From gall aphids on currants. How to deal with aphids

When currant leaves change color, curl and bulges appear on them, it means that the bush is sick. And this happened for one simple reason - the vegetation was inhabited by aphids.

First of all, it is necessary to get rid of the pest so that it does not continue to destroy the crop. There are several ways to do this, some of which are popular.

They are time-tested and gardeners, so there is no doubt about the effectiveness of such methods.

The first way to combat aphids: soapy water

The easiest option on how to deal with aphids on currants with folk remedies is to use soapy water.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to grate green or laundry soap or make shavings out of it.

Apply the liquid with a broom - just spray the bush.

Method two: infusions and solutions

There are many recipes for preparing various solutions and infusions:

The third way to deal with aphids on currants: shag or tobacco

Tobacco, well, or shag, will also help fight aphids on currants with folk remedies.

The recipe for preparing such a product is very simple: pour 0.4 kg into a bucket warm water, leave for 24 hours, strain.

Then half must be poured into another bucket and both should be supplemented with plain water.

50 g of soap is added to each before use, then it can be sprayed in any convenient way.

Method four: onions and potatoes

You will need tops, which are cut and poured with warm water. Suitable for both fresh and dried. Then the solution should be infused for 3 hours - and the treatment agent is ready.

It won't be a problem either. It is crushed directly with the peel (0.2 kg is needed) and poured with water - 10 liters. Leave for 10-12 hours, after which ready solution you can immediately spray the shrub from harmful aphids.

Method five: marigolds and citrus peel

A good method of dealing with aphids can be considered, which are in almost every garden. It will take 0.5 kg of crushed flowers. They are poured with a liter of water and left to infuse for a couple of days. After that, it remains only to strain the solution and treat the affected shrubs with it.

The peel from lemons, oranges, tangerines and other citrus fruits should not be thrown away. It can be used on the farm for many purposes, in particular to control aphids. It will take 100 g of peel, which is poured into 1 liter of water, as in the previous recipe, only insist 3 days. When the time is up, you can immediately start spraying.

At the end of the article about folk remedies to combat aphids on currants, let's mention about. In a bucket of plain water, add not a large number of laundry detergent, and then 2 tablespoons ammonia. Spray the bushes, wait 14 days, and repeat the procedure. All these simple ways will help you deal with nasty aphids quickly and effectively.

Video about processing currants from aphids

The video demonstrates in detail the process of processing currants from aphids:

Aphids multiply rapidly, and its secretions lead to the development of various fungal diseases on plants, attracting ants. Therefore, it is important not to miss the moment and start fighting aphids at the first sign of infestation of currant bushes.

Green aphid on currants how to fight and get rid of it quickly

To combat aphids on currants, insecticides or folk methods are used. You can combine both. Depending on how much the bushes are affected by the pest, a method of struggle is selected.

In addition to treating the bushes with insecticides in case of severe currant infection, the affected branches are pruned and weeds are removed. To prevent infection, strong-smelling plants are planted next to the currant bushes: dill, basil, elderberry, marigolds, tomatoes, etc.

During the season, at least 3 aphid treatments are carried out - in early spring, before bud break, during flowering and after harvest. Before the buds open, the diseased bush is doused with boiling water, this helps to partially destroy the aphid larvae, which should hatch from the eggs after wintering. The treatment of bushes with insecticides leads to the rapid destruction of aphids. You can use Intavir, Aktelik, Novaktion and other drugs.

Aphids on currants how to fight during flowering with chemistry

The type of aphid that lives on currants (mainly on blackcurrants) is called gooseberry aphid. The insect settles on the underside of the leaves and petioles of the currant.

To combat the pest, systemic or contact insecticides are used, which do not penetrate the plant, but kill insects only upon direct contact with them. You can use any insecticide from the class:
— organophosphorus compounds;
- neonicotinoids;
- pyrethroids.

During flowering, a preparation is chosen with a waiting period of up to 14 days. If the time of decomposition of the chemical into safe components is longer, it cannot be used during flowering. The biopesticide Fitoverm has proven itself well against aphids.

Aphids on currants how to fight in spring and during fruiting if there are already berries

During spring processing use insecticides, alternating them every year, so that the insects do not get used to it. Popular drugs are:
- Aktara;
— Wofatoks;
— Kinmiks;
— Inta-vir;
- Karbofos;
- Rovikurt, etc.

The first treatment is carried out before bud break. The second - after the appearance of young leaves. If you already have berries, do not use insecticides to treat currants. You can try to wash off the aphids with water, and spray after harvesting.

