Do-it-yourself siding installation. Finishing the house with vinyl, metal and basement siding

The design of the facade or basement of a private house is not always dictated by the desire to make the house more original. Often, exclusively practical goals are pursued - protecting walls, hiding obvious flaws. Therefore, it is not always possible and expedient to use expensive facade materials. This is where vinyl siding comes to the rescue.

Features of vinyl siding, video

Vinyl siding is a relatively new and practical façade material, consisting of cladding panels about 1mm thick and styled to look like natural building materials for cladding. The panel can be both vertically oriented and horizontally, but the essence remains the same - changing the appearance of the facade and protecting the walls from natural influences, mechanical damage, for installing insulation, etc. One can argue about its aesthetic qualities, but the main indisputable advantages of the material called:

In order to PVC panel showed all its positive aspects, it needs to be properly mounted, and this is a rather painstaking process. Mounting vinyl siding do-it-yourself video lesson on which we have prepared, in in general terms presented in the lesson, and we will touch on some features and tricks during installation.

Preparing to install vinyl siding

It is very important, before laying vinyl siding, to decide on its appearance, based on the design of the exterior of the house. The fact is that in a store it is very difficult to judge how the house as a whole will look like from one exemplary panel. By choosing the wrong color for the panel, you can harm the appearance or not achieve the desired results. After the siding has already been purchased, it is necessary to proceed with the preparatory work.

PVC siding is mounted only on the frame or crate. Their design depends on which siding, vertical or horizontal, we have chosen for finishing. Used as a frame wooden slats or galvanized metal profile, which is used for the installation of drywall. In rare cases, you can do without crates, if we are talking only about aesthetic design and the walls are perfectly even. But siding, as a rule, is laid on a layer of insulation, and this introduces some difficulties, so we will probably start with insulation.

Regardless of whether insulation is provided in the cladding design or not, facade marking is a mandatory step. Despite the fact that the panels have perfectly smooth geometric shapes, marking is necessary both in the vertical and in the horizontal plane. With the help of a level or plumb line, the attachment points of the frame elements are applied to the walls of the building. Depending on the type of siding panels, rails or profiles are placed both vertically and horizontally strictly according to the markup. Galvanized metal profiles are fixed at a distance of 40 cm, and wooden slats at a distance of no more than 50 cm from each other.

  1. Installation of insulation is carried out according to this algorithm, and on which finishing material is used, the installation scheme changes very rarely:
  2. A spacer bar is attached directly to the wall, which provides ventilation to the wall. Its thickness can be about 10 mm.
  3. A layer of rolled vapor barrier is nailed to the bar.
  4. In the intervals between the main slats of the frame, a layer or several layers of a heat insulator are laid - mineral wool, as a rule, in this case the most likely applicant for installation.
  5. Wind insulation is mounted on top of the insulation.
  6. Sometimes a distance bar is installed on top of it for better ventilation.
  7. Only after that, siding panels are attached to the base frame rail.

I would like to point out that all wooden elements frames must be treated with an antiseptic. This will eliminate the possibility of the appearance of fungi and pests in the frame, which in turn will affect the durability of the entire structure.

As you can see, doing the installation of siding with our own hands, we save a significant amount. At the same time, we reserve the right to choose materials and technologies. Having carefully understood the technology of installing siding panels, spending some time on installation, the house will get a completely different appearance and enhanced protection against cold and wind.

Supplying high quality Canadian vinyl siding, authorized dealers of Mitten Inc. They also provide home cladding services. If you are confident in your abilities and are going to do the installation of vinyl siding with your own hands, we offer several useful advice to help avoid mistakes.

How to take measurements

For determining total area the space that you plan to sheathe with siding, you can use the method of geometric partitioning. The building is divided into simple geometric shapes, the areas of which are further summarized.
You can easily and quickly calculate the amount of material using the calculator on our website.

Steps for installing vinyl panels:

  • Preparatory work. Surface measurements are carried out, equipment is prepared, necessary tools and fasteners, a detailed siding installation scheme is being developed.
  • Installation work. Vertical and horizontal panels are installed in accordance with the siding installation instructions.
  • Soffit installation. At this stage, soffit panels are mounted to provide ventilation of the under-roof space.
  • Final work. This includes checking the quality of work and cleaning up excess material.

Installation of siding on the wall without the use of substructure. It is possible only if the wall is even, otherwise (if the surface is uneven or we are insulating) it is necessary to use a substructure.

Siding installation process

Facing surfaces with horizontal siding is carried out in six stages:

  • determining the point from which the first row of panels will begin;
  • installation of corners;
  • installation of the starting line;
  • installation of edging window and door openings, installation of ebbs;
  • installation of siding panels;

Installation instructions for vertical siding are fundamentally different from those described above. Since vertical vinyl panels are not available in Russia widespread, we will give only the main stages of installation:

  • alignment of the crate (substructure), if we have it horizontal;
  • installation of a vertical starting strip;
  • installation of corners on the same level with the starting strip;
  • installing a J-profile around windows and doors to secure the siding;
  • installation of vinyl panels.

NB If you need detailed instructions on the installation of siding, you can download it in PDF format.

It will help you avoid the most common mistakes. However, it must be borne in mind that any installation instructions describe only typical moments of installation work.

