How to dilute copper sulfate for spraying trees? How to process the garden in early spring - we will tell and show.

Treat fruit trees and plantings berry bushes well-known in our country iron or blue vitriol recommended in early spring. In the first decade of spring, before the stage of active bud break, it is required to spray vitriol against diseases. Before flowering, it is imperative to treat plants from pests such as gall midges, sawflies, mites and aphids. For this purpose it is possible to apply Karbofos" or "Aktellik". Before bud break, fruit plantations can be sprayed with a solution "Nitrafena" at the rate of 0.3 kg of the drug per 10 liters of water.

Spring spraying of trees and shrubs is done immediately after flowering, and then after a couple of weeks. Processing is carried out on a cloudy and warm day, at a temperature of 18-20 ° C, early morning. Proper prevention of damage by diseases and pests of garden plantings involves a set of measures. Of the most commonly used preparations containing copper sulfate, one can name such affordable, but effective ones as Bordeaux mixture and "HOM".

garden culture The damaging factor The concentration of the drug before bud break The concentration of the drug at the stage of vegetation
Vine mildew infection 3% solution 1% solution
apple trees Infection with scab, moniliosis and bacterial cancer 3% solution 1% solution
Peaches Infection with leaf curl and bacterial canker 3% solution Not used
Apricot Spotting, moniliosis 3% solution 1% solution
Cherry Infection with perforated spotting, moniliosis, bacterial cancer 3% solution 1% solution
Cherries Infection with clasterosporiosis, bacterial cancer, moniliosis 3% solution 1% solution
Pear and quince Infection with scab, phyllosticosis, spotting, moniliosis and desiccation Early spring spraying at the rate of 2-5 liters per tree at a concentration of 100 g per 10 liters of water Not used
Gooseberry and currant Infection with anthracnose, septoria and spotting 50-100 g per 10 liters of water Not used

Spraying garden plantings with urea or urea not only helps protect fruit trees from pests, but also delays early flowering of plants, which helps to avoid crop losses as a result of negative impact return spring frosts.

Types of spring spraying (video)

Terms and rules for spraying the garden

Preventive treatment with copper sulphate received wide use when disinfecting the soil in a greenhouse or greenhouse. For spraying garden plants, a 2% solution of the product is used. Plants with severe disease damage should be treated with this drug at a concentration of 5%.

IN spring period it is necessary to spray the plants with a solution of karbofos at the rate of 30 g per 10 l of water. This tool has proven itself in the protection garden strawberries from a tick, as well as other plantings from the defeat of aphids and suckers. Garden soil under berry bushes should be pollinated with 12% hexachloran dust at the rate of 50 g per bush before active leafing begins. Pollination of the soil allows you to save the garden from damage by such common pests in our country as gall midge, moth and gooseberry sawfly.

The prepared 1% solution is used for the following purposes:

  • prevention of late blight, Alternaria and black bacterial spot on tomatoes;
  • prevention of late blight on potatoes;
  • prevention of peronosporosis, rust and rot on onion crops;
  • prevention of anthracnose, peronosporosis, olive blotch and bacteriosis on cucumbers.

The use of copper sulphate as a fertilizer also shows itself well.. Copper sulfate is applied once every five years. This type of feeding is carried out in the early spring or autumn with a consumption of one gram for each square meter. Before use, the drug should be thoroughly crushed and mixed with the soil. For the implementation of foliar top dressing of vegetative plants, the standard concentration of the solution is 1-2 g of copper sulphate per one bucket of water. To destroy the cabbage black leg, tomato rot, fusarium or yellowness on cabbage crops, as well as diseases that affect radishes, turnips and rutabaga, watering is carried out with a consumption of 5 g of copper sulfate per bucket of water.

Terms and rules for spraying soil in a greenhouse

Experienced vegetable growers recommend spraying greenhouse soil with well-established chemicals, which allows planting such popular vegetable plants, like tomatoes, peppers, eggplants and cucumbers, in a land free from pathogenic microflora. Correct and timely use of chemicals reduces the risk of accumulation harmful substances in the resulting vegetable and green products. Currently, several methods of greenhouse soil treatment are practiced, including biological, thermal, in the form of heating and steaming, as well as chemical.

Most often for soil disinfection under conditions closed ground Bordeaux liquid is used, which consists of a mixture of lime and copper sulfate. A couple of enameled containers should be filled hot water and dissolve copper sulfate in it and slaked lime in the amount of 0.3 kg. The lime solution should be filtered and combined with a solution of copper sulfate. The correctness of the preparation of the composition can be checked using litmus: it turns blue. Ready-made mixtures based on copper and iron sulphate are also popular in home gardening and horticulture.

In the spring, it is necessary to install trellises and supports necessary for the full growth and development of climbing plants. In the same period, decorative conifers are planted, and basic fertilizers are also applied. When planting and immediately after flowering, apply mineral fertilizers or organic. Nitrogen-containing fertilizers are applied at the rate of 45-50 g of ammonium sulfate and 20-25 g of ammonium nitrate per square meter. A good result is obtained by sowing green manure plants, which can be mowed twice during the growing season and plowed into the ground.

Spraying trees: blue vitriol (video)

In the first decade of spring, you can do division flowering perennials, which allows minimal cost rejuvenate plants. It is very important to carry out protective measures when there is a threat of late return frosts. You can apply smoke or sprinkling, as well as use almost any covering material. Compliance with agricultural technology and timely holding of the main spring events allows you to get not only healthy, but also abundantly fruitful garden and horticultural crops.

Processing of trees should be carried out in early spring, then, when the fruits have formed. In the summer, when the peak of pest activity is on the street, and of course, after you have harvested the entire crop and the leaves have fallen off.

