Do-it-yourself greenhouse for cucumbers: types, instructions for making. DIY cucumber greenhouse How to make a small cucumber greenhouse

  • The protective layer on which the inscriptions are applied must be located on the outside of the greenhouse.
  • To obtain the most durable structure, be sure (!) Pay attention to the location of the "honeycombs" of polycarbonate - they should only go vertically, in inclined structures - parallel to the slope.
  • When creating arches, keep in mind that polycarbonate sheets bend only in one direction - in length, that is, along the line of stiffeners.
  • The joints of the sheets should fall on the center of the frame rack, connect the sheets only in this way.
  • They cut this type of plastic with a construction knife, electric jigsaw, grinder. You can also use a hacksaw or a circular saw.
  • For strong connection of sheets among themselves special plastic profiles are used. Manufacturers do not recommend overlapping polycarbonate. In practice, when making a polycarbonate greenhouse with your own hands, it is not always possible to cut and fit sheets perfectly. Some craftsmen generally manage to do without connecting profiles, placing overlapping polycarbonate. The most important thing is that the junction must necessarily fall on the center of the rack, and not sag in the air. Moreover, even with perfect installation under the pressure of snow, the sheet can be squeezed out of the profile. In the case of overlap, this does not happen.
  • It is undesirable to use a powerful drill for screwing in self-tapping screws - it will overtighten fasteners and often slip off during operation. It is better to work with a conventional screwdriver. Polycarbonate is drilled at low speed with little effort. Next, turn off the tool, insert the screws and continue to work.
  • The distance between the screwed screws is 25-70 cm. It all depends on the type of frame and the expected snow and wind load.
  • When assembling polycarbonate structures, riveting is sometimes used instead of self-tapping screws. However, it will be more difficult to dismantle the greenhouse or replace the damaged sheet in this case.
  • When the temperature changes, the plastic is able to change dimensions. When butt-joining between sheets, a small space of a couple of millimeters in size is necessarily left - a technological gap. Otherwise, cracks will form at the junction. For the same reason, the size of the holes for the fasteners is made a little larger. To prevent the plastic from cracking, do not twist them all the way.
  • To compensate for expansion and protect against cold bridges, it is recommended to use special thermal washers for polycarbonate (self-tapping screws are purchased separately). It is allowed to use EPDM roofing screws equipped with a gasket or standard for metal with a rubber thermal washer, in which the thread has a small pitch.

In order for cucumbers to grow well, optimal conditions must be created for them. Many make a greenhouse for cucumbers with their own hands. Photos of realized ideas can be a starting point for developing your own design. We offer you to get acquainted with the existing types of materials suitable for this purpose, and the procedure for performing installation work.

Read in the article

Advantages and disadvantages of homemade greenhouses for cucumbers

Becoming an owner today is quite simple. Similar products are offered by many manufacturers. However, many owners prefer to make a homemade greenhouse for cucumbers, as this option has a number of undeniable advantages. Can:

  • choose your own dimensions. This allows you to more rationally manage the available area, since the dimensions of the finished greenhouses are standardized;

  • reduce manufacturing and installation costs. Often, many gardeners use, the cost of which is practically zero;
  • decide on the shape of the greenhouse for cucumbers. If the free space has a non-standard shape, you can build a greenhouse with your own hands that exactly repeats its contours;
  • ensure sufficient strength of the manufactured structure, taking into account the characteristics of a particular area.

Advice! To speed up work and optimize costs, it is better to make preliminary calculations based on a ready-made drawing or diagram in order to accurately calculate the required amount of material.

greenhouse for cucumbers

Do-it-yourself greenhouse for cucumbers: photos of ready-made options

It can be quite difficult to immediately develop the optimal design for your garden. In such a situation, it is worth looking at a greenhouse for cucumbers that has already been created with your own hands. Photos can be a source of inspiration. It is not necessary to reproduce one to one borage with your own hands as in the photo. You can combine several ideas to get the optimal design.