How to deal with aphids on currants in summer and autumn the best preparations

The best aphid control drugs are those that are relatively harmless to humans and effective in killing insects. You can use bioinsecticides - Fitoverm or Aktofit.

For treatment with Actofit, 40 ml of the drug is diluted in 5 liters of water. The treatment is carried out with a fresh solution using a sprayer. You can use a manual spray gun, directing the jet to places where insects accumulate. The waiting period for Aktofit is only 48 hours. Therefore, they can process currants during flowering, as well as after harvesting in summer and autumn. The air temperature during processing should not be lower than 18 and not higher than 30 degrees.

A good tool for treating currants from aphids is Inta-C-M in the form of a tablet. After it, there are no single individuals of aphids, as after biological preparations. Active ingredients insecticides are malathion and cypermethrin.

It is best to process the currant before flowering in the spring, but if it was not possible to get rid of the pest before harvesting, Inta-Ts-M bushes are processed after harvesting in summer or autumn. The drug tablet is crushed directly in the package, dissolved in a liter of water, then the liquid is added to 10 liters. Spray the plants on a windless dry day early in the morning or in the evening.

Aphids on currants how to fight folk remedies with nettle, ammonia, vinegar, soda

If there are few aphids in the area, you can try to get rid of it. folk methods, for example, with the help of nettle. To prepare the product, 2 kg of fresh leaves are collected, poured with a bucket of water, and allowed to brew for a day. Then the infusion is filtered, and currant bushes are sprayed from aphids, not diluted with water.

To combat aphids, a solution based on ammonia is used. To prepare it, 40 ml of ammonia are diluted in 10 liters of water, stirred, and currant bushes are sprayed from a spray bottle.

Many gardeners like to fight aphids with vinegar. According to them, this remedy helps to forget about harmful insects. To prepare the solution, dilute 1 tablespoon of vinegar in 1 liter of water. Spray the plant several times during the week until the pest disappears completely.

Among the popular methods of dealing with aphids is spraying currant bushes with a solution of soda. If it does not help to completely get rid of aphids, then it certainly does not harm. To prepare a solution of 75 grams baking soda dissolved in 10 liters of water. Spray infected bushes and trees.

Fruits have a diuretic effect, cleanse the kidneys, reduce high body temperature. Taste qualities all three varieties of currants: black, white, red, attract not only gardeners and lovers of fresh berries, but also various pests. The common misfortunes that currant bushes succumb to are annoying aphid attacks.

How to deal with aphids

Currant bushes mostly require close attention in the spring. During the ripening of the fruits of the plant, aphids attack, so the main task of gardeners is to intervene in time to protect against these small insects. The deciduous part of the shrub with the presence of aphids is a crust covered with red spots that looks swollen. At black currant green leaves are wrapped in pipes, where hundreds of small insects are located on the inside.

Aphids are considered a dangerous guest for plants, since it is not so easy to get rid of them without the necessary knowledge for this. Shoot aphids breed on blackcurrants, and varieties with red and white berries are eaten by red-gall (hairy) aphids.

The danger of the appearance of red gall aphids on currants

At first glance, the red-gall aphid seems to be a harmless, small flea, but after the breeding stage, these insects mercilessly destroy the currant bush. Actually The red gall or hairy aphid is a fast carrier of disease and can spread to neighboring plants. Small insects drink currant juice. Because of such a massive attack, the plant emits a scent that ants respond to. The aphid on the currant itself causes damage to the crop and the general condition of the plants, and also provokes the appearance of other insects.

An interesting fact is that the laid eggs overwinter unhindered on open shoots even at low temperatures.

In spring, in places where insects accumulate, the leaves swell and turn red. Young branches are missing nutrients for normal growth, so their development is suspended, and the leaves twist and deteriorate. The same applies to blackcurrant bushes, which are very fond of shoot aphids. The principle of deposition of larvae in these insects is the same as in red gall aphid, only the eggs are black and overwinter at the beginning of the kidneys. After the onset of heat, the larvae move to the upper parts of the kidneys, smoothly moving on to attack young petioles and green leaves.

How to deal with aphids

In view of the fairly frequent insect attacks, currants need preventive spraying when the greens are not yet touched by pests. There are drugs that help prevent the appearance of aphids, as well as fight the ant colonies present. If the slightest signs of aphids are noticed on the berry, do not hesitate to cut off the affected leaves. When spreading, insects move along the shoots, the tops of which must also be removed along with the galls, where the insects settle. To dispose of unwanted plant material, take a bucket of water. All torn leaves and shoots are placed in water and then completely burned. Thus, new attempts to attack aphids and their reproduction on currant bushes are prevented.