Basic tools and equipment

Before you start installing siding, you need to download the instructions and make sure that you have the basic tools at hand:

In addition, when planning the installation of siding with your own hands, do not forget to prepare a jigsaw, hammer, level, chalk and tape measure. Eyes are recommended to be protected with special goggles. You will also need galvanized steel or aluminum fasteners - nails, screws and staples, which must be at least 20 mm into the crate.

When cutting vinyl panels, observe the following safety precautions:

Preparing to install siding

The surface under the cladding is leveled so that it is even from any angle of view. For long-term use of vinyl siding, installation according to the instructions must be carried out on top of an insulating material that protects the walls from moisture and freezing. The places where the siding comes into contact with stone, plaster, brick and other building materials, as well as the space around all openings, must be insulated.

  • When cladding objects under construction and buildings, from the facades of which all the previous cladding has been completely removed, it is recommended to use moisture-resistant OSV boards.
  • If the object has already been put into operation, it is necessary to first strengthen all the loose boards and replace the rotten ones, as well as to dismantle the drains, shutters, lighting fixtures around doors and windows, etc. from the facade before starting work.

Horizontal siding - installation instructions

Step 1. Find a starting point

Do-it-yourself siding installation begins with visual inspection building. It is very important to correctly determine where you will install the first row of panels. It may coincide with the old cladding (for operated houses). If this is a new building, the first horizontal row should cover the upper edge of the foundation. To correctly build a horizontal starting line, use a plumb line to ensure that the corners are clearly vertical.

Step 2. Install accessories

The siding installation manual includes a complete list of necessary accessories (outer and inner corners, starting strip, architraves, etc.). You need to start with them, and only then move on to hanging profiles. The corners are set first. It is important that there is a small distance between the cornice / soffit and the top of the corner - 6.4 mm.

Step 3: Set up your starter strip

If the first panel is installed, then the rest of the siding will also lie flat. Having determined the border of the 1st row, mark the width of the launch pad on it and draw an even line along the wall. horizontal line. This line will become a guideline for setting the top edge of the starting profile. Leave a gap of 12.7 mm between the edges of adjacent strips.

Step 4: Insulate doors and windows

Now proceed to the installation of components on window and door openings. Install platbands, window trims, ebbs, fix the final lining. Join the finishing strips at an angle of 45 ° - this will give the whole structure a finished, neat look.

Step 5 Install the cladding panels

The main, but in principle a simple stage. Do-it-yourself vinyl siding installation is carried out from the bottom up, from the starting strip. Insert the main panel into the starting profile and nail it. But not "hard". Feel the panel, move it from side to side. If it moves, then you did everything correctly, you can continue to work. The panels are fixed at intervals of 40.5 cm. At the junction of the siding with accessories, leave a gap of 6 to 12.5 mm. The panels overlap each other exactly half of the factory mark. Avoid frequent vertical overlaps and try to keep the joints as less visible as possible from the façade.

Then install siding around doors, windows, and downpipes (the site has a siding installation diagram for tricky areas). You can use special panels or cut holes of the desired size and shape in the profile yourself.

Step 6: Install the top edge of the wall

When installing siding with your own hands, be especially careful at the final stage. When you reach the top edge, install the profiles in the same way as under window openings and doors (siding installation instructions are illustrated detailed diagrams). Under the edge of the roof, use whole panels, do not cut anything. The panel is cut to the desired angle only for installation on gables.

Finish the last horizontal row with a J-profile or finishing strip. For the top of the J-profiles, 6 mm holes are required, drilled every 60 cm. This is necessary to drain water from the roof of the building. At this stage, if necessary, the transition to the installation of vertical siding begins.

We have introduced you to the basic sequence of work. All the details (drawings, calculations for each step) are contained in the company's instructions for installing siding. You can download the document. Follow our recommendations and you'll be fine.

  • Mount the panels so that they can move freely from side to side.
  • Control the completeness of the connection of the panel lock with the lower part, however, when fixing, it is not necessary to pull them up with force.
  • When driving nails, leave a gap of at least 1 mm between the edge of the cap and the vinyl. This will prevent the panel from warping.
  • When installing siding with your own hands, do not seal the panels at the junctions with the recess of the outer and inner corner, as well as J-profile. Siding overlaps also do not need to be sealed.

If you do not know how to choose siding panels or, you can always get qualified help by contacting the company's managers by phone 8-800-333-08-44, or by ordering a call back through a special form on the website.

Hinged or ventilated facade - modern system, often used for exterior finish residential and industrial buildings. The cladding here is siding - vinyl, fiber cement, wood and even metal. It is noteworthy that the same installation technology is used for the listed materials. For those who wish to familiarize themselves with it, we suggest studying step-by-step instructions on how to install do-it-yourself siding on any base - wood, brick, aerated concrete, and so on. By doing the wall cladding of the house yourself, you will significantly save on the cost of work.

Preparing for installation

On the initial stage you need to do the following:

  1. Measure the facades, gables, window and door openings of the building to find out the amount of building materials to purchase.
  2. Taking advantage wiring diagram, count the number of components and add to it at least 10% of the margin for scrap and waste.
  3. Get materials and fasteners, prepare a tool.

Note. We propose to consider the procedure for fixing plastic siding with external wall insulation, since its installation is considered the most difficult. Having mastered the technology, you can easily decorate the house with metal, wood and fiber cement panels.

