Presentation “Formation of posture in preschool children. Posture and its importance for human health (presentation) Presentation for parents on correct posture

Gymnastics and physical activity are important components of correct posture. Do gymnastics with your child in the morning, first warm up, and then stretch all muscle groups. Try to captivate your child by wearing a book on their head. Put the book on your head, and put your hands on your belt and compete who will walk the longest or carry it farther. Gradually complicate the exercise - stretch your arms forward, squat, keeping your heels on the floor and keeping your back straight, spread your arms to the sides, raise your legs alternately. These exercises are good for strengthening the back muscles. Swimming is also a good spinal workout. Enroll a student in the pool and visit it 2-3 times a week. Hiking, cycling or roller skating help to strengthen the spine and maintain proper posture. Yoga is very interesting and useful for children. There are special children's groups in which you can study from 7-8 years old. As a rule, children really like yoga, because they are so interested in taking the “tortoise pose”, “warrior pose”, for some time to become a “flower” or “tree”

    This is how the house is: one window.

Every day at the cinema window.

Every house has that house

Well, remember him...

I love this house very much

Black and white and color

I'm ready to sit until the night

My beloved, my dear.

    Seemingly harmless,

They are in a box

In a small box

In a closet or on a shelf

You can use them

But children are not welcome.

People be careful!

They are very incendiary.

    Red car rushing

She has a brave team with her.

01 a signal sounds,

So someone got hurt

Black smoke pours out the window

It's very scary

From wrong action.

This natural disaster happens.

    The steamer is coming

Back, then forward

And behind him such smoothness

Not a wrinkle to be seen.

He grumbles and hisses,

Like a shaggy animal

But now I'm going

I'm always neat.

    Looks like a famous fruit

Looks very fragile.

Touch carefully

She suddenly breaks out.

Everyone has 6 in the kitchen,

The hallway also has...

Do not cut this pear

Moreover, do not eat.

    There is a good friend in the house

Everything in the world knows...

Only he has no legs, no arms,

But he does talk.

I get up early in the morning

And I turn it on

I listen to the news

I drink tea.

    Four blue suns

Burnt and extinguished:

Shchi, compote, pancakes are ready,

Until tomorrow the sun is not needed.

    Here stands a fat man,

akimbo barrel,

It hisses and it boils

To all the children he says:

And ... Drink all green tea.


    "Playing with fire"

    "game on the road"

    "water safety"



1 Minute of health "Posture - the basis of a beautiful gait"

Conversation - dialogue

Do you think it is possible for trousers or a dress to stand upright on their own?

So that they do not lie on the floor like a rag, they must be put on something or someone. Similarly, a person would be shapeless and ugly if he did not have a skeleton. The skeleton is our backbone. It looks fragile, but is actually very strong. The skeleton serves the body not only as a support, but also protects the internal organs.

Look at the picture. Name the parts of the skeleton, show where they are. (Skull, upper limb skeleton, chest, lower limb skeleton, spine)

They say about thin people: "He has only skin and bones." Could this really be? If this were the case, then the person would not be able to move. To run, walk, lift weights and even blink, a person needs muscles. Muscles are the main strengths. They make him move. When a muscle contracts, it acts like a lever on the bone and causes the bone to move.

Muscles resemble little mice running under the skin. That's why the word "muscle" is very similar to the word "MOUSE". It comes from the word "mouse", and the muscle - from the Latin word "musculus", that is, a mouse.

What helps make muscles strong?

What other than exercise can strengthen bones and muscles? Which doctor comes to our aid? (Doctor Healthy Food)

What foods should be consumed? (Those in which there is a large amount of calcium salts - cottage cheese, milk; vegetables and fruits are also useful)

Do you think it's nice to look at a slender person?

Of course it's nice. Slender people are pleasing to the eye. But it's not just about beauty, a slender person has a properly formed skeleton. With proper posture, it is easier for the heart and other important organs to work.

Correct posture is not given to a person from birth, but is acquired by him. It is produced in childhood and adolescence, and after eighteen years it is very difficult to correct its shortcomings, because in childhood the cartilage tissue in the vertebrae has not yet been replaced by bone. Therefore, adults always tell you: “Don’t hunch your back. Sit up straight!" Incorrect posture makes the back crooked and ugly. If childhood is taught to stay straight, then at an older age they will not suffer pain in the lower back, back.