Options for greenhouses for cucumbers with photos of DIY designs

We have collected for you photos of greenhouses for cucumbers with our own hands, so that it would be easier for you to look for an option for your site.

How to choose the right material for the frame and cladding of a greenhouse for cucumbers

The choice of a suitable material for a greenhouse can have a serious impact on the convenience and duration of operation of the structure being erected. For the manufacture of the frame can be used:

  • wood. Preference is given to bars either. Such a material, having sufficient strength, is able to withstand a significant load. Due to the low thermal conductivity, it remains warm even at negative temperatures. Can be used in conjunction with all types of shelters. Due to the tendency to rot, it needs to be treated with special compounds. Poorly disinfected. Not used to form arched greenhouses;

  • . Easily processed, mounted, do not rot. They have low thermal conductivity. Do not tear the plastic film. Due to low strength, they are not suitable for the construction of structures with glass frames;
  • galvanized metal profile. High-strength material that can withstand significant loads. Doesn't rot. Easy to clean and disinfect. Cools down quickly. Film breaks on sharp edges.

arches for greenhouses

As covering materials can be used:

  • polyethylene film. Available material. Allows you to quickly form a shelter. Has low strength. Often sags and breaks. Not able to provide a sufficient level of thermal insulation;
  • nonwoven materials, for example, lutrasil or;
  • glass. With good thermal insulation characteristics, it demonstrates high light transmission. Withstands static load and significant temperature fluctuations. Durable, but destroyed by impact. Makes increased demands on the strength characteristics of the frame due to the large weight;
  • . With a small specific weight, it has sufficient thermal insulation characteristics. Can be mounted on greenhouses of all types. Possesses good light transmission at high durability. Needs careful handling, as it can be damaged as a result of mechanical stress. Has a high cost.

covering material for greenhouses and greenhouses

Advice! To achieve the best result, you can combine several materials. Often, the ends are finished with polycarbonate, and the side walls and top are protected with a film.

When does a greenhouse need a foundation?

It is imperative to take care of the availability if you want to increase the duration of growing cucumbers. A high-quality base can become a reliable barrier to cold air currents and fog. You can not do without a foundation when installing on an uneven site. With it, it will be possible to ensure the horizontality of the lower tier.

If the frame is light in weight, you should definitely take care of the presence of a base. With its help, it will be possible to avoid the displacement of the greenhouse during strong gusts of wind or flooding of the site. It will also prevent harmful insects from destroying future crops.

Where to place a greenhouse in a summer cottage

The place for installing a greenhouse is selected individually. It doesn't have to be east to west. Considering that cucumbers prefer a small shade, installation from north to south is preferable. With this orientation, cucumbers will be able to get enough light in the morning and evening, and during the day they will hide behind the end wall. The installation site must be as level as possible. Groundwater should be as low as possible.

How to make a borage in the country with your own hands - general provisions

Each culture has certain requirements for growing conditions. When deciding how to make a borage in the country with your own hands, you should familiarize yourself with the features of cucumber farming. They are:

  • afraid of significant temperature fluctuations. It is desirable to provide ventilation of the internal space and protection from sunlight;
  • need tying. The height or other material must be at least 1.5 m. A method of attaching the twine is provided;

  • should provide free access to insects if non-self-pollinating varieties are preferred;
  • spacious to ensure access to the required amount of nutrients to each bush.


Landscape designer at VENUS DESIGN studio

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" In order to create ideal conditions for growing cucumbers, systems are provided that control the level of humidity, lighting, heating and ventilation.


How to make a greenhouse for cucumbers from film-coated arcs with your own hands

Film ones are the most widely used. They are easy to install yourself. Especially if you figure out in detail how to make a greenhouse for cucumbers from a certain material with your own hands. We propose to consider the stages of one of the possible options.

Base making

For the manufacture of the base, a wooden beam is suitable, the dimensions of which are equal to the dimensions of the future greenhouse. Quite often, a 3 × 1.2 m structure is made as follows.

