Sanitary norms and rules of the seller. Legislative base of the Russian Federation

Chief State
sanitary doctor of the USSR
N 5781-91
April 16, 1991


1. General provisions

1. These Sanitary Rules apply to all existing food trade enterprises, which include: food bases, warehouses, storage facilities, food stores, small retail enterprises, regardless of their departmental affiliation (except for refrigerators).

2. The design of new and reconstruction of existing food trade enterprises must be carried out in accordance with these Sanitary Rules.

3. Ministries, departments, design organizations, state and cooperative enterprises are obliged to submit for approval to the bodies and institutions of the sanitary and epidemiological service design and estimate documentation for the construction of food trade enterprises according to individual projects, as well as for the reconstruction and overhauls existing businesses.

4. Commissioning of newly built, reconstructed and overhauled enterprises should be carried out in agreement with the institutions of the sanitary and epidemiological service.

5. The range of products sold at food trade enterprises is approved by the relevant trade authorities in accordance with the assortment minimum in strict accordance with the type of enterprise, the set of premises and its equipment with refrigeration, technological, commercial equipment and is coordinated with the institutions of the sanitary and epidemiological service.

It is forbidden to change the approved range of products sold without the consent of the institutions of the sanitary and epidemiological service.

2. Sanitary requirements for the territory

6. Selection of a land plot for the construction of food trade enterprises, a source of water supply, a sewerage and descent system Wastewater should be carried out in agreement with the institutions of the sanitary and epidemiological service.

7. Land plot for food trade enterprises should not be located in wetlands with high level standing ground water, close to landfills, pig-breeding, livestock complexes, enterprises for the processing of leather, bone and other places of possible contamination.

8. Access roads, sidewalks and unloading areas must be asphalted or paved. Unpaved areas of the territory should be landscaped. In the household yard, sheds for containers, garbage bins and rooms for receiving dishes from the population should be arranged.

9. The yard area must be kept properly clean. Yard cleaning should be done daily. In the warm season, before harvesting, the territory should be watered (at least 2 times a day). In winter time carriageway territories and walking paths systematically cleared of snow and ice, sprinkled with sand during ice.

10. The territory adjacent to the enterprise is subject to cleaning by the enterprise.

11. On the territory of the enterprise, it is necessary to provide for the installation of storm sewers with an appropriate slope, as well as the installation of watering taps for cleaning the territory.

12. For horse-drawn transport, a special isolated area must be allocated, remote from the warehouse and retail premises at a distance of at least 50 m.

13. For garbage collection, containers, waste bins with lids must be installed on an asphalt or concreted area, the area of ​​which must be at least 1 m from the base of each waste bin. The waste bin area should be located at a distance of at least 25 m from the enterprise and from windows and doors residential buildings.

14. Containers and waste bins must be removed from the territory of the enterprise at least once a day. The removal of containers and garbage containers is carried out by transport, the use of which for the transportation of food raw materials and finished products prohibited. In the case of centralized waste collection, waste bins must be delivered clean and disinfected. Sanitization of containers is carried out by specialized utilities.

3. Sanitary requirements for water supply and sewerage

15. Systems of hot, cold water supply and sewerage of food trade enterprises must meet the requirements of the current SNiP 2.04.01-85 "Internal water supply and sewerage of buildings".

16. It is not allowed to build new enterprises without the installation of internal water supply and sewerage.

17. Food trade enterprises should be equipped with systems of household and drinking and hot water supply, separate systems of household and industrial sewerage with independent outlets.

With absence centralized systems water supply and sewerage in rural areas, it is allowed, in agreement with the sanitary and epidemiological station, to construct wells and arrange cesspools for collecting wastewater.

18. Enterprises must be provided with uninterrupted water in sufficient quantities. indicative norms water consumption for washing equipment, dishes, floors, panels, etc. defined by the technological design standards VNTP 532/739-85.

19. The choice of a source of centralized domestic drinking water supply should be made in accordance with the "Rules for the selection and assessment of the quality of sources of centralized domestic drinking water supply", GOST 17.I.3.03-77.

20. Water used for technological, domestic, drinking needs must meet the requirements of the current GOST 2874-82 "Drinking water. Hygiene requirements and quality control."

21. At operating trade enterprises, in agreement with the institutions of the sanitary and epidemiological service, it is allowed to use imported water for household and drinking needs. The delivery of drinking water should be carried out in special marked tanks, galvanized barrels, flasks, cans (made of materials approved by the health authorities), tightly closed with lids, by special vehicles intended for the transport of food products.

22. In regions where there are interruptions in water supply, it is necessary to provide for the installation of containers for the supply of drinking water. The type of container, the feasibility of its arrangement and location should be determined on the basis of technical and economic calculations and coordinated with the institutions of the sanitary and epidemiological service.

Premises where drinking water tanks are installed must be isolated and kept clean.

23. Containers for transporting and storing water should be cleaned, rinsed thoroughly and disinfected weekly upon release.

Disinfection of containers for drinking water is carried out by the volumetric method by filling them with a disinfectant solution with an active chlorine concentration of 75-100 mg/l. After contact for 5-6 hours, the disinfectant solution is removed and the container is washed. drinking water(the content of residual chlorine in the wash water is 0.3-0.5 mg/l).

24. For watering the territory and external washing of cars can be used process water; technical and drinking water pipelines must be separate and painted in a distinctive color, not have connections with each other.

25. At food trade enterprises, washing facilities for washing inventory, utensils, containers, which are equipped with washing baths (at least two) with hot and cold running water supplied through mixers, with their connection to the sewer network (with a jet break of at least 20 mm from the top of the intake funnel), racks, grates for drying and storing inventory, dishes.

26. At food trade enterprises where flask milk is sold (from milk cans for bottling), washing facilities for washing cans must be additionally equipped in accordance with the requirements of clause 25 of these Sanitary Rules.

27. In the absence of a centralized hot water supply, it is necessary to provide for the installation of electric boilers, water heaters, etc. in the washing rooms to provide the enterprise with hot running water in sufficient quantity.

28. Preparation rooms food products for sale, cafeterias, canteens, canteens and staff rooms should be equipped with washbasins with hot and cold running water supplied through a mixer.

29. The sluice at the food waste chamber must be equipped with a sink for washing tanks and a washbasin with their connection to the sewerage system and cold and hot water supply systems.

30. The sewerage systems of food trade establishments located in buildings for other purposes or annexes to them should be provided separately from the sewerage systems of these buildings.

31. The laying of pipelines for domestic wastewater in premises for the reception, storage, preparation of food products for sale and utility rooms of enterprises is not allowed, and pipelines for industrial wastewater only if they are enclosed in plastered boxes, without installing revisions.

32. In the vestibules of the toilets, it is necessary to provide for the equipment of a tap with hot and cold water at a level of 0.5 m from the floor for water intake when cleaning the premises.

In toilets for staff, toilets and sinks for washing hands are recommended to be equipped with pedal descents.

33. Disposal of sewage is carried out in accordance with the current "Rules for the Protection surface water from sewage pollution.

It is forbidden to discharge industrial and domestic wastewater into open water bodies without proper treatment, as well as the installation of absorbing wells.

34. It is not allowed to organize small-scale retail trade in drinks on tap in non-sewered places and without running water. It is forbidden to discharge sewage after washing dishes (glasses, glasses) directly to the adjacent territory.

4. Sanitary requirements for ventilation,
heating and lighting

35. The arrangement of heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems in the premises of food trade enterprises should provide for technical solutions providing normalized meteorological conditions, air purity in production, trade and storage facilities, noise and vibration levels from the operation of equipment, heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems are not higher than the established standards.

36. The ventilation system of enterprises located in buildings for other purposes must be separate from the ventilation system of these buildings.

37. For storage and commercial premises of food and non-food products, ventilation systems must be separate.

38. Exhaust ventilation shafts must be at least 1 m above the roof ridge or flat roof surface.

39. Refrigerated chambers for storing vegetables, fruits, berries and herbs must be equipped with mechanical supply ventilation, not connected with other ventilation systems of the enterprise.

40. In grocery stores with a sales area of ​​3500 sq.m. or more, with an estimated outdoor temperature for the warm season (parameters A) of 25 degrees C and above, air conditioning systems should be provided. In climatic region IV, air conditioning is provided for stores with a sales area of ​​1,000 sq.m or more.

41. In mechanical systems supply ventilation cleaning of the supplied outdoor air and its heating in winter time. Air intake for supply ventilation should be carried out in the zone of least pollution at a height of at least 2 m from the ground.

42. Lobby entrances for customers in stores with a sales area of ​​150 sq.m. or more at the estimated outside temperature for the cold season ( design parameters B) - 25 degrees C and below must be equipped with air or air-thermal curtains.

43. In the premises for packaging bulk products in places of thermal packaging of food products in a polymer film, it is necessary to provide equipment for local exhaust ventilation with mechanical stimulation, as well as exhaust ventilation in washing rooms.

44. Natural and artificial lighting of food trade enterprises must comply with the requirements of the current SNiP "Natural and artificial lighting. Design standards": artificial lighting in trading floors must be at least 400 lux, in the premises for preparing goods - 200 lux, in pantries - 50 lux; coefficient natural light in trading floors and premises for the preparation of goods with side lighting should be equal to 0.4-0.5%, with top lighting - 2%.

45. In food storage rooms, lamps approved for use in rooms with low temperatures. Luminaires must have protective covers with a metal mesh to protect them from damage and glass from falling onto the product.

46. ​​Electric lighting fixtures should be wiped as they get dirty, but at least once a month. Internal window and skylight glazing, frames are washed and wiped at least once a week, with outer side- at least 2 times a year, and in the warm season - as it gets dirty.

47. It is forbidden to clutter up light openings with containers, products both inside and outside the building, and it is also forbidden to replace glazing with plywood, cardboard, paint over, etc. broken glass in windows it is necessary to replace immediately, it is forbidden to install compound glasses in windows.

Window panes, showcases, glass of refrigerated showcases must be kept clean at all times.

48. Industrial premises, trading floors must be provided with heating in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 2.04.05-86. Heating appliances in all rooms must have a smooth surface and be accessible for cleaning, inspection and repair.

5. Sanitary requirements for planning,
organization of enterprises

49. Space-planning and Constructive decisions premises of food trade enterprises should provide progressive forms of work of enterprises, the use of packaging equipment, self-service, comprehensive mechanization of loading and unloading operations, automation production processes and etc.

50. It is prohibited to place specialized fish and vegetable shops in residential buildings (first, second and ground floors), as well as shops with a total trading area of ​​more than 1000 sq.m (in accordance with SNiP 2.08.01-89 "Residential buildings").

51. At food trade enterprises located in residential buildings, it is necessary to provide for vibration and noise protection measures to ensure proper working conditions for employees of enterprises and living conditions for people.

52. All premises should be located taking into account the flow, the maximum shortening of paths, the absence of oncoming flows and intersections of raw materials and finished food products, personnel and visitors. Each group of premises should be combined into a separate block: loading, storage premises, premises for preparing food products for sale, administrative, utility, commercial, etc.

Separate groups of premises should have a technological connection with each other: loading, storage rooms, premises for preparing food products for sale, trading floors.

53. For enterprises built-in and built-in-attached to residential buildings, unloading platforms should be equipped in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 2.08.01-89 "Residential buildings".

Unloading platforms must be equipped with canopies to protect food products from atmospheric precipitation, as well as water supply for washing the platform using a hose.

54. For the reception of vegetables and bread, separate doors or hatches should be provided directly to the pantries.

Loading should be done from the ends residential buildings having no windows; from underground tunnels; from the highways, in the presence of special loading rooms.

56. Grocery stores should have isolated and specially equipped premises for preparing food products for sale: a cutting room for meat, a room for preparing gastronomic and milk-fat products, fish, vegetables, etc. Premises for storing and preparing food products for sale should be as large as possible. are close to the boot and places of sale and should not be through.

57. At self-service food trade enterprises, it is necessary to provide separate packing rooms for groups of food products of the same epidemic significance, packing rooms for especially perishable foodstuffs must be equipped with refrigeration units for storing products.

All filling rooms must be equipped with double-cavity washing baths with hot and cold water supply, installation of mixers and connected to a sewer with an air gap of at least 20 mm.

58. At food trade enterprises working with containers, equipment (containers), there must be premises for storing containers and containers.

59. Departments (tables) of orders at food trade enterprises should have the following set of premises: premises for receiving and issuing orders, picking, packaging, expedition with refrigeration units for storage perishable products and washbasin for washing hands.

60. At food trade enterprises selling food products and non-food products, storage and retail premises should be separate.

61. At food trade enterprises, isolated separate premises for receiving and storing glass containers from the population with an area of ​​at least 18 sq.m., and in supermarkets - at least 36 sq.m., should be provided.

62. All utility, administrative and household premises for personnel must be isolated from premises for food storage.

63. Premises for storage and preparation of food products for sale, refrigerated chambers are not allowed to be placed under showers, toilets, washing and other premises with sewer drains.

64. Cooled cameras are not allowed to be placed near boiler rooms, boiler rooms, showers and other rooms with high temperature and humidity.

65. It is not allowed to lay pipelines for water supply, sewerage, heating, air ducts ventilation systems through cold chambers.

66. For the night delivery of food products to food trade enterprises, it is necessary to provide isolated, specially equipped premises that ensure proper conditions for their receipt and storage. For particularly perishable foodstuffs, a refrigerated chamber should be provided.

Night delivery of food products to food trade enterprises built into residential buildings is prohibited.

67. For lining and painting walls inside the premises of enterprises, materials approved for this purpose by the health authorities are used.

In departments for the sale of especially perishable food products, walls to a height of 2 m must be lined with glazed tiles. In refrigerated chambers, wall cladding with glazed tiles should be for the entire height of the room.

Facing with impact-resistant glass tiles is only allowed in toilets and showers.

68. Floors in food trade enterprises should be made of moisture-resistant and moisture-proof materials approved for this purpose by the health authorities, have a flat surface, without potholes, and also have a slope towards the ladders. Asphalt floors are allowed only in the unloading areas on the platforms for vehicles.

69. Food trade enterprises must be equipped with amenity premises in accordance with the requirements of the current SNiP 2.09.04-87 "Administrative and domestic buildings"and VSN 54-87.

70. Dressing rooms and showers for employees of food trade enterprises should be equipped like sanitary checkpoints.

Women's hygiene rooms must be provided at enterprises with an area of ​​650 sq.m or more.

71. Walls and partitions of dressing rooms, shower rooms, pre-shower rooms, toilets, women's hygiene rooms must be made to a height of 2 m from materials that allow them to be washed. hot water using detergents. Walls and partitions specified premises above the mark of 2 m, as well as the ceilings must have a waterproof coating.

72. Storage of sanitary clothing should be carried out open way, for which the dressing rooms of household premises are equipped with hangers or open cabinets and shoe stands.

Joint storage of sanitary clothing, overalls and home clothes is not allowed.

73. Premises for toilets should be equipped with hangers for sanitary clothes, washbasins for washing hands with hot and cold water supply through a mixer, electric towels or disposable towels, and a mirror. Washbasins should have soap. Toilet bowls are recommended to be equipped with a pedal descent.

74. Household premises are thoroughly cleaned at least once per shift, washed with water and detergents, and then disinfected using a disinfectant in accordance with Appendix No. 2.

75. Cleaning equipment for toilets should be stored in a specially designated place, isolated from cleaning equipment in other premises, clearly marked and signalized.

76. Entry of unauthorized persons into the premises for the reception, storage and preparation of food products for sale is allowed with the permission of the administration and with the obligatory use of sanitary clothing.

6. Sanitary requirements for equipment,
inventory, utensils

77. Food trade enterprises must be equipped with the necessary trade, technological and refrigeration equipment in accordance with the type of enterprise, its capacity and in accordance with current equipment standards. typical enterprises food trade.

78. Arrangement of trade, technological and refrigeration equipment should provide free access to it, exclude oncoming flows of raw and finished products.

79. Commercial equipment, inventory, containers, utensils and packaging must be made of materials approved by the health authorities for contact with food, easy to clean and disinfect.

80. Departments for the sale of perishable food products must be equipped without fail with cold: refrigerated counters, showcases, cabinets, etc.

81. Grids, trays, racks for food storage should be made of materials with a smooth surface that can be easily washed and disinfected. The height of racks and pallets must be at least 15 cm from the floor.

82. Cutting boards, decks for cutting meat and fish must be made of hard wood, with a smooth surface, without cracks.

A deck for cutting meat is installed on a crosspiece or a special stand, painted on the outside oil paint, daily at the end of work it is cleaned with a knife and sprinkled with salt. Periodically, the deck is cut down and planed.

83. Separate cutting boards and clearly marked knives should be provided for each type of food and stored in designated areas in the appropriate departments.

84. Hooks for hanging meat must be made of stainless steel (tinned hooks are also acceptable).

85. All refrigeration units at food trade enterprises should be equipped with thermometers to control the temperature regime of food storage.

86. At bases, warehouses, vegetable and fruit storage facilities, systematic monitoring of the temperature and humidity conditions of food storage, incl. vegetables, fruits, berries, canned food, bulk products, etc.

Air temperature control in refrigerated chambers, storage facilities should be carried out daily using thermometers installed in a conspicuous place, remote from doors and evaporators. Relative humidity is monitored at least once a week using a psychrometer, hygrograph or hygrometer. The results of measurements of temperature and relative humidity are recorded in a special log.

Control over compliance with the temperature and humidity regime of food storage is provided by the administration of the enterprise.

87. Large food trade enterprises should have separate refrigerated chambers and rooms for storing homogeneous food products.

88. For the display of food products, as well as their storage and sale, it is not allowed to use glass and enameled dishes.

89. Wrapping paper, bags and other packaging materials should be stored in a specially allocated place: on racks, shelves, in cabinets. Do not store packaging materials directly on the floor. Dirty edges are removed before cutting the roll paper.

Each food trade enterprise that sells food products must have a stock of wrapping paper, bags and other packaging materials.

90. To collect waste and garbage in the premises of enterprises, there should be metal or plastic pedal tanks with lids. As they are filled, but not more than 2/3 of the volume, they should be cleaned, and at the end of work they should be washed with a 1-2% hot (45-50 degrees C) solution of soda ash or other detergents, then rinsed hot water.

91. Cleaning inventory of retail, warehouse and other premises (basins, buckets, brushes, etc.) must be marked, assigned to separate premises, stored separately in closed cabinets or wall niches specially allocated for this purpose.

92. For cleaning refrigerated chambers, refrigerated cabinets, refrigerated and trade showcases, counters, shelves, specially designed for this marked inventory must be available.

7. Sanitary requirements for admission and
food storage

93. Food products entering food trade enterprises must comply with the requirements of the current GOSTs, OSTs or technical specifications, sanitary standards and be accompanied by documents certifying their quality. Only high-quality food products are subject to acceptance.

Accompanying documents for particularly perishable foodstuffs must indicate the date and hour of production, storage temperature, and the deadline for sale.

94. The quality of food products entering food trade enterprises is checked by merchandisers, storekeepers, financially responsible persons, managers or directors of enterprises. Acceptance of products begins with checking the accompanying documents, the quality of the packaging, the conformity of the food products with the accompanying documents and the labeling indicated on the container (packaging).

95. Institutions of the sanitary and epidemiological service conduct a hygienic examination of food products only if there are special sanitary and epidemiological indications. Examination of non-standard products, as well as obviously substandard, spoiled products, which does not require special medical competence, is carried out by commodity experts or a quality inspectorate.

96. The quantity of accepted perishable and especially perishable food products should be determined by the volume of operating refrigeration equipment available at the enterprise for storing this type of product.

97. Containers and packaging of food products must be durable, clean, dry, without foreign smell and integrity.

98. It is prohibited to accept, store and sell perishable and especially perishable food products at food trade enterprises that are not provided with cooling facilities.

Storage of perishable, especially perishable food products under refrigeration conditions should be provided not only in warehouses, but also in places of their direct sale.

99. Each unit of packaging of especially perishable food products must be accompanied by a certificate of the established form for this type of product with the obligatory indication of the storage temperature and the deadline for sale.

Certificates (labels, tags) on the supplier's packaging must be kept until the expiration date of the food products.

100. Food products are loaded into warehouses, refrigerated chambers, vegetable and fruit storages in batches, in order to better comply with the terms of their storage and quality control.
[email protected], we'll figure it out.


No. 5781-91 dated 04/16/91

SanPiN 5781-91

SanPiN 5781-91 dated April 16, 1991 are introduced throughout the USSR to replace the Sanitary Rules for grocery stores No. 096 dated January 4, 1966, Supplements to Sanitary Rules No. 096 dated January 4, 1966 No. 0135-75 dated August 4, 1975 of the Sanitary Rules for Food Stores of Consumer Cooperatives dated September 29, 1976, Sanitary Rules for the Trade of Food Products in Small Retail Enterprises, No. 158-54, dated May 6, 1954, Sanitary Rules for food warehouses and bases, dated March 20, 1946, of the Basic Sanitary Rules for Trade Enterprises food products and small retail trade No. 3904-85 dated 06/27/1985

These rules were developed and approved on the basis of the "Regulations on State Sanitary Inspection in the USSR" (clause 7a), approved by the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated May 31, 1973 No. 361.

Violation of sanitary and hygienic and sanitary and anti-epidemic rules and norms entails disciplinary, administrative or criminal liability in accordance with the law USSR and union republics.

