Make your own greenhouse out of window frames. How to make a greenhouse out of old window frames

Greenhouse options for summer cottages varied. Often, old window frames are used as material for a greenhouse. To use these elements in the construction of a greenhouse, there is a certain technology that is easy to do with your own hands.

Window frames for greenhouses

A large number of window frames can serve good stuff to create greenhouses. For this purpose, it is best to use elements of the same size, but you can also combine them. main feature of such material is the absence of large financial costs for the construction of the greenhouse. Old frames get a new use.

Frame design is simple and convenient

To create a large greenhouse is often used wooden frames with glasses. Possible application plastic products, but in any case, all elements must be carefully fixed. The main structural details are presented in the form of walls, roofs, foundations, doors and vents. When building a structure from any window frames, you need to take into account the presence of these elements, because they make the greenhouse comfortable, reliable and provide good conditions for the development of horticultural crops.

A greenhouse made of frames can look very modern

Such a greenhouse is a structure made of metal profiles or polycarbonate. Compared to other similar materials, frames have several advantages:

  • accessibility and variety of elements;
  • practicality and ease of installation;
  • good heat capacity;
  • high quality lighting inside the greenhouse;
  • strength and durability.

Such a greenhouse is robust design for growing plants, but it also has some disadvantages. Window frames require careful preparation, because the atmosphere inside the greenhouse depends on it. Of particular importance is the material, because each structure has a set of properties. And also window frames need correct installation, require some care during operation. Before creating a greenhouse, it is important to calculate the amount of material and select the elements by size.

Preparation: dimensions and drawings

The construction of a greenhouse involves the creation of a diagram or drawing of a future structure. Versatile rectangular design gable roof. The doors are located at the end, and there are vents on the roof. On the drawing, you need to display the dimensions of each side, the height, the angle of the roof.

The drawing simplifies the installation of the greenhouse

The drawing should reflect the fastening of the elements and the size of the parts. In the absence of the skills to create such schemes, you can use the finished drawing by changing the dimensions depending on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe place for the greenhouse. To build a simpler structure, you can change the shape of the roof, making it shed.

The scheme of a large greenhouse can be the basis for a small shelter made of frames.

The drawing not only simplifies the installation of the structure, but also allows you to determine the location window openings different sizes. Therefore, the scheme is necessary when combining different elements. It should be noted that the height of the structure must be at least 1.8 m or is selected depending on the height of users. The width of the greenhouse from the frames is often about 3 m, and the length is about 6 m. The dimensions can be any, but are determined depending on the site on which the structure will be installed.

Material selection

A greenhouse requires a large number of window frames. Elements can be plastic, aluminum or wood. The latter option is more in demand, and plastic and metal are durable. Wooden frames need a good foundation and antiseptic treatment, because the wood will quickly rot from moisture. In any case, the greenhouse needs a foundation, which can be made of brick or a concrete structure.

Concrete base is practical and durable

Glass must be intact, and damaged elements must be replaced. For fastening, you will need screws, nails, wooden blocks for roof support. All wood elements must be treated with an antiseptic. The roof is best made of polycarbonate or film, as the glass will quickly be damaged under the load of snow or other factors. Polycarbonate sheets or film are easy to mount on a prepared wooden frame.

Bricks or foam blocks are optimal for the foundation

Subject to properties different materials for a simple greenhouse, you will need wooden frames, nails and self-tapping screws, bricks, polycarbonate or foil for the roof, and wooden beams for supports and the roof frame.

Tools and calculation of the amount of materials

The number of frames is determined depending on their size and design parameters. Self-tapping screws and nails must be purchased at in large numbers, and their length should be optimal for fastening thick frames. For the foundation, you need bricks that need to be laid in two rows or you can make simple posts for the base. The frame of the structure should be made of timber 50x50 mm or boards with a thickness of 40 mm should be used.

The following tools are required for work:

  • wood saw;
  • screwdriver, hammer;
  • building level and tape measure;
  • spatula, sharp knife.

The construction of the greenhouse involves the preparation of the material, that is, the bars and boards for the frame and supports must be sawn to the size of the structural elements. Damaged glasses are replaced with new ones, and polycarbonate sheets are cut according to the area of ​​\u200b\u200ba single-pitched roof. And also to cover the roof, you can use a dense film, the installation of which is easier.

