Ceiling design in the kitchen: the possibilities of facing materials. Choosing a ceiling for the kitchen Decorating ceilings in the kitchen

Inventing the interior, special attention should be paid to the ceiling panels in the kitchen, but what they will be made of, what technology and what kind of lighting - the options depend on your preferences and wishes.

How to finish the ceiling with your own hands?

Of course, we will not give you a final verdict, but simply tell you about the pros and cons of different finishes, and what to choose will depend only on you. After reading this article, you can easily decorate the panel ceiling in the kitchen on your own.

What are the features of the room?

Do-it-yourself ceiling in the kitchen

And so, what is the difference between the kitchen ceiling and any other? Let's look at its features in more detail:

  1. Sudden changes in air humidity

While cooking for a large family, when all the burners are occupied, and even all the pans are open, or when a double boiler is used, the kitchen is buried under the ceiling in steam. But, after airing the room, we again have an ordinary dry space and a familiar interior. What does it say? First of all, when deciding how to finish the ceiling in the kitchen, we need to put aside all kinds of hygroscopic options, because the cardboard coating or the wooden ceiling in the kitchen will quickly warp and disfigure the kitchen interior.

  1. Wide range of temperature fluctuations

Let's consider the same example about all occupied burners and an open window in the winter season. A temperature difference of 60°C is absolutely possible. Thus, when deciding which ceiling is better to make in the kitchen, consider the likelihood that the coating can expand at elevated temperatures.

  1. Frequent pollution

In such a room, it will not be possible to avoid greasy stains and all kinds of pollution. When choosing ceilings in the kitchen, try to select washable building materials, even better with minimal porosity, which will not absorb odors.

  1. Fire risk

This fact is also worth considering and abandoning flammable materials.

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How to make a ceiling in the kitchen?

When repairing the ceiling in the kitchen, it does not hurt to take into account the likelihood of flooding. Therefore, choose a building material that will help avoid a complete overhaul in the event of such force majeure. It would also be nice if the ceiling in the kitchen could help retain water, even if only a small amount.

Well, we have named the selection criteria, now we can talk about how to do the ceiling in the kitchen with your own hands, and what not to do so as not to spoil the interior.

How to finish the ceiling in the kitchen with plaster?

Ceiling in the kitchen

A coating such as plaster is not afraid of sudden changes in air humidity. Premises that are treated with plaster can be used for decades, and are not susceptible to the harmful effects of precipitation.

The same can be said about temperature changes. Neither heat nor low temperatures will destroy this coating.

But with washing and removing odors, the situation is much more complicated. Of course, plaster becomes unusable very quickly, absorbs odors and grease, but if you make such a finish smooth by applying putty or paint, then such troubles can be avoided.

How to paint the ceiling in the kitchen? Everything is elementary simple here! To paint the ceiling in the kitchen, you should choose a water-based emulsion, which will be based on acrylic or silicone. Thus treated ceilings in the kitchen can be cleaned frequently and not worry about their possible abrasion.

Ceilings in the kitchen made of plaster can withstand a fire, but the plasterboard ceiling does not boast of this.

But, here the flooding can significantly spoil the ceiling, the kitchen will lose its former beauty. According to an optimistic forecast, the ceiling in the kitchen will be covered with stains, otherwise the plaster may crumble. Therefore, it is impossible to say that the plaster will save the ceiling and the kitchen will not suffer.

Suspended ceilings in the kitchen

Kitchen refurbishment and ceiling refurbishment

Under such a common name as a stretch ceiling in the kitchen, several completely different designs are connected. As mentioned earlier, this is not the place for a tree. A suitable replacement is a steel or aluminum frame. From what it is better to make it, we will talk later in the article.

Stretch ceiling in the kitchen comes in 3 variations:

  1. cassette design;
  2. metal panel;
  3. pvc panel.

Related article: Choosing Roman blinds for the kitchen

The cassette design takes up a lot of space under the ceiling in the kitchen. Of course, it is better to install it in a high room, and in the interior of the Khrushchev you will need to bend down. Flooding by neighbors will require only a few panels to be replaced, which will not be a big blow to the family budget. You can install such panels with your own hands, the technology for their installation is extremely simple. To do this, it is enough to lift the old panel and remove it diagonally from the cell, and new material must be laid there using the same technology.

When repairing the ceiling in the kitchen, one cannot fail to mention rack and cassette structures. They are usually mounted on a solid frame. Even in not very favorable conditions, they will serve you as long as the building itself will stand before the future overhaul.

Metal cassettes and rails become dirty rather reluctantly due to the applied gloss and non-porous structure. They are also very easy to wash. A fire will not spoil such a coating, and after flooding by neighbors, it will be enough to wipe and dry the small remaining stains, but your room will be protected from water.