State sanitary supervision for observance of sanitary and hygienic and sanitary and anti-epidemic rules and norms government bodies, as well as all enterprises, institutions and organizations, officials and citizens are assigned to the bodies and institutions of the sanitary and epidemiological service of the Ministry of Health of the USSR and the Ministry of Health of the Union Republics (Fundamentals of the legislation of the USSR and the Union Republics on health, approved by the USSR law of December 19, 1969 and put into effect on July 1, 1970, articles 18, 19).

In order to protect the health of the population of the USSR, Sanitary regulations for food businesses.

I approve:

Chief State

Sanitary doctor of the USSR

A.I. Kondrusev

^ Sanitary rules for food trade enterprises

I. General provisions

1. These sanitary rules apply to all existing food trade enterprises, which include: food bases, warehouses, storage facilities, food stores, small retail enterprises, regardless of their departmental affiliation (except for refrigerators).

2. The design of new and reconstruction of existing food trade enterprises must be carried out in accordance with these sanitary rules.

3. Ministries, departments, design organizations, state and cooperative enterprises are obliged to submit for approval to the bodies and institutions of the sanitary and epidemiological service design and estimate documentation for the construction of food trade enterprises according to individual projects, as well as for the reconstruction and overhaul of existing enterprises.

4. Commissioning of newly built, reconstructed and overhauled enterprises should be carried out in agreement with the institutions of the sanitary and epidemiological service.

5. The range of products sold in food trade enterprises is approved by the relevant trade authorities, according to the assortment minimum, in strict accordance with the type of enterprise, the set of premises and its equipment with refrigeration, technological, commercial equipment, and be coordinated with the institutions of the sanitary and epidemiological service.

It is forbidden to change the approved range of products sold without the consent of the institutions of the sanitary and epidemiological service.

^ II. Sanitary requirements for the territory

6. The choice of a land plot for the construction of food trade enterprises, a source of water supply, a sewerage system and wastewater discharge should be made in agreement with the institutions of the sanitary and epidemiological service.

7. A land plot for food trade enterprises should not be located in wetlands with a high level of standing groundwater, close to landfills, pig breeding, livestock complexes, leather, bone processing enterprises and other places of possible pollution.

8. Access roads, sidewalks and unloading areas must be asphalted or paved. Unpaved areas of the territory should be landscaped. In the household yard, sheds for containers, garbage bins and rooms for receiving dishes from the population should be arranged.

9. The yard area must be kept properly clean. Yard cleaning should be done daily. In the warm season, before harvesting, the territory should be watered (at least twice a day). In winter, the roadway of the territory and footpaths are systematically cleared of snow and ice; during ice, sand is sprinkled.

10. The territory adjacent to the enterprise is subject to cleaning by the enterprise.

11. On the territory of the enterprise, it is necessary to provide a device storm sewer with an appropriate slope, as well as the installation of watering taps for cleaning the territory.

12. For horse-drawn transport, a special isolated area must be allocated, remote from the warehouse and retail premises at a distance of at least 50 m.

13. For garbage collection, containers, waste bins with lids must be installed on an asphalt or concreted area, the area of ​​which must be at least 1 m from the base of each waste bin. The garbage collector site should be located at a distance of at least 25 m from the enterprise and from windows and doors of residential buildings.

14. Containers and waste bins must be removed from the territory of the enterprise at least once a day. The removal of containers and garbage containers is carried out by transport, the use of which for the transportation of food raw materials and finished products is prohibited. In the case of centralized waste collection, waste bins must be delivered clean and disinfected. Sanitization of containers is carried out by specialized utilities.

^ III. Sanitary requirements for water supply and sewerage

15. Systems of hot, cold water supply and sewerage of food trade enterprises must meet the requirements of the current SNiP 2.04.01-85 "Internal water supply and sewerage of buildings".

16. It is not allowed to build new enterprises without the installation of internal water supply and sewerage.

17. Food trade enterprises should be equipped with systems of household and drinking and hot water supply, separate systems of household and industrial sewerage with independent outlets.

In the absence of centralized water supply and sewerage systems in rural areas, it is allowed, in agreement with the sanitary and epidemiological station, to install wells and arrange cesspools for collecting wastewater.

18. Enterprises must be provided with uninterrupted water in sufficient quantities. Approximate rates of water consumption for washing equipment, dishes, floors, panels, etc. are determined by the standards process design VNTP 532/739-85.

19. The choice of a source of centralized domestic drinking water supply should be made in accordance with the "Rules for the selection and assessment of the quality of sources of centralized domestic drinking water supply", GOST

20. Water used for technological, domestic, drinking needs must meet the requirements of the current GOST 2874-82 "Drinking water. Hygienic requirements and quality control".

21. In existing trade enterprises, in agreement with the institutions of the sanitary and epidemiological service, it is allowed to use imported water for household and drinking needs. The delivery of drinking water should be carried out in special marked tanks, galvanized barrels, flasks, cans (made of materials approved by the health authorities), tightly closed with lids, by special vehicles intended for the transport of food products.

22. In regions where there are interruptions in water supply, it is necessary to provide for the installation of containers for the supply of drinking water. The type of container, the feasibility of its device and location should be determined on the basis of technical and economic calculations and coordinated with the institutions of the sanitary and epidemiological service.

Premises where drinking water tanks are installed must be isolated and kept clean.

23. Containers for the transport and storage of water must be cleaned, rinsed thoroughly and disinfected weekly upon release.

Disinfection of containers for drinking water is carried out by the volumetric method, by filling them with a disinfectant solution with an active chlorine concentration of 75-100 mg/l. After contact for 5-6 hours, the disinfectant solution is removed and the container is washed with drinking water (the content of residual chlorine in the wash water is 0.3-0.5 mg/l).

24. Industrial water may be used for watering the territory and external washing of vehicles; technical and drinking water pipelines must be separate and painted in a distinctive color, not have connections with each other.

25. Food trade enterprises should be equipped with washing facilities for washing equipment, dishes, containers, which are equipped with washing baths (at least 2) with hot and cold running water supplied through mixers with their connection to the sewer network (with a jet break not less than 20 mm from the top of the intake funnel), racks, grates for drying and storing inventory, dishes.

26. In food trade enterprises where flask milk is sold (from milk cans for bottling), washing facilities for washing cans must be additionally equipped in accordance with the requirements of paragraph 25 of these sanitary rules.

27. In the absence of a centralized hot water supply, it is necessary to provide for the installation of electric boilers, water heaters, etc. in washing rooms to provide the enterprise with hot running water in sufficient volume.

28. Premises for the preparation of food products for sale, cafeterias, canteens, canteens and staff rooms should be equipped with washbasins with hot and cold running water supplied through a mixer.

29. The sluice at the food waste chamber must be equipped with a sink for washing tanks and a washbasin with their connection to the sewerage system and cold and hot water supply systems.

30. The sewerage systems of food trade establishments located in buildings for other purposes or annexes to them should be provided separately from the sewerage systems of these buildings.

31. The laying of pipelines for domestic wastewater in premises for the reception, storage, preparation of food products for sale and utility rooms of enterprises is not allowed, and pipelines for industrial wastewater only if they are enclosed in plastered boxes, without installing revisions.

32. In the vestibules of the toilets, it is necessary to provide for the equipment of a tap with hot and cold water supply at a level of 0.5 m from the floor for water intake when cleaning the premises.

In toilets for staff, toilets and sinks for washing hands are recommended to be equipped with pedal descents.

33. Disposal of sewage is carried out in accordance with the current "Rules for the protection of surface waters from pollution by sewage".

It is forbidden to discharge industrial and domestic wastewater into open water bodies without proper treatment, as well as the installation of absorbing wells.

34. It is not allowed to organize small-scale retail trade in drinks on tap in non-sewer places and without running water. It is forbidden to discharge sewage after washing dishes (glasses, glasses) directly to the adjacent territory.

^ IV. Sanitary requirements for ventilation, heating and lighting

35. The arrangement of heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems for the premises of food trade enterprises should provide for the implementation of technical solutions that ensure normalized meteorological conditions, air purity of industrial, commercial and storage premises, noise and vibration levels from the operation of equipment, heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems are not higher than established standards.

36. The ventilation system of enterprises located in buildings for other purposes should be separate from the ventilation system of these buildings.

37. For storage and commercial premises of food and non-food products, ventilation systems must be separate.

38. Exhaust ventilation shafts should protrude above the roof ridge or surface flat roof to a height of at least 1 m.

39. Refrigerated chambers for storing vegetables, fruits, berries and herbs must be equipped with mechanical supply ventilation, not connected with other ventilation systems of the enterprise.

40. In grocery stores with a sales area of ​​3500 sq.m. or more at an estimated outdoor temperature for the warm season (parameters A) of 25 degrees. From and above, air conditioning systems should be provided. In climatic region IV, air conditioning is provided for stores with a sales area of ​​1,000 sq.m or more.

41. In systems of mechanical supply ventilation, cleaning of the supplied outside air and its heating in winter should be provided. Air intake for supply ventilation should be carried out in the zone of least pollution at a height of at least 2 m from the ground.

42. Vestibules of entrances for customers in stores with a sales area of ​​150 sq.m. From and below must be equipped with air or air-thermal curtains.

43. In the premises for packaging bulk products in places of thermal packaging of food products in a polymer film, it is necessary to provide equipment for local exhaust ventilation with mechanical stimulation, as well as exhaust ventilation in washing rooms.

44. Natural and artificial lighting of food trade enterprises must comply with the requirements of the current SNiP "Natural and artificial lighting. Design standards": artificial lighting in trading floors must be at least 400 lux, in the premises for preparing goods - 200 lux. and pantries - 50 lux; the coefficient of natural lighting in sales areas and premises for the preparation of goods with side lighting should be equal to 0.4-0.5%, with top lighting - 2%.

45. In food storage rooms, lamps approved for use in rooms with low temperatures should be used. Luminaires must have protective covers with a metal mesh to protect them from damage and glass from falling onto the product.

46. ​​Electric lighting fixtures should be wiped as they get dirty, but at least once a month. Internal window and lantern glazing, frames are washed and wiped at least once a week, from the outside - at least twice a year, and in the warm season - as they get dirty.

47. It is forbidden to clutter up light openings with containers, products both inside and outside the building, and it is also forbidden to replace glazing with plywood, cardboard, paint over, etc. Broken glass in windows must be replaced immediately, it is forbidden to install compound glass in windows.

Window panes, showcases, glass of refrigerated showcases must be kept clean at all times.

48. Industrial premises, trading floors must be provided with heating in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 2.04.05-86. Heating appliances in all rooms must have a smooth surface and be accessible for cleaning, inspection and repair.

^ V. Sanitary requirements for planning, arrangement of enterprises

49. Space-planning and design solutions for the premises of food trade enterprises should ensure progressive forms of operation of enterprises, the use of packaging equipment, self-service, comprehensive mechanization of loading and unloading operations, automation of production processes, etc.

50. It is prohibited to place in residential buildings (first, second and ground floors) specialized fish and vegetable shops, as well as shops with a total trading area of ​​more than 1000 sq.m (in accordance with SNiP 2.08.01-89 "Residential buildings").

51. In food trade enterprises located in residential buildings, it is necessary to provide for vibration and noise protection measures to ensure proper working conditions for employees of enterprises and living conditions for people.

52. All premises should be located taking into account the flow, the maximum shortening of paths, the absence of oncoming flows and intersections of raw materials and finished food products, personnel and visitors. Each group of premises should be combined into a separate block: loading, storage premises, premises for preparing food products for sale, administrative, utility, commercial, etc.

Separate groups of premises should have a technological connection with each other: loading, storage rooms, premises for preparing food products for sale, trading floors.

53. For enterprises built-in and built-in-attached to residential buildings, unloading platforms should be equipped in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 2.08.01-89 "Residential buildings".

Unloading platforms must be equipped with canopies to protect food products from atmospheric precipitation, as well as water supply for washing the platform using a hose.

54. For the reception of vegetables and bread, separate doors or hatches should be provided directly to the pantries.

Loading should be carried out from the ends of residential buildings that do not have windows; from underground tunnels; from the highways, in the presence of special loading rooms.

56. Grocery stores should have isolated and specially equipped premises for preparing food products for sale: a cutting room for meat, a room for preparing gastronomic and dairy-fat products, fish, vegetables, etc.

Premises for storage and preparation of food products for sale should be as close as possible to loading and sales points and should not be walk-through.

57. In self-service food trade enterprises, it is necessary to provide separate packing rooms for groups of food products of the same epidemic significance;

All filling rooms must be equipped with double-cavity washing baths with hot and cold water supply, installation of mixers and connected to a sewer with an air gap of at least 20 mm.

58. In food trade enterprises that work with containers, equipment (containers), there must be premises for storing containers and containers.

59. Departments (tables) of orders in food trade enterprises should have the following set of premises: premises for receiving and issuing orders, picking, packing, expedition with refrigeration units for storing perishable products and a washbasin for washing hands.

60. In food trade enterprises selling food products and non-food products, storage and retail premises should be separate.

61. In food trade enterprises, isolated separate premises for receiving and storing glass containers from the population, with an area of ​​at least 18 sq.m., and in supermarkets - at least 36 sq.m., should be provided.

62. All utility, administrative and utility rooms for personnel should be isolated from food storage rooms.

63. Premises for storage and preparation of food products for sale, refrigerated chambers are not allowed to be placed under showers, toilets, washing and other premises with sewer drains.

64. Cooled cameras are not allowed to be placed near boiler rooms, boiler rooms, showers and other rooms with high temperature and humidity.

65. It is not allowed to lay pipelines for water supply, sewerage, heating, air ducts of ventilation systems through cooled chambers.

66. For the night delivery of food products to food trade enterprises, it is necessary to provide isolated, specially equipped premises that ensure proper conditions for their reception and storage. For particularly perishable foodstuffs, a refrigerated chamber should be provided.

Night delivery of food products to food trade enterprises built into residential buildings is prohibited.

67. For lining and painting walls inside the premises of enterprises, materials approved for this purpose by the health authorities are used.

In departments for the sale of especially perishable food products, walls to a height of 2 m must be lined with glazed tiles. In refrigerated chambers, wall cladding with glazed tiles should be for the entire height of the room.

Facing with impact-resistant glass tiles is only allowed in toilets and showers.

68. Floors in food trade enterprises should be made of moisture-resistant and waterproof materials approved for this purpose by the health authorities, have a flat surface, without potholes, as well as a slope towards the ladders.

Asphalt floors are allowed only in the unloading areas on the platforms for vehicles.

69. Food trade enterprises must be equipped with amenity premises in accordance with the requirements of the current SNiP 2.09.04-87 "Administrative and amenity buildings" and VSN 54-87.

70. Dressing rooms and showers for employees of food trade enterprises should be equipped like sanitary checkpoints.

Women's hygiene rooms must be provided in enterprises with an area of ​​650 sq.m or more.

71. Walls and partitions of dressing rooms, shower rooms, pre-shower rooms, toilets, women's hygiene rooms should be made to a height of 2 m from materials that allow them to be washed with hot water using detergents. Walls and partitions of the said premises above the mark of 2 m, as well as ceilings, must have a waterproof coating.

72. Storage of sanitary clothing should be carried out in an open way, for which the dressing rooms of amenity premises are equipped with hangers or open cabinets and shoe stands.

Joint storage of sanitary clothing, overalls and home clothes is not allowed.

73. Premises for toilets should be equipped with hangers for sanitary clothes, washbasins for washing hands with hot and cold water supply through a mixer, electric towels or disposable towels, and a mirror. Washbasins should have soap. Toilet bowls are recommended to be equipped with a pedal descent.

74. Amenity premises are thoroughly cleaned at least once per shift, washed with water and detergents, and then disinfected using a disinfectant in accordance with Appendix No. 2.

75. Cleaning equipment for toilets should be stored in a specially designated place, isolated from cleaning equipment in other premises, clearly marked and signalized.

76. Entry of unauthorized persons into the premises for the reception, storage and preparation of food products for sale is allowed with the permission of the administration and with the obligatory use of sanitary clothing.

Sanitary rules and norms SanPiN

"Sanitary rules for food trade enterprises"

1 area of ​​use

These Sanitary Norms and Rules have been revised in accordance with the "Rules for the sale certain types food and non-food products", approved by the Decree of the Council of Ministers - the Government of the Russian Federation of October 8, 1993, N 995, "Regulations on State Sanitary and Epidemiological Rationing", approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 5, 1994, N 625 and establish requirements for food trade enterprises are mandatory for compliance on the territory of the Russian Federation by all state bodies and public associations, enterprises and other business entities, organizations and institutions, regardless of their subordination and form of ownership, officials and citizens.

2.1. Law of the RSFSR "On the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population".

2.2. "Rules for the sale of certain types of food and non-food products", approved. Decree of the Council of Ministers - Government of the Russian Federation of October 8, 1993 N 995.

2.3. "Regulations on state sanitary and epidemiological regulation", approved. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 5, 1994 N 625.

2.4. GOST 2761-84 "Sources of centralized domestic drinking water supply".

2.5. GOST 2874-82 “Drinking water. Hygienic requirements and quality control”.

2.6. SNiP 2.04.01-85 "Internal water supply and sewerage of buildings".

2.7. SNiP 2.08.01-89 "Residential buildings".

2.8. SNiP 2.09.04-87 "Administrative and domestic buildings".

2.9. SNiP “Natural and artificial lighting. Design standards".

2.10. VSN 54-87 "Retailers".

2.11. SanPiN 42-123-4117-86 "Conditions and terms of storage of especially perishable products."

2.12. "Sanitary norms of the microclimate industrial premises", approved. deputy chapters State Sanitary Doctor of the USSR 31.03.86 N 4088-86.

2.13. "Sanitary standards acceptable levels noise in the workplace”, approved. chapters State Sanitary Doctor of the USSR 12.03.85 N 3223-85.

2.14. "Instruction for the prevention of potato bread disease", approved. Ministry of Health of the USSR 12.01.83 N 2658-83.

2.15. "Instructions for conducting mandatory preliminary upon admission to work and periodic medical examinations", approved. Ministry of Health of the USSR 29.09.89 N 555.

3. Requirements for food trade enterprises

3.1. General provisions

3.1.1. These sanitary rules apply to all existing food trade enterprises, which include: food bases, warehouses, storage facilities, food stores, small retail enterprises, regardless of departmental affiliation and ownership (except refrigerators).

3.1.2. The design of new and reconstruction of existing food trade enterprises must be carried out in accordance with these sanitary rules.

3.1.3. Ministries, departments, design organizations, state, cooperative and other enterprises are obliged to submit for approval to the bodies of the state sanitary and epidemiological service design estimates for the construction of food trade enterprises according to individual projects, as well as for the reconstruction and overhaul of existing enterprises.

3.1.4. The commissioning of newly built, reconstructed and overhauled enterprises should be carried out in agreement with the centers of state sanitary and epidemiological supervision.

3.1.5. A trading enterprise is required to have a license for the right to sell food products issued by the authorities executive power. At the same time, the range and volume of goods sold must be previously agreed with the centers of the state sanitary and epidemiological supervision.

It is forbidden to change the approved range of products sold without the consent of the centers of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision.

3.2. Sanitary requirements for the territory

3.2.1. The choice of a land plot for the construction of food trade enterprises, a source of water supply, a sewerage system and water discharge should be made in agreement with the institutions of the sanitary and epidemiological service.

3.2.2. A land plot for food trade enterprises should not be located in wetlands with a high level of standing groundwater, close to landfills, pig breeding, livestock complexes, leather, bone processing enterprises and other places of possible pollution.

3.2.3. Access roads, sidewalks and unloading areas must be asphalted or paved. Unpaved areas of the territory should be landscaped. In the household yard, sheds for containers, garbage bins and rooms for receiving dishes from the population are arranged.

3.2.4. The yard area must be kept properly clean. Yard cleaning should be done daily. In warm weather, before harvesting, the territory should be watered (at least twice a day). In winter, the roadway of the territory and footpaths are systematically cleared of snow and ice, and sand is sprinkled during ice.

3.2.5. The territory adjacent to the enterprise is subject to cleaning by the enterprise.

3.2.6. On the territory of the enterprise, it is necessary to provide a device for storm sewers with an appropriate slope, as well as the installation of watering taps for cleaning the territory.

3.2.7. For horse-drawn transport, a special isolated area must be allocated, at least 50 m away from warehouses and retail premises.

3.2.8. For garbage collection, containers, waste bins with lids must be installed on an asphalt or concreted area, the area of ​​​​which should be at least 1 m from the base of each waste bin. The garbage collector site should be located at a distance of at least 25 m from the enterprise and from windows and doors of residential buildings.

3.2.9. Containers and waste bins must be removed from the territory of the enterprise at least once a day. The removal of containers and garbage containers is carried out by transport, the use of which for the transportation of food raw materials and finished products is prohibited. In the case of centralized waste collection, waste bins must be delivered clean and disinfected. Sanitization of containers is carried out by specialized utilities.

3.3. Sanitary requirements for water supply and sewerage

3.3.1. Hot, cold water supply and sewerage systems of food trade enterprises must meet the requirements of the current SNiPa 2.04.01-85 "Internal water supply and sewerage of buildings".

3.3.2. The construction of new enterprises without an internal water supply and sewerage system is not allowed.

3.3.3. Food trade enterprises should be equipped with domestic and drinking and hot water supply systems, separate household and industrial sewerage systems with independent outlets.

In the absence of centralized water supply and sewerage systems in rural areas, it is allowed, in agreement with the centers of state sanitary and epidemiological supervision, to construct wells and cesspools for collecting wastewater.

3.3.4. Enterprises must be provided with water uninterruptedly and in sufficient quantities. Estimated water consumption rates for washing equipment, dishes, floors, panels, etc. determined by the norms of technological design, agreed with the bodies of the state sanitary and epidemiological supervision.

3.3.5. The choice of a source of centralized domestic drinking water supply should be made in accordance with GOST 2761-84 “Sources of centralized domestic drinking water supply. hygienic, technical requirements and selection rules.

3.3.6. Water used for technological, domestic, drinking needs must meet the requirements of the current, 75;o GOST 2874-82 “Drinking water. Hygienic requirements and quality control”.

3.3.7. In existing trade enterprises, in agreement with the centers of state sanitary and epidemiological surveillance, it is allowed to use imported water for household and drinking needs. The delivery of drinking water should be carried out in special marked tanks, galvanized barrels, flasks, cans (made of materials approved by the health authorities), tightly closed with lids, by special vehicles intended for the transport of food products.

3.3.8. In regions where there are interruptions in water supply, it is necessary to provide for the installation of containers for the supply of drinking water. The type of container, the feasibility of its installation and location should be determined on the basis of technical and economic calculations and coordinated with the centers of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision.

Premises where drinking water tanks are installed must be isolated and kept clean.

3.3.9. Containers for the transport and storage of drinking water must be cleaned, rinsed thoroughly and disinfected weekly upon release.

3.3.10. Disinfection of containers for drinking water is carried out by the volumetric method by filling them with a disinfectant solution with an active chlorine concentration of 75-100 mg/l. After contact for 5 - 6 hours, the disinfectant solution is removed and the container is washed with drinking water (the content of residual chlorine in the wash water is 0.3 - 0.5 mg / l).

3.3.11. Technical water can be used for watering the territory and external washing of vehicles; technical and drinking water pipelines must be separate and painted in a distinctive color, not have connections with each other.

3.3.12. Food trade enterprises should be equipped with washing facilities for washing inventory, dishes, containers, which are equipped with washing baths (at least 2) with hot and cold running water supplied through mixers, with their connection to the sewer network (with a jet break of at least 20 mm from the top of the intake funnel), racks, grates for drying and storing inventory, dishes.

3.3.13. In food trade enterprises where flask milk is sold (from milk cans for bottling), washing facilities for washing cans must be additionally equipped in accordance with the requirements of clause 3.3.12 of these sanitary rules.

3.3.14. In the absence of a centralized hot water supply, it is necessary to provide for the installation of electric boilers, water heaters, etc. in the washing rooms to provide the enterprise with sufficient hot running water.

3.3.15. Premises for the preparation of food products for sale, cafeterias, canteens, canteens and staff rooms should be equipped with washbasins with hot and cold running water supplied through a mixer.

3.3.16. The lock at the food waste chamber must be equipped with a sink for washing tanks and a washbasin with their connection to the sewerage system and cold and hot water supply systems.

3.3.17. The sewerage systems of food trade enterprises located in buildings for other purposes or extensions to them should be provided separate from the sewerage systems of these buildings.

3.3.18. Laying of domestic wastewater pipelines in premises for receiving, storing, preparing food products for sale and in utility rooms of enterprises is not allowed, and industrial wastewater pipelines - only if they are enclosed in plastered boxes, without installing revisions.

3.3.19. In the vestibules of the toilets, it is necessary to provide for the equipment of a tap with hot and cold water supply at a level of 0.5 m from the floor for water intake when cleaning the premises.

In toilets for staff, toilets and sinks for washing hands are recommended to be equipped with pedal descents.

3.3.20. Wastewater is discharged in accordance with the current "Rules for the Protection of Surface Water from Pollution by Wastewater".

It is forbidden to discharge industrial and domestic wastewater into open water bodies without proper treatment, as well as the installation of absorbing wells.

3.3.21. It is not allowed to organize small-scale retail trade in bottling drinks in non-sewered places and without running water. It is forbidden to discharge sewage after washing dishes (glasses, glasses) directly to the adjacent territory.

3.4. Sanitary requirements for ventilation, heating and lighting

3.4.1. The arrangement of heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems for the premises of food trade enterprises should provide for the implementation of technical solutions that ensure normalized meteorological conditions, air purity of industrial, commercial and storage premises, noise and vibration levels from the operation of equipment, heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems are not higher than established standards .

3.4.2. The ventilation system of enterprises located in buildings for other purposes should be separate from the ventilation system of these buildings.

3.4.3. For storage and production premises of food and non-food products, ventilation systems must be separate.

3.4.4. Exhaust ventilation shafts should protrude above the roof ridge or flat roof surface at a height of at least 1 m.

3.4.5. Refrigerated chambers for storing vegetables, fruits, berries and herbs must be equipped with mechanical supply ventilation that is not connected with other ventilation systems of enterprises.

3.4.6. In grocery stores with a sales area of ​​3500 sq.m. and more at the estimated outdoor temperature for the warm season (parameters A) of 25 ° C and above, air conditioning systems should be provided. In climatic region IV, air conditioning is provided for stores with a sales area of ​​1,000 sq.m or more.

3.4.7. In mechanical supply ventilation systems, cleaning of the supplied outside air and its heating in winter should be provided. Air intake for supply ventilation should be carried out in the zone of least pollution at a height of at least 2 m from the ground.

3.4.8. Entrance lobbies for customers in shops with a trading area of ​​150 sq.m.

3.4.9. In the premises for packaging bulk products in places of thermal packaging of food products in a polymer film, it is necessary to provide equipment for local exhaust ventilation with mechanical stimulation, as well as exhaust ventilation in washing rooms.

3.4.10. Natural and artificial lighting of food trade enterprises must comply with the requirements of the current SNiP "Natural and artificial lighting. Design standards”: artificial lighting in sales areas should be at least 400 lux, in the premises for preparing goods - 200 lux, in storerooms - 50 lux; the coefficient of natural lighting in sales areas and premises for the preparation of goods with side lighting should be equal to 0.4 - 0.5%, with the top - 2%.

3.4.11. In food storage chambers, lamps approved for use in rooms with low temperatures should be used. Luminaires must have protective covers with a metal mesh to protect them from damage and glass from falling onto the product.

3.4.12. Electric lighting fixtures should be wiped as they get dirty, but at least once a month. Internal window and lantern glazing, frames are washed and wiped at least once a week, from the outside - at least twice a year, and in the warm season - as they get dirty.

3.4.13. It is forbidden to clutter up light openings with containers, products both inside and outside the building, and it is also forbidden to replace glazing with plywood, cardboard, paint over, etc. Broken glass in the windows must be replaced immediately, it is forbidden to install compound glass in the windows.

Window panes, showcases, glass of refrigerated showcases must have a smooth surface and be accessible for cleaning, inspection and repair.

3.4.14. Industrial premises, trading floors must be provided with heating in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 2.04.05-86. Heating appliances in all rooms must have a smooth surface and be accessible for cleaning, inspection and repair.

3.5. Sanitary requirements for planning, arrangement of enterprises

3.5.1. Space-planning and constructive solutions for the premises of food trade enterprises should ensure progressive forms of operation of enterprises, the use of packaging equipment, self-service, comprehensive mechanization of loading and unloading operations, automation of production processes, etc.

3.5.2. It is prohibited to place specialized fish and vegetable shops in residential buildings (first, second and ground floors), as well as shops with a total trading area of ​​more than 1000 sq.m (in accordance with SNiP 2.08.01-89 "Residential buildings").

3.5.3. In food trade enterprises located in residential buildings, it is prohibited to equip engine rooms, cold rooms, forklifts directly under the living quarters. It is necessary to provide for vibration and noise protection measures that ensure proper working conditions for employees of enterprises and living conditions for people.

3.5.4. All premises should be located taking into account the flow, the maximum shortening of paths, the absence of oncoming flows and intersections of raw materials and finished food products, staff and visitors. Each group of premises should be combined into a separate block: loading, storage premises, premises for preparing food products for sale, administrative, utility, commercial, etc.

Separate groups of premises must have a technological connection with each other: loading, storage rooms, premises for preparing products for sale, trading floors.

3.5.5. For enterprises built-in and built-in-attached to residential buildings, unloading platforms should be equipped in accordance with the requirements of SNiPa 2.08.01-89 "Residential buildings".

Unloading platforms must be equipped with canopies to protect food products from atmospheric precipitation, as well as water supply for washing the platform using a hose.

3.5.6. To receive vegetables and bread, separate doors or hatches should be provided directly to the pantries.

3.5.7. It is not allowed to load goods from the side of the courtyard of a residential building, where windows and entrances to apartments are located.

Loading should be carried out from the ends of residential buildings that do not have windows; from underground tunnels; from the highways, in the presence of special loading rooms.

3.5.8. Grocery stores should have isolated and specially equipped premises for preparing food products for sale: a cutting room for meat, premises for preparing gastronomic and dairy-fat products, fish, vegetables, etc.

Premises for storage and preparation of food products for sale should be as close as possible to loading and sales points and should not be walk-through.

3.5.9. In food trade enterprises operating as self-service, it is necessary to provide separate packaging for groups of food products that have the same epidemiological significance; packing rooms for especially perishable foodstuffs must be equipped with refrigeration units for food storage.

All filling rooms must be equipped with double-cavity washing baths with hot and cold water supply, installation of mixers and connected to a sewer with an air gap of at least 20 mm.

3.5.10. In food trade enterprises working with containers, equipment (containers), there must be rooms for storing containers and containers.

3.5.11. Departments (tables) of orders in food trade enterprises should have the following set of premises: premises for receiving and issuing orders, picking, packing, expedition with refrigeration units for storing perishable products and a washbasin for washing hands.

3.5.12. In food trade enterprises selling food products and non-food products, warehouse and retail premises must be separate.

3.5.13. In food trade enterprises, isolated separate rooms for receiving and storing glass containers from the population, with an area of ​​at least 18 sq.m, and in supermarkets - at least 36 sq.m, should be provided.

3.5.14. All utility, administrative and utility rooms for personnel should be isolated from food storage rooms.

3.5.15. Premises for storage and preparation of food products for sale, refrigerated chambers are not allowed to be placed under showers, toilets, washing and other premises with sewer drains.

3.5.16. Cooled chambers are not allowed to be placed near boiler rooms, boiler rooms, showers and other rooms with high temperature and humidity.

3.5.17. It is not allowed to lay pipelines for water supply, sewerage, heating, air ducts of ventilation systems through cooled chambers.

3.5.18. For the night delivery of food products to food trade enterprises, it is necessary to provide isolated, specially equipped rooms that provide proper conditions for their reception and storage. For particularly perishable foodstuffs, a refrigerated chamber should be provided.

Night delivery of food products to food trade enterprises built into residential buildings is prohibited.

3.5.19. For lining and painting walls inside the premises of enterprises, materials approved for this purpose by the health authorities are used.

In departments for the sale of especially perishable food products, walls to a height of 2 m must be lined with glazed tiles. In refrigerated chambers, wall cladding with glazed tiles must be made to the full height of the room.

Facing with impact-resistant glass tiles is only allowed in toilets and showers.

3.5.20. Floors in food trade enterprises must be made of moisture-resistant and moisture-proof materials approved for this purpose by the health authorities, have a flat surface, without potholes, and also have a slope towards the ladders.

Asphalt floors are allowed only in the unloading areas on the platforms for vehicles.

3.5.21. Food trade enterprises must be equipped with amenity premises in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 2.09.04-87 "Administrative and amenity buildings" and VSN 54-87.

3.5.22. Dressing rooms and showers for employees of food trade enterprises should be equipped like sanitary checkpoints.

Women's hygiene rooms must be provided in enterprises with an area of ​​​​650 square meters. m or more.

3.5.23. Walls and partitions of dressing rooms, shower rooms, pre-shower rooms, toilets, women's hygiene rooms should be made to a height of 2 m from materials that can be washed with hot water using detergents. Walls and partitions of the said premises above the mark of 2 m, as well as ceilings, must have a waterproof coating.

3.5.24. Storage of sanitary clothing should be carried out in an open way, for which the dressing rooms of amenity premises are equipped with hangers or open cabinets and shoe stands.

Joint storage of sanitary clothing, overalls, home clothes is not allowed.

3.5.25. The pre-toilet rooms should be equipped with hangers for sanitary clothes, washbasins for washing hands with hot and cold water supply through a mixer, electric towels or disposable towels, and a mirror. Washbasins should have soap.

3.5.26. Amenity premises are thoroughly cleaned at least once per shift, washed with water and detergents, and then disinfected using a disinfectant in accordance with Appendix 2.

3.5.27. Cleaning equipment for toilets should be stored in specially designated places, isolated from cleaning equipment in other rooms, clearly marked and signalized.

3.5.28. Entry of unauthorized persons into the premises for the reception, storage and preparation of food products for sale is allowed with the permission of the administration and with the obligatory use of sanitary clothing.

3.6. Sanitary requirements for equipment, inventory, utensils

3.6.1. Food trade enterprises must be equipped with the necessary trade and technological equipment and refrigeration equipment in accordance with the type of enterprise, its capacity and in accordance with the current standards for equipping typical food trade enterprises.

3.6.2. The arrangement of trade, technological and refrigeration equipment should provide free access to it, exclude oncoming flows of raw and finished products.

3.6.3. Commercial equipment, inventory, containers, utensils and packaging must be made of materials approved by the health authorities for contact with food, easy to clean and disinfect.

3.6.4. Departments for the sale of perishable food products must be equipped without fail with cold: refrigerated counters, showcases, cabinets, etc.

3.6.5. Grids, trays, food storage racks should be made of materials with a smooth surface that can be easily washed and disinfected. The height of racks and pallets must be at least 15 cm from the floor.

3.6.6. Cutting boards, decks for cutting meat and fish should be made of hard wood, with a smooth surface, without cracks.

The deck for cutting meat is installed on a crosspiece or a special stand, painted with oil paint on the outside, cleaned with a knife every day after work and sprinkled with salt. Periodically, the deck is cut down and planed.

3.6.7. There should be separate cutting boards and clearly marked knives for each type of food, stored in the appropriate departments in designated areas.

3.6.8. Hooks for hanging meat must be made of stainless steel (tinned hooks are also allowed).

3.6.9. All refrigeration units at food trade enterprises must be equipped with thermometers to control the temperature regime of food storage.

3.6.10. At bases, warehouses, vegetable and fruit storage facilities, systematic monitoring of the temperature and humidity conditions of food storage, incl. vegetables, fruits, berries, canned food, bulk products, etc.

Air temperature control in refrigerated chambers, storage facilities should be carried out daily using thermometers installed in a conspicuous place, remote from doors and evaporators. Relative humidity is monitored at least once a week using a psychrometer, hygrograph or hygrometer. The results of measurements of temperature and relative humidity are recorded in a special log.

Control over compliance with the temperature and humidity regime of food storage is provided by the administration of the enterprise.

3.6.11. On the large enterprises food trade should have separate refrigerated chambers and rooms for storing homogeneous food products.

3.6.12. Wrapping paper, bags and other packaging materials should be stored in a specially designated place: on racks, shelves, in cabinets. Do not store packaging materials directly on the floor. Dirty edges are removed before cutting the roll paper.

Each food trade enterprise that sells food products must have a stock of wrapping paper, bags and other packaging materials.

3.6.13. To collect waste and garbage in the premises of enterprises, there must be metal or plastic pedal tanks with lids. As they are filled, but not more than 2/3 of the volume, they should be cleaned, and at the end of work they should be washed with 1 - 2% hot (45 - 50 ° C) solution of soda ash or other detergents, then rinsed with hot water .

3.6.14. Cleaning equipment for retail, warehouse and other premises (basins, buckets, brushes, etc.) must be marked, assigned to separate premises, stored separately in closed cabinets or wall niches specially allocated for this purpose.

3.6.15. For cleaning refrigerated chambers, refrigerated cabinets, refrigerated and trade showcases, counters, shelves, there must be specially designed for this marked inventory.

3.7. Sanitary requirements for the reception and storage of food products

3.7.1. Food products, food raw materials sold in trade must be accompanied by a document from the manufacturer confirming the quality and safety of products for human health, with reference to the date and number of the permit (hygienic certificate) issued by the institutions of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service in the prescribed manner.

The document(s) of the manufacturer for imported products, confirming their quality and safety for human health, must contain a mark of the institutions of the state sanitary and epidemiological supervision of the Russian Federation on passing the hygienic assessment of the food product in the prescribed manner.

The sale of food products and food raw materials without the availability of these documents confirming their quality and safety is prohibited.

Accompanying documents for particularly perishable foodstuffs must indicate the date and hour of production, storage temperature, and the deadline for sale.

3.7.2. The quality of food products entering food trade enterprises is checked by merchandisers, storekeepers, financially responsible persons, managers or directors of enterprises. Acceptance of products begins with checking the accompanying documents, the quality of the packaging, the conformity of the food products with the accompanying documents and the labeling indicated on the container (packaging).

3.7.3. State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision Centers carry out hygienic examination of food products only if there are special sanitary and epidemiological indications. Examination of non-standard products, as well as poor-quality, spoiled products, which does not require special medical competence, is carried out by merchandisers or a quality inspectorate.

3.7.4. The number of accepted perishable and especially perishable food products should be determined by the volume of operating refrigeration equipment (for storing this type of product) available at the enterprise.

3.7.5. Containers and packaging of food products must be durable, clean, dry, without foreign smell and integrity.

3.7.6. It is prohibited to accept, store and sell perishable and especially perishable food products in food trade enterprises that are not provided with cooling facilities.

Storage of perishable, especially perishable food products under refrigeration conditions should be provided not only in warehouses, but also in places of their direct sale.

3.7.7. Each unit of packaging of especially perishable food products must be accompanied by a certificate of the established form for this type of product with the obligatory indication of the storage temperature and the deadline for sale.

Certificates (labels, tags) on the supplier's packaging must be kept until the expiration date of the food products.

3.7.8. Food products are loaded into warehouses, refrigerated chambers, vegetable and fruit storages in batches, in order to better comply with the terms of their storage and quality control.

3.7.9. Storage of food products must be carried out in accordance with the current regulatory and technical documentation with appropriate temperature, humidity and light conditions for each type of product.

Especially perishable products should be stored at a temperature regime that meets the requirements of the sanitary rules "Conditions and terms of storage of especially perishable products" SanPiN 42-123-4117-86.

3.7.10. When storing food products, the rules of the commodity neighborhood, warehousing standards must be strictly observed. Products with a specific smell (herring, spices, etc.) must be stored separately from products that perceive odors.

3.7.11. Do not store food near water pipes and sewer pipes, heating appliances, outside storage facilities, as well as storage of bulk products directly on the floor.

3.7.12. It is prohibited to store raw and semi-finished products together with ready-made foodstuffs, store spoiled or suspicious foodstuffs together with good-quality foodstuffs, as well as store containers, trolleys, household materials and non-food items in food warehouses.

3.7.13. All foodstuffs in warehouses, refrigerated chambers, utility rooms, etc. should be stored on racks, pallets, pedestals.

3.7.14. Meat is allowed for acceptance only if there is a veterinary stamp and a document certifying the inspection and conclusion of the veterinary supervision (form 2).

3.7.15. Chilled meat (carcasses and half carcasses) is stored in a suspended state on hooks so that the carcasses do not come into contact with each other, with the walls and floor of the room.

Frozen meat can be stored on racks or crates.

Meat semi-finished products, offal, frozen and chilled poultry should be stored in the supplier's containers. When stacking, for better air circulation between the boxes, it is necessary to lay wooden slats.

3.7.16. It is forbidden to accept non-gutted poultry in food trade enterprises, with the exception of game.

3.7.17. It is forbidden to accept eggs without a veterinary certificate (form 2) for each batch of eggs on the well-being of poultry farms for salmonellosis and other zoonotic infections, as well as waterfowl eggs (duck, goose); chicken eggs that were in the incubator (mirage), eggs with cracks (“fight”), with a violation of the integrity of the shell (“tech”), contaminated chicken eggs, as well as melange.

3.7.18. It is forbidden to sell eggs together with other bulk products (butter, cottage cheese, cheese, sausage, etc.).

It is forbidden to wash eggs prepared by consumer cooperation organizations, as well as eggs intended for long-term storage in refrigerators.

Diet eggs are stored at a temperature of 0 to 20 ° C - 7 days; canteens - at a temperature not exceeding 20 ° C - 25 days, at a temperature from 0 to 2 ° C - no more than 120 days.

3.7.19. It is forbidden to accept and sell dairy products in contaminated glass containers, with broken packaging, without certificates.

3.7.20. It is forbidden to accept, store and sell powdered infant formula in food trade enterprises that do not have proper conditions for their storage. Dry infant formulas are stored at a temperature not exceeding 10 °C and relative air humidity not more than 75%. The implementation of infant milk formulas must be strictly carried out within the time limits established for each type of product, that.

3.7.21. Ice cream industrial production in food trade enterprises it should be stored at a temperature not higher than -12 ° C for no more than 5 days, in a retail network (trays, stalls, pavilions, kiosks) equipped with cooling facilities - no more than 48 hours.

3.7.22. Mayonnaise is stored in darkened rooms at a temperature of 3 to 18 ° C and a relative humidity of not more than 75% in accordance with the established shelf life for each type of product.

It is forbidden to store and transport mayonnaise when exposed to direct sunlight and at temperatures below 0 °C.

3.7.23. It is prohibited to accept and store chilled fish, hot smoked fish, culinary products and semi-finished products from fish; these products must go directly to stores for sale.

3.7.24. Chilled fish should be stored in the container in which it came from the supplier, the storage temperature should be -2 ° C, the shelf life in food trade enterprises is 48 hours. Frozen fish is stored in boxes stacked in stacks with slats between the rows of boxes in accordance with the requirements of regulatory and technical documentation.

Live fish is stored in an aquarium, in the warm season - no more than 24 hours, in the cold - no more than 48 hours, at a temperature of 10 ° C in clean water.

3.7.25. Bread and bakery products accept and store in clean, dry, well-ventilated and heated rooms. It is not allowed to store bread and bakery products in bulk, close to the walls of the premises, in containers on the floor without trays, as well as on racks located at a distance of less than 35 cm from the floor in utility rooms and less than 60 cm in sales areas.

3.7.26. In cases where signs of a disease of bread and bakery products with a potato disease are found during storage or sale, it is necessary to immediately remove such products from the sales area and warehouses and take measures in accordance with the "Instructions for the Prevention of Potato Bread Disease", approved. Ministry of Health of the USSR 12.01.83, N 2658-83.

In order to prevent the occurrence of potato bread disease, it is necessary to wash the shelves for storing bread at least once a week. warm water with soap, wipe with a 1% solution of acetic acid, then dry.

3.7.27. When accepting cream confectionery products, it is prohibited to transfer cakes with cream from the supplier's trays to the store's containers, as well as to sell them using the self-service method.

It is strictly forbidden to accept cakes that are not packed individually in standard carton boxes, as well as cakes not packed in metal trays with lids (tight fitting).

Carrying or carrying cakes and pastries on open sheets or trays is strictly prohibited.

3.7.28. Cream confectionery not implemented in deadlines, are subject to return to the enterprises that manufactured them, no later than 24 hours from the date of expiration of the implementation period.

It is allowed to return for processing from trading network products with mechanical damage or changes appearance and forms with an expired shelf life in the absence of organoleptic changes and the presence of foreign inclusions.

3.7.29. Soft drinks should be stored in dry, ventilated and darkened rooms with a relative humidity of no more than 75%. Deadlines and temperature conditions storage of soft drinks must comply with the requirements existing standards and technical conditions.

3.7.30. It is forbidden to accept and sell expired non-alcoholic and low-alcohol drinks, as well as drinks in bottles without a label (except for bottles with the corresponding designations on crown caps), with damaged closures, sediments and other defects.

3.7.31. Before the issuance of canned food in the implementation of the head. a warehouse or a merchandiser without fail conducts their inspection. For each identified batch of unfit for food canned food, an act must be drawn up in accordance with the current instruction “On the procedure for accepting industrial and technical products and consumer goods in terms of quality”, followed by presentation of a commission approved by a higher organization.

3.7.32. Canned food recognized as unfit for food should be stored in a separate room, on a special account, with an exact indication of the number of rejected cans. The head of the enterprise is responsible for the safety of rejected cans and their further use.

3.7.33. In cases where more than 2% of bacteriological defects (bombage) are detected in one batch of canned food, the administration of the enterprise is obliged to stop the sale of canned food of this batch, inform the manufacturing plant and the territorial center of sanitary and epidemiological supervision about this in order to resolve the issue of further sale of canned food.

The question of the place and method of destruction of bombing cans is decided by the head of the enterprise in agreement with the sanitary and epidemiological service.

3.7.34. Storage of bulk products should be carried out in dry, clean, well-ventilated areas, not infected with barn pests, with a relative humidity of not more than 75%.

Bulk products are stored in bags in stacks on racks, at a distance of 50 cm from the walls, with a gap between stacks of at least 75 cm.

3.7.35. Table salt is stored separately from other products. Guaranteed shelf life of iodized salt is 6 months from the date of production. After the specified period, the salt is sold as ordinary food.

3.7.36. Fresh fruits and vegetables are stored packed in special ventilated warehouses, without natural light, with proper temperature and humidity conditions. The storage temperature of vegetables and fruits, depending on their type, ranges from 3 to 12 ° C at a relative humidity of 70 to 95%.

3.7.37. Specialized stationary storage facilities for storing vegetables and fruits must be equipped forced ventilation and ensure the proper temperature and relative humidity for each type of product in accordance with the requirements of the current regulatory and technical documentation.

3.7.38. Frozen vegetables and fruits are stored at a temperature of -18 ° C and a relative humidity of 90 - 95% for 9 - 12 months, they are stored at a temperature of -12 ° C in a retail network for 3 - 5 days.

3.7.39. Acceptance, storage of mushrooms and mushroom products and their sale is carried out in accordance with the current " Sanitary regulations for the harvesting, processing and sale of mushrooms.

3.7.40. In order to prevent yersiniosis and pseudotuberculosis during the storage of vegetables at the bases, their quality should be periodically checked, vegetables should be sorted and cleaned.

3.8. Sanitary requirements for the release of food products

3.8.1. Only good-quality foodstuffs are allowed to be sold. Before supplying food products to the packaging premises or the trading floor, their quality, packaging condition and labeling must be checked.

Sellers are required to monitor the quality of the food sold. If a change in the quality of food products is detected, it is necessary to delay their sale and immediately inform the administration about this in order to resolve the issue of the possibility of further sale of products.

The seller is responsible for the sale of poor-quality food products to buyers.

In the trading floor of a store or department that sells new types of products, information about the consumer properties of food products, their constituent components, food additives, as well as recommendations for preparation and use should be posted in a conspicuous place.

3.8.2. Preparation of food products for sale is carried out in special rooms intended for this purpose, where preliminary cleaning of dirty surfaces, windward sections, the upper yellowed layer of fats, rubbing of rennet cheeses and sausages, packaging of food products, releasing them from containers, wiping bottles, cans, cleaning, etc.

Preparation of food products for sale should be carried out by sellers or persons specially assigned for this purpose. The use of cleaners, workers, random persons for this purpose is not allowed.

3.8.3. The sale of raw products (meat, poultry, fish, seafood, eggs, vegetables, etc.) and semi-finished products from them should be carried out in special departments separately from the sale of ready-to-eat products.

In departments and order shops, when preparing individual orders, the weighing and packaging of raw and ready-to-eat foods must be carried out separately.

3.8.4. When selling unpackaged food products to buyers, the seller is obliged to use tongs, spatulas, scoops, scoops, spoons, etc. The workplaces of sellers must be provided with labeled cutting boards and knives.

3.8.5. It is forbidden to weigh food products directly on the scales, without wrapping paper and other packaging materials. It is not allowed to release food products into dirty containers of the buyer and printed waste paper.

3.8.6. When organizing home service, delivery of food products to the customer must be carried out in conditions that exclude contamination of products and their spoilage.

3.8.7. It is forbidden to sell to buyers food products that have accidentally fallen on the floor or are otherwise contaminated (sanitary marriage). Sanitary marriage should be collected in a special container with the appropriate marking.

3.8.8. To select and determine the freshness of bread and bakery products in self-service stores (departments) there must be special forks, tongs, at least 2 pieces per one running meter commercial equipment. For the packaging of bakery products in enterprises, it is recommended to organize the sale of paper and plastic bags.

Cutting by auxiliary workers and buyers is prohibited.

3.8.9. Cutting cakes and selling them in parts is only allowed in cafeterias, provided that the products are consumed by buyers on the spot and subject to availability. relevant conditions for storage and processing of inventory, utensils.

3.8.10. Flask milk sales departments should have stencils warning about the need to boil milk.

It is forbidden to accept and sell cottage cheese made from unpasteurized milk, milk and cream with high acidity (samokvass).

3.8.11. When dispensing liquid dairy products (milk, sour cream, etc.), it is prohibited to keep the buyer's dishes over an open can, flask, barrel, etc., and also to drain the products back from the buyer's dishes into a common container.

It is forbidden to leave trade equipment (spoons, spatulas, etc.) in a container with milk, cottage cheese and sour cream; they need to be kept in special utensils and rinse daily. Dairy inventory must be used strictly for its intended purpose.

3.8.13. The release of eggs is carried out with a preliminary check of their quality on an ovoscope. It is prohibited to sell eggs in departments (sections) of enterprises selling ready-to-eat products (dairy, sausage, cream confectionery, etc.).

3.8.14. Canned food with defects is not allowed for sale: bombing, crackers, smudges, holes and through cracks, deformed, with signs of microbiological spoilage of products (mold, fermentation, mucus), etc.

3.8.15. When selling drinks from isothermal containers, one should be guided by the current "Instructions for the maintenance of isothermal containers intended for the sale of soft drinks, kvass and draft beer."

3.8.16. Bottles with drinks and water, glass bottles with juices should be wiped on the outside with a damp, clean cloth before opening them. Glass containers are opened on the table before being released to the consumer. Previously, juice cans are carefully inspected for the presence of bombage and foreign inclusions.

3.8.17. When selling soft drinks and juices in an enterprise, glasses should be washed at the point of sale using double-acting syringes. At the end of the working day, it is necessary to wash the glasses with the addition of detergents and rinse with hot running water (temperature not lower than 65 ° C).

In the absence of conditions for washing glasses, the release of drinks is allowed only in disposable cups. It is strictly forbidden reuse disposable cups.

3.8.18. Clean utensils for dispensing drinks are stored upside down on trays. Glasses are rinsed before filling. It is forbidden to wash glasses for dispensing drinks in buckets and basins.

3.8.19. Fruit and vegetable products are sold in specialized fruit and vegetable stores, departments and sections, as well as in pavilions of a small retail chain.

During the period of mass receipt of potatoes and fresh fruits and vegetables, it is allowed to sell them from stalls, carts, etc., as well as at open vegetable markets. The sale of rotten, spoiled vegetables and fruits is prohibited.

3.8.20. The release of fruit and vegetable processed products (fermented, salted, pickled, etc.) must be carried out separately from the sale of vegetables and fruits, with special equipment (spoons, forks, tongs, etc.) in a clean container.

It is forbidden to sell juices for bottling in fruit and vegetable departments.

3.8.21. At fruit and vegetable bases and in stores, it is recommended to wash root crops and pack them in nets and bags for sale.

3.8.22. The sale of detergents, bleaches, washing powders, pastes is allowed only in separate departments of large grocery stores, supermarkets in conditions that exclude the possibility of their contact with food both on the trading floor and in warehouses.

3.9. Sanitary requirements for a small retail chain

3.9.1. Small retail network objects can be stationary (tents, kiosks, vans, pavilions) and mobile (trolleys, baskets, trays, mobile shops, trailers, isothermal containers and tanks for the sale of beer, kvass, milk, vending machines for the sale of drinks).

Stationary small retail trade facilities must ensure the implementation of these sanitary rules.

The choice of location for the placement of a small retail network facility should be agreed with the local centers of state sanitary and epidemiological surveillance.

3.9.2. Automatic machines for the sale of drinks in bottling are provided with glass washers, which have protective devices from debris. The glass washer should provide simultaneous washing of glasses from the outside and inside water must be supplied under pressure.

3.9.3. The objects of the small retail network sell food products in a limited range. The range of products must be agreed with the centers of state sanitary and epidemiological surveillance, taking into account local conditions.

3.9.4. In stationary objects of a small retail network, there should be a utility room for storing containers, a warehouse for a day's supply of food.

It is not allowed to store containers or packaged products near the enterprise.

3.9.5. Each stationary enterprise of a small retail network should have a washbasin, soap, and a towel. To collect garbage and waste, there should be a pedal bucket with a lid. A closet or space must be provided to store the seller's personal belongings. AT cold period season, the temperature at the seller's workplace should not be below 18 °C.

3.9.6. Kiosks for the sale of food products should be specialized, i.e. release to customers any one group of food products.

In tents, mixed trade in products is allowed if there are appropriate conditions for their storage and sale.

3.9.7. Hot finished goods(patties, whites, pasties, cutlets, etc.) should be dispensed from isothermal or heated containers, carts. Chilled products(ice cream, frozen foods, fruits, berries, etc.) are released from isothermal or refrigerated containers, trolleys. Bulk products should be released to customers in paper napkins or packages.

3.9.8. At the end of the working day, transportable and portable equipment must be returned to the base enterprise and subjected to sanitization, unsold products must be deposited at the enterprise.

The storage of mobile and portable commercial equipment and food products sold at sellers' homes is strictly prohibited.

3.9.9. When trading from baskets, trays, etc., it is not allowed to put them on the ground, for this purpose there must be folding stands.

3.9.10. The seller of a small retail network is obliged:

b) monitor the quality of accepted and sold food products, in case of doubt about their good quality, immediately stop their sale and return them to the base, to the store, with the preparation of an appropriate act;

c) strictly observe the terms of sale and the rules for dispensing food products, use tongs, scoops, spatulas, etc. when dispensing;

d) protect products from contamination;

e) be neatly dressed, combed, wear clean sanitary clothes of the established sample, a special headdress, a breastplate;

f) strictly observe the rules of personal hygiene, wash hands after each break in work and as necessary.

3.9.11. The seller of a stationary small-scale retail network must carry and present to representatives of the sanitary and epidemiological supervision a medical book, a sanitary journal and a document (quality certificate) from the manufacturer confirming the quality and safety of products for the consumer.

3.10. Sanitary regime at food trade enterprises

3.10.1. All food business premises must be kept clean. Upon completion of work, there should be wet cleaning using detergents.

Commercial and mechanical equipment (scales, p, 88; stalls, showcases, packaging units, etc.) upon completion of work must be treated with an alkaline solution, then with hot water.

3.10.2. Should be done once a week general cleaning using detergents and disinfectants. Characteristics of individual detergents and disinfectants are presented in appendices 1, 2.

3.10.3. Once a month, a sanitary day is established in all food trade enterprises for cleaning and subsequent disinfection of premises, equipment, inventory, utensils, etc.

The sanitary day is held in accordance with the schedule approved by the higher organization. The administration of the enterprise is obliged to notify buyers in advance about the holding sanitary day.

3.10.4. Works on disinfestation and deratization (if necessary) should be carried out by specialists of disinfection stations or departments of preventive disinfection of the centers of state sanitary and epidemiological supervision, as a rule, after the closing of the enterprise on the day preceding the sanitary day. Prior to disinfection, all food products not packed in factory packaging are removed or hermetically sealed, wet sweeping, cleaning and washing of floors, walls, etc. is performed. in all those premises where these works will be carried out. All windows, vents, doors, ventilation hatches and other openings are tightly closed; the enterprise is in this state until the morning of the next day.

During the sanitary day, first of all, those rooms in which disinfestation and deratization were carried out are especially carefully cleaned.

3.10.5. For disinfection of equipment, inventory, utensils, a clarified (settled) bleach solution with an active chlorine content of 150–200 mg/l is used. Disinfectants containing active chlorine 200-250 mg/l are used for disinfection of floors and panels.

The most polluted (infected) places are disinfected with chlorine preparations with an active chlorine concentration of up to 400 mg/l. The exposure time with a disinfectant solution should be at least 5-10 minutes.

3.10.6. Toilets shall be thoroughly cleaned, flushed and disinfected by spraying with a solution of bleach or other disinfectant as needed and after the end of the work of the enterprise. During each cleaning of the toilets, the valves of the water taps, as well as the handles and door locks, trigger handles and other surfaces touched by a person’s hands when visiting the toilet are wiped with a separate cloth moistened with a disinfectant solution.

For disinfection of toilets, a disinfectant solution with an active chlorine concentration of 500 mg/l is used.

3.10.7. Detergents and disinfectants are stored in a dry, well-ventilated room equipped with racks in which food products are not allowed to be stored.

Solutions are stored for no more than 5 days in a dark glass container with a well-fitting stopper. When storing disinfectants, direct exposure to light and moisture is not allowed *.

3.10.8. Maintenance food trade enterprises (whitewashing, painting of premises, equipment, etc.) should be carried out at least once a year and as needed.

3.10.9. Containers, inventory packaging (trolleys, baskets, nets, etc.), as well as cups and platforms of scales, weights should be washed daily with detergents and dried.

3.10.10. Brushes and washcloths for washing inventory, dishes, containers are thoroughly washed daily using approved detergents, boiled for 10-15 minutes if possible and stored in a specially designated place.

3.10.11. The mode of washing commercial inventory is as follows:

a) mechanical removal leftover food with a brush or spatula;

b) washing inventory with a brush, washcloth in a 0.5% solution of soda ash (water temperature 45 - 50 ° C) or other permitted detergents (Appendix 1);

c) rinsing inventory with hot running water, temperature not lower than 65 °C;

d) drying inventory and utensils on special shelves or grates.

Bathtubs for washing inventory are regularly washed with hot running water using detergents and disinfectants.

3.10.12. Washing mode for milk flasks and rubber gaskets:

a) rinsing milk flasks with warm water, temperature 35 - 40 ° C;

b) washing the flasks with a hot washing solution, temperature 60 - 65 ° C;

c) rinsing the flasks with water until the remnants of the washing solution are completely removed;

d) after processing, the flasks are dried on racks upside down, with the lid open.

Rubber pads of milk flasks are washed in the same mode, separately.

3.10.13. Isothermal containers and communications are sanitized:

upon receipt of new containers from the manufacturer - washing and disinfection;

before the start of the season for the sale of drinks - washing and disinfection;

after a break in work for more than a day - washing;

during operation: after each emptying of the container, flushing of the flow tap water, periodically - washing and disinfection.

Flushing and washing of containers and communications is carried out by employees trade enterprises, and disinfection - the manufacturer, supplier of drinks.

Rules for washing isothermal containers:

a) isothermal containers and communications to them are thoroughly washed from the remnants of drinks after each emptying of the container with running tap water for at least 10 minutes;

b) periodically, 1 time in 5 days, in addition to washing, a thorough washing of the containers is carried out with the help of brushes using one of the permitted detergents;

c) at the end of washing, the containers are washed with running tap water for at least 10 minutes until the complete disappearance of traces of detergent;

d) washing of the measuring glass, pouring tap, hose and other fittings is carried out in the following order: the washed container is filled with water, the water is drained through the measuring glass several times and then, having created pressure in the container, the water is forced through the pressure of carbon dioxide, draining through the pouring tap;

e) disinfection of containers and communications is carried out periodically at least once every 10 days. Disinfection is carried out with disinfectants, the use of which is provided for by the current "Sanitary Rules for Brewing and Non-Alcoholic Industry Enterprises".

Washing inventory (nets, buckets, hoses, etc.) must be stored in a specially designated place, while the brushes must be in a disinfectant solution.

3.10.14. Tanks, dispensers, filters, pipelines and glass washing machines for the sale of drinks are washed by passing a hot 0.5% solution of soda ash, then rinsed with hot water, the temperature is not lower than 65 ° C.

Washing mode for vending machines for milk, coffee, cocoa, etc. next:

a) rinsing cold water for washing off milk residues for 2 minutes;

b) washing with a 0.5% solution of soda ash, temperature 35 - 40 ° C for 2 - 3 minutes;

c) disinfection with a clarified bleach solution containing active chlorine 200 mg/l for 5-10 minutes;

d) rinsing with hot water, temperature 65 °C.

3.11. Sanitary requirements for food transportation

3.11.1. Special vehicles must be allocated for the transportation of food products. It is forbidden to transport food products by vehicles that previously transported pesticides, gasoline, kerosene and other strong-smelling and toxic substances.

For the transportation of a certain type of food products (dairy, sausage, cream confectionery, bread, meat, fish, semi-finished products, etc.), specialized transport must be allocated, labeled in accordance with the transported products.

3.11.2. Vehicles used to transport food must have sanitary passport to be clean, to good condition, the car body must have a hygienic coating that can be easily washed.

3.11.3. It is forbidden to load food products into vehicles that do not meet sanitary requirements and in the absence of a sanitary passport for it, as well as the transportation of raw products and semi-finished products along with ready-made food products.

3.11.4. The driver-forwarder (forwarder) is obliged to have a personal medical book and dark-colored overalls, strictly observe the rules of personal hygiene and the rules for transporting food products.

3.11.5. Washing and processing of vehicles intended for the transport of food products should be carried out in vehicle fleets.

3.11.6. Transportation conditions (temperature, humidity) must comply with the requirements of regulatory and technical documentation for each type of food, as well as the rules for the transportation of perishable goods different kind transport.

Refrigerated or isothermal transport should be allocated for the transportation of especially perishable foodstuffs.

3.11.7. In vehicles intended for the transport of foodstuffs, special places must be allocated for the storage of sanitary clothing and tarpaulins. It is forbidden to place forwarders on food products. Loading and unloading of food products should be carried out by loaders in sanitary clothing ( white color).

3.11.8. Bread and bakery products must be transported in trays, in special closed vehicles or vans equipped with shelves. It is forbidden to transport bread in bulk.

3.11.9. Cream confectionery products must be transported in refrigerated transport under conditions that exclude temperature rise above 6 °C. Products must be packed in metal containers with lids, trays with lids, cakes must be delivered in standard cardboard boxes.

3.11.10. Transportation of meat should be carried out in refrigerated trucks: cooled and chilled - at a temperature not exceeding 6 ° C, ice cream - at a temperature not exceeding 0 ° C.

It is allowed to use in some cases open auto- and horse-drawn transport, in which the meat is laid on a clean bedding and covered with a tarpaulin, canvas or coarse calico.

3.11.11. live fish transported from reservoirs in thermally insulated tank trucks with a special container (100 kg) for ice, as well as equipment for saturating the water in which the fish is transported with air. The temperature of the water in the tank should be 1-2°C in winter, 4-6°C in spring and autumn, and 10-14°C in summer.

3.11.12. In case of circular delivery of particularly perishable foodstuffs, the rules for their sequential stacking must be strictly observed, excluding contamination of the products.

3.11.13. Vehicle fleets, enterprises or organizations that carry out sanitization of rolling stock bodies, by order or instruction, appoint a person responsible for washing, processing food transport.

Sanitization of food transport should be carried out in specially equipped washing units or on special sites connected to water supply and sewerage, have hot water supply, detergents and disinfectants, and cleaning equipment for washing bodies.

3.11.14. The post of washing and processing of food transport must be equipped with:

equipment and supplies for cleaning, washing and disinfecting vehicles (washing machines, flexible hoses equipped with guns with hot and cold water, brushes, disinfection devices, equipment for drying and ventilating vehicles after washing and disinfection);

overalls for washers (rubber boots, rubber gloves, rubberized apron, cotton suit with a hood, goggles, respirator);

cabinets for storing cleaning and washing equipment (brushes, washcloths, buckets, etc.), detergents and disinfectants, overalls;

room for drying clothes and cleaning equipment.

3.11.15. Sanitization mode of food transport:

a) cleaning of the body and cabin is carried out with the help of brushes, brooms or vacuum cleaners;

b) external washing of the car body - with alkaline water (temperature 35 - 40 ° C), with further rinsing with water from a hose;

c) washing the inner surface of the car is carried out with brushes, washing solution (solution temperature 55 - 60 ° C) or mechanically from hoses under a pressure of 1.5 atm at a temperature of 65 - 70 ° C for 2 - 3 minutes;

d) after washing with detergent solutions inner surface the car body must be thoroughly rinsed until the remnants of the washing solution are completely removed, then it is dried and ventilated, it must not have extraneous odors;

e) disinfection of the inner surface of the body must be carried out with a disinfectant solution containing active chlorine 250 mg/l, exposure exposure disinfectant solution 10 minutes. Upon completion of disinfection, the inner surface of the body is washed with water from a hose, dried and ventilated until the smell of chlorine is completely removed. Car wash hoses should be stored suspended.

Disinfection of transport is carried out as needed, but at least once every 10 days.

Note: the consumption of disinfectants is 2.5 g of the substance per 1 sq.m or 0.5 l of the working solution per 1 sq.m of the treated surface. Detergent consumption is 1 liter per 1 sq.m of surface.

3.11.16. Territorial centers of state sanitary and epidemiological supervision must issue a sanitary passport for each vehicle transporting food products for a period of not more than 6 months, for especially perishable food products - for a period of 3 months.

Sanitary and epidemiological service employees have the right to prohibit the transportation of food products by vehicles that do not meet sanitary requirements.

3.12. Sanitary requirements for working conditions

employees of food trade enterprises

3.12.1. When designing food trade enterprises and carrying out the reconstruction of existing enterprises, it is necessary to take into account the sanitary and hygienic norms and rules for the organization of labor.

3.12.2. The microclimate of the enterprise must comply with the requirements of the "Sanitary norms for the microclimate of industrial premises", approved. deputy Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the USSR 31.03.86, N 4088-86.

The parameters of air temperature in the working area, relative air humidity and air velocity are presented in Table No. 4.

3.12.3. Concentration harmful substances in the air working area should not exceed the MPC for specific substances **.

3.12.4. Noise levels at workplaces of industrial, commercial premises and on the territory of the enterprise must comply with the current " Sanitary standards permissible noise levels at workplaces”, approved. Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the USSR on March 12, 1985, N 3223-85, and be no more than 80 dB.

3.12.5. The illumination of working surfaces at workplaces must comply with the requirements of the current SNiP "Natural and artificial lighting" and range from 200 to 400 lux, depending on the purpose of the premises.

In food trade enterprises, amenity premises must be provided in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 2.09.04-87 "Administrative and amenity buildings" and the requirements of VSN 54-87 "Retail trade enterprises".

3.12.6. Persons exposed to harmful and unfavorable production factors are subject to mandatory preliminary upon admission to work and periodic medical examinations in accordance with the “Instructions for conducting mandatory preliminary upon admission to work and periodic medical examinations of workers and medical examinations of drivers of individual Vehicle", approved. by order of the Ministry of Health of the USSR on September 29, 1989, N 555 and agreed with the Secretariat of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions on September 27, 1989, N 20-27 ***.

3.12.7. The contingents subject to preliminary and periodic medical examinations determine the centers of state sanitary and epidemiological supervision together with the administration and the trade union committee of the enterprise (for enterprises, professions and adverse factors) no later than December 1 of the previous year.

The State Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance Centers also monitor the completeness of coverage and the timeliness of preliminary and periodic medical examinations of contingents.

3.12.8. When passing a preliminary medical examination, the administration of the enterprise in the direction of a medical institution conducting preliminary examinations must fully indicate the last name, first name, patronymic, year of birth, profession of the person being examined, harmful factors and unfavorable working conditions, in accordance with appendices 1, 2 of the order of the Ministry of Health of the USSR N 555 dated September 29, 1989 "On improving the system of medical examinations of workers and drivers of individual vehicles."

3.13. Measures to combat insects and rodents

3.13.1. Flies, cockroaches, rodents are not allowed in food trade enterprises. The administration of the enterprise is obliged to ensure that measures are taken to combat insects and rodents throughout the year (on the territory of the enterprise and in all premises).

3.13.2. To carry out disinfestation and deratization, the administration of the enterprise must conclude an agreement with the city pest control station or the preventive disinfection department of the territorial center of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision.

Contracts must be renewed annually. Enterprises must create the necessary conditions for effective carrying out deratization and disinfestation works.

3.13.3. Preventive pest control is carried out only after the end of the work of the enterprise or on a sanitary day. Only walls, ceilings and window frames. Before performing disinfestation work with insecticides, food products, utensils, equipment should be taken out of the room or sealed.

Processing of floors, equipment and inventory is prohibited. Before starting work after disinfestation, it is necessary to carry out ventilation and thorough cleaning of the premises.

3.13.4. In food trade enterprises, the following preventive measures to combat flies should be carried out:

thorough cleaning of the premises;

collection of food waste in containers with tightly closed lids;

timely removal of food waste, after which the containers are cleaned, washed, disinfected;

with the onset of spring, all opening windows and doorways should be closed with nets;

sticky paper and special electric traps are used to exterminate flies.

Special measures for the treatment of places of possible breeding of flies should be carried out by specialists from departments of preventive disinfection.

3.13.5. In order to prevent the appearance of cockroaches, it is necessary to close up gaps in partitions, walls, cabinets, etc. and prevent the accumulation of crumbs, food debris on tables, as well as in drawers and shelves. If cockroaches are found, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the premises and scald the places where insects accumulate with boiling water.

3.13.6. To protect against the penetration of rodents (rats, mice), cracks in the floor, holes in the ceiling, around technical inputs, are sealed with brick, cement, or sheet iron; ventilation holes and channels should be closed metal meshes with cells no more than 0.25 x 0.25 cm, and hatches are equipped with tight covers or metal bars.

3.13.7. When reconstructing and repairing enterprises, it is necessary to fully carry out construction and technical measures to constructive protection buildings and premises from the penetration of rodents.

3.13.8. In the event of the appearance of rodents, apply mechanical methods their destruction (tops, traps).

Application chemicals for the destruction of cockroaches and rodents is allowed only when these activities are carried out by pest control specialists.

Note: bacteriological methods of rodent control at food trade enterprises are prohibited.

3.13.10. If there are insects or rodents in the enterprises, the centers of state sanitary and epidemiological supervision have the right to prohibit the operation of the enterprise until complete processing.

3.14. Medical examinations, preventive examinations

and hygiene preparation

3.14.1. Persons applying for work and working in food trade enterprises should be subject to preliminary and periodic medical examinations in accordance with the “Instructions for conducting mandatory preliminary and periodic medical examinations of workers and medical examinations of drivers of individual vehicles”, approved by the by order of the Ministry of Health of the USSR of September 29, 89, N 555 and agreed with the Secretariat of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions on September 27, 1989, N 20-27.

3.14.2. Employees who, by the nature of their work, have direct contact with food, utensils, production inventory and equipment must pass hygiene training, pass the test 1 time in two years according to the established program. The sanitary doctor has the right to suspend from work persons who do not know and do not follow the sanitary rules at work, until they pass the test according to the established program.

3.14.3. Engineering and technical personnel and managers of the enterprise must undergo certification once a year on sanitary-hygienic and anti-epidemic issues.

3.14.4. Each employee must have a personal medical book with him, which records the results of all medical examinations and examinations, information about the transferred infectious diseases, about the passage of hygienic training, certification.

Personal medical books of employees must be kept by the administration of the enterprise. Employees of a small-scale retail network are given a personal medical book in their hands.

3.14.5. Persons with diseases or bacteria carriers are not allowed to work or are subject to temporary suspension from work:

typhoid, paratyphoid, salmonellosis, dysentery;

hymenolepiasis, enterobiasis;

syphilis in the infectious period;

contagious skin diseases: scabies, trichophytosis, microsporia, scab, actinomycosis with ulcerations or fistulas on open parts of the body;

infectious and destructive forms of pulmonary tuberculosis: extrapulmonary tuberculosis with the presence of fistulas, bacteriuria, lupus erythematosus of the face and hands;

pustular diseases ****.

3.14.6. The sanitary doctor has the right to dismiss from work persons who have not undergone a timely medical examination and bring the head of the enterprise to administrative responsibility.

3.15. Personal hygiene of personnel

3.15.1. All food retailers are required to:

a) constantly monitor the cleanliness of the body, hands, hair, cut nails short;

b) come to work in clean clothes and shoes, leave personal belongings in the dressing room, storage of home and sanitary clothes should be separate;

c) before starting work, take a shower, and in the absence of a shower, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water, put on clean sanitary clothes, pick up your hair under a cap, scarf;

d) remove sanitary clothing when leaving the enterprise on the territory and before visiting the toilet;

e) be sure to wash your hands with soap and water before dispensing food and after using the toilet, as well as after each break in work and contact with contaminated objects;

f) do not eat or smoke in trade, storage and utility rooms;

g) in case of fever, suppuration, signs of gastrointestinal diseases, symptoms of other diseases, report this to the administration and contact a medical institution for advice and appropriate treatment.

3.15.2. Employees of food trade enterprises are prohibited from stabbing sanitary clothing with pins, needles and storing personal toilet items, cigarettes and other foreign objects in the pockets of their dressing gowns, jackets, and using sanitary clothing for other purposes.

3.15.3. Locksmiths, electricians, auxiliary and other workers engaged in work in trade departments, warehouses, refrigerated chambers are required to follow the rules of personal hygiene, work in overalls, carry tools in special boxes with handles and take measures to prevent items from getting into food products.

3.15.4. Each food trade enterprise should have a first aid kit with a set of medicines for first aid.

3.16. Duties and responsibilities of administration

for compliance with these sanitary rules

3.16.1. The administration of the enterprise is obliged to ensure:

each employee with sanitary clothing in accordance with applicable standards;

regular washing and repair of sanitary clothing (it is strictly forbidden to wash sanitary clothing individually at home);

systematic implementation of pest control and deratization measures, sanitary days;

conducting classes on hygiene training with employees of enterprises, passing tests by all employees upon admission to work, then once every two years;

carrying out once every two years certification of heads of enterprises, commodity experts, head. warehouses, databases on sanitary and hygienic issues;

preliminary presentation to polyclinics and other medical institutions where preliminary and periodic medical examinations are carried out, lists of employees of the enterprise;

the presence of a sanitary journal of the established form, laced, numbered and sealed for recording proposals and acts of the centers of state sanitary and epidemiological surveillance;

efficient operation of trade, technological and refrigeration equipment;

availability of a sufficient amount of detergents and disinfectants, trade and cleaning equipment, wrapping paper, food packaging bags;

working conditions of personnel that meet sanitary standards.

3.16.2. Responsibility for the implementation of these sanitary rules rests with the heads of food trade enterprises. The head of the enterprise is responsible for the general sanitary condition of the enterprise and compliance with sanitary regime, for the quality of the food products sold, for the observance of the proper conditions for the reception, storage of food products and the observance of the terms for their sale, as well as for the sanitary condition of the adjacent territory.

3.16.3. The administration is responsible for the admission to work of persons who have not passed a preliminary or periodic medical examination, as well as those who are not admitted to work for medical reasons, for the timely and organized attendance of employees for these examinations, monitors compliance with the terms for passing pk, 7; periodic medical examinations.

3.16.4. For the proper maintenance of storage facilities, proper storage food products, their quality and compliance with the terms of implementation, the responsibility rests with the head of the base, warehouse, vegetable and fruit storage facilities, merchandisers, storekeepers, store managers, etc.

3.16.5. Responsibility for compliance with the rules of personal hygiene, for the sanitary condition of the workplace, for compliance with sanitary requirements to the release of food products and the timing of their implementation, rests with the sellers.

3.16.6. Each employee of a food trade enterprise must be familiar with these sanitary rules.

3.16.7. Those guilty of violating the requirements of these sanitary rules are subject to administrative, disciplinary or criminal liability.

3.16.8. Control over compliance with these sanitary rules for food trade enterprises is carried out by bodies and institutions of the sanitary and epidemiological service and departmental sanitary doctors.

Appendix 1

Characteristics of detergents

In the food business, especially importance maintains cleanliness and compliance with the relevant sanitary requirements for the enterprise.

Washing of premises and equipment is carried out with solutions of detergents. Detergents must meet certain requirements, have high washing power, ensure complete surface wettability, and soften hard water. Detergent solutions should ensure the complete removal of contaminants, their dispersion, emulsification, neutralization of acidic contaminants or saponification of fat.

Cleaning solutions must not cause corrosion of the equipment.

Detergents can be homogeneous chemicals or be a mixture of several chemical compounds. Mixtures have a higher detergent effect.

Food trade enterprises mainly use soda ash, trisodium phosphate, desmol, synthetic washing powders of type A, B, C, etc.

Soda ash. It is anhydrous sodium carbonate - a white fine-crystalline powder, readily soluble in water. In aqueous solutions, soda ash partially decomposes, forming caustic alkali and bicarbonate, which are the active detergent. Hot (50 - 60 ° C) solutions of soda ash well saponify contaminated surfaces and destroy protein residues. If the temperature of cleaning solutions drops to 40 - 30 ° C, their washing ability drops sharply.

It is necessary to use a 0.5% solution of soda ash at a temperature of 40 - 50 ° C for manual washing of equipment, inventory, dishes, containers and a 1 - 2% solution at a temperature of 70 - 80 ° C for circular washing.

Soda ash mixed with surfactant and anti-corrosion agents has a much better effect.

Synthetic washing powders of type A, B, C. They dissolve well in water and are effective in cleaning equipment. They are produced in three types for water of various hardness (according to VTU 18-36-64).

Type A - for areas with water hardness above 5.35 mEq. (15° German).

Type B - for areas with water hardness below 5.35 mEq. (from 6° to 15° German).

Type B - for areas with soft water, hardness not higher than 2 meq. (not higher than 6° him).

Type A and B powders prevent the formation of deposits in hard water. The formulation of powders A, B, C is given below.


Powder composition, %

Sulfonol (in terms of active substance)
Sodium tripolyphosphate
sodium metasilicate
soda ash
Sodium sulfate

Synthetic washing powders A, B, C are used: for circular washing in the form of 1% solutions, for manual washing in the form of a 0.5% solution.

The temperature of the cleaning solutions must be below 45 °C.

When washing mechanically, the temperature of the washing solution can be increased to 60 - 80 ° C, when washing manually, the temperature of the washing solution should not exceed 45 - 50 ° C, because. temperatures above this limit may cause irritation to the skin of the hands.

Desmol is a synthetic detergent and disinfectant used for washing and disinfecting equipment.

The use of "Dezmol" allows you to combine washing and disinfection of equipment in one operation. For manual washing use 0.5%, and for mechanical processing - 1.0% aqueous solutions.

After washing with any of the indicated detergents, it is necessary to completely remove the remaining dirt and cleaning solution from the treated surface.

Appendix 2

Characteristics of disinfectants

Food retailers are disinfected with chemicals. These include mainly chlorine-containing disinfectants: bleach, chloramine, monochloramine, their preparations: antiseptol, milk of lime, slaked lime and etc.

Chlorine and other chlorine-active drugs are classified as oxidizing agents according to the mechanism of action. This group includes compounds that release chlorine and oxygen, which ensures their high bactericidal effect. The bactericidal activity of chlorine-containing preparations increases by lowering the pH of solutions and increasing the contact time. Their activity is adversely affected by the presence of organic and inorganic contaminants, a decrease in temperature below 10 °C.

The effectiveness of processing equipment, inventory, dishes with chlorine-containing preparations, as well as other means, depends on the concentration of the solution (the content of the active substance in it), the exposure time of this solution, and its temperature. Chlorine-containing disinfectants have a significant corrosive effect on metals. It increases with increasing temperature, so disinfectant solutions are used at temperatures not exceeding 50 °C.

It is very important to disinfect thoroughly washed surfaces, as organic residues bind chlorine and reduce its bactericidal effect.

Bleach is a powdery white product of alkaline reaction, with a pungent smell of chlorine, a mixture of various calcium salts. The quality of bleach is determined by the content of active chlorine in it. When dissolved in water, a suspension is formed, the precipitate consists of insoluble salts. Chloric lime is an unstable chemical compound that quickly decomposes under the influence of carbon dioxide, moisture, light, and high temperature. Even with proper storage (in a dense wooden or iron container, protected from corrosion, in a dry, cool room), the loss of active chlorine is 1-3% per month. In this regard, it is necessary to systematically (at least once every three months) examine bleach for the content of active chlorine. Solutions of bleach during storage lose their activity, so they must be prepared for no more than 5 days.

Preparation of bleach solutions

A clarified 10% solution of bleach is prepared as follows: 1 kg of bleach is triturated with the addition of a small amount of water until a uniform slurry is obtained. Then add the rest of the amount of water (up to 10 l), mix and leave to settle in a dark glass or enamelware with stopper for 24 hours. After that, the clarified solution is carefully drained or filtered into another similar container. From the prepared stock solution, immediately before disinfection, prepare working solutions of the desired concentration, guided by the tables.

Table 1

Preparing 10 liters of a stock solution of 10% bleach

depending on the content of active chlorine in the original preparation

The amount of dry bleach, g

table 2

Preparation of solutions of required concentrations

Depending on the quality of dry bleach, the resulting initial solution may contain from 16 to 36 mg of active chlorine per 1 ml.

Chloramines are a series of complex organic compounds, in which one or two hydrogen atoms located at nitrogen are replaced by chlorine. When replacing one hydrogen atom with chlorine, monochloramines are obtained, and two hydrogen atoms - dichloramines.

Depending on the initial product taken during the synthesis of chloramine, chloramine B and CB are distinguished, when chlorobenzene is also taken.

Chloramine B (monochloramine B) is a white crystalline powder with a slight smell of chlorine. Contains 26% active chlorine. In water room temperature dissolves up to 20% chloramine. Chlorine in chloramine is firmly bound to an organic base, therefore, with proper storage, chloramine may not lose active chlorine for several years.

Chloramine has a bactericidal property, warm solutions of chloramine (40 - 50 ° C) are highly active, while there is no loss of active chlorine. Solutions retain active chlorine for 15 days and can be prepared for future use.

Working solutions of chloramine are prepared by stirring it until completely dissolved in water, preferably heated to 50 - 60 ° C.

Table 3

Calculations for the preparation of working solutions based on chloramine

depending on the concentration of active chlorine

in the original preparation in grams per 1 liter of solution

Concentration of solutions for disinfection

Note: if the content of active chlorine in the original dry preparation (chloramine, bleach) is less than 16%, it is subject to withdrawal from use.

Lime milk is obtained as follows: one part of quicklime is diluted in 9 parts of water. When processing and disinfecting the walls of warehouses, milk of lime is used, sometimes a solution of bleach is added to it. When working with milk of lime, goggles and overalls are necessary, since hit milk of lime on the skin and eyes causes an inflammatory process.

Hydrated lime is used in the form of a lime suspension of 10% and 20% concentration. Lime slurry must be prepared immediately before use. It is used for disinfecting cesspools, dustbins, whitewashing walls, latrines, vegetable stores, etc. Whitewashing is done three times. Lime consumption - 1 liter per 1 sq.m.

Quicklime is stored in a dry place in a well-closed container.

Annex 3

Normalized values ​​of temperature, relative humidity

and speed of air movement in the working area of ​​industrial premises

Period of the year

Air temperature about С

Relative humidity, %

Air speed, m/s




allowable working place in permanent and non-permanent places, no more

optimal, no more

permissible at Workplaces permanent and non-permanent

Upper, 3; border

Bottom line






Cold period of the year

Easy Ia

no more than 0.1

Easy Ib

no more than 0.2

Moderate IIa

no more than 0.3

Moderate IIb

no more than 0.4

Heavy III

no more than 0.5

Warm period of the year

Easy Ia

Easy Ib

Medium IIa

Medium IIb

Heavy III

A high air velocity in the warm period of the year corresponds to the maximum air temperature, a lower one - minimum temperature air. For intermediate values ​​of air temperature, the speed of its movement can be determined by interpolation.

* Consumption of detergents is determined at the rate of 1 liter of solution per 1 sq.m of surface, disinfectant solutions - at the rate of 0.5 l of working solution per 1 sq.m of surface.

** Extremely allowable concentration dust of plant and animal origin is from 2 to 6 mg / cu. m.

*** The list of harmful substances and unfavorable production factors, when working with which preliminary medical examinations are required upon admission to work and periodic medical examinations in order to prevent occupational diseases, is set out in Appendix 1 of the order of the Ministry of Health of the USSR dated September 29, 1989, N 555.

Active Edition from 30.12.1994

Document name"SANITARY RULES FOR FOOD TRADING ENTERPRISES. SANITARY RULES AND NORMS. SanPiN" (approved by the Decree of the State Committee for Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision of the Russian Federation of December 30, 1994 N 14)
Document typedecree, rules
Host bodyState Committee for Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision of the Russian Federation
Document NumberSANPIN
Acceptance date01.01.1970
Revision date30.12.1994
Date of registration in the Ministry of Justice01.01.1970
  • At the time of inclusion in the database, the document was not published
Navigator Notes

"SANITARY RULES FOR FOOD TRADING ENTERPRISES. SANITARY RULES AND NORMS. SanPiN" (approved by the Decree of the State Committee for Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision of the Russian Federation of December 30, 1994 N 14)

State Committee for Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision of the Russian Federation
dated December 30, 1994 No. 14

1 area of ​​use

These Sanitary Norms and Rules have been revised in accordance with " Rules sale of certain types of food and non-food products", approved by the Decree of the Council of Ministers - the Government of the Russian Federation of October 8, 1993, N 995, " Regulation on State Sanitary and Epidemiological Rationing", approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 5, 1994, N 625 and establish requirements for food trade enterprises, are mandatory for compliance on the territory of the Russian Federation by all state bodies and public associations, enterprises and other business entities, organizations and institutions, regardless of their subordination and forms of ownership, officials and citizens.

2. Regulatory references

2.1. Law RSFSR "On the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population".

2.2. "rules sales of certain types of food and non-food products", approved by the Decree of the Council of Ministers - the Government of the Russian Federation of October 8, 1993 N 995.

2.3. "Position on state sanitary and epidemiological regulation", approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 5, 1994 N 625.

2.4. GOST 2761-84 "Sources of centralized utility and drinking water supply".

2.5. GOST 2874-82 "Drinking water. Hygienic requirements and quality control".

2.6. SNiP 2.04.01-85 "Internal water supply and sewerage of buildings".

2.7. SNiP 2.08.01-89 "Residential buildings".

2.8. SNiP 2.09.04-87 "Administrative and domestic buildings".

2.9. SNiP "Natural and artificial lighting. Design standards".

2.10. VSN 54-87 "Retailers".

2.11. SanPiN 42-123-4117-86 "Conditions and terms of storage of especially perishable products".

2.12. "Sanitary norms for the microclimate of industrial premises", approved. deputy chapters State Sanitary Doctor of the USSR 31.03.86 N 4088-86.

2.13. "Sanitary standards for permissible noise levels in the workplace", approved. chapters State Sanitary Doctor of the USSR 12.03.85 N 3223-85.

2.14. "Instruction for the prevention of potato bread disease", approved. Ministry of Health of the USSR 12.01.83 N 2658-83.

2.15. "Instruction on conducting mandatory preliminary upon admission to work and periodic medical examinations", approved by the Ministry of Health of the USSR on September 29, 1989 N 555.

3. Requirements for food trade enterprises 3.1. General provisions

3.1.1. These sanitary rules apply to all existing food trade enterprises, which include: food bases, warehouses, storage facilities, food stores, small retail enterprises, regardless of departmental affiliation and ownership (except refrigerators).

3.1.2. The design of new and reconstruction of existing food trade enterprises must be carried out in accordance with these sanitary rules.

3.1.3. Ministries, departments, design organizations, state, cooperative and other enterprises are obliged to submit for approval to the bodies of the state sanitary and epidemiological service design and estimate documentation for the construction of food trade enterprises according to individual projects, as well as for the reconstruction and overhaul of existing enterprises.

3.1.4. The commissioning of newly built, reconstructed and overhauled enterprises should be carried out in agreement with the centers of state sanitary and epidemiological supervision.

3.1.5. A trading enterprise must have a license for the right to sell food products issued by the executive authorities. At the same time, the range and volume of goods sold must be previously agreed with the centers of the state sanitary and epidemiological supervision.

It is forbidden to change the approved range of products sold without the consent of the centers of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision.

3.2. Sanitary requirements for the territory

3.2.1. The choice of a land plot for the construction of food trade enterprises, a source of water supply, a sewerage system and water discharge should be made in agreement with the institutions of the sanitary and epidemiological service.

3.2.2. A land plot for food trade enterprises should not be located in wetlands with a high level of standing groundwater, close to landfills, pig breeding, livestock complexes, leather, bone processing enterprises and other places of possible pollution.

3.2.3. Access roads, sidewalks and unloading areas must be asphalted or paved. Unpaved areas of the territory should be landscaped. In the household yard, sheds for containers, garbage bins and rooms for receiving dishes from the population are arranged.

3.2.4. The yard area must be kept properly clean. Yard cleaning should be done daily. In warm weather, before harvesting, the territory should be watered (at least twice a day). In winter, the roadway of the territory and footpaths are systematically cleared of snow and ice, and sand is sprinkled during ice.

3.2.5. The territory adjacent to the enterprise is subject to cleaning by the enterprise.

3.2.6. On the territory of the enterprise, it is necessary to provide a device for storm sewers with an appropriate slope, as well as the installation of watering taps for cleaning the territory.

3.2.7. For horse-drawn transport, a special isolated area must be allocated, at least 50 m away from warehouses and retail premises.

3.2.8. For garbage collection, containers, waste bins with lids must be installed on an asphalt or concreted area, the area of ​​​​which should be at least 1 m from the base of each waste bin. The garbage collector site should be located at a distance of at least 25 m from the enterprise and from windows and doors of residential buildings.

3.2.9. Containers and waste bins must be removed from the territory of the enterprise at least once a day. The removal of containers and garbage containers is carried out by transport, the use of which for the transportation of food raw materials and finished products is prohibited. In the case of centralized waste collection, waste bins must be delivered clean and disinfected. Sanitization of containers is carried out by specialized utilities.

3.3. Sanitary requirements for water supply and sewerage

3.3.1. Hot, cold water supply and sewerage systems of food trade enterprises must meet the requirements of the current SNiPa 2.04.01-85 "Internal water supply and sewerage of buildings".

3.3.2. The construction of new enterprises without an internal water supply and sewerage system is not allowed.

3.3.3. Food trade enterprises should be equipped with domestic and drinking and hot water supply systems, separate household and industrial sewerage systems with independent outlets.

In the absence of centralized water supply and sewerage systems in rural areas, it is allowed, in agreement with the centers of state sanitary and epidemiological supervision, to construct wells and cesspools for collecting wastewater.

3.3.4. Enterprises must be provided with water uninterruptedly and in sufficient quantities. Estimated water consumption rates for washing equipment, dishes, floors, panels, etc. determined by the norms of technological design, agreed with the bodies of the state sanitary and epidemiological supervision.

3.3.5. The choice of a source of centralized domestic drinking water supply should be made in accordance with GOST 2761-84 "Sources of centralized domestic drinking water supply. Hygienic, technical requirements and selection rules."

3.3.6. Water used for technological, domestic, drinking needs must meet the requirements of the current GOST 2874-82 "Drinking water. Hygienic requirements and quality control."

3.3.7. In existing trade enterprises, in agreement with the centers of state sanitary and epidemiological surveillance, it is allowed to use imported water for household and drinking needs. The delivery of drinking water should be carried out in special marked tanks, galvanized barrels, flasks, cans (made of materials approved by the health authorities), tightly closed with lids, by special vehicles intended for the transport of food products.

3.3.8. In regions where there are interruptions in water supply, it is necessary to provide for the installation of containers for the supply of drinking water. The type of container, the feasibility of its installation and location should be determined on the basis of technical and economic calculations and coordinated with the centers of the state sanitary and epidemiological supervision.

Premises where drinking water tanks are installed must be isolated and kept clean.

3.3.9. Containers for the transport and storage of drinking water must be cleaned, rinsed thoroughly and disinfected weekly upon release.

3.3.10. Disinfection of containers for drinking water is carried out by the volumetric method by filling them with a disinfectant solution with an active chlorine concentration of 75 - 100 mg/l. After contact for 5 - 6 hours, the disinfectant solution is removed and the container is washed with drinking water (the content of residual chlorine in the washing water is 0.3 - 0.5 mg/l).

3.3.11. Technical water can be used for watering the territory and external washing of vehicles; technical and drinking water pipelines must be separate and painted in a distinctive color, not have connections with each other.

3.3.12. Food trade enterprises should be equipped with washing facilities for washing inventory, dishes, containers, which are equipped with washing baths (at least 2) with hot and cold running water supplied through mixers, with their connection to the sewer network (with a jet break of at least 20 mm from the top of the intake funnel), racks, grates for drying and storing inventory, dishes.

3.3.13. In food trade enterprises where flask milk is sold (from milk cans for bottling), washing facilities for washing cans must be additionally equipped in accordance with the requirements of clause 3.3.12 of these sanitary rules.

3.3.14. In the absence of a centralized hot water supply, it is necessary to provide for the installation of electric boilers, water heaters, etc. in the washing rooms to provide the enterprise with sufficient hot running water.

3.3.15. Premises for the preparation of food products for sale, cafeterias, canteens, canteens and staff rooms should be equipped with washbasins with hot and cold running water supplied through a mixer.

3.3.16. The lock at the food waste chamber must be equipped with a sink for washing tanks and a washbasin with their connection to the sewerage system and cold and hot water supply systems.

3.3.17. The sewerage systems of food trade enterprises located in buildings for other purposes or extensions to them should be provided separate from the sewerage systems of these buildings.

3.3.18. Laying of domestic wastewater pipelines in premises for receiving, storing, preparing food products for sale and in utility rooms of enterprises is not allowed, and industrial wastewater pipelines - only if they are enclosed in plastered boxes, without installing revisions.

3.3.19. In the vestibules of the toilets, it is necessary to provide for the equipment of a tap with hot and cold water supply at a level of 0.5 m from the floor for water intake when cleaning the premises.

In toilets for staff, toilets and sinks for washing hands are recommended to be equipped with pedal descents.

3.3.20. Wastewater is discharged in accordance with the current "Rules for the Protection of Surface Water from Pollution by Wastewater".

It is forbidden to discharge industrial and domestic wastewater into open water bodies without proper treatment, as well as the installation of absorbing wells.

3.3.21. It is not allowed to organize small-scale retail trade in bottling drinks in non-sewered places and without running water. It is forbidden to discharge sewage after washing dishes (glasses, glasses) directly to the adjacent territory.

3.4. Sanitary requirements for ventilation, heating and lighting

3.4.1. The arrangement of heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems for the premises of food trade enterprises should provide for the implementation of technical solutions that ensure normalized meteorological conditions, air purity of industrial, commercial and storage premises, noise and vibration levels from the operation of equipment, heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems are not higher than established standards .

3.4.2. The ventilation system of enterprises located in buildings for other purposes should be separate from the ventilation system of these buildings.

3.4.3. For storage and production premises of food and non-food products, ventilation systems must be separate.

3.4.4. Exhaust ventilation shafts should protrude above the roof ridge or flat roof surface at a height of at least 1 m.

3.4.5. Refrigerated chambers for storing vegetables, fruits, berries and herbs must be equipped with mechanical supply ventilation that is not connected with other ventilation systems of enterprises.

3.4.6. In grocery stores with a sales area of ​​3500 sq.m. and more at the estimated outdoor temperature for the warm season (parameters A) of 25 ° C and above, air conditioning systems should be provided. In climatic region IV, air conditioning is provided for stores with a sales area of ​​1,000 sq.m or more.

3.4.7. In mechanical supply ventilation systems, cleaning of the supplied outside air and its heating in winter should be provided. Air intake for supply ventilation should be carried out in the zone of least pollution at a height of at least 2 m from the ground.

3.4.8. Entrance lobbies for customers in shops with a trading area of ​​150 sq.m.

3.4.9. In the premises for packaging bulk products in places of thermal packaging of food products in a polymer film, it is necessary to provide equipment for local exhaust ventilation with mechanical stimulation, as well as exhaust ventilation in washing rooms.

3.4.10. Natural and artificial lighting of food trade enterprises must comply with the requirements of the current SNiP "Natural and artificial lighting. Design standards": artificial lighting in trading floors must be at least 400 lux, in the premises for preparing goods - 200 lux, in pantries - 50 lux; the coefficient of natural lighting in the trading floors and premises for the preparation of goods with side lighting should be equal to 0.4 - 0.5%, with the top - 2%.

3.4.11. In food storage chambers, lamps approved for use in rooms with low temperatures should be used. Luminaires must have protective covers with a metal mesh to protect them from damage and glass from falling onto the product.

3.4.12. Electric lighting fixtures should be wiped as they get dirty, but at least once a month. Internal window and lantern glazing, frames are washed and wiped at least once a week, from the outside - at least twice a year, and in the warm season - as they get dirty.

3.4.13. It is forbidden to clutter up light openings with containers, products both inside and outside the building, and it is also forbidden to replace glazing with plywood, cardboard, paint over, etc. Broken glass in the windows must be replaced immediately, it is forbidden to install compound glass in the windows.

Window panes, showcases, glass of refrigerated showcases must have a smooth surface and be accessible for cleaning, inspection and repair.

3.4.14. Industrial premises, trading floors must be provided with heating in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 2.04.05-86. Heating appliances in all rooms must have a smooth surface and be accessible for cleaning, inspection and repair.

3.5. Sanitary requirements for planning, arrangement of enterprises

3.5.1. Space-planning and constructive solutions for the premises of food trade enterprises should ensure progressive forms of operation of enterprises, the use of packaging equipment, self-service, comprehensive mechanization of loading and unloading operations, automation of production processes, etc.

3.5.2. It is prohibited to place specialized fish and vegetable shops in residential buildings (first, second and ground floors), as well as shops with a total trading area of ​​more than 1000 sq.m (in accordance with SNiP 2.08.01-89 "Residential buildings").

3.5.3. In food trade enterprises located in residential buildings, it is prohibited to equip engine rooms, refrigerators, forklifts directly under residential premises. It is necessary to provide for vibration and noise protection measures that ensure proper working conditions for employees of enterprises and living conditions for people.

3.5.4. All premises should be located taking into account the flow, the maximum shortening of paths, the absence of oncoming flows and intersections of raw materials and finished food products, staff and visitors. Each group of premises should be combined into a separate block: loading, storage premises, premises for preparing food products for sale, administrative, utility, commercial, etc.

Separate groups of premises must have a technological connection with each other: loading, storage rooms, premises for preparing products for sale, trading floors.

3.5.5. For enterprises built-in and built-in-attached to residential buildings, unloading platforms should be equipped in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 2.08.01-89 "Residential buildings".

Unloading platforms must be equipped with canopies to protect food products from atmospheric precipitation, as well as water supply for washing the platform using a hose.

3.5.6. To receive vegetables and bread, separate doors or hatches should be provided directly to the pantries.

3.5.7. It is not allowed to load goods from the side of the courtyard of a residential building, where windows and entrances to apartments are located.

Loading should be carried out from the ends of residential buildings that do not have windows; from underground tunnels; from the highways, in the presence of special loading rooms.

3.5.8. Grocery stores should have isolated and specially equipped premises for preparing food products for sale: a cutting room for meat, premises for preparing gastronomic and dairy-fat products, fish, vegetables, etc.

Premises for storage and preparation of food products for sale should be as close as possible to loading and sales points and should not be walk-through.

3.5.9. In food trade enterprises operating as self-service, it is necessary to provide separate packaging for groups of food products that have the same epidemiological significance; packing rooms for especially perishable foodstuffs must be equipped with refrigeration units for food storage.

All filling rooms must be equipped with double-cavity washing baths with hot and cold water supply, installation of mixers and connected to a sewer with an air gap of at least 20 mm.

3.5.10. In food trade enterprises working with containers, equipment (containers), there must be rooms for storing containers and containers.

3.5.11. Departments (tables) of orders in food trade enterprises should have the following set of premises: premises for receiving and issuing orders, picking, packing, expedition with refrigeration units for storing perishable products and a washbasin for washing hands.

3.5.12. In food trade enterprises selling food products and non-food products, warehouse and retail premises must be separate.

3.5.13. In food trade enterprises, isolated separate rooms should be provided for the reception and storage of glass containers from the population, with an area of ​​​​at least 18 sq.m, and in supermarkets - at least 36 sq.m.

3.5.14. All utility, administrative and utility rooms for personnel should be isolated from food storage rooms.

3.5.15. Premises for storage and preparation of food products for sale, refrigerated chambers are not allowed to be placed under showers, toilets, washing and other premises with sewer drains.

3.5.16. Cooled chambers are not allowed to be placed near boiler rooms, boiler rooms, showers and other rooms with high temperature and humidity.

3.5.17. It is not allowed to lay pipelines for water supply, sewerage, heating, air ducts of ventilation systems through cooled chambers.

3.5.18. For the night delivery of food products to food trade enterprises, it is necessary to provide isolated, specially equipped rooms that provide proper conditions for their reception and storage. For particularly perishable foodstuffs, a refrigerated chamber should be provided.

Night delivery of food products to food trade enterprises built into residential buildings is prohibited.

3.5.19. For lining and painting walls inside the premises of enterprises, materials approved for this purpose by the health authorities are used.

In departments for the sale of especially perishable food products, walls to a height of 2 m must be lined with glazed tiles. In refrigerated chambers, wall cladding with glazed tiles must be made to the full height of the room.

Facing with impact-resistant glass tiles is only allowed in toilets and showers.

3.5.20. Floors in food trade enterprises must be made of moisture-resistant and moisture-proof materials approved for this purpose by the health authorities, have a flat surface, without potholes, and also have a slope towards the ladders.

Asphalt floors are allowed only in the unloading areas on the platforms for vehicles.

3.5.21. Food trade enterprises must be equipped with amenity premises in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 2.09.04-87 "Administrative and amenity buildings" and VSN 54-87.

3.5.22. Dressing rooms and showers for employees of food trade enterprises should be equipped like sanitary checkpoints.

Women's hygiene rooms must be provided in enterprises with an area of ​​​​650 square meters. m or more.

3.5.23. Walls and partitions of dressing rooms, shower rooms, pre-shower rooms, toilets, women's hygiene rooms should be made to a height of 2 m from materials that can be washed with hot water using detergents. Walls and partitions of the said premises above the mark of 2 m, as well as ceilings, must have a waterproof coating.

3.5.24. Storage of sanitary clothing should be carried out in an open way, for which the dressing rooms of amenity premises are equipped with hangers or open cabinets and shoe stands.

Joint storage of sanitary clothing, overalls, home clothes is not allowed.

3.5.25. The pre-toilet rooms should be equipped with hangers for sanitary clothes, washbasins for washing hands with hot and cold water supply through a mixer, electric towels or disposable towels, and a mirror. Washbasins should have soap.

3.5.26. Amenity premises are thoroughly cleaned at least once per shift, washed with water and detergents, and then disinfected using a disinfectant in accordance with Appendix 2.

3.5.27. Cleaning equipment for toilets should be stored in specially designated places, isolated from cleaning equipment in other rooms, clearly marked and signalized.

3.5.28. Entry of unauthorized persons into the premises for the reception, storage and preparation of food products for sale is allowed with the permission of the administration and with the obligatory use of sanitary clothing.

3.6. Sanitary requirements for equipment, inventory, utensils

3.6.1. Food trade enterprises must be equipped with the necessary trade and technological equipment and refrigeration equipment in accordance with the type of enterprise, its capacity and in accordance with the current standards for equipping typical food trade enterprises.

3.6.2. The arrangement of trade, technological and refrigeration equipment should provide free access to it, exclude oncoming flows of raw and finished products.

3.6.3. Commercial equipment, inventory, containers, utensils and packaging must be made of materials approved by the health authorities for contact with food, easy to clean and disinfect.

3.6.4. Departments for the sale of perishable food products must be equipped without fail with cold: refrigerated counters, showcases, cabinets, etc.

3.6.5. Grids, trays, food storage racks should be made of materials with a smooth surface that can be easily washed and disinfected. The height of racks and pallets must be at least 15 cm from the floor.

3.6.6. Cutting boards, decks for cutting meat and fish should be made of hard wood, with a smooth surface, without cracks.

The deck for cutting meat is installed on a crosspiece or a special stand, painted with oil paint on the outside, cleaned with a knife every day after work and sprinkled with salt. Periodically, the deck is cut down and planed.

3.6.7. There should be separate cutting boards and clearly marked knives for each type of food, stored in the appropriate departments in designated areas.

3.6.8. Hooks for hanging meat must be made of stainless steel (tinned hooks are also allowed).

3.6.9. All refrigeration units at food trade enterprises must be equipped with thermometers to control the temperature regime of food storage.

3.6.10. At bases, warehouses, vegetable and fruit storage facilities, systematic monitoring of the temperature and humidity conditions of food storage, incl. vegetables, fruits, berries, canned food, bulk products, etc.

Air temperature control in refrigerated chambers, storage facilities should be carried out daily using thermometers installed in a conspicuous place, remote from doors and evaporators. Relative humidity is monitored at least once a week using a psychrometer, hygrograph or hygrometer. The results of measurements of temperature and relative humidity are recorded in a special log.

Control over compliance with the temperature and humidity regime of food storage is provided by the administration of the enterprise.

3.6.11. Large food trade enterprises should have separate refrigerated chambers and rooms for storing homogeneous food products.

3.6.12. Wrapping paper, bags and other packaging materials should be stored in a specially designated place: on racks, shelves, in cabinets. Do not store packaging materials directly on the floor. Dirty edges are removed before cutting the roll paper.

Each food trade enterprise that sells food products must have a stock of wrapping paper, bags and other packaging materials.