Do-it-yourself greenhouse from window frames: how to build

On the suburban area effective shed design of window frames, having a door and vents. At the same time, frames are needed for the construction of walls, and the roof can be easily covered with a film using rails for attaching the canvas. The frame of this design is an upper and lower trim and a set of supports.

The frame makes it easy to mount frames

Previously, the bars are sawn according to the drawing, and you also need to prepare the site. To do this, the soil is leveled, debris is removed, and then bricks are laid out at the corners of the structure. The foundation is required for a large greenhouse, and small greenhouse does not require a complex foundation.

The complex of works on the creation of a greenhouse includes the following actions:

  1. From wooden boards, the thickness of which is equal to the thickness of the frames, the frame is assembled by installing vertical racks on the lower trim of the beams. After that, the upper harness is made, and all the elements are fastened with long nails or self-tapping screws. The height of the racks should be optimal for comfortable operation of the greenhouse.

    Shed greenhouse can be sheathed with boards from below

  2. After creating the frame, you need to install window elements in the intervals between uprights. The distance between the supports is equal to the width of the frames and therefore the installation is simple. The elements are fastened to each other and fixed to the frame. Each of the sides of the elements must be attached, self-tapping screws are used from the inside and outside of the greenhouse. All gaps between frames must be sealed. mounting foam.

    The frame allows you to connect all the elements well

  3. The roof of such a greenhouse is a frame that needs to be covered with a film. To do this, use a durable opaque canvas. For fastening, put the film on the frame, align and fix it with rails and nails.

    A durable canvas is used to cover the roof of any shape.

  4. Greenhouse doors are often one of the frames big size, which needs to be hinged to the frame. At the same time, it is worth replacing the glass with a durable film, fixing it with the help of rails. Special installation of vents is not required, since the windows already have such elements.

    The greenhouse is simple and convenient

Finishing and operation

The wooden frame is convenient for building a greenhouse, but requires correct processing to prevent rotting. Therefore, before installation, it is necessary to clean the elements of old paint, remove all metal parts and treat with an antiseptic. After drying, the surfaces can be painted with a composition intended for wood.

All wooden elements need to be processed

During operation, it is important to promptly replace damaged glass, film in the door and roof area. This allows you to maintain a comfortable atmosphere for plants. Regular airing is a mandatory process when growing horticultural crops.

Video: assembling a greenhouse from frames

Window frames allow you to create good greenhouse with minimal cost for materials. At the same time, it is possible to build greenhouses different forms and sizes. Thanks to this, it is easy to make a design with your own hands, which takes into account the personal preferences of users.

Polyethylene, polycarbonate and even metal-plastic - from which greenhouses are not built! Did you know that inexpensive, simple in its arrangement, but very reliable and in general good design can be built from old window frames left, for example, after replacement wooden windows?

Next detailed instructions will help to carry out the construction without any problems.

The finished greenhouse from the frames will weigh quite a lot, so it is necessary to make a separate foundation for it. We will build a full-fledged column-type support.

First step. Clearing construction site. We remove garbage, uproot stumps and shrubs, weeds, etc.

Second step. For convenience, we mark the site according to the size of the future greenhouse. We drive pegs into the ground along the perimeter and in the corners and pull the rope between them.

Third step. In the corners and with a three-meter step on each side of the greenhouse, we dig holes with a depth of half a meter. In a good way, the depth of each such pit should exceed the level of soil freezing.

Fourth step. We fill the bottom of the pits with about a 10-centimeter layer of gravel and carefully tamp.

Fifth step. We make formwork. It is needed if the columns will be poured with concrete. The easiest option is to install a hollow pipe with a diameter of 10-15 cm in each pit (asbestos-cement pipes are suitable), level them, insert reinforcement, fix the structure (can be overlaid with bricks) and pour concrete.

Also supporting pillars can be built from bricks or stones, using an ordinary cement-sand mortar to fasten the elements.

Sixth step. We lay a beam on top of the supports. In the corners we fasten the bars with iron plates. We directly attach the beam to the supports in a suitable way such as anchors.

Brick column foundation

Building a greenhouse: a step-by-step guide

The structure under consideration can be built in different ways. First, we will describe how to build a structure with a roof made of polyethylene, and at the end we will give guidance on building a more durable frame. It can be covered with polycarbonate or other material.

