Brick bath projects - what you should pay attention to. Brick bath on a personal plot, projects of brick baths, advantages and disadvantages of such baths

Bath - an invariable attribute of all summer residents and owners country houses. Nowadays services construction companies- a rather expensive pleasure, but I want to build a bathhouse. So good decision will be the construction of a bath with their own hands. Since a brick is more durable, reliable and less fire hazardous than a traditional wooden frame, most summer residents prefer this particular building material.

construction brick bath do-it-yourself requires some skills and knowledge of technology. But if you carefully study this article, it will not be difficult to solve this issue. In addition, this article will present step-by-step instruction, in it we will briefly talk about the construction of the foundation and the roof, focusing on technology proper styling brick walls we will also help you choose quality brick, we will give some tips for warming and waterproofing rooms.

Advantages and disadvantages

Of course, ideal building materials do not exist. Therefore, brick, like any other material, has its advantages. Let's consider them below.

  • Durability. At correct installation and operation, such a building can be used for more than 100 years!
  • Environmental friendliness. Brick when heated does not emit any chemical substances.
  • Fire safety. The probability of ignition of a brick bath is almost zero.
  • Design. Since the brick structure is very stable, it is possible to build a structure various forms and sizes, create an unusual, interesting layout etc. In addition, the brick itself, if external walls erect from decorative look looks quite attractive and solid.
  • The brick does not rot and is not susceptible to damage by fungus and other microorganisms.
  • The shrinkage period of a brick bath is much less than that of a bath made of wooden frame or a bar.

There are also a number of disadvantages.

  • High material cost. A very controversial opinion of most inexperienced craftsmen. In fact, the differences in price when building a bath of the same size and the same projects are minimal.
  • High heat capacity. To warm up a brick bath, it will take several times more time than to heat the same wooden bath.
  • High thermal conductivity. Brick conducts heat and cold well, but this problem is solved by high-quality vapor barrier.
  • Hygroscopicity. Brick walls are able to absorb moisture, which will inevitably lead to deformation and destruction of the walls. The problem can be solved by installing a layer of waterproofing.
  • Due to the low vapor conductivity, brick tends to change color and collapse. Good vapor barrier and ventilation will save you from this.

Choosing a place and a brick for a bath

For the construction of a bath the best option the use of white silicate or slightly less expensive red clay bricks is considered. Since this material is produced at high temperature, it becomes a monolithic, strong and reliable raw material. Precisely because of their specifications such a brick is also used in the construction of a stove-heater.

In addition to these two types, ceramic solid corrugated bricks of the M100 or M125 brand, solid smooth bricks M100 or M175 are used for the construction of bath walls. The dimensions of each are the same - 25x12x6.5 cm. The retail price varies from 10 to 15 rubles.

In addition to the main building material, you will need:

  • Waterproofing material (roll, bulk).
  • Vapor barrier material.
  • Metal fasteners (bolts, nails, screws, etc.).
  • Lumber for interior cladding and framing.
  • Roofing material.
  • Beams for the truss system.
  • Reinforcement for the foundation.
  • Sand.
  • Rubble or broken brick and other materials.

The most basic rule when choosing a place for construction is humidity. A brick bath should be built on a dry area. If there is a reservoir nearby, then the distance from it should exceed 30 meters.

If you plan to use firewood as fuel, the distance from neighboring buildings should be from 15 m, and if gas or electricity, then the distance can be safely reduced to 5–6 m. Also, to save money, you can attach a bathhouse to the main house, thereby facilitating wiring of all communications.

Of the tools you will need:

  • Trowel.
  • Shovel.
  • Concrete mixer.
  • Plumb.
  • Building level.
  • Plywood for formwork.
  • Square.
  • Roulette.
  • Pickaxe.
  • Wedges.
  • Stitching.
  • Cord mooring and other tools.


First you need to draw up a project, a drawing of the future building. It must indicate all the features of the structure: from appearance, number of rooms and overall dimensions to the wiring diagram of all communications, calculation required amount materials and weight distribution of the structure.

The simplest bath projects consist of one room, which is both a steam room, a washing room, and a dressing room. But this option is not always convenient, especially when several people use the bath. Therefore, in most projects it has in stock:

  • Steam room. Equipped as a sauna with dry steam or as a traditional Russian bath. During construction, taking into account safety rules, it is important to install the steam room door so that it opens outward.