If you are limited in finances, repairing the ceiling in the kitchen can still be done. The most acceptable way out is to beat the interior with a galvanized wall panel on the frame. The advantage of such a finish is its low cost and ease of installation.

Be careful, because at elevated temperatures, the panels may melt, but they will not be able to catch fire. Also, harmful substances will not be released, which is why PVC wiring insulation is in great demand.

The flood will also not hurt such panels. Of course, there will still be leaks, but, as a rule, only in the corners, because the seams between the panels are installed as tightly as possible, which will let in only small drops of water and only spoil the interior a little.

Stretch ceiling

Finishing work on the ceiling in the kitchen

Thinking about which ceiling in the kitchen is best to use, do not bypass the stretch structures. The cost of such a finish has decreased to 400-600 rubles / m2, which in a small area allows you to reduce financial investments and make the finish affordable for any average family.

You still do not know which ceiling in the kitchen is the most suitable: with fabric or pvc film? Let's talk about this in more detail.

  • It is very difficult to accidentally spoil a fabric cloth, but a PVC film breaks at the slightest contact with cutting objects.
  • A fabric ceiling, although a little, passes water, and pvc is able to hold it.
  • Fabric ceilings can be installed once in a lifetime. PVC film can be dismantled for drying, and water can be drained from it in unlimited quantities.

The kitchen is part of every apartment or house, combining several functions: in this room they cook, dine or just relax with a cup of tea. It is here that preparations are made for every celebration, party and celebration. In this regard, the issue of competent ceiling finishing is extremely important. Examples of ceiling design in the kitchen can be seen in the photo below.

Plasterboard ceiling with built-in lights in the interior of the kitchen

Features of creating a ceiling design in the kitchen

Thinking over the design of the kitchen, it is important to take into account its main purpose - food is cooked in this room throughout the year. Accordingly, there is constantly an increased temperature and high humidity. In addition, it requires regular maintenance of cleanliness. Such conditions are considered aggressive in relation to many modern building / finishing materials. The design of the ceiling in the kitchen (a photo of the numerous options of which is not a problem to find on the Internet today) should definitely be thought out taking into account all of the above.

Stretch ceiling in conjunction with a drywall box with built-in lighting

There are several basic requirements for the materials used to decorate the ceiling in the kitchen. They include:

Advice! In addition to the above characteristics, it is advisable to give preference to such materials and ceiling structures that will help hide the following elements of the kitchen: electrical wiring, ventilation system, etc.

Decorating the kitchen ceiling with wooden slats

Materials for decorating ceilings in the kitchen

The above requirements define the boundaries in terms of material selection. Masters involved in repair and finishing work recommend stopping at:

  • water-dispersion paint;
  • decorative plaster;
  • PVC panels from trusted manufacturers;
  • Lining made of high-quality plastic or natural wood that has undergone special processing;
  • Aluminum panels (when installing rack ceilings);
  • Mirror tiles (when creating mirror surfaces);
  • PVC film (when installing stretch ceilings);
  • Moisture resistant drywall for suspended ceiling structures.

Plastic panels on the ceiling in the interior of the kitchen in the style of "modern"

It is advisable to use water-dispersion paint, decorative plaster and mirror panels for the design of even (or relatively flat) ceilings. Such materials provide an opportunity to get a neat, rich and easy to clean, that is, a fairly practical surface. However, they are not quite suitable for creating some special, sophisticated or unusual ceiling design in the kitchen. But, as a budget option, for example, ceilings painted with high-quality paint are very popular today.

The use of curly ceiling tiles in the design of the kitchen ceiling

Types of ceiling structures

Thinking over the design of the ceiling in the kitchen, it certainly does not hurt to look at photos of its various options on specialized sites. In addition, you need to take into account the individual taste preferences of all the inhabitants of the house, and only then choose the most practical option, depending on your financial capabilities.

The chocolate shade of the stretch ceiling elegantly harmonizes with the overall interior of the kitchen

Moisture resistant drywall

Moisture-resistant drywall acts as the base material. In the process of creating a structure, its sheets are attached to a special frame. The peculiarity of the process of creating such a design from other types of ceilings is that at the last stage it is necessary to perform puttying and paint the surface should be completed with putty and painting.

Zoning the kitchen with drywall boxes on the ceiling

Creating a ceiling surface from drywall sheets is a rather expensive pleasure. Nevertheless, this ceiling design option is very much in demand today. Indeed, in addition to the fact that such a design has a flat surface, with the help of drywall it is possible to create ceilings of absolutely any configuration, including multi-level ceilings with curved sections, with niches for lamps, etc.