The first stage - we prepare the building material

Preparing window frames for work. We remove handles, hinges and other available accessories.

We clean off the old paint and treat the “bare” wood with antiseptic impregnation. At the same stage, it is recommended to temporarily remove the glasses so as not to damage them during the fastening of the frame elements.

Vents that will not be used in the future in the greenhouse are carefully corked. You can generally dismantle parts of the frames with vents, if you like.

The presence of several opening windows is a big advantage - you do not have to bother with the arrangement of the ventilation system.

The second stage - we lay the floor

The frames are temporarily set aside and we are engaged in arranging the floor. Our base is columnar, so there will be no difficulties with creating the floor.

First we provide drainage. If the water stagnates, the wooden structural elements will begin to rot.

For arrangement drainage system we dig a trench with a depth of about 150 mm and fill it with fine gravel or gravel by about 5-7 cm. We fill up another 3-5 cm of the trench height with sand and carefully tamp it down.

Important! Filling should be done in such a way that finished surface had a slight slope in the direction of a pre-equipped drain hole.

To decorate the interior of the greenhouse, we install plastic or wood borders on the sides of the aisles. Such a decorative element will simultaneously perform a functional task, preventing the earth from falling onto the path.

If desired, you can decorate the floor using other materials. There are several options.

The third stage - we build walls

First, we build a frame for attaching frames. We use quality wooden planks about 50 mm thick, approximately corresponding to the thickness of the window frames. From such boards we make the lower and upper trims. When arranging the lower perimeter, we launch boards in 2 rows. Thanks to this, the finished greenhouse will be slightly higher.

We make vertical racks from a bar. The best option is elements with a section of 150x150 mm. Such bars are guaranteed to withstand the weight of frames and related materials.

We attach the vertical posts to the supporting posts in a suitable way. Between the racks we lay the boards of the lower strapping. We fasten the boards with racks with self-tapping screws. We attach frames with long sides to the racks and boards of the lower trim. We use self-tapping screws.

On the upper faces of the frames and racks we lay the boards of the upper trim. We also fasten using self-tapping screws.

We fill the gaps between the frames and frame elements with mounting foam. For greater stability, we nail support bars to the inside of the frames.

Advice! To make the whole structure more stable, we include vertical supports in its composition. It is better to make them even when forming the frame. To do this, we dig holes, install supports in them (we pre-wrap the piece of wood that will be in the ground with roofing felt or tar) and pour cement or concrete. We fasten the supports to the vertical support posts using nails.

Once again, check the design for cracks. If any are found, blow them out with mounting foam. Free you can leave only the vents for ventilation.

Reinsert the removed glass. Instead of glasses, you can use another material, for example, polyethylene or cellular polycarbonate.

Important! If you plan to make a polycarbonate roof, it is better to insert the glass after the roofing is completed.

The fourth stage - we make the roof

Most often, summer residents cover greenhouses from frames with plastic wrap. In such a situation, the load on the frame and base will not exceed allowable norms, and the greenhouse will last as long as possible.

We build a light crate along the upper perimeter of the greenhouse. It can be made from wooden slats, metal profile and even wire.

Having installed the crate, we stretch the film. For its fastening, it is most convenient to use special clamps and clips.

As an option: a greenhouse with a polycarbonate roof

If the budget allows you to purchase cellular polycarbonate for the roof, you can do it. Keep in mind that such a design will require a sufficiently strong frame. For its manufacture, it is best to use profiled pipes, because. a wooden beam is unlikely to withstand such a load.

For more convenience, from pipes, you can immediately make support pillars and a greenhouse frame. To do this, we do the following.

  1. We cut pipes desired length and immerse them with their lower ends in pre-dug frames. The supports must be installed in the corners of the structure, as well as along its sides with a step of about 3 m. We fill the pits with pipes with concrete.
  2. We weld the lower and upper trims from similar pipes. From the same products we build truss system. Choose the shape of the roof and the appropriate order for fastening the rafters at your discretion. The best option is a semicircular shape. On such a roof, snow will almost not linger.
  3. Next, you just have to install the frames in the frame and attach polycarbonate sheets to the rafters.

In this case, it is also better to make a door from polycarbonate, having previously made a metal or wooden frame for its installation.

