Do-it-yourself professional interior decoration: how to properly putty walls, ceilings and plasterboard surfaces. Puttying the walls: the subtleties and features of the process How to properly putty the walls with a thin layer

Smooth walls are an attribute of a good repair, but hiring a team is expensive. Puttying the walls with your own hands is not so difficult that it could not be dealt with. It is important to follow all the steps in sequence. It is unlikely that it will be possible to immediately get an ideal wall for painting, but you can putty under the wallpaper without much difficulty. And to help you, a description of the process, photos and videos.

What are and when to use

Puttying is the preparation of surfaces for finishing. With its help, they ensure that the wall is (or looks) perfectly flat. It is applied to relatively flat surfaces. If you need . Putty is not intended for this.

Like plasters, putties consist of a binder, filler and additives that give them special properties. They are distinguished from plasters by the use of aggregates - sand - fine fractions. Two types of binder are used - cement or gypsum, sometimes lime, polymer additives are added to them. Accordingly, there are gypsum and cement putties.

There are also polymer putties - acrylic and latex. They are based on synthetic substances, the properties of which vary depending on the additives. They are not natural, but have a longer lifespan and withstand more freeze/thaw cycles. For facade work, it is better to choose them. Indoors, they are not the best choice, as they have low vapor permeability, which can cause damp walls, the appearance of fungus and mold. They are convenient in that they can be used on wooden and metal surfaces.

According to the type of application, all putties are divided into two types: starting and finishing. In the starting ones, grains of sand of a larger size are used - 0.3-0.8 mm. As a result, the surface is slightly rough. They are used at the first stage to seal cavities and cracks. In the finishing compositions, sand is practically dust with a very fine grain of 0.1-0.3 mm. This allows you to get a smooth surface.

Cement plasters - scope, advantages and disadvantages

Cement plasters are cheaper than gypsum plasters, they can be applied in a thicker layer - some compositions up to 10 mm. After mixing (mixing with water) they can be used for about 3 hours. The plasticity of the composition is affected by temperature and humidity. Usually it is specified for +20°C and 60-65% humidity.

Cement plasters are universal. They are used both for decoration inside the building and outside. Moreover, most of the facade compositions are made on the basis of cement, as they withstand more defrosting / freezing cycles and create a more durable surface. They also do best in damp environments. If you need to plaster a bathroom or kitchen, it is better to use a cement-based compound.

Cement plaster can be white, maybe gray

The color of cement plasters can be gray, white and ultra-white. It depends on the type of cement used. White compositions are more expensive, as more expensive brands are used, therefore finishing compositions are more often made white.

The disadvantage of cement plasters is a long setting time - several days for complete drying - this is the norm. It should take several hours before applying the next layer. From 2-3 hours with a layer of 1 mm, up to 24 hours with a thickness of 6 mm. Since it is rarely possible to achieve a smooth surface in one layer - there may be three or more - then puttying with cement plasters stretches for a long time. For this reason, their popularity is quite low.

Gypsum putties, their features

The layer of application of gypsum putty is 0.5-10 mm, depending on the type. They dry much faster, which has a positive effect on the speed of finishing work. On the other hand, the mixed composition must be used within 30-60 minutes, so such putties are kneaded in small portions. This is not very convenient. If you are going to putty the walls with your own hands for the first time, start with small batches. Gradually decide how much you can work out at a time. Also note that the consumption of the starting plaster is greater than the finishing plaster - the thickness of the layer is different and do not be mistaken in volume.

Gypsum plasters without modifying additives are intended for dry rooms. There are formulations for wet ones, but this must be indicated on the packaging, as they contain hydrophobic additives.

Despite the higher price and short shelf life of the closed portion, gypsum-based plasters are now more popular. They are more plastic, with their use it is easier to achieve the required smoothness of the surface, it is easier to work with them for beginners and professionals. If wall putty is still unfamiliar to you, use gypsum compounds.


The method of applying plasters is the same for any composition. What matters is only the observance of the recipe indicated on the package (the ratio of water and dry matter) and the time for which it must be used. The rest of the plastering technique is the same.

