Layout of a summer cottage - schemes for effective and competent zoning (99 photos). Layout of a summer cottage Interesting layout of a rectangular plot of 8 acres

Look and became the proud owner of a small land plot under construction country house. AT this moment I am faced with the task of developing the design of a plot of 8 acres. The plot area is small and pulls as correctly as possible to plan it. The size in terms of 40x20 m.

I plan to place on the site: an inhabited house with a garage, a bathhouse, a playground, a gazebo, a greenhouse, if possible, a pool, but what are you? and of course a small garden.

The main object is of course a residential building with a garage. The tent will be 9x9 m in size, the garage attached to the house (it’s more economical, you don’t need to build one garage wall) 6x4 m in size. The bait will be placed at the beginning of the site near the road, the distance from the fence is 4 m.

Gates and gates will be spaced apart as different as heaven and earth sides. As you may have guessed, the facade of the site is only 20 meters.

From the house at a distance of 10 meters there is a bathhouse. An oceanarium is planned near the bathhouse. Further behind the bathhouse are 2 acres of a garden. There will also be a summer belvedere in the yard, and a small greenhouse in the garden.

At the moment, plots with an area of ​​8 acres are quite common, as a result of which questions arise about their layout. involves several stages, so do not immediately pick up a shovel and realize your grandiose intentions.

An important role in the design of the site is played by its layout and relief characteristics.

Stage I - assessment of the suburban area

To a certain extent, it depends not only on natural, but also on planning factors.

The first step is to make an objective assessment of the characteristics of the land:

  • relief;
  • size and shape suburban area;
  • soil type;
  • groundwater (their presence);
  • Rose of Wind;
  • natural light, the location of the allotment relative to the cardinal points.

The location of the house and other buildings, the style of planning, engineering systems etc. From the form of a dacha or garden plot planning style depends. Soil type makes it possible to find out whether it is necessary to import fertile soil and whether certain trees and crops can be planted. Level groundwater determines the need and influences the selection of trees. Winds affect the yield, as a result of which this fact must also be taken into account. All data can be obtained from the meteorological service of the area and using soil and soil maps.

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Stage II - planning styles

When planning a plot of 8 acres, it is desirable to separate the lawn from the buildings with small trees.

During construction, regular (geometric) and landscape (picturesque) planning styles are mainly used, although there is also a mixed style.

Goes well with flat, flat terrain regular style, the main difference is the geometric pattern of buildings, paths, beds. This style is perfect for garden and garden lovers.

The landscape style is characterized by the free placement of alleys, plants, smooth forms, and complex microrelief. Landscape style gives the land a more attractive and picturesque look, it completely excludes symmetry and straightness. An obligatory feature of this style is an uneven relief, natural and artificial hills, irregular shape reservoirs and so on.

Mixed style is a combination of elements of regular and landscape styles. At the moment, when planning a summer cottage, this style is mainly chosen.

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Stage III - zoning of a summer cottage of 8 acres

The territory of the site (it does not matter what size it is, 8 or 30 acres) can be divided into the following zones:

  • residential;
  • household and economic;
  • gardening;
  • rest zone.

Planning means rational zoning country allotment, in other words, it is necessary to determine how and where certain objects will be located.

It is recommended to allocate about 10% of the area for development, that is, if your site has a size of 8 acres, then approximately 0.8 acres will be allocated for development. If the allotment has dimensions of 30 acres, then 3 acres. Approximately 70% is allocated for a vegetable garden and a garden, 15-20% for paths, driveways, a utility yard, decorative gardening and playgrounds.

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Land zoning

Planning is a creative process that depends on your taste and imagination, although it makes sense to stick to the general requirements.

The layout of the garden for 8 acres: 1 - Willow spherical, 2 - Hop, 3 - Miscanthus, 4 - Hosta, 5 - Annual flowers, 6 - Thuja, 7 - Aronia, 8 - Kalina, 9 - Potentilla, 10 - Peony, 11 - Cotoneaster, 12 - Wooden container, 13 - Pergola, 14 - Garden sofa, 15 - paving slabs, 16 - Brazier, 17 - Fountain, 18 - Cascade, 19 - Sculpture.

What should you pay attention to when planning a summer cottage?

The house is the main object of development, as a result of which it is necessary to start drawing up a plan from it. First of all, it is necessary to determine the location of the house, since the rest of the layout depends on this factor.