Illustration Action Description

cut to size. In the absence of material of the required length, the element is increased.

The elements of the future foundation are interconnected by means of a bolted connection. It is better to refuse the use of screws and nails, as they will not provide sufficient rigidity.

Installation and connection of arcs with ties

The work is carried out in the following sequence.

Illustration Action Description

A sufficient number of arcs of the desired size are prepared. For this, the necessary calculations are performed in advance. The choice can be made in favor of fiberglass or metal fittings with a diameter of 6–8 mm.

We drill a hole in the base, the diameter of which is equal to the diameter.
We insert the reinforcement into the prepared hole. Having bent it, we insert the second end into the hole drilled on the parallel bar of the base.

Through the given distances, we insert the remaining arcs of the future greenhouse.

To increase rigidity, you can additionally install crossbars, fixing them in any convenient way.

Film fastening

Shelter of the greenhouse is the most important stage of work. The sequence of actions is as follows.

Illustration Action Description

We put the film on the frame and evenly distribute it along the entire length. Fastening is carried out using a stapler.

We bend the excess material along the sides under the wooden plank and fix it from below. This will protect the wooden base from negative external influences.

How to assemble a borage from wood and polycarbonate with your own hands

The use of a film coating is fully justified for temporary shelters. If the greenhouse is planned to be operated for more than one year, it is worth considering the possibility of making a polycarbonate borage with your own hands. This design has the best performance and is able to last a single year.

Assembly, installation and processing of the frame

Small polycarbonate greenhouses for cucumbers are rarely made. Most often, preference is given to large structures. Work in this case is performed as follows.

Illustration Action Description

We begin construction with marking the territory in order to mark the boundaries of the future greenhouse.

We prepare a trench under the base.

We form a sand cushion.
We lay on compacted sand, controlling their spatial position with the help of a level.

The first layer of bricks is laid in two rows.
The second layer is laid on the solution across the first.

We are preparing the elements of the future frame. Cut them to size. We grind.

We process with a special composition that protects against decay, all sides of each element.
We lay the horizontal beams of the base and attach vertical racks to them. We use corners.

We attach the upper longitudinal strips to the vertical racks. We form the input group.

We form the roof, starting from the ends.

To ensure sufficient rigidity, we provide transverse slats.

We provide stiffeners for the sides and ends.
We hang doors.

Attach the frame to the base.

Sheathing frame with polycarbonate

Do-it-yourself sheathing of a polycarbonate greenhouse for cucumbers can be done according to the following instructions.

Illustration Action Description

We attach guides to the roof that will hold the polycarbonate.

We install the sheets in the prepared grooves.

Sheathing the side walls.

We sew the ends.

The result is a polycarbonate borage as in the photo.

How to make a recessed greenhouse for cucumbers from old window frames with your own hands

Greenhouses for growing cucumbers can be not only ground, but also buried. We suggest considering how to make a greenhouse with your own hands for cucumbers of the last type. This simple option will help you grow vegetables before your neighbors.

Digging and filling the trench with biofuel

A recessed mini-greenhouse for cucumbers is usually small in size, which must be determined before the trench is dug. Its depth is 0.5–0.6 m with a width of 0.8–1 m. The length is selected individually, depending on the number of vegetables that are planned to be grown. Loam and clay do not need it.

The prepared trench is filled with biofuel to a height of about 0.3 m. For this, manure is mixed with sawdust or straw in a ratio of 1:2. The filled layer must be rammed. A layer of fertile soil 0.2 m thick is poured on top of the biofuel, and then straw is laid. It will not only act as, but also become a barrier to weeds.

Making a box and laying window frames

For the manufacture of the box, you can use brick, slate or boards. From the outside, the walls are covered with peat to ensure a sufficient level of thermal insulation. Sometimes pressed straw bales act as walls, which have good thermal insulation characteristics and do not interfere with air movement. After the box is made, we lay the old window frames on top.