Plasterboard ceiling with built-in lights and ceiling chandelier

Stretch ceiling

Such a variant of the ceiling structure as a stretch ceiling for the kitchen today is the most modern and especially in demand. In this way, you can create an absolutely even, shiny or matte surface of any color, with or without a pattern. A matte surface is obtained when using a fabric, while a film acts as a material for a glossy stretch ceiling. The glossy design device is more expensive and labor intensive.

Stretch ceiling color "coffee with milk" in the interior of the kitchen

The main advantage of such ceilings is that they are able to hold a fairly large amount of water. That is, in the event of a leak from above, the material will simply stretch, hold back the flow of water, which will eliminate the appearance of stains on the walls, swelling of the floors, short circuit (damage) of kitchen equipment.

Smooth glossy stretch ceiling in the kitchen

PVC panels

Such designs are successfully used at the present time not only in kitchens, but even in bathrooms. This material is now available in various color shades, it perfectly holds its shape for ten years.

Finishing the kitchen ceiling with PVC panels

The undeniable advantages of such a surface are that:

  • The installation of a plastic ceiling requires a small financial investment;
  • The plastic surface is extremely resistant to high humidity;
  • Such structures serve and retain a beautiful appearance over a long period of operation;
  • Their installation can be done without the involvement of specialists, that is, do it yourself.
  • Plastic panels are easy to care for.

PVC panels are in perfect harmony with the overall interior of the kitchen

Kitchen Design

A huge range of colors / texture solutions / sizes of modern materials for finishing the ceiling in the kitchen helps to realize the absolutely unrealistic fantasies of the designer, the owners of the house or apartment. But there are some rules to keep in mind.

Plasterboard ceiling in the interior of a modern kitchen


A large kitchen, made in the style of a classic, is suitable for a warm-colored ceiling with a matte texture - you can make a suspended ceiling from fabric or a suspended ceiling from plasterboard. If the budget is small, then the surface of the ceiling can simply be painted with a matte quality paint designed for use in aggressive conditions.

The combination of coffee and white in the design of the ceiling in the kitchen in a classic style

The traditional white ceiling contrasts especially well with dark (especially black) furniture - this is always true, regardless of the style of the room.

White plasterboard ceiling in the kitchen with a classic kitchen set


The ceiling in the kitchen in this style should be characterized by a passive role. It is optimal that the same shade is used to decorate the walls and ceiling, and what material it will be made of does not really matter.

The use of PVC panels in the kitchen in the "modern" style


You can create a style kitchen in an apartment with such an interior using a combination of a glossy gray ceiling, metal decor elements and brick walls painted in white, dark gray or even black.

Ceiling design in the kitchen in the style of "loft"

It is important to know! If you correctly determine the shape, design and color scheme, then you can divide the kitchen into certain zones. In addition, in combination with a well-organized lighting system, you can make the kitchen visually much larger.

The original idea of ​​\u200b\u200bdecorating the ceiling in the loft style

Summing up, it can be argued that competent planning is the main stage of repair. The main thing is in no case to save on the quality of materials for decorating the ceiling.


Photo gallery (51 photos)

The ceiling in the kitchen is subjected to the greatest stresses: sudden changes in temperature, high humidity, more frequent cleaning due to the inevitable appearance of greasy deposits and soot. At the same time, it should look good, because its area is large enough and plays a significant role in the perception of the interior.

  • Proper ceiling decoration helps to visually increase the height and area of ​​​​the kitchen, zone the space, create good lighting and the desired interior style.

What kind of ceiling to make in the kitchen so that it is both practical and beautiful? In this article, we will talk about the pros and cons of 7 popular types of finishes (click on any of them if you are interested in a specific one, or just continue reading in order):

We also supplemented the article with a large selection of photos of ceilings in the interior of the kitchen and a selection of original design ideas.

What ceiling to make in the kitchen? 7 basic finishes

Option 1. PVC stretch ceilings

If your task is to make a ceiling in the kitchen quickly, accurately and inexpensively, our recommendation is a stretch ceiling made of PVC film.

In this photo you can see a small edging around the perimeter of the stretch ceiling and see how the canvas bypasses the pipes

  • The PVC stretch ceiling of the kitchen can survive a real flood - it will collect all the water (up to 100 liters per 1 sq. Meter), and after draining it will return to its original state. To drain the water, you only need to pierce the canvas with a needle in several places.