Helpful advice! To make the greenhouse look more attractive, you can paint its outer surface in the desired color. Interior painting is optional.

Equip the finished greenhouse at your discretion. You can equip it with water supply and drainage systems, provide lighting and heating, install all kinds of racks, racks and other supports for beds, etc. At this point, all decisions are yours, because. only you can know what your greenhouse from old window frames should be like.

Successful work!

Video - Greenhouse from old window frames

Old wooden windows that have served their time and have given way to plastic ones are usually sent for recycling. But for summer residents, such material may be suitable for creating a temporary or stationary greenhouse. There is not always enough money for factory structures made of polycarbonate, but here - a free, solid and very beneficial material for plants. Glass transmits light well and has high strength. So your greenhouse made of window frames will withstand any precipitation and let in most of the UV rays needed for plant growth.

From window frames, you can create both a temporary collapsible version of a mini-greenhouse for growing seedlings, and a large stationary structure. It all depends on the crops that are planned to grow there, and the local climate. If the weather is warm in summer and most plants survive well in open field, that is, it makes sense to limit ourselves to several greenhouses, which, after transplanting seedlings, will go to the barn until next spring. But in a cold climate, you will have to build a greenhouse “for centuries”, so that neither wind nor snow spoil it in winter, and spring floods do not wash it away.

Regardless of which greenhouse structure you choose, the window frames need to be prepared for the new function. The entire metal arsenal - latches, hooks, handles, etc. they will not be needed in the greenhouse, so they are dismantled.

To make it more convenient to fix the frames to the frame, it is better to remove the glasses and fold them aside, marking the numbers with a marker (in order to insert them exactly into the same frame later). So it will be easier for you to manage the installation, and the glass will not crack during operation. If necessary, replace cracked rails and rusty glazing beads.

Since the windows were in use, the paint in them, of course, peeled off. All layers of varnish and paint must be peeled off because the wood needs protection from moisture. The climate of the greenhouse is unfavorable for wood, and so that it does not rot in a year, the frames must be treated with an antiseptic.

It's good to paint on top with a layer of white paint. The sun will heat the frame less and shorten its service life. However, for a greenhouse, this is not necessary.

While the frames are drying, take care of the structure itself. To begin with, you can practice creating a mini-greenhouse, and only then decide on a large, non-separable one.

Markup and preparation of material

In greenhouses, window frames usually serve as a roof, which is mounted on a wooden base. For a day, the roof is slightly opened, allowing the seedlings to ventilate. Therefore, estimate the size of the mini-greenhouse so that its width matches the width of the frame. The length is calculated based on the number of windows with which the roof will be laid out. Most often there are 2-3 of them.

For the frame you will need boards and 4 beams. The bars are dug into the corners of the future greenhouse, and shields are knocked down from the boards. Since the greenhouse must have a sloping roof for rainfall to roll off and maximum sunlight to pass through, the front shield is knocked down from 3 boards, the rear shield from 4, and 4 are also used in the side ones, but the top board is cut off at an angle along the length so as to create the desired transition height from the front shield to the back. Prepared shields are fixed on the bars with the help of self-tapping screws.

For a greenhouse, they usually don’t make a foundation, but if the soil is swampy, then you can put a row of single bricks under the bottom

Creating a roof from window frames

Since the greenhouse is easy to assemble, the glass from the frames is usually not removed. Therefore, proceed immediately to the installation.

  • The frames are laid across the length of the greenhouse and fixed to the rear (highest) wall of the frame. For this, window hinges are used.
  • It is best to leave all windows mobile, not fastening together, but only tightly joining. Then, for airing and caring for seedlings, it will be possible to slightly open any of the parts of the roof.
  • For reliability, each frame is fixed on the short side of the frame with a door hook, and handles are screwed on top to make it easier to lift the windows.
  • A bar is stuffed from the inside of the front shield, lowering it 2-3 cm below the edge of the top board. It will become a support for a stick or a bar, with which the roof is raised for ventilation.

The handles are fixed on the edge of each frame with self-tapping screws to make it easier to open one of the parts of the roof to ventilate the seedlings.