Allows you to keep the posture of the spine - the main core of the body. It runs down the middle of the back. This is a flexible trunk, made up of 33 bones - vertebrae. Ribs are attached to the vertebrae.

How many ribs did you count? (12 pairs)

What work do the ribs do? (Protect internal organs from damage)

Do you think the child can form the correct posture on his own or, conversely, deform it?

Why does the spine curve in children?

Therefore, it is best to learn to monitor your posture and prevent all deviations. To feel healthy, cheerful, remember the cherished words:

I will keep my health

I will help myself!

What needs to be done to maintain good posture?

1. Perform exercises to strengthen the muscles of the body.

Stretching of the spine.

Stretch up 8 times

Stretch forward 8 times

Bend over 8 times

Stretch up 8 times

2. It is correct to sit at a table, desk, on a chair, do not stoop.

3. When carrying heavy loads, you need to evenly load your hands.

4. If you carry a satchel or briefcase in one hand, one shoulder will become lower than the other

5. Sleep on a hard bed with a low pillow.

6. Sit with your back as straight as possible. Every 15 minutes of sitting at the table, you need to change your position, move your legs and arms, and stretch.

7. Every day look at yourself in the mirror, which will tell you what your posture is.

The gait of a person with a straight posture, flexible and measured movements is beautiful and healthy. The arms move in rhythm with the legs. They should not be loosely lowered or waved. The feet are nearly parallel when walking. Gait quite accurately characterizes the general culture of a person. In a book that was published back in 1812, the author writes: “If you walk like Indian roosters, dragging your feet, they will consider you lazy. Don't walk on your toes as if you were dancing. Do not wave your arms too much, as if with wings, in order to go faster. If you are walking with someone, then try to walk at an equal pace with him, do not get too close to him and do not move away so much that you do not hear him. Look under your feet so as not to accidentally step into the mud and splash your companion with it, This precaution is equally useful for yourself ... "

It is necessary to avoid a careless, waddling and mincing - dancing gait. Excessive waving of the arms and swaying of the shoulders does not add beauty to either the female or the male gait. The head, drawn into the shoulders, looks ugly.

Talk about how a person should walk.

How should you take care of your posture?

2. Operation "Help a Friend"

Cleaning up the school grounds.

3. Outdoor games

"Squatted Salki", "Heron", "Lame Crow", "Stubborn Backpack"

“Myself - a neighbor!”, “Lord of the Hole”

4. Excursion to nature

Valeological performance "TREES - HEALERS"


Professor Leaf Oak

Birch Maple

Pine Aspen

PROFESSOR LISTIK: Hello guys! We met again in the forest. Do you know the trees that grow in your forest? Guess.

The more rings, the older the tenant (Tree)

What is this girl? Not a seamstress. Not a craftswoman.

She doesn’t sew anything herself, but in needles all year round (Spruce)

A bee takes the most delicious honey from my flower.

And everyone offends me, they tear off a thin skin (Lipa)

What kind of tree stands - there is no wind, but the leaf is trembling (Aspen)

In the spring she turned green, in the summer she sunbathed, in the fall she put on red corals (Sorbus)

No wonder this fashionista leaned over the water.

All summer he looks into the river, admires himself (Willow)

The girls are standing in white dresses, green short shawls (Birches)

A mother has a thousand sons, she gave each of them a bowl, but she didn’t take it for herself.

(oak and acorns)

We will get to know trees are healers. Why are they called that? The fact that trees have some energy and healing properties was known to our ancestors. They singled out special, “revered” trees in the forest: oak, birch, pine. Listen. What the trees will tell about themselves with the rustle of their foliage.

BIRCH: Healers believe that I am a source of energy and vitality. I relieve fatigue, the effects of minor stresses. Communication with other deciduous trees is also useful: willow calms, and poplar gives clarity of thought.

PINE: I have a beneficial effect on sick, weakened people. In addition, many coniferous trees emit special volatile substances - phytoncides.

SPRUCE: Features of phytoncides are that they inhibit the development of microbes, thereby improving the environment. A huge amount of phytoncides is produced by larch, pine, spruce, juniper, cedar. From deciduous - birch, poplar, bird cherry, hawthorn, maple.

