Basil when planting seedlings detailed information. Growing basil from seeds for seedlings planting and care in the open field types and varieties with photos

Basil is a spicy plant. Originally from Asia, where it grows in a warm climate. In temperate latitudes, it is cultivated only through growing seedlings.

This fragrant one looks decorative. A herbaceous bush 20-60 cm high is densely covered with oval-shaped leaves with pointed tops. They are arranged in tiers, the surface of the leaf plates is glossy, the color is green or dark purple. In late June-early August, the basil begins to bloom. The flowers are small, whitish in color, collected in spike-shaped inflorescence.

Growing basil seedlings from seeds at home When to plant

Start sowing basil for seedlings in late March - early April. Take a wide container, fill it with nutrient soil (peat, humus, garden soil in equal proportions).

  • Sow seeds to a depth of no more than 1 cm.
  • You can often - later plant strong specimens in separate containers, and get rid of the weak ones.
  • Moisten the soil, cover the crops with glass or film, maintain the air temperature within 26-27 ° C.
  • Ventilate the greenhouse, getting rid of condensation, maintain soil moisture.
  • Shoots will appear in about 10 days.

  • With the appearance of two or three leaves in separate containers.
  • The ideal option would be to grow seedlings in a greenhouse. If this is not possible, grow on an east or west windowsill.

  • Maintain optimal soil moisture, avoiding either drying out or waterlogging.
  • From excess moisture, seedlings can be affected by a black leg. In this case, treat the plants with a solution of copper sulfate (for 2 liters of water, 1 tsp of powder).
  • When the seedling grows a little and releases several pairs of true leaves, it should be pinched (cut off the apical part of the shoot).

By cutting off the top pair of leaves along with the growth point, you will get something like the one in the photo below:

After a while, at the cut point, the plants will start up additional shoots, due to which the bushes will be more dense and leafy:

Seedlings should be fed every 2 weeks. Apply complex mineral fertilizers: phosphorus, potassium, nitrogen in a ratio of 5:3:2.

Little by little. 10-7 days before planting in open ground for the daytime, take out to fresh air.

Also, 7-5 days before transplanting, watering should be reduced.

How to sow basil at home video:

What to do if basil seedlings have outgrown the video:

Preparing the site for planting basil

Location selection

A thermophilic plant requires appropriate conditions. Choose an open sunny site on the south or southeast side. Drafts and cold gusts of wind can harm the plant. Plant basil in a secluded place: along fences, buildings, between shrubs.

The soil needs light, loose, fertile, permeable to water and air.


Desirable predecessors: cucumbers, tomatoes, peas, beans, beans, lentils, lupins. Basil should not be cultivated in the same place for several years in a row, as this provokes Fusarium disease (brown spots on the leaves). You can return the basil to its original place after 5 years.

Land preparation

Site preparation should be done in the fall. For digging, add per 1 m²: from 3.5 to 5 kg of compost or humus, 22 g of superphosphate, 12 g of potassium salt.

Planting basil seedlings in open ground

It is possible when the threat of return frosts has completely passed (the last days of May-beginning of June).

  • Plant in rows, keeping a distance of 20-25 cm between the bushes, row spacing - 30-35 cm.
  • Make wells according to the size of the root system of the plant, water well (about 1 liter of warm water in each well).
  • Remove the plants from the container along with the earthy clod, transfer to the hole, slightly deepening the stem to the first true leaves.
  • Gently press the soil around the plant with your fingers.
  • Plentifully water plantings, at first it is desirable to make shading.

Further care is simple: timely abundant watering, weeding and loosening the soil. It is useful to mulch the row spacing to reduce the amount of watering and get rid of weeds.

Growing basil from seed outdoors

You need to sow basil at the end of March-April, if you want to have time to grow full-fledged bushes with fragrant greens. To sow basil seeds directly into the ground, you need to prepare a greenhouse: cover the arcs with a film or build a greenhouse from old window frames. The earth must warm up well in order to sow basil.

Sow shallow, up to 1 cm deep. The distance between the furrows is 15-20 cm. Water so that the water does not stagnate, and cover the greenhouse. Ventilate in sunny warm weather, not allowing the temperature inside the greenhouse to rise above 24 °C. On warm days, open at all. The seedlings are thinned out 2-3 times, leaving 8-10 cm between the plants. Above the 2-3rd pair of leaves, pinch the central shoot. Transplant the grown seedlings to a permanent place in the absence of the threat of night frosts according to the 25x30 cm scheme.