Installation technology of a stationary greenhouse

If the greenhouse is not enough either climatic conditions do not allow you to grow plants in the open field, you can create more solid construction, which will not be dismantled for the winter and will last 3-5 seasons. But a stationary greenhouse made of old window frames is the heaviest of all the options for such structures. Therefore, it requires a well-fortified foundation.

Foundation work: pouring options and technology

The need for a foundation for the greenhouse is also due to the fact that the height of the window frames does not exceed 1.5 meters. This is an inconvenient size for normal movement inside. Ideally, if the height of the walls is 1.7-1.8 m, because mostly women take care of the plants. Therefore, the missing centimeters need to be “increased” with the help of the foundation. Another plus is that the tree will get rid of direct contact with the ground, which means that there will be less rot.

The height of the above-ground part of the foundation is calculated based on the total height of the structure, so that the frames, together with concrete, create walls inside which you can move without bending down

The most profitable is the strip foundation made of concrete. It is made as follows:

  1. The site is laid out so that the greenhouse is from north to south (with this arrangement, the plants will be under the sun all day). Pegs are driven in at the corners, twine is pulled.
  2. They dig a trench 15-20 cm wide, up to half a meter deep. If the level of freezing in your area is deeper, then dig up to 70 cm. This will make the greenhouse frost-proof and allow you to plant plants very early, in early spring.
  3. To strengthen the foundation, a layer of gravel and 10 cm of sand are covered.
  4. Sand is shed with a layer of concrete, stones are thrown and the space remaining to the surface of the earth is poured with concrete.
  5. The next day they put up the formwork to raise the foundation above the ground. The height of the formwork depends on what final height of the greenhouse you want to get. Usually poured 15-25 cm.
  6. Fill with concrete, reinforcing it with stones or reinforcement, and leave until completely dry.

Some owners do without formwork, laying out the above-ground part of the foundation with a beam of 15X15 cm. To get 30 cm in height, the bars are laid in pairs, on top of each other. So you need 8 wooden beams, which are pre-lubricated with an antiseptic or used engine oil. They are tied together with staples, and the edges are reinforced with metal corners. Between the beam and the concrete part of the foundation, it is necessary to lay waterproofing from roofing material.

For a small greenhouse, it is enough to dig a trench of 30 cm, fill it with gravel, and then with sand and immediately lay a beam on it. True, such a design can freeze through.

Frame mounting technology

Between the pouring of the foundation and the installation of the frame, at least 2 weeks must pass for the concrete to finally get tired and settle into the ground. Therefore, calculate the timing of the construction of a greenhouse from window frames in advance in order to have time to mount it before planting seedlings.

The frame consists of racks, as well as the upper and lower trim. They can be made in two ways: either from boards and bars, or from metal corners.

If metal corners are used, then the lower trim is created at the stage of pouring the above-ground part of the foundation in order to adhere the metal to the base. Side racks from the same corners are welded or bolted to the bottom. The top trim must be very accurately calculated in height so that the window frames are not above or below the frame line.

If you use a tree, then you will need a 10x10 cm beam, which is placed on the foundation, 8 strapping boards (4 cm thick), 4 side racks made of timber (5X5 cm) and intermediate ones, the number of which is calculated based on the number of frames that will be installed . For example, if 4 frames are installed along the length, and 2 along the width, then you will need 3 racks on one side, 3 on the other, and one on the side. A door will be placed from the second end, which we will talk about later.

When mounting the frame, metal corners and self-tapping screws are used.

The bars are interconnected with metal corners, pre-drilling holes for the bolts, and all metal parts are treated with an anti-corrosion compound

Work progress:

  1. We attach the ten beam to the foundation with the help of anchor bolts.
  2. We put the side racks, controlling the vertical level.
  3. We nail the bottom trim boards using a half-wood cut and nails. It can also be fastened with furniture corners taken on self-tapping screws.
  4. We install intermediate racks in the frame with a step equal to the width of one window.
  5. We nail the top trim boards.

It is desirable to mount side racks from a bar using building level and for better preservation of the tree, cover with an antiseptic composition

It is better to knock down the frame for a gable roof on the ground, and then install it on the structure. He is also knocked down from a beam. For the central risers, they take a thicker tree, and the rafters, ridge and intermediate rafter legs can be made from a bar 5x5 cm.

It is more convenient to assemble the roof frame on the ground, since there is a support and it is much easier to screw screws into the ridge and rafters

What is the best way to cover the roof?

