Among the maples there are both large and small trees and shrubs. Maple leaves, natural healers

Acer, Maple. Trees and shrubs with opposite buds and simple, usually palmately lobed or entire or pinnately compound leaves without stipules. The flowers are bisexual or unisexual (due to underdevelopment of the pistil or stamens). The fruits are lionfish with an elongated wing. Flowers in panicles or corymbs.


The name is derived from the Latin acer- "sharp", in the form of leaves with sharp lobes.

Types and varieties of maple

The genus includes about 150 species distributed in North America, Asia, Europe and North Africa, mainly in areas with temperate climate. 16 species grow in our country. About 40 species are used in ornamental gardening.

Norway maple or plane maple (Acer platanoides)

Homeland - the European part of Russia and the Caucasus.

Norway maple reaches a height of 30 m, the bark is fissured, at first dark gray, later blackening. Blossoms in mid-May, simultaneously with foliage.

The species is demanding on soils, does not tolerate stagnant moisture and salinity, and is wind-resistant.

USDA Zone 3 (4)

Norway maple, or plane maple, Acer platanoides

Decorative forms and varieties of Norway maple:

Albescens"- a large deciduous tree with a wide oval crown, young leaves are creamy white, adults are green;

Bicolor"- young leaves are light yellow with cream strokes, later they turn pink;

Cleveland' - differs in the compact shape of the crown, when blooming, the leaves are light red, then bright green, autumn color is yellow-orange;

‘Columnare’ - up to 10 m high, with a columnar crown shape, characterized by slow growth. The leaves are red when blooming, later dark green;

Sycamore maple Crismon Sentry or Crimson Sentry is a slender tree, up to 7-8 m high with dark red leaves

Crimson King"- the leaves are purple throughout the season;

Drummondii"- a tree up to 5 m high, distinguished by a wide cream border on the leaves;

'Emerald Queen' - up to 12-15 m high, distinguished by an oval crown shape and leaves that turn light red when blooming, then acquire a dark green color, and light yellow in autumn;

'Faassen's Black'- young leaves are light red, adults are dark purple (almost black);

'Fairview'- the variety is distinguished by a pyramidal shape of the crown and dark green leaves;

'Farlakes Green' - the variety is distinguished by a wide pyramidal crown, bright yellow autumn and dark green summer leaves;

'Fassen's Black'- the variety is distinguished by a regular wide-pyramidal crown and large red-brown leaves;

‘Globosum’ - the variety is dense, spherical shape crowns;

Maculatum"- a low tree, young leaves with small white and pink strokes;

Norway maple or sycamore 'Royal Red' is characterized by large bright red leaves during the growing season

‘Schwedleri’- the variety is distinguished by shiny red young leaves that change color from bronze-green in summer to orange-copper in autumn;

Variegatum"- young leaves with pink strokes, then they turn white.

Field maple, or paklen (Acer campestre)

Homeland - forest-steppes of the European part of Russia, Crimea and the Caucasus.

A tree or shrub up to 15 m high with a dense, spreading, tent-like crown. The bark is light gray, the shoots and buds are pubescent, the leaves are smaller than those of the holly.

Field maple is shade tolerant and drought tolerant. It is preferable to plant it in places protected from the wind. In terms of winter hardiness, it is inferior to Norway maple. It tolerates a haircut better than other maples.

USDA Zone 3 (4)

Field maple, or paklen, Acer campestre

Popular varieties of field maple:

"Albovariegatum"- usually a shrub, about 5 m tall with white-variegated leaves, yellow in autumn;

"Carnival"- young leaves with a wide pink border, then the border turns white;

"Elsrijk"- a tree, up to 8 m tall with a compact conical crown and small leaves;

"Red Shine"- a tree up to 5 m tall with purple leaves;

"Postelense"- a low tree with a wide and low crown, brownish bark with longitudinal cracks, leaves first golden yellow, then green, yellow in autumn;

"Pulverulentum"- young leaves are cream, adults - with a lot of white spots.

Maple mono, or small-leaved maple (Acer mono)

Far East view.

A tree up to 15-20 m high with a dense and low crown, leaves smaller than those of the Norway maple. Young branches are yellowish-gray, old ones are brown. The leaves are five-lobed, small, dense. The flowers are light yellow (May), collected in a paniculate inflorescence. The fruits ripen in August. The autumn color of the foliage is bright, yellow, orange and red tones.

popular variety" Marmoratum"- a low tree with a rounded crown, gray bark, leaves with white spots different size, autumn yellow.

Maple mono, or small-leaved maple, Acer mono

Red maple, scarlet maple or swamp maple (Acer rubrum)

A fast-growing deciduous tree with a spreading tent-shaped crown, up to 15-20 m tall in culture, up to 30-40 m in nature. The bark is dark gray, young shoots are reddish. The leaves are five-lobed, reddish when blooming, during the summer they are rich green on top and whitish on the underside. Foliage is bright orange in autumn.

Red maple is quite frost-resistant and undemanding to soil conditions. Grows well in urban areas, on unconsolidated soils. Not affected by powdery mildew.

Decorative varieties of red maple or swamp maple:

'Armstrong'- the variety is distinguished by the shape of the crown, resembling a column, and smaller foliage;

'Bowhall'- the variety is distinguished by a narrow pyramidal crown shape and bright orange foliage in autumn;

'Brandywine'- the variety is distinguished by rich, up to purple, bright coloring of foliage in autumn;

‘Karpik’- the variety is distinguished by the correct columnar shape of the crown and the bluish color of the foliage;

'Northwood'- the variety is distinguished by a very bright autumn color of foliage - red and orange;

‘Autumn Flame’ - the variety is distinguished by bright red autumn foliage;

‘Red Sunset’- the variety is distinguished by a pyramidal shape of the crown, large purple leaves in autumn.

Ginnal maple, or river maple (Acer ginnala)

Motherland - forests of the Far East.

Shrub or tree 2 to 5-7 m high. Brown bark. The leaves are oblong, three-lobed, pinkish when blooming, adults are dark green, bright red or orange in autumn. Flowers yellowish, fragrant. The fruits are lionfish, bright pink before ripening. The species is photophilous, frost-resistant.

In the variety " flame"extraordinarily beautiful autumn color of the leaves, and the variety " Durand Dwarf"- only 50-60 cm high, the leaves are small, the autumn color is very bright.

Ginnal maple, or river maple, Acer ginnala

Palm-shaped maple, or fan maple (Acer palmatum)

Shrub or small tree up to 8 m tall, with a rounded or umbrella-shaped crown. The leaves of this maple are strongly dissected, lobed, glabrous, up to 12 cm in diameter, very decorative: red when blooming, green in summer, purple in autumn.

It grows slowly, is demanding on soil and moisture, suffers from dry air, is rather thermophilic, freezes regularly, sometimes to the level of snow. Prefers fertile, humus-rich, well-drained, acidic or neutral soils. It is possible to grow in a container culture with winter content at low positive temperatures.

USDA Zone 6 (7)

Maple fan grade "Butterfly" (Butterfly) - undersized variety with small, gray-green leaves with a white or pink border around the edge of the leaves. Can be used for winter shelter.

Popular varieties of palmate maple:

"Aureum"- shrub up to 1 m tall, young leaves are light yellow with a reddish edge, yellow-green in summer, yellow in autumn;

"Atropurpureum"- about 2 m high with strongly dissected, dark purple throughout the season;

‘dissectum’- a group of varieties in which the leaves are divided to the base into pinnatipartite lobes: " Dissectum Flavescens"- leaves are yellowish-green in summer and yellow in autumn;

‘Deshojo’- maple is distinguished by the crimson-red color of young leaves, later they become light green;

‘Okushimo’- the variety is distinguished by green foliage;

‘Ornatum’- the variety is distinguished by the color of the leaf blade red-brown - green-brown - fiery scarlet, depending on the time of year, spring - summer - autumn.

Sugar maple, or silver maple (Acer saccharinum)

A large North American tree with a tent-shaped, spreading crown in nature up to 40 m, in culture up to 25 m tall. The bark is light grey. The leaves are five-lobed, largely indented, bright green, silvery-white below, light yellow or pinkish-orange in autumn. The flowers are greenish-yellow (April), the fruits ripen early.

It grows quickly, shade-tolerant, rather undemanding to soils.

At home, the juice of sugar maple and sugar maple is used for the industrial production of maple sugar.

USDA Zone 3 (4)

Sugar maple, or silver maple, Acer saccharinum

Popular varieties of sugar maple:

"Aureo variegatum"- a deciduous tree with a wide spreading crown, the leaves are silvery below, above - with yellow strokes, when blooming with an orange tint;

"Citreo variegatum"- young leaves are yellow-green;

"Vagneri"- undersized variety, small leaves, with a small white border;

"Hance's Variegated"- leaves with creamy white strokes.

Manchurian maple (Acer mandshuricum)

A slender tree up to 20 m high. The crown is openwork, as a rule, highly raised. The bark is gray, young shoots are red-brown, glabrous. The leaves are dark green, compound, trifoliate with reddish petioles. The flowers are greenish-yellow, collected in corymbose inflorescences. In summer, the leaves are often reddish along the veins and along the edge, in autumn they are rich red. Flowering in May, fruiting in September.

The species tolerates some shade but thrives best in full sun. The soil is preferably fertile, winter hardy.

Tatar maple, black maple or not maple (Acer tataricum)

Shrub or tree with a spreading crown, up to 9 m high. The bark is smooth, almost black. The trunk is gracefully curved. The leaves are entire, up to 10 cm long, dark green in summer, yellow or red in autumn. The flowers are white, collected in dense panicles. The fruits are lionfish, remain on the tree for a long time and are painted red in summer.

The Tatar maple is winter-hardy, drought-resistant and undemanding to soil conditions. Handles haircut well.

Tatar maple or black maple

Flowering Tatar maple

Green Maple (Acer tegmentosum)

This species grows in the Far Eastern taiga forests, in China and Korea. It was introduced into culture in 1892.

A tall shrub or tree in nature up to 15 m high. The bark is smooth green with longitudinal whitish stripes. Leaves up to 17 cm long, yellow in autumn. Blooms in the second decade of May. Flowering and fruiting begins at the age of 9 years.

Maple greenskin grows quite quickly, prefers sunny places, but tolerates some shading. Does not need pruning. Frost-resistant.

Ash-leaved maple, or American maple (Acer negundo)

Homeland - North America. This North American species has successfully adapted to the climatic conditions of Russia.

Tree up to 20 m tall, often multi-stemmed, with a wide spreading crown. The bark is light brown. The bark of young shoots is covered with a bluish wax coating. The leaves are compound, consisting of 3-5 leaflets. Blossoms in May, fruits ripen in September.

The species is extremely unpretentious, photophilous, undemanding to soils. It reproduces well by self-sowing and at a young age grows quickly, weeds.

Popular forms and varieties of ash-leaved maple:

"Auratum"- a tree up to 7-10 m tall, the crown is spreading, the young foliage is bronze, later lemon-yellow;

"elegans"- up to 5 m, young leaves with a bright yellow border, adults - with white;

Maple ash-leaved variety Flamingo or Flamingo - up to 5 m tall, leaves with white and pink patterns

‘Aureo-variegatum’- the variety differs in the color of the leaves: dark green with golden yellow spots, photophilous;

‘Odessanum’- when blooming, the leaves are bronze in color, later they become bright, golden yellow;

‘Variegatum’- leaves are pink when blooming, then - with white edging or random strokes.

Maple pennsylvania, or striped maple (Acer pensylvanicum)

Tree up to 12 m tall, bark smooth, dark green, with longitudinal whitish-green stripes. Grows slowly. K. pennsylvania shade-tolerant species, undemanding to soils and frost-resistant.

Curly maple (Acer circinatum)

Homeland - the territory along the Pacific coast of North America.

A low tree with spreading shoots, often growing bushy. The leaves are rounded in outline, have 7-9 lobes, each with a serrated edge. Leaves reach 6-12 cm in diameter. Blooms in the first half of May. The flowers are red, collected in drooping brushes.

Frost-resistant, annual shoots can freeze.

Varieties of Curly Maple:

"Little Gem"dwarf variety with a rounded crown. The leaves are small, when blooming with a reddish tinge, in the fall - red and orange;

Monroe- the branches are purple, the leaves are dissected to the very base into wide coarsely toothed lobes, orange-yellow in autumn;

"Pacific Fire"- the branches are bright red, the leaves turn yellow in autumn.

False Siebold Maple (Acer pseudosieboldianum)

Homeland - the Far East.

Low, no more than 8 m tall tree with a dense spherical crown. Blooms in mid-May. The leaves are fan-shaped, medium-sized, nine-lobed. In summer they are light green, in autumn they are yellow, pink and red.

Winter hardiness is high, however, in severe winters, annual shoots can freeze.

Maple bare (Acer glabrum)

A small tree or shrub several meters high. Young branches are dark, reddish-brown, then gray. Leaves up to 5-6 cm long, 3-lobed, on red petioles, dark green above, glaucous below, yellow in autumn. The flowers are greenish-yellow. Unripe fruits are red.

Yellow Maple (Acer ucurunduense)

A small tree or shrub up to 8 m tall, with a narrow crown. Leaves up to 14 cm wide, with 5-7 lobes, lobes oval, long pointed, with coarse teeth. The leaves are dark green, turning orange and red in autumn. Blooms after the leaves bloom. Small flowers are collected in long and narrow protruding racemes up to 15 cm long. The wings of the fruit are compressed.

Maple Care

Maples are demanding on soils (act as soil-improving rocks). On swampy soils and at close occurrence ground water drainage is needed. The soil mixture for maples that require fertile soils includes humus, soddy soil and sand (3:2:1), for less demanding ones, leafy soil, peat and sand (2:2:1) are suitable.

Maples are relatively shade-tolerant and wind-resistant. They grow slowly, many species are drought tolerant, but maples need to be watered in hot weather.

Cutting dry branches and frost-damaged annual shoots is necessary.

Most species hibernate without shelter, however, some species, such as k. middle lane The Russians need shelter for the winter.

Maple reproduction

Maples are propagated by sowing, decorative forms - by grafting.

Maple false plane-shaped Simon-Louis Freres or Simon-Louis Fréres is a tree up to 20 m tall with a dense crown. The variety is close to the famous Leopoldi variety. The leaves are creamy when blooming, then light green with a creamy white and green pattern, mature - even more contrasting.

Maple is a very popular tree. It can be found everywhere: in city parks and squares, in forests, on summer cottages. It attracts attention due to the beautiful openwork foliage and crown, unusual fruits. It is especially beautiful in autumn, when its leaves are painted in bright autumn colors: yellow, orange, crimson. One of its interesting and common varieties is Norway maple, the care of which will be discussed in this article.

Did you know? Norway maple is also called sycamore, sycamore, because its leaves have an outward resemblance to sycamore leaves.

Norway maple: biological features

Norway maple or common maple- This is a deciduous tree that is widespread throughout Europe and Asia, in deciduous and mixed forests, singly or in groups. It is often found next to ash trees, oaks, birches, chestnuts. It got its name because of the pointed ends of the leaves.

Did you know? Norway maple is called Acer platanoides in Latin. Acer in translation means sharp, strong.

The crown of this variety of maple is dense, spherical, wide spreading. It measures 15-20 m in diameter. The branches are strong, wide, and grow upwards. The trunk is slender, powerful. Norway maple grows quite large - its height can reach 30 m. On average, a tree trunk reaches 12-28 m.

The bark of young plants is gray-brown, darkens with time and becomes covered with cracks.

The leaves are simple, palm-shaped, with five to seven serrated lobes. They have large sizes - up to 18 cm in length and up to 22 cm in width. Top part the leaf plate is rich green, the lower one is lighter. AT autumn period leaves are painted in yellow, orange, golden color.

Maple flowering occurs in April-first half of May before or after the appearance of leaves. The flowers are yellow-green, collected in corymbose inflorescences of 15-30 pieces. They have a pleasant aroma. Norway maple is a dioecious plant. When maple blossoms, male and female flowers open on different trees. Pollination occurs with the help of insects.
The fruit is a two-winged fruit. Its structure allows during the wind to carry the seeds to fairly large distances from the tree. Fruiting occurs in September-October every year starting from the 17th year of life.

The root system of Norway maple is superficial, deepened into the soil by 20 cm. Lateral roots grow strongly. Very often they appear on the surface of the soil. The life expectancy of a tree is 150 years. Although there is information about 200-300-year-old representatives of the species.

Norway maple propagates by seeds, root shoots, and grafting. Seeds require stratification. In the wild, it gives a lot of self-seeding and abundant shoots from the stump.

At a young age, maple grows quite quickly - with an annual growth of 45-60 cm in height and 30-40 cm in width. By the age of seven, it reaches 2 m and above. Up actively grows up to 25-30 years, then the rate of growth in height slows down, and the tree begins to grow in breadth. After 50 years, growth slows down or stops altogether.

It is necessary to add to the characteristics of Norway maple that it is a good honey plant, frost-resistant and able to tolerate winter temperatures down to -40 degrees, wind-resistant, easily tolerates heat and drought, can be used as a soil-improving breed, it is not afraid of planting in cities, in conditions of polluted air.

Did you know? Maple honey yield is 150-200 kg per 1 ha. Bees collect up to 10 kg from one tree.

Norway maple has about 150 varieties, including many decorative forms, which differ in size, shape and color of leaves, type of crown, growth rate. The most popular in gardening culture are such forms as the "Purple King", the form of Drummond, Schwedler, spherical, standard, palm-notched and others.

Choosing a place for Norway maple: soil and lighting requirements

When choosing a place to plant Norway maple, one should take into account its relationship to light, and since it is photophilous, choose well-lit areas. Although the tree can also tolerate planting in partial shade.

Important! Norway maple should not be planted in heavily shaded areas. The shadow will affect the decorativeness of the leaves - they will become faded and small. With age, the shade tolerance of a tree decreases.

Demanding maple and the composition of the soil. Likes fertile loamy soils. Feels good in humus fresh sandy loam. Will not grow in saline, sandy, calcareous, dense soils. Does not tolerate stagnant water.

The process of planting young maple seedlings

best time for planting a maple seedling will be early spring, when the buds have not yet blossomed. Also, a tree can be planted in the autumn, after leaf fall. The soil mixture for planting must be prepared from a fertile mixture. It must be fertilized with organic matter. For heavy soils, drainage from sand or gravel is mandatory. It is better to buy a seedling with a closed root system, with big ball land that is not destroyed during landing. Such trees will take root better in a new place and quickly grow.

Depth landing pit should be at least 50 cm. The seedling is placed in its center, the roots are carefully straightened and sprinkled with soil. Then lightly tamp.

After planting, the tree should be watered abundantly and this procedure should be continued regularly for two months. If you plan to plant a group of maples, it is recommended to leave a distance of 2-4 meters between the trees.

For Norway maple, planting and care will not require special knowledge, skills and efforts. Young trees are often and plentifully watered. After two years of age, maples will be able to cope with short droughts on their own. AT summer period watering should be done once a week, in dry times you will need 1.5-2 buckets per plant. In the autumn-spring period, water once a month.

Although maple is a very hardy plant, young Norway maple trees will require shelter in the winter. With the help of spruce branches or dry leaves cover root collar. Escapes that won't make it before winter period become covered with wood, may freeze. However, this is not dangerous for maple - because thanks to the rapid growth rate, it will be able to grow new ones, and freezing will not affect appearance tree. Every year the frost resistance of the plant will be strengthened.

Maple can be transplanted up to 15 years. He tolerates the transplant process easily.

Caring for Mature Maple Trees

Mature plants need only sanitary pruning Norway maple. It is produced in early March. Cut off dead, damaged branches. At the same time, it is possible to make a shaping haircut of the crown.

Maple reacts well to a haircut - it quickly begins to branch and grow. It is also possible to produce shallow loosening of the earth in the near-stem circle after watering and precipitation.

Diseases and pests of Norway maple

At favorable conditions planting and growing, in the absence of moisture stagnation, Norway maple is rarely affected by diseases and pests. However, it still happens.

The greatest danger to the tree is coral spotting, which is manifested by small burgundy spots on the bark and shoots. If such symptoms are detected, diseased branches should be cut off immediately. Disinfect and cover the cutting points garden pitch. Also subject to disinfection garden tools, which was used for cropping.
Maple infects the fungus Taphrina acerina, causing watery brown spots on the leaves.

Of the maple pests, the maple whitefly can disturb. Its caterpillars feed on the leaves of the plant. To fight it, it is necessary to destroy the affected branches. In case of severe damage, they resort to spraying with ammophos.

To avoid maple attack mealybug, before budding, the maple must be sprayed with a 3% solution of nitrafen. Also, leaf weevil can carry out its harmful activity on maple. During his attacks, treatment with chlorophos is used.

The use of Norway maple in landscape design

Since the Norway maple is decorative throughout its entire vegetative period, it perfectly tolerates urban conditions and forming a crown haircut, then in landscape design applied quite widely and in a variety of ways. This is one of the most common species used for landscape gardening - it is always present in city parks, squares, boulevards, alleys, along roads. It is planted as a tapeworm and in group plantings. It looks great against the backdrop of conifers. Maples are used to make hedges and are used in Alpine rollercoaster, rockeries. They are grown on a trunk, cut in the bonsai style.

In all parks and squares they like to plant maples. They are considered symbols of autumn. During this period they are especially elegant in golden foliage. More than 150 species belong to the maple family. They grow all over the earth. In our country, according to climatic conditions, only 25 varieties are suitable. According to the ancient Chinese teachings of feng shui, maple is a family tree. Therefore, it is often used in landscape design. adjoining territories.

Diversity different colors maples

general description

Maple is characterized by carved lobed foliage. It forms a lush crown, which is beautiful at any time of the year. In spring, the tree acquires a slightly pinkish hue, which changes to bright green by summer, and by autumn, maple pleases with orange and gold colors. There are both ordinary varieties and their decorative forms.

Maple well protects others from dust and bright sun, helps to reduce extraneous noise. This is due to the density of its crown, which can be pyramidal or spherical.

Maple blossoms are also remarkable. In the middle of spring, its inflorescences appear, which have unusual shape in the form of airplanes. Most of the trees are quite large, about 25 meters in height, but this does not frighten the owners of adjacent territories. Many people like giant trees, which in the summer provide a good shade, you can hide from the heat in it. If the site does not allow, then you can stop at dwarf species, which, with the help of pruning, can acquire various unusual shapes.

Common types of maple

Among the variety of maple species, the following varieties stand out:

  1. Manchu maple. It has a spherical shape. The leaves are tripartite, which are attached by red petioles. In autumn, the top of the leaf changes color to yellow, and the bottom becomes pinkish.

    Manchu maple

  2. Far Eastern maple. This variety is similar to the Manchurian species, but the cold climate of our country is easily given to it, so there are no problems when growing with it.

    Far Eastern maple

  3. Holly maple. The tree has a straight trunk with a lush and neat crown. The leaf has a clearly defined shape. Based on this species, many varieties have appeared that are distinguished by an interesting foliage color.

    Holly maple

  4. Small-leaved maple. The tree has a dense crown. The foliage is similar to the holly species, but smaller. By autumn, it becomes yellow-orange.

    small-leaved maple

  5. Yellow maple. The tree is characterized by a yellowish-grayish bark and lobed leaves, pubescent from below with red villi. Foliage in the autumn becomes bright Orange color close to a reddish tint.

    yellow maple

  6. Green maple. He has a variegated bark. It has an alternation of white stripes with green and gray. The large foliage is soft to the touch, the lobes are shallow. In autumn, the foliage takes on a lemon hue. It contrasts well with the bark.

    green maple

  7. River maple. It is grown both as a tree and a bush up to 3.5 meters. Autumn leaves yellow-red. It is well planted as a hedge.

    river maple

  8. Silver maple. The tree is tall, with an openwork crown. The foliage is as if cut, from which the tree acquires lightness and splendor.

    Silver Maple

  9. Maple bearded. This is a small dense shrub with a height of up to five meters. Has many trunks. Perfectly formed with pruning and blooms wonderfully. By autumn it changes green foliage to orange, and in winter the tree is decorated with red-violet shoots.

    Bearded maple

  10. Fan and hand-shaped maple. Low and graceful shrubs with curved trunks. Their crown is asymmetrical and tilted towards the light. Their terminal shoots branch horizontally. These trees, which meet the canons of the East, are loved by landscape designers.

    Fan and Palm Maple

  11. Maple "Drummondii". A tree with unusual foliage that has a white border. Because of this, it becomes motley and does not look like other species.

    Maple "Drummondii"

  12. Maple red. This species is notable in autumn, as it acquires a bright red color at this time. Against the background of other trees, it looks solemn, attracts the eye.

    maple red

  13. . The second name is black maple, as the bark is black. It stands out well in winter against the backdrop of snow. During flowering, its pinkish inflorescences, collected in bunches, are interesting. This gives them the appearance of unusual flowers against a background of green foliage.

    Tatar maple

  14. Maple Flamingo. The variety is remembered for its white-pink leaves. The tree is compact, does not need pruning, because it already has a neat appearance.

    Maple is a very common tree in Russia and Europe. It is often planted in park areas, where it gets along well with oaks. Landscape designers love maple for its fast growth and frost resistance. This makes it possible to grow these trees even in northern latitudes where they do well. hallmark maple is the diversity of its species and the beauty of its leaves. They delight with their patterns and colors. Especially solemnly beautiful Description of such bouquets can often be found in literary works. Not only writers, but also schoolchildren are interested in this tree. In the 6th grade in biology, close attention was paid to the description of the maple leaf. Children study its structure in a special section of the textbook. In this article we will give a description and photo of maple leaves, and also talk a little about species diversity this beautiful tree.

    Where does maple grow?

    Maples are considered one of the most common trees on the planet. They grow in the northern regions of Europe, in North America and even in the tropics. Botanists claim that even African continent there is one type of maple.

    About twenty varieties of this tree grow in our country. It is noteworthy that maples very rarely form dense thickets. They prefer to grow alone, but sometimes form small groups.

    Maples do best in mountainous areas. They can be found even at an altitude of three thousand meters above sea level. Therefore, a lot of maple species grow in the Caucasus, where botanists count more than eleven of them.

    Japanese maple is listed in the Red Book. This magnificent tree immediately strikes the imagination with its unusual view. In the textbook on biology, the description of the maple leaf is given in great detail, including the Red Book tree.

    a brief description of

    Before proceeding to the description of maple leaves, we want to talk in more detail about the tree itself. Usually it grows quite high - from ten to twenty meters. Among the variety of species there are also shrubs. They usually do not grow above ten meters, the average height fluctuates within five meters.

    Most maples are deciduous. In summer, they delight with lush greenery of a bizarre shape, and in autumn they change color. By winter, maple leaves fall off (in biology, a description of this process is given in grade 6).

    Maple has a very beautiful wood, which is often used by carpenters in their work. It is characterized by white color with yellow and reddish veins.

    Distinctive features of the tree

    Interesting and unusual are not only maple leaves (we will give a description in one of the following sections of the article), but also some of its features. They will be discussed later.

    For example, it is very important that a tree can survive almost any frost. They won't harm him. And in the spring it will wake up one of the first, delighting the inhabitants of the cities with delicate greenery.

    Maple is also not afraid of the lack of water. In the heat, many trees dry and lose their foliage, and during a long drought they can die completely. But this does not threaten the maple, he will calmly survive the difficult period, then releasing another large quantity new shoots.

    We have already mentioned that the tree grows very quickly. In one year, it can increase by one meter, and all shoots will be covered with dense foliage.

    The description of maple would be incomplete without mentioning one more of its features. People around the world are very fond of sweet maple juice. In the spring, it is easy to get it by making a small incision on the trunk. Often, various sweets are made from the juice. For example, residents of most American states cannot imagine a dessert without maple syrup. It is issued different firms and enjoys great popularity.

    Description of leaves: general information

    What is a leaf? What is the definition in botany? If referring to educational materials, then we can say that a leaf is an organ of a plant located above the ground. It is attached to the side of the stem and performs three important functions.

    First of all, it is photosynthesis, without which it is impossible to imagine any plant. Also, evaporation and respiration processes pass through the leaves.

    The sheet consists of several parts, which we will list in the following list:

    • Plate. This part is the largest and widest. The leaf plate constantly turns after the sun's rays. Its main task is to get as much sunlight as possible.
    • Petiole. It departs from the base of the plate, and with its help it is attached to the plant. The petiole has a narrow and elongated shape. It is he who helps the plate to rotate freely behind the sun. At the point of attachment to the plant, it has a slight thickening.
    • The base of the sheet. This is the name of the place of attachment to the stem or branch.
    • Stipules. They are not found in all plants. Usually stipules are outgrowths located at the base of the leaf. They are very tightly pressed against the petiole and can have a bright color.

    It is noteworthy that the leaves may have one or more sheet plates. They differ from each other in shape and structure.

    Now we can move on to the description of the maple leaf (in biology, in the 6th grade, students begin to study this topic). Let's start with the form.

    maple: description

    The tree has palmate leaves. At first glance, this form is very similar to the palmate, but this is just at first glance. In the textbook on botany, a number of comments are attached to the description of the maple leaf, which make it possible not to confuse its shape with similar ones.

    In maple, the leaf lobes are quite wide and look large, while the palmate form is characterized by narrow and slightly elongated lobes. On maple leaves (the description will be incomplete without mentioning this nuance) there are veins. Usually there are from three to nine of them on one blade, while one of them always has a more pronounced size and lies in the center.

    This characteristic is identical to the description of Norway maple leaf and fits most of the known species. However, some trees stand out for their leaf shape, which does not match the general description.

    Characteristics of leaves depending on the type

    Some maples may surprise with shamrocks. This form looks rather bizarre, but is not uncommon. You can see it, for example, at either Maksimovich.

    The ash-leaved maple is distinguished by a complex-pinnate leaf structure. It can consist of three, five or even nine leaves. Botanists are still trying to figure out what exactly their number depends on.

    The hornbeam maple has simple leaves that are very much like They are distinguished by pinnate venation.

    Maple blossom

    If you have a maple planted in your yard, then you probably know that bees always gather around it during the flowering period. And this is not surprising, because the tree is classified as a honey plant. Its small yellowish buds emit a very pleasant delicate aroma that attracts not only bees, but also squirrels.

    Many beekeepers specifically plant maples next to apiaries. It is believed that this type of tree is very suitable for this.

    Flowering trees occur at the very end of winter or early spring. Usually, by the end of April, absolutely all trees bloom. The petals are often colored in reds, greens and oranges. However, yellow flowers are the most common.

    The structure of maple flowers

    In a biology textbook, the description of maple leaves is often accompanied by a description of the structure of the flowers. They usually have five petals arranged symmetrically to each other. It is noteworthy that flowers are collected in different shape. On some trees it is an umbrella, on others it is a brush. There are maples where the flowers are collected in a corymb.

    However this characteristic doesn't matter when we are talking about the structure. Each flower has two pistils and about twelve stamens.

    maple fruit

    AT Soviet times maple trees of various species were actively planted in the parks. But today, such close attention is not paid to the beautification of urban areas, so no one is engaged in mass planting of trees. However, there are only more maples. What is the reason for this fact?

    Everything is very simple. The fact is that maples reproduce perfectly by self-fall. Their fruits are able to germinate and literally in a couple of years turn from a timid sprout into a full-fledged young tree.

    Such survival is ensured by the very shape of the fruit. They resemble a small propeller, which is kept on a branch almost until the frost. Then gusts of wind carry these "helicopters" to all neighborhoods, where they wait for the onset of spring.

    Usually no more than ten percent of the seeds germinate, but even this amount is enough to maintain the maple population.


    Maple leaves are very fond of pests, so they are often attacked by various insects. For example, great harm the trees are attacked by aphids, lepidoptera larvae and the Asian barbel. These pests almost completely eat maple leaves and, as a result, trees die in large numbers.

    Trees and fungal diseases are also susceptible. Most often they suffer from powdery mildew, black mold and root rot. These diseases harm maples varying degrees gravity. Some completely destroy the tree, while others simply spoil the thick and beautiful crown.

    Experts offer to fight pests and fungal diseases mainly with fungicides. There is a solution for every problem. I would like to clarify that maple is a very tenacious tree. With proper care, it can cope with any pest and quickly recovers. Therefore, despite a large number of dangers, it often becomes the main decoration of the garden.

    Maple Benefits

    Of course, first of all, maples are valued for their beauty. After all, these trees delight with openwork leaves, an unusual color of the trunk and incredibly bright colors crowns in autumn. You can admire maple for a long time, so landscape designers often plant it separately from other trees, thereby creating a certain accent.

    Since time immemorial, maple wood has been used to make musical instruments. There are many ancient violins, created by the hands of great masters, which were once beautiful and strong tree with a spreading crown.

    In the US, maple is often used to make baseball bats, as well as bowling pins. They are durable and easy to care for.

    Folk omens and mystical legends

    People have always considered maple an amazing tree and associated many beliefs with it. For example, it was customary to plant a maple in the courtyard of the house. At that moment, the life of the tree was closely intertwined with the soul of the owner of the house. While he was in good health, he pleased with his beauty and maple. But after the death of a person, the tree usually withered within a few days.

    In ancient times, it was believed that maple reacts to the condition of people. If a suffering person touched it, then the tree died in a few days. It absorbed all the negativity that had accumulated in the soul of the offended, and could not cope with it.

    One of folk signs says that before it starts to rain, the maple begins to secrete juice and seems to cry. AT spring time this phenomenon is considered as a sign of the imminent onset of heat.

    Belongs to the genus Maple and may also be called sycamore maple or sycamore maple. It can grow up to 30 meters in height and has a dense rounded-wide crown. It has large, up to 18 centimeters in diameter leaves with five lobes that end in sharp lobes. The leaves are attached to the branches with long cuttings. Usually they have a light green color, but with the onset of autumn they can take on various colors: red, brown, burgundy and other shades.

    Norway maple begins to bloom in the month of May before the leaves bloom and continues to bloom for 10 days. By the time the flowering stops, the maple may also complete the process of leaf emergence. Norway maple is a dioecious plant, and therefore male and female flowers are on different trees. It bears fruit annually and abundantly. Seeds ripen in August-September and can remain on the tree until spring. It begins to bear fruit only in the seventeenth year of life.

    Norway maple is propagated by seeds, grafts and young shoots formed in the region of the root system. It grows very rapidly in the first three years after planting. It quickly takes root during transplantation, easily tolerates frosty winters, is resistant to winds, and feels very good in the shade. It does not take root on stony soils and salt marshes, prefers moisture-containing fertile lands.

    It feels good in urban conditions, and therefore in Russia it is the main tree species for landscaping streets and creating park facilities. It is planted both in separate specimens and in groups in the form of whole alleys. Norway maple can be found in deciduous and mixed forests, almost throughout Europe, in the North Caucasus and on the southern borders of the taiga.

    This maple has several varieties that differ from each other in the type of crown, their height, color and shape of the leaves, and other features.

    This is not a large tree about 6 meters high and has a spherical dense crown that does not require pruning. It grows slowly, frost, wind and shade-resistant. Grows in wet and fertile soils. Little affected by pests and diseases. It grows well and favorably develops with constant top dressing. Very well suited for landscaping streets and areas around residential buildings.

    This deciduous tree reaches a height of 12 meters with a wide pyramidal tight crown. Differ in the presence of a trunk with a dark gray bark. It has large leaves with 5-7 lobes that are bright red, fading to a brilliant burgundy, and with the onset of autumn, the colors fade. Simultaneously with the appearance of leaves, it begins to bloom in the smallest yellow flowers. This type of maple tolerates shading well, but prefers places where there is enough light. Does not like a lot of moisture and does not tolerate its lack. It is very famous among amateur gardeners, thanks to its decorative crown. It tolerates urban conditions well. Powdery mildew is currently the main pest. Maple is propagated by grafting.

    It has an oval dense crown. Grows in height up to 20 meters. Green finger-shaped leaves, with a white border, become the color of strawberries when opened, and by autumn the leaves turn yellow. Young shoots are light golden-green. It blooms with yellow-green rounded flowers of a flat shape. Drummond maple grows well and develops on moist, fertile soils. Sometimes leaves appear on the branches without bordering. Such leaves must be removed immediately, and if there are a lot of them on the branch, then the entire branch is completely removed. In addition, the pruning of the maple is usually done after the final blooming of the leaves, because in this period the wounds heal quickly and the tree loses a small amount of juice.

    Leaves begin to fall in mid-September. Propagated mainly by grafting. They are used for the formation of living barriers, the formation of alleys and the design of parks and squares. Lush crown and colorful leaves and determine its decorative value.

    It has an unusual leaf color, a dense crown and can grow up to 20 meters in height. The leaves, almost black in color, retain their color throughout the season, and by autumn they take purple hue. The yellow-orange buds provide some contrast against the leaf opening, making the Crimson King maple very attractive. It grows very quickly and is not averse to growing on any soil, feels good in lighted and semi-shaded areas. Attaches garden plots originality and sophistication.

    Uses of Norway Maple Bark and Leaves

    In folk medical science leaves and bark are widely exploited. With diarrhea, decoctions are made from the bark and taken orally, in addition, the bark has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects. The leaves are able to relieve heat, strengthen the tone of the body. Decoctions are also made from maple leaves, which help with diseases. Bladder. Norway maple can be safely attributed to honey plants. One hectare of Norway maple plantations can produce up to 200 kg of light honey, with excellent taste. Honey improves immunity, soothes nervous system It has antiviral and antibacterial properties.

    In the recent past, its leaves were used as a dye for wool. Made from maple wood various furniture, souvenirs and crafts. They plant entire parks, alleys and gardens.