PROFESSOR LISTIK: In addition, large plantations of these plants also carry a sanitary service - they purify the air from dust. For example, on one hectare, spruce stands hold up to 32 tons of dust per year, pine - 35 tons, birch - 55 tons.

OAK: The appearance of plants also has an aesthetic and psychological impact. Activating trees include trees with a spreading pyramidal crown shape - oak, poplar, acacia.

Maple: Trees with an oval or weeping umbrella crown, like mine, elm, linden, willow, ash, birch, are soothing.

ASPEN: I have an auspicious meaning as a tree full of excess of life, my leaves are always swaying, talking among themselves. I have long been considered a tree that saves from all evil spirits.

PROFESSOR LISTIK: Trees are truly energy nourishing sources and affect human health and mood in different ways. If you lean against such a “benevolent” tree, press your palms and the back of your head to it, you will feel a surge of strength, a bad mood and physical weakness will recede.

There are certain rules for dealing with trees. Select the most powerful and branched tree with conjugate leaves. Walk around it from a distance. Feel sympathy and goodwill towards him. Then start getting closer. Standing near the tree, as if send your whole body to the trunk and crown - press your back, nape, palms - "merge" with it. Feel the roots of the tree, the movement of juices from the ground up the trunk and their spreading over the leaves of the crown. Feel how the solar energy descends and rushes through the leaves into the roots underground. This is how the great cycle between heaven and earth and their interchange takes place. Try to connect to this exchange yourself, imagining yourself as part of a tree, experience a surge of solar and earthly energy in yourself. Imagine how the leaves stroke your hair, feel the crown with the top of your head. When leaving, do not forget to thank the tree, stroke its trunk with your hand.

Remember, guys, plants can help a person replenish vitality, but only when each of us learns the culture of communicating with plants and, of course, with each other. Be healthy!

TEACHER: And now we'll play games.

“To your tree” (names the tree, and the children run to it)

"Blind nerd" (With closed eyes, recognize a tree by a leaf)

"Recognize me" (according to the description to recognize the tree)

“Find my mother” (take the cones to the desired tree: pine, spruce, larch)

TOTAL: What new did you learn in this lesson?

What do you remember the most?

5. Conversation: "The Scout Movement"

History of the children's movement: scouts and amusing.

In 1908 Two significant events took place in the Russian Empire. The first is the appearance of the decree of Nicholas II on the creation of amusing detachments. And the second - the publication of the book by R. Baden-Powell "Young Scout".

The first amusing detachment was organized by the inspector of public schools Lutskevich from children 8-14 years old in the city of Bakhmut (Artemovsk, Donetsk region).

Youth military sports associations were mainly engaged in drill training and gymnastics. Amusing teams began to be created not only at schools and garrisons, but also at artillery batteries, ships, and even at fire brigades. All expenses for uniforms and training of children were covered by the treasury, officers became teachers.

Russian scouting, which developed in parallel, had its own distinctive features. Among them is the presence of a knightly charter, in which the moral qualities of scouts were formulated: disinterestedness, self-sacrifice, honesty, devotion, discipline, etc.

The basics of scouting were set out in the book by R. Baden-Powell in the form of simple and accessible conversations around the fire. Perhaps that is why scouting, as a system of education, found a great response among not only youth, but also patriotic officers, who in those years were hard pressed by the defeat in the Russo-Japanese War.

It was then in the city of Pavlovsk near St. Petersburg that the first patrol of Russian scouts was created. They called him "Beavers". Largely thanks to the efforts of the first scoutmasters, such as the staff captain of the Life Guards battalion O.I. Pantyukhov, staff captain V.G. Zakharchenko and others, determined the areas of activity of Russian scouts:

    development of spiritual and moral, individual qualities (training of memory, will, sense organs, character education);

    service to the state (skills of practical assistance to the army, the population);

    religious education;

    physical education (military formation, campaigns, physical exercises);

    labor education (mastery of various specialties and practical skills)

The leading method of the educational system among the scouts was the so-called long game, which covers the entire time that a scout is in the detachment.

Purpose of the game - "inculcating in young men a chivalrous attitude towards others, love and devotion to the Motherland, a caring attitude towards all people" Here, too, it was possible to successfully apply the system of leading children through the children themselves. Scouts learned to make fires, build huts and crossings, lay out road signs, hide in the forest and fields, track down "violators" and report on what they saw, navigate by compass, sun, stars, signal with flags, light, sound, put out fires, provide first medical aid. help ... Following the results of the competition, a solemn awarding of those who distinguished themselves was usually held. For this purpose, a special reward system was developed in the form of badges and stripes for scout uniforms.