  • The stretch ceiling is durable and with careful handling can last 20 years or more.
  • Stretch ceilings in the kitchen are fireproof. In the event of a fire, they will begin to roll up into a tube and melt without releasing toxic substances, producing smoke or supporting the spread of fire.
  • In case of minor damage, such as cuts or holes, the stretch fabric can be restored.
  • When installing a stretch ceiling, you can rethink the lighting of the kitchen, for example, install spotlights and hang a chandelier over the dining table.
  • Vinyl ceilings are resistant to high humidity and temperature extremes typical of the kitchen climate.
  • The stretch ceiling in the kitchen is easy to care for. It is washed every 2-3 months with a soapy solution using a mop.
  • The stretch ceiling is perfectly even, always looks very neat.
  • The variability of designs of stretch ceilings is great. In addition, they can be combined with other types of coatings, such as plasterboard level construction.
  • Before installing stretch ceilings, there is no need to level the base.
  • Installation takes place quickly (in 1-3 hours depending on the area) and with minimal pollution of the premises.

  • Stretch vinyl can be damaged by mechanical stress - so piercing and cutting objects should be kept away from the coating, and champagne should be opened with care.
  • Due to the stretch fabric, there is a risk of not noticing the appearance of mold on the ceiling. Moreover, if the level of humidity suddenly rises in the overhead space (for example, due to flooding or condensation on pipes), then the airtight PVC film can create favorable conditions for the development of the fungus. For this reason, vinyl ceilings in the kitchen should only be installed with built-in ventilation grilles, especially if mold has already been a problem in the past.
  • At first, PVC film smells.
  • Like any suspended structure, the stretch fabric takes away precious centimeters of wall height (4-7 cm), so it is not very suitable for kitchens with low ceilings .
  • Stretch ceilings cannot be mounted independently.
  • If the kitchen is too large (more than 5 meters wide), then the canvas may have an inconspicuous seam.
  • A small edging appears along the perimeter of the stretch ceiling. If desired, it can be closed with skirting boards, but that's another story.
  • Stretch ceilings are installed once and for all, so in the future it will not be possible to transfer / repair communications and fixtures without completely dismantling the canvas.
  • Vinyl ceilings are not compatible with all fixtures and lamps. The area around the bulb may turn yellow and deform.

Tips for choosing a stretch ceiling for the kitchen:

  • Stretch ceiling is matte, satin and glossy. The first option is the most versatile, suitable for both classic and modern kitchens.

If you do not know which ceiling to choose for the kitchen, then we advise you to stay on a white matte stretch ceiling. Such a finish will seem like a high-quality plastered surface, which looks much more noble than a glossy film.

  • Be careful with glossy ceiling if your kitchen is small or low. There is a common myth that glossy ceilings visually increase the space and height of the walls, but in reality everything happens quite the opposite.

Glare and reflections of objects on a glossy canvas bring extra variegation and a sense of disorder into the interior, as a result, the ceiling seems even lower than it is. In addition, glossy film often looks like uncomfortable plastic, which is appropriate only in ultra-modern interiors, and even then not always.

  • 2 more arguments against a glossy ceiling: it is more difficult to care for it, and it costs a little more than matte canvases.
  • Satin stretch ceiling is good to use in kitchens with a lack of light and a discreet interior.

  • A stretch fabric with photo printing, with an imitation of metallic, wood, mother-of-pearl, suede, leather, marble or stone should be chosen as deliberately as possible. It should be consistent with the color scheme and style of the interior, create the illusion of a high ceiling (if it is low) and not overload the space.

Option 2. Fabric stretch ceiling

Fabric stretch ceilings are made of polyester impregnated with polyurethane. This material is quite thin, but durable and wear-resistant, so it is great for finishing the ceiling in the kitchen. Fabric sheets have almost the same advantages and disadvantages as PVC film, but there are several significant differences.

  • Due to their breathability, fabric ceilings significantly reduce the risk of mold.
  • The loss in wall height is less than when installing PVC ceilings.
  • Fabric ceilings are 15 times stronger than vinyl ceilings. In terms of strength, they can be compared with a tarpaulin. It is almost impossible to accidentally cut, pierce or tear them.
  • The fabrics do not have seams.
  • The fabric ceiling is easier to clean - it does not leave stains, stains can be easily removed locally with a damp cloth. In addition, due to the anti-static properties, dust does not collect on the ceiling.
  • The fabric ceiling is a textured matte white canvas, which outwardly practically does not differ from a perfectly plastered surface. It is for this reason that they are often used to decorate premium houses.
  • Dense polyester does not sag, does not collect in folds and waves over time.
  • Fabric ceilings better heat and sound insulate the kitchen.
  • Fabric ceilings can be not only white, but also colored as in the photo below. There are about 20 shades in total. Photo printing with a fresco effect is also possible.