This procedure was carried out from year to year, and gardeners formed their own spraying calendar, in which you can see when and by what means it is worth spraying trees. Summer residents experimented for many years and, based on the information collected from different gardeners, a certain sequence was established.

And in March, gardeners most often fight microorganisms, and in April they protect buds fruit trees from fungal diseases. Then already in March all the power can be thrown to protect against other diseases and pests. But this should be done only when all the trees have already faded.

How to spray

Many beginners find that the treatment is very easy and requires only a special solution and a tree spray pump. And they are wrong. Here full list tools you will need:

  • piston type pump or specialized compressor;
  • a gauze bandage that needs to be multi-layered or take a respiratory mask;
  • rubber gloves;
  • spray preparations;
  • protective glasses.

Before starting the spraying procedure fruit trees you need to carefully examine the whole tree. If during the inspection you find lichen and moss, then it should be carefully removed with a metal brush. Inspect the sprayer in advance. For example, its hose can be short in order to process the upper branches. Therefore, it needs to be lengthened or a ladder placed in advance. It is necessary to process trees completely, not only in easily accessible places, since partial processing will not give you any result.

As for the spraying agent, it should be homogeneous. If it is poorly mixed with water and poured into the apparatus, then one part of the plants can be treated with water, and the other with an active substance, which will lead to the death of the entire tree. Therefore, during the procedure, you need to periodically shake the solution.

Here is the sequence of the procedure:

  • put on equipment: an eye mask and a respiratory mask;
  • evenly apply the product that you need according to the schedule on the branches, leaves and pole. Keep the tip of the device should be at a distance of 70-80 centimeters from the object. So the solution will fall like dew and fill all hard-to-reach places;
  • the drug must be in back side each sheet;
  • after the procedure is completed, carefully and thoroughly rinse the device with all its parts. Don't forget to take care of yourself. Wash your hands and face with soap and rinse your mouth.

It is recommended to process not only one tree, but nearby plants too. So you will create the maximum effectiveness of a particular drug in the garden. This is especially true of the procedure for the extermination of insects, because they can move to another tree and harm it.

blue vitriol

Now you should learn all about the preparations with which you are going to treat trees. One of them is copper sulfate. Trees are sprayed with such preparations twice during the entire summer season. The first time in early spring, before the first buds appear on the trees. This is done so that the solution does not harm the young leaves. And the second time is used if there are wounds on the tree that require disinfection.

Most often, the drug is used to spray pear, apple and plum trees in the first month of spring and at the end of October. Copper sulfate protects the plum from:

  • moniliosis;
  • curly;
  • coccycosis;
  • clusterosporosis.

As for how to breed blue vitriol and how much is needed per tree. The answer is very simple. If a tree grows in your garden that is not yet 6 years old, then the solution needs only 2 liters per seedling. For more mature plant that brings you excellent harvest fruits, you need to use 10 liters.

You need to breed it away from people and animals, and so as not to get into different sources water supplies or reservoirs. For trees, 50-100 grams are enough, which must be dissolved in 10 liters of water. Spraying is best done in the morning or in the evening, when the weather is calm outside, and the temperature is from +5 to +30 degrees.


As a first care for fruit trees such as apple, plum and pear, spray with urea a week after flowering or for wintering. Such processing will have an additional effect that will save the future harvest. When the first treatment of the tree takes place, in addition to the fact that you destroy all pests, you also slow down the rate of the tree waking up from the winter hut for several weeks. This will help protect the sensitive plum color from early frosts.

It, like blue vitriol, is diluted in 10 liters of water, while the product itself needs only 50 grams. Orchard spray a week after flowering in order to protect it from sucker, aphids, caterpillars.

IN autumn period when half of the foliage has already crumbled, the trees should be treated with a solution with a higher concentration, but at the same time it should be less than 500 grams per 10 liters.

They can spray not only the branches and trunk, but also the ground, so you also fertilize the plants. If you hurry and do this procedure earlier than expected, then the leaves will get burned and fall off faster. And the fruit trees won't get everyone nutrients they need for the winter.


Ferrous vitriol, like copper sulfate, is sprayed twice a year: in spring and autumn. When trees are treated with this remedy, they get a double effect. On the one hand, trees receive iron in a certain form, which helps them to breathe. And on the other hand, is effective drug which will protect against pests. Most often, iron deficiency affects trees such as apple, pear, plum. This can be seen in the quantity and quality of the crop.

It happens that the garden consists of old fruit trees, so you need to spray the product not only in March, but also at the end of autumn. This will help in the fight against:

  • deprive;
  • moss;
  • cytosporosis;
  • black cancer;
  • semtosporosis;
  • cytosporosis.

And thereby automatically increase your yield and the growth of the plant itself.


For spraying fruit trees, the drug-30 is used in early spring or late autumn. The concentration should be 200 grams per 10 liters of water. With this treatment, you will get rid of whiteflies, aphids, moths, leafworms, red and brown fruit mites, and larvae. Many argue that this remedy does not work by poisoning, but by a film that is obtained after spraying. It does not violate the water balance and gas exchange. Thus, a terrible environment is created for the existence of pests, and they die. But despite its effectiveness, the drug -30 is recommended not to be used more often than 1 time in 3 years.

Bordeaux mixture

The Bordeaux mixture is used in the fight against diseases. Most often this applies to apple, pear and quince. At the beginning of spring, this liquid is used with a concentration of 300-400 grams per 10 liters. And during the growing season, you need only 100 grams per 10 liters. Bordeaux mixture has an increased resistance to a humid environment. It is best used when the trees are budding and in late autumn, before frost.