It is quite obvious that the appearance of scouting and tomfoolery in Russia was the result of the recognition of the special role of the children's movement in the implementation of educational tasks formulated by the state. The main content of the corresponding social order was the physical education and military training of children and youth. In the work of the scouts, age characteristics were taken into account, conditions were created for the self-realization of adolescents, scoutmasters were brought up from among the scouts themselves.

At the beginning of the 20th century, Scouts proved to be active keepers of traditions.

But during the years of Soviet power, the work of the scout movement was lost. At present, the scout movement has revived in a number of schools in Russia. In the city of Saratov there is a scout group "Minstrel".

The word "scout" means "going ahead, pioneer, scout." Scouts are patriots, because it is not for nothing that their motto is: “Always ready for Russia!

Scouting programs and camps are filled with romance, adventure, discovery, evolving games and competitions. Each camp is a great opportunity to test yourself, your skills and your character - after all, scouts do not have nannies, and they do everything themselves: they put up tents, chop wood, cook food on a fire, knit sea knots, etc.

Scout salute The salute is given with the right hand, straightening and connecting the three middle fingers and covering the thumb with the little finger to the right side of the visor of the headgear or, if he is wearing a scout hat, by touching the edge of the brim of the hat on the right side. Three fingers symbolize the three parts of the Solemn Promise (TO) - duty to the Motherland, society and nature, duty to oneself and duty to others. The thumb on the little finger means that the strong should protect the weak, and the younger should obey the older. The right hand in the Scout badge is at the level of the head and slightly moved to the side.


HUMAN POSTURE Performed by a 10th grade student Vlada Kiseleva, MOU "Secondary School No. 13" of G. Kimry, Tver Region. Head: Platonova L.A.

Posture is the habitual position of the body when standing, walking, sitting; is formed in the process of growth, development and education (in the period from 5 to 18 years). The posture of ballerinas, as well as athletes involved in sports and rhythmic gymnastics, synchronized swimming, can serve as a role model.

Signs of correct posture: the head is raised; the chest is expanded; shoulders - on the same level; when viewed from behind, the head, neck and spine form a straight vertical line; when viewed from the side, the spine has small indentations in the cervical and lumbar regions (lordosis) and a slight bulge in the thoracic region (kyphosis).

Signs of incorrect posture: the head is extended beyond the longitudinal axis of the body (lowered head); shoulders brought forward, raised (or asymmetrical position of the shoulders); round back, sunken chest; the stomach is protruded, the pelvis is set back; excessively increased lumbar curve.

How to detect a defect: The child should undress, stand up straight (heels and toes together) and put his hands down. Standing a few steps behind his back, you need to carefully examine the axis of the spine (it must be strictly vertical), compare the levels of the shoulders, shoulder blades, gluteal and knee folds. Asymmetry indicates a violation of posture. With regular examinations, the slightest deviations from the norm can be detected.

Incorrect posture Incorrect posture causes early onset of osteochondrosis, unfavorable position of internal organs (with a decrease in their functions). For example, the habit of slouching creates a posture that compresses the chest, breathing becomes shallow and frequent. This complicates the work of the lungs, does not allow to saturate the body with oxygen in the required volume. Schoolchildren with poor posture, as a rule, have a weakened musculoskeletal system, inelastic ligaments, reduced depreciation abilities of the lower extremities and, most importantly, the spine. This leads to the fact that children do not tolerate physical activity, get tired quickly, complain of back pain.

Varieties of posture disorders: Postural disorders are deviations in the position of the spine. Round back: increased thoracic kyphosis and slightly reduced lumbar lordosis. This condition is called stoop. Flat back: the thoracic and lumbar curves are reduced, the depreciation ability of the spine is reduced. Saddle-shaped (round-concave) back: thoracic kyphosis and lumbar lordosis are enlarged, the abdomen is protruded.

Manifestations of lateral curvature of the spine The possibility of scoliosis manifestation is especially great at the age of 11-15 years, when the skeleton grows rapidly, and the muscular system lags behind in its development. It is during this period that sleep on a soft bed, incorrect position of the body while sitting and standing, and uneven load on the spine affect posture. One of the causes of posture disorders in school-age children is the wrong landing (position) at the desk during school lessons, as well as when doing homework or when reading.

