Long-term storage of apples in a warehouse. Storage of apples add your price to the database comment

Of course, to harvest a rich harvest of apples on own dacha- this is one of the priorities for every gardener. However, it is important not only to pick the fruits from the tree, but also to ensure their proper storage. I especially want a fresh apple when cold weather sets in. Well, which of the summer residents does not dream that the collected apples retain their natural taste qualities? However, not everyone knows how to store apples for the winter.

It should be noted that an apple plucked from a tree does not "die", it continues to live, inhaling oxygen and evaporating moisture. How to create optimal conditions for the above processes?

It is the study of the question of how to store apples for the winter, and the application of this knowledge in practice will help in this. It is very important to remember that these fruits are classified as perishable, so it should be emphasized again: the main component of success is the creation necessary conditions for storage.

Decide on a storage location

Naturally, considering the question of how to store apples for the winter is meaningless without deciding on the other: "Where should the fruits be stored?" If you ignore it, you can simply lose your crop, and all your efforts to grow fruit will be reduced to zero.

Experienced gardeners know that apples for the winter are usually stored in the basement and on the balcony.

The type of apple also matters.

The shelf life of the fruit in question depends on the variety. Those who want to know how to store apples for the winter must learn to understand their species diversity.

Exist summer varieties, with a thin and delicate skin, there are autumn varieties, which have a skin of medium thickness, and there are also winter ones, characterized by a rough shell and a specific wax coating.

Pay attention to the skin of apples

In deciding how to properly store apples for the winter, the thickness of the fruit peel is of fundamental importance, since it is it that prevents the fruit from drying out and wrinkling, and also prevents harmful insects from penetrating into it.

It is varieties with rough skins that can remain fresh and juicy for as long as possible. For this reason, the most suitable for storage are winter varieties apples, while autumn and summer ones begin to deteriorate within a few days after harvest.

How to pick apples

Not sure how to store apples for the winter? It is very important not only to learn how to choose a variety of fruits, but also to pick them correctly. This should be done at the end of September or at the beginning of October, and there is no need to wait for the fruit to fully ripen. They must be carefully removed from the apple tree along with the stalk in order to preserve the wax coating on the peel. Naturally, the fruits must be collected, previously armed with a basket.

apple sorting

When considering how to store apples for the winter, one of key points is the stage of their sorting. What does it mean? After harvesting, you need to sort out the fruits, separating the beaten and spoiled by pests. Remember that only whole apples are suitable for storage.

Storage container

Surely many are interested in the question: “What to store fruits in?” Boxes made of moisture-resistant cardboard or soft wood. Make sure they are stable and free of dirt particles. Also, they should not have large gaps.

Each fruit must be packed

It is good if you can pack each fruit separately. Wrap the apple in paper, then sprinkle with one of the following: maple leaves, buckwheat husks, moss, sand, or husks. In some cases, straw is added to fruits to increase the shelf life, but this technique has one significant disadvantage: if at least one apple begins to rot, or the process of moisture condensation is activated, then the dust also deteriorates.

If you place fruits in boxes, then place them diagonally or in a row.

Storing apples for the winter is a rather troublesome task that requires a lot of effort and time. To increase the shelf life of fruits, they must be treated with an alcohol infusion of propolis or a 2% solution of calcium chloride before laying.

Sand storage

Many experienced gardeners, when asked how to store apples in winter, will answer without hesitation: "In the sand." This will require fine clean sand, which must first be dried in the oven. Container bottom thin layer sprinkled with sand, on which the fruits are placed, and then another layer of sand is placed on them, the thickness of which should be at least three centimeters. Next, a second batch of apples is placed in the same box, and the procedure is repeated. If you have to move the boxes from one place to another, then try to stack the apples as close to each other as possible to minimize the risk of damaging them.

Storage in paper

A huge number of summer residents have no idea how to ensure the storage of apples in the winter in the basement. Shelving is ideal for this space.