The mixture itself consists of copper sulfate and lime. In working with it, only wooden, glass and clay containers are used. During processing, it is best to isolate all animals and people around. It is necessary to apply it at high dew, when it is possible to have precipitation.

If to speak scientific language, then copper sulfate is inorganic compound copper salt of sulfuric acid. Occurs as crystalline granules of blue color which readily dissolve in water. Good antiseptic, disinfectant, fungicide and first-class fertilizer - these are all the qualities of such a product as blue vitriol. How to breed it correctly, many summer residents do not know. We will tell you about this, but a little later.

It finds application in the following industries:

  • cottage and garden;
  • the medicine;

However, even with all positive qualities this substance has one side effect. In particular, for the orchard, its use threatens to fall off the leaves. Before you learn how to dilute copper sulfate for tree processing, you need to say what time of the year to spray.

When to use blue stone?

by the most favorable time spring is considered the year for processing trees and shrubs. Many experts recommend starting the first treatment in mid-March, when the daily temperature does not drop below +5 degrees. Spraying is done after preparing the trees. It includes:

  • pruning old and diseased branches;
  • cleaning the trunk from dead bark and lichens;
  • cleaning the soil under the tree;
  • sealing all cracks in the trunk.

The very first and most important treatment is carried out before the appearance of the kidneys. This will help get rid of insects and pests that have not woken up after hibernation. Not sure how to dilute copper sulfate for spraying? Then here's a simple recipe for you: we dilute 100 grams of the substance in 10 liters, mix everything thoroughly - and you can get to work. This treatment helps to preserve young foliage. However, it is worth considering in more detail the question of how to dilute copper sulfate.

Summer period

  1. IN summer heat apple, pear, apricot suffer from aphids. From it comes the twisting and falling of the sheet. To prevent this from happening, it is recommended to dilute 50-100 grams of copper sulfate in 10 liters of water.
  2. Stone fruit trees - plum, cherry - are attacked by the May beetle, which eats young fruit ovaries. This can be avoided by treating everything with a solution of copper sulfate. To do this, we dilute 20 grams of blue stone in 2-3 liters of water. This dose is indicated for spraying one tree.
  3. Raspberries and blackcurrants often suffer from aphids and various leaf spots. For prevention and treatment, we spray one bush with 2 liters of water, in which 15-20 grams of vitriol are diluted.

When processing, it is worth remembering one thing: 15-20 days before harvesting, all spraying should be stopped. There are many recipes for how to dilute copper sulfate. It all depends on what, how and when you want to process.

autumn period

Before wintering, the tree should be well processed. Do it not before October or November, when the foliage has completely fallen off. Prepare the tree, remove all unnecessary - and you can start spraying.

Protecting vegetables

Not only orchard caused by various diseases. Vegetable crops, in particular tomatoes, also suffer from them. Mostly tomatoes suffer from late blight. If it was not possible to protect vegetables from it, then it is worth starting treatment with a blue stone. In order for your tomatoes to be healthy and delight you with the harvest, you should know how to breed blue vitriol for tomatoes. It is enough to pour the earth with a solution prepared according to the following recipe: dilute 10 grams of powder in 5 liters of water. This portion is for one piece. You can also sprinkle copper sulfate under each root in the amount of 1 gram.

For reference

So, when you learned how to dilute copper sulfate, what time of the year to spray, we will tell you under what weather and temperature conditions procedure must be followed:

  1. Most optimal time day - early morning or late evening.
  2. There should be no wind.
  3. The recommended temperature is from +5 to +30 degrees.

When diluting the solution, it is worth observing some precautions:

  1. Copper sulfate should not be cooked near pets and children.
  2. It is better if the solution is not mixed in an iron bucket. For example, glassware is suitable for this.
  3. To prevent burns of trees and other plants, it is better to dilute copper sulfate with the addition of slaked lime.
  4. When working with ready solution Avoid contact with open areas of the body and eyes. If necessary, wash the mucous membranes with warm water.
  5. In no case do not pour the remains of copper sulfate into a well or into a reservoir. Remember that this is a corrosive substance.


In our article, we raised important questions and gave detailed answers to them. Now you know how to dilute copper sulfate to process trees and other plants. With the help of such a tool, your vegetables and fruits will forever be freed from insects and diseases and will delight you with a rich harvest.

On the shelves of gardening stores you can find bags with a beautiful blue powder. It is not always clear to a beginner in this business what kind of drug it is and where to apply it. Let's figure it out!

Note. We tried to cover all the issues related to copper sulphate, so the article turned out to be large. Use the content for your convenience.

Article outline

Copper sulfate: properties and characteristics

Dry powder from a bag is copper sulphate, which is called copper sulfate. From chemical formula copper sulphate, which is written as CuSO4, it is clear that this is a salt formed after the reaction of sulfuric acid and copper oxide. The resulting product is absolutely odorless and tasteless. Its color ranges from blue to blue. The powder contains up to 24% copper. The dry matter does not burn, but is explosive.

It is used to destroy harmful insects appearing in gardens after planting seedlings.

With the help of the drug, they also solve the problems of rotting wood and the appearance of mold on building materials.

The chemical preparation is used during the fight against the following dangerous diseases that threaten healthy seedlings:

  1. Scab.
  2. Septoria.
  3. Moniliosis.
  4. Anthracnose.
  5. Black cancer.

Production of copper sulphate

You can get the substance in several ways:

  • if copper waste is dissolved in acid, sulfuric acid is most often used;
  • by dissolving copper oxide in acid (the same sulfuric acid is used);
  • in the electrolytic processing of copper;
  • if you burn copper sulfides, you can also get the desired raw material at the exit.