Prevention measures: When performing written and oral lessons, lean on the back of a chair with your back. Try to sit straight without tilting your head or upper body forward so as not to strain your muscles. When working for a long time while sitting, it is necessary to change position more often, get up and walk around the room, and arrange physical education sessions. Do not sit in front of the TV in an overly soft chair or sofa. The seat should be at a height of half a meter from the floor. When moving heavy things over a considerable distance, it is better to carry them on your back, for example in a backpack, and not in your hands or in a bag over your shoulder. When lifting something heavy, you need to bend your legs, not your back.

Posture correction: Physical exercises contribute to the normalization of posture. However, the effect can be expected only with their systematic and prolonged implementation. Use: training in front of a mirror (visual self-control); mutual control of those involved; the adoption of the correct posture and the correction of defects near the wall, when tactile sensations are added to the muscular-articular sensations when in contact with the wall.

Classes: In the preparatory part of the classes, exercises in constructions and rebuildings, breathing exercises, walking are used. The main part uses exercises that provide general and strength endurance of the muscles of the back, abdominals and chest. The starting positions used in this part of the lesson are lying down and standing on your knees. At the end of the main part, an outdoor game is usually played. In the final part, running, walking, coordination exercises, and breathing exercises are used. It is advisable to include games for attention in this part of the lesson, provided that the correct posture is maintained. In the lesson, you should also use exercises in balance and general developmental exercises: for the muscles of the back, abdomen, buttocks; for stretching; with a gymnastic stick, a hoop; on the gymnastic wall; swimming (breaststroke), etc.

Abstract of a class hour in grade 2

Subject: "Correct posture is the key to health."


Draw students' attention to the problem of maintaining posture.


To form an idea of ​​the correct posture, to identify the causes of its violation.
- Give recommendations for the prevention of posture disorders.

Bring upinterest in health issues.

Computer, projector, presentation, posters, camomile with tips, products, stars of different sizes.

Class hour progress :


Introduction by the teacher.

Guys, I want to start our class hour with a parable.

Once there were three strangers. On the way, bad weather caught them. They saw the house and knocked. The owner opened them and asked:

Who you are?

Health, Love, Wealth. Let us warm up.

It's a pity, but we only have one free seat. I'm going to go talk to my family about which one of you to let in.

The sick mother said:

Let's let Health in.

The daughter offered to let Love in, and the wife suggested Wealth. While they were arguing among themselves, the wanderers disappeared.

Self-determination of activity.

Guys, look carefully at the blackboard (proverbs about health on the posters)

What do you think, which of the wanderers is in our classroom today? (Health).

Yes, indeed, today we will talk about health.

Health is happiness in the life of any person. No wonder people say: Lost money - lost nothing, lost time - lost a lot, lost health - lost everything.

Guys, what does it mean to be healthy? (to be strong, strong, hardy, dexterous, slender).

Guys, to find out the topic of our class hour today, I suggest you guess the riddle:

Must be healthy

Our schoolchildren ....... (back).

Slide 2.

Today we will talk about the back, about the correct and beautiful posture.

"Correct posture is the key to health."

Imagine two young people.

A young man is walking, stooping, his back is round, his head is bowed, his legs are dragging, as if he is specifically trying to erase his soles as soon as possible.

And here is another: the gait is springy, the feet easily come off the ground, the torso is straight, the shoulders are straightened, the head is raised.

Who is nicer to look at?

(student answers)

Yes, the second person is handsome, stately.

Slender people are pleasing to the eye. But it's not just about beauty, a slender person has a well-formed skeleton. With proper posture, the heart and other important organs work easier. Correct posture is not given to a person at birth, but is acquired by him. It is produced in childhood and adolescence, after 18 years it is very difficult to correct its shortcomings, because in childhood the cartilage tissue in the spine has not yet been replaced by bone. Therefore, all adults constantly say: “Don't hunch your back. Sit up straight!” Wrong posture makes the back crooked, ugly. If in childhood you learn to stay straight, then at an older age they will not suffer from pain in the back and lower back.

Scientists have observed. It turned out that if a person is short, but keeps straight, then he seems taller. But tall, but stooped - lower.