The economic zone is mainly located in the depth of the allotment. All buildings must be located in such a way that they do not obscure the allotment and at the same time protect it from the prevailing winds. The best place is the northwest and north sides. Near the borders, you can plant a shrub that grows well in the shade. It can be currants, gooseberries, raspberries.

The location of the recreation area can be the most diverse, it all depends on your preferences. For example, a gazebo can be placed in a picturesque place, in the shade of trees and, of course, surrounded by flowers. The sunny side is mainly taken away for a vegetable garden and a garden.

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Stage IV - site plan

At this stage, you need to put on paper everything that you have in mind, that is, draw up a plan for the location of all objects. You can draw up a plan yourself, for this you need to know a little drawing, have an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bscale and spatial imagination.

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How to make a plan?

On a sheet of paper it is necessary to draw a plan of the land allotment. If it is 8 acres - a rectangle of 40x20 m, if 30 acres - 50x60 m. In other words, you need to apply the dimensions of your allotment.

The most convenient scale is 1:100, respectively, it will have dimensions of 40x20 cm or 50x60 cm. Next, you need to line the entire field into 1x1 cm squares, where each square will equal 1 m 2 of land.

Then, on the scale of your choice, you need to cut out buildings, outbuildings, flower beds, flower beds, ponds, and so on from paper, that is, what you planned to see at your dacha of 8 or 30 acres. Although a plot of 30 acres is no longer a dacha, because in such a territory you can build a good Vacation home and make it look great landscape design, but in any case, you still need to plan the allotment and it doesn’t matter what size it is, 30 acres or some other.

The buildings cut out of paper must be placed on the plan and moved until you choose its exact location.

Important! When planning, do not forget about compliance with sanitary and fire safety standards.

The plan can be voluminous, for this you need to glue large-scale layouts out of paper, moreover, some elements can be molded from plasticine. Such a scheme will help determine where the projected house will cast a shadow for most of the day, and, accordingly, identify where it is better to place a garden, vegetable garden, flower beds, and so on.

The plan must include the following locations:

  • houses with all entrances;
  • outbuildings and ancillary buildings summer house, garage, sauna, sheds and so on);
  • fence;
  • sports and playgrounds, paved and asphalt paths;
  • communications, including underground;
  • vegetation.

The resulting plan must be submitted to an official organization for the development of a master plan.

So he became the happy owner of a small plot of land for the construction of a country house. Now I am faced with the task of developing the design of a plot of 8 acres. The area of ​​the site is small and I want to plan it as correctly as possible. The size in terms of 40x20 m.

I plan to place on the site: a residential building with a garage, a bathhouse, a playground, a gazebo, a greenhouse, if possible a swimming pool, and of course a small garden.

The main object is of course a residential building with a garage. The house will be 9x9 m in size, the garage attached to the house (it’s more economical, you don’t need to build one wall of the garage) 6x4 m in size. The house will be located at the beginning of the plot near the road, the distance from the fence is 4 m.

The gate and the gate will be spaced in different directions. As you may have guessed, the facade of the site is only 20 meters.

From the house at a distance of 10 meters there is a bathhouse. A swimming pool is planned near the bathhouse. Further behind the bathhouse are 2 acres of a garden. There will also be a summer gazebo in the yard, and a small greenhouse in the garden.

All buildings and structures are interconnected by paths of paving slabs.

Wooden fence around the site.

Modern private house, located on a personal plot, is a whole complex, the living conditions of which suit the people who live here.

And even if the owners do not live here permanently, the layout of the summer cottage has great importance. After all, there should be all the elements of life support: residential areas and service premises, water, gas and electricity supply, landscaping personal plot, recreation areas, etc.

How to start building a new site

First of all, take a closer look at the relief, the plantations that have been preserved on the site, the reservoir (if any). Do not immediately uproot everything and level the ground. Who said that a new suburban area should be a bare flat surface? Proper planning of the suburban area will help make the rise and fall of the dignity of the area, and not its disadvantage.

Is the terrain uneven? Plan the plot with terraces. Then in the future you will be pleased not only high yield but also the original landscape. Indeed, on the terraces, water is maintained, and the soil is not washed off.

Immediately determine the place for the construction of a residential building and outbuildings. What kind of outbuildings will they have? Will these be stand-alone rooms, or combined into one? Consider where you will keep pets and birds, store garden tools, where there will be a carport or garage, shower, toilet.