Copper sulphate perfectly interacts with liquids, dissolving in them. It crystallizes well natural conditions found in the composition of minerals: butite and chalcanthite.

Solution concentrates based on copper sulphate

Exist different ways use of copper sulphate in agricultural work. For each of them, the preparation of a special solution based on this drug is provided.

Specialists have developed three basic solutions that differ from each other in the degree of concentration of a chemical element:

  1. "Burning" solution. It contains from 3% to 5% of the substance. This means that no more than 500 g of vitriol is consumed per 10 liters of water. Processing with such a composition is carried out in order to disinfect the area where it is planned to plant plants. It also helps fight mold. After processing, it is advisable not to use the land for one year.
  2. Therapeutic and prophylactic solution. It contains from 0.5% to 1% of the substance. Based on this, you can guess that about 100 g of the drug is consumed per 10 liters of water. Such a solution is effective for the destruction of insect pests and pathogenic fungi. It is often used to disinfect wounds on fruit trees.
  3. Fertilizing and prophylactic solution. It contains from 0.2% to 0.3% of the substance. To prepare it, mix in 10 liters of water no more than 3 g of the drug. A solution of vitriol of this concentration is used to eliminate the symptoms of starvation of seedlings and to prevent diseases. It contains enough copper to saturate plants with the missing element.

If you plan to use the second and third types of solutions, then they should be stocked up in advance. For work, you need to prepare a uterine 10% composition, which is simply diluted with the required amount of water before use. The prepared solution can be stored long time in a dark place in a closed container.

What is the chemical used for?

The scope of copper sulfate is quite extensive:

  1. Home experiments on growing crystals. In the school chemistry course, quite an interesting activity is the cultivation of crystals from copper sulphate. Unique properties drugs allow you to do this without much effort.
  2. Another powder is successfully used in industrial metallurgy in the process of electroplating.
  3. It serves as the initial raw material for the production of certain chemicals.
  4. in construction and repair work powder is used to eliminate mold.
  5. To give the wood special refractory properties, the raw material is soaked in the finished product.
  6. Copper sulphate is used in the manufacture of paints.
  7. In the food industry, it is a preservative with the name "E519".
  8. In medicine, a weak solution of the drug serves as a life-saving remedy for gastric lavage in case of serious phosphorus poisoning. The following useful properties of the preparation were revealed: antiseptic, astringent. In addition, copper sulfate helps relieve inflammation, reduce pain, speed up the process of maturation of abscesses, fights cancer cells relieves insulin dependence in patients with diabetes mellitus.
  9. The substance is used as an additive in the production of animal feed.
  10. Actively use the drug in horticulture.

It is important to know that the drug can not be used to kill insects or ticks, use against rodents. In addition, it does not rejuvenate plantings, increase yields, or stimulate plant growth.

Copper sulphate is a copper-based contact agent. Therefore, it is used to combat pathogenic fungi. The substance does not penetrate the plant tissue, it acts directly at the site of application. After precipitation, it is washed off with water, as a result, its action ends.

Experienced gardeners use crystals of copper sulphate for top dressing if there is a lack of iron in the soil.

Copper sulfate - properties, dosages, applications

How does the substance act on the pathogenic flora

The active substance of the drug is copper, which reacts with the enzymes of the fungus, which leads to its destruction. In other words, the properties of copper sulfate prevent fungal spores from germinating and they die. But already existing myceliums are not subject to the action of the substance, since it does not penetrate into the organs of the plant. However, their growth is halting.

The powder is used independently, as well as for the preparation of mixtures. It is actively used in the fight against the following diseases:

  • coccomycosis of stone fruit crops;
  • leaf curl, which is caused by a fungus;
  • clusterosporiosis;
  • moniliosis;
  • currant anthracnose;
  • scab and other spotting on pome crops;
  • downy mildew.

In addition, the drug is used to disinfect trees and shrubs after pruning.

  • A warm 0.2% liquid is used when soaking cucumber seeds to obtain friendly early shoots. Seeds are left in water for 10 hours.
  • Tomato seed is disinfected with a mixture that also contains vitriol.

During cooking chemical composition the following recommendations should be followed:

It is possible to prepare a solution of copper sulfate only in glassware. An ordinary bank is ideal for this. It is desirable to mark it somehow so that in the future it is not accidentally used for food purposes.

Metal containers are not suitable for such solutions. This is because copper sulfate, which is part of the drug, quickly reacts with it.. As a result, the dishes are covered with a red film. After that, it is not recommended to use it for anything at all. And the substance simply corrodes enameled coatings.

  • First of all, it is desirable to prepare a mother liquor, that is, a concentrate. To do this, it is necessary to supplement copper sulfate in the right amount 2 liters of water. Everything must be mixed well until the substance is completely dissolved. After the resulting concentrate is diluted with clean water. It is advisable to do this in a water bath in order to be able to maintain desired temperature. The chemical must be heated to 50 degrees.
  • The cooled mother liquor should be stored in glass or plastic containers.. In this form, it is allowed to keep about one year. Beneficial features composition during this time will not disappear.

Gardeners adhere to the following recipe for preparing a solution. It will require two clean dishes. In one of them, water and chemical should be thoroughly mixed. It is necessary to adhere to the proportion of 1:50. The substance must completely dissolve in the liquid.

You need to put it in the second container. After it is poured into vitriol. Now the composition is ready. It must be used up within the next five hours. After the allotted time, large flakes will begin to form in the mixture, which makes it impossible to thoroughly treat the area with a spray gun.

Does copper sulphate harm human health

This Chemical substance, the reception of which can provoke poisoning, nausea, severe vomiting, pain in the abdomen. But for the manifestation of such symptoms, it is necessary to intentionally eat or inhale up to 12 grams of copper sulfate, which is excluded when spraying plants. Based on this, we can assume that the drug causes little harm to the body, but it is toxic to fish and animals.