  • Fabric ceilings can be painted or painted (unlike PVC ceilings).
  • They are compatible with almost any fixtures and lamps, even those that get very hot. The area around the bulb will not turn yellow or deform.
  • The fabric web is installed faster and without the use of a heat gun.
  • The fabric web does not retain water in case of flooding.
  • Fabric ceilings are somewhat more expensive than vinyl ones (+200 rubles to the price per 1 sq. M);
  • Fabric ceilings can only be matte.

Tips for choosing a fabric ceiling for the kitchen:

  • Despite the fact that the fabric ceiling “breathes”, it is still worthwhile to build additional ventilation holes into it. After all, the kitchen is a room with high humidity and the risk of flooding from above.
  • The most popular manufacturers of fabric stretch ceilings are Clipso and D-Premium (Descor) brands.
  • Do you want to purchase waterproof fabric ceilings? These are produced only by Cerutti.

Option 3. Plasterboard ceilings

A plasterboard suspended ceiling in the kitchen opens up a million decorating possibilities. For example, you can create a tiered or shaped ceiling, a zoned ceiling, or a ceiling with rounded wall transitions. Also, the plasterboard ceiling allows you to play with the finish - it can be painted, whitewashed, wallpapered.

Pros of plasterboard ceilings in the kitchen:

  • They allow you to completely hide the flaws of the overlap and generally leave it without finishing.
  • They allow you to hide utilities (for example, an air duct, wires and cables) and create a new lighting scenario (for example, create a uniform spotlight and move the central chandelier to the table).

  • Impact strength and other mechanical impact.
  • Long service life.
  • Improved heat and sound insulation.
  • Design variability, as we have already mentioned above.
  • The ability to zone the space with level structures.
  • Drywall and related materials for installing the ceiling are inexpensive.
  • A few centimeters of the height of the walls are lost. The minimum loss will be 7 cm.
  • Plasterboard ceiling inevitably deforms when flooded.
  • Requires additional finishing effort.
  • With constant temperature differences characteristic of the kitchen, cracks may appear between the sheets of drywall, which means that the decorative finish will also crack. To avoid this, you need to use movable two-level CD connectors, but they significantly increase the cost of the design.
  • It is impossible to sheathe the ceiling with drywall on your own. All work, including calculations, must be carried out by professionals.

Tips for finishing kitchen ceilings with plasterboard:

  • To finish the ceiling in the kitchen, you need to use only high-quality moisture-resistant drywall. It costs 100 rubles more than the usual plasterboard, has the same dimensions, but 2 times more moisture resistance and antifungal properties.
  • All seams and attachment points of GK sheets to profiles must be treated with water-repellent plaster. This point should be checked at the stage of finishing the structure.

Here are some more photos of plasterboard ceilings in the interior of the kitchen.

Option 4. Whitewashing the old fashioned way

The whitewashed ceiling of the kitchen is no longer as relevant today as it once was in Soviet times. It was replaced by more modern types of finishes, but still the good old chalk and lime cannot be discounted.

  • This is the most environmentally friendly, cheap and familiar material for many.
  • The bleached ceiling, due to its porosity, provides better air exchange, which means it is less susceptible to mold. And if it does appear, then it is easier to notice and eliminate it in time (unlike suspended ceilings).
  • The whitewashed ceiling looks good, fits perfectly into classic, rustic, Scandinavian and eco-friendly interiors. So, for example, even a cracked whitewashed ceiling on Provence style kitchen will look more than organic.
  • The whitewashed ceiling is compatible with stucco and wood beams.
  • Whitewashing the ceiling with your own hands is very simple and inexpensive.
  • Whitewash does not tolerate high humidity and temperature changes in the kitchen too well, so it quickly begins to crack and crumble. Also, the whitewashed ceiling will definitely crack if the house is new and shrinks (the process lasts 2-3 years).
  • It is advisable to update the whitewash 1-2 times a year, because it is impossible to wash the whitewashed ceiling in the kitchen (the coating itself is washed off along with greasy stains and soot).
  • Before whitewashing, the ceiling must be plastered and leveled to a perfectly even state. The repair work itself, although not complicated, is troublesome - everything in the room needs to be covered with a film, the drying of the layers takes time.
  • Unlike level structures, whitewashing the ceiling does not allow you to hide communications and rearrange the fixtures without chasing the base.

Option 5. Painting

Another traditional option is painting. The painted ceiling looks like a bleached one, but is more practical and durable.

Kitchen ceiling painted deep white

  • The painted ceiling can be not only white, but also colored or multi-colored. For example, the ceiling can be painted to match the walls, thereby visually increasing their height.

  • The painted ceiling can be washed. In addition, it tolerates high humidity better than whitened.
  • Do-it-yourself ceiling painting is not too expensive and affordable for beginners.
  • A painted ceiling is updated less frequently than a whitewashed one.