With spring awakening suburban area numerous insects appear, including ants. These small individuals create a real problem in getting rid of aphids. The juice and smell given off by plants when eaten causes them to appear. The coexistence of these two species of insects does not interfere with each other, but threatens the loss of crops and the death of currant bushes.

Folk methods of dealing with aphids

Hope for plant orderlies does not always save the crop from death, so there are many among the people various methods to combat aphids. In addition to simply cutting off the infected areas of the currant, treatment with special infusions and solutions will help. Consider each effective decoction separately:

  • Infusion of marigolds. It has been repeatedly proven that gall aphids are not able to withstand the smell and taste of these flowers. For its preparation, finely chopped marigolds are taken in the amount of a half-filled bucket and filled to the top with water. Then you need to let the flowers stand in the liquid for three days. During this time, another ingredient is prepared - laundry soap in crushed form (fifty grams). After settling, the infusion is filtered, separating the plant component, and soap is added to the water.
  • Decoction of red pepper. A sharp strong smell is unbearable for aphids, so hot peppers can scare away insects for a long time. To prepare the infusion, one kilogram of peppers per bucket of water will be enough. Vegetables are finely chopped and poured with liquid, and then put on low heat. In time, such a mixture should languish for at least sixty minutes, after which it is infused in a cooled form for two days. For spraying currants, a filtered broth is used, diluted with water in a ratio of 1:40. One bucket of liquid consumes two hundred and fifty grams of burning broth. It has been observed from experience that this method of processing currant bushes effectively helps to get rid of slugs.
  • Garlic and onion infusions. The principle of operation of these two plants can be seen immediately - a sharp and strong smell survives aphids, and immunity increases in currant bushes. According to the recipe, you need to take one kilogram of onion feathers per bucket of water. Greens must be crushed and pour ten liters of water. The infusion is prepared quickly, within six hours. After filtering, the contents can be placed in a spray bottle.

With onion peel also turns out effective remedy to combat aphids. One bucket of liquid will require about five hundred grams of husk. The solution is allowed to brew for five days, after which it is ready for use.

Spraying currants is good to carry out on a calm evening. It is advisable to look at the forecast for the future, so that after processing the bushes it will not rain in the near future, otherwise the solution will need to be sprayed again.

To combat aphid vectors - ants dig a ditch around each planted currant bush. To prevent insects from getting to the plants, a sticky substance is poured into the ditch.

Chemical methods of dealing with aphids

There are numerous preparations that can be found in specialty stores for plants, with chemical composition. The effectiveness of using tools such as : Karbofos, Intavir, Aktara, Vofatoks, Fufan, Rovikurt proven by experience. If folk infusions do not lead to the desired result, then chemicals in the appropriate dosage will help get rid of persistent aphids. When working with any chemical, precautions should be taken to protect the body and hands from exposure to poisons.

You can find contact preparations that have an instant effect directly on aphids, or intestinal preparations that get inside insects after eating. In both cases, the aphid dies if the pesticides are used correctly according to the instructions. Poisonous systemic preparations provide a long-term effect, impregnating currant bushes with protective contents.

In addition to compliance safe mode when spraying, you need to know the following features:

  • Aphid is located on inside leaves, so the spraying of drugs should be carried out by helping hands;
  • The first time the bushes are treated in early spring, when an inspection is made for the presence of aphids in the buds and their disposal;
  • The second spray of chemicals is applied a month before the appearance of berries;
  • Between repeated spraying of currants, you need to give an exposure for one month.

An excess of nitrogen in the soil, which is present there due to the applied fertilizers, can lead to the appearance of aphids on currant bushes. This goes to show that more is not better in gardening. Even when applying bait for currants, you must follow the instructions, and also take into account the type of soil on the site.

cultivation fruit bushes- an exciting activity, but also quite troublesome, because for almost every berry you have to fight against the ubiquitous pests. Chemicals will help preserve the crop, but if at the first sign of an undesirable neighborhood you enter into a ruthless duel, it is quite possible to get by with simple folk remedies. What emergency measures should be taken if aphids settled on currants, how to deal with pests, and, most importantly, how to recognize the danger in time?

How to detect aphids on currant bushes

It is quite difficult for inexperienced beginners to recognize pests on currant bushes, because insects are in no hurry to find their location, hiding between leaves, in internodes and even on fruits. Currants should be carefully examined throughout the warm season, but in late May and early summer, especially carefully - it is at this time that the aphid is active and tries to settle in new territories.

