a primer on the surface to protect it from atmospheric influences. The cost of a kilogram of plaster is from 40 rubles. for 1 kg - this is the simplest variety, silicate and silicone plasters are expensive - they cost from 100 rubles per kilogram. On average, about 3 kg of material is consumed per square meter.

Block house

What is the inexpensive way to decorate the facade of the house if it is made of wood and you want to emphasize its natural beauty? Experts suggest paying attention to a type of lining - a block house, the front surface of which imitates a rounded log. With environmental friendliness and naturalness, the material is not durable, and the appearance of the surface can be spoiled by cracks and other defects that are characteristic of wood. In addition, you will need to constantly update the surface of the block house with protective equipment. The cost of one square meter of material varies between 400-1000 rubles.

ceramic brick

If the appearance of your home is more important to you than the cost of finishing, choose facing ceramic bricks. It attracts attention with ecological cleanliness and natural composition, frost resistance and durability and good sound insulation. It is necessary to decide in advance on the color and texture solution before finishing the facade of the house. A photo of such houses shows that a more luxurious coverage cannot be imagined. Plus, it will last for decades. True, in terms of cost, this material cannot be attributed to the budget - after all, high quality and durability cannot be cheap. One square meter of cladding will cost from 1200 to 3000 rubles.

Facade tiles

Modern and reliable building material is a facade tile. It is durable, resistant to moisture, durable and is ideal if you are looking for a beautiful solution to the question of how to finish the facade of the house. A photo finished surface emphasizes all its beauty, however, the installation itself is not simple. In addition, careful preliminary preparation of the surface is required, as well as control over the straightness of the seam. In terms of quality and aesthetics, facade tiles are not inferior to bricks, and at a price they are much cheaper - 1000-1500 rubles per square meter.

One of the synonyms for the word "facade" is the word "face". Indeed, the front part of the building plays the role of a kind of showcase and is considered the hallmark of the whole house. Along with the decorative, the facade also performs a practical function. Even at the design stage, it is necessary to consider the combination of finishing materials, coordinating them with the entire structure of the building. In the modern profile market there are various Decoration Materials for facades of houses that require installation different levels difficulties.

  • What to look for when choosing materials for the facade?

    Need exterior finish facade is determined not only by aesthetics, but also by the ability to significantly improve the performance of the building. Thinking about what material to finish the facade of the house, you should pay attention to the following criteria:

      Resistance to atmospheric precipitation and climatic manifestations;

      Resistance to moisture and frost;

      The level of thermal insulation;

      Environmental Safety;

      Possibilities of material as a design element.

    Do not forget to insulate the walls before finishing the facade

    If there is a use of imitation material, then you should pay attention to the level of its similarity with the original. The soundproofing characteristics of finishing raw materials and the level of wind protection are also taken into account. High-quality cladding of the facade of the house is a guarantee of strength, durability and aesthetics of the facade. By choosing the best materials for the facades of the building, you can increase its service life and add originality to the overall design. When selecting facing materials It is also worth taking into account the complexity of installation and cost.

    Types of facade decoration

    Modern decoration of the facades of private houses is most often carried out using the following types of finishing materials for the facade:

      Facade plaster- the material is the most "ancient" and popular way of cladding, it requires good preparation of the walls. There are many types of plaster - silicone, silicate, acrylic, etc.

      - inexpensive facade cladding material. Vinyl look It is usually installed on houses located in a temperate climate, as it quickly heats up from high temperatures.

      Brick facing- a classic type of finish, made of cement and shell rock. Possesses high operational and esthetic characteristics.

      Clinker tiles– durable material for finishing facades, resistant to abrasion, therefore, it is most often installed in places with high traffic so that the facade does not lose its appearance due to many numerical touches.

      Panels– optimally suited for facade decoration and can be different types: metal, wood, glass, polyurethane foam, etc.

    Choose the right material

    Facade plaster

    Such facade finishing material as plaster is used very often and is easy to apply. Its main purpose is to create an attractive appearance for your home decoration and protection from climatic influences.

    Advantages of the modern finishing method decorative facade stucco:

      Wide decorative possibilities - the creation of different textures and colors.

      Ease of application;

      Resistance to temperature fluctuations;


      Small cost.