Fruit should be wrapped in paper pre-treated with vaseline oil. Experts also recommend pouring apples with chips soaked in mineral oil.

Storage in polyethylene film

Perfectly preserved until spring and the fruits placed in polyethylene film. Two layers of film are placed in a container crosswise, apples are placed on them in even rows. On the final stage a polyethylene film is laid on top of the box in the same way as on the bottom of the container.

Storage in a plastic bag

Some gardeners store apples in plastic bags. Each fruit is pre-cooled and then placed in the above material, which is tightly tied. The fruits are then placed in boxes or on racks.

When oxygen is "inhaled", apples give off external environment carbon dioxide. It is a kind of preservative, which increases the shelf life of fruits. That's why this method storage allows you to keep apples fresh even on the balcony of a city apartment. The main thing is to comply temperature regime- from +5 to +7 degrees Celsius.

Places for storing apples

As already emphasized above, the most appropriate place for storing apples is a cellar, cellar or, with the exception of the best, an apartment balcony. The lower drawers and racks should be placed at least 20 cm from the floor, and the upper ones at least 30 cm from the ceiling.

The temperature is slightly higher in the upper part of the storage room for vegetables and fruits, so products with a maximum shelf life should be placed at the bottom.

Optimal storage conditions for apple varieties grown in middle lane Russia, are such that after harvesting the fruit should be placed as soon as possible in a room in which high humidity and low temperature. To normalize the first parameter, experts recommend pouring water on the floors, and to lower the temperature, it is necessary to ventilate the room more often at night and when it gets colder.

Apples are stored in apartments, basements, cellars, attics and even in the ground.. Of course, it's great if you have your own crop. But purchased on the market in the fall, at the time of harvesting late varieties, strong fruits are also quite capable of delighting you with their taste and beauty until mid-spring. The main thing is to create decent conditions for them and know how to properly store apples.


Winter varieties of apples (late ripening) are best stored. Among them:

  • Antonovka- a representative of the old folk selection;
  • Pepin saffron- Michurinsky variety;
  • Welsey-bred by American breeders.
  • Bogatyr- large crispy fruits, a product of domestic selection;
  • Valttinew variety considered one of the best for long-term storage.

Fruit keeping quality

apple varieties early ripening unsuitable for long-term storage. After collection, the maximum period for them is a couple of weeks, and even then in the refrigerator. Varieties of medium ripening - autumn - can lie in the cool for a month or two. But apples of late varieties are able to successfully survive the winter and meet the arrival of spring with you.

For keeping apples not only the variety is important, but also the rate of ripening, which depends on weather conditions . In a cool "wet" summer, apples become soft and prone to disease. Early warm spring and hot summers allow them to ripen faster, but their shelf life will be shortened. But stable warm weather at the end of summer is what they need. The fruits will ripen later, but will be stored longer.

Preparing for storage

It is very important to first harvest the crop correctly, and then decide how to store apples for the winter.

You can't shake the fruit off the tree.

They should be removed by hand, using a ladder or stepladder, on a fine, dry day.

It is advisable not to touch the fetus itself. Grasping the stem, unscrew the apple from the branch.

Put the crop in a basket or bucket carefully, after covering the bottom with a soft cloth.

The collected wealth should be well inspected, sorted out, discarding damaged, deformed ones. Skin defects are also a reason for refusing to store an apple - you can make the most delicious of these.

For each variety - a separate container, because the shelf life of the varieties may not coincide.

Ideal Conditions

For storing apples ideal temperature + 2 ... + 4 ° C, humidity - 85 - 95%. A lower temperature indicator will not have the best effect on their taste and aroma. Higher temperatures will shorten the shelf life.

With insufficient moisture, the pulp of apples of some varieties becomes powdery, in others - bitter, in others - sluggish. And high humidity promotes rotting and deterioration.

The most suitable container for storing fruits is wooden boxes.

Apples also feel good in plywood boxes, cardboard boxes, plastic bags with holes.

A container of any size is suitable, but it should certainly be strong, clean, made of unpainted wood or moisture-resistant cardboard.

