How to properly glue plastic wrap at home. How to choose glue for polyethylene: tips and reviews At what temperature should polyethylene be glued

Present on the market a large number of heater options. Foamed polyethylene is most often chosen because it has impressive vapor, heat and sound insulation properties. The choice in today's market is really great. The proposed options can have a self-adhesive surface, can be foil-coated on one side or both at once. On sale there are such types of polyethylene foam as isolon, polyfoam, penofol. The heater can be attached to different materials. And depending on all its characteristics, glue is selected.

Mounting features

Izolon (penofol) is covered with aluminum foil, which allows you to keep the heat in the best way. Its adhesion to the surface of the insulation can be chemical or physical, that is, cross-linked. Isolon may have additional characteristics such as thickness or color. If you are looking for a win-win insulation for your home, then this option will become the best choice. It is also perfect for insulating elements of air conditioning systems and pipelines, production mechanisms. Foamed polyethylene is used for both external and internal work.
The material has quite significant advantages.

Among them are:

  • small thickness;
  • ease of installation;
  • ecological cleanliness.
Installation of insulation is possible without the use of special tools. Working with polyethylene foam does not require additional protection of the respiratory tract and skin. The material is so light that the load-bearing capacity of the adhesive will not be critical.

How to choose glue

On sale there is a fairly wide range of various adhesives for working with polyethylene foam. And the choice is expedient to carry out, using the following criteria.
  • The temperature range must match this characteristic of the insulation.
  • Adhesion properties must be extremely high.
  • If the adhesive is to be used for interior decoration, then it must be certified and non-toxic.
  • If the adhesive is chosen for the exercise exterior finish, then it must be resistant to a variety of weather conditions and temperature fluctuations.
  • If you intend to finish the sauna and bath, then the glue will need to be mixed with water-repellent agents.
To work with isolon glue on water based does not fit categorically, because it does not allow the adhesive to penetrate into all the pores of the insulation. Therefore, the level of adhesion will be insufficient.

Adhesive types

We list the most commonly used glue options at present.
  • For rooms with high humidity suitable MV-40, which has moisture resistant properties. You can also choose T-Vanguard-K.
  • For residential premises, they usually use "Express" or "Universal".
  • If we are talking about the installation of external building structures, then it is best to choose liquid nails or mounting glue. Suitable, for example, Moment Installation.

  • Titanium is good for reinforced concrete bases.
  • Neoprene-2136 spray or contact type Akrol are selected for bonding to foam.
  • Olfix and Ceresit - universal options glue. They are perfect for working with any kind of surface, including concrete.

  • Atlas Stopter K-2 kley is selected if it is planned to glue the insulation on a mineral base.
  • Weicon Easy Mix PE-PP-45 is selected for bonding polypropylene to polyethylene.
After carrying out the work, the seams will need to be processed with the help of Tilit or adhesive tape specially designed for this.

The choice of glue is largely determined by the purpose of the room that you plan to insulate, whether you will attach it to wood, metal, concrete, etc. Choose on your own, not having much experience in the implementation of construction and installation work, might not be easy. Therefore, it is always advisable to consult with specialists.

In the Remonstr store. If you find it difficult to choose, please contact our consultants for help, who will promptly respond to your request, help with placing an order, and clarify everything. important details about payment and delivery.

When building your house, when insulating an apartment, whether it is insulation of a loggia or interior spaces, polyethylene foam is widely used today. It is also (only in a different form) used for insulation sewer pipes or water pipes.

Well-known names such as penofol, penofom, energyflex, isofol, stizol, alufom, faralon ... - these and other materials are the same polyethylene foam that can be made in different form(rolls, mats, tubes, plates) and with different types lamination (for example, foil or lavsan).

This material is used not only for insulation, but also for sound insulation.

In addition to other advantages of polyethylene, there is also such a property as inertness, i.e. the material does not react with other substances.

On the one hand, this is very good, because. provides safety for humans and durability during operation. But, on the other hand, this causes difficulties during installation - after all, high inertness is accompanied by low adhesion (adhesion).

Therefore, most often foamed polyethylene is mounted either using different options adhesive tape, or simply nailing it to the surface, either with a stapler, or with the help of slats or bars.

Sometimes these methods will not work or will be difficult. So, when mounted on concrete wall it would be better to glue the same penofol, and not nail it with the help of bars and, moreover, do not try to do it with a stapler.