Important! Experts do not recommend building a steam room with high ceilings, the floor-to-ceiling height should not exceed 2.5 m, since additional costs will have to be spent on construction. financial resources, time and effort,and for warming up desired temperature such a room will take much more time.

  • Rest room. You can sit there, chat and even have a bite to eat.
  • Dressing room or dressing room. If the bath area is limited, then here, in addition to wardrobes, you can install benches, armchairs or chairs, a table and even a sofa. Also in this room fuel and bath accessories are usually stored.
  • Washing (represented by a shower or pool).
  • Veranda.

For example, if a bathhouse is being built as an extension to the main residential building, the washing room may not be equipped, since the bathroom at home will play its role.

If you want to save money, you can find ready-made projects on the Internet. brick baths and detailed instructions to them.


Already on hand finished project future bath, you can proceed to the first stage of construction - the construction of the foundation. The base for a brick bath can be different. The choice of type depends on a large number factors, among them: soil composition, climate, region, soil freezing level and depth groundwater etc.

If it is planned to equip the pool in the washing room, then a separate foundation is needed for it, as, in fact, for the heater.

Since the brick structure is quite heavy, the foundation must be strong enough to support the weight of the bath for many decades. The most common is the strip foundation. It can be either shallow or deep, consisting of concrete blocks, bricks or cement mortar. Let's briefly consider the last option, since the technology of its construction is no different from the construction technology for any other building:

  1. The first step is to clear the area from small debris, twigs, bushes, and so on.
  2. After that, markup is carried out according to the project. Wooden pegs are installed in the corners and along the walls, a thread is pulled between them.
  3. They dig a trench with a depth of 0.3–0.8 m and a width of 25–40 cm, depending on the thickness of the walls and their design. Please note that such a foundation should be located at least a meter above the level of laying ground water.
  4. A layer (10–20 cm) of sand is poured to the bottom, moistened with water and compacted tightly.
  5. The same layer of crushed stone or broken stone is laid on top of the sand, moistened, and carefully compacted.
  6. A layer (sometimes several layers) is placed on the resulting pillow. waterproofing material, for example, roofing material or geotextiles.
  7. Install formwork. It should rise above ground level by 30–60 cm.
  8. A reinforced skeleton of metal rods with a diameter of 1.2–1.6 cm is mounted inside. The rows are connected to each other with a rigid wire.
  9. In order for the base to come out even, without defects, there should be no chips or cracks on the sheets of plywood or OSB (if wooden formwork is being mounted). It is also worth pre-moistening the inner walls of the formwork or wrapping it in a layer of polyethylene.
  10. Cement-concrete mortar is poured inside the structure. You can buy it or prepare it yourself using finely sifted river or quarry sand, crushed stone of small fraction, cement powder and water.
  11. The formwork is removed after 5–14 days, depending on average daily temperature. The first few days, to prevent deformation, the base is watered 3-4 times a day. To protect the foundation from precipitation, a blind area is poured from greasy clay and rubble at a slight angle, 1 m wide, as shown in the diagram below.
  12. Cement completely hardens and gains strength only after 28 days.

Important! Don't forget to leave ventilation holes 8–12 cm in diameter in the foundation strip and build a separate foundation for the stove if you plan to use a heater.

On the this stage it is necessary to provide water supply and sewerage wiring, electricity and gas can be installed without problems later.

Types and sequence of masonry walls

The construction of brick walls should begin after the waterproofing of the foundation. To do this, roll materials such as roofing material, technoelast, glass isol or various bitumen and bitumen-polymer mastics are used. Most often, walls are erected using a single-row dressing system, since it is simple and can be installed alone without much difficulty. This design is a change of spoon and bonder rows of bricks. It is used when the use of the front layer is not planned. facing brick.

For those who are not familiar with the technology of laying walls: a spoon row is a row of bricks that are laid with their side along the wall, and a bonded row is laid with short ends to outside walls.

There are three main types of masonry brick walls:

  • Solid masonry, when the brick is laid in two rows without a gap between the rows.
  • Masonry with a ventilation gap of 40–60 mm.
  • Lightweight laying. It consists of two walls, between which insulation is poured, whether it is expanded clay, fine slag or other analogues.