What is posture?

Slide 3.

Posture is the habitual posture of a casually standing or sitting person.

slide 4.

Correct posture in a standing position means that our shoulders are slightly laid back, the torso is straightened.

When we sit, good posture means that our back is straight and our head is up.

Posture is affected, first of all, by the spine - the axial organ. The spine is not just the core of our body. Together with the skeleton, it serves to protect internal organs from external damage.

Slide 5.

Guys, who has a beautiful posture? (student answers)

Yes, ballerinas, gymnasts, figure skaters, fashion models have the correct beautiful posture.

slide 6.

Guys, look who came to us?

Can we say that she has a beautiful posture?

Guys, raise your hand, those who want to know what rules you need to follow so that your posture is correct and beautiful.


Everyone knows that the alphabet teaches reading,
Difficult, but the main skill for children.
But Aibolit has a different alphabet,
She teaches the right habits to children:
How to avoid a cold
Maintain hearing and sight
temper, develop
And stay healthy.
Open the ABC of health more often!

Learn important tips and apply in life!

Slides 7,8.

Tip #1: "Sit right at your desk"

Guys, how should you sit at your desk? (student answers)

With the right posture, the head is held straight, the shoulders are turned, the stomach is tucked up, the legs are flat on the floor, the heels are together.

You guys take a look:
Are you all sitting properly?
The back should be straight
Like a guitar string

You connect your legs
Keep your head straight.
Well, not to get tired
Pose needs to be changed
And in thirty minutes,
Do not be lazy to go.

- Guys, you, of course, noticed that in our class there are desks of different heights. Proper selection of furniture is also of great importance while maintaining posture.

slide 9.

Tip #2: Exercise!

Why do you need to play sports? (student answers)

To develop successfully
You need to play sports.
From physical education
There will be a slim figure.

It is useful to us without a doubt,
Everything related to movement.
That's why guys
We will do the exercises.

In order for the posture to be correct, one must move, play outdoor games, engage in physical education and sports.

Hiking, cycling or roller skating help to strengthen the spine and maintain proper posture. Correctly alternate training sessions (work) with rest. It is useful to use sports exercises wisely, such as skiing, sports games.


I suggest listening to a wonderful song and move!

slide 10.

Tip #3: Sleep on a hard bed.

Guys, why do you need to sleep on a hard bed? (student answers)

Take care of your spine
Morning, afternoon and even at night.
So that the bones do not hurt,
Sleep on a hard bed.

Slide 11.

Council number 4. Follow the daily routine.

Why is it necessary to follow the daily routine? (student answers)

Which of you follows the daily routine?

Strengthen your body

Every family knows

There must be a routine for the day.

If you strive
Follow the schedule -
You will study better
You'd better rest.

slide 12.

Council number 5. Take up swimming.

Swimming and gymnastics in water are especially useful for the back. Swimming is an effective means of correcting postural disorders and scoliosis.

slide 13.

Tip #6: Carry loads correctly.

Guys, how to carry loads correctly? (student answers)

The load is heavy and large
Don't carry one in your hand.
Distribute evenly
In two hands
And get on the road.

slide 14.

Guys, what is better to wear textbooks and all school supplies?

(in a satchel)

Many guys walk around with a bag on their shoulder. This negatively affects the spine. The mass of a schoolbag for a primary school student should weigh 2 kg 700 g.

Council number 7. Proper selection of shoes and clothing.

slide 15.

Properly selected shoes give the foot a restriction, a closed space that contributes to the correct formation of the foot, in the future it will help to avoid injuries and form the correct gait.

Tip #8. Eat right!

Guys, what is the right diet? (student answers)

slide 18.

slide 16.

Proper nutrition is essential to maintain posture. Nutrition should be: varied, regular, rich in vegetables and fruits and without haste.

Many guys refuse food containing vitaminD(liver, fish oil, egg yolk, etc.)

VitaminDIt is necessary for the bones to be strong and develop properly.

We know that everyone always needs healthy food:
Different products - vegetables and fruits.
And for posture, remember, my friend,
A very useful product - cottage cheese!

Measure is also needed in food,
So as not to happen an unexpected disaster.
You need to eat at the appointed time,
Little by little, several times a day.

Guys, I suggest you play the game now"Lay out the products."

Food is in front of you.