How to care for basil outdoors

Shelter from the cold

The most important thing in care is providing warmth. At the slightest threat of a strong cold snap, it should be covered with a film at night. This applies more to extensive plantings, when the goal is to preserve the presentation of greenery. To grow a few bushes for personal use, such chores are not needed.

Watering and loosening

Provide, but do not allow moisture to stagnate. Water for irrigation should be warm, settled, bring it through a watering can, preferably in the evening.

Loosen the soil every week, remove weeds regularly.


pinching basil photo

Pinch the basil regularly, removing the flower clusters. So you improve the branching of the bush and increase the green mass, as well as the duration of the growing season of plants.

top dressing

For the accumulation of vitamins and aromatic substances, the plant needs top dressing:

  • Apply the first after 10-15 days of growth in the open field, the next - after another 3-4 weeks.
  • Feed with nitrophoska (2 tablespoons per 12 liters of water, add 3 liters of solution per 1 m²).

How to cut basil

The first crop can be harvested before flowering begins (around the end of July): carefully cut the branches from the top of the plant, leaving some foliage at the base of the shoots. In August, flowering will come, new more fragrant leaves will appear (during the flowering period, the concentration of essential oils is maximum). Start harvesting your second crop. Branches can be cut at any time for serving. In early September, you can dig up a few basil bushes and plant them in pots. Thus, you will provide yourself with fresh herbs for the winter.

Leaves can be eaten fresh, pickled, dried. To dry, prepare wide baking sheets, cover them with a cotton cloth, spread the branches in a thin layer. Dry in a dark place with good ventilation. Readiness is indicated by the following: the stems should break easily, the leaves will be ground into powder. Store in glass or porcelain jars that are hermetically sealed.

Types and varieties of basil with photos and names

There are more than 150 plant species, consider the most popular.

Sweet basil or camphor Ocimum basilcum

The most common type. The bush grows up to half a meter tall, the leaves are green, have a tart taste.


Magical Michael - has a very plentiful tillering.

Mammoth - leaf plates are larger, bitterness prevails in taste.

Fragrant basil variety Ocinum basilicum ‘Genovese Gigante’ photo

Genovese Gigante is especially popular in Italy due to its exquisite taste and aroma.

Cinnamon or Mexican basil Ocimum basilicum ‘Cinnamon’

Basil cinnamon or Mexican Ocimum basilicum ‘Cinnamon’ photo

The leaves have a subtle cinnamon flavor.

purple basil

Leaf plates are large, purple in color, have a delicate taste.


Osmin Purple - has dark purple leaves.

Red Rubin - violet-purple leaves.

Purpurascens - the taste of greens is tart-sweet.

Lemon basil

The leaves are bright green in color, have a rich lemon aroma and the same aftertaste.


Basilico Genovese - rounded leaves.

Basilico Napoletano - lemon aroma is most pronounced.

The aroma of this plant is difficult to confuse with any other. The leaves of the spice are added to culinary products, used for medicinal purposes and cosmetology, and if you believe in legends, they say that it is also added to love potions. Basil is also decorative, and quite easy to grow in a regular flower pot on a windowsill, providing the household with fresh herbs. But in order for the plant to feel good, it should be properly looked after.

Among the wide variety of species, you can always find the variety that meets the needs of the gardener.

  1. Clove - can be grown on the windowsill all year round. The height of the bush reaches 55 cm.
  2. Carnation aroma is a mid-season variety. Since it grows about 30 cm in height, it is the best suited for growing at home. The aroma of the leaves resembles clove and this variety is successfully used for conservation.
  3. Cornflower - this variety has a height of only 15 cm. Suitable for both home and for growing in a greenhouse and open ground.
  4. Marquis - this variety reaches a height of about 22 cm. The bushes are dense, the taste of leaves with a light share of peppercorns.
  5. Mint or camphor. The leaves of this variety give a salty, peppery and at the same time rich and tart aroma. Plant height up to 60 cm.
  6. Lemon is the most common variety. It has a good aroma and is undemanding to growing conditions.
  7. Caramel. The fragrance corresponds to the name, suitable for growing in the garden.
  8. Velvet - well tolerates freezing. Can be used to flavor vinegar and oils.
  9. Greek. One of the most delicious plant varieties. At the same time, it looks like a fluffy ball, which makes it very decorative.
  10. Anise basil. Notes of anise are mixed with the usual aroma of basil.