Foundation preparation

Work begins on a dry and clean base. If there is an old coating, everything that can fall is cleaned off, cracks are expanded, screws and nails, residues of wallpaper and other coatings are removed.

Sadly, both paint and whitewash must be removed. Paint for the reason that putty does not adhere well to it, and if it does stick, it may subsequently fall off. Whitewash is removed because it is loose. With it, after priming, the adhesion is normal, but after a while the finish begins to crack and flake off. If you do not want to redo the ceiling or wall in a year and a half, the lime must be cleaned off.

After the old coating is removed, dust is removed. If there is an industrial vacuum cleaner, you can use it (household is impossible - it will break). If there is no such equipment, you can walk first with a dry broom, then with a brush, and finally, with a slightly damp cloth, collect the remnants.


Priming walls for plaster is used to ensure that the materials adhere better. Its second task is to reduce the amount of moisture absorbed by the base. This is very important on porous surfaces such as brick, dry plastered wall, etc. On loose and crumbling walls, special deep penetration compounds are used. They bind the particles of the material to each other, increasing the overall strength of the base.

To get a guaranteed good result, it is better not to skip this stage. Even despite the fact that primers cost a lot.

Primers are sold either as ready-to-use mixtures or as liquid concentrates. The second type requires additional dilution with water. In any case, before use, carefully read the instructions and follow them strictly.

Usually the technology is as follows: the composition is poured into the container, distributed over the surface with a brush or roller. In difficult places - corners and bends, thoroughly pass with a brush. If two or more layers are needed, they are applied after the previous one has completely dried.


Directly for puttying the walls you will need only two spatulas. One large, with a long blade (300-600 mm) and one small. The small composition is taken out of the container and distributed over the blade of the large one. They also remove the remnants from the blade and again distribute them along the edge. A large spatula is needed directly to distribute the composition on the wall.

The blade of a large spatula should be stainless steel. It should be flexible, without nicks and scratches. If you look at it "in profile" you can see that its ends are slightly bent to one side. This was done on purpose so that when puttying walls or ceilings, stripes from the edges of the blade do not appear on the surface. You can also work with a straight spatula, but at the same time you won’t be able to get rid of the stripes, as a result - after drying you will have to compare them, and this is a long and dusty job.

You will also need a container in which putty and a construction mixer or a drill with a stirring nozzle are diluted. It is better to take a plastic container - a bucket or a basin with high sides. Pay attention to the shape of the bottom. The transition from the bottom to the walls should be smooth. Then it is possible to mix the entire composition without residue and lumps.

Wall putty technique

In general, everything has already been said, but let's focus on the process and sequence of work. First, putty is kneaded. Water is poured into a bucket, a dry composition is added to it, making sure that there are no lumps. You have to wait for some time until the whole mass gets wet, then you can stir. Kneading can be mechanical or manual. This is indicated on the packaging with putty. When you have achieved a homogeneous composition without lumps, you can begin work.

It is necessary to apply putty on the wall with a large spatula. The composition is superimposed on it with a small one, forming a roller two to three centimeters wide and about a centimeter high on the edge of the blade. If the composition is thick, you can take more solution, if liquid, it can flow, because the roller is made small.

Step 1. Starting putty. If there are large irregularities - more than 3 mm, they are first covered with a starting putty. If the irregularities are only in places, only they are repaired, bringing them to the same level with the surface. If there are a lot of them, you will have to putty the entire surface. At work it is advisable not to exceed the maximum allowable layer thickness, otherwise cracks may appear or the finish will fall off. If there are no significant irregularities, you can do without this layer. But in this case, the consumption of the finishing composition will be greater, and it costs more than the starting one.

The thickness of the putty layer that remains on the wall is regulated by the angle of the spatula. If it is strongly inclined to the wall, the layer remains thicker, if the angle is closer to a straight line (60-70 °) - it can be 1 mm.

There is another technique for applying putty. It's called "on the edge". In this case, the spatula is placed perpendicular to the wall. As a result, only pores, stripes and other defects are smeared, the consumption is minimal. But this technique only works on flat walls, without deviations in geometry. Puttying uneven walls with differences of more than 1-2 mm using this technique is impossible.

