How to feed strawberries in fruiting. Strawberry fertilizer with wood ash

Throughout the development cycle, the plant needs nutrients and minerals. During the period of active growth, flowering and formation of the ovary, fruiting and after harvesting - strawberries need various additives and top dressing.

Why feed strawberries during flowering and fruiting

Even the most fertile soil, after a few years, it tends to deplete, as a result of which the yield and size of fruits decrease, and their taste qualities go down. During the period of flowering and the formation of strawberries, bushes need additional feeding, but is it possible to feed strawberries during fruiting? There is an opinion that during the period of active growth and ripening of berries, it is not recommended to make any additives, since the fruits tend to absorb everything that the bush feeds on.
This is true, but it is during this period that plants need support. Therefore, you need to carefully choose: how to feed strawberries during fruiting, and fertilizers that can be applied under the berries.

Which fertilizers to choose - mineral or organic?

Many gardeners have a question: what is the best way to feed strawberries in the spring - organic matter or minerals? Mineral mixtures quite effective and give good results. But they must be used correctly and with extreme caution. Follow the instructions and avoid overdose. This can adversely affect not only the crop, but also human health. Do not add minerals later than 12-14 days before the first fruits ripen. Top dressing with organic matter will not provide ovaries very large berries. But it is safe for human body. In addition, manure and chicken manure can be applied in any quantity. Plants will take from them as many useful substances as they need, no more. Very well saturate the soil wood ash. It can be used to feed the roots, as well as foliar top dressing. For this, an extract from the ash is used.

How to feed strawberries during flowering

The time of the next feeding is in mid-May - early June, when the first flower stalks appear. At this time, strawberries are especially in need of potassium, which improves appearance bushes and taste properties of berries. Feeding strawberries during flowering will make the future harvest sweeter and significantly increase the shelf life of the berries.

Novice gardeners are wondering if it is possible to feed strawberries during flowering. Some are afraid to disturb the plant during this period, and in vain, because timely root and foliar feeding is good for strawberries.

The first sign of a lack of potassium is the tips of the leaves that have darkened to brown, which can subsequently lead to crop loss. To prevent this from happening, dissolve 1 tsp in 10 liters of water. potassium nitrate and water the plants at the rate of 0.5 liters of fertilizer per bush. For spraying flowering strawberries, you can use the same mixture or take a 0.02% solution of zinc sulfate. At the very beginning of flowering, a mullein solution is suitable.

Feeding flowering strawberries will increase the number of inflorescences, and hence the fruits ...

We feed strawberries during fruiting

Many gardeners complain that the berries are shrinking. The first wave of fruiting brings, as a rule, the largest berries, and then the bush produces smaller fruits. You can correct the situation with the help of dressings.

During the fruiting period, after the first harvest, it is necessary to feed the beds. This allows you to grow a better quality crop.

It is important to remember that you need to apply one of the selected dressings. Fertilizing strawberries during the fruiting period with organic matter, you can get a harmless environmentally friendly crop. Other fertilizers should not be applied during this period. Nitrates can accumulate in berries, which leads to a deterioration in their quality.

Fertilizers should be applied on moist soil, after heavy watering or rain.

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Feeding strawberries according to folk recipes

An important role in garden fertilizer remontant strawberries play organic top dressing, which are elements of many folk recipes (mullein, chicken manure, ash, yeast, and others). All of them are harmless to the plant, so you do not need to worry about the quality of your crop. A few recipes:

  • Manure based. Since ancient times, bird/animal droppings have been used as basic fertilizers. Mullein (dried cow dung) is poured with water (ratio one to five), put in warm place insist (roam). Ultimately, the concentrate is diluted (proportion 1:10) and spreads over moist soil (preferably a few hours after watering). Instead of manure, you can use chicken or pigeon droppings - the result will be no worse.

  • Ash. This element is rich in potassium, phosphorus, therefore it often acts as a fertilizer for garden strawberries. To prepare the solution, you need to pour two tablespoons of ash with a liter of water, insist one day. It is necessary to fertilize garden strawberries by watering. Feeding strawberries during flowering with ash will provide the gardener with an increase in yield.

  • Yeast. Plant care can easily provide the usual food product. A pack of this product (1 kg) must be diluted in five liters of water. For top dressing, the solution (0.5 liters) that has been infused for a day is mixed with liquid (10 liters). Applied twice per season.

Protecting strawberries from pests

How to process strawberries in spring? Plants are often attacked by spider and strawberry mites, aphids, nematodes, and even ordinary ants love to eat juicy berries. Tested for centuries will come to the rescue folk recipes. Great solution against aphids and mold will be the ash introduced in the fall. Dusting with tooth powder will do a great job with weevil. Effective in the fight against weevil and garlic infusion. To do this, 150 g of garlic should be soaked in a bucket of water and left to infuse for a day, after which it should be sprayed with plants every evening. Vinegar essence will help drive away the ants.

A good harvest of strawberries is harvested thanks to the correct and timely feeding. The quality and quantity of sweet berries depend on the choice of fertilizer, its dosage. For this, plants are fertilized after planting, during the appearance of flowers, during the formation of ovaries and fruits. Extra nutrition helps strawberries recover from winter frosts and begin to bloom.

Even the most fertile soil after a couple of years, it is depleted, because of this, the harvest drops, the berries become smaller, not so juicy and sweet. Strawberry culture can grow in one place for several years. The acidity of the soil should not be higher than pH 5.5 - 6.

After the snow melts, when the earth dries out, they begin to prepare the beds. protective layer the leaves are removed, the ground is loosened around the bushes. Old roots and all grass are removed. Dry, rotten leaves are also removed from plants. Check the neck of the strawberry, if the growing point is below the ground, then this can provoke rotting of the rhizome.

The first input of top dressing allows the strawberries to wake up and form new buds. Fertilizers are administered in proportion, excess nutrients cause growth of shoots and foliage. Berries may appear later than the deadline, or not at all.

For the growth of strawberries in the spring, the soil is fertilized with nitrogen. Its application stimulates the development of the aerial parts of plants. In mid-April, until the leaves have blossomed, supplements are added:

  • for 9-10 liters of water 400 g of mullein, a spoonful of ammonium sulfate;
  • stir;
  • let stand for 3 hours;
  • pour 1 liter of the mixture under one plant.

Dilute a spoonful of nitroammophoska in a bucket of water. Water 1 bush with 0.5 l of solution.

If strawberry seedlings are planted for the first year, then the following fertilizers are used:

  • a bucket of humus is mixed with 20 g of potassium,
  • add 25 g of urea, 40 g of superphosphate;
  • everything is mixed, pour 50 liters of water;
  • leave for 24 hours
  • pour 1 liter of the mixture into each hole before planting.

In the spring, urea should not be used, at this time the plants do not absorb it well.

Feed the bushes with a solution of nettle:

  1. The grass is crushed, poured with water (1:5), the dishes are covered with a lid and left for 3 days.
  2. The tincture is filtered, diluted with liquid (0.5 l per 9 l of water). Nettle contains a lot of nitrogen and potassium, which is easily absorbed.
  3. 0.5 l of solution is poured under one plant.

mineral nutrition

Mineral highly mobile additives include potassium, phosphorus, nitrogen. Low-mobility fertilizers include iron, copper, and boron. Basic additives for strawberries:

  • ammophoska;
  • liquid ammonium nitrate (per 15 ml square);
  • nitroammophoska;
  • complex fertilizers.

Without these additives, a decent harvest of berries will not work. Without nitrogen, the fruits will be small, not sweet. The lack of potassium will affect the juiciness of the berries, the bushes will begin to fade. Do not use these fertilizers 2 weeks before harvest.

Top dressing during budding and flowering

During the flowering period, strawberries need phosphorus and potassium. Use root and foliar top dressing for strawberries. It takes less time and effort to add additives under the root than to spraying each bush.

Root top dressing

Watering under the root allows you to deliver nutrients exactly to the address. Compositions used:

  1. per liter hot water a glass of ash, stir, leave to cool, filter, pour 0.5 liters under a bush.
  2. Thoroughly stir a spoonful of urea in 9 liters of water. Water 400 ml of solution under one plant.
  3. Manure 2 cups diluted in 10 liters of liquid, mixed, allowed to stand for 4-5 hours. Pour 0.5 l of fertilizer under the root.

foliar nutrition

Leaves are processed from the bottom of the leaf plate, it is she who is responsible for the absorption of nutrients.

Feed options:

  1. In 2 liters of water, dissolve 4 g of potassium sulfate (can be replaced with potassium permanganate), 2 g of boric acid.
  2. Zinc sulfate 2 g per 900 ml of water.
  3. After 3-4 days, the leaves are treated with a boron solution: 2 g per 2 liters of water.
  4. A teaspoon of potassium nitrate is diluted in 5 liters of water.
  5. Wood ash is scattered near the bushes on the surface of the earth, after loosening the soil. For 1 sq. m. a glass of substance.

Nutrition during the fruiting period

When the first fruits appear, when they are still green in color, strawberries are fertilized with organic matter - manure, urea or ash.

Recipe #1:

  • apply a solution of mullein 1:10, chicken manure 1:15;
  • insist means 3-4 days;
  • watered under the root of 1 liter per plant.

Recipe #2:

  • dilute 4 kg of compost in a bucket of water;
  • leave to ferment for 3 days;
  • pour 1 liter of liquid onto the bush.

Recipe #3:

  • a glass of ash is diluted in 1 liter of water;
  • a day later, a bucket of water is poured;
  • stir;
  • per 1 sq. m area requires 1 liter of solution.

Boric acid take a pinch per 9 liters of liquid, mix, spray the plants. Strawberries do not respond well to peat top dressing, so it is better not to use peat for berries.

Without organic additives, the berries are deformed. The bushes are watered and fertilized only under the root, if moisture gets on the fruits, this will affect the taste of the berries and cause gray rot.

Folk remedies

The yeast solution accelerates the formation of flowers, the bushes grow more actively. Use only fresh solution. Recipe:

  • 1 kg of fresh yeast is placed in a five-liter bucket with heated water;
  • stir;
  • leave for 4 hours in a warm room;
  • every hour the solution is stirred;
  • pour 0.6 l of yeast agent under each bush.

Dry yeast is also used: two tbsp. spoons of sugar, 10 g of powder per glass of water. Then poured into a ten-liter bucket of water and left for 4 days.

Serum contains the components necessary for strawberries: calcium, nitrogen, phosphorus, amino acids. Dairy products are suitable for alkaline soil. Serum or kefir is diluted with water (1: 2), strawberry bushes are sprayed with a solution.

Bread tincture:

  • wheat or Rye bread cut (300 g);
  • soaked in water 700 ml;
  • leave for 5-7 days;
  • filter;
  • diluted with water 1:10;
  • watered with a solution under the root of 0.5 l.

Watering strawberries

In strawberry culture, the roots are located close to the surface of the earth, they are not able to extract moisture from the depths of the soil. Loose soil passes water well, on square meter enough 12 liters of water. For clay soil, watering is increased by 3 liters per square plot. flowering bushes watered in the morning, used room temperature distilled water.

If it is hot for a long time, then watering is increased by 2-3 times, up to 3 times a week. When fruits appear, 2 buckets of liquid per square meter are consumed. The formation of fruits takes a lot of nutrients that come with moisture. It is better to water in the evening, to a depth of at least 20 cm.

It is desirable to cover plants with a film from direct rays and from rains. Drip irrigation is being used more and more. You can irrigate with a watering can, trying not to direct water to the flowers.

If the rhizome is exposed during watering, it is covered with earth.

Pollination of strawberries

Small deformed fruits indicate insufficient pollination during the flowering period. Heat, frequent rains, lack or shortage of insects, cold and low temperatures are the reasons that affect the quality of pollination.

Pollination methods:

  1. Pollinate flowers by hand - spend a soft brush on the flowers in the morning.
  2. To attract bees, the bushes are sprinkled with honey solution: dilute a spoonful of honey in 1 liter of water.
  3. planted different varieties strawberries, plants will exchange pollen. With cross-pollination, the characteristics of the variety are lost.

mustache trimming

Strawberry tendrils help the plant reproduce, while retaining all the maternal properties of strawberries. Mustaches on the bushes appear after flowering. Bare varieties of berries have also been bred.


You can’t cut off the mustache, you can damage the bush, use scissors or pruners.

Whiskers grow during the period of fruit formation, which means that the plant expends energy on whisker growth. If you remove them immediately after flowering, you can significantly improve the quality of the fruit. Also, the mustache is cut in the first half of September after harvesting on a dry day. The shoot should not be cut at the outlet itself, but put it 5-7 cm long.

Before harvesting, straw is laid under the berries or nonwoven fabric. So the fruits will always be clean and will not overheat.

Many lovers of growing vegetables and fruits at home know that feeding strawberries during flowering and fruiting is a must. It is in this way that it is possible to increase the yield of the plant and make the fruits larger and juicier. For this reason, many gardeners are interested in the question of how to feed the plant while the strawberries are in bloom. In order to find out how you can feed strawberries during flowering, it is recommended to consult with a specialist in the field of agronomy or read the advice of professionals from special literature.

It is known that spring is considered the most difficult period for caring for berries. Exactly spring care affects further harvest to a greater extent than all the others. In addition, if you know how to feed strawberries during flowering, you can get an excellent harvest during the fruiting period, and in summer there will be much less work.

What do you need to pay attention to?

The most basic task of feeding strawberries during flowering is the restoration of bushes after wintering. For feeding are used various methods and the necessary substances are applied. Used:

  • method of fertilizing strawberries with yeast during flowering;
  • method of feeding strawberries during flowering with ash;
  • top dressing can be carried out with various mineral fertilizers.

The choice of method and type of feeding depends on what is the best way to feed the strawberries during flowering, and on the composition of the soil in the place where the berries are planted. Before fertilizing, all already thawed bushes should be cleaned of dried leaves. It is also necessary to remove upper layer land with which the berry was mulched in autumn. At this time, it is very important to organize good access of sunlight to the root system of plants.

We must not forget that during the fruiting period, strawberries should be looked after in a special way. To do this, you should learn in advance about all the rules and recommendations that experts give. If you stick to them, then the harvest will be good and tasty.

  1. After the loosening of the earth has been carried out, the plants must be sprinkled with sawdust or fine straw. You can also use peat crumbs or the most common humus. At the same time, fertilizing the berries with special nitrogen fertilizers should be carried out.
  2. After the first leaves begin to hatch, a special solution of mullein should be added under each plant, to which ammonium sulfate is added.
  3. At the very beginning of May, you should feed the plant with mineral fertilizers.
  4. To avoid the appearance of various diseases, the plant should be treated with a solution of copper sulfate.

We must not forget that the plant needs to be irrigated warm water at least once a week. It is best to do this in the morning. Until the berry blooms, rain watering is allowed; after flowering, it is better to water under the root.

How to care for strawberries in the spring?

IN spring period it is especially important to properly care for the plant. It is during this period that flowering occurs, which requires a more thorough approach to care, which is as follows:

  • in regular weeding berries;
  • in watering 1 time per week;
  • inspecting plants for the appearance of pests and diseases;
  • in adding sawdust or straw after the fruit ripens to prevent rotting;
  • in regular feeding strawberries before flowering, during flowering and fruiting with a solution of nitrophoska and potassium sulfate, yeast top dressing and top dressing with ash.