For gluing together and mounting polyethylene foam on the surface, it is worth using special adhesives. Some try to use universal adhesives(such as Moment) and write that they succeed. But a more reliable result can be obtained with the help of adhesives designed specifically for polyethylene.

Especially for foamed rubber and polyethylene foam products

One of the options recommended on the market is 152 I-1 Kleyberg glue from the domestic company Ecoline. It is specially designed for the installation of thermal insulation products made of foamed rubber and foamed polyethylene, it is made from polychloroprene rubber.

Although, according to the manufacturer, the scope of this adhesive is not limited to these materials. It also has high adhesion to steel. Since it is made on the basis of rubber, it is also used for gluing rubber products or for gluing other materials to rubber. In general, if you read the manufacturer's materials, then glue in general can be extremely useful both in construction or repair, and in everyday life, because. in addition to all of the above, it is suitable for gluing a bunch of other materials: laminate, linoleum, carpet, chipboard, fiberboard, cardboard ... it’s not at all clear that this Kleyberg 152 does not glue?

About the operating conditions. The glue is frost-resistant, not afraid of heat (up to 100 degrees it retains its properties), resistant to water, acids, gasoline, oils. All this makes it possible to use it during the installation of thermal insulation made of foamed polyethylene both inside and outside the premises, including industrial premises(workshops, garages, stations, etc.).

By the way, those who are going to arrange heat or sound insulation from foamed polyethylene should take into account that it is gluing that allows you to achieve the integrity of the insulation, without cracks and without holes in the material. What can not be avoided if you use bars, slats, a stapler or something similar.

Polyethylene films are used for roofing hydro and vapor barrier. During the installation process, it is often necessary to connect the pieces into one panel, but adhesive tape does not always help out. It is impossible to fix the connection with ordinary silicate glue or PVA. How to glue a plastic film at home in order to get a reliable and moisture-proof and steam-proof joint? There are several effective and simple ways that do not require sophisticated equipment.

Problems when gluing polyethylene is a fairly common situation. And it's all about the characteristics of the material. It is worth understanding them - and it will be easy to avoid difficulties.

High temperature sinter two layers

Things to remember from chemistry and physics

Polyethylene is the most widely used polymer in the world. Its extraordinary popularity is explained by the excellent properties of the material - impact resistance, plasticity, low gas and water permeability. Films are used for roofing mesh reinforced or fabric, which increases the strength of the material.

Despite the advantages, polyethylene films are very rarely glued in the industry. To understand why the connection of parts is problematic, it is enough to recall school lessons chemistry. The molecule of this polymer is a long chain of similar units -CH2-. The charges inside such a molecule are distributed evenly, it is non-polar. And the higher the polarity, the more the polymer is suitable for bonding.

This device is suitable for small parts.

Connection methods without glue and solvent

The method of gluing with one's own solution, which is common for many polymers, is also not suitable - in organic solvents polyethylene is practically insoluble. The answer to the question: how to glue a plastic film is actually very simple: it is best to use welding.

Of the many methods for welding polyethylene film, two are worth highlighting:

  1. Welding with a heated object.
  2. Open flame welding.

Both methods are equally effective, but in non-industrial conditions it is still easier and safer to use the first one. However, everyone can choose for themselves the most acceptable option, given the availability necessary tools and own skills. In any case, these methods make it possible to firmly connect the parts to each other, creating reliable building elements, agrotechnical and protective structures.

When laying the film on the roof, you can do without soldering

Preparatory stages for work

Folk wisdom says: "Measure seven times, cut once." And before starting work with polyethylene, it is necessary not only to carefully take measurements, but also to think over every detail. First of all, answer the questions:

  • What loads will be finished construction?
  • What is the expected lifespan of it?
  • Do you need 100% hydro stability?

Perhaps, after such questions, the need to glue many parts will disappear. For example, to isolate transported goods or preserve equipment, some parts of the polyethylene film can be fixed with metal staples or twine. And for protection building structure from moisture, it is recommended to overlap the polymer, covering individual parts.

But when there is a question of how to glue a reinforced film for a greenhouse, reliability should not be neglected. After all, such a design, as a rule, should serve for a long time, perfectly protecting plants from all kinds of weather surprises. Connecting with staples and strong ropes will not work in this case, and welding (any of its proposed types) will be ideal.

