What is a sanitary passport for a car.

We perfectly understand why you contact us in such a limited time frame to issue sanitary passport to your object. And this could be:

  • The whole structure, building, house;
  • Production building or workshop;
  • Pavilion or hangar;
  • Territory with adjoining garden plot.

We are ready to inspect the proposed area and help with the issuance of a sanitary passport for the facility. Attention, we do not issue it. But we will make every effort to ensure that the licensing authority does this on time and without nit-picking. Why do we use the law and corporate relations established over the years of productive cooperation.

What data is contained in the sanitary passport

The sanitary passport of the object contains the following information:

  • Information about the organization;
  • Data about the object;
  • Data on ongoing measures for disinfestation and deratization;
  • Names of pest and deratization agents and preparations.

Despite the fact that the sanitary passport of the building is different from the sanitary passport for vehicles (issued for cars used to transport food), it is also issued by the relevant authorities of Rospotrebnadzor, reflects the condition of the facility and is used to monitor compliance with basic sanitary and hygienic standards.

How to get a health certificate for an object

Registration of a sanitary passport is carried out in accordance with the decision of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor by a representative of the organization with which a contract was concluded for the extermination of insects and rodents. To buy a sanitary passport, you need to contact us and conclude an annual service agreement for the implementation of preventive pest control and deratization measures, after which you will receive the required document. To order this service, you need to contact us in any convenient way:

  • Make a phone call ;
  • Use the "Order a service" function on the site;
  • Visit our office.

We work around the clock and seven days a week, if necessary, we will provide detailed advice and answer all your questions.

Do you want to open grocery store or a stall, or maybe take care of transporting food? If so, then one of the things you will need is a sanitary passport for transport.

Sanitary passport - document strict accountability, which is protected from counterfeiting by a square holographic stamp.

Who issues? SES, the conclusion of which confirms that the machine complies sanitary rules and norms.

Who is issued? Sanitary doctor or his deputy based on the results of a hygienic assessment, at the request of the transport enterprise.

What for? So that spoiled products do not become causally poisoning your customers, the machine must be disinfected, so you should not

consider it a burden, but it is better to perceive it as taking care of customers, maintaining a good reputation. After all, if your store always has fresh and high-quality products, then you will always have customers, which means there will be good revenue. Real customer care is your success. Car disinfection is a reliable rebuff to pathogens that can spoil expensive products. A health passport is a guarantee of your calm, comfortable life.

What vehicles need to be disinfected?

  1. perishable - at least once every ten days
  2. non-perishable - at least once a month
  • garbage trucks
  • ambulances
  • hearses

The interiors and bodies of these cars are more prone to the development of dangerous bacteria and fungi in them. After each treatment, an entry is made in the sanitary book of the car.

After each scheduled disinfection of the transport, which is carried out once a month, a processing certificate and a holographic mark are issued confirming the safety and suitability of the transport. If there are unfavorable epidemiological conditions and in other emergency cases, there is a need for unscheduled decontamination.

What happens if there is no passport? The organization will be fined, perhaps even suspended for twenty days. And if suddenly the lack of a passport is further complicated by the poisoning of people with products that were transported by car, then the head may face criminal liability, and the organization may be closed.

What should be a food transport vehicle? The machine is always serviceable, marked, equipped with everything necessary, cleaned every day with special equipment, every month processed with disinfectants that have a certificate. The body is easy to clean. And finally, the main thing! The car has a health passport, the driver and forwarder have medical records.

Don't neglect sanitary requirements. Issue a sanitary passport for the car, but issue it correctly. We will help you! Contact us! In a short period of time, we will prepare the relevant documentation and organize support. Quality and customer convenience is our motto!

The sanitary passport of an object is a document, the execution of which is mandatory for enterprises and organizations operating in the territory of Moscow and the Moscow Region. Its design is regulated by the standards established by the bodies of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision, and implies the participation of specialized sanitary services. The document contains the following information about the objects to be disinfected, disinsection or deratization:

  • general information about the complex sanitary and epidemiological situation;
  • data on the work carried out health services within the framework of planned and emergency measures;
  • information on the compliance of the sanitary condition with SanPiN standards, taking into account the specific requirements for a particular type of production and industrial enterprises;
  • information about inspections performed at the facility by the bodies of Rospotrebnadzor.

It is worth noting that the document is valid for 12 months, it must be regularly registered with the state authorities sanitary supervision and fill out within a year, concluding an agreement with the relevant organization, otherwise the lack of the necessary accompanying papers may entail serious consequences on the part of the controlling organizations.

Who needs a document?

The sanitary passport of an object is issued not only for enterprises and organizations - it is also necessary for transport transporting food products and a number of other objects. It is on the basis of the data presented in its columns that a general idea is drawn up of the level at which the sanitary condition is maintained in production, on the trading floor or in warehouses.

It is important to note that the health passport is issued on standard form, which are available only to organizations licensed to conduct such activities. In particular, this service is offered to its customers by the Eco Processing company, which performs the whole range of work to ensure sanitary control, pest control and deratization at industrial and commercial facilities.

Eco-Treatment Expert Advice: You must obtain a health passport without fail if we are talking on the activities of organizations working in the service sector, conducting educational or social activities, providing transport services. Businesses Catering, utilities, production and storage facilities, office buildings and financial institutions it is also required.

The sanitary passport of an object belongs to the category of documents presented at the request of regulatory organizations. The fact of annual passportization can be checked by employees of the state Rosportebnadzor during scheduled inspections. In this case, the enterprise studies all necessary documentation and a sanitary passport, which contains all the marks of planned control and disinfestation, disinfection, deratization in accordance with established standards.