If the gardener intends to plant basil in the open field, then it is better to choose early-ripening varieties.

Growing basil from seeds at home

Such a plant can be cultivated at home.

When to plant basil seedlings

Sowing basil at home can be done at any time, the only condition for winter cultivation is additional illumination. Even when grown on a southern window in some regions, sunlight will not be enough for a light-loving plant.

If the basil is supposed to be transferred to the garden over time, then it is better to plant it at the end of March. The plant develops quite quickly and in a few months spent at home it will get stronger and gain strength.

How to plant seeds for seedlings

Having chosen a variety and bought planting material, you can start growing basil from seeds.

  1. Seeds are soaked for a day in a solution of potassium permanganate or biofungicides.
  2. Further, for better germination, you can hold them in a growth stimulator for several hours.
  3. It is not worth germinating the seeds separately, because the seedlings are tender, and they can be damaged during transplantation. It is best to buy light soil for germination and sow basil there.
  4. Burying seeds deep into the soil layer is not necessary. First, it is good to loosen the ground, scatter seeds over the surface of the seedling box and then pour warm water over it. Together with the liquid, the seeds will go deep into the ground, but not too deep. If desired, the surface layer can be sprinkled on top with dry soil, but it must be very thin.
  5. After that, the pot is covered with a film and the pot is placed in a warm, dark place. Periodically, basil should be irrigated with water from a spray bottle.
  6. As soon as a scattering of tender sprouts appeared on the surface, the seedlings should immediately be placed in a bright place or under a phytolamp.

If there is no possibility of additional illumination, then it is worth putting the pot on the south or west window so that the young plant receives as much light as possible. You can additionally install a mirror screen - a reflector of light.

Planting basil seedlings in the ground

Experienced gardeners are asked when to plant basil for seedlings? Knowledgeable people answer that any plant grown at home can eventually be transferred to the garden. The main thing is to properly equip it in a new place.

Buy basil seeds from trusted sources and from reputable growers.

Landing site preparation

The future haven for the basil is best prepared in the fall, but if this was not possible, then this should be done at least a week before landing.

  1. The bed should be carefully dug up.
  2. Compost, cow and bird manure, potassium salt and superphosphate are introduced into the soil layer. All this in the following proportion: 5 kg + 10 g + 25 g, data are given for 1 sq. m. of land.
  3. The root system of the seedlings is weak, so the ground must be well loosened first after digging, and then again before planting.
  4. The soil must be spilled either with disinfecting compounds or potassium permanganate.
  5. For planting basil, you should choose a warm sunny day and transfer the seedlings to fresh air, at a time when the air has already warmed up.

Did you know that the predecessors of basil can be tomatoes or beans, as well as cucumbers, lupins or legumes. It is not recommended to plant a spicy plant in the same place for several years in a row.

Seedling planting times

Basil should be transferred to open ground a month after planting the seeds. But if the spring is cold, then of course, it is better to wait for stable warm weather, and only then it is worth transferring the basil to the garden.

It is important to remember that seedlings should be hardened off. And if the basil does not move to the greenhouse, then after planting the ridge should be covered with a film overnight for a week. Another option is to harden seedlings directly in the planting boxes by moving them outdoors during the daytime.

Basil care at home

If the planting of the basil was successful and it was decided to leave the spicy herb at hand at home, then it must be properly looked after.

Watering and feeding

  1. Watering should be done as the topsoil dries out.
  2. With strong moisture, root rot can develop, so you need to carefully monitor that there is an outflow of water from the pot and periodically remove excess liquid from the pan.
  3. The plant loves spraying, and if possible, he needs to arrange water procedures, but no more than twice a week.
  4. The culture should be watered with filtered and settled water. It is important that it be warm.

It is important to remember that all watering and spraying procedures are best done in the evening or on a cloudy day.

After the moisture settles, the soil under the bush needs to be loosened so that the roots have access to air.