It must be understood that the installation of siding is always carried out on a frame (otherwise - a crate) from wooden beams or metal profiles. But a good facade subsystem of galvanized elements is much more expensive than wood, and cheap steel counterparts will not last long. Hence the conclusion: with a lack of funds, it is better to buy timber than to finish your house or cottage with thin profiles with a low-quality coating.

Scheme for calculating the area of ​​​​siding and the number of profiles

In addition to the details of the crate, you will need:

  • insulation - polystyrene foam or cotton wool on a basalt basis;
  • a film that protects the facade from wind and moisture penetration;
  • siding panels suitable color with all accompanying straps;
  • fasteners - dowels, short screws and nails, if the upholstery of a wooden house is being done.

Advice. Most often, homeowners sheathe the outside walls with inexpensive vinyl siding. white color. Such a finishing material quickly loses its appearance from street dust, which turns into dirt in the rain. Therefore, it is better to select panels of other, not so easily soiled shades.

Now it’s worth understanding the types of elements for installing siding, so that you understand where which one needs to be placed and correctly calculate their number:

  • a start and finish bar is installed at the beginning and end of a row of panels on each wall;
  • corner elements serve as facing of internal and external corners of the building;
  • the near-window bar is used to frame translucent structures and doorways;
  • the ebb is designed to divert water and is placed above the base and under the windows;
  • a connecting element is needed for a beautiful docking of PVC panels instead of overlapping them;
  • it is customary to sheathe roof overhangs and other hard-to-reach places with soffits;
  • J-profile is used to form various adjunctions.

From the tool you will need a screwdriver, sharp metal scissors and all sorts of measuring devices - a tape measure, a level and an iron ruler.

Stage one - assembly of the crate and insulation

The task of the subsystem or frame is to serve as a basis for fixing heat-insulating and facing material, as well as to level out all the unevenness of the walls of a country cottage. Therefore, the device of the crate is a responsible matter, affecting the appearance and service life of the hinged facade with siding sheathing. Collect wooden frame needed in this order:

  1. Before working with a tree, it must be covered with an antiseptic and allowed to dry.
  2. Stretching the twine parallel to the wall, determine the place where it protrudes the most. Here you need to set the first vertical bar. In a log house, it is necessary to cut down the protruding cuts in advance.
  3. Focusing on the outer plane of this beam, attach the remaining elements of the crate in increments of 40 to 60 cm. To maintain one vertical plane, place under the bars wooden coasters required height.
  4. When warming basalt wool between the vertical posts you need to put 2-3 rows of horizontal jumpers, because over time this material tends to settle and expose part of the structure.
  5. Lay the insulation between the beams and cover the entire facade with a windproof film.

Reference. The installation step of the frame elements is taken according to the width of the insulating material (50 or 60 mm), so that there is not much waste left after cutting. If you plan to install siding without thermal insulation, then install the bars at intervals of 40 cm (recommendations from the Döcke brand - a manufacturer of PVC panels).

A few words about how to fix the insulation and wind protection. Styrofoam or mineral wool slabs are inserted between the bars of the subsystem and fixed with special building "fungi" directly to the wall. The film sheets must be laid out horizontally, starting from the bottom, and nailed to the crate using strips 3-5 cm thick. Thus, ventilation is provided between the heat-insulating layer and the siding.

To assemble a metal frame, apply similar way, only galvanized profiles are mounted on adjustable brackets. Separate brackets are used to fix the insulation. In the case when it is required to clad the facade with siding vertically, the elements of the subsystem are attached to the wall in a horizontal position. More about the installation of a metal crate is shown in the video instructions:

Step two - installation of slats and guides

Before proceeding to self-assembly wall or basement siding made of PVC, an important feature should be understood: under the influence of temperatures, the plastic expands noticeably. This means that vinyl panels and framing elongate when heated. To new cladding the house did not bend or warp; between all ends and hidden joints, a 6 mm gap must be left for expansion.

Note. For the same purpose, self-tapping screws or nails that fasten siding parts must not be twisted or hammered in to the stop. The installed element should move freely within the oval cutouts where you screw in the screws.

Set up a starting board

Installation instructions for siding guides look like this:

  1. Maintaining the horizontal, screw the basement ebbs, passing around the whole house.
  2. Mount the starter strips close to the ebb and secure them by nailing them to each frame post.
  3. Using the building level, set the corner bar vertically and fix it with self-tapping screws. If there is a ceiling (for example, when sheathing under a canopy or balcony), do not forget to leave a gap of 6 mm at the top.
  4. Using the same technology, place the near-window strips, cutting the edges by 45 °. Attach drains.
  5. If it is necessary to form plastic slopes, then screw a J-profile to the window frame, where the siding panel will then be inserted.
  6. Install the finishing element at the top of the wall, as shown in the picture.

We fix the finishing profile

Advice. It happens that the length of some shaped strip is not enough. Then the continuation of the corner profile is overlapped by 2.5 cm, and the start and finish strips are butted with a technological indent of 6 mm.

We put the corner element

Two words on how to fix corner profiles. First, 2 self-tapping screws are screwed in from above so that the part hangs on them, and at the remaining points (40 cm interval), the screws are screwed in the middle of the oval cutouts.