The main sign of aphids is a large cluster of ant families near currants. Novice gardeners believe that ants eat pests, and diligently protect the black "helpers". Do not be mistaken and make a gross mistake - the ants feed on the sweet juice secreted by aphids, and diligently look after their "herd". Looking closely at the life of insects on the currant, you can see that the ants even help the aphids to move to healthy succulent shoots. Before getting rid of aphids, it would be useful to drive voluntary "guards" from the site.

In addition to the accumulation of ants near currant bushes, there are several more signs of aphids appearing on plants:

  • reddish swellings on the leaves (usually white or red currant);
  • rolled leaves (blackcurrant);
  • sticky liquid on branches and leaves;
  • young shoots stop growing and developing.

Having found the right signs of the appearance of pests, you must immediately take up their destruction using proven means.

Basic rules for dealing with aphids by simple means

Before you fight aphids with folk remedies, you need to familiarize yourself with a few simple requirements, strict adherence to which will certainly lead to an excellent result.

Basic rules for the use of self-prepared compositions:

  1. It is better to go to fight against aphids in the evening hours - some mixtures under the influence of sunlight can lose their properties or harm currants.
  2. Despite the safety of most folk remedies, it is better to protect your hands with gloves and your face with a mask.
  3. You should not experiment with compositions and add your own components - in the absence of experience, you can easily destroy the bushes.
  4. The weather must be calm and dry - gusts of wind will complicate processing, and rain will simply wash away the mixture that is harmful to aphids.

A common sucking pest that most often affects young currant leaves. Aphids live on the underside of the leaves, forming rather large colonies, and manifest themselves by the appearance on the leaves of the so-called galls - convex growths of a dark red color. As the leaf ages, the galls may become yellowish or greenish. With a strong defeat, the leaves dry up and die, the growth of shoots is inhibited.

The size of adult aphids is 2.2 - 2.5 mm, the color is from lemon yellow to brown. Eggs laid in autumn overwinter in cracks in the bark near the buds. Hatching of pests begins quite early, during the blooming of the leaves. External signs lesions - galls - appear on the leaves during the formation of ovaries. The greatest number of pests reach in June. The flight of winged females begins in early summer and culminates in July, when aphids move to weeds where they feed until autumn. Then the females return to the currant to lay eggs. Wingless individuals can remain on the currant all season. Over the summer in middle lane several generations of aphids hatch (up to 8).

How to deal with gall aphids?


  • Timely weeding.
  • Treatment before bud break with insecticidal preparations ( "Prophylactin", "Spark double effect").
  • Attracting insect predators that feed on aphids to the garden ( ladybugs, lacewings, camels).
  • To destroy wintering pests, it is recommended to spray the bushes and tree trunks very well before the start of sap flow. hot water(+80...+90 °С).

Folk remedies for gall aphids on currants

With a small lesion, cut and destroy damaged leaves and shoots. If the number of the pest is small, you can try to cope with it with folk remedies.

  • Infusion of marigolds. For 5 liters (half a bucket) of dry chopped marigold raw materials, take 10 liters of water and 50 g laundry soap. The raw material is poured with hot water, insisted for 2 days, then mixed with soap and sprayed on the plants.
  • Laundry soap solution: 300-400 g of soap is dissolved in 10 liters of water.
  • Infusion of tomato tops and onion peel. For cooking, you will need 0.5 kg of onion peel and 1.5 - 2 kg of tops or. The tops are brewed with 5 liters of boiling water and infused for about 4 hours, then boiled for 3 hours, filtered and water is added in a ratio of 1:2. The husk is poured with hot water (about 2 liters) and infused for no more than two days, after which another 2 liters of water and a little liquid soap. After that, both infusions are mixed

When using natural products, 2-3 treatments are required after 7-10 days. Processing is carried out in dry calm weather; if after a while it rained, spraying must be repeated.

Aphid preparations

With an average degree of damage, if folk remedies have not helped, it is recommended to use bio-based insecticides: Biotlin, Fitoverm, Agravertin. These drugs are considered one of the safest and can be used throughout the growing season.

If currant plantings are severely affected by gall aphids, you will have to resort to chemical insecticides. High efficiency show preparations "Aliot", "Kinmiks", "Aktellik", "Confidor", "Inta-vir" etc. Usually 2-3 treatments are needed, the interval between them is indicated in the instructions for the drug. All preparations work at a temperature from +15 °C.

Be careful: chemical insecticides should not be used before harvesting! The allowable interval between processing and collection is also indicated in the instructions.