Most often, it is the third type of construction that is used, since it allows you to reduce pressure on the foundation and save on building materials, since bricks are quite expensive nowadays.

Solid masonry is no less popular, as it is more durable and reliable.

Regardless of the type of masonry chosen, they all start from the corners. First you need to lay out six rows of bricks on the mortar in the corners. A string must be drawn along each row. Nails are wrapped around them, which are inserted into the seams between the bricks at a distance of 3-4 mm from the vertical of the row. The cord helps to determine the evenness of the masonry. For this purpose also use building level and plumb.

The basement of the bath, if necessary, should be laid out from solid brick, and the walls themselves are made of hollow.

When laying, it is important to work quickly so that cement mortar failed to catch up. If construction work is carried out in the summer, the brick is pre-moistened with water. The thickness of the layer of such a solution should be 2–3 cm.

There are several variations of solid masonry, among them:

  • "single row"
  • "multi-row"

They differ in that with a single row there is a constant change of the tying and spoon rows, and with a multi-row masonry system, the tying rows go through 5–6 spoon rows.

When laying bonded rows, it is necessary to apply a mortar with an indent of 10 mm when filling the joints and 30-35 mm when laying a wasteland. If you have bricks with any defects lying around, do not rush to throw them away, it is better to use spoon rows for laying, in addition to corners and support zones.

Internal bearing walls must have a thickness of at least 20 cm. Transverse piers usually consist of halves or quarters of bricks. If the length of such a wall exceeds 1.5 m, then they must be further strengthened with a reinforcement belt every three rows.

Door and window frames are mounted directly in the masonry process. In the side parts of the openings are installed wooden blocks brick thick. They are wrapped with a layer of roofing material and tarred.

It is also necessary to equip the ventilation holes. Typically, in such baths, a ventilation system of a supply and exhaust type is installed. It consists of two holes: one regulates the flow of air, the second - the exhaust hole. The first is best placed under the bottom of the stove, and the second - as far as possible from the heater, 7–8 centimeters below the ceiling. You can also provide special dampers that will help regulate the air flow in the steam room.

Calculation of the number of bricks

Due to incorrect calculations, beginners often acquire one and a half times more material than they really need. To understand how much brick you need to buy, the area of ​​\u200b\u200ball walls is calculated separately, excluding the area of ​​\u200b\u200bdoor and window openings. The number that turned out is multiplied by the thickness of the walls. When calculating, be sure to take into account the thickness of the bricks themselves and the mortar joints between them.

To facilitate this process, you can use open access tables or special online services. If you decide to create an individual bath project, then it is better to turn to specialists - they will help you to carry out everything. necessary calculations.

Roof and floor for a brick bath

The roof structure can be any: one, two or more slopes. How harder design roofs and the greater the angle of inclination, the more expensive the installation of the roof will be. The sequence of work also depends on the choice of design.

AT top rows walls are drilled holes for special mounting pins. Mauerlat is mounted on top of them and ceiling joists. In the case when the ends of the beams are in contact with brick walls, they are wrapped with roofing material. After installing the beams, the flooring is made of unedged boards. It is also necessary to provide a hole for the chimney.

In order for the ceiling logs to last longer, they must be additionally covered with a layer of waterproofing. For this purpose, you can use fabric absinthe, which is attached with construction staples. A layer of a mixture of clay and sawdust is poured on top in equal proportions. As soon as the mixture dries, it is sprinkled with sand. The place where the chimney will be in contact with the ceiling must be additionally insulated and metal sheets should be installed there.

After that they collect truss system. Attached to the Mauerlat rafter legs using metal corners and screws. Additional supports are installed between the slopes (struts, beds, puffs, and so on) if the roof has two or more slopes. A crate of small slats is mounted on top of the beams, covered with waterproofing and roofing material, whether it be corrugated board, metal tile or other modern analogues, if necessary, make a counter-lattice.

At this stage, floor logs are mounted (using beams with a section of 15x10, 25x10) directly to the bottom of the brick walls using the same metal corners. To each log, on its two sides, cranial bars are nailed, which will become a support for the subfloor. An unedged board is fixed on top of the bars, followed by a layer of waterproofing, insulation and another layer of waterproofing. Finished floor installed.

finish line

The last stage in the construction of a brick bath with your own hands is the insulation and waterproofing of walls with inside and, if necessary, facade cladding, installation of shelves, stoves, furniture, connection of water supply and sewerage, installation of a shower cubicle, doors and windows, if they have not been installed earlier, electrical wiring, decorative trim and other small jobs.