For vehicles used and equipped specifically for the transport of food, apply mandatory requirements for certification on an annual basis. At the same time, the document itself can be requested for verification by both employees of the sanitary inspection and representatives of the traffic police, who monitor compliance with all established regulations when moving specialized vehicles along the route.

In addition, the number of persons authorized to check documents includes representatives of companies that are recipients of goods. In this case, the papers can be claimed if there are doubts about the competence of the supplier.

What penalties can be taken in the absence of a sanitary passport? In case of transport companies the list of measures may include the imposition of fines regulated by the Code of Administrative Offenses. The size and amount of the monetary penalty are determined during the verification activities, the results of which are issued a decision on the violations found.

In the event that violations are found repeatedly or are gross, the organization's activities may be suspended for up to 90 days and restored after all instructions are met.

If violations in the activities of an enterprise or organization turn out to be significant and cause damage to third parties (consumers), we can talk about the opening of criminal proceedings and a complete shutdown of the company for the period of clarification of all circumstances or indefinitely. It is not surprising that the majority of representatives of small, medium and big business, as well as municipal and private institutions, prefer to take care in advance, regularly extending or renegotiating service contracts and issuing a sanitary passport.

Assistance in obtaining a sanitary passport from professionals

In order for a sanitary passport for an object of a commercial, industrial or non-commercial nature to be issued in accordance with all the rules, it is necessary to provide qualified support at all stages of the activity. By contacting the Eco-Processing service, you receive the provision of sanitation audit services and assistance in collecting the necessary package of documents.

This approach greatly simplifies the process of issuing permits and helps to avoid mistakes when applying for a sanitary passport to Rospotrebnadzor.

A timely audit will reveal possible risks and hidden threats, and will also provide an opportunity to quickly eliminate them before the documents are submitted to the Moscow State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision, in order to avoid possible failure in carrying out certification and imposing bans on doing business.

Federal Law No. 52 dated March 30, 1999 “On the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population” and the order of the Mayor of Moscow dated July 2, 1998 No. 667-RM “On strengthening measures for the prevention of HFRS, other natural focal infections and rodent control in Moscow”, as well as the decision of the chief state sanitary doctor for the city of Moscow dated 05.03.98. No. 6 “On the introduction of the procedure for conducting sanitary certification of an object subject to disinfestation and deratization” provides for the availability of a sanitary passport (accounting and control card) for any organization that owns non-residential area and an agreement for carrying out deratization, disinfestation and disinfection work.

A sanitary passport (accounting and control card) is issued upon concluding an agreement on carrying out deratization and disinfestation work with an organization that has a sanitary and epidemiological certificate for this type of activity. At each facility, work on deratization and disinfestation should be carried out; the contract and the accounting and control card are confirming documents that deratization and pest control measures are being carried out at the facility. The frequency of deratization and pest control works is carried out in accordance with SanPiN and SP by the organization's specialists.

A sanitary passport (accounting and control card) is a document confirming the conduct of deratization and disinfestation work at an object, with obligatory marks (date of work, name of the drug and signature of a specialist), as well as an assessment of the sanitary condition of the object.

Registration of all documentation takes 15-25 minutes, all are issued Required documents. Bank payment is possible. In this case, all documents are prepared upon receipt of payment to the account of the organization.

Registration of a sanitary passport for a car

Order of the Ministry of Health Russian Federation 04/14/2000 No. 122 “On a personal medical book and a sanitary passport for vehicles for the transportation of foodstuffs” obliges to have a sanitary passport for vehicles intended for the transportation of foodstuffs and medicines.

Sanitary passport for transport - a document issued by Rospotrebnadzor with a seal and signature of the head of the territorial department of the territorial administration of the district. Information on the disinfection of transport intended for the transport of food or medicine is entered into the sanitary passport. A sanitary passport is issued at the conclusion of a contract for the disinfection of vehicles for a period of one year.

Registration of the contract takes 15-25 minutes, all necessary documents are issued. Bank payment is possible. In this case, all documents are prepared upon receipt of payment to the account of the organization.

To draw up an agreement and an accounting and control card, have with you:

  • Agreement on the right to lease (property) the premises where the organization is located,
  • Requisites,
  • Seal.

To obtain a sanitary passport for a car, have with you:

  • car documents,
  • Requisites,
  • Seal.

In cash, all documentation is drawn up in the presence of the client.

For non-cash payments, all documentation is issued upon receipt Money to the account of the City Fund for DNA Research.

During the term of the contract, we periodically inspect your facility with preventive measures, maintaining its sanitary and epidemiological well-being.

In order to draw up an agreement and an accounting and control card for disinfestation and deratization work or a sanitary passport for a car, you need to drive up to us at the City Fund for DNA Research at any time convenient for you at the address:

Moscow, SWAD, st. Krzhizhanovsky, d.8, building 1, Profsoyuznaya metro station from 10.00 to 18.00

Contact phone: 8 (499) 129-38-72

The presence of a sanitary passport at your facility will save you from fines and claims from the sanitary and epidemiological supervision authorities.

We offer professional extermination of rodents and insects in Moscow and the Moscow region.

Number of rooms Price
Prices for the maintenance of apartments for pest control
(destruction: cockroaches, ants, fleas, etc.)
1-room from 1500 rub.
2-room from 2000 rub.
3-room from 2500 rub.
more than 3 rooms negotiable
Prices for maintenance of apartments for deratization
(destruction: rats, mice, etc.)
1-room from 1300 rub.
2-room from 1800 rub.
3-room from 2300 rub.
more than 3 rooms negotiable
Prices for maintenance of cottages, garden plots, forest plantations, reservoirs for pest control
(destruction: cockroaches, ants, fleas, garden pests, mosquitoes, flies, elimination of wasp nests, etc.)
price - negotiable