What not to feed with horse manure. How to use rotted and fresh horse manure

Every plant you plant must be fed and fertilized. Otherwise, you simply should not count on a good harvest. Today, there are many fertilizers for different plants and for any wallet. But many gardeners and gardeners prefer the old methods - manure. Horse manure is now gaining more and more popularity.

It has been shown to be most effective in a variety of crops.

In this article, we will tell you how to use it correctly and what its benefits are in general.

The benefits of horse manure for plants

The composition of horse feces is very diverse useful substances . They contain substances such as:

  1. Calcium;
  2. Phosphorus;
  3. Potassium;
  4. Nitrogen and other organic substances.

Together, all this is a powerful catalyst for soil productivity and vegetation growth. This type of fertilizer causes a lot of controversy among the population. Some argue that there is no particular benefit from it, while others, on the contrary, trust only this substance.

But no matter what people say, the benefits of horse feces for the garden have been proven by many years of use in the agricultural and agrotechnical industry. When used, it increases the yield of garden and horticultural crops, as well as their resistance to external negative factors and diseases.

Horse humus has a great advantage over other types of organic fertilizers (goat, chicken, mullein and pig manure) - it is drier and lighter, and also decomposes better. It is also heated better than other types of manure. Its combustion temperature is approximately 70 - 80 degrees. It also gives off heat better and cools down more slowly. In addition, it is almost not affected by pathogenic microflora.

If this fertilizer is applied to the soil, then its fertility will increase. Humus allows:

Other organic fertilizers and top dressings will not be able to have a similar effect.

What types of manure exist

As a fertilizer, horse droppings have been used in a variety of ways.. It all depends on the degree of its decomposition:

  1. Humus;
  2. rotted;
  3. Semi-rotted;
  4. Dry.

Below we will talk about each of them.

fresh look

Often used to fertilize the soil fresh manure. It releases more nitrogen and heat. But every gardener must understand that fresh humus is dangerous for plants and crops because it can burn their root system. For this reason, the best option for fertilizing the land with fresh horse manure is the autumn period. When the entire crop has already been harvested, and the earth has been dug up. If manure is applied before the winter cold sets in, then by spring it will decompose and will benefit green spaces.

How fresh the manure is can be freely determined with just a glance. In fresh organics, sawdust and straw of a characteristic structure and color are clearly expressed. But in the organic fertilizer that has lain down for some time, these indicators will no longer be so noticeable.

In the spring, horse fresh feces are used as biofuel for hotbeds and greenhouses, arranging warm mounds and beds for pumpkins, zucchini and cucumbers. It is also allowed to be applied under early potatoes and other crops that have a long growing season.

It is possible to combine it with other fertilizers of organic origin when feeding. Manure can be composted with:

  1. Straw;
  2. old leaves;
  3. Grass;
  4. Sawdust;
  5. Peat.

The most effective compost is considered to be a combination with peat. But more accessible - connecting it with straw. The least effective connection with sawdust.

And the fresh look of horse feces is used to prepare top dressing in liquid form.

semi-rotted look

Organic residues in this type of feces are dark brown in color and can easily lose their structure. The semi-rotted type of this fertilizer can be fed flowers and horticultural crops (cucumbers, cabbage, zucchini). When digging, it is used in a semi-liquid form. After a year after fertilization, it is good to plant strawberries, tomatoes, beets, carrots and potatoes in this area. And they are good at mulching roses.

Well rotted look

In its composition, it is a black homogeneous mass. It is twice as light as fresh. Soil is fertilized with such organic matter and used as a substrate for seedlings in such parts: 1 part of the ground and 2 parts of the earth. They feed fruit trees, garden flowers, early potatoes and tomatoes.


Is an last stage of horse feces. Such organics are the most useful, and therefore are used as top dressing for all flowers and garden plantings.

In the earth, which was fed with humus, not only growth accelerates, but also the taste improves. For example, bitterness disappears from onions and radishes.

Humus is used for mulching, applied under berry crops and fruit trees.

How to fertilize plants with horse feces correctly

Horse ground is used for most soils and plants. Here are some tips for adding horse droppings to the soil:

Storage of horse land

  1. Hot;
  2. Cold.

Let's take a closer look at each of them.

Cold storage method

More preferably cold save the faeces of horses. So it will not overheat, and therefore, will lose less nitrogen. It is important to stack properly so that oxygen access is minimal. You need to choose an appropriate place for laying stacks - build a fence or dig a hole. Sawdust, hay, peat or straw with an approximate thickness of 30 centimeters are laid on the bottom of the prepared site, and after that they are laid on top of the ground with a width of 1.5 - 2 meters and a height of 15 centimeters.

In order to protect the ground from external influences, it is thrown from above with earth or peat. The thickness of the top layer should not exceed 20 centimeters. Up to a height of 1.5 meters, several layers can be laid. For the winter period, the ground must be covered with a film. Make sure that during storage the ground does not dry out or become waterlogged.

Hot storage method

With this method the ground is stored in heaps in a loose state. Air penetrates into it without any obstacles, which causes the active growth of microflora. After 6 months of such storage, the ground loses more than half of its total mass and the same amount of nitrogen.

There are several cases in which This organic is not recommended. despite all its advantages. The most important of them are presented below:

  1. If you see a fungal coating on the feces. In this case, it will not be able to warm up, and therefore, it is unsuitable for use in greenhouses;
  2. If the soil in the greenhouse is dense, then due to the slow decomposition of such soil, the released hydrogen sulfide and methane will adversely affect the root system of plants;
  3. With extreme caution, you need to pour it into the holes with potatoes - there may be scab infection;
  4. Poorly decomposed humus is not recommended if you want to create a warm bed on cucumbers. Ammonia, which is part of the feces, can poison cucumbers.

Liquid concentrate of horse feces

This type of fertilizer among experienced gardeners has gained great popularity. If you buy it ready-made, then you will not have any difficulties during transportation. The manufacturer thought about this in advance and packaged it in bottles, the volume of which is 5 liters. If you want to prepare such top dressing yourself, then use this recipe:

  1. Freshly picked nettle leaves for 72 hours, fill with water;
  2. After the time has passed, mix the infusion with horse feces. The proportions are as follows: 10 parts of infusion and 1 part of feces;
  3. Let the prepared fertilizer brew for 2 days, and then you can apply it.

Plants can be fed with this liquid concentrate only after you mix it. Due to the high concentration, it is necessary to dilute the concentrate with water. For 1 part of the concentrate take 6 parts of water. It is better to add it to plants or spray leaves with it in the evening. It will saturate your plants with potassium and nitrogen compounds. With the help of this concentrate, very often experienced gardeners feed tomatoes.

Any crop growing in a personal or summer cottage needs to be fed and watered. If this is not done, after 3-4 years the soil will become so depleted that it will not produce a crop. In addition to mineral fertilizers, it is desirable to apply organic, and one of the most valuable is horse manure. It is easy to use, effective and contains the full range of minerals needed by plants.

Beneficial features

Most of all in horse excrement of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and calcium, but it also contains other chemical elements, and their ratio is optimal. In addition, the structure of the manure is such that it improves the physical properties of the soil. It becomes loose, breathable and suitable for the reproduction of beneficial microorganisms and worms.

Among gardeners there is no consensus on whether the use of fertilizer from horse manure is necessary. Some believe that you should not experience inconvenience, because when working with such a substance, you have to endure an unpleasant smell. Instead, it is enough to buy complex mineral fertilizer or liquid top dressing in the store, dilute it with water and water the crops. Indeed, this method is simpler, but without organic matter it is impossible to achieve the same high yields as when using it.

Comparison of organics and chemistry

Fans of organic farming are sure that you can do without chemistry at all, and they give a lot of reasons. The main one is that vegetables, fruits and berries grown using environmentally friendly supplements are healthier and tastier than those fed from synthetic preparations. Many note that crops that are cultivated with manure give very high yields.

The opinion of leading agronomists on this matter is unequivocal: both organic and mineral fertilizers are equally necessary for vegetables and berry growers. In agriculture, both are used, and the cost of drugs pays off many times over by increasing yields. In the future, the use of horse manure as a fertilizer allows you to preserve the beneficial properties of the soil and prevent it from depleting.