As you understand, the instructions for horizontal installation of vinyl siding are presented above. To fasten the panels vertically, the same technology is used, only the corner profile serves as the starting strip, and the ends are trimmed with J-planks or elements in the form ceiling plinth. The plinth cladding is made in the same way, only a different, more durable cladding material is used (available in the form of PVC sheets). The process is described in great detail in the training video from Döcke:

The third stage - sheathing siding

Do-it-yourself finishing of the house with siding is the last and easiest stage of work. The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. Cut the panels to the dimensions of the facade, allowing for a 6 mm gap on each side.
  2. Insert the first sheet of siding into the grooves of the corner profiles, at the same time inserting it into the lock of the starting bar. Adjust the position of the panel so that the gaps remain on both sides (they are not visible behind the corner cladding).
  3. Screw the siding strip to the crate with screws or nails. Position the screws in the center of the oval holes.
  4. Install the rest of the panels in the same way.
  5. When you get to the top, the last panel will probably be too wide. Cut it all the way down and put it in place.

Advice. If the strips are not long enough (and in the market and in stores they are sold at 6 m each), do not overlap them, such a connection looks ugly. Divide the wall into 2 or 3 parts and install connecting profiles that will simultaneously serve as decorative elements.

When fastening, the screw is placed in the middle of the hole

Under the roof overhangs, it is customary to mount soffits - flat panels that are installed in guides without fastening to the frame. The same corner profiles, starting strip and J-bar are used here. The listed elements are attached depending on the configuration of the overhang, and then cut off soffits are inserted into their grooves, as shown in the diagram.

Installation of siding on a wooden crate is clearly shown in the next video:


There are 2 difficult moments in the installation procedure - frame alignment and fastening of shaped siding elements, here it is allowed more errors. Hence the advice: when studying the instructions and videos, focus on these operations and take your time when performing them, print out the diagrams if necessary. After successful assembly, the lining should be washed washing powder, dissolved in water.

It is necessary to choose a material that will provide a high degree of protection of the walls from negative impact environment and be able to keep decorative properties throughout the entire period of operation. That is why many people choose siding for finishing not only new buildings, but also for restoring erected buildings and objects. extra costs do the installation of siding with your own hands - the instruction for dummies describes in detail all the stages of work.

The popularity of siding is difficult to overestimate due to its versatility, affordability and aesthetics.

Finishing with siding panels of buildings, in comparison with other materials, has the following advantages:

  • High resistance to negative external factors: precipitation, sudden changes in temperature, some chemical compounds and ultraviolet radiation. The material retains its strength and decorative properties throughout the entire period of operation declared by the manufacturer.

  • The design of the sheathing and lathing has a minimum weight, which allows finishing objects with non-buried foundations without additional strengthening of the supporting structure.
  • No need for alignment facade walls thanks to the installation on the crate. This significantly reduces the time of work, and also allows you to lay heat and waterproofing layers in the space between the wall and the siding.
  • Undemanding cladding for care or any maintenance.
  • High level of fire safety and resistance to minor mechanical stress.
  • The presence of a wide range of decorative colors will allow you to choose the necessary one without any problems and make a unique design of the house without spending money on purchasing and painting in desired color. Moreover, unique textured images with imitation are also available. natural materials, characterized by a clear and rich pattern.
  • A simple installation technology available for development by people who have not previously encountered construction work.

Types of additional components

In order to simplify the installation of facade cladding, many additional components are produced to ensure a tight fit to various elements of the house, mounting surfaces complex shapes, as well as reliable engagement with the main wall. The components are designed to ensure the rigidity and stability of the structure, as well as prevent the formation of moisture on inside material.

Important information! The material of the components must match the siding in order to ensure uniform thermal characteristics and prevent deformations due to the difference in thermal expansion coefficients. Therefore, it is recommended to use only original additional and fasteners.

List of additional accessories:

  • The start and finish strips help avoid distortions and other installation errors, as well as improve the decorative properties of the finish.
  • corner elements. Designed to decorate the corners of the building and hide the crate. Protect from hit of dust and moisture on an internal surface of panels.
  • Window and door platbands are designed to finish the junctions of the corresponding openings. J-profiles can also be used for these purposes, but they have worse aesthetic properties.
  • Window and door profiles are used for finishing and protection against external environment slopes. Due to their use, the slopes look natural and aesthetically pleasing.
  • J profile. It is used for fastening of ordered panels in the side part. It has versatility, therefore it is also used instead of platbands, finishing and corner profiles, even though there are specialized elements.
  • J-bevel. A special element designed to be installed as a cornice. It is a specialized replacement for the J-profile in roof connection installations.
  • Low tide. Used to remove moisture from the roof, as well as the design of window and door openings.
  • Ceiling spotlights. Designed for finishing ceilings of open structures: terraces, summer kitchens, etc. They can be made solid or perforated. They perform not only decorative functions, but also provide ventilation of the space between the wall and the siding along the crate, and also protect internal structures from pests.
  • Moldings. They serve to connect horizontal and vertical planes of panels.
  • H-profile. It is used for building panels along the length.

Siding installation price per m 2 for work

Sheathing with siding of objects with the involvement of professional teams of builders will be performed with high quality and in the shortest possible time. At the same time, it is not necessary to order the execution of a full range of works, but only individual services are sufficient.

The cost of the work will depend on the following factors:

  • The number of window and door openings, the sheathing of which requires a significant waste of time and the use of special additional elements.
  • Wall areas.
  • The complexity of the work. AT this concept includes the presence of walls with complex plane transitions, the need to install insulating layers, the type of wall material and other factors.
  • The type of material selected.