Heating the beds with hot water

The soil in the garden for cucumbers is shed with hot water, and then covered with a film. After 2-3 weeks, the greenhouse will warm up well, and the manure will burn out. At the same time, not only the air inside the greenhouse will be warm, but also the soil.

Rules for the operation of greenhouses for cucumbers

If you have made a mini-greenhouse for cucumbers and want to grow a rich harvest, we suggest watching a video containing tips on growing this vegetable:

Review of the Fazenda greenhouse model
Read more at Otzovik

greenhouse "hacienda"

With some knowledge of how to properly make a greenhouse for cucumbers, you can safely get to work. If you have already assembled a greenhouse-borage made of polycarbonate or with a film with your own hands, share a photo in the comments.

Using improvised material.

    Benefits of Growing

    Cucumbers are quite capricious, they are grown only in regions with a very warm and humid climate. A properly selected greenhouse guarantees:

    • ideal temperature and humidity, which can be adjusted as desired;
    • the possibility of growing valuable, rare, especially capricious varieties;
    • optimal conditions for the development of seedlings and adult plants:
    • extension of the fruiting season until frost;
    • the possibility of obtaining the earliest possible harvest;
    • fruit ripening for seed collection.

    Types of structures

    Greenhouses for growing cucumbers should provide maximum heat but still be able to ventilate. It is advisable to purchase or build spacious structures with wide passages that facilitate plant care.

    Greenhouses for cucumbers should be high that do not interfere with the development of long cucumber lashes.

    The size of the building may vary. for industrial cultivation build structures with an area from 100 sq. m and more, on small personal plots, mini-greenhouses from 20 to 50 square meters are practical. m. For more information about, read on our website.

    Among the most common designs, the following types can be distinguished greenhouses for cucumbers:

    • butterfly greenhouse;
    • wall greenhouse;

    arc greenhouse

    The simplest design, which is easy to build with your own hands. Arcs from a thick metal rod are dug into the ground, then they are covered with a strong one.

    Along the edges the film is fixed with bricks. The design is very mobile, it can be installed in any corner of the site. A greenhouse can have not only an arc frame, but also direct supports that create the appearance of a hut.

    The design is very easy to use. You can ventilate the greenhouse by lifting one half of the film and fixing it with clothespins. Greenhouse used for several years in a row, every season the film is washed and dried, and if necessary, replaced.

    Greenhouses for cucumbers photo see below:

    Butterfly greenhouse

    Simple and easy to use design. Such a greenhouse can be bought ready-made, it easy to assemble by hand. The butterfly has two folding doors, and the design itself resembles an elongated house.


    Wall greenhouse for cucumbers erected next to the house, summer kitchen, shed or other building. It is best to do it on a wooden frame or metal frame. The wall of the building protects the greenhouse from gusts of wind, plants do not need heating, developing well from early spring to late autumn.

    When finished, the design resembles a small house or closet, the depth can be different. roof wall greenhouse it is better to make a pitched so that snow does not linger on it.

    Polycarbonate greenhouses

    The most comfortable and modern design. They can be arcuate or pitched, used for manufacturing industrial cellular polycarbonate with a thickness of at least 4 mm.

    Equipped with 1 or 2 doors, as well. In large structures, various crops can be grown, separating them with screens of film or other materials.

    Prefabricated structures made of polycarbonate are light prefabricated from metal with an anti-corrosion coating. They are durable, do not suffer from weather fluctuations. A high-quality greenhouse does not need to be dismantled at the end of the season; snow or frost does not damage them. Winter greenhouse for cucumbers needs to be supplemented

In many private courtyards and summer cottages, you can see greenhouses in which cucumbers loved by everyone are grown. These can be small, film-coated borage or more massive polycarbonate structures. A greenhouse for cucumbers can be purchased or made by yourself.