Benefits of Horse Excrement

Organically applied crops get sick less and better resist adverse factors, including heat, drought and short-term cold spells. In addition, they are not so much damaged by pests. Compared to chicken manure, pig manure, horse and goat manure has the following advantages:

The excrement of other farm animals does not give such a multidirectional effect, in addition, horse manure as a fertilizer is good on all types of soil.

Types of fertilizer

The classification of horse excrement is based on the degree of decomposition. According to this criterion, it can be rotted, semi-rotted and fresh. Sometimes humus is isolated, but some gardeners and agronomists attribute it to rotted manure. Each variety has its own advantages and tasks that are solved in the process of use.

Freshly harvested manure

Fresh horse manure is used as a fertilizer to improve the physical properties of the soil and make it more nutritious. Organics warms up well, while releasing nitrogen in a form accessible to plants. But immediately after application, it is impossible to plant and sow, because the roots will get burned. It is recommended to cover up fresh horse excrement in autumn, before plowing or digging. In this case, the organic matter will completely decompose, and by spring the nutrients from it will enter the soil, and the risk of burns to the root system will disappear.

If the manure is not sourced from your backyard, but purchased from a horse breeder, it is sometimes difficult to know how fresh it is. It will be useful for the gardener to find out the signs by which the degree of overheating is determined.

Fresh fertilizer contains sawdust and straw particles, and their color is close to natural, that is, they are not too dark. The structure of such particles is strong, signs of decomposition are not visible. Manure that has begun to rot consists of darker particles. The elements of the litter can be distinguished, but it is clear that they have lost their integrity and have begun to disintegrate. The color of old manure is darker than that of young manure.

spring use

Organics that have not begun to rot are used in the spring to create warm beds. Also, horse excrement, along with bedding, is placed under the soil in greenhouses and greenhouses, where they play the role of biofuel. With such heating, pumpkins, cucumbers, zucchini grow well. On warm beds, seedlings of tomatoes, eggplants, peppers and other crops can be planted, which will subsequently be placed in open ground, that is, their root system will not come into contact with manure.

With caution, you can make fresh organics for late cabbage, corn, sorghum. For other crops, horse manure is closed up only in a rotted or semi-rotted form. Failure to comply with this rule is fraught with the fact that an excess of nitrogen is formed in the soil, and vegetables become less resistant to diseases. As for potatoes, fresh manure deteriorates the taste.

It is useful to feed cultivated plants with rotted horse feces, composted since autumn. The mixture is prepared as follows: a layer of manure 12–15 cm thick is poured on a flat surface, peat, straw, old foliage or grass (which the gardener has), then again a layer of horse excrement. So they pour it until the height of the pile reaches 1.2-1.5 m. If there are sawdust, you can use them, but this is not the best option.

Another option for using horse manure in the country is in the form of top dressing. For application in liquid form, horse excrement diluted in water is used. You can add a little wood ash to the solution.

Partially decomposed dung

Semi-rotted manure is easily distinguished by its dark color and texture. It shows particles of litter and remnants of grassy food, but they are very small and easily separated into fibers. This fertilizer gives good results., if applied under the following crops:

Method of application - in a semi-liquid form, for autumn digging or plowing. The next year after these crops, strawberries, carrots, tomatoes, potatoes will give a good harvest. In dry form, half-rotted horse manure is suitable for mulching roses, berry bushes.

Overripe substrate and humus

Overripe organic matter is black and light. Such manure is a crumbly, homogeneous, loose mass, in which the litter cannot be distinguished. The substance is used to prepare a nutrient soil mixture for seedlings, it is also applied under fruit trees, early potatoes, flowers, tomatoes and other crops. The nutrient substrate for seedlings is prepared as follows:

  • 2 kg of turf land;
  • 1 kg of rotted manure;
  • 1 kg of high-moor peat;
  • 500 g of coarse sand.

In the stage of complete decomposition, manure is called humus. This is not so much top dressing as a complete nutrient soil. Horse humus as a fertilizer is used without restriction, plowing or digging, and this can be done both in autumn and in spring. When planting potatoes and seedlings, humus is poured into the holes, and when sowing various crops, it is poured into the grooves. Also, humus is suitable for use as mulch. If you pour it in a thick layer, most weeds will not be able to germinate.