Step 2 Leveling the First Layer. After the starting layer has dried (the time is indicated on the package), sandpaper is taken for grinding and the most prominent irregularities are leveled with it. Most often these are stripes, but due to inexperience, bumps can also appear. After grinding is completed, the dust from the walls is swept away with a broom, then they pass with a dry brush.

Step 3. Finishing wall putty. A layer of finishing putty is applied to the cleaned walls, no more than a few millimeters thick. At this stage, it is already necessary to try to get a flat surface, carefully leveling the composition. Leave to dry.

Step 4 Aligning the Finishing Layers. For this stage, a grid with a smaller cell is taken. Trying to get a flat surface. Good lighting is essential for good results. Also, the absence of defects is checked with the palm of your hand.

That's all. Then steps 3 and 4 are repeated until the result satisfies you. A little about the extent to which it is necessary to align the walls. It all depends on the type of finish you choose. If the wall putty is made under the wallpaper, there is no need to achieve perfect smoothness. Even the thinnest wallpaper hides small differences. Less demanding on the surface of multilayer paper wallpaper - duplex or triplex. A more even base is necessary for a non-woven base, as well as for all vinyl wallpapers except for foamed and textured ones.

The requirements for putty for painting are higher. The paint does not hide even the most minor flaws, so you have to level to perfect condition. Up to six very thin coats may be needed.

How to make smooth corners with putty

Several ways you saw in the video - it's just good to shoot the mass from the very corner. Everything seems simple, but in practice it turns out with difficulty and not very smoothly. There are special corner spatulas for novice plasterers for the outer and inner corner.

Having applied a certain amount of putty to the corner, they are carried out, removing the excess and forming an ideal line. They are easier to work with.

High-quality putty is the basis of any repair. This seemingly elementary process has its subtleties. Our article will tell you about how to properly putty any surface.

Cracks, strobes, potholes - all this requires processing. Putty technology does not tolerate flaws: in the future, they can cost nerves and money. In order to competently prepare any surface for painting or wallpaper, it is necessary to take into account some of the nuances, which we will discuss below.

Let's go in order.

Tools and materials for applying putty

  • Putty (starting and finishing, for the first and all subsequent layers, respectively)
  • Breeding tank
  • Stick or construction mixer
  • Spatulas of various configurations
  • Skin

How to putty correctly? In fact, there is nothing difficult in this. We will talk about the subtleties that must be taken into account so that the end result does not differ from the results of the work of a professional.

Putty technology: we take into account the little things

Despite the fact that the building materials market is now full of various ready-made mixtures, it is better to take dry putties and breed them yourself. This is due to the fact that you need to find "your" consistency. Some will find it more convenient to apply a more liquid version, someone will like a thicker one. This applies to both starting and finishing putty. Preparing the mixture is simple: pour the powder into any suitable container and gradually dilute it with water at room temperature, stirring constantly. You can use a construction mixer. The amount of the finished mixture depends on the amount of work, but keep in mind that it dries pretty quickly.

Clean the work surface of dirt, old wallpaper or paint.

The next stage is the application of putty with a spatula. For large and even surfaces (for example, walls), it is better to take a larger tool, for corners and hard-to-reach areas - a smaller one. The best spatulas are stainless steel.

First, apply the starting putty with a layer of 5-7 mm. In particularly difficult cases, the primary layer can be reinforced with a special plastic mesh.

If there are large holes in the wall, first fill them up to the general level. If you need to putty corners - use a special corner spatula.

Each layer of putty dries for about a day. The next layer can be applied only after the previous one has completely dried.

Usually two or three coats of putty are required. Apply the final layer with a layer of no more than 1-2 mm. Be sure to change the direction of applying putty from layer to layer.

Ideally, after applying the last layer, all surface defects (seams, joints, cracks) should be hidden. However, the technology of puttying the surface under the wallpaper allows for flaws: it is not at all necessary that the surface be absolutely smooth.

The dried puttied surface is treated with sandpaper. As practice shows, the 150th is most often used. It is necessary to sand each dried layer of putty. Sandpaper can wrap any suitable wooden block. You can also use a hand grinder.