In a greenhouse or greenhouse installed in the country, a microclimate suitable for growing vegetables is created. At the bottom, crops are protected from frost and the scorching sun. In small suburban areas are installed small borage if the area allows, then you can make a greenhouse for cucumbers with your own hands.

Materials for the construction of the frame greenhouse can be different:

  • wood;
  • PVC pipes;
  • fiberglass reinforcement;
  • metal round profile;
  • window frames.

From above, the structure can be covered with ordinary polyethylene film, glass, polycarbonate, spunbond, lutrasil.

Depending on the device technology, greenhouses and greenhouses are divided by type of heating:

  1. Cold - in such structures, the air temperature is completely dependent on weather conditions. They heat up from the heat of the sun.
  2. Semi-warm borage trees are filled with oxidizing biofuels that release heat. Most often, manure mixed with fallen leaves, straw, sawdust or earth is used as biofuel.
  3. Most often, greenhouses are made warm, on the bottom of which a special heating electric cable is laid, covered on top with nutrient soil. Large winter structures can be heated in other ways.

Gallery: greenhouse for cucumbers (25 photos)

Types of structures

You can make a simple greenhouse or a large winter greenhouse with your own hands by choosing in advance size and design:

We will send the material to you by e-mail

Not every region can boast of suitable conditions for growing cucumbers in open ground from early spring. Central Russia has a great chance to crunch with fresh fragrant cucumbers long before the hot summer days. To do this, you just need to build a greenhouse for cucumbers with your own hands. Photos will help you decide on the choice of arrangement, and the tips of today's editorial review of the site will help you avoid common mistakes in working on the building.

It can be a miniature structure in the form of a greenhouse, where only a few green bushes will fit.

Each building has its pros and cons. To decide which greenhouse to build, consider the advantages and disadvantages of building a greenhouse for cucumbers with your own hands.


  • you can select material in accordance only with your own ideas about the future building;
  • the dimensions of the future structure can be any, based on the needs of the owner of the site;
  • a self-made greenhouse is much easier to dismantle with the onset of the cold season.


  • buying a ready-made greenhouse will be faster than building it yourself, because the process can take a lot of time and effort;
  • you can make a mistake in the calculations and spend much more on materials than a ready-made greenhouse for cucumbers would cost.

Options for greenhouses for cucumbers with photos of DIY designs

Let's look into other people's plots and get acquainted with different types of greenhouse structures for cucumbers, which the owners built on their own. We offer several photos of do-it-yourself borage greenhouses.

In the photo above, a budget version of a greenhouse assembled from a base box and curved pipes.

It all depends on the desire of the owner of the site and the possibilities of using this or that material.

Related article:

How to choose the right material for the frame and cladding of a greenhouse for cucumbers

If all the structures have been studied, and the desired type of structure has been selected, then it is time to decide on the material for the frame and cladding. Wooden bars, boards, PVC pipes, HDPE pipes, polypropylene narrow pipes are excellent for the frame, the galvanized metal profile used for drywall is convenient to use.

Sheathing material can be made of polyethylene, reinforced transparent film, spandbond, lutrasil, polycarbonate and glass. Each material has its own characteristics: if you prefer to build a permanent greenhouse, then you should opt for a combination of metal, wood, polycarbonate or glass. For a seasonal greenhouse, materials that are easier to work with will fit.

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When does a greenhouse need a foundation?

A foundation is not required for summer seasonal structures, but if there is a desire to build a solid, durable greenhouse, then a foundation will definitely be needed for it. The foundation is considered the guarantor of the stability and reliability of the building, protecting it from deformation during possible ground movement.

A strip foundation is made from such material: timber, sleepers, crushed stone. For use reinforced concrete, brick, blocks, metal piles.

Where to place a greenhouse in a summer cottage

The goal of the greenhouse is to get a quick and impressive crop of vegetables. Therefore, it is necessary to choose the right place for installing the greenhouse. First of all, the illumination of the place is taken into account, for which the course of the sun across the sky serves as a guide. A shady location would be extremely unfortunate. The building is oriented, as well as, to the cardinal points, the rose is also taken into account by the wind.