Cons of painting the ceiling:

  • The paint starts to crack and flake off over time and after leaks.
  • Over time, the white ceiling may turn yellow or gray.
  • There is no possibility of local repair - if the paint cracks in one place, you will have to completely remove the old finish, re-level the ceiling, and only then paint again.
  • Before painting, the ceiling must be plastered and leveled to a perfectly even state. The repair work itself, although not complicated, is troublesome - everything in the room needs to be covered with a film, the drying of the layers will take time.
  • Unlike level structures, a painted ceiling does not allow hiding communications and rearranging lamps without chasing the base.

Ceiling paint tips:

  • Wall paint must be moisture resistant and with antifungal properties. It is best to choose paints specifically designed for kitchen and bathroom ceilings.
  • If you want to decorate the ceiling in a traditional way, then choose matte and deep matte paints.
  • With the help of stencils, the ceiling can be decorated with cute patterns with your own hands. This is a more practical alternative to wallpaper.

Option 6. Wallpapering

Ceiling wallpaper can be painted or printed.

  • Ceiling decoration with wallpaper can satisfy any wallet - it can be very economical or, conversely, expensive and exclusive.
  • Ceiling wallpaper design is limitless.
  • Ceiling wallpaper can be beautifully combined with wallpaper on the walls.
  • It is easier to prepare the base for wallpaper than for whitewashing or painting. Thick and corrugated coatings can hide small bumps and cracks in the base.
  • Ceiling wallpaper can be washed.
  • There is a possibility of local repair.
  • Ceiling wallpaper for painting can be repainted several times.

  • Cutting and gluing dense canvases, additionally weighted with glue, to the ceiling is quite tedious. By the way, wallpapering requires the work of at least 2 people.
  • Wallpapers always have seams, which, firstly, can be noticeable, and secondly, can deform and diverge due to constant exposure to heat and fumes from the plate, as well as due to leaks.

Tips for choosing ceiling wallpaper for the kitchen:

  • Wallpaper for kitchen ceilings must be washable and moisture resistant.
  • If the ceilings in the kitchen were once affected by mold, then only glass wallpapers, interlining for painting, wallpaper made of hard or foamed vinyl are suitable for finishing them. It is better to refuse paper and compact vinyl wallpapers.

Option 7. Plastic ceiling

The plastic ceiling is a sheathing with plastic clapboard or PVC ceiling panels.

This type of ceiling finish is one of the cheapest, but at the same time one of the most practical and durable.

  • The ceiling of the kitchen made of plastic will survive even flooding.
  • If any lamellas are damaged, they can always be replaced.
  • The plastic ceiling can be washed.
  • Plastic lining is available.
  • Plastic ceiling panels allow you to hide utilities and electrical wires.
  • Before installing a false ceiling made of plastic panels, it is not necessary to level the base.
  • There are almost no gaps between the lamellas of the plastic ceiling.
  • The minimum loss of wall height when installing plastic ceilings is 6-7 cm.
  • Cheap PVC panels can emit formaldehyde and other toxic fumes.
  • Plastic lining is cheap, but it also looks very simple. There are few design options. Most often on sale you can see panels in white, beige, cream color, in a shade of chrome, in a bleached oak or pine finish, with silver or gold “seams”.
  • The plastic ceiling under the influence of ultraviolet rays turns yellow over time.

Original ways to decorate the ceiling

Wooden ceiling natural shade (in the apartment)

Cladding made of wooden clapboard, boards or ceiling panels (or imitation of MDF) can fit into any interior and give it a sense of comfort and style. However, if the kitchen is small and has a low ceiling, then it is better to use this material in a dosed manner. For example, make a transition from the ceiling to the wall to highlight the dining or, conversely, the working area, as shown in the photo below.

Ceiling beams

In classic, rustic or industrial interiors, ceiling beams will help create the right atmosphere for a home with history. The only advice is to use natural wood beams with a rough texture.

Ceiling moldings and moldings

If the kitchen is decorated traditionally, and the ceiling is simply whitewashed / painted, then it can be decorated with stucco and / or moldings. They will help to focus on a beautiful chandelier, highlight the dining area and give the interior solemnity.

When repairing a kitchen, installing a beautiful and high-quality ceiling plays an important role. In order for this part of the interior to please the eye of the family for a long time and not be subject to wear, there are the following requirements for the future kitchen ceiling:

  • high wear resistance in kitchen conditions - high temperature and humidity, possible contamination and coating with plaque;
  • environmental friendliness and safety;
  • the ability to hide all possible defects in building floors and laid details of communications;
  • attractive appearance, combination with other interior details;
  • reasonable price and affordable installation method.