How to putty: little tricks

  • When working with putty, do not forget about safety. It is best to dilute the dry mixture by wearing a respirator.
  • If you decide to use a wide spatula, apply putty on it with a smaller one. This will greatly facilitate the work.

  • Rinse the tool immediately with warm water after use. Do not flush the aqueous putty solution down the drain, it is fraught with blockages!
  • In the first three days after application, the putty must be protected from moisture, hypothermia or drying out.

Here, perhaps, are all the main nuances of working with putty.

One of the easiest ways to check the spelling of a word is to type it in a text editor. As a rule, if there is an error in the term, the program will point to it. However, there are times when this method does not work. For example, as with the word "putty" (or "putty"). How is it properly described? Indeed, in most programs, both options are recognized as correct. Let's deal with this problem, and also find out why it arose in the first place.

What is a wall?

In order to better understand the essence of the issue, it is worth finding out the meaning of the noun in question.

So, putty (putty) is the process of leveling any flat surface by applying it to it. In the vast majority of cases, it is carried out to level walls in rooms during repairs.

However, there is a similar process in painting (priming the canvas), as well as cooking (leveling the surface of the cake before "covering" it with mastic). Moreover, even similar tools are used in both areas.

It is also worth remembering that putty (putty) is also called the mixture itself, which is used to level unevenness on the surface of the walls.

Similar substances are produced in different compositions (gypsum, cement, mineral, etc.). Also, such mixtures are divided into basic and finishing. The former consist of larger particles and are applied in a thick layer to hide all the irregularities and imperfections of the walls. In the composition of the latter, on the contrary, the smallest components are applied in a thin layer to give the surface a "marketable" appearance.

How is it correct - putty or putty - according to the norms of the modern language?

Having dealt with the meaning of the noun in question, it is worth knowing how to write it.

So, which is correct: putty or wall putty?

The correct answer would be both. Since at the moment in Russian these terms are considered equivalent. Therefore, you can safely say so and so.

However, in the circle of professional repairmen, the option with "t" is still more common - putty.

Origin of the word "putty"

Having figured out how to do it right: putty or putty (both options are correct), it’s worth finding out why this confusion arose and why professionals still prefer the “t” option.

It's all about the etymology of the term. The putty option was the first name for this process and was formed from the name of the tool used for it - a spatula.

This is the name of a metal, plastic or silicone flat plate, by passing through a thick mass you can level the surface and remove excess.

In addition to the difference in the materials from which the spatula is made, this item also differs in design and scope of use. In addition to construction, there are confectionery spatulas, as well as those intended for the work of artists.

Etymology of the word "putty"

Knowing the right way: putty or putty (you can do this and that), it is worth considering the origin of the second spelling. This will help to understand why it is less favored by professional builders.

So, the word "putty" was formed from the name of the material "tow" (coarse linen or hemp fiber, which is a waste in the production of fabrics).

In the old days, it was used to fill cracks in huts, barrels, or various types of boats. For greater strength, the tow was impregnated with resin, which also gave it moisture resistance.

Today (when most buildings are built of brick and concrete), there is practically no need to caulk or caulk (as the process of filling cracks with tow was called). At the same time, happy owners of wooden baths continue to use this method to insulate the premises.

As for the term "putty", it arose at a time when ordinary peasants (accustomed to plastering huts) began to be very actively hired to build houses for the rich.

Hearing the word "putty", out of habit they change it in their own way with the letter "k" (after all, in fact, the goal of both processes is the same - to correct surface imperfections). This pronunciation quickly spread and began to be used in speech along with putty. And in the twentieth century. and completely became its synonym and was included in most dictionaries.

Are there other spellings for this term?

Having dealt with the question: "How is it correct: putty or putty?", And also having learned why both options are correct, it is worth asking: "Were there other ways to write this noun?".

It turns out that there were, or rather was - this is the word "shpadel", which is the norm of the Russian language until the middle of the 19th century.

The fact is that the "progenitor" of putty - the noun "spatula" was borrowed from the German language from the term Spatel. However, the Germans also had another way of writing it, through "d" - Spadel. In this regard, many builders of German origin, as well as persons who have lived abroad for a long time, often called the process "putty". Moreover, this form was no less common than "putty", and therefore fell into Dahl's dictionary.