Secrets of competent planning of a summer cottage

In any suburban area, the following functional zones are distinguished:

  • residential area (house)
  • household and outbuildings (household block, cellar, garage, kitchen, basement, well)
  • recreation area (children's playground, swimming pool, sauna, shower, garden gazebo)
  • horticultural zone (beds, flower beds, greenhouses).


Before proceeding with the development of the site, study the regulatory literature, familiarize yourself with the "Regulations on gardening, summer cottages and individual construction." Here the maximum allowable area sizes of houses and outbuildings are indicated, the procedure for allocating land plots for development is determined various categories(garden, country, individual houses, cottages). From the documents you can find out who controls individual construction and accepts houses and buildings for operation, the procedure for conducting a technical inventory and legal registration buildings.

The document "Basic design standards for territories with buildings of various categories" indicates what the distances between buildings should be and how they should be placed relative to the boundaries of the site, taking into account sanitary and fire regulations.

Proceed to planning only after a detailed study normative documentation to avoid legal trouble in the future.

How to plan a plot of 6-8 acres

On such a plot, there should be enough space for a house with a garage, and for outbuildings, and for a garden with a vegetable garden, and for a green lawn with flower beds, and for a playground, and for compost heaps, and on the grill.

30 sq. meters of greenhouses and 70 sq. meters of beds can fully satisfy your family's needs for vegetables and fruits (except potatoes). Large and spreading fruit trees better to be closer to north side site. And if you plant an apple tree or other ornamental non-fruit tree on the east side, in the summer you will have a good shaded place to relax. Small fruit and ornamental trees will look great between the house and the street. The south wall of a house or garage is the best place for heat-loving plants (for example, grapes). A great place for spices is a garden bed by the porch.

Separate the rest area from the compost heaps with shrubs. Then the heaps will not be visible from the veranda and from the house. A sparse raspberry is usually planted along the southern edge of the site.

A lawn and a playground are best placed next to the house. After all, children spend most of their time on the street, so it is important that they are constantly in sight. Next to the playground, you can organize a children's garden. On the edge of the lawn, do not forget to leave a place for barbecue. Decorate the space near the house with flowers or a lawn.

Where to build a house: choose a place for a residential area

It depends on many features of the site. In particular, from its shape, relief, level ground water. If the plot is on the southern elephant, it is better to build the house on the highest point, if the plot is narrow, build the house at the shortest border. The lowering to the north is the least successful section. But even on this you can create comfort and coziness. In this case, the house is built closer to the border, possibly on a bedding, in the middle of a slope.

Photo examples of a successful layout of a summer cottage

1. How to plan a summer cottage about 8 acres in size?

It should have a place for a house, a garage, utility and utility rooms, a garden, a kitchen garden, a green lawn, flower beds, a playground, compost heaps, barbecue grills. 70 sq. m beds plus 30 sq. m of greenhouses will fully satisfy your needs for vegetables, except for potatoes.

Large sprawling trees, including fruit trees, should be located closer to the north of the site; if you plant a cherry, apple, or ornamental barren tree on the east side of your lawn, you'll have a shaded resting place in the summer. Small fruit or ornamental trees fit well between the house and the street, and low shrubs near the entrance to the garage.

The south wall of the house and garage is ideal, protected from cold winds, sunny place for a tapestry of grapes, other heat-loving plants. The best place for a bed of spices - next to the porch, veranda.

2. A recreation area, a green lawn should be separated from compost heaps nearby berry bushes.

Behind the bushes, compost heaps will not be visible from the veranda and from the house. You should not plant a high green hedge along the edge of the part of the site where the garden is located. The sparse raspberries along the southern edge of the estate will not shade the garden. To save neighbors from looking at the compost pit, you can also put a wooden fence here.

3. A living green hedge is more beautiful and more practical than a fence.

It will protect the garden from the wind, limit the space of the estate, fit it into the surrounding space, attract birds and small animals. As an alternative to unaesthetic picket fences, we can also recommend a hedge of "trimmed" shrubs, compositions of stones and flowers, thick logs, natural look fences made of poles, stone fence.

4. Place a lawn and a playground with a sandbox near the house.

A veranda or terrace usually opens onto the lawn. The playground is often located under the windows of the room where adults spend most of the daytime so that the children are constantly in sight. At the edge of the lawn, leave room for a barbecue grill.