Fertilizers can be applied along with watering, this method of feeding is the most convenient.

For a good growth of greenery, you need to feed the plant with nitrogen fertilizers. To do this, you can use nitrophoska.

It must be diluted in the following proportions:

  • 6 g of the substance is taken per 1 liter of water.

It will be good if there is an opportunity to feed the basil with organic matter. To do this, cow dung must be diluted in warm water and watered seedlings.

Plant pinching

Such a procedure is necessary in order for the plant to branch better, otherwise the basil may release two branches and develop safely in this direction. To prevent this from happening after he releases four formed sheets, pinch him. After that, the plant will give additional branches.

How to properly cut basil

Cut basil for different purposes. You can just pick leaves for salad, or you can cut them for drying. But the crop must be cut correctly so that the bush grows further.

  1. In order to use the plant for culinary purposes, it is enough to simply thin out the foliage on the bush. But do not cut off the leaves on one side, you need to harvest evenly.
  2. For drying, it is better to cut the plant along with the trunk, this will lead to the fact that the bush will branch better, and also retain more useful properties when dried.

Properly dried basil will give off its aroma and taste for a long time.

Disease and pest control

Usually, with proper care and a comfortable microclimate, basil does not get sick, but if there is high humidity and the plant is grown at low temperatures, then it can be affected by pathogenic fungi.

  1. Gray rot. This disease usually affects those plants that grow in greenhouses. The disease can be recognized by the appearance of gray-brown spots on the foliage. Gray rot can be exterminated if sprayed with an infusion of onion peel. For one liter of water, the husk is taken from five bulbs, it must be boiled, cooled and sprayed on the plant.
  2. Blackleg is a seedling disease. Occurs with excessive moisture, and if the gardener does not loosen the soil. Sick seedlings should be eliminated and a new batch should be sown in fresh soil.
  3. Fusarium. Such a nuisance can occur due to the fact that the soil and soil were not disinfected. The plant will gradually wither due to damage to the root system. You can try to remedy the situation by applying biofungicides, but it is better to plant new plants.

Interesting fact! The aroma of basil usually attracts insects to the garden that will pollinate it, but pests, on the contrary, repel them.

Basil seedlings allow you to get fragrant greens to the country table as early as early June. The plant is native to India. But all over the world it is valued for its spicy taste and smell.

The culture is warm. But you can grow it even in regions with a cool climate. The seedling method helps gardeners to deceive nature: the plant receives enough heat and light.

Greens are used in cooking: cut into salads, decorate dishes. Basil goes well with tomatoes, fish and seafood. Planted in a greenhouse, attracts pollinating insects. Some gardeners decorate their flower beds: the plant blooms with pretty flowers of different shades. The emitted phytoncides improve the air in the country.

Terms of sowing basil for seedlings

There are varieties of different maturity dates. But the growing season of the plant is 120-160 days. It should be planted on the ridges after the onset of warm weather. The soil should warm up.

Seedlings should be driven out 50-60 days before the intended placement in a permanent place. According to the calendar, this is March 20-25.

When growing in an unheated greenhouse, seedlings can be planted when the weather is sunny. Ultraviolet is enough to warm the protected ground. Then it is recommended to sow a month earlier.

The composition of the soil for seedlings

Some gardeners use ready-made soil for green crops. Before sowing, it is recommended to spill it with "Fitosporin" to destroy harmful organisms.

Another way: make up the ground yourself. In the fall, prepare the components:

  • neutral peat (4 parts);
  • river sand (1 part);
  • mature compost (2 parts).

A week before the proposed sowing, bring the bags into heat. Then mix the parts, spill with a pink solution of potassium permanganate. Liquid temperature - 60 degrees Celsius.

In case of severe contamination, treat the components with a herbicide according to the instructions. Sowing time is pushed back until the chemicals break down.

Conditions for growing seedlings at home

Gardeners grow basil before planting in the ground on ordinary windowsills. Getting healthy plants is not difficult: you need to follow agricultural practices.