However, by the middle of the nineteenth century. gradually it was ousted from speech. For this reason, when studying the question: "How is it right: putty or putty?" the "putty" option is not even considered, because according to modern standards it is erroneous.

The technology of wall puttying for painting or wallpaper gives recommendations on the sequence of work in order to end up with a high-quality result when finishing the room. Putty can perfectly level the surface of the walls, prepare them for the finish coating. What does the puttying of the walls offer, the article will tell.

The main purpose of putty is to level the surface after plastering. The process of puttying walls for painting is quite easy to do with your own hands, before that having studied the recommendations and the technology of work.

There are a lot of options for preparing putty, its choice depends on the type of walls, the characteristics of the room, and the presence of high humidity in it.

Tip: When choosing any putty option, you should take into account the individual characteristics of the room during its operation.

In addition to finishing the premises, there is material for external work. Its difference is in additional resistance to temperature changes, moisture and solar radiation.

Advantages of using putty:

  • You can easily and quickly complete the finishing process.
  • Affordable price of materials.
  • The possibility of obtaining a flat and absolutely smooth surface.
  • Variety of compositions according to their purpose.

What tools are needed when puttying the surface of the walls

The technology of puttying drywall (see Puttying drywall: practical tips and useful information) or other materials indicates the correct choice of tool that is used in the process.

In this case, you will need:

  • An electric drill, with a special mixer nozzle, which will be needed to mix the solution to the desired consistency. A special nozzle allows you to get a high-quality mixture, without lumps and additional inclusions.
  • A set of spatulas. Several spatulas are needed to perform certain functions. For example, with a small spatula, work is carried out in hard-to-reach places, it also applies material to a large spatula, the width of which is 35-50 centimeters.
  • A set of brushes and rollers for applying a primer. This is a mandatory process performed before and after puttying. The primer solution allows you to give the surface an antiseptic effect, which prevents the appearance of fungus and mold on the walls. In addition, the coating increases the adhesion between the base of the wall and the putty.
  • To align the walls, you will need a rule to identify and eliminate all existing irregularities.
  • To control the unevenness of the walls, if any, a spirit or laser level is used.
  • Sandpaper will be required when sanding the surface to give it perfect smoothness (see How to sand the walls after puttying). After applying the starting putty, it is recommended to use skins of medium grain, and after finishing - very fine.
  • To speed up the process of grinding the wall, you will need a manual skinner.
  • To stir the putty, a container with a volume of approximately 10 liters is required.

Tip: This list of tools should be purchased before you start puttying the walls.

How to choose materials for puttying walls

Putty is a paste-like material that allows you to prepare the base of the wall for its finishing.

According to the degree of readiness, the material can be:

  • Dry composition requiring additional dilution with water(see How to breed putty for self-repair). The advantages of this mixture:
  1. affordable cost;
  2. the ability to prepare the composition of any consistency;
  3. ease of breeding;
  4. simply transported;
  5. long shelf life.

Material deficiency:

  1. the presence of additional operations for the preparation of the solution before application, which increases the time of work;
  2. the finished composition has a limited period of use, it must be diluted in small portions.

Almost any type of wall decoration involves their puttying. With the help of putty, it is possible not only to level the walls, but also to prepare them for further finishing. In order for the result of the work to be of high quality, it is necessary to adhere to certain recommendations for its implementation. About how to properly putty the walls, we will consider further.

Do-it-yourself wall puttying: the benefits of finishing

The first and most important advantage of puttying walls is their leveling with a putty mixture. As a result, it is possible to obtain an even coating, ready for painting or other type of finishing.

In addition, puttying is a fairly easy process that is quite realistic to do on your own, having studied the recommendations and technology for its implementation before that. The correct use of putty and the tool with which it is applied allows you to get a high-quality result in the form of a smooth and even surface.

There are many options for putty, which is suitable for a particular type of wall. Also, there is a putty used in ordinary rooms and in rooms with high humidity. Therefore, the choice of one or another version of the putty mixture should be justified by the individual performance characteristics of the room. Also, there is a putty for external work, which is distinguished by additional resistance to temperature changes, moisture and solar radiation.