Task: divide these products into two parts.

First - Healthy products.

Second - products harmful to health.

And nowTip #9: Watch your walk!

slide 17.

Guys, why do you need to watch your gait? (student answers)

slide 18.

For example, women of the East and Africa wear vessels with water, baskets of fruit on their heads, not at all supporting them with their hands. These women are slender, proud posture.

Slides 19,20.

But, unfortunately, not everyone watches their posture.

Guys, can these poses be called correct?


Look for postures that promote bad posture.

Some children develop posture problems. Scoliosis may develop later.

Slide 21.

What is scoliosis?

Scoliosis is a lateral curvature of the spine.

Scoliosis signs:

Curved spine.

Crooked shoulders.

Twisted pelvis.

Listen to the story of scoliosis.

Tale of Scoliosis.

In one terrible country - the country of Disease, lived high in the Humpbacked Mountains - there was a very harmful and evil sorcerer Scoliosis. He was very small in stature, he had a large hump and very long arms. But the most unpleasant thing about him was his face: always gloomy and frowning, greenish in color with red eyes, probably from anger. Scoliosis never smiled or laughed, and could not stand human smiles and laughter.

When he flew out of his lair and flew over human settlements, he put on an invisibility cap, and therefore none of the people ever saw him. But when Scoliosis heard human laughter, or saw how people smile, it seemed to him that they were laughing at him, at his ugly appearance. Because of this, he hated all people! He especially hated beautiful, slender and healthy people.

He thought and thought and figured out how to harm people. He brewed a witch's potion that made people look like Scoliosis himself. Scoliosis splashed a potion on people's backs, and their spine gradually twisted, a hump grew, their hands fell below their knees. People stopped smiling and laughing. Of course, when you have such a figure, it's no laughing matter.

And in our days, the evil sorcerer Scoliosis flies invisible among people and sprinkles his potion on them.

But not everyone is affected by this potion! It has absolutely no effect on athletes and people who always watch their posture.

Think about it, guys, and the potion will work on youScoliosis?

The people have created many proverbs and sayings about health.

Guys, explain the meaning of the proverb.

"A man is as young as his spine is young"

(you will feel young as long as your spine is healthy)

Practical part.

Guys, do you want to know if your posture is correct?

(a student is called from the class)

We check the presence of stoop.

With a measuring tape, we measure the distance between the extreme points of the shoulders, first from the side of the chest, and then from the side of the back. If the results are approximately the same - everything is in order, if the second number is much larger than the first - there is a stoop.

Check for curvature of the spine.

Stand with your back to the wall, press your heels, buttocks and shoulder blades firmly against the wall. In this position, the palm should pass between the wall and the lower back. If a fist passes, the posture is broken.

slide 22.

Scoliosis prevention.

slide 23.

There are sets of exercises for the formation of correct posture.

slide 24.

A set of physical therapy exercises.

It's never too early to start healing, and it's never too late. It is better to take this step today than tomorrow.

slide 25.

Student 1:

Root, trunk of a tree -

Source of all life

The trunk of a person's life -

This is the spine.

Student 2:

Concluding now,

You hold on tight.

To walk on the ground

You with a proud posture.


Guys, what is your opinion about our class hour?

Each of you has stars of three sizes on your desk. Let's create our own starry sky. Evaluate your classroom experience by choosing the size of the star you want. The more positive emotions you have experienced, the bigger star you can choose.Then write down 3-4 tips to help you keep your posture correct. (Students glue the stars on a pre-prepared sheet of drawing paper on the board).

I would like to end the class hour with the following words:

We are born to live in the world for a long time,

Sad and sing, laugh and love.

But to make all dreams possible,

We must all keep healthy.

slide 26.

Watch your posture!

slide 1

slide 2

Completed by: Anastasia Brazhkina, Uliana Teslina, student of the 4th "A" class. Head: Reshetnikova I.A.

Beautiful posture is the key to health!

slide 3


Get to know the concept - posture; Learn about its correct formation; Find out what methods for correcting posture exist; Observe the formation of posture in students of our school; Familiarize students with the recommendations of specialists in the preservation and correction of posture.

slide 4

Research stages:

Scientific literature; Internet; A conversation with a health worker; Research of medical documents; Summarizing.

slide 5

What is posture?