Cellar and basement: how to do it right?

There is no better place to store an apple crop than a cellar or basement. You may not even use boxes, but arrange the fruits on the racks - the most convenient option how to store apples in the cellar. It is desirable for the shelves to have such a width that it is convenient to lay out the apples and then sort them out. The rack should be covered with dry sawdust or hay dried in the sun.

Storage boxes can be different heights. Low boxes are filled with one layer of apples, stalks up and stacked on top of each other, thus providing additional ventilation. For such boxes, the end bars should have a height of about 10 cm, so that it is on them (and not on the apples themselves, of course) that each next “floor” is supported.

In larger boxes, apples can be laid in several layers, sprinkling each with sawdust or shavings, shifting with hay.

A piece of peat will do too.

Some experts claim that it is best to lay apples on sphagnum moss. It can be collected in the nearby forest.

Moist moss will help the fruit stay juicy longer.

A separate word of praise and at the same time a warning deserves the sand, often used when layering apple rows. bulk material does its job well. But the fruits before the treat will require a very thorough washing: it is not so easy to get rid of the smallest sand particles, and sand crunching on the teeth is a dubious pleasure.

You can also do this:

  • cover the bottom of the box with a thick film so that its ends hang outward;
  • place apples in a container;
  • fold either all the stalks up, or in any other way, given that the stalk of one fruit should not injure the skin of the neighbor;
  • wrap the film as if sealed.

Thus, a comfortable microclimate is formed in the “apple house”, which reduces the evaporation of moisture. This will help increase the shelf life of the crop.

Sometimes apples are stored in company with potatoes, which we already know how to store. But reviews of such an alliance have experienced gardeners differ. Some argue that the symbiosis is mutually beneficial: the potatoes won't sprout and the apples won't shrivele. Others are dissatisfied with the fact that the taste of fruits, even wrapped in paper, acquires potato shades, and their keeping quality decreases.

How to store apples at home

Apples can also be saved at home. Not as successful as basements, but still for several months the fruits can remain fresh and edible.

Where is the best place to store

In an urban setting the best place is a glazed and insulated balcony - there apple stocks will not freeze.

Wrap each fruit in newspaper or plastic wrap.

This will protect them from contact and protect them from spoilage if a neighboring fetus becomes sick.

Place in three layers, no more!

If the balcony (loggia) is not insulated, use foam boards. Cover the floor of the room with them and lay them around the perimeter to the height of the container, surrounding the storage place with a warm shield. Seal the place of contact of the plates with adhesive tape. This method is very rational: having disassembled the structure in the spring, fold the plates into a compact pile. You can use this material for more than one season.

If winter frosts are not fierce in your region of residence, you can simply wrap the container for storing apples with a warm blanket.

In any case, periodically check the fruits to the touch, trying not to unfold the paper (film), stir them.

It does not make sense to store apples in a residential area. They will quickly deteriorate, even if you put the container in the coldest place - on the windowsill.

Can apples be stored in the refrigerator?

Yes, apples do well in the refrigerator.

But this method of storage is justified if your refrigeration unit is large enough.

Pack fruits of the same variety and approximately the same size in food-grade plastic wrap (1.5 - 5.0 kg each), make several holes in it, seal and send to the coldest compartment.

Apples intended for storage in the refrigerator should be placed in it immediately after picking or buying. They should not be washed. The shelf life will not exceed 2 months.

Freeze, dry, preserve

Apples can be dried in the sun, in the oven, oven, over gas stove. It is convenient to store dry fruits in cloth or paper bags in a dark, cool room. We have already considered the details.

Of course, they are stored for a long time and canned apples: , etc. Soaked apples are also good.

The freezer is also a great storage option. By grating or simply slicing fruit, you will provide yourself with excellent help for making compotes, fillings for pies, charlottes, pancakes.

  • Old The method of storing apples is simply to bury them in the ground. Find an elevated place on your site, dig a hole below the freezing level of the soil. Cover the bottom with dry hay and place the fruit. Cover with hay, cover with earth, tamp. Bring a couple of thin tubes to the surface for ventilation. They will also serve as a guide in the spring, indicating the exact location of storage.
  • A good method for extending the shelf life of apples is waxing. Wax is softened in a water bath (250 g per 30 kg of fruit) and apples are dipped into this substance (t ° - not higher than + 45 ° С) one by one.

Useful video

Some features of storing apples in an apartment can also be seen in this video:

How to store apples at home? This question is asked by the owners who decided to make a supply of healthy and fragrant fruits for the winter. Let's figure out how to ensure the safety of the harvest.

Shelf life of apples

Before harvesting fruits, check how long the variety of your choice is stored. Prepared for the winter:

Autumn varieties. They stay fresh for up to 2 months. Storage temperature: 0°C

Winter varieties. Well stored 4-7 months. The shelf life depends on the particular variety. Optimum temperature: from 0°С to +4°С…+5°С.

The owners should make every effort to maintain the desired temperature in the cellar or other storage place. Temperatures below 0°C have a detrimental effect on fruits. - 1°C is the limit. Below, spoilage of harvested apples begins.

Preparing apples for storage

Sorting of apples is carried out according to several parameters. Don't skip this step. Apples different varieties, size and quality, packed in one box, will stand in good condition for much less than sorted fruit.

Sort by quality

Select fruits for the winter:

not wormy;

no dents, damage or scratches. In places of damage, apples begin to rot and deteriorate;

with peduncle. A whole "tail" prevents the development of the fungus;

with a wax coating. Wipe fruit thoroughly and remove natural protective layer Not recommended.

Note! It is forbidden to collect apples from the ground for storage, shake them off the tree, speeding up the harvesting process. Such fruits cannot be stored.

Division into varieties

Each variety has its own shelf life. Each variety has its own taste. In order not to rummage among a dozen boxes and “not disturb” the harvested fruits in search of suitable variety, divide each variety into individual containers.

Some owners label the packaging, indicate the name of the variety and the date of storage. Simple and convenient, saves time and nerves.

fruit sizing

Do not be lazy, sort the fruits by size. Is it worth spending time on this operation? Of course!

The reasons:

Large apples release more ethylene during storage than small ones. Smaller ones will ripen faster under the influence of the released gas. Large fruits spoil faster, passing diseases and rot to neighboring, smaller ones.

There is no need to sort and disturb the fruits once again. Immediately select defective fruits in a separate container. Recycle or use them first.

Do I need to sprinkle or wrap apples?

For better preservation, you can sprinkle fruit with sawdust or wrap each apple with clean paper. Last operation possible in the presence of 10-20 kilograms of crop. Agree, it is problematic to wrap 50 kg of fruits with paper.

The sawdust must be clean and dry. Make sure there is enough sawdust so that the fruit does not touch each other. Some owners use sifted dry sand to separate apples.

Where to store apples in winter?

Prepared fruits can be stored in a cool place:

on the balcony;

in the cellar;

in a refrigerator;

in the basement.

Dampness is the enemy of the harvest. The maximum allowable air humidity is 80%. Provide adequate ventilation.

Let's take a closer look at the features of storing apples in winter. Choose the option that suits you.

in boxes

Fruits are placed in dry wooden boxes. You can lay the fruit with the stalk up, you can - down. Remember: too much weight in the box will cause a lot of pressure on the bottom layer and premature spoilage of the fruit.

Experts recommend choosing a "chess". With this method of bookmarking, it is easy to avoid damage to the fruit in top row stalk. There is a desire - sprinkle each layer of the crop with sawdust.

On the shelves

A great way to avoid touching neighboring fruits. Each unit is carefully laid on the prepared space. After laying, you can pour a little sawdust on the rack to fill the space remaining between the fruits.