The use of putty before the start of wall decoration is characterized by such advantages as:

  • ease of work:
  • affordable cost of materials;
  • obtaining a flat and perfectly smooth surface;
  • speed of work;
  • a variety of compositions in the field of their application.

Tools for puttying the surface of the walls

The key to obtaining a high-quality result in wall puttying is the correct choice of the tool used in the process of work. Without fail, during the work will require the presence of:

1. An electric drill with a special nozzle - a mixer. Most often, putty has a dry consistency, so to dilute it with water and to obtain a uniform consistency, you will need to mix it with this tool. A special nozzle will allow you to get a high-quality mixture, without lumps and additional inclusions.

2. Spatulas in the set. For work, several spatulas should be prepared, each of which will perform a specific function. So, with the help of a small spatula, hard-to-reach places are puttyed and putty is applied to a large spatula. The best option for a large spatula for puttying walls is 35-50 cm.

3. A set of rollers and brushes with which the ground solution will be applied. Priming is a mandatory work process before and after puttying. Since with the help of a soil solution it is possible to achieve an antiseptic effect, thereby preventing the formation of fungus and mold on the surface of the walls. In addition, the primer increases the adhesion between the wall and the putty. For its application, most often a roller is used, as well as special trays into which a soil solution is poured.

4. If putty is applied to the walls to level them, then in the process of work you will need a rule that will help you identify and eliminate all existing irregularities. The long steel rule is relevant when the walls have very large irregularities.

5. Spirit level or laser type also allow you to determine the irregularities on the walls, if any.

6. The use of sandpaper is relevant after applying each layer of putty. With its help, the surface of the wall acquires perfect smoothness and is polished. It is recommended to use medium-fine skins at the stage of starting puttying, and at the finishing puttying, the skin should be very fine.

7. In order to speed up the process of sanding the wall, it is recommended to use a manual skinner.

8. In addition, in the process of work, you will need a container in which the putty will be stirred.

This list of tools is mandatory for puttying walls.

The choice of materials for the wall puttying process

Putty is a paste-like material that is applied to the wall, thereby leveling it. With the help of putty, it is possible to prepare the base for further finishing.

In relation to the degree of readiness of the putty mixture, it is of two types:

1. Dry putty - requires additional dilution with water. Among its advantages we note:

  • affordable cost of the material;
  • the possibility of preparing a composition having almost any consistency;
  • ease of preparation;
  • This material is easy to transport and has a long dry shelf life.

However, dry putty needs additional work to prepare it for application, so the time for puttying is increased. The finished mixture has a limited use time, so it is prepared in small portions. Before starting work, you should read the instructions and strictly follow their instructions. Otherwise, the quality of puttying will deteriorate.

2. For the manufacture of a ready-made putty mixture, a latex base is used. The release form of this material is buckets or tanks. The finished solution is used for a long period of time and does not dry out. Another advantage of this composition is the absence of the need for additional time to prepare the solution. However, the cost of this material is much higher than that of dry mixes.

In relation to the main substance used for the manufacture of putty, they are divided into:

1. Cement-based putties - they are distinguished primarily by good resistance to moisture and excellent performance. Among the shortcomings, we note:

  • slight shrinkage after drying;
  • low level of elasticity of the coating;
  • small cracks after drying.

2. Gypsum-based putty - practically does not shrink and is very elastic. However, this putty dries very quickly. In addition, it is unstable to sudden changes in temperature and moisture.

3. Polymer-based putty - has a high price, but allows you to get a high-quality surface after puttying.

When choosing putty for walls, you should pay attention to its fractional indicators. The smaller the putty fraction, the more flat and smooth the surface will be as a result of puttying.

In relation to the purpose of putty, it happens:

1. Starting - has high strength, affordable price, is used at the beginning of leveling walls, applied with a thickness of three to twenty millimeters.

2. Decorative or finishing - complete the puttying process. This putty has a white color, fine grain, high strength.

3. Universal putty - combines the two previous options. It is used if the walls have small flaws.

Phased wall puttying technology

Before you start puttying plastered walls, you should prepare them for this process. If there are grease stains, wallpaper or traces of paint on the wall, you need to get rid of them. If the walls in the room are frozen, then their puttying is unacceptable. The walls in the room must be absolutely dry.