    However, if the technology for applying the finish has been violated, then cracks, swelling, spotting, peeling of the finish layer may occur. Plastering the facade of a private house is a simple process that can be done on your own, with minimal skills in this area.

    The decision to finish the facade with siding will allow the owner of the house to get a good result and a beautiful appearance of the building. The most popular is vinyl and metal siding.

    Pros of vinyl:

    The disadvantages of vinyl siding include:

    Metal siding for facade cladding is most often made of aluminum.

    Facing brick

    The use of brick facing options gives the house respectability and solidity. Professionals should carry out the installation of this material, since the process requires certain skills.

    Advantages of facing bricks:

      It does not require special care;


      Environmentally friendly;

      The facade gains strength and stability;

      Brick protects the house from precipitation and other climatic manifestations;

      Adds service life to load-bearing structures;

      A wide range of textures and colors.

    The disadvantages of facing the facades of houses with bricks include:

      Education over time white plaque(efflorescence), which spoils the appearance of the building;

      The high price of the material.

    A special method of processing clay allows the clinker tiles to achieve high performance. The result is an optimal facing material that is suitable for outdoor use in all respects.

    Advantages of clinker tiles:

      Strength and resistance to mechanical stress;

      UV resistance;

      Frost resistance;

      Low water absorption;


    The lining, familiar to us all, is the very first type of facade panels. After it, various variations of this cladding began to be used, making it from metal, porcelain stoneware, stone, and polyvinyl chloride.

    What are the advantages of cladding a house with panels:

      Installation of cladding does not require long preparatory work, can be carried out in all weather conditions, the laying process is fast;

      The facade is reliably protected from temperature changes and other adverse influences;

      The material is not combustible;

      Does not require special care;

      Light weight.

    What material should be chosen for finishing facades?

    Choosing the best material for the facade, you should consider what the house itself is built from. After all, wooden and timber houses, for example, require the construction of a ventilated facade, and siding or panels are best suited for such needs. Whereas brick and stone buildings "love" plaster and brick. You should also focus on your financial capabilities, because the market for modern facade finishing materials is so large that it will satisfy the needs of any category of citizens. Facing should be ideally combined with the overall design of the building and act as a single ensemble with it.

    Read about the previous stages of construction:

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    Exterior decoration of the house - 5 modern options implementation

    October 24, 2016
    Specialization: facade finishing, interior decoration, construction of dachas, garages. The experience of an amateur gardener and horticulturist. He also has experience repairing cars and motorcycles. Hobbies: playing the guitar and much more, for which there is not enough time :)

    The facade is calling card any building, in addition, the exterior of the house, as you know, serves to protect the walls from rain and other negative impacts environment. Therefore, the choice of finishing materials must be approached competently and responsibly.

    Currently, the market is replete with various offers, which, on the one hand, is, of course, good, but on the other hand, because of this, it is not easy for a beginner to decide how best to finish the house. To help in this matter, further I will acquaint you with the most common exterior finishing technologies and their features, as well as modern facade materials.

    Exterior finishing options

    So, the following options for finishing the facade are currently popular:

    1. dry (hinged facade)- involves the installation of a frame, which is subsequently sheathed with panels;
    2. wet (plaster)- carried out using various plaster solutions that can be applied to walls in different ways;
    3. cladding with piece materials- involves pasting the walls with tiles, natural stone or other similar materials;
    4. brick cladding- in this case, walls of facing bricks are erected along the perimeter of the house;
    5. thermal panels- it's relatively new material, which is attached to the walls in a dry way.

    Each of these finishing options has its own characteristics, as well as pros and cons, which we will discuss below.

    Option 1: hinged facade

    Technology Features

    Finishing according to the technology of a ventilated or hinged facade is very popular, as it has a number of advantages:

    • the facade is quickly and easily mounted, and finishing can be done at any temperature;
    • the finish is quite strong and durable;
    • a large selection of materials, which allows you to implement any design of the facade to your taste;
    • it is possible to place thermal insulation under the skin, as well as hide communications.

    Due to the lack of wet work, this finish is an excellent option for wooden buildings. Also in a similar way, you can finish the house from blocks, such as aerated concrete or wood concrete. Truth, in this case, it is necessary to use special fasteners for mounting the frame.

    The disadvantages include a higher cost compared to plaster.