All the elements contained in matter surround us everywhere. It's all about the dosage. If you do not violate the instructions and properly dilute copper sulfate, then it can be used without harm to the environment.

How to prepare a solution of copper sulfate

When preparing a working mixture, there are several simple rules that must be adhered to.

  1. The drug is prepared exclusively in glassware, enameled, but not in iron. Otherwise, a reaction with iron ions will occur.
  2. Dissolve the substance immediately before use.
  3. The finished solution is not stored.
  4. For better dissolution use only warm water.
  5. After preparation, the liquid must be filtered, it may contain undissolved particles of the substance and debris.
  6. During the preparation of the mixture, be sure to wear rubber gloves and personal protective equipment.
  7. The mixture must be used within 10 hours. If the temperature rises above 30 degrees, processing should be postponed.

Store vitriol in a dry place, away from children and animals.

Garden processing is carried out in accordance with the instructions, using protective equipment. Mixture residues must not enter the water supply.. If the mixture ready for work gets into the eyes, then it is necessary to immediately rinse the face. big amount water with eyes open.

If liquid gets inside, you need to drink the yolk raw eggs or two glasses of milk and immediately call ambulance. It is not recommended to use a solution of potassium permanganate and plain water to cause a gag reflex. This only exacerbates the poisoning.

Important! A dose of 45 - 125 ml of copper sulphate is considered fatal to humans if ingested.

In case of contact with the skin, the substance does not cause burns. Wash your hands immediately with soap and water. But inhaling the powder through the nose, you can provide severe poisoning. The consequences of such poisoning have been little studied, so you should immediately consult a doctor.

Scattered vitriol must be collected and used according to intended purpose. Spilled liquid must be collected by sprinkling with sawdust. The contaminated place is washed with water with the addition of soda ash (50 g per 10 liters of water). After washing the surface, water is mixed with sand or sawdust and disposed of. It is not allowed to drain it into sewer drains.

Correct dosage in mixtures

Most often, the drug is used as part of mixtures that are used to disinfect trees and shrubs. How much copper sulfate do you need to make them?

  • dry powder;
  • slaked lime;
  • water.

Preparing the mixture is easy. To begin with, they are quenched, copper sulfate is diluted in a separate container, after which it is poured into mortar. But not vice versa! The finished liquid is suitable for further use for five hours, after which the lime will begin to stick together, which will lead to clogging of the sprayer. Properly prepared mixture is pale blue in color.

Bordeaux liquid is used in gardens for most cultivated plants. During early spring treatments, a 3% solution is prepared, and during the growing season, a 1% mixture.

  • To prepare the spring mixture, take 300 gr. copper sulphate per 400 gr. lime and 10 liters of water.
  • To prepare a 1% solution, use 100 gr. vitriol per 150 gr. lime and 10 liters of water. Early spring disinfection is carried out before the opening of the kidneys.

Use the drug to disinfect trees and shrubs, perennial flowers and winter crops. During the growing season, pome crops are treated at least 6 times. Spraying of stone fruit trees is carried out up to 4 times a season. Disinfection of shrubs is done three times, spending up to 1.5 liters per bush. Vegetable crops and flowers are sprayed 3 times. The exception is potatoes. It is disinfected 14 times, while the consumption of the drug is 1 liter per 10 square meters. meters of beds.

- instructions for use, how to cook yourself, reviews.

This solution has the same properties as the Bordeaux mixture. Except that it is stronger and can burn young leaves. To avoid this, it is necessary to prepare a weak 1% solution of the Burgundy mixture. Use 100 grams of vitriol per 125 grams of soda ash and 10 liters of water.

Properly prepared liquid does not harm plants, covers them protective film. Apply this mixture in the same way as Bordeaux. In addition, the roots of seedlings are disinfected before planting. To do this, the root part of the plants is kept in the finished water mixture for about three minutes, after which it is washed abundantly under running water. Dressing of potato tubers before planting is allowed.

Copper sulphate for garden spraying in spring

How to dilute copper sulfate for spraying the garden in spring? The following solution is used as a simple disinfection:

  • water - 10 l;
  • copper sulfate - 100 gr.

It is better to treat trees with copper sulphate until the buds open.

In summer

Summer processing is as follows:

  1. For spraying shrubs and trees, it is desirable to use a 1% solution of the chemical. The procedure is carried out in case of detection of signs of diseases of horticultural crops and their infection with insects.
  2. Treatment of copper starvation in tomatoes is carried out with a 0.2% solution of the drug. Watering should be started as soon as symptoms are detected. It is advisable to repeat the treatment in a month to consolidate the result.
  3. Treatment with 0.5% and 1% solutions is ideal for disinfecting wounds on fruit trees. The main thing is not to carry out this work during the flowering period, so as not to ruin the crop.


Autumn processing is based on the following principles:

  1. Carrying out work using copper sulphate is of a preventive nature. For them, it is worth choosing a time after the end of the fall of the foliage.
  2. During this treatment, the substance infects pathogenic fungi, thereby protecting plants from infection that wake up in the spring after winter sleep. By this time, the soil will be saturated with enough copper, so that crops can thrive in the nutrient soil.
  3. Spraying should be carried out with a 1% solution. This concentration of the substance is sufficient to etch pathogens that plan to spend the winter in the ground.

Chemical treatments at any time of the year are recommended to be carried out in the early morning or late evening. At the same time, you need to make sure that it is not colder than +5 degrees and not hotter than +30 degrees outside. Also, do not choose windy weather for work.

  • 10 liters of water;
  • 2-5 grams of copper sulfate.

Decontamination procedures must be carried out to destroy spores of pathogenic fungi, especially if outbreaks of fungal diseases have previously been observed on the site and as a preventive measure.

Soil disinfection not only reduces the risk of re-infestation, but also replenishes copper in the soil.

But it should also be remembered that such processing should be done no more than 1 time in 5 years. With more frequent application of the drug, additional liming of the soil will be required.

It is also important to consider that copper has the ability to accumulate in the soil, and this leads to undesirable consequences. For example, the yield decreases and the growth of some plants slows down. It has been empirically established that the cultivation of cabbage on soils that contain too much copper is impractical, the crop yield drops significantly. Also react to an excess of copper and other cultures.

Soil disinfection is carried out twice a season: in the fall, after harvesting, and in the spring, before planting. It is important to remember that after disinfection of the soil chemical preparation planting seedlings is recommended in a month. Before carrying out work, prepare the soil in advance: dig, remove the roots weeds, loosen. Further, loose soil is poured with working fluid.

The consumption of the mixture is calculated based on the fact that per 1 sq. meter beds goes up to 10 liters of solution. Such disinfection is very effective for soils that contain a lot of peat. But spraying black soil is not recommended, you can only worsen the characteristics of the soil.

In horticulture, the drug is usually used in autumn or spring, while the buds have not yet blossomed. Use 1% or 3% working solution. Disinfection should be done early in the morning or in the evening, in relatively calm and dry weather. It is recommended to carry out the procedure a few hours before the rain. Mixing the drug with pesticides is strictly prohibited.

The advantages of the drug in its low toxicity and harmlessness. However, its use is justified only at the stage of prevention. If the disease has already settled, that one treatment with the drug will not be enough.

Important! It is necessary to spray copper sulfate carefully, falling on all parts of the plant and the soil under them.

Early spring treatment with copper sulphate of apple trees, as well as other pome or stone fruit crops, is carried out on swollen buds. For one young tree, whose age does not exceed six years, spend up to 2 liters of the drug. The processing of a fruiting plant requires a larger amount of the mixture; up to 10 liters of solution are already used here. The effect comes in two hours. The period of action of the drug is up to 12 days.

Experienced gardeners recommend spring treatment of trees with a concentrated solution of urea with copper sulfate. To do this, 700 g and 50 g of vitriol are mixed in 10 liters of water. The finished mixture is treated with tree branches and the area of ​​the near-stem circle. Since carbamide is, in addition to disinfection, plants receive additional nutrition. In addition, in regions where there is a risk of return frosts, such treatment delays the flowering of fruit trees by 10 days, saving the garden from frost.

Autumn spraying is carried out in a similar way, but after harvesting and leaf fall. As a rule, surface treatments during this period are of a preventive nature. Their use is justified in regions with frequent outbreaks of fungal diseases.

garden disinfection in summer period it is carried out extremely rarely and only with Bordeaux liquid, where the concentration of copper is low. The fact is that the finished liquid has an acidic reaction and burns the leaves.

It is possible to use copper sulfate as a fertilizer only for foliar feeding in case of a lack of copper in plant tissues. The deficiency of this element is noticeable on young shoots and leaves that suffer from chlorosis. For top dressing, it is necessary to dissolve only 1-2 grams of the substance in 10 liters of water. Spray the garden with this weak solution.

How to deal with scab on apples

Why use copper sulfate for grapes

On the shelves of stores you can find a lot of spraying products. vine, but copper sulfate, available to all, remains the most effective.

Copper sulphate is a powerful antifungal agent that enriches plants with iron ions. Processing grapes with copper sulphate is necessary if not only fungal diseases but also iron deficiency. This is pretty easy to determine. The bushes begin to hurt, and the leaves turn yellow and fall off. Processing will not only protect the plant, but also enrich its root system.

In spring, such spraying is most important. However, they must be carried out before the buds open and the leaves come out. If young leaves have already appeared, then disinfection should be postponed. Recently planted plants are treated with a solution of low concentration, up to 0.5%. Older plants are sprayed with a 5% solution.

Autumn spraying of grapes is carried out after full harvest and leaf fall.

In addition to an aqueous solution, good results are obtained by processing the vine with Bordeaux liquid. It is carried out several times.

  1. In early spring, the plant is treated before bud break. But if the weather is too cold and wet, then spraying can be postponed.
  2. The second time the grapes are disinfected before flowering. It is carried out regardless of weather conditions. When spraying, make sure that the liquid falls well on all pedicels.
  3. The third time the vine is sprayed after flowering. This processing may be the last, it all depends on the weather conditions.

If the summer is too wet, then spraying is carried out regularly, after 4-5 young leaves appear. In drier weather, it is enough to process the vine every 10 leaves.

In addition, fungal spores are preserved not only in the living tissues of the plant, but also in its dry remains. To avoid problems and improve the health of plants, all plant residues are burned to prevent the spread of the fungus. A good prevention of diseases is spraying roses with copper sulfate and Bordeaux liquid. Allows up to 4 treatments per season.

As a preventive measure, spraying is started in early spring, using a 3% solution of copper sulfate or Bordeaux. During the event, it is important to pay attention not only to the plant, but also to the soil around it. It also needs to be shed. If outbreaks of fungal diseases in last years was not observed, then preventive spraying can be omitted.

The most dangerous disease of roses is stem cancer, which is caused by fungi. In the fight against the disease, a 1% solution of vitriol, which is sprayed with bushes after a spring haircut, will help.

If during the season rose bushes appears powdery mildew, then they are treated with a 1% Bordeaux solution or a copper-soap solution. It is prepared from 30 g of vitriol and 300 g laundry soap for 10 liters of water.

From rust on roses, a 1% solution of Bordeaux mixture is also used. If necessary, the procedure is repeated every 10 days.

Autumn processing of the rose garden is carried out after the leaves fall and garbage collection. Spraying helps to dampen diseases and prepares plants for winter. After the procedure, the bushes should dry well, after which winter mulching is carried out.

How and what to fertilize roses

Greenhouse processing is necessary. The fact is that in a greenhouse a special microclimate is created, which is useful not only for vegetable crops but also for the development of fungi. The fight against microorganisms should begin after the snow melts.

Spring soil disinfection in the greenhouse is carried out a month before planting seedlings. This should be taken into account when planting early vegetables. If it is planned to plant cold-resistant crops, then the treatment is done in February. For soil disinfection, a 3% solution of copper sulfate is used. During the procedure, attention is paid not only to the surface of the soil, but also to the design of the greenhouse.

Disinfection of the frame and glazing is carried out after their cleaning. For early spring use, a 10% solution of vitriol is prepared.

It is allowed to use copper sulfate powder in greenhouses. For example, it is applied directly to combat gray mold on cucumbers. For this, 1 tsp. copper sulfate should be crushed well, mixed with 1 tbsp. l. wood ash. After that, the resulting mixture is powdered on the affected areas.

Also, the drug is used in the construction of greenhouses. The working solution is treated with wooden frames, racks and shelves.

How to process with copper sulphate

Whitewashing trees with copper sulphate

Whitewashing trunks is not only beautiful. Thus, the care of the bark is carried out. Its effectiveness depends on the correct work performed and the preparation of the solution itself. Before whitewashing, trees must be cleaned of old bark, lichens. After that, the trunk is disinfected. Experienced gardeners use a 5% solution of the drug or Bordeaux liquid for this. Next, they cover up all the cracks and wounds, proceeding directly to whitewashing.

Important! The substance and its solutions are quite effective, but it is worth remembering that copper tends to accumulate in the soil and plant bark. Sooner or later, this will lead to undesirable consequences. Therefore, this method cannot be used annually.

Gardeners should adhere to the following dosages:

  1. 5 g of chemical per 10 liters of water - for plant treatments.
  2. 100 g of chemical per 10 liters of water - for treating shrubs and trees.
  3. 7 g of chemical per 10 liters of water - for watering the earth.

Common dosages of copper sulfate will help prepare an effective composition for irrigating or spraying crops that are prone to infestation by insects and diseases.

Sulfates of divalent metals (copper, iron, nickel, and others) have high chemical activity and are able to interact even with water molecules. As a result of this interaction, hydrates of sulfate metals are formed - vitriol.

copper and iron vitriol- fungicides with proven effectiveness, relatively safe for humans. Therefore, the treatment of trees with iron or copper sulfate in the spring has become a popular method of combating diseases and pests of fruit and ornamental crops.

For spraying fruit perennial crops Copper sulphate distinguishes three optimal periods that are associated with the vegetative cycle of plants:

  • early spring;
  • During the budding period;
  • At the stage of formation of ovaries.

Early spring processing perennials carried out immediately after the snow melts, but before the opening of the kidneys. It is recommended to choose a cloudy calm day during the period when minimum temperature air persistently exceeds 5°C.

Such spraying is carried out in order to reduce the number of adult insects and their larvae overwintered in the cracks in the bark. Irrigation of trees and bushes with copper sulphate in early spring must necessarily include the treatment of root soil. This treatment moderately reduces the concentration of pests. fruit crops, and also disinfects the soil and nourishes it with copper salts.

It is permissible to use copper sulfate in the form of a monocomponent 1% - 3% solution or as part of mixtures:

  • Bordeaux liquid;
  • Burgundy liquid;
  • Mixture with urea.

Early spring sprinkling of the garden and household plots can be considered a mandatory set of measures for every responsible landowner.

During the budding period, a 0.5% one-component solution is used. Such irrigation is aimed at slowing down the growing season and protecting flowers from the spring cold snap. Covering young leaves and buds, copper sulphate fights eggs laid by some insect pests (fruit moth, weevil, and others) and fungal plant diseases (spot, anthracosis, etc.).

Late spring sprinkling is carried out with a 0.5% aqueous solution of copper sulphate.

The procedure is aimed at protecting fruits from fungal infections, such as late blight or gray rot. Processing is relevant with a high probability of developing the disease (regular lesions of fruits on the site in the past, the appearance of diseased plants, the absence of early spring spraying). Irrigation is carried out for plants after the fall of all the petals, but not less than 2 weeks before the start of harvest.

General rules for processing trees and bushes in spring with copper sulfate

Irrigation of trees in spring is carried out after the initial preparation of plants:

  1. Sanitary pruning of diseased, dried or damaged shoots and branches.
  2. Rough cleaning of trunks and skeletal branches from mosses, lichens and exfoliated bark.
  3. Sealing cuts and cracks garden pitch, clay mash, wax or paraffin. Plasticine can be used for clean cuts.
  4. Removal of plant residues, leaf litter, weeds and last year's grass from the root soil.

Irrigation solution is prepared in enameled, wooden or glassware, diluting copper sulphate crystals in hot water until complete dissolution. Then the resulting mixture is brought to the desired volume with cold water.

Copper sulphate has a contact effect, due to which precipitation that has fallen within 72 hours after treatment sharply reduces irrigation efficiency. Therefore, plants are sprayed in dry weather, taking into account weather forecasts.

Tall trees and bushes should be irrigated during calm hours with low insolation. This rule can be neglected when working with plants before the start of the vegetative period.