Cucumber is a light-demanding crop, but prefers morning and evening rays. That is why the greenhouse is placed with the butt to the south and north. A strong wind will also not please gentle whips, so it is better to put a greenhouse where the wind is not so raging. If there is a lowland on the site, then installing a greenhouse there will not be the best idea due to spring flooding. If there is a southern or eastern slope, it will be possible to place the building on any other than the northern one.

Advice! The greenhouse should be easily accessible for all communications to facilitate your own work.

How to make a borage in the country with your own hands - general provisions

In order to know how to properly make a greenhouse for cucumbers, you need to act according to the plan:

  1. In the first place there will be visualization, preferably in the form of a drawing with all the markups.
  2. Depending on the type of construction chosen, materials and tools are selected. To work with wood, you will need a grinder and discs, a drill, self-tapping screws, a hammer. The metal profile will have to be cut and soldered, so you will need a welding machine, electrodes, a soldering iron for pipes and suitable fittings for connection, perforated aluminum tape.
  3. Covering material can be represented by glass, polycarbonate, film and even plastic bottles. For the film you will need scissors, for glass, respectively, a glass cutter.
  4. After the drawings and a set of building materials and tools are ready, you can begin to build a structure.

In the photo below, there are several approximate schemes of do-it-yourself greenhouses for cucumbers:

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How to make a greenhouse for cucumbers from film-coated arcs with your own hands

The leader among homemade greenhouses. The collection takes only a few hours, and the construction is also quickly disassembled in the fall and put away for storage until the next season.

For the base of the greenhouse you will need a box of boards. Convenient board width - 15-20 cm. All wood is treated with an antiseptic. To assemble the box, iron corners and self-tapping screws are purchased. For the frame, PVC pipes Ø20−25 mm are used. A tight wire will serve as a tie. It remains to prepare the selected covering material.

Advice! Prepare 3-6 meter pipes.

Base making

The base is made in the form of a box - this is both the fastening of the entire structure and the retention of fertile soil inside the greenhouse. It would be better to build a base from a wooden beam with a cross section of at least 10 × 10 cm, although just wide boards will fit. The building material is sawn according to the dimensions of the drawing and instructions, connected with corners and self-tapping screws.

Advice! If there is no desire or opportunity to mess with the timber, then the vertically inserted parts of the slate will fit perfectly, which will also prevent the soil from being washed out of the greenhouse.

Installation and connection of arcs with ties

As soon as the mini-greenhouse box for cucumbers is ready, they move on to arranging the arcs. They need to be placed no more than a meter apart. So that the arcs do not stagger, 2-3 ties are made along them along the entire length of the greenhouse. Arcs are inserted directly into the ground or attached to a wooden box. The fittings should be cut by the grinder into pieces of 50-60 cm, and the pipes can be cut into segments of 3 meters: with such an arc length, the height of the greenhouse will be equal to a meter.

On the ground in the marked places, trimmings of reinforcement are driven in with a mallet or hammer to a depth of 25 cm.

Important! The fittings must be located on each side at one level!

Pipes are easy to bend and thread into the reinforcement near the ground. To secure the structure qualitatively, use a perforated tape. The arcs may skew a little, but to correct this temporary defect, a screed is made from several long pipes, which is attached to the arcs with wire.

From the ends, the greenhouse needs to be closed, any material will do: both film and polycarbonate, or you can simply pull off the edges of the film and fasten them together.

Film fastening

The film is taken from the calculation of the length of the pipes. If the length of the greenhouse is 3 meters, then the width of the covering material should not be less than 4 meters, because the film must also be fixed from below. The length of the material will require 7 meters.

The film is cut with a margin of 2.5-3 meters in length, the sleeve is cut, and the canvas is straightened. The whole canvas is laid on top of the arcs and aligned along all edges. Now you need to fix the film in any way.