In each case, the miscalculation will be performed by a specialist of the selected company. The table below shows the prices for the installation of siding, the price per m 2 for work.

Approximate cost of carrying out the main and auxiliary works during the installation of siding for Moscow
Facade worksUnit rev.price, rub.
Installing vinyl siding on wallsm2250
Installing vinyl siding on a roofm2300
Fiber cement siding installationm2680
Installation of a hydro-vapor barrier filmm260
Installation of wooden lathing on woodm2100
Installation of wooden crates on brick or concretem2200
Installation of insulation 50 mmm290
Installation of insulation 100 mmm2170
Fire-bio processing of timberrunning meters14
Fire-bio wood surface treatmentm280
Fire-bio processing boardsrunning meters19
Installation of metal tidesrunning meters100
Installation of ventilation grillesPCS.140

Preparatory work

Before carrying out installation work on the cladding of the facade, it is necessary to carry out a number of preparatory work. They include the following steps: choosing the type of panels and lathing, calculating materials and additional elements, as well as determining the number of heat and waterproofing layers.

Panel type selection

The choice of material for sheathing largely determines the service life of the entire structure, strength and performance characteristics. Currently, the choice is limited to the following options:

  • Wooden. Is different high level thermal insulation, environmental friendliness and excellent decorative qualities. Its cost is minimal compared to other types of siding. However, it has a short service life (up to 8 years) and requires periodic maintenance (treatment with antiseptics and painting).

  • Metal. It has strength and durability, resistance to mold, fungi and pests, and is also able to withstand significant temperature changes. Very sensitive to damage, since even a small scratch on protective layer can lead to the onset of corrosion processes.

  • Vinyl. It is the most profitable option, as it is devoid of all the disadvantages of wood and metal siding. It has a minimum weight, is resistant to any precipitation, environmentally friendly, has a maximum service life of up to 50 years. It features a wide range of colors. With such advantages, the cost this material relatively low, so it is recommended to choose it by experts. Do-it-yourself vinyl siding installation video will allow you to appreciate all the advantages of this material.

Calculation of the amount of materials

The amount of material can be calculated quite simply if you have a building project on hand. Otherwise, you will have to measure the length and width of each of the walls, as well as window and door openings. Based on the data obtained, a sketch or drawing should be made. After that, the amount of material that will be used to create the crate is determined, taking into account the uniform arrangement of vertical or horizontal guides with an interval of 40-50 cm and fasteners along the guides with the same interval.

Helpful information! You can use the building project for calculations only if it was erected no later than 2-3 years. It is connected with possible appearance defects on the walls (for example, cracks caused by subsidence of the foundation), which, after elimination, can cause the walls to widen by several centimeters. When installing the facade cladding of a building, this is critical in that you have to find a way out of the situation already in the installation process.

After calculating the amount of materials for the crate, you need to calculate the number of panels. To do this is quite simple by dividing the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe walls, minus the area of ​​the openings, into the dimensions of one panel. It is recommended to add a margin of approximately 10-15% to the value obtained, which will take into account possible damage during delivery or installation.

Calculator for calculating the quantity and cost of siding for a house

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List of required tools

For installation work, you will need the following tools:

Preparing walls for installation

First you need to dismantle the roofing, window and door parts that protrude beyond the plane of the wall: skirting boards, ebbs, drainage pipes with fasteners from the roof, etc. This will allow you to get unhindered access to the walls. If any finishing layers have been installed or applied, they are also recommended to be cleaned to the main wall material.

A thorough inspection of the strength and reliability of the supporting structures will ensure that there are no problems during the operation of the siding that are associated with its complete or partial dismantling. If cracks, irregularities or other defects are found, they will need to be eliminated.

Do-it-yourself siding installation - instructions for dummies

After the successful completion of the preparatory work, it is necessary to plan the installation work. To do this, you need to place building materials near the object in order to have convenient access to them. The stages of installation work are as follows:

Lathing installation

Sheathing panels are recommended to be installed horizontally, since in this arrangement it is quite easy to build up the sheathing. Therefore, the guide battens must be vertical. Of course, it is allowed vertical way sheathing, but in this case the appearance of the building will have an unaesthetic appearance due to visual effect wall narrowing.

Installation of the crate for siding can be carried out on nails, dowels or self-tapping screws, depending on the material of the walls. First, the wall is marked with chalk or a marker, in accordance with the drawing made during the calculations. When mounting on dowels, we pre-drill holes in the wall.

We install rails from one of the corners of the building. First, we fix the upper part, then align the position vertically with a plumb line. After finally fixing the guide. Then, along the lower level of the fixed rail, we stretch the rope in a strictly horizontal position to simplify the alignment of all subsequent rails.

The subsequent rails are installed according to the markup with control of their position.

Important information! All guide battens on each wall must be located in the same plane. Any distortions, even minimal ones of more than 2-3 mm, are unacceptable, since these defects will appear on the siding in the form of a deterioration in the aesthetics of the view or the inability to fix the planks properly.