The crop yield depends on a well-performed operation. Can be grown from your own seeds or store bought. How to proceed:

  • seedling containers should have drainage holes;
  • basil does not tolerate waterlogging of the soil (put a layer of expanded clay or brick chips on the bottom);
  • pour the soil into containers, slightly compact (leave 3-4 cm to the edge);
  • shed the soil with a solution of potassium humate (working temperature 40 degrees Celsius);
  • evenly plant the seeds, sprinkle with earth on top;
  • compact the soil, put on a bag with holes for air to enter.

Seeds germinate in the light in a warm place. Put the seedling container on a light windowsill. The temperature should be 24-25 degrees Celsius. Shoots appear on the 10th day.

Sometimes landing is done in an original way. A layer of snow 0.5 cm thick is poured on top of the prepared container. Seeds are laid out on it, spread over the surface with a toothpick. Close with a bag with holes or glass. The snow melts, the grains are drawn into the ground. With this method, a short-term stratification of seeds occurs.

Lighting: how to do it right

There is not enough light in the room for the growth of seedlings. As soon as shoots appear, you should begin to highlight the plants. It is recommended to use an agrolamp with a lampshade: it directs the beam.

Plants should be given 16 hours of daylight. With a decrease in the illumination time, the seedlings are pulled out. Basil looks weak.


The plant does not tolerate stagnant water at the roots. Drainage is recommended to prevent disease.

For this, expanded clay, brick chips, crushed shells washed and scalded with boiling water are used. They should be laid on the bottom with a thickness of up to 1 cm.


The health of the basil depends on proper watering. Before the emergence of shoots, the soil should not be moistened. Cotyledon leaves are sensitive to excessive moisture. Watering should be done every 3-4 days with a medical syringe.

After the growth of real leaves, you can moisten more abundantly. The operation should be carried out after complete drying of the top layer of soil. It is recommended to use a watering can with a rain nozzle.

top dressing

Basil seedlings grow in limited containers. The soil is fertile enough for seed germination. But with further growth, the nutrient content decreases. Time to start fertilizing.

Nitrogen application promotes rapid plant growth. It is recommended to use a mineral complex for seedlings. In its absence, an infusion of oven ash should be used (a tablespoon per 1 liter, insist, dilute with 5 liters of water). Fertilize once a week.


Sometimes gardeners plant basil too often. Dense planting provokes stretching of plants. They should be thinned out or stripped down. The optimal picking time is 2 true leaves.


Pinching should be carried out when the 5-6th true leaf grows. This operation:

  • causes plants to bush;
  • slows down the formation of peduncles;
  • stimulates the growth of side shoots;
  • prevents stretching.

Possible problems with basil seedlings

Sometimes the gardener fails to grow healthy seedlings. The reasons are different. To prevent errors, it is recommended to follow the cultivation technique.

Seeds don't germinate

The first reason is that the seeds are rotten. Gardener:

  • overzealous with moistening the soil during planting;
  • forgot to make drainage holes in the container;
  • did not provide seedling ventilation;
  • did not remove the condensate accumulated on the film or glass.

The second reason is poor-quality or expired planting material.

seedlings fall

This is due to the addition of excess nitrogen. Plants were undernourished or shaded. It is recommended to thin out the seedlings and add a mineral complex.

Seedling not growing

Plants do not receive nutrition or light. Sometimes this is the effect of soil contaminated with bacteria. It is recommended to use only high-quality soil mixtures and observe the cultivation agrotechnics.

The disease is caused by excessive watering or soil moisture during thickened plantings. Sick plants are recommended to be removed. Keep the soil semi-dry. Frequent landings - thin out or dive. Dusting the earth with ash will prevent disease. It is recommended to water with water at room temperature.

Yellowing leaves

Spots on the leaves

Appear as a result of sunlight on tender plants. Seedlings are recommended to shade. To do this, use white lutrasil of low density.

Landing in the ground

Basil seedlings are planted in a permanent place when the soil warms up to 15 degrees to a depth of 10 cm. It is recommended to harden the plants beforehand for 2 weeks.

Plants should be placed according to the scheme: 30 cm x 30 cm (for vigorous varieties) or 15 cm x 15 cm (for low ones).

The high popularity of basil grown in summer cottages is largely due not only to its excellent qualities as a fragrant spice, but also to its decorative effect. By the way, this wonderful-smelling grass is also planted to repel pests in the garden. So do not delay planting it, because you can grow early basil only after sowing seeds for seedlings. Read on to find out how to do it right.