Advice! The best fastening in this case would be 10-15 cm pieces of garden hose, cut lengthwise.

Related article:

Design features, the use of various materials to create a reliable power frame and high-quality sheathing, step-by-step installation instructions with the rules for choosing a suitable place on the land - in our publication.

How to make a do-it-yourself borage from wood and polycarbonate

Greenhouses for polycarbonate cucumbers are very popular. The use of synthetic material has been going on for over 40 years in horticulture and agriculture. The photo below shows an aesthetic polycarbonate borage.

An Israeli invention with a transparency of 80-85% has become popular not only because of the external aesthetics and neat appearance, but also characteristics such as resistance to natural phenomena such as hail, wind, rain, snow and a minimum heat transfer coefficient. A polycarbonate greenhouse for cucumbers can be bought ready-made or made independently.

Assembly, installation and processing of the frame

To get an excellent result, you need to pay attention to the recommendations for assembling and installing the frame. It is recommended to use polycarbonate honeycomb sheets with a thickness of 4-6 mm. Polycarbonate is a material that does not allow air to pass through, therefore, even at the stage of drawings, the problem with ventilation is solved, as well as water access to the greenhouse.

It is easy to work with a material such as polycarbonate - an ordinary sharp knife is useful for cutting. If the material is used sparingly, then there will be less waste. For construction, the following tools and materials will be useful:

Advice! It is important to treat wooden or metal products: wood with an antiseptic, and metal with an anti-corrosion agent.

Do-it-yourself polycarbonate greenhouse assembly for cucumbers is as follows:

  1. The laying of the foundation consists of digging a trench 0.5 m deep and 2 m wide. The length of the trench is the same as the length of the greenhouse.
  2. The trench is covered with sand and gravel, a 25–30 cm layer of soil is placed on top.
  3. The insulating layer consists of a film.
  4. The wooden base matches the size of the foundation. The base is fixed.
  5. Next, racks are installed in increments of 1 m, which are attached to the base.

Sheathing frame with polycarbonate

The last step is to attach the polycarbonate. Due to the fragility of the material, metal washers must be placed under the screws.

First, the ends of the greenhouse are closed and the door is made. Then they begin to lay and attach sheets on each side of the greenhouse.The work of making a polycarbonate borage greenhouse is not difficult and is unlikely to take more than one day, especially if there are helpers.

How to make a recessed greenhouse for cucumbers from old window frames with your own hands

Not everyone is familiar with a buried greenhouse for growing cucumbers. This is an easy-to-use greenhouse that allows you to please the earliest harvest. Small size does not allow to grow crops on an industrial scale, and inside it is quite crowded. But the high yields of the first crispy cucumbers are worth it.

Here's what you need: a wooden beam, polycarbonate or a frame with glass, peat, straw, organic matter.

Digging and filling the trench with biofuel

As soon as the snow has melted, you can start digging a trench. The depth can be 50-60 cm, width - 80-100 cm. The owner of the site chooses the length. If the soil is sandy, it is advisable to strengthen the trench with boards.

Simple organics are laid in the trench: manure, sawdust, straw and the layer is rammed. Everything is covered with fertile soil of at least 25 cm. Then straw is scattered on top for thermal insulation and mulch.

Making a box and laying window frames

The box is made from solid improvised materials. To preserve heat, it is important to sprinkle the outer wall with peat or bales of pressed straw. This will serve as additional support for the frames. Old window frames with glass are simply laid on top of the greenhouse.

Heating the beds with hot water

In early spring, the soil needs to be warmed up. To do this, you need to shed the soil with hot water, cover the ridge with a film and close all the frames. After 2-3 weeks, a reaction will occur between the heating soil and hot manure: both the soil and the air will warm up.

Attention! For such an early greenhouse, you need to choose seeds of self-pollinating varieties and hybrids.

The greenhouse is actively used until frost.

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