Posture is the habitual position of the body while walking, standing, sitting and working. Correct posture is characterized by: the normal position of the spine, the symmetrical arrangement of the shoulders and shoulder blades, the direct holding of the head and straight legs without flattening of the feet.

slide 6

Types of posture:

1 - normal; 2 - straightened; 3 - kyphotic; 4 - lordotic; 5 - round-shouldered; 6 - scoliotic.

Slide 7

a) “stooping” b) “round back” c) “concave back” d) “round-concave back” e) “flat back” f) “flat-concave back”

Slide 8

Slide 9

Sit correctly at the desk: - the back of the desk should be tilted back at an angle of 110 degrees; - the upper edge of the back should be at the level of the middle of the shoulder blades; - The height of the seat should correspond to the equal length of the shins. Control - elbows vertically on the table, the third finger of the hand should reach the outer corner of the eye.

slide 11


One of the most acute problems associated with a violation of the health of children during the school period of their life should be considered a violation of posture. According to statistics, 80% of schoolchildren have disabilities by the end of their studies. For example, scoliosis is called a "schoolchild's disease", because it is most often acquired during school years. Schoolchildren of 6-7 and 12-15 years old are most susceptible to scoliosis, it is at this age that the skeleton grows very quickly. It is not surprising that the muscles designed to keep the spine in a straight position cannot cope with the load. Students bend low over the desk, hunch over, one shoulder becomes higher than the other, and the spine is deformed. At an early stage, such a defect can still be corrected, however, if this is not done in time, doctors can only diagnose scoliosis.

slide 13

Slide 14

If you put a small book on your head and walk along the line, then, at the moment when the posture is wrong, the book will fall.

slide 15

Observations in 4 classes

In the 4 "a" class, out of 19 students, 5 people did not cope with the task

In the 4th "C" class, out of 15 hours 4 people did not cope In the 4th "B" class, out of 20 6 people did not cope

Slide 17

The easiest way to evaluate your posture is as follows. Stand with your back against a closet or wall. Close your feet, look straight ahead (head should touch the wall). Hands down at the seams. If your body has come into contact with the surface of the wall at four points - the back of the head, shoulder blades, buttocks, heels, then the posture is good; otherwise, the abdominal muscles are weak and the abdomen pulls the spine forward (lordosis).

Slide 18

Posture - slender back.

The results of the study show that 4th grade students have posture disorders

Slide 19

Posture examination

When viewed from behind, the following are determined: - general inclination of the torso to the sides; - head position (tilts to the sides); - symmetry of the shoulder girdle; - the position of the shoulder blades in relation to the spine; - deviation of the spine from the midline to the right and left

Slide 20

The number of students in the 4th grade of our gymnasium with a violation of posture

1% 9% 4th grade

slide 21

slide 22

Causes that can lead to posture disorders

adverse environmental conditions have a negative impact on the formation of posture; social and hygienic factors, in particular, prolonged stay of the child in the wrong position of the body; insufficient motor activity of children (physical inactivity); irrational clothing; furniture that does not match the height of the child.

slide 23

slide 24

Be careful!

In case of violations of posture, one cannot immediately rush to “pump muscles” and “pull ligaments”. Exercises should be selected in accordance with the initial state of the body, spine and full muscles. Excessive physical activity for a weakened body is about the same as gluttony for an organism that is dying of hunger.

Slide 25

"You don't have to hold your head like it's impaled on a stake, and don't swing it from side to side. Don't cross your arms over your chest, don't press them to your sides, don't spread your elbows, don't turn the fan in your hands, don't play with your fingers, don't straighten your hair and dress Hold the body straight, do not sit in the chair as if you have grown into it, do not slide on the edge of the chair, do not fidget as if you are sitting on pins and needles, do not cross your legs.

slide 26

Slim figure Straight back

Beautiful turn of the shoulders

free movement

open look

Slide 27

Classes in the lessons of physical culture.

At each physical education lesson, we perform exercises that contribute to the formation of the skill of correct posture. For the prevention and correction of postural disorders, corrective gymnastics is used to form the correct posture and stabilize the existing functional disorders of the spine. The development and consolidation of the skill of correct posture occurs during the performance of various exercises (combat, general developmental), in which the correct position of the body is necessarily maintained. The style of performing gymnastic exercises and the requirements for the technique of movements give reason to consider gymnastics as a kind of "school of posture".