Before starting work, the wall should be treated with a primer solution. Thus, the adhesion between the wall and the putty will improve. A special roller is used to prime the wall. It is enough to apply a putty mixture on the wall in one layer and wait for it to dry completely.

The initial puttying of drywall walls is done with a rough material called starter putty. This putty allows you to get rid of large differences in walls, strobes and various kinds of holes. The application thickness of this putty is about 15 mm. Please note that each layer must be completely dry before applying the next. In order for the putty to adhere well to the wall, it is recommended to use a special reinforcing mesh, on the surface of which the putty is distributed. Puttying the wall is carried out by applying a continuous layer. The reinforcing mesh allows the putty to be perfectly fixed on the wall. This improves the strength and flatness of the wall.

Puttying the walls under the wallpaper using the beacon method involves the use of beacons, in the form of a wooden, gypsum or steel lath, exposed in a vertical direction. In order to fix the beacons on the wall, use a plaster mortar. Also, the walls are aligned in the horizontal direction. In this case, a rule will be used to align the wall. Thus, as a result, the surface of the walls is obtained, on which there are no flaws. However, this finishing option is used very rarely, due to the high cost of its implementation. Most often, it is replaced with a starting putty.

Finishing puttying of walls is carried out after complete drying of the starting layer or lighthouse puttying. Finishing compositions are used to perform this kind of finishing. With the help of this putty, it is possible to obtain a perfectly flat wall, without cracks, chips and pores. The application of the finishing putty is carried out using a very thin layer. If the initial puttying is of poor quality, the finishing layer will not correct the shortcomings. Finishing puttying is performed only after the perfect alignment of the walls.

In order to get rid of cracks in the walls, it is necessary to use gypsum mixtures. Since they have a certain elasticity. In order for the crack to connect well with the putty, it should be roughened.

Instructions for preparing and applying putty on the wall:

1. Prepare putty, in the case of dry materials. Combine it with water, mix until a homogeneous mass is obtained. The consistency of the putty should be such that it sticks to the spatula.

2. Use a large spatula to apply starter putty. Apply the putty on the wall, distributing it over the surface in both vertical and horizontal and diagonal directions. In order to prevent bumps from appearing on the wall, putty should be applied with a slight overlap.

3. To improve the quality of work, the solution should be prepared in small portions, otherwise dried parts will form on the wall. It takes 24 hours for one layer of putty to dry.

4. Puttying the corners of the walls is carried out using a special spatula for finishing the corners.

5. After complete drying of the starting putty, the final layer is applied. For work, you will need the presence of spatulas of large small sizes. The layer thickness at this stage does not exceed two millimeters.

6. Before puttingtying the walls under the wallpaper, you should wait until all previous layers have dried. Only after that the finishing putty is applied.

In the process of puttying the walls, the spatula is held to the wall at an angle of thirty degrees. In order to get the perfect angle, apply a little putty mixture to the corner trowel, then evenly distribute it over the corner area.

Before you start puttying the walls under the wallpaper, you should determine the thickness and type of wallpaper. Since the amount of leveling putty that is applied to the wall depends on these indicators.

Qualitatively prepared walls for wallpaper will allow you to get a perfectly flat coating, on which there are no folds of wallpaper and air bubbles. Putty should be applied to the wall with a thickness of not more than 1.5 mm. Therefore, all cracks and potholes must be repaired in the previous step.

If, after puttying, the walls will be painted, then more attention should be paid to the preparation of the walls. Since after applying the paint, all the bumps will be visible. The leveling layer is applied very thinly. If there are defects on the wall, putty should be applied in several layers. Leave the walls to dry completely. Apply a decorative layer of putty and, after drying, sand the coating.

In order to determine the required amount of putty, you should initially measure the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe walls on which it will be applied. More economical - the use of dry mixes. However, more convenient to use - ready-made formulations. The choice of one or another option is determined by the material preferences of the buyer.

Wall plastering video:
