When is the best time to plant trees? Planting seedlings of fruit trees and shrubs in spring

If it becomes necessary to plant trees and shrubs in the garden, then you need to adhere to certain rules. This is where I ran into some problems. From my grandfather got a house in the village, where there was a fairly large garden. I would like to save valuable trees, as well as plant new ones, so that children and grandchildren have a place to relax and live.

Ennobling the territory, it is necessary to remove old plantings, plant new plants. The main principles that guide me, I decided to reflect in this article.

Planning helps to distribute the territory according to different purposes. In rural areas (sometimes in cities) plots are allocated for individual housing construction. On them, in addition to a residential building, part of the land is allocated for green spaces.

Plantings of shrubs and trees are distributed on the plan. Recreation areas are defined that cannot be imagined without trees. Usually in gardens they try to have:

  • 1…2 apple trees early varieties maturation;
  • 3…4 apple trees of late ripening varieties with long-term storage harvest;
  • 1…2 pears different varieties, selection is needed for reliable pollination;
  • 1 ... 3 cherry and cherry trees;
  • 1…3 apricots early term maturation;
  • 2 ... 5 currant bushes (black, red, white, yellow);
  • 2 ... 3 gooseberry bushes (green, black);
  • 3 ... 5 raspberry and blackberry bushes;
  • 2 ... 3 bushes of honeysuckle;

In addition to fruit and berry plants planting perennials and ornamental plants. They are pleasing to the eye, decorate the site.

Table 1


Distance between rows, m

Distance between plants in a row, m

Apricot 5,0…5,5 3,0…4,0
Quince 5,0…5,5 3,0…4,0
Cherry tall 4,0…4,5 3,0…4,0
Cherry stunted 3,0…3,5 2,5…3,0
Pear on a vigorous rootstock 6,0…6,5 4,0…6,0
Pear on a stunted rootstock 4,0…4,5 1,5…2,5
Sea buckthorn 2,5…3,0 2,0…2,5
Walnut 6,0…7,0 4,0…5,0
Peach 5,0…5,5 3,0…4,0
Plum tall 4,0…5,0 3,0…4,0
Plum stunted 3,0…4,0 2,5…3,0
Apple tree on a vigorous rootstock 6,0…6,5 4,0…6,0
Apple tree on a stunted rootstock 4,0…5,0 1,5…2,5

When to plant trees and shrubs in the garden

Autumn plantings

Residents of the Central and Southern regions try to plant in the autumn. They explain their preferences with a number of advantages:

  • available in autumn big choice a wide variety of varieties. Zoned plants are selected, they take root better in the autumn winter period;
  • stone fruit crops are planted less frequently during autumn acquisition, they are added dropwise for spring planting, covered with a layer of non-woven fabric, and snow on top;
  • you need to perform one or two irrigations, the rest of the irrigations are organized by nature, in the fall it rains torrentially;
  • in autumn period the gardener has more free time to devote to seedlings.

Disadvantages of autumn planting seedlings:

  • autumn colds may suddenly come, then all work will have to be postponed in anticipation of warm days;
  • with a high location of groundwater, it is necessary side events to overcome root freezing. Mounds are poured and plants are planted on them;
  • with a small amount of rain (dry autumn), you will often have to water the plantings;
  • prices in autumn are slightly higher than in spring;
  • need protection from hares and other winter garden pests.

Based on long-term observations, the main proposals for planting seedlings for the regions are formulated Russian Federation(table 2).

table 2

Planting trees and shrubs by regions of the Russian Federation

Time of planting (transplanting) trees

Southern regions The survival rate of trees in the autumn period is much higher than when planting in spring period. During the winter, seedlings form a strong root system, which, with the advent of heat, begins to nourish the entire plant.

When planting in spring, the soil quickly dehydrates, planted plants take root worse. Therefore, the probability of survival of trees and bushes is low. Often seedlings dry up during the summer.

A number of varieties on undersized rootstocks come into fruition in the first two years. Palmette tree plantings are used.

Central regions In spring and autumn, the planted trees and shrubs have time to grow sufficient root system to relive the warm and cold periods. The survival rate is high. At autumn planting with the advent of spring, flowering is possible even in the first year. Cherries and sweet cherries, as well as apple trees on low-growing rootstocks, are distinguished by similar examples.

Apple trees, pears on tall rootstocks are best planted in the fall.

Northern regions Spring planting ensures root development. With low summer temperatures, trees and shrubs will be able to adapt. With the onset of autumn, and then winter, the seedlings will have time to accumulate the necessary amount of nutrients in order to overwinter, and then develop with renewed vigor.

Spring planting of trees and shrubs

With the onset of spring, gardeners try to make use of the special conditions that occur after the snow melts. The soil is saturated with moisture to the maximum. When planting, plants actively develop, form roots, without fear of freezing.

In the south, plantings are organized in March, in the central regions the snow finally melts only in April. It's landing time. IN Northern regions landings are carried out in the first decade of May.

In the spring, stone fruits (cherries, sweet cherries, honeysuckle and others) take root quite easily. Within a week after planting, the root system grows quite intensively.

When planting trees, leave root collar above ground level. If it is deepened, then the plant develops slowly. Sometimes you can observe the fading of the development of a tree.

In apple trees, pears, apricots, when the root neck is deepened, you can never wait for flowering and the appearance of fruits.

Benefits of planting in the spring

  • on marketplaces choice planting plants quite extensive;
  • prices are usually lower than in autumn, and the quality is higher;
  • easier to check the quality of the roots in plastic container, plants can be lifted and see the state;
  • the soil is sufficiently moist, bushes and trees take root easier;
  • you need to have time to plant seedlings before bud break;
  • spring for the gardener is created comfortable temperature, high spirits.
  • many plants begin to bloom leaves, you may not have time to plant before the leaves appear. Plants in this case may die;
  • during spring planting, it is necessary to treat near-stem areas for pests;
  • in the spring, the seedlings need to pull the wire or support pegs.

Rules for planting trees on tall rootstocks

  1. Planting large trees requires extracting deep holes 0.8 ... 0.9 (length) x 0.8 ... 0.9 (width) x 0.6 ... 0.8 (depth) m.
  2. More often they dig rectangular holes (tradition).
  3. A small mound of fertile soil is poured in the lower part. Can be filled with humus or high peat.
  4. Install the seedling vertically. A support peg is placed nearby.
  5. Sprinkle a hole, holding a tree. It is necessary to trample down the earth around the root.
  6. An irrigation circle is formed around the trunk.
  7. After planting, pour at least two buckets of water.

Rules for planting trees on dwarf and low-growing rootstocks, as well as shrubs

  1. We need landing pits 0.4 ... 0.6 (length) x0.4 ... 0.6 (width) x 0.4 ... 0.6 (depth) m.
  2. Pour on the bottom complex fertilizer, for example, nitrophoska. Norm 40 ... 50 g.
  3. Spread the roots over the existing pit.
  4. The seedling is kept upright, sprinkled with humus, fertile soil or peat mixture.
  5. Be sure to compact the soil around the trunk.
  6. Form an irrigation circle.
  7. More often, several plants are planted.
  8. Install supporting pillars, a wire is stretched between them.
  9. The branches are further stretched along the wire.


Plant care in the first year after planting

During the first year of life, plants need constant care. While the tree or bush is young, formative pruning should be performed.

Top dressing is carried out at intervals of 18 ... 25 days. At the same time, part of the fertilizer is sprinkled in the trunk part. Foliar top dressing is useful, which is performed by spraying a solution that contains:

  • 15 ... 25 g of nitrogen fertilizers (mainly urea);
  • 20 ... 25 g of phosphate fertilizers (superphosphate);
  • 12 ... 15 g of potash fertilizers (potassium salt).

All mineral fertilizers are dissolved in 10 liters of water, then applied to a bush or tree using a garden sprayer.

  1. From the first decade of June to mid-July, feeding with chicken manure is useful.
  2. 200 g of chicken manure is placed in a bucket of 20 liters.
  3. Insist at least five days.
  4. Filter the liquid. Solid inclusions can be buried at some distance from the root (1 ... 2 m).
  5. The liquid is diluted in a ratio of 1: 20.
  6. She watered the near-trunk circle. Approximately 10 liters per large tree and 5 liters per bush.

Green fertilizers for seedlings

From June to mid-September, "green" fertilizers are used.

  1. Grass is accumulated in the barrel, they try to fill it to the top.
  2. They pour water. Close the lid, and in its absence, cover with plastic wrap.
  3. Insist at least 10 days. The liquid ferments vigorously.
  4. At the end of fermentation, the lid is removed.
  5. Solid inclusions are taken out and used as mulch.
  6. The solution is diluted 1 to 10. They are watered with young trees and seedlings. Under the trees, you can pour 7 ... 10 liters of solution. 3 ... 5 liters of "green" fertilizer are poured under the bushes.


  1. Trees and shrubs are planted in early spring or late autumn.
  2. They try to plant pome crops in the fall, and stone fruits in the spring.
  3. Care and feeding are organized for young plants.

Every gardener wants to see his garden healthy, beautiful and abundantly fruitful. pledge good growth, lush flowering and getting the harvest is a properly carried out planting fruit trees spring.

Unfortunately, the site owner does not always take this procedure responsibly, choosing the first available place for the tree, somehow organizing a planting hole, or placing seedlings too often, not taking into account their growth. Looking forward to fruition and good harvest in this case is not necessary. How and when to plant seedlings of fruit trees in spring? Are there any secrets that allow plants to take root faster and start growing?

Planting dates for seedlings of fruit trees in spring

First of all, it is worth clarifying the timing of planting plants. The literature often indicates that autumn planting is preferred for tree seedlings, however, it should be borne in mind that this recommendation applies to the southern regions.

In the conditions of a long warm autumn, winter-hardy trees and shrubs have time to acclimatize and take root, enduring the winter quite well and starting to grow from early spring. The further north is garden plot, the greater the risk of freezing of the tree.

Therefore, in the northern regions, planting of fruit trees in the spring is more often undertaken. At the same time, it is possible to save seedlings of even the most thermophilic crops, as well as successfully transfer plants with an open root system into the soil. True, such a landing has one feature. It should be carried out as early as possible in order to start growing season the seedling met already in the soil at a permanent place of residence. Still "sleeping" trees are not sensitive to the active sun and possible frosts.

When to plant fruit trees and shrubs in the spring, on which foliage has already appeared? Indeed, today at spring sales you can buy planting material already with opened buds and even leaves. Such bushes and trees cannot wait. But it's best to drop them off:

  • upon the onset of stable heat, when there is no danger of frostbite of the shoots and root system, especially at night;
  • on cloudy days when there is less risk sunburn buds and foliage not accustomed to direct sun.

The specific dates for planting fruit trees and shrub seedlings in the spring depend on the climatic and weather characteristics of the region, the composition of the soil and the location of the site. As a rule, in the lowlands, snowmelt is less active, the soil dries out worse, which delays planting.

Whatever the time for planting seedlings of fruit trees in the spring, preparations for work begin in the fall, choosing a place for plants in advance and preparing planting pits.

The scheme of planting fruit trees and shrubs on the site

Looking for a place for the future orchard, it must be remembered that for plants it is extremely important not only soil fertility and, but also lighting. For young plants, the site is selected so that the seedlings are in the light for at least half a day. At the same time, for fragile trees, it is necessary to provide protection from the cold wind.

For speedy acclimatization, it is advised to plant fruit plants the way they grew in the nursery. It is possible to determine the orientation of a tree along the cardinal points, starting from the age of two, along the length of the side shoots. On the south side they are generally better developed than from the north.

But how to plant a seedling of a fruit tree in the spring if a three-year-old or older plant with an asymmetric crown was brought from the nursery? In this case, it is more useful to expand it so that short branches looked south. In a couple of years, taking into account corrective pruning, the crown will become uniform and correct.

Mastering a new site, novice gardeners often make a serious mistake. When planting fruit trees in spring, they do not take into account that the height, width of the crown and the characteristics of agricultural technology in the planted species can be very different. The young garden looks well-groomed and grows amicably, but after a few years it turns out that a large pear completely obscured the undersized ones, and berry bushes are not visible under the cherry crowns.

Even at the planning stage, the exact layout of the trees is determined. The health of the plants and the yield they bring will subsequently depend on this plan.

How to determine when landing minimum distance between fruit trees?

When measuring the distance between seedlings, they are guided by the total value of the height of neighboring adult trees. For example, a fruit-bearing cherry reaches a height of three meters, which means that there must be at least six meters between neighboring trees of the same species and variety. This will create all the conditions for development, as a result of:

  • the crowns of grown trees will not overlap and will not shade each other;
  • nothing will stop pollination flowering trees, growth and filling of fruits;
  • much easier to care for the crop and harvest.

In addition, with such planting of fruit trees and shrubs on the site, the risk of infection of the garden with fungal infections and insect damage is seriously reduced.

How to plant seedlings of fruit trees in spring?

It is not enough to purchase high-quality planting material. Any seedling can die if the preparation for its planting was carried out "slipshod". The planting of fruit trees scheduled for spring suggests that the pits for them will be laid in the fall. If this cannot be done, and the summer resident takes the shovel in the spring, then at least two weeks should pass from the moment the pit is laid until the roots of the tree fall into it.

Two- or three-year-old, pears, plums and other stone fruits differ little in size, so they dig a hole under them at least 80 cm in diameter and the same depth. When planting a plant with a closed root system, it is convenient to focus on the size of the container, making the hole 15–20 cm wider and deeper.

To tie up a new garden dweller, a strong support is immediately driven into the bottom of the pit, which will help the plant maintain its verticality in the coming years.

Oddly enough, caring for a fruit tree does not begin after planting, but before it, with fertilizing and preparing the soil into which the seedling will fall. Since autumn, you can bring into the pit fresh manure, which will pereperet during the winter and will not have a burning effect on the roots of the tree. If the soil in the area is too acidic, it is lime or mixed with dolomite flour. If necessary, excessively dense soil is mixed with sand, and fertile black soil is added to the sandy loam.

H So that during planting in the spring the seedling of the fruit tree does not come into contact with manure or granular products, a layer of fertilizers is sprinkled with a small amount of fertile soil.

How are fruit trees planted in prepared pits in spring? Step by step:

  1. The roots of plants with an open root system are straightened, if necessary, soaked overnight to restore tone to wilted areas.
  2. The seedling is installed on a cone of fertile soil so that the roots are freely located in the pit, and the root neck is five centimeters above the soil surface. You can check the correct installation of the seedling with a shovel.
  3. The tree is sprinkled with soil, avoiding voids between the roots and under the trunk.

Planting a seedling with a closed root system is much easier. You just need to put a moistened earthen clod in a pit, check the level of the neck and sprinkle the voids with a substrate. At the end of the procedure, young trees and shrubs must be watered.

A video about planting seedlings of fruit trees in the spring will help you figure out the intricacies of the process on your own. Attentive attention to the needs of the plant and careful preparation will be a guarantee that the theoretical knowledge gained will be useful in practice.

Rules for planting seedlings - video

When growing horticultural crops in the Moscow region and most regions of Russia, seedlings of fruit trees are usually planted in the spring. This procedure is not burdensome for the gardener and guarantees the survival of almost any fruit and berry bushes and trees.

Landing dates according to the lunar calendar

The basis lunar calendar periods of changing the phases of the moon, that is, synodic months, are laid down. Many amateur gardeners actively use the lunar and lunar-solar calendars to determine the best time to plant plants in spring or autumn in a home garden.

To plant seedlings correctly and get a healthy and abundantly fruiting fruit or berry culture, it is desirable to adhere to the terms indicated in the table.

garden culture Landing days in March Landing days in April Landing days in May
Apricot, cherry and plum seedlings 1 and 2 28 and 29 2 and 3 29 and 30 3 and 4 30 and 31
Quince and pear seedlings 1 and 2 6 and 7 2 and 3 29 and 30 3 and 4 23, 27 and 28
Hawthorn seedlings 2 and 7 29 3 26 and 30 23, 27 and 28, 31
Saplings of irgi, viburnum and sea buckthorn 6 and 7 25 and 26, 29 4 27 and 28
Gooseberry, raspberry and currant seedlings 7 28 and 29 3 25 and 30 23, 27 and 28, 31
apple tree seedlings Landing unwanted 2 and 3 25 and 26 29 and 30 3 and 4 27 and 28 30 and 31
Cherry seedlings 7 and 29 2 and 3 25 3 and 4 27

The optimal time for planting seedlings of trees and shrubs for the Moscow region

Climatic conditions on the territory of the Moscow region are temperate continental and are transitional from mild European climate to sharply continental Asian. Such features, together with the qualitative characteristics of the soil in the Moscow region, make spring planting of fruit and berry crops optimal. When choosing the timing of the event, it should be taken into account that the following types of soil prevail in the Moscow region:

  • infertile, requiring regular fertilization, soddy-podzolic soils;
  • loamy and clayey soils with medium and strong podzolization - on hills;
  • sod-podzolic, bog, sandy loamy and sandy soils - on the hills.

Soil characteristics affect the degree of its warming up in the spring. However, regardless of the type of soil, the planting of berry and fruit crops must necessarily be carried out before sap flow and bud break, which increases the survival rate of the plant. Early spring planting is especially important for cherries and sweet cherries, which, when planted in the autumn period, very often freeze out. Apricots can be planted only in the third decade of April, after sufficient warming of the soil and with a minimum risk of return spring frosts. Fruit plants such as apple, pear and plum in the southern suburbs are allowed to be planted not only in the early spring, but also in the fall, about a month and a half before severe frosts.

IN last years increased share of sales planting material with a closed root system. Such plants are not particularly demanding on the timing of planting on permanent place, so they can be planted both in spring and early autumn. However, it is very important that the plant is exactly grown in the container being sold, and not transplanted there immediately before the sale.

In order not to delay the planting of plants in the spring, planting pits should be prepared from the fall, observing required dimensions and the distance between plantings of fruit or berry plantations.

Fruit tree seedlings: planting in spring (video)

Landing Rules

In the first couple of years after planting in a permanent place, a young tree or bush is used to feed the substances that were introduced into the hole during planting, which suggests proper training soil and competent enrichment of its essential nutrients. Preparing the pit in the fall allows the soil to fully settle over the winter. The best survival of plants is observed in round pits with sheer walls.

The average size of the planting hole depends on the age and type of fruit and berry crop, as well as the structural indicators of the soil in the area for planting:

  • the presence of cultivated soils with enough high level fertility involves the preparation of planting pits with a diameter and depth of 70-75 cm;
  • on virgin lands, the dimensions of the pit should be approximately two to three times larger than the standard ones, which will make it possible to provide the root system with nutrition due to the laid fertile soil mixture;
  • in conditions of heavy and clayey, as well as sandy soils, the depth indicators and the diameter of the landing pit should be approximately 0.9-1.0 m.

In order to reduce the filtration performance, the bottom of the planting pit should be covered with a layer of clay with peat in a ratio of 50/50, the thickness of which should be approximately 10 cm.

Upper layer removed soil should be mixed with 18-20 kg of rotted manure or 25-30 kg of peat, and add 0.3 kg of superphosphate and 0.15 kg of potash fertilizers. Regardless of the method of planting, it is necessary to distribute the root system as evenly as possible over landing pit. Immediately after planting, it is recommended to trim the aerial part by a third, which will restore the balance between the root system and the crown.

Care after landing

Standard care for fruit and berry plantations involves the implementation of all basic agrotechnical measures:

  • crown care begins from the second year after planting plants in a permanent place;
  • in the early years, for fruit trees and berry bushes, soil care in the near-trunk area is especially important for good growth and full development;
  • at the stage of spring digging of the soil, according to the projection of the crown, organic matter, phosphorus and potash, as well as nitrogen fertilizers should be applied;
  • in case of insufficient soil moisture, it is necessary to carry out spring and autumn water-charging irrigations;
  • any work on shaping and pruning must be completed before the buds start active growth;
  • even before bud break, garden plantings are treated with a 1% solution of copper or a 2% solution iron sulphate;
  • in conditions of late return frosts, it is necessary to smoke or sprinkle plants;
  • after rains and irrigation measures, loosening the soil in the near-trunk circles is relevant, which helps to improve the supply of oxygen to the root system of cultivated crops.

How to plant a rose seedling (video)

The main concern of the gardener in summer period is the full provision of the increased need of fruit trees and berry bushes for basic nutrients and moisture, as well as the protection of plantings from pests and diseases and the removal of weeds.

​Related Articles​

Planting technology for apple seedlings

Gently fall asleep the roots of the seedling. And finally we tie the trunk to the peg. Lightly tamp the soil with your foot, with the toe of the foot to the seedling.

All this must be mixed with previously filled humus. If the soil in the area is very clayey and there is no required amount humus, then you can add several buckets of sand. If you are planting several apple trees at once, do not be too lazy to pull the twine and mark the row along which the trees will grow. This will give your garden an outwardly correct look and allow you to conveniently process the aisles with a small tractor. The time for planting an apple tree in the spring depends on the level of soil heating. Do not plant in frozen ground. In this case, the root system will suffer. Usually the soil thaws by April. You can learn more about the temperature in your region on the Weather Diary page of the website gismeteo.ru.​

Location selection


When to plant seedlings of fruit trees? It is better to transplant plants in rainy or cloudy weather. If during the period of work there is sunny, dry weather, the planted plants must be covered so that they are in the shade. In this case, the success of planting will be ensured: the plant will not get burned and will grow well.

Often, plants planted in the fall and surviving the winter die from excess moisture, because they do not have time to get stronger. This happens as a result of long-standing melt and rainwater, which makes it difficult for oxygen to reach fragile roots. This happens especially often in clay soils. All this indicates that trees are best planted in the spring. Trees should be transplanted at rest, when they have already shed their leaves.

high mulching mandatory requirement when planting fruit trees in early spring A stake is first placed in a hole prepared since autumn - a future support for a young tree. Pits for planting fruit trees in the spring are prepared in advance in the fall. If the idea of ​​planting appeared only in the spring, you can prepare a hole in 2-3 weeks. A hole is dug with dimensions of 80x80x80 cm, depending on the variety and the development of the root system - less or more.

How to prepare a hole for planting?

Opinions about the time of planting apple seedlings differ. Most gardeners are sure that autumn planting of apple trees is preferable and they give a bunch of reasons for this. But some are firmly convinced that spring planting has a lot of advantages, and are ready to argue this.

  • We make a roller 15 - 20 cm high around the hole with an apple tree seedling and water it. It is advisable not to spare water (1 - 2 buckets).
  • Advice Dig a hole around the peg for apple tree seedlings. Optimal dimensions must be kept within the following limits: Spring planting should be carried out before bud break. In this case, the seedlings will take root better and will be less overwhelmed.
  • The procedure for planting an apple tree With the onset of spring, it's time for a gardener-gardener to think about acquiring and planting such a useful fruit tree as an apple tree on their site. However, not all amateur gardeners, especially beginners, do not know, Most often it happens that nurseries and gardeners who grow planting material, due to certain circumstances, dig up plants in the fall. Therefore, at this time, a fairly large selection of plants appears on the markets compared to spring.​

How to plant an apple tree

It is necessary to carefully examine the roots, determine the location of the root collar. The roots must necessarily have three branches 30 cm long. Damaged ones should be cut and processed. It is important when there are many small fibrous roots that supply the tree nutrients. When buying, they should always be moist.​​If several apple trees are planted, a certain distance must be observed between them, taking into account the varieties. Previously, most apple trees were large and planted at least 6 meters apart. Such varieties have survived to this day, but If an apple tree is planted in the spring according to all the rules before the buds wake up and are well rooted, you can watch how it develops all summer. That is, it is possible to provide optimal conditions for its growth.​

After the water has been absorbed into the soil, it is necessary to mulch the surface around the seedling with humus or peat.

Before planting, it is necessary to inspect the root system of the apple tree seedling and remove damaged and broken roots. It is not recommended to shorten all other roots. Hole depth: 60 - 70 centimeters​When bookmarked apple orchard it is necessary to provide each tree with an optimal area of ​​\u200b\u200bnutrition and lighting. Trees

It is obligatory to tie the seedling to the driven stake to provide it with reliable support. When planting apple seedlings, it is best to place them with north side from a driven stake.

So that, firstly, it takes root, and secondly, it endures the planting less painfully and begins to bear fruit.

How to properly transport purchased seedlings so as not to damage them? This question is especially relevant when buying big trees. The fruit tree must be carefully and carefully packed, giving Special attention root system. Otherwise, when transporting on the roof passenger car the plant will suffer greatly, and instead of planting material, good kindling for a fire will be delivered to the site. Apple trees are watered once a week, depending on the weather - more often. Feeding of first-year seedlings is practically not required, since the possibility of root burns is high. A mound of earth is poured under the "heel", compacted, if the earth is dry, it can be watered.


How and when to plant seedlings of fruit trees in spring?

. They are more compact, undersized, convenient for harvesting, they dig holes for planting every 4 meters. The currently popular columnar varieties of apple trees can be planted at a distance of up to 2 meters.​

They are not afraid of the first frosts, they are more resistant to temperature changes and lack of moisture

Optimal planting time

For the first time after planting, it is necessary to water the planted apple trees 2-3 buckets every 10 days.

If the roots of the seedling are overdried, then it is necessary to soak them in water for 5-10 hours. This will improve survival.

Conditions for planting trees

Pits for apple seedlings should have sheer walls. We fold the upper fertile soil to one side. When the upper black soil is completely selected and clay begins, we fold it in the other direction. Clay from the site can be removed later or evenly scattered between rows of planted apple trees.

should not interfere with each other

Watering a newly planted tree should be carried out carefully and watered until water freely enters the hole. Usually, 3-4 ten-liter buckets of water are required to water one seedling. The next watering of seedlings is done in 6-7 days.

Buying trees

For proper fit apple trees in the spring should be started no earlier than the second half of April. This tree loves loamy soil more, so if the land in the area is clayey, it is better to add to it when planting river sand or peat, and sandy soil peat or humus.

Transportation of fruit plants

In what month should fruit tree seedlings be planted in spring if they were purchased in late autumn? Such plants should be planted from about mid-April, when the soil has completely thawed. To save the trees until spring, they need to be buried for the winter. This can be done both on the site and in the subfield of the barn. The seedling should be sprinkled with peat, earth, sand and sawdust. Before planting in a permanent place, the tree should not dry out or suffer from excess moisture. Plants should be kept in the shade, covered with boards, so that the early spring rays of the sun do not burn them, and the buds do not begin to bloom before landing in a permanent place.

The process of planting seedlings acquired in late autumn

To plant an apple tree yourself does not require experience or skills. Carefully follow the video instructions

The seedling is installed on the north side from the support with the heel on the mound so that the root collar remains at ground level, the roots straighten out. The grafting site should be 10 cm above ground level. When it is deepened, the seedling will develop worse. The shoots will go below the grafting and the “wild game” on which the cultivated apple tree is grafted will grow.

​Upper fertile layer is put aside. When the hole is ready, it must be mixed with ash, peat or rotted manure and poured to the bottom. You can add a little superphosphate, but mix it well with the ground to

What happens if you plant a tree incorrectly?

. They do not require additional shelter and protection of the root system from the cold.​

1. Where should the place for grafting an apple seedling to a stock be located?

. With thickened plantings, fruit buds will be laid down worse and fruits will ripen more slowly. When entering the phase of active fruiting, the crowns of apple trees should not touch each other.

Tree transplant rules

It should be taken into account that when


How to plant an apple tree in spring?

It will be optimal to dig a hole for an apple tree sapling 5-10 days before the expected planting date. The diameter of the future hole should be 90-100 cm, and it should be dug to a depth of at least 80 cm. When digging a hole for a seedling, it is necessary to fold the top layer of soil (up to 30 cm) separately from the bottom layer, since the top layer is more fertile and will be separately used when planting. To dig in the plant, you need to make a hole about 50 cm deep. It is important that the south wall be beveled at an angle of 45°. Seedlings should be laid on it. Then the roots are covered with earth, more earth is sprinkled on top. The branches of the seedlings are tied and wrapped with spruce spruce branches (needles down) to protect them from mice and other rodents. Simple elastic tights are also suitable for this. Any novice amateur gardener can handle this task.

When to plant an apple tree in spring?

Very carefully, without damaging the small roots, the hole is covered with earth. As it is filled, it is compacted.

When should you dig a hole for an apple tree?

​avoid root contact with fertilizer

Preparing the bottom of the hole for an apple tree

A well-lit place is chosen for planting an apple tree.

Fertilization for planting apple trees


This is not worth doing, as nursery workers dip the roots into the talker after digging up seedlings in the fall. In this way, they protect the roots from drying out and damage before transportation.

Installing a support for an apple tree seedling

The resulting hole before planting an apple tree should be further processed. For this, the bottom of the pit is loosened with a shovel or a metal bar, about a bayonet deep. On the loosened bottom of the pit, you can put old cans, rusty pieces of iron or shells walnut. The pit prepared in this way is covered with a 15-20 cm topsoil previously removed. When to plant seedlings of fruit trees in the spring if they were buried for the winter? You have to wait until the ground thaws. It is impossible to remove frozen ground from the dig, because it will not be possible to free the roots of the seedlings from it. When warm weather sets in, the trees can be obtained, processed if desired. by special means, for example, a plant growth regulator, and transplant to a permanent place. Many varieties of apple trees on a dwarf rootstock begin to bear fruit already in the fourth year and you won’t have to wait long for the first harvest. There is nothing to compare the feeling of pride and satisfaction that a person experiences when picking fruits from an apple tree planted with his own hands.

When a tree is planted, the earth around it is finally thoroughly compacted, a hole is made to retain water.

. Delicate small roots are easy to burn. Until spring, the soil should settle and be saturated with melt and rain water.

If the garden is protected from the wind, this will contribute to better insect pollination and, accordingly, better fruiting. ​: The vaccination site should protrude 5 - 7 cm above the ground. If you already hold the seedling in your hands, then clay talker you don't need. However, it is recommended to treat the roots with MaxiMarin nourishing gel or similar gels from other manufacturers. The composition of such gels includes biostimulants to accelerate the growth of young roots.


Planting Apple Trees in Spring - Big Farmer

1. When is the best time to plant apple trees

For medium-sized apple trees, the distance between them should be 2.5 - 3 meters.

, the distance between them should be at least 4 meters. Otherwise, overgrown fruit trees will interfere with each other.

It is possible to apply fertilizers into the prepared pit, such as superphosphate (1 cup per pit), potassium sulfate (3 tablespoons per pit). It is advisable to add a little to the hole wood ash and a couple of buckets of manure humus. The fertilizers laid in the pit are mixed with the ground and another part of the topsoil is added in such a way as to fill at least half the volume of the pit.

When to plant seedlings of fruit trees in spring? The month and day for planting should be chosen, taking into account the recommendations given above, namely: in spring, plants are planted from mid-April to mid-May, and in autumn - from September 15 to October 15. If you plant a seedling at another time, it may die. From proper disembarkation depends on the life of the plant. For example, if you plant fruit plants in early autumn, then they most likely will not survive the winter. Why? There may be 2 reasons: either the tree itself is not resistant to frost, or the seedling was planted incorrectly. For example, during planting, the root neck was damaged, and fruit plant threw all his strength into surviving, not having time to adapt to the cold. The degree of fruiting depends on the depth of planting. Often, trees grow well, but do not bear fruit. In this case, you need to look at the root collar. If it is below the soil, the excess earth must be removed by carefully digging the plant and raising it to the required height.

When to plant seedlings of fruit trees - in spring or autumn? Opinions of gardeners regarding the timing of the purchase and planting of seedlings differ. Someone argues that it is best to buy seedlings in the fall, since at this time of the year a large selection of plants is provided in nurseries. It is also believed that dug seedlings will be better preserved on the site in autumn. It should also be taken into account the fact that in the spring during the planting period, fruit trees may die due to inconsistent weather. It is not uncommon for May to get too hot and the seedlings suffer from such extreme temperature fluctuations.​

2. Technology of planting apple seedlings

Step 1. Layout and planning

A young tree is tied to a support in two places: closer to the root and from above.

If the soil is clayey, stones should be laid on the bottom as drainage. If it is sandy, then clay is poured instead of stones to retain moisture. One must be firmly convinced that the groundwater lies deep and, as the tree develops, will not begin to wash its roots. If earlier fruit trees had already been planted at this place, but in the third or fourth year their development suddenly slowed down, the top began to dry out - this is a sign that the roots reached the water layer and stopped receiving nutrients. Planting apple trees in such a place is useless. 2. What fertilizers should be put in the pit besides humus, peat or sod?

  1. At the top of the mixed mixture of nutrients with the ground, we make a mound (10 - 12 cm), on which sazhens will be placed so that the roots go down from the mound.
  2. For fast rooting and good development planted tree at the bottom of the hole we lay all the necessary components. Agronomists recommend using the following types of nutrient mixtures:
  3. For dwarf apple seedlings, the distance between trees in a row can be reduced, depending on the variety, to 1 - 2 meters.

© 2009-2016 All in the garden - useful project for gardeners and summer residents. Copying materials is prohibited. Partial quoting is allowed, indicating a direct active link to the copied material of our project. After mixing the topsoil with fertilizers, the remaining volume of the pit is also covered with a fertile layer of earth so that a small, 15-20 cm mound rises from the pit. Neglect of this rule will lead to the subsequent subsidence of the seedling, which will adversely affect it in the very first winter.

The distance from the tree to the nearest building should be at least 5 m. The landing pit should be made of a large cylindrical shape. So the seedling will develop normally. The bottom of the pit needs to be loosened with a pitchfork. The tree must be planted strictly vertically, for this it is better to do it together. In the center of the landing pit, you can install a stake from a more windy side.​

Nevertheless, many experts believe that trees planted in autumn will not get strong enough before winter and will simply freeze in the cold season. Along with frosts, mice and hares can severely damage them. Animals harm not only planted, but also buried seedlings.

Step 2. Preparing the holes

A planted apple tree is well shed warm water, and do it gradually so that the water is absorbed and reaches the roots. Watering will require at least three buckets.

  • For planting, both annual and biennial seedlings can be used. They differ externally in that
  • Apple trees need fertile land, but here you usually don’t have to choose and proper care for them must compensate for the poverty of the soil.


In the middle of the mound we hammer a peg to which an apple tree seedling will be tied. Humus (1-2 buckets), Council

Step 3. Bookmark the nutrient mass

Apple trees are planted in spring and autumn. The advantage of autumn planting is that before winter, the root system of the seedling adapts and grows.

  • A peg is carefully but firmly driven into the center of the resulting mound - the future support for the seedling. Then the seedling is placed on the center of the mound, its roots are straightened and covered with a fertile layer of soil, gently tamping it along the way.
  • It is recommended to plant trees in tiers so that the sun's rays are better distributed.
  • What month is the best time to plant seedlings of fruit trees in spring? Planting should be done from April 15 to May 15. If you want to plant seedlings in the fall, this should be done no later than October 15.​

As protection from the sun and moisture retention, the trunk circle is mulched with sawdust or needles.

Biennial apple trees have side branches Light loamy soils

Step 4 Landing

Every spring, all gardeners are overcome by "planting disease". It begins as soon as the snow melts, and it is hardly possible to get rid of its symptoms until the end of May. Occasionally there are summer residents who do not run around the markets and nurseries in the spring in search of seedlings - they planted everything in the fall. So when is the best time to plant trees - in the fall or in the spring?

When can trees be planted?

Theoretically, trees can be planted all year round as long as the ground is not frozen. The most important thing for a planted tree is the fullest possible contact of the roots with the ground. If the soil is frozen, it will not be possible to compact it enough to provide such contact. If the roots of the tree hang in the void, it will not be able to replenish the moisture evaporated by the aerial part. After all, the fact that trees “sleep” in winter does not mean that they do not lose moisture.

If you plant a tree in the middle of summer, for example, the biggest problem there will again be increased evaporation of moisture, which, however, can be replenished by frequent watering.

Thus, trees can be successfully planted at any time of the year.

The main thing is to land correctly and provide thorough care. True, why create additional difficulties for yourself and the seedling, if there are optimal timing landings that reduce these difficulties to a minimum?

When is the best time to plant trees?

The period of physiological or forced rest, when the trees "sleep" in anticipation favorable conditions for vegetation, and is optimal for planting. Hibernation begins as soon as trees will fall foliage, and lasts until the opening of the kidneys. The tree does not care when exactly during this period it will be planted. However, there are a number of factors that are important for the gardener. Let's consider these factors in more detail.
Cons and pros of autumn planting

So, consider the reasons why you should not plant trees in the fall:
If the winter is exceptionally cold (as it was literally two years ago), the planted trees may freeze slightly. In addition, they can be damaged by heavy snow, ice, wind and other weather disasters.
Trees planted in the fall can be damaged by rodents or simply stolen if your garden is left unattended during the winter.

At the same time, there are significant advantages of autumn planting seedlings:
In autumn, there is a rich choice of planting material, since it is during this period that nurseries begin selling seedlings.
If you plant trees in autumn, one watering will be enough, coolness and frequent rains will take care of your pets even without your participation.
If the winter is not too severe, the soil will not freeze to the depth of the roots. In this case, the planted tree will grow suction roots over the winter and heal the wounds caused by the transplant.
In the spring, the gardener-gardener has a lot of work: he needs not only to plant trees, but also to take care of the old garden, prepare the garden for planting, and so on and so forth. It's not so bad to do something in advance, freeing up time for other worries.

As you can see, there are more pluses in the autumn planting than minuses. So if you've been planting trees in the fall, keep doing the same. Now let's see if you should succumb to the "planting disease" in the spring and plant a couple more seedlings.

Should I plant trees in the spring or not?

Why is it problematic to plant trees in spring:
During spring planting, it is necessary to water the seedling twice: during planting and a day later, loosen the ground and cover with mulch. Further, you will also have to water the planted tree often, especially if the weather is hot or windy.
If late with spring planting, then the planted tree will have a significantly reduced chance of surviving. If the tree has not yet taken, as it should, and the sap flow has already started, then it will only come out by providing special care which not every amateur gardener can do.
In the spring, the market for planting material is poor - much is sold out in the fall.

Benefits of planting trees in spring:
During the winter, you have the opportunity to prepare theoretically, draw up a planting plan, on the basis of which you can already order seedlings - there will be no hasty decisions.
Winter is not such a “dead” season for a gardener: you can prepare pits, tools, and generally put the garden in order without rushing.
If you can't secure the site, you won't have to worry about planting trees all winter.
If you plant trees in the spring, they get one more year of vegetation - if you plant in the fall, you would have a crop a year later.

As you can see, there are more pluses here. So, if your “hands itch” to plant a tree, plant without looking back at those who mumble that it’s not right. That's right, this way, and that way. After weighing all the pros and cons, choose the most suitable time for you to plant trees.

Be sure to take into account the local weather and features. Residents southern regions Of course, it is better to plant trees in autumn. There, the autumn is long and warm, and the spring is too quickly replaced by a hot summer. And the northerners better watch out for the harsh winter and plant trees in the spring. However, if you did not have time to plant something in March-April, postpone it until the fall. And if you don’t have time in the fall, fill in the gap next spring. Most importantly, plant trees and take care of them with love!


How to plant a tree?

I hope you don’t think that planting a tree means digging a hole, sticking a seedling in there and filling it with earth?

In scientific terms, for a successful planting process, a number of rules must be followed under which the tree could form an active functional root system as quickly as possible, i.e. so that it takes root and receives the necessary substances and moisture for the development of the crown.

I wanted to talk about these rules, and for this you need to answer 3 questions, namely, what? as? when? Almost? where? when?)

What to consider when buying, unless of course you buy this seedling, and do not dig it up in the forest or in a neighboring area. I think it's worth highlighting a few simple rules:

Acquire in a specialized horticultural economy or a large firm, where you can get the necessary advice.

It is desirable that there be a label indicating the variety and breed.

So that the seedling does not have any distortions of the crown, a crooked trunk, an uneven distribution of branches along the trunk. And at least there must be 3 skeletal branches.

There should be no signs of injury or disease.

If the seedling is in a container, then the roots should not break through the drainage hole.

If the seedling is in a package, then the earthen ball should be dense and proportional to the above-ground part.

Seedlings with an open root system should not have damage on the roots, signs of disease, the roots should not be overdried. And also all the leaves of such seedlings must be removed.

When to plant? Here I see two options:

In autumn. The leaves have fallen off and the tree does not need to spend energy on feeding the crown, so it is engaged in the development of a new habitat. But one thing - planted in the fall winter-hardy varieties, such as apple, pear, berry and ornamental shrubs.

Spring. More heat-loving varieties are best planted in early spring, otherwise they will not have enough time to prepare for winter. This applies to apricots, cherries, plums, cherry plums, low-hardy varieties of pears and apple trees.

The time of planting a large-sized plant differs from, for example, the planting of lilac, which is planted from the second half of July to the beginning of September.

P.S. In this case, I meant the landing time in those areas where summer and relatively good weather lasts only 3-4 months.

P.P.S. Seedlings in containers can be planted in the summer, the main thing is that the roots are not overdried.

And now the landing itself, only 9 stages:

Designate a landing site. Here we think and plan the development of the future tree for years to come, so that it does not interfere with anything and has the opportunity to grow unhindered. We outline a place and designate a pit, which should be 2 times as wide as an earthen clod with roots.

Dig a hole. We separate the top excavated fertile layer from the bottom and pour them on opposite sides of the pit.

Loosen the bottom of the hole. This is done in order to make it easier for the roots to go deeper into the lower layers of the soil.

Fertilize planting soil. The top layer of soil that we separated is diluted with mature compost or humus (Where to prepare compost can be found here). Add more pre-prepared fertile soil and mineral fertilizers. The lower unused layer of soil can be used to fill holes in the area, if any)

Drive in the stake. We install the support even before planting so as not to damage the roots, as a rule, it is needed for large plants.

Place the seedling in the hole. At the bottom of the pit we pour a little prepared earth and set the seedling vertically. At the same time, we do not sink the root system into the soil (we do not bury it), the root ball of the earth should only be lightly sprinkled with earth on top. After all the work, the soil level in the planting pit, taking into account future precipitation, should be about 5 centimeters higher than the level of the rest of the site.

Fill the hole with earth. I think it is obvious that before filling the hole, you need to remove what the root ball of the earth was wrapped in, it can be burlap, paper, etc.

Tie the seedling to the support. In the form of a figure eight, tie a seedling to the support with soft twine. The twine should not cut hard into the bark of the tree.

Water the plant well. We compact the earth around the trunk, and along the edges of the pit we make a roller for irrigation. We water the near-trunk circle well (so that the roots come into contact with the soil), after which we sprinkle (mulch) it with peat or humus by 5 cm.

How to plant a fruit tree?


When is the right time to plant trees and shrubs?

It is preferable to plant deciduous trees at the time of the vegetation break, that is, in early spring before the leaves bloom or in the fall after the foliage has fallen.

The best time for autumn planting is mid-September and all of October, but you should focus on specific weather conditions.

Spring planting is carried out after thawing of the soil, which in temperate latitudes usually occurs in mid-April - early May.

On wet, heavy and compacted soils, it is recommended to plant trees in the spring.

In areas with early harsh winters, it is also preferable to plant seedlings in the spring.

Heat-loving trees and shrubs are planted in the spring after late spring frosts, as they may not survive the winter when planted in autumn.

When planting trees in the spring, you need to make sure that the ground has thawed and does not have frozen areas.

Conifers and evergreens should be planted in late autumn, late summer or early autumn, so that they have time to take root in winter time fed the above-ground part with moisture.


Pit preparation and seedling planting