If it is required to install hydro and thermal insulation layer, then you should do this on top of the installed crate. In this case, the waterproofing is laid on top of the walls and battens, then insulation mats are tightly inserted into the gap between the guides and, if necessary, covered with a second layer of waterproofing. If expanded polystyrene or polystyrene is used as a heater, then you can save on waterproofing, but pay Special attention joints and junctions so that there are no gaps at all. Do-it-yourself siding installation instructions for dummies must be taken into account before installing the facade material.

Related article:

Installing profiles

We install J-profiles on top of the crate, on which the cladding panels will be attached. Since all structural elements were strictly aligned with a stretched horizontal rope, there will be no problems with mounting the profiles.

We start the installation from the bottom of the structure. We take the starting profile and fix it at a lathing height of 5 cm, having previously screwed two self-tapping screws at this height on both sides of the wall as a guide. At the same time, we provide enough space for the installation of corner profiles. You can cut off the excess part immediately after fixing or before installation. Self-tapping screws or nails should be placed approximately in the middle of a special hole designed to secure the profile.

Helpful information! An interval of 8-10 mm must be observed between horizontal and angular profiles, which will take into account the thermal expansion of the metal. You can not indent if you correctly cut the corner profile in the right places, and then cover the cut lines with a protective layer.

After fixing starting profiles proceed to the installation of external corner. First, we mark the soffits to determine the edges of the elements, and then install the corner profile with a gap of 3 mm to the soffit or roof. Fastening is carried out in the same way as for the starting bar. Be sure to center the profile until the moment of tightening. Internal corner profiles are mounted similarly to external ones.

In some cases, when the height of buildings is from one floor along the length, the angles can be more than 3 m and it becomes necessary to build up the profile. In such situations, it is necessary to cut each subsequent profile so that it can be inserted into the previous one. To do this, cut off the side parts for fastening the siding with metal scissors, leaving only the front corner part. The cutting length must be at least 25 mm. Additionally, you will need to leave a gap between the two elements of approximately 9 mm.

Installation of additional elements for window openings

Windows in various types of buildings can be installed in Various types openings, on which the installation method and the use of additional elements depend. Therefore, the installation of near-window siding strips has the following features:

  • With opening slopes larger than 19 cm, it is necessary to fix the outer corners along the perimeter and mount facing strips on them. Slopes outside are decorated with standard elements. In some cases, they need to be trimmed a little to size. We insert the cladding panel into the corner profile and interlock connection the starting strip, and then we fix it to the crate.

  • If the slope size is from 5 to 19 cm, then europlanks with standard length 220 mm, which are cut in place. In order to save money, the use of J-profiles and plastic linings is allowed. Mounting is similar to the first option.
  • There are no slopes, and the window is installed flush with the wall, or its size is up to 5 cm. In this case, suitable platbands with a width of 62 mm are mounted. An alternative may be J-profiles, which are installed and fastened in the same way as described above. To neatly connect the profiles, it is necessary to make small cuts on each side, bend down, settle the excess parts of the material and join.

  • Arched or swept-shaped openings are sheathed with siding in the same way as walls on J-profiles, however, they are carefully folded under the shape of the opening.


The first plank is usually installed on the side of the building that is least visible from the street and courtyard. This is necessary for beginners to get the hang of a little to properly fasten the planks. Installation is carried out in the starting bar in a special clamp with fixation on self-tapping screws at the points of contact with the batten guides.

It is important to perform the correct engagement in order to avoid distortions and loss of structural strength. Be sure to observe technological indents of 6-9 mm. When tightening the screws, it is strictly forbidden to deform the panels, as they will then become unusable.

We build up the subsequent planks with an overlap with engagement to the bottom row on special locks. Pre-locks and mounting frames must be shortened. Every third row must be checked for the absence of distortions. When approaching the opening, cut off the excess part of the plank.

Windows are sheathed with siding only after the installation of low tide. To do this, the opening is measured and the elements are cut to size with a bend at the fixing point at a right angle and from the drain side. After that, the ebb is attached to the frame using an adhesive or liquid nails to achieve high tightness and contact density.

A J-profile is installed on the sides of the window opening. Measure height window frame, and then cut the profile to size. The lower parts are slightly bent for a tight fit with the tide. A finishing bar is attached to the bottom profile along the width of the opening, and a starting bar is attached to the top one.

For sheathing doorways, they proceed in the same way as in the case of a window - they install J-profiles and corner additional elements, if there are slopes. More accurately, do-it-yourself siding installation is described by instructions in video format.

When approaching the junction of the roof at a distance of one or two strips, it is necessary to stop the sheathing and think over the competent implementation of the docking. To do this, you need to measure the distance from the lock of the penultimate row to the finish bar. From the value obtained, it is necessary to subtract 10-20 mm per indent. Then you should mark the whole panel and cut off the upper locking connection from it. In the upper part we make hooks (cuts with bending towards the front part) with a step of 200 mm. We insert the finished bar into the penultimate panel with snapping into the lock.

For sheathing the pediment, we install a corner inner element at the junction with the wall and an outer one at the end of the roof or a J-profile. Sheathing is done in the same way as for walls.

Do-it-yourself siding installation, according to the instructions for dummies, requires compliance the following rules and recommendations:

  • When installing metal or vinyl panels, be sure to observe the gap with the fasteners, as they can expand as a result of thermal fluctuations.
  • When attaching vinyl panels, be sure to use only special holes and in no case do them yourself.
  • The lock connections must be tight, but not overtightened with the use of significant forces.
  • When attaching profiles to nails, it is recommended to leave a gap of 1 mm between them and the cap.
  • It is highly not recommended to seal the overlaps of the skin with sealants, as this can cause unwanted deformations due to differences in thermal expansion coefficients, and also make dismantling difficult if it is necessary to examine the condition of the wall.
  • All fasteners must be located exactly in the center of the holes.
  • Sheathing is performed from the bottom-up or left-to-right.