You can build a brick bath with your own hands using the information presented in this article. If you carried out all the construction work correctly, adhered to all the norms, tips and recommendations, then such a steam room will serve you for many years.

Brick is the most popular building material. In Russia, he, along with a tree, is traditional material for construction. It's ecological pure material in the production of which natural ingredients are used.

Building a brick bath is no less interesting than building a log or a log bath. It is easy to make any wall configuration from it, create large window or arched openings, bring to life the most daring architectural solutions. A turnkey brick bath is suitable for those who value quality and durability, but building a brick bath is a task that requires certain knowledge and experience in this area.

Our company, "", offers turnkey construction of brick baths that meet all the requirements of durability and practicality. A brick bath is one of our core competencies. We can also prepare a brick bath project. We have been building brick baths since 1993.

To lighten the walls and increase their heat-saving properties, mineral wool insulation is used when laying the walls. And then, when creating the interior of the bath, there is a wide range of options to choose from. finishing materials. Outside, the walls of a brick bath can also be made in various styles. The most economical option is the front masonry of the walls of the finishing brick. In this case, no additional exterior finish building walls.

Turnkey brick baths are more reliable than, for example,. On the other hand, a turnkey brick bath is a more expensive solution.

The stone gives ample opportunities in the design of the facade. It is easy to combine with other materials. This allows you to work in different styles, using, for example, French and Austrian or Italian traditions.

A brick bath in the Russian traditions of the late 19th and early 20th centuries can be very interesting.

Building a brick bath is optimal choice. A turnkey bath made of brick is fire resistant, durable and provides increased sound insulation. If you decide to build a brick bath, it is better to order projects from specialists.

Inside the brick bath, the steam room can be finished different ways. From the most economical option - foil and clapboard to the device inside the steam room of a wooden frame. We offer wide selection opportunities.

The advantages of brick as a material for the construction of a bath include its high soundproofing properties and high frost resistance. The brick "breathes" and regulates humidity - this ensures the maintenance of an optimal microclimate inside the room. Also, the brick is resistant to decay and mold. In addition, brick is a fire-resistant material.

The price of a brick bath significantly depends on the external and interior decoration. In our performance, and this is always high tech and top quality, brick bath, if there is a desire and need to save money, the price will always be cheaper than and logs. The price depends on many parameters. The cost will be calculated at the stage of budgeting.

We design and build brick baths throughout the country: Moscow, the Moscow region, the Moscow region and all of Russia.

There is an opinion that best material for the construction of a bath - a tree that has been used for these purposes for several hundred years. But in our time, its monopoly is absolutely unjustified, because there are a lot of no less worthy alternatives. And one of them is a brick, using which you can implement almost any design with your own hands. original project baths. Of course, this idea will be successful only if you familiarize yourself with the pros and cons of the material in advance, and also study the instructions for building a bath with a photo - this is what we propose to do next.

Advantages and disadvantages of a brick bath

To have a complete picture of the features of a brick bath, it is important to know the fundamental pros and cons of this building material. Let's start with the benefits:

  • increased resistance to fire - brick is significantly superior to traditional materials for a bath in terms of fire safety;
  • durability - the service life of a brick bath can sometimes be above 50 years;
  • environmental friendliness - bricks are made from different types natural raw materials, so the material is absolutely safe for humans;

Brick is an environmentally friendly material, therefore it is suitable for building a bath

  • wide architectural possibilities - brick allows you to build not only standard "boxes", but also baths of complex configurations.

Cons of brick baths:

  • increased heat capacity - it takes much more time to heat a brick steam room than to heat a wooden structure;
  • high hygroscopicity - the brick quickly absorbs moisture, so if you do not perform hydro and vapor barrier, the building will become damp;
  • high cost - brick is by no means a cheap material, so building a bath from it will be quite expensive.

Let's move on to considering the construction technology of a brick bath, conditionally dividing this process into three group stages.