Hot Welding Instructions

This method can be called the most simple, effective and safe at the same time, especially when it comes to welding at home. An ordinary iron can be found in every home, and the seams created with the help of heated objects are usually the most even and accurate.

Universal roller for gluing polyethylene

The most convenient tool for this method can be a roller with a built-in electric heater. This tool is ideal when you need to do a lot of work - for example, in large agro-industrial enterprises. As a rule, such devices have to be made independently. And in order for them to work well, you must at least be qualified as an electrician.

However, when it comes to how to glue plastic film for a greenhouse at home, the roller method is not very suitable. After all, not everyone has the time, patience and necessary skills to create such a device, especially when the need for welding rarely arises. Then it is worth resorting to the help of improvised means. And in everyday life appliances that can be heated up to desired temperature- approximately 250 ° C - a lot.

How to work with an electric iron and analogues

To glue polyethylene with an iron, you just need to lay out the edges of the material on a wooden lath, and then iron the parts through a newspaper or fluoroplastic film folded in half. By the way, these same safety elements will not be superfluous when gluing with other hot objects. Depending on the area of ​​the surface to be joined, a narrow edge, spout or flat iron can be used. A wooden lath will help create an even and neat connection.

What temperature should the iron be heated to? Unfortunately, there are no clear recommendations on this issue, and 250 ° C is rather a relative indicator. The melting temperature depends primarily on the brand of polyethylene. Therefore, in the process of work, you need to be very careful. If the material does not connect and does not change at all, it means that the iron needs to be heated more strongly. If the seam is barely noticeable, and the film near it has lost strength, the temperature is already too high.

There is always a risk of burning through the film. To avoid this, you need to reduce the contact of the iron and the parts to be glued to one second. To prevent polyethylene from sticking to the iron, instead of a newspaper, you can cover the surface of the polymer with thin cellophane before work. To check how effective polyethylene soldering is, you need to pull the connected parts in different directions. If the seam has come apart, the process will have to be started again.

Soldering iron with a special nozzle

If the iron method is not suitable for some reason, other tools can be used. For example, a hot knife and a soldering iron tip will make it possible to create even and thin seam lines. Some craftsmen manage to connect polyethylene parts with a red-hot needle. However, you can use other improvised means. Auxiliary tools are the same as when connecting with an iron - wooden frame, newspaper or cellophane.

Homemade soldering iron for gluing polyethylene

Film welding with an open flame

You will need:

  • one of the possible devices with open fire: gas-burner, spirit lamp, blowtorch, match, splinter;
  • bars made of ceramic or metal.

First, the edges of the film are fixed with bars so that a narrow strip of polyethylene a few millimeters thick is visible at the welding point. The bars should be made of metal or ceramic, but in no case of wood - after all, their function is not only to keep the polyethylene immobile, but also to remove some of the heat so that the connected parts do not burn out.

After that, with the tool chosen for welding, you need to draw a conditional line along the edge of the polyethylene parts. As a result, at the place of contact of the films with an open fire, a dense connecting roller should form. In order for the welding process to be successful, it is advisable to first, empirically, select the optimal speed of the tool. It depends on the device used, and on the brand of polyethylene.

On the roof it is better to work with the device

Is it possible to glue the film with glue

Some craftsmen tried to use BF-4 or BF-2 tools to glue plastic wrap at home. After processing the parts with a 25% solution of chromic anhydride, they applied glue to the surface, but subsequently the seams on the polyethylene film still had to be treated with an iron heated to 50-60 ° C. As a result, this method differed little from the connection with hot objects, even if the temperature was much lower.

Using Super Glue: A State of the Art Approach

The roughness of the surface contributes to the successful connection of parts with glue. But the properties of the polymer, which in question, are opposite - it is distinguished by perfect smoothness. And yet, how to glue a plastic film for a greenhouse using only one of the ordinary factory adhesives? Until recently, it was believed that this was impossible.

Recently, however, varieties of superglues specifically designed to work with plastic film have appeared on the market. Among the advantages of such products:

  • lack of smell;
  • water resistance;
  • elasticity;
  • connection strength.

When dry, they can be thinned with acetone. However, they must be used with caution, avoid contact with the skin and household surfaces, because the composition contains potent solvents.