Planting basil seeds for seedlings: varieties, terms, necessary containers and soil

The most popular varieties of basil, depending on the ripening period, are:

  • Early (40-50 days): Dwarf, Fragrant Green, Pearl of the Moscow Region, Lemon and Clove;
  • Medium (60-70 days): Caramel, Charodey, Moskvoretsky, Orion and Vanilla Aroma;
  • Late (80-90 days): Moorish, Table, Marquis, Charm and Dreamer.

Depending on the color, basil also comes in green and purple.

Video: how to grow basil - an overview of varieties

When to plant seedlings: depending on the region, variety, according to the lunar calendar

Basil is a rather heat-loving crop, with planting and disembarking which in open ground should not be rushed. Therefore, if you want to get early and high-quality greens, as well as extend the time of its “fruiting” (of course, if you regularly pinch it), it is better to plant basil seeds first for seedlings.

As a rule, you need to plant basil for seedlings about 9-11 weeks before the expected time of transplanting the plant to the garden. Why so much time? Firstly, 1-2 weeks, as a rule, are spent waiting for the first shoots to appear, secondly, the seedlings should grow to an acceptable size - this is another 7-8 weeks, thirdly, if you dive, feel free to add more 1 week for seedlings to take root in a new place. Therefore, if you live in the Middle lane (for example, Moscow region), then the second half of March - the beginning of April will be the best time for you to start planting, just by the end of May, seedlings can be planted in well-warmed soil. If you have a warmer climate, then the dates are shifted - you can start sowing as early as February, just in time for May, the seedlings will be completely ready.

The crop variety also has a noticeable effect on the timing of sowing basil for seedlings. So, it is better to plant medium and late varieties earlier, but it makes no sense to rush with early ones, because. overgrown seedlings do not take root well in a new place, and if you plant them ahead of time, they will simply freeze and will not be accepted.

According to the lunar calendar in 2019

It can help you choose the optimal date for sowing a crop. Moon calendar.

auspicious days according to the lunar calendar for planting basil in 2019 are:

  • in February - 6-8, 15-17, 23-25;
  • in March - 8-12, 15-17, 27-29;
  • in April - 6-13, 15-18, 24-26, 29, 30;
  • in May - 1-4, 8-10, 12-14, 17, 18, 21-23, 26-31;
  • in June - 5, 6, 9-15, 22-25;
  • in July - 10-12, 20-22, 29-31;
  • in August - 2-8, 11-13, 17, 18, 26-28;
  • in September - 1-5, 7-10;
  • in October - there are no favorable dates;
  • in November - 1-3, 6-8, 15-18, 24, 25.

But you should also take into account the periods of the new moon and the full moon, since when sowing at this time, the seedlings will turn out to be weak and elongated. Therefore, there are days when the planting of the basil is carried out categorically impossible:

  • in February - 4, 5, 19;
  • in March - 6, 7, 21;
  • in April - 5, 19;
  • in May - 5, 19;
  • in June - 3, 4, 17;
  • in July - 2, 3, 17;
  • in August - 15, 16, 30, 31;
  • in September - 14, 15, 28, 29;
  • in October - 14, 28;
  • in November - 12, 13, 26, 27.

Therefore, it is necessary to pre-plan the days for sowing and prepare for them in advance.

According to the lunar calendar from the magazine "1000 tips for summer residents."

Tanks and soil

When choosing a container for sowing basil, first of all, think about how much you will need it and where you will put it. If you have a lot of space and want to grow a large crop, then plant in large wooden or plastic boxes, special cassettes for seedlings. Also suitable are peat tablets and the most common disposable cups, used containers for sour cream, yogurt or milk cartons.

To successfully grow basil seedlings, loose and light soil is required, in other words, it must be nutritious and breathable.

As always, potting soil can be bought at a garden store, or you can mix it up a bit and make your own.

The optimal composition of the soil mixture should consist of the following components:

  • 2 parts of humus or well-rotted compost;
  • 4 parts of peat;
  • 1 part sand.

You can also use the following soil mixture:

  • 1 part of garden land;
  • 1 part peat;
  • 1 part humus.