Do-it-yourself siding installation is described in detail - an instruction for dummies with tips and tricks. Explained how to do it right preparatory work and avoid many installation problems. Particular attention was paid to the lining of openings and the connection to the roof. Good luck with the repair!

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Metal or plastic siding is the most popular material for self-finishing a private house. A house finished with this material looks beautiful and rich. For this reason, in this article we will consider the installation of siding with our own hands, step-by-step instruction installation will be described below, but for now we will decide on the list of tools that you will need to have to carry out this kind of work.

Tools required for installation

In a private house there is always something to repair, for this reason, it is better to have your own tool. If there is no tool, then it can be bought before the house is finished with siding. Believe me, it will not gather dust idle, after the laying of the siding with your own hands is over. So, to carry out the work you will need to purchase:

  • A screwdriver is the main tool, which is simply impossible to do without, because it is with the help of it that most of the work is carried out. For example, self-tapping screws for fastening metal suspensions are twisted, profiles and the siding panels themselves are fastened;
  • The building level is necessary for leveling the elements of the frame and siding panels. Can be used as normal building level, and more expensive - laser;

Tip: when working with metal frame siding, it is convenient to use the usual building level, which is additionally equipped with magnets. With the help of magnets, the level can be set on the profile and not held, this greatly facilitates the work on leveling the subsystem.

  • Hammer drill or hammer drill. The tool is necessary if it is planned to finish the siding of a house whose walls are made of brick or concrete. Additionally, you will need to have a drill or drill, the diameter of which will correspond to the diameter of the dowels used;
  • Metal scissors. The tool is simply necessary, because when assembling the frame, it will be necessary to cut the metal profile, and it is impossible to do this without scissors;
  • Roulette. For work on the installation of siding, it is convenient to use a tape measure with a magnetic tip;
  • UShM (Bulgarian). Easy to use for cutting metal profile, as well as siding, regardless of what material it is made of;
  • Construction stapler and staples, for mounting vapor barrier material;
  • Stationery or any other sharp knife for cutting insulation and vapor barrier;
  • Stepladder or ladder, for access to the upper part of the facade;
  • You will also need an axe, hammer and nail puller. Finishing the house on your own, there is always something to pull out, knock and cut.

Tip: to facilitate installation in the upper part of the facade, special scaffolding. If the height of the house is more than one floor, such scaffolding can grow, thereby providing access to the highest point.

Work algorithm

Next, let's move on to learning how to install metal siding with your own hands. The instruction for dummies includes the following sequence, according to which the house is sheathed with siding with one's own hands:

  1. Calculation required amount materials;
  2. Preparatory work;
  3. Installation of vapor barrier;
  4. Installation of a heater;
  5. Marking for the subsequent installation of the frame;
  6. Subsystem installation;
  7. Siding installation;
  8. Installation of additional elements.

Material calculation

To carry out work on the installation of siding panels, it is necessary to calculate in advance the required amount of materials. To do this, it is necessary to measure the length and height of all walls that need finishing, and then calculate their area.

Tip: to calculate the required amount of materials, only the net area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe walls is used. To determine it, from the draft area, it is necessary to subtract the total area of ​​all windows.

To determine the required amount of metal profile in running meters, you need to multiply the net area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe walls by a factor of 2.2. The resulting result can be divided by 3, thus, find out the number of profiles in pieces.

To install each profile, six metal hangers are required, so by multiplying the number of profiles by six, you can find out the exact number of hangers.

It is not difficult to calculate the required number of screws or dowel nails for attaching suspensions. They will need two per suspension, respectively, you need to multiply the number of suspensions by 2 and get the required number.

heater for sale cubic meters, respectively, multiplying the net area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe walls for finishing with siding by the thickness of the insulation, you can find out the amount of material that will be needed for the work.

The siding itself for finishing the house is calculated quite simply, since you can calculate the area of ​​\u200b\u200bone siding panel, then divide the net area by the area of ​​​​one panel and find out the required amount.

Self-tapping screws for assembling the frame and fastening the panels are calculated based on the net area that needs to be finished. For each square meter area, you will need 50 screws.

After everything has been done and the material has been purchased, you can begin the installation of metal siding with your own hands. Step-by-step instructions advise starting work from the preparatory stage.

Preparatory work

Tip: If the work is carried out in a new house that does not yet have window trim, at the preparatory stage, you can check the integrity of the window sealing material and, if necessary, foam the defective areas with polyurethane foam.

The preparatory stage includes the following works:

  • Dismantling of ebbs and slopes of windows;
  • Withdrawal drain pipes and their fastenings;
  • If there are lighting devices on the walls, they also need to be dismantled, and after the work on sheathing the house with siding, the lights will be mounted back on the wall. Work on the removal and transfer of lighting lamps must be carried out in compliance with safety regulations. Most the best way is to entrust such work to a professional electrician;
  • Inspection of walls for defects and their elimination. Repair cracks with mounting foam, if the house is wooden, you can treat them with an antiseptic solution that will prevent corrosion of the material and additionally protect against negative impact moisture.