3.6.13. To collect waste and garbage in the premises of enterprises, there must be metal or plastic pedal tanks with lids. As they are filled, but not more than 2/3 of the volume, they should be cleaned, and at the end of work they should be washed with 1 - 2% hot (45 - 50 ° C) solution of soda ash or other detergents, then rinsed with hot water .

3.6.14. Cleaning equipment for retail, warehouse and other premises (basins, buckets, brushes, etc.) must be marked, assigned to separate premises, stored separately in closed cabinets or wall niches specially allocated for this purpose.

3.6.15. For cleaning refrigerated chambers, refrigerated cabinets, refrigerated and trade showcases, counters, shelves, there should be specially marked inventory specially designed for this.

3.7. Sanitary requirements for the reception and storage of food products

3.7.1. Food products, food raw materials sold in trade must be accompanied by a document from the manufacturer confirming the quality and safety of products for human health, with reference to the date and number of the permit (hygienic certificate) issued by the institutions of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service in the prescribed manner.

The document(s) of the manufacturer for imported products, confirming their quality and safety for human health, must contain a mark of the institutions of the state sanitary and epidemiological supervision of the Russian Federation on passing the hygienic assessment of the food product in the prescribed manner.

The sale of food products and food raw materials without the availability of these documents confirming their quality and safety is prohibited.

Accompanying documents for particularly perishable foodstuffs must indicate the date and hour of production, storage temperature, and the deadline for sale.

3.7.2. The quality of food products entering food trade enterprises is checked by merchandisers, storekeepers, financially responsible persons, managers or directors of enterprises. Acceptance of products begins with checking the accompanying documents, the quality of the packaging, the conformity of the food products with the accompanying documents and the labeling indicated on the container (packaging).

3.7.3. State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision Centers carry out hygienic examination of food products only if there are special sanitary and epidemiological indications. Examination of non-standard products, as well as poor-quality, spoiled products, which does not require special medical competence, is carried out by merchandisers or a quality inspectorate.

3.7.4. The number of accepted perishable and especially perishable food products should be determined by the volume of operating refrigeration equipment (for storing this type of product) available at the enterprise.

3.7.5. Containers and packaging of food products must be durable, clean, dry, without foreign smell and integrity.

3.7.6. It is prohibited to accept, store and sell perishable and especially perishable food products in food trade enterprises that are not provided with cooling facilities.

Storage of perishable, especially perishable food products under refrigeration conditions should be provided not only in warehouses, but also in places of their direct sale.

3.7.7. Each unit of packaging of especially perishable food products must be accompanied by a certificate of the established form for this type of product with the obligatory indication of the storage temperature and the deadline for sale.

Certificates (labels, tags) on the supplier's packaging must be kept until the expiration date of the food products.

3.7.8. Food products are loaded into warehouses, refrigerated chambers, vegetable and fruit storages in batches, in order to better comply with the terms of their storage and quality control.

3.7.9. Storage of food products must be carried out in accordance with the current regulatory and technical documentation with appropriate temperature, humidity and light conditions for each type of product.

Especially perishable products should be stored at a temperature regime that meets the requirements of the sanitary rules "Conditions and terms of storage of especially perishable products" SanPiN 42-123-4117-86.

3.7.10. When storing food products, the rules of the commodity neighborhood, warehousing standards must be strictly observed. Products with a specific smell (herring, spices, etc.) must be stored separately from products that perceive odors.

3.7.11. It is forbidden to store food products near water and sewer pipes, heating appliances, outside storage facilities, as well as to store bulk products directly on the floor.

3.7.12. It is prohibited to store raw and semi-finished products together with ready-made foodstuffs, store spoiled or suspicious foodstuffs together with good-quality foodstuffs, as well as store containers, trolleys, household materials and non-food items in food warehouses.

3.7.13. All foodstuffs in warehouses, refrigerated chambers, utility rooms, etc. should be stored on racks, pallets, pedestals.

3.7.14. Meat is allowed for acceptance only if there is a veterinary stamp and a document certifying the inspection and conclusion of the veterinary supervision (form 2).

3.7.15. Chilled meat (carcasses and half carcasses) is stored in a suspended state on hooks so that the carcasses do not come into contact with each other, with the walls and floor of the room.

Frozen meat can be stored on racks or crates.

Meat semi-finished products, offal, frozen and chilled poultry should be stored in the supplier's containers. When stacking, for better air circulation between the boxes, it is necessary to lay wooden slats.

3.7.16. It is forbidden to accept non-gutted poultry in food trade enterprises, with the exception of game.

3.7.17. It is forbidden to accept eggs without a veterinary certificate (form 2) for each batch of eggs on the well-being of the poultry industry for salmonellosis and other zoonotic infections, as well as waterfowl eggs (duck, goose); chicken eggs that were in the incubator (mirage), eggs with cracks ("fight"), with a violation of the integrity of the shell ("tech"), contaminated chicken eggs, as well as melange.

3.7.18. It is forbidden to sell eggs together with other bulk products (butter, cottage cheese, cheese, sausage, etc.).

It is forbidden to wash eggs prepared by consumer cooperation organizations, as well as eggs intended for long-term storage in refrigerators.

Diet eggs are stored at a temperature of 0 to 20 ° C - 7 days; canteens - at a temperature not exceeding 20 ° C - 25 days, at a temperature from 0 to 2 ° C - no more than 120 days.

3.7.19. It is forbidden to accept and sell dairy products in contaminated glass containers, with broken packaging, without certificates.

3.7.20. It is forbidden to accept, store and sell powdered infant formula in food trade enterprises that do not have proper conditions for their storage. Dry infant formulas are stored at a temperature not exceeding 10 °C and relative air humidity not more than 75%. The implementation of infant milk formulas must be strictly carried out within the time limits established for each type of product.

3.7.21. Ice cream of industrial production in food trade enterprises should be stored at a temperature not higher than -12 ° C for no more than 5 days, in a retail network (trays, stalls, pavilions, kiosks) equipped with cooling facilities - no more than 48 hours.

3.7.22. Mayonnaise is stored in darkened rooms at a temperature of 3 to 18 ° C and a relative humidity of not more than 75% in accordance with the established shelf life for each type of product.

It is forbidden to store and transport mayonnaise when exposed to direct sunlight and at temperatures below 0 °C.

3.7.23. It is forbidden to accept and store chilled fish, hot smoked fish, culinary products and semi-finished fish products at bases and warehouses; these products must go directly to stores for sale.

3.7.24. Chilled fish should be stored in the container in which it came from the supplier, the storage temperature should be -2 ° C, the shelf life in food trade enterprises is 48 hours. Frozen fish is stored in boxes stacked in stacks with slats between the rows of boxes in accordance with the requirements of regulatory and technical documentation.

Live fish is stored in an aquarium, in the warm season - no more than 24 hours, in the cold - no more than 48 hours, at a temperature of 10 ° C in clean water.

3.7.25. Bread and bakery products are accepted and stored in clean, dry, well-ventilated and heated rooms. It is not allowed to store bread and bakery products in bulk, close to the walls of the premises, in containers on the floor without trays, as well as on racks located at a distance of less than 35 cm from the floor in utility rooms and less than 60 cm - in trading floors.

3.7.26. In cases of detection during storage or sale of signs of bread and bakery products with potato disease, it is necessary to immediately remove such products from the trading floor and warehouses and take measures in accordance with the "Instructions for the Prevention of Potato Bread Disease", approved. Ministry of Health of the USSR 12.01.83, N 2658-83.

In order to prevent the occurrence of potato bread disease, it is necessary to wash the shelves for storing bread at least once a week with warm water and soap, wipe with a 1% solution of acetic acid, then dry.

3.7.27. When accepting cream confectionery products, it is prohibited to transfer cakes with cream from the supplier's trays to the store's containers, as well as to sell them using the self-service method.

It is strictly forbidden to accept cakes that are not packed individually in standard cardboard boxes, as well as cakes that are not packed in metal trays with lids (tight fitting).

Transportation or carrying of cakes and pastries on open sheets or trays is strictly prohibited.

3.7.28. Cream confectionery products that are not sold within the established deadlines are subject to return to the enterprises that made them no later than 24 hours from the date of expiration of the sale period.

It is allowed to return for processing products from the distribution network with mechanical damage or a change in appearance and shape, with an expired shelf life in the absence of organoleptic changes and the presence of foreign inclusions.

3.7.29. Soft drinks should be stored in dry, ventilated and darkened rooms with a relative humidity of no more than 75%. Terms of implementation and temperature regimes of storage of non-alcoholic beverages must comply with the requirements of applicable standards and specifications.

3.7.30. It is forbidden to accept and sell expired non-alcoholic and low-alcohol drinks, as well as drinks in bottles without a label (except for bottles with the corresponding designations on crown caps), with damaged closures, sediments and other defects.

3.7.31. Before the issuance of canned food in the implementation of the head. a warehouse or a merchandiser without fail conducts their inspection. For each identified batch of unsuitable for food canned food, an act must be drawn up in accordance with the current instruction"On the procedure for acceptance of products for industrial purposes and consumer goods in terms of quality", followed by presentation of a commission approved by a higher organization.

3.7.32. Canned food recognized as unfit for food should be stored in a separate room, on a special account, with an exact indication of the number of rejected cans. The head of the enterprise is responsible for the safety of rejected cans and their further use.

3.7.33. In cases where more than 2% of bacteriological defects (bombage) are detected in one batch of canned food, the administration of the enterprise is obliged to stop the sale of canned food of this batch, inform the manufacturing plant and the territorial center of sanitary and epidemiological supervision about this in order to resolve the issue of further sale of canned food.

The question of the place and method of destruction of bombing cans is decided by the head of the enterprise in agreement with the sanitary and epidemiological service.

3.7.34. Storage of bulk products should be carried out in dry, clean, well-ventilated areas, not infected with barn pests, with a relative humidity of not more than 75%.

Bulk products are stored in bags in stacks on racks, at a distance of 50 cm from the walls, with a gap between stacks of at least 75 cm.

3.7.35. Table salt is stored separately from other products. Guaranteed shelf life of iodized salt - 6 months from the date of production. After the specified period, the salt is sold as ordinary food.

3.7.36. Fresh fruits and vegetables are stored packed in special ventilated warehouses, without natural light, with proper temperature and humidity conditions. The storage temperature of vegetables and fruits, depending on their type, ranges from 3 to 12 ° C at a relative humidity of 70 to 95%.

3.7.37. Specialized stationary storage facilities for storing vegetables and fruits must be equipped with forced ventilation and provide the proper temperature and relative humidity for each type of product in accordance with the requirements of the current regulatory and technical documentation.

3.7.38. Frozen vegetables and fruits are stored at a temperature of -18 ° C and a relative humidity of 90 - 95% for 9 - 12 months; in a retail network they are stored at a temperature of -12 ° C for 3 - 5 days.

3.7.39. Acceptance, storage of mushrooms and mushroom products and their sale is carried out in accordance with the current "Sanitary Rules for the Procurement, Processing and Sale of Mushrooms".

3.7.40. In order to prevent yersiniosis and pseudotuberculosis during the storage of vegetables at the bases, their quality should be periodically checked. The vegetables should be sorted and cleaned.

3.8. Sanitary requirements for the release of food products

3.8.1. Only good-quality foodstuffs are allowed to be sold. Before supplying food products to the packaging premises or the trading floor, their quality, packaging condition and labeling must be checked.

Sellers are required to monitor the quality of the food sold. If a change in the quality of food products is detected, it is necessary to delay their sale and immediately inform the administration about this in order to resolve the issue of the possibility of further sale of products.

The seller is responsible for the sale of poor-quality food products to buyers.

In the trading floor of a store or department that sells new types of products, information about the consumer properties of food products, their constituent components, food additives, as well as recommendations for preparation and use should be posted in a conspicuous place.

3.8.2. Preparation of food products for sale is carried out in special rooms designed for this purpose, where preliminary cleaning of dirty surfaces, windy cuts, the upper yellowed layer of fats, rubbing of rennet cheeses and sausages, packaging of food products, releasing them from containers, wiping bottles, cans, cleaning, etc.

Preparation of food products for sale should be carried out by sellers or persons specially assigned for this purpose. The use of cleaners, workers, random persons for this purpose is not allowed.

3.8.3. The sale of raw products (meat, poultry, fish, seafood, eggs, vegetables, etc.) and semi-finished products from them should be carried out in special departments separately from the sale of ready-to-eat products.

In departments and order shops, when preparing individual orders, the weighing and packaging of raw and ready-to-eat foods must be carried out separately.

3.8.4. When selling unpackaged food products to buyers, the seller is obliged to use tongs, spatulas, scoops, scoops, spoons, etc. The workplaces of sellers must be provided with marked cutting boards and knives.

3.8.5. It is forbidden to weigh food products directly on the scales, without wrapping paper and other packaging materials. It is not allowed to release food products into dirty containers of the buyer and printed waste paper.

3.8.6. When organizing home service, delivery of food products to the customer must be carried out in conditions that exclude contamination of products and their spoilage.

3.8.7. It is forbidden to sell to buyers food products that have accidentally fallen on the floor or are otherwise contaminated (sanitary marriage). Sanitary marriage should be collected in a special container with the appropriate marking.

3.8.8. To select and determine the freshness of bread and bakery products in self-service stores (departments), there must be special forks, tongs, at least 2 pieces per linear meter of commercial equipment. For packaging bakery products in enterprises, it is recommended to organize the sale of paper and plastic bags.

Cutting by auxiliary workers and buyers is prohibited.

3.8.9. Cutting cakes and selling them in parts is allowed only in cafeterias, provided that the products are consumed by buyers on the spot and that there are appropriate conditions for storing and processing equipment and utensils.

3.8.10. Flask milk sales departments should have stencils warning about the need to boil milk.

It is forbidden to accept and sell cottage cheese made from unpasteurized milk, milk and cream with high acidity (samokvass).

3.8.11. When dispensing liquid dairy products (milk, sour cream, etc.), it is prohibited to keep the buyer's dishes over an open can, flask, barrel, etc., and also to drain the products back from the buyer's dishes into a common container.

It is forbidden to leave trade equipment (spoons, spatulas, etc.) in a container with milk, cottage cheese and sour cream; they must be kept in a special container and washed daily. Dairy inventory must be used strictly for its intended purpose.

3.8.13. The release of eggs is carried out with a preliminary check of their quality on an ovoscope. It is prohibited to sell eggs in departments (sections) of enterprises selling ready-to-eat products (dairy, sausage, cream confectionery, etc.).

3.8.14. Canned food with defects is not allowed for sale: bombing, crackers, smudges, holes and through cracks, deformed, with signs of microbiological spoilage of products (mold, fermentation, mucus), etc.

3.8.15. When selling drinks from isothermal containers, one should be guided by the current "Instructions for the maintenance of isothermal containers intended for the sale of soft drinks, kvass and draft beer."

3.8.16. Bottles with drinks and water, glass bottles with juices should be wiped on the outside with a damp, clean cloth before opening them. Glass containers are opened on the table before being released to the consumer. Previously, juice cans are carefully inspected for the presence of bombage and foreign inclusions.

3.8.17. When selling soft drinks and juices in an enterprise, glasses should be washed at the point of sale using double-acting syringes. At the end of the working day, it is necessary to wash the glasses with the addition of detergents and rinse with hot running water (temperature not lower than 65 ° C).

In the absence of conditions for washing glasses, the release of drinks is allowed only in disposable cups. It is strictly forbidden to reuse disposable cups.

3.8.18. Clean utensils for dispensing drinks are stored upside down on trays. Glasses are rinsed before filling. It is forbidden to wash glasses for dispensing drinks in buckets and basins.

3.8.19. Fruit and vegetable products are sold in specialized fruit and vegetable stores, departments and sections, as well as in pavilions of a small retail chain.

During the period of mass receipt of potatoes and fresh fruits and vegetables, it is allowed to sell them from stalls, carts, etc., as well as at open vegetable markets. The sale of rotten, spoiled vegetables and fruits is prohibited.

3.8.20. The release of fruit and vegetable processed products (fermented, salted, pickled, etc.) must be carried out separately from the sale of vegetables and fruits, with special equipment (spoons, forks, tongs, etc.) in a clean container.

It is forbidden to sell juices for bottling in fruit and vegetable departments.

3.8.21. At fruit and vegetable bases and in stores, it is recommended to wash root crops and pack them in nets and bags for sale.

3.8.22. The sale of detergents, bleaches, washing powders, pastes is allowed only in separate departments of large grocery stores, supermarkets in conditions that exclude the possibility of their contact with food both on the trading floor and in warehouses.

3.9. Sanitary requirements for a small retail chain

3.9.1. Small retail network objects can be stationary (tents, kiosks, vans, pavilions) and mobile (trolleys, baskets, trays, mobile shops, trailers, isothermal containers and tanks for the sale of beer, kvass, milk, vending machines for the sale of drinks).

Stationary small retail trade facilities must ensure the implementation of these sanitary rules.

The choice of location for the placement of a small retail network facility should be agreed with the local centers of state sanitary and epidemiological surveillance.

3.9.2. Automatic machines for the sale of drinks in bottling are provided with glass washers, which have protective devices against debris. The glass washer should provide simultaneous washing of glasses from the outside and inside, water should be supplied under pressure.

3.9.3. The objects of the small retail network sell food products in a limited range. The range of products must be agreed with the centers of state sanitary and epidemiological surveillance, taking into account local conditions.

3.9.4. In stationary objects of a small retail network, there should be a utility room for storing containers, a warehouse for a day's supply of food.

It is not allowed to store containers or packaged products near the enterprise.

3.9.5. Each stationary enterprise of a small retail network should have a washbasin, soap, and a towel. To collect garbage and waste, there should be a pedal bucket with a lid. A closet or space must be provided to store the seller's personal belongings. During the cold season, the temperature at the seller's workplace should not be below 18 °C.

3.9.6. Kiosks for the sale of food products should be specialized, i.e. release to customers any one group of food products.

In tents, mixed trade in products is allowed if there are appropriate conditions for their storage and sale.

3.9.7. Hot finished products (patties, whites, chebureks, meatballs, etc.) must be dispensed from isothermal or heated containers, trolleys. Chilled products (ice cream, frozen products, fruits, berries, etc.) are released from isothermal or refrigerated containers, trolleys. Bulk products should be distributed to customers in paper napkins or bags.

3.9.8. At the end of the working day, transportable and portable equipment must be returned to the base enterprise and subjected to sanitary treatment, unsold products must be deposited at the enterprise.

The storage of mobile and portable commercial equipment and food products sold at sellers' homes is strictly prohibited.

3.9.9. When trading from baskets, trays, etc., it is not allowed to put them on the ground, for this purpose there must be folding stands.

3.9.10. The seller of a small retail network is obliged:

b) monitor the quality of accepted and sold food products, in case of doubt about their good quality, immediately stop their sale and return them to the base, to the store, with the preparation of an appropriate act;

c) strictly observe the terms of sale and the rules for dispensing food products, use tongs, scoops, spatulas, etc. when dispensing;

d) protect products from contamination;

e) be neatly dressed, combed, wear clean sanitary clothes of the established sample, a special headdress, a breastplate;

f) strictly observe the rules of personal hygiene, wash hands after each break in work and as necessary.

3.9.11. The seller of a stationary small-scale retail network must carry and present to representatives of the sanitary and epidemiological supervision a medical book, a sanitary journal and a document (quality certificate) from the manufacturer confirming the quality and safety of products for the consumer.

3.10. Sanitary regime at food trade enterprises

3.10.1. All food business premises must be kept clean. At the end of work, wet cleaning with the use of detergents should be carried out.

Commercial and mechanical equipment (scales, counters, showcases, packaging units, etc.) upon completion of work must be treated with an alkaline solution, then with hot water.

3.10.2. Once a week, general cleaning should be carried out using detergents and disinfectants. Characteristics of individual detergents and disinfectants are presented in appendices 1, 2.

3.10.3. Once a month, a sanitary day is established in all food trade enterprises for cleaning and subsequent disinfection of premises, equipment, inventory, utensils, etc.

The sanitary day is held in accordance with the schedule approved by the higher organization. The administration of the enterprise is obliged to notify buyers in advance about the sanitary day.

3.10.4. Works on disinfestation and deratization (if necessary) should be carried out by specialists of disinfection stations or departments of preventive disinfection of the centers of state sanitary and epidemiological supervision, as a rule, after the closing of the enterprise on the day preceding the sanitary day. Prior to disinfection, all food products not packed in factory packaging are removed or hermetically sealed, wet sweeping, cleaning and washing of floors, walls, etc. is performed. in all those premises where these works will be carried out. All windows, vents, doors, ventilation hatches and other openings are tightly closed; the enterprise is in this state until the morning of the next day.

During the sanitary day, first of all, those rooms in which disinfestation and deratization were carried out are especially carefully cleaned.

3.10.5. For disinfection of equipment, inventory, utensils, a clarified (settled) bleach solution with an active chlorine content of 150 - 200 mg / l is used. Disinfectants containing active chlorine 200 - 250 mg/l are used for disinfection of floors and panels.

The most polluted (infected) places are disinfected with chlorine preparations with an active chlorine concentration of up to 400 mg/l. The exposure time with a disinfectant solution should be at least 5 - 10 minutes.

3.10.6. Toilets shall be thoroughly cleaned, flushed and disinfected by spraying with a solution of bleach or other disinfectant as needed and after the end of the work of the enterprise. During each cleaning of the toilets, the valves of the water taps, as well as the handles and door locks, trigger handles and other surfaces touched by a person’s hands when visiting the toilet are wiped with a separate cloth moistened with a disinfectant solution.