The addition of this substance can improve the taste of some vegetables. So, onions and radishes are obtained without bitterness, beets, tomatoes and cabbage grow sweeter. It is useful to feed berries and fruit trees with humus.

The device of ridges and top dressing

Horse dung is suitable for use on all types of soil. The main thing is to apply the substance correctly and not exceed the recommended amount. So, in the fall, the waste is buried in the soil, laying it out in a layer of 20–25 cm. Fresh straw is placed on the manure layer. The thickness of the layer should be about 8-10 cm, maybe a little more or less. A layer of soil 20–25 cm high is poured over the straw. The approximate consumption of fresh manure is 700–800 kg per 1 weave. Earth and straw are needed so that nitrogen does not evaporate, but enters the soil. In addition, plant residues improve the structural properties of the soil.

In the spring, when manure is used to construct warm ridges or is brought into the greenhouse, it is laid in a layer of 20–25 cm. Ground 30 cm thick is poured on top. The consumption rate of horse excrement is 5–6 kg per 1 sq. m.

When all the components are laid, the bed is moistened with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. A black or transparent plastic film is placed on top. Periodically check whether the earth has begun to warm up. When it is warm, but no longer hot, seeds are sown or seedlings are planted. You can feed seedlings and adult plants with slurry and manure at the time recommended for each crop. The solution is induced in the following proportion:

  • 1 kg of fresh nettle;
  • 10 water;
  • 2 kg of manure.

Everything is mixed to get a homogeneous liquid mass, insist 2 weeks. After that, 6 liters of water are added to 1 liter of liquid and watered under the root. When there is no time to insist, it is allowed to use a solution prepared from 10 liters of water and 1 kg of horse manure.

Half-decomposed horse excrement is used as a fertilizer for potatoes. They can be applied both in autumn and spring. Rose bushes fertilize before winter, and after that they rake the earth to the stems. In the spring, the bushes will immediately begin to receive nitrogen and other substances. Under the bushes of strawberries and strawberries, manure is added during planting, but not in the holes. First, organics are scattered over the soil, then they are loosened, and only after that holes are made. Plants are fed with a solution before flowering. Add 1 kg of organic matter to a bucket of water, mix and water at the rate of 1 liter per bush.

Storage conditions

Horse manure is stored cold or hot. The first option boils down to the fact that they dig a hole on the site and lay manure (15 cm) and peat (20 cm) there in layers. The dimensions of the pit are chosen arbitrarily. The pile can reach a height of 1.5 m. A plastic film is thrown over it.

The hot storage method is even simpler: the manure is raked out of the stable and simply piled up. During the winter, it partially overheats, becomes lighter and loses about 50% of nitrogen. To save yourself from the worries associated with storage, it is enough to buy a liquid concentrate or organic granules in the store.

Possible harm

While horse-derived organic fertilizer has many benefits, there are situations where it is best to refrain from using it. First you need to inspect the manure. If there are signs of fungus damage, such a substance is not used in the greenhouse, as there is a risk of infecting the soil and plants.

The substance at any stage of decomposition should not be placed in a greenhouse or greenhouse if there is very dense soil. When organic matter decomposes, hydrogen sulfide and methane are released from it. In loose soil, they quickly erode, and in dense soil they remain for a long time, adversely affecting the root system. Do not lay fresh manure in the holes when planting potatoes. In addition to a possible deterioration in taste, there is a risk of infecting plants with scab and other diseases.


Everyone knows that plants require special care and a special method of fertilization. The most organic and most suitable fertilizer is horse manure. It is organic and efficient. Many farmers, as well as people who are engaged in beds with vegetables and fruits, know that there is no better fertilizer!

Types of horse manure?

Initially, horse manure has two types of its consistency: dry and liquid. After that, it goes through several stages of processing, turning from fresh manure into various types of dung. The longer the manure rested and infused, the more valuable qualities it will give to the soil, which will be fertilized by it in the future.

The most ideal substrate from horse manure is its mixture with peat, in which case the cultivation of garden crops will give the owner an excellent harvest. The next most popular substrate is horse manure with straw, which not only helps to accumulate moisture inside for a long time, but also retains nitrogen, and also makes the soil loose and porous. The easiest option for preparing fertile soil is a mixture of horse manure with sawdust, a budget option with good harvest results.

Properties of horse manure as a fertilizer

This manure, as a fertilizer, has very versatile properties. Taking it as a basis, some companies produce top dressings and liquid fertilizers. A good option, you see, because not every manure can be used in any form - rotted or not, liquid or not, and so on.

Such fertilizer decomposes rather quickly, which is very good, because, without lingering for a long time in the ground, manure is quickly absorbed and emits more properties.

In addition, it is used for greenhouses and similar constructions. You can be sure that horse manure makes an excellent top dressing (most often in liquid form). It is added to the soil not only in a diluted state, but also in its pure form.

Benefits of horse manure as a fertilizer:

  • Horse dung is convenient in that it is not as wet as other types of manure;
  • Horse manure is distinguished by its super looseness, which allows fluffing the soil;
  • Such manure heats up more than any other type of fertilizer, so the decomposition process is much faster, 70-80 degrees of heating is enough;
  • Horse excrement has a high content of phosphorus and potassium, as well as nitrogen;
  • It has the effect of heat dissipation;
  • Resistance to pathogenic microflora.

Compared to other types of fertilizer, horse manure shows the highest yields. Promotes acidification of the soil, loosens it and helps to retain moisture longer.

In general, horse manure is considered an absolutely harmless fertilizer for most garden crops. If you follow the rules of preparation and the ratio of important components, such manure can fertilize and saturate even the most unsuitable soil for harvesting. Therefore, many gardeners and agricultural workers, without a shadow of a doubt, use such a tool to feed plants and land.

There is only one reason for the harm from horse manure - its cheapness and poor quality. Very often on the Internet they offer such valuable and difficult to harvest horse manure at ridiculous prices. In pursuit of cost savings, many buy it and end up with disappointing fruits of their labor. As practice shows, most plants began to get sick from poor-quality manure.

Remember, a bag of horse manure in the amount of 50 liters cannot cost less than 100-120 rubles.

If, due to inexperience, you purchase cheap low-quality manure, you can expect two outcomes in the future:

  • Cheap manure is often simply mixed with sawdust, which is much more in the product than humus. To rot sawdust, it will take from 4 to 7 years, so the benefits of such fertilizer should not be expected.
  • If the horse manure is fresh or not sufficiently rotted, it will give off a lot of excess heat to the soil, which will lead to its absorption by the roots of the plants. This leads to gradual inhibition and, accordingly, to the death of the plant.

Do not chase cheap goods by purchasing horse manure to improve yields. You need to purchase such fertilizer only in specialized companies that are engaged in the manufacture and sale of horse humus.

Use of fresh horse manure

It is used as a fertilizer, usually in autumn, to feed crops that ripen early. In this case, such fruits are of very high quality and efficiently absorb fertilizer.

First, people will need to harvest the already existing crop in their beds, after which they must be carefully weeded. Next, fresh horse droppings are taken and buried in one square meter in the amount of one bucket. Be sure to dig up the top 10-15 cm of soil, level the pieces of earth around the perimeter of the garden, cover with a film. And on the onset of spring, the beds will be absolutely prepared for a new harvest.

Digging up the ground in the spring, wood ash is added to it to disinfect the soil, as well as mineral fertilizers so that the soil does not dry out over the years and does not lose its nutritional value.

What to feed and when?

As a fertilizer, this type of manure is applied to potatoes, cucumbers, cabbages, pumpkins and squash. To feed such fruits with a non-rotted product, this should be done in the fall. To avoid any incidents, for example, so that plants not processed in the stomach of horses do not germinate in the spring, it is worth feeding the soil with liquid fertilizer. As mentioned earlier, in the fall, the garden area is first covered with fresh horse droppings, after which the earth is dug up and leveled with a rake. By the time spring arrives, the soil will have been fertilized and ready for a new planting.