After we have decided on what exactly can be fed blooming strawberries in the spring, you should remember how to care for it during the rainy season. For example, if it rains heavily, then the plant needs to be covered with a film, this will help protect it from waterlogging. If this is not done, then the strawberries may start to hurt or the fruits will be too watery.

All features of care in the autumn period

After the antennae are trimmed, the strawberries should be treated with a special preparation. It will protect the plant from weeds and various kinds of diseases. We should not forget that during this period you will have to re-mulch the earth. This can be done with sawdust or peat, while the layer must be at least 5 cm.

The only thing to remember is that the bedding must be done very carefully, do not completely fill the bushes. It must be remembered that in the spring this mound will have to be removed so that the first rays of the sun can warm up the root system of the plant.

As for the solutions used to feed the plant, it must be borne in mind that there is a certain proportion that must be observed. You should also make sure that all the ingredients are selected correctly. Feeding strawberries after flowering requires an even more thorough approach.

If we are talking about remontant strawberries, then it needs to be fed at least 3 times a year. While the growth of the leaves is not very rapid, the plant can be fed with the help of specially prepared products.

Many gardeners are interested in whether it is possible to feed strawberries during fruiting. It should be noted that this is allowed to be done, only the proportions should be correctly observed.

How and what to feed the bushes?

During the period when the plant is just planted, it is watered with a solution of mullein, which is diluted in 5 liters of water. To prepare the solution, approximately one 1 liter is used. mullein. It should be borne in mind that no more than 1 liter can be poured under each bush. such a mixture.

But that's not all. You can fertilize the plant with nettles. Preparing this mixture is quite simple, it requires one bucket of a freshly picked plant, it is poured with warm water and infused for about 3 days. By the way, this infusion is allowed to water the plants even before the start of its flowering.

There is another very effective remedy that is used before the plant begins to bloom - this is nitrophoska, potassium sulfate and water. The proportions are:

  • 10 l. water;
  • 2 tbsp nitrophoska;
  • 1 tsp potassium sulfate.

It is important to remember that it is best to fertilize in the spring. Usually, this is done along with the removal of old mustaches.

What is allowed to do when the fruits are formed?

Feeding strawberries during flowering should be done very carefully. But it should be borne in mind that the plant needs a large amount of potassium. It is because of this that they use an infusion of chicken manure, as well as ash and potassium nitrate.

Even in the process of flowering, and also after the first fruits begin to ripen, you can use a solution of zinc sulfate.

In general, caring for strawberries during fruiting consists of several stages. Among them, not only watering and fertilizing with fertilizer, but also the correct trimming of the antennae and dry leaves. It should also be remembered that re-feeding of plants must be performed after harvesting the main crop.

For top dressing, you can use special mixtures designed specifically for fertilizing the soil under strawberries.

Basic rules for plant care

As mentioned above, there are basic rules for caring for a plant. They include the following steps:

  • at least 3 times a year you need to feed the plant;
  • trim the tendrils and dead leaves;
  • properly water the bushes;
  • periodically replant the bushes.

If we are talking about top dressing, then it should be understood that various mixtures and solutions can be used as fertilizers. For example, nitroammophoska is diluted in the proportion of 1 tbsp. for 10 l. water. Permission to use organic fertilizers. It could be:

  • mullein;
  • chicken manure;
  • ash;
  • humus.

Do not use too much fertilizer. Moreover, this applies to both organic and artificial fertilizers. Usually mullein is used approximately 1:10, that is, 1 liter. mixtures per 10 liters. water. Many gardeners use ashes for top dressing. How to feed strawberries with ash during flowering? You need to know the approximate composition of the ash and the composition of the soil in the place where the strawberries grow. The most commonly used ratio is 1:12, that is, 1 liter. ash is dissolved in 12 liters. water.

Based on this, it becomes clear what exactly you can feed strawberries during flowering and fruiting.

What is important to remember, and what mistakes are made?

Every gardener should remember that when the first buds appear on the plant and the fruits begin to ripen, the strawberries are fertilized during the flowering period, it is at this time that strawberries need a lot of potassium. Gardeners use potassium nitrate and ash.

During the period of flowering and fruiting, strawberries should be sprayed with special solutions, which further increase the yield of the berry itself.

The last top dressing is done after the entire crop is harvested. For these purposes, a complex of mineral and organic fertilizers is used.

Some gardeners do not water the plants after fertilizing, because of this, the root system bush.

Watering should be regular and carried out throughout the entire period until the plant blooms and bears fruit.

Plant nutrition is required throughout the year.

If we are talking about watering, then this should be done in the morning. Watering is especially important when the berry blooms or bears fruit. It must be remembered that the water that is used for irrigation should not be cold.

In the process of growing strawberries, one should not forget about the recommendations regarding how best to feed strawberries during the flowering period. By following all these rules, you can achieve a good harvest.

Strawberries belong to one of the most common berry crops, and its cultivation has certain features. Every gardener should know how and with what to fertilize strawberries in the spring, because the crop yield will depend on this. Top dressing for strawberries is required not only in spring, but also in summer to increase yields, as well as in autumn, so that the plants are properly prepared for wintering.

From this article you will learn how to fertilize strawberries in the spring, what mineral and organic top dressings can be used, and how to properly apply them to the soil, depending on the season and growing season.

How to fertilize strawberries in spring

In order to enjoy sweet and fragrant strawberries in season, it is sometimes necessary to resort to top dressing. In this article we will tell you when and how to feed it for good growth and getting a high yield (Figure 1).

First of all, you should decide how to feed the strawberries in the spring for better harvest. Traditionally, both organic and mineral remedies, but they should be made in accordance with certain rules.

The first feeding is carried out as soon as the snow has melted and the weather has warmed up. It is necessary to stimulate the growth of young shoots and leaves, so substances containing nitrogen should be used.

Note: First of all, the soil needs to be loosened and dry leaves are cut, then fed.

Bushes of the first year of life are not fed, since fertilizers are applied when planting under them. But a two-year culture especially needs top dressing. The first start when the first leaves appear around mid-April. During this procedure, mullein is introduced to the plant or replaced with chicken droppings.

At the second feeding, during flowering, the bushes are fed with mineral preparations. The last recharge can be done with an infusion of weeds. To do this, weeds are removed from the beds, crushed, poured with water and insisted in a warm place for a week.

Figure 1. Ways to feed strawberries

Also in the spring you can carry out foliar top dressing. It is carried out by spraying plants with a solution of nitrogen or organic matter. Thus, all useful substances are absorbed immediately, positively affect the growth of the bush and the number of ovaries. This procedure is carried out on a dry windless day and preferably in the evening.

You need to fertilize plantings in the spring based on your location, the further south your region is, the earlier we begin to carry out the procedure. In areas with a warm climate and mild winters, this is done in mid-April. For the northern area - mid-May.

In order for the fertilizer to benefit the plants, it is important to know the flowering time of the varieties that grow on your site. This is necessary, since with early application, useful substances will go into the soil, and during flowering, the bushes will not get anything of value. Conversely, if top dressing is carried out later than necessary, we risk getting a poor harvest. It is also important not to overdo it with nutrients, as this can negatively affect plants.

Use chicken manure better in spring and only once a year. When watering plants, the liquid should not fall on the bush itself.

Useful tips for the first spring feeding of strawberries can be found in the video.

Spring strawberry fertilization table

There is a special table, using which you can accurately determine how to fertilize strawberries in the spring for a better harvest, and when it is better to do it (table 1). For example, after the appearance of the first leaves, an infusion of chicken manure, mullein, yeast or nitroammophoska is introduced into the soil.

Table 1. Feeding strawberries by month

During flowering, plants are fed with wood ash with potassium permanganate, iodine or boric acid. When the ovaries begin to form, an infusion of nettle or mullein is used as a fertilizer.

How to fertilize strawberries in spring for a better harvest

Spring top dressing is carried out early, until the leaves have blossomed. It is recommended to combine top dressing with pruning bushes.

Note: The first dressing should “wake up” the plants after winter, and give growth to leaves and shoots, so it should contain nitrogen. To do this, you can mix water, mullein and ammonium sulfate or dilute nitroammophoska with water and apply under each bush. You can also use organic: infusion of nettle, mullein or chicken manure (Figure 2).

Yeast sourdough is very popular among gardeners. It is brought in in early spring to form a good green mass and to increase productivity.

Figure 2. Main types of fertilizers: yeast, wood ash and complex fertilizers

When the first flower stalks appear, the plant needs potassium. It improves the taste of berries, increases their shelf life and improves the appearance of plants. During flowering, it is good to use such fertilizer: wood ash is poured with boiling water, then potassium permanganate, boric acid and iodine are added. This mixture can be sprayed on leaves, flowers and fruits. Complex agents containing a complex of useful substances are also known. Such fertilizers are used according to the instructions on the package: diammophos, nitrophoska, nitroammophoska, ammophos.

When preparing fertilizers, use rain water or settled, but in no case chlorinated. Do not forget that they need to be applied after rain or heavy watering.

How to fertilize strawberries in the spring with yeast

Gardeners began to use yeast as a top dressing relatively recently. But the result was not long in coming. Yeast helps the plant not only grow green mass, but also contribute to an increase in yield.

In addition, yeast is an affordable and inexpensive raw material, and you can prepare a good fertilizer based on it yourself at home (Figure 3).


Among gardeners, yeast is very popular. The finished solution can be used to feed strawberries, vegetables, and houseplants. This fertilizer contains proteins, minerals, amino acids and acidifies the soil well. After yeast feeding, nutrients are retained in plants for up to two months. The roots are strengthened in plants and the fruits grow large.

Figure 3. Fertilizing strawberries with yeast

The first top dressing is carried out in early spring, when the bushes begin to appear. To do this, you need to loosen the ground, clear it of weeds and add yeast sourdough. This will help the plant quickly grow green mass and prepare for flowering.

The second top dressing falls on the fruiting period, when green berries appear. From this, the fruits will become large and begin to ripen faster.

After harvesting, the third top dressing is carried out. Do not forget to loosen the ground after each subcortex and remove unnecessary sockets. The bed can be fed more often, but then the concentration of the solution should be reduced.


There are many ways to prepare yeast dressings. All of them have been tested more than once and are distinguished by ease of preparation.

To prepare a solution for classic recipe take sugar, yeast and water. Dissolve yeast and sugar in a little warm water. After a couple of hours, the fermented mixture is poured into a bucket of water and insisted for several days. Half a liter of sourdough is diluted with ten liters of water. One bush contribute half a liter of working solution.

Another method is also used. A large pack of yeast is diluted in five liters of warm water and left to ferment for several days. Half a liter of the mixture is diluted in a bucket of water. You can also make sourdough at home. Pieces of bread are placed in a container and poured with water. The container is placed in a warm dark place for a week. So that the bread does not float, the leaven is placed under oppression. At the end of the period, the solution is diluted with water and poured under the root. Do not use moldy bread, as well as chlorinated water.

Fertilizers for strawberries in summer

Toward the end of July, a second top dressing is carried out. This is done so that the plants receive additional potassium and microelements that they need for planting. flower buds on the next year, as well as the formation of new roots (Figure 4).

IN summer period use liquid manure. To do this, the fourth part of the bucket is filled with manure, water is added and insisted for three days. The finished slurry is diluted with water. Also use yeast nutrition containing macro- and microelements, as well as complex fertilizers.

Figure 4. Fertilization methods in summer

As a fertilizer, you can use ash and nitroammofoska and dilute with water. Urea can be used to lay the buds of the future crop. Sometimes the ashes can not be diluted with water, but poured around the bushes. After two weeks, the fertilization procedure can be repeated.

After applying nutrients on dry days of planting, water abundantly for better bookmarking of flower buds.

If you notice that your plantings are developing poorly, then when loosening the soil, you should simultaneously fertilize with mineral preparations. To do this, you can use manure or compost, berry mixtures, potassium salt and superphosphate.

Bushes with lush foliage and powerful mustaches do not need to be fertilized. Such plants can be fed only with phosphorus-potassium fertilizer. Fattening strawberries do not need watering.

Remember to constantly remove weeds, inspect plants for diseases and pests, and remove damaged parts of plants in time.

An expert's advice on fertilizing strawberries is given in the video.

Fertilizers for strawberries in autumn

Autumn top dressing is carried out around September. This procedure helps the bushes to overwinter better, especially young plants.

As in the case of fertilizer in spring and summer, autumn dressing has certain features, and for its implementation, the basic rules and recommendations of experienced gardeners should be taken into account.

During the autumn feeding, gardeners are advised to use both organic and mineral fertilizers.

The main purpose of fertilizing in the fall is to keep the bushes and roots in good condition and provide them with nutrients before the onset of cold weather. Therefore, you should increase the amount of potassium and reduce the intake of nitrogen.

Note: In September, it is better to carry out liquid top dressing, and in October, use solid supplements. Mineral and organic substances should only be mixed before use. You cannot insist on them together.

By carefully examining the bushes, you can determine which fertilizers you need more and which should be excluded. For example, small fruits, dried leaves in spots - indicate a lack of nutrients. BUT wilted leaves with white spots indicate an overdose.

Before applying top dressing, it is necessary to determine the characteristics of the soil and the presence of humus for plants, and also take into account the characteristics of a particular variety.

At the end of August, the first feeding with urea is carried out. Further, at the beginning of September, a fermented mullein is brought into the aisles or under the bushes. The second stage of feeding occurs at the end of the month, when the culture is fed with a solution that increases the laying and preservation of fruit buds.

After the second top dressing, the plantings need to be mulched. For this, straw, peat, hay, sawdust are used. Ash pollination is also useful at this stage. Wood ash is sprayed on the leaves and the surface of the soil. It is important to carry out shelter only after the first frost. This will give the plants a chance to harden off.

Fertilizing strawberries in spring with mineral fertilizers

Mineral fertilizers are used to prevent the development of diseases, when plaque appears on the leaves, a white edge or young shoots dry out. The use of such fertilizers improves the taste of berries and gives them additional volume (Figure 5).

Figure 5. Types of mineral supplements

To date, in special garden stores there are many mineral fertilizers for strawberries. Complex fertilizers containing potassium, nitrogen, phosphorus and magnesium are best suited. Such drugs affect the bushes more than the soil. They help plants survive the winter and promote budding for the next year. Apply them strictly according to the instructions written on the package. Mineral fertilizers should be applied between the rows so as not to damage the bushes. It is impossible to feed the culture with urea, since the urobacteria have not yet begun to function, therefore this fertilizer is not absorbed. Mineral top dressing must be accompanied by abundant watering.

Organic strawberry nutrition

Using organic fertilizers, you will get a wonderful harvest of berries without harm to the plant and soil, as they are natural and safe. Besides, this cheap way enrich the soil.

The main organic fertilizers that can be used to feed strawberries will be described below.

How to fertilize strawberries in spring with chicken manure

To obtain good harvest Watering and pest control alone is not enough. An important element there is food. Chicken manure contains a large number of nitrogen, so the mixture for feeding is diluted with water. The introduction of the finished solution is carried out three hours after watering the site, while you need to be very careful that the solution does not burn the leaves and roots of the plant. To do this, the infusion is poured not under the bush, but between the rows (Figure 6).

You need to start such top dressing at the beginning of the development of the plant, otherwise you risk getting a lot of leaves and whiskers, and oversaturating the berries with nitrates. From this fertilizer, plants will receive the nutrition they need to grow and form large fruits.

Figure 6. Chicken manure as fertilizer for crops

How to prepare a solution? The main thing is to observe the proportion of water and litter: 20 parts of water to one part of dry litter. When using fresh litter in 20 liters of water, a liter of fresh litter is diluted and infused for ten days, the container is not covered. Fresh litter cannot be used. However, it should be borne in mind that such top dressing cannot be used during flowering and fruiting.

Wood ash as fertilizer for strawberries

Ash contains potassium, calcium, phosphorus and magnesium. Wood ash can be used both in pure form and in the form of a ready-made solution. For strawberries, wood ash is considered the best fertilizer (Figure 7).

Figure 7. Features of feeding strawberries with wood ash

Ashes can be applied in a handful twice a season - in spring and after fruiting. Dry ash is applied before watering or rain. Some gardeners prefer to work with a solution. To do this, a glass of ash is poured with a liter of hot water and insisted for a day. Then dilute in another nine liters of water and mix well. The finished solution during irrigation should be constantly stirred so that the ash does not settle to the bottom. IN ready solution do not add urea, saltpeter or manure.

Ashes as fertilizer for strawberries

Ash is a substance of natural origin. The elements contained in it are easily absorbed by plants. The composition of the ashes contains phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, boron, manganese, molybdenum, etc. The timely application of such fertilizer increases the resistance of plantings to diseases and pests, improves the taste of berries and changes the composition of the soil.

Root top dressing is carried out twice a year: before flowering and after fruiting. At the stage of fruit set, foliar top dressing is carried out. To do this, boric acid, iodine, potassium permanganate and sifted ash are dissolved in ten liters of hot water. All components must dissolve. Spraying is carried out in the evening or early morning until the dew subsided.

In no case should the ashes be used as fertilizer after burning. household waste, synthetic materials, colored paper and bright magazines, rubber.

Almost every dacha grows strawberries. True, not everyone is pleased with abundant harvests, although it is considered an unpretentious culture. Descriptions modern varieties garden strawberries guarantee from 2 to 5 kg of berries per square meter.

How to feed strawberries during flowering to make it a reality.

Why supplements are needed

Strawberry - perennial, usually it is grown in one place for 4 years. When planting, organic matter (humus, compost) and mineral fertilizers are introduced into the soil, this stock is enough for strawberries for 2 years. But if you do not carry out annual top dressing, the earth will quickly be depleted, the berries will be crushed.

Strawberries need additional nutrition in different growth phases:

  • in the spring, when the aerial part of the bush grows;
  • during flowering;
  • at the very beginning of fruiting, when the berries are just beginning to form.

First spring dressing also has great importance. It is carried out immediately after restoring order in the garden. The soil around the bushes must be cleaned of plant debris, mulch removed, loosened shallowly. Feeding activities are simple, but thanks to them, most of the pests, fungal spores and other infections are removed from the garden.

At the same time, old bushes damaged by frost are dug up and removed. Every plant needs to be examined. The growth point of each plant must be freed from the ground. A small amount of snow in winter, when melting, moistens the soil. If at a depth of 30 cm the earth is wet, then the ridge is not watered.

Reference! At proper watering the soil is moistened to a depth of 40 cm.

In early spring, before flowering, strawberries are fed with fertilizer containing nitrogen. During this period, the bushes are actively overgrown with leaves and the plant needs it. Strawberries can be fed with the following nutrient solutions:

  1. For 10 liters of water add 1 tbsp. l carbamide (urea).
  2. Take fresh manure(300 g), pour water (10 l), leave for 2 days, before fertilizing, add a tablespoon of ammonium sulfate to the bucket.
  3. Put 200 g of bird droppings in a bucket, add water, leave for a day.

Thanks to this top dressing, the bushes will grow up, overgrow with foliage, release flower stalks and pick up color.

Top dressing during flowering

The flowering period and its duration in the usual garden strawberry depends on the variety, can begin at the end of May and in any of summer months. This type of berry blooms once. Many people prefer to grow a different variety in the country. berry culture- remontant strawberries.

Remontant varieties bloom twice, the first flowering is the end of May - the beginning of June, the second - at the end of summer. The need for nutrients in remontant strawberries higher than the usual, because of the double fruiting. It takes more nutrients out of the soil. It is clear that feeding strawberries during flowering plays an important role in maintaining soil fertility and increasing the yield of berry crops.

The summer resident has ample opportunities when choosing a means for carrying out additional nutrition. You can follow in the footsteps of supporters organic farming and use only organic and biological preparations for feeding strawberries during flowering. You can adhere to grandfather's traditions, using only folk recipes, which are now very popular. Most prefer complex use chemical, biological and natural preparations for feeding strawberries.

Feeding chemicals

Mineral fertilizers as top dressing are used to feed 3-year-old strawberries. For the first two years, she has enough reserves of trace elements incorporated into the soil during planting. The main nutrients: nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and trace elements (magnesium, boron, calcium) in the form of mineral fertilizers are applied in the spring before flowering. It is better not to use chemistry during the active release of peduncles and fruit set.