Much in choosing a ceiling covering for the kitchen depends on the preferences of the owner, everyone wants to make a beautiful and fashionable design. But it is not always possible to implement the desired project, for example, very stylish and popular suspended and multi-level ceilings can take a lot of space from low rooms, and simple painting or sticking with polystyrene foam is impossible on the surface even with minor irregularities.

The main determining factors in choosing a ceiling are materials and installation costs. It is with these two criteria in mind that it is necessary to determine in advance the total cost of future repairs and the features of the kitchen flooring.

Finish options

Modern renovation in the kitchen includes the following options for finishing the ceiling:

  • painting;
  • whitewash;
  • wallpapering;
  • rack ceilings;
  • plastic coating;
  • tile;
  • drywall installation;
  • stretch ceiling.

You can paint the kitchen ceiling with various materials, which paint is better, you can decide by examining the properties of its possible varieties:

  • Acrylic paints are waterproof and durable. When finishing, they dry quickly and do not emit a smell, so that the room can be used almost immediately after the work has been completed. On sale there is a huge number of glossy and matte acrylic paints of different colors.

  • Water-based varieties can independently change the shade by adding the appropriate pigments. They are hygroscopic, breathable and harmless to health.

  • Water-based paints have the same advantages as water-based paints, but they can be washed with a damp cloth when dry. Therefore, for kitchen conditions, they are most preferred.

  • Silicone varieties have a high cost, but are very resistant to moisture.. They can be washed regularly without fear of breaking the coating. If the kitchen does not have a hood, then this is the best option.

Painting the ceiling can be done independently and manually, it does not require much experience and expensive tools. The items you will need are: a roller with a long handle, a paint bath and a stepladder. Before coating, it is necessary to clean, level and prime the ceiling. The quality of putty for painting the surface should be higher than for paper wallpaper. It is optimal to carry it out in 2 layers: the first rough, the second - finishing, there is even a special grade of dry mix for it. Before painting, it is necessary to securely cover the entire space of the kitchen with plastic wrap.

Painting the ceiling with an electric compressor and sprayer is good because the paint is evenly distributed over the surface, and the material itself is saved as much as possible. The disadvantage is expensive equipment (it can be rented), the complexity of maintaining the unit, high energy costs and noise during work.

Whitewashing - a method of external decoration of the ceiling, which has been used for a long time, has recently been used less and less. It has lost its popularity due to low resistance to humidity and temperature changes, the inability to hide bumps, the need for frequent updates, the appearance of cracks and soot stains. Instead of whitewashing, more practical materials have come that are devoid of these shortcomings. Nevertheless, this is a cheap way to update the ceiling in the kitchen, which even an amateur in matters of repair can easily cope with. The main advantage of whitewashing over other technologies is its high porosity, which ensures air exchange.

Whitewashing is possible with two materials: lime and chalk. Lime is remarkable in that it is able to tighten small cracks and kill bacteria, but chalk, when dried, has ideal whiteness and freshness.

Renewal of old whitewashing occurs only with chalk on chalk or lime on lime, it is not worth interfering with two types of material. To clean the ceiling from the old finish layer, it is necessary, first of all, to cover all the furniture and coatings in the kitchen with a waterproof material (plastic film) and prepare a soapy solution with a cleaning cloth. Then, with a damp roller or sponge, the old surface is wetted and scraped off with a spatula as much as possible. If large irregularities are noticed, then it is worth leveling them with putty, and after it dries, go through the treated areas with sandpaper. Then the entire surface is smeared with a primer, and after it dries, it is bleached.

For chalk whitewashing 10 sq. m. ceiling should be thoroughly mixed in a bucket of warm water 3 kg of sifted chalk, 30 g of PVA glue or primer and 20 g of blue. Another option for the same area: 1.7 kg of lime, 40 g of blue.

To finish the ceiling in the kitchen, you must definitely choose a moisture-resistant washable wallpaper. For kitchen walls, this type of coating is often used, but the ceiling coating has its own characteristics: it is at the top that warm air accumulates, and all the soot goes there. Therefore, over time, the wallpaper may become dirty or begin to lag behind the surface. It is optimal to use the vinyl look, even if stains appear, they can be painted over, cleaned with a damp cloth from dirt.

The surface for ceiling wallpaper is cleaned in the same way as for whitewashing, you can use a thin layer of liquid rough putty. As a primer, many recommend using the same wallpaper paste. Before gluing, it is necessary to prepare a free area of ​​​​the floor for spreading with glue, to protect the furniture from stains. In the process, the marked and cut rolls are applied to the ceiling and smoothed out. During work and after it for 6-8 hours, it is undesirable to cook something in the kitchen or ventilate it.