In a thermal box

you will need two boxes of household appliances from thick cardboard. The size of one should exceed the size of the other by 15-20cm;

take a large cardboard box;

lay on the bottom thick layer polystyrene;

insert the smaller box inside;

put fruit in it;

fill the space between the two boxes with any material that retains heat: sawdust, old rags, foam;

cover the apple box with a piece of cardboard;

put a layer of any insulation on top;

thermo box is ready;

take your creation to the balcony.

Note! Watch the temperature environment. It gets colder - cover the box with additional insulation (woolen blankets, film), warmer - remove excess insulation.

In a refrigerator

This method of storing apples at home allows you to keep the fruits safe and sound for a long time. If not, not one "but". A limited number of fruits can be placed in the refrigerator.

Advice: place the crop in special bags from which the air is pumped out. If there are none, take a regular thick plastic bag and punch holes in it for good gas exchange.

In lined cardboard boxes

If you are preparing a large number of apples, look for cardboard boxes in which they bring for sale Exotic fruits. They have special recesses for each fruit, ensuring perfect transport and storage of even juicy and soft fruits.

This option is suitable for those who have familiar traders from the market. Kiwis, mangoes or peaches are perfectly preserved whole and unharmed in such a package. This type of container is ideal for winter storage hard fruits from our latitudes.

Tip: Don't store apples and other vegetables in the same cellar. Potatoes, celery, carrots, under the influence of ethylene, which apples emit, begin to germinate faster. Staying in the same room for a long time will give the fruit an unpleasant starchy taste.

If you doubt whether it will be possible to keep a large number of apples fresh, choose another way to harvest fruits for the winter: drying, making compotes or jams.

An important step in the storage of apples is right choice cleaning time. Fruits harvested on time are less susceptible to disease and can be stored longer. Their maturation is determined by some outward signs. Apples that are in the stage of removable maturity have the most characteristic color for this variety and grow to maximum value. They also reduce the density of the skin and pulp, and enhance the taste and aroma. The fruits are easily removed from the trees without much effort. If the apples themselves fall off, then they are overripe and will not lie for a long time.

For long-term storage, only medium-sized apples that are clean without damage and have a bright color are laid aside. More large fruits while lying ripen faster, and their shelf life does not exceed 1-2 months. Removed fruits should not be laid out in the sun. They are carefully placed in containers, such as wooden boxes, and transferred to a cool room. Before this storage, and this can serve as a cold utility room, cellar, attic space or basement, ventilate in a few days to achieve optimal temperature. Apples can be stored at temperatures from -1 to +4 degrees and air humidity up to 95%, depending on the variety. Such waterlogging of the room prevents intensive evaporation of moisture from the fruit.

Before storage, apples are either kept in an aqueous solution of iodinol, or dipped in a solution of salicylic acid, or wiped with a cloth moistened with glycerin. Also, to protect against rot and mold, the fruits are treated with a composition consisting of crystalline iodine (2.5%), potassium iodide (7%), starch (53%), baking soda(2%) and water (35%). They are dipped into this composition for 1-2 minutes and then dried. After that, a thin, durable film remains on the apples, which is easily washed off before eating. Even for the processing of fruits, 100 g of propolis and 500 ml of alcohol are used. They are dipped into this composition for a few seconds and then dried.

So that apples lie until next spring, they can be sprinkled chemical compounds which are the least dangerous to humans. For example, sodium pyrosulfate releases sulphur dioxide, which envelops the fruit and protects them from spoilage.

Apples are best stored in small wooden boxes or cardboard boxes. Moreover, the distance on the boxes between the planks should be as small as possible. Apples are laid among themselves various materials. To do this, use dry shavings. deciduous trees, clean oak leaves, dry moss. Of more modern materials apply cling film and packaging wrapper for products. It is impossible to use straw for laying apples. If the fruits begin to deteriorate, it becomes very moldy and gives them bad taste. Apples with a thin and delicate skin are additionally wrapped in napkins that are soaked in petroleum jelly.

Also, apples can be stored on racks or shelves in two layers. In this case, matting, dry peat, sawdust or tree leaves are laid under them.