During the construction of greenhouses from window frames the roof is usually covered with a film or polycarbonate. Window frames are used less often, because the weight of the structure is too large, and it is difficult to fix the glass in an inclined position. In addition, the film or plastic can be removed for the winter. Nobody dismantles the windows, and in winter they will collect snow caps on themselves, reducing the life of the greenhouse.

Intermediate rafter legs can be made not from timber, but from a narrow thick board. Their pitch is usually equal to the width of the window frames.

It is better to stretch the film together, from different sides. This makes it easier to control the tension level. Fix the polyethylene to the roof frame with wooden planks and small nails.

If the gables of the roof are upholstered not with a film, but with a breathable material, such as a building net, then you can use window frames without vents

Fixing the frames in the frame

After the frame and roof are made, they begin to install window frames.

  • They are fixed with screws outside frame.
  • The gaps between the windows are foamed with mounting foam, and covered with thin strips on top for complete tightness.
  • Glasses are inserted, securing not only with glazing beads, but also lubricating the edges with sealant to prevent air movement.
  • Check if the vents are not slanted.
  • Hooks are nailed that will hold the vents closed, and fixing elements are thought out so that in open form they didn't chat.

Each window must be provided not only with a hook that will keep it closed, but also to think about it so that it does not hang open

Door installation

The last step will be the installation of doors in the end part of the greenhouse. If the design is narrow, then this end is generally not recommended to be sewn up with frames, because they simply will not fit. The easiest way is to cover the entire space between the door frame and the frame with a film.

Is being done door frame from a beam. For hanging door leaf you can use fittings taken out of the windows. It remains to fill the floor of the greenhouse with fertile soil, break the beds - and you can start planting plants.

Ready-made greenhouses made of cellular polycarbonate and ideal aluminum profiles, no doubt they look great. But their price is so high that even the most economic gardener can completely lose the desire to acquire such a miracle. And everyone, as best they can, build their greenhouses and greenhouses literally from improvised material - beautifully not beautifully, but practically free of charge and very practical. And in this regard, those who often visit the city are especially lucky: today the fashion for plastic windows just the same at the peak, and near the dumps every day there are slender rows of old and quite decent wooden frames, even with intact glass. It is enough just to go to such places with a trailer twice - and that's it: it will not be difficult to build a greenhouse from window frames. It remains only to figure out the intricacies of making a small foundation and erecting a frame - and you can assemble your own greenhouse-architectural tetris from window frames of different sizes. And self-tapping screws and connecting masses will be used: silicone sealant, cement and construction foam.

I stage. Making the right foundation

If the greenhouse from window frames is located on clay or swampy soil, it is necessary to make a pillow of gravel in advance, on which, on top of it, pour a layer of sand 10-15 cm high. After all, greenhouses and even small greenhouse window frames are the heaviest, and they can easily sag on unstable soil. That is why it would be desirable to install columns of stone, brick, or even make them concrete at the corners of the greenhouse. In general, experienced mothers advise building a greenhouse from window frames anyway to start only with the construction of the foundation - even if the future greenhouse will be located on “normal” soil.

So, a tape, 10x10 cm timber and sleepers can serve as a good foundation for a greenhouse.

How to make a foundation from a bar

To start, remove all fertile layer earth and compact the next layer of soil, if it turned out to be loose. Further, all work must be carried out according to the following algorithm:

  1. A layer of sand or gravel is laid and poured cement mortar by 15 cm.
  2. On the resulting "pillow" you need to lay bricks or stones and pour cement mortar again.
  3. A new layer of stones or bricks is laid - so that they completely overlap the seams of the bottom row.
  4. On top of everything you need to lay 2 layers of waterproofing roofing material.

How to make a strip foundation

It is better to build a greenhouse from window frames on a solid strip foundation. In its manufacture, it is also necessary to remove the top fertile soil layer and dig a trench. If the ground under top layer turned out to be weak, crumbling, then formwork will be necessary, but in a denser one you can do without it. And it is not difficult to make formwork - it is enough to put old boards along the walls of the trench and cover them with a film to prevent concrete from adhering to them.

There is another way - concrete strip foundation. To do this, at the bottom of the dug trench, you need to lay large stones and fill the space between them with smaller ones or rubble. After that, pour everything with concrete, and repeat the whole procedure again.