In spring, horse manure is used as a universal fertilizer for early cabbage and potatoes. It is these garden crops that suggest a longer period of ripening and yield, therefore, with their growth and development, horse manure will have time to ripen and give them all the necessary substances.

Normal conditions for feeding plant crops with horse humus are 4-5 kg ​​of such fertilizer per square meter of land. If you overdo it with the addition of horse dung, the roots of the plants may be damaged or the plant will simply start to hurt.

Where can you buy manure?

Many farmers who breed horses either use this manure themselves or sell it. So, if you don’t have horse manure, and you don’t know where to get it, then you can safely turn to experienced farmers or horsemen, it’s quite possible that they themselves don’t know where to put such an amount of manure.

If you do not have the opportunity to contact farmers, then, of course, you can buy horse manure via the Internet. Today, there are many official suppliers of horse manure who independently produce such fertilizer and sell it. Only such companies know all the specifics of aging and storage of horse manure, it will not contain anything superfluous, only the most valuable substances.

In order not to come across a fake and a cheap analogy of horse manure, pay attention to the price of the goods. As a rule, a 50 liter bag with high-quality fertilizer cannot cost less than 100 rubles. Many private horse owners do not have enough time and free space to prepare real dung, so they offer fresh litter mixed with sawdust and hay for a song. Such a fertilizer may not harm plant crops, but you should definitely not expect benefits from it.

The attitude of summer residents to horse manure

Opinions about such a fertilizer, of course, are different. Some believe that this is the best option, while others, on the contrary, refuse such soil fertilizing. Previously, horse manure was not considered fertilizer, it was believed that it simply did not suit the ground, or it was simply unrealistic for them to fertilize the soil. But nevertheless, we decided to try and did not regret it - the result was high-quality, effective and simple.

But, nevertheless, it is this manure that is the highest quality and most used. If you want to feed your plants with this manure - believe me, you will not regret it.

Today on the Internet you can find millions of reviews from people around the world about how valuable and useful horse droppings are for gardening. Many surveys have been conducted, where it was horse manure that was recognized as the most beneficial for the soil. Most experienced farmers and summer residents with many years of experience in growing their crops insist that only horse excrement can fertilize the soil and saturate it with the necessary microelements.

Based on the experience of gardening masters, the greatest use of horse manure as a fertilizer is seen in potatoes and tomatoes. In addition, never before has the zucchini harvest been as large in size as after such an organic feeding with horse droppings. It is this type of manure that is recognized as completely safe and environmentally friendly for the earth and plants.

Despite the distrust of such a fertilizer in the past, today leading experts in the agrotechnical industry and agriculture pay tribute to such top dressing of crops. The Internet is replete with photo reports on obtaining a large and high-quality crop, the merit of this is regular feeding with horse manure.

10.11.2017 2 470

Horse manure as a fertilizer - how to apply on your site to increase the yield

Horse manure as a fertilizer - not every gardener knows how to use it, because the tool is very effective, which has proven itself only from the best side, so you should study before using how to breed it for feeding, how to store it, what benefits raw materials provide for tomatoes, strawberries, flowers , roses and other crops…

Horse manure as a fertilizer - how to apply to increase yields

Few summer residents use horse manure as a fertilizer, they do not know how to apply it in cultivating the land and ignore the valuable source of the three main minerals - nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Unlike other types of organic animal and bird waste, horse manure has special properties:

  • It decomposes with the release of a large amount of heat, so the soil to which it is added fresh is free from infections;
  • There are practically no grass seeds in it, and after its introduction, the beds do not overgrow with weeds;
  • Completely decomposes in a year, saturating the soil with nutrients;
  • Loosens heavy soils, and makes sandy ones more water-intensive;
  • Does not acidify the soil.

Horse manure as a fertilizer for flowers and vegetables goes well with a variety of additives, and to improve physical qualities it is mixed with sawdust, peat, straw and other organic "additives", each of which gives fecal waste special properties:

1. Mixed with peat horse manure decomposes in one season, and makes the soil the most loose, so it is better to use it to lighten the structure of heavy clay soils;

2. Mixed with sawdust horse manure rots longer, releasing a huge amount of thermal energy, as a result of which such a complex is recommended to be used to warm up greenhouses and ridges for early cucumbers;

3. Mixed with straw horse manure has maximum hydrophilicity, and therefore it is recommended to apply it to sandy soils, as they become denser, retain more moisture and nitrogen.