    Materials for a hinged facade

    As mentioned above, the basis of the hinged facade is the frame. It is assembled from metal profiles or wooden bars. In addition, of course, some other materials will be needed for the exterior decoration of the house in this way:

    Particular attention must be paid to the finishing material, on which the design of the facade depends., as well as how durable the exterior of the house will turn out to be. The range of all kinds of panels is simply huge, and it is impossible to list them all. Therefore, below we will get acquainted only with the most common materials:

    • wooden finishing boards - these include block house, lining, imitation of timber, planken, etc. All of them differ only in size and profile.

    Among the advantages of these coatings are environmental friendliness, attractive appearance and relatively low cost - from 300-350 rubles. for 1m2. The disadvantages include the need for periodic care, namely the treatment with protective compounds.

    As a rule, such materials are used for finishing wooden buildings. For example, a log house, even after finishing, can retain its natural beauty if it is sheathed with a block house;

    • vinyl sidingplastic panels in the form of several interconnected boards. Vinyl siding is a good alternative wooden materials, since it costs less (from 200 rubles per 1m2), moreover, it does not require any maintenance;
    • metal siding - outwardly resembles vinyl siding, however, it is made of galvanized steel or aluminum. Externally, this material reliably imitates wood flooring, but at the same time it has some disadvantages:
      • high cost - from 400-500 rubles. for 1m2;
      • noise during precipitation and strong winds;
      • high thermal conductivity.

    Therefore, metal siding is rarely used for finishing residential buildings.

    • facade panels- in fact, it is an analogue of vinyl. The difference is only in appearance - this coating can imitate a natural stone, masonry, and other materials.

    Often, home craftsmen are interested in how to finish the bottom of the house in order to highlight it and provide sufficient strength to the base? An excellent solution are special plinth panels. Outwardly, they resemble facade panels, but they are more durable.

    Everyone should choose what material is best to finish the house outside, depending on the desired design of the facade and, of course, financial capabilities.

    However, plaster also has some disadvantages:

    • plastering is a seasonal job, as sub-zero temperature you can't do it;
    • durability is much lower than other finishes. As a rule, it does not exceed 10-15 years, subject to strict adherence to technology and the use of the most expensive and high-quality materials. Otherwise, the facade will have to be repaired even earlier;
    • strength is much lower than other types of finishes, especially if the plaster is applied over the insulation. In this case, it is protected by a thin layer of cement-based adhesive and fiberglass mesh. As a result, even minor mechanical loads can damage the surface of the facade;
    • applying plaster is a rather laborious work.

    If the house is made of wood concrete or aerated concrete, it is not recommended to plaster it over the insulation, since the walls will have much greater vapor permeability than the finish, which will lead to their constant dampening with all the ensuing consequences.

    Types of plaster

    It should be noted that plastering can be of several types:

    Type of plastering Peculiarities
    Draft The task of such plastering is to level the outer walls and prepare them for further finishing, for example, applying decorative plaster, tiling, painting, etc.

    To perform rough plaster, cement mortars are used. It is best to use special plaster mixtures, which contain additives that improve the quality of the coating. Their cost starts from 180-200 rubles. per bag 25kg.

    The liquid mortar with such plastering is applied to the wall manually or mechanically, after which it is aligned with the beacon rule. True, if the irregularities of the wall are insignificant, plastering can be done without beacons.

    decorative Forms the texture of the facade, respectively, performs an exclusively decorative function. As a rule, decorative plastering is carried out with special mixtures that are applied thin layer. Their composition may contain marble chips or other filler, which forms the texture of the coating.

    The cost of the cheapest mineral plasters starts from 300-400 rubles. per bag weighing 20kg. The cost of more expensive polymer compositions can reach 2500-3000 rubles.

    I must say that there is a technology for decorative plastering with ordinary cement mortar. Its essence lies in spraying the composition on the walls, resulting in a texture that resembles a fur coat. Therefore, this technology is called a fur coat.

    Wet facade With this plastering, the walls are pre-pasted with insulation, for example, foam or mineral mats. In addition, the insulation is additionally fixed with special dowels.

    Then the surface is reinforced with fiberglass mesh, which is glued with Ceresit CT 85 adhesive. Thus, it performs the function of a rough plaster.

    Any decorative plaster is applied over the surface finished in this way, which is subsequently painted.