II stage. Preparation of building material

Window frames must be prepared before installation. All hinges, handles and latches must be removed. old paint in general, it is desirable to remove it, and treat the bare wood with a special antiseptic.

If during the work the frames will be attached to the frame with nails, then it is better to remove the glass first - carefully set it up. After all, on the glasses themselves there can be microcracks that are invisible to the eye, which can easily turn into large cracks from the vibrations of the hammer. But those vents that will not be used in the greenhouse should be clogged, carefully sealing all the cracks - after all, you can make a greenhouse out of window frames without any vents at all, like.

III stage. Greenhouse flooring

For the floor in the greenhouse, you need to dig a space at least 15 cm deep. The entire base should eventually be well leveled and rammed. You can fill the floor with concrete for extra strength directly on this compacted earth.

So, fine gravel must be poured onto the prepared base, with a layer about 10 cm thick. Next, the gravel is covered with plastic or roofing felt - this will be an excellent barrier to dampness and undesirable growth of weeds underfoot. On top of everything, you need to pour 5-10 cm of good building sand and compact it again. In order for the floor in the greenhouse to be well compacted, a vibrating plate can be used. And, finally, it is better to lay bricks closer to each other on the floor and fill them up. building sand so that all gaps are filled.

IV stage. Construction of the frame and roof

The basis for a greenhouse made of window frames can be a frame made of boards of the same thickness as the window frames - 4-5 cm. In general, the frame will consist of an upper and lower trim plus racks. bottom harness it is more expedient to make from two boards, tk. the height of the window frames usually does not exceed 160 cm. The long sides of the frames will be located on the racks, due to which the gaps between them will be covered. It is desirable to attach the frames to the racks themselves with self-tapping screws, and to strengthen the frames in the frame, support bars can be nailed from the inside of the racks. Moreover, the support bars can be safely made from boards of a slightly smaller section.

In those places of the greenhouse where there were not enough frames, polycarbonate sheets can be used. best roof for a greenhouse made of window frames - gable and completely covered with polycarbonate. If a greenhouse is being built, then its roof can be made from them.

The height of the walls of such a greenhouse should be at least 170-180 cm. But the height of the greenhouse itself will already depend on the angle of inclination of the roof slopes, which in turn is determined by the material used - for the film it should be larger so that it does not sag, for polycarbonate - smaller. So that the film on the roof of the greenhouse does not sag at all, you can pre-pull a nylon cord under it - with a fine mesh, or initially purchase a reinforced film.

In order to build walls from window frames, you must first install vertical supports at the base. With the help of D-shaped recesses in the cement, they need to be fixed, and with wooden planks create a plane for installing the walls. The wooden sticks themselves should be nailed to the supports. And in order for the roof of the greenhouse to have the slope necessary for drainage, it is better to cut the upper edges of the supports.

Regardless of how exactly the old windows will be attached to the frame - with large screws or nails - it is imperative to seal all the cracks between the frames themselves with mounting foam. Only then will a home-made greenhouse from old window frames turn out to be really reliable and durable.

Once the frame for the walls is ready, it's time to move on to the roof - in the same way, nailing the planks with nails. The roof of such a greenhouse can be made traditional gable, especially if old windows are used for its manufacture, or single-slope. The second option is much more economical and easier, and light in winter the film roof can be removed completely if the greenhouse is used in very coldy will not be - then a collapse due to a ton of snow does not threaten it.

Now the windows themselves can be nailed to the frame. If nails are used, it is desirable to nail them as often as possible - so that the walls are strong.

But the roof can be covered with film, and polycarbonate, and partially with windows - but not completely, otherwise it will be difficult to avoid overheating later in the greenhouse. Of course, a greenhouse made of window frames is far from being as beautiful as those of expensive polycarbonate ones, but in terms of functionality and durability it largely outperforms any semi-plastic construction.

So, the greenhouse is ready - it remains to install racks and supports for plants in it. Warm, environmentally friendly and durable - almost for a penny.

The list of materials that can be used to make a greenhouse is not limited polyethylene film and polycarbonate. Mini-greenhouses are assembled even from window frames, which are cheap and last for more than one year. Any gardener who has built a small greenhouse at least once with his own hands can safely start making a glass greenhouse.