Stage 1: Laying the foundation

The first thing you need to take care of is a high-quality deep foundation that can withstand a heavy brick structure:

  • Mark the future base and dig pegs around its perimeter to mark the working boundaries.
  • Dig a pit - its depth should not be less than 1 m.

Advice. If the site is located on clay soil, the foundation depth should be 1.5 m or more.

  • Arrange a pillow of sand and gravel at the bottom: first, pour 15 cm of sand, moisten the layer with water and compact it well, then pour a layer of rubble on top - no more than 15-20 cm, and then lay one ball of sand and gravel again. After that, perform the final tamping of the resulting "pie".
  • Mount the wooden formwork, and then install the fixing frame of reinforcing bars on the base.
  • Prepare the cement mortar and carefully fill the foundation with it, leveling the layers with the rule.

Bath foundation

After the cement has hardened, build a base - two or three rows of bricks will be enough. Next, the vapor barrier of the foundation is performed. To do this, lay two layers of roofing material on the cement base. The last step is the arrangement of holes for plumbing, ventilation and sewerage.

Stage 2: Construction of walls and roof

There are many ways to lay brick walls, but if you are doing construction work For the first time, pay attention to two more or less simple options:

  1. Single-row masonry: one brick is installed across, one - along. Such a masonry system is called a chain. It requires some skill, but the complexity of execution is fully justified by the solidity and strength of the walls being built.
  2. Multi-row masonry: one brick is installed across, five - along. Such a system makes it possible to significantly save on building materials and reduces laying time. But in terms of strength, it is somewhat inferior to the single-row version.

brick laying

Whatever method of laying you choose, to connect the bricks you will need to prepare a cement mortar with the addition of sand, lime and water. The mixture should be plastic, but not very liquid, so that it does not spread over the material.

Advice. For high-quality fixation of bricks, lay the cement mortar with a layer of 7-10 mm.

When you finish with the walls, proceed to the construction of the roof. First you need to lay logs or rafters on the upper trim of the walls - they will serve as the base of the roof. Then fill the crate on the installed base, and fix the roof on it with self-tapping screws: sheets of slate, metal tiles or corrugated board. Do not forget to leave a special hole for the chimney.

Stage 3: Waterproofing and insulation

In order for your brick bath to be complete and functional, it needs to be waterproofed and insulated with high quality.

Waterproofing can be carried out in two ways:

  • Painting - internal surfaces structures are carefully treated with coating waterproofing compounds: bituminous mastic, rubber compounds or epoxy resins.
  • Pasting - surfaces are lined with panel or roll materials: sheets of roofing felt or foil polyethylene foam. As a fixative, either adhesives or adhesives can be used. wooden slats with self-tapping screws.

Internal arrangement of the bath

Warming is carried out according to the following scheme:

  • Walls: a crate is stuffed onto the surface, its spans are filled with insulation, and then the structure is closed with fiberglass and foil.
  • Floors: insulation is laid on the surface, it is fixed on top metal mesh and poured thin layer cent.
  • Ceiling: a crate is mounted on the surface, which is filled with insulation and covered with plywood sheets or foil.

As a heater in a brick bath, you can use: thermal plates, polystyrene, mineral wool, fiberglass, foam.

After these two procedures, go to interior arrangement and finishing of the steam room.

As you can see, the brick a good option for those who want to get a bath, but are not eager to deal with a familiar tree. Of course, given material it is not easy to work, so you will have to work hard during the construction process, but if you strictly follow the above instructions, you will be provided with a successful result in the form of a functional and comfortable steam room.

Construction of a brick bath: video

Brick bath: photo

The construction of a bath, like any other building, should begin with the preparation of a project. Basically, the project is detailed plan foundations, load-bearing walls, partitions, ceilings, roofs and interior spaces. In addition, the drawing must take into account many aspects that are necessary for the steam room to be built with minimal cost, while having a maximum of amenities, and served for a long time.

We select a project for the construction of a brick bath

Any brick can be built architectural masterpiece , because this material is durable and easy to use, thanks to its small size. Projects of brick baths are truly chic - the most unimaginable forms, with unusual layout rooms and columns. Here any design approach becomes possible.

And all you need to know in order to build such a building is how to properly build load-bearing walls, what kind of masonry to decorate external ones, and how thick to make internal ones. The project will help you plan work and calculate the amount of purchased building materials.