Important! Apply strawberry fertilizer when average daily temperature above 15 °C. low temperatures strawberries do not absorb nutrients.

Urea and ammonium nitrate perfectly fill the need for strawberries in nitrogen during flowering.

  • berries may not be tied;
  • the taste of the fruit deteriorates, the pulp becomes unsweetened.

Feed the strawberry bushes with a solution of urea (ammonium nitrate) before flowering.

With signs of potassium starvation, top dressing of strawberries during flowering is permissible. To replenish potassium in the soil, you can use:

  • potassium sulfate;
  • potassium nitrate;
  • potassium magnesia.

Important! Potassium relieves stress from high summer temperatures, stimulates the immune system.

Poor nitrogen absorption, slow growth, blue-green with a purple tint, leaf color, spots on sheet plate colorless or brown - signs of potassium starvation. You can save plants with a solution prepared on the basis of potassium nitrate. It is enough to dilute only 1 tsp of potassium nitrate in 10 liters of water. Pour one 0.5 liter jar of liquid fertilizer under each bush.

The following recipe is suitable for ardent opponents of chemistry as a top dressing for strawberries. In its composition, ash is a natural element. If you do not know how to feed strawberries during flowering, then use this instruction:

  • bring 1 liter of water to a boil;
  • sow 1 glass of ash;
  • pour the ashes with boiling water.

With a cooled infusion, you can water the strawberries during flowering. The consumption rate for 1 bush is 0.5 liters. With a deficiency of nutrients during flowering, many summer residents prefer complex mineral fertilizers: "Rubin", "Agros", "Hera". It is not difficult to observe the dosage, it is indicated in the instructions for the drug.

With a lack of trace elements

The lack of trace elements will help make up for foliar feeding of strawberries during flowering. It should be carried out when most of the flowers bloom on the bushes.

To prepare the working solution, use natural products:

  • boric acid;
  • yeast;
  • fresh nettle.


Take any kind of yeast: dry fast acting, fresh pressed. Fresh yeast, take 1 kg per 5 liters of water. When using dry yeast, the proportions are different: yeast - a bag, water - 5 liters, sugar - by eye.

Place the fermentation container in a warm place. Sourdough with dry yeast is ready in 2 hours, fresh yeast lasts longer. Concentrated yeast water is diluted before use, 20 parts of water and one part of sourdough are taken.

We get universal fertilizer. It can be used as a foliar top dressing and watering strawberry bushes under the root. For root dressing, 0.5 liters of working solution is enough.

Fresh nettle and boric acid

These solutions are very easy to prepare. Fresh nettles must be crushed and pour hot, but not boiling water. Optimum temperature water 50 °C. A bucket of infusion is kept for a day in a dark place, filtered, sprayed with strawberry bushes in evening time from the sprayer.

Feeding strawberries during flowering with boric acid improves pollination, stimulates the formation of ovaries. It will take 2 g of acid, in cold water it will not dissolve, so take a small amount of hot water and dissolve the white crystals in it. Pour the concentrated solution into 10 liters of water with complete dissolution of the powder. Processing is carried out according to the sheet in the evening.

Organics as a feed

Strawberry bushes intensively consume potassium during the period of berry setting. At the time of the appearance of buds, top dressing of strawberries during flowering with chicken droppings will not interfere. summer residents in major cities it won't be hard to buy it. Granular litter is sold in packaging convenient for transportation (10-20 kg).

To prepare the infusion, take 2 kg of chicken manure. Insist top dressing for three days in 10 liters of water.

Dilute the resulting concentrate with water in a ratio of 1:10 before use. Top dressing is carried out the next day after the planned watering.

Prevention of strawberry diseases

During flowering, symptoms of gray rot may appear on strawberry bushes. Especially quickly the botrytis fungus multiplies in wet weather. Bushes and berries suffer, spots of brown flowers and a gray coating appear on them. There is no need to talk about the quality of the crop. Berries affected by the fungus do not store well. The pulp loses elasticity, becomes watery, rots.

Late blight is dangerous during the flowering of strawberries. A plant infected with phytophthora can live for about 3 years. A sick strawberry shows the following symptoms:

  • strawberry whiskers do not grow well;
  • the leaves are deformed, smaller, acquire a gray tint;
  • bush growth below normal;
  • peduncles shortened;
  • berries are not tied.

To avoid this scourge, use folk recipes for fungal diseases during strawberry flowering. Only natural substances are used, so the quality of future berries will not suffer.

Advice! Use helper plants to protect strawberries from pests and diseases. Plant onions and garlic between rows.

Dusting the bushes and the space between them with ashes is the easiest way to prevent fungal diseases. Processing should be done after each watering. Use wood ash, sifted. Keep in mind that the ash contains potassium and many other useful trace elements, using it during flowering, you will not only protect it from infection, but also feed it with useful elements.

Garlic is another useful and safe remedy top dressing for processing strawberries. Take for cooking 500 g of cloves. They need to be crushed in a mortar and pour 10 liters of water. The infusion can be used after three days. Before work, it must be filtered and diluted with water (1: 1). Preventive spraying should be carried out in the system. Start from the end of May, observing an interval of 10 days.

Watch a helpful video on how to feed strawberries during flowering:

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