The resulting substrate must first be sieved (so that there are no lumps in it), and then steamed in a water bath or heated in an oven for 60 minutes. Such heat treatment will rid the soil of fungal diseases and weed seeds contained in the ground.

When using ready-made store soil, it is enough just to shed it with a saturated solution of potassium permanganate or a special disinfectant, for example, the most famous brands - Maxim or.

Landing methods

A step-by-step classic method of sowing basil seeds for seedlings:

  1. The planting container is filled with soil mixture by 5-6 cm, then compacted.
  2. Seeds are spread evenly over the surface of the soil.
  3. Lightly sprinkled with soil 5-10 mm.
  4. Abundantly, but gently watered from the sprayer. The seeds must not be accidentally washed out.
  5. It remains only to cover the future seedlings. To do this, you can use glass, shoe covers or transparent plastic wrap or a bag. And put in a warm (temperature should be in the range of 20-25 degrees) and a bright place (southern windowsill).

A more original way of planting may be sowing basil seeds. into snails. To learn how to do it right, see the following video:

An even newer and more effective (according to some summer residents) way of sowing basil is to plant it in shoe covers, all the information about which you will learn from the video below:

Caring for basil seedlings after planting

Growing basil seedlings can hardly be called a very simple and banal task. After all, you constantly need to control the temperature and properly water the crops, because. it is very picky about heat and soil moisture.

Friendly shoots, as a rule, appear after a week or a half. As soon as the basil sprouts, the shelter can be removed. Now it is necessary to maintain a slightly lower temperature - somewhere + 16-20 degrees. So the seedlings will not stretch. You can also prevent stretching by taking care of additional seedling lighting (phytolamps or economical LED lamps), thereby extending daylight hours to the recommended 12 hours.

About a week after germination, for better growth, young seedlings can be fertilized with wood ash by preparing a solution at the rate of 10 grams of ash per 1 liter of warm water.

Note! Excessive moisture can cause damage to the basil black leg, so it is important to ensure that after watering, excess water does not stagnate in the pan.

Video: basil seedling care, watering


You can start diving basil seedlings after the plant has 2 true leaves.

You can use the same soil mixture for picking, except to add a couple of tablespoons of wood ash and one tablespoon of complex mineral fertilizer to it (based on 5 liters of earth), and then mix thoroughly.

By the way! So that the seedlings can easily be taken out of the ground, the seedlings should be abundantly moistened before picking.

The picking of basil takes place according to the standard scheme: the containers are filled with earth, then they are compacted, recesses are made into which the young seedling is placed, earth is poured in and the soil is slightly compacted again. Now it remains to perform the final watering.

Important! After picking, it is recommended to put the seedlings in a cooler place!

Video: picking basil

Care after picking

Further care for basil seedlings after picking consists of regular watering, several top dressings and the obligatory pinching of shoots.

top dressing

If the basil develops normally, the seedlings are usually fed for the first time immediately after picking. For this, a complex nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium fertilizer is used at the rate of 10 grams of the product per 1 liter of water. In the future, the basil is fertilized 1 time in 2 weeks.

Reminder! Nitrogen stimulates the growth of leaves, and phosphorus and potassium have a positive effect on the content of essential oil in the green mass.

It is worth remembering that basil develops quite moderately at the beginning of its growth, so you should not rush it too much and constantly fertilize it. An overabundance can be much worse than a seedling's mineral starvation.


When the 5-6th true leaf appears at the basil, it is recommended to pinch the shoots. So the greens will not stretch, but will begin to branch better and give more fragrant leaves. Actually, this is the main purpose of growing basil, isn't it?

Re-pinching the basil will be necessary when it begins to bloom. In addition to flowers, you should pinch a few leaves under them.

When and how to plant basil seedlings in open ground

10-14 days before planting in open ground, basil seedlings should begin to be taken out to fresh air or a balcony for the purpose of hardening.

As a rule, the term for planting basil in open ground comes when the earth warms up to 15 degrees, that is, it falls on May-beginning of June, depending on the climatic zone of the region.

The place for growing basil is chosen as much as possible illuminated and protected from cold winds.

However, there is often not enough heat in the Middle Band of Aromatic Spice, which is why it grows slowly. Therefore, you can plant it in a greenhouse or in a temporary mini-greenhouse made of covering material stretched over small arcs. An even simpler solution would be to cover the newly planted seedlings at night.