Another way to store apples for a long time are pits dug on personal plot up to 50 cm deep. Accordingly, depending on climatic conditions they can be either smaller or deeper. At the same time, the apples are laid out in plastic bags and tightly tied with a rope. Then they lay on the bottom of the pit and sprinkle with earth. To protect against rodents, fruit bags are covered with spruce or juniper spruce branches.

It is forbidden to store apples in the same room with vegetables, potatoes and strongly smelling onions and garlic. The storage is ventilated in the first two to three weeks after laying the crop to remove excess carbon dioxide released by the fruits. During storage, the fruits are regularly inspected and rotten specimens are removed.

In order to use apples for food, they are first transferred to a warmer room and ambient temperature increase gradually. This will not allow the fruits to turn brown immediately.

If all conditions are met, apples can lie from 3 to 9 months, depending on the variety. Proven varieties for long-term storage are Melba, Antonovka, Autumn striped, Bogatyr, Pepin, Anis, Orange and others.

The shelf life of apples depends on many nuances. An important role is played by the variety of fruits, the correctness of their collection, as well as sorting. When buying apples, it is impossible to find out how they were harvested, therefore, in order to store them, it is important to determine the variety and create the necessary conditions.

Apples can be stored:

  • in room conditions(but dark and cool areas);
  • in a refrigerator;
  • on the balcony.

Rules for storing apples:

  • apples should be washed before eating (washed apples are stored less);
  • ripe apples should be stored separately from unripe or overripe ones (sorting apples is a mandatory step in their storage);
  • store apples in cardboard boxes, wooden boxes or baskets;
  • if you plan to store a small number of apples, then you can wrap each of them with paper (polyethylene or cling film also used to store apples, but it is imperative to exclude air from entering them);
  • you can extend the shelf life of apples with sawdust, tree leaves or onion peel(such mixtures are used to spill the space between the fruits);
  • damage directly affects the shelf life of apples, so these fruits should be eaten first;
  • apples with stalks are stored longer than without them;
  • it is better not to store apples of different varieties in close proximity to each other (shelf life for different types differ, and a spoiled apple will accelerate the process of decay of the remaining fruits);
  • during the storage of apples, sudden temperature changes must be excluded (for example, apples should not be put in the refrigerator, then left at room conditions and returned to the cold again);
  • apples are often used to speed up the ripening of other fruits, so they must be stored in isolation;
  • if the container in which apples are stored is smeared with a small amount of glycerin, then their shelf life will be extended;
  • in the refrigerator, apples should be stored in the compartment intended for fruits.

In the apartment, apples are best stored in the coolest possible place. Ideally, these fruits keep their freshness in cellars, which in apartment conditions can be replaced by balconies or pantries. If you cover the surface of an apple with melted wax, then its shelf life will increase (you will only have to use such a fruit after cleaning, the wax is difficult to wash off).

Shelf life of apples

First of all, the shelf life of apples depends on the variety, and secondly, on the conditions created. The optimal temperature indicator is considered to be a level from +1 to +5 degrees. Humidity should not exceed 95%.

Shelf life of apples depending on the variety:

  • winter varieties are stored for 7 months;
  • autumn varieties remain fresh for 2 months.

Apples will stay fresh for several months if their storage temperature is stable at -1-+1 degrees.

Sliced ​​apple keeps up to 12 hours in the refrigerator. In room conditions, after a few hours, it will acquire a weathered and darkened flesh. You can extend the shelf life of a sliced ​​apple by using plastic bag with pre-drilled holes. The workpiece is placed in the refrigerator and may not lose its appearance throughout the day.

The degree of maturity also affects the shelf life of apples.. Unripe fruits in desired temperature lie for several months, and ripe fruit can begin to spoil after a few weeks. At a temperature of +12 degrees and above, any apples begin to wrinkle and dry out. If the surface of the fruit is covered with wrinkles, then its taste is already impaired and the apple is rapidly losing its juiciness.