    If you want to insulate the house using the hinged facade technology, but at the same time finish it decorative plaster, you can sheathe the LSU frame with plates, then putty them and apply a decorative composition on top.

    Option 3: cladding with piece materials

    Exterior decoration of the house can be done with piece materials. Among the advantages of such a solution are the following points:

    • reliable protection of walls from atmospheric influences;
    • the facade acquires a presentable appearance;
    • durability.

    Of course, along with the advantages, there are some disadvantages:

    • walls under such cladding cannot be insulated from the outside;
    • the cost of piece facing materials is much higher than the coatings described above.

    Therefore, the combined exterior decoration of the facade is very popular. In this case, piece materials are used only for finishing the basement or corners, and the main part of the walls is plastered or finished in other ways, as in the photo below.

    The most popular are the following types of piece materials:

    • stones;
    • clinker tiles;
    • ceramic tile.

    Below we will take a closer look at the features of all these coatings.

    Facing stones

    Natural stone is a common finishing material that always looks stylish and fashionable.. In addition, this finish is durable and very durable.

    True, it should be borne in mind that stone is different from stone. Therefore, we will further consider the most common types of stones that are used for facade decoration:

    stone type Peculiarities
    limestone and sandstone They are beautiful stones that are found most different shades. Of course, in addition to visual appeal, there are other advantages:
    • low cost - from 400-500 rubles. for 1 m2;
    • relatively small weight.

    The disadvantages include low strength and porosity.

    shell rock It is also inexpensive, but at the same time a beautiful stone. It has the same disadvantages as the above limestone and sandstone.
    Slate Beautiful and at the same time durable material, so it is very popular. Often it is used in the design of the facade in the style of Provence.

    The cost of slate also starts from 400-500 rubles. for 1 m2;

    Marble This stone is one of the most famous and widespread. He is different beautiful texture and a rich selection of colors. In addition, this stone can be called eternal due to its high strength and hardness.

    The only serious drawback of marble is the high cost - the price starts from 3500-4000 rubles. for 1m2.

    Granite Has almost the same operational qualities like marble. True, its cost is somewhat lower - from 2500 rubles per square meter.

    To prevent the porous stone from getting wet and clogged with dirt, it should be coated with a special varnish.

    The installation of the stone is carried out on ordinary tile adhesive. Since when laying this material it is not necessary to make even seams and strictly maintain the level, even a beginner can cope with this task.

    Clinker tiles are a beautiful and durable material for exterior wall decoration, which is made on the basis of slate clays. Thanks to a special manufacturing technology, it has the following qualities:

    • high strength;
    • weather resistance;
    • durability - many manufacturers of clinker tiles give a guarantee for 100 years;
    • light weight compared to natural stone.

    Outwardly, the tile resembles a brick, so the wall finished with this material is almost impossible to distinguish from brickwork. True, the installation process itself is quite complicated, since the tiles must be located in the same plane and have the same seams.

    In addition, the process of grouting is quite complicated. Therefore, if you decide to tile your house, you will have to seek help from specialists.

    As for the cost, clinker tiles, the price of products domestic manufacturers starts from 600 rubles per square meter. European tiles are several times more expensive.

    Ceramic tile

    A good alternative to clinker tiles is ceramic and porcelain stoneware. It can be smooth and structured. The latter resembles a natural stone, therefore it is very popular.

    Sometimes even photo printing is applied to the glazed surface. As a result, the material can have any texture or patterns. Accordingly, such a coating looks very impressive.

    It should be noted that not only tiles are made of ceramics, but also large facade panels, the width of which can reach 60 cm and the length -180 cm. The panels are easier to install, however, the design of the facade in this case turns out to be rather peculiar. Therefore, the tile is still more popular.

    The cost of ceramic facade tiles starts from 400 rubles. for 1m2.

    Option 4: brick cladding

    Considering modern views exterior decoration, it is impossible not to mention brick cladding. This is perhaps best protection walls from negative environmental influences and mechanical influences.

    Therefore, if you are interested in decorating an old house, brick cladding is an excellent solution. After all, in this way you will not only protect the walls from negative influences, but also give the building a presentable appearance.