For disinfection of toilets, a disinfectant solution with an active chlorine concentration of 500 mg/l is used.

3.10.7. Detergents and disinfectants are stored in a dry, well-ventilated room equipped with racks in which food products are not allowed to be stored.

Solutions are stored for no more than 5 days in a dark glass container with a well-fitting stopper. When storing disinfectants, direct exposure to light and moisture is not allowed *.

3.10.8. Current repairs of food trade enterprises (whitewashing, painting of premises, equipment, etc.) should be carried out at least once a year and as needed.

3.10.9. Containers, inventory packaging (trolleys, baskets, nets, etc.), as well as cups and platforms of scales, weights should be washed daily with detergents and dried.

3.10.10. Brushes and washcloths for washing inventory, dishes, containers are thoroughly washed daily using approved detergents, boiled for 10-15 minutes if possible and stored in a specially designated place.

3.10.11. The mode of washing commercial inventory is as follows:

a) mechanical removal of food residues with a brush or spatula;

b) washing inventory with a brush, washcloth in a 0.5% solution of soda ash (water temperature 45 - 50 ° C) or other permitted detergents (Appendix 1);

c) rinsing inventory with hot running water, temperature not lower than 65 °C;

d) drying inventory and utensils on special shelves or grates.

Bathtubs for washing inventory are regularly washed with hot running water using detergents and disinfectants.

3.10.12. Washing mode for milk flasks and rubber pads:

a) rinsing milk flasks with warm water, temperature 35 - 40 ° C;

b) washing flasks with hot washing solution, temperature 60 - 65 °C;

c) rinsing the flasks with water until the remnants of the washing solution are completely removed;

d) after processing, the flasks are dried on racks upside down, with the lid open.

Rubber pads of milk flasks are washed in the same mode, separately.

3.10.13. Isothermal containers and communications are sanitized:

upon receipt of new containers from the manufacturer - washing and disinfection;

before the start of the season for the sale of drinks - washing and disinfection;

after a break in work for more than a day - washing;

during operation: after each emptying of the container - rinsing with running tap water, periodically - washing and disinfection.

Rinsing and washing of containers and communications is carried out by employees of trade enterprises, and disinfection is carried out by the manufacturer, supplier of drinks.

Rules for washing isothermal containers:

a) isothermal containers and communications to them are thoroughly washed from the remnants of drinks after each emptying of the container with running tap water for at least 10 minutes;

b) periodically, 1 time in 5 days, in addition to washing, a thorough washing of the containers is carried out with the help of brushes using one of the permitted detergents;

c) at the end of washing, the containers are washed with running tap water for at least 10 minutes until the complete disappearance of traces of detergent;

d) washing of the measuring glass, pouring tap, hose and other fittings is carried out in the following order: the washed container is filled with water, the water is drained through the measuring glass several times and then, having created pressure in the container, the water is forced through the pressure of carbon dioxide, draining through the pouring tap;

e) disinfection of containers and communications is carried out periodically at least once every 10 days. Disinfection is carried out with disinfectants, the use of which is provided for by the current "Sanitary rules for brewing and non-alcoholic industries".

Washing inventory (nets, buckets, hoses, etc.) must be stored in a specially designated place, while the brushes must be in a disinfectant solution.

3.10.14. Tanks, dispensers, filters, pipelines and glass washing machines for the sale of drinks are washed by passing a hot 0.5% solution of soda ash, then rinsed with hot water, the temperature is not lower than 65 ° C.

Washing mode for vending machines for milk, coffee, cocoa, etc. next:

a) rinsing with cold water to wash away milk residues for 2 minutes;

b) washing with a 0.5% solution of soda ash, temperature 35 - 40 ° C for 2 - 3 minutes;

c) disinfection with a clarified bleach solution containing active chlorine 200 mg / l for 5 - 10 minutes;

d) rinsing with hot water, temperature 65 °C.

3.11. Sanitary requirements for food transportation

3.11.1. Special vehicles must be allocated for the transportation of food products. It is forbidden to transport food products by vehicles that previously transported pesticides, gasoline, kerosene and other strong-smelling and toxic substances.

For the transportation of a certain type of food products (dairy, sausage, cream confectionery, bread, meat, fish, semi-finished products, etc.), specialized transport must be allocated, labeled in accordance with the transported products.

3.11.2. The transport used for the transportation of food products must have a sanitary passport, be clean, in good condition, the car body must have a hygienic coating that can be easily washed.

3.11.3. It is forbidden to load food products into vehicles that do not meet sanitary requirements and in the absence of a sanitary passport for it, as well as the transportation of raw products and semi-finished products along with ready-made food products.

3.11.4. The driver-forwarder (forwarder) is obliged to have a personal medical book and dark-colored overalls, strictly observe the rules of personal hygiene and the rules for transporting food products.

3.11.5. Washing and processing of vehicles intended for the transport of food products should be carried out in vehicle fleets.

3.11.6. Transportation conditions (temperature, humidity) must comply with the requirements of regulatory and technical documentation for each type of food products, as well as the rules for the transportation of perishable goods by different modes of transport.

Refrigerated or isothermal transport should be allocated for the transportation of especially perishable foodstuffs.

3.11.7. In vehicles intended for the transport of food, special places must be allocated for the storage of sanitary clothing, tarpaulins. It is forbidden to place forwarders on food products. Loading and unloading of food products should be carried out by loaders in sanitary clothes (white).

3.11.8. Bread and bakery products must be transported in trays, in special closed vehicles or vans equipped with shelves. It is forbidden to transport bread in bulk.

3.11.9. Cream confectionery products must be transported in refrigerated transport under conditions that exclude temperature rise above 6 °C. Products must be packed in metal containers with lids, trays with lids, cakes must be delivered in standard cardboard boxes.

3.11.10. Transportation of meat should be carried out in refrigerated trucks: cooled and chilled - at a temperature not exceeding 6 °C, ice cream - at a temperature not exceeding 0 °C.

It is allowed to use in some cases open auto- and horse-drawn transport, in which the meat is laid on a clean bedding and covered with a tarpaulin, canvas or coarse calico.

3.11.11. Live fish are transported from reservoirs in thermally insulated tank trucks with a special container (100 kg) for ice, as well as equipment for saturating the water in which the fish is transported with air. The water temperature in the tank should be 1-2 °C in winter, 4-6 °C in spring and autumn, and 10-14 °C in summer.

3.11.12. In case of circular delivery of particularly perishable foodstuffs, the rules for their sequential stacking must be strictly observed, excluding contamination of the products.

3.11.13. Vehicle fleets, enterprises or organizations that carry out sanitization of rolling stock bodies, by order or instruction, appoint a person responsible for washing, processing food transport.

Sanitization of food transport should be carried out in specially equipped washing units or on special sites connected to water supply and sewerage, have hot water supply, detergents and disinfectants, and cleaning equipment for washing bodies.

3.11.14. The post of washing and processing of food transport must be equipped with:

equipment and supplies for cleaning, washing and disinfecting vehicles (washing machines, flexible hoses equipped with guns with hot and cold water, brushes, disinfection devices, equipment for drying and ventilating vehicles after washing and disinfection);

overalls for washers (rubber boots, rubber gloves, rubberized apron, cotton suit with a hood, goggles, respirator);

cabinets for storing cleaning and washing equipment (brushes, washcloths, buckets, etc.), detergents and disinfectants, overalls;

room for drying clothes and cleaning equipment.

3.11.15. Sanitization mode of food transport:

a) cleaning of the body and cabin is carried out with the help of brushes, brooms or vacuum cleaners;

b) external washing of the car body - with alkaline water (temperature 35 - 40 ° C), with further rinsing with water from a hose;

c) washing the inner surface of the car is carried out with brushes, washing solution (solution temperature 55 - 60 ° C) or mechanically from hoses under a pressure of 1.5 atm at a temperature of 65 - 70 ° C for 2 - 3 minutes;

d) after washing with washing solutions, the inner surface of the car body must be thoroughly rinsed until the remnants of the washing solution are completely removed, then dried and ventilated, and must not have extraneous odors;

e) disinfection of the inner surface of the body should be carried out with a disinfectant solution containing 250 mg/l of active chlorine, exposure of the disinfectant solution for 10 minutes. Upon completion of disinfection, the inner surface of the body is washed with water from a hose, dried and ventilated until the smell of chlorine is completely removed. Car wash hoses should be stored suspended.

Disinfection of transport is carried out as needed, but at least once every 10 days.

Note: the consumption of disinfectants is 2.5 g of the substance per 1 sq.m or 0.5 l of the working solution per 1 sq.m of the treated surface. Detergent consumption is 1 liter per 1 sq.m of surface.

3.11.16. Territorial centers of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance must issue a sanitary passport for each vehicle transporting food products for a period of not more than 6 months, for especially perishable food products - for a period of 3 months.

Sanitary and epidemiological service employees have the right to prohibit the transportation of food products by vehicles that do not meet sanitary requirements.

3.12. Sanitary requirements for working conditions for employees of food trade enterprises

3.12.1. When designing food trade enterprises and carrying out the reconstruction of existing enterprises, it is necessary to take into account the sanitary and hygienic norms and rules for the organization of labor.

3.12.2. The microclimate of the enterprise must comply with the requirements of the "Sanitary norms for the microclimate of industrial premises", approved. deputy Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the USSR 31.03.86, N 4088-86.

The parameters of air temperature in the working area, relative air humidity and air velocity are presented in Table No. 4.

3.12.3. The concentration of harmful substances in the air of the working area should not exceed the MPC for specific substances **.

3.12.4. Noise levels at workplaces of industrial, commercial premises and on the territory of the enterprise must comply with the current "Sanitary norms for permissible noise levels at workplaces", approved. Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the USSR on March 12, 1985, N 3223-85, and be no more than 80 dB.

3.12.5. Illumination of work surfaces at workplaces must comply with the requirements of the current SNiP "Natural and artificial lighting" and range from 200 to 400 lux, depending on the purpose of the premises.

In food trade enterprises, amenity premises must be provided in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 2.09.04-87 "Administrative and amenity buildings" and the requirements of VSN 54-87 "Retail trade enterprises".

3.12.6. Persons exposed to harmful and unfavorable production factors are subject to mandatory preliminary upon admission to work and periodic medical examinations in accordance with the "Instructions for conducting mandatory preliminary upon admission to work and periodic medical examinations of workers and medical examinations of drivers of individual vehicles", approved. by order of the Ministry of Health of the USSR on September 29, 1989, N 555 and agreed with the Secretariat of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions on September 27, 1989, N 20-27 ***.

3.12.7. The contingents subject to preliminary and periodic medical examinations determine the centers of state sanitary and epidemiological supervision together with the administration and the trade union committee of the enterprise (for enterprises, professions and adverse factors) no later than December 1 of the previous year.

The State Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance Centers also monitor the completeness of coverage and the timeliness of preliminary and periodic medical examinations of contingents.

3.12.8. When passing a preliminary medical examination, the administration of the enterprise in the direction of a medical institution conducting preliminary examinations must fully indicate the last name, first name, patronymic, year of birth, profession of the person being examined, harmful factors and unfavorable working conditions, in accordance with appendices 1, 2 of the order of the Ministry of Health of the USSR N 555 dated September 29, 1989 "On improving the system of medical examinations of workers and drivers of individual vehicles."

3.13. Measures to combat insects and rodents

3.13.1. Flies, cockroaches, rodents are not allowed in food trade enterprises. The administration of the enterprise is obliged to ensure that measures are taken to combat insects and rodents throughout the year (on the territory of the enterprise and in all premises).

3.13.2. To carry out disinfestation and deratization, the administration of the enterprise must conclude an agreement with the city pest control station or the preventive disinfection department of the territorial center of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision.

Contracts must be renewed annually. The enterprises must create the necessary conditions for the effective implementation of deratization and pest control work.

3.13.3. Preventive pest control is carried out only after the end of the work of the enterprise or on a sanitary day. Only walls, ceilings and window frames are subject to processing. Before performing disinfestation work with insecticides, food products, utensils, equipment should be taken out of the room or sealed.

Processing of floors, equipment and inventory is prohibited. Before starting work after disinfestation, it is necessary to carry out ventilation and thorough cleaning of the premises.

3.13.4. In food trade enterprises, the following preventive measures to combat flies should be carried out:

thorough cleaning of the premises;

collection of food waste in containers with tightly closed lids;

timely removal of food waste, after which the containers are cleaned, washed, disinfected;

with the onset of spring, all opening windows and doorways should be closed with nets;

sticky paper and special electric traps are used to exterminate flies.

Special measures for the treatment of places of possible breeding of flies should be carried out by specialists from departments of preventive disinfection.

3.13.5. In order to prevent the appearance of cockroaches, it is necessary to close up gaps in partitions, walls, cabinets, etc. and prevent the accumulation of crumbs, food debris on tables, as well as in drawers and shelves. If cockroaches are found, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the premises and scald the places where insects accumulate with boiling water.

3.13.6. To protect against the penetration of rodents (rats, mice), cracks in the floor, holes in the ceiling, around technical inputs, are sealed with brick, cement, or sheet iron; ventilation openings and channels should be closed with metal meshes with cells no larger than 0.25 x 0.25 cm, and hatches should be equipped with tight covers or metal gratings.

3.13.7. When reconstructing and repairing enterprises, it is necessary to fully carry out construction and technical measures to protect buildings and premises from the penetration of rodents.

3.13.8. In the event of the appearance of rodents, mechanical methods of their destruction are used (tops, traps).

The use of chemicals for the destruction of cockroaches and rodents is allowed only when these activities are carried out by pest control specialists.

Note: bacteriological methods of rodent control at food trade enterprises are prohibited.

3.13.10. If there are insects or rodents in the enterprises, the centers of state sanitary and epidemiological supervision have the right to prohibit the operation of the enterprise until complete processing.

3.14. Medical examinations, preventive examinations and hygiene preparation

3.14.1. Persons applying for work and working in food trade enterprises should be subject to preliminary and periodic medical examinations in accordance with the "Instructions for conducting mandatory preliminary and periodic medical examinations of workers and medical examinations of drivers of individual vehicles", approved. by order of the Ministry of Health of the USSR of September 29, 89, N 555 and agreed with the Secretariat of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions on September 27, 1989, N 20-27.

3.14.2. Employees who, by the nature of their work, have direct contact with food, utensils, production equipment and equipment must undergo hygienic training, pass an assessment once every two years according to the established program. The sanitary doctor has the right to suspend from work persons who do not know and do not follow the sanitary rules at work, until they pass the test according to the established program.

3.14.3. Engineering and technical personnel and managers of the enterprise must undergo certification once a year on sanitary-hygienic and anti-epidemic issues.

3.14.4. Each employee must have a personal medical book with him, which records the results of all medical examinations and examinations, information about infectious diseases, hygiene training, certification.

Personal medical books of employees must be kept by the administration of the enterprise. Employees of a small-scale retail network are given a personal medical book in their hands.

3.14.5. Persons with diseases or bacteria carriers are not allowed to work or are subject to temporary suspension from work:

typhoid, paratyphoid, salmonellosis, dysentery;

hymenolepiasis, enterobiasis;

syphilis in the infectious period;

infectious skin diseases: scabies, trichophytosis, microsporia, scab, actinomycosis with ulcerations or fistulas on open parts of the body;

infectious and destructive forms of pulmonary tuberculosis: extrapulmonary tuberculosis with the presence of fistulas, bacteriuria, lupus erythematosus of the face and hands;

pustular diseases ****.

3.14.6. The sanitary doctor has the right to dismiss from work persons who have not undergone a timely medical examination and bring the head of the enterprise to administrative responsibility.

3.15. Personal hygiene of personnel

3.15.1. All food retailers are required to:

a) constantly monitor the cleanliness of the body, hands, hair, cut nails short;

b) come to work in clean clothes and shoes, leave personal belongings in the dressing room, storage of home and sanitary clothes should be separate;

c) before starting work, take a shower, and in the absence of a shower, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water, put on clean sanitary clothes, pick up your hair under a cap, scarf;

d) remove sanitary clothing when leaving the enterprise on the territory and before visiting the toilet;

e) be sure to wash your hands with soap and water before dispensing food and after using the toilet, as well as after each break in work and contact with contaminated objects;

f) do not eat or smoke in trade, storage and utility rooms;

g) in case of fever, suppuration, signs of gastrointestinal diseases, symptoms of other diseases, report this to the administration and contact a medical institution for advice and appropriate treatment.

3.15.2. Employees of food trade enterprises are prohibited from stabbing sanitary clothing with pins, needles and storing personal toilet items, cigarettes and other foreign objects in the pockets of their dressing gowns, jackets, and using sanitary clothing for other purposes.

3.15.3. Locksmiths, electricians, auxiliary and other workers engaged in work in trade departments, warehouses, refrigerated chambers are required to follow the rules of personal hygiene, work in overalls, carry tools in special boxes with handles and take measures to prevent items from getting into food products.

3.15.4. Each food trade enterprise should have a first aid kit with a set of medicines for first aid.

3.16. Duties and responsibilities of the administration for compliance with these sanitary rules

3.16.1. The administration of the enterprise is obliged to ensure:

each employee with sanitary clothing in accordance with applicable standards;

regular washing and repair of sanitary clothing (it is strictly forbidden to wash sanitary clothing individually at home);

systematic implementation of pest control and deratization measures, sanitary days;

conducting classes on hygiene training with employees of enterprises, passing tests by all employees upon admission to work, then once every two years;

carrying out once every two years certification of heads of enterprises, commodity experts, head. warehouses, databases on sanitary and hygienic issues;

preliminary submission to polyclinics and other medical institutions where preliminary and periodic medical examinations are carried out, lists of employees of the enterprise;

the presence of a sanitary journal of the established form, laced, numbered and sealed for recording proposals and acts of the centers of state sanitary and epidemiological surveillance;

efficient operation of trade, technological and refrigeration equipment;

availability of a sufficient amount of detergents and disinfectants, trade and cleaning equipment, wrapping paper, food packaging bags;

working conditions of personnel that meet sanitary standards.

3.16.2. Responsibility for the implementation of these sanitary rules rests with the heads of food trade enterprises. The head of the enterprise is responsible for the general sanitary condition of the enterprise and the observance of the sanitary regime in it, for the quality of the food products sold, for the observance of the proper conditions for the reception and storage of food products and the observance of the deadlines for their sale, as well as for the sanitary condition of the adjacent territory.

3.16.3. The administration is responsible for the admission to work of persons who have not passed a preliminary or periodic medical examination, as well as those who are not admitted to work for medical reasons, for the timely and organized appearance of employees for these examinations, monitors compliance with the deadlines for passing periodic medical examinations.

3.16.4. For the proper maintenance of storage facilities, proper storage of food products, their quality and compliance with the terms of implementation, the responsibility rests with the head of the base, warehouse, vegetable and fruit storages, merchandisers, storekeepers, store managers, etc.

3.16.5. Responsibility for compliance with the rules of personal hygiene, for the sanitary condition of the workplace, for compliance with sanitary requirements for the release of food products and the timing of their implementation, lies with the sellers.

3.16.6. Each employee of a food trade enterprise must be familiar with these sanitary rules.

3.16.7. Those guilty of violating the requirements of these sanitary rules are subject to administrative, disciplinary or criminal liability.

3.16.8. Control over compliance with these sanitary rules for food trade enterprises is carried out by bodies and institutions of the sanitary and epidemiological service and departmental sanitary doctors.


Appendix 1


In food trade enterprises, maintaining cleanliness and compliance with the relevant sanitary requirements for the enterprise is especially important.

Washing of premises and equipment is carried out with solutions of detergents. Detergents must meet certain requirements, have high washing power, ensure complete surface wettability, and soften hard water. Detergent solutions should ensure the complete removal of contaminants, their dispersion, emulsification, neutralization of acidic contaminants or saponification of fat.

Cleaning solutions must not cause corrosion of the equipment.

Detergents can be homogeneous chemicals or be a mixture of several chemical compounds. Mixtures have a higher detergent effect.

Food trade enterprises mainly use soda ash, trisodium phosphate, desmol, synthetic washing powders of type A, B, C, etc.

Soda ash. It is anhydrous sodium carbonate - a white fine-crystalline powder, readily soluble in water. In aqueous solutions, soda ash partially decomposes, forming caustic alkali and bicarbonate, which are the active detergent. Hot (50 - 60 ° C) solutions of soda ash well saponify contaminated surfaces and destroy protein residues. If the temperature of cleaning solutions drops to 40 - 30 ° C, their washing ability drops sharply.

It is necessary to use a 0.5% solution of soda ash at a temperature of 40 - 50 ° C for manual washing of equipment, inventory, dishes, containers and a 1 - 2% solution at a temperature of 70 - 80 ° C for circular washing.

Soda ash mixed with surfactant and anti-corrosion agents has a much better effect.

Synthetic washing powders of type A, B, C. They dissolve well in water and are effective in cleaning equipment. They are produced in three types for water of various hardness (according to VTU 18-36-64).

Type A - for areas with water hardness above 5.35 meq. (15° German).

Type B - for areas with water hardness below 5.35 mEq. (from 6° to 15° German).

Type B - for areas with soft water, hardness not higher than 2 meq. (not higher than 6° him).

Type A and B powders prevent the formation of deposits in hard water. The formulation of powders A, B, C is given below.

ComponentsPowder composition, %
Sulfonol (in terms of active substance)2 2 2,5
Sodium tripolyphosphate40 20
sodium metasilicate30 30 10
soda ash20 40 85
Sodium sulfate8 8 2,5