Noteworthy are products based on ethyl-2-cyanoacrylate, which were developed by chemist Harry Coover during military experiments in the United States back in the middle of the last century. Such types of glue are now available due to mass production, create fairly strong bonds, and are also suitable for working with rubber and metal.

Is the choice of glue for joining parts justified?

Is it worth using glue for polyethylene at home, including for roofing works? One of the main problems when used in everyday life can be its toxicity. In addition, not all products on the market are of sufficient quality. And it is simply impossible to check the effectiveness of the glue when buying. At the same time, when using one of the types of welding, there are more chances to get an excellent result.

Using glue for polyethylene

As you can see, there are many ways to glue a plastic film at home, and everyone can choose the most suitable one for themselves. In addition, there is always the opportunity to turn to professionals who will not only give useful advice but can also be of practical help.

Modern heaters such as penofol need high-quality fastening. Penofol - polyethylene in a foamed state, foil covers it on top. Regardless of the type finishing material: rolled or sheet, a special adhesive composition is used as a fastener. It allows you to save technical properties material at a high level.

Using special glue

When choosing an adhesive composition for penofol, it is worth considering the type of surface to which it will be attached. The foil coating does not let in a draft, heat. To save heat energy in the building, penofol is attached with inside for a heater. The airspace should be 1 cm. Penofol must be fixed with an air gap.

Styrofoam 5-10 cm wide is used as a heater. Sheets must be glued tightly to a special adhesive composition suitable for foam. Additional fixation is provided by plastic umbrellas. A mesh is attached on top.


The use of glue for fixing penofol has the following advantages:

  • fast;
  • economically;
  • you do not need to have special skills;
  • no special tools required;
  • holds penofol well, due to its lightness;
  • not susceptible to moisture;
  • natural-based adhesive has high efficiency.

Adhesive Requirements

The substance for gluing insulation on concrete must have the following features:

  • have high level water resistance and connection with the base;
  • not affect the base material destructively;
  • do not respond to environment and weather;
  • be resistant to temperature changes;
  • have antibacterial qualities;
  • maintain their qualities for a long time.

So that the material can be well glued, solvents are one of the components of the adhesive substance. Choosing a means for fixing insulation, you need to rely on the type of surface. For each material, a certain adhesive composition is suitable. So, if you need to glue the bath with penofol, heat-resistant glue is chosen for the sauna. Each adhesive composition that is used when performing interior work must have a certificate confirming its safety.

Surface preparation before gluing

Prime the concrete before gluing.

It is necessary to prepare the surface correctly for gluing so that the connection is uniform and monolithic. Initially, irregularities and defects are eliminated, cracks are covered, chips are leveled. To improve the adhesion of concrete and foil insulation, the base is primed. Concrete must be smooth, cleaned, protruding metal parts - treated with an anti-corrosion agent.

How to glue?

If the insulation is self-adhesive, it is easy to stick it. Using penofol. the usual adhesive composition is applied to the side without foil in an even layer, thinly, evenly over the entire surface. The edges need to be impregnated with glue more carefully so that during operation the insulation does not begin to lag behind.

The insulation is kept for 10 - 50 seconds so that the adhesive composition has time to grab. So it better connects to the surface. Then the penofol is pressed against the concrete, smoothed, evenly distributed until completely fixed. The seams need to be additionally glued.

Producer examples

The choice of adhesive composition that allows you to connect the insulation to the concrete surface. big enough.

Currently, plastic film is actively used in everyday life, in some cases it is simply irreplaceable. Polyethylene is an unpretentious material, moreover, it is affordable. But all the people who use it sooner or later ask themselves the question - how can polyethylene be glued together? A simple glue will not be able to cope with such a task, you will need a special glue for polyethylene, which has good adhesive characteristics.

Glue polyethylene (click to enlarge)

Polyethylene is a very popular material that is endowed with many useful properties. It is used as a heater, an electrical insulator, as a packaging and greenhouse material, reliable protection from moisture. Polyethylene is able to absorb neutrons, which are the most dangerous type of radiation. Due to the fact that this substance is a chemically resistant material, a reasonable question arises - how to glue polyethylene?