    True, for objectivity, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with some of the disadvantages of such a solution:

    • the brick has a lot of weight, as a result of which the facing walls need a foundation , even if you plan to trim cottage.Therefore, if such a cladding was not planned at the design stage of the house, it is necessary to carry out an additional strip foundation along the perimeter of the building;

      Thermopanel for facade finishing

      Option 5: lining with thermal panels

      Finally, consider modern outdoor finishing materials that belong to the category of thermal insulation boards. Their main feature is the presence of two layers:

      • base - is a heat-insulating material. It can be expanded polystyrene, extruded polystyrene foam or even polyurethane foam;
      • the front layer - serves as protection for the insulation from environmental influences, and is also a decorative element. Clinker tiles are usually used as a front covering, marble chips, porcelain tiles and other materials.

      It should be noted that these panels do not require the installation of a frame, as they are fixed directly on the wall using special fasteners. At the same time, they are connected to each other in a lock, which provides a continuous surface without cold bridges.

      High cost - the price of thermal panels starts from 1000 rubles. for 1m2;

    • the vapor permeability of such a coating leaves much to be desired, therefore it is not necessary to finish a house of gas silicate or other materials that have a high vapor permeability in this way.

    Here, in fact, are all types of exterior wall finishes that I wanted to acquaint you with in this article.


    Exterior decoration of the house can be done in different ways and materials. Moreover, it is impossible to say unequivocally that some option is better, and some is worse, since they all have their pluses and minuses. Therefore, everyone must make his own choice, depending on his own wishes, financial capabilities and other factors.

    If you have any questions regarding the facade decoration, ask them in the comments, and I will be happy to answer you.

    October 24, 2016

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    The facade of the house can be considered its original architectural attire. It's like outer shell, forming an impression of the general appearance of the building, as well as of its owners. There is no doubt that the style chosen for the exterior of the building reflects the owner's preferred colors and other tastes.

    It should be taken into account the fact that experienced builders do not recommend the use of such plaster for buildings located near motorways. The fact is that vibration transmitted to the walls from passing vehicles can cause formation in the material.

    Acrylic plaster. This material is characterized by excellent moisture resistance and plasticity.

    But technical features fabrication of the material can cause the appearance of an impermeable film on the surface finished by it, which is an obvious obstacle to the evaporation of moisture and the breathing of the material. It should be noted that if we are talking about, for the insulation of which polystyrene was used, or houses located along the highway, then for them this quality becomes more of a virtue.

    Silicate plaster. This material has a lot of advantages. It has high plasticity, good air permeability, its antistatic properties prevent the accumulation of dust particles. If we take into account the period of use of the material, then among other types of plaster it can be called the most expensive, moreover, both in terms of the cost of the material itself and in carrying out installation work with him.

    Silicone plaster. This type of exterior finish combines all best qualities previous ones. This plaster has become a hit among other varieties of this material. Noteworthy is the fact that successful combination the excellent qualities of the material are accompanied by a very affordable price.

    Facade of the house: siding

    This material for exterior decoration has several varieties:

    • wooden siding;
    • metal.

    Wooden siding has been used for facade decoration for quite some time. long time, and managed to prove itself with better side. Its vinyl counterpart did not reach such popularity because it could not assure homeowners of its safety. It is believed that, in fact, there is no reason for this. What are the obvious advantages of the material?

    • facade creates as if protective screen, fully ventilated, helping to remove excess moisture, and not interfering with the natural breathing of the walls of the building;
    • The vinyl coating is an insurmountable obstacle to the effects of harmful ultraviolet radiation, it is perfectly cleaned, and is able to maintain its original appearance for a long time;
    • The chemical composition of the material allows it not to be involved in the combustion process, but if a fire occurs, the release of harmful substances into the atmosphere, outside the building, will in no way worsen the composition of the indoor air.

    wooden siding

    The durability of individual types of wood is not too high. However, the material made from impregnated wood acquires not only increased wear resistance, but also a special resistance to adverse conditions.

    Finishing the facade of the house with tiles

    In design, this method of finishing looks quite simple, but it is rather complicated in technical performance, and very expensive. All rules for proper installation must be strictly observed.