When working with the solution, it is necessary to use gloves and eye and respiratory protection, for example, goggles and a Petal-type mask.

A solution of copper sulfate should not be stored for more than 10 hours, so the solution is prepared based on the cultivated area and the type of plants growing there.

Processing features depending on the horticultural crop

According to the instructions, copper sulfate can be used in the form of a 1% or 3% solution. The time and frequency of processing depend on the type of culture.


Copper sulfate is effective in combating such diseases:

  • Fungal types of spotting;
  • Moniliosis;
  • verticillium wilt;
  • Phyllosticosis;
  • Scab.

The affected plant requires a single irrigation of 2-5 liters of a 1% solution for each tree before the start of the growing season. After flowering, the use of copper sulfate is not recommended.

Pear and apple tree

Causative agents of the following diseases are sensitive to copper sulphate:

  • scab;
  • bacterial cancer;
  • Moniliosa;
  • Phyllostictosis;
  • Fungal types of spotting;
  • Verticillium wilt.

Primary treatment in the spring is carried out with a 3% solution before the leaves bloom at the rate of 3-4 liters per tree with root soil. Re-treatment is possible after 2 weeks with a 1% solution at the rate of 2-5 liters per plant. Irrigation is allowed to be carried out during the formation of ovaries with a 0.5-1% solution at the rate of 10 liters of solution for 2-4 plants.

Apricot and peach

Peach and apricot trees can suffer from the following pathologies sensitive to copper sulphate:

  • fungal curls;
  • Clusterosporosis;
  • Moniliosis.

Processing in the spring is carried out once, strictly before the start of the growing season. Use a 1% solution of 2-3 liters for each plant. The use of copper sulfate after flowering is strongly discouraged.

Cherry, plum and sweet cherry

Copper sulfate will be effective in case of infection of these crops with the following pathogens of the following diseases:

  • Coccomycosis and other fungal spots;
  • Moniliosis;
  • bacterial cancer;
  • Clusterosporosis;
  • Leaf curl.

Before the leaves bloom in the spring, each plant is irrigated with 2-3 liters of a 3% solution of vitriol. For re-treatment after flowering, a 0.5% solution is used up to 4 liters per tree.

Gooseberries, raspberries and currants

Bushes are irrigated for prevention and treatment:

  • Anthracose;
  • White and other types of fungal spots;
  • Verticillium wilt.

Plants are treated once in the spring, strictly before the start of the leaf blooming period. Use a 1% aqueous solution of copper sulfate at the rate of 1.5-2 liters per bush. The use of fungicides for raspberries, gooseberries and currants after flowering is strongly discouraged.

Fruit grapes (vine)

Copper sulfate is used to treat mildew, blotch, odium and bacterial canker infestation in grapes. Apply the drug at a concentration of 3% before flowering at a rate of 1.5-2 liters per plant. For old plants with rough bark, the concentration of the solution can be increased up to 5%. After flowering, re-treatment with a 0.5% solution is carried out, dispersing up to 3.5 liters per plant.

Bush and climbing rose

Roses can suffer vitriol-sensitive infections:

  • Black leaf spot;
  • powdery mildew;
  • Root cancer.

For processing in the spring, a 1-3% solution of vitriol is used in the period preceding the appearance of leaves at the rate of 1 liter per 10 square meters. m. Before flowering, you can repeat the treatment with a 1% solution, spraying 300-500 ml per bush. Treatment of spotting and late blight may require irrigating the rose after flowering. In this case, a 0.5% solution of 1-1.5 liters per plant is used.

Separate facts and features of copper sulfate

When working with a solution of copper sulphate, the following facts can be useful to the gardener:

  1. In a teaspoon (with a slide) is placed 6 g of copper sulfate crystals.
  2. Root bacterial cancer in fruit and ornamental crops requires the removal of growths from the roots. After these manipulations root system soaked in an aqueous solution of copper sulphate with a concentration of 1% for 3 minutes, then thoroughly washed with water.
  3. The use of an aqueous solution of copper sulphate at temperatures above 30 ° C can lead to burns of leaves and other delicate tissues of the plant.
  4. Copper sulphate is moderately dangerous for insects, in particular for bees, so beekeepers should limit the flight of bees into the treated area for at least 5 hours.
  5. The substance belongs to hazard class III and, on contact, may cause significant irritation of the mucous membranes.
  6. Copper sulphate can cause the death of fish, and therefore the remaining solution should not be drained into natural reservoirs. Irrigation of plantings near such water bodies should also be carried out with caution.
  7. Vitriol cannot be combined in a common solution with organophosphorus insecticidal compounds.
  8. It is permissible to add copper sulfate to whitewash for spring whitewashing of tree trunks.

Precautionary measures

When working with an aqueous solution of copper sulphate, the following requirements and safety measures should be observed:

  1. It is forbidden to drink, eat, smoke.
  2. Tools must be used personal protection skin and mucous membranes of the respiratory system and eyes:
    • Dressing gown or other work clothes,
    • Headdress,
    • Respirator or gauze bandage
    • Protective glasses,
    • Rubber or latex gloves.
  3. Plants should not be sprinkled with an aqueous solution of copper sulphate in the presence of pets or children.
  4. It is strictly forbidden to use food utensils to prepare the solution.
  5. After finishing work with copper sulphate, it is necessary to thoroughly wash the skin of the face and hands with soap, rinse the mouth with clean water and take off work clothes.
  6. Copper sulphate should not be allowed to enter drinking water sources.

If the solution gets into the eyes or mucous membranes, rinse with plenty of water. hit a large number copper sulphate inside leads to the development of vomiting. In this case, the victim should immediately seek medical help.