The bonding of polyethylene surfaces is a process that has not only chemical basis but also electrical. This means that the adhesive must adhere well to the plastic film, and when hardened, firmly adhere the parts to each other. Contemporary industrial production found ways to firmly glue polyethylene.

Properties of polyethylene (click to enlarge)

Here is an example of the most popular options:

  • welding of polyethylene parts with a hot object;
  • usage various kinds glue.

Hot iron for gluing polyethylene

Before gluing the polyethylene, using a hot iron, lay the edges of the plastic film on the surface wooden lath and align them. Fold the newspaper in two layers and iron the parts to be glued through it. The rail is necessary to create an even joint.

When using an iron, a reasonable question may arise, to what temperature should it be heated? It is difficult to advise anything here, because it directly depends on how thick the plastic film you use. Therefore, adjust the temperature in the process of gluing the material. If the polyethylene parts become less durable, and the seam is almost invisible, then the temperature must be reduced. If the parts are poorly connected to each other and no changes occur to them, then the temperature is too low and it should be increased.

From the video you will learn a lot of new things:

To prevent polyethylene from being burned, the iron and parts to be glued should not touch for more than one second.

To check the strength of the connection, pull the glued parts in opposite directions. If the seam diverges, the process will have to be repeated again.

Gluing polyethylene with BF-2 and BF-4 glue

To securely glue the plastic film, you can use BF-2 or BF-4 glue. However, their use is possible only after the surface preparation stage. These works are within the power of even people who do not have experience and practical skills.

  • before gluing the plastic film, clean and then degrease its surface;
  • apply a layer of glue to the treated surface. It hardens very quickly, so apply the parts to each other immediately;
  • soak the glued parts for several hours until the glue sets completely;

Glue BF-2 (click to enlarge)

This order is suitable for working with different types of glue.

Remember that glue is a rather toxic substance that causes an allergic reaction. Therefore, prepare protective gloves for working with it.

For more convenience, apply glue glue gun, for charging which ready-made cartridges are used. This is especially true when gluing polyethylene in large volumes. For example, if you need to do such work as gluing a film for a greenhouse.

Two-component acrylate adhesive for bonding polyethylene

An excellent option for gluing polyethylene is Easy-MixPE-PP glue, manufactured by Weicon. It is specially designed for materials with low adhesion. As a rule, most liquids do not adhere well to polyethylene film. However, this adhesive contains tiny beads of glass, so that the adhesive stays in place to form a gap of the desired size. This provides a strong bonding of the surfaces to be glued. It is one of the best adhesives for polyethylene, making it ideal for firmly bonding greenhouse plastic sheeting.

MixPE-PP glue is perfect for polyethylene (click to enlarge)

The adhesive is a pasty substance that is well dosed, easy to mix and apply to the surfaces to be glued.

Easy - MixPE-PP is good because it can be used immediately after opening. The composition of the adhesive includes a special primer that changes the structure of the surfaces intended for gluing. This makes it possible at home to provide a strong adhesion of materials, while preparatory work are not required for processing.

Epoxy adhesive for polyethylene surfaces

Another tool with which you can glue the plastic film is epoxy glue. It is worth noting that it is not specifically designed for polyethylene, but it contains a phenol-formaldehyde resin that has excellent adhesion to polyethylene surfaces.

When using epoxy adhesive, the following sequence of work must be observed:

  • treat each of the surfaces to be glued with an emery cloth, degrease them and dry them;
  • further treatment of both surfaces with an oxidizing agent will be required. To do this, you can use chromic anhydride (15 - 25% solution) or potassium dichromate (20 - 30% solution). Be extremely careful, as these substances are carcinogens that pose a danger. An equally effective, but safer oxidizing agent is a strong solution of potassium permanganate. After processing the surfaces, you need to let them dry again;
  • prepare the epoxy as instructed;
  • apply thin layer glue on the surfaces to be glued and dock them;
  • soak for several hours, observing temperature regime within the range from +30º to + 45˚ Celsius. For a stronger bond, the exposure time can be extended up to a day.

Watch the video to learn more:


One of the most important disadvantages of glue for polyethylene is its high degree of toxicity, so it must be used with the utmost care. You can always choose exactly the type of adhesive for polyethylene, which is most suitable for you. If you doubt the level of your competence, it would be advisable to seek help from professionals. They will not only recommend one or another type of glue, but also provide qualified practical assistance.