    • It must be remembered that masonry walls tend to shrink;
    • Availability of many types tile material involves the use of glue for each specific grade, suitable in each specific case;
    • There are various types of tiles on the market, the surface of which imitates all kinds of materials. It can be a chopped stone, a noble tree, a simple one. If preference is given to one of the types of this material, then it does not interfere with taking care of the grout composition suitable for the color scheme. Its use will provide the most spectacular and elegant look;
    • The pleasant possibility of combining different textures is not excluded, but when choosing materials suitable for this, their size should be taken into account. To give the building a certain solidity and monumentality, larger parts and elements can be used to finish the basement. The walls are trimmed with more accurate, miniature details.

    Brick: facade decoration

    Material such as brick, from time immemorial has been feature quality factor. When a special one appeared, a certain respectability was added to it. Usually, cladding with this material is carried out even at the level of the construction of load-bearing walls.

    Therefore, we can assume that the appearance of the building was thought out in advance by the master. But there are other cases as well. Let's say the building has already been built, but something didn't work out, and it doesn't look very attractive. The situation can be corrected by the use of bricks. In what cases is it appropriate?

    In other words, an air gap and a vent are required. If this is not done, then the destruction of the wood is possible, because condensate will collect on the surface, inside.

    House facade design: styles

    Thinking through what the appearance of your home will be is a creative process.

    However, it should be treated responsibly and seriously, balancing desires with opportunities, trying to find a middle ground.

    Everything stylistic decisions can be divided into several types:

    • Hi-tech and modern;
    • Country style;
    • Classic;
    • Styles developed on the basis of Canadian and British motives;
    • Chalet.

    Industrialism and minimalism. Urban houses with such features are characterized by a clear desire for industrialization. At the peak of popularity among homeowners and designers are now minimalist styles, clearly gravitating towards the high-tech direction. The main concept of buildings decorated in this style is simplicity of design, conciseness and clarity of all forms.

    High-tech is more characterized by versatility and convenience. For decoration external walls buildings are made of plastic, glass and metal. The unpretentiousness and severity of the design style of the facade is emphasized by the ascetic color scheme - black and white predominate, and the color of steel.

    Country varieties. This is a real current of styles, consisting of many different currents with their characteristic features. TO this type include French Provence, Russian village, alpine chalet, cowboy wild west. We can say that country is a multinational style that combines the customs of a particular country.

    For its implementation, natural natural materials such as wood and stone. The stone can also be taken artificial, because thanks to modern technologies it is almost indistinguishable from the real thing. This style is especially suitable for country houses located near lakes, mountains or forests.

    This style is constantly in high demand. What are its main features? Houses decorated in the style of the classics have quite proportional and clear forms.

    All parts and elements of the front facade are distinguished by symmetrical geometry. Door and window openings are made in a traditional rectangular shape.

    Arches are allowed. Among other types and types of decoration, classic style stands out for its simplicity and artlessness, unpretentiousness and sophistication. And although the desire for minimalism is quite clearly emphasized in this style, such elements as elegant columns, massive railings, and other decorative details will not be superfluous.

    Facade design project

    First step
    project development involves the beginning of sketch development. If you have the necessary skills, you can do it yourself, otherwise it is better to turn to the services of specialists.

    The future owner of the house expresses to him his wishes, preferences, requirements for the future building. Then proceed to the design of the facade itself.

    If the building has already been built, you will need to make all the necessary measurements. With the help of special computer programs you can visualize the proposed style directions in order to decide on the choice of a specifically suitable one. Based on the selected materials, their future consumption is calculated, an estimate is prepared. This requires special professional skills, so it is not recommended to do it yourself.

    Next stage- Start decorating. Here it is quite possible to rely on own forces and do it yourself. During the work, it should be remembered that the overall design of the house should be in harmony with the decoration of its small parts. All parts and elements of the structure must correspond to each other, and are made in a single stylistic solution.

    The final part of the work on drawing up the design will be the design event. In the process of their implementation, you can translate into reality all your wishes in terms of finishing the facade of the house. It should be noted that such a design project can be developed not only for a newly built house, but also for an old dwelling. The main difference in the case of remodeling an old house is the need to dismantle or remake the previous facade. This, of course, will complicate the whole process to some extent, but will in no way affect the final result.

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  • The question of what is cheaper to finish the facade of the house is relevant for almost all owners of private buildings. After all, on the one hand, I want the cladding of housing to be of high quality and aesthetically attractive, and on the other hand, it is obvious that unjustified expenses in the pursuit of "exclusivity" and stunning appearance are useless. Rare are families who can afford any solution without regard to its cost.

    But also go to extremes, stopping at the very budget option, without an objective assessment of the ability of the selected material to "resist" an aggressive outdoor environment - wind, rain, frost, snow, etc., definitely not worth it. Unless, you want to see in practice the effectiveness of the saying "the miser pays twice."

    Of course, it will not work to finish the facade of the house cheaply, but it is quite realistic to choose the optimal material, which, all other things being equal, will have a lower price.

    Criteria for a competent choice

    In order to decide how best to finish the facade of the house and at the same time not lose money financially, it is very important to clearly define the criteria that help identify the advantages and disadvantages of one or another option.

    First of all, you should pay attention to the appearance of the finished facade. Of course, the "presentability" of the cladding is a very, very subjective concept, directly dependent on the personal tastes of the owners. However, such parameters of the materials used as:

    • number of offered color variations and textures,
    • resistance to fading and other visual defects,
    • similarity to natural raw materials (if an imitation product is considered)

    under no circumstances should it be left unattended. They will help to make an objective impression about the product.

    The next quite obvious criterion is the durability of the material. Agree, it will be very sad if the inexpensive facade of the house turns out to be a real headache with the need for annual re-innovation work. If the type of cladding you like good term services - know you are on the right track.

    It is no secret that it is not enough just to choose a facade material. It still needs to be installed. The complexity of the task, the presence of seasonal restrictions, the volume of auxiliary elements and materials - all these factors must be taken into account.

    And finally, the final cost of the outer cladding. This should include:

    • material cost per kilogram or square meter;
    • the price of components, tinting, necessary equipment;
    • the cost of installation (and, if necessary, preparatory work).

    Ceteris paribus, you can safely focus on the final cost of finishing the facade when choosing.

    Popular options for exterior home decoration

    Most often, owners of private houses prefer facade cladding:

    • siding;
    • facade plaster;
    • block house;
    • facing brick - ceramic or clinker;
    • facade tiles.

    Siding - a good choice or not?

    The main types of siding used for cladding the facades of houses are vinyl and basement. Aluminum is rarely used in residential construction. The key advantages of the material are safety, relative ease of installation, ease of maintenance.

    And the most obvious drawback is the artificial appearance. And, we can say that this fact almost crosses out all the advantages. In Europe, for example, siding is used only when it is necessary to clad utility or temporary buildings. And although basement siding, unlike vinyl, and imitates natural brick or stone, plasticity still “breathes” from it.

    As for the service life, siding manufacturers assure that their “children” are able to serve faithfully for 40-50 years. But in practice, this figure is usually much less, since the material is fragile when severe frosts, unstable to deformation, prone to burnout. Cases when it is sad to look at siding after 5 years of operation, unfortunately, are not rare.

    When installing siding in the cold season, it should be borne in mind that the material has high rate thermal expansion.

    average cost

    Vinyl siding will cost you about 200 rubles / sq. m. The total cost of such a cladding, taking into account installation and the necessary auxiliary elements, is about 1500 rubles / sq.m.

    Basement siding is a more expensive pleasure. The material itself costs an average of 400-500 rubles / sq.m. The actual cost of finishing the house with him is 3000 rubles / sq.m.

    Advantages and disadvantages of plaster

    Plaster - a coating that can provide the facade with a decent appearance; waterproof, breathable. Depending on the connecting link, facade plasters are:

    • mineral (base - cement);
    • acrylic (base - acrylic resins);
    • silicate (base - liquid glass);
    • silicone (base - silicone resin).

    The variety of textures and colors of this material is very limited. In the vast majority of cases, such lining must be additionally painted. And the texture can usually be chosen either rough or rustic.

    The service life of a facade finished with plaster is 7-10 years. And although plaster becomes stronger over time, it is not resistant to mechanical damage.

    Installation subtleties

    It takes 6-8 weeks to decorate a house with an area of ​​150-200 square meters with facade plaster. Surfaces must first be primed. "Wet" processes make the installation of facade plaster highly dependent on weather conditions and season.

    Note! The low vapor permeability of acrylic plaster makes it impossible to use it in "tandem" with such a heater as mineral wool.