Installation of vapor barrier and insulation

After carrying out the preparatory work, before assembling the frame, it is necessary to mount the vapor barrier and insulation.

Important: in the event that polyurethane foam is used for insulation, then a vapor barrier is not required to be installed and you can immediately start marking and installing suspensions. Facade insulation work can be carried out both after the frame is installed and before it is assembled, and after the frame has already been assembled.

The vapor barrier is fixed vertically with an overlap of 10–15 cm. If the walls of the house are wooden, then the work is carried out using a construction stapler, otherwise additional dowels will be needed for fastening, with washers placed under the screw cap.

After installing the vapor barrier, the thermal insulation is laid and fixed with dowels for insulating materials. At this stage, it is not necessary to fix the thermal insulation on a large number of dowels, since in the future it will be securely fixed with the help of hangers for a metal profile installed on top of it.


When marking, it is necessary to remember the basic rules for mounting the frame, adhering to them, it will not work to make mistakes when installing the frame. The basic rules for installing a subsystem include the following mandatory requirements:

  1. The frame should be installed in such a way that the distance between the nearest profiles does not exceed sixty centimeters;
  2. At the corners of the walls, at a distance of no more than 10 cm from them, without fail, a profile must be installed;
  3. If you plan to install vinyl or acrylic siding, then you need to make special corner jumpers, on which the corner bar will be attached in the future;
  4. On all sides of windows and doors, profiles must be installed;
  5. The step of the suspensions holding each of the profiles should be no more than sixty centimeters.

Frame assembly

Work on assembling the frame begins with the installation of extreme profiles. They must be fixed strictly vertically. Location control is carried out using a level. Further, between the extreme profiles, for the convenience of installing the remaining elements of the frame, you can stretch several rows of building laces. As a rule, three rows are made (at the very bottom, in the center and at the top).

After the frame is assembled, you can check the correctness of its installation using a metal rule or profile. To do this, you need to press the rule to the frame, while capturing at least three profiles. If the rule is tightly pressed against all three elements of the system, then the assembly was carried out correctly, otherwise, when a curvature is observed and the rule is not pressed tightly, it is necessary to carry out work to eliminate the causes of this phenomenon.

Installation of metal siding panels

Metal siding, unlike plastic counterparts, has sufficient rigidity and can be installed without additional elements. For example, such as corner or near window trims.

To begin work on attaching the siding to the frame, it is necessary from the bottom and gradually rise up. To fasten the first strip of siding, you can use the starting strip, which must be aligned horizontally and rigidly fixed to the frame using psh-13 mm self-tapping screws.

If desired, you can do without the starting one, in which case the siding strip is immediately leveled and fastened. To prevent the lower part of the siding from hanging out, it is fixed to the profile with self-tapping screws.

Important: when attaching metal siding without an additional starting strip, the lower row of screws holding the siding strip will be visible. In the event that this is unacceptable, it is necessary to use the starting strip for installation.

The length of one strip of siding is six meters. In the event that this is not enough to capture the entire width of the wall, a special connecting profile is used to connect the siding strips. It is installed strictly vertically, in the place where it is planned to join the siding panels. To install a connecting profile in a place where there is no frame element, you can make horizontal jumpers between two adjacent profiles. The distance between jumpers should not exceed 0.6 m.

After the first strip has been installed and checked, horizontal arrangement, you can set the next strip. To do this, the technological bend on it is installed in the groove of the already mounted strip, after which it is fixed in the upper part. The siding is fastened with PSh self-tapping screws, no more than 13 mm long.

Tip: if the preparatory work and installation of the frame can be carried out alone, then it is not so easy to cope with the installation of six-meter siding strips alone. It is much more convenient to carry out installation with an assistant.

Attaching plastic siding strips

Unlike metal siding, the plastic version does not have sufficient rigidity and, for this reason, must be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations and in conjunction with additional structural elements. Thus, the installation of plastic siding begins with the installation of corner, and, if necessary, connecting strips. All recommendations for correct installation siding, can be found on the product packaging. But especially important points, we still consider. The first point is the need to observe gaps that compensate for the thermal linear expansion of the product. The gap must be at least 0.5 mm and not more than 1 cm.

The second point is that plastic siding, unlike metal, must be fixed in such a way that installed panel could be freely moved to the left or right, to the distance provided by the technological perforation. To achieve this result, when attaching plastic panels siding, fastening screws should be installed approximately in the middle of the perforation and not tightened to the end.

By following these simple rules installation, you can be sure of the quality of the final result.

Below you can watch a video description of how to install siding with your own hands, the video shows step by step the entire process of finishing the facade, in fact, this is an instruction for installing siding, with a step-by-step process reviewed in video format.


Above, we got acquainted with how the installation of siding is carried out with our own hands. The described step-by-step instructions are quite detailed, but still do not include all the necessary information. Installing siding is easy if you follow the instructions. The main thing when installing plastic siding is to observe the gaps and install the fixing screws in such a way that the siding panel can move freely to the distance provided by the fixing perforation.

The installation scheme of siding, depending on the material from which it is made, may differ. Sheathing a house with metal siding is a little easier for a novice master than studying the installation manual for plastic siding and carrying out the work, following the required order and technical recommendations of the manufacturer of this material.