5. A plot of about 12 acres allows you to maximize the recreation area, plant a large garden or cultivate a large vegetable garden.

Near the lawn located in the center of such a site, there must be a place for a small reservoir. Well, if it is visible from the veranda, terrace. The soil excavated when digging a reservoir can be used to build a small picturesque rampart on one of the site boundaries, Alpine slide, or a slight slope with south side a house where roses will grow well. All the space next to the house can be occupied by grass, flowers, ornamental plants. The rest of the recommendations are the same as for smaller plots.

6. Where to locate the house: in the depths of the suburban area or near the road?

Firstly, it depends on the terrain (see the next tip), and secondly, on the orientation of the site. The sunny side should be taken under Orchard, garden, the main part of the flower garden. Shrubs, non-fruit (decorative) garden, lawn, part of the flower garden, outbuildings and utility rooms, a barbecue area may be in a more shaded place. According to Russian tradition, the house is located with a pediment to the street (road) not far from it. A house built close to the street allows for a more intimate yard and garden, protecting them from outside world. At the same time, if there is a road nearby, the house in the depth of the site is in a quieter area, and the garden serves as additional protection from dust and noise.

7. Where should the house be located if the plot is on a slope?

On the southern slope, it is better to build a house on a high place. On the eastern and western slopes, the house is located at the northern border of the site in a high place. With the least favorable terrain, with a decrease to the north, place the house closer to the western border, in the middle of the slope, possibly on the bed.

8. On a narrow plot, it is advisable to place the house at a shorter border.

This layout helps best use land: the space in front of the house is expanding from the side of the entrance, the site becomes less dissected, there are more opportunities for garden planning. Also be aware of possible local restrictions on the location of houses.

9. When building, be sure to take into account sanitary norms distances between buildings.

The distance from the windows of the residential building to the windows and doors of the sheds where livestock and poultry are kept should be at least 15 m, to outdoor latrines and garbage bins - at least 20 m. passage rooms. The distance between the summer (cottage) house and the restroom should be at least 12 m. Minimum distance from cellar to compost pit or barnyard - 7 m.

10. It is imperative to take into account and fire regulations distances between buildings.

The distance between buildings within the estate is not standardized. But fire department requires the following gaps between the houses and buildings of neighboring sites: 6 m - if both buildings are built from fireproof materials with fireproof partitions and roofs; 8 m - between fireproof buildings with combustible roofs; 10 m - between fire-resistant buildings with combustible roofs; 15 m - between completely combustible buildings. The fire gap between the walls of buildings without windows is allowed to be reduced by 20 percent.

11. Before developing the site, it is necessary to determine the level of groundwater and, if necessary, carry out drainage.

This information can be provided by the district architect, but just in case, double-check it yourself. Closer to autumn, dig a hole about 2 m deep closer to the border of the site. When water settles in it after a while, measure the distance from its level to the soil surface. If it turns out that it is less than 1 m, the site needs drainage, less than 1.5 m - drainage is desirable.

12. Site preparation for construction — milestone works.

Treat the land with care, especially those parts of it on which a garden and a vegetable garden will be laid in the future. Protect fertile layer soil from crumbling cement, fragments of bricks, soil from a foundation pit is almost impossible. Therefore, before starting construction, move the fertile soil layer with a bulldozer into a shaft up to 1.5 m high in the corner of the site. This must be done in dry weather. So that the earth in heaps does not lose its qualities, sow it with lupine, vetch or fodder peas. Mow the plants as they grow, leaving the mowed. After finishing construction works fertile soil can be arranged as needed for the garden.

13. Living green hedge - one of the main compositional elements garden.

It "insulates" the garden, protecting it from wind, dust, gas pollution and noise, attracts birds and animals. It can consist of 1-3 rows of trees and shrubs, both naturally growing and carefully trimmed. You can plant one hedge for two with a neighbor.

14. A well-groomed weaving of a garden and greenhouses will provide a family with two children with all the necessary vegetables in the summer.

This weaving is best divided into long beds a meter and a half wide with 30-centimeter passages. On clay soils, it is advisable to arrange the beds in the direction from north to south, then all plants will receive the same amount of sun at noon. On the sandy soils the most advantageous location of the ridges is from east to west, in this case the aisles are in the shade of plants and do not dry out so quickly. A ridge with aromatic herbs is best set up near the house. It can be located in a relatively shaded place: dill, lemon balm, thyme, sage, horseradish tolerate shade perfectly.