    Only mineral plaster is “suitable” for a gas-foam concrete base.

    average cost

    1. Mineral plaster. The cost of the material is about 40 rubles / kg. Consumption of plaster per square meter - 3 kg. The total cost per square meter, including payment for installation and all necessary materials, is 2000-2200 rubles.
    2. Acrylic plaster. The cost of the material is 50 rubles / kg. Consumption - 1.5 kg/sq.m. The total cost is 2500.
    3. silicate plaster. The cost of the material is 100 rubles / kg. Consumption - 2.5 kg/sq.m. The total cost is 2800.
    4. Silicone plaster. The cost of the material is 100 rubles / kg. Consumption - 3 kg/sq.m. The total cost is 3000.

    Block house features

    Block house - a subspecies of lining, with its front surface imitating a rounded log. This material is natural and environmentally friendly, but rather expensive and short-lived. Not fire resistant. Of the flaws in appearance, knots, cracks, wormholes and other defects characteristic of wood are possible.

    When buying a block house, you should make sure that it is not "raw" - otherwise there is a high risk that the material will rot.

    Important! Block house, like any wooden surface located on outdoors, needs periodic updating - coating with special protective compounds, etc.

    average cost

    The price of a block house largely depends on the type of wood. The cost per square meter can range from 400 to 1000 rubles (including installation work and necessary processing- 3000-4000 thousand)

    Facing brick - quality and durability

    Facial ceramic brick is environmentally friendly pure material from natural raw materials (clay), manufactured using a special technology. It is frost-resistant, durable, demonstrates low moisture absorption and good sound insulation. Facing clinker bricks are produced in exactly the same way as ceramic ones, but fired at a higher temperature, so that no voids remain in it. Compared to ceramic, it has even better physical characteristics.

    Facing brick has a wide range of textures, shapes and colors. With it, your facade does not risk fading. The only possible external drawback is the appearance of efflorescence.

    house decorated facing brick, will look luxurious for more than a decade. Clinker brick is an example of durability, it is able to withstand more than 150 freeze-thaw cycles.

    Facing the building with bricks should be taken into account even at the design stage (the material is laid on the main foundation). Otherwise, additional strengthening of the foundation will be required.

    average cost

    The spread in material prices is quite large, but, of course, having the status of a leader in durability and quality, facing bricks simply cannot be cheap. professional styling bricks are also quite expensive. Therefore, the average Russian rarely chooses this option for finishing the facade.

    Square meter ceramic brick will cost 1200-3000 rubles, clinker - 3600-4000. A square meter of a finished, beautiful and insulated brick facade will generally require up to 6,000 rubles.

    Facade tiles: pros and cons

    Facade tiles are a modern and reliable building material. Not afraid of moisture, strong, durable. With high-quality laying - provides an excellent appearance of the house. The service life of the facade, finished ceramic tiles can be decades. True, much depends on the quality of the adhesive solution.

    Installation of facade tiles is usually not easy. The process becomes more difficult:

    • the need for careful pre-training surfaces;
    • the difficulty of achieving straightness of the seam;
    • high brittleness of the material before laying.

    average cost

    Facade tiles, in comparison with bricks, demonstrate the final result that is no worse in terms of quality and aesthetics, but costs much less. The price per square meter of material is 1000-1500 rubles, while the actual cost per square meter of such cladding usually does not exceed 3000.

    Really inexpensive decoration of the facade of the house can only become if you do it yourself. As you can see, some materials, at first glance, seem extremely cheap, but in practice, taking into account the cost of all auxiliary elements and the entire scope of work, it turns out that this is not the case. And only if you decide to take on this rather difficult work on your own, you can talk about significant savings.

    This video will acquaint you with the rules for installing vinyl siding:

    When choosing materials for facade cladding, it is very important to objectively evaluate their "perspective" - ​​how long they will last, how often they will need maintenance and renewal, what investments and how soon they may require.

    It will not be superfluous to look at the photos on the Internet various types facades, to feel which "performance style" you like best. Appearance At home, you should not just like it - you have to be in love with it. It has been proven that this moment directly affects the psychological comfort of staying inside or near housing.

    To understand how cheaper it is to finish the facade of a house, photos of various cladding options are unlikely to help, but they will clearly contribute to a clear idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat awaits you in the end when referring to a particular material.

    Thoughtfully weighing all the nuances, we are sure you will be able to accept correct solution, which will be optimal for your family, both from a financial and aesthetic point of view.