It will be useful to plant basil next to peppers, tomatoes or cucumbers. So the neighboring plant, due to its phytoncidal properties, will be under reliable protection from various kinds of insects and pests (for example, from the same aphid).

Basil will grow well only on light, airy and nutritious soils: clay and infertile soils will not suit it. Therefore, before planting, add a little humus or compost to the soil, as well as sand and peat, if it is excessively clay.

Basil seedlings are planted directly with an earthen clod.

The distance between adjacent bushes should be 25-30 cm for tall varieties, 15-20 cm for more compact varieties. Leave 20-30 cm between rows.

Immediately after transplanting to the garden, the bushes should be watered abundantly.

By the way! You can grow basil on the windowsill, read more about it

Video: planting basil seedlings in the garden

Caring for basil after planting in the ground

Further care and cultivation of basil in the open field in the garden includes regular watering, fertilizing and loosening the earth.

In order for the basil to rapidly grow fragrant green leaves, it needs a large amount of life-giving moisture, which means that watering should be regular and plentiful.

Factors contributing to the active growth of green mass are also timely pinching flower stalks and top dressing nitrogen fertilizers, which should be carried out at least once every 4-5 weeks.

Reminder! Nitrogen fertilizers stimulate the growth of green mass of all plants.

If you strictly follow these recommendations, then the basil will develop well and give a lot of useful greenery until the first frost.

Advice! The more often and more you cut off the leaves, the sooner new ones will appear.

Thus, growing an excellent basil spice through seedlings until the first harvests requires attention, accuracy and patience.

Video: growing basil from seeds - from seedlings to planting in open ground

In contact with

It takes pride of place among spicy plants, because its rich smell cannot be compared with anything. Sprigs of herbs are an indispensable addition to salads and other dishes. Many gardeners also use basil as a flower bed ornament. Compact low bushes with a variety of leaf shapes and colors look good as a border. In addition, during flowering, insects flock to the smell of small white flowers, which are pollinators for the garden, but pests, on the contrary, scatter from it.

Growing such a useful herb from all sides is not a very troublesome business. Basil is an annual plant, and reproduces well by seed. Depending on when you need to get the first crop of fragrant leaves, you can plant basil with seeds:

  • for seedlings;
  • into open ground.

Growing basil seedlings

Sowing seeds should be started in early April. In order for the seeds to germinate faster, they must first be soaked for 3 hours. Place drainage in pots or low containers and fill with soil mixture mixed in equal parts from:

  • peat;
  • humus;
  • garden land.

Before sowing the seeds, moisten the substrate with a solution consisting of potassium sulfate, superphosphate, urea and potassium chloride. For 5 liters of water, you need to take 0.5 tsp. each drug.

Form shallow grooves and lay the seeds in them, observing the row spacing of about 4 cm. To create a humid microclimate, cover the pots with foil on top and put in a warm place with a temperature of at least 25 degrees Celsius. Until the seeds hatch, the film should be periodically lifted for ventilation, and when the seedlings sprout (after 5-7 days), the shelter should be completely removed.

Picking into separate cups can be done when the bushes have 1-2 true leaves, and when they grow at least five, pinch the tops for bushiness.

Since basil is very thermophilic, planting seedlings in open ground should be carried out at the very end of May. In order for the lush bushes to have enough space for development, leave a distance between them of up to 40 cm.

Sowing seeds in open ground

If the task is not to get an early harvest, in early June, you can sow the seeds immediately in the garden. The essential oils that make up the seeds inhibit their germination, so it is recommended to shed the wells beforehand (for example, 1 ampoule of Zircon per 5 liters of water) to speed up germination. After sowing, cover the bed itself with a film and do not remove it until shoots appear.

Basil Planting Care

Spicy grass loves not only heat, but also water and top dressing. It is necessary to water the basil regularly, while making sure that the moisture does not stagnate in the beds, otherwise the roots of the plant may rot.

As for fertilizer, once a month it is necessary to carry out nitrogen fertilizing of basil to stimulate the active growth of green mass. If seed collection is not planned, flower stalks should be removed. So young and tasty side shoots will form on the bushes and it will be possible to remove them several times during the season.

Basil: sowing and picking, video