Advantages of brick baths

Any project of a brick bath with a rest room provides for a specific material for the construction of the building. And despite the fact that wood is a “traditional” material for buildings of this kind, it cannot boast of a long service life. Moreover, the tree flammable material, which is also undesirable for bath buildings.

Brick baths have the following advantages:

  • Durability.
  • Excellent thermal insulation qualities, which is one of the most important parameters for a bath.
  • Such buildings do not stand out from the background of the main buildings of the site.
  • Aesthetics of appearance and undemanding in additional finishing.
  • The ability to build a building of any configuration.

About the foundation, roofing and masonry

The correct design of the bath must be accurate, taking into account all the properties of the material. The documentation must be completed with a complete set of plans and drawings made by hand or using a computer program.

Let's talk about the most important points in the construction of a bath building:

  • Foundation.

Advice! The lowest point of the foundation should be laid a little below the freezing of the soil. Its width directly depends on the thickness of the walls. That is, you need to add 10 cm on each side of the building.

The foundation of a brick steam room should be designed depending on the climatic conditions characteristic of your area. Most often used strip bases, since they are characterized by sufficient strength and are able to withstand the massive walls of the building.

  • Steam room roof also completely dependent on climate conditions. The main requirement is sufficient roof insulation, which is carried out with mineral wool.

Since warm air tends to rise, the thermal insulation of the roof is a very important procedure.

  • Masonry. Most often, projects of baths, made both in one and in two floors, have brickwork with single-row or multi-row chain ligation. A verst of the outer walls should be made in half a brick.

The inner part should be separated by an air gap, which should be brick-thick. It turns out that the total thickness of the walls in a standard building is one and a half bricks. This figure may vary depending on the climate in your area. If a climatic conditions are quite severe, then well masonry should be used, inside which there is an insulating backfill made of sand, slag or expanded clay.

What is ordering

Very often, in the process of designing brick structures, so-called “orders” are provided, that is, the scheme clearly states how many rows should be contained in the wall, how the brick should be laid, the location of the walls is indicated, etc. In such plans, in the literal sense the number of rows and recommendations for laying each row are indicated. In other words, ordering- This is a detailed step-by-step instruction for the construction of a building.

Deviating from these figures during construction is highly undesirable. Even if you plan to build a bath with your own hands unusual shape It is best to focus on a ready-made 6x6 brick bath project with a terrace, subjecting it to some modifications. This will save you from a number of errors.

Choosing a stove for a bath

Any brick sauna stove project has significant differences from traditional stoves designed for heating homes. It is not for nothing that such stoves are called "heaters", that is, they have a specially equipped "pocket" designed to heat a pile of stones. That is why such furnaces are quickly heated and have a high heat capacity.

Typically, projects sauna stoves bricks provide compact buildings, the price of which is relatively low. However, you will have to spend money on a quality construction, because nothing comes for free.

Sauna stove drawings

Today there are two types of sauna stoves:

  1. Traditional brick.
  2. Metal, which are already sold in ready-made and require only installation.

Brick sauna stove designs are the most popular these days. Even in ancient times, massive masonry was used, which was kneaded on a sand-clay mortar. To this day, this option is considered the best for obtaining dry steam.

Advice! For those places that are affected open flame, it is recommended to use refractory fireclay bricks.

For the construction of the furnace, both ordinary ceramic building bricks and facing bricks can be used, but in no case double silicate brick M 150, which is not designed for exposure to elevated temperatures.

Depending on the design, the projects of brick ovens for a bath provide for two options for the firebox:

  • Grid. It has a separate blower, through which a powerful high-temperature flame is created. At the same time, the air in the steam room, as well as the masonry, heats up very quickly.

Another indisputable advantage of this design is that the stove is not demanding on the quality of the fuel. That is, if you have freshly harvested or even raw firewood, they can be successfully used for heating.

  • Bezgrate. The grateless firebox is very easy to maintain, and also economical, and therefore is simply an ideal option for the careful use of firewood. However, raw firewood is not suitable for such a stove.


In this article, we looked at the main points that you should pay attention to when creating a bath project. Considering all these factors, you will surely be able to create the steam room of your dreams, which will serve you as a place to relax for many years to come.