15. Next to the playground, you can arrange a children's garden.

Top Next Watercress grows very quickly, which gives great pleasure to the child. The place of the playground is on the leeward side of the house. From the side of the road, fence off the place for games with a fence or dense plantings of trees and shrubs.

16. When planning, do not forget that any landscape, including the landscape of your garden, consists of separate forms.

The forms of trees, flower beds, paths interact with each other, complementing each other. A round flower bed with a diameter of 3 m looks good next to a flower bed with a diameter of 1.5 m, while circles of the same diameter look pretty bland next to each other. 2D shapes (such as an irregularly shaped lawn) work well with 3D shapes (a group of shrubs). Therefore, for example, lay a path along the edge of a round lawn, on the other side of which plant a line of rounded shrubs. The circle and sphere shapes emphasize each other well. Avoid Abundance correct forms in the garden. Try to make sure that the trees are not equally tall.

17. Any hedge, boundary, fence, marked edge give confidence and security.

But if you surround a very small garden with imposing walls, you will feel like you are in a cage in it. The most acceptable way out is to arrange a hedge or a hedge from traditional materials: combine a low wall of natural stone, palisade of plastered logs with compact groups deciduous trees and dense shrubs. Geometrically trimmed hedge reflects the desire for order. A blank wall of trees and shrubs is good if a dull landscape opens up from the porch of your house. A sense of security is given not only by a fence, but also by any other, even if conditional, space restriction: a row of low shrubs, a thick log, a groove. Avoid too high pointed hedges: they look menacing.

18. When landscaping a site, laying a garden, remember that forms affect the human psyche and have their own symbolism.

Round shapes give the impression of closedness (for example, a lawn in the form of a semicircle, which is divided by a radius path from the house to the gate. As soon as the gate is opened, the circle breaks). Curved lines are a living embodiment of harmony (more beautiful when the path “curls” than directly strives for the goal). It is believed that emphasized vertical forms (juniper, Lombardy poplar, cypress) exacerbate the feeling of fear. Complex combinations of small shapes arouse curiosity ( miniature gardens, complex ornaments of paths and floors). static horizontal lines soothes like water soothes. Gardeners of the 18th century were sure that geometric shapes, based on straight lines, are an expression of the mind embodied in nature. A strictly square lawn, limited space by four similar hedges, square flower beds give the landscape seriousness and restraint.

19. Carefully mowed lawn, moss, spaces, paved with stones or tiled, emphasize the shape of the relief, create the illusion of expanding space.

The lawn is a good backdrop for a particularly beautiful or intricately curved tree, statue, flowering bush. Trees growing in the far corner of the garden should not be specially shaped in a special way - they still will not be noticeable. Cold colors, bright light expand the space, twilight and warm colors narrow it down. Plants with a pleasant aroma should be placed in the immediate vicinity of the house, near the bench, at the gate. The floor on the veranda or terrace can be laid out smooth ceramic tiles. If you are tiling part of the area outside the house, it is better to use untreated, "antique" ceramics.

20. When planning a summer cottage with a size of about 8 acres, you can rely on a diagram illustrating this advice:

80 m2 of beds plus 30 m2 of greenhouses will fully satisfy your needs for vegetables, except for potatoes. On the east side of the lawn, plant a spreading tree under which you can put a bench. Between the house and the street is a small fruit or decorative tree, next to the entrance to the garage - a low bush. On the southern wall of the garage - heat-loving climbing plant. To the west of the veranda are spices. Between the most big tree, playground and green hedge - shade-tolerant flowers and shrubs. On the playground there is a sandbox, a horizontal bar, a swing. A row of low- and medium-sized trees or berry bushes separates the lawn from outbuildings(if any) and compost pits, without which you can not do. On the southern and southeastern edge of the site - raspberry, blackberry, quince, fence. hedge on the eastern side it forms wild rose, currant, gooseberry with hawthorn, lilac, jasmine and other shrubs.

The recreation area is quite spacious, and most importantly, secluded and comfortable. From the west, it can be decorated with a hedge of "trimmed" shrubs, stones, a thick log near the fence. On the south side of the lawn there is a barbecue grill, between the hedge and the garden there is a bathhouse.