Summer residents often have difficulties where to attach horse manure as a fertilizer on the site and how to use it more rationally, whether to apply it fresh or leave it to get humus. Both options are good in different cases - fresh horse manure saturates the soil with nitrogen and warms it, keeps the temperature at + 70 ° ... + 80 ° С for two to three months, and mature humus becomes a source of phosphorus and potassium, saturates the soil with beneficial microflora, therefore it is applied under fruit crops and berries, vegetable beds and flowers in the garden.

How to use horse manure in the country - detailed instructions

How is horse manure used as a fertilizer, how can it be used without prior preparation and processing as a heat source in protected ground? In this case, horse manure is used as a biofuel and is placed in shallow trenches, which are dug out in autumn with a depth of 80 cm. cm.

use of horse manure in the garden - in the photo

When creating warm beds and an insulating layer in the spring, the layer of horse manure is made a little smaller - up to 40 cm, and all other stages are similar to the autumn laying. If you need to quickly warm up the soil, mix an equal amount of organic matter - kitchen leftovers and straw, you can add sawdust or peat (for 60% manure 40% additives), leaf litter is also suitable (for 70% manure 30% foliage). Horse manure is covered with soil, and after a few days it begins to actively “burn”, warming up the greenhouse.

  • No more than 6 kg of fresh organics are added per square meter;
  • Waste from the stables is scattered on the surface of the soil before the onset of severe frosts;
  • After adding organic matter, the soil is plowed immediately to avoid nitrogen loss.

Summer residents often ask - is it possible to use fresh horse manure in the spring? This option is possible, but there are subtleties - horse manure contains enough nitrogen, which is released into the soil all season, so it is advisable to use fertilizer for crops with a long growing season.

Fresh horse manure is not suitable for roses and fruit ripening in late autumn - due to the high nitrogen content in it, they simply do not have time to prepare for the upcoming winter. For them, it is desirable to scatter rotted horse manure in the fall under the bushes in the form of mulch, and in the spring it is embedded in the soil to improve its structure, and if necessary, add a little more humus.

High-quality humus is obtained by stacking fresh horse manure in piles or heaps, but at the same time it must be interbedded with other organic matter. Peat is placed in the lower part, then manure, leaves, tops, straw, all this is covered with 15-20 cm of garden soil on top, and then layers of horse manure, foliage and soil alternate - for the winter such heaps are covered with a film, and in the summer heat they are watered so that the mass does not dry out.

How to breed horse manure for feeding different crops

Since fresh horse manure, when it enters the soil, heats it up strongly, it is recommended to use raw materials for applying under various crops in the form of infusions - such mixtures contain a maximum of substances useful for plants. Before getting acquainted with the method of how to breed horse manure for feeding country plantings, we will find out which crops respond well to their introduction - these are, first of all, gourds, nightshade (except potatoes), leafy and green crops and berries.

breeding horse manure for top dressing - in the photo

Horse manure is placed in a spacious container and mixed with water - 200 parts of water are taken for one part of horse feces, then the mixture is well mixed, covered tightly and put in heat for 2-3 days. During this time, the liquid from horse manure will begin to ferment, releasing carbon dioxide and heat, after which some of the nitrogen will evaporate, but phosphorus and potassium will remain enough to feed the plants.

The finished infusion of horse manure is not working, since the concentration of active substances in it is too high, so it is diluted with water again, but in smaller proportions - 10 parts of water are taken per part of the infusion. The consumption of horse manure infusion depends on the crop - 500 ml are poured under tomatoes and eggplants under a bush, but melons and leafy crops, berries are watered taking into account the planting area, and spend up to 5 liters per 1 m².

Horse manure is a stable source of quality and affordable plant nutrients in the garden and, fortunately, it is now available in stores in packaged form, because there are horse manure pellets on sale that can be applied to most crops without prior preparation. .