Pros and cons of window frames as a material for a greenhouse

Window frames used as raw materials for the construction of a mini-greenhouse are evaluated positively because:

  • pass through the glass ultra-violet rays, as a result of which plants grow quickly and bear fruit;
  • glass construction keeps inside required amount heat;
  • glass coating is much easier to clean from dirt than film material;
  • Cracked glass can be easily replaced, but torn film cannot.

The disadvantages of such a greenhouse are:

  • the need to put it on the foundation;
  • high risk of glass damage by hail or other bad weather;
  • the creation of an overly hot microclimate inside the structure (if the greenhouse is not ventilated by opening the window), due to which the leaves of the plants may turn yellow.

Photo gallery: options for greenhouses from window frames

Each window frame can be lifted freely to ventilate the greenhouse
Two long window frames were used to create a greenhouse. In a greenhouse of small height it is better to plant seedlings of cabbage Plants in a greenhouse are planted on a layer of manure and fertilized soil A greenhouse can be created easily and with a minimum amount of materials.

Drawings and dimensions

If a gardener decides to make a greenhouse out of window frames, then he usually considers two design options. The first can be imagined as a small and low house with shed roof, and the second - as a small building with a roof in two slopes.

Greenhouses are designed so that water does not linger on their roof.

These greenhouses have the same length and height. Only the width distinguishes them from each other. The second greenhouse, the top of which is covered with not one, but two window frames, is more spacious. But its construction will require more materials and building skills.

Therefore, the owners of gardens prefer to build a greenhouse in the form of a house with a pitched roof. If you plan to plant tall plants, such as tomatoes, in a mini-greenhouse, then the height of the lower side wall should be increased to 40 cm.

The frame of the greenhouse is made up of vertically installed boards.

If desired, you can make an in-depth greenhouse covered with a glass frame. Such a mini-greenhouse will allow you to quickly grow vegetables in early spring.

An in-depth greenhouse is suitable for those gardeners who want to get large fruits vegetables

To create an in-depth greenhouse in the ground, a hole is dug 75 cm deep. Manure and fertilized soil are placed in it. On top of the created ridge, a window frame measuring 160 × 106 cm is placed, installed on the couples.

Southern and northern couple - materials for the manufacture of an in-depth greenhouse

A glass greenhouse can be built from one long or several window frames. by the most the best option a rectangular frame with large glass is considered because it will give the plants more light. Although there are no special criteria for choosing this building material. The main thing is that the glass is intact, and the frame wood is not rotten.

To create a greenhouse, it is preferable to take large window frames.

To create a mini-greenhouse, windows remaining after repair are suitable. You can find used windows through an ad in a newspaper or at a company that dismantles old wooden frames and puts plastic double-glazed windows in their place.

All frames taken as building materials for the construction of a greenhouse must be exactly the same. When using different wooden windows, it will not be possible to make the greenhouse airtight, since the frames will not fit snugly together.

It is advisable to find window frames with vents. They will allow you to ventilate the greenhouse without raising its glass roof.

The vent of the window frame used to build the greenhouse will become an air vent

Window frames are recommended to be prepared for further exploitation as a greenhouse material. This includes the replacement of broken and rotten parts, as well as the dismantling of handles, latches and unnecessary fittings. wooden elements window frames need to be sprinkled with an antiseptic that inhibits the process of wood damage under the influence of precipitation.

Materials and tools

To realize the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bcreating a greenhouse from window frames, you need to find the following materials:

  • concrete mortar;
  • bricks;
  • 3 thick boards;
  • 2 thick boards;
  • 6 scraps of boards;
  • 2 thick boards in the shape of a right triangle;
  • one long window frame.

When building a greenhouse, you will need materials for the foundation, frame and roof

It is necessary to assemble a mini-greenhouse from these parts using:

  • loops;
  • nails;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • screwdriver;
  • door handle.

We build a greenhouse from window frames with our own hands - a step-by-step guide to making

The greenhouse is created in several steps:

Video: glass frame greenhouse assembly features

A greenhouse in the country is a necessary building. It is built from a small amount of materials and is cheap for the gardener. You can save even more on the manufacture of a greenhouse if you use window frames instead of film and arcs. From them it will be possible to build a mini-greenhouse, which is easy to open and has a good microclimate.