Liquid wallpaper is the most successful option for paper covering the kitchen ceiling. They are protected from moisture and high temperatures, do not lag behind the surface, do not form spots. Even with a defect formed, it is easy to cover it with a new layer in a small area. On sale there are various types of colors and textures in the form of a dry mixture, which is diluted with water on the spot, stirred until a homogeneous mass and after keeping for several hours (the period for a particular variety is indicated on the package) are applied to a leveled and primed surface with a spatula. Of the disadvantages of this method of finishing, only the high cost of raw materials can be noted.

Slatted ceilings for the kitchen are mounted on a rectangular frame at a horizontal level using aluminum rails covered with protective colored layers. Their length is 3 and 4 m, which allows them to fit entirely into the width of a standard room. Colors depending on the surface can be shiny, matte, monotonous or with different textures. It is possible to choose any color for the existing interior. Advantages of river ceilings in the kitchen:

  • they are durable, moisture resistant, protected from temperature extremes;
  • easy to care for, easy to clean with a damp cloth;
  • a niche between the rails and the ceiling can be used for laying communications;
  • built-in lamps can be mounted inside;
  • no need to level the base of the ceiling;
  • dust does not stick to the surface of the rails;
  • installation and material for this type of ceiling is cheaper than for stretch ceilings.

Reiki can have a curved shape, which allows you to make a fancy wavy relief of the ceiling in the kitchen.

Plastic ceilings are practical and reliable, and the prices of polymer parts are relatively low. This material is light and will not cause difficulties during installation, and thanks to the carving with an ordinary knife, you can make the required shapes and holes for built-in lights. Plastic panels have a standard length of 3 or 4 m, width from 100 to 500 mm. There are seam and seamless options, the latter are more expensive, but they create a flat surface without visible joints.

For the installation of plastic panels, a horizontal frame is created from a metal profile. Aluminum frames are attached to the wall with dowels-screws using a perforator. When the frame is ready, it will not be difficult to fix plastic on it. The advantages are that a damaged sheet can be easily replaced with a new one, the material does not bloom, does not rot, and is not subject to moisture.

Instead of plastic for interior decoration, some use siding for exterior work in the kitchen. This may be due to its rigidity and strength, resistance to moisture and high temperatures, and a variety of colors. But siding ceilings will have their drawbacks: large visible seams at the joints, it is possible to be harmful to health when using outdoor material inside the apartment.

Instead of plastic, you can use lightweight boards made of polyurethane, foam or other polymers. They do not require the installation of a frame, they are fixed on a special glue, but the surface must be leveled. Tile ceilings can be easily installed in the kitchen in 1 day, and they will last a long time.

Drywall is widely used in the installation of multi-level ceilings. For the kitchen, you should choose only a moisture-resistant variety - it has a green leaf color. After mounting the frame, the material can be decoratively processed in many ways: painting, wallpapering, tiling or mirrors, installing built-in lamps. Sheets of gypsum are easily cut with a clerical knife to give any curved shape, they can be fastened to a metal frame with self-tapping screws with a screwdriver, and if it is missing, then with an ordinary Phillips screwdriver. Despite the relative lightness of drywall sheets, they are able to hold a lot of weight.

The stretch ceiling is perfectly even, without the smallest defects, easy to maintain and looks very expressive. But its installation is not easy, it requires stretching a synthetic fabric with special equipment and at high temperatures. Only experienced specialists can carry out such work. During installation, you must immediately take care of the location of the built-in lamps; it will not be possible to replace the places for them in the future. But when flooded from above, all the water will be retained by the canvas and will not spill onto kitchen furniture, floors and walls. It is possible to create multi-level ceilings in the kitchen, the top layer of which will be stretched, and the lower level of plasterboard with finishing.

Types of kitchen lighting

Ceiling lamps for the kitchen can be chosen traditional - incandescent, energy-saving fashionable with daylight and built-in: LED, fluorescent and halogen. If the ceiling is painted, covered with wallpaper or tiles, whitewashed, then due to the lack of a niche, it is not possible to build lamps into it. In this case, an ordinary suspended ceiling is selected with the chandelier you like and bulbs from the 220 V network. The advantages of this method are obvious: the cheapness of the lamps, ease of replacement, no need for complex installation.

In the case of suspended and suspended ceilings, recessed spotlights are often used. They have the following benefits:

  • high level of illumination at low operating power;
  • the ability to install any number of lighting points anywhere;
  • ease of replacement of fixtures in the installed socket;
  • due to their low power, they emit little heat, so the surface around them does not deteriorate due to high temperatures;
  • if 12 V lamps are used, this will significantly save electricity.